Exalting His Word

The Benefits Of Rhema Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: EHW

Program Code: EHW000015

00:19 Hello.
00:20 My name is Shelley Quinn
00:22 and I welcome you to
00:23 Exalting His Word.
00:25 I'm so glad that you can join us!
00:27 Today's program is going to be
00:29 informative and fun!
00:32 It's okay to enjoy our Bible study
00:34 so much that we can call it fun!
00:37 Isn't it?
00:38 Today we'll learn that
00:39 when God's word becomes RHEMA to us.
00:43 It sustains and upholds us.
00:45 Washes away the influence of the world
00:48 and becomes the sword of
00:50 the spirit in our hands.
00:52 I hope you've got a paper and pen ready to
00:54 jot down a couple of program notes.
00:56 What you learn today can be life changing!
01:02 Before we begin our study,
01:03 I'd like to take just a moment to
01:05 review our theme text.
01:07 Psalms 138:2
01:09 In this verse the Bible says that
01:12 God exalts His name
01:14 and His word
01:16 above all things.
01:17 And that He magnifies His word
01:19 even above His name.
01:22 Now, what exactly does that mean?
01:25 It's really important for us to
01:27 understand this.
01:28 It means that
01:31 God has promoted His word to
01:33 the highest rank of importance.
01:36 Nothing's more important to God
01:38 than His word.
01:39 He has promoted it to the highest praise...
01:44 or place of praise!
01:45 And God has granted His word,
01:49 creative, life giving force,
01:51 force to accomplish all of His will.
01:55 The Bible and the word of God is
01:58 God's number one priority.
02:01 If it's number one on His priority list,
02:03 it should also become number one
02:06 on our priority list because
02:09 God's word is life to us.
02:12 It's alive and active
02:14 and has the power to
02:17 accomplish His will in our lives.
02:19 If we'll just open up our hearts
02:20 and let it come in.
02:22 Let's ask the Lord to
02:23 bless our time together today.
02:26 Heavenly Father,
02:27 we come to you in the Name of Jesus,
02:29 asking you would send your Holy Spirit to teach us,
02:33 and that you would sanctify us by your word.
02:36 Setting us apart from old attitudes and thoughts.
02:40 And Lord,
02:41 open up our understanding.
02:43 Expand our vision of who you are
02:45 and how you want to work
02:47 your plan in our lives.
02:49 In the Name of Jesus we pray, amen.
02:53 I'd like to quickly review
02:55 the difference between
02:57 God's LOGOS word
02:58 and His RHEMA word.
03:00 Those are two distinctions of
03:01 God's word as defined in
03:02 the original Greek language.
03:05 LOGOS implies
03:06 the entire expression of His will
03:09 as revealed to humanity.
03:11 The Bible is God's LOGOS word.
03:13 RHEMA implies a specific word of God
03:17 used for a practical
03:19 and immediate function.
03:21 Now,
03:22 where you and I are concerned,
03:23 the word of God becomes RHEMA to us.
03:26 When we take a single Bible verse,
03:29 confess it over our lives,
03:31 and personally apply it.
03:33 The Bible says that
03:35 God's word becomes
03:36 the RHEMA word of faith.
03:38 When it's in our mouths
03:39 and confession is made into salvation.
03:43 Jesus said,
03:44 we don't live by bread alone
03:46 but by every RHEMA word that
03:49 we put into practice!
03:52 Now, let's see
03:56 the RHEMA word sustains us
03:58 and upholds us.
03:59 We'll look at Hebrews 1:3 from
04:02 the Amplified Version.
04:04 And that says...
04:07 [text on screen]
04:29 You know,
04:30 before we focus on His mighty RHEMA
04:33 word of power,
04:34 I just have to take a moment
04:36 and comment on the first part of
04:38 the scripture that says,
04:40 "Jesus is the perfect expression of
04:42 "the character of God."
04:44 I love this verse!
04:45 It opened my eyes to
04:48 see my Heavenly Father for
04:50 who He really is!
04:52 I grew up without a father figure.
04:53 My father was a pilot
04:55 and he died in a plane crash
04:59 when I was just six years old.
05:00 My step-father was an abusive alcoholic.
05:03 So I grew up in an extremely
05:06 dysfunctional environment!
05:08 And to top it all off
05:09 as a youth at church
05:11 I was taught that
05:13 I had to be perfect for
05:15 my Heavenly Father to love me.
05:17 I thought that God
05:19 watched over me constantly
05:21 ready to punish me
05:23 and cast me away from His presence.
05:25 And although, I loved and trusted Jesus,
05:29 my thoughts toward God the Father
05:32 were ones of fear and anxiety.
05:34 Until I discovered this scripture!
05:37 How liberating it was
05:39 to learn that my Father God is
05:41 exactly like my Tender, Loving Savior.
05:46 He is Holy
05:47 and Righteous.
05:49 Yet he is filled with love,
05:51 mercy,
05:53 compassion,
05:54 and patience.
05:56 I could speak for days
05:57 on this topic alone
05:59 but we better move forward
06:00 with our teaching.
06:02 Our subject verse
06:04 Hebrews 1:3 says that,
06:06 Christ sustains
06:08 all things in the universe
06:10 by His mighty RHEMA word of power.
06:14 By personal experience,
06:16 I can testify that this is true.
06:18 Every scripture that has become RHEMA to me,
06:23 sustains me and upholds me
06:26 in my walk with the Lord.
06:28 And the quality of my life here on earth!
06:30 There are so many examples to choose from that
06:33 I'm hard pressed to pick just one.
06:37 But let me share
06:39 one of my favorites with you and that is...
06:42 Isaiah 26:3.
06:44 In that verse the Bible says that
06:46 "God will keep in perfect peace
06:51 "those whose mind is
06:53 "steadfastly fixed on Him.
06:55 "Because he trusts in Him."
06:59 I took that promise
07:01 and I made it
07:03 a RHEMA affirmation by saying,
07:04 "Thank you Father for
07:06 "keeping me in perfect peace.
07:08 "Thank you for keeping my mind
07:10 "steadfastly fixed on You.
07:13 "I do trust in you Lord,
07:15 "I know that you have
07:16 "my eternal benefit in mind."
07:20 And you know,
07:21 after I confessed this
07:23 over my life for a while,
07:24 I had a situation pop up that
07:26 totally robbed me of peace!!
07:29 So I fretted
07:30 and I rung my hands for about an hour...
07:33 Then the Lord suddenly brought
07:35 this scripture to my remembrance!
07:37 And this thought was impressed upon my mind
07:40 by that still small voice of
07:42 the Spirit of God.
07:44 "Where are your eyes focused?
07:46 "On me or on the circumstances?"
07:49 And I immediately recognized
07:52 why I had lost my peace.
07:54 And I changed my focus!
07:56 Turning my eyes back to Jesus!
07:59 The Author and the Finisher of my faith!
08:02 And you know something?
08:03 My peace was restored instantly.
08:05 His mighty RHEMA word of power
08:08 kept me in peace
08:11 throughout a very difficult trial.
08:14 Christ will not only sustain you
08:18 by the RHEMA word of power.
08:21 He will also give you
08:22 the tongue of an instructed disciple
08:24 and a word of His love that
08:26 will support other weary souls!
08:28 As we develop
08:29 an intimate relationship with His word
08:32 God empowers us to give Godly council.
08:36 Instruction that is based on His wisdom,
08:40 rather than human wisdom.
08:42 God will teach us to share His love,
08:46 His encouragement
08:47 and His comfort with others.
08:49 He increases our wisdom
08:51 through His RHEMA word.
08:53 That word which we are confessing over our lives
08:56 and putting into practice!
08:59 There's no comparison
09:01 between knowing God's word
09:03 as head knowledge
09:05 and knowing His word
09:08 through experience
09:10 as heart knowledge.
09:12 When the scriptures become
09:14 our RHEMA word of faith,
09:16 it causes our hearts to just
09:18 bubble over with hope!
09:20 He is the God of hope!
09:23 Hope defined by
09:26 the Greek definition is
09:28 "eager expectation" .
09:30 Eager expectation that
09:31 God will perform His word.
09:34 Hebrews chapter 6 says, that
09:36 God has confirmed what
09:40 He promised with an oath.
09:41 And since it's impossible for God to lie,
09:43 we can take hold of this hope that
09:46 He offers us
09:48 and be greatly encouraged!
09:50 Hebrews 6:19 says it this way...
09:52 "We have this hope as
09:54 "an anchor for our soul
09:56 "firm and secure."
09:59 What does an anchor do
10:00 for a ship in a stormy sea?
10:03 Well, it helps it stay on course.
10:06 And when we have real hope
10:09 in the promises of God.
10:11 We'll be anchored
10:12 and we will not be double minded.
10:14 Let me read what James says in
10:17 Chapter 1 verses 5 and 8.
10:22 That's James 1:5,8...
10:27 "If any of you lacks wisdom,
10:29 "let him ask of God
10:31 "who gives to all liberally
10:33 "and without reproach
10:34 "and it will be given to him.
10:36 "But let him ask in faith
10:38 "with no doubting.
10:40 "For he who doubts
10:41 "is like a wave of the sea.
10:43 "Driven and tossed by the wind.
10:46 "For let not that man suppose that
10:48 "he will receive anything from the Lord.
10:51 "For he is a double minded man.
10:54 "Unstable in all that he does."
10:59 We need to be encouraged by
11:02 the eager expectation that
11:04 God will perform
11:05 His word in our lives.
11:08 And the confession of our hope
11:10 will keep us from wavering.
11:12 It will keeps in faith from doubt!
11:16 Here's how Hebrews 10:23 explains it...
11:20 [text on screen]
11:30 When God's word
11:31 becomes RHEMA to us
11:34 the level of trust that
11:35 we have in His faithfulness just soars!
11:40 Our hearts will overflow with hope
11:44 and the power of Christ's RHEMA word
11:47 will sustain us in all situations!
11:52 The Bible says,
11:54 [text on screen]
12:05 Now, don't go away,
12:08 please.
12:09 We'll be right back
12:10 after this brief announcement to see
12:12 how the RHEMA word washes away
12:14 the influence of the world system.
12:20 If this dynamic series is
12:21 making a difference in your life,
12:22 then you should know about
12:23 a special study guide
12:24 written by Shelley Quinn.
12:26 Exalting His Word with
12:27 Life Affirmations From Scripture
12:28 is an in depth study of the word of God.
12:33 Please send your love gifts to...
12:49 The RHEMA word also washes away
12:53 all the influence of the world.
12:56 Let's look at Ephesians 5:25-27.
13:01 The Bible says this...
13:03 [text on screen]
13:30 Let me share
13:31 a brief experience with you that
13:32 might help you better understand this scripture.
13:35 My husband JD and I lived
13:38 in Dallas when we...
13:39 ...oh I guess for the first five years of
13:41 our marriage.
13:42 And we frequently made a 400 mile round trip
13:45 on the weekends to
13:46 visit his parents on the farm.
13:48 Along the way JD's habit was to
13:51 stop at this particular service station.
13:54 And necessity often
13:56 required me to enter
13:57 the convenience store there.
13:59 I would walk in all clean and shiny...
14:02 And each time
14:03 I walked out with my hair
14:04 and my clothes stinking
14:07 like cigarette smoke!
14:09 You know,
14:10 no matter how fast I dashed in
14:11 and out of that store,
14:13 the smoke still permeated
14:15 everything about me
14:17 and it clung on until
14:19 I washed it off.
14:20 It's a similar situation for Christians
14:24 walking in a polluted world.
14:26 We try not to be
14:28 influenced by thoughts,
14:30 attitudes and images of
14:33 the world system.
14:34 Still just because we've walked
14:37 into the environment,
14:38 they invade our minds
14:40 and sometimes cling to us.
14:42 But praise God He has the answer!
14:44 Psalms 119:9 says,
14:46 "How can a young man cleanse his way?
14:49 "By taking heed according to your word."
14:53 When we come to the Bible
14:55 and take His word into our hearts,
14:57 He will wash us
14:59 by the living water of His RHEMA word.
15:02 Our minds are refreshed
15:04 and our attitudes are made new
15:06 as His word washes away
15:08 the influences of the world system.
15:12 You know,
15:13 Psalms 119 continues in verse 11
15:15 and it says,
15:16 "Your word have I
15:18 "hidden in my heart that
15:19 "I might not sin against you."
15:22 That reminds me of
15:23 what Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans.
15:26 He said
15:27 "For whatever things were written before
15:29 "were written for our learning.
15:31 "That we through the patience
15:33 "and the comfort of
15:35 "the scriptures might have oath.
15:38 That's Romans 15:4.
15:40 You know,
15:41 second hand smoke
15:43 was once thought to be
15:45 simply an annoyance.
15:47 But now,
15:48 we've realized is hazardous
15:50 to our health.
15:52 What's our attitude about sin?
15:54 Do we think second hand sin
15:57 does us no harm?
15:58 Is the evil of the world
16:00 a near neucense to us?
16:02 Or is it a real hazard to
16:05 our spiritual health?
16:07 The more Bible verses that I've made RHEMA
16:09 the further I've advanced to
16:12 look upon sin
16:13 with the same attitude of
16:15 our Holy and Righteous God!
16:17 The smell of the smoke of hell
16:19 can cling to us
16:20 simply by beholding "second hand sin"!
16:23 We need to wash it off
16:25 with His RHEMA word!
16:26 The Bible says...
16:28 [text on screen]
16:41 I chose the NIV translation
16:43 for this verse because
16:44 it was closest to the original Greek.
16:47 Because it does speak there of
16:49 those who washed the robes.
16:52 You know
16:53 it's interesting other translations
16:55 talk about the - that those who are
16:58 walking in obedience to His commands
17:01 and it's because
17:03 washing our robes
17:04 and walking in obedience to
17:06 His commandments are
17:08 really synonymous.
17:10 It's by putting God's RHEMA word
17:12 into practice that
17:13 we can wash our robes
17:15 and then we'll be without spot
17:18 or wrinkle
17:19 or any such thing.
17:21 If we want to be sanctified, wholly
17:23 and without blemish
17:24 we need to be practicing
17:27 God's word!
17:28 We need to come to
17:30 the fountain of Living Waters
17:32 and allow the Holy Spirit
17:33 to wash us with the water of the RHEMA word.
17:36 Now, here's where our study of
17:40 the RHEMA word of God
17:42 really gets exciting to me!
17:43 The RHEMA word is the sword of the Spirit.
17:48 [text on screen]
17:59 You know I was
18:00 accustomed to thinking that
18:02 the entire Bible
18:04 was the Sword in the Spirit
18:05 until I did this study in the Greek.
18:08 And I looked at the terms
18:10 LOGOS and RHEMA
18:11 And suddenly I recognized that
18:12 the Bible is the sheath that holds the sword!
18:18 The Sword of the Spirit is
18:20 the particular verse that
18:22 I can draw from the Bible
18:24 and make it my RHEMA affirmation saying;
18:28 "It is written."
18:30 When I was young,
18:31 there was a popular television program about
18:34 a Spanish noble man named Zoro.
18:38 He was always fighting for
18:40 the good of the people.
18:42 And after his daring rescues,
18:44 he would draw his sword from his sheath
18:46 and with three bold swipes
18:49 [swipe sounds]
18:50 he would make his mark.
18:53 A "Z" for his name's sake
18:54 on the doors
18:55 and the gates of his enemy.
18:57 May I suggest that
18:59 as Christians
19:01 we should be doing the same?
19:04 We can either be
19:05 spiritual 'zeros' or
19:07 spiritual 'zoros'.
19:10 We should have God's word
19:11 hidden in our hearts so that
19:13 we can pull out
19:15 the sword of the spirit
19:16 and in three bold swipes...
19:18 [swipe sounds]
19:20 "IT
19:21 "IS
19:22 "WRITTEN."
19:24 Leave our marks on
19:25 the enemy's gate!
19:27 Let me give you
19:28 a demonstration of how we wheel
19:30 the Sword of the Spirit.
19:32 When we face the enemy
19:36 and he comes in against us
19:39 with guilt and condemnation,
19:41 we need to pull out our sword
19:44 and say...
19:45 "IT IS WRITTEN".
19:46 I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.
19:49 God is working in me to
19:51 cause me to will and to act
19:54 according to His good pleasure.
19:56 He will complete
19:57 the good work that
19:59 He has begun in you.
20:00 If you're taking program notes
20:02 that affirmation came from
20:04 three scriptures
20:06 II Corinthians 5:17
20:09 Philippians 2:13
20:11 and Philippians 1:6.
20:14 When the enemy
20:16 tries to cloud our minds
20:18 with confusion
20:19 we need to pull our sword and say...
20:28 "BUT OF PEACE.
20:39 AND of SOUND MIND.
20:46 That affirmation came from
20:50 I Corinthians 14:33,
20:54 II Timothy 1:7,
20:58 and Psalms 129:4.
21:05 When the tempter
21:07 tries to trick us
21:08 and entangle our feet
21:10 with his snare,
21:11 we need to pull out our sword and say...
21:38 This affirmation comes
21:40 from four scriptures.
21:41 And let me give you the references.
21:43 That's Romans 6:11, 14,
21:49 Romans 13:14,
21:53 and I Corinthians 15:57.
21:58 I need to share
22:00 something spectacular about
22:02 God's two edged sword.
22:04 In Hebrews 4:12
22:07 the Bible says that
22:08 the Word of God is
22:10 living and powerful
22:13 and sharper than
22:15 any two edge sword.
22:17 You know
22:19 a study in the Greek
22:20 revealed something remarkable
22:22 about this familiar verse.
22:24 The word "TWO-EDGED" is
22:26 dissonant in Greek.
22:28 And it means literally two mouths.
22:33 Like a double mouthed river.
22:36 Now please carefully consider
22:38 the following excerpt from
22:40 Life Affirmations From Scripture
22:42 that the Lord inspired me to write.
22:46 [information on screen]
23:41 Now if you're taking program notes
23:43 and you just want to
23:44 jot these references down
23:46 very quickly.
23:48 That affirmation was derived
23:50 from Hebrews 4:12,
23:54 Isaiah 55:9-11, and 13,
24:01 Jeremiah 1:12,
24:08 and Luke 1:20,
24:11 and finally Habacuc 2:3.
24:19 Can you see
24:20 the power of life affirmations?
24:23 The word of God
24:25 becomes two mouthed
24:27 as we draw His word
24:29 and make it the confession over our lives.
24:32 Scripture says that
24:33 what becomes RHEMA to us is alive
24:39 and active within us.
24:41 The blessing is not on the hearing
24:44 but on the practice of His word.
24:48 Jesus said,
24:49 "Blessed rather are those who
24:51 "hear the word of God
24:53 "and obey it
24:55 "and put it into practice."
24:58 The Sword of the Spirit
25:01 will cut us free from
25:03 the chords of the wicked that
25:05 try to bind us.
25:06 Did you know that is a promise of God?
25:09 Psalms 129:4 it says,
25:11 "The Lord is righteous.
25:13 "He has cut us free from
25:14 "the chord of the wicked."
25:17 If we'll apply this
25:19 two mouth principle to our life
25:24 then we can absolutely be cut free
25:28 by the Sword of the Spirit.
25:32 Confess God's word
25:34 over your life!
25:36 Declare...
25:37 "IT IS WRITTEN".
25:55 Hallelujah!!!
25:58 I don't know
26:00 where you're at today.
26:02 You may be sitting at home,
26:04 you may be riding in a car,
26:06 maybe you're in a hotel room.
26:08 You may be suffering some great pain.
26:14 You may be agonizing
26:17 over certain decisions.
26:18 But I guarantee you one thing,
26:20 God's word has all the answers.
26:24 If you would learn to go to God
26:26 and look to Him for all the answers
26:28 and speak His word over your life
26:31 God will do something that
26:33 is absolutely outstanding!
26:35 I can testify to that
26:37 on a personal experience.
26:38 Well, unfortunately our time is
26:42 running out for today.
26:44 It certainly passes by quickly! [chuckles]
26:47 I hope that you'll join us next time
26:49 when you'll learn that
26:52 no RHEMA word of God
26:53 is impossible of fulfilling.
26:56 Let me say just a brief prayer with you.
26:59 Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus,
27:02 I pray for myself and for every viewer.
27:05 "Lord teach us the power of your word.
27:09 How to put it into practice.
27:11 And watch over your word to
27:13 perform it in our lives
27:15 as we cooperate with you.
27:16 In the Name of Jesus,
27:19 amen.
27:20 Well, may God multiply His mercy,
27:22 love and grace to you.
27:24 And indeed He will watch over His word to
27:28 perform it in you
27:30 as you cooperate with Him.
27:32 Please remember to spend you time
27:35 making that which is most important to God
27:39 the very thing that is also
27:41 most important to you.
27:43 God's word is His number one priority
27:48 and we should make it
27:50 our number one priority to
27:53 spend our time Exalting His Word.
27:57 May God bless you!


Revised 2014-12-17