Exalting His Word

Life Affirmations

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: EHW

Program Code: EHW000012

00:19 Hello.
00:20 My name is Shelley Quinn
00:21 and welcome to
00:23 Exalting His Word.
00:24 today will be talking about
00:26 life affirmations from scriptures
00:27 so stay tuned to learn a way to
00:30 tap into the life-giving power
00:32 of God's word.
00:33 Our theme text comes from Psalms 138:2
00:38 that says that God exalts His name
00:42 and His word above all things.
00:44 And that He magnifies His word
00:46 even above His name.
00:48 What does that mean?
00:49 It means that God has given His word
00:53 the highest rank of importance.
00:55 He has assigned
00:57 the highest position of praise
00:59 to His word!
01:01 God exalts His word above all things because
01:04 He has granted creative
01:07 life-giving power to His word.
01:09 Power to accomplish all of His will.
01:14 And God has empowered His word
01:16 with greater force than anything else.
01:20 Let's ask the Lord to bless our study today.
01:23 Heavenly Father
01:25 in the name of Jesus,
01:26 we come and ask that your
01:28 Holy Spirit will be our teacher
01:30 and that as we hear these words Lord that
01:34 we will receive them
01:35 and put them into practice for your glory.
01:37 In the name of Jesus, amen.
01:40 You know there's one thing for certain...
01:43 miracles follow the authority of
01:45 the words of Christ.
01:47 In John Chapter 3
01:49 we see that Nichodemus
01:51 recognize this.
01:52 He believed that the young carpenter
01:54 from Nazareth
01:56 was a teacher from God
01:57 and possibly someone far greater.
01:59 Yet as a ruler of the Jewish Council
02:02 Nichodemus wasn't ready to
02:04 make a public confession of faith.
02:07 He waited.
02:08 And he approached Jesus secretly at night
02:11 to tap into the apparent wisdom of God.
02:13 But even under the cover of the night
02:16 nothing could hide his startled expression
02:20 when Jesus spoke these words...
02:22 Jesus said...
02:24 [text on screen]
02:48 What a shocking statement!
02:50 Words beyond the capacity of
02:53 human understanding!
02:55 You know,
02:56 Nichodemus thought it was irrational
02:58 and he questioned the truth of it!
02:59 Christ spoke in spiritual words.
03:02 And to the natural mind,
03:03 they seem to be abstract foolishness.
03:07 In I Corinthians 2:14
03:09 the Bible explains that
03:11 the unspiritual man can not receive
03:14 the divine thoughts of God.
03:16 It takes the Holy Spirit
03:18 to teach and explain God's spiritual words.
03:22 Only those who have the Holy Spirit
03:25 dwelling within them
03:27 can discern God's thoughts.
03:29 But the Bible does clearly point out that
03:32 there is one notable exemption
03:35 to this principle.
03:36 Every human can understand
03:38 and welcome the plan of salvation
03:41 before they've been born of His Spirit.
03:44 God designed the evidence of
03:46 His creative power of His love
03:50 and amazing grace to
03:51 penetrate the natural heart and mind.
03:54 The Holy Spirit is constantly at work
03:57 to bring conviction of sin.
04:00 He strives to lead
04:03 all of humanity to that
04:05 turning point of Godly sorrow
04:07 and draw them near to God.
04:10 The Bible tells us that
04:11 the kindness of God offers us
04:14 the gift of repentance
04:16 to those who are dead in their sins.
04:19 He invites us to accept
04:23 His gift of salvation.
04:25 But beyond the evidence of a Creator
04:28 and the understanding of
04:29 His plan of salvation.
04:31 The sacred truths of the Bible
04:33 just can't be known without
04:35 the indwelling of
04:37 the Holy Spirit.
04:38 Let's return now to Christ's comments
04:41 about the necessity
04:43 to be born again to see
04:45 or to enter the Kingdom of God.
04:48 What did Christ mean by
04:51 these words to Nichodemus?
04:53 You know sometimes
04:55 we overlook a familiar passage of scripture
04:58 thinking that we know it.
04:59 There's devine depths to
05:01 the thoughts expressed in the Bible
05:03 and we should be cautious of
05:05 taking a casual approach to our studies.
05:08 I pray often that
05:10 God would give me an unquenchable
05:12 desire for His inexhaustible word!
05:16 I want to go deeper into His mind
05:19 gaining a more intimate relationship
05:22 with His thoughts.
05:24 Some years ago
05:25 I found myself drawn to
05:27 our subject text
05:28 and I asked the Spirit of God to
05:30 increase my understanding.
05:31 Now I want to share one of
05:33 the rays of light that
05:34 the spirit shined on this passage to
05:37 expose truth that
05:39 I hadn't recognized before.
05:41 In this passage of John Chapter 3
05:44 Christ defined the two stages required
05:48 for receiving the truths of the Kingdom;
05:55 We must the born-again by
05:57 the Spirit of God
05:59 to see kingdom truths
06:01 and we have to see before we know how to enter.
06:05 Seeing a kingdom truth is just the first stage.
06:09 By the insight of the Holy Spirit
06:11 we can understand God's word.
06:15 But seeing is not enough.
06:17 What good does it do to
06:19 recognize the blessing of humility if
06:22 we remained prideful?
06:23 What is the benefit of
06:25 knowing God's counsel for
06:27 a healthy lifestyle if
06:28 we ignore it?
06:30 Seeing the truth is
06:31 just a platform
06:33 or a springboard that
06:35 will take us to the next stage.
06:37 Now entering a kingdom truth
06:40 means putting God's word into practice.
06:43 It requires that
06:45 we take that step of faith
06:47 and empowered by His spirit
06:49 we enter the truth as we do
06:52 the will of God.
06:54 If we're BELIEVING in His word
06:57 we must be LIVING in His word.
07:01 That's what it means
07:02 to have entered a kingdom truth of God.
07:06 God has demonstrated to me that
07:09 speaking scripture promises
07:13 over my life is one of
07:14 the greatest ways to enter into
07:18 His kingdom truths.
07:20 This is the practice of affirmations.
07:23 And let me define for you what that means.
07:27 I'm often asked if
07:29 there's a difference between
07:31 claiming a promise of God
07:34 and speaking His word
07:37 as an affirmation.
07:38 Well yes, there is a difference.
07:40 Claiming a promise is recognizing that
07:44 we have a right to it.
07:46 If you are abiding in Christ then
07:49 you have been given by faith
07:53 a titled deed interest
07:55 in all of God's promises.
07:57 God wants us to recognize
07:58 and state our claim because He has vowed
08:03 to give us these promises in His son.
08:07 In fact,
08:08 claiming God's promises with assurance is
08:11 what faith is all about!
08:13 Now let's look at Hebrews 11:1
08:17 in the amplified version
08:19 and we will see.
08:21 It says...
08:22 [text on screen]
08:47 So we see that faith is
08:49 our titled deed interest
08:51 in which we can claim God's promises.
08:54 Still an affirmation goes beyond claiming.
08:58 Let me give you
08:59 a definition for affirmation.
09:02 A life affirmation from Scripture is...
09:06 [information on screen]
09:44 Speaking scriptures as affirmations
09:46 is a practice that the Holy Spirit
09:49 inspired me to begin in 1995
09:51 when I was desperately ill.
09:54 After a year of
09:56 intense suffering without relief,
09:58 God sent His word to heal me
10:02 in a miraculous manner.
10:04 And after tapping into
10:07 the inherent power of
10:09 the affirmation practice,
10:11 it has become my passion.
10:14 God has trained my focus
10:15 on His word.
10:19 He has replaced my thoughts
10:21 with His thoughts.
10:22 And He has expanded
10:25 my vision of His plan.
10:28 I see the kingdom of God.
10:31 An increased understanding of His plan
10:34 has prompted me to step out in faith!
10:38 And enter God's kingdom truths!
10:42 You know,
10:43 the practical application of
10:44 this teaching is so simple!
10:47 All we have to do is
10:49 accept God's testimony about us
10:52 as new creations in Christ Jesus.
10:55 Then, as we find a promise of God
11:00 in the Bible
11:01 simply speak His word
11:04 over our lives.
11:05 I would like to point out that
11:07 all of His commandments are promises also!
11:10 For example,
11:12 The Bible says,
11:13 "in your anger do not sin."
11:16 That's a promise of
11:17 what God will empower us to do!!
11:21 Let me show you
11:23 how we can turn this into
11:25 an affirmation taken from two scriptures.
11:29 Ephesians 4:26 and Romans 6:14.
11:34 And say... [text on screen]
11:52 So we can take that and we can say...
11:54 [information on screen]
12:09 This isn't mind over matter.
12:12 Or, the power of positive thinking.
12:15 It's planting the life giving
12:19 word of God into our hearts
12:22 and accepting His testimony of
12:25 what God says that
12:27 He will do in us.
12:29 Part of the beauty of affirmations
12:32 is that
12:34 they change the way we think
12:35 and talk about ourselves.
12:37 When you behold in
12:40 the mirror of the word
12:42 the reflection of who you are in Christ
12:45 and when you declare it
12:48 with your living voice
12:50 the amazing result is that
12:53 you become what you behold!!
12:55 We can look at II Corinthians 3:18
12:59 to verify this.
13:00 It says,
13:01 "But we all with unveiled face
13:04 "beholding as in a mirror
13:07 "the glory of the Lord
13:09 "are being transformed into His image
13:12 "from glory to glory
13:14 "just as by the spirit of the Lord."
13:18 Oh I think that's so wonderful!!
13:21 As we learn to speak God's word
13:24 over our lives,
13:25 we learn to lean on His understanding
13:29 and He directs our paths!
13:31 The practice of affirmations
13:33 will change our lives!
13:36 God guarantees it!!
13:38 Please stay tuned
13:39 and we'll be right back after
13:41 this announcement to discuss
13:43 how the words of our mouths actually have
13:45 the power of life and death.
13:52 If this dynamic series
13:53 is making a difference in your life,
13:54 then you should know about
13:56 a special study guide
13:57 written by Shelley Quinn.
13:58 Exalting His Word with
13:59 Life Affirmations From Scripture
14:00 is an in depth study of the word of God.
14:05 Please send your love gifts to...
14:21 Affirmations transform us
14:23 by the renewing of our minds.
14:26 They help us to know
14:28 and understand the perfect will of God.
14:32 Hearing our living voice declare
14:35 the wonders of His truths
14:37 increases our faith.
14:40 And as we reprogram our thoughts
14:42 in this way,
14:44 His thoughts, become our thoughts!
14:46 And they become the source for truth
14:49 and we overcome our identity crisis!
14:52 The life giving power of the word of God
14:55 washes away the influence of
14:59 the world system!
15:00 The word of God that we affirm
15:03 becomes a fire that burns
15:05 the froths separating us from
15:11 the pure from the impure.
15:12 The ultimate blessing is that
15:15 as we apply His promises personally
15:19 we partake of His divine nature.
15:22 This all begins by
15:24 the power of our tongue.
15:25 The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21...
15:29 [text on screen]
15:38 We speak life into our days
15:41 when we speak God's word
15:43 into every situation.
15:46 But on the other hand,
15:47 do you remember the story of
15:50 the Israelites
15:51 who God delivered from bondage
15:53 and lead them to the Promise Land?
15:55 A land that God vowed to give them
15:57 but they doubted His word.
16:00 They wouldn't accept God's testimony
16:03 and enter into His promise.
16:05 They spoke words of disbelieve that
16:09 directly contradicted the word of God.
16:13 Just like the Israelites,
16:15 at the edge of the Promise Land
16:18 we speak death into our days if
16:22 we endorse the testimony of
16:25 doubt and disbelieve.
16:28 Do the words of our mouth
16:30 really matter to the Lord?
16:33 What God said in Numbers 14:28,29
16:38 certainly shows that they do.
16:41 Because the Lord said to them,
16:42 "Say to them as I live says the Lord.
16:45 "Just as you have spoken in my hearing
16:50 "so I will do to you.
16:51 "The carcases of you who have complained against me
16:55 "shall fall in this wilderness."
16:58 And in Matthew 12:36,37
17:01 Jesus gave us the warning about
17:04 the words that we speak. He said that
17:07 "I say to you that
17:08 "for every idle word that you speak,
17:10 "you will have to give an account of it
17:13 "on the day of judgment.
17:14 "For by your words you will be acquitted
17:17 "and by your words you will be condemned."
17:21 Almost daily,
17:23 I find myself confessing
17:25 the sin of idle words.
17:27 Both those that escape my lips
17:30 and the unspoken words of my thoughts.
17:32 Words that don't line up
17:36 in agreement with His will.
17:37 Words that are void of His power.
17:40 I seek God's forgiveness
17:42 and I ask Him to put a guard
17:45 at the door of my mouth!
17:47 I pray the word of faith
17:49 will be in my heart
17:50 and on my tongue
17:52 as it says in Romans 10:8.
17:54 Let me quote that for you...
17:55 The Bible says,
17:56 "The word is near you.
17:58 "It is in your mouth
18:00 "and it is in your heart.
18:01 "That is the word of faith that
18:03 "we are proclaiming."
18:06 I ask God to cause me
18:09 to confess His testimony
18:12 as my source of life
18:14 through affirmations.
18:16 My constant prayer is that
18:18 I will speak into all situations
18:22 with the tongue of an
18:24 instructed disciple.
18:26 The practical application of
18:28 this teaching is so simple.
18:31 But we've barely scratched
18:33 the surface of understanding.
18:35 I'd like to explain to you
18:37 the deeper truth
18:40 and the power that supports this simple
18:42 but transforming practice.
18:45 I've learned that
18:47 we wont continue the practice of something
18:50 unless we really understand
18:52 why and how it benefits us.
18:56 Isn't that true?
18:57 I receive many reports
18:58 from Christians who've been empowered by
19:01 speaking life affirmations
19:04 over their life yet
19:05 challenged by the exercise of
19:09 walking in the word
19:10 And they slip back into old lazy habits.
19:14 Then sometime later in response
19:17 to God's leading
19:18 they will start up this practice again!
19:20 And that's when I hear from them. [chuckles]
19:23 Excited Christians will call me
19:25 and they'll say...
19:26 "I don't understand why
19:29 "I ever stopped practicing this!
19:31 "It's so powerful
19:32 "and it makes such a difference in my life!"
19:36 I understand their sentiment
19:38 because my experience
19:39 has been exactly the same.
19:41 Until I appreciated why
19:44 this practice
19:45 exerted such a powerful force
19:48 I wasn't compelled to continue.
19:51 When the spirit helped me to see this as
19:54 my way to plug-in to the power of God
19:58 it became worth the effort.
20:00 I devoted the time and energy to
20:03 enter this kingdom truth.
20:06 What convinced me of
20:08 the power of this process
20:10 was a study in the Greek.
20:12 And today
20:13 I want to
20:14 briefly introduce you to
20:16 two Greek terms that
20:18 we find in the Bible.
20:20 I constructed the definition for
20:22 these two terms from multiple resources of
20:25 scholarly Greek works but
20:27 most importantly from
20:29 the use of these terms in Scripture.
20:33 And the first term is in the Greece...
20:35 [information on screen]
21:38 I've learned that
21:40 this is so important to us
21:42 because God spoke
21:44 the world into existence
21:47 by his LOGOS word.
21:49 And then He completed the work
21:52 by His RHEMA word.
21:55 You and I are born again
21:59 by the LOGOS word.
22:01 But the use of the Greek term RHEMA
22:04 in scripture
22:06 demonstrates that God equips us
22:09 and perfects us by His RHEMA word.
22:12 The scriptures that we confess
22:15 and personally apply
22:18 brings order into our lives
22:21 and transforms us into His image.
22:25 The Bible says that
22:27 Christ sustains everything by
22:31 His RHEMA word of instruction.
22:34 I hope you'll be able to
22:37 join us again next week
22:39 when we'll devote more time to
22:41 explain and develop these terms
22:45 for a better understanding.
22:47 You know,
22:48 the distinction between
22:50 these terms LOGOS and RHEMA
22:53 will become much clearer
22:55 as we continue in future programs.
22:58 We're going to
23:00 examine the RHEMA word in
23:02 the context of scripture.
23:05 And, we'll let the Bible develop
23:07 the definition for us.
23:10 I believe you'll see
23:11 the exciting advantages of
23:14 taking God's LOGOS word
23:17 and making it our
23:20 RHEMA utterance.
23:22 I've come to appreciate that
23:24 this is the way His word
23:28 enters our life with triumph
23:30 and helps us achieve
23:33 the overcoming victory.
23:36 We have ventured
23:38 into some depths of this teaching.
23:41 Now let's surface
23:43 and take a deep breath!
23:44 Here are the five main points that
23:47 I would like you to recall.
23:49 [information on screen]
23:59 Go ahead and say it right now!
24:09 [second point on screen]
24:19 This is taking the wisdom
24:21 and the council of God's testimony
24:23 and personally applying it to your life.
24:28 [first point on screen]
24:57 You know,
24:58 to encourage my effort
25:00 in the practice of
25:02 speaking His word over my life
25:05 as RHEMA affirmations,
25:07 the Lord impressed this thought
25:09 on my mind one day.
25:11 And this happened when
25:12 I had practiced it for about a year
25:16 and then... It actually,
25:18 it had been about two years
25:20 and then I abandoned the practice.
25:23 And I was trying to
25:24 get back into doing the practice again
25:28 and finding the time that it took
25:31 and just carving that time out of my schedule.
25:36 And suddenly the Lord impressed
25:38 this thought in my mind.
25:40 He said,
25:41 "Time is life.
25:43 "How you invest your time is
25:46 "how you invest your life."
25:49 Let me ask you something...
25:52 How are you investing your life?
25:57 How are you investing your time?
26:01 The affirmation process is
26:03 worth your time investment.
26:04 It will work the very mind of Christ in you.
26:09 Jesus said that His words are
26:12 spirit and they are life.
26:15 The transforming power of
26:18 God's word
26:19 will change your life forever.
26:23 You'll be clothed
26:25 with power
26:26 from on high!
26:29 Oh yes!!!
26:31 And let me remind you
26:32 just as Nichodemus saw that
26:35 miracles follow
26:37 the authority of the words of Christ
26:40 miracles do follow the authority of
26:43 the word of God.
26:46 My brother and my sister
26:48 and friends,
26:49 I don't know where you are right now.
26:51 And I don't know your circumstances,
26:53 but I know one thing...
26:55 God has a plan for your life
26:59 and it is better
27:01 than the one you are living!
27:02 I know that His plan is better yet
27:05 than the one that I'm living.
27:07 And if we would just learn
27:10 and accept God's truth
27:12 that His word is life to us!
27:15 If we would acknowledge that
27:18 God has the perfect plan
27:21 and we come to Him
27:22 and earnestly seek Him,
27:24 God will change us!
27:27 May God multiply His mercy,
27:29 love and grace to you.
27:31 And may He watch over His word to
27:33 perform it as you cooperate with Him.
27:36 Please remember to spend your time
27:39 making that which is most important to God
27:44 the very thing that is
27:45 also most important to you.
27:48 Get into His word!
27:50 Acknowledge that it's life!
27:54 Exalt His word!
27:55 Invest your time
27:58 in exalting God's word.


Revised 2014-12-17