Exalting His Word

The Identity Crisis Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: EHW

Program Code: EHW000004

00:19 Hello.
00:20 I'm Shelley Quinn
00:21 and I welcome you to
00:22 "Exalting His Word".
00:24 Today we'll be addressing
00:25 a very serious problem that
00:27 most of us are facing
00:28 whether we realize it or not.
00:30 And that is...
00:31 an identity crisis .
00:32 We suffer from mistaken identity because
00:35 we don't understand
00:37 God's amazing love for us.
00:40 And we don't recognize
00:41 His plan for our lives.
00:44 If you're joining us for
00:46 the first time today,
00:47 let me explain
00:48 where I got this series title
00:50 "Exalting His Word".
00:52 It comes from Psalms 138:2
00:55 And in that verse it says that
00:58 God, He exalts His name
01:00 and His word above ALL things.
01:02 And He magnifies His word
01:04 even above His name.
01:06 Well what does that mean?
01:08 If we just go right
01:10 straight to the bottom line...
01:12 ...it means that God exalts
01:14 His word over EVERYTHING.
01:17 Nothing is more important
01:18 to God.
01:20 God has promoted His word to
01:21 the highest rank of importance.
01:23 He has assigned His word
01:25 the highest position of praise.
01:28 He exalts His word
01:29 above everything because
01:31 He has empowered His word
01:33 with greater force
01:35 than anything else.
01:36 God has granted creative
01:38 life giving power to His word.
01:40 Power to accomplish all of His will.
01:44 And if God's word is His number one priority,
01:48 what do you think
01:49 our number one priority should be?
01:52 The word of God reveals His plan for lives.
01:56 And it will actually develop His plan in us
01:59 and through us
02:01 because the word contains
02:02 the creative power to transform our lives.
02:05 God declares His word is life to us.
02:11 Let me set the stage for today's teaching.
02:14 Let's consider for just a moment
02:16 the mentality of God's people
02:18 after He delivered them from
02:20 the bondage of slavery in Egypt.
02:22 As God's presence went with them
02:25 through the wilderness
02:27 He performed many miracles on their behalf.
02:29 But no matter how many wonders they witnessed
02:31 they still would not place their
02:34 trust in God's word.
02:35 The Bible says his promises were of
02:37 no benefit to them
02:38 because they wouldn't mix faith
02:41 with His message.
02:42 When they came to the land that
02:44 God had vowed to give them
02:46 they saw the inhabitants of
02:49 the land as GIANTS.
02:50 And they felt in comparison
02:52 like they were mere grasshoppers.
02:54 God's people were literally
02:57 shut out of the Promised Land
02:58 because of their sin of unbelief.
03:00 Their arrogance of doubting God's testimony
03:04 was like a slap in the face of God.
03:07 Their refusal to trust
03:09 and believe Him showed that
03:11 they regarded God as a liar.
03:14 Let me ask you this...
03:16 Are we suffering from
03:18 the same wilderness mentality?
03:20 Like the Israelites
03:21 do we find it difficult
03:23 to accept God's testimony
03:25 about us as His people?
03:26 Do we have the grasshopper identity syndrome?
03:29 That's what we're going to discuss today.
03:31 The identity crisis of God's people.
03:35 Before we begin,
03:37 let's go to the Lord in prayer.
03:39 Father God,
03:40 in the Name of Jesus
03:42 we come to you
03:43 and we ask Father that
03:44 you would send your Holy Spirit
03:46 to be our teacher
03:47 and that you would magnify your word
03:49 in our hearts.
03:50 In Jesus name, amen.
03:52 I'd like to start today with a story
03:55 about a farmer in a banker.
03:56 Two Christian friends
03:58 and while standing in
04:00 his wheat field,
04:01 this farmer
04:03 and his banker,
04:04 were talking about their
04:05 joint Ministry efforts for Christ.
04:06 The banker dressed in a three-piece suit said,
04:11 "I have an anointing from the Lord."
04:13 Now outfitted it in overalls
04:16 the farmer glanced down
04:18 and began digging the toes of his boot
04:20 into the soil
04:22 and he said,
04:23 "Oh Mercy, I love the Lord
04:24 "and I serve Him with all my heart but
04:27 "I wouldn't dare say that
04:29 "I'm anointed."
04:30 Which of these men acted in humility?
04:33 Christ was the anointed one of God
04:36 filled with power from on high.
04:38 Now wasn't the banker boasting
04:41 when he claimed that
04:42 same annoying thing?
04:44 Aren't we naturally drawn
04:45 to simple self abasing
04:47 attitude of the farmer?
04:49 I often use this story in churches
04:51 when I speak to show
04:53 our upside down thinking.
04:55 When I invite audiences to vote for
04:57 the example of true humility
04:59 they almost always
05:01 the majority would choose
05:02 the farmer hands down
05:04 and they dismiss the banker
05:06 as a hypocrite.
05:07 Perhaps because this story reminds us of
05:10 the Pharisee and the tax collector.
05:13 The Bible account of two men
05:15 praying in the temple is given in
05:17 the Gospel of Luke Chapter 18
05:20 And there a pompous Pharisee
05:22 stood praying before the Lord
05:24 and he was thanking God that
05:26 He wasn't like other sinners
05:28 and He began to list his deeds of
05:30 religious performance.
05:32 And his judgmental attitude,
05:34 flowed from a spirit of
05:36 self righteousness
05:38 and it contradicted God's truth.
05:41 We're all sinners
05:42 in need of a Savior.
05:44 And we're all counseled in the Bible
05:46 not to compare ourselves to others.
05:49 Now, on the other hand,
05:52 and in contrast the tax collector
05:54 begged for God's mercy.
05:56 Beating his breast
05:58 and confessing his sins before the Lord.
06:00 And, his act of humility agreed with
06:04 the council of God's word.
06:05 Can we compare the actions of these two men,
06:10 the Pharisee and
06:11 the tax collector to
06:14 the banker and the farmer?
06:16 Yes.
06:17 I think we can.
06:18 But the results might surprise you.
06:20 We must first,
06:21 at God's testimony,
06:23 of who we are in Christ.
06:26 The Bible says...
06:28 [text on screen]
06:51 Now that's God's declaration about
06:54 all who are abiding in Christ.
06:57 Our act of humility
06:59 is to accept God's testimony
07:01 and not depend on our own reasoning.
07:04 The Bible councils us in Proverbs 3:5
07:08 [text on screen]
07:14 If we're not going to lean
07:17 on our own understanding,
07:19 what is it that
07:20 the Lord wants us to lean on?
07:22 His word.
07:23 He wants us to trust His testimony even
07:26 when we don't understand how God is
07:28 going to accomplish all things.
07:30 We must cast down every thought
07:34 and every opinion that
07:36 proudly exalts itself
07:38 above the word of God.
07:40 Our experience may be
07:43 our reality but
07:45 it doesn't make them truth.
07:48 Truth is measured by only one standard.
07:52 The Holy Bible of God.
07:55 You know,
07:56 if the banker
07:57 and the farmer of
07:58 my imaginary scene
08:00 were abiding in Christ,
08:01 guest who the Lord would endorse?
08:02 He would endorse the banker as
08:05 the humble speaking man.
08:07 Why?
08:08 By affirming he had an anointing
08:11 the banker the revealed that
08:14 he believed and humbly accepted
08:17 God's testimony.
08:18 Now while the poor farmer
08:20 thought he was being humble,
08:22 he exalted his own opinion
08:24 over the word of God.
08:26 He spoke either from ignorance
08:29 or from refusal
08:30 to accept
08:32 what the Bible teaches about
08:34 his identity in Christ.
08:36 Our lesson is this;
08:39 Even if we don't feel anointed
08:42 we must accept and agree that
08:45 we are -if that is what God says.
08:48 We can't operate by feelings.
08:51 Feelings are too often
08:54 the defective product of
08:56 warped human reasoning.
08:58 Doubting God's word is
09:00 the very essence of pride.
09:02 And, since the beginning of time
09:04 this has been the devise that Satan has used!
09:08 Doubt and disbelief to trap us in sin.
09:13 Christians are suffering from
09:17 an identity crisis.
09:18 We're walking in error because
09:20 we don't know the scriptures
09:22 or the power of God.
09:24 [Reference on screen]
09:40 I hope that the end of this series
09:42 God will erase our ignorance.
09:45 I pray we will all come to
09:48 a better understanding of His plan
09:50 in our identity in Christ.
09:52 Let's look at a couple of reasons
09:54 we're in this predicament in the first place.
09:58 For some,
10:00 the crisis of identity results from
10:03 a shameful neglect of Bible study.
10:07 We lived in a generation that
10:09 seeks quick escape patches from
10:12 the stresses of our world.
10:14 Entertainment has been
10:17 elevated to idolatry.
10:18 Many sacrifice great chunks of time
10:21 following after this coveted idol.
10:25 And Christians aren't immune to this practice.
10:28 We can make many excuses to
10:30 sit mindlessly in front of
10:31 the television for hours.
10:34 "Oh I need to relax.
10:36 "My families doing it
10:37 "and I want to be with them.
10:40 "I deserve a break".
10:41 It's easy to become satisfied
10:45 with a meager effort in Bible study.
10:49 And let me tell you something,
10:50 apathy is a dangerous heart condition!
10:54 On the other hand,
10:55 there is a second group of us
10:58 who are devoted to Bible study.
11:01 Yet we still walk in
11:02 the darkness of mistaken identity.
11:05 Our hearts don't overflow
11:07 with love, joy, and peace.
11:09 We aren't stirred to activity by
11:11 the zeal of the Holy Spirit.
11:13 We're impotent instead of powerful.
11:16 And we can't figure out why!
11:18 In fearing others would
11:19 judge us harshly we hide our condition!
11:22 What we don't realize is
11:24 the same snare has trapped
11:25 the feet of most Christians.
11:27 In fact,
11:28 countless souls have approached me with
11:30 the tears of this testimony.
11:32 I think that they seem to feel at ease
11:36 in sharing with me
11:38 because...
11:39 -perhaps because I minister by example
11:41 telling of my past mistakes
11:44 and how the Lord has poured to His power unto me
11:48 and brought me out of those.
11:49 Then on the other hand
11:51 maybe they share with me just because
11:52 they know their secret is safe with me!
11:55 Because when I leave
11:56 their secret is stored
11:58 at a safe distance.
11:59 Christians cry out for
12:02 the answer to the crisis of identity.
12:06 Many years ago that was
12:08 my heart cry as well.
12:09 And I asked the Lord to
12:11 help me understand
12:13 and the answer came from
12:15 James 1:21-24
12:18 [Text on screen]
12:51 Here we are told that
12:53 when we read at the word of God
12:57 we see a vision.
12:59 A reflection of who we are in Christ.
13:03 The word reveals a mirrored image
13:05 of our re-created born-again nature.
13:11 We read the wonderful promises
13:12 and observe the image of our new nature.
13:15 But laying our Bibles aside
13:17 we immediately forget what we look like!
13:21 We lose the vision of God's promises to us.
13:24 And without a vision
13:25 the promises perish.
13:27 So we become hearers of the word
13:30 and not doers.
13:31 If you would like to study this
13:33 teaching at your leisure
13:34 you might be interested
13:36 in the upcoming announcement.
13:37 We'll be right back so
13:39 please stay tuned!
13:43 If this dynamic series is making
13:45 a difference in your life,
13:46 then you should know
13:47 about a special study guide
13:48 written by Shelley Quinn.
13:50 Exalting His Word with
13:51 Life Affirmations From Scripture
13:52 is an in depth study of the word of God.
13:57 Please send your love gifts to...
14:14 Jesus said in Luke 11:28
14:15 "Blessed rather are those
14:18 who hear the word of God
14:20 and obey and practice it."
14:22 It's true
14:23 some simply don't put
14:25 God's word into practice
14:26 because it requires effort...
14:28 ...and we're LAZY!
14:29 Still most of us don't walk in God's promises!
14:32 Because we can't wrap our mind
14:35 around the concepts.
14:37 It seems impossible to
14:39 apply such lofty statements
14:42 to ourselves!
14:44 Me!?
14:45 I have been anointing from God?
14:46 Focusing on our weaknesses
14:49 instead of the power of God.
14:51 We struggle with obedience!
14:52 And our Christian experience is lackluster.
14:57 Without joy.
15:00 Void of God's power we slip into
15:02 a performance of external
15:05 religious practices.
15:07 Then guilt and condemnation
15:08 come knocking at the door.
15:10 We stumble.
15:11 We strive to get back up on our feet.
15:14 Tidy our outward appearance
15:16 and we put up a good front
15:19 for others to see!
15:21 No one else seems to be
15:23 suffering from these problems!
15:24 And it's like we go before
15:27 the Lord and we say
15:28 "What's wrong with me Lord?
15:30 "Why do I keep failing you
15:31 "and how can you keep love me
15:33 when I keep failing you?"
15:35 We sometimes feel so unworthy
15:37 to receive God's love.
15:40 Don't we?
15:41 Well set your hearts at rest.
15:45 God demonstrated His amazing love
15:48 by sending Christ to die for you.
15:50 You are worth nothing less
15:54 than what He paid for you.
15:57 You are a special treasure to Him.
16:01 Before you ever knew Him
16:03 God paid your ransom!
16:05 The price to redeem and deliver you
16:08 from the bondage of sin.
16:10 You are worth nothing less than
16:12 the prize He paid for you!
16:15 It cost Him the precious lifeblood of
16:19 His Son Jesus Christ.
16:21 Here's how the apostle Peter said it.
16:24 1 Peter 1:18-19
16:28 [text on screen]
16:47 That's how much you're worth to God.
16:50 You are worth nothing less than
16:52 the price he paid for you.
16:54 If you still feel unworthy
16:57 to receive God's love
16:59 put your memories to rest.
17:01 Is there some sin that
17:03 you've asked God
17:04 to forgive repeatedly
17:06 yet your memory of it just
17:07 keeps coming back to haunt you?
17:09 If you sincerely repented
17:11 and confessed your sin to the Lord
17:13 He forgave you.
17:16 Not only did He forgive you
17:17 He also cleansed your record of all unrighteousness.
17:20 Accept that God's ways are higher than ours.
17:25 Quit trying to limit
17:27 His ability to forgive and forget.
17:29 When God forgives our confessed sins
17:33 He remembers them no more.
17:35 In loving mercy
17:36 the Bible says He removes our sins
17:38 as far as the East is from the West.
17:43 In just a moment
17:44 I'm going to give you a list of
17:45 nine scripture references
17:47 that will help you to belief
17:49 and receive the forgiveness of God.
17:51 I hope you have a pen and paper ready
17:53 to jot down these verses.
17:56 If you know anyone
18:00 or will forgive them
18:02 and they're tormented by a passed sin
18:04 please have these verses ready to share with them.
18:08 Before we put the list on the screen,
18:10 I wanna focus on
18:12 one of the scriptures included in the list
18:14 because it will give us a starting place
18:16 for understanding God's ability
18:18 to forgive
18:20 and forget the sins
18:22 which we sincerely repent
18:23 and seek forgiveness from Him.
18:26 If you have difficulty
18:28 accepting God's testimony
18:30 and His forgiveness,
18:31 consider what the Lord had to say about David
18:34 in I Kings 14:8
18:37 and this He said
18:38 after his death.
18:39 I'll put this on the screen in just a moment
18:42 but for now just listen.
18:43 God instructed the prophet to deliver a message
18:49 to the wicked King Jeroboam.
18:51 And he said to him,
18:53 this is I Kings 14:8
18:57 He said,
18:58 You go tell Jeroboam
19:01 that you have not been
19:03 as my servant David
19:04 who kept all of my commandments
19:07 and did only what was right in my eyes.
19:13 Now remember...
19:14 this scripture was written after David's death.
19:17 And I think that this vividly points out one thing.
19:22 God forgot what David asked Him to forgive.
19:28 You know King David had a heart for God,
19:32 didn't he?
19:33 But he certainly
19:35 and he did evil.
19:36 Then David humbled himself
19:38 and with sincere love for the Lord,
19:41 he repented of his sins.
19:43 The 51st Psalm is
19:45 the tender record of David's plea
19:47 for forgiveness
19:49 and a marvelous lesson in
19:51 the joy of repentance!
19:53 In my Bible I've made a note at Psalms 51
19:57 to refer me to God's account
19:58 in 1 Kings 14:8 of
20:00 David's record after he repented.
20:03 I always want to remember
20:06 the outcome of our confession of sin.
20:10 And that is...
20:11 Hallelujah!
20:12 That God forgets what we ask Him to forgive.
20:17 The message to King Jeroboam
20:20 represented as the very words of God
20:22 causes me to rejoice for another reason!
20:25 If we want proof that
20:27 every word of the Bible
20:28 is divinely inspired,
20:30 I think this is a wonderful example.
20:32 The writer of this account
20:34 must have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.
20:37 Any human agent
20:39 presuming to write for God
20:41 would've recorded something like this...
20:44 "You've not been as my servant David
20:46 "who after he committed adultery
20:48 "and after he was guilty of murder
20:51 "he confessed his sins and repented.
20:54 "But after I forgave him,
20:55 "David did what was right in my eyes
20:59 "for the rest of his life."
21:00 Don't you agree that that's
21:02 the only reasoning a human mind could produce?
21:06 We've been given the ability
21:08 to forgive others by
21:09 the grace of God.
21:11 But, we lack the capacity to wipe away all
21:16 the memory of our acts of forgiveness.
21:17 In fact, we're amazed to think that God does.
21:23 If we come to God,
21:24 with a humble heart and confess our sins,
21:27 not half-heartedly,
21:29 but with sincere repentance
21:31 and if we're ready to turn away from our sins
21:35 we are forgiven.
21:36 The blood of Christ
21:38 cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
21:40 He cancels out and blots out
21:44 our trangressions for His own sake.
21:48 His grace is sufficient to cover
21:51 all of our sins
21:53 and he remembers them no more.
21:55 Now, here is the scriptural evidence
21:57 for the position I take on this matter.
22:00 Let's look at
22:01 these wonderful Bible promises...
22:04 In Ezekiel 18:21-22
22:08 the Lord says,
22:09 [text on screen]
22:24 Then I John 1:7-9 says,
22:27 [text on screen]
22:54 Hebrews 8:10-12
22:56 One of my favorites!...
22:58 [text on screen]
23:30 Ephesians 1:7
23:32 [text on screen]
23:48 And then in II Corinthians 12:9
24:00 Isaiah 43:25
24:02 [text on screen]
24:17 Psalms 103:12
24:20 says...
24:22 [text on screen]
24:33 Isaiah 44:22
24:35 says this...
24:36 [text on screen]
24:49 And this reference we referred to earlier
24:52 I Kings 14:8
24:54 When God was talking about David
24:57 after his death
24:58 and he said to the prophet
25:01 to tell King Jeroboam...
25:03 [text on screen]
25:17 You know,
25:18 I'd like to take just a moment
25:21 and I would like to pray for you.
25:23 Because I believe
25:24 there's some of you out there
25:27 right now
25:28 who have been suffering
25:30 thinking that God could not forgive you.
25:32 And maybe that guilt in condemnation
25:36 has been a wall between you and God.
25:42 I want you now to
25:43 come with me and let's enter boldly
25:47 but humbly into the throne room of God.
25:51 Let's seek the Lord's grace.
25:53 I wanna pray with you.
25:55 Heavenly Father
25:58 right now we come before you
26:00 to lift up Father myself,
26:05 my brothers
26:06 and my sisters.
26:07 And Father God, all those who are suffering.
26:10 Father, those who want to accept your love
26:14 but have felt so unworthy.
26:16 Help them to know Father God
26:18 in the Name of Jesus
26:20 help them to know how much you love them.
26:23 Help them to accept your
26:26 forgiveness, Father.
26:28 I pray that you would lead them
26:29 to Godly sorrow
26:30 and true repentance.
26:31 And Father God,
26:32 in the Name of Jesus
26:34 I pray that your people will understand that
26:37 your power is made perfect in our weakness.
26:43 And by the power of your Holy Spirit
26:44 and the power of your word
26:45 you can transform our lives so that
26:47 we will no longer sin against you.
26:50 We praise and we thank you Father God
26:53 for being such a loving Father.
26:56 We thank you for the privilege
26:57 of being your children
26:59 and calling you Abba.
27:01 In Jesus name, Amen.
27:04 Well,
27:07 we're out of time again.
27:09 I hope that today's study
27:12 has been a great encouragement to you.
27:15 I hope that you are seeing something new
27:21 about God and gaining an understanding
27:24 of the heart of the Heavenly Father
27:26 and His loving plan just a little bit better.
27:30 Please tune in next week
27:32 and we'll continue to
27:33 unveil the identity crisis.
27:35 May God multiply
27:37 His mercy, love,
27:38 and grace to you.
27:39 And may He watch over His word to
27:41 perform it in your life
27:43 as you cooperate with Him.
27:44 I pray that you are being inspired to
27:48 spend more time making that which is
27:51 most important to Him
27:53 the very thing that is also
27:55 most important to you...
27:56 Exalting His Word.


Revised 2014-12-17