Participants: Shelley Quinn
Series Code: EHW
Program Code: EHW000002
00:19 Hello
00:20 and welcome to 00:21 "Exalting His Word". 00:22 I'm Shelley Quinn 00:23 and I'm pleased to be bringing you 00:24 a teaching series that 00:26 focuses on the transforming, 00:28 life giving power 00:29 of the word of God. 00:31 Today, 00:32 I'll be sharing how 00:33 God proved his word IS life to me... 00:35 when he healed me miraculously. 00:38 Miracles do follow faith. 00:40 Our focus for this series 00:44 is learning God's plan 00:46 for our lives 00:47 and learning 00:49 how God 00:51 can teach us to 00:52 make HIS number one priority 00:54 "Exalting His word" 00:56 our number one priority. 00:58 It pays to know this. 01:00 Exalting the Word of God is 01:02 the secret to success 01:04 for all mankind. 01:05 Let me explain where 01:07 I got the title for this program series. 01:09 In Psalms 138:2 01:12 The Bible says that 01:14 God exalts his name 01:16 and his word above all things. 01:18 And he magnifies his word 01:22 even above his name. 01:24 What does that mean? 01:25 Well it took a study in the Greek 01:27 for me to really get a better understanding. 01:31 And... 01:32 ...this is the bottom line. 01:34 God exalts his word 01:35 above EVERYTHING! 01:38 When 01:40 God looks at his word 01:42 he... 01:44 ...absolutely has made 01:45 nothing more important 01:47 than the word. 01:49 He has promoted it to 01:50 the highest rank of importance. 01:52 God exalts his word above everything because 01:54 he has empowered his word 01:56 with greater force than anything else! 01:59 God has granted 02:00 creative life-giving power to 02:03 his word. 02:04 Power to accomplish all of his will. 02:07 God exalts his word above everything. 02:10 That means that 02:12 he has assigned 02:13 the highest position of praise to his word. 02:16 Why? 02:17 We find the answer in 02:18 the first chapter of 02:20 the Gospel of John. 02:21 "In the beginning was the Word 02:23 "and the Word was with God 02:24 "and the Word was God. 02:26 "And the word became flesh 02:28 "And in Him was life 02:30 "and that life 02:31 "was the light of mankind." 02:33 He dwelt among us 02:35 and sacrificed his life-blood for us. 02:38 Jesus Christ was, 02:40 is 02:41 and ever will be 02:42 the Word of God. 02:43 That's why God glorifies his word 02:45 and that's why you and I should do likewise. 02:49 God has a plan for our lives. 02:51 And that plan is revealed 02:53 in his word. 02:54 The miracle working power of God 02:57 is contained in his word. 03:00 And by the infused power of 03:01 his word and his spirit; 03:04 God will cause us to be 03:06 all that he has called us to be. 03:08 Hallelujah! 03:10 When God demonstrated 03:12 the power of his word 03:13 to change my live 03:15 he rescued me from 03:16 a broad path of destruction 03:18 and put me on the path of life. 03:20 Let me share how God demonstrated 03:23 the power of his word. 03:25 I became involved in 03:26 part-time ministry in 1987 03:29 and at that time 03:31 I was a member of a 03:32 nondenominational church. 03:33 Any time the church doors were opened, 03:36 I was there! 03:37 Eager to participate! 03:39 Many teachings 03:41 were stored in my head 03:42 and I thought I understood God's plan. 03:44 Yet it wasn't until eight years later that 03:48 this truth was unveiled. 03:49 God's word is life to me. 03:52 In 1995, 03:54 in a dramatic fashion, 03:55 this is what my God declared to me. 03:58 "My words are not idle words. 04:01 My words is life onto you." 04:04 And that statement, 04:06 forever, 04:07 changed my view point. 04:09 His words came when 04:11 I was gripped in the vice 04:13 of a Job experience. 04:16 Like Job, 04:17 (the Ancient Patriarch of the Bible) 04:21 life as I had known it, 04:23 had just really vanished. 04:25 My health, 04:27 my home, 04:28 family, 04:29 friends... 04:30 Everything was falling 04:31 along the wayside! 04:33 Now my trials wasn't as 04:34 dramatic as poor Job's 04:35 but it was too close for comfort. 04:37 Over the span of one year, 04:39 I was tested in the furnace of affliction. 04:42 The conference and contentment of live 04:45 were washing away piece by battered piece 04:49 and I was suffering from 04:51 a condition called vertigo. 04:54 Do you know what that is? 04:56 Vertigo is a 04:57 tormenting condition of dizziness. 05:01 And it gives you the sense that 05:02 your environment is 05:04 constantly whirling. 05:06 And my case was constant. 05:08 It was relentless! 05:10 In fact 05:11 my surroundings seemed to spin 05:12 at 120 revolutions a minute. 05:15 Whether I was sitting down 05:19 standing up 05:20 or laying down. 05:22 It didn't matter. 05:23 It was all day long! 05:25 And walking became 05:26 an exhausting struggle. 05:28 Nausea convulsed my stomach constantly. 05:31 I couldn't read 05:32 so Bible study was out. 05:34 I couldn't watch television because 05:35 my pupils were very constricted 05:37 and my vision was blurred. 05:39 Soon even my speech became stammered. 05:42 Nothing the doctors prescribed 05:44 brought relief. 05:46 In fact the only affect of 05:47 the multiple steroid treatments 05:49 that they gave me 05:51 was a 35 pound weight gain 05:53 which only added to 05:54 the clumsiness that 05:56 I already felt. 05:57 I was self-conscious 05:59 when I tried to walk 06:00 or talk. 06:01 So I was embarrassed to be seen in public 06:03 and I began to withdraw. 06:07 The first few months of my illness 06:09 were spent in solitude. 06:11 My husband JD 06:12 had just started a new business 06:14 and it required A LOT of traveling. 06:16 And then three months into my illness 06:19 I found myself having to pack up 06:21 and store our belongings 06:22 because the decision had been made that 06:24 we would move from Houston 06:26 to JD's hometown. 06:28 But the relocation 06:29 didn't go anything as planned. 06:31 I was supposed to stay temporarily 06:34 with loving in-laws. 06:35 This became semi permanent. 06:37 And awkward arrangement! 06:40 JD and I were apart for weeks at a time. 06:43 And I felt such an intense loneliness 06:47 which was only amplified by 06:50 the absence of my 06:51 Houston Church family and friends. 06:54 You know, 06:55 more than anything I was feeling 06:56 trapped by my circumstances. 06:58 And by that time, 06:59 this swirling hurricane called vertigo 07:03 had had me held prisoner 07:06 for eight months 07:07 without a moment of reprieve. 07:10 No one realized 07:11 the extremes of my physical 07:14 and emotional challenges because 07:17 I masked 07:18 the truth with a smile. 07:20 Laying in bed one night 07:22 an unexpected 07:24 and ominous thought 07:25 began to thunder in my mind. 07:28 "Now, I understand 07:30 "why you did it momma!" 07:34 My mother had attempted suicide 07:37 when I was a child. 07:38 And for years I had tried 07:39 to comprehend why anyone 07:41 would dare such desperate action. 07:44 But no life experience 07:46 had helped me gain insight 07:47 until then. 07:49 In bleak darkness 07:51 I saw more clearly 07:53 than ever before. 07:54 It was really a simple answer 07:56 to a complex question. 07:58 Momma had lost all hope. 08:00 And without hope, 08:01 life doesn't seem worth the struggle. 08:04 As I laid there in bed that night, 08:06 a gripping panic narrowed my focus. 08:10 Thou I wasn't actually 08:12 considering suicide, 08:14 I was experiencing 08:15 the emotional identification that grasped 08:19 the why of it. 08:21 And I thought, 08:22 "If I can sink this low, 08:25 "what if I sink lower? 08:28 "Oh, help me Lord!" 08:30 I wanted to pray more but 08:31 words wouldn't come. 08:33 And really... 08:34 frightening thoughts hazed my senses 08:37 as the night wore on. 08:39 The next morning, 08:41 I staggered through my daily routine. 08:44 And I was in deep thought. 08:46 I'd always been so stable minded. 08:49 How had I reached 08:50 this unfamiliar place 08:53 in my reasoning? 08:54 Fears seized my mind 08:58 and I thought, 08:59 "Am I capable of following 09:01 "in my mother's footsteps? 09:03 "Is my situation really hopeless?" 09:06 I realized that it was time for 09:08 a serious talk with the Lord. 09:11 And, I said, 09:12 "Lord, I'd rather be in extreme pain 09:14 "than to be suffering from this 09:17 "debilitating vertigo." 09:19 It was more a thought 09:21 than a prayer. 09:22 Actually, prayer time 09:23 had become another casualty of this battle. 09:27 Always before prayer had been 09:29 a life line to me. 09:31 But now, 09:32 I was drowning emotionally. 09:34 And, 09:36 I didn't know how to reach out for the Lord. 09:39 So drawing a deep breath 09:43 I just uttered, 09:44 "Help, Lord!" 09:46 Again, I made the agonizing effort 09:49 and I said, 09:50 "Please Father, help me!" 09:52 Nothing more would come. 09:55 Suddenly, I heard 09:57 a still small voice. 09:58 It wasn't audible. 10:00 It was more like thoughts that 10:02 were being impressed upon my mind. 10:05 Unless you think this is unscriptural, 10:07 let me give you a Bible reference for this. 10:10 In I Kings 19:12 10:12 we find Elijah standing on the mountain 10:15 before the Lord 10:17 and a great wind came but 10:18 the Lord was not in the wind. 10:20 Then an earthquake, 10:21 but the Lord wasn't in the earthquake. 10:23 And following that, a fire! 10:26 But the Lord was not in the fire. 10:29 Then, suddenly... 10:31 a sound of gentle stillness, 10:34 and a still small voice 10:36 was heard by Elijah. 10:38 It was the voice of God. 10:40 Now, 10:41 I don't think that 10:42 that couldn't be the audible voice of the Lord. 10:45 Do you? 10:46 Always in scripture 10:47 when God's audible voice is described 10:50 it is compared to 10:51 the sound of many waters. 10:54 The Glory of thunder. 10:56 It's powerful 10:57 and full of majesty! 10:59 And so much so it makes hearts trembled 11:03 and knees knock! 11:05 I think that 11:06 the still small voice Elijah heard 11:08 was the Holy Spirit 11:09 impressing Gods thoughts 11:11 on Elijah's mind. 11:13 Well, back to my story... 11:15 There I was 11:16 crying out to God in desperation. 11:18 And suddenly I heard that 11:20 still small voice, 11:22 of unspoken words 11:23 being impressed upon my mind. 11:24 As I said, 11:25 it wasn't audible 11:26 yet it was a voice 11:28 and I knew who it was. 11:31 He said, 11:32 "I set before you 11:33 "life and death. 11:35 "Choose life." 11:36 I could have confidence that 11:38 this was the voice of God 11:40 because he would never 11:42 speak anything that 11:44 doesn't lineup 11:45 in agreement with his word. 11:47 And that was a direct quote 11:49 from a scripture found in 11:51 Deuteronomy 30:19 11:54 and it says, 11:55 "I set before you life-and-death 11:57 "choose life." 11:59 I said, 12:00 "I have chosen life Father." 12:04 "Jesus Christ is my Savior 12:06 "and if you mean 12:07 "anything more than that 12:09 "you're gonna have to tell me Lord. 12:11 "Because I am in no condition 12:13 "to figure it out." 12:16 Now let me explain. 12:17 I wasn't arguing with the Lord. 12:20 Our relationship 12:21 was close enough 12:23 for me to realize that 12:24 I could reason with him 12:26 and asked him to reason with me. 12:28 And he spoke again 12:29 and this is what he said, 12:31 "My words are not idle words. 12:33 "My word is life onto you. 12:35 "And anything that 12:37 "does not lineup in agreement 12:38 "with my word 12:40 "is nothing more 12:41 "than a pretentious lie of the enemy." 12:44 Do you recognize that? 12:45 That's also a quote from a scripture... 12:48 In 2 Corinthians 10:5. 12:50 I had no doubt 12:52 it was God who was speaking to me. 12:56 And he continued 12:57 and he said, 12:58 "If you choose to believe my word 13:02 "you choose life. 13:04 "But if you doubt my word, 13:06 "if you believe 13:08 "the deception of the evil one, 13:09 "then you have chosen death." 13:12 The Lord directed me to go to the scriptures, 13:16 seek his promises 13:17 related to health, 13:19 healing, 13:20 and new beginnings 13:21 and he instructed me 13:23 to speak these scriptures 13:25 over my life 13:27 out loud each day. 13:29 Saying that faith would come by hearing. 13:32 Do you recognize that? 13:34 That's Romans 10:17. 13:37 So with great hope, 13:39 I opened my Bible 13:40 for the first time in many months. 13:42 And straining to focus... 13:44 I jotted down the scripture references. 13:46 And, if you have a pen and paper handy, 13:49 I want to give you 13:52 those scripture references 13:53 in just a moment. 13:54 As soon as we return from our break, 13:56 I'd like to share those with you 13:58 because every time I share this story, 14:01 people ask me 14:02 what promises did God lead you to. 14:05 Stay tuned... 14:10 If this dynamic series is making 14:11 a difference in your life, 14:12 then you should know 14:13 about a special study guide 14:14 written by Shelley Quinn. 14:16 Exalting His Word with 14:17 Life Affirmations From Scripture 14:18 is an in depth study of the word of God. 14:24 Please send your love gifts to... 14:40 Now, what I'd like to do is 14:42 give you those scripture references that 14:44 the Lord lead me to. 14:45 Our time is somewhat limited 14:47 so I'm gonna be going through these 14:49 very quickly. 14:50 And just want you to maybe 14:51 write down the references 14:53 to these promises. 14:54 They are good to know 14:55 no matter what type of healing 14:57 you're seeking. 14:58 Whether it's spiritual, 15:00 physical, mental, 15:01 or emotional. 15:03 The first scripture is Acts 3:16 15:05 One of my favorites! 15:06 It says, 15:08 "By faith in the name of Jesus 15:09 this man whom you see 15:11 and know was made strong. 15:12 It is Jesus name and the faith that 15:14 comes through a him that has given 15:17 this complete healing to him. 15:19 Then Exodus 15:26 15:22 The Lord declares, 15:23 "For I am the Lord who heals you. 15:28 Psalms 103:2-4 15:31 Says, "Bless the Lord 15:32 "oh my soul 15:33 "and forget not all his benefits. 15:36 "Who forgives all of your inequities 15:38 "who heals all of your diseases. 15:41 "Who redeems your life from destruction 15:43 "and who crowns you with loving kindness 15:46 "and tender mercies." 15:48 Matthew 8:16-17 15:51 says this, 15:53 "When evening came 15:54 "many who were Demon possessed 15:55 "were brought to him 15:56 "and he drove out the spirits." 15:58 -noticed this... 16:00 WITH A WORD 16:01 and he healed all the sick. 16:04 This was to fulfill 16:05 what was spoken 16:07 through the prophet Isaiah. 16:08 He took up our infirmities 16:10 and carried our diseases. 16:13 Psalms 107:20... 16:15 This is special. 16:16 "He sent his word and healed them 16:20 "and delivered them from their destructions." 16:22 Surely... Isaiah 53:4-5 says... 16:27 "Surely he has born our grieves 16:30 "and carried our sorrows. 16:31 "Yet we esteemed him stricken 16:34 "smitten by God and afflicted. 16:37 "But he was wounded 16:39 "for our transgressions. 16:41 "He was bruised for our iniquities 16:43 "and the chastisement for our peace 16:46 "was put upon him. 16:48 "And by his stripes we are healed." 16:51 1 Peter 2:24 is another 16:53 the Lord lead me to. 16:55 And that's actually a 16:57 complement to Isaiah 53. 16:59 It says, "He himself 17:00 "bore our sins 17:01 "in his body on the tree 17:03 "so that we might die to sins 17:05 "and live for righteousness. 17:08 "By his wounds 17:09 "you have been healed." 17:11 3 John 1:2 says, 17:12 "Beloved I pray that 17:14 "you may prosper in all things 17:16 "and be in health 17:18 "just as your soul prospers." 17:20 And Isaiah 43:18-19 17:24 is another one 17:25 the Lord lead me to. 17:26 And it says... 17:28 "Forget the former things. 17:29 "Do not dwell on the past. 17:30 "See, I am doing a new thing in you 17:33 "and it suddenly springs up." 17:36 "Do you not perceive it? 17:37 "I'm making a way 17:39 "in the desert 17:40 "and streams in the wasteland." 17:42 You know, 17:44 I realized that 17:45 I could trust God 17:46 to give me the healing that 17:49 he knew I needed. 17:50 Even if it was different 17:51 than the one that I wanted. 17:53 I knew that he had 17:55 my eternal benefit in mind. 17:58 And no matter what the outcome was 18:01 I could trust him 18:02 because he loved me so. 18:05 I spoke each scripture out loud 18:08 each night finishing with Hebrews 10:36. 18:13 That says, 18:14 "You must persevere so that 18:16 after you have done the will of God 18:19 you will receive the promise. 18:22 Night after night 18:23 I rehearsed these scriptures. 18:25 Then I was inspired 18:27 to write the vision 18:28 and make it plain. 18:29 Just as the Lord had told Habakkuk to do. 18:33 So, now, 18:34 in handwriting that 18:36 because I was so sick was 18:38 just barely legible... 18:39 I scribbled down each one of 18:41 these Scripture promises 18:43 on a yellow pad 18:44 adding to the list nightly. 18:48 Then I spoke them with reverent devotion 18:50 and I struggled though 18:53 with self-doubt. 18:54 I thought... 18:55 Did the Lord really 18:57 lead me to do this? 18:59 It seemed that faith was 19:00 just beyond my grasp 19:02 and I prayed and I said, 19:03 "oh Lord help my unbelief!" 19:06 And then I just persisted 19:09 in speaking these aloud 19:11 returning God's word to him 19:14 and I trust in that 19:16 as I returned it to him 19:17 in the form of prayer 19:19 that the Lord was listening. 19:21 Then one night 19:22 he led me to 19:24 three promises that 19:26 just seemed to literally 19:27 leap off the pages of my Bible. 19:30 The first was Isaiah 55:11 that says... 19:33 [text on screen] 19:47 God says his word does not 19:49 return to him void 19:51 but accomplishes and achieves 19:53 all of his purposes. 19:55 Then he lead me to Jeremiah 1:12 19:58 And this is what he said there. 20:01 The Lord talking to Jeremiah said, 20:04 [text on screen] 20:09 God is watching over his word to perform it. 20:14 And Romans 4:17 says, 20:16 [text on screen] 20:25 Because God's word 20:26 is filled with his creative power 20:29 and because he is watching over his work 20:32 to perform it 20:34 he considers things that 20:36 are not yet in existence 20:38 in our physical realm 20:39 as though they already were 20:42 in existence. 20:43 His promises are waiting in the wings 20:46 for us to partake in 20:47 and when we accept them 20:50 he knows that 20:51 he will bring them into existence. 20:54 You know, 20:55 I believe the Lord was 20:56 speaking directly to me. 20:58 I was returning his word to him 20:59 and it wouldn't return void 21:01 because he was watching over it to perform it. 21:05 Faith just exploded in my heart 21:07 and I knew I was healed! 21:09 No. 21:10 The symptoms didn't disappear. 21:12 Yet, I was sure 21:13 that healing would be evident in my body 21:15 in His perfect timing. 21:16 I was doing as God does. 21:18 Calling things that were not yet evident 21:21 in the physical realm 21:22 as though they already existed. 21:24 Actually, my situation 21:27 remained unchanged for 21:29 another four months. 21:30 But the time seemed to pass rapidly. 21:32 Although everything continued to 21:34 whirl dizzily around me. 21:36 It didn't matter. 21:37 I had found my hiding place in the storm. 21:40 And I was overcoming 21:42 my circumstances 21:43 by faith and trust in God. 21:46 I became like Abraham. 21:48 I was fully persuaded that 21:50 God has the power to do 21:53 what he had promised. 21:54 And because I believed that 21:55 God was performing his word in me 21:57 the vapor of depression vanished! 22:00 In early February 22:02 1996 22:03 nearly one year from the onslaught of 22:06 the first vertigo attack... 22:08 happened. 22:09 As I leaned into a closet 22:11 the violent spinning 22:12 and reeling ceased abruptly. 22:15 There are no words 22:16 to express the joy of 22:18 experiencing that stillness. 22:20 It was as if the dark clouds parted 22:24 and the sun burst forth! 22:26 I braced 22:27 one hand against the closet floor 22:30 to remain steady. 22:31 Not wanting any motion 22:32 to disturb the stillness 22:34 and bent over and that ridiculous posture 22:37 I heard his voice. 22:39 It was impressed upon my mind... 22:41 ..."Rejoice!" 22:42 So slowly 22:43 I inched my way to a standing position 22:46 and I was leaning up against 22:48 the wall for support. 22:50 Nothing reeled! 22:51 And tears of joy gushed to my eyes! 22:54 I began praising the Lord! 22:56 Again I heard... 22:58 "Rejoice!" 22:59 I had once read that 23:02 the literal translation of 23:04 the Hebrew word "rejoice" is 23:06 to twirl about like a calf 23:08 kicking up his heels 23:09 after being released from a stall. 23:12 And I thought... 23:13 Does the Lord really 23:14 want me to start twirling 23:16 on purpose?! 23:18 What if the vertigo returns?? 23:20 With some hesitation at first 23:22 I began circling 23:24 and singing his praises! 23:26 And then suddenly 23:28 a verse from Zephaniah 3:17 23:30 came streaming into my mind. 23:33 And that verse says... 23:35 [Text on-screen] 23:49 I'd like to think that 23:51 that night 23:52 or that day 23:53 as the Angels watched on, 23:55 they saw the Lord and me 23:56 rejoicing and joyously 23:59 celebrating together. 24:02 You know, 24:03 reflecting on my year of vertigo 24:06 I know this. 24:07 Only by the grace of God 24:09 did I make it through 24:11 one of the worst physical 24:13 and emotional challenges that 24:16 I've ever been through. 24:17 It was the transforming power of 24:20 his word that restored my hope. 24:24 God's promises became 24:26 the anchor for my soul 24:27 and they kept me from being double minded. 24:31 When I place my trust in him 24:34 and in his ability 24:36 to perform his word 24:38 he placed me 24:39 in an arc called Hope. 24:41 And there the God of peace 24:44 rode out the storm with me. 24:46 I was in the eye of the hurricane. 24:49 I know that it was... 24:53 This kind of reminds me of 24:54 one of my favorite verses 24:56 and that's Romans 15:13. 24:58 It says, 24:59 "May the God of hope fill you to 25:01 "overflowing with all joy and peace 25:05 "as you trust in him 25:06 "so that you may overflow with hope 25:10 "by the power of the Holy Spirit." 25:13 God had to allow me to 25:15 get to the brink of despair 25:17 before he could teach me that 25:19 I was totally dependent upon him. 25:22 From the depths of depression 25:24 he brought me into 25:25 a new relationship with his word. 25:28 And he showed me that 25:31 he had a plan for my life 25:32 and it was better than 25:34 the one I was living. 25:37 He opened the door of understanding 25:39 to the transforming power of his word. 25:43 He invited me in to 25:44 experience his great love. 25:47 And God became 25:48 the object of my faith. 25:50 Trust in his love. 25:53 And his ability to 25:54 perform his word 25:56 became the foundation of 25:59 my sure foundation. 26:00 It reminds me of what Job said. 26:03 In Job 13:15 26:05 [text on screen] 26:09 Why could Job say that? 26:11 The answer is found 26:13 in Job 23:12. 26:14 He said, 26:16 [text on screen] 26:24 Bless Job's heart! 26:26 That statement shows he was a man 26:30 who knew the true source of life. 26:33 Like Job, 26:34 I appreciate my desperate need for 26:37 the word of God. 26:38 It it becoming to me 26:41 more important 26:42 than my daily food. 26:44 My life depends on God's word. 26:48 His word is life to me. 26:51 And God says that 26:53 it's life to you too. 26:55 I hope that 26:56 you will go to the word, 26:59 and find the life 27:01 and the plan that 27:02 God has for your life. 27:05 Well, 27:06 we're nearly out of time again. 27:08 It does pass by so quickly! 27:10 I hope that 27:12 you'll tune in next week 27:13 when I'm gonna share 27:16 how God raised me up 27:18 as a "Word Warrior". 27:19 That program will conclude my personal testimony. 27:23 And then, 27:24 we'll be diving into 27:26 some really great Bible studies. 27:29 I pray that 27:30 God will multiply his mercy, 27:33 love, 27:34 and grace to you. 27:36 And watch over his word to perform it 27:38 in your life 27:39 as you cooperate with him. 27:40 I hope you're being encouraged 27:43 to spend your time 27:45 making that which is 27:46 most important to God, 27:49 his word, 27:50 the very thing that is also 27:53 most important to you. 27:55 I pray you will be 27:57 "Exalting His Word"! |
Revised 2014-12-17