Everlasting Gospel

The Shepherd King, Pt. 12 - The Sunset Years

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG021719A

00:15 Hard to believe,
00:17 coming to the end of 12 presentations on David.
00:21 And it's been a journey began last January,
00:27 but we've learned also about Jesus along the way
00:30 because the Bible tells us that David was a man
00:33 after God's own heart.
00:35 And so as we are studying the character of David,
00:39 we're really finding out a lot about Jesus.
00:41 And he's a character that
00:44 almost everybody could relate to.
00:46 You know, they say different people
00:47 can relate to different characters,
00:49 and soldiers can relate to soldiers,
00:52 and the rich relate better to the rich,
00:55 and the poor to the poor.
00:56 But, you know, David went through
00:58 almost all of these experiences in his life.
01:02 He was poor, you can relate to David.
01:06 He was rich, at the end I'm going to talk about today,
01:10 fabulous wealth.
01:13 He was a stranger, David was forsaken by friends.
01:20 He was attacked by family.
01:23 He had to flee to a foreign land,
01:26 he was a refugee.
01:29 He was a soldier, he was an administrator.
01:33 He was a creative person. He was an architect.
01:36 I mean, David was just,
01:37 he did a little bit of everything.
01:40 And so just about everybody, you can find something
01:42 of themselves in life of David and find a way to relate.
01:47 Well, we're going to pick up today,
01:48 and our mission today really is to get from 2 Samuel 20.
01:53 Now, you find the life of David not only in 1 and 2 Samuel,
01:57 you also find it in 1 Chronicles,
02:01 they cover a lot of the same territory,
02:02 we've been using Samuel.
02:05 And we'll go to 1 Kings 2:10.
02:10 The period of time we're looking at represents
02:13 the last 10 years of his reign
02:15 which is why we've titled today's message,
02:17 "The Sunset Years of David's Life".
02:21 And we remember in our last study,
02:24 he survived this terrible rebellion
02:27 where his son, beautiful son who he loves so much,
02:30 Absalom rebelled against him,
02:33 wanted to even take his father's own life
02:35 and yet his father was willing to forgive.
02:38 We've learned from that experience, I mean,
02:41 the father is willing to forgive us
02:42 even though we, by our sins, took the life of His son,
02:46 but He loves us that much.
02:48 Well, they invited him back to Jerusalem
02:51 to lead out on the people of Judah,
02:53 but there was a brief rebellion that took place.
02:56 And you read about this in 2 Samuel 20,
02:59 a man by the name of Sheba, he blew a trumpet and said,
03:03 "Who do we...
03:04 we don't need to follow David,
03:06 he was from the tribe of Benjamin."
03:08 You remember, Saul was from Benjamin.
03:09 The Benjamites were feeling like
03:11 their tribe had been slighted when Saul was slain
03:15 that they really deserved the monarchy.
03:18 And so this rebellion went on, maybe for a few months.
03:21 And Joab took things in his own hands.
03:25 He should probably know,
03:27 the general who led under Absalom
03:31 for the people to attack David was named Amasa.
03:36 David, trying to bring the kingdom back together again
03:39 and since Joab had disobeyed a direct order
03:41 and killed Absalom, God said,
03:45 I should say David said to Joab,
03:47 "You can't be the general anymore.
03:49 Amasa is going to be the general."
03:51 Well, Joab said, "Boy, David, you're making bad decision.
03:54 You're not only were willing to let Absalom live
03:56 who could be a constant threat, now you want the general
03:58 that tried to kill you to be your general."
04:02 And so after Sheba rebelled, Joab killed Sheba
04:06 and then he killed Amasa, not in that order.
04:09 Joab kind of did his own thing sometimes.
04:14 So that was taken care of.
04:16 And then you get to 2 Samuel 21,
04:19 and this is a story a lot of people wonder about.
04:22 It says, "Now there was a famine in the days of David
04:25 for three years, year after year."
04:30 And the famine after three years
04:32 is not resolved for another six months,
04:34 you'll see.
04:35 So it ends up being a famine for three and a half years,
04:38 now does that sound familiar?
04:40 How long was a famine in the days of Elijah?
04:43 How long did Jesus teach?
04:45 Three and a half years.
04:46 You'll often find this, three and a half years,
04:47 even in the prophecies of Revelation.
04:50 So there's a famine for three years.
04:51 And David wants to know what the problem is,
04:53 and the Lord speaks to David, and he says,
04:56 "It's because of Saul..."
04:57 Well, Saul's been dead for years.
04:59 "And his blood thirsty house, meaning his sons,
05:03 because they killed the Gibeonites."
05:06 And what's that all about?
05:08 If you read your Bible, you'll find in Joshua 9
05:12 that the Gibeonites tricked the Israelites
05:15 into making a covenant that they would spare them
05:19 and let them live in the land and not a victim like
05:22 they did to other nations, they said,
05:23 "We'll be your servants but let us stay."
05:26 Joshua made a covenant, and even after that
05:29 people realized they've been tricked, they said,
05:30 "Let's just kill them."
05:31 Joshua said, "We've sworn in the name of the Lord,
05:33 they are servants,
05:35 we're going to let them live in the land,
05:36 we will protect them."
05:37 That went on for hundreds of years.
05:40 But Saul decided, and his sons probably persuaded him.
05:43 The Gibeonites tricked us, let's get even with them
05:46 and they began to attack and destroy the Gibeonites.
05:49 Well, because they broke, because Saul and his sons
05:52 broke the covenant of God.
05:54 Here you've got a famine happening years later.
05:56 Now does God forget His promises?
05:59 When somebody does something right or wrong,
06:01 does the blessing or does the curse
06:03 always come immediately?
06:06 God told David, "You're going to be king,"
06:07 but didn't it take a few years before it happened?
06:10 And sometimes, someone will misbehave
06:12 like King Manasseh,
06:14 but later when Nebuchadnezzar came
06:15 and destroyed the city,
06:16 Manasseh had been dead for years.
06:18 He said, "It's because of the blood that Manasseh shed."
06:21 God keeps in the accurate record of things
06:23 and sometimes the judgment comes later.
06:26 Sometimes, He's so patient.
06:27 Three or four generations go by, then the judgment comes.
06:31 Well, now years after Saul was dead but his sons,
06:34 these are the sons of his concubines,
06:36 because Saul not only had his wife
06:38 and he had three sons...
06:40 four sons with his wife.
06:42 But he ended up having other sons
06:44 through the concubines.
06:46 And David said, "What shall we do
06:49 to end the famine because they broke the covenant
06:51 that we made with the Gibeonites?"
06:53 He said that those seven sons must be executed.
06:58 They conspired, they were accomplices,
06:59 encouraging their father to attack the Gibeonites.
07:02 And so finally, David reluctantly does that.
07:05 And then it says that they prayed for the land
07:08 and after the harvest came, which is the other six months,
07:12 the rains came.
07:13 And so if you've ever wondered about that story,
07:16 that's where someone said, "Why would you punish the sons
07:20 for what Saul did?"
07:21 Well, these were adult sons who had encouraged their father
07:24 to attack the Gibeonites.
07:26 Now you read on now,
07:27 you go to the same chapter, verse 15.
07:30 And here, you've got the record of this final war
07:33 with the sons of Goliath.
07:35 David is still mopping up
07:36 the last of his enemies, you know.
07:38 It's really interesting after David killed Goliath,
07:40 for while, he lived in Gath.
07:41 Wouldn't that have been strange?
07:43 And David is carrying the sword of Goliath around
07:47 while he lives in Gath.
07:50 But Goliath had sons,
07:53 they never quite forgot what David had done.
07:56 It says the Philistines were at war.
07:58 I'm in 2 Samuel 21:15 if you wanted to look.
08:01 "The Philistines were at war again with Israel
08:03 and David and the servants went down
08:05 and fought against the Philistines,
08:08 and David grew faint.
08:11 Then Ishbi-Benob
08:15 who was one of the sons of the giant,
08:17 the weight of whose bronze spear was 300 shekels,
08:22 who is bearing the new sword, thought he could kill David."
08:27 And so David's getting old, you know,
08:29 when David was young, you just couldn't stop him.
08:32 I just saw it, I haven't touched this thing
08:33 for a while but I think it's got...
08:35 Yeah.
08:37 Now, you read about the sword of Goliath,
08:40 and the Bible says the sword of Goliath, you know,
08:42 I could never get away with this in a public school,
08:44 they'd be carrying me out right now
08:46 but you could do it in the church.
08:50 Isn't that right?
08:53 But these old swords were heavy.
08:55 And here, David is like 55, 60 years old
08:58 and he starts fighting these guys.
09:00 And he got into a battle with one of the sons of Goliath.
09:03 Now you'll notice, it talks about
09:04 the size of his spear head,
09:06 it's only half the size of Goliath's spear head
09:09 but it's still enormous.
09:10 Average soldier couldn't pick it up.
09:12 So David is trying to fight this guy
09:14 and he's going faint.
09:16 And the soldiers realize,
09:17 he's losing for the first time in his life.
09:20 And so along comes Abishai.
09:23 I like good old Abishai, he was always at David side.
09:26 Remember he is always the one that said, "Let me kill him."
09:29 He wanted to kill Shimei, he wanted to kill Saul,
09:31 but he was the bodyguard of David.
09:33 And Abishai saved his life, killed the giant's son
09:37 and they told David from that point on, they said,
09:40 "You shall," they swore by the Lord, his soldiers said,
09:43 "You will not go out to battle with us any more,"
09:45 up until this point, and he's like 55, 60.
09:48 David is going into the battle on the frontlines
09:52 with his soldiers, fighting side by side with them.
09:57 But finally, he's getting weak and they said,
09:59 "Otherwise you will quench the lamp of Israel.
10:02 You are our prophet, you are our king,
10:05 you are our judge, we can't afford to lose you."
10:09 And then you notice that they not only killed this son,
10:13 they kill these other four sons of the giant.
10:17 And from this point on,
10:18 you can check on me, in the Bible,
10:19 you will not find the word giant mentioned again.
10:23 David and his soldiers,
10:24 it talks about David's mighty men,
10:26 and it gives that interesting chronicle of the mighty men.
10:28 By the way, I just talked about Adonijah who killed this giant,
10:33 or Abishai rather who killed the giant.
10:36 He killed 300 at one time.
10:38 You'll find that in Chronicles
10:40 and he was guarding a pass somewhere,
10:42 and as the enemy came, he killed 300 of them
10:44 one at a time.
10:46 And you can read about where Abishai led his soldiers
10:48 and they killed 18,000 Edomites.
10:51 And he was a tremendous, he was almost like Samson.
10:55 And he has these 30 mighty men that had incredible exploits,
10:58 they were all just outstanding soldiers.
11:01 It tells about them,
11:02 "They dispatched the rest of the giants."
11:04 Giants are not mentioned again in the Bible.
11:06 And David and his mighty men represent Jesus
11:10 and His servants, and that's you and me.
11:12 We are to be the servants that fight alongside of Christ.
11:15 Now at this point, when you get to 2 Samuel 22,
11:20 it's all dedicated to a psalm of victory over the enemies.
11:24 And you'll find that's exactly the same as Psalm 18.
11:28 So when you read 2 Samuel 22,
11:30 this song of deliverance and praise,
11:32 it's telling when David wrote Psalm 18,
11:35 you'll find that repeated in your Bible.
11:38 Then a strange story comes along.
11:40 Well, I've got to cover a lot, so I'm moving pretty quick.
11:44 This is often talked about as the other big sin of David.
11:47 We all know about the terrible debacle
11:50 with Bathsheba and Uriah.
11:53 It says, "When he numbered Israel, it's listed as a sin."
11:58 And you read in 1 Chronicles 21,
12:01 it's also in 2 Samuel.
12:03 "And Satan stood up against Israel
12:06 and provoked David to number Israel."
12:09 Now this is interesting that for no other reason,
12:11 because you only find Satan mentioned a handful of times
12:15 in the Old Testament.
12:17 You find the reference in Zechariah,
12:19 you find the reference in Job,
12:21 and you find this reference here in the story of David.
12:25 The word is translated "the adversary"
12:27 and that's what the word Satan means.
12:30 He stood up and he tempted David
12:32 to number Israel.
12:34 And he realized something is going on here that is wrong
12:38 because so what's wrong with taking a census?
12:41 He want to figure out, even our government does a census.
12:44 Moses once did a census to count
12:46 how many soldiers were in the army,
12:48 so why was this such a bad thing?
12:51 Doesn't a good shepherd count his sheep?
12:54 I mean, how else does that shepherd know he had 100 sheep,
12:57 only 99 show up at the fold,
12:58 he's got to go look for one that's missing,
13:00 got to count your sheep.
13:02 But it depends on why you're counting them.
13:04 Now David was doing something that he had never done before.
13:08 Every other time in David's life
13:09 when he went into battle, did David trust
13:12 how big the army was or did he trust the Lord?
13:15 When he went against Goliath, what did he say?
13:18 "You come against me with a sword, a spear, and a shield
13:20 but I come against you with the Lord."
13:22 And Jonathan said, "There's no restraint
13:24 for the Lord to deliver by few or by many."
13:28 And Moses had promised,
13:30 "One of you will chase a thousand."
13:32 And several times in the story of David,
13:35 you can read where David fought back to back with...
13:38 one of his soldiers, I'm trying to remember his name,
13:40 his father... Eliezer, that's it.
13:42 Eliezer, the son of Dodo.
13:43 I always remember Dodo but that wasn't his name,
13:45 that was his father's name.
13:47 He fought with David and they fought off
13:49 the Philistine army, the two of them back to back.
13:51 I mean, so David's always trusted the Lord,
13:53 the numbers didn't matter, but now he wants to know,
13:56 "How big is my army?"
13:58 And it's a question of pride, and he tells Joab,
14:00 "Let's see how big our army is.
14:02 I bet we're bigger than any other army."
14:05 And Joab tells him, "No, David, this is not the right spirit."
14:08 I mean, even Joab counsels him against this.
14:10 Listen to what he says,
14:11 Joab, verse 3, this is 1 Chronicles 21:3.
14:15 He said, "May the Lord add to his people 100 times
14:19 as many as they are, are they not all, my Lord,
14:22 the Kings all of them thy servants?
14:24 Why then should my Lord require this?
14:27 Why should this be a cause of guilt for Israel?"
14:31 Now if David was counting because he was afraid
14:33 some sheep are missing, that'd be different
14:35 but now he's counting for a different reason.
14:38 Good pastors need to count the sheep.
14:41 If someone's missing, you need to know.
14:44 We try to visit. You try to stay on top of it.
14:46 And that's why we need elders and each of you to help.
14:49 But when pastors get together with other pastors
14:51 and they say, "How many church members do you have?"
14:54 Well, this is how many I've got.
14:57 That's not the Spirit of God, that's the spirit of the devil.
15:01 That's pride.
15:02 And this is what was happening with David,
15:04 it's like Jeremiah 17:5,
15:07 "Cursed is the man who trusts in man
15:09 and makes flesh his strength."
15:11 And David wrote,
15:12 "Put not your trust in princes," Psalm 146,
15:15 "or in the son of man in who there is no help,
15:17 his breath goes forth in that very day,
15:19 his thoughts perish."
15:22 But David now was thinking, "How big is my army?"
15:25 So reluctantly, Joab goes out, begins to number Israel.
15:30 And he doesn't even do some of the fringes
15:32 because the whole thing was kind of disgusting to Joab
15:35 that they were doing it,
15:36 because it wasn't for the right reasons,
15:38 the nation had been prospering.
15:41 But the Bible does give the number.
15:44 David's army was 1,570,000.
15:49 Now, if you don't think that's big,
15:52 there are 300 million people in the United States
15:54 and we have a standing army right now in the US
15:56 of 1,429,000.
16:00 David's army was bigger
16:02 than the United States' standing army.
16:05 I was not counting our reserves
16:06 but talking about the standing army.
16:08 So that's a lot of soldiers.
16:10 The Lord had really blessed him.
16:12 But after David did it,
16:14 he was convicted by the Holy Spirit.
16:15 He thought, "Man, why, what came, I was so proud?
16:17 What came over me?"
16:18 And a curse, and the people became proud.
16:21 A plague was going to go through the land of Israel.
16:23 And matter of fact, David was given a rough task.
16:26 Prophet came to him, he says,
16:27 "I'm going to give you three choices."
16:30 And he said, "Do you want to be pursued by your enemy,
16:34 "And I forget them, all three choice, but one was,"
16:37 or do you want pestilence to come through the land.
16:39 And David said, "I don't want to fall into the hand of man.
16:44 But God is merciful, let me fall into your hands."
16:46 So God sent three days of terrible pestilence,
16:49 went through the land, and 70,000 people died
16:54 through this plague that went through the land.
16:56 Now that's not uncommon.
16:57 Sometimes they used to have a bubonic plague
16:59 or different plagues that would sweep very...
17:00 It was a pandemic of some sort that went through the land,
17:04 and 70,000 people died.
17:06 He still had an army of 1.5 million people
17:11 if it was only soldiers that died, I'm sure it wasn't.
17:14 And so as this angel of destruction,
17:18 you ever heard these stories and fables
17:20 about the death angel or the angel of death?
17:23 Comes from a couple of stories in the Bible,
17:26 Passover, angel of death went through Egypt.
17:29 In the days of Hezekiah,
17:30 the Assyrians were about to attack Jerusalem,
17:32 he prayed and the angel of death
17:34 went through the Syrian camp and killed 185,000 in one day.
17:40 And now this angel of death is coming through the land,
17:43 David actually sees the angel, he sees the angel
17:47 after he's gone through northern Israel.
17:48 And there's been this terrible plague
17:50 and he's gotten word of all these people
17:51 that are dying over this short period.
17:53 He sees this angel with a sword drawn
17:55 in his hand over Jerusalem,
17:57 and David prays and said, "Lord!
17:59 Lord! Please spare your people.
18:01 It was me, why are they suffering for my sin?"
18:04 Well, the answer to that question is
18:07 the people of Israel have now twice rebelled against David.
18:10 Once under Sheba and once under Absalom,
18:16 and so there's a plague that's also coming on them.
18:19 But David is pleading,
18:20 he is interceding as Jesus is our King, and our judge,
18:23 and our intercessor, he says, "Take it out on me."
18:26 This is what David says.
18:27 He said, "It's my sin, take it out on me.
18:29 What have these sheep done?"
18:30 He's still thinking like a shepherd.
18:33 And God says, "All right, you need to make an offering."
18:38 He says, "Go to the threshing floor
18:40 of Ornan, the Jebusite.
18:42 Now, the Jebusite, still even though
18:44 David conquered Jerusalem,
18:45 some of them still lived in Jerusalem.
18:47 One of them was a very noble gentleman,
18:50 he is threshing wheat on this big flat area.
18:54 David can see this angel with the sword drawn.
18:57 And amazing thing, it says, "Ornan looked up
18:59 and saw the angel with the sword drawn
19:01 and he kept threshing wheat, his sons went and hid."
19:05 Here's a man who is not afraid of very much.
19:08 He figured, "Well, God wants to take me,
19:10 He'll take me but I've got to finish with this wheat,
19:12 if I'm going to live, I'm going to live."
19:15 And so he was working.
19:17 And David goes up to him and he says,
19:19 "The Lord's told me, I need to make an offering to Him,
19:21 and He wants me to do it here.
19:23 Sell me your threshing floor.
19:25 A threshing floor is a big flat area
19:27 where they used to take the wheat, it was up on a hill
19:30 and they'd shovel the wheat after they beat it,
19:32 the chaff would blow away, the good wheat would fall down,
19:34 you needed a big flat area with a smooth paved surface.
19:40 And there was this big corner area of Jerusalem
19:44 and he owned this, he was a very wealthy man.
19:47 David said, "Let me buy it.
19:48 I need to offer to the Lord here,"
19:49 because this is the spot where Abraham offered Isaac,
19:54 it's the same mountain.
19:56 And this is the place where Melchizedek brought out
20:00 bread and wine to Abraham.
20:04 Melchizedek, a type of Christ,
20:07 Abraham offering his son, a type of Christ,
20:10 and now David interceding for the people,
20:13 same place, type of Christ.
20:16 And Ornan says, "I'll give it to the King.
20:18 Not only will I give it, I will give the instruments,
20:22 I will give the oxen for sacrifice."
20:25 And it says that Ornan dealt like a king with David.
20:27 And David said, "No."
20:28 And this is a statement
20:29 you don't want to quickly forget.
20:31 David said, "I will not give an offering
20:34 to the Lord of something that doesn't cost me anything."
20:38 Is that a sacrifice?
20:40 If I pick your pocket
20:41 and put it in the offering plate,
20:44 is that a sacrifice?
20:45 That's how the government does things
20:47 because really the government is very generous
20:50 with your money.
20:52 And I kind of resent,
20:53 I don't want to get too political
20:54 but I do kind of resent
20:55 that because the government has now taken it
20:58 upon themselves to care for the poor and everything,
21:00 it's like they believe that it's the right thing to do,
21:04 but the people cannot be good enough,
21:06 they're not trusted to be good enough to do it.
21:08 And so what the churches in America used to do,
21:12 the government says, "We will take the money
21:14 and we will do it."
21:15 And what it's done, it's taken it away,
21:17 the love and the giving has been taken away
21:19 from the people and it's become politicized.
21:24 When King Saul got into trouble,
21:26 you know what happened?
21:27 He conquered the Amalekites, he took the Amalekites,
21:32 and he offered it to the Lord,
21:34 and he was supposed to destroy it.
21:36 It's really easy for me to steal from you
21:38 and make an offering.
21:40 Is that really a sacrifice?
21:44 And so David said, "I'm not going to give
21:46 something to the Lord that which doesn't cost me."
21:50 If it doesn't cost you, it's not really a sacrifice,
21:53 is it?
21:54 And he insisted, he said, "I will buy it."
21:57 And so he sold it to the King.
21:58 I think, probably at a good price.
22:01 And the king then made an offering there.
22:03 And as a result of his offering,
22:06 the angel of judgment, the plague was stopped.
22:10 And you can read in 1 Chronicles 21:26,
22:13 "And David build an altar to the Lord
22:15 and he offered burnt offerings and peace offerings
22:18 and called on the Lord.
22:19 And He answered him from heaven by fire on the altar
22:24 of burnt offering."
22:25 Now some of you were at our dedication,
22:27 I quoted this verse because
22:28 it's a very significant passage.
22:31 Most of the time when people made an offering,
22:33 the priest would build a fire.
22:36 A few times in the Bible,
22:37 they put the sacrifice on the altar
22:40 and in a miraculous singular way,
22:43 fire came from heaven.
22:45 When Elijah prayed on Mount Carmel,
22:48 fire came down from God.
22:50 When Moses dedicated
22:52 the old tabernacle in the wilderness,
22:54 fire came down from God out of heaven.
22:56 When Solomon later dedicates
22:58 the temple build on this location,
23:00 fire comes down from God out of heaven.
23:02 So this was a great and a powerful demonstration
23:06 of God's approval.
23:07 When Abel offered the sacrifice,
23:10 fire came down, nothing came for Cain.
23:13 And so this was a sign that God had approved and accepted,
23:17 the plague was stopped but furthermore,
23:19 this was the place now that God was saying,
23:22 He wanted the people to bring their offerings.
23:24 Up to this point, they had all been waiting.
23:27 When they enter the promised land, God said,
23:29 "I will tell you where but I am going to choose a place
23:33 where I want it to be the ultimate city of refuge."
23:38 Now around the land of Israel,
23:40 they have these places strategically,
23:41 there are roads that were different cities.
23:45 Where if a person got in trouble
23:47 and they wanted to get a judgment,
23:49 if they killed someone accidentally
23:50 rather than have the avenger of blood kill them,
23:54 they could flee to a city of refuge
23:56 and they'd be safe there.
23:57 And there were six cities of refuge
23:59 around the land of Israel.
24:01 But there was none near Jerusalem.
24:03 Jerusalem ended up becoming a city of refuge.
24:06 If you want more about that, I can give you some examples
24:09 where it was used that way, but it also became the place
24:12 where they would later come to celebrate their feasts.
24:15 It became the holy city really at this point.
24:17 So when David prayed and fire came down in Jerusalem,
24:21 this was the real christening event of that city
24:25 being chosen by God.
24:27 Because up to that point, you realize the tabernacle
24:30 wasn't always in Jerusalem, it was at Shiloh,
24:33 and it was in the House of Obed-Edom,
24:34 and the tent of Moses was still moving around.
24:38 This is where God said, "This is the place
24:39 that I've chosen."
24:41 And, but you remember David said,
24:44 "Lord, I want to build You a temple."
24:45 And David said, "You can't build the temple for me
24:48 because you've been a bloody man,
24:49 not only a man of war and you shed a lot of blood
24:51 but you also are guilty of innocent blood.
24:55 And what happened with Uriah,
24:57 I can't have you build my temple,
24:59 but this is where I want it built."
25:01 And so that was the place from then on
25:03 where they sacrificed.
25:05 And you can read here where at this point,
25:11 it tells us David is aging.
25:13 And you go to 1 Kings 1,
25:17 you've gotten to the end of Chronicle.
25:20 By the way,
25:22 so who pays for the threshing floor of Ornan?
25:26 David does.
25:28 Who pays for the temple of the Lord?
25:32 Jesus pays for you being a temple.
25:36 So you got a couple of temples here.
25:38 Remember, Jesus one time said in the Gospel of John,
25:40 "Destroy this temple made with hands
25:42 and in three days, I will make one without hands?"
25:45 But he spoke of his body.
25:48 And who is the cornerstone in the spiritual body?
25:52 No other foundation can any man lay
25:54 except that which is laid which is Jesus Christ.
25:57 Jesus is the cornerstone.
25:59 Jesus laid down his life,
26:01 He paid the cost to build the house of the Lord,
26:05 for the foundation and the whole building.
26:07 So David, a type of Christ, he pays for the foundation
26:11 for where the temple is going to be,
26:12 and you'll see later, he pays for the whole thing.
26:15 So David again is a type of Christ.
26:18 Now 1 Kings, I told you, Chapter 1
26:21 begins by telling us David is getting old.
26:25 Now King David was old and advanced in years,
26:29 and although they covered him with clothes,
26:31 he could not get warm.
26:33 Now sometimes, you get a fever temporarily,
26:35 and you go shaking, they put covers on you,
26:37 you'll sweat it out and you're okay.
26:39 But this was something different,
26:41 David just couldn't get warm.
26:43 I called Dr. De Rose the other day and I said,
26:46 "You know, I got a couple of theories
26:47 but you're doctor.
26:48 And Sonny was in the car, they're both medical people.
26:50 I said, "What could possibly have caused this?"
26:54 Well, one thing could have been hypothyroidism
26:58 and can leave you cold all the time,
27:00 as you get older and you lose muscle mass.
27:01 So you sometimes could get a little colder,
27:03 if you got low blood pressure.
27:05 I'm cold all the time.
27:07 I've got very low blood pressure actually.
27:09 And the doctor I go in, last night I was in,
27:11 he said, "Are you a vegan?"
27:13 Doctor actually asked me that.
27:14 I said, "Why do you ask this?
27:16 Your blood pressure is really low which is a good thing.
27:18 I'm cold but I'm healthy.
27:20 So, don't worry.
27:24 I'm not going to ask for an Abhishag, you know what,
27:27 I haven't gotten into that yet.
27:29 They couldn't get him warm.
27:32 I thought that Dr. De Ros was going to say the reason
27:35 David was cold is because it became
27:36 a government health care and that's why.
27:41 "He was old and advanced in years
27:42 and although they covered him with clothes,
27:44 he could not get warm
27:46 and so they sought for a beautiful young woman."
27:49 Now in our home, in the winter time,
27:51 Karen and I have an electric blanket.
27:53 I think it's still plugged in,
27:54 we're not using it now because it's warmed up.
27:56 We got an electric blanket, it's kind of nice, you know,
27:58 when the house is cold, you call in to warm.
28:01 Don't look at me like that, how many of you
28:02 have electric blankets?
28:04 Okay, I know. I'm not the only one.
28:06 Yes, even in Sacramento, we do have a few cold days.
28:10 And so, but back then,
28:13 they didn't have electricity, you all knew that.
28:16 And he was cold and so, you know,
28:19 the Bible says two lying together
28:22 are better than one because you can stay warm.
28:25 You know, it says that in Proverbs.
28:27 And so they said, "Well, let there be a search
28:30 and let's find a beautiful young woman,"
28:32 because you know, they're young,
28:34 you got great circulation.
28:37 "Through all the territory of Israel,
28:39 and they found Abhishag, the Shunammite.
28:42 Now, some of you remember,
28:43 Elisha stayed with a great woman of Shunammite,
28:46 it's up in the north.
28:48 And they were a people,
28:49 they were not regular Israelites,
28:50 but they had adopted the God of Israel
28:52 and they were very bright and very beautiful people.
28:55 If you later read in the Bible,
28:58 Solomon in the Song of Solomon,
28:59 he talks about the Shunammite.
29:03 And there's some who theorize
29:05 that Abishag was a very young woman,
29:07 she never knew David.
29:09 Her job was basically to get into bed with him,
29:13 to cuddle him and try to get him to stop shaking
29:16 because he was cold all the time.
29:18 And she took care of him, you know,
29:20 and she really became an attendant to David
29:23 but, you know, was very personal
29:25 and that she would hug him and try and get him warm.
29:29 And they brought her to the king,
29:31 the young woman was very beautiful
29:33 and she was of service to the king
29:35 and attended to him,
29:36 but the king knew her not, she was a virgin.
29:39 Now he might be interested to know that the word Abishag
29:44 in Hebrew means pretty little hot water bottle,
29:47 isn't that amazing?
29:49 I bet you would never have known that.
29:52 You don't believe me.
29:54 No, but, you know, I do think there's a very...
29:57 There's a very interesting spiritual point here.
29:59 Here you've got...
30:00 Who does David represent in our analogies?
30:02 Jesus.
30:04 And he has a virgin that becomes his bride,
30:07 that remains a virgin.
30:10 And you sort of see those parallels through history.
30:13 So that's interesting in itself.
30:16 Now, you know, I was reading the book,
30:19 Patriarchs and Prophets.
30:21 What's happening with David,
30:22 because he's not 70 years old yet,
30:24 and here's this giant killer and he goes faint in battle,
30:28 he can't get warm.
30:30 And you read there, it says, "Many cares and wars
30:33 had sap the fountain of life."
30:36 Another commentator wrote,
30:38 "But David's strength was impaired
30:40 and his natural force abated by his many wars fatigues
30:44 by night and day in campaigns and the many sorrows
30:48 and afflictions he met from his family and his friends,
30:51 as well as his enemies that exhausted him
30:54 aging him prematurely."
30:56 So David, look at what he went through.
30:58 He spent years running for his life,
31:00 he was the, you know, he was living in caves,
31:04 he was, you know, had problems at home.
31:08 He fought constant battles with all the enemies,
31:11 he was victorious but it drains you after a while.
31:14 And the constant stresses, having his children rebel,
31:17 he had another child that died and all these things,
31:21 it had just worn him out.
31:23 And that's supported by the commentators
31:26 led by the Spirit of Prophecy
31:27 and so it kind of prematurely aged him.
31:30 David is the one who wrote that typically
31:32 our days are three score in ten,
31:34 and yet if by strength we happen to live four score,
31:38 sometimes there's aches and pains,
31:41 so I'm paraphrasing that.
31:44 Now as David is weak and he's in bed
31:47 and he can barely get up and get around,
31:50 one of his sons, Adonijah, the younger brother of Absalom,
31:54 he thinks that this is the moment.
31:56 Since no one's been chosen as King,
31:58 rumor is that Solomon is David's favor,
32:02 Nathan the prophet is training Solomon to be king,
32:05 he was sort of the tutor.
32:07 And Adonijah, this other handsome son of David,
32:11 the younger brother of Absalom,
32:15 probably also very handsome,
32:17 he's next in line to reign as far as age
32:20 and he thinks to take it upon himself.
32:22 He said, "Look, David is kind of getting old,
32:23 I have to take care of this myself."
32:25 So he gets together with Joab, and he said,
32:27 "You want that young bookworm Solomon, he's a poet,
32:29 he's righting proverbs, you want him to be king?"
32:32 He said, "These other kids, they're not prepared,
32:35 I'm the one that should be king."
32:36 And then he goes to Abiathar, the priest, he says,
32:38 "I should be the king," and he talks them into it.
32:42 He said, "David's getting old, you know, look at him,
32:45 he's shaking all the time."
32:47 And somehow Adonijah through his cunning
32:50 and through his persuasion he gets Joab
32:53 and he gets Abiathar, the priest to support him.
32:58 He prepares 50 horses to run before him,
33:01 does that sound familiar?
33:02 It's exactly what Absalom did.
33:05 He's starting to make himself
33:06 out to be the next in line, to be the king.
33:09 He's got this entourage running around,
33:10 finally he picks a day and he says,
33:13 I'm going to send out invitations, invite everybody,
33:15 I'm gonna sort of have my own coronation.
33:17 Invites all these people of the kingdom
33:18 and they're all starting to sing,
33:20 "Long live, King Adonijah."
33:22 Now David is still alive, he's in Jerusalem.
33:25 This is on the outskirts of town,
33:27 they go to I think it's Gihon.
33:29 And they're all celebrating Adonijah.
33:33 And pretty soon the word reaches Bathsheba.
33:36 Everyone's invited,
33:37 all the king's sons were invited except Solomon,
33:40 that's not a good sign.
33:44 And...
33:50 Nathan, the prophet is not invited
33:51 because he's been training Solomon to be king,
33:53 Bathsheba is not invited.
33:56 Abiathar, Zadok, the priest is not invited,
33:59 there were kind of two priests back then.
34:01 And they go into David, Bathsheba goes into David
34:04 and she said, "My Lord, the king,
34:06 did you say that Adonijah should reign?
34:09 Didn't you say my son Solomon should reign?"
34:11 David said, "Absolutely."
34:13 And she said, "But Adonijah just had a party
34:15 and they're all saying, "Long live King Adonijah."
34:17 And when you die if you don't settle this,"
34:19 she says, "We're done for.
34:22 We've not been invited, that's not a good sign."
34:25 And then Nathan, the prophet comes in,
34:27 he says the same thing to the king.
34:29 And David, all of a sudden he sits himself up in bed,
34:33 and you remember when Absalom tried to be king,
34:34 he ran for it.
34:36 David now knows that God has said
34:38 Solomon should be king, he doesn't have to run for it.
34:41 He becomes very lucid and he said,
34:43 "Here's what you need to do," he says, "I'm swearing to you
34:46 that your son is gonna be king.
34:47 God has told me so I know it's going to happen."
34:49 Just like God promised Abraham and Abraham believed
34:53 and it gave him confidence,
34:54 David knows he doesn't have to worry about this.
34:57 He says, "I'm gonna do it right now, I'm still king.
35:00 I'm still alive,"
35:02 he said, "I want you to put Solomon on my mule,"
35:05 and it was a very unique white beautifully decorated mule,
35:09 everyone knew David's mule.
35:12 "I want you to go down to Gihon, blow the trumpets,
35:17 get Benaiah," the leader of the army.
35:19 He had sort of taken over for Joab.
35:22 "I want you to get Zadok, the priest,
35:23 I want you to pour the anointing oil.
35:25 No one's anointed Adonijah, I want you to anoint Solomon.
35:30 Put the law in his hand and then announce that
35:32 he's king and there everyone's gonna see that I'll sit up
35:35 and all raise my hands and I'll praise God
35:37 and I will endorse Solomon."
35:39 So they do that
35:40 and pretty soon word spreads through Jerusalem
35:43 that Solomon has been chosen by David
35:45 and everybody is singing and the priest is there
35:47 and they put the oil on his head and that was,
35:49 that was the important thing.
35:52 And it says the city was rant
35:53 with the sound of everybody celebrating.
35:56 Well, the party pavilion where Adonijah is celebrating,
36:00 they said, "We hear noise, what's the noise?"
36:02 And the messenger comes in and Adonijah just says,
36:04 "Oh, you brought good news, is it?"
36:05 "No, I haven't."
36:07 And the city's in an uproar
36:09 because David has chosen Solomon to be a king
36:11 and everybody is celebrating and saying,
36:13 "Long live, King Solomon.
36:15 And may the reign of Solomon be even greater
36:18 than the reign of David."
36:19 And everybody who had come to Adonijah's party,
36:23 you just say the party was over.
36:26 They realize they are going to be seen as rebels
36:29 by this new king and they all very quietly left.
36:34 Adonijah then, he goes to the temple
36:37 where the tent was,
36:39 he gets a hold of the horns of the altar
36:41 and he stay in there and they said,
36:42 "Adonijah, your brother go to Solomon's,"
36:44 and Adonijah, your brother's
36:46 clinging to the horns of the altar
36:48 and he said, "Please, don't slay me."
36:50 And Solomon said...
36:52 He proves himself to be a worthy man,
36:53 "Not a hair of his head will fall to the ground."
36:55 He probably had thick hair like Absalom,
36:57 that's why he said that.
36:59 And Solomon dealt with Adonijah later
37:04 because he's conspired one more time
37:06 and he was executed
37:08 but, that ends up with the four sons
37:11 that David loses that was foretold.
37:15 So David gets to see Solomon sitting on the throne
37:18 and David lifts his hand, he praises Lord, he says,
37:20 "Praise God, who's allowed me to live
37:23 and see your promise fulfilled,"
37:26 'cause God had promised David,
37:27 "You will not fail to have a man sit on the throne
37:30 until the Messiah comes."
37:32 And he sees the next in succession
37:34 and he's encouraged by that.
37:36 Now Solomon, we're not sure,
37:37 he may have been 25 to 30 years of age at this time,
37:41 so he's still comparatively young.
37:43 You remember when he begins to reign, he says,
37:45 "I'm just a child, I don't know how to go out
37:47 or to come in."
37:48 So Adonijah's rebellion is put down
37:52 but David's not done yet.
37:53 He still had a few good days
37:54 where he get up and move around,
37:56 maybe in the summertime it was a little warmer.
37:59 And you read in 1 Chronicles 29,
38:01 he gets all the elders together.
38:04 And he says, "This is the most important thing on my heart
38:08 is the building up of God's kingdom."
38:11 He says, "Now for the house of my God,
38:14 I have prepared with all of my might.
38:17 Gold for the things of gold to be made of gold,
38:20 silver for the things of silver,
38:22 bronze for the things of bronze,
38:23 iron for the things of iron, wood for the things of woods,
38:25 onyx stones, stones to be set,
38:28 glistening stones of various colors,
38:30 all kinds of precious stones and marble slabs in abundance."
38:34 Now, why is he got all this equipment?
38:36 He is getting all the materials together
38:39 to build a house for God, a beautiful house.
38:42 He looks out the window and he sees
38:43 the ark of God is in a tent,
38:46 and he wants to build up a beautiful house for God.
38:49 "I have given to the house of my God over above
38:52 that I prepare for the house, the holy house
38:54 of my own special treasure of gold and silver."
38:58 And he so inspirers them.
39:00 And when he saw that ended up,
39:02 he literally gave, I'm not exaggerating,
39:04 tons of gold and silver and gems
39:09 to be put into the temple of God.
39:11 I've always wondered why, when they talk about
39:13 the ancient wonders of the world,
39:14 they don't list the temple of Solomon,
39:16 because the temple that Solomon built
39:18 had so much precious metal and gold in it,
39:20 it was phenomenal.
39:22 I mean, it does comment, when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed
39:24 Solomon's temple that they couldn't even tally
39:27 all the bronze that had been put into it.
39:30 So after David does this, he says,
39:32 "Look, I've taken everything I've amassed over the years
39:36 by conquering these nations," whenever he'd conquer them,
39:38 it said talk about the treasure and the revenue
39:40 and the taxes that came in,
39:42 and there was just warehouses full of riches.
39:45 David said, "I want this to go to build up the house of God.
39:48 All these other pagan nations
39:49 have their gods that aren't gods.
39:51 We're going to have a house
39:52 dedicated to the service of God
39:53 that's gonna be unlike anything else."
39:55 That was his passion.
39:56 What's the passion of Jesus?
40:00 Didn't Jesus...
40:01 What was Jesus' job?
40:03 Carpenter.
40:04 What did He build? A temple.
40:07 You are that temple.
40:09 We are living stones in the temple of God,
40:11 isn't that what the Bible says?
40:12 Christ is a foundation stone.
40:14 He said, "We're part of the body of Christ."
40:17 Jesus came to build a house.
40:19 You and I are the house that Jesus built.
40:22 And so the passion of David was to build up the house,
40:24 the passion of Jesus was to build up the house
40:27 to give glory to God.
40:28 That's why He's working in our lives every day,
40:30 so we might become like Him and give Him glory.
40:33 Amen? Amen.
40:35 And then after he gives, it says in 1 Chronicles 29:6,
40:40 "The leaders of the father's house
40:42 and the leaders of the tribes of Israel
40:43 and the captains of thousands and hundreds
40:46 with the officers offered willingly."
40:49 They were so inspired by David's sacrifice
40:52 that they also gave.
40:53 And so this warehouse is full of treasure
40:56 to build up the house of God.
40:58 1 Chronicles 29, David then praise,
41:02 "Now therefore our God, we thank You
41:04 and we praise Your glorious name,
41:06 but who am I and what are my people
41:09 that we should be able to offer so willingly is this,
41:12 for all things come from You
41:14 and of Your own we have given You.
41:16 Oh, Lord, our God,
41:18 all this abundance that we have prepared
41:20 to build You a house for Your holy name
41:22 is from Your hand and it is all Your own."
41:26 Now I'd be a miss
41:27 if I didn't use this opportunity to remind you,
41:29 that's something we're involved in now,
41:31 trying to build up the house of God,
41:33 to get the message in all the world.
41:34 Amen?
41:35 And when we give to God, are we giving Him our stuff
41:38 or we just returning what's already His?
41:42 Isn't that what David said.
41:44 Now, we get to the last words of David.
41:46 You can find this in both Chronicles
41:48 and 2 Samuel 23:1.
41:52 "These are the last words of David,
41:54 thus says David, the son of Jesse,
41:56 thus is the man raised up on high,
41:58 the anointed of the God of Jacob
42:01 and the sweet Psalmist of Israel..."
42:02 He's talking about himself,
42:03 but he knew that God spoke for him,
42:05 through him.
42:06 He says, "The spirit of the Lord spoke by me
42:10 and His word was on my tongue.
42:12 The God of Israel said, the rock of Israel spoke to me.
42:16 He... "And here's what he says,
42:18 "He who rules over men must be just ruling in the fear of God
42:23 and He will be like the light of the morning
42:25 when the sun rises, a morning without clouds,
42:28 like the tender grass springing from the earth,
42:30 like the clear shining after the rain."
42:34 So some of his final words, he gives the charge to Solomon.
42:38 He tells Solomon in what was a private meeting probably
42:42 that was later recorded,
42:43 "There's some things you need to mop up
42:45 after I'm gone.
42:47 There are some people who are still guilty out there
42:49 that are going to be a threat to you,
42:50 you need to take care of."
42:52 And David tells Solomon how to deal with those things
42:55 and you can read about it, and Solomon does
42:57 and he ends up with 40 years of a peaceful kingdom.
43:01 And then he goes on and says in 1 Kings 2,
43:04 "David rested with his fathers
43:06 and was buried in the City of David
43:09 and the period that David
43:10 reigned over Israel was 40 years."
43:14 Jesus said this generation will not pass away
43:17 till all these things be fulfilled.
43:19 Jesus talks about a 40 year period of time.
43:22 And it goes on to say,
43:23 "He was 33 years in Jerusalem, seven years in Hebron."
43:27 How old was Jesus when He died? Thirty three and a half.
43:32 "And Solomon sat on the throne of his father David
43:35 and the kingdom was firmly established."
43:38 You know, in conclusion of our series on David,
43:41 the thing that I think we should remember
43:44 is the Bible tells us
43:45 that David was a man after God's own heart.
43:48 I'm actually quoting Paul in the New Testament.
43:51 "After removing Saul He made David their king.
43:54 He testified concerning him,
43:57 I have found David, the son of Jesse,
43:59 in him a man after my own heart.
44:02 And he will do everything I want him to do."
44:05 Now I thought that was strange.
44:07 You would say that,
44:08 "How could David be a man after God's own heart,
44:09 didn't he blow it a few times?"
44:12 But you know, the Bible record is, He says,
44:14 "David kept my commandments."
44:17 Look at 1 Kings 14:8,
44:20 "You have not been like my servant David
44:22 who kept my commandments and followed me
44:24 with all of his heart
44:25 doing only that which was right in my eyes."
44:27 What's the great commandment that God gives us?
44:30 Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all...
44:33 It's in the Old Testament, Jesus repeats it in the new.
44:36 David loved the Lord with all of his heart.
44:38 It's good to know David's life is not being judged
44:41 by that serious defect
44:44 in numbering Israel or with Bathsheba.
44:48 God's looking at the panorama of his life
44:51 and did he end with the love for the Lord.
44:54 You know, I wondered, why does it say
44:56 that David was a man after God's own heart?
44:58 And I started to itemize
45:00 some of the characteristics of David.
45:03 David was forgiving, Jesus is forgiving.
45:06 I mean, Saul tried to kill him several times
45:07 and David kept forgiving.
45:09 He was willing to forgive his own son.
45:10 He was forgiving, you all agree?
45:11 Yes. David was obedient.
45:14 Psalm 119, "Give me an understanding
45:17 and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart."
45:21 David was humble. He let Shimei curse him.
45:26 Psalm 62, "Lowborn men are
45:29 but a breath and highborn are just a lie."
45:32 David understood that power can corrupt.
45:37 He was a generous man,
45:38 donates most of his vast wealth to build the house of God.
45:43 He says in Psalm 54,
45:44 "I will freely sacrifice to you."
45:47 And then I started looking at the characteristics of David
45:49 and it made me go to Galatians.
45:51 You know what Galatians says the fruit of the Spirit is?
45:55 Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
45:57 self control, gentleness.
46:00 Was David loving?
46:01 David said, "I love you, Lord, my strength."
46:04 It's showing you, he loved Jonathan,
46:06 he loved his son.
46:08 Did David have joy?
46:10 He danced before the Lord.
46:12 He knew about joy. Read some of the psalms.
46:16 Did David have peace? Have you read Psalm 23?
46:19 "He makes me to lie down in green pastures,
46:22 He leads me beside the still waters."
46:26 Did David have patience?
46:28 He waited for years for God
46:29 to fulfill His promise that he would be king.
46:31 He did not take it ahead of time, he waited.
46:34 He could have killed Saul, he said,
46:35 "No, it's not God's timing."
46:38 Did David have kindness?
46:40 Remember he thought about Mephibosheth,
46:42 this cripple of an enemy king
46:45 that he brings into his house and he shows him mercy.
46:49 Did David have goodness?
46:51 Again, Psalm 23,
46:52 "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
46:54 all the days of my life."
46:57 Did he have faithfulness?
46:58 When he made a covenant, did he keep his promise?
47:01 He did. Did he have gentleness?
47:04 Psalm 18:35, "Your gentleness has made me great."
47:08 What does it say about Jesus? "I am meek and lonely."
47:11 Jesus was gentle.
47:13 Did David have self control?
47:15 When they brought him water and he was thirsty,
47:18 because they risked their lives,
47:19 he poured it on the ground.
47:21 He was a man that had these gifts of the spirit.
47:25 David was respectful, he was reverent,
47:27 he was trusting,
47:29 and when he did sinned, he quickly repented.
47:32 Whenever he was shown that it was wrong,
47:34 he repented.
47:35 He was a man after God's own heart.
47:38 And so, you know, in the Bible
47:39 we see that in the life of David we see Jesus,
47:42 but we also see somebody that was very human,
47:45 that we can all relate to,
47:47 that God took from a very low place
47:50 and brought him to a very high place.
47:52 You know, we started out
47:54 poor like David and God is calling us
47:56 to the palace which is, of course,
47:58 the story of the Bible.
47:59 God takes us from poverty and He gives us riches,
48:04 and we go from this low station in life...
48:06 David wasn't even invited to the supper
48:08 when he ends up being the one that's anointed,
48:10 they didn't even think to invite him,
48:12 "Oh, he's out there following the sheep."
48:14 And God takes him and He makes him king
48:16 and he ends his life in glory.
48:18 And God is calling us to those lives.
48:21 It's like the 23 Psalm, you know how it ends?
48:26 "I would dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
48:33 Amazing facts changed lives.
48:42 You know, we grew up in a neighborhood
48:43 up in the Midwest
48:45 that was pretty bad neighborhood.
48:47 And when I became a teenager,
48:50 I started using drugs, I was on...
48:52 I started using meth when I was like,
48:54 I think 16, 15 something like that.
48:56 I was having some problems in my life,
48:58 I really didn't know how to deal with.
49:02 The only thing I really knew was violence.
49:05 So this night here I was going to inflict violence on myself.
49:09 I was really high and really depressed
49:12 so I took, you know, I had this.
49:13 40 caliber, so I remember
49:15 I put one in the chamber and I stuck it
49:16 to the side of my head like this.
49:20 And that gun had a hair trigger,
49:23 you known, I remember I was tapping it
49:26 'cause a part of me said, "No, I don't want to do this."
49:31 But there was something very evil present there saying,
49:33 "Do it."
49:34 I just said to myself, I said,
49:37 "God, if you're real show yourself to me."
49:43 My mother took me to church when I was a little kid.
49:47 And we used to sing, 'Jesus loves me'
49:49 and I remembered that song.
49:51 It started playing in my mind.
49:54 And almost had like a vision of me as a little kid.
50:00 You know, in Sabbath school
50:02 we used to bang those sticks together.
50:08 And sing, 'Jesus loves me'.
50:11 And I heard that in my mind.
50:15 So I said, "Wow."
50:19 So I just kind of, like, put the gun down
50:21 and I kind of fell on my bedside there
50:23 and I said, "Lord."
50:26 I just basically just prayed this crazy prayer.
50:29 I says, you know, I told Him everything
50:31 that was wrong with me.
50:32 And I remember one day I was driving around,
50:34 I kind of felt lost and I drove by this church
50:37 and I've seen Tom out there.
50:38 Tom was just out there watering flowers, you know.
50:42 So I caught a vision of the side of my eyes,
50:46 this big husky guy with tattoos
50:49 walking up and said, hello.
50:53 So I asked him if I can help him.
50:57 And he told me that he drives by the church occasionally.
51:03 Every time he goes by,
51:04 he's thinking that he should stop in.
51:06 After he showed me around the church...
51:10 You know, I was like,
51:11 "Okay, man, it's nice meeting you,"
51:13 and this and that.
51:15 So I jumped in my car
51:16 and I started heading down the driveway.
51:19 And the next thing, you know, in like my peripheral vision,
51:23 I see him coming around the corner
51:26 like Jerry Rice run in a football.
51:28 No, not that fast but, you know,
51:30 he was taken off after me and he says,
51:33 "Hey, hey, hey, hold on, hold on."
51:35 I asked him if he would like to have some Bible studies
51:38 and he said, "Yeah."
51:40 He would come by the house, we'd all start,
51:41 we'd start hiding a beer cans
51:43 and trying to air out the weed smell
51:46 and there was a presence that came with Tom
51:50 that was comforting.
51:52 You know what I mean?
51:53 Even though I wasn't taking the Bible studies
51:55 as serious as I should have,
51:57 looking back there was just a presence about him
52:01 being there in the house that was comforting.
52:05 I told Tom, I said,
52:06 "Tom, you know you can't win everybody."
52:08 I looked at him and I knew, I said to him,
52:11 "Rueben, I never get anybody."
52:14 I said, "The Holy Spirit will do that."
52:19 And I kind of in my heart knew
52:21 that the Holy Spirit was gonna work on Reuben.
52:23 So then Tom, kind of, left the picture for a while
52:27 and then I think, one day at my mother's house
52:29 they were watching
52:30 the final events of Bible prophecy,
52:32 so I watched that and...
52:36 I remember the scene
52:39 where they had the hellfire and stuff.
52:42 You know, they're outside the city
52:44 and it showed the hellfire coming down
52:47 and burning people and stuff.
52:49 And I remember saying to myself,
52:53 "That's where I will be right there."
52:55 After the hellfire scene, I saw the saints in the city,
53:02 in the New Jerusalem and Jesus recreating the earth.
53:06 And I said...
53:10 "I want that to be my... me and my family."
53:14 There was something about the way Doug preached
53:16 and things that I felt that touched me.
53:19 Because he's kind of like myself, you know, he's...
53:23 He didn't grow up like that, you know.
53:26 He'd done drugs and things.
53:29 So I kind of found these common grounds
53:31 that I have with him.
53:33 And I liked how he just kind of like
53:34 kept it real with his preaching.
53:35 And then Pastor Rod Lee came to the church
53:39 and I got to know him very well.
53:42 And we started doing some finishing studies.
53:46 He wanted to make sure I understand what I was doing
53:49 and things and baptized me, my wife, my brother.
53:54 No matter what you've done, where you come from,
53:59 where you've been,
54:00 no matter how bad of a sinner you think you are,
54:04 the Lord Jesus loves you no matter what you've done.
54:08 Friends, it's because of God's blessing
54:10 and your support, thousands of others
54:13 just like Reuben
54:14 have found Jesus and eternal life.
54:38 Friends, are you afraid of heights?
54:39 If so, you might want to look away right now.
54:42 One of the most famous attractions
54:44 in the San Francisco Bay Area
54:46 is the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
54:49 While this world famous bridge was named
54:51 as one of the Seven Wonders of the modern world,
54:53 few people know the story of the brave men
54:55 who were involved in its construction
54:57 and also known as The Half Way to Hell Club.
55:01 Designed by a group of visionary engineers
55:04 at 4200 feet from end to end,
55:06 the Golden Gate Bridge was at one time
55:08 the longest suspension bridge in the world.
55:11 During its construction from 1933 to 1937
55:15 the Golden Gate Bridge
55:16 had one of the best safety construction
55:18 records of any project during that time.
55:21 Keep in mind,
55:22 they would factor in and calculate
55:23 that one man would die
55:25 for every million dollars that was spent.
55:27 So with a budget of $35 million dollars,
55:29 they knew that loss of life would be unacceptable.
55:32 This is why the chief engineer Joseph B. Strauss
55:35 was absolutely adamant about using
55:37 the most rigorous safety precautions
55:39 that had ever been used in bridge building.
55:42 He had a local manufacturer of safety equipment,
55:44 design special headgear
55:46 that he insisted be worn on every job.
55:48 This became the prototype for the modern hard hat,
55:51 worn for the first time ever,
55:52 but the safety precautions went even farther.
55:55 Strauss provided a special hand and face cream
55:58 to protect their skin from the cold biting wind
56:01 and glare free goggles to protect their eyes.
56:03 In addition they also ate a special diet
56:06 to help ward off dizziness
56:08 when they were working at those epic heights.
56:10 But the most conspicuous safety precaution
56:12 was a gigantic net
56:14 that was suspended from end to end
56:16 under the entire construction area of the Golden Gate Bridge.
56:20 In fact during construction
56:22 this net saved the lives of 19 men
56:26 who later became known as The Halfway to Hell Club.
56:29 Now you need to keep in mind,
56:30 these were some of the most dangerous construction
56:33 conditions you can imagine.
56:35 The wind was constantly blowing,
56:37 they were walking around on iron
56:39 that sometimes had ice from the freezing fog.
56:42 In places, they were over 700 feet
56:45 above the icy waters,
56:47 yet the men coming from all walks of life
56:49 were willing to take these risks
56:51 because it was during the Great Depression,
56:53 and they would get paid up to $11 a day
56:56 which was a fortune back then.
56:58 One of the other benefits of the net
57:01 was they discovered that the men
57:02 were much more courageous
57:03 even though they were walking high
57:05 on those slippery surfaces
57:07 because they knew there was a mechanism
57:09 to protect them if they should fall.
57:11 This gave them the confidence and the courage to press on
57:14 and get the bridge built in record time.
57:16 You know, friends, as Christians
57:17 we have a great work to do.
57:19 The Bible tells us that we get to participate with Jesus
57:22 in building a bridge that connects heaven and earth.
57:25 And there are dangers along the way.
57:27 The devil would like to paralyze us with fear
57:30 that we might fall or make a mistake
57:32 but we know that Jesus
57:33 has provided a safety net for us
57:35 and we don't have to be afraid.
57:37 We can press on with confidence
57:39 because the promises in the Book of Jude 24,
57:41 "He is able to keep us from falling."
57:44 But sometimes we make mistakes,
57:46 still don't be discouraged, friends,
57:48 if you read in 1 John 2:1, the Bible says,
57:51 "If we fall, if we sin,
57:53 we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ."
57:56 So let's press on together
57:57 and build that bridge with Christ.
58:08 For life changing Christian resources,
58:11 visit afbookstore.com.


Revised 2019-07-24