Everlasting Gospel

The Shepherd King, Pt. 5 - Vengeance and Mercy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG021709A

00:15 We're continuing now
00:17 with a series that we started
00:19 we're committed to go through it
00:22 dealing with the subject
00:23 of one of the great heroes in the Bible, David.
00:27 Today's subject is going to be dealing
00:29 more specifically with lessons for about vengeance and mercy.
00:34 A lot of the successful Hollywood films
00:41 are guilty of plagiarism.
00:44 Some of the best stories
00:46 that have been taken and put into movie form
00:48 and even throughout history
00:50 have plagiarized from the Bible.
00:54 And one example of an ancient story
00:57 that really draws itself from a story in the Bible,
01:01 how many of you have heard about
01:03 Robin Hood and His Merry Men?
01:07 I heard one pastor say,
01:08 this section of the Bible ought to be called David Hood,
01:13 because it describes a time in David's life
01:18 where like the fabled English character.
01:23 And by the way, I've been to Nottingham
01:25 and they've got this statue there of Robin Hood
01:29 and it goes back in English literature
01:32 to about 1100-1200 AD.
01:35 And most have thought that whoever the authors were
01:38 sort of were drawing from a very real hero in the Bible.
01:42 You get this fellow who is sort of on the outs with the king.
01:45 And he and his merry men, they live in the woods,
01:50 and he's got an associate that is a priest
01:53 as if sometimes go Friar Tuck or Father John.
01:56 And there's a beautiful maiden involved
01:59 and someone is wrongfully on the throne
02:03 and just I wonder the stories that you get there
02:06 all really happened
02:08 during the time we're gonna look at today
02:10 in the life of David.
02:11 And so you see if you don't recognize
02:14 and kind of smile
02:16 at some of the similarities as we go on.
02:18 Where we left our story of David before,
02:20 we were in 1 Samuel 22.
02:23 Now our mission today by God's grace,
02:25 we're going to be covering the experience of David
02:28 from 1 Samuel 22 through 26,
02:31 we'll probably skip over 25,
02:34 chapter 25 talking about Nabal and Abigail,
02:38 and we'll come back to that another time separately.
02:42 But David was in the cave of Adullam
02:44 and he has reached the bottom,
02:46 he's, you know, by himself
02:47 and he's run, he's lost his friend,
02:50 he's had to run from the church,
02:52 he's run from his job,
02:54 it seems like he's lost everything,
02:56 he's lost his family,
02:57 and he's in this hole in the ground.
03:00 And, you know, here he's thinking,
03:01 "Lord, you said I was gonna be king.
03:03 What's with this?
03:04 I mean, what's taking you so long?"
03:07 Have you ever wondered,
03:08 Joseph probably went through similar experiences,
03:11 had these visions of grandeur,
03:13 quite literally Joseph had dreams of greatness
03:16 and he ends up in a dungeon.
03:18 And he ends up in a hole in the ground,
03:20 he's thinking, "What's going on?"
03:23 Well, you know, Lord has big plans for you
03:25 because He plans for you to be in heaven,
03:26 that's a big plan.
03:28 But you might be wondering what's happening along the way,
03:32 but God is working out His will along the way.
03:36 So while David is there,
03:38 actually read in verse 1, it says,
03:40 "David departed, he escaped to the cave of Adullam."
03:43 David was an escape artist,
03:44 you see over and over he escapes.
03:46 So when his brothers
03:47 and all his father's house heard it,
03:49 they went down to him there.
03:51 Now one reason that his family probably joined him
03:54 is because Saul has now stopped hiding
03:59 that he wants to get rid of David,
04:01 and he may try to get rid of David
04:03 by getting his family
04:04 and holding them hostage or doing them some harm.
04:07 And they realize they need to flee Bethlehem
04:09 and so his family comes to him.
04:11 And they're actually in this cave
04:12 that is kind of southwest of Bethlehem.
04:16 And then you read in verse 2.
04:18 "And everybody who is in distress,
04:21 and everyone who is in debt,
04:23 and everyone who is discontented gathered to him.
04:28 So he became captain over them.
04:30 And there were about 400 men,"
04:31 now, that number grows overtime
04:33 but it starts up and ends up being about 400.
04:35 I don't know about you,
04:36 but I don't know if I would run for office
04:39 to be the captain of people in debt,
04:42 and distress, and discontent,
04:47 sort of like being a pastor.
04:53 You know, you read in Hebrews 11:38
04:55 speaking of the faithful.
04:57 "And so the world was not worthy of them.
04:59 They wandered in deserts, and mountains,
05:01 and dens, and caves of the earth."
05:04 And you can't help but wonder
05:05 when Paul wrote those words in Hebrews,
05:07 he was thinking very much about this experience
05:10 of David and his men
05:11 who were wandering from place to place
05:13 in the remote mountains,
05:15 in dens and caves of the earth.
05:17 Now the Cave of Adullam,
05:18 I showed you a picture of it a minute ago
05:20 was a much bigger at one time they know
05:22 or they suspect strongly they know where it is,
05:25 but it's in that territory,
05:26 that's in the land of Judah
05:28 or what would be the place of Judah.
05:30 And it was a...
05:33 At once a big more cavernous place
05:34 that's caved in over the millennia 3000 years ago,
05:37 keep in mind.
05:38 But he had his mighty men,
05:41 this was the beginning of them
05:43 but they were a pretty rough bunch.
05:46 Now it's interesting
05:47 that this group begins to be attracted
05:50 and you might wonder how did they know where he was?
05:52 How come Saul who is trying to kill him,
05:53 he can't find him
05:54 but everybody else can find him.
05:57 The internet?
05:58 No, we don't know.
06:00 They weren't tweeting, you know, where I'm at.
06:03 So there was this underground way
06:06 they had to communicate with each other
06:07 and so I know where David is.
06:09 And gradually these people, word got out,
06:11 and they found out where he was,
06:12 his family manages to find him but he's supposed to be hiding,
06:14 everyone seems to know where his hiding place is
06:17 down in this cave except Saul.
06:19 Probably, it wouldn't hurt to mention at this point.
06:23 A lot of those who gather to David, not all,
06:24 were from the tribe of Judah.
06:27 And David is actually going further from Benjamin
06:30 more towards the territory of Judah.
06:33 You saw some of this happening in Iraq
06:36 during the first Gulf War
06:38 where those who were part of the tribe of Saddam Hussein
06:41 were very loyal to him and they hid him
06:43 and they didn't, never did tell where he was hidden
06:46 because they were part of his tribe
06:48 and there was a real loyalty there.
06:50 But there between the Sunni and the Shias,
06:52 there is a lot of animosity
06:54 and the different tribes and clans
06:55 and the people of Judah were very loyal to David,
07:00 whereas the other 11 tribes
07:02 they did not care quite as much.
07:05 But God just absolutely reaches down
07:10 to the dregs of society
07:12 and he gets what you would call
07:14 the, just the off scouring of society.
07:17 And he brings them together
07:19 and David tries to settle their disputes
07:21 and get all these guys to work together and to...
07:24 Now, some of them were in debt because back in Bible times,
07:29 you could actually indenture yourself
07:31 to borrow money.
07:33 The economy was so bad during the reign of Saul,
07:35 he wasn't doing what he was supposed to do,
07:37 and interest rates were up,
07:40 people would borrow money
07:41 and if you couldn't pay it back,
07:42 they would enslave you or sell you.
07:45 So it wasn't just that they were filing bankruptcy
07:47 and running to David.
07:49 These are people who were at risk
07:50 or they were runaway slaves.
07:53 And because of the oppression during the times of Saul,
07:55 Saul, you notice,
07:57 you read in these passages
07:58 where he was just seizing people's land
08:01 and giving it to others.
08:03 And he said to those, if you tell me where David is,
08:05 I'll give you houses and lands and vineyards.
08:08 And what do you think, he got them?
08:09 He would just annex them.
08:11 And Samuel foretold, he said,
08:13 you're gonna pick a king and you're gonna be sorry
08:14 'cause he's going to take
08:15 the best of everything you've got,
08:17 so he's gonna take it.
08:18 And so these were people
08:20 who were also an oppressed people
08:22 and they came to David.
08:23 But, you know, he managed to weld them together
08:26 and this group, this ragtag group,
08:31 this motley crew,
08:33 they end up becoming the leaders
08:35 in the greatest kingdom in the world.
08:38 And it makes me think of Jesus who gathered around Him,
08:43 publicans, and prostitutes, and cursing fishermen,
08:47 and smelling shepherds,
08:50 but he brings them together
08:52 and he forges them into the apostles
08:55 and the world is transformed by this group.
08:58 The apostles were Jesus' mighty men.
09:01 And if you will, David gathers this group
09:04 and does the same thing for them.
09:06 So while they're there in the cave,
09:09 you know, David writes in Psalm 94:22,
09:13 "But the Lord has been my defense,
09:15 and my God the rock of my refuge."
09:17 You'll be surprised how many times in the Psalms
09:20 during these times when he's fleeing,
09:21 he writes about God being his refuge
09:24 in the rocks and the mountains
09:25 and God as his fortress.
09:28 Where eventually,
09:29 you know, you can't hide 400 people for long.
09:31 Word reaches King Saul where he is
09:34 and the Prophet Gad, you read in 1 Samuel 22:5,
09:37 "Now the prophet Gad says to David..."
09:39 This is the first time Gad appears in the Bible.
09:42 "Do not stay in the stronghold..."
09:44 These are rugged mountains where the Cave of Adullam was.
09:47 "Depart, and go to the land of Judah.
09:50 So David departed and he went into the forest
09:52 there at Hereth."
09:55 Now this is the first mention of Gad,
09:57 Gad ends up being
09:58 so, you know, as David's got a prophet with him.
10:01 He's got some mighty men,
10:03 he's got some of his family
10:04 and they end up becoming officers for him.
10:08 Gad was probably one of the sons of the prophets.
10:11 Samuel is now very old.
10:14 Samuel sends him with a word from the Lord and he says,
10:18 "Do not stay here
10:19 because you're going to be found here,
10:20 I'm gonna tell you where you need to go."
10:22 And he says, "You're supposed to flee
10:23 into the land of Judah
10:25 to the forests, get out of the mountains,"
10:27 and so he does that.
10:28 Well, in the meantime
10:29 if you read later on in this chapter,
10:31 you go to chapter, 1 Samuel 22:17,
10:37 Saul has an assembly,
10:39 a courtiers, has a court,
10:42 and he's sitting there with a spear in his hand.
10:44 He says, how is it that there's a traitor among you?
10:48 Don't you know that David is lying in wait to kill me?
10:51 Now was that true?
10:52 No.
10:53 And he says, my son is in league
10:55 with the son of Jesse.
10:56 I can't trust my own son,
10:58 doesn't any of you feel sorry for me
11:00 that you don't tell me where he is
11:02 because he's out there and people are running to him,
11:05 and none of the Saul's cabin would say anything,
11:08 but finally someone by the name of Doeg the Edomite.
11:13 I don't know if you remember in our last session,
11:15 when we talked about David had to go to the priest,
11:18 and there in the house of the Lord
11:19 they gave him a sword and bread,
11:22 and Ahimelech the priest didn't know what's going on.
11:25 David said, I'm on the king's business
11:26 but someone there was detained
11:29 for being suspected of being unclean.
11:31 It's very interesting, Doeg the Edomite.
11:34 And according to the Levitical law,
11:35 if you touch the dead body or something,
11:36 you were unclean for a period of time
11:38 until you wash.
11:39 So he was going through a time of separation of uncleanness
11:44 which is an interesting point.
11:46 And he saw David talking with a priest,
11:49 maybe he didn't understand the context of it,
11:52 but finally Doeg who is in charge of King Saul's herds,
11:56 he said, I'll tell you, I know about David.
11:59 I don't know where he is
12:00 but I know that he stopped and he saw a Ahimelech
12:02 and he gave him food and a sword.
12:05 Oh, Saul now was so outraged by that
12:09 that he does the unthinkable.
12:11 You can read in 1 Samuel 22:17,
12:15 "Then the king said to the guards
12:17 who stood about him,
12:18 'Turn and killed the priest of the Lord,
12:21 because their hand is also with David,'"
12:23 There's a conspiracy between David and the church.
12:26 "And because they knew when he fled
12:27 and they didn't tell me.
12:29 But the servants of the king would not lift their hand
12:33 to strike the priests of the Lord."
12:35 Very rarely in the Bible,
12:37 you hear of soldiers disobeying a direct order.
12:41 But when it came to my king and my God,
12:46 they said, God comes first.
12:48 We are not going to just slaughter the priests,
12:51 they were already very suspicious
12:53 because Saul was having these fits of possession
12:56 with evil spirits
12:57 and now he says kill all the priests,
12:59 and they wouldn't do it.
13:01 Now, none of them was tried for treason
13:03 and said the king, said,
13:04 I'm going to look around if I'll find somebody
13:07 and because the king had earlier promised rewards,
13:10 then the king turns to Doeg,
13:12 he says, you turn and you kill the priest.
13:14 And Doeg had some servants that worked with him
13:16 that took care of the king's flocks.
13:18 So Doeg the Edomite, he didn't mind.
13:21 "He turned and he struck the priest,
13:23 and he killed that day 85 men who wore a linen ephod.
13:28 Also in Nob, the city of the priests,"
13:30 he struck there,
13:31 not only killed the priests all but one,
13:35 "they struck with the edge of the sword,
13:37 both men and women, children and nursing infants,
13:40 oxen and donkey and sheep."
13:42 If Saul had only been so faithful with the Amalekites
13:45 as Doeg was with the priests and their family
13:49 but basically he sends his soldiers
13:51 through their town,
13:52 not only does he kill the priest,
13:53 he goes through the town
13:54 and he exterminates all of the priest's family
13:59 except one who manages to escape
14:02 by the name of Abiathar.
14:05 Now, his name is gonna come up again in the next section.
14:07 But now you can see the depths of what happens
14:11 when Saul begins to grieve away the Holy Spirit,
14:15 he actually turns against the Lord,
14:17 he turns against those who are loyal to God,
14:19 he hates everybody that loves David
14:22 to the point of being murderous.
14:24 Priest hadn't done anything wrong,
14:26 doesn't even try them
14:27 without any trial, without any investigation,
14:30 he has them exterminated.
14:31 It's pretty brutal.
14:33 So now David, and now Abiathar flees.
14:37 And you can read in 1 Samuel 23:6,
14:40 that "When Abiathar,
14:42 the one son who ended up fleeing
14:44 one of the priests.
14:47 He fled from the house of Ahimelech,
14:49 he came to David who is at Keilah,
14:51 and he went down with an ephod in his hand."
14:54 And make a note of that.
14:56 When the priests are being slaughtered, he escapes,
14:58 he goes into the temple of the house of the Lord,
15:01 he doesn't know what's going to happen to the ark,
15:02 he can't take the ark, he can't take the candlestick,
15:04 he can't take the shewbread, but he thought,
15:06 I'm gonna take the priest's vestments.
15:09 Now, you remember the high priest wore
15:11 a very special garment,
15:13 and on that garment was an ephod
15:16 but it wasn't like the regular linen ephod
15:18 worn by the priests,
15:19 later David dances before the Lord
15:21 and then ephod just means a linen,
15:23 a simple linen garment.
15:24 The priest wore this elaborate dress
15:26 and why don't we put that up on the screen here.
15:29 So that's the ephod.
15:31 Abiathar grabs the golden breastplate
15:33 with the 12 stones.
15:35 On the shoulder, it had a stone on each side
15:37 and there is some, it was an opal
15:39 but they had two different color opals
15:41 and some say, they're green and red,
15:44 like stop lights
15:45 because this is gonna come up in the story.
15:47 So you need to know this is what he took,
15:49 he took the priest's vestments with him.
15:51 Abiathar as the only survivor
15:53 ends up becoming the high priest.
15:56 So now David's got a prophet,
15:58 David's got a priest and he got an army.
16:02 It's starting to look like a kingdom is developing.
16:05 He's got the only surviving relative
16:07 there of the priesthood that comes.
16:09 So while David is hiding out in the forest
16:13 they get word that the people of Keilah,
16:18 that's a village that's right on the borders
16:20 with the Philistines,
16:21 you know, someone,
16:22 if you were gonna live back in those days,
16:23 don't live right on the border of Israel.
16:26 If you live close to the Moabites,
16:27 you're the first they attack,
16:28 you live close to the Assyrians up north,
16:31 first they attack,
16:32 you don't want to be deep into the land of Israel
16:34 where the people of Keilah
16:36 were in the very southern territory of Judah
16:38 right on the borders of Philistine.
16:40 And when it came time to harvest,
16:41 they were the first ones that were attacked,
16:43 and then the Philistines
16:44 were robbing their threshing floors,
16:46 and the people of Keilah heard that David had a guard
16:49 and he used to be a captain.
16:50 Remember, he used to go out and lead the people.
16:52 They said, come save us from the Philistines.
16:55 So David says, Lord, what shall I do,
16:57 shall I go, fight against the Philistines?
17:00 And the Lord says, go
17:01 and his soldiers say, what are you kidding,
17:04 we're running for our lives from Saul and his soldiers,
17:07 now we're gonna go fight the whole Philistine army?
17:09 So David says, I need to be sure.
17:11 So David says to Abiathar, look, you've got the ephod,
17:15 you've got the Urim and the Thummim.
17:17 Inquire you're a priest, even though he was young,
17:20 says, you're the only priest left.
17:21 He says, you inquire of the Lord,
17:23 ask, shall we go fight the Philistines in Keilah?
17:27 And he prays and they've got the ephod there,
17:29 I don't know if he put it on
17:30 or if they had it in front of them
17:31 but now this is not in the Bible.
17:32 But the understanding from Jewish tradition
17:34 is that one of the stones on one shoulder,
17:38 the Urim and the Thummim,
17:39 one meant yes or it was correct,
17:42 and the other one meant no or incorrect.
17:45 And it would glow somehow
17:47 or there would be some sound emanating from it,
17:49 some signal came from it,
17:51 and it was some oracle they would consult
17:53 and not to be confused with the Oracle of Delphi,
17:56 but in the classical sense, it would give them guidance
17:59 and we don't know how it happened
18:00 but he consoled that they prayed
18:02 and the right shoulder glowed
18:05 and that meant I will be with you, go.
18:08 And so he went down
18:10 and they fought against the Philistines.
18:12 And it says, David struck them with a mighty blow,
18:15 not only did they defeat the Philistines
18:17 who were robbing the threshing floors of Keilah,
18:20 but then they robbed the coasts of the Philistines.
18:22 And David and his men,
18:24 you know, it's hard to feed an army.
18:25 See, he had 400 people, that's a lot of food.
18:28 Ever have someone come over for dinner
18:30 and bring 400 people?
18:31 They all show up to David,
18:33 said, we're with you David, got anything to eat?
18:35 And he's got no food
18:36 and so they rob the threshing floors of the Philistines,
18:41 they recover everything
18:42 and so now they got a little bit of food
18:43 and they also got some livestock.
18:46 But eventually word reaches King Saul
18:48 that David is now in a city
18:51 with gates and bars
18:52 and Saul said, Keilah is up on a hill,
18:55 it's in a city with gates and bars
18:56 we will surround them, we will the besiege them,
18:58 we will starve them out,
18:59 I've got them now,
19:01 he will not survive.
19:03 And so David begins to worry, he hears
19:06 and probably Jonathan is sending messages to David
19:10 because Jonathan knows what's going on.
19:12 It's hard for King Saul
19:13 to get an army together to attack David,
19:15 he can't assemble an army secretly very well.
19:19 And so he gets word that Saul is gonna come down,
19:21 so David's got to decide,
19:23 do I go from here or do I stay in the city?
19:26 And that goes to 1 Samuel 23:11.
19:30 David prays and he says to Lord,
19:31 "Will the men of Keilah
19:33 deliver me into the hand of Saul?
19:36 Will Saul come down, as Your servant is heard?
19:38 O Lord God of Israel, I pray, tell Your servant..."
19:41 And the Lord said, and He's telling him this
19:44 through the ephod, "He will come down."
19:47 Saul is coming.
19:48 "And David said, 'Will the men of Keilah
19:50 deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul?'
19:53 And the Lord said, 'They will,
19:55 they'll turn you over.'"
19:57 So here is the city that just said
19:58 please come save us.
20:00 David comes and he saves us.
20:02 And then God says, yeah, they're gonna turn on you
20:05 in a heartbeat
20:06 when Saul comes down.
20:08 Kind of makes you think about when the people said
20:13 Hosanna to the son of David
20:15 as Jesus comes in
20:17 and Jesus feeds them with bread,
20:19 and then they turn on a dime and they say,
20:23 "Crucify Him, crucify Him."
20:25 Now, people can be very fickle.
20:27 So the people of Keilah were ready just to turn,
20:30 God said to him, you better get out of here.
20:32 And so, you know, David has really nowhere to lay his head.
20:36 And there's a psalm that is written about
20:38 what happens when David fled
20:40 from the people of Keilah also.
20:44 Finally, he goes back to the woods
20:46 and now we're in 1 Samuel 23.
20:50 "And Jonathan, Saul's son, arose
20:53 and went to David in the woods
20:55 and strengthened his hand in God."
20:58 Now, if you've got a friend like that,
20:59 you're in good shape.
21:01 If you got a friend
21:02 that when you're going through trial
21:03 will come and strengthen you,
21:05 not just encourage you
21:06 but to strengthen your hand in God.
21:09 Now think about what kind of man it took to do that.
21:13 Jonathan knows that David has been anointed
21:16 at this point to be the next king.
21:20 Jonathon's a crown prince
21:22 but he said, you know, I want whatever God wants,
21:25 even if it means that I do not get the throne
21:28 and you get the throne,
21:30 that's a remarkable friend.
21:32 And he said not only that,
21:33 I'm gonna not only endure that you get promoted
21:37 and I don't.
21:38 I'm gonna encourage you
21:40 in what God has called you to do,
21:42 'cause I know you're going through a hard time.
21:44 That's a pretty selfless person.
21:46 Well, I can't wait to meet Jonathan in heaven.
21:48 He was really something.
21:50 Now that man who went into battle
21:51 with his armor bearer and said,
21:53 there is no restraint with the Lord
21:54 to deliver by few or many,
21:56 and he goes and he takes on the Philistine army.
21:58 Jonathan inspired David
22:00 and then Jonathan, he's so generous with David.
22:03 And anyway...
22:06 Oh, by the way, you know, Robin Hood was a good archer.
22:12 You know, David was an archer too,
22:13 David was not just good with a sling
22:17 and good with a sword,
22:18 we know he had the sword of Goliath
22:20 but you remember when Jonathan gave him his bow
22:24 so David knew how to use a bow...
22:26 I'm not trying to make too much out of the Robin Hood things,
22:28 I just remember Jonathan gave him his bow too,
22:30 people often, you never see David with a bow,
22:33 but you do see him with the sword
22:34 and with the sling.
22:37 Anyway, so he has to flea,
22:39 Jonathan comes to encourage him.
22:42 And he goes on, listen to what he says,
22:43 I'm again in verse 16 of chapter 23, 1 Samuel 23,
22:48 "He said to him, 'Don't fear,
22:50 the hand of Saul, my father, will not find you.
22:53 You will be king over Israel, and I will be next to you."'
22:56 He said, I have no problem being second.
22:59 "Even my father Saul knows that."
23:01 Saul knows now that you've been anointed.
23:03 "So the two of them made a covenant before the Lord."
23:05 This is the third time now
23:07 you'll find David and Jonathan making a covenant,
23:10 and David did not forget their covenant.
23:12 "And David stayed in the woods,
23:15 and Jonathan went back to his house to the palace."
23:18 That our Jesus come and make a covenant with us.
23:21 He left us in this world and He went back to the palace,
23:24 heavenly kingdom.
23:25 Someone said, "A friend is someone
23:27 with whom you may think out loud."
23:30 And then someone else wrote,
23:31 "A friend is someone who comes in
23:32 when the whole world goes out."
23:35 Jonathan came to David to encourage him
23:37 and in the Lord
23:39 and Jesus is our friend like that.
23:41 Now David has a narrow escape.
23:44 Saul hears where he is in the woods.
23:47 And so he gets his soldiers together
23:50 and he gets 3,000 men.
23:52 Matter of fact you'll see three times in the Bible,
23:54 Saul gets 3,000 men together,
23:56 gets 3,000 men together,
23:57 that was, I guess the perfect number for him.
23:59 And he hears David is in this hill, in the woods
24:03 and Saul goes down to encircle him.
24:05 I'm in 1 Samuel 23:26,
24:09 "And Saul went on one side of the mountain,
24:11 and David and his men were on the other side of the mountain.
24:14 So David made haste to get away
24:15 because Saul and his men were encircling them."
24:18 They were closing them off
24:19 and there would be no way of escape
24:20 and it looked like he was stuck,
24:22 he couldn't get his men out in time.
24:24 But don't you like that
24:26 that when it looks like there's no way out,
24:29 God had said, look, David, I've chosen you,
24:31 I might save you by the skin of the teeth,
24:33 but I'm gonna save you.
24:34 You don't have to worry,
24:35 I know it's gonna be tough but I'll be with you.
24:38 It says, "But right at that moment
24:40 when Saul finally felt I've got him trapped,
24:42 I've got him closed in,
24:43 I got 3,000 men to his 400 men.
24:46 You still wonder who would have won in that battle.
24:48 "A messenger came to Saul, saying, 'Hurry and come,
24:52 for the Philistines have invaded the land!'"
24:56 That must have been a tough decision for Saul.
24:58 He was so bent on getting David
25:00 that even though here he is king
25:02 and his kingdom is being invaded by the enemy,
25:04 because he's so preoccupied with the battle
25:06 God never taught him to fight.
25:09 Now you wonder how many times we get engaged fighting wars
25:14 God didn't tell us to fight,
25:17 and in the meantime we're not doing the job
25:18 we're supposed to do.
25:21 That a messenger comes right at that crucial moment
25:24 and says, "Come quick, drop everything,
25:26 the Philistines are invading the land."
25:29 And if the people can't turn to the king,
25:30 who do they turn to.
25:31 So Saul is going, "We got him closed off."
25:34 And his men are going,
25:35 "Your majesty, our families, our possessions
25:37 that Philippi enemies getting them.
25:39 But I want David, you've got to leave,
25:42 and he had to go away.
25:44 And I probably think that it was a struggle for Saul,
25:46 he thought I've got him now finally.
25:48 He didn't want the kingdom to go to David.
25:51 So, you know, the Bible says
25:54 therefore Saul retuned from pursuing David
25:57 and he went against the Philistines,
26:00 so they called that place the rock of escape.
26:04 You know, when you study history,
26:05 there are several times in history
26:07 where God has delivered
26:08 God's people with a similar scenario,
26:10 during the Great Reformation
26:13 at one point
26:15 when the Reformation was spreading
26:19 and God's work was happening,
26:21 the pope wanted to attack believers,
26:24 Hussites and Waldenses.
26:28 But two people were claiming to be the pope,
26:29 and the popes became so involved
26:31 in fighting each other
26:33 that the church was able to grow.
26:35 Another time when the pope was getting ready
26:37 to send an army
26:38 to attack the Protestant reformers,
26:43 the Muslims attacked,
26:44 Islam attacked from the east
26:46 and they had to send all their soldiers back
26:48 to defend their eastern border.
26:51 And so the church several times at the crucial moment
26:54 when it looked like
26:55 that the church was gonna get stomped out,
26:57 God would intervene with a third party
27:00 that would come in
27:01 and attack the enemies of God's people
27:04 and they would find relief that way,
27:06 and so this was one of those cases
27:08 where that happened.
27:09 By the way, they call it the rock of escape.
27:12 You and I have a rock of escape, don't we?
27:14 Amen.
27:15 And David went up from there
27:17 and he dwelt in the strongholds of En Gedi.
27:21 Now En Gedi is a place that you've heard of
27:23 even if you don't think you've heard of it.
27:26 It's out in one of the lowest places in the world,
27:30 it's in the desert.
27:32 And it's where you find the Dead Sea scrolls.
27:36 We've found there's a lot of caves
27:37 and haunts and rugged mountains and canyons,
27:41 but even though it's a very hot dry place
27:44 there where the cave of En Gedi is,
27:46 you've got the spring of En Gedi
27:48 and there's some beautiful places.
27:50 So this is one of the few spots,
27:51 there's only two places
27:53 on the western shore of the Dead Sea
27:55 where fresh water runs into the sea.
27:58 And this is one of them
27:59 and when it says that David was in the cave of En Gedi,
28:03 there's only one place that he was drinking water
28:05 and it was probably, when you have 400 men,
28:07 you need a lot of water.
28:08 Probably the spring,
28:10 a very rugged area it wasn't far from,
28:12 they also call it the mountains of goats.
28:15 You know, how they found the Dead Sea scroll?
28:17 Some shepherd boy lost his goats
28:20 and he threw a rock in one of these caves
28:22 that was up on a hillside
28:23 and he heard the clattering sound
28:26 that was clearly a different sound from rocketing rock,
28:29 it was a pot breaking.
28:31 And he scrambled up
28:33 and he started to discover the scrolls
28:34 that he began to cut up and sell as souvenirs
28:38 until they realized what their true value was.
28:41 So I want you to turn with me now to 1 Samuel 24,
28:44 and we're gonna take a moment to read this
28:46 because it fits in with our theme
28:49 about forgiveness and vengeance in a special way.
28:54 "When Saul returned from following the Philistines,
28:56 that had invaded the land,
28:59 it was told him, and saying, 'Take note!
29:01 David is in the wilderness of En Gedi.'
29:04 And Saul took 3,000 chosen men from all of Israel,
29:07 and he went to seek David
29:09 and his men on the Rocks of the Wild Goats.
29:12 So he came to the sheepfolds down by the road,
29:15 where there was a cave."
29:17 And so he goes in but he doesn't realize
29:19 that he just goes in the mouth of the cave
29:20 where there's, you know, little light still coming in
29:24 but it's a deep cave.
29:26 And maybe the wind is howling or the men can be heard outside
29:30 but for some reason he doesn't hear
29:32 that David and his men are in the cave
29:33 and they actually whisper to each other,
29:35 so there is some noise.
29:37 "And the men of David said to him,
29:39 'This is the day that the Lord told you about,
29:42 He said, you'd be king...'"
29:43 Here is your moment, reach out and take it,
29:45 just kill Saul, you're king, voila!
29:47 Doesn't say that but that's the idea.
29:50 "Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand
29:53 that you may do to him as it seems good to you."
29:56 They're quoting another place in the Bible.
29:58 And David arose and he went, he sneaks up to Saul
30:03 and he's got a very sharp knife
30:04 that had been expecting the battle,
30:05 it's probably sharp as a razor.
30:07 He cuts off the corner of Saul's robe and slips away,
30:10 with Saul's wearing a royal robe
30:12 it doesn't look like everyone else's.
30:14 And it happened afterward David's heart struck him.
30:16 It even bothered David's heart
30:20 that he had somehow defaced the robe of the king
30:25 that I don't kill him.
30:27 He had so much respect.
30:28 He said, this is the Lord's anointed
30:29 even though I don't...
30:30 He was chosen by God, until God un-chooses him,
30:33 I'm not gonna hurt him, that's God's business.
30:36 He felt bad about it, his heart smote him
30:38 that he cut the king's robe.
30:39 "And he said to his men, 'The Lord forbid
30:41 that I should do this thing to my master,
30:43 the Lord's anointed,
30:44 to stretch out my hand against him,
30:45 seeing he's the Lord's anointed and he's my father in law.'"
30:49 He didn't say that but that was one more thing.
30:53 "So David restrained his servants with these words,
30:55 and he did not allow them to rise up against Saul.
30:59 And Saul got up from the cave and he went on his way."
31:03 And he was whistling and walking down to his men.
31:07 And after Saul got down in the valley
31:09 by the sheepfolds with his men,
31:11 David comes out of the mouth of the cave
31:13 and he calls out with a cave as an echo chamber behind him.
31:17 And he says, "My lord the King!"
31:19 Saul turns around.
31:21 "And David stooped down with his face to the earth,
31:23 and bowed down."
31:25 So who's been anointed as king?
31:28 Both of them.
31:30 But David has been anointed as his replacement.
31:33 David says, I'm respecting you are the king,
31:35 I am recognizing you as a king.
31:38 "He says, 'My Lord, the king!'
31:40 Saul looked behind him.
31:42 David stooped with his face to the earth, he bowed down.
31:44 And David said to Saul,
31:45 'Why do you listen to the words of men...'"
31:47 It wasn't that he was listening to anyone else.
31:51 He's just, but he's giving him the benefit of the doubt.
31:53 Why do you believe in these false reports?
31:55 Who say David seeks you harm.
31:58 It's not true.
31:59 "Look, this day your eyes have seen
32:02 that the Lord delivered you into my hand in the cave,
32:06 and someone urged me to kill you."
32:08 He was nice enough not to say who that was.
32:11 "But my eye spared you, and I said,
32:13 'I will not stretch out my hand against my Lord,
32:16 for He is the Lord's anointed.'
32:18 Moreover, my father..."'
32:20 So he was his father too.
32:22 "See! Yes, see the corner of your robe in my hand..."
32:25 And right when he holds up this little flap of cloth,
32:27 the king reaches around, he pulls up his robe
32:30 and the corner is gone.
32:32 And the king's heart like a...
32:35 Wow, that was a close call.
32:38 There he was with 400 people around him
32:42 that could have taken his life and they chose not to.
32:46 Now think of all the trouble David could have saved him
32:48 if he said, would David have felt justified,
32:51 this guy is here to kill me.
32:52 He has come to kill me.
32:53 I mean, don't most of us believe that
32:55 if someone comes into your cave to kill you
32:59 that in self-defense you can kill them?
33:02 I mean, certainly ancient law would have defended that,
33:05 even his men said, God's put him in your hand.
33:08 This is providential.
33:11 It's interesting that it looked like God had given
33:14 David this opportunity for David to take it,
33:17 but God gave David that opportunity for David
33:19 to refuse it.
33:21 Have you ever had an opportunity
33:23 to get even with someone that hurt you,
33:24 and you think, "Oh, look, I've got my chance to say,
33:28 now, what do you think?"
33:30 Or to say something cutting, or to get even,
33:32 say, they're getting what they deserve
33:34 or to gloat or to hurt them in some way.
33:36 Maybe God's giving you that opportunity
33:38 to get even with your enemies
33:40 so you don't take that opportunity,
33:42 and you can demonstrate what it means to be a Christian
33:45 and you overcome evil with good.
33:50 So He says, look, I've forgiven you and Saul,
33:53 He can't deny it, He was,
33:55 David holding the flap of his robe.
33:59 He said, "Why do you listen to this?
34:01 Moreover, father, see!
34:02 The corner of your robe in my hand,
34:03 in that I cut off the corner of your robe
34:05 and did not kill you,
34:06 know and see that there is neither evil
34:08 or rebellion in my hand..."
34:11 I can kill a giant, I could have killed you.
34:14 You realize, I'm paraphrasing sometimes.
34:17 "I have not sinned against you,
34:19 yet you hunt my life to take it.
34:21 Let the Lord judge between you and me,
34:23 and let the Lord avenge me on you."
34:26 Now why is David doing it this way also?
34:28 Is it just the king listening or is the whole army listening?
34:31 Whole army.
34:32 Saul's army is listening, David's army is listening.
34:35 Is there gonna be another day
34:36 when the sheep and the goats will be separated
34:39 and everybody is gonna see what the real issue is.
34:42 And the devil who said, O God was not fair,
34:47 this evidence is all gonna be spread out there.
34:50 My hand shall not be against you David said.
34:54 Now don't you feel like
34:56 you've got a right to retaliate sometimes?
35:00 And David said, I'm not going to...
35:01 He said, if there is gonna be someone wrong
35:02 and this is going to be you.
35:04 And if I'm being treated unfairly,
35:07 I'm not gonna vindicate myself, God is gonna vindicate me.
35:10 David is putting it all in God's hands.
35:12 My hand shall not be against you.
35:14 And then he goes on and he appeals to the king.
35:17 "After whom has the king of Israel come out?"
35:19 You're the king.
35:20 "Who do you pursue?"
35:21 I'm a shepherd boy, I'm a dead dog?
35:23 A flea?
35:25 Therefore..." I'm not even a dog.
35:26 I'm a flea on a dog.
35:27 David is looking for the smallest words
35:29 you can find, he say, you're the king of Israel,
35:31 you got Philistines to fight, why are you chasing after us.
35:35 "Therefore let the Lord judge, and judge between you and me,
35:41 and see him plead my cause,
35:42 and deliver me out of your hand.
35:45 So it was when David had finished speaking these words,"
35:48 suddenly Saul has a flash of normality and he says,
35:52 "Is this your voice, my son David?"
35:54 My son, I was trying to kill a few minutes ago."
35:57 And Saul lifted up his voice and he wept."
36:00 Now David's words even touched his heart,
36:03 and he realized, what's come over me,
36:05 what happened to the old Saul that used to love the Lord
36:07 and lead the people, what's coming,
36:09 I'm so obsessed with this vengeance,
36:13 fighting against a friend, a family member.
36:18 You know, Bible says,
36:19 "Man's foes will be those of his own house."
36:23 David had a lot more problems with people on the inside
36:25 than people on the outside.
36:28 He had problems with his son,
36:29 with his king, and his brethren.
36:33 And Saul weeps but he ends up saying...
36:38 Listen to what Saul says.
36:41 "You've shown me this day..."
36:42 Verse 18, "You've dealt well with me,
36:45 when the Lord delivered me into your hand,
36:46 you did not kill me.
36:47 For if a man finds his enemy,
36:49 will he let him get away safely?"
36:51 Doesn't the Bible say love your enemy?
36:53 Do good to those who persecute you.
36:55 Overcome evil with good.
36:58 "Therefore may the Lord reward you with good
37:01 for what you have done to me this day?"
37:03 Will the Lord reward,
37:04 did David get rewarded with good?
37:07 Will the Lord reward you with good
37:09 if you turn the other cheek?
37:11 That's hard to do that.
37:12 Have you ever tried it,
37:14 especially when it's in the power of your hand
37:16 to get even to let it go.
37:19 And not only let it go but to reward evil with good.
37:25 During the scripture reading it said in doing this
37:28 you will heap coals of fire on the head of your enemy.
37:31 What does that mean?
37:33 You do nice things to your enemy
37:34 so that they're gonna get hot coals on their head?
37:36 Coals of fires there, it's talking about conviction.
37:40 Saul, when David stood there with his robe in his hand
37:43 and a knife in the other hand, said,
37:44 I could have just killed you and I let you go,
37:46 you are doing the wrong thing.
37:48 Coals of fire right then were on Saul's head,
37:51 he was overwhelmed with conviction
37:53 of what he had been doing.
37:54 And he's embarrassed because it's laid out
37:56 in front of all of his men.
37:57 Here our king has been obsessed with fighting an enemy
38:00 that is one of our own people
38:01 that isn't doing anything wrong.
38:04 And so if you want to try and win back someone,
38:09 don't reward evil with evil but reward evil with good.
38:13 So finally, King Saul, his line now indeed,
38:16 listen to this, "You will be king,
38:19 and the kingdom of Israel
38:20 will be established in your hand,
38:21 I know that."
38:22 That's what Jonathan said earlier.
38:24 "Therefore swear to me now by the Lord
38:26 you will not cut off my descendants after me."
38:29 Now you know what...
38:31 I don't know if you've read through the kings of Israel
38:33 but especially the kings of Israel
38:34 because they kept changing families,
38:36 king of Judah was almost always the House of David,
38:38 King of Israel went from Omri, to Baasha,
38:42 to Zimri and it just went to Jehu and different,
38:47 complete different tribes ended up
38:48 being the kings of Israel.
38:49 And whenever they came into power,
38:51 what was the next thing they did?
38:53 Kill all their kids, kill all their offspring,
38:56 no threats of them coming back again,
38:58 it was just understood.
38:59 And so Saul knowing what the ancient custom was,
39:04 when you become king,
39:05 are you going to eradicate my house?
39:08 Are you gonna kill off all of my offspring?
39:11 Are you gonna destroy my sheep?
39:12 David made a promise he would not do it.
39:16 So David swore to Saul, Saul went home
39:20 and he went back to his palace
39:22 and David went up to the stronghold,
39:23 he's there to live in the woods.
39:26 Now I want to read the first verse of chapter 25,
39:28 that's all I'm gonna read, "Then Samuel died..."
39:33 That's quite a statement.
39:34 This is someone who had delivered them
39:35 in many ways Samuel from that little boy
39:38 back in the days of Hanna,
39:39 he may have been 90, 100 years of age,
39:41 he lived a long life.
39:42 He had been there judge
39:43 for many, many years from a child,
39:45 he had been there judge, he lived to be an old man.
39:51 Overlapped the time of Samson,
39:53 all the way through the time of David,
39:55 so it was pretty epic loss, when it says Samuel died.
40:00 And the Israelites gathered together
40:01 and lamented for him and they buried him
40:04 at his home in Rahma.
40:06 And David arose and went to the wilderness apparent."
40:09 Now whether or not
40:10 David was able to attend the funeral,
40:11 we don't know, because I don't know
40:13 if he trusted Saul may have still been,
40:15 Saul may have pulled in his horns long enough
40:17 for David to go to Samuel's funeral,
40:19 we don't know.
40:20 But we're not done yet with David,
40:24 I want you to jump past 25,
40:26 we're gonna come back to that another time.
40:27 Go to chapter 26.
40:31 Some time goes by, Saul is still,
40:34 he has no good musician to soothe his savage episodes
40:38 when he would go into these rants
40:40 and he'd start throwing his spear everywhere.
40:42 "And now the Ziphites came to Saul at Gibeah."
40:47 David is now gone to stay with the Ziphites
40:50 in their territory in the woods.
40:52 "They came to Saul at Gibeah, saying,
40:54 'Is David not hiding in the hill of a Hachilah,
40:56 opposite Jeshimon?'
40:58 And Saul arose and he went down to the Wilderness of Ziph,
41:01 having three thousand chosen men of Israel."
41:04 He got the 3,000 best men with him
41:07 to seek David in the Wilderness of Ziph.
41:09 Now what in the world has David done?
41:12 Hasn't done anything, but Saul in his head,
41:15 he just can't let go, if I could just be in charge.
41:18 Saul doesn't trust God's will.
41:20 That's part of the reason
41:21 he ends up grieving away the Holy Spirit.
41:23 He thinks if I could just kill David,
41:25 I can change it.
41:26 I can change the anointing, change the prophecy
41:29 and he won't let it go.
41:31 And his poor men, they've got to follow him,
41:32 they've lost confidence in Saul now
41:34 because, I mean, he's killed the priests
41:36 but he's the king.
41:38 "So he goes down to the Wilderness of Ziph
41:40 having 3000 men.
41:42 And Saul encamps in the hill of Hichilah,
41:44 which is opposite Jeshimon, by the road.
41:47 But David stayed in the wilderness,
41:49 and he saw that Saul came up after him into the wilderness."
41:53 David saw him before he saw David.
41:56 "David therefore sent out spies,
41:58 and understood that Saul had indeed come.
42:01 And David arose and he came to a place
42:03 where Saul had encamped.
42:05 And David saw the place where Saul lay,
42:07 and Abner the son of Ner, the commander of his army."
42:10 That may have been a moonlit night.
42:13 The three thousand men of Saul, they're sleeping peacefully,
42:16 they're not worried about a big battle,
42:17 they've seen this happen several times before
42:21 and they're not worried about a lot of resistance.
42:23 And so they're sleeping.
42:24 But David used to travel with Saul.
42:27 He used to be his armor bearer,
42:28 he knows what the inside rules are.
42:31 The king does not camp on the outside of the camp
42:33 where some invaders could come and get to him.
42:36 The king is like a target,
42:37 he's in the middle of the bull's eye,
42:39 he is surrounded with his best troops
42:41 and he's right there next to the general Abner
42:43 who by the way is the uncle, the family member of Saul.
42:48 And so he sees where he is.
42:53 David has the boldness to say,
42:55 you know, he didn't get the message the first time
42:57 that I'm not his enemy,
42:58 I'm gonna give him the message one more time.
43:01 And so David answered,
43:04 and said to Ahimelech the Hittite
43:08 and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah,
43:09 his brother of Joab, saying,
43:12 "Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp?"
43:16 Now, David is pretty brave.
43:18 This whole contingent of soldiers
43:21 are on a mission to find and kill him.
43:25 David, it's night.
43:27 David is thinking, they're not gonna recognize me,
43:30 I look like one of them.
43:31 I know how they dress, I know how they trails
43:33 through the camp, I know how they operate.
43:35 I'll just, you know, men in a big camp
43:37 when they bivouac at night,
43:39 they do occasionally have to walk
43:40 to the outskirts of the camp
43:41 and walk back in at night.
43:44 So that's not that uncommon.
43:46 And David says, I'm gonna go down
43:48 on a little suicide mission, who wants to go with me?
43:51 I'm gonna go right
43:52 into the very heart of the beast.
43:55 And, you know, I really,
43:56 if there's someone else I want to meet
43:57 when I get to heaven is the brother of Joab Abishai.
44:01 He was a very brave, you read, he's one of his mighty men,
44:04 he killed out a zillion people.
44:05 He was very strong.
44:07 I forget the number but you look it up.
44:09 He ended up being one of the generals.
44:13 "Who will go with me?
44:15 And Abishai said, 'I will go down with you.'"
44:18 I'd like to have the courage whenever Jesus said,
44:19 who will go with me?
44:20 I'll say, I'll go.
44:22 If I'm with you, I'm not afraid.
44:24 "So David and Abishai come to the people at night,
44:27 and there Saul lay sleeping within the camp,
44:29 with the spear stuck to the ground by his head."
44:32 Now before I read what happens next,
44:35 you need to know Saul,
44:37 you know, have you ever seen a baby with like a blanket
44:39 and they won't let go of it or pacifier,
44:42 take away the pacifier and they go to pieces,
44:44 take away their blanket.
44:45 Saul always has his spear, and it's always mentioned.
44:51 So when David plays music, Saul's got his spear,
44:53 two different occasions.
44:54 David is judging before he kills a priest,
44:56 he's sitting there under the tree with his spear.
44:59 And now Saul is sleeping with his spear.
45:02 This is a very special spear.
45:04 I want you to know that.
45:08 And he comes and Saul is sleeping
45:10 within the camp
45:11 with his spear stuck in the ground
45:12 by his head
45:14 and Abner and the people lay around him,
45:15 the general and all of his crack troops
45:17 are all around him
45:19 and they're tiptoeing through the camp
45:20 and all of these soldiers are snoring,
45:22 so there's a little background noise
45:23 because David's able to whisper to Abishai.
45:27 He says God has delivered your enemy
45:29 into your hand this day.
45:30 Now we know who said it in the cave.
45:31 It's the exact same phrase.
45:34 Now therefore please, if you don't want to
45:36 let me strike him at once
45:38 with the spear right to the earth.
45:39 I won't do it twice, I'll just strike him once.
45:43 I won't do it a second time.
45:45 And David says to Abishai, do not destroy him
45:49 for who can stretch out his hand
45:51 against the Lord's anointed and be guiltless.
45:56 You know, I hate to miss an opportunity
45:57 to say that pastors are called by the Lord.
46:01 And in a modern sense
46:04 they are praying for the anointing of the Spirit
46:06 when they teach and they preach.
46:09 Now I'm speaking to myself just like you.
46:11 Be careful about talking negatively about those
46:17 who are called by God to work for the Lord,
46:19 even though you may have just caused to.
46:22 When Paul was being tried by the high priest,
46:25 he rebuked the high priest but Paul was near-sighted,
46:27 he didn't know it was the high priest,
46:29 someone struck him
46:31 and said, "How dare you revile the high priest."
46:33 And Paul said, "Oh, I'm sorry,
46:34 I didn't know it was a high priest."
46:36 God says, you shall not revile the ruler of your people.
46:41 Now I can launch right now
46:42 into a whole sermon on authority and leadership
46:45 but something I have done and many others have done
46:48 is when you start to talk in a negative way
46:51 about people who have been called into God's work,
46:54 I don't think the Lord looks kindly on it.
46:57 By the way that's supported by the Spirit of prophecy.
47:00 And so I know it sounds like it's a self-serving statement
47:03 but this is where it would fit.
47:06 And so he said who can strike
47:09 the Lord's anointed and be guiltless.
47:13 Sometimes we do it with our tongues.
47:16 David said furthermore as the Lord lives
47:19 if he belongs to God, God will take care of him.
47:21 The Lord will strike him.
47:23 Or his day will come to die. He'll get old and die.
47:26 Or he'll go out to battle and perish.
47:29 Look at David's patience.
47:30 He says, "I know you've anointed me to be king
47:33 and I'm looking forward to that day
47:34 when I don't have to run for my life
47:37 over here and there and never knowing
47:38 where I'm going to be.
47:40 But I am waiting on God's timing."
47:42 Look at the patience of David, he said, "You know it'd be,
47:46 you know, better for me if Saul would just like die.
47:49 But he may die of old age.
47:50 He may die in battle.
47:52 Who knows he might get sick,
47:54 said, but that's God's business.
47:56 But I'm not going to be the reason he dies.
47:58 Let the Lord take care of it.
48:00 The Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand
48:03 against the Lord's anointed.
48:04 Now, Abishai and David
48:05 are having this whispered discussion
48:07 with all the soldiers I mean he's really brave.
48:10 They must've really snored louder or something.
48:12 You read on, you'll find out what happened.
48:15 But he says, "Please take now his spear,
48:17 he says, right, Abishai, you want to help me,
48:18 grab Saul's spear.
48:20 He's going to miss that right away.
48:22 And a jug of water,
48:23 they're out in the hottest desert
48:24 in the world.
48:25 Without water, the king doesn't last long.
48:27 Take his jug of water, take his spear.
48:29 Two things he's going to depend on and let's go."
48:32 So David took the spear he just took it from Abishai
48:35 and the jug of water by Saul's head
48:37 and they got away, they tiptoed out of the camp
48:40 and they're stepping over men and through the little trails
48:42 and over their sleeping bags
48:43 and they get out to the outside of the camp
48:45 and right about this time
48:47 when the sun is just starting to light in the eastern sky,
48:49 David goes up on a hill above where they are gathered
48:52 and says, "Now David went over to the other side
48:55 and stood on the top of a hill afar off
48:58 a great distance being between them."
49:00 Because, you know, when you thought
49:02 3, 000 soldiers are coming for you.
49:04 You've got to make sure you get a head start.
49:07 And so David is out there,
49:08 he's just snuck into their camp.
49:10 This is gonna be really embarrassing,
49:11 they might be mad no matter what.
49:13 And when it gets light enough for everybody
49:16 to hear and recognize what's going on.
49:18 David calls out to the people and they,
49:21 you know, they're soldiers on a mission,
49:22 they wake up think it's a battle alarm.
49:25 And he calls to Abner
49:26 who's the general for Saul
49:28 said, "Do you not answer Abner."
49:31 And Abner answers and said,
49:32 "Who are you calling out to the king, who is that?"
49:35 David said to the Abner, by the way don't forget
49:37 David is called the sweet singer of Israel,
49:39 he's got a set of pipes, so he, you can hear him.
49:43 He probably first tenor and bass, he could do it all.
49:47 And so he's calling out with a loud voice.
49:50 And David said to Abner.
49:51 He doesn't say what his name is.
49:53 Said, are you not a man and who is like you in Israel.
49:56 Why then have you not guarded your Lord, the king,
49:58 for one of the people came in to destroy the Lord,
50:01 the king tonight.
50:02 This thing that you've done is not good as the lord lives,
50:04 you deserve to die.
50:06 Because you have not guarded your master,
50:07 the Lord's anointed.
50:09 And now see where's the king's spear?
50:11 And where's a jug of water by his head.
50:13 At this point Saul has got his scruples together
50:15 and he's looking around
50:16 and says, where's my water jug?
50:17 Where is my spear?
50:18 First thing he would grab for is a spear.
50:21 Right away Saul thought,
50:22 "Oh, no this is like the cave 2.0.
50:28 Here I am again doing the foolish thing."
50:32 Saul knew David's voice.
50:35 That's so sad. He knew the voice of David.
50:38 There are some people who are running from God
50:39 and they knew God's voice, they remember
50:42 when He used to speak to them.
50:44 He said, "Is that your voice David, my son?"
50:49 He said, "It's my voice my lord, O, king."
50:52 And he said, "Why does my Lord pursue his servant
50:55 for what have I done or what is the evil in my hand.
50:57 He said, tell me, testify.
50:59 Now therefore please let my Lord the king
51:01 hear the words of His servant.
51:03 If the Lord has stirred you up against me,
51:06 then let Him and accept an offering.
51:08 But if it is the children of men
51:10 may they be cursed before the Lord,
51:12 for they have driven me out this day
51:14 from sharing the inheritance of the Lord
51:16 saying, "Go serve other gods."
51:18 That's a very important statement,
51:19 I don't want to rush past.
51:21 What was a dream for Israel?
51:22 They spent time as they were wondering.
51:25 Their big dream was to settle in the Promised Land,
51:28 to enjoy the inheritance of the Lord.
51:30 And Joshua had allocated everyone
51:32 their inheritance in their field,
51:34 and they were to be a free people.
51:36 But he said, look, I'm living like a fugitive.
51:38 I'm a vagabond.
51:40 I'm a pilgrim, you've driven me out
51:41 and all the other nations serve pagan God's,
51:43 I'm having to live on the fringe
51:44 of these pagan gods.
51:46 And you've done this to me.
51:48 So he's bemoaning that.
51:53 And he said, verse 20.
51:56 "So now do not let my blood fall to the earth
51:59 before the face of the Lord, for the king of Israel
52:02 has come out to seek a flee
52:03 as one has a partridge in the mountains.
52:06 Then Saul said, 'I have sinned.
52:09 Return my son David, for I will harm you no more."'
52:13 Yeah right, "Because my life was precious in your eyes
52:18 this day indeed..."
52:19 That's the first time Saul says this,
52:21 "I have played the fool and erred exceedingly."
52:26 Well, he does repent and he does confess,
52:29 but it was a repentance and a confession like pharaoh.
52:32 You know, even the devil will someday admit
52:34 that he's been a fool and he will bow down
52:37 to Jesus the Son of David, but it wasn't from his heart.
52:40 He's got all his men watching
52:42 and he realized this is twice now,
52:43 David could have killed me and he didn't.
52:46 And yet I keep trying to kill him
52:47 just because I am so afraid for my throne.
52:52 And David answered and said "Here's the king's spear,
52:54 let one of the young men come over and get it."
52:55 He said, "Let one."
52:57 And don't move the army.
53:00 Now he tosses the spear probably out to him.
53:03 "And may the Lord repay every man
53:05 for his righteousness and his faithfulness
53:07 for the Lord delivered you into my hand today
53:11 but I would not stretch out my hand
53:12 against the Lord's anointed.
53:14 And indeed as your life was valued much this day
53:17 in my eyes
53:18 so let my life be valued much in the eyes of the Lord."
53:22 He says, Saul, I'm not worried about your eyes
53:24 because I have already found I can't trust you,
53:26 but I just want my life to be valued
53:28 in the eyes of the Lord
53:29 and let Him deliver me out of all tribulation.
53:32 That is God say, He won't.
53:34 You're not going through tribulation."
53:37 God saves us through tribulation.
53:39 We just want Him to deliver us out of it.
53:43 And Saul said to David,
53:45 "May you be blessed my son David,
53:47 you will both do great things and also prevail."
53:50 And David went on his way.
53:52 He wasn't going back and Saul returned to his place.
53:55 This was the last time
53:56 they saw each other or they spoke.
53:59 And again look at this.
54:02 Saul is bent on vengeance and it's destroying him.
54:05 The Lord says, "Vengeance is mine,
54:07 I'll take care of it."
54:08 Saul was so concerned.
54:09 I know people that have been hurt
54:11 and they are mad, and the people they are mad at
54:13 have been dead for years.
54:15 And they're still mad and they can't let it go.
54:18 As though they're being angry, they say,
54:19 and I remember talking to somebody one time, I said,
54:21 why are you still mad at your parents
54:24 they've been dead for years.
54:25 And he said, well, I feel like if I stop being mad,
54:27 it will let them off the hook.
54:30 I said, you're not hurting them,
54:31 they're dead.
54:33 You're just hurting you.
54:35 And whenever we live life,
54:37 some people in their hearts are just nursing these slights
54:41 and grievances and problems and some things.
54:43 You know, I hear stories and people say, Pastor Doug,
54:45 yeah, it's easy for you to talk about forgiveness.
54:47 But let me tell you what happened to me.
54:48 And I hear some terrible things,
54:50 I say, you still need to forgive.
54:52 Okay.
54:53 Because if you don't, you're just hurting yourself
54:56 and it doesn't mean,
54:57 you need to trust the person again to abuse you
55:01 or to take advantage of you.
55:03 But you've got to let it go.
55:06 David understood Saul was sick.
55:09 Saul had an evil spirit.
55:11 And so David said, "I'm not going to kill him.
55:13 He's not well, he's doing these terrible things
55:15 because he's just not well."
55:17 And sometimes when sinners do sinful things
55:20 because they are sinners.
55:22 And when people do unkind things with you,
55:24 keep in mind they can't help it.
55:26 You either serve the Lord or you serve the devil.
55:30 And if someone is not surrendered to Jesus,
55:33 if they don't have the Spirit of God,
55:34 they're going to do diabolical things
55:36 and they're going to be mean.
55:38 Forgive them, they can't help but they're sick.
55:41 It's a disease. They're not responsible.
55:43 Right? And you know what?
55:45 The way you're going to win people...
55:47 David won over the army of Israel
55:50 those two times when he could have got Saul,
55:51 they thought David is a king of integrity.
55:54 Wish we could follow a king like that.
55:55 When Saul finally does fall, they're ready to follow David.
55:59 Because he's proven that he is a person
56:01 who has the right kind of heart.
56:04 And I don't have time to read it all
56:05 but I went through it.
56:06 And if you look at the different Psalms,
56:10 you'll notice a lot of the Psalms have headings.
56:12 You'll notice in Psalm 54, he talks about
56:14 when David ran from the Ziphites.
56:17 He's writing songs all along the way.
56:19 And you can look in Psalm 25 and Psalm 31 and Psalm 35,
56:24 "Plead my cause, O Lord, for those who strive with me,
56:27 fight against those who fight against me.
56:29 Take hold of a shield and a buckler
56:31 and stand up for my help."
56:33 David's always asking God to fight for him.
56:35 Psalm 13:1, "How long, O Lord, will you forget me forever?
56:39 How long will you hide your face from me?
56:41 How long shall I take counsel in my soul
56:44 having sorrow in my heart daily?
56:46 How long will my enemy be exalted over me?"
56:48 You read through some of the Psalms
56:50 and you can see David is brokenhearted,
56:52 that he's got to live like a fugitive.
56:54 He's got to run.
56:55 He ultimately sends his father and mother
56:57 to live with the king of Moab.
56:59 Because you remember Jesse's part Moabite
57:02 through Ruth,
57:04 and because they're too old now to run like he's running
57:06 with his men,
57:08 and he's praying all the time and he's waiting on God.
57:10 But he had some tough days, but he kept saying,
57:14 I will trust in the Lord, my rock.
57:16 My God is my fortress.
57:18 Wherever you lead me, I will go.
57:20 And that's kind of like the Christian pilgrimage,
57:22 friends, wherever God leads us we can go
57:25 as long as we know that we've got David as our King.
57:28 Amen. Amen.
57:29 Talking about Jesus.
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Revised 2019-02-07