Everlasting Gospel

Lessons from the Book of Job, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG021621A

00:01 Doug Batchelor: I love the quote,
00:02 "The greatest want of the world is the want of men,
00:05 men who will stand for the right,
00:06 though the heavens fall."
00:08 Yet studies are showing for several years now
00:11 that secular media and culture have sought to portray men
00:14 as the family idiots.
00:17 Sadly, respect for the role of fathers and husbands
00:20 has reached an all-time low.
00:23 So, now, as the dispirited men abandon their roles of godly
00:26 leadership, it's not surprising that we're experiencing
00:29 a moral free-fall in our country.
00:32 That's why starting September 30,
00:34 I'll be presenting a new program called "Mighty Men of God."
00:38 Using biblical principles, this encouraging four-part series
00:42 will address how to be a loving father, faithful husband, and
00:45 all-around man of God in the family, church, and nation.
00:49 Please plan now to join me for this live event, and learn
00:52 from the Word how to live courageously for the king.
01:00 [music]
01:15 Doug: I'm glad you're here today.
01:17 I'm going to be starting a series on the book of Job.
01:23 And I really--you know, whenever we open the Word of God,
01:27 we're treading on holy ground.
01:29 But in a special sense, this is a remarkable book.
01:33 And I've never wanted to rush through it because there's
01:37 so much power in the book.
01:39 It's such a profound book that I thought I'm going to take my
01:43 time, and we're going to spend some time talking
01:45 about the book of Job.
01:47 The book of Job was not written for people living long ago.
01:49 The book of Job was written for today.
01:53 And it is very much a book for every people in every age.
01:57 It talks about heaven and hell.
02:00 It talks about God and Satan,
02:02 talks about blessing and cursing.
02:04 It talks about family and friends.
02:07 It talks about betrayal of friends.
02:09 Talks about patience, and victory, and defeat, and just
02:13 all of the great themes of life can be found somehow, somewhere.
02:17 Talks about the Second Coming of Jesus and the resurrection.
02:19 It's in the book of Job.
02:22 And so, we're going to give some time and attention to that.
02:25 And I, of course, appreciate your prayers as we do.
02:29 Now, in our discussion about Job, sometimes as a pastor,
02:37 you know, I look out there and I see some of you
02:39 have been Christians all of your life.
02:41 Some of you have grey hair or no hair,
02:44 and you have been studying it.
02:46 And you know, I can speak to you about the meat of the Word.
02:48 Then we have children and teenagers out there,
02:50 and you have never read the book of Job,
02:52 and you have no background in it.
02:54 Matter of fact, you thought it was the book of Job,
02:57 and until I said that.
02:59 And so, you know, I try to find a balance where I can say
03:03 something that everybody can relate to, but this is a book
03:05 where I'm hoping I can get into the meat of the Word and do some
03:09 serious study with you because there's just so much here
03:12 that we can learn from.
03:14 An overview of the book of Job quickly we'll just give you.
03:18 There's 42 chapters, 1,070 verses, 10,102 words.
03:25 In the Septuagint, the book of Job is calculated to be
03:29 among the books of poetry.
03:31 And you might even find it placed
03:33 between Psalms and Proverbs.
03:35 Some of the different Hebrew texts put the book
03:38 of Job in different places.
03:40 It's none of the most mysterious books in the Bible because
03:43 there's quite a bit of debate about, you know, who he was,
03:46 and where he lived, and when he lived,
03:48 and why all this happened, and was it real.
03:51 And we'll be getting into these things along the way.
03:54 I heard somebody quote Ernest Hemingway,
03:57 the famous author.
03:59 They said that Ernest Hemingway said that the book of Job is,
04:03 "The most magnificent and sublime of any book
04:06 in the Bible."
04:08 And when I heard them quoting Ernest Hemingway, I kind of
04:11 smiled because actually, they didn't know Ernest Hemingway
04:14 was quoting Martin Luther.
04:17 Martin Luther said in his commentary--that's good that
04:19 Hemingway was reading that.
04:21 Martin Luther said, "The book of Job is more magnificent
04:25 and sublime than any other book of Scripture."
04:29 Now, you realize Martin Luther translated the whole Bible, and
04:32 he spoke several languages, and understood the Hebrew languages.
04:35 And for a guy who's one of the founders of the Protestant
04:38 movement to say that, not only did he say that, but you can
04:43 find where Matthew Henry, John Wesley, and many of
04:48 the great reformers say--Spurgeon, they believe
04:51 one of the most majestic books in the Bible
04:54 is the book of Job.
04:56 So, I hope you come to appreciate it that way.
04:58 I remember when I was just a baby Christian, and I knew
05:01 nothing about the Bible, and knew very little.
05:05 And I just decided one day to open the book of Job
05:08 and start reading it.
05:10 And I'll admit I didn't understand everything I read,
05:12 but something attracted me to it.
05:15 It was--it was, to me, so deep that it was awesome.
05:21 And I remember reading through the whole book and just going,
05:24 "Wow, this is inspired.
05:26 I've never heard words like this before."
05:28 Now, you hear four or five characters speaking
05:31 in the book of Job.
05:33 You've got the words of Job, and you've got Job's three friends.
05:35 And this mysterious fourth friend, Elihu, appears at the
05:39 32nd chapter in the book.
05:41 You got God speaking. You've got the devil speaking.
05:45 And it's considered to be, from chapter 2 on, there's quite
05:51 a bit of poetry or just some incredible* Hebrew rhythmic
05:57 parallelisms that are being shared there.
06:01 First thing I might want to make clear is that the book of Job
06:05 is a real book.
06:07 Some people hear about, you know, talking about what's
06:09 happening on earth, and this man is blessed,
06:11 and the numbers that it gives.
06:13 Got 7 sons, 3 daughters, and 7,000 of this, and 12,000--
06:17 and it all seems so exact.
06:19 And for 7 days, they sat down.
06:21 And they said it's a parable. Job never lived.
06:23 It's somebody wrote it to tell a story.
06:26 You can't take it serious.
06:28 I mean, it talks about that God is in heaven, and there's
06:30 a meeting in heaven, and God's talking to the devil,
06:31 and the devil's talking to God.
06:33 And it's obviously a parable.
06:35 But I'd respectfully disagree.
06:37 For one thing, because the other New and Old Testament writers
06:39 speak of Job as an actual event.
06:43 And Jesus addresses it that way.
06:46 We just read a quote from the book of James referring to Job.
06:50 If you look in Ezekiel--now, we're going to look at this
06:53 verse more than once.
06:55 And I'm going to give you a lot of Scripture,
06:56 so you might take notes.
06:58 And they won't all be on the screen.
07:00 Ezekiel 14:14.
07:02 In one of his prophesies, Ezekiel says, "Though these
07:04 three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it," meaning
07:08 in the land, "they will deliver neither--they'll deliver
07:11 but their own souls by their righteousness,
07:14 says the Lord God."
07:15 Now, did Noah really live?
07:18 Did Daniel really live?
07:20 So, when Ezekiel adds in Job, why would we suddenly think that
07:23 he's talking about the righteousness of Daniel and
07:25 Noah, and then he mentions Job, and Job's just a parable,
07:29 he's a fairy tale?
07:31 The prophet Ezekiel speaks of him as a real character
07:34 who was a righteous man, who had a soul to deliver.
07:37 And only his own soul would be delivered by his righteousness.
07:41 By the way, Ezekiel says something very similar
07:43 to that twice.
07:45 Who wrote the book of Job?
07:47 Somewhat a mystery.
07:50 Most of the scholars that I've read believe that Moses
07:53 is responsible for the book.
07:55 It dates as far back as we can find Hebrew literature,
07:58 the book of Job is there.
08:01 It predates the writings of David.
08:04 When you look at the time, and I'll get to that in just
08:06 a minute, it seems like it was written already
08:09 by the time of Moses.
08:12 It is possible that this fourth person--you've got the three
08:16 friends of Job, and then chapter 32 this fourth person,
08:19 Elihu, appears.
08:21 And he begins to speak.
08:23 He starts to speak for the first time in first person,
08:26 saying, "I, I, I, I."
08:29 And we've wondered if he was the one who kind of was a bystander,
08:32 listening to everything, writing it all down,
08:34 and finally he thought, "I'm going to speak."
08:37 And Moses took his writings and codified it,
08:41 or it may have been passed on orally.
08:44 But we believe Moses was--the language also.
08:47 You read the language in Genesis and the language in Job,
08:50 and there's a lot of similarities there.
08:53 God is referred to more times as Shaddai, you've heard
08:57 of El Shaddai, the Almighty, in the book of Job
09:01 more than any other book in the Bible.
09:03 He's the all supplying one.
09:06 And it's a real story.
09:08 Talks about the Chaldeans coming in, and the Sabeans fighting.
09:13 I mean, if it was an allegory, why wouldn't you just say
09:15 some robbers came and stole his stuff?
09:17 Why would you specifically mention a real nation back then
09:19 that were known for robbing?
09:22 So, they mentioned real places and real things.
09:24 Tell you what, what I'd like to do with you is go
09:26 to the book of Job.
09:28 And just so you all know, you know, people don't pretend
09:31 you don't ever watch the clock.
09:33 You're going to want to know, "Is he going to go
09:35 to chapter 30 today?
09:36 How far is he going to go?"
09:38 So, I thought I'll just tell you I'm just doing 12 verses.
09:40 Now, you might think, does that mean 42 chapters,
09:42 we're going to be studying Job until 2019?
09:47 No, because once you get into the poetry,
09:49 we'll be talking about themes.
09:50 It's going to go much quicker.
09:52 But the introduction is very important.
09:54 And so, we're just going to read the first 12 verses,
09:56 and that's what we'll cover today, God willing.
09:59 "There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that
10:06 man was blameless and upright, one who feared God
10:10 and shunned evil."
10:13 Your King James would say eschewed, same word.
10:15 It means to avoid.
10:17 "And seven sons and three daughters were born to him.
10:21 Also, his possessions were 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels,
10:26 500 yoke of oxen."
10:28 A yoke, of course, is 2, so 500 yoke is 1,000 oxen.
10:32 "Five hundred female donkeys, and a very large household,
10:36 so that this man was the greatest of all
10:39 the people of the east."
10:42 Again, it's giving a real place.
10:44 "And his sons would go and feast in their houses,
10:46 each one on his appointed day."
10:49 I believe that means birthday.
10:51 "And would send and invite their three sisters to eat
10:53 and to drink with them.
10:56 And so it was, when the days of feasting had run their course,
10:59 that Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in
11:03 the morning and offer burnt offerings according
11:05 to the number of them all.
11:07 For Job said, 'It may be that my sons have sinned
11:09 and cursed God in their hearts.'
11:12 Thus Job did regularly."
11:14 Now, the scene changes.
11:16 It starts out with a scene on earth in this place called Uz,
11:20 and it tells us about the faith of Job, tells us about the
11:24 fortune of Job, and it tells us about the family of Job.
11:29 It just sets the stage for this battle so you'll understand what
11:32 kind of man is about to go through a trial that is hard
11:35 for us to imagine.
11:38 "Now there was a day."
11:40 It's interesting it starts out, "Now there was a man."
11:42 And verse 6, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to
11:45 present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came among them.
11:51 And the Lord said to Satan, 'From where do you come?'
11:54 So Satan answered the Lord and said, 'From going to and fro
11:57 on the earth, and from walking-- from walking
12:00 back and forth on it.'
12:02 And the Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant
12:05 Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless
12:09 and an upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?'
12:13 So Satan answered the Lord and said,
12:16 'Does Job fear God for nothing?
12:18 Have you not made a hedge about him and about his household,
12:21 and around all that he has on every side?
12:24 You've blessed the work of his hands and his possessions,
12:26 and have increased in the land.
12:28 But now stretch out your hand, and touch all that he has,
12:32 and he will surely curse you to your face.'
12:35 And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold, all that he has is in
12:38 your power, only do not lay a hand on his person.'
12:43 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord."
12:46 All right, that's what we're going to look at.
12:49 Well, we gave you a little overview of Job.
12:51 And I'll be sharing more as we proceed.
12:54 One of the first things we might talk about is
12:56 when did this happen.
12:58 What is the time for Job?
13:01 Well, there's some mystery to it.
13:03 I'm not going to pretend I can fix an exact date, but as near
13:06 as we can tell, it was somewhere between--Job lived sometime
13:09 between the age of 1700 BC and 1900 BC.
13:16 He lived during the time of some of the patriarchs.
13:18 Now, one of the reasons for that, and I'll give you some of
13:21 the evidence, at the end of the book of Job, after this terrible
13:24 trial that he goes through, it says, Job lived 100--
13:28 it says, "After this," after the trial, "Job lived 140 years,
13:34 and he saw his children's children and grandchildren
13:37 to 4 generations."
13:39 So, he lived long enough after his trials to have another
13:43 7 some and 3 daughters, and to see their offspring
13:46 to the fourth generation.
13:49 He must have been at least--well, the Septuagint
13:53 says that he was 70 years old.
13:57 It must have been 50 if you've got 10 kids.
13:59 And back then, they didn't start as early as we do today.
14:03 You know, Isaac didn't even start looking for a wife
14:06 till he was 40.
14:09 And Jacob got married at 70.
14:11 And so, because of the way they did things back then, you know,
14:14 Septuagint is probably pretty close, which means
14:17 he lived about 210 years.
14:19 And Bible is remarking that that was old even for that era.
14:26 Now, based on the land and the names that are used, these names
14:31 of some of these characters do appear other places
14:33 in the Bible.
14:35 And because of when they lived, we think we know he lived
14:38 during the time of Esau's descendants.
14:41 You can look, for instance, in Genesis 22:20, "Now it came
14:46 to pass after these things it was told Abraham, saying,
14:49 'Indeed Milcah has also borne children
14:52 to your brother Nahor.'"
14:54 Milcah was the wife of Nahor. "Uz his firstborn."
14:58 What was his name? Uz.
15:01 Job lived in the land of Uz. We'll get to it in a minute.
15:04 "Buz his brother."
15:06 Can you imagine having two kids, Uz and Buz?
15:07 Wouldn't you get that mixed up?
15:09 I mean, if you got a David and a Daniel,
15:11 you'll always mix them up.
15:13 Could you imagine Uz and Buz, and getting mad
15:15 trying to call them?
15:17 What were they thinking?
15:19 And then how would they get--
15:20 wouldn't they get teased at school?
15:22 Uz and Buz, it's like, you know--yeah, anyway.
15:27 Okay, "Buz his brother, Kemuel the father of Amram."
15:29 So, the land of Uz may have been partially named out of this.
15:33 You know, they often named territories and regions
15:36 out of some of them.
15:38 And so, you've got Uz as a nephew of Abraham
15:41 by his brother--not like Lot, this is by his brother Nahor.
15:46 And then if you look in Genesis 36:10 and 11,
15:49 "These are the names of Esau's sons, Eliphaz the son of Adah."
15:55 And you go down to verse 11, "The sons of Eliphaz were Teman,
15:59 Omar, Zepho, and Gatam."
16:02 Well, one of the friends of Esau was Eliphaz the Temanite.
16:07 And then it tells us that Job was one of the greatest
16:09 of the men of the what territory?
16:13 The east.
16:14 Now, when I say the east, you'd be thinking maybe about China.
16:17 But here, we're talking about east of the Jordan River.
16:20 They had--the descendants of Abraham, some settled
16:24 on the west, and that would be Abraham and Jacob.
16:26 Some settled on the east.
16:29 And the children of the east were often the Arabs.
16:32 And the children that Abraham had by Ishmael, and you know
16:36 he had another litter of kids with Keturah.
16:40 And so, some of the friends of Job were from Keturah.
16:44 And so, you're talking about the time Jacob lived, 147 years.
16:49 Who knows how long his father lived, Isaac?
16:53 A hundred and eighty years. It's quite a difference.
16:56 Matter of fact, Jacob, when he meets with the pharaoh,
16:58 is complaining.
17:01 He says, "The ages of my days is not equaling
17:03 the age of my fathers."
17:05 He said, "I've worn myself out."
17:07 You know, and all the time he spent out in the fields
17:09 and having four wives, it just cut his life short.
17:12 But he was bemoaning that he wasn't living as long as some
17:15 of the others evidently around then.
17:17 And so, it's not unusual that Job would live that long.
17:21 Who knows who the last longest living person was?
17:26 Moses lived 120 years, Aaron about 123.
17:31 Do you know who just broke--he just broke the mold is way after
17:35 King David said, "Our days of our years will be three score
17:38 and ten," which is how much?
17:40 "And if by reason of strength we make it to 80,
17:43 there's aches and pains."
17:45 That's a rough paraphrase.
17:47 But there was a high priest who watched over King Joash
17:51 named Jehoiada, lived 130 years.
17:56 How many of you heard in the news this week that the last
18:01 American, as far as they know, the last American
18:06 who was born in the 1890s died, 116 years old?
18:12 There's only one person they know of in the world today
18:15 that can say that they lived over 3 centuries.
18:18 In other words, their lives touched the 1800s,
18:22 the 1900s, and the 2000s.
18:24 There's very few people--I used to know people, a lot of people
18:26 that were born in the 1800s, and they're all gone.
18:30 So, then you're finding fewer and fewer people that can
18:32 tell you about World War II that are left.
18:34 You know what I'm saying?
18:37 Well, now they got one lady in Italy, she's 117,
18:40 I think, that's still alive.
18:42 And they showed a picture of her, and she doesn't look like
18:44 she'll be around much longer.
18:46 Sorry, I hope that wasn't unkind, just from the picture.
18:49 But every now and then, someone comes along.
18:53 And so, the Bible comments about how long Job lived.
18:56 Based on the relatives, it seems like that he lived
19:01 during the time of Esau's descendants.
19:04 Like I said, because he lived 200 years,
19:07 you got to give him 200 years.
19:09 So, from 1900 BC to 1700 BC.
19:12 Moses didn't come around for another 100 years,
19:14 so he lived back during that age range.
19:17 That means if Moses wrote the first book in the Bible,
19:20 technically what is the first book in the Bible?
19:23 It's the book of Job.
19:26 I was reading one commentary where they were saying that
19:29 anybody that thinks that the book of Job is just the work of
19:33 someone who wrote a parable doesn't know what they're
19:36 talking about because he said the genius of insight in the
19:42 statements of Job could not come from one author.
19:46 You've got some very bright men.
19:49 Job is a very successful, wealthy man.
19:52 His friends that come are leaders.
19:54 And these are just the chieftains of the region that
19:57 have come, and there's just incredible wisdom there.
20:01 So, this is when we think Job lived.
20:04 Now, where was Uz? Not Oz, Uz.
20:11 Genesis 10, verse 22.
20:13 It's interesting, again, you read the commentary, some says,
20:16 "Well, nobody knows where it was."
20:18 Well, you can actually know relatively close where it was.
20:20 It says, "The sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur,
20:23 Arphaxad, Lud, Aram.
20:25 The sons of Aram were Uz."
20:28 This is now the second person named Uz.
20:30 You notice I'm doing Genesis 10 now.
20:32 "Hul, Gether, and Mash."
20:35 It tells us Uz was also a nephew of Abraham that lived
20:38 in Arabia about 1900 BC.
20:41 Josephus says Uz was--he, Uz, the person Uz founded
20:47 Trachanitus and Damascus.
20:50 Damascus is one of the oldest cities of antiquity,
20:53 but that's further north.
20:56 The land of Uz was--it tells us really in the Bible.
20:59 Jeremiah 25, verse 20, "All the mixed people of all the kings of
21:04 the land of Uz, all the kings of the land of the Philistines,
21:08 namely Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod."
21:14 Jeremiah is talking about the kingdoms that are neighboring
21:17 the south and the east of Israel in that statement.
21:20 So, we're narrowing it down.
21:23 And then if you look in Lamentations,
21:25 this sort of seals it.
21:27 Lamentations 4:21, "Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom,
21:30 you who dwell in the land of Uz."
21:34 So, I've got a little map on the screen.
21:36 You'll see that in the land that's to the east
21:39 of the Jordan, that territory, it was a big region.
21:42 By the way, if you've got, you know, 7,000 sheep and all these
21:45 animals, you got a big pasture land.
21:48 But when you're reading the book of Job, you'll also see book
21:52 of Job talks about when I sat in the city gates.
21:54 So, it's not just a man who lived out in the country.
21:57 And it says his sons each went in their house, not their tent.
22:01 And so, there was a big civilization.
22:03 There to the east of the Jordan valley, the climate
22:09 was very different then than it is now.
22:12 The land of Israel was called the land flowing
22:14 with milk and honey.
22:16 Do you know if you go to the Sahara Desert, they've got
22:21 valleys you drive for just hours, maybe even days off
22:24 into the Sahara, and you'll find just a lake,
22:27 dry lakebeds full of whale bones.
22:30 You'll find rocks that have ancient petroglyph carvings that
22:37 the tribes carved in the rock.
22:40 And they've got hippopotamus and giraffes.
22:43 Well, you got hippos, you have to have water.
22:46 It was a land that used to have a lot more water.
22:48 And so, not only has there been desertification of North Africa,
22:52 but this region changed.
22:54 Used to have a lot more vegetation.
22:56 It was a lot more lush.
22:58 And so, there's a lot more going on now.
23:01 Now, you go to that desert around they call it Mount Seir,
23:05 the Edomites, they were the descendants of Esau.
23:11 Now, it's just desert in that country out there.
23:15 So, that's where Uz was. That's probably where Job lived.
23:18 Now, who was Job?
23:20 The name "Job" signifies sorrowful, or he that weeps.
23:25 You know, one of the things that strikes me, friends,
23:28 is just the very first words of the book, "There was a man."
23:33 The very fact you got a 42 chapter book that begins with,
23:36 "There was a man."
23:38 You know why it says that?
23:40 Because it doesn't say there were men, it says there was
23:43 a man, meaning this is an unusual man.
23:48 This is a man that stands out.
23:50 This is a man who is just one among thousands.
23:54 And made me think of some other places in the Bible.
23:56 You know, in the book of Daniel, when nobody could interpret the
24:00 king's dream, Daniel 2:25, "Then Arioch quickly brought
24:04 Daniel before the king.
24:06 He said, 'I found a man. I found a man.'"
24:09 There is a man.
24:11 You go to Daniel 5, nobody could interpret the handwriting
24:14 on the wall.
24:15 The queen talks to the king. She says, "There is a man."
24:21 But not that many.
24:23 And you find as you read the story of Job
24:25 that Job stands out.
24:27 "There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit
24:29 of the Holy God.
24:31 He can tell you what that writing says."
24:33 Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 7:28,
24:36 "Which my soul still seeks, but I cannot find one man
24:42 among a thousand I have found."
24:46 The Gospel of John, it says, "There was a man sent from God
24:49 whose name was John."
24:51 Something else we find out about Job, it says, "In the land of Uz
24:56 was this man who was perfect and blameless."
24:59 Well, right there you can say that's an unusual man,
25:02 perfect and upright.
25:05 Now, what does that mean?
25:06 First of all, let me just make sure, take a breath,
25:09 look at me, okay?
25:11 We're going to talk about how perfect a Christian is supposed
25:13 to be for just a moment.
25:15 That makes everyone nervous, including me.
25:17 But I just want to read you what the Bible says, then we'll talk
25:19 about what that means, okay?
25:21 But God wants us to be holy, you know that.
25:25 Yes, he wants to bless you, and we all think about God
25:27 wanting us to be happy.
25:29 But even more than your happiness, God's interested
25:31 in your holiness.
25:32 And is it possible--let me read some verses to you.
25:36 Genesis 6:9, "Noah was a just man, perfect
25:40 in his generations."
25:43 Godly man.
25:45 And did God do something unusual through him?
25:48 Ezekiel 14:14, "Though these three men," I told you I'd read
25:52 it again, "Noah, Daniel, and Job were in the land.
25:55 They'll deliver their own souls by their righteousness,
25:57 says the Lord."
25:59 That tells us Noah was a righteous man,
26:01 Daniel was a righteous man, Job was a righteous man.
26:05 But don't forget they're human.
26:07 And so, when you hear about Elijah being a righteous man,
26:11 there you got a man too.
26:13 Boy, 1 on the mountain against 800.
26:15 God had a man.
26:17 When you read in the New Testament and James says, "These
26:20 were men," speaking of Elijah, "subject to the same passions as
26:23 you and me, and yet God declares about them what he wants to
26:27 declare about you," that we fear God and hate evil,
26:34 and that we are walking and living upright lives.
26:38 If Noah did it, if Job did it, if Daniel did it,
26:43 if Elijah did it, then God says,
26:46 "The same way they did it, you can do it."
26:50 God is calling us to be that.
26:52 And you almost never hear that in the church anymore, that it's
26:54 not just about our getting together with our friends.
26:57 The whole purpose of the church is training for holiness to have
27:00 an impact of light and life in a perishing world.
27:05 Job was that kind of person.
27:07 But it's all through the Bible that God is calling believers,
27:10 Old and New Testament, to be like Job, to love the Lord
27:15 and to hate evil, and to walk and be upright.
27:18 Now, what does that mean, to fear God and to hate evil?
27:23 Matthew 6:13, to hate evil means to eschew evil, to avoid it,
27:28 to run the other direction.
27:31 Is there evil in the world?
27:34 Jesus in our Lord's prayer, he said we should pray, "Lead us
27:37 not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
27:42 The yearning desire we ought to be praying about every day is,
27:45 "Lord, deliver me from evil."
27:48 We don't want to be around evil.
27:50 And I'm not talking about the evil that chases you down.
27:54 You can't always control that.
27:56 You know, you see things or you happen to be the witness
27:59 of something that you weren't planning.
28:01 But when we pursue it, that's not good.
28:04 Isaiah 33:15, "He who walks righteously and speaks
28:08 uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressors, who gestures with
28:12 his hand refusing bribes," going no, "who stops his ears
28:17 from hearing bloodshed."
28:19 This is where it gets interesting.
28:21 "Stops his ears from hearing of violence."
28:23 You know, one of the characteristics in the days
28:25 of Noah before the world was destroyed,
28:27 the thoughts of men's hearts were only evil continually,
28:29 and there was violence filled the land.
28:31 Do we have that today?
28:33 We may not have the kind of gore and bloodshed
28:34 that you see on battlefronts.
28:38 Instead, where we have it in our country is in our entertainment,
28:43 kind of like the Roman coliseums, except it's called
28:45 a television or a computer monitor today.
28:48 And when it talks about stopping our ears from hearing
28:52 of bloodshed, and shutting our eyes.
28:55 I'm in Isaiah 33:15, "Shutting our eyes from seeing evil,
29:01 he will dwell on high."
29:03 But if we're going out of our way to behold these things
29:07 and to hear these things, a lot of the music today is violent.
29:12 A lot of the programming is violent.
29:15 And I'm probably like a lot of other men out there, boy,
29:20 a good cowboy Indian fight--can you say that anymore?
29:23 Is that politically incorrect?
29:26 No, I can't say that anymore. Cowboy and Native American.
29:28 I'm sorry, I don't mean to be unkind.
29:30 I'm just telling you how crazy it is.
29:32 But who as a kid didn't-- anyone here have a cap gun
29:34 when they were a kid?
29:36 Come on, fess up, you guys.
29:38 I know you're worried that the pacifists around you are
29:40 going to--yeah, just there was just--
29:43 something about that appeals.
29:44 You know, God makes men where you want to go out and conquer.
29:46 And so, to be entertained by it, whether it's boxing, or football
29:53 is almost equally as violent.
29:56 Guys have to dress up like, you know, they're going to space
30:00 because they get hit so hard.
30:04 Not to mention all the guns, and the shooting, and--but if we
30:09 want to have the experience of Job and the relationship with
30:11 Job, who stops his ears from hearing bloodshed and shuts
30:14 his eyes from seeing evil, he will dwell on high.
30:18 His place will be the defense, the fortress of rocks.
30:21 Bread will be given him, and water will be sure.
30:23 I've heard a lot of Christians quote that verse, speaking
30:25 of the last days if we've got to flee for our faith.
30:28 God says our bread will be given to us,
30:30 and our water will be sure.
30:32 It says, yeah, if you plug your ears from hearing of bloodshed
30:35 and shut your eyes from seeing evil.
30:38 Do we hate evil like Job did?
30:42 Psalm 119, verse 37, "Turn away my eyes."
30:46 This is something that would make a good prayer for us all.
30:48 "Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
30:52 and revive me in your way."
30:54 How much time is spent looking at goofy, worthless things?
31:00 Ezekiel 12:13, "Let's hear the conclusion of the whole matter.
31:04 Fear God and keep his commandments,
31:07 for this is man's entire duty.
31:09 For God will bring every work into judgment."
31:11 Job was a man that feared God.
31:13 Now, when we say fearing God, I've often heard people say,
31:17 "Well, that doesn't mean--
31:19 we're not supposed to be afraid of God."
31:20 And I actually have caught myself saying that
31:22 because some people just live in constant fear.
31:24 But you know, as I study that and as I compare it with other
31:27 verses in the Bible, I've had to correct myself.
31:30 It is talking about an awesome reverence,
31:35 but there's a terror connected with it.
31:39 When it says to fear God, if we know how powerful,
31:43 how--yes, he's your father.
31:45 Yes, he's your friend. Yes, he loves you.
31:48 He loves you more than anybody. But he's also a powerful God.
31:53 And he has eternity, he has your eternity in his hands.
31:56 And he can be offended through sin.
31:59 And in that sense, we should hate evil and fear God.
32:04 I think it was Wesley that said, "If I could have 100 men who
32:09 feared nothing but God, I could change the world."
32:11 Someone once said if you don't fear God,
32:13 you'll fear everything else.
32:15 If you do fear God, you fear nothing else.
32:18 And the Lord wants us to have that kind of fear, where really
32:22 we live in his sight, and we do everything in that perspective.
32:28 What's the message for today?
32:31 Revelation 14:6, "I saw another angel flying in the midst of
32:34 heaven with the everlasting gospel to preach to those
32:37 who dwell on the earth, every tribe, tongue, and people."
32:40 This is the last book of the Bible, last message that goes.
32:43 Revelation 14 pictures Jesus coming in the clouds.
32:46 What's the message that is to go to the world before
32:48 the return of Christ?
32:50 And it says, "With a loud voice,"
32:52 megaphone is what that means,
32:54 "fear God and give glory to him,
32:57 for the hour of his judgment has come."
33:00 So, obviously you're fearing because this is
33:02 a judgment day coming.
33:04 "Fear God and give glory to him,
33:06 the hour of his judgment has come in.
33:08 Worship him who made the heaven and the earth, and the sea,
33:10 and the springs of waters."
33:12 This is not only talking about a revival of reverence and a holy
33:15 fear of God because there's an impending judgment.
33:19 It says and a revival of genuine worship too.
33:23 Real worship is going to be a God fearing worship.
33:27 God fearing worship will involve reverence in worship.
33:31 You go into a church where it just looks like a hootenanny,
33:34 and everyone's running around, there's no respect,
33:36 there's no reverence, there's no decorum,
33:39 that's a place that doesn't fear God.
33:41 If God could suddenly appear, you would see
33:43 a big change of attitude.
33:46 "The Lord is in his holy temple."
33:48 This is a message that goes to the world.
33:49 It's a message of the experience of Job having this holiness.
33:54 Did Job go through a great trial?
33:56 Is there going to be a time of trouble such as there never
33:59 has been before Jesus comes?
34:02 It's relevant for us then to be studying Job, amen?
34:06 And you can read in Job 1:3, it says,
34:09 "This man was the greatest of all the people of the east."
34:14 Well, you know, that probably segues well into the next verse,
34:19 "Job is a rich man."
34:23 And he founded the computer company, and the Facebook,
34:29 and he was the Rockefeller of his age.
34:32 He was not just a little rich, he was the richest man.
34:37 Some of you would like to get a blank check that said
34:39 Bill Gates on it, or Warren Buffett,
34:43 or one of these guys.
34:45 Back then, if you had a check that said Job on it--
34:48 I don't know his last name.
34:50 It's just Job Job was his name. You'd be very happy.
34:53 You'd love to get a job from Job, wouldn't you?
34:57 He was a very wealthy man. But what a strange combination.
35:01 You know, Jesus said after the rich young ruler walked away,
35:05 "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
35:09 than for a rich man to get into the kingdom."
35:11 Do you expect Job to be in the kingdom?
35:14 And yet, he wasn't just a little rich, he was fabulously wealthy.
35:20 Someone once said, "In adversity, Job could possess
35:25 his soul in patience because, in prosperity,
35:29 he had not lost his riches."
35:32 He was not possessed by his riches.
35:35 He possessed them.
35:38 Bunyan, John Bunyan, who wrote "Pilgrim's Progress,"
35:40 he said, "Gold in the gospel seldom agree.
35:44 Religion always sides with poverty."
35:48 It's not that it never happens, but it's not frequently.
35:52 But it is worthy of mention that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
35:57 the great patriarchs, were greatly blessed
36:01 and were very prosperous.
36:03 Now, I want to read something to you in Deuteronomy.
36:09 Job is greatly blessed, and he's blessed because,
36:12 well, the devil's partly right.
36:14 Don't quote me on that.
36:17 He said, "You've put a hedge about Job.
36:20 You've protected all that he has," meaning,
36:22 "He's blessed because you've kept me
36:25 from cursing his stuff."
36:27 And the Lord does say--I want to read Deuteronomy 28.
36:31 I'll read a few verses here.
36:32 I won't read the whole chapter, this is the chapter where God
36:34 talks about the blessing and the cursing.
36:36 How many of you want to be blessed?
36:38 You want to be blessed like Job was blessed,
36:41 including the sufferings of Job?
36:44 If that's what it takes.
36:46 Keep in mind--no, I'll save that for later.
36:49 I don't want to say everything first day.
36:52 Deuteronomy 28, "Now it will come to pass that if you will
36:56 diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe
37:00 carefully all of his commandments that I command you
37:04 today that the Lord your God will set you high above
37:07 the nations of the earth.
37:09 And all these blessings will come upon you and overtake you
37:13 because you obey the voice of the Lord your God."
37:16 There are certain natural blessings that seem to come
37:18 in the wake of obedience.
37:21 You know, if you disobey and you do dumb things,
37:23 bad things happen.
37:27 And here's what he said.
37:29 "These blessings will overtake you."
37:31 You know what that makes it sound like?
37:33 They'll catch up to you. You can't escape them.
37:36 If you obey the Lord.
37:38 How many of you want to be overtaken by blessings?
37:40 "Blessed you will be in the city, and blessed you will be
37:43 in the country."
37:45 The book of Job talks about both.
37:47 "Blessed will be the fruit of your body."
37:49 He was blessed in his family.
37:50 "The produce of your ground and the increase of your herds."
37:54 All these blessings came to Job.
37:56 "The increase of your cattle, the offspring of your flocks.
37:59 Blessed will be your basket and your kneading bowl.
38:02 Blessed you will be when you come in.
38:04 Blessed will you be when you go out.
38:06 The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be
38:08 defeated before your face.
38:10 They will come out against you one way,
38:12 and flee before you seven ways.
38:14 The Lord will command the blessing on your storehouse,
38:16 to which you set your hand.
38:18 He'll bless you in the land which the Lord
38:20 your God has given you.
38:22 The Lord will establish you as a holy people to himself."
38:24 Now, notice it starts out obedience, established
38:28 as a holy people, blessing sandwiched in between.
38:32 That doesn't mean--this is a promise that does speak
38:35 in general terms here.
38:37 That doesn't mean that people who are obedient are always
38:40 blessed in material abundance because sometimes I think
38:45 the devil blesses people with abundance.
38:49 Does that make sense?
38:51 I remember reading the devil will sometimes cast prosperity
38:55 in a person's path to ruin them.
38:59 Just Karen was telling me yesterday on the news,
39:02 somebody won a $400 million jackpot.
39:07 And they said they got a dream that they were supposed
39:09 to pick the numbers.
39:11 I guess in this lottery--I don't play, so I'm not sure,
39:13 but I guess you pick the numbers, I don't know.
39:16 But she was shown the numbers in a dream.
39:17 And I said, "I wonder if the Lord showed her those numbers."
39:19 Karen said, "No, the Lord would never do that."
39:21 And she's probably right.
39:24 Kind of in quiet moments, you wish the Lord would show you
39:27 those numbers, I might to buy a ticket, $400 million, right?
39:30 No, no, no, don't quote me on that either.
39:34 Probably the devil.
39:36 And you know what often happens in those families that suddenly
39:39 come into a great, sudden inheritance?
39:42 Not everybody, but many of them, their lives unravel.
39:46 Sometimes they end up in jail. Some have been murdered.
39:49 I mean, it doesn't end well.
39:51 An inheritance hastily gotten doesn't always bring
39:53 a blessing in its train.
39:55 But Job was able to manage it because his possessions
39:58 did not possess him.
40:01 That's why Jesus said, "A man's life does not consist
40:03 in the abundance of the things he possesses."
40:07 You can become a slave to your possessions.
40:09 The more stuff you have, the more you have to insure,
40:11 the more you have to guard.
40:13 And pretty soon, you can't go anywhere because you
40:15 got to watch your stuff.
40:17 That's why Jesus, when he called people to follow him, he says,
40:19 "You're going to have a life of being an itinerant teacher."
40:23 They walked away from their nets, they walked away from
40:25 their cash registers because your stuff will tie you down.
40:32 All right, back to Job.
40:35 I don't want to overwhelm you today.
40:37 So, he's a wealthy man.
40:40 1 Timothy 6:17, the Bible tells us in the early church,
40:44 they had some people that were rich.
40:47 "Command those who are rich in this present age not to be
40:49 haughty, not to trust in uncertain riches,
40:52 but in the living God."
40:54 The Bible doesn't say money is the root of all evil,
40:56 the love of money.
40:58 Don't trust in it because you can lose everything all at once,
41:00 did you know that?
41:02 Did Job? Overnight, he lost it all.
41:06 Don't trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who richly
41:09 gives us all things to enjoy.
41:11 Let them do good.
41:13 "They that be rich, be rich in good works,
41:15 willing to give, willing to share."
41:18 He's not condemning them for richness.
41:19 He's condemning them for hoarding the riches.
41:22 Now, we're going to go off--the scene changes now.
41:24 We talked about Job, we talked about where he was,
41:27 and when he was, and who he was.
41:30 We learned something about the faith of job,
41:33 and the fortune of job, and the family of Job.
41:35 And then suddenly, it says there was a day.
41:37 The scene changes.
41:39 Now, we're going from the earth to heaven.
41:43 And it says there was a day when the sons of God came to present
41:46 themselves before the Lord, and Satan came among them.
41:49 First of all, who are these sons of God that come to present
41:53 themselves before the Lord?
41:56 You can read in Job 38:7, when the--speaking of the creation,
42:00 "When the morning stars sang together,
42:03 and all the sons of God shouted for joy."
42:07 Well, God's creating the world, so they're not humans.
42:11 God uses the word "angels" for angels.
42:14 But it talks about the sons of God.
42:17 If you read in the Luke-- in the Gospel of Luke,
42:19 the genealogy of Jesus, it goes back to Adam.
42:24 And you'll notice it says in Luke chapter 3:37,
42:27 "Which was the son of Methuselah,
42:30 which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared,
42:33 which was the son of Mahalalel,
42:36 which was the son of Cainan, which was the son of Enosh,
42:39 which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam,
42:43 which was the son of God."
42:47 All of us are born.
42:49 Adam was not born; he was created.
42:51 Adam was given dominion of the world.
42:53 That's what it says in Genesis.
42:56 Adam was the son of God who was the leader
42:58 and representative of our planet.
43:01 But Adam lost it because whoever you obey,
43:04 you become the servant, Romans 6.
43:06 You're the servant to the one you obey.
43:08 And Adam lost his dominion, and Eve, of the planet.
43:12 And the devil claimed the planet.
43:14 So, the sons of God are the representatives of the unfallen
43:18 worlds that God has out there in space.
43:21 By the way, there's a great quote in the book
43:23 "Desire of Ages," 834, "The sons of God are the representatives
43:27 of the unfallen worlds."
43:30 And I tend to agree with the author there.
43:33 If you look, you'll see that our planet is not the only planet
43:36 that God has made.
43:38 It says in Colossians 1:16, "For by him were all things created
43:43 in heaven and in earth."
43:44 He's created things in heaven.
43:46 Hebrews 1:2, "In these last days, God has spoken to us by
43:49 his Son, who he has appointed heir of all things,
43:52 through whom he made the," plural, "worlds."
43:55 Not just one. He's got other unfallen worlds.
43:58 You know the parable of the man who's got how many sheep
44:01 and he loses one?
44:03 Ninety-nine sheep.
44:05 Loses one, he leaves the 99 to go find the 1 lost sheep.
44:09 Well, the other ones aren't lost.
44:11 Everybody in this world, how many have sinned in this world?
44:14 Everybody.
44:16 And so, he goes then to look for that one.
44:20 All the unfallen worlds, Jesus left them safely and came
44:23 to this world to get this lost sheep.
44:26 Revelation 5:13, "And every creature in heaven
44:29 and on earth."
44:31 These days, he's spoken to us by his Son.
44:33 And so, and you read in Revelation 4, "Around the throne
44:36 of God were 24 seats, and upon these seats I saw
44:41 24 elders sitting clothed in white raiment,
44:45 and on their head crowns of God."
44:47 Why have they got crowns?
44:49 They're the leaders of unfallen worlds.
44:51 Now, there's probably a lot more than just 24.
44:53 Twenty-four are mentioned in Revelation,
44:55 but God has many unfallen worlds.
44:58 And then Satan comes to this meeting because he says,
45:01 "I represent the world."
45:03 One of the things before Satan speaks, God says,
45:05 "Where did you come from?"
45:07 He says, "I came from the earth."
45:09 You notice the devil doesn't say, "I came from hell."
45:11 He doesn't say, "I came from Hades."
45:14 He says, "I came from earth."
45:16 He could have said, "I came from Sacramento."
45:20 He could have--I mean, he's somewhere on the planet.
45:23 Because he says, "Look, you've got the representatives
45:25 of the other worlds.
45:28 Earth needs a representative.
45:29 I have dominion, so I'm coming to represent them."
45:33 But God speaks first, and he says to the devil, "Have you
45:36 considered my servant Job?"
45:39 Now, that's wonderful to me that God is bragging in heaven
45:45 about someone on earth.
45:47 For me, this is the best part of today's message, that God--
45:51 not only God because God knows everything.
45:54 God knows the good and bad.
45:56 But the angels are hearing the name of the victorious
45:59 on earth in heaven.
46:01 Did Jesus tell us that's the case?
46:04 Look in Matthew 10:32.
46:06 "Therefore whoever confesses me before men,
46:09 I will confess before my Father who is in heaven."
46:13 He says it a little bit differently in Luke 12:8,
46:17 "Also I say whoever confesses me before men,
46:19 the son of man will confess before the angels.
46:22 Before my Father," he says, "and before the angels."
46:25 Wouldn't you like to have your name brought up
46:28 in a positive way in heaven?
46:31 Wouldn't you like to be able to have God say,
46:33 "Have you considered my servant?
46:36 He's down there, but he's not your servant, Satan.
46:38 He's my servant.
46:39 You say that all the men belong to you.
46:41 Not all of them.
46:43 Job serves me."
46:44 And wouldn't you like the Lord to be able to point down
46:46 and say, "Doug serves me"?
46:49 Insert your name there.
46:52 The whole universe is watching what's happening in this world.
46:55 The Bible says what's going on on our planet,
46:57 it's a theater of the universe.
47:00 1 Corinthians 4:9, "For I think that God has displayed us,
47:04 the apostles, last as men condemned to death.
47:08 For we have been made a spectacle to the world,
47:11 both to angels and to men."
47:14 Do we have guardian angels that we can't see?
47:17 So, are angels watching what's happening here on earth?
47:21 They are. They see what goes on.
47:24 That's why, you know, I love that verse in the Bible.
47:27 Sorry, 2 Chronicles 16:9, "For the eyes of the Lord run to and
47:32 fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf
47:36 of those whose heart is loyal to him."
47:39 God is just scanning through the world, saying,
47:42 "Someone down there, believe in me and I will
47:45 show mighty things through you."
47:47 That's why it says there was a man in the land of Uz.
47:49 God said, "Ah."
47:51 Yet God doesn't say, "Have you considered my servants."
47:54 Isn't that sad?
47:56 God said, "Have you considered my servant?"
47:59 Unfortunately, those who serve God down here
48:02 are not the majority.
48:04 Don't you and I want to give God more names to cite in heaven?
48:10 That's my goal for my life, and as a pastor for your life.
48:15 Jesus said, "Many will come to me in that day saying,
48:17 'Lord, Lord,'"
48:19 and he'll say, "I don't know you."
48:21 But did God know Job?
48:24 Hebrews 4:13, "There is no creature hidden from his sight,
48:28 but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with
48:32 whom we must give an account."
48:34 Heaven's watching it all.
48:35 Now, final point and I'm almost done.
48:37 After God says, "Have you seen my servant Job,"
48:40 well, the devil, he says, "I've come from earth.
48:43 It's my dominion."
48:45 Satan is called the prince of this world.
48:47 And you look around, you can just see,
48:49 even though there's a lot of beauty in the world that God,
48:51 the residue of his creation can be seen.
48:54 Satan has kind of claimed the world.
48:56 Even Jesus said, John 12:31, "Now is the judgment of this
49:00 world, and the ruler of this world will be cast out."
49:03 Who's he talking about?
49:05 "Satan is coming, the ruler of this world,
49:07 and he has nothing in me."
49:09 The prince of this world will be cast out.
49:13 Does the devil still have access to heaven?
49:17 Before Jesus came, the devil evidently could--you know,
49:21 he was kicked out of heaven, but he wasn't kicked
49:24 out of wherever this meeting was.
49:25 We don't know where this meeting was.
49:27 It says, "There was a meeting."
49:29 You can carefully deduce the meeting is not on earth
49:31 because Satan says, "I've come from the earth."
49:32 So, in order for Satan to say, "I came from the earth,"
49:34 the meeting isn't on the earth.
49:36 But I don't think the meeting's in heaven either
49:39 because Satan was cast out of heaven.
49:44 He can't go back in.
49:46 Does the Lord go visit his different creatures?
49:49 Did God come down to earth to walk and talk
49:51 with Adam and Eve when he made them?
49:54 Sure, the Lord goes throughout his domain.
49:57 And so, wherever this meeting was,
49:59 he called the representatives.
50:01 They're giving reports on wonderful things happening
50:02 in their various realms.
50:04 And Satan comes, and you could just hear--
50:07 you could hear the murmuring among all the other sons of God,
50:09 "Oh, now look who's here."
50:11 Did they all know who Satan is?
50:13 Yeah.
50:15 And he's coming, and he's not doing or saying good things.
50:17 Satan claims to be the leader.
50:20 And then Satan says, "Do you know my servant--"
50:24 Or God says, "Have you considered my servant Job?"
50:26 Here's a question.
50:28 Did the devil know who Job was?
50:31 Now, is the devil omniscient?
50:34 God knows all things, he's omniscient.
50:36 No.
50:38 Is the devil omnipresent?
50:39 No. He's not omnipotent.
50:43 No, only God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
50:47 He knows everything, he can be everywhere, he sees everything,
50:50 he has all power.
50:53 Why--and does the devil operate through his fallen angels?
50:58 So, sometimes when you and I say the devil's tempting me,
51:00 the devil doesn't even know who you are probably.
51:03 He doesn't know every name of all 7 billion people
51:06 on the planet.
51:08 Most of them he's not worried about.
51:09 I mean, if Jesus could say, "I know you not," to the lost,
51:12 then certainly there's some the devil's going to say,
51:14 "I know you not."
51:16 Matter of fact, I got a quote that proves that.
51:18 These seven sons were trying to cast out a devil in Acts 19:15.
51:24 And the devil speaks through the man.
51:27 They didn't know the Lord.
51:29 They're just claiming the name of Jesus.
51:31 And they said, "In the name of Jesus who Paul preaches,
51:33 come out."
51:36 And the devil answered, listened to what he said,
51:38 "Jesus I know."
51:40 I remember him before I was cast out of heaven.
51:43 "And Paul I know."
51:45 I know Paul.
51:47 I put a thorn in his side, and he is a thorn in my side.
51:51 I know Paul. "But who are you?"
51:57 Now, here's the question.
52:00 Do you want the devil to know who you are?
52:05 Don't you want to live the kind of life where you're a thorn
52:10 in the devil's side?
52:13 Now, you don't want to raise your hand, and shout, and jump
52:16 up and down, "Yes, yes, I want the devil to know who I am,"
52:19 because when you do that, you know, the Bible says
52:24 all that live godly will suffer persecution.
52:26 And everyone in here want to suffer persecution?
52:30 I don't want persecution, but I want to please the Lord,
52:33 and I want to be godly, and that may bring persecution.
52:37 So, the question is, do you want the devil to know who you are?
52:41 Do you want to live a life so that God says,
52:43 "Have you considered my servant," and name your name?
52:48 This is one of the wonderful things about the book of Job,
52:50 "There was a man."
52:52 And there was a man back then that went through a great trial,
52:55 and God ends up blessing him.
52:56 He brings him through his trial.
52:59 But God had somebody he could point to on earth
53:01 that was proving the devil wrong.
53:03 You know why this is such an important message?
53:06 It's about the great controversy.
53:08 The devil says, "God cannot be obeyed, God is not fair.
53:11 It's impossible for people to serve God.
53:14 He expects too much."
53:16 And God says, "Job is a happy man, he's a blessed man.
53:21 And it's possible for any man to have that relationship."
53:26 And Job disproves the devil's claims.
53:31 And God wants you and I-- before Jesus comes back,
53:35 he wants a church, a glorified church without spot
53:38 or wrinkle to be living the kind of lives that Job lived.
53:41 Don't you want that experience?
53:44 Well, God can help you have that experience
53:46 because he is faithful.
53:48 And what he did for Job, he can do for us.
53:50 We just need that kind of love.
53:52 Doug: I love the quote, "The greatest want of the world
53:55 is the want of men, men who will stand for the right,
53:58 though the heavens fall."
54:00 Yet studies are showing for several years now that secular
54:03 media and culture have sought to portray men
54:06 as the family idiots.
54:09 Sadly, respect for the role of fathers and husbands
54:12 has reached an all-time low.
54:14 So now, as the dispirited men abandon their roles of godly
54:18 leadership, it's not surprising that we're experiencing
54:21 a moral free-fall in our country.
54:23 That's why, starting September 30,
54:25 I'll be presenting a new program called "Mighty Men of God."
54:30 Using biblical principles, this encouraging four-part series
54:34 will address how to be a loving father, faithful husband,
54:37 and all-around man of God in the family,
54:39 church, and nation.
54:41 Please plan now to join me for this live event, and learn
54:44 from the Word how to live courageously for the king.
54:53 male announcer: Did you know this boat could share the gospel
54:55 with 20,000 people, or a car like this one could reach
54:59 10,000 souls seeking hope in Jesus?
55:03 If you have a vehicle you're not using and would like to reach
55:05 hearts for the kingdom of God, prayerfully consider donating
55:09 your vehicle to Amazing Facts today.
55:12 It's easy to turn your unneeded car, boat, RV,
55:15 motorcycle, even ATVs and jet skis
55:18 into a soul-winning vehicle for Christ,
55:21 and get a tax deduction.
55:23 Amazing Facts will arrange to pick up your vehicle
55:26 and provide you with a tax deductible receipt.
55:29 The proceeds from the resale will be used to share
55:31 God's truth with millions of people around the world.
55:35 Don't leave your vehicle in the garage collecting dust.
55:38 Use it to transform lives through Amazing Facts.
55:42 Contact us today, and let us help turn your car, boat, RV,
55:46 or motorcycle into lives saved for Christ.
55:51 [music]
56:02 Doug: Hello, friends.
56:03 We're here in the Philippines overlooking the Taal volcano
56:07 and lake, which is one of the most interesting pieces
56:09 of geography in the whole world.
56:12 For one thing, this great caldera was once
56:14 the biggest volcano in the world.
56:17 And now, it holds a lake that holds another volcano,
56:20 that has another little lake in it,
56:23 that has another little island in it.
56:26 This volcano has erupted six times in a major way
56:29 since the 1500s.
56:31 and even in 1911, there was an eruption where over
56:34 1,300 people died, killed by the smoke and the ash
56:38 that covered the community.
56:40 There were tsunamis that came from the lake and destroyed
56:43 the villages that surrounded the borders of the lake.
56:45 In fact, this is one of the most carefully monitored
56:48 seismic places in the Philippines.
56:51 This volcano is being watched all the time.
56:53 And they've noticed as of 2006 that it appears
56:56 that the water temperatures are going up.
56:59 There's increased seismic activity.
57:01 In other words, they know that this volcano
57:04 is a ticking time bomb prepared to blow.
57:07 And it's very interesting because this place
57:09 is a place of great seismic activity.
57:12 But in spite of the fact that volcanologists know
57:14 this is going to blow again someday,
57:16 it is a popular tourist destination.
57:18 They're fighting for the real estate.
57:20 They're building like mad, and sit on the edge of disaster.
57:23 It makes us think about how God has given us so many warnings in
57:27 his Word that the world is going to end, that Jesus is going to
57:30 come, that the heavens will dissolve with a great noise,
57:33 and the elements will melt with fervent heat.
57:36 Seeing then that all these things will be dissolved,
57:39 what kind of people should we be in all holy conversation
57:42 and godliness?
57:44 Friends, are you becoming distracted with the tranquil
57:46 views of the world, or are you preparing for the next world?
57:50 Are you getting ready for the big bang?
57:53 [music]
57:58 [music]
58:13 [music]


Revised 2016-09-15