Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor
Series Code: EG
Program Code: EG002942
00:09 It's been 2000 years
00:10 since the glorious light of the cross 00:12 illuminated the world veiled in darkness and confusion 00:15 about the character of God. 00:17 And still today the greatest need of mankind 00:19 is a revelation of God's love 00:21 as revealed in the life of Christ. 00:23 Amazing Facts presents the everlasting gospel 00:26 with Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week 00:29 from Sacramento Central Church in Sunny, California. 00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's word today. 00:38 Well, it's good here to-- good to be here again 00:42 and I just thank God for the privilege of being able 00:45 to study the word of God to share with you. 00:49 I learn so much, I get so excited doing that. 00:52 In the series that we have been in this morning's presentation 00:57 will represent the last part of a six part series 01:01 we have been doing on "Jesus in all the Bible." 01:05 And I'm sort of sad but it could go on long time 01:11 because the whole Bible is about Jesus. 01:15 But in a special way he stands out 01:17 through the stories in the Bible 01:19 and some of the heroes and the characters. 01:23 You know, I have probably said to you more than one time 01:27 that I'm fascinated with space exploration 01:32 and with the shuttle 01:35 and more lately International Space Station. 01:39 And I have dropped as many hints as I could 01:41 that if you know anybody with influence 01:43 that thinks you ought to be a pastor 01:45 to visit up there sometime. 01:47 They have had couple of tourists, 01:49 but it's like $2 million a ticket. 01:52 And I can't do that just yet. 01:54 But, boy, that would be great to be up there. 01:58 Have a few facts for you on the International Space Station. 02:02 It's the largest manned object ever sent into space. 02:07 It encompasses about 43,000 cubic feet 02:11 of living and working space. 02:13 Now, your house may be 1,500, 2,000, 3,000 feet, 02:19 much more than that you ought to be having 02:20 home Bible studies, right? 02:24 This is the size of two Boeing 747's on the inside. 02:30 Assembling the station when completed is gonna require 02:33 45 launches, 36 from the United States 02:36 and nine from Russia. 02:38 Not to mention 1,700 hours of space walks. 02:41 When fully constructed, the station will be visible 02:44 to more than 90 percent of the world's population. 02:47 When we have been out camping before in Nevada 02:49 and we've seen it go by, I had a friend say, 02:51 I say, what is that star 02:52 and they said, it's a space station. 02:53 I thought they were kidding, 02:54 they handed me some binoculars 02:56 and it was unless it was a square star 02:58 but this is not what it was. 03:03 90% of the world's population will be able to see it. 03:06 It circles the earth every 90 minutes, 03:09 and it looks down on 85% of the populated areas. 03:14 The space station is the most expensive 03:16 single object ever built in the world. 03:19 The United States participation has been estimated at 96 billion 03:22 that's just our participation, a figure that nearly equals 03:26 the combined cost of all of the Apollo missions combined. 03:31 And the construction of the space station 03:33 is a collaboration of 100,000 people, 03:38 hundreds of companies, 16 nations spread over 03:41 four continents, among them the US, 03:43 Russia, Canada, Japan, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, Italy, 03:48 the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, 03:51 Switzerland, the United Kingdom 03:52 and I heard they also added Columbia, 03:55 but it's not mentioned there. 03:56 That's really amazing when you consider it, 03:59 that as you look up at this incredible masterpiece, 04:05 the greatest technology in the world 04:08 is the International Space Station. 04:12 Floating up there in the heavens, 04:14 what you are really looking at is the combined effort 04:17 of all these people all over the world 04:20 really reaching for the stars. 04:22 That's something that I think that the nations the world 04:24 could be excited about part of it 04:28 is Japanese, part of its Canadian, 04:31 part of its Russian, part of its United States, 04:36 different parts of Europe, Great Britain, 04:38 but you know what, 04:39 when they put it together, it all had to fit. 04:44 Because if the Russians decided to use it 04:46 different measurement on the seal 04:49 that connects the different chambers than the US 04:51 and they have a leak up there 04:53 a pressure leak they are gonna die. 04:56 So can you imagine the collaboration 04:58 that they had to go through to make sure 04:59 that all those different components 05:01 from all the different country really were one in their design. 05:06 Now, I'm using this to illustrate 05:09 as you read through the Bible, 05:12 you are seeing different sections of the Son of God 05:17 that really are all assembled in Christ. 05:21 We have been talking in the last few weeks 05:23 for instance about Moses 05:26 and his justice his meekness, his leadership. 05:30 We have talked about the courage of David 05:34 and his bravery and now he is a type of Christ. 05:37 Talk about the forgiveness and the patience 05:40 and endurance of Joseph. 05:43 We can talk about the patience of Job 05:45 and the sufferings of Job in. 05:46 All of these different characters in the Bible 05:48 are reflecting facets of Christ's character. 05:54 Now in this last segment of this study 05:57 we have been doing, we are gonna fly 05:59 through a number of famous Bible stories 06:01 in our scripture reading, it mentions specifically, 06:05 Solomon, The Queen of Sheba and Jonah 06:07 and we will get to them also but 06:09 and I'm going to try and do these sequentially 06:11 as well as I can, but I want to just highlight 06:13 a few different Bible characters again. 06:16 Look at their lives and when I cover in all of them 06:19 and how they represent types of Christ. 06:21 You have your Bibles? 06:22 By the way, I'll do my best again 06:24 to send this off to Melissa. 06:25 She can post them at the church website, 06:28 so if you like to see these notes, 06:30 we will have them there fore you 06:31 and may be you could use these 06:34 in studying with someone as well. 06:38 Gideon, you know when you read in the New Testament 06:41 and high lights the heroes of the Old Testament, 06:43 Gideon is one of them. 06:44 There is a number of ways where he is a type of Christ. 06:47 All of their names also tell us something about that. 06:50 Gideon means a cutter down or a feller of big trees. 06:57 One of the things Gideon does 06:58 is after he is called by the angel. 07:00 You can read this in Judges 6:11. 07:03 "The Angel of the Lord came and sat 07:04 under the terebinth tree which was in Ophrah, 07:07 which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, 07:09 while his son Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress" 07:14 wheat and grapes one of the last things 07:17 Jesus did is He presented wheat and grape juice to the people. 07:23 Threshing wheat in a wine press. 07:25 What was it Melchizedek-- Melchizedek, 07:28 another type of Christ, he brought forth bread and wine, 07:31 that's the symbol of the word of God 07:33 and the blood of the covenant. 07:35 And so here he is everyone else is afraid, 07:37 but he is doing it to hide it from the Midianites. 07:41 And he ends up conquering an army 07:43 that was almost numberless with a very small force 07:47 that is filled with God's power. 07:50 That's what Gideon does, isn't that what Jesus did, 07:52 He had these handful of disciples and apostles 07:55 and they basically turned the world upside down. 07:57 Small group most forsake Jesus, didn't they? 08:01 But a few remain behind, 08:02 with Gideon did a lot of army forsake him? 08:05 When he said, if you are afraid you need to turn away. 08:07 They went home and then those 08:09 who didn't drink the water carefully looking around 08:13 they were just missed. 08:15 So he ends up with not quantity 08:16 but he has got quality and that quality 08:19 was able to conquer a massive force. 08:22 Jesus spent three and half years 08:23 disciplining people for quality. 08:27 They turned the world upside down. 08:29 It also tells us about Gideon that he was a meek men, 08:33 he was the youngest in his father's family. 08:36 It's by the way, you notice 08:37 how often God shows the weakest and the youngest. 08:40 Joseph among the youngest, David the youngest, 08:43 Moses the youngest, Gideon the youngest. 08:47 God is trying to tell us that he takes those things 08:49 that are often overlooked and despised 08:51 and He does great things through them. 08:55 And it says here in Judges 8:23 "But Gideon said to them" 09:00 I'm sorry Judges 6:15 he said "O my Lord, 09:03 how can I save Israel? 09:05 Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, 09:08 and I am least in my father's house." 09:11 And again you go to see 09:12 the humility there, the meekness. 09:14 Judges 8:23. 09:17 And Gideon said to them, "I will not rule over you, 09:20 nor shall my son rule over you, 09:22 the Lord shall rule over you." 09:25 You know when our country was first founded 09:29 and George Washington finally was victorious over the British 09:33 and they wanted to make him a king. 09:35 I mean they had-- lot of more 09:36 had come out of England, 09:37 they still fought like that and they said. 09:40 Yeah, I know we are gonna-- we are gonna be free country 09:42 and we'll do things differently, but we need a king. 09:44 And they wanted to make Washington king 09:46 and he said no, he retired. 09:48 They wanted to keep making him president, 09:50 but he knew that they needed to elect a president, 09:52 it needed to be a nation chosen by the people 09:55 and because of his humility in that area, 09:58 it set the president for all other presidents 10:01 to say, I have a limited term we don't have a king. 10:05 We don't have a monarchy. 10:07 That's why he said, not only will I not reign, 10:09 my son will not reign. 10:10 Well, few years later they said give us a king like 10:13 the other nations and things started going downhill. 10:16 Something else that you find in the story of Gideon. 10:20 His future is guided by the way God uses a fleece. 10:26 You ever heard the expression throw a fleece before the Lord? 10:28 What is a fleece? It's a sheep's skin. 10:34 And what does the lamb represent in the Bible? 10:37 What did God used to cover 10:39 the nakedness of Adam and Eve? 10:41 Fleece, sheep's skin. 10:45 It represents the righteousness of Christ 10:47 and that was the guide for how He was to perceive. 10:51 Another way in which Gideon is a type of Christ. 10:55 Something else you see is, 10:56 you look at the different symbols. 10:58 If you go for instance to-- the story of Gideon 11:03 that tells about there is a dream 11:06 about a loaf of bread that knocks over the enemy. 11:11 One little loaf destroys the-- 11:13 it hits the tents of the Midianites 11:15 and it destroys them. 11:17 Well, what does bread represent? 11:20 Man doesn't live by bread, but by every word of God. 11:23 Christ is the word made flesh 11:25 and so it was the bread of God, 11:27 the word of God that destroyed the enemy. 11:29 Jesus word conquers them. 11:31 And all through the symbols of Gideon, 11:33 it says it was a trumpet, 11:36 a sword, lamps and bread. 11:41 Lift up your voice like a trumpet, 11:43 a symbol for the word of God. 11:45 The word of God is quick 11:46 and powerful and sharper than any two edge sword. 11:49 Sword, the word of God, Ephesians 6, 11:52 "The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." 11:55 And then it tells us that there is a lamb, 11:57 "Thy word is a lamp under my feet" and we already 11:59 talked about the bread, the word of God so, 12:01 what is that Gideon uses to overcome the enemy. 12:05 All these things are symbol of the word. 12:08 How did Christ conquer Satan's domain. 12:12 It was the power of the word that did it. 12:15 And then he also was an example for others. 12:18 You can read when he led them into battle, Judges 7:17. 12:22 Keep in mind, friends, we're doing 12:23 a quick flyover in these stories. 12:25 Its several chapters in the Book of Judges 12:27 you'll need to read. 12:30 Judges 7:17 he said, 12:32 "Look at me and do likewise watch, 12:36 and when I come to the edge of the camp you shall do as I do." 12:40 Isn't this what Christ said? 12:41 I have come to give you an example. 12:42 We are to follow Him. 12:44 Even Paul said, "Be followers of me as I'm of Christ." 12:47 Ultimately we are to follow Christ 12:49 and so when you look at the life of Gideon. 12:52 He really was a great example of Christ in many ways. 12:55 I did a two or three part series in Gideon 12:57 and I can't condense that all into this short segment. 13:01 Well, let's jump on to another hero in the Book of Judges. 13:04 Samson, again to take a look at the name, 13:08 the word Samson means like the sun. 13:10 By the way Gideon's name cutter down, 13:12 he cut down the enemy, 13:14 he cut down the altars of Baal 13:16 and that's why he gets that name. 13:17 Samson means like the sun or sunny. 13:20 And not sonny like son but sunny. 13:26 I don't know if his parents thought 13:27 he had a bright disposition, but Samson 13:31 represents like Jesus, the light of the world. 13:34 The Bible says, Christ is like that 13:35 sun of righteousness that will arise with healing in His wings. 13:40 One thing you find first of all, 13:42 Samson is born to parents 13:44 that are barren, it is a miracle birth. 13:48 An angel comes to his mother, 13:49 does an angel come to Jesus' mother? 13:52 Is he considered a miracle birth? 13:54 His life is a planned life with the special mission 13:59 to deliver God's people from their enemies, which he does. 14:03 Something else you find about Samson again, 14:05 I'm rushing through it here? 14:07 Samson is betrayed by his own people 14:09 into the hands of the enemy and he lets them do it. 14:14 You can read about that Judges 15:12. 14:17 The people of Israel, after he-- 14:19 he beat up the Philistines one time. 14:20 The Philistines came to attack the Israelites. 14:23 Said, why are you attacking us? 14:24 They said because what Samson did to us. 14:26 They said, well, we will turn him over to you. 14:29 So, they go to Samson, they said, 14:30 look you need to surrender to us, 14:31 we're gonna tie you up and give you to the enemy. 14:35 And you can read that here. 14:37 They said in Judges 15:12 "We have come down 14:40 to arrest you that we might deliver you 14:42 to the hand of the Philistines. 14:44 The gentiles, we will tie you securely 14:46 and deliver you into their hand." 14:49 Well, isn't that what happened, God's own people, 14:51 betrayed him into the hands of the Gentiles. 14:55 Another time and of course that's when he got the job on, 14:57 he beat them all up. 14:59 Another time they tried to conquer him, 15:00 he was in a city with walls and gates and bars 15:05 and there was no way out and they lay and wait to attack him, 15:09 but it says in Judges 16, 15:12 "But Samson lay only until midnight, 15:15 at midnight he rose up." 15:16 What time is Jesus coming? 15:18 Says he rose up at midnight, 15:20 the bridegroom at midnight they heard a cry. 15:23 "Samson rose at midnight and he took hold of the doors 15:26 of the gate of the city the two posts, 15:29 and he pulls them up, the bar and all, 15:31 takes up these gates of the city with their posts 15:34 put them on his shoulders, he folds the gates together 15:36 lays him on his back and he carries them 15:39 to the top of the hill that is in front of the Hebron." 15:41 Get your Bible map out, you'll find as 10 miles. 15:46 Remember that statement where Jesus says that the-- 15:49 the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. 15:53 He just uproot the gates not only that, 15:56 when it look like that Jesus was held within the tomb 15:59 held by the gates of death, couldn't hold him. 16:03 He uprooted the gates. 16:05 Something else about Samson, 16:06 he is betrayed by a woman 16:11 who he loved for silver. 16:16 Now what does a woman represent in Bible analogy? 16:19 It's a church. 16:21 He loved Delilah and he finally told her everything. 16:24 You know, finally before Christ was turned over to the Romans 16:28 when he was being tried by his church, 16:30 by the Jewish people in the Sanhedrin, 16:32 they said tell us if you are the Christ, 16:33 and finally he said, I'm he. 16:37 It is as you say, and they then betray him. 16:42 Samson was blinded. Did they blind Christ? 16:46 Did they put a bag over his head? 16:49 He was blinded and they tormented him. 16:54 And finally at the end, Samson stretches out his arms 16:58 and in stretching out his arms 17:00 and laying down his life as a sacrifice. 17:03 He defeats the enemies of God's people, 17:05 and the testimony in the Book of Judges is. 17:08 You can read this here in Judges 16:30, 17:12 "Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines! 17:15 And he pushed with all his might, 17:17 and the temple fell on the lords and the people that were in it. 17:20 So the dead that he killed at his death 17:22 were more than he had killed in his life." 17:25 By his death he did more to defeat the enemies 17:28 than he did by his life and by the sacrifice of Christ 17:32 and a successful life that he lived, 17:35 he did more to defeat the enemy. 17:36 By the way, in spite of all the failures of Samson, 17:39 I expect to see him in the kingdom. 17:41 He is mentioned in the Book of Hebrews 17:42 in that list of faithful. 17:44 And the other thing about Samson is that 17:47 that the last act of his life is to be spirit filled. 17:50 Hard to imagine a person being lost 17:53 if the last act of their life is one of sacrifice 17:56 and being filled with the Holy Spirit. 17:58 It seems like its evidence of God's 18:00 finally forgiving and accepting him. 18:04 John 15:13, Jesus said, 18:06 "Greater love has no one than this, 18:08 to lay down his life for his friends." 18:10 Samson laid down his life. 18:12 By the way he was buried in a tomb 18:14 by his friends and family like Christ. 18:16 So, do you see in the life of Samson, 18:19 types and symbols of even Jesus? 18:23 Help me, do you? Okay. 18:25 Next we are gonna go on to Solomon. 18:27 Now we spent a whole section talking about David. 18:30 But I wanted to mention Solomon a little more specifically. 18:33 Solomon is a type of Christ in a number of ways. 18:35 First of all his name means peaceful, 18:37 it's similar to the word shalom, Solomon. 18:41 He was the son of peace. 18:43 Solomon was that great son of David 18:45 who built the temple and so Jesus how often 18:49 was Christ referred to as the son of David. 18:52 And Solomon really represented 18:54 the pinnacle of the kingdom of Israel. 18:56 Never did Israel have more glory 18:59 and more wealth and prosperity 19:02 and more peace than during that generation, 19:05 that 40 years during the time of Solomon. 19:08 Solomon's era is a type of the kingdom of God. 19:12 Even Jesus talking about Solomon he says in Matthew 6:28," 19:18 So why do you worry about clothing? 19:20 Consider the lilies of the field, 19:22 how they grow, they neither toil nor spin 19:24 and yet I say to you that even Solomon 19:27 in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these." 19:30 He refers back to the most glorious time 19:32 of Israel's history, he points to Solomon. 19:36 And so Solomon now, he is that son of David. 19:39 Matter of fact I have read this many times with 1 Chronicles 17, 19:43 this amazing prophecy by Nathan the prophet 19:46 that foretold the son of David 19:48 was going to build the temple of the Lord. 19:51 And Nathan says there in verse 11 and 12, 19:53 1 Chronicles 17, "And it shall be, 19:56 when your days are fulfilled, 19:58 when you must go to be with your fathers, 20:01 that I will set up your seed after you, 20:03 of your sons, I will establish his kingdom. 20:07 And he will build Me a house, 20:08 and I will establish his throne forever." 20:12 And I always like to ask 20:14 who is Nathan the prophet talking about? 20:17 Is he talking about Solomon or is he talking about Jesus? 20:22 How many say Solomon? I do. 20:27 Did David have a son named Solomon that built the temple? 20:30 What was David praying about before Nathan shows up? 20:33 I would like to build you a temple. 20:35 So, David is praying specifically about 20:38 how we are gonna built a temple? 20:39 Nathan says your son, you are not going to built up 20:41 but your son will build the temple, 20:42 and I will establish his kingdom, 20:44 and I will establish his throne. 20:47 Well, this is what you call in the Bible a dual prophecy? 20:51 It's not a conflict, it was a prophecy about 20:54 David's son Solomon, who is a type of 20:56 David's other son called Jesus. 21:00 That's the throne that would be established forever, 21:03 that's the kingdom that would be established forever. 21:05 And that's the house that would be established forever. 21:08 Solomon, he messed up towards the end of his life. 21:12 The kingdom was spilt, his temple was finally 21:14 destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. 21:15 But the kingdom the throne and the temple of Jesus, 21:18 the Son of David last forever. 21:21 So, do we all agree so far that 21:22 Solomon is a type of Christ in the Bible? 21:25 It's a prophecy that makes it real clear. 21:27 I sometimes wish that I had a church that said more amens. 21:30 I don't want you to be Pentecostal. 21:32 But a few more amens, 21:33 just sprinkle here and there, it help me. 21:35 It help you because if it helps me, it's gonna help you. 21:38 But I'm not fishing for them, I mean you know, or am I. 21:42 I don't want the artificial contrived amens, 21:44 but you know if you think you can give me a genuine one. 21:48 Just help yourself, there you are-- 21:49 you will enjoy your sermon more if you do. 21:53 Alright, we all like encouragement. 21:56 Now, I'm not done with Solomon yet. 21:58 The Queen of Sheba, when she came. 22:01 Remember in the memory verse, the scripture verse 22:03 that we just read at the beginning of the sermon. 22:05 He said the queen of the south came 22:07 to hear the wisdom of Solomon 22:08 but a greater than Solomon is here. 22:10 Again Christ comparing himself with Solomon. 22:14 You can read in 1 King Chapter 10. 22:15 Matter of fact, I just want to go 22:17 in the Bible and read this passage to you. 22:19 I often copy and paste the verse in my notes. 22:22 If you look for instance in 1 King 10:4, 22:28 "And when the Queen of Sheba, she came all this distance 22:33 from Arabia because she had heard 22:36 about Solomon, seeking the truth. 22:40 When she had seen the wisdom of Solomon, 22:42 and the house that he had built, 22:44 and the food on his table, that Jesus built a house 22:49 that Christ unique food on his table 22:51 and the seating of his servants..." 22:53 Did Christ had servants? 22:55 "And the service of his waiters and their apparel..." 22:57 Christ said, as I've come to wait, 23:00 you have come to wait "and his cupbearers..." 23:05 Christ said are you able to drink the cup that I must drink. 23:08 Did he give a cup to his disciples? 23:10 "And the entryway by which they went up 23:12 to the house of the Lord..." the door way, 23:13 Christ said I'm the door. 23:15 All the things that I mentioned here, 23:16 Christ uses His symbols of Himself. 23:18 Did you get that? 23:20 These are the things that convince her. 23:23 "And the entryway by which he went up 23:24 to the house of the Lord, 23:26 there was no more spirit left in her." 23:28 The word there is breath. 23:30 You ever heard someone say a breath taking experience. 23:33 This is where that phrase comes from. 23:34 She was breathless. It was breathtaking. 23:39 She didn't know what to say. 23:40 Here is a queen that's come all this way 23:42 and she has got all these hard questions and he answers 23:44 them and she sees his wisdom. 23:46 Listen to how she responds? 23:48 Then she said to the king, verse 6, 23:51 "It was a true report that I heard 23:52 in my own land about your words and your wisdom. 23:55 How I did not believe, However I did not believe 23:58 the words until I came and saw with my own eyes." 24:01 Jesus had blessed those who believed without seeing. 24:03 "In deed the half was not told me. 24:06 Your wisdom and prosperity exceed 24:08 the fame of which I heard. 24:10 Happy are your men..." 24:11 Don't miss this Jesus said blessed, blessed, blessed. 24:13 "Happy are your men she says to Solomon, 24:16 and happy are these your servants..." 24:17 You want to be happy servant?" 24:20 Follow your Solomon, his name is Jesus, you will be happy. 24:23 "Who stand continually and hear your wisdom! 24:25 Blessed be the Lord your God, who delighted in you, 24:28 setting you on the throne of Israel! 24:30 Because the Lord has loved Israel forever, 24:32 therefore He made you king, 24:34 to do justice and righteousness." 24:35 God so loved the world, 24:36 He made Solomon king and Jesus king, right? 24:41 And so this queen, what does a woman represent? 24:45 It was through Christ, the greatest growth 24:48 came to God's people in one generation 24:51 it went from exclusively being Jews, 24:54 Christ bride ended up being pagans, heathen. 24:59 That's why Jesus said, the queen of the south 25:02 shall be in the kingdom and she will rise up in judgment 25:03 against the nation of Israel 25:05 because she came to hear the wisdom of Solomon. 25:07 Who was that ended up accepting Jesus 25:09 and spreading him to the world? 25:11 Was it the Jews? 25:13 Just a handful of Jews believed, the Gentiles said, 25:15 this is the wisdom that we have been looking for 25:17 and the church exploded, it's like the Queen of Sheba 25:21 because they were looking for truth. 25:23 They were searching, she came a long way searching 25:26 for truth and the promise is that you will find it. 25:29 And so here in the Queen of Sheba 25:30 you got another great example of-- 25:35 all right in Solomon in particular of the church 25:38 and of king Solomon you see Jesus there. 25:42 It reminds me of that verse when she says, 25:45 the half was not told me, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:9 25:50 "But it is written, "Eye has not seen, 25:53 nor ear heard, neither is even entered 25:55 into the heart of man, the things that God 25:57 has prepared for those that love Him." 25:59 Solomon's kingdom during the glory of Solomon's time 26:01 where it says silver wasn't counted for anything, 26:04 it was like stones because everything 26:06 was made of gold during Solomon's time. 26:09 Can you imagine living in a kingdom like that? 26:12 Wow, they won't need a bailout, would they? 26:17 Economy like that, pretty amazing. 26:20 That is a miniature picture of Jesus' kingdom. 26:24 The glory of Christ kingdom that is coming, 26:27 the half is not been told. 26:28 And even if you jump to the book, The Song of Solomon. 26:33 You read through The Song of Solomon 26:34 and some people think that 26:35 this is the R-rated book in the Bible. 26:38 But really the Song of Solomon, 26:40 it's telling about Jesus and His bride. 26:44 Christ love for His church 26:46 and her love for her beloved, the Savior. 26:50 It's a love story probably between Solomon 26:52 and many think it was Abishag the Shunammite, 26:55 that the beautiful bride of David that he never knew 26:59 and it's the love story between them. 27:04 But it's really a love story between Christ and the church 27:06 and some of the words, look for instance. 27:08 Song of Solomon 3:6,7 "Who is this coming out 27:13 of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, 27:15 Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, 27:18 With all the merchant's fragrant powders, 27:20 Behold, it is Solomon's couch, 27:22 With sixty valiant men around it, 27:23 Of the valiant men of Israel." 27:25 You find words of myrrh and frankincense, 27:28 lily of the valley, fairest of ten thousand. 27:31 Any of you ever sung that song before, 27:32 you know, I'm talking about? 27:34 Jonah, remember in the scripture reading, Jesus said, 27:39 the people of Nineveh will stand up in judgment 27:42 with this generation because they repented 27:44 at the preaching of Jonah and a greater than Jonah is here. 27:48 Is Jonah a type of Christ? Jesus seems to tell us he is. 27:51 But how can these characters with all their 27:54 flaws and works be types of Jesus. 27:56 David, look what he did? Samson, look what he did? 27:59 Jonah, he turned and he ran. How can he be a type of Christ? 28:02 Well, they are all imperfect types of Christ. 28:05 But there's things in their lives 28:07 that are giving us glimmers, you can't miss 28:09 and that ought to give you courage. 28:11 Can you represent Jesus in spite of your flaws? 28:16 If you can see Jesus in Jonah, in Samson, in David 28:20 and some of these other interesting characters 28:24 in the Bible, the world can see Jesus in you too. 28:28 Jonah, wrong way Jonah, he ended up going the right way, 28:33 but it was with some resistance and sometimes 28:34 God has to send a storm to turn us around to, doesn't He? 28:39 But how was Jonah like Jesus? 28:41 Well, you can't miss the point that here you have got 28:44 a prophet of God who was sleeping 28:47 in the bottom of a boat during a storm. 28:50 That doesn't happen that often in the Bible 28:52 and he has to be woke up being told they're about to perish. 28:57 Read this, Jonah 1:6, 29:00 "It says, arise the captain said to Jonah, then call on God 29:04 if so be that God will think on us, that we perish not." 29:08 During the storm on the Sea of Galilee 29:10 the disciples came to Jesus and they said in Mark 4:38, 29:15 "He was in the stern that's the bottom, 29:17 just like Jonah, asleep on a pillow, 29:19 and they woke Him and they said, 29:21 "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" 29:24 What a thing to ask Jesus? 29:26 Do you not care that were perishing, does He care? 29:29 He came so that we would not perish. 29:32 Something else you find about Jonah, 29:34 is that he is not only asleep in a boat during the storm, 29:39 but they had to sacrifice Jonah in order to get peace. 29:47 They are trying to figure out why is this storm come upon us. 29:50 Jonah said well it's because of me. 29:52 You know why are they so much trouble in this world today? 29:56 It's Jesus fault, it's because the devil hates Him, 30:01 I want to get your attention. 30:04 It's because the devil hates Jesus, 30:06 he takes it out on you. 30:07 It's because the devil want's Jesus' position, 30:11 that you've got this great controversy going on. 30:15 So they--, a lot fell on Jonah. 30:17 By the way, what is Jonah's name mean? 30:19 Dove. 30:20 Did Christ and the Holy Spirit is a type of the dove. 30:24 And when you say John in the Bible, 30:26 John is a Greek derivative of Jonah. 30:30 Everybody in the Bible that you've heard the name John 30:32 they named their sons after Jonah. 30:35 It's the Greek way of saying Jonah. 30:37 And whenever you hear the name Judas, 30:43 is the Greek way of saying Judah. 30:46 And so that Judah wasn't the bad guy. 30:48 Well, you wouldn't want to name your son Judas, would you? 30:51 And so just--I don't know why I said that anyway. 30:54 So back to the story of Jonah. 30:56 So he says that you want peace, you got to cast me into the sea. 30:59 And I always thought to myself 31:00 if they are not going to have peace 31:02 unless he is in the water, 31:03 why didn't he just jump overboard. 31:06 But he said, no you've got to take responsibility 31:11 for throwing me in. 31:12 They didn't want to do that, they try to save themselves. 31:15 He said, the only way is you got to sacrifice me. 31:17 They're trying to row, 31:18 but the sea got more tempestuous. 31:21 Finally they said, Lord, 31:23 do not lay innocent blood to our charge. 31:26 You know, when Christ was betrayed 31:27 they called that innocent blood. 31:30 Judas said, I am guilty of innocent blood. 31:33 So they took up Jonah said, one, two, three 31:35 and they heaved him overboard. 31:37 And they had instant peace. 31:38 When Christ spoke was there peace during the storm? 31:41 A supernatural peace comes into our lives 31:45 when we accept Jesus as our sacrifice. 31:48 And so we're not done. 31:49 Then it says he was a sign to the Ninevites. 31:53 Jonah was-- 31:54 Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days journey. 31:58 And it says he made this trip. 32:02 We don't know exactly where the fish burped him out. 32:04 But it was somewhere probably further north 32:07 'cause they are on their way to Tarsus 32:08 and the storm blew them north. 32:10 And from wherever the shore he was, 32:12 he went three days to Nineveh, then he enters the city, 32:15 a day's journey which means 12 hours. 32:18 And he begins to preach. 32:20 After three and a half day journey, he then preaches. 32:26 By the way, he came from the water, 32:28 three and a half days later he is preaching, 32:31 in 40 days it will be destroyed. 32:32 Jesus comes from baptism, 32:35 He preaches three and a half years 32:37 and says in the generation 32:39 that Jerusalem would be destroyed in 40 years. 32:42 That's why Jesus said, Jonah is a sign to use, 32:46 speaking to the Jews, this generation. 32:49 Except they repented the preaching of Jonah 32:51 and a greater than Jonah is here, 32:53 your Messiah is here and you are not repenting. 32:55 Nineveh was not destroyed after 40 days 'cause they repented, 32:58 Jerusalem was destroyed after 40 years 33:00 because they did not repent. 33:02 Does that make sense? 33:04 It was a sign. 33:06 And so Jonah is another great sign. 33:09 What was the first message 33:10 that Jesus gave after He began preaching? 33:12 Repent. 33:14 What did Jonah says as he marched up and down 33:15 the streets of Nineveh. 33:17 It was a message of repentance also. 33:21 Actually he said, in 40 days the city will be destroyed 33:23 and they did repent. 33:25 So Jonah is another wonderful example of Christ in the Bible. 33:28 Can you see that, friends? 33:30 Turn to the Book of Daniel now. 33:34 Wonderful story again. 33:36 I'm watching the clock 33:37 as I've got a lot of characters left here. 33:40 And I can't tell you all about Daniel, it's a big book. 33:43 But why don't you go to Daniel 6. 33:45 Let's look at Daniel in the lion's den. 33:48 Daniel 6:4. 33:53 First of all just the background. 33:55 The king was please with Daniel. 33:56 He is making his new administration 33:58 and he is so inspired with Daniel's faithfulness. 34:01 He says he is filled with the spirit of God. 34:04 He is thinking him to set Daniel over the whole realm. 34:07 And the other leaders in the kingdom 34:09 were jealous about this 34:10 that the king Darius is going take Daniel, 34:12 a Jewish captive and make him their boss. 34:17 He doesn't have the education that they've got. 34:21 We're going to get him out of the way. 34:22 Why did the religious leaders want to execute 34:25 and get rid of Jesus? 34:27 Weren't they jealous when Christ said, 34:28 He was the Son of God? 34:29 Weren't they jealous of His position? 34:31 Were they mad at Jesus because of His badness 34:35 or where they threatened by His goodness? 34:39 The other politicians in Darius' kingdom, 34:42 were they upset because Daniel is a corrupt politician 34:46 or they're threatened by his honesty? 34:49 They were threatened by his goodness. 34:51 And his goodness made their badness standout. 34:53 So you know what they did? 34:54 Is they had spies followed Daniel around. 34:58 Did Jesus have spies following Him around 35:00 sent by His enemies? 35:02 Trying to catch him in something. 35:04 What was the report 35:05 when the spies followed Daniel around? 35:08 Says they found no error, I'm in Daniel 6:4. 35:12 "He was faithful, nor was there any error 35:16 or fault found in him." 35:18 If you wonder sometimes how perfect you're supposed to be. 35:21 If you get that far you're doing great. 35:22 Just be like Daniel, 35:23 was he human or was he an alien? 35:26 If Daniel can have that experience and can you? 35:29 By God's grace you can. 35:31 He was consistent. 35:35 Did they follow Jesus around and they came back. 35:37 And when they said, why haven't you brought him. 35:39 They said, you know, no man speaks like this man. 35:43 What did Pilate say about Jesus twice during the trial, 35:45 I find no fault in Him. 35:48 They couldn't find any error or fault in Jesus. 35:51 Well, finally they say we're going to only get him 35:54 concerning the law of his God. 35:56 We got to find something concerning 35:57 the law of his God and trap him. 36:00 And so they knew that he pray three times a day. 36:04 Did Jesus have a life of prayer? 36:07 A great while before it was day, He rose up to pray morning, 36:11 he prayed in the middle of the day. 36:13 You can see that when he is feeding the multitudes. 36:15 And in the Garden of Gethsemane 36:17 you see him praying in the evening. 36:18 By the way, Daniel was praying 36:20 just before he was arrested. 36:22 Jesus was praying just before He was arrested. 36:27 And so another type of Christ. 36:28 Well, when the king found out what had happened, 36:31 he said it's hard on Daniel and they labor to deliver him, 36:33 but the only way was for Daniel 36:37 to go to the lion's den or he go through his penalty. 36:40 Christ prayed Father if there is any other way. 36:43 Let this cup pass for Me. 36:45 But if you and I are going to be saved, 36:46 there was no other way 36:47 because we've all broken the law and the law cannot be changed. 36:52 Three times it says there maybe four times in Daniel 6. 36:55 You'll have to check later. 36:57 The law of the Medes and the Persians 36:59 which cannot be changed, it cannot be altar. 37:01 The law of the Medes and the Persians 37:02 would change it not. Remember that? 37:05 If these earthly kings cannot change their law, 37:08 what makes us think that God of heaven 37:09 is going to change the Ten Commandments. 37:12 It's absurdly when preachers-- 37:13 I can't understand what they are going to go 37:15 through when these preachers find out how wrong 37:18 they are to say that God changed His covenant. 37:21 The new covenant is written in the heart, 37:23 old covenant was on the stone 37:24 but the covenant is not changed. 37:26 It's the law of God. It's a new covenant. 37:30 Do you understand what I'm saying? 37:31 His law did not change. 37:33 New covenant is the law of God written in the heart. 37:36 It's not okay now for Christians to seal, 37:38 and to rob, and to lie, or break the Sabbath. 37:42 It's all part of His law. There was no other way. 37:46 Bible says the King Dirus, he didn't want to execute Daniel. 37:50 Did Pilate want to execute Jesus? 37:53 He labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him, 37:58 Darius did, that's Daniel 6:14. 38:02 What time of day was Jesus executed? 38:04 Or did He finally die? Going down of the sun. 38:08 "And then a stone was brought" Daniel 6:17 38:12 "and laid on the mouth of the lions den." 38:15 Was there a stone placed on Christ grave? 38:19 "And it was sealed with 38:21 the signet of the king and their lords." 38:24 Was there a government seal placed on Christ grave? 38:29 And the king went to the palace 38:30 and he pass the night in fasting. 38:33 Nor any instruments and music brought the form. 38:36 And he wondered what was the Father in heaven 38:38 and what were the angels doing when Christ was in the tomb, 38:40 were they celebrating? 38:42 No, they were silence during that time. 38:47 That says very early in the morning. 38:50 Daniel 6:19. "The king arose 38:52 and went in haste to the lions den." 38:54 What time of day did Jesus rise? 38:56 Did Jesus come out of alive? Did Daniel come out alive? 39:01 Was Daniel innocent? Amen. 39:04 Matter of fact, Daniel says when the king calls out. 39:07 It's interesting when the king puts him in the lions den, 39:09 the king says your God who you serve 39:12 continually He will deliver you. 39:14 When he goes to get up from the lion's den 39:17 he's not quite as confident, he said, Daniel, 39:19 has your God been able to deliver you? 39:22 And this voice comes echoing out of the lion's den. 39:25 O, king live forever, forever, forever, 39:27 my God has sent His angel and shut the lion's mouth 39:31 and as much as I was innocent. 39:35 Daniel said, I was innocent. Jesus was innocent. 39:39 What does the lion represent? 39:42 Be sober, be vigilant 39:43 because your adversary the devil goes around 39:45 as a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour. 39:49 Jesus said that devil comes and he has nothing in me. 39:54 The lions could not keep Daniel, 39:57 the lion, the devil could not keep Jesus in the grave. 40:01 They both came out of life. Do you see a parallel here? 40:04 You understand. Amen. 40:05 This is just one little segment in the story. 40:09 All of the Bible is about Jesus. 40:10 This to me is one of the most convincing proofs 40:13 of the inspiration of the Bible. 40:15 Go with me to the story of Esther. 40:19 In the Book of Esther and again I think I've got 40:21 a three or four parts series on Esther. 40:23 I don't have time to cover it all, 40:24 but there is so many types of not only Jesus in here 40:28 but the church 'cause Esther is not really type of Christ. 40:33 Esther is a type of the church. But Mordecai is a type of Jesus. 40:40 For instance they are separated. 40:44 Mordecai said, look, I can't get inside 40:47 that pagan compound called the palace, 40:50 but Esther you can, you will be 40:52 the representative of your people in there. 40:54 You will show your beauty there in that palace. 40:57 Christ church Jesus is not in the world now, 41:01 He said I've send you into the world. 41:03 We have to represent Jesus in this pagan world, 41:05 aren't we? This lost world. 41:08 And so there is a law made because 41:12 Mordecai will not bow down. 41:14 Well, he will not break the commandments of God, 41:16 he will not bow down to Haman. 41:20 And because of that, Haman wants to exterminate 41:23 all of Mordecai's people, the Jews. 41:27 Did the devil want Jesus to bow down to him? 41:30 And because Jesus wouldn't bow down to him, 41:32 does the devil take out his wrath 41:33 on the church, on all of God's people? 41:36 Will all of God's people be miraculously 41:38 delivered in the end? 41:39 In the last days is there going to be a death decree 41:42 to annihilate God's people because we don't break 41:44 His commandment, 'cause we won't compromise. 41:48 And by the way, what was that Haman did, 41:50 what were his plans for Mordecai? 41:52 He built the big gallows 'cause he was going to hang him 41:55 between heaven and earth. 41:56 What was the devil's plan for Jesus? 41:59 Wasn't it to hang Him between heaven and earth? 42:01 All through this, you see the story 42:03 of the gospel and Jesus has revealed. 42:06 But back more specifically to Mordecai. 42:09 At one point you see him with his clothes torn 42:12 and he is in the gate and he is praying. 42:15 There is a period of praying and fasting for three days here. 42:19 You know, it's interesting when you read the Book of Esther. 42:22 You do not hear the word pray in the Book of Esther, 42:26 you do not hear the word God. 42:29 He talks about them fasting, but doesn't mention prayer. 42:32 It talks all about the providence of God, 42:34 the deliverance of God, but you do not find 42:36 the name of God in the Book of Esther. You know why? 42:39 It was written while they were slaves and captives 42:42 in the Persian land and if they had included 42:45 the name of God or praying to their God 42:47 in this book remember Dairus, 42:49 nobody prayed anyone but the king. 42:51 The book might have been destroy, 42:53 so the book is very carefully written to show 42:55 the providence of God and how God answers prayer. 42:58 They talk about fasting, they don't use the word pray. 43:01 Talking about the providence of God, 43:03 the deliverance of God but they don't say God's name. 43:06 It's a very interesting book, only book that was not found 43:08 among the Dead Sea scrolls 43:10 in part or whole was the Book of Esther. 43:13 And some believe it's because the earliest scene, 43:18 Judas was very devout rabbi. 43:21 They said the name of God doesn't appear in here, 43:24 so can we store it with the other books 43:26 and so-but I'm sure glad it's in the Bible. 43:28 I believe it's an inspired book. 43:30 Anyway then you read, how there is a great reversal of fortunes, 43:33 Haman ends up getting destroyed 43:35 in the gallows he built for Mordecai. 43:39 Haman who wanted to be king, 43:41 he has to march Mordecai through the streets, 43:43 it was a great story, you remember that? 43:46 He goes to the king and he says he is coming to get 43:49 the execution of Mordecai 43:52 and the king meanwhile he can't sleep. 43:55 And he is up at night, he says you know, 43:56 it's really boring when they read the Chronicles to me. 43:58 He says, why don't you read the Chronicles to me, 44:00 maybe they'll put me to sleep. 44:02 You know, many people come up to me 44:03 and I don't think they realize what they are saying. 44:05 They say oh, Pastor Doug, we really love your sermons, 44:07 whenever I can't sleep I put them on. 44:10 They really, really say that, really. 44:13 And they think they are complementing me 44:15 but what I'm hearing is that I sedate them. 44:20 Anyway so the king says read the Chronicles to me 44:23 and so they are reading the Chronicles and they says 44:24 there was an assassination plot and the king opens one eye, 44:27 to kill king as where as Mordecai 44:32 revealed the plot and save the king. 44:33 And he goes, well, yeah, it was a close call. 44:36 Did we ever do anything for that guy, Mordecai? 44:38 Well, let's check the footnotes here. 44:40 No king, never, no reward, no thank you, no nothing. 44:44 Well, that's not very kingly. 44:46 So I got to do something, 44:48 I don't know what shall I do for him, 44:49 while he is thinking what do I do for Mordecai 44:52 who revealed this to other guys, these eunuchs, 44:55 that we're going to kill the king, assassination. 44:58 In walks Haman to ask where 44:59 the death decree for none other than Mordecai. 45:03 And so the king says hey, I'm glad you are here Haman. 45:07 I need to ask you a question. 45:09 What should I do for the one I want to honor? 45:12 And Haman is so self-centered, he thinks, 45:16 well, who would the king want to honor more than me, me, me. 45:20 And he says well, get the king's horse, 45:25 that beautiful white horse, that majestic stallion. 45:27 Put the king's saddle on it and they put 45:29 the king's robe on him, 45:30 put the king's crown on his head, 45:31 get the king's servants because all the servants 45:34 are walking in front, he said that shall be done 45:36 for the one whom the king wants to honor 45:37 and parade him up and down the street 45:39 shouting with fanfare like the king. 45:43 What did Haman want? 45:45 Have the abundance of the mouth 45:46 the heart speak, he wanted to be king. 45:49 Time if he had gone on much longer, 45:51 he would have probably try to assassinate the king. 45:54 What does the devil want? I will be like the Most High. 45:58 And so can you imagine the look, 45:59 I wish I had a photograph of Haman's face 46:03 when the king says to him, that sounds good enough to me. 46:06 I tell you, what I want to do everything 46:08 that you just said there and he is probably 46:10 smiling yes, yes, to Mordecai. 46:16 Talk about the reversal. 46:18 You know, the Bible says he who exalts himself 46:19 will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted. 46:22 Jesus humbled himself and He will be exalted, 46:24 the devil who exalted himself will be humbled. 46:28 And then in the end, you can see this 46:29 great exaltation of Mordecai, 46:32 all the enemies of God are killed, 46:34 the people of God are delivered just like 46:36 when Jesus comes at the last day 46:37 when there is to be an annihilation of the church. 46:40 And you read here in Esther 8:15, 46:44 "So Mordecai went out from the presence 46:45 of the king in royal apparel in blue and white, 46:49 with a great crown of gold and a garment 46:51 of fine linen and purple, 46:53 and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad." 46:56 When Christ is glorified, there will be gladness. 46:59 Esther 9:4. "For Mordecai was great 47:03 in the king's palace, and his fame spread 47:05 throughout all the provinces, 47:06 for this man Mordecai became increasingly prominent." 47:09 None was greater in the palace 47:11 besides the king than Mordecai. 47:13 You notice all these types of Christ in the Bible 47:15 become like second to the King Christ. 47:17 He is second only in the authority to the Father. 47:19 Joseph, second to the king. Daniel, second to the king. 47:22 And they often go from the prison to the palace. 47:25 Mordecai, he is in rags at the king's gate 47:27 and then he is in robes in the palace. 47:30 As Christ went from the rags of this world 47:33 to the right hand of the Father, didn't He? 47:35 It's all telling us about Jesus. 47:39 And the Jews, Esther 8:16 it says 47:42 "They had gladness, joy and honor." 47:45 And that's what God's people can expect. 47:46 Story of Nehemiah, another great example in the Bible. 47:50 And again all condenses. 47:52 But he comes from the palace, he crosses that desert 47:56 and he comes to seek the welfare of God's people. 47:59 He intercedes with the king, Nehemiah. 48:02 By the way, Esther was sitting by the king when he does it. 48:05 He intercedes with the king. 48:07 I'll try to do this sequentially for you. 48:09 And he then comes to seek the welfare of God's people 48:12 to build up the city of God, to build up the gates, 48:16 to build up the walls, to give them protection. 48:18 And he is their governor, and he is like Christ, 48:20 and he provides for the people when he comes from the king. 48:24 But the devil, the enemies around God's people, 48:27 they do everything they can 48:28 to keep the city from being built up. 48:32 In this world is a devil do everything 48:33 he can to breakdown the church. 48:36 You read the story of Nehemiah and you'll see 48:38 that they use threats, they used ridicule, 48:42 they used mocking, they tried to breakdown the moral, 48:45 the did everything they could to keep them 48:48 from building up the city of God, 48:50 but Nehemiah would not be deterred 48:53 and he continued until he built up the walls. 48:56 So here is one verse in particular 48:57 I want you to look at. Nehemiah 6:3. 49:01 His three enemies, you often find yourself 49:06 three fold enemy alliance, even with Gideon 49:10 it was the Amalekites, and the Midianites, 49:12 and the people of the east, 49:13 the three fold alliance kind of a counterfeit trinity. 49:17 The beast, the dragon, the false prophet. 49:19 So this is three fold alliance, it's Sanballat, and Tobiah, 49:24 and the Arabians and they sent Nehemiah. 49:28 And they said, look, you know, well, 49:30 we've had a disagreement long enough. 49:31 Why don't we compromise a little bit here? 49:33 Why don't you come down to the valley of Ono 49:36 and we'll talk about it together. 49:37 Let's negotiate, let's compromise, 49:39 we can find some middle ground. 49:41 We'll give you what you want. 49:43 Isn't the devil trying to do that with the church? 49:46 Let's compromise, we'll work with you, 49:49 we'll help you build up your church, 49:50 you just adopt some of our ways, 49:52 and we will adopt some of your ways 49:53 and that's what the devil tries to do, 49:55 he tries to neutralize the power of the church 49:57 to compromise with the world. 50:00 And I love what they say. 50:01 They say come down that we can talk about this. 50:04 Nehemiah 6:3, they said come down 50:09 "And I sent response to them, saying, 50:11 "I am doing a great work, so I cannot come down. 50:14 Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?" 50:18 They sent this message to me four times, 50:21 I answered them in the same manner. 50:22 Four times Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 50:24 I give them the same answer. 50:27 I'm doing a great work, I'm not coming down. 50:28 When Christ was on the cross, were there are those at 50:31 the base of the cross who said, 50:32 if you are the Christ come on down, 50:35 we'll believe you, we'll talk about it. 50:37 And He would not come down. 50:40 He said, I'm doing a great work. 50:42 That great work is His sacrifice for us. 50:47 And then you know, maybe I'll close with this. 50:49 I'm going to jump for the first time not right here, 50:54 I'm going to jump to the New Testament. 50:56 And I'm going to show you even in the New Testament stories. 50:59 You find a lot of types for Jesus. 51:02 One of several I could point to you, 51:04 I mean, you know, 51:05 I could talk to you about Philemon, 51:07 and now he is a great example of a merciful master. 51:11 You could talk about Titus, you could talk about Romans, 51:15 there is so many places in the Bible 51:16 you can find types of Christ. 51:17 But I want to go to Stephen. 51:20 He was always one of our heroes in the Bible, 51:24 spirit filled man, one reason we picked 51:25 that name for son number three is because 51:30 we were inspired by the example in the Bible 51:32 of the spirit filled deacon who is out preaching 51:34 and he was willing to lay down his life. 51:37 And you look after three and a half years of ministry, 51:41 Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin 51:45 where He tells them who He is. 51:48 They have a mockery of a trial, they condemn Him, 51:53 they take Him outside the city, they execute Jesus 51:57 while He praise for their forgiveness. 52:01 Stephen preaches, the church grows, 52:05 his enemies are threatened, they bring him to the Sanhedrin 52:09 three and a half years after Christ. 52:12 Well, you know, I don't even know if I told you, 52:14 do you mind if we pause and we backtrack just a little, 52:16 in the story of Esther, there is another three and a half years. 52:19 In the third year of the reign of Ahasuerus, 52:22 he has a feast lasting 180 days 52:24 and that's how the Book of Esther begins 52:26 after a three and a half year period. 52:29 After three and a half years Stephen is preaching. 52:35 Because of his preaching he is arrested, 52:39 he is brought to the Sanhedrin. 52:40 The same one who'd accuse Jesus, 52:43 he tells who Jesus is in one of the most incredible sermons 52:46 in the New Testament going through 52:48 the history of the Jewish nation. 52:50 He proves that Jesus is the Christ. 52:53 Looking at a lot of the same stories that I have been 52:54 talking to you about the same characters too, 52:56 showing they all represent Jesus. 53:00 And they are so outraged realizing that 53:02 they have crucified their Messiah. 53:06 I thought along the away this series on Jesus 53:09 would be good for Jews, 53:10 I hope they won't be offended by it, 53:11 I'm half Jewish, because I don't know 53:14 anyone could read about all these characters in the Bible, 53:17 all these Jewish heroes that are types of Christ. 53:20 And then look in the New Testament and say, 53:22 no that has nothing to do with Jesus. 53:24 I don't know how they can get pass that. 53:28 And so when the religious leaders heard 53:30 Stephen testimony, they grip their teeth, 53:33 they plug their ears, they take him out of the city. 53:38 He is falsely condemned. 53:40 They don't even wait for the Romans to get involved, 53:43 they stone him to death, they lay down their garments, 53:47 there were garments at the foot of the cross, 53:50 there are garments at the feet of Saul. 53:52 They lay down their garments at the feet of Saul 53:54 who later becomes Paul. 53:55 Boy, wasn't that interesting? 53:57 And he asks for the forgiveness of the ones 54:00 who are executing him, just like Jesus? 54:04 Then he's carried off by friends and buried. 54:08 You can see types of Christ not only before Christ, 54:10 you can even see types of Christ after Christ 54:11 which is why I did this series. 54:14 You can see types of Christ even AD after Christ 54:20 which would mean you can reflect the life of Jesus. 54:25 All of these characters in the Bible, 54:27 once they surrendered themselves to Christ 54:28 their lives began to reflect 54:30 different aspects of Christ character. 54:33 The purpose for the plan of salvation is that 54:36 we might be restored to the image of God 54:37 that Jesus might reproduce His image in us. 54:42 You know, sometimes when miners around Sacramento. 54:46 Gold Rush, we're sitting right here 54:47 in the heart of the Gold Rush story, aren't we? 54:51 Right here between Sutter's Fort and Platte Valley, 54:54 this is where it all happened. 54:56 And you know, how they'd find the gold 54:58 the real gold is they will be panning around 55:01 in a river and first they find some 55:03 little specs of color and they knew if they found color, 55:07 they didn't get excited and walk away, 55:09 they kept panning, because what are they looking for? 55:11 They've been looking for the dust 55:13 and the close you get to the dust then you might find some 55:16 nuggets that have rolled down the hill 55:18 that haven't been pounded into dust or color yet. 55:22 Because they roll down from a vein 55:24 that leads to the motherload. 55:27 Isn't that right, isn't that how work with gold? 55:30 Would you rather have the dust or the motherload? 55:34 All through these characters in the Bible we've been looking 55:36 at the nuggets and the dust and the color 55:38 in it is all pointing us to Jesus who is the motherload. 55:43 And I hope that He is that pearl of great price for you, 55:45 that He is the treasure 55:46 and you will willing to lay down everything. 55:49 I hope your prayer will be, Lord, 55:51 all that I have all that I am it's yours. 55:54 I want to be like Jesus, don't you friends. 56:02 Journey back through time to the center of the universe. 56:07 Discover how a perfect angel transformed 56:10 into Satan, the arch villain. 56:13 The birth of evil, a rebellion in heaven. 56:17 A mutiny that moved to earth. 56:21 Behold, the creation 56:23 of a beautiful new planet and the first humans. 56:27 Witness the temptation of evil. 56:29 Discover God's amazing plan to save his children. 56:34 This is a story that involves every life on earth...every 56:41 life. The cosmic conflict, if God is good, 56:45 if God is all powerful, if God is love, 56:48 then what went wrong? 56:51 Available now on DVD. 56:58 In the same way all of the planets 56:59 in our solar system revolve around the sun. 57:02 Everything we do here at Amazing Facts 57:05 revolves around the nucleus of God's word, the Scriptures. 57:09 That's why we're very excited to tell you 57:11 about the release of a new resource 57:13 that will bless you in your personal study. 57:16 It's the Amazing Facts prophecy study Bible. 57:19 And this Bible is like no other, 57:21 it is filled with wonderful resources. 57:23 Of course, it has a concordance, 57:25 it has the maps, red letter edition, 57:27 New King James version, how to understand 57:29 the history of the Bible, and best of all 57:31 all 27 of the popular Amazing Facts 57:34 study guides are in this Bible. 57:37 Answering questions like how will Jesus come, 57:40 who is the beast, what is the mark of the beast? 57:43 What does the Bible say about death, 57:44 and hell, and heaven, and much more? 57:47 If you'd like to know how you can obtain 57:48 a copy of this incredible Bible study resource, 57:51 then simply call the toll free number 57:53 on your screen or go to |
Revised 2014-12-17