Everlasting Gospel

Jesus Throughout The Bible, Part 5

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002939

00:09 It's been 2,000 years
00:10 since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated the world veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today the greatest need of mankind
00:19 is a revelation of God's love
00:21 as revealed in the life of Christ.
00:24 Amazing Facts presents the Everlasting Gospel
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor, coming to you each week
00:30 from Sacramento Central Church in sunny California.
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today.
00:39 We have been going through a series
00:42 for the last four studies together
00:46 dealing with the subject of Jesus
00:49 throughout the Bible.
00:50 And principally we've been talking about
00:53 how we can see Christ in the types
00:57 and the stories, the characters of the Old Testament.
01:01 This morning will be the fifth installment
01:03 in that series looking at Jesus in a specially the lives
01:09 of the Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha.
01:14 And in our Scripture reading
01:17 you heard there in Luke 4
01:19 that right after the temptation when Christ goes to His hometown
01:25 and He begins His ministry.
01:28 If you got a red-letter edition of the Bible,
01:32 He says in Luke 4,
01:33 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
01:35 He's anointed me to preach.
01:37 And then He tells us about Elijah and Elisha.
01:42 And after He says that the people get ready,
01:45 they are gonna throw Him off the cliff.
01:46 You know why?
01:48 Because Christ is saying
01:50 that Elijah and Elisha were prophets of God
01:53 but they ministered to Gentiles.
01:57 Never really aggravated the Jews in Jesus' hometown
02:00 but both Elijah and Elisha
02:02 are in many respects types of Christ.
02:06 You know, I enjoy looking through a kaleidoscope
02:12 and it's fun to sometimes you adjust
02:16 and you look at some beautiful pictures
02:18 and especially if you get something
02:19 that's got a lot of color
02:20 and interesting shape you look through it.
02:22 It's always distorted somewhat by the kaleidoscope
02:25 but it can still be very attractive.
02:28 Well the Old Testament presents a kaleidoscope of Jesus Christ.
02:33 And wherever you look it's not an exact representation
02:37 but its beautiful pictures of Christ
02:40 and of His sacrifice.
02:42 And you'll also find that especially true today
02:45 as we look at the examples of Elijah and Elisha.
02:50 Now why are we looking at Elijah and Elisha
02:52 and studying the life of Christ?
02:54 Well, for one thing, there are about
02:57 20 chapters in the Bible
02:59 that deal with Elijah and Elisha.
03:01 If you go from 1 Kings 17:1
03:05 all the way to 2 Kings 13,
03:09 It's all talking about the life miracles and adventures
03:12 of this incredible prophetic tag team.
03:16 And I was talking to Karen about
03:18 how they illustrate, how they worked together.
03:20 Tag teams probably not the best illustration
03:22 only places as a kid I ever saw a tag team was in this,
03:25 this wrestling that they have.
03:29 Not very real, you know what I mean?
03:32 But probably would be more accurate
03:34 to refer to them as a baton pass
03:37 because there actually was a little bit of overlap
03:39 between the ministries of Elijah and Elisha.
03:42 Elisha and it's easy to confuse them
03:43 because their names sound the same.
03:45 Elisha means my God is Savior.
03:49 Elijah means my God is Jehovah.
03:50 Elijah was the senior, the one who came first.
03:54 Elisha was trained as his apprentice
03:57 but he carried on the work of Elijah
04:00 and actually doubled it in some respects.
04:03 There are many similarities between
04:05 Elijah and Elisha and even Jesus.
04:09 They all three had a ministry
04:10 that even reached to the Gentiles.
04:12 You never hear about Mrs. Elijah,
04:16 Mrs. Elisha or Mrs. Jesus.
04:18 Even the people have tried to say that
04:19 Jesus and Mary Magdalene
04:20 had something going on that's totally a fable.
04:24 Their ministry was totally to reach and to save God's people.
04:28 And as we study today
04:29 I think you're gonna see there are number comparisons.
04:32 Now Christ made some,
04:34 first of all don't forget the beginning of Jesus' ministry
04:37 He cites these two prophets
04:39 that were a tag team there as an example of His ministry.
04:44 The last prophecy in the Old Testament talks about
04:48 "Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet,"
04:50 Malachi 4:5.
04:53 And then when John the Baptist came
04:55 the angel said John the Baptist
04:56 would come in the spirit and the power of Elijah.
05:00 Now who was the first one who came in the spirit
05:03 and power of Elijah?
05:08 Wasn't John the Baptist, even before John the Baptist
05:10 someone came in the spirit and power of Elijah.
05:13 Who got a double portion of Elijah's spirit?
05:16 Elisha was the first one to come in the spirit
05:18 and the power of Elijah then John the Baptist.
05:22 Now is that it or is there more?
05:24 Let me read something from the words of Jesus,
05:26 Matthew 17.
05:27 You're gonna need a pencil or I hope you can turn quickly
05:32 and God willing I'll be able to post these
05:33 at the central website.
05:35 We put the other notes from this message
05:37 or this series at the saccentral.org website.
05:40 But I'd like you to follow along if you can.
05:44 Matthew 17:11, Christ is speaking here
05:47 and He said, notice very carefully,
05:50 "Indeed Elijah is coming."
05:54 Now, is coming, is that the present,
05:56 past or future tense?
05:58 "He is coming," future, "and will restore all things.
06:03 But I say to you that Elijah has come"
06:06 that past or present?
06:09 Past, "He has come already, and they did not know him
06:12 but did to him whatever they wished.
06:14 Likewise the Son of Man is about to suffer at their hands.'
06:18 And then the disciples understood,
06:19 He spoke to them of John the Baptist."
06:21 And again in Matthew 11 Jesus says that
06:24 John the Baptist was the one
06:25 who came in the spirit and power of Elijah.
06:29 He was the first one
06:30 but there's a future example and even Christ said,
06:32 what they did to John they are about to do to me.
06:35 So there's a parallels between the life of Elijah
06:38 and John the Baptist and Jesus.
06:41 Did you get that?
06:42 So I'm not trying to detract
06:44 that John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah.
06:48 Christ has many similarities with Elijah
06:52 and listen not only are there going to be
06:55 12 times 12,000 last day apostles call the 144,000.
07:00 There's gonna be another army of Elijah's in the last days.
07:05 He says Elijah will come again.
07:07 Remember what it said there in Malachi 4,
07:11 not only was Elijah gonna come
07:13 to restore the hearts of the fathers to the sons
07:17 and the sons of the fathers.
07:18 But he said, "Lest I come
07:20 and smite the earth with a curse."
07:22 Before the final seven last plagues
07:25 God is gonna send the Elijah message again
07:28 and the same way John the Baptist came to prepare
07:30 the world for Jesus' first coming.
07:32 He's gonna have an army of John's
07:34 or Elijah's to prepare the world
07:36 for the second coming of Jesus.
07:37 Does that make sense?
07:39 Okay and some of them might be
07:40 walking around right now.
07:43 So going in the Old Testament
07:45 Elijah in one way is a type of Christ
07:46 because he sort of comes out of nowhere
07:49 and he disappears like he came.
07:52 Speaking of Melchizedek, another type a Christ,
07:55 it says without beginning or end
07:57 just sort of comes and disappears.
08:00 Jesus has no beginning or end.
08:03 He is the Alpha and the Omega.
08:04 And so that's one way were Elijah is like that.
08:07 Elijah was fearless when it came
08:09 to talking with the common people,
08:12 priests or kings.
08:14 First time Elijah appears,
08:16 and here we're sort of meeting Elijah,
08:18 he walks into the presence of King Ahab and he says,
08:23 "Thus says the Lord with an alt
08:25 there's going to be neither dew nor rain
08:27 according to my word for these years."
08:30 Somehow he gets right through the security forces
08:32 and the guard around the king.
08:33 He makes his pronouncement
08:34 then he goes back the other way.
08:38 And that was really something
08:39 because these ancient kings you know,
08:42 you could assassinate a king if you get close enough.
08:44 They didn't have rifles back then
08:46 and if you have a gift to bring to the king
08:48 you bring your gift to the couriers.
08:50 You'd stop you know, 50 paces from the king
08:54 than they did examine your gift
08:55 and then they show it to the king.
08:57 But you couldn't get,
08:58 you tried to approach too close to king
08:59 and the bodyguards will get you.
09:02 So the fact that Elijah got through all of that,
09:04 he makes his declaration
09:05 and he somehow while they are all in shock,
09:06 slips out again and they can't find him.
09:09 And they searched the whole country looking for him.
09:11 After Jesus ascended to heaven
09:12 also they had problems finding Him.
09:16 And it says that from the time of this declaration now
09:19 there follows three and a half years of famine
09:24 where God miraculously provides for Elijah.
09:28 And you can read about this here in 1 Kings 17:13,
09:36 Elijah now goes and he stays
09:37 with the gentile woman during this time,
09:39 a widow and he says, get me something to eat.
09:43 By the way, how many years did Jesus minister?
09:48 Three and a half years.
09:49 Okay, don't forget that, another type of Christ there.
09:53 He goes, at first he's fed by ravens at the brook
09:55 and then he-- God says to go stay with this gentile woman.
09:58 What does woman represent? A church.
10:02 Did Christ begin a new ministry
10:04 after His life to take the message
10:08 beyond the Jews to the Gentiles?
10:10 Matter of fact by the end of the first century
10:12 there were more Gentiles reading the Bible then Jews.
10:16 A transition happened in history.
10:18 The gospel now went to this Gentile bride.
10:21 Sort of like story of Ruth here.
10:25 And so Elijah is sent to this Gentile woman
10:28 who lives up by Tyre.
10:30 By the way Jesus also performed a miracle
10:32 for a Gentile woman.
10:33 Remember that her daughter
10:35 was afflicted with a demon and Christ says,
10:38 it's not appropriate to give the children's bread to the dogs
10:41 and she said even the dogs get the crumbs
10:43 that fall from the children's table.
10:44 He says great is your faith, He healed her daughter.
10:47 That was also an analogy about Christ
10:49 was going to break this insulation
10:52 around the Jewish nation
10:53 and take the gospel beyond just the Jews.
10:56 Whoever believes in Christ
10:57 then becomes a child of Abraham.
11:01 When he first meets her there's a famine,
11:02 it's going on for years, and nobody has any food.
11:06 And He says to her, can you get me a drink of water?
11:09 She's going to get a drink of water
11:10 and as she goes He says
11:11 and bring me a cake in your hand.
11:13 She says, oh, man of God.
11:15 She can tell from his attire he's a prophet.
11:17 She said, I'm gathering a couple of sticks right now
11:20 and I'm going to make my last meal
11:22 and my son and I are gonna die.
11:24 Because all we've got now is one handful
11:26 of flour in the bottom of the barrel.
11:28 You ever heard the expression,
11:29 getting to the bottom of the barrel?
11:30 That's where it comes from, the story.
11:33 And we got a little bit of oil to make the bread
11:36 and that's all we have.
11:37 And he says to her, "Do not fear," 1 King 17:13.
11:43 "Do as you have said
11:44 but make a small cake from it first and bring it to me.
11:48 Afterward make some for you, yourself and your son."
11:52 Well, that takes a lot of faith.
11:55 He says bring it to me and it will multiply.
11:58 Listen to what he said afterward.
11:59 "For thus says the Lord God
12:01 the bin of flower will not be used up
12:04 nor shall the jar of oil run dry
12:06 until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth."
12:10 Christ multiplied bread miraculously, didn't He?
12:14 When He multiplied bread did He say to the disciples,
12:16 tell you what, you take that little boy's bread
12:18 and you give it to the children
12:19 or you eat it yourself or did Jesus say,
12:22 bring it to me first?
12:24 They brought it to Christ,
12:26 He blessed it then the miracle happened.
12:28 We bring our bread to Jesus
12:30 whether it's the bread you might have in your wallet
12:32 or your purse or this bread.
12:34 When you study in the morning you say,
12:35 Lord, this is just the ink on paper
12:37 unless You perform a miracle
12:38 and You multiply You feed my soul.
12:41 And so for the remainder of that famine
12:44 every day that woman took the wooden lid of that barrel,
12:47 she reached in and there was more flour.
12:50 Do you ever eat a meal on your plate and say,
12:52 well, I am going to eat half of this
12:54 but I'm enjoying this so much
12:55 I don't want to eat the last bite,
12:56 I'm gonna cut that last bite in half and make it two.
12:59 Have you ever done that?
13:00 Then you say, oh, man, it's so good.
13:01 I am gonna cut that last bite in half and make it two.
13:03 Well, that's what she kept doing,
13:04 she kept reaching in, just taking half of it
13:06 and it was enough for everybody.
13:08 She reach in there, there's always more there,
13:10 never got to the end until the rain came.
13:13 A miracle of multiplication of bread
13:16 and oil which is also what Jesus did,
13:19 He multiplied bread and every day
13:21 we ask Him to multiply bread for us, don't we.
13:25 He was not afraid to confront false prophets and priests.
13:30 Matter of fact it almost cost Him His life
13:33 when He said, "Woe unto you scribes
13:35 and Pharisees hypocrites!"
13:38 Did Elijah also confront the false prophets
13:41 and priests on Mount Carmel?
13:44 And did they then put His name on a poster?
13:47 Jezebel was looking through the land for Him,
13:50 His life was threatened because of it.
13:53 When He gathered everybody together on Mount Carmel
13:57 for that great big showdown
13:59 he said, "Come near unto me."
14:01 So the people came near unto Him.
14:03 There was a revival after He called everybody
14:06 in the kingdom to come near unto Him.
14:09 Does Jesus say, come unto me
14:11 and you will find rest for your souls?
14:14 With Elijah and Elisha this is great victory,
14:19 I'm sorry, with Elijah and Jesus
14:21 there's this great victory on the mountain,
14:24 showdown there on Mount Carmel
14:25 about the true God and a counterfeit god.
14:29 You know when Christ came,
14:30 had the religious leaders substituted the truth
14:33 with a counterfeit gospel.
14:36 He constantly had to say, you say
14:38 but God says you say but I say.
14:41 And they just-- they completely eclipsed
14:43 the truth with man-made laws and traditions.
14:46 And Jesus had to pull all that aside
14:48 and they hated Him for it.
14:50 But there was a big showdown because of that.
14:53 Elijah had a showdown on Mount Carmel,
14:56 Christ had a showdown on Mount Calvary.
14:59 And Christ said, it is finished
15:00 and there was a victory there.
15:02 God's presence was seen when Elijah prayed,
15:06 the heavens parted and fire came down.
15:10 Now fire comes down for Jesus as well.
15:14 Elijah praise and there's a great rain
15:17 at the end of three and a half years.
15:18 Are you with me?
15:20 What happens at the end of three and a half years
15:22 of Christ ministry?
15:23 Does Jesus pray in John 17
15:25 and John 14 the God will send
15:27 the Holy Spirit to the disciples?
15:29 There's a great rain.
15:30 Do they get baptized with tons of fire?
15:33 After three and a half years
15:35 the rain comes, there's a storm.
15:38 And then Elijah has to run.
15:40 After three and a half years
15:42 Jesus pours the Holy Spirit out on the church
15:46 and then the disciples have to hide.
15:47 There's a great persecution that takes place.
15:51 Did Elijah fast for 40 days in the wilderness?
15:56 Are you with me?
15:57 How many-- I'm assuming
15:58 you guys know the fundamentals of the Bible.
16:00 We might have visitors who don't know
16:02 the stories in the Bible
16:03 but Elijah fast for 40 days in the wilderness.
16:06 The interesting thing is
16:07 Elijah meets an angel in the wilderness
16:09 who feeds him this very good food evidently
16:12 because it's so good that he runs--
16:15 you know they do a lot of modern research
16:17 these days for these triathlon athletes
16:20 but what is the best diet to have
16:21 the greatest endurance to go the farthest?
16:24 They are to find out what that Angel fed Elijah
16:27 because I tell you, boy, they win the Tour de France
16:30 if they could just find out what was in that.
16:32 But an angel feeds Elijah and then he goes 40 days
16:36 and 40 nights to Mount Sinai and God speaks to him there.
16:40 Jesus goes 40 days and 40 nights fasting
16:43 and at the end it says an angel came
16:45 and ministered to Him and they fed Him miraculously
16:49 at the end of that 40 days and 40 nights.
16:52 Another parallel between Jesus and Elijah.
16:57 Now there's at this point after He leaves Mount Sinai
17:01 his 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness,
17:03 and I'm shortening the ministry of Elijah a little bit.
17:06 He's then told to go and anoint his replacement.
17:10 He is to pass the baton to a young man,
17:13 he's the wealthy son of a ranching family.
17:16 His name is Elisha.
17:18 And you can read about the call of Elisha in 1 Kings 19:19.
17:23 So Elijah departs and he goes to this area here
17:29 where the Mr. Shaphat was his name lived.
17:33 He had this ranch, wealthy man.
17:35 And he finds Elisha plowing with 12 yoke of oxen before him
17:40 and he was with the 12.
17:42 Now you just got to get this picture,
17:44 so you understand what this young man is giving up.
17:48 Today if you've got to one of these big John Deere tractors
17:52 you don't spend $200,000 on a John Deere tractor.
17:56 I mean these tractors today I've seen them.
17:58 You go out to Texas, these tractor sometimes
18:01 they will pull 50 yards
18:03 worth of plow equipment behind it.
18:05 They are powerful tractors.
18:07 Inside these tractors they've got GPS,
18:09 they got air-conditioning, they've got television
18:12 because they-- I am not kidding. You think I'm kidding?
18:14 How many of you know what I'm saying is true?
18:16 They're driven by GPS, farmers
18:18 just kind of, they are watching TV
18:19 and one of the things turns red, GPS turns around.
18:22 That's how they get these perfect lines.
18:24 They got Jacuzzi? No, it's not true.
18:26 They get just about everything in these tractors, right?
18:30 Well, back in Bible times the farmers,
18:33 you know, they might have one mule to pull a plow.
18:36 If you had a pair of oxen, you are wealthy.
18:38 If you had 12 pair of oxen, you are pretty wealthy.
18:44 So Elisha got a wealthy family
18:46 but he's a very spiritual young man.
18:48 And when a poor prophet name Elijah comes along,
18:51 I mean, Elijah lives out there
18:53 by the creek and he's fed by ravens.
18:56 He didn't have a lot, he didn't have a mansion.
18:59 He has to go stay with the widow
19:02 and he comes along and he says look,
19:06 because you love Lord I got good news,
19:08 you get to follow me and you got to leave all this.
19:12 Isn't that what Jesus really did with the apostles?
19:15 He said, are you willing to leave your father's boats
19:18 and your father's net, You follow Me
19:19 I'll teach you to fish for men.
19:21 So Elijah does basically the same thing
19:23 that Jesus did with Peter, James, John and Matthew.
19:26 He said, leave your tax booth with all your money, follow me.
19:31 And did He do it?
19:32 And the way He did it back then
19:34 is He cast His mantle on the shoulders of Elisha.
19:38 You ever heard the expression, the mantle fell upon him?
19:41 That it means someone else is now the successor.
19:43 Comes from this one story in the Bible
19:45 where Elijah put his mantle on the shoulders
19:47 of Elisha saying,
19:49 God has chosen you to train and follow me.
19:53 You are to do my work and finish my work
19:55 that I'm starting.
19:56 This is what the apostles did for Jesus.
19:59 So another parallel between Elijah and Jesus.
20:01 He called and disciple others to cover for Him
20:05 when He would ascend.
20:07 Not too many people ascend to heaven miraculously
20:10 but Jesus did and Elijah did. I'm getting ahead of myself now.
20:15 So he calls Elisha and He puts his mantle on him.
20:19 That mantle is like a robe,
20:20 it represents the righteousness of Christ.
20:23 Christ then empowers us to do His work.
20:26 Now there's another story
20:27 that happens between the end of First Kings
20:30 before you get to Second Kings.
20:32 It's a story of Naboth's vineyard.
20:34 There was this good man that lived in Samaria
20:37 by the name of Naboth.
20:38 He owned a beautiful vineyard not far from the king's palace.
20:42 Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard.
20:45 But according to the Jewish law it was to go to his posterity,
20:48 it wasn't to change hands between the tribes.
20:51 And so when Ahab said, hey, I'd like to buy your vineyard.
20:53 Naboth says, your highness, you know I'd like to help
20:55 but the Law of Moses says
20:57 this is to be part of our posterity,
20:59 it stays with our tribe and I can't sell it to you.
21:03 He get so mad, he wants it.
21:06 He just can't stop thinking about it.
21:08 So with the help of Jezebel
21:09 they concoct a scheme to get false witnesses,
21:13 to falsely accuse Naboth
21:17 of blaspheming God and blaspheming the king,
21:21 religion and government.
21:23 They take him out of the city, they execute him.
21:27 An innocent man is killed
21:29 so that they can seize his vineyard.
21:33 What is that vineyard?
21:35 Jesus tells us in Isaiah 5,
21:38 that vineyard is a type for the people of Israel.
21:40 Did Jesus tell parables
21:43 about how a vineyard was un-rightly stolen?
21:47 That the Sun, the rightful owner
21:48 was killed to seize his vineyard? Yeah.
21:52 So another parable here in the same way that's--
21:56 Oh, and by the way,
22:00 Jesus in the same way that Naboth died
22:03 and Jesus died, Elijah then goes on
22:06 and tells King Ahab is that you're going to suffer
22:10 the same fate as Naboth
22:11 because you killed an innocent man.
22:14 And so Naboth is an example of Christ
22:16 there in Elijah's pronouncement.
22:21 And then one of the great miracles
22:22 is how he ascends to Heaven.
22:24 Now I am gonna spend a few minutes on this,
22:26 turn in your Bibles to 2 Kings 2.
22:29 2 Kings 2 and it says,
22:36 "It came to pass when the Lord was about to take Elijah
22:40 into heaven by a whirlwind."
22:43 Now did God tell Jesus to tell the disciples in advance
22:48 that you're going to be going to heaven
22:50 in some unusual way?
22:53 Did Christ say, "I am not always be with you,
22:55 I'm going away" And they said, "Where are you going?"
22:57 So Christ warned them in advance.
22:58 Elijah told Elisha in advance, I'm going up to happen.
23:02 That he said to Elisha, go with me to Gilgal.
23:05 And he goes to Gilgal
23:06 and he teaches the people the word there
23:08 because he's about to ascend.
23:11 And they said, you know, he's going to go to heaven.
23:13 And then he goes from Gilgal and he goes next to Bethel.
23:17 And then he goes to Jericho
23:19 and then he goes down to the Jordan.
23:21 And he stops and he visits all the sons of the prophets
23:23 before he ascends to heaven.
23:25 After Christ rose from the dead, did He go around
23:28 and visit the disciples on different occasions
23:31 to strengthen them in the word
23:32 before He ascended to heaven?
23:34 So there's another parallel.
23:36 Now finally he goes to the Jordan River
23:40 and he crosses the Jordan River.
23:41 By the way the Jordan in the Bible
23:43 is the symbol of death.
23:45 And Elisha crosses-- the Jordan parts miraculously.
23:50 And they go over together.
23:53 You know the Jordan represents death.
23:55 What is normally,
23:57 what do you think of when you think of the Jordan River?
23:59 Isn't it baptism?
24:01 Baptism is a symbol of death, burial and resurrection.
24:06 How do most people get to the other side of death?
24:10 The Jordan, you got to go through death.
24:12 The children of Israel before they got to the Promised Land
24:15 they had to cross the Jordan River.
24:17 Before me, most people are gonna ever get to the Promised Land
24:19 they got to go through the Jordan.
24:20 See what I'm saying?
24:22 Now it says, Elijah comes to the borders of the river,
24:25 he takes off his mantle, he strikes the water.
24:27 I don't have time to read the whole story to you
24:29 but I am summarizing it.
24:31 The river parts miraculously,
24:33 the way it did for the children of Israel
24:34 when they first entered the Promised Land,
24:36 they go over on dry ground.
24:39 Meaning they don't get muddy,
24:40 they go over and they come up clean on the other side.
24:43 In the same way it's only the righteousness of Christ
24:47 that makes it possible for us to cross death
24:49 and be clean on the other side.
24:51 After they crossed the Jordan River
24:53 Elijah and Elisha are walking and talking together.
24:57 Same way that Jesus walked and talked with the disciples
25:00 before He ascended to heaven.
25:02 And he says, what shall I give you
25:05 before I am taken away from you?
25:07 And Elisha said, I pray thee
25:09 that a double portion of your spirit might fall upon me.
25:14 And Elijah says you've asked the hard thing,
25:16 but I tell you what, if you've seen me
25:20 when I ascend up to heaven
25:22 it will be so on to you but if you don't see me
25:24 when I ascend it will not be so.
25:26 So as they walk and talk together suddenly
25:29 the heavens are parted,
25:30 chariots and horses of fire come down
25:33 and take Elijah up to heaven.
25:36 Elisha sees it, he falls down on the ground
25:39 and he says, my father, my father, the chariot of Israel
25:41 and the horseman thereof, and he rinse his robes.
25:45 And what falls down from Elijah as he goes up?
25:50 His mantle.
25:51 What's the only thing that Jesus--
25:53 and that mantle is a robe.
25:54 What's the only thing that it says that
25:56 Jesus left behind intact when He ascended to heaven?
25:59 His blood stained robe was left behind.
26:03 Elisha tears his clothing, a signal
26:07 for our righteousness as filthy rags.
26:10 And he takes up the mantle of Elijah.
26:13 What do we do when we accept the righteousness of Christ?
26:15 We say we are sinful.
26:18 Our righteousness as filthy rags,
26:19 we take up the righteousness of Christ.
26:22 And it says Elisha saw it.
26:24 What was the criteria to receiving
26:26 a double portion of Elijah's spirit?
26:28 You got to see it. And it says he saw it.
26:32 Did the disciple see Jesus ascend up into those clouds?
26:36 What were those clouds?
26:39 Let's look here in the Bible and find out what it says here.
26:42 Psalm 104:3,
26:49 "He lays the beams of his upper chambers in the waters,
26:53 who makes the clouds His chariot,
26:56 who walks on the wings of the wind,
26:58 who makes His angel spirits, His ministers a flame of fire."
27:03 Most Bibles agree that it says angels, clouds,
27:06 fire chariots, right here in this verse.
27:10 Those clouds of light the disciple saw receive Jesus,
27:13 what are they?
27:14 They are oversaturated bright angels ministering spirits.
27:19 In Old Testament they call them chariots
27:21 and horses of fire.
27:22 And you know, angels are not galloping around on horses
27:25 as they go toeing from the earth
27:26 but in Bible times,
27:28 I mean, that's what there the fastest thing they had.
27:30 The most powerful thing they had.
27:31 That was their weapons of mass destruction,
27:33 were horses and chariots back then.
27:36 So they said, came these blazing ministering spirits,
27:39 chariots of fire.
27:41 Matter of fact even the Negro spiritual has that, right?
27:46 When I looked over Jordan,
27:47 what did I see coming forward to carry me home?
27:49 A band full of angels,
27:52 calls the chariots and horses of fire.
27:54 It's a band of angels came to take Elijah up
27:59 and it was a band of angels that came to receive Jesus,
28:02 the clouds of angels that received Him.
28:06 So He ascends up to heaven, He leaves his mantle behind.
28:11 Does Elisha get a double portion of the spirit?
28:15 It says, he goes to the Jordan River,
28:17 he takes the mantle.
28:18 Now I'm in 2 Kings 2:15,
28:23 he strikes, the water rip parts,
28:27 the sons of the prophets now see Elisha
28:29 and they say the spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.
28:34 When the disciples came and met before the Sanhedrin
28:37 what did they say about the disciples?
28:39 They were spirit-filled they could see
28:41 that they had been with Jesus.
28:42 The spirit of Jesus rested on the apostles after Pentecost.
28:47 You see what I am saying?
28:48 This is a wonderful parallel
28:50 for the ministry of Christ and the disciples.
28:53 And what you and I can learn from this is the same way
28:57 if you and I follow Jesus the way Elisha followed Elijah.
29:03 If you and I say, and surely as the Lord lives
29:07 I am not gonna leave you, I'm not gonna forsake you.
29:09 Remember Elijah said, "You can stay here Elisha,
29:11 you can stay here. I've got to go."
29:12 He says, I'm not going to leave you with a vow.
29:16 Because he stayed with him he was spirit-filled.
29:19 Who are gonna be the ones baptized
29:20 with the Holy Spirit in the last days?
29:22 Those who casually go to church when it's convenient
29:24 or the ones who are sticking close to the Lord?
29:28 They'll be the ones who are going to receive the Holy Spirit
29:30 when that latter rain comes out.
29:32 The same way God baptized Elisha
29:34 with a double portion the Holy Spirit,
29:36 the same way the former rain was poured out
29:38 on the apostles at Pentecost.
29:40 God is surely going to send
29:42 the latter rain in the last days.
29:43 It's going to happen friends,
29:45 not everybody is gonna receive it.
29:47 The sons of the prophets
29:48 that stayed on the other side of the Jordan,
29:50 they watch from a distance,
29:51 they did not get a double portion.
29:53 Elisha who went through the Jordan with Elijah--
29:57 if we are crucified with Christ,
29:58 if we are dead and buried with Jesus,
30:00 we will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
30:02 See what the symbolism means there.
30:04 Very important stories to help us understand that.
30:08 After Elijah and Jesus ascended to heaven the spirit came down.
30:14 Now there are some other miracles
30:15 and we got a lot of miracles here.
30:18 What about walking on water or something floating on water,
30:23 defying the power of water?
30:25 Little story, once Elisha begins his ministry--
30:28 oh, first thing is I don't have it in my notes here
30:30 but I want you to know some kids made fun his bald head
30:33 and he pronounce a curse
30:35 and some bears came out and maul these kids
30:37 that were making fun of Elisha. So... Enough said.
30:45 Then one of the next miracle that happens,
30:48 it's a sign of being spirit filled,
30:51 too much hair, you get in trouble.
30:54 Look at Absalom Solomon,
30:56 there's a record in the Bible for you here.
30:59 In heaven, all the men will be bald,
31:00 I'm just getting ready.
31:03 2 Kings 4:7, 2 Kings 6:4-7, "
31:08 So he went with them.
31:10 And they came to Jordan, and they cut down trees."
31:13 Now they are building an AFCO program
31:15 for the sons of the prophets nearby the Jordan.
31:18 "But as one was cutting down a tree,"
31:20 the axe head had dried out,
31:22 the head became loose, the handle was dry.
31:25 Axe flew off and landed in the Jordan River and it sank.
31:29 "And he cried and said, Alas, my master!
31:31 For it was borrowed." What am I going to do?
31:32 I don't have money to buy another one.'"
31:34 "So the man of God said, 'Where did it fall?
31:37 "He showed him the place, he cut off a stick,
31:40 he threw it in and it made the iron float.
31:44 Therefore he said, 'Pick it up.'"
31:46 You ever seen iron float?
31:47 Yeah, it's called the US battleship.
31:50 They got a lot of iron floating.
31:52 You go down here by the San Francisco Bay
31:54 in all those mothball Navy, floating iron.
31:57 Always kind of strange but it didn't happen
31:59 back in Bible times.
32:00 They didn't have iron ships,
32:02 iron did not float anymore than Jesus walking on water.
32:06 So Elisha, you see something floating on water
32:09 that's not supposed to float on water.
32:11 And it's interesting he threw a stick in.
32:14 That's-- what did Moses throw
32:16 in the water to make the water sweet,
32:19 the Waters of Marah?
32:20 He threw in a stick, it's a symbol for the cross.
32:24 What gives us the power to do the impossible for iron to swim?
32:29 It's the power of the Cross.
32:31 I also think it's interesting that widow
32:33 that was making her last loaf of bread,
32:34 she said, I'm gathering two sticks,
32:37 another symbol for the cross there.
32:40 So miracle of define water--
32:43 we got three miracles about water here.
32:45 Elisha also transforms water.
32:49 They went to the spring of Jericho,
32:51 matter of fact I've drunk from that spring,
32:52 it's there today.
32:54 Jericho is irrigated by this spring,
32:56 it's a very ancient spring.
32:58 It was a good spring
32:59 but the waters were sulphur waters,
33:01 you couldn't drink them.
33:02 We go riding around in the desert
33:04 sometimes in the summer with our buddies
33:07 and sometimes we'll find springs,
33:08 you better taste it first
33:10 because some of those springs are poisoned
33:12 and some of them are sulphur and you just can't drink it.
33:15 And so the disciple said to Elisha,
33:18 you know, this water is abundant
33:20 but we can't water the crops with it,
33:22 it kills everything it touches, we can drink it.
33:24 And so he takes a cruise, a little vessel of salt.
33:28 And he pours it in the water,
33:30 the water was transformed and it became sweet.
33:32 It says in the Bible, the waters were healed to this day.
33:36 And I've drunk from that spring, Elisha spring at Jericho.
33:40 Still running today, that's a miracle recorded in history
33:43 and you can see the evidence of that miracle today.
33:45 Now did Jesus say, you are the salt of the earth?
33:49 And that salt represents Christianity
33:52 that makes the waters drinkable.
33:54 And Christ of course is the Living Water.
33:56 Another just analogy of Elisha and Jesus.
33:59 By the way, Jesus name in Hebrew is Yeshua, Yeshua,
34:06 that means Jehovah saves.
34:09 Elisha's name in Hebrew is Elishu'a
34:13 and that means Elohim, God saves.
34:16 Elisha's name and Jesus' name are really very similar.
34:20 One uses the name Jehovah, one uses the name Elohim
34:22 but it means God is Savior.
34:24 So his name was very similar and he is a type of Christ.
34:28 Another water miracle, the kings of Israel,
34:32 the king of Israel and the king of Judah
34:34 are being attacked by their enemies.
34:36 They surrounded them you get the Edomites,
34:38 and the Moabites and the Ammonites
34:40 and they are going through the desert with their army
34:41 and getting ready to engage in this battle.
34:44 And because it takes so long,
34:45 if you've ever been down by the Dead Sea,
34:47 it's the hottest, driest, lowest desert in the world.
34:51 And they run out of water
34:52 and armies used to take cattle with them.
34:54 That was there canned food.
34:57 And they have no grass, they have no water,
34:58 the animals are dying and they say, what do we do?
35:01 They said, you know, Elisha came with us
35:02 on this expedition, let's ask him.
35:06 And Elisha, he does something interesting.
35:07 He said bring me a minstrel.
35:10 So they get someone who could sing
35:13 and he brings, he comes before Elisha
35:15 and the Holy Spirit comes on the minstrel.
35:16 And the minstrel begins to sing,
35:17 he says make this valley full of ditches.
35:21 And so they listen to what the minstrel said
35:23 and the Kings have the soldiers all start digging these ditches
35:26 and they are not foxholes
35:27 but they did these ditches there in the desert.
35:29 And they went to sleep that night
35:30 and during the night they all filled up
35:32 with water and they all drank.
35:34 And the enemy in the meantime sees that water from a distance
35:37 and the sun rising reflects on it,
35:39 it's red, it looks like blood.
35:40 They said, oh, the kings of Israel
35:43 and Judah all got mad and they fought,
35:44 that's blood out there on shimmering.
35:47 And they went to attack them, they weren't prepared.
35:50 And the Israelites
35:51 and the people of Judah attack Edomites,
35:53 Moabites, and Ammonites,
35:56 And actually they all kind of turned on each other,
35:59 the Edomites, Moabites and Ammonites
36:01 turned on each other, they self-destructed.
36:03 The Israelites just kind of came along
36:04 and had to plunder them.
36:05 So he performed a miracle
36:07 and it all happened with the water.
36:08 And it all traces back again to Elisha.
36:11 And that's talking about the living water
36:13 that God gives us and that's what gives us victory.
36:16 Not only did they multiply Water, they multiplied bread.
36:21 2 Kings 8:1,
36:23 now I'm jumping back
36:25 not only did Elijah have a miracle of bread,
36:28 your remember with the woman,
36:30 Elisha had a miracle
36:32 and it happens often during a time of famine.
36:34 Was there a famine during the time of Elijah?
36:37 Now there's a famine during the time of Elisha.
36:41 He says, matter of fact 2 Kings 8:1,
36:43 "A famine will come on the land for seven years."
36:46 You realize that during the ministry of Christ
36:48 there is seven years
36:50 where He works especially with the Jewish nation.
36:53 Three and a half years in person,
36:55 He dies then three and a half years through the disciples.
36:58 They just preached to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
37:02 Then Stephen is stoned then the gospel goes everywhere.
37:05 That was the end to the 490 year prophecy.
37:08 Seven years there, three and half years through Christ,
37:10 three and half years through the apostles
37:12 then the gospel went to the Gentiles.
37:14 And that was a time of famine because they were rejecting
37:17 and resisting and you have that there.
37:21 During this time of famine 2 Kings 4,
37:24 jump to chapter 4, 2 Kings,
37:26 "A man came from Baal-Shalishah,
37:29 and brought the man of God bread of the first fruits,
37:31 20 loaves of barley bread
37:34 newly ripe and grain in his knapsack.
37:37 And he said, 'Give it to the people that they might eat.'"
37:39 Now there's a whole town of people here.
37:41 "But the servant said,
37:42 'What, shall I set 20 loaves before a hundred men?'
37:46 He said, 'Give it to the people that they might eat.'
37:50 For thus says the Lord, 'they will eat,
37:52 and they will have some leftover.'
37:54 So he set it before them
37:56 and they had some leftover
37:57 according to the word of the Lord."
37:59 Now I am reading from the Old Testament,
38:00 does that sound faintly familiar
38:02 to a New Testament story to you?
38:05 Was there not enough but they got some barley loaves,
38:08 not enough loaves
38:09 but they took this ridiculously small amount of bread
38:13 and it was multiplied so that everybody was fed.
38:15 Not only was everyone fed there were leftovers.
38:17 Were there leftovers with Jesus
38:19 when He multiplied the bread also?
38:21 We've seen this miracle at our central potluck
38:23 many times, amen.
38:26 Sometimes we haven't seen the miracle
38:28 and there wasn't much luck left in the pot
38:30 when I got to it but we have seen the miracle before also,
38:34 need to just pray better or something.
38:37 Not only is there multiplying bread
38:40 there's multiplying oil.
38:42 Now what is that oil represent? Holy Spirit.
38:46 You read there in 2 Kings Chapter 4 about this woman
38:50 and she comes to Elisha.
38:53 And we should bring our problems to Elisha.
38:55 This is a great story.
38:57 And she said, "My husband died
39:01 and I have this debt I can't pay, and the creditor,
39:05 he's basically," I'm paraphrasing,
39:07 "He's taken everything in the house,
39:09 he's getting ready to take my two boys now as his slaves
39:12 because I can't pay my debt."
39:14 And they could do that by the law back in Bible times.
39:16 You can just find it in Chapter 11 or Chapter 13.
39:18 If you couldn't pay your debts they could take your children
39:22 into servitude to be their slaves
39:24 to work off the debt.
39:26 She said, "What am I gonna do?"
39:28 And Elisha says, "What do you have?"
39:31 Now you notice, one time the disciples came to Jesus
39:34 and said, "We need to send people home
39:35 because they're hungry and they have nothing to eat."
39:37 Jesus said, "You give them something."
39:39 "We don't have anything." He said, "What do you have?"
39:41 "Well, we got five loaves."
39:42 So Christ like Elijah says, look at the resources you have,
39:47 consecrate your resources to God
39:48 and see if He doesn't bless what you have.
39:50 Your personal gifts and talents,
39:52 your finances whatever you have,
39:54 consecrate what you have to God
39:56 and He can work a miracle
39:57 of multiplying it for His kingdom.
40:00 So she says, "Well, all I've got in the house
40:02 left on the shelf is this little vial of oil."
40:06 Now, why did she say that for the last thing?
40:09 Why would a mother save oil?
40:11 Oil, and this is not Quaker State motor oil,
40:14 he's talking about olive oil, it was edible.
40:17 Oil was a basic commodity
40:19 that you needed in the medicine chest,
40:21 it was something you needed in the kitchen.
40:24 They use it in the living room. Oil was used for healing, right?
40:28 The way you anoint with oil.
40:30 Oil was used for food,
40:32 it was incorporated in their bread.
40:34 Oil was used for beauty,
40:36 they would anoint with oil for your appearance.
40:40 Oil was used for light, it burned the lamps,
40:43 it would illuminate.
40:44 Oil was used for heat, it burned the fire.
40:47 She did not want her children to be sick,
40:49 she wanted them to be beautiful,
40:51 she wanted them to be illuminated,
40:52 she wanted her children to be fed,
40:55 she wanted them to be warm.
40:57 You see what I am saying? And so this was so basic.
41:00 Now what does a woman represent symbolically?
41:04 Should we have oil in our church for all those reasons?
41:07 I am not talking about in a cupboard somewhere,
41:08 I am talking about God spirit.
41:10 So she says, "All right,
41:12 I'm going to consecrate what I have."
41:14 And Elisha says, here's what I want you to do,
41:16 go through your community get your boys
41:18 to borrow empty vessels, any kind of vessels.
41:23 Bring them into your house.
41:27 And I just always picture these kids
41:29 going up and down the streets in the neighborhood there
41:31 and they get their Radio Flyer wagon
41:32 and they're filling up the wagon with these vessels
41:34 and they bring them into the house
41:36 and they are stacking them all around the room,
41:37 filling up this empty house with these vessels.
41:40 Now Elisha says, shut the door
41:41 then pour the oil from this little vessel
41:43 you've got into the empty vessels.
41:46 So they do that and they start pouring
41:48 and it just keeps on coming.
41:50 It looks like some magician tricky
41:51 you've probably seen before
41:52 where it just keeps pouring and pouring
41:54 and pouring and you go, where is it coming from?
41:56 If there's so much more coming out, how can that be?
41:59 I remember when I was a kid
42:01 I had a little Barbie bottle, a baby bottle.
42:04 It wasn't a Barbie bottle, a little baby bottle.
42:07 No, I didn't play with dolls one of my friend had one.
42:11 And you tip it up and adjust and we kept bubbling up
42:14 and it seemed like it never stopped.
42:15 How many of you know what I'm talking about?
42:18 And so you play with dolls too, great?
42:21 And so the point is it just keeps on coming.
42:24 She says, well, that one's full, bring another one.
42:26 They pour and it fills up, that one's full,
42:27 bring another one, they bring.
42:28 And they are going around this room
42:29 and they're filling up all these different vessels.
42:33 What does that mean?
42:35 This is really how a church grows.
42:39 How much Holy Spirit do you have?
42:40 Not much, I got a little bit but do you have some?
42:43 You invite your neighbors.
42:44 Your neighbors who don't have Christ are empty vessels.
42:48 You bring them into your house.
42:50 Bible says God is a pot and we are the clay,
42:52 we are the vessels, right?
42:56 You bring then into your house and you have a Bible study.
42:59 And you pour the little bit oil you've got
43:01 and you know what, it will multiply
43:02 and you'll have more for the next vessel
43:04 and the next vessel and the next vessel
43:05 until pretty soon all the vessels are full.
43:08 The miracle did not stop
43:09 until there was nowhere else to pour it.
43:12 God never runs out of the Holy Spirit,
43:14 He runs out of people that are willing
43:15 to receive the Holy Spirit
43:17 because we are too full of other things.
43:19 If you are full, he can't put anything in.
43:22 So that oil kept coming as long as there was room.
43:26 Do you make yourself available for God's Spirit
43:28 or your life is too full of other things?
43:31 And then she comes to Elisha, she says, now what do I do?
43:34 He says, well, go sell the oil, pay your debt.
43:36 You and your sons will be free and live on the surplus.
43:40 There was leftovers again.
43:43 You know, I love this about Jesus, King David said,
43:48 "You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over."
43:50 What is running over mean?
43:52 Surplus, leftovers,
43:54 they have 12 baskets of extra bread
43:56 after the miracles of Christ.
43:57 Christ blesses us exceedingly, abundantly
44:00 above and beyond
44:02 if there's an overflow, there are leftovers.
44:05 That's good news, isn't it?
44:06 You are not gonna run out of God, you share Him.
44:09 He will open the windows of heaven
44:10 and pour out the blessing.
44:11 You will not have room enough, that means leftovers, right?
44:15 That's the wonderful thing about the Lord,
44:17 He blesses us.
44:18 So He multiplies bread, symbol for the Bible,
44:22 give us this day our daily bread.
44:24 He use the salt, Jesus said you are the salt of the earth.
44:27 He multiplies oil,
44:28 a symbol for the comforter of the Holy Spirit,
44:31 and then He baptizes in Jordan.
44:34 Now I'm not just talking about
44:35 where Elijah cross the Jordan with Elisha
44:38 but a leper came to Elisha. What was his name?
44:43 Jesus quotes a story Naaman a Gentile.
44:48 And Elisha sends his servant out and he says,
44:51 "You go wash in the Jordan River
44:53 seven times and you'll be clean."
44:55 And he was mad, he didn't want to do that.
44:57 Seem too simple, wash and be clean.
45:01 He said, "I can go back to the rivers of Damascus."
45:03 This proud general with leprosy,
45:04 what does leprosy represent?
45:06 If the Jordan represents baptism,
45:08 death, burial and resurrection,
45:10 in the Bible leprosy represent sin.
45:12 It was a deadly disease, a slow death,
45:15 contagious disease, typically terminal
45:18 and it began by affecting the nerves
45:20 and the extremity so you lose your feeling.
45:22 You know what sin does to you?
45:24 At first you're convicted by sin
45:25 but the more you stay in a life of sin
45:27 you lose your sense of conviction.
45:29 That's when you really getting near the final stages.
45:31 You are sinning and it doesn't bother you anymore.
45:34 You have no desire to repent,
45:35 your heart becomes hard, it's like leprosy.
45:39 So this proud general name Naaman,
45:41 captain of all the forces in Syria.
45:44 He comes to the prophet in Israel
45:46 and he says, go wash in the Jordan seven times.
45:48 He's like, "God, all the rivers of Damascus
45:51 are much clearer and cleaner than the waters of the Jordan,"
45:53 that was true.
45:55 But God said, "You wash in the Jordan."
45:58 Did He tell him how many times?
46:01 If he had washed five times would that have worked?
46:04 Is God particular about numbers?
46:07 When He told Joshua to march around
46:09 the city of Jericho seven times,
46:11 did the walls fall down after four times?
46:14 When God tells us to remember the seventh day,
46:16 does He mean the seventh day
46:17 or did He say whatever day is convenient for you?
46:20 God means what He says
46:22 and He expects us to obey what He says.
46:24 That's why we're here on the day that God says
46:26 it is blessed, the seventh day.
46:29 And so Naaman goes, finally his soldiers come to him
46:32 and they say, look, if the prophet had asked you
46:34 to do something difficult you do it, right? Yeah.
46:38 They said, why not wash and be clean?
46:41 So he takes off his armor, he goes
46:42 and he dips down seven times in Jordan.
46:46 And after he dips down the sixth time
46:48 he comes up after the seventh time
46:51 and his leprosy evidently, he lost some of his digits.
46:56 And it says his flesh was restored to him again
47:00 like the flesh of a little child.
47:03 And I tell you, boy, there'd be--
47:06 I'd be richer if I could develop a real cream
47:08 that would give women flesh like a little child again.
47:10 They would buy that, we all--
47:12 how many of you like to have flesh of little child again?
47:14 Not too many men admit it but, you know.
47:18 Can you imagine this here is this brave general?
47:21 And after he washes in the Jordan,
47:22 the seventh time he comes up
47:24 and there is his soldiers watching this and saying,
47:26 "What a miracle?
47:28 Praise the Lord, your leprosy is gone
47:29 and your skin looks really nice.
47:31 Can I touch it?" Can you imagine that?
47:33 General, can I stroke your cheek?
47:37 I mean, can you-- what does that mean?
47:40 You know it's really what a Christian is?
47:42 A Christian is a soldier with baby skin
47:45 because you are born again and yet you're a soldier, right?
47:49 And so but that here you got picture of baptism,
47:51 it happened in the Jordan River
47:53 which is where Jesus was baptized.
47:56 Isn't that right as a symbol for you and me?
48:00 Well, by the way at the end of that story
48:03 Elisha is betrayed by a friend for silver.
48:08 Naaman tries to pay for his healing,
48:11 Elisha says, "No."
48:12 But he's got a greedy servant named Gehazi
48:14 who chases after him, he lies and he take silver
48:17 and Gehazi ends up with the leprosy of Naaman
48:21 because of his greed. Judas ends up hanging himself.
48:24 Another place where there's a parallel
48:25 between Elisha and Jesus.
48:27 Elisha than captures an entire army.
48:30 This is a great story.
48:31 You've heard the story about chariots and horses of fire.
48:35 It comes from this story where an army surrounds Elisha
48:41 and they are serving this little town of Dothan.
48:43 And Elisha praise and God gives him the spirit
48:47 and he prays and the whole army struck blind.
48:50 So Elisha finds the lead horse
48:53 and he starts to walk towards the capital of Israel, Samaria.
48:57 And he's leading this enemy army.
49:00 And he leads them, they are all blinded,
49:01 they don't know where they are going.
49:02 And he leads this whole army inside the city.
49:05 There are confused they are blinded
49:06 or who knows what happened.
49:08 And I can just picture the watchmen on the wall.
49:10 They say there's an army approaching.
49:11 And as they get close they see and Elisha's waving,
49:14 his signal he says, open the gate.
49:17 It looks like they are surrendering.
49:18 He leads this whole army in.
49:20 Any of you old-timers remember
49:21 the story of Sergeant York from World War I,
49:26 who single-handedly,
49:27 he got the Congressional Medal of Honor,
49:29 captured a 132 German solders by himself.
49:36 Well, Elisha captured whole army by himself.
49:40 And then after he captures them
49:42 instead of killing them
49:44 the king of Israel says, "Shall we fire now?
49:46 Give the word ready and fire,
49:47 will just completely wipe them out."
49:49 And Elisha says, "No, you've already captured them."
49:52 He says, "Feed them and send them home,
49:54 show them mercy and love them."
49:56 Isn't that like Jesus?
49:57 Love your enemies, give food to those your enemy,
50:01 if he's hungry feed him.
50:02 Thirsty? Give him something to drink.
50:03 Isn't that what Jesus taught? This is what Elisha did.
50:07 He said, love your enemies, don't retaliate.
50:11 Another quick story, you realize that
50:14 both Elijah and Elisha stayed with Gentile women
50:22 and resurrected boys that died in an upper room.
50:26 You get that? What a coincidence.
50:29 How many people resurrected boys in the Old Testament?
50:32 Two, both Elijah and Elisha.
50:36 Who do you think those boys represent?
50:37 Matter of fact not too many resurrections
50:39 in the Old Testament, are there?
50:41 Moses was probably raised by the Lord.
50:45 The only other resurrections you've got is these two boys
50:50 and one other I'm about to tell you about.
50:53 That's a type of Christ, resurrection in the upper room,
50:57 new life in the upper room.
51:00 Does Jesus pour out the Holy Spirit on the church
51:02 in the upper room?
51:03 Does Christ inaugurate the New Testament
51:06 in the upper room with the bread and a wine?
51:09 And in both cases they are Gentile women's boys.
51:16 Letting us know that the New Testament church
51:18 would not just they were the Jews
51:20 but the New Testament church
51:22 would also go beyond to the Gentiles.
51:25 I think that's wonderful example of that.
51:28 And after Elisha resurrect this boy
51:31 the son of the Shunammite woman, says,
51:35 "He presents him to her and say,
51:37 'take up your son.'"
51:38 Did Jesus resurrect a boy who is on his way to be buried,
51:43 the son of a widow just like
51:46 when Elijah resurrected that Kananite woman son,
51:48 she was a widow?
51:50 And then it says, "He presented her to him."
51:54 Jesus after He raises the young men He says,
51:56 "Young man I said you arise. He presented him to his mother."
52:02 You know, one of the reasons
52:03 that you recognize Jesus as the Messiah
52:06 is by the multitude of miracles.
52:09 You can read about that in John 7:31.
52:11 He--it says, will, the Christ do more miracles than this man.
52:14 He's done more miracles than Elijah.
52:17 Elisha did twice as many miracles as Jesus and Jesus--
52:21 I mean, Elisha did twice as many miracles as Elijah.
52:25 And Jesus has done even more miracles than Elisha.
52:28 Will the Messiah do more miracles than this?
52:31 So Christ has been told that--
52:33 or we've been told that the Jesus is the one.
52:37 Finally, dying encouragement. Does Elisha is dying?
52:40 He brings the King in and he tells him you can have victory.
52:43 He says, open the window and fire the arrow,
52:45 have faith in victory, strike the ground.
52:47 He only struck the ground three times,
52:50 he should have struck more.
52:51 It says, if you have more faith you have more victory.
52:54 Isn't that what Christ said?
52:55 If we have more faith, more enthusiasm, more zeal
52:58 we'd have more victory.
53:00 And then finally, even after Elisha dies,
53:06 he dies and they bury him, great prophet of God.
53:09 It's interesting, Elijah,
53:11 he goes to heaven in a fiery chariot,
53:13 Elisha gets a double portion of Elijah's spirit
53:16 but he gets sick like everyone else gets old and dies.
53:19 Long life of ministry and miracles.
53:22 So even though you have a double portion
53:23 the Holy Spirit it doesn't mean
53:24 you may not get sick physically. Amen.
53:27 Even the Apostle Paul filled with the Spirit,
53:29 he get sick or something,
53:30 the thorn that that didn't go away.
53:32 So friends don't get discouraged in this life,
53:35 we do get old, we do get sick.
53:36 God can still give you a double portion of His Spirit. Amen.
53:40 After he dies and he is buried,
53:43 talk about being full of the Holy Spirit,
53:46 this is an incredible story
53:47 where they're about to conduct another funeral.
53:50 Elisha has been buried.
53:51 They're taking this man out to bury him, he's dead.
53:55 You hope so they're gonna bury him, right?
53:58 And they notice that there's a band of Moabites raiders
54:01 that are roaming the country.
54:02 And they said, "Oh, man, we got to run for our lives
54:04 but we don't want to be disrespectful of the dead.
54:06 What do we do?
54:07 We can't stay out here to this funeral.
54:09 They are near the cemetery."
54:10 They said, here's the grave Elisha,
54:12 it's got a top on it.
54:13 We move the stone aside, we can drop this body
54:15 and we will come back later.
54:17 So they move aside the stone,
54:18 they drop in the body of their friend.
54:20 When his feet hit--
54:22 when his body hits the bones of Elijah,
54:25 he yells and he comes back to life.
54:29 Boy, I tell you, Elisha was so spirit filled
54:33 that even after his death he gives life.
54:37 Now that's not a type of Christ.
54:40 He's giving in life through his death.
54:44 This is what Jesus does for you and me.
54:47 You and I through the death of Christ.
54:51 If you get a hold of that if you touch that
54:53 it can infuse you with new life. This is the story the gospel.
54:57 Is it just my imagination friends
55:00 or can you see Christ through all these Old Testament stories?
55:04 Jesus is here everywhere and He wants you to recognize
55:07 that this in the volume of the book
55:12 Christ said it is written of Him.
55:14 He's not just in the New Testament
55:16 He's all through the Old Testament.
55:18 You search the scriptures for
55:19 and then you think you have everlasting life,
55:21 these are they that testify of Me.
55:25 And beginning at Moses
55:26 and all the prophets Christ expounded unto then
55:29 and all the scriptures He said that,
55:30 New Testament wasn't even written yet.
55:32 He expounded unto them in all the scriptures,
55:34 this is all they had, the things concerning himself.
55:37 I would like to read some of those sermons that Jesus gave
55:39 but I bet you that He talked about
55:41 Moses and Joseph and David and Elijah and Elisha
55:45 and how they are all types of Christ.
55:47 And they are there to inspire you and me
55:48 that we can have that spirit that they had.
55:51 James tells us Elijah was a man
55:55 subject to the same passions as you and me.
55:57 He struggled and wrestled with sin and temptation
56:00 just like you do, just like I do
56:02 and yet he prayed and the heavens
56:04 held their rain for three and a half years.
56:06 He prayed again and the rain came down.
56:10 And that would lead me to think
56:11 that you and I can pray for the rain to come down.
56:13 I'm not just talking about the drought in California
56:15 I am talking about the Holy Spirit, right? Amen.
56:18 And that God will send the rain.
56:20 The same God that heard
56:21 the prayers of Elijah and Elisha will hear our prayers.
56:24 Wonderful examples for you and me.
56:26 Did Elijah have a son?
56:31 He had an adopted son, that was Elisha.
56:34 Why did Elisha ask for
56:37 a double portion of Elijah's spirit?
56:39 Was he being greedy?
56:41 You know the Bible says,
56:42 you were to give your first born son a double portion.
56:46 Elisha walked away from his earthly parents,
56:49 his earthly inheritance and he said Elisha,
56:51 I want the only inheritance you can give me,
56:53 I want your spirit.
56:55 So you really had a father-son relationship
56:57 between Elijah and Elisha.
56:59 That's why when he went to heaven Elisha said,
57:02 "My father, my father,
57:04 the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof."
57:07 And in Elisha and Elijah you see
57:10 the love of the father for the son
57:12 and the son for the father.
57:14 How willing was Elijah to give his spirit to Elisha?
57:19 How willing is Jesus to give His Spirit to you?
57:23 How much should our Heavenly Father love us
57:26 and that He gave His Son?
57:28 Wonderful stories, wonderful lessons in this story.
57:32 Thank you, for joining us for this broadcast.
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Revised 2014-12-17