Everlasting Gospel

Jesus Throughout The Bible, Pt. 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002937

00:09 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the Cross
00:12 illuminated the world veiled and darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today the greatest need of mankind
00:19 as a revelation of God's love
00:21 has revealed in the life of Christ.
00:24 Amazing Facts presents the Everlasting Gospel
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week
00:29 from Sacramento Central Church in sunny California.
00:33 Discover hidden treasures and God's word today.
00:38 If you are visiting here at Central Church
00:40 you haven't been here lately in the last few weeks
00:44 with the few exceptions while I've been gone
00:46 I've been doing a series about Christ in all the Bible
00:50 or Jesus throughout the Bible.
00:54 And today we'll represent
00:56 the fourth installment in this series.
00:59 I don't know how long the series will last
01:00 but it could go on a long time
01:02 'cause there's a lot of information.
01:04 So I'm sure I'll start before I cover everything.
01:07 But it's just one of my favorite studies
01:09 as looking at the examples of Jesus
01:11 you see everywhere in the Bible.
01:14 You know, Christ is called the Word,
01:18 the Bible is called the Word,
01:20 Christ is called the bread of life,
01:22 the Bible has called the bread of life.
01:24 Christ is called the rock, the Bible is called the rock.
01:28 Christ is called good and wonderful,
01:30 the Word is called good and wonderful.
01:32 As you go through the different definition
01:34 and words used to describe the Bible in the Bible
01:38 you find there are almost always also used to describe Jesus.
01:42 So it shouldn't surprise you that all through the Bible
01:45 you find Jesus.
01:47 Now in previous studies we have talked about
01:53 how Moses is a type of Christ as the great law giver.
01:58 Joseph shows the forgiveness of Jesus.
02:02 We looked at the life of Joseph.
02:04 David the king shows the faith and the majesty of Jesus.
02:10 Today we're going to look at the Book of Job
02:13 and we'll understand something about the sufferings of Christ.
02:17 We're really going to be on holy ground today.
02:21 Now I don't know if you've ever heard about the classic
02:24 called "Paradise Lost" written by John Milton.
02:28 Considered by some to be the greatest of--
02:31 one of the greatest English authors and poets, a genius.
02:38 And in this epic poem I just wonder
02:41 is there anyone here that has read all of Paradise Lost.
02:46 Were you asked to do it in school?
02:50 Not too many people do it on their own.
02:52 It's usually required reading because when I pick it up
02:55 and I read it-- you can read it online for free by the way.
02:58 And if you want to have your mouth fall open take a page.
03:02 Even the first page of Milton's, Paradise Lost
03:05 and you read and the thoughts are so deep
03:06 and so profound.
03:07 It's written in very deep English.
03:14 He spoke Latin, and he German fluently,
03:17 and he spoke English
03:18 and parts of several other languages, brilliant guy.
03:21 The poem is 186 pages,
03:25 thousands of lines in the poem, it is an epic poem.
03:32 When you read the Book of Job you are reading something
03:35 that surpasses Milton's, Paradise Lost.
03:40 Job is probably some of the greatest of not--
03:43 one of the greatest books of poetry in the Bible.
03:46 For one thing little history on the Book of Job,
03:52 it's probably the oldest book in the Bible.
03:57 Now how do we know that?
03:58 Probably written by Moses
04:00 while he was in the wilderness of Median.
04:03 In the Book of Job for one thing
04:04 the characters in the Book of Job is telling you,
04:07 Job lives over 200 years,
04:09 God adds another 140 years through his life
04:12 after his great trial that he went to.
04:15 The only other time in history when you find
04:17 they were live in about that range the father of Abraham,
04:21 the people who lived around the tower of Babel
04:23 were living in that span of time.
04:25 Terah lived 205 years and his contemporaries.
04:29 In the Book of Job it talks a lot about speech and words,
04:34 it never makes any reference in those 42 chapters
04:37 to writing of any kind because that was back
04:41 before men needed to codify truth.
04:46 They lived so long and their minds were so profound
04:49 and their memories everything was passed on verbally
04:53 but people who had virtually photographic memories.
04:57 And Job lived during the time of the great,
05:00 the patriots who lived back shortly after the flood.
05:03 So it's one of the oldest books written by people
05:06 who knew Noah if you can imagine that
05:11 incredibly profound in its words.
05:14 It mirrors the teachings of Jesus in many ways.
05:19 All through the Book of Job you can find
05:21 allegories and references to Jesus.
05:24 Not only the Book of Job but the whole Old Testament
05:27 really mirrors the life of Christ.
05:30 Its different facets of the life of Jesus
05:32 like a diamond you turn it to the light
05:34 you see different facets and cuts
05:36 in the diamond glimmering.
05:38 As you look through the Old Testament
05:39 you see Jesus everywhere
05:41 and the Book of Job is no exception.
05:44 Now I don't have time in this one presentation
05:47 to cover the 42 chapters in this poem.
05:52 But we're going to sort of fly over
05:53 and look at some high points that deal specifically
05:56 where the life principally the sufferings of Christ.
05:59 Because the Book of Job like the gospels
06:02 in the Book of Acts it's divided up
06:03 into four debates and a summary.
06:09 The gospels are divided up into Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
06:11 and then the history in the Book of Acts.
06:13 So even the Book of Job is divided
06:15 like the history of Jesus very much.
06:18 And you are gonna see I think a lot of parallels here
06:21 and so just wanted to give a background a little bit on this.
06:25 Job is not a fictitious character.
06:27 Some people when they reads about the lifespan of Job
06:30 and the battle between good and evil transpires they say
06:33 oh, this is just it's an allegory.
06:35 Well, if you believe the Bible Ezekiel says
06:38 the Job was a real character.
06:40 Ezekiel 14:14 "Though these three men,
06:45 Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in the land,
06:47 they will deliver but their own souls
06:49 by their righteousness, says the Lord."
06:51 Ezekiel lumps Job in there with Noah and Daniel.
06:55 So if you believe they are real
06:56 you need to believe Job was a real person.
06:58 James 5:11 he says
07:01 "Behold, we count them happy which endure.
07:05 And you heard of the patience of Job,
07:07 and have seen the end of the Lord,
07:09 that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy."
07:12 New and Old Testament referred to Job as a real character
07:16 and probably for one thing the reason
07:20 that I believe that Job was real is because his life models
07:24 and reflects the life of Jesus so much principally
07:27 the sufferings of Christ and the sacrifice that Jesus made.
07:31 Even in the sense that like Melchizedek
07:34 you don't know where he comes from
07:36 Job suddenly appears out of history
07:37 and then you never read about the ancestors
07:39 and then he disappears without beginning or end
07:42 like Jesus from Alpha to Omega no beginning, no end.
07:47 He is eternal, so even in that sense Job is a type of Christ.
07:50 One very easy thing to discern how Job is like Jesus
07:54 is in the first chapter the first line
07:58 There was, Job was perfect in upright it says
08:02 "There was a man in the land of Uz,
08:04 whose name was Job,
08:06 and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God,
08:10 and he hated evil."
08:12 In the very beginning the Bible extols
08:15 almost the sinlessness of Job.
08:18 Now I'm not saying Job was sinless
08:19 'cause he was man and the Bible says all have sinned.
08:22 But he was a righteous man and a godly man.
08:25 Christ was sinless.
08:27 1 Peter 2:22, that's easy to remember 1 Peter 2:22.
08:33 It says "Christ who committed no sin,
08:36 no was deceit found in his mouth."
08:39 Again in the Book of Job 1:22 very must like 1 Peter.
08:44 "In all this Job did not sin, nor charged God would wrong."
08:50 Job 23:11, 12 Jobs says of himself.
08:55 "My foot has held fast to His steps,
08:57 I have kept His way and not turned aside.
09:00 I have not departed from the commandment of His lips."
09:03 By the way Jesus said, I have kept my Father's commandments.
09:06 So He said something almost identical to Job there.
09:09 Listen still in Job 23:12
09:12 "I have treasured the words of His mouth
09:14 more than my necessary food."
09:18 Doesn't Jesus say "Man will not live by bread alone,
09:22 but by every word that proceeds
09:23 from the mouth of God."
09:25 You can hear echoes.
09:26 Now you realize that with the type
09:29 and with an anti-type that the anti-type
09:34 is usually it's a shadow it's not an exact replica
09:37 but there is a great similarities there.
09:40 And this is where as you read through the Book of Job
09:42 you keep seeing the shadows
09:45 in the types of Christ that are there.
09:48 Job was called a servant of God.
09:51 Jesus is identified as a servant.
09:53 Job 2:3 "The Lord said to Satan,
09:56 'Have you considered My servant Job,
09:58 there is none like him on the earth,
10:00 a blameless and upright man.'"
10:02 Speaking of Christ Isaiah prophecies.
10:05 Isaiah 42:1 "Behold!
10:08 My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One
10:10 in whom My soul delights!
10:12 I have put My Spirit upon Him,
10:14 He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles."
10:19 Matthew 20:28 Jesus said,
10:22 "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
10:26 but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
10:28 Christ was the servant, Job was a servant of God.
10:32 And even in the very life of Job
10:36 he has a lot of God like characteristics.
10:40 For instance, if you read in Job 1:3
10:44 "Also, his possessions were seven thousand sheep,
10:47 three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen,
10:50 five hundred female donkeys, and a very large household,
10:53 so this man was the greatest of all the people of the East."
10:59 He was a king by the standards of the day.
11:02 Christ is our king, He was very wealthy,
11:05 Christ owns the entire universe.
11:08 It speaks of Him as the greatest of the people of the east.
11:10 Jesus is gonna come from what direction?
11:13 And if you know the prophecies of Daniel to make way
11:16 or Revelation make way for the kings of the east
11:18 it speaks about the little cloud arising up out of the east.
11:21 Christ has spoken of that way as that light
11:24 that will arise with healing and his wings.
11:27 Job 29:7-17, "When I went out to the gate of the city,
11:33 when I took my seat in the open square,
11:35 the young men saw me and hid,"
11:37 speaks about just the awesomeness of Job
11:40 and the God like qualities.
11:43 "The aged arose and stood, the princes refrained
11:46 from talking, and they put their hand on their mouth,"
11:49 It's such a tremendous respect for Him.
11:51 "The voice of nobles was hushed,
11:53 and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth.
11:55 When the ear heard, then it blessed me,
11:57 and the eye saw, then it approved me,
12:00 because I delivered the poor who cried out,
12:02 the fatherless and the one who had no helper."
12:05 This is what Jesus did.
12:07 "The blessing of a perishing man came upon me,
12:09 and I caused the widow's heart to sing.
12:12 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me."
12:15 Christ wore a robe of righteousness.
12:16 "My justice was like a robe and a turban."
12:19 The justice of Christ.
12:21 "I was eyes to the blind, and I was feet to the lame.
12:23 I was a father to the poor, and I searched out the case
12:27 that I did not know."
12:29 He was a judge.
12:31 "I broke the fangs of the wicked."
12:33 It's like a serpent.
12:35 "And plucked the victim from his teeth."
12:37 Like David did the lamb from the lion and the bear.
12:40 And so all these qualities and Job is describing himself
12:43 before his trial and his sufferings they all mirror.
12:48 Don't they sound like Jesus?
12:49 Couldn't you have inserted Jesus name
12:51 and that sounds like His character.
12:54 Now when you get to the first chapter of Job
12:56 you notice the great controversy is played out
12:58 in the entire Book of Job.
13:00 'Cause in the beginning of the Book of Job
13:02 it talks about a day when the sons of God
13:04 came to present themselves in some heavenly meeting
13:07 before the Lord and Satan comes also
13:11 and he comes to represent this world.
13:14 And God says to Lucifer Satan
13:17 have you considered My servant Job
13:18 there is none like him in the earth?
13:20 And Satan it's all the only reason he serves you
13:22 as you hedge him and protected and blessed him.
13:25 That's a very important truth.
13:27 Can God hedge and protect and bless His people?
13:30 Matter of fact, if it wasn't for the hedge of angels
13:32 the God has around each one of you
13:34 we'd perish very quickly from the devil.
13:37 It's all because of the hedge of the Lord that protects us,
13:41 His guardian angels that were preserved and we are blessed.
13:45 And so the devil then accuses Job before the Lord.
13:49 What is the devil call, the accuser of the brethren?
13:53 And then God does something He withdraws His protection
13:58 from the Job in to order to save others.
14:04 Job goes through his trials to save others.
14:08 You might say, save who?
14:09 What he is saying, Job is a sacrifice for sin? No.
14:12 I'm saying God allowed Job to go through his sufferings.
14:16 And I'm assuming you've all read some of the book as I preach.
14:20 God allows Job to go through his suffering
14:22 because Job them becomes a testimony
14:25 to all these hundreds of generations after
14:28 of the faithfulness of the Lord and the love of the God
14:30 and how you can survive trials.
14:33 Now in the message today I'm not just trying
14:35 to peak your interest by showing you--
14:36 aren't these interesting bits of trivia of how Job
14:41 and Jesus have these similarities.
14:42 Isn't that interesting?
14:44 Now I tell you what, I really want to say,
14:45 that's there and that should inspire you
14:48 with the inspiration of the Bible.
14:52 But in the examples of Job and Jesus
14:54 and their sufferings they are not the only ones that suffer.
14:59 How many of you have gone through trials and you suffered.
15:03 In the Book of Job God pulls aside the veil
15:06 and you can see the devils in the background
15:09 going around like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour.
15:11 The whole great controversy between good and evil
15:14 is played out in the Book of Job.
15:16 Just like God is in heaven and the devil is there accusing
15:19 and God is defending and then they are looking at
15:21 what happening with God servant on earth
15:25 and the battle between Christ and Lucifer
15:26 is been fought in the life of Job, and the friends of Job.
15:30 The great controversy is also been fought
15:32 in your life, in your heart.
15:35 When you get the victory because of your trust
15:37 and your faithfulness God says have you considered
15:39 My servant Doug or whoever you put your name in there.
15:43 When we fall the devil points his finger and accuses,
15:46 they don't really love you.
15:49 They will curse your face
15:50 as soon as they don't get their way.
15:51 You take away their money, you take away their health,
15:53 they will shake their fist at you.
15:56 And so the experience of Job is acted out millions of times
16:00 in the lives of his professed servants except
16:03 we want to have the victory that Job had. Amen.
16:06 So it's an illustration of the great controversy.
16:09 In the same way that the devil basically concentrated
16:14 all of the forces of hell to get Job,
16:18 to give up his faith, 'cause basically the devil
16:22 was challenged by God or should say the devil challenged God
16:25 and God took His challenge.
16:26 Says, you remove your protection,
16:28 take away his wealth and then during round two,
16:30 he says take away his health, so he losses wealth and his health.
16:34 Says he'll curse you to your face.
16:37 Then you see that in the story of Job the physical sufferings
16:42 that Job experiences are very much like those of Jesus.
16:47 Job 2:7, 8 "So Satan goes out from the presence of the Lord."
16:52 And this is during round two.
16:53 "And he strikes" First he takes all of his money,
16:56 second "He struck Job with painful boils."
17:02 Not just boils, painful boils.
17:05 "From the sole of his foot." You ever have a blister.
17:10 "To the crown of his head." I want to pause here.
17:14 Quick story probably told you before,
17:16 there is nothing new under the sun.
17:18 I went to summer camp down in the Florida Keys
17:21 my dad used to send us off to summer camp.
17:25 And I don't know what happened I got an infection.
17:27 Doctor says, I got bite by a spider.
17:28 I don't know what happened but the back of my leg
17:32 is actually this leg swell up with the boil
17:36 that was so bad one boil.
17:38 I just laid there in my bed and I rolled back and forth
17:40 and all I could repeat over and over again is the pain,
17:42 the pain, the pain.
17:44 Maybe you've seen somebody that's dying
17:47 from some form of painful cancers,
17:49 some may go quietly some it's not so quiet.
17:53 And to see a person riving in pain Job was covered
17:55 with painful boils loathsome, they smell, he is oozing.
18:02 It's--flies are buzzing around them.
18:05 He then goes and he sits there--
18:06 I know it's a gross picture
18:07 but it pains the sufferings of Christ, talks about sin.
18:11 He then sits down in the city of dump
18:12 where all the broken pottery is
18:15 and he takes a broken piece of pottery to scrape himself,
18:19 surrounded by flies that are in his eyes
18:22 and his wounds and it's just an awful picture.
18:25 Now I know that's pretty graphic
18:26 but the Bible is pretty graphic here too.
18:29 And the by the way, I don't want to rush pass the point.
18:32 He sits down in the dump.
18:34 Are the dumps in the city or outside?
18:36 Typically outside.
18:37 Where did Christ suffer for us?
18:39 Hebrews 13:12 "Therefore Jesus also,
18:42 that He might sanctify the people with His own blood,
18:45 suffered outside the gate."
18:47 They took Him out where the dumps were so to speak.
18:52 And then it describes in the next chapters,
18:55 37 chapters it follow the sufferings of Job.
19:00 And there is a lot of places where
19:01 it nears the sufferings of Christ.
19:05 For instance, he's forsaken by his friends.
19:09 His friends come from far
19:11 at first they are coming to support him.
19:14 But ultimately as the stories goes on they turn on him.
19:19 They say, what you're getting what you deserve.
19:22 Was Jesus forsaken by His friends?
19:25 Matthew 26:56 "But all this was done that the Scriptures
19:29 and the prophets might be fulfilled.
19:31 All the disciples forsook Him and fled."
19:34 Jobs says, Chapter 19 verse 14
19:38 "My relatives have failed,
19:40 my close friends have forgotten me."
19:42 By the way after Job suffering
19:45 and he is out there in the dump his wife comes along
19:47 and says why don't you just curse God and die.
19:50 All of his family dies except his wife
19:52 the devil saved her so she could come and say
19:54 why don't you just die.
19:56 Sometimes the devil will even use those closes to us
19:59 to discourage us.
20:00 It doesn't mean they are bad
20:01 but you know that even the devil use Peter on Jesus.
20:05 Peter came to Jesus one time and said
20:07 you don't really want to die and cross is not God's plan
20:10 for you and Jesus snapped around and said,
20:11 get, could be behind me by Satan.
20:13 So that the Peter, that doesn't mean Peter was the devil.
20:17 And it doesn't mean your spouse is the devil
20:18 but sometimes the devil will use those closes to us
20:22 to get us when we're already down.
20:24 Now I'm telling you that so you'll be patient
20:26 with your relatives will do this, I'm also telling you
20:28 so you don't be one of those people, right.
20:34 He is forsaken by his friends.
20:36 Mark 14:33 Jesus takes Peter, James, and John with Him,
20:43 In the Garden of Gethsemane.
20:45 Then He began to be troubled and deeply grieved.
20:47 He is anguished, He is weeping,
20:50 and praying, and sweating blood.
20:52 And He says the Peter, James, and John pray with me.
20:54 His three friends and what are they do?
20:57 They started snoring, they go to sleep.
21:00 They ultimately turn on Him and leave and then deny Him.
21:03 How many friends came to Job? Three friends.
21:07 Jesus had His principle three Peter, James, and John
21:10 He took with Him.
21:11 Jobs 6:27 "You would even cast lots for the orphans
21:16 and barter over your friend."
21:17 Well, by the way I need to tell you if I hear you turning
21:20 new Bibles I'm glad you're doing it,
21:21 I'm reading from the Hebrew translation
21:23 this is a transliteration you are probably
21:26 not gonna see this in King James and typical translations.
21:29 But in the Hebrew the word there it says,
21:31 you even cast lots over an orphans
21:34 and barter or trade away your friend.
21:38 Do they cast lots around Jesus?
21:41 Did Judah sell Him or barter Him for 30 pieces of silver?
21:45 In the original that's how it's worded in the Hebrew there.
21:50 His falsely accused of evil.
21:52 Job was the perfect and upright man
21:54 but what did they say about him.
21:56 Job 22:5 His friend said
21:58 "Is not your wickedness great, and your iniquity without end?"
22:02 well, that was opposite the testimony of God
22:06 where is Jesus falsely accused of evil?
22:10 Mathew 26:59 "Now the chief priests, and the elders,
22:15 and all the council sought false testimony against Him"
22:18 false testimony "to put Jesus to death, but found none.
22:23 Even though many false witnesses came forward,
22:25 they found none.
22:26 At last two false witnesses came forward and said,
22:29 'This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple
22:32 and to build it in three days.'"
22:34 And they said when He was hanging on the cross
22:35 the reason you are suffering is because of your wickedness.
22:37 God's abandoned you.
22:42 Job as he sat there in the dump
22:45 we don't know how long he suffered it may have been weeks.
22:48 It's hard to imagine going through that
22:50 for that period of time but as the people came
22:53 and went from the city He who is so highly respected
22:56 they stood up from Him when he walk by,
22:59 now they said, well, God's forsaken you
23:00 and they spit on him.
23:02 And maybe the kids went over and they hit Him with sticks
23:04 and they struck him.
23:06 Listen to what it says here.
23:07 He experienced striking and spitting, but he has made--
23:11 oh, by the way Job 17:6 "He has made me a byword
23:16 of the people, I have become one in whose face men spit."
23:22 Job 30:10 similar passage.
23:24 "They abhor me, they keep far from me,
23:28 They do not hesitate to spit in My face."
23:30 You ever have anybody spit in your face?
23:33 That happen to me once, you know, I never forget it.
23:37 No not since I've been a preacher.
23:39 That was when I was a kid.
23:42 Now I got to tell you what happened, you will wonder.
23:47 You ever see the movie "The Hiding Place."
23:51 The actress Julie Harris her son Peter was a friend of mine.
23:56 I went over to play with him and I knocked on his door
23:58 in New York and they had one those mail slots.
24:01 And I said, Peter come on out and play.
24:03 And I don't know maybe he didn't want to play that day
24:05 and I kept knocking, come on out.
24:07 And he opened up the mail slot and I looked in
24:10 and he spit in my face.
24:15 See you don't forget something like that, do you?
24:19 And I'm sure they didn't forget it when it happened
24:24 to Job and Jesus either.
24:26 Psalms 22 a messianic prophecy about Jesus.
24:30 "They gape at Me with their mouths."
24:35 This is what they just said about Job.
24:36 They gape at me.
24:37 "They strike me reproachfully on the cheek."
24:40 Oh, by the way that's Job 16:10.
24:42 "They gape at me with their mouth,
24:43 they strike me reproachfully on the cheek.
24:46 Psalms 22 says to Jesus "They gape at Me with their mouths."
24:49 Matthew 26 "Then they spat in His face and beat Him,
24:53 they struck Him with the palms of their hands."
24:58 So Job and Jesus again the sufferings very similar.
25:03 He was apparently outwardly abandoned by God.
25:08 Job 13:24 "Why do You hide Your face,
25:11 and regard me as Your enemy?"
25:14 Job 30:20 "I cry out to You, but You do not hear me,
25:18 I stand up, but You regard me not."
25:21 What did Jesus say hanging on the cross?
25:23 Mark 15:34 "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
25:29 Have you ever felt abandoned by God?
25:32 Remember as we look at the sufferings of Christ and Job
25:35 Christians also suffer when you fall off Jesus.
25:37 We also experience persecution.
25:39 There will be dark days where you will be tested,
25:42 God will with draw that hedge
25:44 and you will wonder what have I done?
25:47 Why is this happening to me?
25:49 I've gone to visit people in the hospital.
25:51 I remember word for word that's what they said.
25:53 Doug, why is God doing this to me?
25:55 They feel like they are abandoned.
25:58 That doesn't mean Jesus doesn't love you,
26:00 He still loved Job.
26:02 The Father still loves His own son and they suffered.
26:07 John 19:16 It says the Christ was delivered to the council.
26:12 He was handed over to the mob.
26:15 Matthew 26:56, 57 "All the disciples forsook Him and fled.
26:20 And the mob laid hold of Him they led Him away."
26:23 Job said in 16:11, Job 16:11
26:27 "God has delivered me to the ungodly,
26:29 And turned me over to the hands of the wicked."
26:32 Was Christ turned over to the hands of the wicked?
26:35 This mob just demon possessed mob
26:39 good part of His suffering happened
26:40 before He ever got to the cross.
26:42 Jesus did not begin suffering
26:43 for you right there on the cross,
26:45 the suffering began when the mob got hold of Him.
26:49 And Job said why does he turn me over to the wicked?
26:54 Was Jesus physically disfigured? Yes.
26:59 Isaiah 52 this prophecy about Christ
27:02 Isaiah 52 and 53 is a messianic prophecy.
27:05 "Just as many were astonished at you,
27:08 so His visage" his form "was marred more than any man,
27:13 and His form more than the sons of men."
27:15 Christ was so mercilessly beaten that he was barely
27:20 recognizable being scourge and beaten,
27:23 the crown of thorns and the soldiers.
27:26 Job when his friends first came to mourn with him
27:31 when they saw him it says.
27:33 And this is Job 2:12 "They raised their eyes from afar,
27:36 and did not recognize him."
27:41 Yeah, I went to the hospital to visit a church member
27:43 I've known for years.
27:46 And he was suffering with shingles.
27:49 And I haven't seen him in several weeks.
27:51 And this was his final illness.
27:53 He was actually over 100 years of age.
27:56 But I had seen him recently at his home.
27:58 When I went to the hospital I saw this man shriveled up
28:01 in the bed in agony.
28:05 I went back out and I said I'm looking for so and so
28:07 and they say that's his room.
28:10 I went back in and I looked at him
28:11 and I didn't even recognize him.
28:15 And I thought the poor fellow and I remember holding
28:17 his hand as he was suffering
28:20 and he was saying the same thing
28:22 why won't the Lord let me die.
28:23 100 years old in terrible pain. And just a godly man.
28:30 And it doesn't mean God doesn't love us,
28:32 it means there is a devil out there that hates us.
28:35 And sometimes God allows us to suffer
28:37 and you read the book of First and Second Peter,
28:39 I should say books of First and Second Peter
28:42 he talks about why God allow suffering.
28:44 He is purifying us through these things.
28:47 But it doesn't mean He doesn't love us.
28:51 You know in the in the story of Job it talks about
28:55 baring the cross.
28:57 Job 31:36 at least this is the way I see it.
29:02 "Surely I would carry it on my shoulder,
29:05 and bind it on me like a crown."
29:06 He is talking about the sufferings
29:08 that he'll weary-- wear as a badge
29:10 as a crown on his shoulder.
29:13 Christ said, "He that does not take up his cross
29:15 and follow after Me is not worthy of Me."
29:19 Typically they carry the cross on their shoulder, right.
29:22 Matthew 10:38, I was just reading.
29:26 There is more I won't get it all, friends,
29:29 there is a lot here in these 42 chapters of Job
29:32 the parallels of Christ suffering.
29:35 He is pierced by iron.
29:38 Now that's an interesting statement
29:39 because iron was still according to the archeologist
29:42 relatively new back in the time of Job
29:44 very rare, matter of fact, they sort of credit
29:47 the Philistines with making iron more common and it's use.
29:50 The Romans were known as the iron kingdom
29:52 and they did use iron swords, and iron tools,
29:55 and iron mallets, and iron nails.
30:00 Then Jobs says in 20:24, 25
30:04 "He will flee from the iron weapon,
30:06 and the bow of steel shall strike him through.
30:09 It is drawn, it will come out of the body, yes,
30:13 the glittering sword comes out of his gall."
30:15 We even got the word gall there speaking
30:17 of what they gave Christ on the cross.
30:20 "Terrors are upon him."
30:21 Jesus side was pierced by an iron Roman spear tip.
30:27 Mark of course 15:25.
30:30 Now it was a third hour and they crucified Him.
30:33 His feet were also confined when they were crucified.
30:37 Job says this.
30:38 Job 13:27 "You put my feet in the stocks,
30:43 and watch closely all my paths.
30:45 You limit for the soles--
30:47 you set a limit for the soles of my feet."
30:48 He couldn't move his feet neither could Jesus
30:51 when He was on the cross.
30:53 And this is prophecy Psalm 22:16
30:56 "For dogs have surrounded Me, The congregation of the wicked
30:59 has enclosed Me.
31:01 They pierced My hands and My feet."
31:04 Job is stripped of his clothing.
31:09 Matter of fact, after his suffering he tore his robes,
31:12 he went out to the city dump took off his cloths
31:14 so he could scrape his boils and he prayed and he said,
31:18 "Naked I came from my mother's womb,
31:21 and naked shall I return there.
31:23 The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away,
31:26 Blessed be the name of the Lord."
31:29 You know, we all come into this world naked.
31:32 Most of us, any of you come in this world wearing anything?
31:34 Just wondering.
31:36 Some always dress very carefully.
31:39 But we all come in this world naked,
31:42 and you know, we go out naked in the sense
31:43 that you can't take anything with you.
31:46 Someone once said, "You never see a U-Haul behind a hearse."
31:55 Pharaohs tried to bury themselves with the treasure
31:57 but you better make other plans for you treasure,
32:01 friends, because you can't take it with you.
32:03 Put it in God's work.
32:07 Matthew 27:28 "Christ was stripped
32:10 and they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him."
32:15 John 19:24 "They said therefore among themselves,
32:20 'Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it,
32:22 to see whose it shall be,' that the Scripture might be
32:24 fulfilled it said, 'They divided my garments among them
32:28 and for my clothing they cast lots.'"
32:30 They took everything away from Jesus.
32:31 Now you know the paintings typically having
32:33 with the linen cloth and He may have had that.
32:36 The Hebrews considered themselves naked
32:37 if all you had was yours linen speedo or whatever they wore.
32:41 It talks about when Peter didn't have his fishers coat on
32:45 and end of the gospel of John and he was naked.
32:48 But he did have his swimsuit on.
32:49 He dove in the water and swam to Jesus.
32:51 So you know, the paintings typically picture
32:54 Jesus of having at least that
32:55 and of course we'd like to prefer that.
32:57 But it was humiliating none the less.
33:01 He was mocked.
33:03 Job 16:20 "My friends scorn me" mock me,
33:07 "my eyes pour out tears to God."
33:10 Job 30:9 "And now I am their taunting song,
33:15 yes, I am their byword."
33:17 Talking about the ridicule.
33:19 Again in Psalm 22 this prophecy about Christ.
33:22 "All those who see Me ridicule Me,
33:25 they shoot out the lip, they shake the head,
33:27 they say, He trusted in the Lord,
33:29 let Him rescue Him, let Him deliver Him,
33:31 since He delights in Him!"
33:33 There's angel if you're so righteous
33:34 how come God doesn't help you?
33:37 You know, it's really tough.
33:38 When you are a Christian and you go through some trial.
33:40 Sometimes we feel embarrassed because you've got this idea
33:44 that if we're doing everything right
33:47 God's going to prosper us financially,
33:49 He is going to take care of us physically
33:51 for following the health message
33:52 and yet even Christian will lose their wealth
33:56 and lose their health.
33:57 And we feel that because see we think Lord
34:00 the lost out there are going to see me
34:02 suffering they are going to think
34:03 what kind of witness am I,
34:04 how can I tell people how wonderful it is
34:06 to be a Christian when I've lost my wealth
34:07 and I've lost my health.
34:10 And sometimes you even struggle that way?
34:12 You think why is this happening to me?
34:14 How can I be a witness for you?
34:15 People aren't gonna want to be like me when they see me suffer.
34:19 But, you know, in reality
34:21 we are the best witnesses through trial.
34:25 God's church typically is the best witness
34:29 when we go through suffering.
34:32 It is through trial that we bare our brightest witness.
34:36 Where is Christ the greatest witness, isn't at the cross?
34:42 And if you can suffer patiently that really says something.
34:46 I've come out of the hospital room visiting saints
34:48 before and it strengthens my faith.
34:50 I don't come out and say, Lord,
34:52 if they are faithful then why are they suffering like this?
34:55 You go in there and you'll see these saints
34:56 and you'll say, you know, I just love the Lord, I trust the Lord,
34:58 and God knows why this is happening and I trust Him.
35:01 And I go out and wow, they got a lot of faith.
35:04 So when you are going through trials don't be embarrassed
35:06 and say God's abandoned you.
35:07 Say, Lord, how can I be a witness for You
35:10 through this trial?
35:11 Was Joseph a witness through his trials?
35:15 He was faithful whatever he did, servant, prisoner,
35:17 he said I'm going to witness for God.
35:20 Noah was not saved from the storm
35:22 he was saved through the storm
35:24 and it is through tribulation we enter the kingdom of God.
35:28 So don't despair if God allows you to go through trial.
35:31 He is usually saving you through it or others through it.
35:37 Every trial you go through as a Christian just remember that
35:40 God is either using it to refine you
35:43 or to reach others through your experience,
35:48 sometimes both.
35:51 Okay, back to our some of the parallels between Job and Jesus.
35:54 I'm making pretty good time here actually.
35:58 He was identified with the wicked.
36:01 Job 34:7, 8 they said, "What man is this like Job,
36:07 who drinks scorn like water, who goes in company
36:11 with the workers of iniquity, and walks with wicked men?"
36:15 Job is with the wicked, he is identified with the wicked.
36:17 What about Jesus?
36:18 Isaiah 53 "And He made His grave with the wicked."
36:23 Matthew 27, you know this verse 38
36:27 "Then two robbers were crucified with Him,
36:29 one on the right and another on the left."
36:31 His crucified right in the middle of two thieves,
36:33 rebels, and robbers.
36:37 Also says they were guilty of murder at least Barabbas was.
36:43 He surrendered his glory and his crown.
36:46 Job surrendered his glory and his crown.
36:49 Job 19:9 "He has stripped me of my glory,
36:53 and taken the crown from my head."
36:55 Did Jesus lay aside His glory and His crown
36:58 when He came to this earth like Job?
37:01 Hebrews 2:9 "But we see Jesus,
37:04 who was made a little lower than the angels,
37:07 for the suffering of death crowned with glory
37:09 and honor, that He, by the grace of God,
37:12 might taste death for everyone."
37:14 Christ, you read there in Philippians,
37:16 made Himself of no account suffered as a man,
37:21 humbled Himself to the point of cross.
37:27 There is darkness in the story of Job
37:31 and there is darkness in the story of Jesus.
37:33 Job 10:21, 22 "Before I go to the place
37:38 from which I shall not return, to the land of darkness
37:41 and the shadow of death,
37:43 A land as dark as darkness itself,
37:46 and the shadow of death, without any order,
37:48 where even the light is like darkness."
37:50 Notice there three times darkness, darkness, darkness.
37:53 When Christ is in the Garden of Gethsemane it was dark.
37:56 Even the next day when the sun should have been shining
37:59 when Christ is on the cross, what does it say?
38:02 Matthew 27:45 "Now from the sixth hour until
38:06 the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land."
38:10 The supernatural darkness not just like
38:13 when clouds obscure the sun
38:14 but something like the darkness
38:16 that went on Egypt during that plague.
38:19 An eerie, unnatural darkness came over the land
38:22 as the creation was rebelling against
38:25 the crucifixion of its Creator.
38:28 Christ was forsaken by His brothers so were Job.
38:31 Job 19:13 "He has removed my brothers far from me,
38:36 and my acquaintances are completely estranged from me."
38:39 Remember we already told you about Job's family,
38:41 his wife we know he lost his son,
38:43 his brethren in the town that he lived in and the land of Uz
38:48 is probably near Mesopotamia somewhere.
38:52 Evidently stop coming to visit them out there
38:54 at the dump they turned from him.
38:56 John 17:5 says "Even His brothers"
38:59 speaking of Jesus "Even His brothers did not believing Him."
39:05 Luke 23:49.
39:07 Speaking of Christ by Job "All His acquaintances,
39:11 and the women who followed Him from Galilee,
39:13 they stood at a distance, watching these things."
39:16 When He went through is suffering
39:17 instead of being right there--
39:18 while the end of day you got Mary
39:20 and three Mary's at the foot of the cross
39:22 but it says the disciples stood far off Him
39:25 most of the seven or six hours Christ was on the cross.
39:31 Now one thing I want you to think about
39:33 before I run pass this.
39:36 The sufferings of Job and Jesus
39:38 are something you need to consider
39:42 because the Bible tells us that it is through tribulation
39:45 we enter the kingdom of God.
39:48 Now there are tribulations the church is gone through.
39:52 But there is a great tribulation the Bible speaks of.
39:56 There is the time of Jacob's trouble,
39:58 is that behind us or before us?
40:01 If you read in Daniel Chapter 12 it tells us
40:04 that when Michael stands up there will be a time of trouble
40:07 such as there never has been since
40:09 the there was a nation even under that same time.
40:11 Christ says speaking of the time of trouble.
40:17 He that endures unto the end shall be saved.
40:19 As you read the story of Job God has inviting us
40:23 to have that kind of faith because I believe
40:26 that everybody is going to experience
40:30 the isolation that Jesus and Job experienced.
40:34 What I'm saying is at some point we're all going to have
40:37 every earthly support removed
40:40 so all that we've got to lean on is Christ.
40:43 You'll not be hanging on to a little bit here,
40:46 and a little bit here, and a little bit here.
40:48 The only thing you're gonna be able to rest on is Jesus.
40:53 His friends, His family, His people,
40:57 His money everything was gone and all He had was His God.
41:03 And so we may have that happen to us.
41:07 2 Timothy 3:12.
41:09 This is relevant for us to study because the Bible says
41:11 "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus
41:16 will suffer persecution."
41:17 We'll all be abandoned at some point.
41:20 We'll all be prosecuted.
41:23 Now as you consider the story of Job
41:25 when you get near the end of the book
41:27 the tide begins to turn.
41:30 And this is great discourse it happens between Job and God.
41:34 God speaks audibly to Job.
41:37 Did God speak audibly to Jesus?
41:41 Yeah, that's something to consider.
41:44 Then God says that Job was innocent,
41:46 his friends were wrong.
41:49 And Job forgives his friends for a bit--
41:54 I mean, you know, sometimes in your hour of need
41:56 when your friends leave you hanging
41:58 or when they turn your back on you
41:59 when you need them the most sometimes
42:01 they stop being your friends forever.
42:04 Let's face it, that's the way some of us react
42:07 if our friends let us down when we really need them.
42:08 We'll say, I really needed you,
42:09 I don't need you as friend anymore, forgot about you.
42:13 That's not what Job did.
42:15 He not only forgives his friends,
42:16 he intercedes with God for his friends.
42:20 Jesus intercedes with God for us
42:24 who are responsible for His death.
42:28 He becomes our intercedes well,
42:29 not only that Job was a mediator, he is a priest.
42:33 In the very beginning of the book it says
42:34 he is offering sacrifice for his sons, right, for his family.
42:38 The end of the book he is offering
42:39 sacrifice for his friends.
42:41 He is a great mediator.
42:43 You can read about that in Job 1: 4, 5.
42:46 His boys would go and celebrate each others birthday
42:49 and they would have a feast and Job would offer sacrifice
42:51 in case they got carried away
42:52 and they curse God in their hearts.
42:55 Job 42. Listen to this verse 8.
42:58 "Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls
43:01 and seven rams."
43:03 By the way the sacred numbers are three and seven
43:06 appear a lot in the Book of Jobs as they do in the life of Jesus.
43:10 His friends sit down for seven days,
43:12 Job's got seven sons, three daughter.
43:14 You gonna find that number appearing a lot.
43:16 Those was sacred number.
43:17 Three friends.
43:19 "Take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams
43:24 and go to My servant Job, and offer for yourselves
43:27 a burnt offering, and My servant Job shall pray for you."
43:31 Jesus is our intercedes where He prays for us.
43:33 "For I will accept him."
43:35 They are saying, God is saying to the friends of Job,
43:37 you make a sacrifice and because of Job I will forgive you.
43:42 Now isn't that like Christ?
43:45 I mean, it's--we pray to God but we do it in Christ name.
43:48 It's through the merits of Christ that we get forgiven
43:50 and it's through the name of Job his friends are forgiven.
43:53 So he becomes a great intercedes for them.
43:56 "Because you have not spoken of me
43:58 what is right as my servant Job had."
44:00 Don't miss that.
44:02 In the whole Book of Job God says Job's word was right.
44:07 What do we know about Jesus?
44:09 Are His words true? He is the Word.
44:12 Romans 8:34 "Who is he who condemns?
44:16 It is Christ who died, furthermore He is risen,
44:19 He is even at the right hand of God,
44:20 who makes intercession for us."
44:22 Jesus is our intercessor and our mediator.
44:25 And you know, what else I love about the comparison
44:28 between Job and Jesus is as you near the end of the book
44:33 there are times when Job's faith is vacillating
44:37 and you can say he is in why, why, why and Jesus why.
44:40 Why have You forsaken Me?
44:42 But it triumphs then you read those versus where he says,
44:46 "Though he slay me yet will I trust him."
44:50 So no matter what happens Christ on the cross at the end
44:54 He triumphs, He ends up saying
44:56 Father into Your hands I commend My spirit, it is finished.
45:00 He knew that His mission was complete.
45:03 It was great triumph there.
45:06 By the way that's a Job 13:15, Luke 23:46.
45:10 Now something that's really fascinating
45:13 at the end of the Book of Job,
45:16 the beginning of the Book of Job,
45:17 Job doesn't know what's going on.
45:18 And all the sudden he gets blindsided
45:20 by all these plagues and losing his family,
45:23 and losing his wealth, and his health.
45:26 And he said, why is God done this to me?
45:28 By the end of the book God is showing Him
45:30 now who is really behind it.
45:33 He talks about creation and the birds and the beast
45:35 but then all of the sudden in Job Chapter 41
45:40 God dedicates an entire chapter
45:42 to some sea monster called the Leviathan.
45:46 Why is God talking all the sudden about this monster
45:51 in the second last chapter of the book, whole chapter?
45:57 Let's find out who is this leviathan.
45:59 But by the way you can read here in Job 41:19, 20
46:04 "Out of his mouth go burning lights,
46:06 sparks of fire shoot out.
46:07 Smoke goes out of his nostrils,
46:10 as from a boiling pot and burning rushes."
46:14 Job 41:34 "He beholds every high thing,
46:18 He is king over all the children of pride."
46:22 Who do you think the leviathan represents?
46:24 Who is the king over the children of pride?
46:27 Satan, the devil.
46:29 Now listen here's the key Isaiah 27:1
46:34 "In that day the Lord with His sore and great
46:37 and strong sword" that's the word of God
46:40 "shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent,
46:46 even leviathan that crooked serpent,
46:48 and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea."
46:51 Oh, ah-ha, you ought to have an epiphany right about now.
46:57 Does that sound familiar to you?
46:58 Revelation Chapter 12 speaking of that dragon.
47:02 "Another sign appeared in heaven, a great fiery dragon."
47:05 Says in Chapter 13:1 "This beast with seven heads
47:08 and seven horns comes up out of the sea."
47:11 And it says that "Dragon that serpent of all
47:14 called the devil and Satan."
47:16 Dragon, serpent, leviathan out of the sea.
47:20 Who were we talking about?
47:22 So in the end of the book what is God saying?
47:25 Now there may have been some sea creature, it's now extinct.
47:29 Scholars don't agree, some say it's a crocodile,
47:31 but they say couldn't been a crocodiles in the ocean
47:33 well, there are salt water crocodiles
47:36 but they weren't that big.
47:38 And they think it maybe some left over
47:40 of a prehistoric creature
47:42 that they had backed then and it's now extinct.
47:44 Nobody really knows.
47:47 But it talks about this enormous monster
47:49 that no fisherman could ever catch,
47:51 that no one could ever tamed
47:53 this monster sea creature that was out there.
47:56 And believe me sailors have plenty of stories
47:57 and theories about what that is.
48:01 But he is basically saying
48:03 you can't defeat the leviathan without me.
48:06 He is the one who is behind your sufferings,
48:09 he is the one who brought fire down from the heaven
48:10 and burnt up your crops,
48:12 who is able to send this sickness,
48:14 who destroyed your family with a tornado.
48:17 You can't defeat the devil, but God says I can.
48:22 And so on the end of the Book of Job God is saying
48:25 that I'm the one who can destroy the leviathan,
48:28 the king of pride.
48:30 And Job is going, it's not you God who is been against me.
48:34 It's the leviathan, the devil, the dragon,
48:36 the serpent who is been after me.
48:39 And you simply let his leash get a little longer
48:42 so that I could learn something, learn to trust you.
48:46 You know, what's also beautiful about the Book of Job
48:51 is that it teaches us lessons of hanging on in patience.
48:58 In the end Job is blessed.
49:02 He is doubly blessed in the end.
49:06 Matter of fact, Job kind of goes through a resurrection,
49:08 don't you think?
49:09 He goes from being in the dump cover with boils dying,
49:13 it looks terminal, all of the sudden
49:16 God heals him miraculously.
49:18 He is interceding for his friends,
49:20 he restores all of his wealth, he has got twice as much wealth.
49:23 You look at what he has, add up
49:25 what he has got in the beginning
49:26 then you add up what he has at the end it's doubled.
49:29 And he lives another 140 beyond that experience.
49:33 We don't know how old he was, you can just speculate he was
49:35 at least for him to be have those kids that he had
49:38 and have the wealth he had based on that time in what he lived,
49:41 he lived over 200 years.
49:44 And so it was like a type of resurrection
49:46 he went through just like Jesus.
49:48 And his glory returned to him
49:49 as Christ when he ascended to heaven.
49:51 His health returned to him, his friends returned to him,
49:54 everything came back.
49:56 And you may go through trials but, you know,
49:58 the Book of Job ends with the happy note.
50:00 That's what James says remember the patience of Job
50:03 don't get discourage of your going through
50:04 the trial, friends.
50:06 God still loves you, there is a devil out there
50:09 and he is gonna try and cause problems.
50:11 But when you look at the sculpt of Job's life 200 years.
50:16 And then the 42 chapters
50:18 how long that it last out of that 200 years?
50:21 A few weeks, a few weeks of suffering for the 200 years.
50:27 So the suffering that we experience in this life
50:30 and the episodes of suffering in this life compare to eternity
50:33 what is, is it worthy to be compared?
50:36 Its small compared to the glory, and the joy,
50:39 and the happiness, and the blessing,
50:40 and the riches that God is gonna give us for eternity.
50:44 So the Book of Job is not a sad book.
50:46 Oh, there's a lot of heavy things in there but, you know,
50:48 it starts out talking about a perfect man
50:50 and it ends up talking about a happy blessed man.
50:54 And then it says that in between
50:56 you've got God's blessing the protection
50:58 that devil makes an attack.
51:00 Job does not give up his faith
51:02 and then in the end he is blessed forever.
51:06 You and I are going to get attacked.
51:07 You might be going through an attack right now.
51:10 Don't give up your faith.
51:11 Remember where I started out with that quote from James.
51:14 "Behold, we count them happy which endure."
51:16 Jesus said, blessed are those who endure to the end.
51:21 They will be saved.
51:22 "He then endures to the end shall be saved."
51:24 You've heard the patience of Job
51:25 and you've seen the end of the Lord
51:28 that the Lord is pitiful and tender mercy.
51:31 In the end, friends, we win, not the leviathan or not the dragon.
51:36 Can you see Jesus in the Book of Job?
51:40 You know, it's really is holy grounded
51:41 tells you something about how much Jesus
51:43 must love you 'cause of the sufferings
51:45 He went through and Job did not suffer like Jesus.
51:49 He suffered and you may suffer,
51:52 you might be suffering now
51:55 and I haven't suffered like Jesus suffered.
51:57 He took the weight of the sins of the world on his shoulder
52:00 for you and me because He loves us so much,
52:02 'cause He doesn't want us to suffer like that.
52:05 And I think you could trust the God like that
52:07 don't you, friends?
52:08 Why does God allow us to go through these trials?
52:12 It's through constant irritation
52:16 that annoys your produces pearl.
52:19 It's through pressure and heat
52:23 that a lump of coal turns into a diamond.
52:26 It is through fiery trials that God purifies His church.
52:30 It's the hot iron and the hot water that cut the wrinkles
52:32 out of the garment, the wedding dress or God's bride.
52:39 And I notice something when the weather is nice
52:42 and warming you got a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
52:46 With the winter blast that's kind of tough when the cold
52:49 winter freezing weather comes but now the nice thing
52:52 is you open the window there is no more files and mosquitoes.
52:55 Sometime the God sends that winter storm into your life
52:57 'cause He is killing all the bugs. Amen.
53:00 There is a blessing and all those things so you maybe
53:02 going through some trials He is purifying the gold
53:04 and getting all the draws out.
53:06 Don't be discourage, hang on like Job
53:10 and you'll come forth on the other side
53:12 God will speak to you face to face
53:13 like He talked to Job face to face.
53:16 Your character will be purified and you will be like Christ.
53:18 Amen. Let's pray.
53:22 Lord, we are inspired and encouraged.
53:25 As we see not only the forgiveness
53:27 and the loving and the majesty of Jesus reflected in the life
53:32 that He --but we seen today,
53:34 Lord, your suffering reflected in the life of Job,
53:38 and You did that all for us.
53:41 Lord, I know that we just can't even comprehend how much
53:44 You must love us and that You would go through all of that
53:47 and take the punishment and the penalty of our sins.
53:50 Also, Lord, we could see through the story today
53:54 of how we may all go through trials
53:57 and sometimes it may appear that You abandoned us
53:59 and we've been forsaken and lost every earthly support.
54:03 But we know that You are still there beyond
54:05 the clouds that You are still looking
54:07 down on us with the love.
54:09 I pray, Lord, in a special way that You'll give us a faith
54:12 that will endure to the end in these last days.
54:15 All of us will be tried.
54:17 Help us also not to be a like Job's friends
54:21 but that we can be loyal dependable friends
54:24 to those around us and especially right now
54:27 we ask that You will be near to those
54:29 who responded to the invitation
54:31 whatever the trials might be some who maybe listening
54:33 or watching now are going through
54:35 their own time of trial and suffering.
54:39 I pray that You'll be a comfort to them
54:41 and help them to find courage.
54:42 May their faith rise and can they say
54:46 yes though He slay me yet will I trust Him.
54:49 And even though this body worms may destroy
54:53 yet in my flesh I know I will see God,
54:56 my own eyes will see Him not another.
54:59 I pray that we can have that faith
55:00 when we'll even look beyond the grave.
55:02 Bless us as we go from this place
55:04 knowing that in the end Job was blessed
55:07 that we will be doubly blessed in Your kingdom.
55:09 And I thank you, Lord, for the promise
55:11 that we can be overcomers
55:13 'cause we pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.
55:21 Virtually everyone on the earth regardless of religion
55:24 and nationality recognize that there is some form of battle
55:28 raging in the world around us
55:30 between the forces of good and evil.
55:33 A colossal struggle between light and darkness,
55:37 truth and error, oppression and freedom, right and wrong,
55:41 and ultimately life and death.
55:50 Journey back through time to the center of the universe
55:55 discover how a perfect angel transformed
55:58 into Satan the arch villain.
56:01 The birth of evil, a rebellion in heaven.
56:06 A mutiny that moved to earth.
56:09 Behold, the creation of a beautiful new planet
56:13 and the first humans.
56:15 Witness the temptation of evil.
56:18 Discover god's amazing plan to save his children.
56:22 This is a story that involves every life on earth.
56:27 Every life.
56:30 The Cosmic Conflict, if God is good,
56:33 if God is all powerful, if God is love,
56:37 then what went wrong?
56:47 In the same way all of the planets in our solar system
56:50 revolve around the sun
56:51 everything we do here at Amazing Facts
56:54 revolves around the nucleus of God's word the Scriptures.
56:58 That's why we're very excited to tell you
57:00 about the release of a new resource
57:02 that will bless you in your personal study.
57:05 It's the Amazing Facts Prophecy Study Bible,
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Revised 2014-12-17