Everlasting Gospel

Defeating Demons, Devils And Evil Spirits

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002909

00:09 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today the greatest need of mankind is a revelation
00:20 of God's love as revealed in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the
00:28 ...coming to you each week from Sacramento Central Church
00:31 in sunny California.
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today.
00:38 When you were young did you ever have fear of the dark
00:47 or something that could be crawling around under your bed,
00:51 or creeping up the hall?
00:53 Come on now! I remember one time, I could get the title
01:00 wrong, but it was a Laurel and Hardy movie called,
01:05 Babes in Toyland, or something, and in the end they took on
01:10 something called Boogie Man.
01:12 Have you ever heard of the Boogie Man?
01:15 And I was young and impressionable, and the idea
01:21 of these, you know they're just actors dressed up
01:23 in hairy suits, but boy it scared me.
01:27 And I remember I couldn't go to sleep at night,
01:31 without worrying about these creatures that once you turn off
01:35 the lights, I imagined that there they were under the bed,
01:38 or in the closet.
01:41 And if you happened to watch something that had to do with
01:47 aliens coming down, little green monsters, it was very easy to
01:51 replace the Boogie Man with aliens, or gremlins, or ghosts.
01:58 But it seems like anywhere you go in the world,
02:02 and just about anybody's life, at some point there are these
02:06 minions of darkness that scare us.
02:09 The Bible has another name for them.
02:14 They're known as demons, devils, or evil spirits.
02:20 And you'd be surprised how much the Word of God has to say
02:26 about this subject.
02:28 First of all, and that's our message for today,
02:37 And before you completely zone out and say, Ah, Pastor Doug
02:42 has gone sensational.
02:44 And why would we want to talk about something so negative?
02:49 Why would you want to talk about something so fantastic?
02:53 There are even those who profess to be Christians that say there
02:56 is no such thing as devils, and evil spirits, or demons.
03:01 They don't believe in them anymore than they
03:03 believe in boogie men.
03:05 But you've got to be careful, if you say you're a Bible
03:09 Christian, because Jesus believed in them,
03:12 and He dealt with them, and He talks about them.
03:17 And you and I are given a work to do in relationship
03:22 with these evil spirits.
03:23 So if you're going to be a Bible Christian, then bear with me,
03:27 and you see if I can't give you Biblical evidence.
03:30 We have a divine mandate from the Lord, and how we ought to
03:36 relate with these forces of evil.
03:38 Mark 6:12, when He sent out the disciples preaching.
03:46 They preached that people should repent.
03:47 How many believe that's still part of our message?
03:50 And they cast out many demons, and anointed many with oil
03:56 who were sick and He healed them.
03:58 How many believe in the teaching about anointing
04:00 with oil and healing?
04:01 So we believe in the repenting part,
04:04 we believe in the anointing part.
04:06 Do we believe in the part that's sandwiched between the two:
04:10 casting out many devils, demons?
04:14 Do we believe all the Word of God? Amen!
04:17 Mark 16:17, Jesus is about to ascend to heaven.
04:23 Part of His great commission, final utterance, And these signs
04:28 will follow those who believe.
04:30 It doesn't say these signs will follow the apostles.
04:33 It says those who believe.
04:37 By the way, isn't that supposed to be all of us who are saved?
04:41 These signs will follow those who believe:
04:44 In My name they will cast out demons.
04:46 It's interesting He would mention that first.
04:49 In My name they will cast out demons.
04:53 Then He goes on, they'll speak with new tongues,
04:55 and there's other signs.
04:56 But I want to emphasize that the last words of Jesus maybe should
05:02 have a first priority among Christians.
05:06 It's something the Bible deals with.
05:08 It's not a pleasant business, and so, you know, we're not sure
05:13 what we're supposed to do.
05:15 And I think we've all seen that the subject of devils
05:18 and evil spirits has been exploited.
05:20 And some preachers have used it to fear monger,
05:22 and take advantage of people, and manipulate people.
05:25 And sometimes it's spooky.
05:27 Whenever you hear about someone who's being delivered from
05:29 evil spirits, we picture somebody who's writhing
05:32 on the ground, their back arched, or they're sitting on
05:36 the floor, or they're whipping their heads back and forth
05:41 so fast their hair cracks like a whip, and their head turns
05:44 around on their shoulders 360 degrees.
05:47 We've got these pictures when you talk about evil spirits,
05:52 and possession that scare us.
05:54 It's a little more comfortable to just say, Well, really in the
05:58 Bible when it talks about demon possession, it was just another
06:01 way of saying depressed, or mentally disturbed.
06:05 That's not what the Bible teaches.
06:08 There's more to it than that.
06:11 Maybe I ought to begin by saying where did
06:19 these powers come from?
06:20 Where did devils and evil spirits come from?
06:23 You know it's interesting in the last few years angels have
06:27 sort of made a comeback.
06:28 You can hear about angels, and read about angels,
06:32 and everyone thinks angels are great.
06:33 And People have little crystals of angels.
06:35 And they've got little angel signs, and angel wings.
06:37 And you say angels, and people just go, Oh! You know.
06:39 It's wonderful, but they forget that about a third of those
06:42 angels are evil, but they can appear good.
06:49 It stands to reason, to me, it says in 2 Corinthians 11, that
06:53 Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
06:57 So it should not surprise us if his angels can also be
07:01 transformed into angels of light; evil angels that
07:04 can appear as good angels.
07:06 God did not make devils.
07:10 God made beautiful angels that fell.
07:12 You can read it in Isaiah 14.
07:13 Satan, who started out as a perfect angel, fell.
07:17 He was cast out of heaven. Isaiah 14:12.
07:25 He was a light bearer.
07:28 And you can read then in Revelation 12:7.
07:30 And I know I'm going quickly.
07:32 You can jot some of these down.
07:34 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
07:40 with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels.
07:45 Christ has His angels, and the dragon has his angels.
07:49 Fought, but they did not prevail.
07:52 Good news, God and His angels are stronger than the devil
07:56 and his angels. Amen!
07:59 They did not prevail, nor was there place for them
08:01 in heaven any longer.
08:03 Bad news! If they're not in heaven any more, where are they?
08:06 Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, for the devil is come
08:09 down unto you having great wrath.
08:11 I'll get to that in just a minute.
08:12 And it says, their place was not found in heaven.
08:17 So that great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old,
08:20 called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world:
08:23 he was cast to the earth, and his angels were
08:28 cast out with him.
08:30 Now how many angels are there?
08:32 We don't know, but we can get some kind of round figures here.
08:36 We know there's at least one guardian angel for every human,
08:40 and there's six billion people, plus, in the world today.
08:43 It's possible every person has at least two.
08:48 Some scriptures seem to indicate people not only have guardian
08:51 angels, but they've got a recording angel.
08:53 I think angels could probably do both, but God may have
08:56 plenty, and maybe they work in two's,
08:59 as Jesus sent out the disciples.
09:00 Don't know, but let's suppose that there's at least 12 billion
09:04 angels, because, after all the population keeps growing.
09:07 And that would be the good ones.
09:09 And angels are ministering spirits of God.
09:12 They don't just work here on Earth.
09:14 Before the world fell, God had angels.
09:17 They were His ministering spirits through all
09:19 of the eternal cosmos.
09:21 So there are probably billions, and billions of angels.
09:25 The Bible says 10,000 times 10,000.
09:27 And when you think of about the temple of God, these angels were
09:30 engraved in the walls of the sanctuary, symbolizing that the
09:33 presence of God is surrounded with walls of
09:36 ministering spirits.
09:38 Billions of them!
09:39 One third of that number, whatever that number is,
09:42 followed Lucifer from heaven to this world.
09:48 And often in the Bible, when it talks about what the Devil did,
09:53 the Devil does this and the Devil does that,
09:55 and the Devil is the enemy who sows the bad seed among the good
09:57 seed. It's not Satan himself, but Satan's operating
10:01 through his angels.
10:03 And there's often times when you almost have a car accident,
10:06 and then you're delivered, and you say, Jesus saved me.
10:09 Well, Jesus saved you through His angels.
10:12 So a lot of times we give the credit to the big characters,
10:16 the generals, but He's operating through His soldiers,
10:19 and these are the angels.
10:22 Now today, more specifically, we're talking about being
10:25 on guard, and understanding how to deal with, and combat
10:30 the fallen angels, better known as devils.
10:33 They've got names.
10:34 Sometimes they're called devils.
10:37 Take off the d and you've got evils.
10:41 They're demons, evil or wicked spirits, fallen angels.
10:49 Some people think they've seen gremlins, and goblins,
10:54 and ghosts, and aliens, and boogie men.
10:56 I don't know, you know they probably manifest themselves
10:59 a thousand different ways.
11:00 But these are fallen angels that are out there to try to tempt
11:07 and to discourage, to try to distract
11:11 from the purposes of God.
11:15 I believe in them.
11:17 I'm in good company.
11:19 Jesus believed in them, too.
11:21 Believing in them does not mean I endorse, or approve them,
11:25 but it means I believe they exist.
11:26 Christ plainly says they exist.
11:30 The Bible teaches they exist.
11:32 I see evidence of their work everywhere.
11:35 And the great scholars of the Christian church over the ages
11:39 have all almost unanimously agreed that they exist.
11:44 So if you're going to take on an enemy, it's a good idea to start
11:50 with finding out if he even exists.
11:52 Some people are having problems dealing with the Devil,
11:55 because they don't even recognize his existence.
11:57 Now before I go any farther, I want to make a few things clear.
12:02 I'm not going to ask for a show of hands to say who
12:06 here is demon possessed.
12:07 But just as a test for my own benefit, how many here will
12:16 admit that you are demon harassed?
12:20 Every hand ought to go up because if you say,
12:26 I'm not demon harassed, maybe you're afraid the person next
12:28 to you is going to think, Well, you're demon harassed.
12:29 I'm moving over!
12:30 I don't want to sit next to someone who's demon harassed,
12:33 because I might catch it!
12:34 It doesn't work that way.
12:36 You could put on a surgical mask, and you can still get it.
12:39 It has nothing to do with who you're sitting next to.
12:42 If you are alive, you are demon harassed, especially if you're
12:50 a Christian. You're demon harassed.
12:53 You're in good company.
12:54 Jesus was demon harassed.
12:56 It means being tempted.
12:58 And it's not something that may happen once or twice
13:01 in your life. Every day we're doing battle with the Devil.
13:05 It's a wonderful thing when you experience those spells,
13:10 as when Christ fought with the Devil in the wilderness,
13:12 and it said Satan left Him for a season.
13:15 All that the Devil did is he left to regroup,
13:18 figure out what the next plan was.
13:20 And most of us live with little spells of peace
13:24 between the battles.
13:26 And once you recognize it, you accept it and it makes it easier
13:30 to understand what's going on, and how to deal with it.
13:33 And because we're all harassed by the devil, all of us,
13:39 you need to realize that we need help.
13:43 Because, we just read it in Ephesians, We don't wrestle
13:48 against flesh and blood.
13:49 And, by the way, while I'm on the subject, Psalm 8:4,
13:53 What is man, that you are mindful of him?
13:56 and the son of man, that you visit him?
13:57 Verse 5, For you have made him a little lower than the angels,
14:02 and you've crowned him with glory and honor.
14:05 Man has been made in some ways inferior, in strength,
14:11 and intellect, to angels.
14:14 So if you think you're going to take on these fallen angels
14:17 in your own power, well, you're pretty arrogant.
14:19 It takes the Holy Spirit, and God's power to defeat them.
14:25 The most perfect specimen of humanity that ever existed
14:30 was Adam and his wife Eve.
14:33 They, with their superior bodies and minds, were overcome
14:37 by the Devil. So you're pretty arrogant if you think,
14:41 I don't need God's help to fight against the devils.
14:44 We do need help. We cannot do it without Him.
14:47 We can do nothing.
14:48 We are powerless. We are simply play things and toys
14:53 in the hands of the Devil.
14:54 If you think you're going to take him on
14:56 without divine assistance.
14:57 You're done for. It's like going against Goliath without a sling.
15:04 Alright, so we found out where they came from.
15:09 We understand something about their names.
15:11 Now there's a story in the Bible I'd like to direct
15:13 your attention to.
15:14 You're going to find this in Mark 1, and it will
15:17 begin with verse 21.
15:19 If I were to ask you, What is the first miracle of Jesus?
15:23 What's the first miracle of Jesus?
15:24 Water into wine, water into wine. That's right.
15:28 That's if you're reading the gospel of John,
15:31 but that's not the gospel of Mark.
15:36 The gospel of Mark says the first miracle of Jesus was
15:41 delivering someone from an evil spirit.
15:43 Now John, when he talked about miracles, he was thinking about
15:48 something where you supernaturally transform
15:51 something from one thing to another.
15:53 You know, maybe his definition was different.
15:55 Based on that definition, turning water to wine,
15:57 that's an inanimate thing. It's out here.
15:59 And spiritual battle.
16:00 He may not have qualified it that way.
16:02 But if you want to go by the first supernatural engagement,
16:07 it was actually where Jesus, when He began preaching,
16:09 cast the devil out of someone.
16:11 We're going to read about this.
16:12 What did I say? Mark 1:21.
16:19 Then they went to Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbath
16:24 he entered the synagogue, and taught.
16:25 This is right after Christ begins His preaching ministry.
16:28 He's just called Peter, James, John, and Andrew to follow Him.
16:33 Small ensemble of Apostles.
16:36 And they were astonished at His teaching: for He taught them as
16:40 one having authority, and not as the scribes.
16:43 By the way, that's repeated in Matthew 7:28.
16:45 Jesus taught with authority.
16:47 Now what's the evidence of His authority?
16:49 Notice here, Now there was a man in the synagogue with an unclean
16:54 spirit, and he cried out saying, Let us alone;...
16:59 It sounds like he might have more than one spirit: us?
17:04 Let us alone; what have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth?
17:09 Did you come to destroy us?
17:11 I know who you are, the Holy One of God.
17:15 Well, it seems like the man, first of all he's got his plural
17:19 and singular all scrambled up here, which is often the case
17:23 with a person demon possessed.
17:24 Sometimes you don't know if you're talking to one
17:25 person or ten, or if you're dealing with a demoniac there
17:29 on the beach of Gaddarah.
17:31 He had legions of demons; meaning that more than one
17:36 demon can possess a person.
17:38 Mary Magdalene, out of whom Christ cast seven devils.
17:43 Jesus tells a parable about a man who has a devil cast out,
17:49 and he cleans his house, and sweeps it.
17:51 But he doesn't replace it with anything better.
17:53 So that devil roams around in desolate places for awhile,
17:56 and he comes back again, and he finds his former dwelling
17:59 cleaned and swept.
18:00 And he brings seven other devils worse than himself,
18:03 and they all move in together and have a fraternity party
18:05 in that persons life.
18:08 And if you can have a person with multiple devils,
18:13 and you've got a man who's got 5,000 devils,
18:15 or a legion of devils, and sure, he can break chains,
18:19 and he's running around naked, and dirty, and cutting himself
18:22 with stones, and screaming, and living in a cemetery surrounded
18:25 by pigs. That's the man who had the legion of devils.
18:28 If you cut that number in half, and he only had half as many,
18:32 it might have looked a little better.
18:34 Quarter that number, maybe he's only got a 100 devils,
18:37 he might have been able to walk up and down the streets
18:40 without being arrested.
18:41 Get him down to 50 devils, and you might even
18:46 hire him and not know.
18:49 See where I'm going with this?
18:51 Which means that people can have varying degrees
18:56 of demon possession.
18:57 And, once again, take a look at the person sitting next to you.
19:00 I shouldn't tease, because, you know what? It really is true.
19:07 There are some people who are possessed, and they're able to
19:11 conduct themselves in a civilized way.
19:13 But the Devil's got his claws in them, and they need deliverance.
19:19 There's some area in their life where they're
19:22 owned by the enemy.
19:23 This is getting pretty real, isn't it?
19:27 This is what the Bible teaches.
19:29 So here's this man, and I want to read the whole story to you.
19:33 Let us alone; what have we to do with you, Jesus?
19:39 Did they know who Jesus was?
19:40 Why? They knew, they're eternal.
19:43 They lived before Lucifer fell.
19:44 These were once holy angels that used to worship Jesus.
19:47 They know who He is.
19:48 It's amazing that there's some people that don't think Christ
19:53 was God become a man.
19:54 Even the devils admitted it.
19:56 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, Be quiet and come out of him.
20:04 And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him,
20:09 and cried out with a loud voice, he came out.
20:12 Why did he convulse first?
20:14 Please, don't anyone have a convulsion now.
20:17 But that often happens.
20:21 Do you know what it illustrates?
20:22 The Devil doesn't let go easily.
20:27 There is a convulsion, because there's a battle.
20:31 There's a resistance that's happening.
20:34 When the children of Israel were coming out of Egypt,
20:38 did the Pharaoh write them all farewell cards, and send them
20:42 down the road, and wave his hankie,
20:44 and say, Have a nice trip?
20:45 Or when Moses said, Let my people go, did the Pharaoh
20:48 tighten his grip? He made their labor harder.
20:53 He guarded the borders.
20:55 He refused to let them go.
20:57 And when they finally were starting to extricate from
20:59 Egypt, he chased after them.
21:01 The whole nation went through a convulsion of deliverance
21:06 before they were born.
21:07 Have you noticed that there's sometimes contraction
21:09 pains before a birth?
21:11 A woman might just walk around glowing during pregnancy,
21:15 and say, Oh, this is wonderful!
21:16 But wait until the labor pains begin,
21:20 and that little baby's going to be delivered.
21:22 Sometimes there's a convulsion before deliverance.
21:26 And that's what happened often when Christ cast out devils.
21:29 You'll see that there was some physical criteria.
21:33 And when the unclean spirit had convulsed, and cried out,
21:36 and he came out with a loud voice.
21:40 He cried out with a loud voice.
21:42 He came out of him.
21:43 They were all amazed, and they questioned among themselves,
21:46 saying, What is this? what new doctrine is this?
21:49 for with authority...
21:50 Notice how we started out?
21:52 It says they were amazed at His authority.
21:54 And at the end of the experience of this exorcism it says,
21:58 For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits,
22:02 and they obey Him.
22:03 And immediately His fame spread throughout
22:05 the region of Galilee.
22:07 When you begin to tell the truth about the spiritual warfare
22:13 that is going on out there, the Devil does not want people
22:17 to take him seriously.
22:18 How many of you want the Holy Spirit,
22:21 and believe He's a real person that will move into your hearts?
22:23 If you don't have the Holy Spirit,
22:25 there's only one other alternative.
22:26 You are demon harassed, or demon possesed.
22:29 There's no neutral ground.
22:32 Well, I'm not ready for God's Spirit, and I'm not
22:35 going to let the Devil bother me.
22:36 I'm in charge of my own life.
22:37 You're kidding yourself!
22:38 You belong to the Devil.
22:39 There's only two powers in this life, if you believe the Bible.
22:47 Jesus said, If you're not with Me, you're against Me;
22:50 right along with the Devil, who's against Him.
22:53 And so I advise you to join the winning team, friends.
22:56 There's only one. You know something else we learned
23:00 from this story? When Jesus cast the Devil out of that man,
23:03 it says Christ went into the synagogue
23:06 on the Sabbath to teach.
23:07 What was that man doing there?
23:11 He must have been a church member!
23:13 Am I stretching it?
23:17 He didn't start crying out, and wigging out until Jesus
23:22 came in. Then there was a battle.
23:24 I've seen it happen before.
23:27 When I'm teaching, or preaching, it seems like it's more
23:29 predominate in some of the third world countries
23:33 where there was so much spiritualism,
23:35 and Satanic worship, that a lot of these people came out of that
23:38 lifestyle. And you start preaching the Word,
23:40 and some people are hearing the gospel, and all of a sudden
23:42 in the middle of the service, someone shrieks.
23:45 I've had it happen in Africa and India, South America.
23:48 And the pastors recognize it, and they take the person,
23:52 sometimes out into a room, and they pray over them,
23:54 and we've seen devil's just come out of people.
23:57 And the Lord sets them free.
23:59 We're more sophisticated.
24:01 We've learned how to internalize our demonic frustrations.
24:06 Frankly, I prefer it that way, but it's just as real.
24:11 People feel the battles.
24:13 I'm not fishing for an exorcism today friends.
24:16 Have I made that clear?
24:17 But I want to preach this message.
24:19 So, yeah, the Devil comes to church.
24:23 James 2:19, You believe there's one God; you do well:
24:29 even the devils believe and tremble.
24:31 Have you ever noticed that if there is anything good or holy
24:38 the Devil hates that.
24:39 The Devil hates when we sing the praises of God.
24:42 The Devil hates the Sabbath day, because it's the day
24:45 commemorated for the Lord.
24:48 And the Devil will always try to schedule his
24:53 attacks before church, because he doesn't want you
25:00 to go in the right spirit.
25:01 And you'd be surprised how many people come to church
25:04 and they're coming out of a sense of obligation
25:06 that may have nothing to do with the Spirit guiding them.
25:13 They've just been raised with a sense of obligation.
25:14 They're supposed to be here, but they're in such a bad spirit.
25:19 They've been living in sin through the week,
25:20 and they come and they're not coming because they're seeking
25:22 deliverance, they're coming because, I ought to be here.
25:24 Or, I won't ask for a show of hands, but in families getting
25:33 ready for church, the Devil loves to bring in some kind of
25:38 strife; contention between Mom and Dad, and between the kids,
25:42 and each other, and just anything that will just destroy
25:46 the atmosphere and the Spirit.
25:48 You know, that's why the Preparation Day is so important.
25:52 Because one of the most important things you could do on
25:55 the Preparation Day is to pray that God will set a hedge
25:58 of good angels about you, and protect you from these attacks.
26:02 And God will! You can enter into the Sabbath with peace,
26:04 and protection. And the Lord will shield you against those
26:08 attacks. You ought to be praying for that.
26:10 It's not just making sure you've got your casserole ready.
26:13 I mean, what good is it if you've got your casserole ready,
26:16 if your heart is just not prepared?
26:18 And so one of the best things you could do in preparation for
26:21 the Sabbath is just pray, Lord I want you to shield our family.
26:25 We want to receive the blessing you've promised in this day.
26:27 Hold back the Devil and his minions that would like to come
26:31 in and rob us of our blessing by bringing in strife,
26:34 or causing some kind of problem: the pipes will break,
26:36 the plumbing backs up, or something.
26:38 The Devil loves to do those things as you're preparing
26:42 to go to church and get a blessing.
26:43 How many of you know what I'm talking about?
26:45 Okay, so I've got a witness here that he does like to do it
26:51 just at those critical...
26:53 Or you're on your way to a Bible study,
26:54 or you want to have your morning devotions.
26:57 Sometimes I'm studying something very important, or I'm praying,
27:03 and I'll get a phone call.
27:05 Early in the morning, and I'm praying during my devotions,
27:10 and it is the most frivolous thing.
27:14 And I get off the phone and I say, That was from the Devil.
27:20 And he might have used a perfectly nice person that had
27:24 no idea that they're calling to ask me, you know,
27:28 whatever it was. I won't even say what it was,
27:31 because probably it was some of you, too.
27:33 They just brought in a distraction at a crucial moment.
27:38 It's like when the pastor is making an altar call,
27:42 and the Holy Spirit's wrestling with people.
27:44 The Devil's wrestling with those same people.
27:45 And they're praying about what to do.
27:47 And the pastor's getting ready to give a scripture,
27:49 and it's just the scripture that person needs
27:51 right at that moment.
27:52 Someone will catch a baby, a demon usually,
27:56 and it'll scream, and everybody will look.
27:59 Or you know what happens?
28:00 I remember one time I was making this alter call.
28:02 It was such an important time.
28:03 And I held my microphone down, and I pointed it at the monitor.
28:07 And it made that screaming noise.
28:10 Have you ever heard that feedback noise?
28:12 Everybody jumps out of their chairs, babies started crying,
28:15 and boy, I just lost the moment.
28:18 I mean that's one of a thousand things that devil's
28:22 concoct to try to prevent us from hearing what
28:25 the Holy Spirit is saying.
28:26 Now I know you're thinking, Pastor Doug, I had no idea
28:29 you were so superstitious.
28:30 You've known me long enough to know that I don't go around
28:35 looking for boogie men everywhere.
28:36 But I know they're there; talk about devils, evil spirits.
28:42 I know there's a war going on.
28:43 I don't even like preaching a sermon like this,
28:45 because I almost feel like I'm directing your attention
28:47 towards the negative.
28:48 But Jesus does, and you need to know it's real.
28:52 You need to be aware, because sometimes we poo poo,
28:56 and play it down so much.
28:57 We're so sophisticated we forget that we are
29:00 in a spiritual battle.
29:01 So this was the first miracle of Jesus in Mark 1
29:08 to cast out a devil.
29:10 You can also find this in Luke 4:33.
29:14 It says there was a man who had an unclean demon.
29:18 That doesn't mean the man was dirty.
29:20 The word unclean there would be like you've got
29:22 an unclean animal.
29:23 It means it was a fallen angel.
29:25 Something else we learned from just a cursory view of this
29:30 story is that sometimes devils speak through people.
29:34 Remember that devil said, What have you come to do with us?
29:39 You find this also in Luke 8:30.
29:41 Jesus asked him saying, What is your name?
29:44 And he said, Legion: because many devils had entered him.
29:47 And they begged him that he might not command them
29:50 to go out into the abyss.
29:51 And here they've having a conversation.
29:53 Now I want to pause.
29:54 Well, let me give you one more verse, and then I'll pause.
29:56 Acts 16:16, Now it happened that he, Paul, went to prayer.
30:01 When does the Devil want to bother him?
30:04 on the way to prayer.
30:06 That a certain slave girl possessed with the spirit
30:08 of divination met us, who brought much profit
30:12 to her masters by fortune telling.
30:14 And the girl followed Paul, and us, Luke is speaking,
30:18 and cried out saying, These men are servants of the
30:20 Most High God, who proclaimed the way of God.
30:22 She was just creating a diversion.
30:24 She was almost like saying, I endorse what they're doing,
30:27 so that it would give her credibility for the work
30:29 of Paul, and Luke, and the others.
30:31 And it was creating great confusion.
30:33 And Paul was going, No, we did not work together.
30:35 You are into astrology, you are spirit possessed,
30:37 you are devil possessed.
30:38 We have nothing in common in our ministries.
30:41 And, you notice, it's on his way to prayer that the Devil started
30:47 to speak through this girl.
30:48 And so he cast that devil out of her, and caused a great ruckus,
30:53 and ended up in jail for doing it.
30:54 It made the Devil very mad.
30:55 Paul and Silas got beaten because of that.
30:59 So it's not an easy thing when you take on the Devil.
31:02 Ultimately, many were converted in that city.
31:04 And you've got a book in your Bible called
31:06 the book of Philippians.
31:07 That's there because of this incident where he cast devils
31:11 out of that young girl.
31:12 But the devils were speaking through her.
31:15 Now when we talk about the devils speaking,
31:19 it doesn't necessarily mean that all of a sudden a person's going
31:24 to be talking to you, and their voice changes and gets
31:26 really weird and guttural.
31:28 If I were in here, and that would be, Oh,
31:33 that's the devil speaking.
31:34 And you've heard stories of people with these multiple
31:36 personalities, that all of a sudden the girls talk,
31:38 and all of a sudden a boy's voice comes out.
31:40 Some devil is speaking!
31:42 It was a different voice I heard.
31:44 Most of the time in the Bible when devil's speak,
31:47 It'll sound just like that person.
31:49 As a matter of fact, I've got a theory that when a person
31:53 loses their temper, and they begin to rant and rave,
31:59 they are, at least temporarily demon possessed.
32:03 And that's what it means when it says you lose your temper.
32:08 It's like you lost it, and someone else found it,
32:10 and they're using it.
32:11 An even temper means you're under control.
32:15 You lose your temper, it means someone else got control.
32:18 And a lot of people in a fit of anger, when they're out of
32:22 control, and devils have gotten a hold of their tongue,
32:25 and their mind, they say mean, cruel, biting, harsh things
32:29 to their spouse, or to their children, or to their employees,
32:34 or their boss, or whoever it might be,
32:36 and painful, ugly things.
32:39 You think, Where did that come from?
32:40 Well, it came from the Devil, but he used you.
32:42 And the Devil will use things that you've got in your mind.
32:45 Now I want to talk about that real quick, and I may go
32:48 back to the speaking part.
32:49 The Devil cannot read your mind.
32:52 But in the same way that God can place impressions in your mind,
32:56 evil spirits can put impressions in your mind.
32:57 That's what happens every time you're tempted.
32:59 Just before Sabbath, as I'm preparing for this message,
33:04 I got a letter yesterday that was a very disturbing letter.
33:09 And I thought, Doug, don't think about that.
33:13 I kept trying to figure out how to solve this problem.
33:15 And somebody was doing something terrible.
33:18 And I thought, you know, I can't deal with it now.
33:20 Sabbath's coming. I don't want to be distracted by that.
33:22 Doug don't think about it.
33:23 Get ready for the sermon.
33:24 But it kept coming back!
33:27 And every time it came back I realized, Hey look,
33:29 it's not that big a problem.
33:31 But somebody's trying to make it a big problem,
33:35 and make me think about it when I don't want to think about it.
33:38 And, you know, I finally had to pray and put it out of my mind.
33:43 And again, even today, it kept popping back into my mind.
33:46 Sometimes on your knees, you're praying, you know, and you're
33:49 talking to God, and all of a sudden this terrible thought
33:51 goes through your mind.
33:53 Lord forgive me! Why am I thinking that?
33:54 I'm on my knees praying.
33:55 This thought that no Christian should ever think,
33:58 and I'm on my knees praying!
33:59 And where did that come from?
34:02 Well, now you've got someone to blame it on.
34:04 The Devil put things in your mind trying to tempt you.
34:08 They can't read your mind.
34:10 Sometimes they can look at your expressions.
34:13 I mean even your spouse can sometimes tell what you're
34:16 thinking by body language, right?
34:18 Look at your expressions, but God and God only knows
34:23 the thoughts of men's hearts.
34:24 By the way, don't be afraid to pray out loud thinking,
34:26 I don't want the devils to hear my prayer.
34:28 Let them hear your prayers!
34:29 Many Bible heroes prayed out loud.
34:32 The Devil trembles when God's people pray.
34:33 Don't be afraid to pray out loud.
34:35 But, yeah, sometimes the devils can speak through people,
34:40 and do some ugly things.
34:44 They can cause physical reactions.
34:48 We just read a minute ago when He said, Come out of that young
34:51 man. The boy convulsed, or the young man convulsed.
34:57 When Jesus went to this father who had a boy that was possessed
35:01 with a dumb and a mute spirit.
35:03 It says sometimes the Devil had Him going into these
35:05 convulsions, and he fell into the water, and sometimes he
35:08 fell into the fire, and the Devil was trying to kill him.
35:11 And Jesus identified it was a devil.
35:13 Now I want to pause.
35:14 Pastor Doug, how do you know where to draw the line between
35:21 what we would today call a medical condition,
35:23 but for the days of Christ they used the word evil spirit.
35:27 But all they needed was a simple surgical procedure,
35:31 or some medicine, or there was a chemical imbalance.
35:33 And we know today that a pill will solve that problem.
35:36 How do you explain that?
35:39 Well, I do think that there's some people that might have
35:43 a chemical, or a physiological problem that makes it easy
35:50 for devils to manipulate them, and to torment them.
35:55 And, yes, medical treatment or medicine might take away the
36:00 advantage of the Devil to use that.
36:02 A person might have a problem with epileptic fits.
36:07 But you know something?
36:09 Even those who are struggling with epilepsy, or some kind of
36:13 convulsion, they don't know when it's going to happen.
36:15 They can't always time when will my next seizure be?
36:19 The Devil sometimes can influence those things.
36:22 Do you see what I'm saying friends?
36:24 A person might have a chemical imbalance, and it could give
36:28 them a little sense of melancholy, but the Devil
36:30 can turn that into a suicidal depression.
36:32 And so, you see what I'm saying?
36:35 There's a mixture of these things.
36:36 But just because of modern medicine and science,
36:39 it doesn't mean that the Devil doesn't know how to exploit
36:42 these things and really make it a demonic possession.
36:45 Did that make sense?
36:47 It did to me. I hope that you were able to grasp
36:51 what I'm saying there.
36:52 So sometimes it causes physical reactions.
36:56 Mark 9:26, This boy who was having these seizures, Jesus
37:01 said to the father, How long has this happened?
37:04 And later the disciples said, Why couldn't we
37:07 cast out that devil?
37:08 And Jesus said, These kind of devils don't come out except
37:11 by prayer and fasting.
37:12 Christ said it was a demonic problem.
37:15 Mark 9:26, Then the spirit cried out and convulsed him greatly,
37:19 and came out of him, and he became as one dead.
37:22 So many said, He's dead.
37:23 But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose.
37:26 There was no more problem anymore.
37:33 Well, they've got a pretty broad job description.
37:37 One thing I want you to know is that deception is one of the
37:42 top tools in their box.
37:44 They deceive about what they're doing.
37:46 They'd like to blame it on anybody or anything else.
37:49 Revelation 16:14, For they are the spirits of devils.
37:57 What is the work of demons?
37:58 The spirits of devils working miracles.
38:01 Can devils work miracles? Can they?
38:05 Can they make it appear that it's a miracle of God,
38:08 and it's really a miracle from the devil?
38:10 When Moses went before the Pharaoh and he
38:13 threw his serpent down.
38:14 No, he threw his rod down and it became a serpent.
38:16 And the Pharaoh's magicians came in and they counterfeited
38:22 the miracles of God.
38:24 The devil can do that.
38:26 The devil can make a person sick and then miraculously
38:30 appear to remove that sickness.
38:32 So someone says, Oh, that faith healer must be of God,
38:35 because look, they got better.
38:36 Well, they never would have been sick if wasn't for the devil.
38:39 He just temporarily withdrew the affliction to give the illusion
38:43 that this person has the power of healing.
38:45 So you can't even use miracles or healings as a sign
38:48 for who's really from God.
38:49 The devil can counterfeit these things.
38:51 And some people might go to a diabolical faith healer.
38:57 They'll experience some relief, and it could be genuine relief,
39:02 because Jesus said, Your faith has made you whole.
39:05 The person might go with a genuine sincere faith,
39:07 and they're healed by their own faith.
39:09 It's called the placebo effect.
39:11 And so the devil will use that to his advantage.
39:16 You remember King Saul?
39:17 1 Samuel 16:14, But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul,
39:23 and a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him.
39:26 Meaning that when God's angels, and God's Spirit withdrew their
39:30 protection, that allowed an evil spirit to come and torment him.
39:34 Saul would go through great spells of depression
39:37 where he was bordering on homicide and suicide.
39:40 And one time depressed he'd throw the spear at David.
39:43 David would come in and play soothing music for him,
39:46 and it would actually alleviate the problem,
39:49 at least temporarily, telling us that there were practical things
39:52 that a person could do to relieve the demonic harassment.
39:55 Did you get that? Listening to the right kind of music.
39:58 I think some people open themselves up to demonic
40:03 depression and influence by listening to the wrong thing.
40:07 Now we know what listening to the Word of God will do.
40:11 The opposite of that, of course, is listening to the
40:15 words of the devil.
40:16 And based on what I've seen, based on what I've heard,
40:24 boy some of that music these young people are listening to,
40:27 if you don't find the words diabolical enough,
40:30 there is such a thing as diabolical music,
40:33 even without any words, that would just put a person's mind
40:37 in a state where they're open to all kinds of evil suggestion.
40:40 And so you've got to be careful about what you listen to.
40:43 Now in a minute we're going to get some of the ways to be free
40:49 of those harassments.
40:52 I want to jump to something else.
40:54 What is the final fate of these fallen angels?
40:56 Jude, first chapter, there's only one, verse 6.
41:03 And the angels that kept not their proper domain,
41:06 the fallen angels, they left their own abode.
41:09 He is reserved in everlasting chains under darkness
41:13 for the judgment of the great day.
41:15 2 Peter 2:4 says almost the same thing.
41:19 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned,
41:22 but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains
41:25 of darkness to be reserved for judgment.
41:27 The Bible says these angels are held in this dark world
41:30 waiting their judgment.
41:32 That's why when Jesus came, many times the angel would say,
41:35 Have you come to torment us before the time?
41:36 They said to Jesus!
41:38 They know that their punishment is coming.
41:41 As a matter of fact, they're really hyperactive right now
41:44 because you can read in Revelation 12, Woe to the
41:47 inhabitants of the earth for Satan has come down unto you
41:49 having great wrath, for he knows his time is short.
41:53 And so they're kind of in a frenzy now, because they know
41:56 they're running out of time, and they just love it that the
41:59 church doesn't even act like they exist.
42:01 Because they're able to cause all kinds of problems
42:05 in churches, and all kinds of problems in families.
42:07 I think there's one devil and his specialty is pride.
42:12 So many arguments, and so much dissention is because people
42:16 have this God of pride, this tumor of pride inside of them.
42:24 There's another demon out there, probably, called lust.
42:29 The Bible talks about the lusts of the flesh,
42:32 and the lusts of the eyes.
42:34 And I think there's a demon out there that specializes
42:37 in credit cards. All different manifestations of demons
42:45 out there. What's their fate?
42:48 The Devil knows he has a short time.
42:51 John Milton, the one who wrote that book, Paradise Lost.
42:55 The strongest and fiercest spirit that fought in heaven
42:59 is now fiercer still by despair.
43:02 He knows his time is short.
43:05 Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:41, Then He will say
43:09 to those on the left hand,
43:12 There's only two people: the saved and the lost,
43:13 the blessed and the cursed.
43:22 So they share in the fate of their leader.
43:26 The devil who, and this is Revelation 20:10,
43:30 The devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire
43:34 and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are,
43:37 and they're tormented there day and night forever and ever.
43:39 Now that word day and night forever and ever indicates
43:42 that they are going to be burned up according to what
43:45 they deserve, and they never ever will exist again.
43:47 They're gone forever and ever.
43:49 And when you translate it from one language to another,
43:53 if you're wondering what happens to the devil also
43:56 happens to his angels.
43:57 Ezekiel 28:18. Therefore I will bring forth a fire from
44:01 the midst of thee, it will devour thee, and I will bring
44:05 thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all
44:07 them that behold thee.
44:08 It says, Thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt
44:11 thou be any more.
44:13 He is going be consumed, burned up, perished.
44:17 God is not going to immortalize gremlins, and boogie men,
44:21 and devils in the lake of fire.
44:24 They'll be punished, probably, more than anyone else
44:26 for what they have done.
44:28 Now I'm going to venture in the last few minutes to talk about
44:35 You know I just even enter into this subject carefully for fear
44:41 that people might misunderstand what I'm saying.
44:44 Because when I talk to you about casting out devils,
44:47 how many of you have seen ministers and pastors who claim
44:51 to have a specialty in this.
44:52 And you see it happening in churches where folks are lined
44:54 up, and just one by one they're getting hit,
44:56 and they're writhing around, and it just looks like cattle
45:01 being branded or something.
45:03 We've all got these different concepts so what does that mean?
45:06 Where you've got fourteen people holding somebody down,
45:09 and, you know, I've seen that before.
45:13 If you read about that man in Mark 5, Luke 8, often they would
45:21 bind them with shackles and chains, and he'd break them,
45:24 and he was... Keep in mind he had a whole legion of devils.
45:26 It usually doesn't happen in that way.
45:28 So it takes more than just a few words spoken over the phone.
45:35 And so what do you do to cast out devils?
45:41 How does it happen?
45:43 What does the Bible say?
45:44 Mark 1:34, Evicting demons.
45:51 He healed many who were sick with various diseases,
45:55 and cast out many demons.
45:57 Now I want to pause here for a minute.
45:58 Do you see the Bible making a distinction between a physical
46:01 sickness, and spiritual sickness? Yeah!
46:04 He healed those who were sick with various diseases,
46:07 and cast out many devils.
46:11 And He did not allow the devils to speak, because they knew Him.
46:15 I always worry about these folks that...
46:17 I've run into folks that have these exorcism ministries,
46:22 and they say, Yeah, I was talking to this devil
46:24 right here, and I identified him.
46:26 He was a devil of hay fever.
46:28 You sneeze out, you devil of hay fever.
46:30 And they start... They talk to them!
46:32 Don't! You don't want to engage the devils to talk!
46:35 I mean, Jesus said, Be quiet!
46:37 He always told them to be quiet.
46:39 Only one time He said to that one, What is your name?
46:42 And He did that for our benefit so we'd know how many
46:44 demons had possessed that man.
46:46 But He didn't want to enter into dialogue.
46:49 Even the devil, when he came to get the body of Moses,
46:52 and Michael came to resurrect Moses.
46:54 The devil said, You can't have him.
46:57 He's mine. He sinned.
46:58 And Jesus said, No, I've forgiven him. And He said...
47:01 As a matter of fact, Jesus didn't even say that.
47:03 He didn't enter into a conversation with him.
47:05 He said, The Lord rebuke thee.
47:07 And He took Moses to heaven.
47:09 So you don't want to get into a dialogue with the devil.
47:13 By the way, we're all in trouble today because Eve
47:15 got into a discussion with the devil.
47:16 And if you've heard about a silver tongued devil,
47:20 he's the one that started with it.
47:22 You don't want to think you're going to out talk him.
47:24 The only thing you want to quote to the devil is scripture,
47:27 and the name of Jesus.
47:29 Jesus said, Matthew 10:8, when He sent out the apostles.
47:36 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
47:39 cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
47:44 Mark 1:27, 28. They were all amazed, and they said,
47:50 What is this new doctrine?
47:51 For with authority He commands unclean
47:54 spirits, and they obey Him.
47:55 So who's authority do we have?
47:57 Ours? We don't have any authority.
47:59 Does He have authority?
48:00 Do you really believe that Jesus has authority over the devil?
48:03 Then if you enter into prayer with that in mind,
48:09 and you believe, you're going to see results.
48:11 Let me share this with you real quick.
48:13 Some of the principles in the Bible for casting out devils.
48:16 First of all, prepare your own heart.
48:19 If you're going to be praying for somebody that you really
48:22 believe is more than just demon harassed, and we should always
48:24 pray for each other, because we're all tempted.
48:26 Make sure that you are in a position to pray.
48:30 Ask God to forgive your sins.
48:33 Ask God to hear your prayers, not because you are righteous,
48:36 but for the sake of Christ's righteousness.
48:38 The Bible tells us, Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any
48:42 trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit
48:46 of gentleness, humbleness, considering yourself lest you
48:51 also be tempted.
48:52 You'd hate to go to someone to cast out the devil,
48:57 and you catch what they've got.
48:58 So do it in an attitude of humility.
49:02 By the way, you know why I said that?
49:05 When you enter into this activity, you want to pray,
49:12 and make sure that you're sent of God.
49:13 Acts 19:13, Some of the itinerate Jewish exorcists
49:19 took it upon themselves to call on the name of the Lord Jesus
49:23 over those who had evil spirits, saying, We will exercise you
49:27 by Jesus whom Paul preaches.
49:28 Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest,
49:33 who did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know,
49:39 and Paul I know; but who are you?
49:42 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them,
49:46 and overpowered them, and prevailed against them,
49:49 so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
49:52 You want to make sure that you know Jesus.
49:56 What did that devil say?
49:57 I know Paul, and I know Jesus, but I don't know you.
50:00 So if you're going to enter into prayer that someone else
50:03 is delivered, then you make sure you've got that relationship
50:05 with Him. 2. Pray and fast.
50:11 Point 2. You remember that father;
50:14 brought his son to Jesus.
50:16 The disciples tried to cast out the devil and they couldn't.
50:18 Don't be discouraged if you are unsuccessful.
50:22 You're in good company.
50:23 Sometimes the apostles were unsuccessful.
50:26 Don't give up. They said Lord, why couldn't we do it?
50:29 He said, This kind only comes forth by prayer and fasting.
50:34 You might have some loved ones or children that they're
50:38 addicted to drugs, or something else,
50:40 and you want them to be free.
50:42 Fast and pray for them.
50:44 Recite scripture! And I'm not doing these in the order
50:49 of priority. That might be the first one.
50:51 Use the Word. What did Jesus use when the devil tried
50:55 to tempt Him in the wilderness?
50:56 He used the Word of God.
50:58 The devil's words are what often puts the devil in people.
51:02 It's Christ's Word that expels them.
51:05 When Jesus was battling the devil over and over,
51:08 He said, It is written, it is written.
51:10 Now very simply, I believe the devil's could be cast out
51:15 today from people who are either sitting here,
51:18 who are listening, or watching through TV or tape.
51:21 They might not fall on the ground.
51:23 Their eyes may not roll back in their head.
51:25 Their veins may not stand out in their neck.
51:27 The Word of God might do it quietly.
51:30 The Word of God can set people free without
51:33 some big demonstration.
51:35 And so I think more times than not, when Jesus went out
51:39 preaching, and said, Repent for the kingdom of heaven
51:41 is at hand, casting out devils, it was the preaching
51:44 that cast out the devils.
51:45 The preaching of the Word gives people victory.
51:49 So most of the time that's how it happens.
51:52 Make sure that you're claiming the promises of God,
51:56 and citing the scripture.
51:57 Let me see here, did I read that one?
52:03 He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all
52:06 Galilee, casting out devils.
52:09 Preaching, casting out devils, Mark 1:39.
52:11 It happens through the preaching of the Word.
52:14 Pray for those who are afflicted.
52:17 I know that stands as a basic, but not only fast and pray,
52:23 but you want to be praying on an ongoing basis for them.
52:27 Mark 9:23, Jesus said, If you believe, you want to believe,
52:31 all things are possible to them who believe.
52:35 So when you're fasting and praying, believe that God
52:37 is going to set them free.
52:39 5. You might anoint them and pray.
52:44 Anointing them with oil.
52:46 The Bible is clear that some people physically sick,
52:51 if they're sick, call for the elders to come and to pray
52:54 over him. We don't always know if the sickness is purely
52:58 medical, or maybe it's a combination of medical
53:00 and spiritual. Either way oil is the symbol of what?
53:04 the Holy Spirit. Pray over them and anoint them with oil.
53:08 Now that, of course, is James 5:14, 15.
53:11 Invoke as your authority the name of Jesus.
53:14 Now I've heard pastors abuse that.
53:18 And they almost repeat the name of Jesus in an irreverent way.
53:21 We should take the name of the Son of God with reverence
53:24 upon our lips. There's examples for this in the Bible.
53:28 Paul greatly annoyed when that demon possesed girl was
53:32 following him, turned and said to the spirit, I command you
53:36 in the name of Jesus Christ...
53:38 If you want to know what to say, say what Paul said.
53:41 ...to come out of her.
53:42 And it came out of her that very hour.
53:45 So claim the name of Jesus, and the authority of Jesus.
53:48 Christ said, These signs will follow those who believe.
53:52 In My name they will cast out demons.
53:55 Again, Mark 16:17.
53:58 And then finally, point 7. repeat all of the above
54:01 as often as necessary.
54:03 Mary Magdalene, out of whom He cast seven devils,
54:08 and you read in the book, Desire of Ages, and it makes it sound
54:10 like Mary fell seven times back into her old patterns,
54:13 and Jesus had to deliver her again.
54:16 And it sounds that way.
54:19 Remember, Jesus said, Matthew 12:43, When an unclean spirit
54:25 goes out of a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest,
54:29 and he finds none.
54:30 Then he says, I'll return to my house.
54:32 I'll go check back at my old house from which I came.
54:35 And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.
54:38 Then he goes and he takes with him seven other spirits,
54:42 more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there:
54:45 and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
54:48 So shall it be with this wicked generation.
54:50 In other words, if you are praying for deliverance from
54:55 some habit, or practice, or way of life, or thinking
54:58 that you know is out of God's will, make sure that you
55:02 overcome evil with good.
55:04 Don't leave a vacuum.
55:05 If you've been reading the wrong kind of materials,
55:09 start reading the right kind of material.
55:10 If you've been... Well, I don't need to give you any more
55:15 examples do I? You get the idea?
55:17 If there's anything in your life, and you say, you know,
55:19 I need to stop this.
55:21 Replace it with something that is good.
55:23 Otherwise you just create a vacuum, and the devil comes
55:26 back and says, They're just stacked where they were
55:27 when I found them in the first place,
55:28 except the house is clean and swept.
55:30 Let's all move in! Make it worse!
55:33 And so sometimes you'll find you pray for deliverance
55:37 in some area, from the devil who's harassing you,
55:40 and you fall. Don't give up!
55:42 Get up again. You know the Bible says, A righteous man falls
55:47 seven times, and rises again.
55:49 You may have to pray many times.
55:53 Many times Jesus had to pray over his own apostles,
55:57 and they fell. But God wants to set us free.
56:00 The good news is, Greater is He that is in you,
56:04 than he that is in the world.
56:05 The way we're going to win is Ephesians 6:11, Put on the whole
56:11 armor of God. In the Word of God, in the spirit
56:15 through prayer. That's these things I'm talking about.
56:17 This is all the armor of God.
56:18 Through that we can be shielded against the
56:21 attacks of the devil.
56:22 And ultimately the Word of God, which is the sword of
56:24 the Spirit, the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
56:27 That's going to give us the power to overcome the enemy.
56:31 So friends, I just wanted to cover this with you.
56:33 This is a Biblical truth.
56:35 And, you know, if they needed this back when Jesus came
56:37 the first time, I think the church needs it as Christ
56:40 is preparing to come the second time.
56:41 The devil has come down with great wrath.
56:44 We need to know we have a very real enemy out there,
56:47 and that God has given us the tools to find victory.
56:50 He wants you to be free.
56:52 You can be free. You can do all things through Christ.
56:58 Greater is He that is in you: Christ's authority,
57:01 Christ's name. He can set you free from whatever those demonic
57:05 harassments are. And in some cases it might be that they move
57:09 into some area of your life, and He wants to set you free.


Revised 2014-12-17