It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the cross 00:00:08.87\00:00:12.47 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion 00:00:12.54\00:00:15.48 about the character of God... 00:00:15.51\00:00:17.21 And still today, the greatest need of mankind 00:00:17.24\00:00:19.75 is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of Christ. 00:00:19.82\00:00:23.95 Amazing Facts presents "The Everlasting Gospel" 00:00:24.02\00:00:26.96 with Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from 00:00:27.02\00:00:30.16 Sacramento Central Church in sunny California. 00:00:30.23\00:00:33.03 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today. 00:00:33.10\00:00:38.70 Over the last few weeks, I never really announced 00:00:38.77\00:00:42.30 anything official, but I've been doing a series 00:00:42.33\00:00:45.84 that focuses on faith and trust. 00:00:45.87\00:00:49.31 I spoke a little bit about "God said it, I believe it," 00:00:49.34\00:00:52.25 and trusting God or having faith through the storm, 00:00:52.28\00:00:56.65 and today will really be the 3rd part in this. 00:00:56.68\00:01:00.66 I expect the last part - "Adjusting Your Trusting" 00:01:00.72\00:01:05.66 would be the title for the message today. 00:01:05.73\00:01:08.13 "Adjusting Your Trusting" 00:01:08.20\00:01:10.33 Part of the reason I felt that this was a real need is 00:01:10.40\00:01:14.20 in light of all that's happening in the world, 00:01:14.27\00:01:17.14 all the transition in the country with governments, 00:01:17.17\00:01:20.81 with finances - that has been affecting so many different 00:01:20.84\00:01:24.75 lives, that I could see that people were trembling 00:01:24.78\00:01:29.15 a little bit in their faith and I want to ask you a question... 00:01:29.18\00:01:35.16 Does God ever worry? 00:01:35.19\00:01:40.30 God never worries! Does He? 00:01:40.33\00:01:42.43 Is He ever anxious? 00:01:42.50\00:01:45.17 Is He ever frightened? 00:01:45.23\00:01:47.70 The goal for a Christian is to be Christ-like. 00:01:47.73\00:01:52.71 He wants us to have that kind of faith. 00:01:52.74\00:01:56.85 You know, all of you are carrying around a letter 00:01:56.88\00:02:02.78 that talks about the trust of God - most of you. 00:02:02.81\00:02:06.46 It might be stamped on a coin, 00:02:06.49\00:02:08.79 it might be printed on a bill. 00:02:08.82\00:02:10.99 But on all American currency, there are 4 words... 00:02:11.02\00:02:15.13 You know about that... "In God we trust" 00:02:15.16\00:02:20.80 I remember one time, I was preaching early 00:02:20.83\00:02:25.01 in evangelism and I said, "You know, our founding 00:02:25.07\00:02:27.21 fathers believed that we should have faith in God, 00:02:27.24\00:02:29.41 and that's why they put it on our currency. 00:02:29.48\00:02:31.21 I later found out it wasn't on the original currency. 00:02:31.28\00:02:34.42 This actually didn't happen until the Civil War. 00:02:34.45\00:02:37.95 And during the time of the Civil War, 00:02:37.98\00:02:39.89 a lot of people were apprehensive about, you know, 00:02:39.92\00:02:42.49 would this country survive, and they wrote a number of 00:02:42.52\00:02:44.83 letters to the treasury... 00:02:44.89\00:02:45.96 Don't forget, the South started printing their own money, 00:02:46.03\00:02:49.10 and they wrote a number of letters to the treasury 00:02:49.16\00:02:51.70 stating - "Maybe there should be something in our national 00:02:51.77\00:02:54.10 motto about dependence on God, or faith in God, or trust in God 00:02:54.13\00:02:57.24 And they assembled these letters and eventually, 00:02:58.11\00:03:00.91 they said, through an act of congress, 00:03:00.94\00:03:02.51 "We really ought to stamp it on our currency," 00:03:02.54\00:03:05.98 and they began with - who know what currency first 00:03:06.05\00:03:08.72 received the words, "In God we trust?" 00:03:08.75\00:03:10.72 It doesn't exist anymore! 00:03:10.79\00:03:16.39 It was a 2 cent piece. 00:03:16.46\00:03:19.79 I didn't even know we had a 2 cent piece. 00:03:19.82\00:03:23.06 And, it was 1864- I don't know whose head was on it, 00:03:23.09\00:03:27.60 but then gradually then began to add it - it took years, 00:03:27.67\00:03:32.67 to other pieces of currency; then it was on the silver 00:03:32.70\00:03:36.48 certificates back in the days of Roosevelt. 00:03:36.51\00:03:38.41 Finally, all of the currency had the motto - "In God we Trust" 00:03:38.44\00:03:41.82 by 1957- that's when I was born, 00:03:41.85\00:03:45.02 and ever since then, it's been there. 00:03:45.05\00:03:47.56 Now it's amazing to me it's still there - 00:03:47.59\00:03:50.49 because when you consider that we got courts today 00:03:50.52\00:03:52.76 that are saying take "under God" out of the pledge, 00:03:52.79\00:03:56.57 and it seems like there's an attack on everything that 00:03:56.60\00:04:00.24 has any religious overtone, that I'm surprised 00:04:00.27\00:04:03.97 there hasn't been some undercurrent or some 00:04:04.00\00:04:09.18 liberal group that's been campaigning to have 00:04:09.21\00:04:11.71 "In God we trust" removed from all of our currency. 00:04:11.78\00:04:14.92 I think it's interesting that it's still there. 00:04:14.95\00:04:17.39 Of course that depends on what god they're talking about... 00:04:17.45\00:04:20.52 Some people think that the god we're trusting in is money! 00:04:20.55\00:04:25.53 And with that interpretation, 00:04:25.56\00:04:26.80 a lot of people have no problem with it. 00:04:26.83\00:04:29.13 So what is the god that they trust in? 00:04:29.16\00:04:32.87 You know, today, there is a trend in government... 00:04:32.90\00:04:35.00 As-a-matter-of-fact, I'd like to read a quote from 00:04:35.03\00:04:36.54 Stacy Woods - "The trend of government is to protect us 00:04:36.57\00:04:40.14 with laws from the cradle to the grave - providing all kinds 00:04:40.21\00:04:43.68 of insurances - health, old age, education, unemployment, 00:04:43.71\00:04:47.22 fire, earthquake, hurricane. 00:04:47.25\00:04:49.42 These safeguards can very easily become a serious 00:04:49.45\00:04:52.62 hindrance to our complete trust in God. 00:04:52.65\00:04:55.76 Undoubtedly, if our debts are paid and our refrigerator 00:04:55.82\00:04:59.49 is full, if we have money in the bank, 00:04:59.52\00:05:01.56 we have a tendency to feel secure in ourselves 00:05:01.59\00:05:04.63 and sense our need of God less... 00:05:04.66\00:05:07.30 Herein lies the danger - I like the last part here... 00:05:07.33\00:05:11.84 Our greatest need is to feel 00:05:11.91\00:05:14.78 that our greatest need is God every hour." 00:05:14.81\00:05:18.98 Our greatest need is to never cease to feel 00:05:19.01\00:05:23.12 that God is our greatest need. 00:05:23.15\00:05:26.66 And there's a danger that we could fall into the trap 00:05:26.69\00:05:30.79 ... Jesus talks about the rich man - are more susceptible, 00:05:30.82\00:05:34.60 where we feel sufficient, rich and increased with goods, 00:05:34.66\00:05:38.87 and don't recognize how much we need God every moment. 00:05:38.90\00:05:43.54 If every earthly need is supplied, 00:05:43.61\00:05:46.47 you could get to the place where you cease 00:05:46.54\00:05:47.94 to feel your trust in God. 00:05:47.97\00:05:49.81 God warned the children of Israel - this was a danger. 00:05:49.84\00:05:53.48 Moses told them, before they entered the Promised Land 00:05:53.55\00:05:56.02 ... keep in mind, they were conquering cities 00:05:56.08\00:06:00.89 of the Canaanites that already were there, 00:06:00.92\00:06:03.29 they had their cities; they had their houses built; 00:06:03.32\00:06:05.63 they had their wells and their farms and their vineyards, 00:06:05.69\00:06:08.36 and they were going to basically chase them out, 00:06:08.43\00:06:11.17 take possession of what they had... 00:06:11.23\00:06:12.90 And Moses said, "Be careful, beware, when you enter in to 00:06:12.93\00:06:20.18 houses and enjoy them, that you did not build, 00:06:20.21\00:06:24.25 and you eat from vineyards and farms that you 00:06:24.28\00:06:26.58 did not plant, and you drink from wells 00:06:26.65\00:06:29.52 that you did not dig, that you become self-satisfied, 00:06:29.58\00:06:35.39 and you forget the Lord." 00:06:35.46\00:06:36.59 Meaning - You don't recognize your dependence on God 00:06:36.66\00:06:39.86 on a daily basis. 00:06:39.93\00:06:41.53 Going through the wilderness, they realized how much 00:06:41.60\00:06:43.67 they had to trust God. 00:06:43.70\00:06:45.47 He provided their bread every morning! 00:06:45.50\00:06:48.40 You know, when you and I say "Give us this day 00:06:48.47\00:06:50.81 our daily bread," it's sort of a prayer that 00:06:50.87\00:06:52.94 we utter by rote. 00:06:52.97\00:06:54.48 When the children of Israel were going out 00:06:54.54\00:06:56.54 in the wilderness every day - because they knew 00:06:56.57\00:06:59.68 there was none on Sabbath, but 6 days a week, 00:06:59.75\00:07:02.28 they would see a miracle of bread! 00:07:02.31\00:07:04.09 They didn't have a pantry in the wilderness where all those 00:07:04.12\00:07:07.49 loaves were stacked on a shelf. 00:07:07.56\00:07:09.89 They had to trust God every day to provide their bread. 00:07:09.92\00:07:14.63 It really shouldn't be different for you and me. 00:07:14.66\00:07:18.17 We ought to have that same sense of dependence 00:07:18.20\00:07:20.44 every day - because you realize 00:07:20.47\00:07:21.64 you could lose it all in one day. 00:07:21.70\00:07:24.24 Whatever you have that's giving you security, 00:07:24.27\00:07:26.04 you feel secure about your health? 00:07:26.07\00:07:28.18 Because you have a good health medical plan? 00:07:28.24\00:07:31.11 Or maybe you feel secure about your health because 00:07:31.18\00:07:32.98 the doctor gave you a good report? 00:07:33.01\00:07:35.12 How long do you think that's going to last? 00:07:35.18\00:07:37.79 Live long enough and it won't last! 00:07:37.85\00:07:40.19 Or maybe you feel secure because, you know, 00:07:40.26\00:07:44.66 you house is insured and it's paid for! 00:07:44.69\00:07:48.00 No payments - praise the Lord! 00:07:48.03\00:07:52.00 You could lose it all in one day! 00:07:52.07\00:07:55.14 You might feel secure because your family is 00:07:55.17\00:07:57.01 all employed and healthy and you're all getting along. 00:07:57.07\00:08:00.74 Job is there in the Bible to remind us that 00:08:00.77\00:08:04.15 every earthly support can be withdrawn in one day. 00:08:04.21\00:08:09.48 Will you still trust God then? 00:08:09.51\00:08:11.75 Will you say with Job - "Though He slay me, 00:08:11.78\00:08:15.16 yet will I trust Him." 00:08:15.22\00:08:17.23 Or when all the earthly props are gone, 00:08:17.26\00:08:19.36 will you lose your trust? 00:08:19.43\00:08:22.03 Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, 00:08:22.10\00:08:28.37 lean not to your own understanding... 00:08:28.40\00:08:32.77 When things go well, when they don't - trust in the Lord. 00:08:32.80\00:08:36.91 In all your ways, acknowledge Him... 00:08:36.94\00:08:40.18 It doesn't mean in just what you think, 00:08:40.21\00:08:43.58 it means the direction of your life - acknowledge God 00:08:43.65\00:08:46.32 with the way you live... 00:08:46.35\00:08:48.19 And the promise is - He will direct your path. 00:08:48.22\00:08:51.26 That doesn't promise the paths will never have thorns 00:08:51.29\00:08:53.86 or ditches or rocks or will never be slippery 00:08:53.93\00:08:56.73 or any problems, but you trust in the Lord with all your heart 00:08:56.80\00:08:59.27 and He'll direct your path. 00:08:59.33\00:09:04.14 I was playing racquetball with a friend, 00:09:04.17\00:09:06.61 oh, it's actually been a couple of years ago, 00:09:06.64\00:09:09.41 and he had a new pair of tennis shoes. 00:09:09.48\00:09:12.41 I said, "Those are nice!" 00:09:12.44\00:09:14.02 He said, "Yeah, I bought them on the internet." 00:09:14.08\00:09:16.22 And I thought, "You're kidding." 00:09:16.28\00:09:18.02 I said, "You ordered shoes on the internet?" 00:09:18.09\00:09:20.82 "Yeah, I got a great deal!" 00:09:20.89\00:09:22.82 I said, "I could never buy shoes on the internet." 00:09:22.85\00:09:26.63 Maybe some of you have, but for me, 00:09:26.69\00:09:29.90 before I buy shoes, I gotta put my foot in them 00:09:29.93\00:09:33.63 and walk around a little bit. 00:09:33.66\00:09:36.37 Anyone else like that? 00:09:36.40\00:09:39.04 I'm going to want to rest my weight down on them. 00:09:39.07\00:09:43.78 I'm going to want to feel, because you get the wrong 00:09:43.81\00:09:46.45 pair of shoes - everyone's feet are a little bit weird, right? 00:09:46.51\00:09:49.98 There are no 2 feet in here that are the same. 00:09:50.05\00:09:54.12 And it's amazing to me that shoe companies are able 00:09:54.19\00:09:56.32 to find shoes that fit all of our unusual feet. 00:09:56.35\00:09:59.93 I got flat feet - I mean, it's like a duck! 00:09:59.99\00:10:04.67 And so I'm not going to buy my shoes on an internet. 00:10:04.73\00:10:08.20 I want to feel them and, you know, 00:10:08.23\00:10:13.01 sometimes that's the way it is in walking with God. 00:10:13.07\00:10:16.81 You gotta get your feet in it and experience what it means 00:10:16.84\00:10:21.28 to trust Him. 00:10:21.31\00:10:22.48 For a lot of us, we're trying to download our trust in God. 00:10:22.51\00:10:27.36 It's all cerebral - you're not really putting your feet in it, 00:10:27.39\00:10:31.69 and walking around and experiencing it. 00:10:31.76\00:10:34.70 Sometimes the only way that happens is you go through trials 00:10:34.73\00:10:38.57 You feel some want or depravation and then you 00:10:38.63\00:10:41.50 know what it means to trust in God. 00:10:41.57\00:10:43.70 The word "trust" is defined by Webster's: 00:10:43.73\00:10:47.71 That's a simple definition for "trust." 00:10:57.72\00:11:00.39 Now you've probably heard this before... 00:11:00.45\00:11:02.52 It's an Amazing Fact that has circulated around... 00:11:02.55\00:11:05.93 It deals with the central verse in the Bible... 00:11:05.96\00:11:11.00 Who knows what the shortest verse is in the Bible? 00:11:11.03\00:11:16.47 I'm sorry - shortest chapter. 00:11:16.54\00:11:19.34 You're right, "Jesus wept" is the shortness verse in English. 00:11:19.37\00:11:23.48 The shortness verse in the original language is 00:11:23.51\00:11:25.95 "Rejoice evermore." Did you know that? 00:11:25.98\00:11:29.28 It translates differently. 00:11:29.31\00:11:30.95 The shortness chapter in the Bible - Psalm 117 00:11:30.98\00:11:35.02 Who knows the longest chapter in the Bible? 00:11:35.05\00:11:38.29 Psalm 119- I heard someone that memorized all that... 00:11:38.36\00:11:44.03 What's between Psalm 117 and Psalm 119? 00:11:44.10\00:11:49.77 Am I going too fast for ya? ... Psalm 118 00:11:49.80\00:11:55.11 There are 594 chapters before Psalm 118. 00:11:55.14\00:12:00.31 There are 594 chapters after Psalm 118. 00:12:00.34\00:12:06.39 What is the central verse in the Bible? 00:12:06.45\00:12:08.92 It's found in Psalm 118:8 and here's what it is. 00:12:08.99\00:12:13.46 Now that verse is an interesting verse for the central verse 00:12:19.73\00:12:23.40 in the Bible because the verse forms a cross. 00:12:23.47\00:12:26.01 It makes a contrast between "better to trust this way, 00:12:26.07\00:12:31.28 than to trust this way" which is really 00:12:31.31\00:12:34.22 the 2 great principles of the Bible; 00:12:34.25\00:12:35.95 "Love the Lord with all your heart - 00:12:35.98\00:12:37.62 Love your neighbor - I look like the pope, don't I? 00:12:37.69\00:12:40.29 "Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor" 00:12:40.32\00:12:43.96 It's talking about the vertical love relationship, 00:12:44.03\00:12:46.29 and a horizontal love relationship, 00:12:46.36\00:12:49.10 and right in the middle of the Bible, you've got that 00:12:49.13\00:12:51.77 intersection that says, "Don't trust in man, trust in God" 00:12:51.80\00:12:57.44 That doesn't mean there's nobody you can trust, 00:12:57.47\00:13:00.44 but there's a lot of warning in the Bible about 00:13:00.51\00:13:02.18 putting your trust in princes, don't do it. 00:13:02.24\00:13:05.65 "The breath goes forth and he returns to the dust, 00:13:05.68\00:13:07.72 in that very day, his thoughts perish." 00:13:07.78\00:13:10.18 And right now, what all the governments are doing - 00:13:10.25\00:13:13.19 in California with our budget fiasco, 00:13:13.22\00:13:15.59 and with the nation at large and we're all kind of 00:13:15.66\00:13:18.53 looking to the government to save us, aren't we? 00:13:18.56\00:13:22.13 The Bible warns us about that kind of trust. 00:13:22.20\00:13:24.47 It says, "Don't think that that's going to be your 00:13:24.53\00:13:26.07 solution - this is the only trust that is going to be 00:13:26.10\00:13:29.20 your solution. 00:13:29.27\00:13:30.67 Is your life centered in that central verse - 00:13:30.70\00:13:33.67 of trusting God with all of your heart. 00:13:33.70\00:13:36.21 You know, I thought it was interesting... 00:13:36.24\00:13:37.34 You've heard of "John Huss," the great reformer... 00:13:37.37\00:13:40.75 He was going to be tried for his teachings. 00:13:40.82\00:13:44.55 So the king of Bohemia and the king of Italy 00:13:44.58\00:13:47.02 gave him a guarantee of safety if he would come to the trial, 00:13:47.05\00:13:51.49 he'd be escorted to the trial, escorted home, 00:13:51.52\00:13:54.70 nothing would befall him - 00:13:54.76\00:13:56.10 They called it a "safe conduct." They lied... 00:13:56.13\00:13:59.83 They arrested him, burned him at the stake. 00:13:59.86\00:14:04.77 Maybe you've heard about another martyr, 00:14:04.80\00:14:06.84 "Thomas Wentworth" 00:14:06.87\00:14:08.38 He carried a document signed by King Charles I 00:14:08.41\00:14:11.62 and here's what it said... 00:14:11.65\00:14:12.81 "Upon the word of a king, you will not suffer 00:14:12.85\00:14:16.92 in life, honor or fortune if you come to this trial." 00:14:16.98\00:14:22.72 Shortly afterward, his death warrant was 00:14:22.75\00:14:25.26 signed by the same monarch. 00:14:25.29\00:14:26.79 The last words of Thomas Wentworth were, 00:14:26.86\00:14:30.06 "Put not your trust in princes." 00:14:30.13\00:14:34.80 Gotta be careful about thinking 00:14:34.87\00:14:36.40 that "we're going to be rescued by the government." 00:14:36.43\00:14:38.87 Oh it might help and I'm not trying to take a 00:14:38.90\00:14:42.01 political position here on this stimulus package 00:14:42.08\00:14:44.55 and what's going to go - I don't know, 00:14:44.61\00:14:45.88 I'm not an economist. 00:14:45.95\00:14:47.28 I'm just telling you, I hope that's not where your trust is. 00:14:47.31\00:14:52.35 Things are going to go up and down... 00:14:52.38\00:14:55.16 A lot of folks are writing me letters saying, "Pastor Doug, 00:14:55.22\00:14:57.83 Is this economic crisis the end of the world?" 00:14:57.86\00:15:02.63 My answer is - No. 00:15:02.70\00:15:05.57 The way I read my Bible, Jesus said, 00:15:05.60\00:15:08.10 "As it was in the days of Lot" 00:15:08.13\00:15:10.50 seems like the economy was booming. 00:15:10.53\00:15:12.91 As it was in the days of Noah, Jesus specifically says, 00:15:12.97\00:15:15.84 "They were building, eating, drinking, marrying - 00:15:15.91\00:15:20.18 life was going on as normal. 00:15:20.25\00:15:22.45 "In such a day as you think not, the son of man comes," 00:15:22.48\00:15:25.92 that's was Jesus said. 00:15:25.95\00:15:27.72 So, it's going to be when people are saying, 00:15:27.79\00:15:30.79 "Peace, peace, then sudden destruction comes." 00:15:30.86\00:15:35.13 That's when we especially need to be alert. 00:15:35.16\00:15:38.73 We gotta trust God - that He's going to do things 00:15:38.76\00:15:42.34 when He's ready. 00:15:42.37\00:15:43.60 Trust the timing of God, not only in the scope of 00:15:43.63\00:15:47.14 prophecy in the world, but you need to trust 00:15:47.21\00:15:49.41 His timing in your life. 00:15:49.44\00:15:51.55 Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful 00:15:51.61\00:15:57.15 in His time." 00:15:57.22\00:15:59.09 There's a time for every purpose under heaven. 00:15:59.12\00:16:01.56 We need to trust God's timing in our life. 00:16:01.59\00:16:03.69 Sometimes we wonder why we're going through 00:16:03.72\00:16:05.96 certain crises or there's a delay in our life, 00:16:06.03\00:16:10.10 or maybe we haven't found that mate that we're looking for, 00:16:10.13\00:16:12.97 or that job that we're looking for and we wonder why God 00:16:13.03\00:16:15.77 has us in a holding pattern. 00:16:15.84\00:16:18.04 You "Trust the Lord with all your heart, 00:16:18.07\00:16:20.31 lean not to your own understanding," 00:16:20.34\00:16:21.78 and part of that means trusting His timing. 00:16:21.84\00:16:23.84 Do what lies closest at hand with all of your might. 00:16:23.87\00:16:27.38 Be faithful in the work that God has put right in front of you, 00:16:27.41\00:16:32.32 and if you can't think of anything right in front of you, 00:16:32.39\00:16:34.86 then volunteer, we'll provide something 00:16:34.92\00:16:36.52 for you at "Amazing Facts." 00:16:36.59\00:16:38.93 But do something and pray that God will 00:16:38.99\00:16:41.86 tell you what He wants you to do with His timing. 00:16:41.89\00:16:44.73 Trust His timing. 00:16:44.76\00:16:46.00 I heard about a town that was in Denver, Pennsylvania... 00:16:46.03\00:16:50.00 They had this big hat factory there that thousands of people, 00:16:50.03\00:16:53.14 I guess, were employed and, for many years, it was 00:16:53.17\00:16:57.21 there for generations. 00:16:57.28\00:16:58.75 Everybody within 5 miles of this hat factory 00:16:58.78\00:17:02.35 ran their lives based on the siren that they would hear 00:17:02.42\00:17:04.89 come from the factory. 00:17:04.92\00:17:07.22 The siren would first sound 5:30 in the morning; 00:17:07.25\00:17:09.69 people would typically wake up, there would be another siren 00:17:09.76\00:17:11.83 when work started; there would be another siren 00:17:11.89\00:17:13.96 during lunchtime, during closing time, and finally 00:17:14.03\00:17:17.50 after generations of this watchman, the security guy 00:17:17.53\00:17:23.64 pulling the siren, they retired him and they put in a more 00:17:23.67\00:17:27.17 sophisticated system to announce what the different times were, 00:17:27.24\00:17:30.91 and people in the community no longer could hear 00:17:30.98\00:17:33.18 the siren going off and it kind of threw everybody out! 00:17:33.25\00:17:36.52 Someone asked the old watchman one day... 00:17:36.58\00:17:38.65 They said, "Exactly what did you use before you knew 00:17:38.68\00:17:42.86 to pull the siren?" 00:17:42.92\00:17:45.73 And he pulled a Mickey Mouse watch out of his pocket. 00:17:45.76\00:17:49.86 Said - "I used this!" What? 00:17:49.89\00:17:53.00 The whole town, for years, was being guided, 00:17:53.07\00:17:57.00 the schedule of everybody within 5 miles of this factory 00:17:57.03\00:18:00.01 was being guided by a Mickey Mouse watch! 00:18:00.04\00:18:04.95 You can't trust the timing of the world. 00:18:04.98\00:18:07.28 You need to trust the timing of God. 00:18:07.35\00:18:10.82 Trust Him with your burdens. 00:18:10.85\00:18:15.42 I remember hearing a story, many years ago, 00:18:15.49\00:18:18.03 they would have these county fairs, 00:18:18.06\00:18:20.29 and sometimes part of the county fair, when aviation was still 00:18:20.36\00:18:23.70 young, they would offer people plane rides. 00:18:23.76\00:18:27.63 You've probably heard about the barnstormers. 00:18:27.70\00:18:29.77 Those were the guys that used to do the tricks, 00:18:29.84\00:18:31.64 and they'd fly their plane through a barn, 00:18:31.67\00:18:34.78 the opened doors of a barn! 00:18:34.84\00:18:36.64 You'd want to make sure both sides of the barn were open! 00:18:36.67\00:18:40.71 And, sometimes they'd just take people up and fly them 00:18:40.78\00:18:43.98 around and it turned out that grandma had her 75th birthday 00:18:44.05\00:18:48.72 during the county fair and the family all got her there 00:18:48.75\00:18:51.53 and they said, "Grandma, you gotta go for a plane ride." 00:18:51.56\00:18:54.66 "You need to see the town where you've lived all your life 00:18:54.69\00:18:57.40 from the air." 00:18:57.43\00:18:58.53 And she was real apprehensive about getting in one of these 00:18:58.60\00:19:01.40 strange-fangled inventions and they persuaded her, 00:19:01.43\00:19:05.47 and grandma climbed in... she was a little rotund, 00:19:05.50\00:19:08.48 so it took some work and they pried her into the seat 00:19:08.54\00:19:10.28 behind the pilot and he took her around, buzzed her, 00:19:10.34\00:19:13.55 and he showed her the place where she lived and the school 00:19:13.61\00:19:15.35 she used to attend and where the farm was, 00:19:15.42\00:19:17.35 and pretty soon they landed and all the family 00:19:17.38\00:19:19.15 gathered around and said, "Grandma, how did you enjoy it?" 00:19:19.18\00:19:22.42 "Were you scared?" 00:19:22.49\00:19:23.96 She said, "No, I wasn't scared. I want you to know, 00:19:23.99\00:19:26.83 I didn't put my full weight down." 00:19:26.89\00:19:32.23 Well she did whether she liked it or not, 00:19:32.26\00:19:34.23 but she never really felt like she did. 00:19:34.26\00:19:36.64 And the question is... 00:19:36.70\00:19:38.51 Can you put your full weight down on God's promises? 00:19:38.54\00:19:43.51 Do you trust Him completely? 00:19:43.58\00:19:46.78 Like the story of the tourist there - exploring too close 00:19:46.81\00:19:53.85 to the edge of the Grand Cannon and he slipped and began to 00:19:53.88\00:19:56.52 tumble over the side and he went down a little ways 00:19:56.55\00:19:59.93 and just managed to get a hold of piece of sagebrush 00:19:59.99\00:20:02.80 sticking out of the cliff wall and he's hanging there 00:20:02.83\00:20:06.67 and he shouts up above the cliff and he says, 00:20:06.73\00:20:09.34 "Is there anybody up there?" 00:20:09.37\00:20:10.94 "Help, help - is there anyone up there?" 00:20:11.00\00:20:12.74 And pretty soon there came this resonating voice, 00:20:12.77\00:20:14.74 "I am here my child." "Help me!" 00:20:14.81\00:20:18.08 "It is I who can help you, do you trust me?" 00:20:18.11\00:20:20.01 "I trust you." "Do you trust me completely?" 00:20:20.04\00:20:22.82 "I trust you!" 00:20:22.88\00:20:24.42 "Let go of the bush." There was a long pause. 00:20:24.48\00:20:28.89 Pretty soon, he said, "Is there anyone else up there?" 00:20:28.92\00:20:34.36 That's how we are sometimes. 00:20:34.43\00:20:36.23 "I trust you, Lord!" 00:20:36.30\00:20:37.50 And He said, "Let go." 00:20:37.53\00:20:39.57 And we're not always so easy or ready 00:20:39.63\00:20:42.84 to put our full weight down. 00:20:42.87\00:20:45.04 I know that at the Batchelor cabin up in the hills, 00:20:45.07\00:20:49.71 we have been building a tree house for 20 years... it's true. 00:20:49.74\00:20:56.45 Actually building 2 of them and neither of them are done. 00:20:56.48\00:21:00.85 And it's sort of a bonding thing - I'll go out there 00:21:00.88\00:21:04.52 with the boys and this goes back to the first liter of kids, 00:21:04.55\00:21:07.46 just so you understand... and we'd nail some stairs 00:21:07.53\00:21:11.06 up there and it got to where it's pretty high. 00:21:11.13\00:21:15.20 As-a-matter-of-fact, the one behind the house now has 00:21:15.23\00:21:16.80 got like 3 stories... of course the floors are 00:21:16.83\00:21:18.87 not much bigger than this. 00:21:18.94\00:21:20.74 They're pretty small but it goes up and you get up there 00:21:20.77\00:21:22.81 pretty high - you fall and you're going to get hurt. 00:21:22.88\00:21:25.15 We got a rope swing; we got a tire swing. 00:21:25.21\00:21:30.02 It's pretty neat - little tip... 00:21:30.05\00:21:31.69 Take an old tire, turn it inside out - it's hard to do. 00:21:31.72\00:21:35.36 You cut half of the tire away leaving the cables there, 00:21:35.42\00:21:39.43 and it makes a seat you can sit in - very strong. 00:21:39.49\00:21:43.63 And I hung that by a chain wrapped around this oak tree 00:21:43.70\00:21:48.10 that swings out over a hill, so when it goes out 00:21:48.13\00:21:50.70 to the high end of the arch, 00:21:50.73\00:21:52.71 it's at least 50 feet off the ground... 00:21:52.77\00:21:55.98 And if a kid - if the rope should break 00:21:56.01\00:21:58.85 during that part of the arch, you'd go flying a long ways 00:21:58.91\00:22:02.52 because you're over a hill. 00:22:02.55\00:22:04.45 And so when I first put it up, I said to the boys, 00:22:04.52\00:22:08.12 "All right, who wants to go swinging?" 00:22:08.15\00:22:09.66 And they looked at it and they looked at the rope, 00:22:09.72\00:22:12.33 and they looked at me and said, "Why don't you show us, dad?" 00:22:12.36\00:22:18.13 Because, you know, their math isn't perfect, 00:22:18.16\00:22:20.73 but they knew I weighed more than they did. 00:22:20.80\00:22:22.94 And so they figured, "If it can hold you, 00:22:22.97\00:22:26.87 it might be able to hold us." 00:22:26.94\00:22:29.28 And so I said, "Aw, no problem guys." 00:22:29.31\00:22:31.41 So I get in the swing and I'd swing back and forth, 00:22:31.48\00:22:33.41 and I'd go like that and I'd put my weight down, 00:22:33.48\00:22:34.95 and after I did that a few times, 00:22:35.02\00:22:36.15 then they were ready to get in it. 00:22:36.22\00:22:37.95 But first, they wanted to see me get in it. 00:22:37.98\00:22:40.82 And when I nailed those steps going up the tree, 00:22:40.85\00:22:43.69 I said, "Okay, go on guys," 00:22:43.76\00:22:47.76 "Why don't you go up there, dad." 00:22:47.79\00:22:49.43 Because I know that 3 nails in an oak tree is going to hold me. 00:22:49.50\00:22:55.50 You know - the 2 x 4, so I'd climb up and I'd 00:22:55.53\00:22:58.44 climb back down and then you'd see them - pretty soon, 00:22:58.47\00:23:00.57 they'd start inching up, but they always felt a 00:23:00.60\00:23:03.58 little more secure if they'd see me jumping around 00:23:03.64\00:23:06.31 on the tree house or on the steps that if it would hold me, 00:23:06.34\00:23:09.38 and I weighed twice what they weighed when they were young, 00:23:09.41\00:23:11.58 it would hold them. 00:23:11.61\00:23:14.12 Now as time goes by, since that tree house is so old, 00:23:14.15\00:23:17.12 my doubts are growing also about it and I wonder 00:23:17.15\00:23:21.59 sometimes how long the rope is going to hold. 00:23:21.66\00:23:23.46 But still, the point remains that Jesus has come 00:23:23.53\00:23:27.73 into this world before us and He said, 00:23:27.76\00:23:30.20 "Look, I'm here not only to die for your sins, 00:23:30.23\00:23:32.67 I'm here to be an example for you. 00:23:32.70\00:23:34.74 I'm going to live My life as a man, not using any power 00:23:34.77\00:23:40.28 that is unavailable to you in the same way you see the 00:23:40.31\00:23:44.68 promises of the Father sustain Me, 00:23:44.71\00:23:47.69 My promises will sustain you." 00:23:47.75\00:23:50.82 And if the promises of God can hold My weight, 00:23:50.89\00:23:53.96 they can hold your weight. 00:23:53.99\00:23:56.23 And so, He has gone out before us to try to give us 00:23:56.26\00:23:59.43 courage that we can let our weight down. 00:23:59.46\00:24:01.97 We can trust Him, He will not disappoint us, Amen? 00:24:02.00\00:24:07.71 You know, I don't know if you've ever gone water skiing, 00:24:07.77\00:24:13.38 but one of the ideas of water skiing is you normally 00:24:13.45\00:24:18.72 cannot stand on the water on a ski standing still, 00:24:18.79\00:24:24.46 you've got to be moving. 00:24:24.49\00:24:26.53 And, the first water skis that came out... 00:24:26.59\00:24:29.73 I don't know if any of you remember when you went 00:24:29.80\00:24:31.93 skiing 40 years ago - they had these big 00:24:31.96\00:24:33.47 Cypress Garden water skis and they were about that wide 00:24:33.50\00:24:36.47 and you had 2 of them. 00:24:36.50\00:24:38.00 It was like you had patio doors on your feet, 00:24:38.14\00:24:41.34 great big skis because the boats weren't very powerful 00:24:41.41\00:24:44.21 in order to get up, they couldn't pull you that fast. 00:24:44.28\00:24:46.75 Then the skis got slimmer and then some day, one guy wanted 00:24:46.81\00:24:49.88 to show off and he learned how to slalom ski, 00:24:49.91\00:24:52.29 and then pretty soon, they were barefoot skiing 00:24:52.32\00:24:54.35 with 2 feet and then eventually, some guys got out there 00:24:54.38\00:24:56.69 and they barefoot with one foot in the water and one up. 00:24:56.76\00:25:00.09 You ever seen this before? 00:25:00.12\00:25:02.30 Well I wanted to try all that and I remember 00:25:02.36\00:25:06.43 the first time I got up on skis, my father had me 00:25:06.46\00:25:10.97 stand on the front of his skis. 00:25:11.04\00:25:14.17 I learned to water ski before I even learned to read. 00:25:14.24\00:25:17.38 I mean cause my dad lived on the water, 00:25:17.41\00:25:18.85 I don't remember not knowing how to water ski, 00:25:18.88\00:25:20.71 to tell you the truth, because we lived at the water, 00:25:20.78\00:25:22.98 it just happened early... 00:25:23.05\00:25:24.45 But he'd stand me on the front of his skis and I'd get up, 00:25:24.48\00:25:26.79 and you'd get the feel of it. 00:25:26.82\00:25:28.19 Then eventually they put me in the skis and, you know, 00:25:28.22\00:25:31.19 you do a lot of faceplants before you finally... 00:25:31.22\00:25:33.53 and you drink a lot of water before you finally 00:25:33.56\00:25:36.80 figure out how to get up on 2 skis and then eventually 00:25:36.83\00:25:40.60 he said, "Now you gotta learn to slalom ski." 00:25:40.63\00:25:42.74 And the boat would go a little faster and you'd pick up one 00:25:42.77\00:25:46.21 foot and you'd see what it felt like and eventually 00:25:46.24\00:25:48.07 you'd drop a ski and you'd get your foot behind it. 00:25:48.14\00:25:50.34 Any know what I'm talking about? You've done this before... 00:25:50.41\00:25:53.21 And then I wanted to try barefoot skiing. 00:25:53.24\00:25:55.82 And barefoot is you're up there slaloming, 00:25:55.85\00:25:58.15 and you go even faster still because, even though I 00:25:58.18\00:26:00.55 got big feet, you still your foot is not nearly as 00:26:00.58\00:26:02.76 big as a ski - it's got to hold you up. 00:26:02.82\00:26:04.69 So you're, at this point, going 40 miles an hour, 00:26:04.72\00:26:07.36 and now you've got to put down your weight, 00:26:07.39\00:26:10.10 and you put down one foot and you put the other. 00:26:10.13\00:26:11.63 The problem is, the faster you go, if you fall, 00:26:11.70\00:26:15.44 the farther you bounce and the more it hurts. 00:26:15.47\00:26:18.37 Now I said all of that to say this... 00:26:18.40\00:26:22.04 Your trust grows in life. 00:26:22.07\00:26:25.71 It starts small and you learn it from your parents. 00:26:25.74\00:26:29.92 They basically put you on their skis. 00:26:29.98\00:26:32.05 And as you mature as a Christian, you get where 00:26:32.08\00:26:34.65 you can put more and more weight down with less and less 00:26:34.68\00:26:37.92 to hold you up... until pretty soon, you're skiing on 00:26:37.95\00:26:43.46 nothing because you're hanging completely from the promises 00:26:43.53\00:26:47.53 of God - it's just the rope. 00:26:47.56\00:26:50.60 When you lose your faith, as you mature, 00:26:50.63\00:26:54.87 you feel it more. 00:26:54.94\00:26:57.28 God wants you to grow in your trust. 00:26:57.34\00:27:00.28 Are you growing or are you still 00:27:00.31\00:27:01.68 skiing on those 2 big patio doors in your life? 00:27:01.71\00:27:05.82 Have you learned to trust Him more and more and take big 00:27:05.85\00:27:08.09 steps of faith? 00:27:08.15\00:27:10.36 This is what it means to grow and you might 00:27:10.42\00:27:12.89 need to adjust your trusting. 00:27:12.92\00:27:14.09 Now, some people have a problem with trusting God 00:27:14.12\00:27:19.10 because they have experienced broken trust 00:27:19.17\00:27:23.57 in their earthly relationships. 00:27:23.60\00:27:25.97 It's often true, if you grow up in a family where 00:27:26.04\00:27:29.44 maybe there was a divorce... 00:27:29.51\00:27:31.64 And you find that if there's a violation of trust between 00:27:31.67\00:27:36.92 mom and dad, it usually affects the trust of the children. 00:27:36.98\00:27:41.72 If you found that you could not trust your earthly parents, 00:27:41.75\00:27:46.13 maybe because they were untrustworthy, 00:27:46.19\00:27:48.73 you are going to find a hard time separating 00:27:48.76\00:27:52.00 their failure from the dependability of your 00:27:52.07\00:27:54.93 Heavenly Father. 00:27:54.96\00:27:56.14 He will never fail you! 00:27:56.17\00:27:57.80 The Bible says, "If your father and mother forsake you, 00:27:57.87\00:28:00.14 the Lord will take you up." 00:28:00.21\00:28:01.61 Your Heavenly Father, He is called "Father" because it's 00:28:01.67\00:28:04.01 the closest relationship He can identify with, 00:28:04.08\00:28:06.55 but unfortunately, there's a downside to that. 00:28:06.58\00:28:10.62 Some of us have had earthly parents that have failed us... 00:28:10.68\00:28:13.69 Probably all of us - if you had human parents 00:28:13.72\00:28:16.29 that failed you in some way or disappointed you - 00:28:16.32\00:28:18.29 whether it's real or perceived... 00:28:18.32\00:28:20.03 But that can damage your trust to God - 00:28:20.09\00:28:22.90 that could make it harder for you to hang your faith on God, 00:28:22.93\00:28:25.57 and you gotta remember, He will never fail you. 00:28:25.60\00:28:28.10 Maybe you've had friends - you told them a secret; 00:28:28.13\00:28:33.24 you trusted them with inside information; 00:28:33.31\00:28:36.18 you needed to tell someone; 00:28:36.21\00:28:37.24 you developed this relationship... 00:28:37.31\00:28:38.58 And then they blabbed to everybody! 00:28:38.64\00:28:41.25 And they betrayed your trust. 00:28:41.28\00:28:43.98 Before I leave that point... 00:28:44.05\00:28:45.45 If you would keep your secret from an enemy, 00:28:45.48\00:28:48.72 don't tell it to a friend! 00:28:48.79\00:28:52.19 Sometimes - I mean, you all want a friend you can trust... 00:28:52.26\00:28:55.53 Someone said, "Most people can keep a secret, 00:28:55.56\00:28:58.00 it's the ones they tell it to that can't keep it." 00:28:58.03\00:29:03.14 I would never tell your secret, I told it to so and so, 00:29:03.17\00:29:06.01 and they couldn't keep it. 00:29:06.07\00:29:09.74 The Bible says in Proverbs 17:9, "He that covers a transgression 00:29:09.77\00:29:14.35 seeketh love, but he that repeats a matter, 00:29:14.41\00:29:17.08 separate very friends or cheat friends." 00:29:17.11\00:29:19.75 They betrayed you. 00:29:19.78\00:29:22.62 You may have had s spouse that violated their vows... 00:29:22.65\00:29:25.76 It sometimes is really hard to restore trust 00:29:25.79\00:29:29.63 in these earthly relationships when it's been broken. 00:29:29.66\00:29:32.83 You ever have somebody that you live in close proximity 00:29:32.90\00:29:36.17 and they steal from you and you just never thought 00:29:36.24\00:29:40.44 before about looking over your shoulder or counting things 00:29:40.51\00:29:43.44 when you left the room, but once there has been a 00:29:43.51\00:29:46.25 violation of trust, you find, boy - it just really makes you 00:29:46.31\00:29:49.85 unnerved and you wonder - can you ever trust them again? 00:29:49.92\00:29:56.66 And sometimes there have been problems in the marriage, 00:29:56.69\00:29:59.39 and maybe the wife drinks and the husband finds out. 00:29:59.42\00:30:04.86 She says, "I'll never do it again," or gambles. 00:30:04.93\00:30:08.60 I'm picking on the wife now because we always 00:30:08.63\00:30:09.87 pick on the husband. 00:30:09.94\00:30:11.00 "I'm sorry, I'll never do it again." 00:30:11.07\00:30:14.07 " All right, we're going to restore our relationship." 00:30:14.10\00:30:16.68 They fail again. 00:30:16.74\00:30:18.48 How much harder is it to trust them that 3rd time? 00:30:18.54\00:30:22.55 Or maybe the husband, in an anger, 00:30:22.58\00:30:26.15 he raises a hand and he hits his wife, 00:30:26.22\00:30:29.96 or in the argument, he throws her down on the floor... 00:30:29.99\00:30:33.49 And says, "I'm sorry, I'll never do that again, 00:30:33.56\00:30:35.83 please forgive me," and genuine remorse 00:30:35.86\00:30:37.83 and you say "okay," but what's happened to the trust? 00:30:37.90\00:30:40.63 You maybe do trust him. 00:30:40.70\00:30:43.04 In order to build up that trust where it was before, 00:30:43.10\00:30:47.24 it takes time, doesn't it? 00:30:47.31\00:30:49.98 A person has to demonstrate trustworthiness 00:30:50.01\00:30:54.18 in order to restore it... 00:30:54.21\00:30:55.51 And I could go on and on and give you examples, 00:30:55.58\00:30:57.72 but if there's been a violation of trust between friendship, 00:30:57.75\00:31:00.72 in marriages, in families where you work... 00:31:00.79\00:31:04.19 You know, one of the big key words in business today is trust 00:31:04.26\00:31:08.46 Consultants come to offices and they hammer over and over again 00:31:08.53\00:31:11.60 trust - trust - trust. 00:31:11.63\00:31:12.67 In order for you to work successfully together as a team, 00:31:12.70\00:31:15.53 you gotta trust each other! 00:31:15.56\00:31:17.20 They got all these exercises they do to build trust 00:31:17.23\00:31:20.14 in the office because people realize that 00:31:20.18\00:31:23.08 you can't have anything without trust. 00:31:23.11\00:31:24.53 You know the Bible has been saying 00:31:24.57\00:31:25.96 that for thousands of years. 00:31:25.99\00:31:27.30 It's all about faith, isn't it? 00:31:27.33\00:31:28.61 But when it's been damaged, it takes time to restore it. 00:31:28.64\00:31:33.69 The good news is, God will never let you down. 00:31:33.72\00:31:37.09 The problem is - if you've been let down by others on earth, 00:31:37.16\00:31:41.69 if you have been damaged in your trust relationships 00:31:41.76\00:31:45.90 horizontally, it often affects your 00:31:45.97\00:31:48.17 trust relationship vertically and you gotta separate the two. 00:31:48.20\00:31:52.91 God will never leave you, He will never forsake you, 00:31:52.97\00:31:55.57 He will never let you down. 00:31:55.60\00:31:57.58 His love is unconditional and not too many people 00:31:57.61\00:32:01.11 will be able to make that promise to you and keep it, 00:32:01.14\00:32:03.85 broken trust. 00:32:03.88\00:32:06.19 Jesus is something like our defense attorney. 00:32:06.25\00:32:11.92 Now this is in the Bible... 00:32:11.95\00:32:13.39 I always cringe when I say it because in our culture today 00:32:13.42\00:32:17.86 when you say "attorney," and I'm sorry for the 00:32:17.89\00:32:19.93 attorneys that are sitting out there watching on TV, 00:32:19.96\00:32:21.80 but you all know all the attorney jokes, 00:32:21.87\00:32:24.27 all the lawyer jokes. 00:32:24.34\00:32:26.74 I won't tell any of them right now 00:32:26.77\00:32:29.54 because it works against my point... 00:32:29.61\00:32:31.48 But lawyers are often portrayed as greedy or covetous. 00:32:31.54\00:32:38.62 But Jesus actually uses the analogy of our Advocate, 00:32:38.65\00:32:43.76 our Defense Attorney in the Bible. 00:32:43.82\00:32:46.76 Some of you have probably seen some of these news programs 00:32:46.83\00:32:50.16 where somebody is being investigated, 00:32:50.19\00:32:52.50 some high profile person is in trouble, 00:32:52.57\00:32:54.37 and it might be a governor or somebody whose 00:32:54.43\00:32:56.04 family members disappeared and they're appearing, 00:32:56.07\00:32:58.57 they are being interviewed on the news, 00:32:58.60\00:32:59.77 hopefully to make their case for their innocence, 00:32:59.80\00:33:01.71 and they'll often now be sitting there during the interview 00:33:01.74\00:33:04.71 next to their attorney... have you seen that before? 00:33:04.74\00:33:07.85 And the interviewer asks them a question... 00:33:07.91\00:33:10.58 and they turn to the attorney and they don't say anything, 00:33:10.61\00:33:14.25 the attorney answers for them and they just nod... 00:33:14.28\00:33:17.72 Because it's a sensitive question and they don't 00:33:17.75\00:33:19.39 know how to answer it, so they say, 00:33:19.42\00:33:20.93 "You better cover that." Right? 00:33:20.96\00:33:25.26 You know, the devil often comes against us as 00:33:25.33\00:33:27.27 "The accuser of the brethren." 00:33:27.30\00:33:30.34 Zechariah 3:1, "Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest, 00:33:30.40\00:33:34.21 standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan standing 00:33:34.24\00:33:36.88 at his right hand, to oppose or to accuse him. 00:33:36.94\00:33:41.81 Revelation 12, "The devil is identified as the accuser. 00:33:41.88\00:33:47.09 He is the prosecuting attorney. 00:33:47.12\00:33:50.16 If Jesus is our defense attorney, 00:33:50.19\00:33:51.96 the Devil is there saying, "They're guilty!" 00:33:51.99\00:33:55.23 Michael comes to resurrect Moses, the Devil shows up... 00:33:55.26\00:33:59.90 He says, "You can't have him." 00:33:59.93\00:34:02.84 He lost faith, he lost his temper, 00:34:02.87\00:34:04.84 he murdered an Egyptian! 00:34:04.87\00:34:06.97 The accuser of the brethren! 00:34:07.00\00:34:09.24 And it says there in Jude verse 9, 00:34:09.27\00:34:11.84 "Michael the archangel, in contending with the Devil, 00:34:11.91\00:34:14.58 when he disputed about the body of Moses, 00:34:14.61\00:34:16.45 he dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, 00:34:16.48\00:34:20.52 but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." 00:34:20.55\00:34:23.26 So in the defense of Moses, and in the defense of Joshua, 00:34:23.29\00:34:26.19 and many others, it's the Lord who then says, 00:34:26.22\00:34:29.93 "Look, I'll cover this, I'll be your advocate, 00:34:29.96\00:34:32.67 I'll be your defense attorney." 00:34:32.70\00:34:34.33 The promise is right there in 1 John 2:1, 00:34:34.36\00:34:36.74 "My little children, these things I write to you 00:34:36.77\00:34:42.01 that no man sin and if anyone sins, we have an advocate." 00:34:42.04\00:34:46.41 Do you know what that word "advocate" is? 00:34:46.44\00:34:48.15 Defense attorneys are not something that just came up 00:34:48.18\00:34:50.82 in the last 100 years, it goes back before the time of Christ. 00:34:50.85\00:34:55.29 "You have an advocate with the Father, 00:34:55.32\00:34:56.89 Jesus Christ the righteous. 00:34:56.92\00:34:58.22 So, when we stand guilty before God 00:34:58.25\00:35:01.09 and because of the law, Christ will defend us. 00:35:01.12\00:35:03.50 He'll plead our case, you can trust Him. 00:35:03.53\00:35:06.90 Who pays your attorney bill? 00:35:06.93\00:35:11.64 Your attorney does! 00:35:11.67\00:35:13.31 Jesus said, "I will represent you and I'll pay it." 00:35:13.34\00:35:19.04 Is He an honest attorney? 00:35:19.07\00:35:21.38 Can you trust your case with Him? 00:35:21.41\00:35:23.66 Does He have your best interest in mind? 00:35:23.69\00:35:27.02 Will He lose your case? 00:35:27.05\00:35:28.94 Not if you trust Him, He won't, you have to have trust. 00:35:28.97\00:35:33.24 Sometimes we need to adjust our trust when it comes to 00:35:33.27\00:35:38.09 hearing God and believing that God hears us. 00:35:38.12\00:35:43.06 A little boy came home from school to find out that 00:35:43.09\00:35:48.07 his older brother had gotten a new bicycle, 00:35:48.10\00:35:51.51 and he said to his brother, "How did you get that?" 00:35:51.54\00:35:54.76 He said, "You know, I've been praying for a bike, 00:35:54.79\00:35:57.47 and the Lord just blessed me and they got me one." 00:35:57.50\00:36:01.35 "I got it through prayer!" 00:36:01.38\00:36:03.22 And he said to his little brother, "If you pray, 00:36:03.25\00:36:06.71 you could get one too." 00:36:06.74\00:36:09.33 And the young guy was very pensive and he started to 00:36:09.36\00:36:11.32 walk away and then he came back and he said, 00:36:11.35\00:36:14.50 "You know why don't you just give me yours, 00:36:14.53\00:36:17.38 you're pretty good at this praying business, 00:36:17.41\00:36:18.86 and you can pray for another one." 00:36:18.89\00:36:22.22 He trusted that his brother's prayers 00:36:22.25\00:36:24.93 might be a little more effective. 00:36:24.96\00:36:26.60 He said, "You got more trust in prayer that I do." 00:36:26.64\00:36:28.88 He said, "Why don't you just give me your bike, 00:36:28.91\00:36:30.14 and you can pray for another one." 00:36:30.17\00:36:32.95 Jesus said in Matthew 21:22, "And whatever things you ask for 00:36:32.98\00:36:38.70 in prayer believing, you will receive." 00:36:38.73\00:36:42.38 That seems like a pretty broad promise! 00:36:42.41\00:36:45.41 Does He really mean that? 00:36:45.44\00:36:48.33 When you ask for something in accordance with God's will, 00:36:48.36\00:36:51.04 God identifies what those things are, 00:36:51.07\00:36:53.46 and you pray for anything good, believing, 00:36:53.49\00:36:58.59 Jesus says in many places, you can move mountains. 00:36:58.62\00:37:02.31 Do you trust Him? 00:37:02.34\00:37:05.23 Now keep in mind - so often our prayers are selfish. 00:37:05.26\00:37:09.76 If you've got the Holy Spirit, your prayers will be motivated 00:37:09.79\00:37:12.15 by love for God and love for each other. 00:37:12.18\00:37:14.29 The first thing you should be praying for is the Holy Spirit 00:37:14.39\00:37:16.30 because that will then - it will adjust all of your other prayers 00:37:16.33\00:37:21.67 If you've got the Holy Spirit, you pray right, 00:37:21.70\00:37:24.64 and you'll see your prayers answered. 00:37:24.67\00:37:26.96 And then what happens to your trust in God... 00:37:26.99\00:37:30.53 If failure of trust, if betrayal lowers trust, 00:37:30.56\00:37:36.53 what does dependability do to trust? 00:37:36.56\00:37:41.44 It puts more in the account, doesn't it? 00:37:41.47\00:37:43.72 If you would like more faith in God, then talk to Him, 00:37:43.75\00:37:47.20 pray and as He answers those prayers, 00:37:47.23\00:37:49.52 what happens to your trust? It grows - it gets bigger! 00:37:49.55\00:37:54.64 God will hear your prayers. 00:37:54.67\00:37:56.90 Is God concerned with your big problems? 00:37:56.93\00:38:02.93 I don't think so. 00:38:02.96\00:38:06.49 As-a-matter-of-fact, I only think God is concerned 00:38:06.52\00:38:08.82 with your little problems. 00:38:08.85\00:38:10.81 Think about this for a second. 00:38:10.84\00:38:14.05 Do you have a problem that's big for God? 00:38:14.08\00:38:17.55 From God's perspective, do you have any big problems? 00:38:17.58\00:38:21.79 Now I know, by comparison with each other, 00:38:21.82\00:38:25.71 some of us have what appears to be bigger problems than others. 00:38:25.74\00:38:29.01 But for those who trust God, is there any really big problem? 00:38:29.04\00:38:34.89 Can you ever imagine God saying, 00:38:34.92\00:38:37.34 "Wow - you know, I better build up to this..." 00:38:37.37\00:38:39.97 like some weightlifter that needs to work his way up 00:38:40.00\00:38:41.86 to a new weight level. 00:38:41.89\00:38:44.16 I mean, is there any weight that God can't lift? 00:38:44.19\00:38:49.51 Is there any problem where God says, 00:38:49.54\00:38:51.94 "Well you know, let's not get carried away, 00:38:51.97\00:38:53.94 that's too big for Me." 00:38:53.97\00:38:55.96 So every problem that you have, no matter how big 00:38:55.99\00:38:58.44 you think it is, it's a little problem for God. 00:38:58.47\00:39:02.08 Look at the Bible, if there's one thing it's telling us, 00:39:02.11\00:39:04.29 over and over, I mean when it looks like the situation was 00:39:04.32\00:39:07.08 hopeless... God often waited until 00:39:07.11\00:39:09.43 it looked like the situation was hopeless. 00:39:09.46\00:39:10.99 He says, "If you trust in Me, I'll show you 00:39:11.02\00:39:12.70 this is no problem for Me... 00:39:12.73\00:39:14.38 This is not a big problem for Me. 00:39:14.41\00:39:16.26 But also, God is interested in what you think are 00:39:16.29\00:39:19.45 trivial or little things. 00:39:19.48\00:39:23.09 You know, sometimes we've got this picture of 00:39:23.12\00:39:25.00 God up in the sky and He is like a switchboard operator. 00:39:25.03\00:39:28.04 Any of you remember the old switchboard operators? 00:39:28.07\00:39:30.38 They're trying to take care of the telephone service 00:39:30.41\00:39:32.13 for some little town... 00:39:32.16\00:39:33.53 And you had this lady that sat there with a pair of 00:39:33.56\00:39:36.03 headphones on and a little microphone, 00:39:36.06\00:39:37.52 and she's making connections... 00:39:37.55\00:39:38.99 She's saying - "Can you please hold," "Just a moment please, 00:39:39.02\00:39:40.89 I gotta another call - hang on." 00:39:40.92\00:39:42.16 And just - Oh, so frantic and frazzled because they got 00:39:42.19\00:39:44.93 all these phone lines going and there's some emergency, 00:39:44.96\00:39:48.28 and everybody is on the phone and how can I handle it all, 00:39:48.31\00:39:50.64 and her comments get shorter and shorter, 00:39:50.67\00:39:53.75 and her answers get more irritated the busier she gets. 00:39:53.78\00:39:58.75 I think sometimes we think about God like that. 00:39:58.78\00:40:01.61 "So many people praying - I'm just going to make Him mad." 00:40:01.64\00:40:05.18 "And, you know, I've asked for the same thing so many times, 00:40:05.21\00:40:07.56 if He hears me one more time, 00:40:07.59\00:40:08.63 He might be having a bad hair day and get upset with me." 00:40:08.66\00:40:12.53 Is God like that? 00:40:12.56\00:40:14.68 Do you ever pray about anything small that God says, 00:40:14.71\00:40:19.90 "You know, I've got a lot of big things I'm dealing with..." 00:40:19.93\00:40:23.35 I don't even know if I should tell you this... 00:40:23.38\00:40:26.58 I'm on Facebook now. 00:40:26.61\00:40:29.35 How many here know what I'm talking about? 00:40:29.38\00:40:30.98 Ohhh - you're on Facebook too! 00:40:31.01\00:40:34.29 Maybe if you're nice, I'll be your friend... ha, ha, ha. 00:40:34.32\00:40:39.64 ... Along with about 4,000 other people! 00:40:39.67\00:40:42.84 I had no idea how this worked, someone actually got me started. 00:40:42.87\00:40:46.42 I now have 4,000 friends! 00:40:46.45\00:40:49.40 And, they're all emailing me, 00:40:49.43\00:40:53.53 and I'm wondering how much longer this can go 00:40:53.56\00:40:56.09 because I'm just having to throw my hands in the air and say, 00:40:56.12\00:40:59.30 "You know, I can't answer all these emails that I'm getting." 00:40:59.33\00:41:02.82 And nice little comments - but what's kind of neat about it 00:41:02.85\00:41:05.50 is I'm running into people I haven't seen for years 00:41:05.53\00:41:07.32 and... "Aww, you're still out there - I've lost track of you," 00:41:07.35\00:41:09.31 and that's kind of neat when that happens. 00:41:09.34\00:41:11.02 I still haven't met anyone from my youth yet. 00:41:11.05\00:41:14.24 Really, I mean, I just - I don't know anybody I 00:41:14.27\00:41:16.82 went to school with... I've just totally lost contact 00:41:16.85\00:41:18.91 with that whole part of my life. 00:41:18.94\00:41:20.10 It would be fun if one of them finally signs on and says, 00:41:20.13\00:41:22.43 "Are you that guy - Batchelor?" 00:41:22.46\00:41:24.90 But I can see where this can grow to the point 00:41:24.93\00:41:30.76 where it's really going to be hard for me to manage 00:41:30.79\00:41:32.46 all these relationships... 00:41:32.49\00:41:34.69 But God is not that way, and God doesn't - 00:41:34.72\00:41:38.94 because He has more children that turn to Him, 00:41:38.97\00:41:41.70 He doesn't say, "Well, you know, there's only so much... 00:41:41.73\00:41:43.64 You're going to have to have a smaller piece of Me now... 00:41:43.67\00:41:46.15 Like parents that end up with 20 children - 00:41:46.18\00:41:48.85 have to divide their time more than a parent that 00:41:48.88\00:41:51.45 has 1 child that gets spoiled. 00:41:51.48\00:41:54.64 Sorry for those of you that have one spoiled child... 00:41:54.67\00:41:59.37 But you know what I'm saying... 00:41:59.40\00:42:00.63 I wasn't talking to you - Debbie and Eric, 00:42:00.67\00:42:02.30 I just wanted you to know that, that wasn't a hint either... 00:42:02.33\00:42:10.27 But God has got infinite attention capacity! Amen? 00:42:10.30\00:42:16.06 That means He will give you 100% of His time, 00:42:16.09\00:42:21.36 and you know what's great about it? 00:42:21.39\00:42:22.90 He'll give it to you all day long - if you want it. 00:42:22.93\00:42:26.75 As-a-matter-of-fact, He would prefer that He give you 00:42:26.78\00:42:30.80 100% of His time all day long, 00:42:30.83\00:42:33.07 and that's what it means to walk with God. 00:42:33.10\00:42:35.06 And you don't ever take such a big piece of Him 00:42:35.09\00:42:37.53 that He starts getting frustrated 00:42:37.56\00:42:39.39 that you're getting greedy. 00:42:39.42\00:42:41.08 He wants to have a relationship with you. 00:42:41.11\00:42:44.60 Sometimes you know, we, because of our relationships here 00:42:44.63\00:42:48.58 and our trust here, we superimpose that on God 00:42:48.61\00:42:50.95 and He's not that way. 00:42:50.98\00:42:52.93 He's got all the time in the world for you. 00:42:52.96\00:42:55.16 You need to trust His power. 00:42:55.19\00:42:58.54 Through Christ, you can do all things. 00:42:58.57\00:43:04.39 Do you believe that? 00:43:04.42\00:43:06.26 Several times in the Bible, it tells us - "All things are 00:43:06.29\00:43:09.04 possible to him that believes." 00:43:09.07\00:43:12.18 There's a scripture here... you don't read this very often, 00:43:12.21\00:43:16.94 but it tells us that... Luke 10:19, 00:43:16.97\00:43:21.03 "Behold I give you power to trample on serpents 00:43:21.06\00:43:25.49 and scorpions and over the power of the enemy 00:43:25.52\00:43:28.89 ... nothing shall by any means hurt you." 00:43:28.92\00:43:32.37 Do you trust God? 00:43:32.40\00:43:35.37 Believe it or not, when we went down to Central America, 00:43:35.40\00:43:38.90 they called me up in preparation for my visit and they said, 00:43:38.93\00:43:42.28 "Will you be needing a bodyguard?" 00:43:42.31\00:43:45.59 I said, "What?" 00:43:45.62\00:43:48.19 They said, "Well, we've had guests before that 00:43:48.22\00:43:49.86 said that they would need a bodyguard.' 00:43:49.89\00:43:52.73 Now, I know you think this is really bizarre, 00:43:52.76\00:43:55.98 but I have traveled in places of the world where 00:43:56.01\00:43:59.10 the locals said, "We've got someone 00:43:59.13\00:44:01.50 who is assigned to guard you." 00:44:01.53\00:44:02.96 I remember when I went to Cameroon, Africa, 00:44:03.00\00:44:04.53 they were going to have somebody stand outside my 00:44:04.56\00:44:06.92 hotel room all night long to guard me and I sent them home. 00:44:06.95\00:44:09.92 I said, "No, you know, if I don't have enough faith 00:44:10.74\00:44:13.69 in God that He could send an angel to take care of me, 00:44:13.72\00:44:15.80 how am I supposed to teach all of you about faith?" 00:44:15.83\00:44:18.19 But they had had guests before that had come that had an 00:44:18.22\00:44:22.91 entourage of armed people around them wherever they went. 00:44:22.94\00:44:26.42 And what does that say about your trust? 00:44:26.45\00:44:31.70 When Ezra was going to go from the King of Persia 00:44:31.73\00:44:37.20 and take this financial gift from the King of Persia 00:44:37.23\00:44:40.58 back to build the temple in Jerusalem, 00:44:40.61\00:44:42.41 the King of Persia said, "I'll send an armed guard 00:44:42.44\00:44:44.95 to protect you from robbers along the way." 00:44:44.98\00:44:47.32 And Ezra writes, "I would be ashamed to take that... 00:44:47.35\00:44:51.12 we're going to trust God to watch out for us." 00:44:51.15\00:44:53.16 And he declined the armed guard, 00:44:53.19\00:44:54.80 and the King of Persia was amazed! 00:44:54.83\00:44:57.23 He said, "Our God will watch over us." 00:44:57.26\00:44:59.20 That he would travel through those hundreds of miles 00:44:59.23\00:45:02.52 of land where there are robbers, trusting in God's protection, 00:45:02.55\00:45:06.11 and God took care of him, didn't He? 00:45:06.14\00:45:08.43 So I think, sometimes, Christians need to say, 00:45:08.46\00:45:10.41 "Look, I want to demonstrate my... " 00:45:10.44\00:45:12.21 Now don't tempt the Lord and be foolish, 00:45:12.24\00:45:13.95 I'm not talking about that, but you want to 00:45:13.98\00:45:16.53 be able to trust God that He will watch over you. 00:45:16.56\00:45:19.17 Trust in His power! 00:45:19.20\00:45:21.48 Trust in His provision. 00:45:21.51\00:45:23.86 You know, there's a statement in the book, 00:45:23.89\00:45:26.70 "Desire of Ages," p. 121, "In the last conflict of the 00:45:28.48\00:45:32.30 controversy with Satan, those who are loyal to God 00:45:32.33\00:45:36.15 will see every earthly support cut off." 00:45:36.18\00:45:40.31 There will be no government package to take care of you. 00:45:40.34\00:45:44.91 Every earthly support will be gone! 00:45:44.94\00:45:47.59 That not only means, at some point, 00:45:47.62\00:45:50.40 you won't be able to buy or sell. 00:45:50.43\00:45:52.17 By the way, it actually says that here... 00:45:52.21\00:45:54.34 I didn't finish reading that. 00:45:54.37\00:45:56.46 "Because they refused to break his law in obedience 00:45:56.49\00:45:59.04 to the earthly powers, they'll be forbidden to buy or sell." 00:45:59.07\00:46:02.03 Not only that, but I think that at some point 00:46:02.06\00:46:04.60 in your Christian experience, every earthly relationship 00:46:04.63\00:46:08.88 is going to be cut off - that they'll be a time in 00:46:08.91\00:46:11.87 everyone's life when maybe you'll be isolated. 00:46:11.90\00:46:14.44 God will just require you to say, "Lord You are my only Hope. 00:46:14.47\00:46:21.33 You're the only One that I can depend on." 00:46:21.36\00:46:24.60 We get opportunities to practice that kind of trust 00:46:24.63\00:46:27.85 all the time - not only in our relationships with each other, 00:46:27.88\00:46:32.50 but in our relationship with God. 00:46:32.53\00:46:34.33 Every time we come to church, you have an opportunity 00:46:34.36\00:46:38.10 to practice trust - trusting people, 00:46:38.13\00:46:40.82 trusting the Word of God that's read. 00:46:40.85\00:46:42.50 When you give your offerings, you have an opportunity 00:46:42.54\00:46:45.72 to show your faith in God and for some of you, 00:46:45.75\00:46:48.16 with your finances the way they might be right now, 00:46:48.19\00:46:50.82 it requires more faith than others. 00:46:50.85\00:46:54.63 Reminds me of a story where a man came to church, 00:46:54.66\00:46:58.28 he was a new Christian and said, "Pastor, I'm having a problem 00:46:58.31\00:47:01.46 with this tithe business. 00:47:01.49\00:47:03.10 I just can't wrap my mind around the idea that I'm 00:47:03.13\00:47:06.20 going to be able to - with my financial challenges right now, 00:47:06.23\00:47:08.82 to trust God with 10% of my increase." 00:47:08.85\00:47:12.63 He said, "I don't have enough to pay all my bills!" 00:47:12.66\00:47:17.17 Then the pastor said to him, "John, I tell you what, 00:47:17.20\00:47:20.67 if I were to promise you that if you try, for the next 00:47:20.70\00:47:25.35 2 months, trusting God and paying tithe, 00:47:25.38\00:47:28.18 that if you have any shortage of funds to pay your bills, 00:47:28.21\00:47:31.66 that I will cover your bills for you." 00:47:31.69\00:47:34.46 John was rather surprised at the generosity of the pastor. 00:47:34.49\00:47:37.70 He said, "Pastor, you'd do that for me?" 00:47:37.73\00:47:39.14 He said, "Would you trust me?" 00:47:39.17\00:47:40.64 He said, "Yeah, I trust you." 00:47:40.67\00:47:41.84 "Will you pay your tithe if I make that promise?" 00:47:41.87\00:47:44.19 He said, "Yeah, I will." 00:47:44.22\00:47:46.03 He said, "So John, what you're telling me is that you'll 00:47:46.06\00:47:47.90 trust the pastor more than you'll trust God." 00:47:47.93\00:47:51.48 He said, "Ooo, hadn't thought of it that way." 00:47:51.51\00:47:56.69 What does God say? "Prove Me - trust Me" 00:47:56.72\00:48:00.48 "Prove me now if I won't open for you the windows 00:48:00.51\00:48:02.61 of heaven and pour out a blessing." 00:48:02.64\00:48:03.80 Some of us have never experienced it. 00:48:03.83\00:48:05.52 John became a tithe-payer and God never let him down. 00:48:05.55\00:48:09.31 We have opportunities all the time to put our trust in God. 00:48:09.34\00:48:12.98 Every day... Sometimes we're tempted to do something 00:48:13.01\00:48:16.63 that we think is going to bring us happiness and God says, 00:48:16.66\00:48:18.65 "No, it won't - trust Me." 00:48:18.68\00:48:19.96 And we say, "I don't believe You God, I really think this is 00:48:19.99\00:48:22.26 going to make me happy." 00:48:22.29\00:48:23.56 And then we do or buy what we're not supposed to do or buy, 00:48:23.59\00:48:29.53 and we find out that it turns bitter in the end and say, 00:48:29.56\00:48:33.11 "Oh Lord, why didn't I trust You." 00:48:33.14\00:48:35.22 We have opportunities all the time - trust God. 00:48:35.25\00:48:38.39 Trust His Word - which is one of my last points. 00:48:38.42\00:48:43.57 Sin entered our world because man did not trust God. 00:48:43.60\00:48:50.14 Any of you ever go to a house that's nicely decorated, 00:48:50.17\00:48:54.16 and you see fruit in a basket on the table? 00:48:54.19\00:48:57.42 And you reach out to take a piece only to discover 00:48:57.45\00:49:00.02 that it's weightless because it's plastic? 00:49:00.05\00:49:03.01 False trust - phony fruit. 00:49:03.04\00:49:08.86 God said to Eve - "Trust Me, My Word says - do not eat 00:49:08.89\00:49:13.31 the forbidden fruit and you'll be fine." 00:49:13.34\00:49:15.56 The Devil said, "Aww no, it will be great." 00:49:15.59\00:49:18.28 And it turned to sand in their mouths. 00:49:18.31\00:49:23.73 Sometimes we trust the wrong things... false trust. 00:49:23.76\00:49:29.68 Proverbs 28:26, "He who trusts his own 00:49:29.71\00:49:33.05 heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered." 00:49:33.08\00:49:38.78 Isaiah 40:8 says, "The grass withers, 00:49:38.81\00:49:41.54 the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." 00:49:41.57\00:49:46.75 Matthew 24:35, Jesus said, "Heaven and earth 00:49:46.78\00:49:51.87 will pass away but My Word will not pass away." 00:49:51.90\00:49:55.25 That's why it has endured all this time... 00:49:55.28\00:49:56.61 Here's something you can trust, friends. 00:49:56.64\00:49:58.74 And you know what you're doing when you trust the Bible? 00:49:58.77\00:50:02.72 What's another name for Jesus? 00:50:02.75\00:50:05.75 "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." 00:50:05.78\00:50:08.71 When you trust - if you say, "Lord, I want to trust you," 00:50:08.74\00:50:10.93 well this is how you trust Him. 00:50:10.96\00:50:12.73 He is the Word. 00:50:12.76\00:50:13.82 He is the Bread of Life - this is the Bread of Life. 00:50:13.85\00:50:17.10 If you want to show He is the Rock, 00:50:17.13\00:50:18.93 this is the Rock - isn't that right? 00:50:18.96\00:50:20.65 All the analogies that you find for the Bible, 00:50:20.68\00:50:22.94 are also analogies for Jesus. 00:50:22.97\00:50:25.90 And if you put your trust in Jesus, 00:50:25.93\00:50:27.92 you'll put your trust in the promises in His Word. 00:50:27.95\00:50:31.44 We're living in a very interesting volatile time 00:50:31.47\00:50:33.96 in the world's history and I don't know exactly 00:50:33.99\00:50:37.88 what is going to happen from month-to-month. 00:50:37.91\00:50:40.48 It's kind of exciting watching, isn't it? 00:50:40.51\00:50:43.80 Gives us opportunities to trust Him. 00:50:43.83\00:50:47.36 We don't know from day-to-day 00:50:47.39\00:50:49.29 if there will be money in the bank. 00:50:49.32\00:50:52.18 We don't know from day-to-day what's 00:50:52.21\00:50:53.77 going to happen with the military; 00:50:53.80\00:50:55.88 what's going to happen with the financial situation; 00:50:55.91\00:51:00.17 with our health. 00:51:00.20\00:51:01.44 The only thing that we know is immovable in this world, 00:51:01.47\00:51:05.59 an anchor that does not change, is Jesus. 00:51:05.62\00:51:08.42 Jesus is that Rock. 00:51:08.45\00:51:09.73 Jesus is the One Person you can trust 00:51:09.76\00:51:13.91 who will never let you down. 00:51:13.94\00:51:15.10 And He'll help restore your trust 00:51:15.13\00:51:17.10 in your other relationships. 00:51:17.13\00:51:18.61 He gives you that peace and that forgiveness. 00:51:18.64\00:51:21.16 That's why it's so important to trust in Him. 00:51:21.19\00:51:23.53 That's why we're going to sing about that now, friends. 00:51:23.56\00:51:25.63 How many of you would like to say, "By Your grace, Lord, 00:51:25.66\00:51:27.40 I want to adjust my trust, 00:51:27.43\00:51:29.18 so I trust you with all of my heart." 00:51:29.21\00:51:31.35 "Lean not to your own understanding; 00:51:31.39\00:51:33.50 acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths." 00:51:33.53\00:51:36.84 Let's stand together as we sing 524, 00:51:36.87\00:51:39.74 "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" 00:51:39.77\00:51:43.86 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, 00:51:59.77\00:52:05.35 Just to take Him at His word. 00:52:05.38\00:52:10.82 Just to rest upon His promise, 00:52:10.85\00:52:16.06 Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord." 00:52:16.09\00:52:21.60 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him; 00:52:21.63\00:52:26.97 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! 00:52:27.00\00:52:32.61 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 00:52:32.64\00:52:38.24 Oh for grace to trust Him more. 00:52:38.27\00:52:46.76 Obviously the theme of our message this morning 00:52:46.79\00:52:50.05 is to encourage you - hopefully to inspire you 00:52:50.08\00:52:52.54 to trust God more. 00:52:52.57\00:52:54.57 Some of us have been wounded in our 00:52:54.60\00:52:57.59 earthly trust relationships, 00:52:57.62\00:53:00.00 and that has affected our trust in God. 00:53:00.03\00:53:02.62 You know, the Lord can heal that and He can heal 00:53:02.65\00:53:04.77 your hearts and He can help you to make a separation 00:53:04.80\00:53:07.33 in your spirit between some of those failed 00:53:07.36\00:53:10.30 earthly relationships and your trust relationship to God. 00:53:10.33\00:53:15.50 He wants you to have a complete unreserved trust in Him 00:53:15.53\00:53:19.56 where you'll put your entire weight down on His promises. 00:53:19.59\00:53:22.99 If you'd like to ask Him, in a special way... 00:53:23.02\00:53:26.24 "Oh Lord, heal my heart so I can completely trust in You. 00:53:26.27\00:53:30.51 I don't want to be doubtful and cynical." 00:53:30.54\00:53:32.96 Maybe you've got some special need that you would like 00:53:32.99\00:53:35.31 to express or some special area of trust, 00:53:35.34\00:53:37.62 and you'd like us to pray about. 00:53:37.65\00:53:39.67 If you want to come forward during this time 00:53:39.70\00:53:41.45 while we sing verse 2, we'd like to pray for you. 00:53:41.48\00:53:44.29 Come - and we'll pray together. 00:53:44.32\00:53:47.49 O how sweet to trust in Jesus, 00:53:47.52\00:53:53.42 Just to trust His cleansing blood; 00:53:53.45\00:53:59.38 Just in simple faith to plunge me 00:53:59.41\00:54:04.91 Neath the healing cleansing flood. 00:54:04.94\00:54:10.81 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him; 00:54:10.84\00:54:17.01 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! 00:54:17.04\00:54:22.96 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 00:54:22.99\00:54:29.04 O for grace to trust Him more! 00:54:29.07\00:54:37.02 Before we sing the last verse, I'd like to be more specific 00:54:37.05\00:54:40.14 in my appeal. 00:54:40.17\00:54:41.47 Do you trust Jesus to completely forgive you? 00:54:41.50\00:54:46.46 Do you know that you know, when you leave this place, 00:54:46.49\00:54:50.33 that based on His promises, all of your sins are forgiven, 00:54:50.36\00:54:53.05 and you can just have joy in the Lord? 00:54:53.08\00:54:56.10 Or are you trusting in what you do? 00:54:56.13\00:54:58.83 Are you trusting Him for power... 00:54:58.86\00:55:01.64 that He'll give you whatever you need, 00:55:01.67\00:55:03.08 when you need it - so you can have that 00:55:03.11\00:55:06.18 grace and that assurance. 00:55:06.21\00:55:08.05 Do you trust Him for your forgiveness? 00:55:08.08\00:55:11.04 You know, that's more important than 00:55:11.07\00:55:12.27 every earthly need. 00:55:12.30\00:55:13.54 You might be worried about trusting God financially, 00:55:13.57\00:55:16.00 trusting Him with your health, in your relationships, 00:55:16.03\00:55:19.05 but the most important thing is... 00:55:19.08\00:55:20.21 Do you trust Him with your soul? 00:55:20.24\00:55:22.56 Do you trust Him - that He can save you? 00:55:22.59\00:55:25.60 You gotta put all your weight down, 00:55:25.63\00:55:27.27 trust that He'll forgive your sins 00:55:27.30\00:55:28.74 and give you whatever you need 00:55:28.77\00:55:30.14 to become what He wants you to be. 00:55:30.17\00:55:32.66 If that's the kind of trust you especially 00:55:32.69\00:55:35.19 are praying for right now, as we sing the last verse, 00:55:35.22\00:55:37.25 verse 4- come to the front, we'll pray with you. 00:55:37.28\00:55:42.29 I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee, 00:55:42.32\00:55:48.10 Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; 00:55:48.13\00:55:53.93 And I know that Thou art with me, 00:55:53.96\00:55:59.83 Wilt be with me till the end. 00:55:59.86\00:56:05.66 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him; 00:56:05.69\00:56:11.70 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! 00:56:11.73\00:56:17.87 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 00:56:17.90\00:56:24.24 O for grace to trust Him more! 00:56:24.27\00:56:33.48 Loving Father, We are so thankful for the 00:56:33.51\00:56:37.05 promises that You have provided, 00:56:37.08\00:56:39.15 and the examples you give us in Your Word - 00:56:39.18\00:56:41.83 that You never let Your people down, 00:56:41.86\00:56:43.90 that You can be trusted; 00:56:43.93\00:56:45.46 that we can be confident that if You have nailed the boards 00:56:45.49\00:56:49.08 to hold our weight, that if Jesus went the way 00:56:49.11\00:56:52.03 before us, that those promises 00:56:52.06\00:56:54.70 that held Him up, will hold us up. 00:56:54.73\00:56:56.85 Lord, I pray that we can have more childlike faith 00:56:56.89\00:57:01.35 that we can be like Christ through faith in Your Word, 00:57:01.38\00:57:06.04 that You are available all of the time 00:57:06.07\00:57:08.38 to give us all of Your attention, 00:57:08.41\00:57:10.17 that You love us that much. 00:57:10.20\00:57:12.20 Bless each person here, those who may be 00:57:12.23\00:57:14.65 listening or watching and I pray that we'll be more 00:57:14.68\00:57:17.45 like Christ because of our time together. 00:57:17.48\00:57:20.20 With the storm that brews in the world about us, 00:57:20.23\00:57:23.85 I pray that we will see that You are the Rock, 00:57:23.88\00:57:27.74 Your Word is the Rock 00:57:27.77\00:57:29.76 that we can depend on that is immovable; 00:57:29.79\00:57:32.19 that we can build on, that will survive the storms. 00:57:32.22\00:57:36.58 Bless us, Lord, that we can leave this place 00:57:36.61\00:57:38.62 with peace and faith and confidence 00:57:38.65\00:57:40.74 because we are trusting our souls in Your hands, 00:57:40.77\00:57:42.98 and trusting You to wash us in Your blood. 00:57:43.01\00:57:45.59 We thank You and ask this now in Christ name... Amen 00:57:45.62\00:57:50.29 If you've missed any of our Amazing Facts Programs, 00:57:50.32\00:57:52.94 visit our website at AMAZINGFACTS.ORG 00:57:52.97\00:57:55.55 There, you'll find an archive of all our television 00:57:55.58\00:57:57.62 and radio programs including "Amazing Facts Presents" 00:57:57.65\00:58:01.02 One location, so many possibilities! 00:58:01.05\00:58:03.33 AMAZINGFACTS.ORG 00:58:03.37\00:58:05.41