Everlasting Gospel

God Said It, I Believe It

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002904

00:09 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in
00:14 darkness and confusion about the character of God.
00:17 And still today, the greatest need of mankind
00:19 is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of Christ
00:23 Amazing Facts presents "The Everlasting Gospel"
00:26 with Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from
00:30 Sacramento Central Church in sunny California.
00:32 Discover hidden treasures in God's word today!
00:38 I kept seeing these advertisements everywhere,
00:41 "Free Credit Report"
00:45 and I was just mildly curious about what that involved.
00:52 Praise the Lord, we paid off our home loan not too long ago,
00:57 and our cars are paid off and so I didn't need any credit.
01:00 I thought my credit was perfect!
01:02 As-a-matter-of-fact, I don't think a week goes by
01:05 when we don't get half-a-dozen applications in the mail
01:08 of somebody that wants us to get one more credit card.
01:11 And so, some of you might need an extra one,
01:17 we got lots of them at our house - applications.
01:21 But I was curious and then I saw something on the internet,
01:24 it said that these credit reporting agencies are
01:27 required to give you one free credit report a year.
01:31 And so I thought, "Well, may as well find out - I'm curious."
01:35 I thought, "Well I probably have stellar credit,
01:38 and industrial strength, good credit!"
01:42 So I sent off for one of these free credit reports.
01:47 And it was pretty good, but it wasn't perfect!
01:52 And that really bothered me, and I thought,
01:53 what in the world happened?
01:55 And I found out, yeah - Karen, I guess,
01:57 gave the wrong address to a doctor or something...
01:59 I don't know what happened but some doctor
02:03 that we went to - we gave them the wrong
02:05 address and they kept sending the bill to the wrong address,
02:08 and the people there didn't want to pay it,
02:09 we don't know who they were, and so they turned it over
02:13 to a credit agency - we got that taken care of,
02:15 and everything is okey-dokey,
02:17 but just in that interval that the bill wasn't paid,
02:20 it blemished our credit!
02:23 And I guess to try and fix that, here we're making
02:26 credit confessions right now...
02:28 I guess to try and fix that, takes an act of congress
02:32 because once your credit is besmirched,
02:35 you are flagged for life... evidently!
02:39 Well, I'm not worried about it right now because I'm not
02:42 trying to borrow any money.
02:44 But, some people are and I guess they've got this
02:51 whole very elaborate system right now where
02:54 everything you borrow and your payment schedule
02:57 and your bills that you pay and if you're late,
03:00 somebody out there is keeping tabs on everything;
03:02 all this electronic world that we live in right now,
03:06 having perfect credit - that's questionable.
03:12 Well, I want you to know God has perfect credit,
03:15 and the title of our message today is:
03:18 "God said it, and that's of course, part of the saying
03:24 that we've said before, "God said it, I believe it,
03:28 that settles it," have you heard that before?
03:31 Why don't you say that with me...
03:33 "God said it, I believe it, that settles it?"
03:38 There are some songs that also bear that out.
03:42 Well God has a perfect credit score, I want you to know...
03:46 In the Bible, it tells us that His promises never fail.
03:52 Now right now, we've got an epidemic of failed promises
03:56 in the country and credit issues because of the
04:00 financial crunch... some people are losing
04:02 their homes; they sign covenants to make payments
04:06 that they can't make or they went to buy a car,
04:09 and they're being repossessed.
04:11 We look around and we see an epidemic of failed marriages...
04:14 You wonder - can you trust anybody's word these days?
04:18 Does a promise still mean what it says?
04:21 I want you to know when God says something,
04:23 He never fails - His record is perfect in keeping His word.
04:30 Now I'm going to cover a lot of Scripture with you today
04:33 and the goal of my message today is, of course,
04:36 to get you to read your Bible more and to get you to
04:39 believe it more and to cash in on the promises in God's word.
04:44 Numbers 23:19, Moses said, "God is not a man that He
04:50 should lie... God can't lie nor the son of man
04:55 that He should repent, has He said and will He not do?
04:59 Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?"
05:03 Why good God make a promise He couldn't keep?
05:05 Why would He do that?
05:08 He doesn't have to promise anything to anybody, does He?
05:10 Sometimes we'll make a promise to somebody because
05:13 we're in trouble or we're afraid ... a promise that we can't keep
05:17 But God is never threatened with that, so why would He
05:20 ever make a promise He couldn't keep?
05:22 Does that make sense... Everything He said, He will do.
05:27 Joshua 23:14- You just might jot some of these down
05:31 and look them up later and gain some encouragement.
05:35 When the Lord brought the children of Israel
05:37 into the Promised Land and Joshua is becoming an old man,
05:40 one of his last assemblies, before the people,
05:42 he made a statement to the folks,
05:45 "Behold this day I am going the way of all the earth."
05:49 He says, "I'm getting old, I'm going to die,
05:51 I'm going the way of all the earth."
05:53 "And you know in all your hearts and in all your souls
05:57 that not... I've underlined this... not one thing has
06:02 failed of all the good things which the Lord your God
06:07 spoke concerning you."
06:09 God has spoken good things concerning you...
06:12 And the promises that He made for the children of Israel
06:15 not one thing failed of everything that He promised.
06:19 "All has come to pass for you, not one word of them has failed"
06:25 So how good is God's credit report?
06:28 Perfect! But I'm not done yet.
06:30 1 Kings 8:55-56- Here when Solomon dedicated the temple,
06:37 we just did a whole series on Solomon...
06:39 and he blessed the people; "He stood and he blessed
06:42 the congregation of Israel with a loud voice saying,
06:44 "Blessed be the Lord that has given rest unto His
06:47 people Israel, according to all that He promised.
06:52 There has not failed one word of all His good promise
06:56 which He has promised by the hand of Moses, His servant."
06:59 Not one word! Perfect record!
07:04 God keeps His promises, He never fails, and yet...
07:09 we fail to capitalize on His promises.
07:14 Matthew 24:35, Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will
07:18 pass away but My word will not pass away."
07:21 Well Lord, You said you're coming back, where are You?
07:24 Has His promised failed?
07:27 Well, He promised to come the first time, He did,
07:29 it was 4,000 years, but He did!
07:31 He promised to come again; it's just now about 2,000 years.
07:36 I think He's just about to come!
07:38 Everything God says will happen.
07:40 The world might forget; His word, He doesn't measure
07:43 time the way we do, it never fails.
07:46 Everything God says happens!
07:48 Psalm 89:34, - We sometimes break our
07:53 promises, break our covenants - God does not.
07:57 "My Covenant I will not break, nor alter the word
08:01 that has gone out of my lips."
08:03 Isaiah 40:8, "The grass withers,
08:06 the flower fades, but the word of our God
08:08 stands.. for how long? Forever!"
08:12 God's word never fails, it is eternal.
08:15 Jesus said, "Who is going to
08:17 survive the storm that is coming?
08:19 He that hears these words of mine and does them,
08:23 he is like the man building on a rock, it will not move,
08:26 it will not fail - you can trust the word of God.
08:29 Before I go too far, maybe I should just
08:31 simply define what is a promise.
08:34 According to the "American Heritage Dictionary,"
08:53 It comes from the Latin word, "promittere,"
08:56 "pro" means "forth," "mittere" - "to send."
08:58 To send forth - it's something that you're sending on ahead,
09:02 a guarantee.
09:03 Now, one reason God cannot lie is because He's God,
09:07 and He's perfect.
09:08 He is also a king and a king cannot break his word.
09:13 I can think of a couple of examples in the Bible
09:16 of kings that spoke, earthly kings, that then regretted
09:20 what they said and maybe wanted to change it and they couldn't.
09:23 You remember when King Darius signed a law that if your prayed
09:27 to any god or man, except him, for 30 days,
09:29 you went to the lion's den.
09:31 And then Daniel was brought before him because
09:34 Daniel prayed 3 times a day publically.
09:37 And the king was so displeased with himself.
09:40 He wanted to change what he had said,
09:42 but a king's word is law.
09:44 And the law of the Medes and the Persians could not be altered;
09:48 it could not be changed; it was a firm decree.
09:51 Ahasuerus made a law that all the Jews should
09:54 be attacked on a certain day,
09:56 then he found that his wife was a Jew... Esther.
10:00 And he could not take back that law;
10:03 all he could do was make another law giving them
10:05 the right to defend themselves in advance.
10:10 Who was it... Herod spoke and promised that whatever
10:13 Salome wanted, if she danced, up to half
10:15 his kingdom, he'd give it.
10:17 She then said, "I want the head of John the Baptist,
10:19 but because the king had spoken and his word was law,
10:22 he could not break his promise.
10:24 Now these are vacillating, weak, indecisive, earthly,
10:32 sinful kings that would not alter their word.
10:36 Do we think that God is going to alter his?
10:40 I heard a story one time about a man who was brought
10:43 before the king and he had been condemned and sentenced to die
10:46 by beheading and as he heard the judgment,
10:48 he began to tremble.
10:50 And the king said, "Well, we'll give you one final wish.
10:53 He said, "Could I have a drink of water?"
10:55 And they brought the man a porcelain cup,
10:57 and he took it in his hands and he was shaking,
10:59 and the water was sloshing around and the king felt
11:02 sorry for the man and he said, "Look, you're safe
11:05 until that water is drunk, you don't have nothing to fear.
11:07 You will not die until that water is drunk,
11:09 so relax, drink your water."
11:11 And the man heard what the king said and he tossed
11:15 the cup down and it crashed on the floor."
11:17 And said, "You promised I would not die until
11:19 that water was drunk!"
11:21 And the king kind of gave him a wiry smile and said,
11:24 "Very clever, my word is law, you're free to go!"
11:31 He'd never drink that water, could he?
11:34 Can we trust God to keep His political promises?
11:39 Will God keep His word?
11:42 And yet, we're so slow to take God at His word.
11:48 A promise is a promise! Now we, as people,
11:52 should realize that promises should be kept.
11:55 I'm not saying - because He's God, He keeps His promises,
11:57 we don't have to keep ours, we should keep ours.
12:00 You know, we've all heard about "Honest Abe,"
12:03 and we heard the story about one time that he
12:09 realized he was given 5 cents too much change
12:12 when he got home from the country store,
12:14 and he walked 10 miles back one way, 20 miles round trip
12:19 to bring a nickel back because he just couldn't keep
12:24 someone else's money and it bothered him.
12:27 One time Lincoln was riding along in a buggy with a
12:30 general who offered him a swig of his whiskey.
12:32 It was a cold day, Lincoln said, "Thank you, no,"
12:36 and he said, "Well, would you like a cigar, I've got an extra"
12:39 and he pulled one out, offered it to the president,
12:42 and the president said, "No, I made a promise,
12:44 and I don't drink or smoke."
12:47 He said, "You made a promise?"
12:48 He said, "Well, here's how it happened, General."
12:50 He said, "I was 9 years old, my mother called me to her side;
12:55 she was sick and dying; she said, "Abe, I want you to
12:57 make me a promise right now that you'll always keep."
13:00 "Promise that you will never use alcohol or tobacco."
13:04 He said, "I promise, mama."
13:06 He said, "And then she died."
13:07 He said, "I made a promise and I've never broken it."
13:11 And the general said to the president,
13:13 I would never encourage you to break that promise,
13:15 and he said, "I wish I had made a similar promise to my mother,
13:17 I would have been a lot better off."
13:19 But that's something that I think we could all learn from.
13:27 That promise that he had made to his mother and he realized
13:28 this was something that was going to last
13:30 the rest of his life.
13:31 Sometimes we make promises in haste and you say,
13:33 "Aw well, you know, I was weak and so I made a promise
13:35 and I didn't really mean to keep it."
13:38 The Bible tells us, "Better not to make a promise
13:42 Ecclesiastics 5:5, than to make it and not keep it."
13:45 "Better it is that you should not vow,
13:48 than that you vow and not pay."
13:52 In Deuteronomy 23:21, "When you make a vow
13:57 to the Lord your God, you shall not delay to pay it.
14:00 For the Lord your God will surely require it of you,
14:04 and it would be sin to you, but if you abstain from
14:07 vowing it, shall it not be a sin to you?
14:10 That which has gone from your lips,
14:11 you shall keep and perform."
14:13 We need to keep our vows.
14:15 That would be our promises to one another.
14:18 I think that Christians should be very careful about
14:22 filing bankruptcy.
14:24 I remember reading the history of Mark Twain.
14:27 He was very successful as a writer and at one point,
14:31 when he was in the glory, his golden years of writing,
14:34 he was a very wealthy man.
14:36 His books were selling all across the country,
14:38 Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer and others,
14:40 and he had become very successful, very wealthy,
14:43 and then he went into the printing business
14:45 which was a big mistake.
14:47 Figure out what you're good at and stick to it.
14:49 He was a good writer; he was not a good printer.
14:51 And he invested thousands and thousands of dollars
14:54 in this automated type setting machine.
14:57 Back then, remember, they used to set type by hand,
14:59 and some guy had come to Mark Twain and said,
15:01 "I've got a machine that I've invented that will automatically
15:03 set type -All the papers will buy it;
15:05 all the publishers will buy it."
15:06 And Twain thought, "This would be a good investment."
15:08 So he poured all of his money into this automated
15:12 type setting machine and the thing was extremely
15:15 complicated; they could never get it to work,
15:16 and they kept needing a little more time,
15:18 a little more tweaking and then they couldn't sell it
15:20 because it kept breaking down and basically,
15:23 he lost his entire fortune and was totally broke.
15:27 Had no money for his family and all they had left was a
15:31 home and he had to go to a friend that loved his books,
15:34 to invest and trying to pay to keep his house.
15:38 Twain lost everything!
15:40 He didn't want to file bankruptcy because he felt,
15:42 "Look, I made promises to pay these debts,
15:44 and I want to pay them."
15:48 So his friend that had lent the money to help him
15:50 keep his house, he said, "You need to go on the road,
15:53 do what you're good at; do your lectures;
15:55 keep on writing, and he went on a world tour
15:59 and during that world tour, he went to India,
16:01 he went to England, he went to Australia,
16:02 he sailed around the world, going everywhere he could go
16:05 to try and work to pay off his debts...
16:08 He was already old enough to retire when this happened.
16:10 And he did, he finally paid up all his debts,
16:13 and he ended up again with enough wealth
16:16 that he could retire and live out his days.
16:19 But he would not give up and just say,
16:21 "Oh well, I'm not going to pay."
16:23 Because that was back in the days when a person's
16:26 word meant something.
16:28 Well God, wants us to keep our promises.
16:31 Psalm 15:1 and 4, By the way, would you like to know
16:35 who is going to heaven?
16:37 Those that believe the promises of God,
16:39 and those that keep their promises - you hear that?
16:43 That would mean your marriage vows,
16:47 baptismal vows.
16:50 "Now Lord, who will abide in your tabernacle,
16:54 and who will dwell in your holy hill?
16:57 He that swears to his own hurt and changeth not."
17:02 That means someone who makes a promise...
17:04 You buy something and say I'm going to pay for it
17:06 and then you can't and just say, "Well I tried,
17:12 and throw your hands in the air."
17:13 We need to keep our promises.
17:16 "He who swears to his own hurt and changeth not."
17:19 Like Twain - if you got to go around the world
17:21 on a speaking tour and write until your fingers are raw,
17:23 you do it and you pay back your debts.
17:27 I heard about a man in France, an attorney,
17:32 and there was a 90-year-old woman that lived in an
17:36 apartment that he realized had a good location
17:38 and he wanted the apartment and he asked to buy it from her,
17:41 and she said, "Well, where am I going to live?"
17:43 He said, "Look, I'll make you a deal"
17:44 He said, "You are 90 years old, if you'll sell me this
17:50 apartment when you die, sell it to me right now,
17:52 I'll buy it, I will pay the rent, I'll pay your payments
17:57 for the rest of your life until you pass away."
18:02 You know, banks are doing that now -
18:03 They call it a "reverse mortgage."
18:05 So she said, "okay."
18:08 She was 91... he had no idea she would live to be
18:12 France's oldest woman.
18:15 Jeanne Calment lived to 121.
18:19 The attorney died before she did.
18:29 His family needed to keep paying her rent for 30 years
18:34 beyond her 91st birthday, who would have thunk, right?
18:39 That would happen that way, but they kept their promise.
18:44 Gotta be careful what you promise.
18:49 Someone once said, "He who is slow in making a promise,
18:52 is more likely to fulfill it or to be
18:54 faithful in the performance of it.
18:56 Don't make promises quickly.
18:58 Take them seriously if you're going to make it.
19:01 Oswald Chambers said, "It's better to run the risk
19:04 of being considered indecisive, than to promise and not fulfill"
19:09 Take your time.
19:12 Now... When God makes a promise, we can count on it that He
19:17 is going to keep His promise.
19:20 He never files bankruptcy, He never gives up.
19:23 Now sometimes man has broke his promise to God.
19:27 Some of those things are conditional,
19:28 but God will never break His promise to us.
19:30 And when we fail to believe in His promises,
19:33 our unbelief insults God.
19:37 Deuteronomy 1:32- After the Lord did all He did to bring
19:43 them out of Egypt, they would not believe that He could
19:45 bring them into the Promised Land.
19:47 "Yet for all that, you did not believe the Lord your God
19:51 who went in the way before you to search out place for you,
19:54 to pitch your tents, to show you the way you should go.
19:57 There, they had the pillar of fire guiding them
19:59 through the desert.
20:01 In a fire by night and a cloud by day and the Lord heard the
20:05 sound of your words and was angry, and He took an oath
20:07 saying, "Surely not one of these men of this evil generation
20:12 shall see that good land of which I swore to
20:15 give their fathers."
20:16 When he brought them to the borders of the Promised Land,
20:18 and those spies went and looked things over and came back,
20:21 10 of the spies said, "You know, we're not so
20:23 sure we can believe that He's going to give us
20:26 the "promised land."
20:28 Why was the promised land called the "Promised Land?"
20:30 Because He promised to give it to them.
20:32 And so when they came back and said, "We're not sure He can do
20:35 what He has promised,..." The Lord said, "Okay then,
20:38 if you don't believe My promises,
20:40 you will not be in the Promised Land."
20:43 Now there's a very simple lesson there for us...
20:46 How many of you want to get to the heavenly
20:48 Canaan promised land?
20:50 You must believe, "Without faith it's impossible to please God."
20:54 You must believe He can do what He has promised.
20:57 And if I were to ask you, right now, "How many of you believe
20:59 that He has a mansion He is preparing for you in heaven?"
21:02 I think every hand would go up.
21:04 I believe the promises of God.
21:07 But if I were to say, "How many of you believe that He
21:09 can give you victory over sin?"
21:14 You know why? Because we failed so many times.
21:19 We think, "Well, but I believe God,
21:21 but I don't believe in myself."
21:25 This is probably the most important place for us to trust
21:29 His promise and how it plays out in your victory.
21:35 Because, you know, we're real long on believing
21:38 that God can do what He can do outside of what He does, in us.
21:43 Probably the most important place for us to realize
21:47 trust and faith in God, is not that He can part oceans
21:51 out there and rain fire and brimstone down on the enemies,
21:55 but do you believe He can keep His promise about
21:59 giving you a new heart?
22:01 Do you believe He can keep His promise about keeping you
22:03 from falling?
22:06 Oh come on, let me hear an amen better than that!
22:08 AMEN... Even if you have to manufacture that amen,
22:10 You ought to do it because it might influence your own heart.
22:13 Our unbelief insults Him.
22:16 When Israel stopped believing in the promises of God,
22:20 they lost the Promised Land.
22:22 Hebrews 3:19- also going over into chapter 4:1
22:28 "So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief."
22:33 That's still true today, friends.
22:35 Therefore since a promise remains of entering his rest,
22:39 ... It's not just talking about the Sabbath rest here,
22:41 it's talking about entering the rest of the Promised Land;
22:43 entering the rest of Jesus...
22:45 "Come unto Me and I'll give you rest."
22:47 "A promise remains, of entering his rest,
22:49 let us fear... Fear what? Fear that we will
22:53 not believe.
22:54 "Let us fear, lest any of you
22:58 seem to have come short of it."
23:00 And we fall after the same pattern of unbelief.
23:04 Romans 4:21, "And being fully convinced
23:08 that what He has promised, He was also able to perform."
23:12 Do you really believe that He can do what He says He can do?
23:17 So, how do we cash in on the promises of God?
23:23 How do we finally get to where
23:25 we can realize the promises of God?
23:27 Now you heard me mention before that one of the great gimmicks
23:31 companies take advantage of during the holiday season is
23:34 gift cards.
23:36 People are given gift cards at restaurants
23:38 or they're giving gift cards...
23:40 I feel sorry for you if you've got a gift card to Circuit City
23:45 now - they're going out of business.
23:47 And people get gift cards and sometimes they'll
23:50 take it to the store and you know, it's got $50 on it,
23:53 but they only spend $30 and they come back with $20,
23:55 and they forget how much is on this card,
23:56 and they lose track of it and it's a fact,
23:59 that these companies make a big profit selling gift cards
24:02 because many people forget to even use them
24:04 or they don't use them all
24:06 and it turns into almost 50% profit just to sell the card!
24:11 They are unused!
24:14 Promises in God's Word are a lot more unused than gift cards.
24:20 There are so many promises here that people just
24:22 do not take advantage of that are available.
24:25 So, how do we cash in on His promises?
24:28 God's promises become effective when we read
24:31 about them, accept them as our own,
24:34 and appropriate them for ourselves.
24:38 Some one once said, "Tarry at the promise
24:40 until God meets you there, He always returns
24:44 by way of His promises."
24:47 You can track the Lord through history by His promises.
24:52 His actions are always following His promises.
24:57 And so often, there are promises of God that are just
25:00 not experienced or realized because we don't read them,
25:03 and then we don't wrap ourselves around them.
25:06 You won't enjoy it, unless you see it.
25:10 The Word of God is everything.
25:12 But the Word comes alive in our minds and hearts.
25:15 It must be seen, it must be heard, it must be believed,
25:18 and embraced and then it happens!
25:21 Wonderful things happen when we believe the Word of God.
25:25 Some of your remember a famous pastor within our denomination,
25:30 "Glen Coon," who did the seminars on
25:33 "The ABCs of Prayer."
25:35 And he talked about how important it was...
25:38 ABC's being: ASK - BELIEVE - CLAIM
25:44 And that's really the same principles for experiencing
25:47 a promise coming alive for you in the Bible.
25:50 Read it - say "I believe it," and then embrace it,
25:55 and say, "All right, Lord, I'm going to thank you for this,
25:57 I claim this promise."
25:59 Sometimes you basically have to present it to the Lord.
26:03 "The promises of God are like stars,
26:05 the darker the night, the brighter they are."
26:08 God's promises are an inexhaustible mine
26:12 filled with wealth.
26:14 Hebrews 11:33- How did the winners in the Bible win?
26:21 "Who through faith, they subdued kingdoms, they robbed
26:25 righteousness, they obtained promises."
26:27 How did they get these promises?
26:29 Through faith they embraced the promises,
26:32 and that's how they stopped the mouths of lions
26:34 quenched the violence of the fire
26:36 escaped the edge of the sword;
26:37 out of weakness they were made strong;
26:39 they waxed valiant in fight;
26:41 they turned to fight the armies of the enemies."
26:45 I noticed that part there where it says,
26:47 "Stopped the mouths of lions,
26:49 quenched the violence of the fire."
26:51 You know, there are Psalms that talk about victory over lions.
26:55 Daniel probably knew those Psalms that David wrote,
26:58 don't you think... and I think it encouraged him.
27:01 There is a promise that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
27:06 could have read in Isaiah - let me tell you what it is.
27:08 Isaiah 43:2, "When you pass through the waters,
27:12 I will be with you and through the rivers,
27:14 they will not overflow you.
27:15 When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned,
27:19 neither will the flame kindle upon thee."
27:22 And I believe, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
27:24 read that verse - they probably learned it at their
27:26 mother's knee and when Nebuchadnezzar said,
27:28 "I'm going to throw you in the fiery furnace,
27:30 the Holy Spirit reminded them of that promise,
27:33 they claimed that promise and they said,
27:35 "Our God who we serve is able
27:36 to deliver us from your hand, oh king."
27:38 And did God honor His Word?
27:40 I can just see it now... As the soldiers were tying up
27:43 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
27:44 they were probably muttering to each other,
27:46 "Remember the promise - Isaiah 43:2,
27:49 "When you go through the fire, it will not burn you!"
27:53 "Okay, Lord - You hear that, You said it!"
27:56 And they presented it to the Lord.
27:58 What could God do?
28:01 The whole world would have to pass away before
28:03 God becomes a liar.
28:05 So they get tossed in the fire
28:07 and He preserved them during that time.
28:12 We're to pray in Jesus' name.
28:15 The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 1:20,
28:17 "For all the promises of God are in Him yes."
28:22 When you find a promise in God's Word...
28:24 and you know, I don't even have time now,
28:25 there are thousands of promises in the
28:27 Word of God - I thought about making a list
28:29 and it just kept getting bigger and bigger,
28:30 of what God has promised for you and me.
28:33 We come to Him and we claim the promises,
28:35 not that we deserve it, but in the name of His Son.
28:37 Now, think about this for a second...
28:39 If God cannot lie - if His Word is perfect and unfailing,
28:44 and if you're asking Him to keep His word because
28:48 He said it and to honor it because you now have
28:52 the righteousness of His Son,
28:54 how good is the righteousness of Jesus?
28:56 What's His credit report? Perfect - 100%
29:00 How dependable is God's Word?
29:03 So if you approach the Father with the integrity of His Word,
29:08 and you're asking Him to honor His promise
29:10 based on the righteousness of His Son,
29:13 and He promises to give that to you by asking,
29:17 what are your chances of getting that promised answered?
29:21 Pretty good! I think it's 100%
29:25 Our part is to believe in His promises - to claim them.
29:30 He has promised to give us His Holy Spirit,
29:33 did you know that?
29:34 It's the most important need that anybody could ask for
29:37 is the Spirit of God.
29:39 Jesus said in Luke 24:49, "Behold I send the promise
29:44 of My Father upon you, but tarry ye in the
29:47 City of Jerusalem until you be endowed with power on high."
29:51 This is a good example of how the principle works.
29:53 He said, "I'm going to give you the power of the Spirit
29:55 to go into all the world and preach the gospel -
29:57 Wait in Jerusalem until you receive what I promised."
30:01 Did He tell them exactly when they would receive it? No
30:06 It turns out they waited 10 days.
30:08 Did they receive it? Yes
30:10 Does God keep His promises?
30:12 They were to watch and pray
30:14 for the Holy Spirit, that's what they did.
30:16 They stayed in the Upper Room, they waited...
30:19 And all that time they were waiting, they were preparing
30:22 as they prayed - they didn't even know it,
30:23 but they put aside their differences,
30:25 they humbled themselves, they emptied themselves,
30:27 they read the Bible, their hearts were being prepared,
30:29 and they were assembled together praying,
30:31 and then suddenly the power came, the promise came
30:35 of the Holy Spirit.
30:36 He has promised the Spirit other times...
30:38 Acts 2:38, Peter said, "Repent and let everyone
30:44 of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
30:46 for the remission of sins and you possibly might -
30:52 Any of you know that verse?
30:55 There is the possibility you could...
30:59 He says, "You shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
31:04 for the promise is unto you and your children,
31:09 and all who are far off as many as the Lord Our God
31:12 will call" - in other words, whosoever and be baptized,
31:17 call on the name of the Lord, the criteria of baptism,
31:20 and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit -
31:23 just as when Jesus was baptized, part of that was the
31:25 Holy Spirit came down to prepare Him for a life
31:28 of holiness and ministry.
31:30 God will do that for you.
31:31 And I just wonder how many people have been
31:33 baptized and they've never received the Holy Spirit
31:35 because they went through the baptism part,
31:38 but they never went through the claiming of the Holy Spirit,
31:41 praying and asking to receive the Holy Spirit part.
31:44 And I think especially in our church...
31:47 if you go to a Pentecostal Church, they don't ever
31:50 leave out the Holy Spirit part.
31:52 But in our church, we just want to make sure it's by immersion!
31:56 Baptist also - want to make sure we're doing it the
31:57 right way, but we forget about the most important part,
32:01 you not only need to be born of the water,
32:02 you need to be born of the Spirit.
32:05 I wonder if it's too late to ask for that or do you have
32:08 to go get baptized again?
32:10 Does God sometimes send the Holy Spirit
32:13 even after the baptism?
32:15 He can even pour out the Holy Spirit before you get baptized,
32:18 like with Cornelius.
32:20 So if you're still waiting to receive the Holy Spirit,
32:22 maybe God has been waiting for you to ask for the promise,
32:25 and you need to claim it.
32:27 He can still give it to you again if you want to get
32:30 re-baptized that might be possible too, but I don't want
32:32 to cause a mass re-baptism here.
32:35 Because the Bible tells us the disciples received the
32:38 baptism of the Holy Spirit after their water baptism
32:41 when they learned to claim the promise. Amen?
32:45 Ephesians 1:13- Still talking about the Holy Spirit.
32:48 "In Him you trusted, after you heard the word of truth
32:52 the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed
32:57 you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise."
33:01 I love this verse because it talks about you trusted,
33:04 the Holy Spirit promised and it says, "You are sealed."
33:11 You know, it used to be that years ago, if you bought
33:14 a piece of land... I'm talking back in the 1400s.
33:17 They would cut a piece of sod from that land,
33:19 and then give it to you and that was a
33:21 token that you now own that land.
33:23 Or if you bought an orchard, the farmer that you bought
33:26 the orchard from would break off a twig of that tree
33:29 and give it to you and it meant you now own the fruit
33:31 of that orchard, it's yours.
33:33 You bought a house - they used to take some of the
33:36 thatch from the roof and they would tear it off
33:39 and put it in your hands and that was a token that meant
33:41 you now own the house.
33:44 There's a token that God gives us that we have eternal life.
33:49 That token is the Holy Spirit.
33:52 The Holy Spirit is the evidence.
33:54 Does God give the Holy Spirit - does He pour the
33:56 Holy Spirit on people that are lost?
33:58 Or does He give the Holy Spirit to His children?
34:02 See, His gift is for His heirs.
34:05 The Holy Spirit is a gift of the Spirit for those
34:07 who are heirs of everlasting life.
34:09 And so when He gives you the Spirit, that will encourage you
34:12 that - Hey, I've got a token of His promise that He'll save me.
34:18 That's what it says!
34:20 It says, "You were sealed with the Holy Spirit."
34:26 God keeps up with His promises.
34:29 You know, another promise some of us will enjoy,
34:32 you might jot this down...
34:34 He wants to promise to save our children.
34:39 You know, we want assurance of our salvation,
34:42 but for those who are parents,
34:44 if you could choose between assurance of your salvation
34:47 and assurance of your children's salvation, I'll tell you
34:49 right now, I'll sleep better at night if I could be
34:52 assured of their salvation. That's what I want!
34:56 I like the promises of my salvation.
35:00 I like that kind of assurance, but if I had to choose
35:03 between the two, I would want the assurance
35:06 that He'll save them and hear my prayers on their behalf.
35:11 Isaiah 43:5- I know a lot of parents out there know this one.
35:16 "Fear not for I am with you, I will bring your descendants
35:21 from the east and gather them from the west;
35:23 I'll say to the north, "Give them up and to the south,
35:26 do not keep them back."
35:27 "Bring my sons from afar and
35:30 my daughters from the ends of the earth."
35:33 And again, Isaiah 49:25, "But thus says the Lord,
35:37 even the captives of the mighty will be taken and the prey
35:40 of the terrible will be delivered.
35:42 For I will contend with him who contends with you,
35:45 and I will save your children."
35:49 You know, this is caveman theology,
35:55 but it's probably worth sharing.
35:57 I think God is so honored by our faith that sometimes
36:01 He will keep a promise that we find in His Bible
36:04 we maybe even misunderstand.
36:07 I remember one time hearing a native American pastor
36:11 get up and he had no formal education,
36:13 he was reading this verse in Psalms about, he said,
36:17 "My heart is fixed."
36:19 And, I don't know, I think the pastor had had heart surgery
36:23 or something and he thought the word "fixed" there
36:26 meant like - repaired.
36:28 It doesn't mean that. Fixed means it's settled
36:31 like when something is nailed in place.
36:32 My heart is fixed upon God.
36:33 When you fix your vision on something,
36:35 and so I heard him preaching this and I thought
36:37 "He misunderstands the Word, but I think God is going to
36:39 heal him anyway because of his faith."
36:42 He was taking it as a promise!
36:44 I remember also hearing one of them preach about
36:48 the book of job... j- o-b
36:53 And it was a great message, but he kept saying,
36:55 "And job did this and job did that,"
36:57 well that's how you spell job right?
36:59 But, so - I've seen people sometimes go through
37:04 the Word of God and maybe they see something in there
37:06 and it really strikes them and they claim it and I think,
37:09 "You know, they're reading that out of context,
37:10 but I'm not going to tell them otherwise,
37:12 because I think the Lord is
37:13 glad that they're finding a promise in there.
37:16 And rather than have one of His children doubt
37:20 His faithfulness, I think God will honor a promise
37:23 that He didn't even make... but you think He did!
37:29 He'd much rather... have you ever had that happen?
37:33 ... With your kids?
37:35 They're telling you you promised something -
37:36 you don't remember ever promising it.
37:38 But rather than them think that you're lying to them
37:41 you say, "I don't remember that one, but all right."
37:45 Rather than ye who doubt me...
37:48 Well if we're like as earthly parents,
37:51 I think God is that way too and sometimes we might
37:54 read something in His Word and you might misapply it,
37:56 but, you know what, He might be saying something just for you!
38:00 I heard a story just this week about a family of missionaries.
38:03 It was, I think, on the Hope channel.
38:05 A family of missionaries that went to the mission field
38:08 in - was it Indonesia? Somewhere that was just
38:11 absolutely rife with cobras and the family as they got off the
38:15 plane and they saw everything, they were kind of having
38:17 second thoughts about doing mission work and the
38:20 father, when he stepped out of the van onto the ground
38:23 in this new mission field, he put his foot right down on
38:26 a cobra - pulled it back in; they just arrived -
38:29 Said to the family, "Don't unpack, we're not staying."
38:35 But then he began to wonder, they had done all this planning
38:37 and preparation and thinking about - How am I going to
38:39 tell everybody about my years of mission service
38:41 when it only lasted 30 seconds.
38:44 And he said, "Well, let's pray about it, but look,
38:46 I don't want to endanger my family - there are cobras
38:48 everywhere here and I just stepped on one,
38:51 I don't want to lose my children and God knows that...
38:53 and so Lord, I'm going to do something that's pretty reckless
38:56 - I'm going to pray, I've never done this before and I'm going
38:59 to put my thumb in my Bible, flip through my Bible,
39:02 close my eyes and put my thumb in my Bible -
39:03 If You want us to stay here, I need some definite
39:06 assurances because I sure don't want to risk my children's
39:10 life unless I know You want us here."
39:13 So he flipped through the Bible, he put his thumb there,
39:15 he opened the Bible, he moved his thumb,
39:17 and it was Mark 16 where it says "You will tread on serpents."
39:24 Actually that was Psalm 91,
39:25 Mark 16 is another one on serpents.
39:28 And he said, "Humph - that settled it for them!"
39:30 So they stayed in the mission field - they were there
39:32 and he said they killed 9 cobras while they were there,
39:34 and nobody ever got bit.
39:36 But, that's not the way God wants you to read your Bible!
39:41 He promises us eternal life.
39:44 How many of you would like to claim that promise?
39:48 Titus 1:2, "In hope of eternal life, which God
39:56 that cannot lie, promised!"
40:00 That ought to get you to take a deep breath,
40:02 way down in the lower lobes of your lungs there,
40:05 a sigh of relief.
40:07 God has promised eternal life and He cannot lie.
40:12 So we don't need to worry about His promise...
40:15 The question is - Are you going to cash that one in?
40:19 Are you going to have that gift card disappear somewhere
40:22 in your piles of papers?
40:27 You know, with the contracts of men, someone said once,
40:29 "The big print gives and the small print taketh away."
40:35 And so we're wondering... where's the fine print?
40:38 Well the fine print says, "If you believe,
40:41 all things are possible if you believe."
40:44 If you're not there, if you're not in the Promised Land,
40:46 it's because you didn't believe that He could give it to you.
40:48 By the way, Joshua and Caleb did make it to the Promised land
40:52 among those spies because they did believe.
40:55 Caleb said let's go up at once for He is able to give us
40:59 victory over the enemies of the land.
41:03 1 John 2:25, "And this is the promise that He has
41:06 promised us - even eternal life."
41:08 Case 1- Witness is not enough, there's a second witness for you
41:12 He has promised eternal life.
41:13 You want a third witness?
41:14 Hebrews 9:15, "And for this reason, He is the Mediator
41:19 of the New Covenant to those who are called
41:22 that they might receive the promise of eternal inheritance."
41:27 Wow! God had promised to give us everlasting life!
41:32 ...Oh, but I'm not good enough!
41:36 Well He promises to fix that too.
41:38 He knows you're not good enough!
41:39 But He promises to change your heart and prepare you.
41:44 ...But I don't have enough faith!
41:45 He promises to give you faith!
41:47 Everything you need to be there, He has promised to provide
41:51 all things if you believe Him.
41:55 Just believe Him.
41:57 Now, one of the ways promises work is not that God forgets,
42:02 but He wants you to remind Him.
42:05 Love likes being pursued.
42:09 Now, when Jacob was wrestling with the Lord,
42:12 God had made a promise to Jacob to bless his seed,
42:16 to do good unto him even though he had lied to his father,
42:20 and lied to his brother and tried to steal the birthright,
42:22 God said, "I'll forgive you, you've repented,
42:24 I'm going to make a great nation out of you."
42:26 Now he comes back into the Promised Land,
42:28 he has been gone for 21 years, his brother is coming with
42:30 and army of 400 men to annihilate him,
42:34 and he wrestled in prayer.
42:39 And when the angel appears, he tells the angel,
42:41 "For you said, "I will surely treat you well,
42:45 I will do good unto you and make your descendants like
42:48 the sand of the sea that cannot be numbered for multitude."
42:51 You promised me something - did God honor His promise?
42:54 Jacob reminded him.
42:56 When Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egypt
43:00 and all the people sinned with the golden calf,
43:02 then God said, "Get out of My way Moses,
43:03 I'm going to wipe them out, I'll make a great nation of you"
43:06 God knew what He was going to do, He was testing Moses.
43:09 What did Moses do - he reminded the Lord of what he had promised
43:13 Exodus 32:13, "Moses said, "Remember Abraham,
43:17 Isaac and Jacob, your servants to whom you swear by
43:20 your own self and you said to them, "I'll multiply
43:24 your seeds as the starred heaven and all this land
43:26 that is spoken of, I'll give it to your seed,
43:28 and they'll inherit forever."
43:30 "And the Lord repented of the evil
43:32 that He thought to do to His people."
43:33 Why? Because Moses conjured up the promises of God
43:38 and presented them before the Lord.
43:40 He wants you to learn to do the same thing.
43:42 God has a lot of promises in there and He wants you to
43:44 take them and say, "Lord, remember this?"
43:46 And God says, "Yeah, I remember but I'm glad you reminded me."
43:50 See how it works? God doesn't forget anything.
43:54 But sometimes you gotta say, "Remember this?"
43:57 And then God acts!
43:59 Because you're claiming His promise!
44:02 I think the devil tries to cloud God's promises
44:05 with out doubts and when we say, "Lord, I believe this,
44:08 You said it and I believe it,"
44:10 then God can act upon it.
44:11 He can activate His promises when we claim them.
44:15 You need to present it to the Lord.
44:18 2 Samuel 7:28, "Oh Lord God, You are God and Your words
44:24 are true and You promised this goodness to Your servant.
44:27 Now therefore, let it please You to bless the house
44:31 of Your servant that it may continue forever
44:34 before You, Lord, Oh Lord God, You have
44:38 spoken it and with Your blessing, let the house of
44:40 Your servant be blessed forever."
44:42 David said, "God, You promised to bless my house,
44:44 I'm reminding You said it, let it be established.
44:47 I'm claiming it, I accept what You have said for my house."
44:50 Did God honor the promise He made to David?
44:55 Yeah, not only did He preserve his seed...
44:58 even though Solomon sinned, when Solomon sinned,
45:01 God said to him, "Because I made a promise to your father,
45:03 I'm going to give you a tribe in Israel forever."
45:07 And of course, Jesus came through the tribe of Judah.
45:09 Jesus the Son of David is going to reign forever and ever,
45:13 and so God's promise to David that none would fail from
45:16 his seed to sit on the throne forever is true!
45:20 God's promise never fails.
45:23 I like when God said to Elisha through Elijah.
45:27 Elisha said, "I want a double portion of your spirit."
45:31 And Elijah said, "You've asked a big thing."
45:35 Here's how it works and by the way, this is 2 Kings 2:10
45:38 "If you see me - there's a conditional promise here -
45:42 "If you see me when I'm taken up from you,
45:44 you will receive a double portion of my spirit,
45:45 but if you don't see me, you won't."
45:48 So as they walked along and talked together,
45:50 Holy group of angels came down;
45:54 a fiery chariot took Elijah up to heaven,
45:56 and the Bible says, "And Elisha saw it."
46:01 So when Elisha picked up the mantle of Elijah,
46:04 he went back to the Jordan River;
46:05 he claimed the promise of God.
46:07 Sometimes you've wondered why he said this;
46:09 "Elisha said, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?
46:13 And when he had said this,
46:14 he smote the waters and they parted."
46:16 He basically says, "Where is that promise you made?"
46:19 You made me a promise, I'm claiming it now,
46:21 and he did the same thing Elijah did and the waters
46:24 parted for him just like they had parted for Elijah.
46:27 Because he made a conditional
46:28 promise and Elisha met the conditions.
46:31 Said - If you see me - in other words, if you don't take
46:33 your eyes off me, you'll receive a double
46:35 portion of my spirit.
46:36 By the way, that's still true for you.
46:38 Keep your eyes on Christ and you'll receive a double portion.
46:42 This was our memory verse: "We're believing in the promises
46:45 of eternal life, believe this one.
46:48 2 Peter 1:3, "According as His divine power
46:53 has given unto us all things that pertain
46:56 to life and godliness - there's a promise right there.
46:58 His power has given us how many things?
47:01 All things that pertain to what?
47:03 Life - practical living and godliness.
47:08 Everything you need for godliness is in His Word.
47:11 Through the knowledge of Him that has called us to
47:14 glory and virtue, whereby are given unto us
47:18 exceeding great and precious promises, not just promises,
47:23 not just great promises, but exceeding great
47:28 and precious promises!
47:30 Can't get a better promise than that - can you?
47:33 That by these - what do we do with these promises?
47:36 By these, you might be partakers of the divine nature.
47:41 Whose nature is that? The nature of Christ!
47:45 You can be a partaker of His nature!
47:48 ... I don't know, Pastor Doug-
47:49 Well, maybe you won't - Why? Because you don't believe it.
47:53 If you believe it, you can!
47:56 Do you believe His promise?
47:58 By the promises, you've got it right here -
48:00 You can be a partaker of His divine nature.
48:02 And some would say, "Well, that just means that God looks at you
48:04 and He pretends you've got the nature of Christ."
48:06 That's not what He's saying...
48:07 He's saying, "You partake of it."
48:10 "You are changed - having escaped the corruption
48:15 that is in the world through lust," is that clear enough?
48:18 You become a partaker of the divine nature,
48:20 and it's shown in that you escape the corruption
48:23 that is in the world by lust.
48:25 That's an exceeding great and precious promise all in itself
48:29 that we can be new creatures.
48:32 And then, of course, you've got what I quoted in Jude 1:24
48:35 "Now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling,
48:40 and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory
48:43 with exceeding joy."
48:44 He is able to keep us from falling.
48:47 And that's why we used to sing that song at every
48:49 evangelistic meeting, "He is Able, He is Able"
48:52 So you're not trusting in your ability,
48:54 you're not trusting in your word or promises...
48:56 You're trusting in His promises and His dependability.
49:01 If you believe, all things are possible to him that believes.
49:05 Yes, even your holy living, everything is possible.
49:09 How many believe it's possible for the devil to
49:11 tempt you to sin?
49:12 Let me see your hands... How many believe it's possible?
49:16 Do you believe it's possible for the devil to tempt you to sin?
49:18 How many of you believe it's possible for
49:20 Jesus to keep you from sin?
49:23 If you don't raise your hand the second time,
49:25 but you raise your hand the first time,
49:26 that means you believe your devil is more powerful
49:29 than your God...
49:34 All things are possible for those that believe.
49:40 I heard, somebody wrote one time,
49:43 " Robert Murray McCheyne," "If I could hear Christ
49:46 praying for me in the next room, I would not fear for a
49:50 million enemies."
49:52 Isn't that true? If you could, right now,
49:55 know that Jesus is in the next room and overhear Him
49:57 praying and interceding for you,
49:59 would you be afraid of anything?
50:02 How many of you would be more confident of your victory?
50:05 Now I didn't finish the quote.
50:07 "Yet distance makes no difference."
50:10 "He is praying for me - He ever lives
50:13 to make intercession for us."
50:15 So just because He's a little further away and maybe
50:18 you can't hear, do you believe He's praying for your victory?
50:24 Then it can be yours.
50:25 We need to cling to these promises that are here
50:30 because it is a matter of life and death.
50:32 The devil wants to break your hold on the promises of God.
50:35 You gotta hold on to Him as though your life depends on it
50:38 because it does!
50:39 Your eternal life depends on - your victory depends on
50:42 your success - your walking in His will - all depends on
50:44 your trusting His Word, stepping out in faith,
50:47 claiming His promises - knowing what they are.
50:51 A lot of us don't even know the power of them!
50:54 And not letting go!
50:56 Heard about a sea captain once that counted how he was
51:00 making his way across the Caribbean to Cuba,
51:03 they heard the shout "man overboard."
51:06 The boat was frequently trailed by sharks that used to pick up
51:09 the garbage that was thrown off the ship
51:11 or discarded fish that they had eaten,
51:14 and when a man fell overboard, it was a serious matter
51:17 because those big lumbering ships couldn't turn around
51:19 often in time to recover them if the water was cold
51:22 or if there were sharks...
51:24 And when they shouted "man overboard,"
51:25 they always had a rope coiled up at the stern
51:28 and they would hurl it as fast as they could,
51:30 and you were supposed to get a hold of it before
51:32 the ship got too far away.
51:35 Man overboard! Seaman at the back
51:38 hurled the rope off the stern;
51:41 the man who had fallen from the ship got a hold of it
51:44 and he held on for dear life because the ship was still
51:47 moving - so it's kind of like waterskiing slowly
51:50 submarining through the water.
51:51 He knew if he let go, sharks would probably get him
51:54 before that ship could turn around...
51:55 And all the men got hold and they pulled him in,
51:58 pulled him up the side, got him onboard
52:01 and the captain said, "It was 2 hours before
52:04 we could get his hands off the rope."
52:07 He would not let go of that rope!
52:12 I remember one time riding a motorcycle
52:14 for 2 hours in the rain and I couldn't open my hands up,
52:17 and they were just so cold, they were frozen.
52:22 But that's the idea, you get a hold of the promises of God,
52:25 and don't let the devil discourage you and say,
52:27 "Aw, you're not good enough, you're never going to make it,
52:28 you can't make it, you can't believe it...
52:30 What about all the times you failed?"
52:32 The devil is going to try and loosen your grip.
52:34 Don't let go - the Bible says, "Cleave unto the Lord
52:38 for He is your life."
52:39 A lot of unclaimed promises out there that we're missing.
52:45 Years ago, when the Canadian- Pacific Railroad need to
52:49 take their train track across some Indian territory,
52:53 the great Blackfoot chief by the name of Crowfoot
52:56 gave them permission to cross their land and in exchange
53:00 the Canadian-Pacific Railroad gave him a lifetime pass
53:04 to travel for free on that railroad.
53:07 Well, he said he appreciated it, he coiled it up in a little
53:11 scroll and stuck it in a leather pouch in a bag around is neck,
53:15 but to their knowledge, for the remainder of his life,
53:17 which was considerable, he never got on the train.
53:21 Never took the ride that he could have taken!
53:26 And that's the way it is sometimes with God's people
53:28 We just kind of carry it as an ornament.
53:33 The promises of God - we wear them instead of live them.
53:36 And God is wanting us to take the ride to get on board
53:39 and to say, "I personally am going to put my weight down
53:41 on the promises of God."
53:43 You can lean all you want on the promises of God,
53:45 they will not break.
53:47 Kind of like a story I heard one time about a man years ago,
53:50 needed to get across the Missouri River.
53:52 It was in winter and he was making that pilgrimage with
53:55 a lot of settlers across the river and he came
53:58 to the banks and it was frozen.
53:59 He didn't know how thick the ice was and so
54:02 he got down on all 4's, he figured if I
54:04 spread out and displace my weight - if I walk, you know,
54:09 the more concentrated weight.
54:10 If I get on all 4s and so he's crawling across the ice...
54:14 Soon he heard bells and he heard the crack of a whip,
54:17 and he looked to his left and there was a sleigh
54:21 going across the river pulling a wagon filled with coal
54:25 and horses galloping by him.
54:27 And they looked at this man on all 4's crawling across the ice.
54:33 And I wonder sometimes if that's not what the angels see...
54:36 God has got these promises that have never failed,
54:39 and we're tiptoeing out there on the ice and we're getting
54:42 down and they're going, "You know it will hold
54:44 a lot more than you!"
54:45 The sacrifice of Jesus is adequate to keep the promises.
54:50 It's better than any billion dollar government
54:52 bail out, I'll tell you right now.
54:55 There's enough for everybody!
54:56 The blood is sufficient - His promises are sure,
55:00 and you can set your weight down on them, friends.
55:03 How many of you would like to become better
55:05 acquainted with the promises of
55:06 God this year that are found in His Word?
55:08 You're going to have to read them.
55:10 Start underlying them, start claiming them.
55:12 Ask, believe, claim and you'll experience transformation
55:16 in you life whatever your challenges are.
55:18 Whether it's something where you work, in your character,
55:20 we've all got that, in your family, pray for miracles.
55:25 Don't underestimate what God can do. Amen?
55:28 Is it easier to stand on one foot or two?
55:30 Would you be more stable with 2 feet or 4?
55:35 You got hundreds of feet you can stand on in the
55:39 Word of God, friends. Amen!
55:41 It's in the promises of His Word...
55:43 And you look at them, claim them, believe them,
55:45 and you'll have that solid assurance.
55:48 Let's pray together...
55:50 Loving Father, Lord, we thank You for
55:53 the assurance that Your Word never fails; that not one word
55:58 of all You've promised has failed.
56:00 And that You are the same yesterday, today and forever.
56:04 Jesus Christ does not change.
56:06 Lord, I pray that we can have more confidence that You
56:11 will fulfill what You've promised,
56:13 that we will do our part to lay hold on those promises;
56:17 those exceeding great and precious promises,
56:20 that we might partake of the nature of Jesus Himself
56:24 in our lives; that we might escape the corruption
56:26 that is in the world by lust and reflect Christ,
56:29 and be real Christians.
56:31 Help us, Lord, to get the specific promises
56:34 that we need, not only for eternal life and the Holy Spirit
56:38 that You will save our loved ones, but in the various
56:41 areas of our lives where we struggle.
56:43 Direct us to those promises that we need in Your Word.
56:47 I pray that You'll bless these people in this church.
56:50 Be with those in a special way who have come forward
56:53 with some needs - some who may be accepting
56:54 Jesus for the first time.
56:56 Come into their hearts and give them that sweet assurance
56:59 that they are Your children.
57:00 Also Lord, we pray for the many who may be listening
57:03 or watching and that Your Spirit will meet with them
57:06 right where they are right now and they can
57:08 experience that assurance, that peace
57:11 of everlasting life that You've promised in Your Word
57:13 because of Jesus and it's in His name we pray,
57:16 and we thank You... Amen
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Revised 2014-12-17