Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor
Series Code: EG
Program Code: EG002845
00:09 It's been 2000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion about the 00:16 character of God. And still today the greatest need of 00:20 mankind is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of 00:23 Christ. Amazing Facts presents the Everlasting Gospel with 00:27 Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from Sacramento 00:31 Central Church in sunny California. 00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's word today. 00:36 For the next few weeks I'll be addressing a new series dealing 00:43 with a character in the Bible that sort of represents the 00:47 pinnacle in the history of God's people and that's King Solomon. 00:52 King Solomon. Today will be Solomon Part-I, The Son of David 00:57 Now I thought this would be a worthy study because the life of 01:02 Solomon had a lot of parallels with Jesus himself. Jesus was 01:07 called the Son of David. And there are a lot of things we can 01:11 learn. Also I think everybody knows Solomon was the wisest man 01:15 who's ever lived next to Jesus, that's probably safe to say. 01:20 Author of the book of Ecclesiastes, most of the 01:24 the proverbs, the Song of Solomon and even some of the 01:29 Psalms it is believed. So we're going to spend some time talking 01:33 a little bit about Solomon. Today we're going to get from 01:36 the birth of Solomon to where he is coronated. And it's a very 01:41 interesting history. Solomon was born into the world in the midst 01:46 of a scandal. I think everybody knows about the story of David's 01:51 sin. David was at home in Jerusalem while the soldiers in 01:57 the army were out fighting with the Ammonites. They had besieged 02:02 the capital of Rabbah. David thought well I don't need to be 02:04 there. A siege sometimes lasts for years. I'm going to go back 02:08 to Jerusalem. I've got some desk work to do. And one day while 02:11 wandering on the roof of his house, he spied a beautiful 02:15 woman from his vantage point looking into the court yard and 02:19 seeing what he probably wasn't supposed to see and instead of 02:23 turning away, he kept looking. And you know that's one of the 02:28 characteristics of a man of God and a woman of God. Job said 02:33 I've made a covenant with my eyes. Why should I behold 02:35 another man's wife. We need to know how and when to close our 02:40 eyes and turn away, especially in the age of popups. You've got 02:45 to know how to close your eyes and turn away. Well David saw an 02:50 unexpected popup on his screen. He wasn't responsible for that. 02:54 He was just walking on his roof. But he then kept looking and he 02:59 went beyond that and pretty soon it turned into adultery and when 03:04 she was invited to the palace it was told that she was the wife 03:09 of Uriah one of his loyal soldiers, one of the mighty men 03:13 in David's army. He had gone through thick and thin with him. 03:18 But he didn't care and got involved in this scandal. He was 03:22 sowing wild oats and then praying for crop failure and it 03:26 didn't work out that way and she became pregnant. Then he tried 03:31 to cover it up by getting Uriah to come home and do a little 03:35 R and R with his wife so nobody would know, except David and 03:39 Bathsheba and the Lord. But Uriah had more integrity than 03:43 David. He said you know I can't go home and spend time 03:47 celebrating with my wife when the soldiers are still in the 03:50 field and the battle is not won. And after several attempts he 03:54 could not get Uriah to go home. He said it's not time for me to 03:58 do that. How can I go back to my troops that are living out 04:01 there in the mud in the field and the blood and the battle 04:05 and say I was back home in the palace and with my wife. And so 04:10 David then signed a death warrant and he sent it by 04:15 Uriah's own hand to Joab and it said set Uriah at the forefront 04:19 of the hottest battle and then retreat and leave him behind so 04:24 that he is smitten and he dies. Joab didn't know exactly what 04:28 was going on but he obeyed the king's order. He put Uriah at a 04:32 wall where he knew brave men in the city were protecting things 04:36 and they charged the wall and then Joab had everyone retreat 04:39 and leave Uriah and his platoon there by themselves and they 04:44 fell under a hail of arrows and they died. Well then David took 04:48 Bathsheba, had a quick wedding, as soon as she finished the 04:53 minimal period of mourning and it was amazing how that first 05:01 baby came in seven months, he says, tongue in cheek. And David 05:08 was hoping nobody would know. But pretty soon Nathan the 05:13 prophet came and through a series of a parable David 05:19 basically condemned himself and Nathan the prophet said because 05:23 you've done this thing and you've given cause for the 05:25 enemies of God to blaspheme, the child that is born in connection 05:32 with your sin will die. So that baby, that first son of David 05:38 and Bathsheba died; innocent baby died because of their sin. 05:44 Now you might think, that doesn't sound fair. Well first 05:48 of all sin is not fair and by the way Jesus was an innocent 05:52 baby too who died because of our sin. Isn't that right? Christ is 05:57 like that first baby as well in that he died because of the 06:03 scandal and the sin. There was a big cover up that they 06:08 attempted and it didn't work. Well David prayed for that baby 06:13 seven days on his face and still whatever the sickness was it was 06:18 terminal. But then after a period of time the Bible tells 06:22 us that David went to comfort his wife. Solomon is born. David 06:27 repented thoroughly of what had happened. God forgave David. 06:31 And to show David and Bathsheba that they were forgiven he gave 06:37 them another baby. The Bible says in II Samuel 12 verse 24: 06:41 Then David comforted Bathsheba his wife. Now look at that. 06:46 First when David took Bathsheba it calls her the wife of Uriah. 06:50 After David is forgiven... and you know in pastoring you always 06:53 run into these circumstances where people have all these 06:56 convoluted marriage relationships and all the 06:58 baggage from multiple mixed families and some folks come and 07:01 they'll say Pastor Doug, I've been divorced and married two or 07:05 three times and we've got this blended family and I read what 07:08 the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. Can I be a 07:12 Christian? And they wonder. Can I get a new beginning? Well the 07:15 Bible doesn't say that this is the unpardonable sin. There's a 07:18 lot of sin that often is involved in those breakups 07:22 and those wounded relationships. But I think about the Samaritan 07:26 woman at the well who came to Jesus and the Lord revealed 07:29 you've had five husbands, you're living with a man now you're not 07:34 married to and yet in spite of all of that he revealed to her 07:38 he was the Messiah and he used her to tell others in the town 07:42 that he was the Messiah. You come to the Lord the way you 07:46 are. I remember a pastor told me one time when I tried to 07:49 figure out some of this marriage counseling, the 07:53 conundrums that you run into and he said you can't unscramble 07:57 scrambled eggs. You come to the Lord the way you are, where you 08:02 are. And Jesus is about new beginnings. So when David 08:07 repented, now I want to say this for the record, what David did, 08:10 adultery, is a sin, murder is certainly a sin. And I know a 08:14 lot of people in the church that want to sin like David sinned 08:17 but they don't want to repent like David repented. David spent 08:21 seven days on his face weeping in agony like Jesus in the 08:24 Garden of Gethsemane because of his sin. So if you're wanting to 08:28 be forgiven like David and you want to sin like David you 08:32 should be willing to repent like David. That's the part that's 08:35 often left out. People like the grace but they don't want the 08:38 repentance. Well David thoroughly repented and God said 08:42 through Nathan the prophet, you've been forgiven and then 08:47 it says he comforted his wife. From that point one, Uriah's 08:52 dead, what's Bathsheba going to do? She was probably partly 08:57 involved. It doesn't say he raped her. She was involved in 09:02 the sin. Bathsheba was forgiven, David was forgiven and from that 09:05 point on he looked them as a husband and a wife. David went 09:09 and comforted his wife Bathsheba and they had another child. 09:14 Now if I were God I never would have planned this king who was 09:18 to be a type of Christ to come from a scandalous relationship 09:23 like this. Solomon was born. But you look at the family tree of 09:27 Jesus. Have you ever done that? You know all those begats that 09:30 you read about there in Luke and in Matthew. There's a reason 09:35 they're there. And it tells us in the family tree of Jesus and 09:39 that DNA he's got all kinds of sordid people. You've got Rahab 09:44 the harlot, Tamar who dressed up like a harlot and seduced her 09:49 father-in-law and got pregnant. You've got Ruth the Moabitess. 09:53 Some other multiple nationalities involved 09:57 there. Not only do you have Rachel and Sarah and Rebecca 10:03 but in there you've got Bathsheba in the family tree 10:08 of Jesus. So this tells us about God's mercy. And the name that 10:15 they gave the boy is Solomon. Solomon means his peace. 10:18 In Jewish if you want to say peace to somebody what do you 10:23 say? Shalom. It's related to that. It means his peace or the 10:28 peaceful one. God had made peace with David. Nathan, who had 10:31 condemned David because of his sin and exposed David because 10:35 of his sin, he gave a nickname to Solomon, and he called him 10:40 Jedidiah, which means Jehovah's darling. Now one reason for this 10:45 is David was so crushed that Solomon's older brother had died 10:50 because of the sin, God wanted to reassure him of his mercy. 10:55 And he said that he was going to do great things. Matter of fact, 10:58 the word David means well beloved. Bathsheba means the 11:04 seventh daughter or the daughter of satisfaction, the daughter of 11:08 completeness or satisfaction. The seventh daughter. In the 11:12 other language, the Hebrew, it comes out with that meaning. 11:15 And so that's a little bit of the background of what the 11:18 background of what the names mean. Now I want to talk for a 11:22 moment about the family tree, very interesting, of Solomon. 11:26 I already mentioned a little bit about the background of 11:29 Bathsheba, but some people think that because Bathsheba was 11:33 involved in this scandal with David that she was just some... 11:36 I'm trying to find an appropriate word for church. 11:39 The first thing that came into my mind was bimbo, but that 11:42 didn't sound right in church. That she was just you know 11:46 some empty-headed woman that David saw and she just had no 11:50 brain. That's not at all true. First of all, her son Solomon, 11:54 you already know, was the wisest man who ever lived next to Jesus 11:58 so all that DNA didn't come from David. It tells us about 12:02 Bathsheba in II Samuel 11 verse The servants of David said to 12:07 David is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Elam, the wife of 12:11 Uriah the Hittite. All right who is Elam? You do a little work 12:14 there. You look in chapter 23 12:16 of II Samuel verse 34: Elam the son of Ahithophel. Elam was 12:22 in David's army. His father was Ahithophel the Gilinite. Now who 12:28 is Ahithophel? This is the grandfather of Bathsheba. 12:30 Listen to this. He was the counselor for David, the primary 12:37 counselor for David. He was to David with, oh man my mind's 12:43 going blank now. What's that guy who gave all the counsel to 12:49 President Bush? Carl Rove, thank you very much. He's only been 12:53 resigned for a year now and I can't remember his name. Carl 12:58 Rove was like the mastermind of all the strategic decisions that 13:01 Bush did, they say. I guess no one disputes that. Ahithophel 13:05 was the brains behind David. If you can imagine that. David was 13:08 smart enough by himself. The Bible says regarding the counsel 13:12 of Ahithophel it says it was as if one had inquired of the 13:16 oracle of God. So was all the advice of Ahithophel both with 13:20 David and with Absalom. Now this is the grandfather of Bathsheba. 13:23 He was smart. So she was not only beautiful she was 13:28 intelligent and later on today you're going to find out that 13:31 she thought ahead and actually saved the kingdom for her son 13:35 because she thought ahead. Solomon was not the only son. 13:39 Of course, he had an older brother he never knew. 13:41 I mentioned during Sabbath School today most people don't 13:44 know that I've got a brother buried here in town that I never 13:47 saw. His name was Patrick. My father was married before he 13:50 married my mother to a lady named Irene. They died in a 13:53 plane crash coming from Southern California to Northern 13:56 California and went here. Still the urn. They're buried right 14:02 here in Sacramento at the Sacramento cemetery here in 14:05 town. Solomon not only had that older brother that he didn't 14:10 know about. Do you know he had three other brothers? 14:12 Most people don't know that. It tells you in I Chronicles 3 14:17 verse 5: These were born to David in Jerusalem. Shimea and 14:22 Shobab and Nathan and Solomon, four of Bathshua the daughter of 14:27 Amiel or Elam, same name. Now we don't know if one of those 14:31 four was the one that died, whether they had named that 14:34 child or not. It's not clear. But at least he had two or 14:39 three other full brothers. A little bit about David. Now 14:43 the seed or the line of David is mentioned in prophecy. 14:48 Go back a few years when it's talking about the son of David. 14:52 If you look at I Chronicles 17 verse 11; let me give you the 14:56 background. When David was alive when you wanted to go to church 15:01 where did you go? Did they have a temple yet? No, they had no 15:06 temple meaning that all through the period of the patriarchs and 15:11 the judges they still had that tabernacle. How old was that 15:15 tabernacle that Moses had built in the wilderness? Well it was 15:19 getting pretty tattered. Hundreds of years had gone by. 15:24 Now David had become very successful. He had strategic 15:29 relationships with the king of Tyre. The king of Tyre sent down 15:32 craftsmen and builders and cedar from Lebanon. They built a 15:35 beautiful palace for David and one day David is sitting in his 15:38 palace, this is before the episode with Bathsheba, 15:41 and he's saying to himself... You know it may have been just 15:45 after that but it's before Solomon was chosen. It's not 15:49 fair that I'm dwelling in a house of cedar. I've got this 15:53 palace and the ark of God is still in a tent. We need to 15:58 build a real permanent dwelling place for God's temple. So while 16:03 he was pondering this Nathan the prophet came to him and David 16:08 said to Nathan, Nathan it's just not fair that here I'm dwelling 16:11 in a palace and the ark of God is in a tent. And Nathan said do 16:15 all that's in your heart. David was accumulating all this 16:19 fabulous wealth from all these nations he had conquered and the 16:22 tribute that was pouring in to his treasury. He said we can 16:25 build the biggest most beautiful temple in the world to Jehovah. 16:29 And Nathan said, God is with you. Well after Nathan left 16:32 the word of the Lord came to him. Don't ever forget this. 16:36 Was Nathan a prophet? Is everything a prophet says 16:41 a prophecy? No. Nathan was just talking with David as a friend. 16:45 And he said do all that's in your heart. The Lord is with you 16:49 After he walks out the word of the Lord says, Wait Nathan, slow 16:52 down. You better go back and talk to David. I don't want 16:55 David to build my temple. I've got other plans. So Nathan goes 16:59 back. Now speaking under inspiration the word of God... 17:03 See I want you to remember that because some people think every 17:06 time a prophet said anything that it was a prophecy; that 17:08 prophets weren't people that could sit at the dinner table 17:11 and say please pass the bread and that's a prophecy, write it 17:13 down. I mean, you know, they were normal people. And 17:17 sometimes they talked with people and not everything they 17:19 said was a prophecy. And I think we sometimes misunderstand that 17:23 gift. You know where I'm going with that, right? Yeah, okay. 17:28 I Chronicles 17, he's now given a message from God. Verse 11. 17:33 And he said you will not build me a house David because you're 17:37 a bloody man. It shall be that when your days are fulfilled 17:41 that you must go be with your fathers, translation, when you 17:45 die, that I will set up your seed, your descendants, after 17:50 you who will be of your sons and I will establish his kingdom. 17:55 He will build me a house and I will establish his throne 17:59 forever. Who was he talking about? Who is the son of David 18:05 that was to build the house. Solomon? Is that the only one? 18:10 Or is that a dual prophecy. Did David have a literal son named 18:14 Solomon that built the temple? But is that a fuller prophecy 18:18 about Jesus the son of David? Didn't Christ say destroy this 18:22 temple made with hands and in three days I'll raise it up and 18:25 he spoke of his body. Isn't the church called the temple of God? 18:28 Didn't he also build another kind of house? And, by the way, 18:32 the temple of Solomon and the reign of Solomon, did they last 18:35 forever? No. Listen to what it says here continuing with the 18:39 prophecy. I will be his father and he will be my son. I will 18:42 not take away my mercy from him as I took it away from him who 18:46 was before you, namely King Saul. I will establish him in my 18:49 house and in my kingdom forever and his throne will be 18:53 established forever. Now who is Nathan talking about? Is he 18:57 talking about Solomon or Jesus? Ultimately this prophecy is 19:02 talking about Christ who would last forever. Now I will say 19:07 more about that in a future program. Most scholars believe 19:11 that after Solomon was born David really blew it with his 19:15 older kids. Have you read about that? He was so busy when the 19:19 first litter of kids were born with his 10 wives. He was out 19:22 fighting battles and conquering kingdoms and running from Saul 19:25 and all of this was going on that he really didn't have a lot 19:29 of time to give them personal attention. Amnon his firstborn 19:32 raped his sister Tamar. Absalom got mad and killed his brother 19:36 Amnon. Then Absalom rebelled. He tried to become king and 19:40 there were all kinds of problems And of course he had one child 19:44 that died. Matter of fact, one scripture says at no time had 19:47 David ever tried to counsel or resist or rebuke or chastise 19:51 his boys. And they were just really spoiled and out of 19:55 control. By the time David went through his repentance and 19:59 Solomon was born, David said you know this one really needs 20:02 guidance. I need someone who can take over after me. And they saw 20:08 a lot of promise in the child. You know how they looked at 20:11 Moses as a baby and they said he was a beautiful child. Sometimes 20:17 you can just look and see those bright eyes and they're 20:20 alert and sharp. And David committed the care and the 20:24 raising and the tutoring of Solomon to Nathan the prophet. 20:27 Most scholars believe that. That's why Nathan gave him the 20:30 nickname. Nathan also was there to ensure that Solomon was 20:35 placed on the throne. So God chose Solomon to be king in 20:39 David's place. You can read about this. David did it himself 20:43 I Chronicles, you have your Bibles? I Chronicles 28 verse 4: 20:49 David is speaking: However the Lord God of Israel chose me 20:55 above all the house of my father of all Jesse's sons, of all the 21:00 tribe of Judah from a shepherd to be king over Israel forever. 21:05 And you jump down a few verses. And he says, of all my sons, for 21:10 the Lord has given me many sons, he has chosen my son Solomon. 21:15 So who chose Solomon? God did. He has chosen my son Solomon 21:19 to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel. 21:23 Now he said to me, it is your son Solomon who will build my 21:27 house and my courts for I have chosen him to be my son and I 21:31 will be his father. Moreover I will establish his kingdom 21:34 forever if he is steadfast to observe my commandments and my 21:38 judgments as it is this day. But you know whenever God has a plan 21:43 the devil has a counterfeit and the older brothers of Solomon 21:47 they got wind that Nathan the prophet had said that the Lord 21:50 had chosen Solomon. They said well you're just saying that 21:53 because you like him. You're just saying that because you're 21:57 his tutor. He's not the oldest. Amnon is dead. It should be the 22:01 next. Absalom is dead. It should be Adonijah. And a battle began 22:05 to develop over the throne about who was going to be next in line 22:10 and so Adonijah who was the younger brother of Absalom, that 22:14 ought to tell you something, he began to say what's this 22:18 nonsense about Solomon? He's a bookworm. What does he know 22:22 about soldiers? He had a name peace. How could he fight wars? 22:26 And they began to disdain Solomon. Bathsheba, how can you 22:30 pick the son of Bathsheba? She was the illegitimate wife of 22:33 David. She can't be chosen. It's like when Judas said, Why would 22:38 you let Mary touch you? Jesus often did things in an unusual 22:44 way. I mean, why would Jacob pick Joseph? He's the youngest, 22:50 instead of Reuben. Why did God pick Moses the youngest instead 22:56 of Aaron the oldest? God often picks the black sheep sometimes 23:03 to do his work. So a conspiracy developed. There was a family 23:09 feud, you might say, a conspiracy in the family. 23:11 Now if you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn to I Kings 23:15 chapter 1, go to verse 5. You find this all in I Kings. 23:19 I Kings really starts to get into Solomon and his life. 23:26 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself saying 23:32 I will be king. And he prepared for himself chariots and 23:36 horsemen and 50 men to run before him. That's the kings 23:39 did. Have you ever seen these limousines going up the street 23:42 and they've got... I remember seeing this in Africa. I don't 23:46 see this as much in the U.S. they had six secret servicemen 23:50 in front running, six secret servicemen dressed in black 23:54 behind and it was the president that was going up the street. 23:57 We saw it from our hotel in Cameroon. And they were running 24:00 along and everywhere they went those guys had to really hoof 24:04 too, in their black suits in the hot equatorial sun. Can you 24:07 imagine that? Well the kings used to have these men that 24:10 ran before them, sort of to announce they were coming, clear 24:15 the road, secure the area. So Adonijah started to grandstand 24:19 like he was going to be next in line. He started to try and 24:23 position himself that way. And pretty soon he got a conspiracy 24:27 together. He got the military, Joab, who had been general for 24:32 David. He got the priest Abiathar, he got the army, he 24:36 had the state, he had the church He said we're going to have a 24:40 big party and I'll coronate myself. Now can you find a story 24:44 in the Bible where somebody else wanted to preempt Jesus as king? 24:50 What is his name? Lucifer or Satan. He wanted the position 24:56 that really belonged to Jesus. So what happened? Go with me to 25:02 I Kings chapter 1 and I'm going to read a little bit of this 25:08 story and you need to understand how Solomon came into the throne 25:11 I don't have time to read it all. Notice it says here in 25:18 verse 6: And his father had not rebuked him at any time saying 25:22 what have you done and why have you done so. He was a very good 25:26 looking man. This is Adonijah. Was Lucifer good looking? 25:31 His mother had borne him after Absalom. And so he gets Joab 25:36 and Abiathar the priest and they help him. And so verse 9: 25:41 Adonijah sacrificed sheep and oxen and fattened cattle at the 25:45 stone of Zoheleth and he has a big party and he invites 25:49 everybody to this party to coronate him except he doesn't 25:52 invite Bathsheba because they've already gotten word that David 25:56 and the Lord had chosen Solomon. He doesn't invite Nathan. 26:00 He doesn't invite another priest who is behind Solomon. 26:04 He doesn't invite Solomon. So when word gets out that they're 26:07 having a big party, they're all saying long live King Adonijah 26:11 Bathsheba says I've got to go talk to the king or we're dead. 26:16 So Bathsheba knocks on the door and she comes in to see the king 26:21 I'm in verse 15: And the king is very old and Abishag the 26:25 Shunammite was serving him. Now do you know that story? When 26:29 David got old with the last sickness before he died, they 26:32 figure it may have been congestive heart failure, 26:34 he just couldn't stay warm. And you know when you get old you 26:38 often have these electric blankets on your legs. You're 26:40 just cold all the time which makes me worry because I'm 26:43 cold all the time. So what they did is they said what are we 26:45 going to do for David? They didn't have electric blankets 26:48 back then and they hadn't invented rubber hot water 26:50 bottles yet because they hadn't discovered South America and 26:53 latex. So what they did is they said let's search through the 26:56 kingdom. Let's find a beautiful young virgin with good 26:59 circulation and we'll have her cuddle the king under the covers 27:03 to try and get him to warm up and stop trembling. And so that 27:06 is what they did. And so here Bathsheba comes in now and this 27:10 once dashing young king that she had had an affair with is 27:13 snuggling the Shunammite girl. He never knew her the Bible says 27:17 By the way, a little bit of interesting information. 27:22 Did you ever read the Song of Solomon? It talks about the 27:26 Shunammite and Abishag was supposed to be beautiful. She 27:31 was still a virgin. And they wonder if Solomon wrote this 27:35 for Abishag who is still younger than him. So that's just the 27:40 commentators speculating about that. And so Bathsheba comes in 27:45 and she bows before the king and she says My Lord, verse 17: You 27:49 swore by the Lord your God to your maid servant saying 27:54 assuredly Solomon your son will reign after me and he'll sit on 27:57 my throne. And now look, Adonijah has become king and my 28:00 Lord the king David you don't know this. And he sacrificed 28:04 oxen and fatted cattle and sheep in abundance and he's invited 28:07 all the king's sons, Abiathar the priest and Joab the 28:10 commander of the army. But Solomon your servant, he is not 28:14 invited. And as for you O Lord my king the eyes of all Israel 28:18 are on you that you should tell them who will sit on the throne 28:22 after him. You know people look to their leaders to give 28:27 guidance in making decisions. Otherwise it will happen that 28:31 when my Lord the king rests with his fathers that I and my son 28:36 Solomon will be counted as offenders. They'd be executed. 28:40 No question about it because David had said that. So David 28:43 said... and then Nathan comes in and he confirms everything that 28:47 Bathsheba said. Then David called Bathsheba back in, I'm in 28:51 verse 28, so she came in to the king and stood before the king. 28:55 And the king took an oath and said, As the Lord lives who has 28:59 redeemed my life from every distress, Just as I swore to you 29:03 by the Lord your God of Israel saying assuredly Solomon your 29:07 son shall be king after me and he will sit on my throne in my 29:12 place, so certainly I will do today. Now it didn't look good. 29:16 David is old. Can he fight battles anymore physically? 29:21 The general is with Adonijah. The church is with Adonijah. 29:24 They're having a big party in the palace and everybody's 29:28 toasting him. It looks like it's a coup and there is no way out 29:32 of it. What is David going to do, this old man in bed having 29:37 to be snuggled by some girl to keep him warm? Yet he said God 29:40 has told me Solomon is going to be king and there's nothing 29:44 Adonijah or anyone can do to stop the word of God. David had 29:48 something that Adonijah didn't have. He had the confidence of 29:52 the people and authority. He was the king. He was still alive. He 29:56 was still the king. I think it's interesting. Maybe I 29:59 shouldn't say anything about this but you know we just 30:02 finished the election this week and all of a sudden I'm hearing 30:06 people refer to Obama as the president and he's the president 30:09 elect, correct? But we still have a president. He's still in 30:13 office. You know what I'm saying? You can't have two 30:16 at one time and Adonijah was not the king. And so David said I'm 30:21 going to make this happen today and listen to what he does to 30:25 show that he still has that authority. Then Bathsheba bowed 30:29 with her face to the earth... I'm in verse 31 of I Kings 30:33 chapter 1. She did homage to the king and said let my lord king 30:38 David live forever. She's talking about eternal life there 30:41 because he was an old man. And the king said call to me Zadok 30:45 the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada. 30:49 Now Benaiah was in charge 30:51 of the king's honor guard. And so they came before the king. 30:56 And the king said to them, Take with you the servants of your 31:01 lord, have Solomon ride on my own mule. Take him down to Gihon 31:05 that's where they officially anointed the kings. There let 31:10 Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over 31:14 Israel. Do it right now. Blow the trumpet and say long live 31:17 king Solomon that you will come up after him and he is to come 31:21 back from where he is anointed with his procession. He will sit 31:25 on my throne. He will be king in my place today, for I have 31:30 appointed him to be ruler over Israel and Judah. Now what 31:35 mattered more? Adonijah wanting to make himself king or what the 31:39 father said was going to be king. What authority does Jesus 31:43 have that he is the son of God? Because he said he was or do you 31:48 find places in the Bible where God says he is. How many times 31:52 did God the Father say this is my beloved Son from heaven 31:56 the voice of God. Three times. It talks about once in the book 32:00 of John, the mount of transfiguration and at the 32:03 baptism of Jesus. God the Father said, This is my beloved Son. 32:07 There have been many false Christs, many false prophets. 32:12 And so they did that. Verse 36: And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada 32:19 answered the king and said, Amen may the Lord God of my lord the 32:25 king say so too. As the Lord has been with the king, king David, 32:30 even so may he be with Solomon and make his throne greater than 32:35 the throne of my lord king David and Zadok the priest and Nathan 32:39 the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and the Cherethites 32:42 and the Pelethites went down and they had Solomon ride on the 32:46 king's mule. By the way did Jesus ride on a colt into 32:53 Jerusalem when he was coronated? The Son of David. Lot of 32:58 parallels you can find between Solomon and Jesus. By the way, 33:03 were there questionable things that seemed to surround the 33:07 birth of Jesus regarding his father and his mother and their 33:11 relationship? It's kind of dubious origins. They used to 33:16 question the genealogy of Jesus because of the way that Jesus 33:24 was conceived. And so he rode after he was anointed. He went 33:31 from the spring where he was anointed he rode on a mule 33:35 the king's mule into Jerusalem and all the people shouted 33:38 around him. You know he probably rode through the eastern gate 33:41 which is the same gate that Jesus came through years later 33:45 when he did what was called the triumphal entry of Christ. 33:50 Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tabernacle, the 33:54 holy oil. Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit. By the way 33:58 what does the word Christ mean? I told you this a couple weeks 34:01 ago. The word Christos means the anointed, Messiah is the Jewish 34:05 way of saying the anointed. Solomon was anointed with the 34:09 oil from the tabernacle. Christ was anointed with the Holy 34:13 Spirit that came from the throne or the temple of God. And they 34:17 blew the horn and all the people shouted long live king 34:20 Solomon. And all the people went up after him and the people 34:23 played flutes and they rejoiced with great joy so the earth 34:28 seemed to be split with their sound. Now, there's another 34:32 party going on back in Jerusalem Adonijah and all the guests 34:36 who were with him... This all happened very quickly. Final 34:40 movements will be rapid ones. They heard all the noise as they 34:44 were finishing eating and when Joab, he heard the sound of the 34:48 horn, he said why is the city in an uproar. Just like a general, 34:51 he heard the horn, he thought it's a battle, like Joshua said 34:54 to Moses. What's the noise in the camp. He thought it was a 34:57 war. And while he was still speaking, Jonathan the son of 35:00 Abiathar the priest came in and Adonijah, that pompous, arrogant 35:04 son, he said come in for you're a prominent man and bring good 35:09 news. Counterfeit good news. It wasn't good news because they 35:13 weren't going along with the word of God. And Jonathan 35:17 answered and said to Adonijah, O no, our lord king David has 35:22 made Solomon king and the king has sent with him Zadok the 35:26 priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada 35:29 the most prominent people in the kingdom, and the Cherethites and 35:33 the Pelethites, these were the honor guard, and they have made 35:36 him ride on the king's mule and Zadok the priest and Nathan the 35:39 prophet have anointed him king at Gihon and they have gone up 35:43 from there rejoicing, thus the city is in an uproar. This is 35:46 the noise that you heard. Solomon sits on the throne of 35:50 the kingdom. While you're partying and calling yourself 35:54 king Solomon's on the throne. And sometimes I think the devil 35:58 wants to be king of this world but he forgets Jesus is on the 36:02 throne. And I have to remind myself of that. I don't know 36:05 about you but sometimes I start to worry and I'll give you a 36:08 word picture that helps me. Try to picture if you can God up in 36:12 heaven wringing his hands with worry. Do you ever think God 36:15 wrings his hands because he's anxious about anything? Oh no, 36:19 what will I do? Does God fret? Is he on the throne? Does he 36:25 have authority? Is he sovereign? Has he lost control? Solomon 36:32 sits on the throne. Moreover the kings servants have gone in to 36:37 bless the lord king David saying may God make the name of Solomon 36:41 better than your name and may he make his throne greater than 36:46 your throne. This is what the Father says about Jesus. Then 36:50 the king bowed on his bed. Even David bows before Solomon 36:54 because you can't have two kings at one time. David made himself 36:59 nothing that Solomon might be exalted. Also the king has said 37:03 blessed be the Lord God of Israel who has given one to sit 37:07 on my throne this day while my eyes see it. Usually a king dies 37:11 before he gets to see it. Now what do you think happened at 37:16 Adonijah's party? Do you think they kept celebrating? You ever 37:21 heard the expression the party's over or party poopers. When 37:26 Jonathan came in he was a party pooper that day. They said here 37:30 you are all celebrating that you're the king and the real 37:34 king is now sitting on the throne and everybody at this 37:38 party is going to be on a list that they are following the 37:42 wrong king. They're following a counterfeit king, they're 37:45 following an imitator, an imposter, someone who is 37:48 usurping the throne and just being there could mean you're on 37:54 the wrong list. People got out of that party so fast. They did 37:59 a dine-and-dash. They didn't even leave a tip. And the guests 38:04 who were with Adonijah were afraid and they rose up each one 38:09 and went his way. And Adonijah was afraid of Solomon so he 38:14 arose and he went and he took hold of the horns of the altar. 38:18 He asked for mercy. Solomon said we'll see if you're a worthy man 38:23 If you're a worthy man you're not going to have anything to 38:25 worry about. He ended up dying because he tried to conspire one 38:28 more time. Matter of fact, Adonijah asked Bathsheba, 38:35 he said you think now that David's died, soon as David died 38:39 Adonijah said could I have Abishag. Solomon knew what he 38:43 was up to. Adonijah was figuring if I could get David's wife then 38:47 I could you know have a little bit of credibility and I can try 38:51 one more time. Solomon's younger I can get the force and we can 38:55 try and assassinate him. Solomon was very wise. He knew what was 38:59 up and he had to kill his own brother. I don't think he 39:02 enjoyed that but for the safety of the kingdom. What's going to 39:05 happen to Lucifer? Is Jesus going to have to deal with him? 39:08 Then you go to some of the final words of David. Solomon had the 39:18 endorsement of the father and the Bible says that he was 39:23 firmly established on the throne Then before David dies, I Kings 39:28 chapter 2 verse 1, we're almost done here. Now the days of David 39:34 drew near that he should die and he charged Solomon his son 39:38 saying, I go the way of all the earth. David was very 39:42 pragmatic about it and if the Lord tarries you're all going 39:47 the way of all the earth. Be strong therefore and prove 39:51 yourself a man and keep the charge of the Lord your God to 39:55 walk in his ways, to keep his statutes and his commandments 39:58 his judgments and his testimonies. If you knew you 40:02 were going to die in a week, I've got a lot of parents here 40:05 today, and you were going to write a letter to your kids. 40:08 Have you ever thought about that? Maybe you've got your will 40:11 made out and you've got a closing message. Sometimes you 40:14 hear about parents that discover they're terminal and they'll 40:18 video something for their kids, a message of encouragement. 40:21 I heard a story in the news about this professor that found 40:24 out as a young man he was dying from pancreatic cancer. I don't 40:28 know Karen, I can't remember his name. He became very popular 40:32 and he sort of began to let everyone know that he sort of 40:35 had final classes. He was teaching the students. He had 40:38 final message for his wife, for his children. What would your 40:43 final words be to your children? Well this is the final message 40:47 of David. He knows he's terminal What can you tell someone who's 40:52 going to be king in your place? The most valuable counsel he 40:56 could give his son. David was pretty smart himself. You know 41:02 what he says? Be strong and prove yourself a man. Be manly. 41:06 You don't hear a lot of that anymore. People aren't even 41:11 even sure what their sex is any more. But my father was a red 41:15 neck from Oklahoma and I just grew up this way, men are men. 41:18 And I think one of the best things a man could tell his son 41:21 is be a man. A woman can tell her daughter, be a woman. 41:27 And you ought to know what that means. I'm sorry friends. 41:33 It's the truth. Be a man. He didn't have to define that. 41:38 Be brave, be courageous, be a leader, be determined, have 41:42 integrity, be a man. The greatest want in the world is 41:46 the want of men that will not be bought or sold, that will 41:49 stand for the right though the heavens fall, that are as true 41:52 to duty as the needle is to the pole. That's what he meant. 41:59 Prove yourself a man. Keep the charge of the Lord your God. 42:03 walk in his ways and keep his statutes, his commandments, his 42:07 judgments, his testimonies as it is written in the Law of Moses. 42:12 Obey the Lord he's saying. That you might prosper in all that 42:16 you do, wherever you turn. If you make that a priority in 42:20 your life that the word of God is going to be your guide and 42:23 didn't Solomon say that? The word should be a lamp unto our 42:27 feet. Consider him in all your ways; he will direct your paths. 42:30 The Lord will prosper you wherever you turn. That the Lord 42:35 may fulfill his word which he spoke concerning me. David's 42:39 saying not only for your sake but for my posterity. That if 42:44 your sons take heed to their ways to walk before me in 42:47 truth with all their heart, with all their soul, you shall not 42:52 lack a man to sit on the throne of Israel. Look in I Chronicles 42:57 28. Some more final words of David. And thou Solomon my son 43:03 he says know the Lord God of your father and serve him with a 43:07 perfect heart. There are some final words. Know the Lord. 43:12 What's eternal life? It comes from knowing God. For the Lord 43:17 searches the heart. He's saying know him with your heart and 43:20 with a willing mind for the Lord searches the hearts and 43:24 understands the imaginations and the thoughts. Not only obey him 43:28 on the outside, serve him on the inside. If you seek him he 43:32 will be found of you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you 43:36 off forever. Now these are the official final words of David. 43:40 You find them in II Samuel 23 verses 1-5. I won't read it all. 43:45 Now these are the last words of David. Thus said David the son 43:49 of Jesse, the sweet psalmist of Israel. The God of Israel said, 43:54 the rock of Israel spoke to me. Here's what David says. He who 43:59 rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 44:03 He will be like the light of the morning when the sun rises, 44:07 and a morning without clouds. He starts to go back to his 44:10 days as a shepherd. Like the tender grass springing out of 44:14 the earth by clear shining after a rain. Although my house is not 44:19 so with God, in other words you know I failed in my house. But 44:24 he goes on to say yet he has made with me an everlasting 44:28 covenant and ordered in all things and secure. For this is 44:33 all my salvation and all my desire. Will he not make an 44:37 increase? So David closes his final words talking about the 44:41 kind of a reign that a king ought to have. The last point 44:45 here is David lived to see Solomon settled in the throne 44:51 an undisputed king. I Kings chapter 2 verse 12. Then 44:56 Solomon sat on the throne of his father David and his kingdom was 45:00 firmly established. Nobody was ever able to dethrone him. 45:06 Solomon reigns for 40 years and it's undisputed. You know it 45:10 reminds me of Jesus the son of David who is firmly established 45:15 and even though there are those at one point who contest his 45:19 leadership ultimately every knee will bow and every tongue will 45:23 confess. You can read that in Philippians chapter 2 verse 9. 45:27 Therefore God has highly exalted him. Was there a king in Israel 45:31 that was more exalted than Solomon? Therefore the Lord God 45:34 has highly exalted him and given him the name that is above 45:39 every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of 45:42 those in heaven, of those on the earth, of those under the earth 45:46 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is 45:51 Lord to the glory of God the Father. Jesus is not only our 45:55 Lord but he's our King. When that thief was dying on the 45:59 cross he turned to Jesus and he said, Lord remember me when you 46:03 come into your what? Kingdom. You're not only a Lord, you're a 46:07 King. And Jesus is on his throne right now. He is firmly 46:11 established and even though the devil is disputing the territory 46:14 of this world, the same thing that happened to Adonijah is 46:18 going to happen to him. Like Solomon, our Jesus is a king of 46:22 peace. He's the Prince of Peace. And the question is have you 46:26 allowed him to sit on the throne of your heart? Have you crowned 46:30 and coronated him as the king of your life? You know what, I 46:33 thought that would be an appropriate way for us to close 46:36 our service today. We're going to crown him as the undisputed 46:41 King of our hearts. We're going to be singing 223, Crown Him 46:45 With Many Crowns and Mrs. Nina will lead the band and 46:48 she'll tell us when to join along in song. 47:23 Please stand! 47:38 ¤ ¤ 48:06 Crown Him with many crowns, The Lamb upon His throne; 48:18 Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns All music but its own! 48:30 Awake my soul and sing Of Him who died for thee; 48:43 And hail Him as thy matchless King Through all eternity 48:55 Crown Him the Lord of love! Behold His hands and side, 49:07 Those wounds, yet visible above In beauty glorified; 49:19 No angel in the sky Can fully bear the sight, 49:31 But downward bends his wondering eye At mysteries so great. 49:43 Crown him the Lord of peace! Whose hand a scepter sways 49:55 From pole to pole, that wars may cease, 50:02 And all be prayer and praise. 50:07 His reign shall know no end, And round His pierced feet 50:20 Fair flowers of Paradise extend, Their fragrance ever sweet. 50:32 Crown Him the Lord of years, The Potentate of time, 50:45 Creator of the rolling spheres Ineffably sublime! 50:56 All hail! Redeemer, hail! For thou hast died for me; 51:09 Thy praise shall never, never fail Throughout eternity. 51:22 ¤ ¤ 52:36 Amen! How many of you would like to say thank you to Miss Dina 52:41 and the band for that majestic song. And how many of you would 52:45 like to say I want Jesus to be my King and I'd like to crown 52:49 him Lord of my life? Let's bow our heads together as we close 52:52 with prayer. Dear Almighty Father in heaven, 52:57 Lord we come before you as your humble subjects recognizing that 53:02 you are the King of the cosmos and that Jesus is enthroned as 53:07 the Lord of all. Lord we would like to acknowledge him as our 53:11 king in our lives and our hearts and minds. And I pray that we 53:15 could be found at the right coronation in that glorious day 53:20 when Jesus comes. Please bless us each one that we may fully 53:24 surrender our lives to thee knowing that we can trust you. 53:28 And may we follow your counsel as it comes from the lips of 53:32 David that we're willing to be honorable, to obey you, to 53:36 surrender our lives to you and follow your word. Bless each 53:39 person here. We pray that you will pour out your Spirit in 53:43 every life that Jesus will be the leader and the Lord of our 53:47 lives. Also we pray your continued blessing on the school 53:50 and each student, the families represented. Be with us through 53:53 this Sabbath day, Lord. We praise you for your goodness 53:56 and ask all of this in the name of our King Lord Jesus. Amen. 54:00 Hello friends. I'm Doug Batchelor. For more than 40 54:05 years Amazing Facts has been a ministry of evangelism reaching 54:10 people where they are, changing lives with the powerful message 54:14 of hope and purpose found in the Bible. As disciples of 54:18 Christ we here at Amazing Facts have accepted the great 54:22 commission challenge to spread the good news throughout 54:26 the world. What began as a 15- minute radio program has been 54:31 blessed by God to grow into a multifaceted international media 54:35 ministry. 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Thousands more are 55:25 experiencing new depth in their relationship with Christ. 55:28 We believe that through continued prayer, trust in God 55:32 and our sacrificial giving that we can give this message of hope 55:36 around the world to one and to all. 55:39 ¤ ¤ 55:50 How much more exciting could it be? 55:51 ¤ ¤ 56:02 Armageddon, 666, the antichrist, popular culture and 56:07 entertainment have exploited these concepts while major news 56:10 agencies feature story after story scripted directly from the 56:14 pages of Holy Scripture. But what is fact and what is 56:17 fiction? Amazing Facts Ministries, respected around 56:21 the world as a source of Biblical truth, is now offering 56:24 an exciting 10-disk DVD series titled the Prophecy Code that 56:28 will reveal the answers to ancient mysteries of the Bible. 56:32 The central theme of all prophecy is salvation. There's 56:37 nothing that you can do more to make God love you more. 56:42 There's nothing bad you can do to make God love you less. 56:46 This 20-part seminar is packed with information that will build 56:51 your faith and challenge everything you know about the 56:53 last days. Order now by calling the toll free number on your 56:57 screen. Call now. In a world surrounded by 57:09 darkness there is a voice that whispers to every young heart 57:13 urging them to find the treasure of truth. Those who 57:19 follow the path will discover eternal riches beyond their 57:23 wildest dreams. Pastor Doug Batchelor leads your kids on a 57:28 powerful soul-winning Bible study experience just for them. 57:32 The 10-part series is filled with incredible Bible stories 57:36 exciting spiritual discoveries and heart-warming music, all 57:42 designed to help your kids stand with Christ for eternity. 57:47 The most valuable thing that God ever gave to this world was his 57:50 word. Join us for an amazing adventure, a journey for life 57:55 with Jesus. Take the journey. 58:02 ¤ ¤ |
Revised 2014-12-17