Everlasting Gospel


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002833

00:09 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the Cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today, the greatest need of mankind
00:19 is a revelation of God's love as revealed
00:22 in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the "Everlasting Gospel"
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor...
00:29 Coming to you each week from Sacramento Central Church
00:31 in sunny California!
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today.
00:38 A few weeks ago, I needed to fly down to
00:43 Bakersfield for a meeting and I noticed that an awful lot of
00:53 the reservoirs are low on water and it's easy to see
00:59 from the air because, you know, there you'll have this great big
01:02 brown chasm with a little bit of water at the bottom,
01:08 and you could see what the water level should have been
01:11 because it's just dirt and then you've got the edge of the
01:14 tree line and all this dirt and then a little bit of water
01:17 in the bottom.
01:19 And then one of the members here took the boys and I
01:23 out to Folsom Lake a few weeks ago,
01:26 and it was really accented, now they're not even
01:28 allowing a lot of activities out there because
01:30 there's just not enough water.
01:33 Now that was accented by a string of fires
01:38 that we've had recently in California and I tell you,
01:46 if you've got the combination of low waters and high fires,
01:50 you've got trouble.
01:53 Water is life.
01:58 I was just impressed with the importance of it
02:02 even in the Bible.
02:04 If you're traveling through space,
02:07 what is it that makes our planet stand out
02:10 from all of the other planets?
02:11 That's because two-thirds of the planet is water.
02:16 I was looking at a definition...
02:17 Water - A clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid.
02:23 They say it's tasteless in the definition here,
02:26 but you get thirsty enough, it tastes pretty good.
02:30 H2O - Essential for all plant and animal life,
02:36 and the most widely used of all solvents.
02:40 You know, water is interesting because it occurs in 3 states;
02:45 you've got solid, liquid and gas and all 3 states of water
02:49 occur in this planet.
02:51 Now they have found planets in the solar system
02:54 where there's evidence of water, but they're all frozen.
02:58 But on earth, you can have it in vapor form;
03:01 you can have it in solid form such as ice in the
03:03 arctic regions and of course, liquid form which is what
03:07 gives life to our world.
03:09 Someone had estimated that planet earth has
03:12 approximately 1.4 quadrillion tons, not gallons...
03:18 1.4 quadrillion tons of water!
03:21 What's interesting is, some of the scientists
03:23 are wondering how did it get here?
03:25 They theorize that a storm of comets filled with ice
03:32 struck the planet - billions of years ago, of course.
03:37 But that's not what the Bible says.
03:39 You know, even in the first few pages of the Bible,
03:42 the word "water" appears over 700 times in Scripture.
03:47 From Genesis to Revelation, this is a blue planet,
03:54 and from Genesis to Revelation you can see the evidence
03:57 of water in the Bible more than 700 times.
04:00 For instance, the second verse in the Bible talks about water.
04:05 In the first chapter, in the Bible, 11 times
04:09 there's reference to water.
04:10 I mean, God is creating and where there's no water,
04:14 there's no life!
04:16 I asked them to turn off the air-conditioner for this sermon
04:19 so you'll really appreciate it by the end...
04:24 Water is life - you can find the rivers of God being
04:30 created there in the first chapters of the Bible.
04:32 In chapter 2, it says, "From Eden, there flowed a river"
04:36 Evidently, this one river irrigated all of the planet,
04:40 and it divides into 4 parts;
04:42 that was, of course, before the flood.
04:44 Now when you read in the Bible about the journeyings of
04:50 the children of Israel, water is especially important.
04:55 I don't know if any of you have been to Israel...
04:58 At one time it was called a land flowing with milk and honey
05:03 But sometimes deserts move, they migrate.
05:08 As-a-matter-of-fact, parts of the Sahara right now,
05:11 the biggest desert in the world, they find evidence
05:15 that at one time, it was a land rich in water.
05:17 They find engravings, they find places where
05:20 flocks and herds were.
05:21 They find the bones of animals and evidence of swamps
05:25 that have disappeared.
05:26 And it was once lush, full of vegetation and now it's desert.
05:31 The land of Israel has experienced this desertification
05:36 that's a hard word to say.
05:38 A land once flowing with milk and honey
05:41 turned into a desert.
05:42 You know there's a number of reasons for that.
05:44 As you cut down the vegetation, it attracts less moisture
05:50 in clouds from over the ocean.
05:52 You know at one time, there was a Muslim king and he taxed
05:59 the people in Israel based upon
06:02 how many trees they had on their property.
06:04 Now if you're a landowner and you don't want to pay taxes,
06:07 what would you do?
06:09 They decimated the trees in the country,
06:13 and the Romans, when they conquered Israel
06:15 in order to teach them a lesson, they sowed it with salt.
06:19 And so, basically it was like spraying Roundup on the country.
06:23 It killed a lot of the vegetation;
06:25 the trees were cut down and it turned what was once
06:27 a land flowing with milk and honey into a desert.
06:31 But even back in the time of Abraham,
06:35 it was a fairly dry country in the summertime...
06:39 something like California if you wanted to get the idea.
06:43 And especially in the Sinai wilderness;
06:46 when the Lord brought the children of Israel
06:48 through that desert, water was very important.
06:52 The first thing the children of Israel did as they left Egypt
06:55 is they went through the waters.
06:58 That was a symbol of baptism.
07:01 This is typifying that for the Christian,
07:04 when you leave the slavery of the devil,
07:07 one of the first things we do is we go through the water
07:10 because water is a cleansing agent,
07:12 we'll talk more about that later.
07:14 They went through the sea.
07:15 They were baptized in the sea.
07:18 And then they came into this great desert,
07:20 and evidently they had to haul a certain amount of water
07:23 with them when they left Egypt knowing that they were
07:25 going on a journey; it's always a good idea
07:27 to have water with you, but water is life.
07:31 Turn with me in your Bibles to Exodus 15:22
07:35 You can read about this first
07:36 experience of a miracle of water.
07:41 "So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea,
07:46 and they went out into the Wilderness of Shur;
07:50 And they went 3 days in the wilderness and found no water."
07:57 Now I can appreciate what that must have been like...
08:00 I used to live in a desert and I've actually been lost
08:03 in deserts more than once.
08:05 I'm not bragging about that because it doesn't make
08:08 me sound very intelligent.
08:11 I remember one occasion, living in the mountains above
08:15 Palm Springs, I went hiking with a friend and he used to
08:18 always have a big old jug of water in his backpack.
08:21 And so we took off and I had a little backpack,
08:24 he had a backpack and we went hiking all through the desert.
08:26 We were looking for some new trails to from Tahquitz Canyon
08:28 over to Chino Canyon; dry, desert mountain and
08:32 we used to see how tough one another was and whoever
08:37 could go the longest without asking for a drink of water,
08:39 that meant you were tough!
08:41 And so, after hiking for hours without stopping for a drink,
08:45 finally I couldn't take it any more and said, "Okay I give in."
08:48 "Let's get a drink."
08:49 He said, "All right, well I was wondering
08:51 when you were going to say so."
08:54 And I kind of looked at him and he looked at me
08:56 and I said, "Well, I didn't bring the water,
08:57 you always have the gallon jug of water, I got some food."
09:00 He said, "I didn't bring any water,
09:01 I thought you had the water."
09:04 And so we're out there in this desert, just totally parched,
09:08 and out of water.
09:10 And so then we thought, well, we're in trouble,
09:12 we had food and no water.
09:14 Well, we thought this canyon over here probably has some
09:18 water in it, so we thought we'd go to this other canyon which
09:21 was in the other direction of where we knew there water was
09:24 because it was shorter.
09:25 We got there - there was no water.
09:27 And now we're really thirsty and it's the middle of the day,
09:31 in the summer, in the mountains above Palm Springs
09:33 it gets over 120 degrees!
09:35 And, this is just one day no water.
09:39 You know, they say you can live 40 days without food.
09:42 One man on a hunger strike in Ireland, went 80 days
09:44 before he died from no food.
09:47 You can live about 3 days with no water,
09:49 and that's if you're still and you're shaded.
09:52 One man in Mexico caught in an earthquake lived 9 days
09:55 without water but he was in a moist area.
09:58 But if you're in the hot desert, you can die in half a day.
10:03 It just sucks the water right out of your body.
10:06 They had no water and there are people of cattle
10:09 that drink water and they knew they were going to die,
10:12 they're cattle were going die and so they came to Marah.
10:17 They came to the springs, but they couldn't drink the water
10:21 because it was bitter.
10:22 It was either an alkali or a sulfur springs,
10:25 but something that made it bitter.
10:27 Riding around in the deserts of Nevada,
10:29 every now and then, you'll find one of these springs,
10:31 and they will even have a history marker there by it
10:33 ... how the wagon trains would come across and it would be
10:36 bad or poison water - you can't drink it!
10:38 What a disappointment to be that thirsty,
10:41 to find some vegetation and think,
10:44 Oh, there's a spring there, there's an oasis,
10:46 and to go there and to dip in and just spit it out!
10:49 As much as you want to drink it, you know it will kill you.
10:51 Like people who are lost out in the ocean,
10:53 and they're floating in water and they can't drink
10:55 the sea water - dying of thirst out there in the ocean.
11:00 And so the people cried out and they didn't know what to do!
11:03 So Moses prayed to the Lord and the Lord showed
11:07 showed him a tree.
11:09 Now we don't know exactly what the tree was.
11:12 God turned those bitter waters to sweet water.
11:16 And that may have been an Acacia tree like this one here
11:19 that they find out in the Sinai deserts.
11:21 It doesn't tell us what tree because I think it's
11:23 more important that tree was a symbol of something.
11:25 When you read "tree" in the Bible, Jesus died on a tree.
11:30 It says in Acts 2, "Whom ye hung upon
11:34 the tree," - that's crucifixion,
11:37 "In order to see Jesus, Zacchaeus climbed the tree."
11:40 "That tree cast in the water," represents the cross of Christ
11:44 that makes that which is bitter sweet!
11:47 And it says, "He cast His tree in the water,
11:51 and the waters were healed and they were made
11:54 not just drinkable; they were made sweet.
11:57 That doesn't mean it turned into Kool-Aid but it was sweet,
12:02 clear water that they could drink.
12:05 It makes me think of the story in the Bible when there was a
12:08 famine in the land and they had this spring that they
12:11 couldn't do anything with it because it was bitter
12:14 alkali water and Elisha put some salt in there and those
12:18 bitter waters remained sweet,
12:19 and I've drunk from that spring there, it's still running today
12:22 there outside of Jericho.
12:24 So God healed the waters.
12:27 Now that's not the only experience the children of
12:30 Israel had when they were dying from thirst.
12:33 Back in 1921, the British used to own the country
12:36 that we call "Palestine."
12:38 Now Palestine really has nothing to do with the Arabs that
12:42 live there today.
12:44 The real Palestinians are Philistines.
12:47 As-a-matter-of-fact, the name "Palestine"
12:49 comes from the word "Philistine."
12:51 It was the land of the Philistines.
12:53 The people that we call "Palestinians" today
12:55 are not really Philistines, they're Arabs
12:58 that live in that land.
13:00 But in the country, before it was divided,
13:04 the British occupied the land of Palestine,
13:08 and what we call Israel today.
13:12 And a unit of soldiers in 1921 got lost in a terrible sandstorm
13:19 ... it's a true story, we've used it as an amazing fact
13:21 before.. out in the wilderness there, out in the desert.
13:25 And they wandered for days, they ran out of water,
13:28 they were dying of thirst
13:30 and in desperation, they said, "Let's see if we could
13:32 dig in the sand and find some water."
13:34 And so they dug and they dug, but they came up dry,
13:37 there was nothing there.
13:39 And as they were about ready to completely give up,
13:41 one of the soldiers, looking off in the distance,
13:44 he saw this great rock outcropping and he said,
13:48 "You know, this is the country that the children of Israel
13:51 wandered in and I remember reading in the Bible,
13:55 when I was a boy, that Moses struck a rock
13:58 and water came out.
14:00 He said, "We might find some water in those rocks over there.
14:04 And they stumbled over to this rock outcropping
14:07 and one of them still had a pick and they began to pick away.
14:11 And you might think - This is a crazy thing to do,
14:13 but when you're desperate, and you're dying,
14:16 you'll try anything and they began to pray,
14:18 and they began to pick just into the rock out in the desert.
14:22 And would you believe, that they chipped off some of that
14:24 limestone rock and all of a sudden, water began to seep out.
14:30 And those men were able to get enough water out of that rock
14:34 to revive them all and keep them alive.
14:37 You know, it doesn't take a lot of water,
14:40 if it's steady, to keep you alive.
14:44 I'll tell you, a little later, about digging springs
14:46 out in the hill - I've got a neighbor that was
14:48 so excited, he started digging around and he found
14:51 this little seepage coming out of the ground and he was
14:54 able to capture that and he ran it from a pipe
14:56 and he ran it into a jug and it came to about 1 gallon a minute.
15:01 Now that may not sound like a lot, when you turn on your
15:04 spigot at your house, it runs a lot faster
15:07 than a gallon a minute but if you get 1 gallon a minute,
15:11 if you get 1/2 a gallon a minute,
15:14 you get 700 gallons a day, actually more
15:16 than 700 gallons a day.
15:18 One gallon a minute is about 1,440 gallons a day.
15:21 Now do you use 1,440 gallons a day?
15:25 Can you see how just a little bit, a little trickle of water
15:29 in the desert, if it's constant,
15:31 it can keep a whole unit of soldiers alive.
15:35 They did that, they picked there and they found the water
15:38 and it kept them alive and that brings us to our
15:39 other story about water from a rock.
15:43 Turn in your Bibles to Exodus 17:1
15:45 This was not the only time that they needed water
15:49 out there in the desert.
15:53 Exodus 17- "Then all the congregation of the
15:59 children of Israel set out on their journey
16:01 from the Wilderness of Sin according to the
16:04 commandment of the Lord.
16:05 And then camped in Rephidim, but there was no water
16:09 for the people to drink."
16:11 "Therefore, the people contended with Moses and they said,
16:14 "Give us water that we might drink,"
16:16 and Moses said to them, "Why do you contend with me?
16:19 Why do you tempt the Lord?"
16:21 "And the people thirsted there for water and the people
16:24 murmured against Moses, and they said,
16:26 "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to kill us
16:28 and our children and our livestock with thirst?"
16:31 "And Moses cried out to the Lord."
16:34 So when they needed water, you notice what they do?
16:37 Twice now it says, "They cried out to the Lord."
16:40 This is going to make sense before we're done.
16:43 So Moses cried out to the Lord saying, "What shall I do with
16:46 this people; they're almost ready to stone me?"
16:49 "And the Lord said to Moses, "Go before the people and
16:52 take with you some of the elders of Israel;
16:54 Also take in your hand, the rod with which you
16:58 struck the river and go and behold I will stand before you
17:03 there on the rock in Horeb and you shall strike the rock
17:07 and water will come out of it that the people might drink"
17:11 "And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel,
17:16 so he called the name of the place "Massah and Meribah"
17:20 because of the contention of the children of Israel
17:22 because they tempted the Lord saying,
17:24 "Is the Lord among us or not?"
17:27 They were questioning God was among them because
17:29 they were dying of thirst.
17:30 You know sometimes you get thirsty and it doesn't mean
17:33 the Lord is not with you - What do you need to do?
17:35 You need to pray for the water.
17:38 You know this is interesting because it makes me think
17:41 of that verse in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10,
17:44 it talks about Moses striking the rock and water
17:47 coming out of a rock and it says in 1 Corinthians 10:4...
17:51 "And they all drank the same spiritual drink;
17:55 For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them...
17:59 The rock that followed them?
18:02 ... And that Rock was Christ."
18:04 Now what does this mean?
18:05 The rock that Moses struck - did he find some boulder
18:08 out there in the wilderness and he struck it?
18:10 And water came out of that rock and as they went from
18:12 place to place somehow, they hoisted this rock
18:15 with them or maybe the rock rolled and it followed them?
18:20 You know, most scholars don't
18:22 think that's what it's talking about.
18:23 When it says, "the rock that followed them"
18:26 it's talking about the water that
18:28 came from this rock followed them.
18:30 Adam Clarke in his commentary, sums up what the Jews believed.
18:34 The ancient Jews believed the streams followed them
18:38 in all their journeying.
18:39 So Moses struck that rock and as they journeyed
18:43 through the wilderness, miraculously, the stream just
18:45 continued to follow them wherever they went
18:48 there was the water that was flowing from God.
18:51 It failed one time and God gave them the opportunity
18:55 to see if they trust, but they lost faith again
18:57 and they complained and that's when Moses got upset,
19:00 and he struck the rock twice when he was only
19:03 supposed to speak to it.
19:04 But the rest of the time, God had this stream evidently
19:08 following them through the wilderness.
19:11 It says, "When they came to the camp, the waters formed
19:14 themselves into cisterns and pools and the rulers of the
19:17 people guided them by their staves into rivulets
19:20 into the various tribes and the families,
19:23 and this is the sense that they get in Numbers 21:17
19:26 where it says, "Spring up oh well."
19:29 Wherever you go, wouldn't it be nice to know that
19:32 you got rivers of water following you.
19:35 And the Bible says in Psalm 1, "Blessed is the man that
19:38 walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
19:43 nor stands in the path of sinners,
19:45 nor sits in the seat of the scornful,
19:47 but his delight is in the law of the Lord.
19:50 In his law, he meditates day and night.
19:52 He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water
19:56 that brings forth its fruit in season."
19:59 A man of God is like what?
20:01 Someone who is planted by the waters.
20:04 What does the Good Shepherd do?
20:06 Psalm 23:2... "The Lord is my Shepherd,
20:09 I shall not want; He makes me to lie down in
20:12 green pastures.
20:13 He leads me besides the still waters."
20:18 You know, water cleanses and it protects us.
20:22 Water cleanses - that's what baptism is a symbol of.
20:27 People go down in the water and it's a symbol of the old
20:30 life is washed away.
20:31 And it's also a symbol of new birth because water
20:33 not only cleanses, water protects.
20:36 Your brain is encased in a meninges of water,
20:41 and it's protected - that's why you get bumped on the head
20:43 ... with a normal bump, you'll be able to resist it
20:46 because that water is protecting and the water cleanses.
20:50 It's a solvent that purifies.
20:53 And all this ties together because Jesus says
20:56 that he's offering us that living water.
20:58 Christ is that Water that cleanses.
21:02 He is that Water that protects.
21:04 You know, in the Bible, meetings often happened at water.
21:09 I think it's interesting that you find the story of
21:15 ... where was it that Rebecca was tested
21:19 to be a mother in Israel? It was at the well.
21:23 And the test was... Will she give a drink to me,
21:27 and will she water the camels?
21:29 That's what Eliezer set out.
21:30 It was a test about giving water.
21:34 She was a type of the church there.
21:36 The church is supposed to dispense the living water
21:39 to a thirsty world. Amen?
21:42 Where does Moses find his wife? It's at a well.
21:47 The shepherds were striving with the daughters of Jethro,
21:51 and Moses delivered them and he helped them water their flocks.
21:55 How is it that Jacob meets Rachel there at a well?
22:00 He uncovers the mouth of the well
22:06 that their sheep might get their water.
22:08 And then Jesus meets the Samaritan woman
22:10 there by the well.
22:12 We'll talk about that, John 4:7...
22:18 This was in our Sabbath School lesson too,
22:21 but I didn't plan it that way.
22:24 "A woman of Samaria came to draw water,
22:26 and Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink."
22:30 You know, it's interesting that Jesus would say,
22:32 "Give Me a drink."
22:33 Is Jesus thirsty?
22:36 What is it that satisfies Him?
22:40 That His people might dispense living water to others.
22:43 You remember, after this woman accepts Jesus,
22:45 and brings others to Him, He tells the disciples,
22:47 "I've got food and water that you don't know about."
22:50 It satisfies Jesus.
22:52 When He was on the cross, what did He say?
22:54 He was thirsty.
22:58 She said, "Why are you, a man who is a Jew,
23:02 asking me, a woman of Samaria, for a drink of water?
23:04 We're not supposed to have any dealings with each other."
23:07 He said, "Oh but if you knew who I was,
23:08 you'd ask from Me, living water."
23:10 She's still thinking about the earthly kind of water
23:13 that I've been talking about so far and He's now
23:15 transitioning to a different kind of water.
23:18 "Bless is he who hungers and thirsts after righteousness."
23:25 Are you thirsty? What is Jesus thirsty for?
23:28 Righteousness among His people.
23:30 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness."
23:35 Are you thirsting for that like you're thirsty for water?
23:39 How bad do you want it?
23:42 Do you ever have that longing?
23:44 Do remember when David was in the cave of Adullam,
23:47 and you feel sorry for David because here, he was a shepherd;
23:51 as a boy he had lived out in the open fields,
23:53 he was able to freely - whenever he was thirsty, he'd just run,
23:56 and he'd dropped this bucket down into to the well of
23:58 Bethlehem - he'd get himself as
24:00 much as he could possibly drink and that well is
24:02 still there today in Bethlehem.
24:04 And now he's running from King Saul and he's living in a
24:07 dark cave and he's out in the badlands where they've
24:11 got the bad water.
24:13 And one day, he just longingly says,
24:16 "Oh, if I could have a drink of water from the
24:17 well of Bethlehem."
24:19 Just kind of talking out loud...
24:22 Three of his soldiers, they loved David so much,
24:24 they went all night long to the City of Bethlehem
24:28 where the Philistines had a garrison,
24:31 a contingent of soldiers there and they fought their way
24:34 past the soldiers; 2 of them cutting and slashing
24:39 and they lowered down this pitcher and filled it back up
24:42 and brought it back to David risking their lives,
24:44 just because he was longing for a drink of water from that well.
24:50 Have you ever been somewhere where the water is bad
24:53 and you miss the water that's good?
24:56 You know one of the things that I do as
24:59 I travel around, I drink a lot of water!
25:02 And when I go to a hotel in the town,
25:05 I take the hotel cup that they provide,
25:07 I understand that's not always safe,
25:10 and I taste their tap water.
25:13 Believe it or not, some of the cities that are tested
25:15 with the best water, you wouldn't think so,
25:16 New York City - supposed to have comparatively good water.
25:20 You would think it would be terrible there.
25:22 And there are some places, you drink the water
25:24 and ohhh - it either tastes like copper
25:27 or it tastes like sulfur.
25:28 Have you ever been to some of those places
25:30 where the water smells like rotten eggs?
25:32 Or have you been to those places where people got water
25:34 in the bathtub and all the appliances are brown
25:37 because there's so much iron in the water...
25:39 and it always tastes like you're drinking rust.
25:43 And you put up with that for a while and you'll start
25:45 longing like David for a drink of the water from Bethlehem.
25:50 And you know, when his soldiers brought him that water,
25:52 he dumped it out.
25:54 He said - You risked your life to get this for me,
25:56 I'm not going to encourage that, this is an offering to the Lord.
25:59 And, they loved David for that because he didn't want them
26:04 to jeopardize their lives for him.
26:08 So here, Jesus is saying - I'm willing to give you
26:11 this living water.
26:15 Some of you were at Redwood Camp Meeting,
26:16 you heard me tell this story.
26:18 On my way to Redwood Camp Meeting a few weeks ago,
26:21 I was driving up this long stretch of road between
26:26 Ukiah and Willits, there's a big, long hill there.
26:29 Halfway up the hill, I saw this man...
26:32 He looked like an older man because he had gray hair
26:33 and a gray beard, a little bit heavy, had a jacket on,
26:38 and it was one of these 100 degree days,
26:40 and he's walking up hill.
26:42 And I thought... You know I often pick up
26:44 hitchhikers - I thought he probably needs a ride
26:46 because this is no town, I know the area.
26:47 There's nothing between those 2 cities.
26:50 But I was in the wrong lane to pull over,
26:52 and there were truck-cars around, I couldn't pull over,
26:54 and so I went zipping on by and I said -
26:56 Well, maybe someone will give him a ride...
26:58 And the Lord said, "Doug,"
27:00 I said, Lord, "I'm going to camp meeting, I'm late."
27:04 "Doug," I didn't hear it audibly,
27:08 but you know what I mean.
27:10 And I said, "Well, but Lord this is concrete barrier,
27:12 I don't know where I'm going to turn around."
27:13 There was a concrete thing between the lanes,
27:15 you can't just flip a U-ey.
27:17 And so I thought, all right, I'm not going to be happy
27:20 unless I do and so I go up the road, I keep waiting,
27:23 I had to go up the road quite a ways and finally I found a
27:25 turnaround and I turned around, I came back
27:27 and I saw the guy but now there's still a concrete barrier
27:30 and I thought - Oh man, I don't know how far...
27:32 I had to go like 2.5-3 miles down the road
27:34 before I could find another turnaround to pick this guy up.
27:37 I know I'll probably get no credit from God for this,
27:41 because I'll telling everybody else...
27:43 So you know, if you have your reward, this is it.
27:46 And so, I'm going to milk it for all I can...
27:49 So I went all the way down 3 miles, turned around
27:53 and came back up again and sure enough the guy was there,
27:56 I pulled over and boy, he was happy.
27:57 And it wasn't a real safe spot to pull over;
27:59 fortunately there was no traffic now.
28:01 He jumped in the car and the first thing he said...
28:04 He didn't tell me where he was going;
28:06 he didn't tell me who he was;
28:08 he said - "Do you have any water?"
28:10 And I could see the guy was red in the face and he was
28:13 perspiring; he was older and he had forgotten to take
28:16 water with him and he was walking uphill with all
28:18 his clothes on - he had a jacket and everything,
28:22 and I thought - "Well, I do," but under my armrest I keep
28:26 2 of those little plastic, about half the size of one of these.
28:30 I felt bad - I didn't have anything more.
28:32 And I said, "Well I do," and I gave that to him
28:35 and it wasn't as much as he wanted but he just
28:38 sucked that down in one drink.
28:40 And God told me to turn around and pick this guy up.
28:45 And, he told me that he was a Christian;
28:48 he was on his way to a mission and he said he was dying of
28:53 thirst - he said, "I was praying that somebody would
28:56 pick me up that could give me a drink of water."
28:59 And that's why I felt that strong impression that I
29:03 was supposed to turn around and give this guy a drink!
29:05 If Jesus knows when we're physically thirsty and He cares;
29:10 if we pray and God cares about taking care of our thirst,
29:13 if He's willing to make water come out of a rock for soldiers,
29:16 then does He care if we're spiritually thirsty?
29:20 Which thirst is more important?
29:22 You know, they say that as you get older,
29:27 the mechanism that helps you know that you're thirsty,
29:31 doesn't operate as effectively, and sometimes you'll
29:35 see people who are older and their lips are dry
29:37 and they forget to drink.
29:39 You need to drink even if you don't feel like it.
29:43 And that's also true of living water,
29:45 you need to discipline yourself to drink water every day.
29:49 The first thing I do when I get up is I heat up water,
29:52 and I drink water and I drink several glasses of water.
29:55 First thing I do is I go into the bathroom, I drink water,
29:57 I go downstairs, I drink more water and I try to tank-up
29:59 for the day because you kind of dehydrate,
30:01 especially in a dry climate, during the night.
30:04 And even if I don't feel thirsty,
30:06 I know how much I need and I make myself drink it.
30:09 I keep bottles in my car; I got them in my drawer
30:13 at the office; we keep them here at the church.
30:15 Just before I went on the platform, I said,
30:16 "Helen, get me some water."
30:17 I wanted to be able to have you at least see that.
30:22 You need to also discipline yourself about
30:25 the spiritual water.
30:27 You may not know how thirsty you are.
30:29 You might be thirstier... as-a-matter-of-fact, I can
30:31 almost guarantee you need more than you're drinking.
30:35 Have you ever heard someone tell you that before?
30:36 They say you need - what is it, 3 liters of water a day?
30:40 And of course, if you're in drier climates,
30:42 I'm sure you need more.
30:43 You need more spiritual water that you probably think.
30:46 Jesus said if you invite Him into your heart,
30:50 He actually provides an artesian source of
30:53 water that will spring up.
30:55 Artesian wells are the best kind of wells.
30:59 You know I like reading the stories in the Bible
31:02 about when God provided His living water.
31:08 In John 4:13- Jesus said to the woman,
31:12 "Whoever drinks this water will thirst again,
31:15 but whoever drinks the water that I will give him
31:18 will never thirst; but the water that I will
31:20 give him will become in him a fountain of water
31:22 springing up into everlasting life.
31:25 You know, most water needs to be pumped or drawn,
31:28 but it's really something when you find artesian water
31:31 where it bubbles up to the surface.
31:33 Jeremiah 2- He says here in verse 13,
31:38 "For My people have committed two evils;
31:42 They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water..."
31:45 And that word "living water there means "springing water."
31:49 "And they've dug out cisterns for themselves,
31:52 cracked cisterns that can hold no water..."
31:55 You know, this is a problem is we all need that water,
31:58 and Jesus is the living water.
31:59 We're trying to get it by manual effort,
32:02 and He's offering it by divine.
32:05 We try to dig it and it's so wonderful if you can have it
32:08 come on its own.
32:09 You know, this has been of great interest to me...
32:14 You may not get anything out of this sermon,
32:15 but it's really interesting to me because
32:18 I've been thinking so much about water power.
32:21 All the years up there at our place in Covelo,
32:24 we've had solar power.
32:26 We've never really been able to have water power.
32:29 We tried it once, but 12 volt alternator turning a little
32:33 Pelton wheel because you lose so much electricity
32:36 with 12 volts - you get very far from your house, the voltage
32:40 drops - I tried it for a year and it just didn't work.
32:44 But they now came out with 110 volt alternator
32:49 and a little Pelton wheel and I've ordered one.
32:53 And we got lots of water but it's at the house,
32:56 and it runs away from the house,
32:58 but now we can run water 1/4 mile away from the house,
33:02 and just the natural flow of that water,
33:05 without it being pumped, is going to turn the
33:08 Pelton wheel that will provide
33:09 112 volts for the cabin in the winter.
33:11 Solar power is great in the summer,
33:14 but in the winter, you got weeks with no sun,
33:16 and you got to run a generator for power.
33:19 This gives you a power of natural water - it wonderful!
33:22 Most of the power in California comes from hydropower.
33:27 I don't know, it's kind of nuclear and hydro, I think.
33:30 But it's wonderful with just the power of water,
33:33 the gravity of water gives you power!
33:36 Jesus is offering us this naturally-powered water.
33:40 So I've been thinking so much about water lately...
33:43 Then my friend told me, he dug and he found this spring.
33:46 Kind of made me want to go and start digging.
33:50 So while I was up there this week, I talked to my
33:53 buddy, Dave, and he knows our place pretty well,
33:56 he said, "Doug, you know, you got a patch of berries
33:58 that's been there for 30 years,
34:01 and wherever you've got this spring grass,
34:02 there's probably water there," and I said,
34:03 "Aw, I've seen that and it's never gotten to be anything
34:05 more than just mud."
34:07 Well I was talking to some friends and something
34:10 interesting happened - All these fires in
34:12 northern California - he said, "Springs that have not
34:17 run for years, have started running in the places that have
34:21 burned." Did ya catch me?
34:24 Springs - fire goes over some hills and all of a sudden
34:29 the springs start running.
34:30 He said, "What happens is there are springs in the hills,
34:33 but when there's water, vegetation starts to grow,
34:38 and the more and more of these trees and these plants
34:40 and things begin to grow down around the springs,
34:42 and they send their roots down sometimes hundreds of feet down,
34:45 and they're sapping up gallons of water every day,
34:49 and you get an acre of land of trees and vegetation just
34:52 soaking up all the water, it never reaches the surface,
34:55 and all the trees die, they stop drinking and the
34:58 springs have no where to go, they start bubbling up again."
35:02 He said, "The water is there, you just have to dig for it."
35:06 So I thought, "Well, I've got to try this."
35:08 By the way, let me pause on that point for a second, friends
35:10 Some of you are dry right now in your lives
35:14 because there are too many weeds
35:16 that are growing around the spring,
35:17 and nobody knows that there's any water in there
35:21 because it's getting all soaked up by these other things,
35:23 and you might need a fire to go through and clean it off
35:27 so those springs begin to flow again.
35:28 Sometimes God allows us to go through fiery trials
35:32 in order to get the water running again -
35:34 did you catch that?
35:37 And so I thought, "Wow, I'm going to go check that out."
35:41 And so I'm just talking 2 days ago,
35:42 so I'm really excited about this.
35:44 This happened after I picked the sermon title,
35:46 but I thought that was providential.
35:49 Dave said, "Doug, you ought to check that out."
35:51 And I called him up and I said, "You got a couple of hours
35:52 ... let's go see."
35:54 I got a backhoe and drove the backhoe...
35:57 This berry patch has been there 30 years -
35:59 it was there hundreds of years, I never checked.
36:02 It's above the house - if you find water running
36:05 above the house, it's pretty exciting.
36:07 So I started digging - that's me digging.
36:09 Dave also helped me dig.
36:11 And first, we had to clear out the berries,
36:14 got to get rid of the vegetation,
36:15 we scraped all that off.
36:17 There were some fir trees around there,
36:18 they weren't too big and so we pushed them over.
36:20 I got a lot of fir trees, so don't talk
36:22 to me later about it - I'm not a tree-hugger.
36:25 And see all the trees back there are plenty of trees.
36:28 And so we got rid of the trees
36:29 because they were soaking up the spring.
36:30 Pushed them out of the way, scraped off the surface
36:33 and it was nice - all of a sudden,
36:34 I mean, it's 100 degrees out, this is a dry time of year.
36:37 I saw some wet ground, I thought - wow, this is great!
36:40 So we started digging and pretty soon I found a little bit of mud
36:43 I said, "Oh this is great, we found water."
36:45 And Dave said, "Don't stop there you have to get below
36:49 that layer of clay."
36:50 He said, "There's a layer of rock underneath these hills,
36:53 and if you get into the layer of rock,
36:54 if there is water above it, you get to the layer of rock,."
36:57 So I went down 8 feet; I said, "Look, I see a little
37:00 water." He said, "No, no, keep going."
37:02 And so I kept digging!
37:04 And then, we would take turns, he kept digging.
37:06 And pretty soon, you put your bucket in and it's the
37:09 sweetest sound in the world; it's a slurping sound...
37:15 and you hear that when you're digging a spring,
37:18 that's like the Halleluiah chorus.
37:21 If you're in the dry hills and you're dying of thirst,
37:24 and you hear that, it's a wonderful sound!
37:29 And the bucket went like that and I took picture.
37:31 I was so excited, I wanted to show Karen.
37:33 And I took a picture and the water just began to pour
37:37 into the hole and you're probably thinking,
37:40 "Doug, I don't like you anymore...
37:42 You're just bragging about all your water
37:45 that you got up there in the hills."
37:46 This is good news, friends, I am so excited.
37:50 It just doubles the water flow that could
37:53 go to the Batchelor pad up there in the house.
37:57 And so, just be happy for me.
38:00 I was so excited, I actually - you know what I did,
38:03 I just wanted to see where it was coming from,
38:05 and we dug it even deeper than that and I hopped down
38:08 in the hole - don't ever do that.
38:10 Kids, don't do that at home.
38:13 I got down in this ditch, it was 12 feet deep
38:15 at that point - I wanted to see where is it coming out.
38:18 I want to put my finger in the spot where this miracle
38:20 was happening and I went down and I could see where it was
38:23 gushing out from several places coming into the hole,
38:25 and we took a picture and then I climbed out,
38:28 and a few minutes later, the whole side caved in,
38:31 it would have killed me if I was still in there.
38:34 And so that wasn't very smart
38:36 but you already knew about me, right?
38:38 Anyway, but I got so excited because now we're going to
38:42 end up developing - we know there's water there.
38:44 Once you know there's water there, you can figure it out.
38:46 You'll find a way to get it, we'll take the bulldozer
38:48 or something like that, but it just was so exciting
38:51 to see that water up there in these dry hills,
38:54 especially when there's a drought.
38:57 You know, the Bible tells us in the last days,
38:59 there's going to be a famine.
39:00 What is it that usually brings on a famine?
39:04 It's a drought - the days are coming says the Lord,
39:08 there's going to be a famine - a famine for the Word of God.
39:13 And it's a drought of living water that causes this famine.
39:17 Now, I've talked a lot about water...
39:20 What is the "living water?"
39:23 Is it - you know, we talk in terms, we talk in these symbols,
39:26 what does the Bible say it is?
39:27 Turn with me in your Bibles, John 3:5...
39:37 "Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born of the water
39:42 and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
39:45 How important is water?
39:46 Jesus said, "Unless you are born of the water,
39:48 you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
39:50 That "being born of the water," has a couple of meanings.
39:54 No, it does not mean being born of a baby.
39:56 Some people think it means coming out of the water
40:00 that a baby is in - the water sac - that's not it because
40:04 why would Jesus say that?
40:06 He that is born of the water... You must be born of the water,
40:08 and born of the Spirit...
40:09 How many here were born of a woman?
40:13 Everybody is born of that water, right?
40:15 It's talking about the cleansing of the Spirit
40:19 on the inside and baptism - the cleansing
40:21 of the Spirit on the outside."
40:22 So it's talking about the new birth and the cleansing.
40:26 Isaiah 44:3... "For I will pour water on him
40:32 that is thirsty and floods on dry ground."
40:34 Have you ever felt dry in your heart?
40:36 "I will pour My Spirit on your descendents
40:41 and My blessing on your offspring."
40:43 So what is this water?
40:44 "I will pour My Spirit..."
40:47 What is it the church is supposed to be praying for
40:49 in the last days?
40:50 You've heard of the former rain...
40:52 We're praying now for the latter rain,
40:56 and that latter rain is that water coming down,
40:58 it represents a rain of what?
41:00 The Holy Spirit being poured out on the church.
41:03 And by the way, back in the days of Elijah,
41:07 the Holy Spirit or the rain came after God's people prayed.
41:12 They humbled themselves
41:14 before the Lord and it's going to happen again.
41:17 John 7:37... This was our Scripture reading.
41:20 "On the last day of the great feast,
41:22 the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus stood and cried out saying,
41:26 "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink;
41:29 He that believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
41:33 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
41:37 Rivers of water flowing out, an artesian supply of water!
41:41 "But this He spoke concerning the - you still got your Bibles?
41:46 I'm reading, we stopped there... What is that water?
41:49 "This He spoke concerning the Spirit."
41:52 So that living water is talking about God's Spirit
41:54 inside that refreshes us from within,
41:58 and Jesus picked the optimum time to do this.
42:00 He waited for the "Feast of Tabernacles."
42:02 Now, it's not in the Bible, but the Jews had a custom
42:06 back then, during the feast, where they would draw water
42:09 from the pool of Siloam.
42:11 The pool of Siloam was formed because Hezekiah had dug
42:14 a tunnel - how many of you have heard of Hezekiah's
42:18 tunnel before?
42:20 See, back in Bible times, you could withstand a siege
42:23 for quite a while - they could store food,
42:25 but you had to have water in the city.
42:28 And if your water was outside the wall,
42:30 the enemy would block it and you couldn't get to your water.
42:33 So what Hezekiah had done, he had some brilliant engineers
42:38 that went to the Spring of Gijon outside of Jerusalem,
42:41 and they dug down, down to the source of it.
42:45 They then dug a tunnel; they dug down within the
42:48 City of Jerusalem and they dug toward each other,
42:51 and how they did this back then, with their primitive technology
42:54 is absolutely miraculous.
42:56 We don't know, to this day, how they did it,
42:57 but they had teams going from 2 opposite sides,
43:00 and we can see, right now, where they met
43:02 because the pick marks are going like this in an arc
43:04 on one side and then you can see the pick marks
43:06 going like this in the walls on the other side,
43:09 and finally when they meet,
43:10 they were only off a couple of inches.
43:12 But they managed to meet and know exactly what depth
43:16 and level they were outside the wall and inside the wall,
43:19 and the water began to flow from the spring into the city,
43:22 and it formed the Pool of Siloam...
43:24 And that was like the lifeline of the city
43:27 whenever Jerusalem was besieged was that pool.
43:30 And so, they would take water from the Pool of Siloam,
43:34 and they'd walk up the steps into the temple with trumpets
43:38 playing and the people praising God.
43:40 They put a little bit of grape juice in the water,
43:42 which is interesting - the water and the grape juice from the
43:46 side of Jesus, when He was pierced, what came out?
43:49 Water came from the side of Christ and blood...
43:54 symbolizing that we are washed by these things,
43:58 washed by the blood, washed by the water.
44:00 And then they would pour it out on the alter.
44:03 During that feast where there was this great ceremony
44:06 of water, Jesus speaks these words...
44:09 And He says that He offers us the living water.
44:13 John 7- "If anyone thirsts...?" Who? Anyone!
44:18 Was that just anyone back there then,
44:20 or is that anyone here, today?
44:22 "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink."
44:27 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
44:30 Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
44:34 And we just quoted that Scripture there in Isaiah 44.
44:37 But He spoke concerning the Spirit.
44:40 If you believe in Him, He can give you that Spirit
44:42 that will cleanse your sins and that joy will be flowing
44:46 out of your heart like it was with the Samaritan woman
44:48 and so many others.
44:49 Isaiah 58:11... "The Lord will guide you
44:51 continually and satisfy your soul in drought;
44:56 And He'll strengthen your bones.
44:58 You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water
45:01 whose waters do not fail."
45:04 You know it's wonderful to know that you've got
45:06 a dependable source of water,
45:08 especially if there's a famine in the land,
45:10 and to have that artesian well to be available.
45:14 You know, back in the days of Abraham,
45:19 everywhere Abraham went, he did two things...
45:21 Do you know what those two things were?
45:26 He built an alter to God and he dug a well.
45:30 And oh, he's a shepherd; he had a household
45:32 with hundreds of servants.
45:33 We know he had 300 that could fight in battles.
45:36 This is actually a picture of a very ancient well
45:39 that's in Beersheba - they call it Abraham's well,
45:41 and to this very day, it's got water down there.
45:44 They argue that it dates back to the time of Abraham,
45:47 and it was one of his wells.
45:48 Well after Abraham died, the Philistines were afraid
45:51 at how powerful he had become;
45:53 they went around and they filled in the wells of Abraham
45:56 with debris, with rocks, with dirt to try to prevent
46:00 the people of Israel from settling in that land.
46:04 And one of the things Isaac did is he went and he
46:07 cleaned out the wells of his father, Abraham.
46:12 Everywhere Isaac went, he cleaned out the wells
46:17 that his father had dug.
46:19 Here you've got Genesis 26:15:
46:23 "The Philistines had stopped up all the wells that his
46:26 father's servants had dug in the days of Abraham, his father,
46:29 and they filled them with earth..."
46:32 Because where there's no water, there's no life;
46:33 trying to drive them away.
46:34 What does the devil do?
46:36 Does he try to plug the wells?
46:38 Does the devil put all of his weeds around the spring
46:41 and try and soak up the water?
46:43 He's trying to keep us thirsty.
46:45 Genesis 26:18... "And Isaac dug again the wells
46:49 of water that they had dug in the days of Abraham, his father.
46:53 For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham,
46:56 And he called them by the names that his father had called them;
47:00 And Isaac's servant dug in the valley and they found a well
47:04 of running water there."
47:06 What do you think that means?
47:08 They were digging with their backhoe?
47:11 No, they did it the hard way back then.
47:13 They'd lower a guy by his feet down in the hole.
47:16 He'd chip away until he couldn't stand it anymore,
47:18 and they'd pull him out and they'd get another one.
47:20 Can you imagine them - chip, chip, chip,
47:21 and all of a sudden you hear, gurgle, gurgle and he says,
47:23 "Quick get me out of here," and the water began to rise up
47:27 of its own power and flow out of the well.
47:32 It's wonderful when you get living water.
47:35 It's miraculous - sometimes you wish you had x-ray vision.
47:39 Some people claim to be able to water-witch.
47:42 They walk along with these willow sticks, this iron,
47:45 and they try to say, "Where is the water."
47:47 If you could only know where to dig.
47:50 I'm sensitive about this!
47:52 I know a couple of unscrupulous realtors
47:54 that sold land to people and they said,
47:56 "I'm sure you could put a well in here,
47:57 there's no water on the land, aw, you can put a well in."
47:59 And there was no water and they spent thousands drilling,
48:02 came up dry and I know families that they put every penny
48:06 they had into a piece of land and then every extra penny
48:09 into trying to get a well in and they're now living
48:12 on that land and they're hauling water in barrels
48:15 to wash their dishes, to take their showers
48:17 because there's no water.
48:19 And it's so sad - I mean we take it for granted
48:22 living in a city like this, you turn the spigot,
48:24 it may not always be that way.
48:27 And I think sometimes we take Jesus for granted too,
48:30 and we don't realize what a gift it is to have such
48:33 an abundance of water for life, for our gardens,
48:37 for our yards, for our bodies, for cleansing, for drinking.
48:42 And Jesus says that He is offering us that water.
48:45 The Bible begins by God creating a river in the Garden of Eden
48:49 that irrigated all that life.
48:52 And then, you know, you get to the end of the Bible...
48:55 In Revelation 22, the last chapter
48:58 of the Bible you find this.
49:00 "He showed me a pure river of water of life."
49:04 Water of life...
49:06 Not only is there a Tree of Life,
49:07 there's a Water of Life - Clear as crystal proceeding
49:10 from the throne of God and from the Lamb.
49:12 Water coming from God's throne and from the Lamb.
49:16 "In the middle of its street on either side of it
49:18 was the Tree of Life."
49:20 You know, it says in Isaiah 32:2 "A man will be as a hiding
49:27 place from the wind and a cover from the tempest,
49:30 as rivers of water in a dry place as the shadow
49:33 of a great rock in a weary land."
49:35 "A man will be as rivers of water in a dry place."
49:40 So how do we get the living waters?
49:41 You know, there's a story, I just heard it this morning
49:46 on my way to church again.
49:48 H.M.S. Richards, Sr., was sharing.
49:50 I was listening to an old tape,
49:53 and he talked about during the Civil War.
49:57 They had this notorious prisoner of war camp
50:00 that was in Georgia, called Andersonville.
50:02 Have you ever head the history or the story about Andersonville
50:04 It's as bad as any story you've heard, or almost as bad
50:10 of a concentration camp.
50:13 I mean, at this point, at the end of the war in 1865,
50:18 the South had no food for their own soldiers.
50:21 There was really no food for their prisoners of war.
50:25 And they had so many soldiers stacked together
50:28 in Andersonville within this one swampy area that
50:34 they barely had a place to lay down,
50:37 and they were dying like flies.
50:38 There was a stream that came from the hills that kind of
50:43 ran through the camp that really was the sewer
50:46 and that's all they had to drink and finally it dried up.
50:51 And there was this one summer when they were just dying;
50:54 they had no water; they had no food,
50:56 and all those Northern boys gathered together
50:58 and they had a prayer meeting.
51:00 You know, back then a lot of people went to church;
51:03 a lot more than they do today.
51:05 And they all came from homes, different denominations,
51:07 but they believed in God, and they started to pray...
51:11 And it was hot, the ground was dry because of the
51:16 red clay there in Georgia.
51:18 It was filthy and they just said we need water.
51:21 They were dying of thirst and they had a prayer meeting
51:24 specifically praying that God would give them water.
51:27 And right about the time that they were praying,
51:29 a thunderstorm moved into the area and it began to rain.
51:34 Well that was a temporary answer, but during
51:37 the thunderstorm, lightning struck the parade ground
51:41 in the middle of that prison of war camp,
51:43 and where the lightning hit the ground, water began to spring up
51:48 and it's still running today.
51:50 It's called the miracle of Andersonville,
51:52 and it was happening as those soldiers were praying for water.
51:56 Does God still answer prayer?
51:58 If He had saved those British soldiers
52:00 out in the desert when they prayed for water...
52:02 Oh, by the way, we knelt down Thursday and prayed
52:04 before we started digging, that God would help us
52:06 find water and we did - so I'm excited about this!
52:11 I think if the Lord cares about giving us that physical water -
52:15 You know one of the last things Jesus says in the Bible...
52:17 Last chapter in the Bible, Revelation 22:17...
52:22 "Let him who thirsts come; whosoever desires
52:30 let him take the water of life freely."
52:33 Isaiah 55- says, "Ho! Everyone
52:35 who thirsts, Come ye to the waters."
52:37 Jesus is offering living water to everyone,
52:39 and yet people are dying of dehydration spiritually.
52:43 They don't even know it.
52:45 Why will you die?
52:48 Why would you want to be so thirsty?
52:49 If you ask God, He'll give you His Spirit.
52:51 He'll give you that living water.
52:53 He'll give you that cleansing if you pray and you ask Him.
52:56 Does Jesus care if we're thirsty?
52:59 Yes He does - look at all the miracles
53:01 He did to satisfy physical thirst.
53:03 Does He care about our spiritual thirst?
53:05 He'll give you that living water - He said if you ask Him.
53:08 That's what He said to the woman at the well,
53:09 if you ask Him.
53:11 Would you like to ask Him today
53:12 that He gives us that living water.
53:14 Let's stand and we're going to sing together 432,
53:18 I believe that's the right number.
53:22 We're going to sing about "Shall We Gather At The River"
53:25 I'm hoping to gather by that river in heaven, Amen?
53:27 And there are streams that flow today.
53:29 Let's sing this together and then we'll pray.
53:41 Shall we gather at the river
53:46 Where bright angel feet have trod,
53:50 With its crystal tide forever
53:54 Flowing by the throne of God?
53:59 Yes, we'll gather at the river,
54:04 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
54:09 Gather with the saints at the river
54:13 That flows by the throne of God.
54:19 I think there may be some people that are thirsty here today,
54:23 and I'm not just talking about physical thirst.
54:27 I actually went to the store yesterday thought about
54:29 buying a whole pile of the bottled water,
54:32 and having them out in the foyer,
54:35 but I just thought about it, I didn't do it.
54:38 Because I wanted you to tangibly think about
54:42 drinking that spiritual water that Jesus is offering,
54:46 and I wanted to save the environment from all those
54:47 plastic bottles - that's why I didn't get it.
54:51 But there may be some of you here today that
54:54 you sense that inner thirst; you know the need for
54:56 the Holy Spirit.
54:58 Maybe you have not experienced that cleansing that Jesus offers
55:02 ... that new life on the inside.
55:05 Without water, there's no life; it's true in the
55:08 physical world, it's true in the spiritual...
55:10 And you'd like to have special prayer
55:13 that you can receive that living water.
55:14 If you have a need and you'd like to come for prayer,
55:18 why don't you come as we sing verses 2-3 together.
55:23 On the margin of the river,
55:30 Washing up it's silver spray,
55:34 We will walk and worship ever,
55:37 All the happy golden day.
55:43 Yes, we'll gather at the river,
55:47 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
55:52 Gather with the saints at the river
55:57 That flows by the throne of God.
56:03 Soon we'll reach the shining river,
56:08 Soon our pilgrimage will cease,
56:13 Soon our happy hearts will quiver
56:17 With the melody of peace.
56:22 Yes, we'll gather at the river,
56:27 The beautiful, the beautiful river;
56:32 Gather with the saints at the river
56:36 That flows by the throne of God.
56:44 Father in heaven... Lord, we are so thankful
56:49 that You have sent a virtual fire hydrant of water
56:55 into our lives through Jesus.
56:58 Lord, we praise You and we thank You.
57:01 We know that Christ, when His very heart was pierced,
57:03 that water flowed out, that it might irrigate
57:07 the souls of everybody that asks,
57:09 that everybody that believes can have that refreshing.
57:13 Lord, I pray that you'll work that miracle right now;
57:16 do right now, Lord, for those that are here,
57:19 for those that might be listening,
57:21 in opening up the ground and providing water, Lord,
57:25 in a miraculous way.
57:27 You did it for Hagar when she wandered in the wilderness;
57:30 You did it for Samson when he was dying of thirst,
57:34 and we believe that You'll hear our prayer today.
57:36 We pray that You'll send Your Spirit, that living water,
57:39 send the latter rain on Your people.
57:41 There's a famine in the land, Lord, and we need life.
57:44 Bless us in our church and be with each person
57:47 who has come forward with a special request,
57:49 and help them to believe and to experience that refreshing,
57:53 we thank You and we pray, in Jesus name... Amen


Revised 2014-12-17