Everlasting Gospel

Freedom & Liberty

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002827

00:08 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God...
00:17 And still today, the greatest need of mankind is revelation
00:20 of God's love as revealed in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the "Everlasting Gospel"
00:26 with Pastor Doug Batchelor
00:28 coming to you each week from Sacramento Central Church
00:31 in sunny California.
00:32 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today.
00:38 I'd like to talk to you about being free and liberty.
00:44 Maybe it's a good idea to start with some definitions.
00:48 "Freedom" means liberty of the person from slavery, detention,
00:54 restraints or oppression; immunity from arbitrary
00:59 exercise of authority; the capacity to
01:03 exercise choice; free will;
01:05 the right to unrestricted use; full access.
01:11 Sometimes, especially if you've grown up in a country
01:13 where you have freedom, it's easy to take it for granted
01:17 You know, each week at the radio program,
01:19 we share some amazing fact from history or science,
01:22 and then we go into the program.
01:23 This week, we came across a pretty interesting story.
01:27 Have you ever heard of "Henry Box Brown?"
01:30 That's quite a story!
01:33 Born in 1815 in Richmond; born as a slave.
01:38 Worked in the tobacco industry and tolerated that life
01:43 about as long as he could take it, but when his master
01:46 sold his wife and 3 children to someone else
01:48 without talking to him and they were then moved to another state
01:52 ... He made up his mind, "I'm going to be free."
01:55 And so, he had some friends; it was actually
01:58 a white storekeeper, and he persuaded him to
02:01 build a box for him that was 2 feet x 2 feet x 3 feet
02:05 And then they stamped it this side up,
02:08 and they led people to believe it was a box of dry goods.
02:12 And he had 2 friends mail him in the box to abolitionists
02:19 in Pennsylvania that would receive the goods.
02:23 And so, he was placed in this box and they nailed it shut.
02:28 He had a little bit of water, a little bit of food,
02:31 but he was pretty crunched up
02:33 in there if you can imagine.
02:35 And, it tells about his trip as he was mailed...
02:38 It says - Boxes Brown, Boxes Brown Box,
02:41 Brown's Box - - sorry, traveled by wagon,
02:45 then railroad, steamboat, wagon again,
02:49 another railroad, ferry, another railroad,
02:53 and, finally, a delivery wagon.
02:56 The journey lasted over 27 hours,
02:59 and ultimately, they opened the box and he was free.
03:02 He was in a free country.
03:03 He dedicated the rest of his life to liberating other slaves.
03:08 You know, I think that we don't really appreciate
03:11 religious liberty as we should.
03:14 The freedom we have in this country,
03:16 just not only the freedom to come and go,
03:17 tremendous freedom, but the freedom of religion,
03:22 and I think it's at risk.
03:24 These freedoms of religion that we've enjoyed
03:27 for so long, are little by little being eroded.
03:30 You know, it says there in the Constitution,
03:33 "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men
03:37 are created equal and that they are endowed
03:39 by their Creator... " You know it says right in our
03:41 founding documents the recognition that there
03:44 is a Creator and yet, I don't know what you think,
03:46 but it's clear to me, seems like there is a going
03:50 trend to try to delete any reference to recognition
03:54 that there's a Creator from our public policy.
03:59 But in our foundation as a country,
04:02 the clause that talks about the separation of
04:04 church and state is basically saying that the religion
04:08 is not to be a test of qualifications for office,
04:12 and no one religion is to dictate a policy.
04:17 Now, Roger Williams, one of the founders of our country,
04:21 understood and most of the early founders recognized
04:24 that that especially applied
04:26 to the first 4 of the Ten Commandments.
04:28 Follow me... "The Ten Commandments
04:31 were written on 2 tablets of stone.
04:33 Is that Pastor Doug or is that in the Bible?
04:36 That's not just the paintings you see, it's in the Bible.
04:39 Two tables of stone. Why?
04:40 The first 4 Commandments dealt with our relationship with
04:45 the God that we worship is spiritual in nature
04:49 in a special sense.
04:51 The last 6 Commandments are more civil in nature.
04:55 It deals with our relationship with each other.
04:58 Our government should never make laws regarding
05:01 those first 4 Commandments.
05:03 They shouldn't be telling you what God to worship;
05:05 how to worship Him, when to worship Him,
05:09 what His name is.
05:11 The first 4 Commandments are really dealing with
05:14 your freedom to worship God as you choose.
05:17 But when the government begins to not respect
05:20 those last 6 Commandments, the rights of life,
05:24 the rights of property, the respect of parents,
05:28 and the authority of parents, the protection of marriage,
05:31 that 7th Commandment, then you're going to have
05:36 your culture implode on itself.
05:40 Real liberty means obedience.
05:46 Liberty and freedom does not mean you are free
05:50 to just have no law or not restraint.
05:54 You cannot be free without some self-control,
05:58 and we'll bear that out a little more in this message today.
06:02 In that Declaration of Independence,
06:04 it says that we've got the right to pursue happiness.
06:08 You know, according to the latest "World Values Survey,"
06:13 they went through hundreds of countries to determine...
06:16 I don't know, they've got some kind of scale where they
06:18 measure happiness of countries, the general happiness.
06:21 The research indicated prosperity is only one of the
06:24 factors in happiness.
06:26 It contributes but it's not the most important factor.
06:29 One of the most important factors in personal happiness
06:32 was freedom.
06:34 That's why people maybe in Puerto Rico or in Columbia
06:37 or countries where they may not have as much prosperity,
06:40 they rank pretty high in happiness because
06:42 they had freedom.
06:44 Personal freedom is even more important than freedom
06:49 of other kinds.
06:51 Political freedom along with democracy,
06:54 and freedom of choice were factors that had a big impact
07:00 on people's happiness quotient.
07:03 Did you know the Bible tells us the day may be coming
07:06 where we may not have our freedoms,
07:08 especially religious freedom.
07:10 Everybody is going to be told
07:12 how they're supposed to worship.
07:14 Revelation 13:15... "And he was granted power to
07:18 give breath to the image of the beast,
07:20 that the image of the beast should both speak and cause
07:23 as many as would not worship the image of the beast
07:25 should be killed."
07:27 The day will come where we're being told how
07:29 we should worship.
07:31 Listen to this... A minister in Fairhaven, Massachusetts
07:37 has been repeatedly cited for holding religious meetings
07:40 in his home - it's a violation of city zoning ordinances.
07:44 It's a home Bible study... they have forbidden it.
07:47 They ruled these Bible studies were home occupations
07:51 and, therefore, prohibited under the town's
07:53 property use ordinance...
07:55 You can't use your home as a religious meeting place
07:57 and so they stopped it and he was cited for this.
08:01 In Los Angeles, the officials ruled that home occupancy
08:05 regulations forbade Orthodox Jews from holding a
08:08 prayer meeting in someone's home.
08:11 As civil liberty lawyers could not help but note...
08:14 In Stratford, Connecticut, there was a case,
08:16 Bible studies were penalized in a home,
08:19 but a Tupperware party was under the full protection
08:22 of the constitution.
08:24 You wonder - what's happening to our culture when you get
08:27 to the place where Tupperware and Pampered Chef -
08:31 you can do that - Bible study - against the law.
08:34 Little by little, you know, it's getting to the place in
08:37 North America now, they're making laws that
08:39 you cannot say anything against Islam or Catholicism,
08:42 it's a hate crime.
08:44 But you can lambast general
08:48 Christianity - nothing wrong with that.
08:51 as-a-matter-of-fact, it's a sport!
08:52 That ought to cause you concern,
08:55 and some people are so afraid,
08:58 on the other side of the spectrum,
09:00 we try to make laws for everything -
09:04 You know, I thought about it this week, again,
09:06 I've been traveling a lot, just all of the scrutiny
09:08 that you go to, you have to add so much more
09:10 time to travel so you can get through security.
09:14 And it was amazing to me, how many times I had to
09:16 take out my photo ID and show them who I was as I was going
09:20 2 or 3 places through the line to get on the airplane,
09:24 and I remember the day where you just kind of got on.
09:27 As-a-matter-of-fact, I know someone who got
09:30 on the plane just by showing their ticket jacket!
09:33 I mean, things were a lot freer back then; but there was risk!
09:39 And so in our effort to find more security,
09:42 we're making more and more laws.
09:45 You know, laws don't ensure freedom.
09:48 More and more laws actually limit freedom.
09:50 Benjamin Franklin said something like this...
09:53 "Those who give up essential liberty to purchase a little
09:56 temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety."
10:01 Little by little, we are sacrificing our liberties
10:04 to give us the illusion of security.
10:07 ... Until, you know, pretty soon you're not going to
10:10 be able to leave your house without checking with
10:12 some video camera to make sure that it's okay.
10:17 Who was it... "Oliver Wendell Holmes"
10:20 said this... "The values of a reasonably just society
10:25 will reflect themselves in reasonably just law.
10:28 The better the society, the less law there will be.
10:33 In heaven there is no law... Because it's written where?
10:36 It's in the heart - there's a law but it's in the heart.
10:41 "The lion will lie down with the lamb."
10:43 The values of an unjust society will reflect themselves
10:46 in an unjust law.
10:47 The worse the society, the more law there will be."
10:52 And I've seen that as I've traveled around the world.
10:55 Well the message of the Bible, really, when you think about it,
10:58 is a message of liberty.
11:00 I mean, isn't that what happened...
11:02 you had a nation that was enslaved and they were liberated
11:05 A whole nation was free.
11:08 What is liberty? Definition here...
11:11 Very similar, it's a synonym for freedom.
11:13 The condition of being free from restriction;
11:16 the right and the power to act;
11:19 to believe or to express one's self in a manner
11:22 of one's own choosing; the condition of being
11:24 physically and legally free from confinement,
11:27 servitude or forced labor, freedom from unjust
11:31 governmental control.
11:32 So you wonder - Are we losing our liberties
11:35 little by little under the pretense of homeland security?
11:40 Now, I am so thankful that since 9/11, we haven't, praise God,
11:44 had another attack on our soil and if our President
11:47 has done anything right, he did the right thing
11:50 in taking the war away from our soil.
11:53 We have been able to prevent that and I'm grateful for that.
11:58 But, some people are so concerned about safety
12:03 they think it can be legislated by the government.
12:07 You know, I read something a little while ago,
12:11 and I'm just trying to remember it now, it's not in my notes,
12:13 but it was talking about those who grew up during the
12:15 50s and the 60s... how amazing it was.
12:20 You know, we drove without our seatbelts on.
12:23 How many of you were kids that used to lay up on
12:26 the dashboard - there in the back of the car and sleep?
12:30 Or you had those banana seat bicycles and you would
12:33 ride without helmets?
12:35 Trampolines did not have nets around them.
12:40 And you know, we would skate without elbow pads
12:46 and knee pads and... How did we survive?
12:51 No, some didn't.
12:53 Granted, there are some dangers,
12:55 and you know, the more laws you get, the more rules,
12:57 and the more safety you get...
13:00 When it comes to cigarettes...
13:03 You might wonder how I got there.
13:08 I don't think the government ought to make laws that
13:11 tell people you're not allowed to sit on a pile of ants.
13:14 I think if you want to sit on a pile of ants,
13:17 you go sit on a pile of ants, but our insurance isn't
13:20 going to pay for you to recover.
13:25 And, like with smoking, I don't think they should make
13:29 all these laws and tax something that is killing you.
13:33 I think if someone wants to smoke and kill themselves
13:35 it's really stupid... Pardon me,
13:37 I don't like using that word.
13:40 You just don't get insurance!
13:47 And there should just be simple cause and effect.
13:50 You know what would happen to the drug industry
13:52 if people wanted to just...
13:53 How come alcohol is legal?
13:55 I'm going to really get in trouble now...
13:57 One of the most destructive drugs in the world,
13:59 and marijuana is not now, but in some parts
14:02 of California it is... huh?
14:03 If you want to make the bottom drop out of the
14:05 financial market in several counties in California
14:08 legalized marijuana, they'll be a financial disaster.
14:11 Now I'm not advocating that, I'm just telling you
14:14 we try and control these things and there's no
14:16 ... it's incongruous how we try and do it.
14:20 And, the sign of an unjust society is a
14:24 multiplication of laws to control behavior.
14:29 One of the most moral times in our country was shortly
14:33 after the founding when people used - the Bible was the
14:36 principle of morality and little by little, we're trying
14:41 to legislate morality and force each other to take care
14:48 of themselves - I know, you probably think
14:49 I've got some strange views.
14:52 Real freedom comes from a relationship with the Lord.
14:57 John chapter 8, and this is where I want to spend
14:59 some time this morning...
15:02 John 8:31-34... Jesus said, "If you abide in
15:11 My Word, you are My disciples indeed;
15:14 and you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free."
15:19 It's not the laws that make us free.
15:22 There are a lot of people who are more free with Jesus
15:26 in countries where they don't have freedom,
15:28 than in a country where your
15:30 freedoms of religion are protected,
15:31 but you don't have Jesus. Did that make sense?
15:36 The truth will set you free.
15:38 The Jews, when they heard this, they answered and said,
15:41 "We're Abraham's descendents and we've never been in bondage
15:45 to anyone.
15:46 How can you say you'll be made free?"
15:48 Jesus answered them, "Most assuredly I say to you,
15:52 whoever commits sin, is a slave to sin."
15:56 You know if one thing is clear from the Bible is this...
15:59 that sin enslaves people.
16:04 Sin is a form of slavery.
16:09 Proverbs 5:22... Speaking of the lost and the sinner.
16:15 "His own iniquities will entrap the wicked man,
16:18 and he's caught in the cords of his sin."
16:21 You know, you've heard me say this before,
16:24 but I believe that everybody is an addict;
16:31 everybody is an addict.
16:34 God designed us with addictive natures.
16:38 That means there is a craving that everybody has
16:42 to be satisfied and we feel this yearning, this craving.
16:47 There's this emptiness in everybody's heart,
16:51 and God designed us to fill that vacuum with Himself.
16:56 When Adam ran from God, he still had that vacuum within
17:02 that he was yearning to fill.
17:05 But every man, since the Garden of Eden until today,
17:08 who has tried to fill that vacuum
17:10 with anything other than God,
17:11 has become addicted to something else.
17:14 Everybody - this is my theory, you might disagree with me,
17:17 but I've observed it and I still believe it...
17:19 If a person has not found their fulfillment in God,
17:23 you simply need to ask... "What is their addiction?"
17:27 It's got to be something.
17:30 Some people are addicted to money.
17:33 They live for it! It's their God.
17:36 Whatever your addition is, that's your god.
17:39 Some people are addicted to drugs - we talked about that,
17:43 and it defines their day.
17:45 Through their day, they're working to make sure
17:48 they got enough money for their drugs,
17:50 or they might be stealing to make sure they got enough
17:51 money for their addiction.
17:53 If a person is an alcoholic, he's planning his day
17:56 around his lunch drink until he can get to, after work,
17:59 his dinner drink, he drinks himself to sleep,
18:01 and he starts it all over again and that defines who he is.
18:04 When he goes on vacation, he always want to know...
18:07 Is there a bar in the hotel?
18:11 Some people are addicted to food.
18:13 A lot of people are addicted to food.
18:16 I bet most of you have eaten today.
18:19 Food is an unusual addiction because you could do
18:21 very well without alcohol, cigarettes and some of that
18:23 other stuff but you gotta eat;
18:25 you just can't let it get out of control.
18:27 But some people, instead of eating to live, they live to eat
18:29 You know what I'm talking about.
18:32 And, they're squirreling away little goodies for those
18:36 quiet central moments when they can gobble them down.
18:40 And it's an event for them, that's their god,
18:46 and some people, some are addicted to politics,
18:50 have you met those people before?
18:51 It's their life! It's an addition for them,
18:53 and I think that, you know, we ought to be citizens
18:55 that vote for good policy, but it's not your god
18:59 if you're a Christian... you want to be responsible.
19:02 Some are addicted to people other than God.
19:04 They're in these co-dependent sick relationships,
19:07 and their whole lives are determined by the whims
19:10 of other dysfunctional people.
19:12 If you are not addicted to God,
19:15 if God is not the center of your life,
19:17 if He's not filling that vacuum in your heart,
19:20 then you are enslaved to something else.
19:23 You're in bondage, you're not free.
19:26 The only way you can really be free, Jesus said,
19:29 is if you've got the truth.
19:30 What is another name for Christ?
19:32 He is the Truth.
19:34 And so, if you've got Jesus, the real Truth, in your heart,
19:37 that's when you find freedom.
19:39 Without Him, the question is, What prison are you in?
19:44 What chain are you bound with?
19:47 Acts 8:23... When Peter was talking to Simon,
19:52 he was what-do-you-call-it, addicted to money.
19:55 He said, "I see that you are poisoned by bitterness
19:58 and bound by iniquity."
20:00 Romans 6:6... Paul said, "Knowing this, that our
20:03 old man is crucified with Him - with Christ,
20:06 that the body of sin might be destroyed,
20:09 that henceforth, we should not serve sin."
20:12 The whole idea of the plan of salvation is to save us from
20:16 this addiction to sin.
20:18 By the way, anything you can be
20:21 addicted to is probably not good for you.
20:24 Even in the food kingdom, there are foods
20:29 you get addicted to.
20:30 Nobody gets addicted to the good foods.
20:34 You don't ever hear anybody say,
20:36 You know, I gotta go... Why?
20:38 I gotta get some zucchini... You know, I'm not gonna make it
20:43 through the day... having a melt-down.
20:46 It's always the bad food that they get addicted to, right?
20:49 It's a different kind of slavery.
20:52 Jesus came to free the sinner.
20:56 This is all through - was in our Scripture reading.
20:59 Jesus came to set the captive free.
21:01 Romans 6:18... Notice this, "And having been set free
21:08 from sin..." Wait, I want to stop right there.
21:12 Is it really possible for people to be set free from sin?
21:16 Pastor Doug - you're getting carried away. Really free?
21:20 You know, some people they have problems accepting the concept
21:26 of freedom, they've been in prison so long.
21:28 Jesus says, you can be free.
21:30 Having been set free, not just from the penalty of sin,
21:36 from the power of sin in your life.
21:38 You become slaves of righteousness.
21:41 Instead of serving sin, you serve righteousness.
21:44 Romans 6:20... I can't read all of Romans 6 to you,
21:47 so I'm just going to jump around and go to verse 20.
21:49 "For when you were slaves of sin,
21:51 you were free in regards to righteousness."
21:53 You can't do both - you can't say, I'm a slave
21:55 to righteousness and a slave to sin - does that make sense?
21:58 They're incongruous, they don't go together.
22:00 Romans 6:22-23... "But now having been set free
22:05 from sin... by whom? By Jesus
22:09 and having become slaves of God..."
22:11 You either serve God or you serve sin.
22:14 You realize, of course, serving sin and Satan are the same thing
22:18 ...having been slaves or servants of God,
22:21 you have your fruit unto holiness,.. It's in the life.
22:24 and in the end, everlasting life.
22:27 For the wages of sin is death,
22:29 but the gift of God is eternal life."
22:31 Notice how that famous verse is connected with
22:34 free from sin.
22:37 Jesus does not save us to be free to sin.
22:42 He saves us from our sins.
22:45 Now, does that mean that if a Christian has been set free
22:50 from sin by Jesus that you don't ever see any elements
22:54 of sin in their life? Not necessarily.
22:58 An example... We live in a country right now where we can..
23:01 Right now if you want to, I hope you don't,
23:03 you can stand up and walk out of here. You're free right?
23:06 I'm assuming that unless you are brought by your parents
23:09 or your spouse against your will,
23:11 most of you are here because you want to be.
23:13 I'd like to believe that all of you are here
23:16 because you want to be, but I know that there may be
23:19 some who come with some hesitancy, but you're free.
23:25 We're free in our country to pretty much
23:28 come and go as we want, though our speed as we
23:31 come and go is regulated, right? For safety reasons.
23:36 But if you break that law, there's a penalty.
23:41 You could even have your car taken away,
23:43 you can be imprisoned.
23:45 You might be free, but there are still elements
23:49 of disobedience and bondage around you.
23:52 Do we have prisons in California? Way too many!
23:55 So even though you are free, living in a free country,
23:58 it doesn't mean that there aren't elements
24:00 of crime and rebellion.
24:03 You can have Jesus reigning on the throne of your mind
24:08 ... you are free, but that doesn't mean
24:10 there won't be episodes of rebellion.
24:13 There might be misdemeanors of crime in your life,
24:16 and Jesus is still on the throne.
24:18 The Bible puts it this way...
24:19 "Sin shall not have dominion over you."
24:23 But, if some gang leader becomes president;
24:26 if some gang leader starts taking over the position
24:30 of government, and sometimes we wonder, you know
24:32 with these political offices.
24:34 And they start telling us what to do,
24:36 and some fascist leader takes control,
24:39 and tells us when we can come and go...
24:41 When they're in power, we lose our freedom.
24:45 When Christ is in power in your mind, you can be free.
24:50 So, how do you tell what has the control?
24:55 Does Christ in His righteousness control your life
24:58 or does sin and slavery control your life?
25:00 "Sin shall not have dominion over you."
25:03 Christ is the Lord, that's how we determine
25:05 that difference here.
25:07 Luke 4:18... We just read that. Jesus began His ministry
25:10 by saying the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me
25:13 because He has anointed me to preach the gospel
25:15 to the poor. Why?
25:17 He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
25:18 to proclaim liberty, to liberate people from the
25:22 bondage of sickness, to liberate people from the
25:25 bondage of sin.
25:26 Have you ever been really sick?
25:28 It doesn't matter how free you are, if you're really sick,
25:30 you don't feel free, do you?
25:31 Illness is another kind of slavery and bondage.
25:35 And a lot of people - what good is it
25:37 if someone says you're free and you're in a hospital bed
25:40 because you're too sick to do anything.
25:44 And so we want both kinds of liberty;
25:46 you want liberty of health and liberty of life and action.
25:52 When Jesus raised Lazarus
25:54 from the dead, you notice what He does?
25:57 Lazarus was bound when He gave him life.
26:00 First, He raised him, then He said, "Now loose him."
26:05 And so, when people come to Jesus,
26:07 they come with their chains, and then Jesus breaks the chains
26:11 Now back to our verse here in John 8:35...
26:14 I'm going to read on here in John 8...
26:17 Jesus goes on and He says - this is the verse where He
26:19 said, "The truth will make you free."
26:22 He says, "And the slave does not abide in the house forever,
26:26 but a son abides forever."
26:29 So now the next question is..
26:30 Are you a son or a servant?
26:33 Are you a son or a slave?
26:36 When you are freed by Jesus, you are also adopted.
26:40 Christ says you are now His beloved son or daughter
26:43 in whom He is well-pleased.
26:45 We're adopted into the family.
26:47 See, real freedom is still service but the service
26:50 comes from the heart now.
26:52 Do you see what I'm saying?
26:54 Matthew 17:24... One time some people came to Peter
27:00 at Capernaum and they were the ones who
27:02 collected the temple tax and they said to Peter,
27:06 "Does your teacher pay the temple tax?"
27:09 And Peter didn't know what to say and he said,
27:10 Yeah, he pays the taxes.
27:12 And he came into the house and Jesus knew what had happened,
27:15 and Jesus said to him, "What do you think, Simon?
27:18 From whom do the kings of the earth take custom or taxes,
27:22 from their sons or from strangers?"
27:26 Peter said to him, "From strangers."
27:28 Jesus said to him, "Then the sons are free."
27:32 There's a different relationship between those who are
27:35 servants and those who are sons.
27:38 In the Roman Empire, Roman citizens didn't have
27:41 to pay taxes.
27:43 All the other countries who were noncitizens, paid taxes.
27:48 A Roman could not be a slave.
27:51 A Roman couldn't be crucified.
27:56 A Roman couldn't be bound without being tried.
27:58 There are a lot of laws that protected Romans.
28:00 They were called "sons of the empire."
28:02 And so the sons didn't pay the taxes the way the servants did.
28:06 Meaning the nations that had been conquered.
28:08 You remember one time, they tied up the Apostle Paul.
28:11 And he said," Are you tying me up, a Roman..."
28:12 They didn't realize he was a Roman citizen.
28:14 That was a great benefit for him in his missionary work.
28:17 You couldn't tie him up, you couldn't beat him.
28:20 One time, in Philippi, they beat Paul.
28:22 He said, "You beat me, a Roman, uncondemned."
28:24 And the jailer and others said, Oh no, please don't prosecute us
28:27 The Roman army will come after us, we're going to lose
28:29 our position; we're not allowed to do that
28:30 because you are a son of the kingdom.
28:33 So they had special privileges.
28:36 When you're saved, you still serve, but you're a son.
28:41 It's a loving service because of relationship.
28:43 For instance... How many of you remember
28:46 the parable of the prodigal son?
28:48 He's not called the prodigal servant - he's a son.
28:52 He leaves home, he squanders his inheritance in a foreign land.
28:57 He ends up feeding pigs, starving for the
29:00 cobs and the pods that the pigs are eating.
29:03 He finally comes to his senses and he says,
29:05 "My father's servants eat better than I'm eating.
29:10 I will arise and go to my father."
29:13 And as-a-matter-of-fact, you can read that in Luke 15:18.
29:19 "I'll arise and go to my father and I'll say to him,
29:21 "Father, I've sinned against heaven and before you,
29:24 I'm no longer worthy to be your son;
29:27 make me a servant.
29:29 I am not worthy to be a son, make me a servant."
29:33 And the father says - none of that, he embraces him
29:35 as a son, puts a robe on him like a son
29:38 from the family wardrobe; gives him the family signet ring
29:41 proving that you are completely maintaining
29:44 the status of a son.
29:45 Now here is the big question...
29:48 Did the father's boys also serve him?
29:54 You remember what the older brother said?
29:56 "I've served you all these years."
29:57 Was he still the son?
29:59 Do sons serve? Did Joseph serve his father?
30:03 Did his brothers serve their father?
30:05 But they were serving as sons.
30:08 That's different from serving as slaves.
30:11 So when you are saved by Jesus,
30:14 and you're liberated by His power,
30:16 and He gives you the Holy Spirit,
30:18 do we say then... "Oh, I'm free now,
30:20 I don't need to obey because I'm a son.
30:23 Or do you serve Him now out of love
30:26 because you've been adopted? You see the difference?
30:30 Do you know that even in our country, during the time of
30:34 the Emancipation Proclamation, some who had been slaves
30:38 in households in the South, they loved their masters
30:41 and the masters loved the slaves and many of the slaves
30:44 they grew up with the children and they raised the children,
30:46 and they said, "Look, we're going to adopt you,"
30:47 and they took the names of their masters.
30:50 They were adopted into the family.
30:51 Some were given an inheritance.
30:54 And they didn't run away and leave. Why?
30:56 Even though they were free to, because they had become family.
31:00 And it was like sons, the relationship changed,
31:04 and that's what God wants for us.
31:07 We don't say... Oh praise the Lord, I'm saved, now I can sin.
31:09 No, now we serve as sons which is, of course,
31:13 the best way to do it.
31:14 Let me tell you an interesting story I read this week.
31:17 Any of you ever heard about Kaspar Hauser?
31:21 Kaspar Hauser - a very interesting study
31:23 about 1-1/2 centuries ago of a 15-year-old boy who was seen
31:27 stumbling up the streets of Nuremberg, Germany
31:30 and he was dressed reasonably well and someone began to
31:34 inquire - the boy seemed very confused and bewildered
31:36 and out of sorts and they tried to interview him.
31:39 He could only speak a few muttering sentences,
31:41 and he seemed to be just kind of in a daze...
31:44 And I'm going to give you the short version of the story.
31:47 Evidently, this boy was the Prince of Baden.
31:52 He had been abducted from the cradle when he was like
31:56 2 or 3 years old, they don't know exactly, in 1812,
32:00 and he had been kept in a box, pretty much,
32:02 just a very small room.
32:05 In the dark for the most part; he had a little bit of light
32:07 coming through a crack because his kidnappers were
32:10 hoping for a ransom; they never wanted the child
32:12 to see them and they would feed him through the walls.
32:16 Every now and then, they would give him water
32:18 with some opium in it.
32:19 When he would fall asleep, they'd come in and he would be
32:22 changed, given some new clothes.
32:24 They clipped his nails and cut his hair,
32:25 then they'd leave again.
32:26 They gave him a rocking horse to play with.
32:28 They would speak through the walls and they taught him
32:30 a little bit about the Christian religion and how to speak.
32:34 But can you imagine how dysfunctional a boy would be
32:38 growing up in a box until you're 15 or 16 years old.
32:41 They never exactly knew what the date was.
32:44 Later, they found out he was the prince and when the
32:46 Prince of Baden died and they realized that he might
32:51 be in line to be the heir, he was assassinated.
32:55 And when he was 22 years of age, finally taught him
32:58 to talk and even write enough where he wrote the
33:00 autobiography and it was really
33:01 strange the way that they treated him.
33:04 He never could eat anything other than brown bread
33:07 because that's all he ate for about 10 years.
33:09 His stomach would not tolerate anything.
33:10 His knees never developed because he couldn't walk around.
33:13 He just always walked in a very stumbling way.
33:15 And, whenever he had the opportunity, he would
33:17 kind of just curl up in the corner and rock
33:19 back and forth and found himself comfortable in small rooms.
33:25 Felt insecure when he was out in the open.
33:27 He had spent so long living in a box that he couldn't feel
33:32 happy being free.
33:34 Do you know what prisoner recidivism is?
33:38 Recidivism is the tendency to lapse into a previous behavior
33:44 especially a tendency to return to criminal habits.
33:49 Prisoner recidivism is, you know after 2 or 3 years
33:53 after a prisoner is released, how long will it be
33:55 before they're back in prison again?
33:57 You would hope "never," right?
33:59 They have been taught, they've been punished,
34:02 they've learned their lesson.
34:03 They're going to be model citizens now.
34:05 Unfortunately that's not the case,
34:07 we have more people in prison in North America now
34:09 than any other time in our history... kind of sad.
34:13 Among released prisoners, those with the highest
34:16 re-arrest rates within 3 years, 74% of burglars
34:21 that are released, are re-arrested within
34:23 3 years for burglary.
34:24 That doesn't mean they commit one burglary in 3 years,
34:28 it means it takes 3 years to catch them doing it again.
34:31 They're probably doing plenty of it.
34:32 For larcenists, 74% were re-arrested within 3 years.
34:36 And motor vehicle thieves, they top it, 78% of car thieves
34:41 are re-arrested for stealing cars within 3 years
34:44 of their release.
34:45 Those who were imprisoned for possessing
34:47 stolen property 74% and there are varying percents,
34:50 but it's almost like two-thirds of prisoners are re-arrested.
34:54 Now, among those who get involved in Christianity,
34:58 and become part of a Christian group and are converted
35:00 in Bible studies in prison, the recidivism rate is
35:04 lower than like 40%.
35:06 A lot of them get out and they stay clean showing that the
35:09 gospel is very powerful.
35:11 Some of you know Chuck Colson.
35:13 He has caused a lot of waves in the prison system because
35:15 he's given them hard facts that if they'll allow his
35:19 Christian ministry in the prisons,
35:21 and Amazing Facts Bible School, a lot of the people
35:24 that take our Bible School correspondence are prisoners.
35:28 So many now are doing it on line but the prisoners can't,
35:30 so we continue to mail it into the prisons,
35:33 and thousands of them have been transformed by
35:36 the power of the gospel.
35:37 Well Chuck Colson and the politicians, they had it out
35:41 because, you know, a lot of atheists that are in the
35:43 prison system - the prison has a lot of corruption in it.
35:46 I'm not trying to get political in this message, but it's just
35:49 true because it's got these unions and it's pretty scary.
35:55 What would happen if all the guards go on strike
35:56 or if they released all the prisoners?
35:58 That's a lot of power to hold over a culture.
36:02 And so, there has been some resistance
36:05 because some of these prisons have had revivals
36:07 go through them and it puts them out of business.
36:11 And so they're threatened by the power of the gospel
36:13 to prevent the recidivism.
36:15 Because you know what happens, a lot of these prisoners
36:17 they get out and they're so used to being institutionalized;
36:20 they're in the prison; they're used to the way of life;
36:22 after years of living a certain way, to go from prison
36:24 to freedom - they're not used to it.
36:27 And they said, "Boy, I don't know, it's kind of nice,
36:29 but it's a little unnerving."
36:31 I heard about one bank was being robbed,
36:34 and the robber came up to the teller and held up a gun,
36:39 and said, "Give me $20," he gave him a $20 bill
36:41 ... that's all he asked for, and he went and sat down
36:44 in the waiting area there at the bank.
36:45 Pretty soon, you know, of course the alarm went off;
36:47 the police came and they picked him up,
36:48 and he said, "What's the problem?"
36:49 He said, "You know, I've just been totally unnerved
36:52 out of prison" and he said, "I've got to go back."
36:54 So he just robbed a $20 bill so he could go back to jail
36:57 because he just couldn't handle the freedom!
37:00 Some people have been saved
37:02 by Jesus and they can't deal with the freedom.
37:04 We suffer with the same kind of recidivism rates.
37:07 Children of Israel liberated from their slavery.
37:11 They've gone from being slaves to the Pharaoh,
37:14 and you know what they kept saying as they went
37:17 through the wilderness...
37:18 "Boy, I don't know what it feels like being free here,
37:21 I think maybe serving Pharaoh was easier than serving God."
37:26 "I want to go back to Egypt."
37:27 You can read one example of that in Numbers 14:3, listen to this:
37:31 This is this nation, think about what they had in Egypt.
37:33 Hard bondage - the pharaoh made them serve with
37:36 hard labor with rigor; making bricks without straw;
37:41 tromping in the mud all day long;
37:44 you know - starvation rations.
37:46 Here they are now on their way to a land flowing with
37:48 milk and honey; God is in their midst, bread from heaven
37:51 every day - they are free!
37:54 They don't have to follow God, they can go wherever they want.
37:58 And this is what they said: "Why has the Lord
37:59 brought us to this land to fall by the sword,
38:01 that our wives and children should become victims."
38:04 "Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?"
38:06 "So they said to one another, "Let us select a leader
38:09 and return to Egypt."
38:10 You know, whenever there was some kind of battle,
38:13 they panicked - they said let the Egyptians go fight
38:15 for us, we just want to be slaves.
38:17 They didn't want to fight for their own freedom.
38:19 That mentality of wanting to go back to slavery...
38:25 I wonder if we have that today.
38:27 I wonder if in the church that Jesus is wanting to
38:31 set us free but we're afraid of freedom.
38:34 Were they still servants when they were free?
38:38 Yes, but now they were servants of God instead of the Pharaoh.
38:43 So you know what I'm saying...
38:45 Do you want to serve God or the Pharaoh,
38:47 or do you want to serve Jesus or the devil?
38:48 Do want to serve as a son or as a slave?
38:52 Everybody serves somebody!
38:56 You can choose who you want to serve.
38:58 How much better it is to serve the Lord.
39:02 I heard this story - still talking about the recidivism
39:05 attitude and how people are afraid of freedom.
39:07 There was this Arab chief that would tell the story about
39:10 this general in the Persian Army and they captured a spy.
39:15 And they told the spy - we're giving you 2 choices;
39:19 you can either be executed by the firing squad,
39:24 or it's the big black door, which is it?
39:28 And the spy struggled with the decision;
39:32 firing squad or the big black door... ah ha
39:34 Thinking that behind the big black door probably was torture,
39:39 and this is the general's cruel idea of a joke.
39:42 He said, "I'll take the firing squad like a man,
39:44 quick get it over with."
39:46 And one of the aides of the general said,
39:48 "What's behind the big black door?"
39:51 He said, "Freedom."
39:52 But he said - "Very few men have been brave enough
39:58 to take the big black door."
40:01 They'd rather have the known death or the known slavery
40:05 rather than the unknown freedom!
40:09 And you wonder if that dynamic affects us sometimes.
40:13 Sometimes I think we want the government to give us
40:19 the sense of security and we're
40:22 willing to surrender ourselves to slavery and so the laws
40:26 continue to proliferate.
40:28 Liberty comes from obedience, another principle...
40:32 Real obedience brings liberty.
40:35 Psalm 119- notice this, verse 44-45:
40:38 "So I will keep your law continually forever and ever
40:44 and I will walk in liberty because I seek your precepts."
40:48 You know, periodically, we're a church that still believes
40:50 in the 10 Commandments, right?
40:53 Amen? Everybody should have said "yes" to that one.
40:56 We still believe that we don't
40:57 keep the Ten Commandments to be saved.
41:01 But, we believe as all Christians used to believe
41:04 when we are saved, we keep the Ten Commandments;
41:06 Sabbath happens to be one of them.
41:08 And some people have accused us before,
41:11 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians, they've said,
41:13 "Oh, you folks are keeping that 4th Commandment;
41:16 you're keeping the Ten Commandments,
41:18 you're just putting people under bondage.
41:20 You're putting people under bondage.
41:22 That is not true!
41:23 The Bible teaches that obedience brings liberty.
41:28 Obedience brings real liberty.
41:30 Some more verses for you... James 1:25
41:35 "But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty,
41:39 and continues in it, not being a forgetful hearer,
41:42 but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does"
41:45 The law of liberty!
41:48 James 2:11-12... "For he who said,
41:51 do not commit adultery... Is that one of the laws?
41:54 Where does that law come from?
41:56 One of the Ten Commandments.
41:58 "For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said,
42:00 "Do not murder." Does that sound familiar,
42:03 do not murder? What is that?
42:05 One of the Ten Commandments.
42:07 "He that said, "Do not commit adultery,
42:09 also said, Do not murder."
42:10 Now then, if you do not commit adultery, but you murder,
42:13 you are a transgressor of the law."
42:15 And then he says, "So speak and so do;
42:18 be a doer and a speaker of those who will be judged
42:22 by the law of liberty."
42:24 He's calling the Ten Commandments a law of liberty.
42:28 Why can he say that?
42:31 Well, the reason that you're sitting here in the pew
42:33 and you're free and there are other people who are not free,
42:36 but they're in jail downtown, is because I'm assuming
42:40 that you are obeying the law and they're not.
42:43 Isn't that right? So that same law that we
42:45 all live under, through obedience,
42:47 it is a law of liberty for you.
42:50 To those who violate it, it's a law of bondage.
42:52 So those who accuse Bible Christians,
42:56 of putting bondage on people because you're teaching
42:58 the Ten Commandments, you're putting liberty
43:01 on people when you teach the Ten Commandments.
43:03 The ones who are telling others to break the Ten Commandments
43:06 ... those people are being bound by sin.
43:10 Does that make sense? Obedience brings liberty.
43:15 This what Jesus said.
43:16 Matthew 11:28... Christ does not promise to follow Him
43:21 and have no constraints, no service; on the opposite,
43:25 He says, "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden,
43:29 and I will give you rest."
43:31 Notice - "Take My yoke;" what is a yoke?
43:35 I'm not talking about the middle of an egg.
43:37 A yoke was a farm implement that was used to put
43:40 2 beasts together like oxen or donkeys or something
43:43 for pulling a plow.
43:44 It was an instrument of service.
43:47 So Jesus said, "Yoke up with Me,
43:49 we will serve God as sons together."
43:54 So He's not inviting us to come and disobey;
43:56 He's not inviting us to just be reckless and irresponsible.
44:00 He's inviting us to be free in service.
44:02 Notice, He goes on... "Take My yoke on you;
44:05 learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart;
44:08 you will find rest for your souls
44:11 for My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
44:15 You cannot be free in a country without law,
44:19 but you can't be free in a country with too much law.
44:22 That's legalism.
44:24 Did Paul have to deal with that also?
44:27 You know, in the early church,
44:28 they had the same issues that we're dealing with today.
44:31 You had the Jewish Christians, you had 2 extremes.
44:35 You had one group - the Gentiles who were saying,
44:38 Praise the Lord, we accept Jesus and we're not under the
44:40 old Jewish law; we don't need to keep any law anymore.
44:43 And James was talking to them and he said that...
44:48 You know, without obedience, you can't be free.
44:50 If you say you've got faith and you don't have works,
44:53 you're dead.
44:54 Real faith will be demonstrated in obedience,
44:57 and he specifies the Ten Commandments, doesn't he,
44:59 the Book of James.
45:00 Then you've got the other extreme;
45:02 you had Jewish converts that were wanting the Gentiles
45:05 to keep all of the ceremonial laws and a lot of these
45:07 Mosaic laws that were shadows of Christ,
45:11 and Paul had to deal with that.
45:12 In Galatians, he says, You're putting these people
45:14 ... you're taking away their liberty;
45:15 you're putting them under bondage.
45:17 You can read that in Galatians 5:1
45:20 And so you get these 2 extremes; we've got the same thing.
45:23 You got one group that's trying to legislate morality,
45:27 and you got the other group that's says...
45:28 Now because we're free, you're free to do anything.
45:31 You could be irresponsible and, you know, last year I was in
45:35 Columbia and I remember they were warning us about
45:39 being careful going out on the streets because they have
45:41 this group called "FARC" that was going out there
45:43 and they were rebels that were kidnapping Americans
45:46 and asking for these fabulous ransoms
45:49 and you had to be very careful.
45:50 It was a little safer in Medellin, where I was,
45:53 than in Bogotá which was a little closer to the rebel camps
45:57 And some of these people had been arrested,
45:59 some for 10-11 years, held in jungles,
46:03 chained up every night, mosquitoes biting them
46:07 all day long, nothing to do, it was just pretty pitiful.
46:10 And they effected a rescue this week where Ingrid Betancourt,
46:17 3 American contractors, 11 other officers in the
46:20 Columbian Army were miraculously rescued.
46:22 And, of course, they did this it was sort of a covert action
46:25 and as the rebels handed them over,
46:28 to these 2 helicopters, they thought were just moving
46:31 them to be with the head rebel, well, they were dressed like it
46:36 and the helicopters looked like helicopters that had been
46:40 used before in transporting the captives,
46:44 so they handed them over.
46:46 And as they got on the chopper, they subdued,
46:50 well, as-a-matter-of-fact, I should read this to you here.
46:52 Ingrid Betancourt and 3 U.S contractors and 11 Columbian
46:55 military officers were spirited to safety by helicopter
46:58 Wednesday, July 2nd, from the gorilla jungle hideout.
47:01 Betancourt said that on the morning of her rescue,
47:04 she put herself in the hands of God.
47:07 They were so sad, they thought they were just going
47:09 to another place; they were hoping someone would
47:12 negotiate their release.
47:13 Years missing her children growing up and the others,
47:17 they had children and families and all they could live for was
47:20 being reunited with their families, they said.
47:23 So that morning when she realized they were being
47:25 transported, she said, I didn't know what was
47:26 happening;" she was so depressed.
47:28 She said, "God, I'm just putting myself in Your hands."
47:30 "I did not realize what was going on until Cesar..."
47:33 That was one of the head rebels, was in the helicopter,
47:36 he had been subdued and was tied up on the floor.
47:40 Then they said, "You're free."
47:43 They actually videotaped this and I don't know if any
47:46 of you saw it - over and over again, they had to keep
47:49 saying it because it wasn't registering.
47:52 They told them, they cut their plastic handcuffs,
47:55 and they said, "You're free, you're free, you're free,
47:59 and it was starting to sink in and Mrs. Betancourt said,
48:01 "We were jumping up and down so much in the helicopter,
48:03 we almost brought it back down to the ground again"
48:06 ... because they were so happy to be free!
48:09 She said, "This is like heaven."
48:12 Because, I mean, we don't really value it until you lose it.
48:18 Some never really appreciate it because they
48:19 never really had it.
48:21 I believe they are people who have grown up in the
48:23 church and they've never really been free.
48:25 When Jesus comes into your heart, you really know
48:28 all of my past sins are forgiven,
48:30 I'm on my way to heaven; we keep thinking like prisoners.
48:35 The Bible said when Peter decided to follow Jesus,
48:38 he got up and the chains fell off.
48:41 The Lord sent His angels and he opened the prison doors.
48:45 Paul and Silas were praying and there was an earthquake
48:47 and the prison doors came open.
48:49 God parts the Red Sea and the Children of Israel cross over.
48:54 In each one of those cases I just cited,
48:56 God worked a miracle that freed them.
49:00 When you are freed from your slavery, it's a miracle,
49:03 and God wants to do that for everybody.
49:05 It's not just some people who happen to get the right feeling
49:08 at the right time...
49:09 Jesus is offering that liberation to everybody.
49:14 Christ came down, the helicopters landed,
49:16 you just got to get on board.
49:18 And then He keeps saying, "You're free now."
49:20 "He that has the Son, has life."
49:22 If you accept Jesus into your heart,
49:24 if you have the truth, the truth will set you free.
49:27 Now, that freedom needs to be maintained or you're going to
49:29 start thinking like the Children of Israel saying,
49:31 "I want to go back to Egypt."
49:32 You have to think like Joshua and Caleb
49:34 and saying, "I believe we can make it all the way
49:36 to the Promised Land." Amen?
49:37 You gotta maintain that attitude of freedom.
49:40 Don't start thinking like a prisoner again
49:41 or you're going to be re-arrested.
49:43 You want to maintain that freedom that's been purchased
49:46 at such a high cost, and you know,
49:51 they're finding it very hard to believe.
49:54 Some people are saying, "How could they effect
49:57 that incredible rescue in Columbia?"
49:59 Some are saying, "They must have paid somebody off."
50:02 Because that kind of liberation, that kind of redemption,
50:06 that ransom - somebody had to pay something.
50:09 Oh, they did pay, it was very expensive,
50:12 but they didn't pay the rebels.
50:14 They paid in months of planning and a lot of prayer
50:20 in order to have them free.
50:22 Your salvation is also very expensive.
50:25 You know, I remember reading just this week,
50:28 the greatest ransom ever paid in history...
50:32 Francisco Pizarro, arrested the king of the Inca Empire,
50:37 Atahualpa in Peru, and he knew that there was gold and silver
50:43 in the kingdom and he said, "I will not free you unless
50:46 you fill one room with gold..."
50:49 and I forget, the room was like 20 feet x 7 feet x 7 feet
50:54 and like 8 feet deep.
50:56 He said, "Fill this room with gold,
50:58 and 2 other rooms with silver."
51:00 It took them 2 years to do it, but the people from
51:02 all over the empire, they wanted their king to be free.
51:04 So they just about liquidated all the gold and silver
51:08 they could find in this incredibly big Inca Empire.
51:11 And after doing all of that, Pizarro reneged on his promise,
51:16 and he killed the king.
51:19 This was the biggest ransom ever paid in history
51:23 and he broke the promise, he killed him.
51:25 Later on, you wonder if it was some kind of divine justice
51:28 Pizarro was killed by his own people in an assassination.
51:32 But our King of Heaven... you think about
51:36 how sad that was, such a wasted ransom.
51:38 All that ransom and didn't even get the freedom of their king.
51:41 Our king has paid an incredible ransom that you might be free,
51:46 but the choice is in your hands... will you go free?
51:50 Are you going to curl up like Kaspar Hauser
51:53 back in a corner somewhere and remain a slave?
51:56 Jesus is offering us... our King is offering us that freedom.
52:00 And this morning, I'd like to have you turn
52:03 to 317 in your hymnals, "Lead Me to Calvary"
52:07 Where does our freedom come from?
52:09 It comes from this ransom that Jesus has paid
52:12 that we must just accept by faith.
52:15 If, this morning, as we close, you'd like to say
52:17 "Lord, I accept that ransom, I want to be free,
52:21 I want to be in your kingdom both now and when Jesus comes,"
52:25 why don't you stand with me; let's sing this together, 317.
52:28 Lead Me to Calvary...
52:48 King of my life, I crown Thee now,
52:54 Thine shall the glory be;
53:00 Lest I forget thy thorn-crowned brow,
53:05 Lead me to Calvary.
53:10 Lest I forget Gethsemane;
53:18 Lest I forget Thine agony;
53:23 Lest I forget thy love for me,
53:28 Lead me to Calvary.
53:35 We're not saved from service.
53:37 Everybody serves somebody.
53:41 We are saved by the Lord to serve.
53:43 And the big question is... You just get to decide
53:46 who do you want to serve.
53:48 Some people have never heard about Jesus;
53:50 they don't even know they've got a choice.
53:52 They think that fate has dealt them an unchangeable lot
53:54 and they are just doomed to live out a pitiful existence,
53:59 but you know the good news that you have another choice!
54:02 Nobody was forced to leave Egypt,
54:05 they were invited to leave.
54:06 As-a-matter-of-fact, some of the Egyptians
54:08 left with the Israelites!
54:10 "Whosoever will" was able to come out of Egypt.
54:13 And right now, that's still true today.
54:15 "Whosoever will" Jesus has paid a ransom
54:18 where you can be free.
54:19 Everybody serves - you can decide do you want to serve
54:22 the devil, serve the world, serve whatever your
54:26 addiction is - it's all the same thing,
54:28 or will you serve Jesus?
54:30 That's the choice you get to make.
54:31 As we sing verse 2, there may be some of you
54:34 who have never accepted Jesus or you've never been free,
54:37 and you want that freedom now;
54:38 some of you may want to return, you've had that recidivism,
54:42 you keep looking back towards the land of Egypt,
54:45 and you want to be free...
54:47 Come, we'll have special prayer for you...
54:49 as we sing verse 2.
54:55 Show me the tomb where Thou wast laid,
55:01 tenderly mourned and wept;
55:06 Angels in robes of light arrayed;
55:12 Guarded Thee whilst Thou slept.
55:18 Lest I forget Gethsemane;
55:23 Lest I forget Thine agony;
55:29 Lest I forget Thine love for me,
55:35 Lead me to Calvary. ...verse 4
55:41 May I be willing, Lord, to bear
55:47 Daily my cross for Thee;
55:53 Even Thy cup of grief to share,
55:58 Thou has borne all for me.
56:04 Lest I forget Gethsemane;
56:10 Lest I forget Thine agony;
56:16 Lest I forget Thy love for me,
56:21 Lead me to Calvary.
56:29 Dear Father... Lord, today as we've
56:33 considered true freedom and liberty, we've talked about
56:36 the core of the Gospel, that You sent Your Son
56:40 into the world to liberate us from our slavery,
56:44 from our bondage.
56:45 Lord, I pray that You will help us to experience real freedom.
56:50 We thank You for the freedom we enjoy in our country,
56:53 though we often see it may be threatened,
56:55 help us to do all we can to lengthen that tranquility,
56:59 freedom to worship You.
57:01 But Lord, I pray also that we'll not want to fall for the
57:06 myth that freedom comes through legislation.
57:10 Help us to know real freedom comes from people's hearts
57:13 and minds and self-control.
57:15 Lord, we pray that You will help us to embrace
57:19 the freedom that comes from following Jesus,
57:22 that He can not only save us from our penalty of sin,
57:26 but He can save us from the slavery and the power of sin...
57:30 that we can be free from sin and slaves to righteousness.
57:35 Help us to have that experience, Lord.
57:37 Keep us from turning looking over our shoulders
57:40 back at Egypt and to keep our gaze fixed upon the
57:43 Promised Land.
57:45 Be with each person, Lord, especially those who have
57:47 responded to the appeal this morning.
57:49 Whatever the needs are in their lives, give them liberty.
57:52 We all struggle, we're all sin-aholics,
57:55 but we know that Jesus can save us from our sins.
57:58 Help us to represent Him in our community,
58:01 and be witnesses, Lord.
58:02 Thank You again for this freedom in Christ and in our country.
58:05 We ask these things in Jesus name... Amen


Revised 2014-12-17