Everlasting Gospel

The Handwriting On The Wall

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002823

00:09 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious
00:11 light of the cross illuminated a world veiled in darkness
00:14 and confusion about the character of God,
00:17 and still today the greatest need of
00:19 mankind is a revelation of God's love as revealed
00:22 in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the "Everlasting Gospel"
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor,
00:29 coming to you each week from Sacramento Central Church
00:31 in sunny California!
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today.
00:38 Please turn in your Bibles to the book of Daniel once again.
00:44 A few weeks ago, we were looking at Daniel 6.
00:49 I'm going backwards, today it's Daniel 5
00:54 We're going to talk about the fall of Babylon,
00:58 and I think it's interesting, as we prepare to look at this
01:03 story, a very important study in the Bible -
01:07 that history, in some ways, has a way of repeating itself...
01:12 And right now, the United States is over in the country
01:16 that was once, Babylon and Iraq - same vicinity.
01:24 I also think it's interesting that our biggest problem
01:28 ...right now, in ancient Babylon over there,
01:32 is not the Babylonians or the Iraqis,
01:35 but it's the ancient Persians.
01:37 We call them today, Iranians...
01:40 And, what we're reading about in the Bible today,
01:44 in some ways, is still being acted out 3,000 years
01:47 or 2,500 years later.
01:50 So Daniel 5:1, "Belshazzar the King, made a great feast
02:00 for a thousand of his lords, and he drank wine
02:04 in the presence of the thousand;
02:06 and while he tasted the wine, Belshazzar gave the command
02:10 to bring the gold and silver vessels that his father,
02:13 Nebuchadnezzar, had taken from the temple,
02:15 which had been in Jerusalem;
02:17 that the king and his Lords and his wives and his concubines
02:21 might drink from them.
02:23 Then they brought the gold vessels that had been taken
02:26 from the temple of the house of God,
02:27 which had been in Jerusalem,
02:29 and the king and his lords and his wives and his concubines
02:33 drank from them.
02:34 And they drank wine and they praised the gods of gold
02:38 and silver and bronze and iron and wood and stone. "
02:42 Now, we're getting ready to look into the recipe for -
02:46 "How do you destroy a nation"
02:50 Babylon is preparing to fall.
02:52 Babylon was, at this point, one of the greatest
02:57 kingdoms, if not the greatest kingdom of antiquity.
03:01 Daniel 2, describes Babylon as a head of gold.
03:05 In chapter 7- Daniel describes Babylon through prophecy
03:09 as the lion of the beast; the king of beasts,
03:12 the golden head of all the metals.
03:14 It was the greatest kingdom.
03:16 The historians, when they describe ancient Babylon,
03:18 it scarcely is possible to believe the scope
03:22 of what they talk about!
03:24 A city with walls over 200 feet high.
03:28 It's almost as high as a redwood;
03:30 60 miles in circumference, 80 feet wide at the top,
03:37 Herodotus, the historian, tells us...
03:39 so that 4 chariots could travel abreast.
03:43 There were 100 defense towers above its walls.
03:47 Within the outer wall that we just described, was farmland.
03:52 They also had 20 years' worth of food store up in silos.
03:56 Now this is significant to think about because
03:59 at the time of the story we're reading about,
04:02 Babylon was engaged in a war with a Medo-Persian empire.
04:08 As-a-matter-of-fact, the Persians had besieged
04:12 the ancient city.
04:14 We got a map here, we'll put up on the screen
04:16 about some of the scope of the ancient kingdom of Babylon.
04:19 The Babylonian civilization, it stretched all the way from
04:24 the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf;
04:26 encompassed the territory that involved,
04:29 what we call today, Syria, Iraq and much of ancient Iran,
04:36 and it was one of the most vast of the ancient empires,
04:40 the Golden Kingdom, right there in the Fertile Crescent,
04:43 in the same location begun by Nimrod - to be the first
04:48 kingdom built in defiance to God.
04:51 The Tower of Babel was in that same area.
04:55 As-a-matter-of-fact, you can read about where
04:57 King Nebuchadnezzar, he surveyed this massive
05:01 kingdom and said, "Is this not the great kingdom"...
05:03 He looked at it from his balcony and he was just
05:06 overwhelmed with how magnificent this empire was.
05:11 But at that same time, this young king named Belshazzar,
05:17 he was not all at concerned that the Medo-Persians were
05:23 threatening to attack the city.
05:26 Now, when I first mentioned Belshazzar,
05:28 I probably need to stop right here because for many years,
05:31 critics of the Bible said, "You can't trust the Bible,
05:34 nothing in all the Babylonian history that we study
05:37 tells us there is anyone by the name of Belshazzar. "
05:41 They thought they had all the monarchs of Babylon mapped out;
05:44 there was no Belshazzar.
05:46 Who was Belshazzar?
05:49 Well after some archeological digs, especially more
05:54 recent ones in the region of ancient Babylon,
05:58 they've unearthed a number of artifacts.
06:01 Belshazzar was the son of a Babylonian King by name of
06:05 Nabonidus.
06:07 Now Belshazzar, Daniel says, was a grandson of Nebuchadnezzar
06:14 but Nabonidus wasn't related to Nebuchadnezzar.
06:15 He came to the throne as a result of intrigue
06:18 and a few military coups against the empire,
06:23 and so, folks say, "Well the Bible can't be trusted"
06:26 But they continued to do some archeological research,
06:30 and I've got a picture here of an obelisk or a slate
06:35 showing Nabonidus praying to the moon.
06:39 He was very religious.
06:41 He left the kingdom to the care of his son, Belshazzar,
06:48 and he went off and he was a very religious man;
06:51 he was praying in Arabia trying to appease the gods
06:54 and trying to win that southern kingdom.
06:56 In the archeological research that they did,
06:59 they unearthed a few things...
07:00 One is, this terracotta cylinder by Nabonidus
07:04 written in cuneiform - you can see this today
07:06 in the British Museum and another very important one
07:09 is called "The Nabonidus Chronicle"
07:12 It looks a little bit like the shape of the Rosetta Stone.
07:15 But in this ancient cuneiform,
07:17 he talks about his son, Belshazzar.
07:20 Evidently what happened is Nabonidus married
07:23 the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar, meaning Belshazzar was not
07:29 related to Nebuchadnezzar through his father,
07:31 but through his mother.
07:33 And, that comes up and it plays very prominently
07:36 because she appears a little later in the story.
07:38 When he has this big drunken party,
07:42 the Persians had surrounded the ancient City of Babylon,
07:46 the Medo-Persian kingdom; they had laid siege to it.
07:49 Well the Babylonians were not worried...
07:51 They said... We've got enough food for 20 years;
07:54 we can grow our own food within the city...
07:56 And a critical part of the story - you must not forget is..
07:59 the Euphrates River, we've all heard about,
08:02 the Euphrates goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden;
08:05 it's in the news today... ran underneath the walls
08:09 of ancient Babylon, dissecting this massive city,
08:14 15 miles each wall, 60 miles around,
08:19 providing an abundance of water, cooling,
08:24 irrigating the farms in the city...
08:26 So Belshazzar said... We're not afraid of the Persians
08:28 ...we're not worried about them.
08:30 They just closed the gates and they said - We're going to relax
08:34 Well, the Persians had a very clever plan,
08:38 but we're going to get to that a little later.
08:40 The Persians temporarily retreated
08:44 from surrounding Babylon.
08:46 The Babylonians thought... Now they've given up,
08:49 they've left and they celebrated.
08:52 They had a big party and in the midst of this drunken party
08:56 history tells us that Belshazzar especially disliked the
09:00 the Jewish captives in his kingdom.
09:02 They had received some preferential treatment under
09:05 the reign of Nebuchadnezzar; you remember Nebuchadnezzar
09:07 exalted Daniel, was prime minister;
09:10 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were in his cabinet.
09:14 Later, you hear that through the intercession of Daniel,
09:17 the son of Nebuchadnezzar, Evil Merodach or Evil Marduk
09:20 that he release Jehoiachin from prison,
09:23 and so they had positions of honor, they had respect,
09:26 but when the kingdom was overturned,
09:28 Daniel was retired, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
09:33 ...we don't know what happened to them,
09:34 but when Belshazzar finally came into control,
09:36 he did not like the Jews one bit.
09:39 And it says in some of these cylinders that we just looked at
09:43 that they were especially persecuted.
09:45 The Talmud tells us that the Jews were especially persecuted
09:48 under Belshazzar.
09:50 When they saw the Persians surrounding the city,
09:53 the Jews were thinking...
09:55 The prophecies of Jeremiah are coming true;
09:57 this is a sign we're going to be liberated soon.
10:01 As-a-matter-of-fact, one of the generals of
10:04 the Persians by the name of "Cyrus" was specifically
10:07 mentioned by name in the prophecies of Isaiah,
10:10 and so the Jews were very excited.
10:12 Belshazzar knew that and he said...
10:15 "Their God cannot save them from us. "
10:19 So to MOCK the God Israel...
10:20 You wonder - why did he single out the Jews?
10:22 Why did he say - Get the vessels from the Jewish temple?
10:25 He had many kingdoms represented in his nation
10:27 that had been overthrown, but he singles out the Jews,
10:30 very interesting.
10:32 He says - Get the vessels that are in the treasury of
10:35 my grandfather Nebuchadnezzar, that were taken from the
10:38 Temple of Jehovah and we're going to show the Jews
10:41 that they need to stop praying to their God,
10:43 they're not going anywhere, and we're going to
10:47 praise our gods with their holy vessels!
10:50 So you see what's happening behind the scenes...
10:53 There's a war between the gods going on.
10:56 So he begins to mock them and mocks the God of heaven
11:01 begins to praise the gods; takes these sacred vessels,
11:04 praise the gods of Babylon.
11:06 You'll notice in Daniel 2, it talks about the metals of
11:10 gold and silver and bronze and stone and it talks about wood,
11:13 the gods of all these different materials, IDOLS.
11:19 So, right in the midst of all this,
11:21 Babylon had been under siege of the Persians - he has a party.
11:28 Now it's interesting that frequently in the Bible,
11:30 it seems like there is a party that's going on
11:33 just before a judgment.
11:35 I don't know why that is; the Lord warns us about
11:40 knowing when to fast and knowing when to feast.
11:43 Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:48, speaking of the second coming...
11:49 "But if that evil servant says in his heart -
11:52 My master delays his coming and he begins to
11:55 beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink
11:57 with the drunken - feasting; the master of that servant
12:01 will come in a day that he's not looking for him
12:04 at an hour that he's not aware of"
12:07 In the parable that Jesus tells about the rich man and Lazarus,
12:10 "The rich man was clothed with purple and linen
12:14 and he feasted on or fared sumptuously every day... "
12:18 and then judgment came to that rich man.
12:21 Judgment comes to the unfaithful servant.
12:23 When the Children of Israel saw Moses delayed
12:26 coming down the mountain, they also had
12:29 a potluck that got out of hand, didn't they?
12:33 And then Moses came... Judgment!
12:37 Adonijah had a feast to proclaim himself king,
12:40 and then word came to the banquet hall
12:43 ...Solomon was being coronated at that very moment,
12:45 and everybody left and the party was over... Judgment came!
12:49 Jehu had a big banquet for all the worshippers of Baal,
12:53 but it was really a rouse...
12:55 The whole thing was to try to eliminate Baal worship
12:57 from the kingdom and everybody came and had a big feast to Baal
13:00 and then he sent the soldiers... and Judgment came!
13:04 You've got to know there is a time to feast,
13:06 and there is a time to fast, and right now when we are
13:10 at the borders of the second coming,
13:12 it's not a time to be eating and drinking with the drunken.
13:16 Shouldn't be feasting before Judgment Day.
13:18 2 Peter 3:11, "Therefore... speaking of the second coming,
13:24 since all these things will be dissolved,
13:27 what manner of persons ought you be in all holy conduct
13:31 and godliness... "
13:33 Just to give you the picture...
13:36 This was turning into this banquet to celebrate
13:41 the withdrawal of the Persians;
13:44 it was turning into the equivalent of
13:46 an ancient Roman orgy.
13:47 You got to remember that it says here...
13:50 Unlike some of the feasts where the Persians
13:52 had the men drinking and the women were not allowed,
13:55 here it says that... Belshazzar had his
13:58 concubines and wives; the men and the women
14:01 were there.
14:02 It had turned into something the equivalent of a
14:04 New Orleans Mardi Gras or Brazilian Carnival,
14:08 where it was just a debauchery of partying that was going on...
14:15 And then it says - When the king has tasted the wine,
14:18 the effects of the wine began to have its
14:22 inebriating impact on his mind,
14:25 that's when he gives the very reckless command to bring
14:28 the sacred vessels from the temple of God
14:31 and to begin to make a mockery of Jehovah.
14:36 Now this is very significant because he is now taking
14:39 something that was dedicated for a holy purpose,
14:42 and it's being defiled.
14:45 You know, I was thinking about what's happening in our country,
14:49 and I read an article in Newsweek talking about how
14:54 the media, the censors have just about closed down
14:57 their shop for television.
14:59 They used to censor the movies and censor television,
15:02 and what was appropriate, what was inappropriate.
15:04 And the border has been pushed further and further and further,
15:07 where now, even during daytime television, they're showing
15:11 just very explicit things.
15:14 And you know what, it's like boiling a frog,
15:17 little by little, the country is being exposed to this,
15:19 and they just don't know it and even Christians
15:21 are watching these things without even blushing.
15:26 ...Not to mention what's happening in the theater.
15:31 Edward Gibbon.. Oh by the way,
15:33 Rome is sometimes compared to Babylon,
15:36 and when Peter greets the church in Babylon,
15:38 he's talking about Rome.
15:39 Edward Gibbon describing the 5 main reasons for Rome's
15:44 downfall - we're getting ready to study the
15:45 downfall of Babylon here... Listen to what he says,
15:48 "The undermining of the dignity and the sanctity of the home"
15:54 The sanctity of the home and I think that would also
15:56 talk about marriage...
15:58 "Increasing taxes and spending of public money
16:01 for bread and circuses -
16:03 Spending tax money on public parties.
16:07 ...the mad craze for pleasure with sports becoming
16:10 more exciting and more brutal - like extreme fighting...
16:16 The building of armaments where the real enemy was the
16:19 decadents of the people... This is was Edward Gibbons says,
16:23 And the decay of religion with faith fading into mere form. "
16:29 At one time, about 200 A.D., the Roman empire...
16:34 they had been experiencing what they call "Pax Romana"
16:37 the Roman peace - the laws and the morals of Rome at one point
16:40 were very high, but as they began to fall
16:43 and they gave themselves over to the orgies
16:46 and to the gladiator battles
16:48 and to ultimately killing the Christians,
16:51 it just - the kingdom imploded, even though it had once been
16:56 the most powerful kingdom.
16:57 Philipp Meyer, in his textbook
16:59 called, "Rome, It's Rise and Fall,"
17:01 made this observation on the Romans...
17:04 "Almost from the beginning, the Roman stage was
17:07 gross and immoral and it was one of the main agencies
17:10 to which must be attributed the undermining of the
17:14 originally sound moral life in society.
17:18 So absorbed did the people become in the indecent
17:21 representations of the stage, they lost all thought
17:24 and care for affairs of real life. "
17:26 The culture became obsessed with...
17:29 the equivalent of their media,
17:32 and it was gross and immoral.
17:35 Could that happen again to our country?
17:40 Now, one of the things that shocked my socks off was when
17:46 I finally got the news that the 9th Circuit Court in California
17:51 had reversed the ban on declaring that marriage
17:55 between gays would be legal.
17:58 That ought to give you chills, friends.
18:01 Not just because of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah,
18:05 but I thought it was interesting that one of our members
18:08 emailed me something...
18:09 You know, there's only one other time in history
18:12 when contracts of homosexual marriage were endorsed
18:17 by the government and it wasn't Sodom and Gomorrah -
18:20 believe it or not, it wasn't Greece - as decadent
18:22 as they were in Greece; in Rome - as much as they
18:26 misbehaved in Rome, there has always been
18:28 elements of homosexuality in culture...
18:31 But when it was RECOGNIZED by the government...
18:34 you know when that was?
18:35 Among the ancient writings of the Jews,
18:39 they've got the books called "The Talmud"
18:41 There's one manuscript called "The Babylonian Talmud"
18:43 It really has nothing to do with Babylon;
18:45 it's just something that was preserved through Babylon,
18:48 and the ancient rabbis that lived 1,000 years, well not
18:51 1,000 years but 500 years before Jesus,
18:53 they said that the one sin that was the most
18:58 offensive to God BEFORE the flood -
19:02 Going back to the time of Noah...
19:04 was when the government began to issue contracts for men
19:08 to marry men... and then the flood came.
19:12 That was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.
19:16 I can't imagine why I'm not hearing more outrage
19:21 from people across the country, that America
19:24 has come to the place where we're going to take something
19:27 that was dedicated for a sacred purpose - marriage,
19:32 and are going to hand that over to a perverse use...
19:36 and to recognize it and legalize it and endorse it.
19:40 I'm praying that that decision is reversed,
19:43 but you know what, even if it's reversed,
19:45 you just watch - it's temporary, they're not giving up.
19:50 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah,
19:52 so will it be in the days of the son of man"
19:54 Oh by the way, they ate and they drank.
19:57 "They knew not until the flood came upon them"
20:00 And you can believe all of that was happening in
20:02 the judgment halls of Babylon that day,
20:06 before they saw the handwriting on the wall.
20:08 By the way, did I tell you that's the sermon title?
20:12 You know, when I first started reading the Bible,
20:16 one of the things that really impressed me about the Bible,
20:18 I had no Bible background...
20:19 As I'm reading through the Bible,
20:20 I finally got to the story of Daniel.
20:22 Daniel 5 talks about the handwriting on the wall;
20:24 and said - "Oh, that's where that expression comes from"
20:27 I was amazed how many expressions
20:29 that I had been using all my life.
20:31 I had no idea what I was saying...
20:32 "I'd tell people - "Well, we're going the second mile,"
20:34 and then I realized that came from Jesus...
20:36 or, "Turn the other cheek,"
20:37 or "At your wits' end," or "The skin of your teeth"
20:40 and all these expressions that we use,
20:42 they're from the Bible.
20:44 And "The handwriting on the wall,"
20:45 that's the message today.
20:48 The king called for these holy vessels...
20:51 You know, I think there's a secondary meaning for that.
20:54 When he took the silver and gold vessels,
20:57 these were precious metals...
20:59 I also think it's interesting the kingdom is getting ready
21:02 to go from gold to silver that night... interesting right?
21:07 The golden head of Babylon to
21:10 the silver of the Meds and the Persians that night.
21:12 But, what's another symbol for vessels in the Bible?
21:16 What does the Bible tell us can be symbolized by vessels?
21:19 1 Thessalonians 4:4, "That each of you should know
21:24 how to possess his own vessel...
21:26 Your body is a vessel to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
21:29 ...unto holiness, sanctification and honor. "
21:33 Our vessels should be possessed in sanctification,
21:36 and that means holiness and honor.
21:39 We are to be dedicated for that.
21:41 When King Belshazzar called for the vessels
21:44 from the House of the Lord so that he could drink
21:46 fermented drink in them and praise pagan gods,
21:49 that's really exactly what the
21:51 devil wants to do with all of God's children.
21:53 He wants to take God's people,
21:56 who have been dedicated to be filled with God's Spirit
21:58 in God's house and bring them into his banquet hall,
22:01 and fill them with his intoxicants,
22:03 intoxicating drinks and praise devils.
22:07 Because you know, the Bible says when they worship idols,
22:09 they are really worshipping devils.
22:15 2 Chronicles 36:10 tells us that Nebuchadnezzar
22:21 sent and brought King Jehoiachin him to Babylon with the
22:25 goodly vessels from the house of the Lord.
22:27 These vessels had come from the house of God.
22:31 There's something incongruous about when we come
22:36 from the house of God, when we leave this place,
22:39 we should not be going into
22:41 the feast house of idols from here.
22:44 We should be reserved for a holy purpose.
22:47 He was, in effect, mocking God
22:49 and what happens when you mock God?
22:51 "Will a man mock God?"
22:56 Here the Persians were outside the walls;
22:58 the Jews were praying for deliverance,
22:59 and he wanted to show that the God of Israel was powerless.
23:03 Didn't do this with any of the other gods he had conquered,
23:06 but he did Jehovah.
23:07 Because the real battle in this world is not between
23:10 the devil and the kings and all the pagan religions,
23:13 it's between Satan and Christ
23:15 and you can see that coming out in the story.
23:18 The one god he was threatened by
23:19 was the God they could not make an idol of.
23:24 He's a God that you can't make Him, He makes us.
23:32 Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived,
23:35 God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows,
23:38 he will also reap. "
23:43 When the government begins to
23:44 mock what God calls holy, then Babylon falls.
23:49 Now turn back to your Bibles, Daniel 5:5
23:54 I read you verses 1-4, "In that same hour,
23:58 the fingers of a man's hand... "
24:01 In the midst of their drinking,
24:02 and their praising their different gods of
24:03 silver and gold - they're going through this
24:05 ritual and all the different lords.
24:06 He's got the most beautiful women in the kingdom there.
24:08 You read in the book, "Prophets and Kings,"
24:10 the most brilliant minds in the kingdom are there.
24:14 It was an impressive scene.
24:15 They've got the paparazzi there taking pictures,
24:18 or etching them or something or painting them,
24:21 because I'm mean, the Who's Who in Babylon,
24:24 and Babylon was the biggest kingdom in the world...
24:26 If there was a party you wanted to go to and find out
24:28 where all the influential people were, it was this party!
24:33 Daniel wasn't there because he knew
24:36 what was going to be going on.
24:38 "In that same hour, the fingers of a man's hand appeared,
24:42 and wrote opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall
24:47 of the king's palace, and the king saw the part
24:50 of the hand that wrote... " It wasn't a whole arm,
24:53 it's a hand and it has the fingers curled around
24:56 maybe some instrument and it's etching in burning
25:00 characters in wall over by the lamp where everybody could see,
25:04 and a hush - a terror fell upon that assembly that day.
25:08 Everybody - one minute they're praising their god,
25:10 they're partying, they are being profane,
25:12 they're using bad language, telling lewd jokes,
25:17 behaving in an unseemly way and it was AMAZING
25:20 how when they saw the hand of God writing on the walls,
25:23 everybody's attitude instantly changed.
25:29 People usually sober up when God starts to write.
25:34 You need to pay careful attention;
25:36 I can only think of about 4 times in the Bible
25:39 when God writes anything.
25:42 You've got, of course, the Lord writing the 10 Commandments,
25:45 but you know, He did it twice.
25:47 The first time, God provided the stone,
25:49 the second time, Moses broke them, remember?
25:51 God said... Look, you gotta cut your own this time,
25:53 I'll write on them again.
25:55 So He wrote on them again the second time.
25:57 Then you got this writing on the judgment hall walls...
26:02 I'm sorry, it was a feasting hall but it became a
26:05 judgment hall didn't it... of Babylon.
26:07 And then Jesus is writing in the dust of the temple floor,
26:10 and they got real quiet when He started
26:11 writing too, didn't they?
26:16 "And the king's countenance was changed"... I guess!
26:21 "and his thoughts troubled him;
26:24 so the joints of his hips were loosed... "
26:29 You ever get so nervous that your knees smite together?
26:33 Now I don't want to put you on the spot,
26:34 but I find it sometimes interesting,
26:37 and I can always tell when a person is nervous
26:40 when they are up front - because I know how it feels.
26:43 The first time I got up to preach,
26:44 I was absolutely terrified; I don't get that way anymore,
26:47 praise the Lord... Oh sometimes if it's in
26:49 you know, live satellite feed, that first night,
26:51 I get a little nervous for the first few minutes,
26:53 but sometimes, you know, I'll be sitting here,
26:56 and someone is up there doing special music and you can see
26:58 the knees are knocking together or you can just see the
27:04 bottom of their dresses fluttering like that.
27:08 Or I'll see different speakers - and I tell Karen,
27:10 I'll say, "Yeah, they're licking their lips every 2 seconds,
27:12 see their eyes blinking like that"
27:14 I said, "They are scared to death. "
27:17 But when you get so scared that you're doing
27:19 the Charleston... some of you know what I'm talking about.
27:24 He couldn't stop and it gets worse than that.
27:27 It says, "The joints of his hips were loosed... "
27:31 and actually in some versions it says "his loins were loosed,"
27:35 and I read some commentaries on this, this week,
27:38 and a number of scholars, new and old, say...
27:41 "That means he lost control of his loins"
27:45 You drink a lot of wine, that can happen,
27:48 combine that with a little bit of abject terror...
27:53 By the way, don't forget that because we're going to read
27:55 the prophecy where it says, "The kings of Babylon,
27:58 their loins are loosed with fear. "
28:04 "And his knees knocked against each other"
28:07 That bold, brave king was shaking his puny fist
28:09 in the face of God, all of a sudden his knees
28:11 are knocking together.
28:12 And a lot of people are very bold about saying,
28:15 "I don't believe in God, there is no God"
28:16 acting like fools and some day when they see
28:19 the handwriting on the wall, they're not so brave anymore.
28:23 We're all going to be judged for everything we say,
28:26 every idle word we speak, everything we do;
28:29 we'll all stand and give an account of ourselves before God,
28:33 something we need to remember.
28:34 "And the king cried aloud"
28:37 He's screaming, he's terrified!
28:39 "BRING IN THE ASTROLOGERS" They see these words,
28:41 and then finally the writing stops and there it is
28:43 glowing and burning characters...
28:44 And I don't know if the hand was still there
28:46 or they could see the hand, but there was just
28:49 TERROR in the banquet hall there.
28:52 "And he cries out, he screams, bring in the astrologers,
28:56 and the Chaldeans and the soothsayers"
28:57 "And the king spoke to the wise men of Babylon"
29:01 They came and rushed in before the king.
29:03 "Whoever reads this writing and tells me its interpretation,
29:06 he'll be clothed with purple, and have a chain of gold
29:09 around his neck and he'll be the third ruler in the kingdom"
29:14 Babylon, the biggest kingdom in the world - to be number 3,
29:17 you might be wondering, why didn't he offer him number 2?
29:20 That's because that's all he was.
29:22 The real king was in Arabia, his father, Nabonidus.
29:25 He was only really serving as the vice regent.
29:27 He was king number 2.
29:32 Ruler #2, he's offering number 3 to whoever could interpret it.
29:38 Now the king's wise men came in,
29:40 but they could not read the writing or make known
29:43 to the king what the interpretation was of it. "
29:48 I think it's very interesting, Isaiah 47:13, prophesying
29:54 about this - the wise men are mystified.
29:59 That often happens...
30:00 Pharaoh brings in his wise men,
30:02 can they tell what his dream means? No
30:05 Nebuchadnezzar brings in his wise men,
30:08 not only for his dream about the golden image,
30:11 but later, he dreams about the tree...
30:13 the wise men of the world, they don't know.
30:17 Isaiah 47:13, "Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsel,
30:21 let now the astrologers and the stargazers and the monthly
30:25 prognosticators stand up and save thee from these things
30:29 that shall come upon thee. "
30:30 His wise men could not help him. They could not save him.
30:33 They could not interpret what was happening.
30:37 You know, I'm concerned when I see God's people going to the
30:45 wisdom of the world for advice, when that advice
30:49 conflicts with the Word of God.
30:52 The wisdom of the world is foolishness;
30:54 don't forget that the wisest people in the world
30:56 once thought the earth was flat.
30:59 The wisest people in the world once thought
31:01 if you had a fever, you had too much blood,
31:02 so you just bleed them!
31:05 And that was the wisdom, I mean, who could know more
31:07 than the doctors and the scientists and the scholars?
31:13 The wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.
31:17 1 Corinthians 1:20, "Where is the wise?
31:19 Where is the scribe?
31:21 Where is the disputer of this age?
31:23 Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?"
31:27 You can read in the book, "Prophets and Kings,"
31:29 "But of no avail was his appeal to his trusted advisors,
31:33 with offers of rich rewards, heavenly wisdom cannot be
31:37 bought or sold. "
31:39 He needed one of God's wise men to tell him what
31:42 God's writing said.
31:44 And then this is very interesting here...
31:48 "The wise men could not tell him and his countenance,
31:52 in verse 9 of chapter 5...
31:54 The king's countenance was changed,
31:56 and his lords were astonished; everyone was totally mystified.
32:00 Verse 10: "The queen, because of the words of the king
32:05 and his lords, came to the banquet hall. "
32:07 She was not there also, isn't that interesting?
32:10 This is the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar.
32:11 Nebuchadnezzar, who ended his life by
32:13 extolling the God of heaven.
32:15 This is a daughter who is probably a little more
32:17 amenable to the God of heaven.
32:19 She was not invited.
32:21 She was brought to the judgment hall,
32:23 and now, word is going everywhere about this event.
32:27 "And the queen's spoke"
32:28 This is probably Belshazzar's mother.
32:31 "O king, live forever, do not let your thoughts...
32:35 Don't forget that, "O king, live forever"
32:37 "Do not let your thoughts trouble you, nor let your
32:39 countenance change" Do you underline in your Bible?
32:42 I got 4 words for you... "There is a man"
32:47 I like that, when God says, "There is a man"
32:50 They got all the wisest men in Babylon,
32:52 and they can't figure it out, but God still has a man.
32:55 "There is a man in your kingdom
32:58 in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God,"
33:01 ...unlike the gods you are praising.
33:03 "and in the days of your father, light and understanding
33:08 and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods was found in him"
33:11 Keep in mind, this is the queen mother;
33:14 she is describing events that had happened 40 years earlier.
33:18 Most of this generation has forgotten about
33:20 those miracles of Daniel's wisdom and his interpreting
33:25 the various dreams of Nebuchadnezzar.
33:30 "The wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods was found in him,
33:35 and King Nebuchadnezzar, your father...
33:37 And they use the word "father and grandfather' interchangeably
33:39 "Your father the king, made him chief of the magicians,
33:43 astrologers, Chaldeans and soothsayers.
33:45 In as much as an excellent spirit, knowledge,
33:48 understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles,
33:51 and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel
33:54 whom the king named "Belteshazzar"
33:57 That's interesting, you got Belshazzar and Belteshazzar.
34:01 "Now let Daniel be called and he will give the interpretation. "
34:06 You noticed she has absolutely no doubt... let him be called.
34:10 She doesn't say... Let him take a crack at it.
34:12 She says, "He has never failed
34:15 to give an interpretation," he'll give it to you.
34:18 "Then Daniel was brought in before the king"
34:20 Now, the king has been mocking the God of the Jews...
34:22 Who is brought in to interpret the king's writing? A Jew
34:29 "And the king spoke and said to Daniel,"
34:32 "Are you that Daniel, who is of one of the captives of Judah?"
34:35 You know, when they wanted to get rid of Daniel,
34:37 in chapter 6, they say, "That Daniel"
34:40 "... who is one of the captives of Judah, who my father,
34:45 the king, brought from Judah"
34:46 You're just a foreign captive.
34:49 It still irks the king that he is having to ask a Jew
34:52 to explain the writing.
34:54 "I've heard from you that the Spirit of God is in you,
34:57 and that the light of understanding and excellent
34:59 wisdom are found in you. "
35:01 "Now the wise men and astrologers have been brought
35:03 before me to read this writing to make known its interpretation
35:06 but they could not give the interpretation of the thing.
35:10 And I've heard of you, that you can give
35:12 interpretations and explain enigmas.
35:14 Now if you can read the writing and make known
35:17 to me its interpretation, you will be clothed
35:20 in purple, Oh big deal... and have a chain of gold
35:24 around your neck and you'll
35:26 be the third ruler in the kingdom. "
35:29 Offering him these rewards.
35:31 You think that impressed Daniel?
35:35 It's amazing how quickly Nebuchadnezzar's behavior
35:39 went from mockery to abject terror.
35:44 How does Daniel feel about these rewards?
35:46 Chapter 5, verse 17, "Daniel answered and said
35:50 before the king, "Let your gifts be for yourself,
35:53 and give your rewards to another. "
35:55 Ooo... Do you know, we have other ways of saying that,
36:03 but I won't say that!
36:07 You don't say that to a king in front of...
36:10 oh yeah - I think about another banquet hall,
36:14 and the king started drinking wine.
36:15 Remember Harold and John the Baptist... things.
36:19 And yet some Christians think it's okay to drink alcohol
36:27 So he says, "Daniel, look what I'm going to give you"
36:29 Whenever a prophet makes out a receipt for you...
36:33 when a prophet says - I'll give you a prophecy,
36:34 but just let me get out my credit card machine...
36:38 You better go looking for another prophet.
36:41 As-a-matter-of-fact, a prophet of God,
36:42 if he's got a message for you,
36:44 you cannot pay him to NOT give it to you!
36:48 Is that right?
36:50 So the idea - if you give me a prophecy...
36:52 Naaman - he comes for healing.
36:54 He offers Elisha a FORTUNE!
36:57 He says - Keep your money, you can't even pay for your healing.
37:01 God's Word is free; Joseph's brothers tried to
37:04 put money in Joseph's hands so they could get bread,
37:07 and Joseph said - You can't pay for it.
37:10 ...Put the money back in their sack.
37:11 A lot of astrologers, soothsayers and palm readers,
37:16 and you can go visit them and they're going to
37:18 charge you for your visit, right?
37:21 The other thing is... when Daniel talks to King Darius
37:27 in the next chapter, he says, "O king, liver forever,
37:29 my God has sent his angels and shut the lion's mouths.
37:31 O king, liver forever... " That's the proper way
37:33 you greet a king, right?
37:35 But you notice, he doesn't say to Belshazzar,
37:37 O Belshazzar, live forever. You know why?
37:39 He KNEW he wasn't going to live forever.
37:43 No sense wasting it and he wasn't
37:45 going to give him that kind of glory.
37:47 He KNEW what the handwriting on the wall said.
37:50 Back to chapter 5... Oh, and he's offering him
37:53 position - what's the position?
37:54 You get to be third ruler in the kingdom!
37:57 When you turn the page, don't do it,
38:00 and you read chapter 6, Daniel is getting ready
38:04 in chapter 6, to be second ruler in the kingdom.
38:09 He didn't need to get Belshazzar to off him third place!
38:13 He says, You know, God is going
38:15 to give me second place in one more chapter!
38:20 Isn't that what it said?
38:21 "Darius thought to set him over the whole realm"
38:23 He was already chief of the three presidents.
38:25 He thought to set him over the whole realm
38:28 because of this excellent spirit that was in him.
38:32 "O king, let your gifts be for yourself"... keep your gifts
38:37 "... your rewards for another;
38:38 yet I will read the writing to you...
38:40 can't wait to read the writing to you...
38:44 to make known to him the interpretation. "
38:48 Now, bear with me, you got your Bibles,
38:49 you may want to read this.
38:52 "O king, the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father
38:56 a kingdom and majesty and glory and honor"...
38:58 unlike any other king, I might add...
39:00 "And because of the majesty that he gave him,
39:03 all peoples, nations and languages trembled
39:06 and feared before him.
39:07 Whomever he wished, he executed;
39:09 whomever he wished, he kept alive;
39:11 whomever he wished, he set up;
39:12 whomever he wished, he put down. "
39:14 He was a total, absolute ruler.
39:17 "But when his heart was lifted up,"
39:19 Remember his pride - is this not the great Babylon
39:21 that I have built.
39:22 "And his spirit was hardened in pride,
39:24 he was deposed from his kingly throne,
39:27 and they took his glory from him. "
39:30 "Then he was driven from the sons of men and his heart
39:33 was made like a beast's heart, and his dwelling was with the
39:37 wild donkeys. "
39:39 When you're proud, God can send you out to feed with donkeys.
39:47 "They fed him with grass like oxen and his body was
39:51 wet with the dew of heaven, till he knew that the
39:53 Most High God rules in the kingdom of man,
39:57 and appoints over at whomever he chooses. "
39:59 In other words, Daniel is all about, will you worship the
40:02 true God, who has the real kingdom or the idols
40:05 in the false kingdom, and they were praising
40:08 their idols and trusting their idols to protect
40:10 Babylon from the Persians, and the one God
40:13 they could trust or that could help them,
40:16 they were not trusting.
40:19 "But you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart,
40:24 although you knew all this... "
40:25 You knew what the history was, your mother told you.
40:28 "and you've lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven,
40:31 and you've brought the vessels of His house before you,
40:35 and you and your lords and your wives,
40:37 and your concubines have drunk wine from them.
40:40 And you have praised the gods of silver and gold and bronze
40:43 and iron and wood and stone which do not see or hear
40:46 or know anything. "
40:49 You get the context of this?
40:51 Daniel, what a man!
40:53 Someone said the lions didn't eat him because he had
40:55 too much backbone.
40:57 He is in a judgment hall where they've got all of the idols
41:01 illuminated; beautiful idols all around the walls of
41:05 the judgment hall; that's why they were all praising them.
41:08 And they're going through the ritual; they're praising them
41:10 and the most important, the most POWERFUL people
41:13 in the kingdom are there and Daniel stands FEARLESSLY
41:16 in their midst - 85 years old, perhaps.
41:20 He had been carried away 70 years earlier and he
41:24 denounces that their gods are dead;
41:27 they're stone, they're wood; they do not see,
41:30 they do not hear, what a sermon!
41:31 Ooo - that takes courage!
41:35 That's like when Paul goes in the amphitheater
41:38 of Greece and says that... I'm going to tell you about
41:41 the one unknown God; you've got all these idols,
41:43 you don't even know what you're worshipping.
41:47 "But the God who holds your breath in His hand,
41:50 who owns all your ways, you have not glorified. "
41:54 "Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him,
41:58 and this writing was written. "
42:01 Now, we're going to look at the writing.
42:04 "And this is the inscription that was written... "
42:06 You know, most scholars believe probably the writing
42:09 was in Hebrew.
42:10 It was in the ancient Hebrew and the soothsayers and the
42:17 Babylonians...
42:18 You see, Daniel was instructed in their language,
42:21 and he understood both languages,
42:22 but they were not instructed in his language.
42:24 What were the 10 Commandments written in?
42:28 But what language? Probably Hebrew, right?
42:31 The language of the people; does that make sense?
42:34 And what do you think Jesus wrote when He wrote
42:36 on the judgment floor, rather in the temple floor dust?
42:41 He wrote probably Hebrew.
42:43 Was there Hebrew also above the head of Christ
42:45 when he was crucified?
42:47 So I think there's a good argument that these were
42:49 Hebrew characters.
42:50 No problem for Daniel to read this.
42:56 is the writing.
42:59 Now if I were just to say that to you,
43:01 you would probably want to know what that means.
43:02 As-a-matter-of-fact, even if you understood Hebrew,
43:04 each one of these words; one, repeated twice,
43:08 each word represents a sentence.
43:11 The sentence is summarized in the word.
43:15 Pastor Harold told me a story this week...
43:18 I told him - I hope he doesn't mind my robbing his story
43:20 about a young person that was studying the truth,
43:24 and wanted to accept the truth.
43:28 His family was from charismatic background,
43:31 and they just were very worried about him
43:32 that he might become a Seventh-day Adventist,
43:34 and they thought what he really needed was
43:36 the gift of tongues and everything would be all right,
43:38 so they took this young person and brought him into a church,
43:41 and surrounded him with pastors and they said,
43:42 "We're just going to pray until you speak in tongues,
43:44 and we're not leaving here until you speak in tongues!"
43:46 And they all surrounded him; they're all praying,
43:48 and they're speaking in tongues and they were laying hands
43:50 on him and they were carrying on.
43:51 He doesn't know what to do and he's standing there,
43:52 and he's praying and praying and they're going on and on,
43:54 and FINALLY.. he said, "MENE, MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN"
43:58 and they all said, "PRAISE THE LORD" and they left!
44:02 But they didn't realize what he said was...
44:03 "You're all weighed in the balances and found wanting"
44:09 Just remember that in case you ever need it.
44:14 "And so then he gives the interpretation,
44:16 verse 26: Mene - God is numbered
44:21 Well let me back up here and I want to give this to you
44:24 from the Hebrew.
44:26 In the Hebrew, I've got the characters written here,
44:29 and that won't do you any good.
44:30 "Mene" signifies the word numeration.
44:33 "Tekel" - weighing, and "Peres" - division.
44:39 So, just to give you that background.
44:42 So back here to the writing, Daniel 5:26...
44:47 "This is the interpretation of each word:
44:49 Mene - God has numbered your kingdom and finished it.
44:53 Tekel - You have been weighed in the balances...
44:56 There's a judgment, a scale... and you've been weighed
44:59 and you are found wanting. "
45:02 You know, they used to check pure gold,
45:04 they'd weigh it against a certain weight
45:06 to see if it was pure or if they had
45:07 something else mixed in with it and it was impure.
45:11 It had some false material in there.
45:15 "You are weighed in the balances and found wanting"
45:18 "Peres - Your kingdom is being
45:21 divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. "
45:24 I think it's interesting that, at that point,
45:29 the walls of Babylon, at the very moment that
45:35 Daniel was speaking those words,
45:36 the outer walls had been breached.
45:41 Now let me give you a little history
45:45 in case you didn't know this...
45:47 What Cyrus did... Cyrus and the Medes and the Persians
45:51 had this confederacy; they had surrounded Babylon.
45:54 They realized they could not breech the walls of the city,
45:57 they were too high.
45:59 They could not get through the gates, they were too thick,
46:02 and they could shoot down from the walls.
46:03 And as they studied the situation,
46:05 they came up with an idea...
46:07 When they built Babylon, they had the old place the
46:10 river used to run; they redirected it through
46:12 the city after they finished building the aqueducts
46:16 that went through the city, they had to dam that off
46:18 for a little while some ways up stream
46:21 so that they could do the construction.
46:24 Cyrus found that and it was a number of miles out of sight.
46:27 He had his army dig a BIG basin in a canal
46:33 that would re-route the Euphrates River.
46:36 Just as the sun began to go down,
46:38 he had all of his soldiers retreat,
46:40 the Babylonians celebrated;
46:41 they thought that the Persians and the Medes had given up.
46:43 They retreated out of view; they broke the dam
46:48 that let the water run off in the other direction.
46:51 The regular flow of the Euphrates went down,
46:55 it was dried; the flow of the river ran off in this
46:58 incredible old canal, so at least temporarily
47:01 dropped the water level many feet,
47:03 and it tells us that the soldiers were able to walk
47:07 underneath the walls because the level of the water
47:09 had dropped to where it wasn't more than a stream -
47:11 this is the Euphrates River which normally flows
47:14 like the Mississippi, it's a big river!
47:17 When they got to the great iron gates,
47:20 not only were they able to go under the walls,
47:22 but the soldiers were all drunk.
47:24 They were celebrating the retreat of the Persians.
47:26 They left the iron gates unlocked.
47:29 Right as Daniel is in there saying, "You are found weighed
47:33 in the balances and wanting," they can hear the cry
47:37 of the soldiers outside the judgment hall,
47:40 and they're saying, "The Persians are here,
47:42 the Medes are here, there's an army coming,
47:44 we're overwhelmed. "
47:45 They swarmed in like ants, underneath the walls.
47:49 Then they opened the other gates,
47:51 the army came in through the other gates,
47:53 and the city quickly fell.
47:59 "Babylon fell" I've got the writings
48:03 here from, again, from Herodotus...
48:06 "Cyrus dug a trench and diverted the flow of the Euphrates River
48:10 into this new channel which led to an existing swamp.
48:13 The level of the river then dropped to such a level,
48:16 it became like a stream. "
48:18 His arm was able to take the city.
48:20 The Babylonians at this time were celebrating
48:23 intensely at a feast to one of their gods,
48:26 and they were taken totally by surprise.
48:29 There was a festival going on and they continued
48:32 to dance and enjoy themselves until they learned the news
48:35 the hard way... That's from the historians.
48:39 It goes along with the Bible.
48:40 Isaiah 45:1- Listen to what Isaiah says over
48:43 a 100 years before these events transpired.
48:49 ...About 150 years.
48:51 "Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus...
48:53 Cyrus is not born yet; we know from the
48:58 Dead Sea Scrolls, Isaiah wrote this before it happened...
49:01 ...whose right hand I have helped,
49:04 I'm going to help this king.
49:06 ...to subdue nations before Him to loose the armor of kings
49:12 To open before him the double doors,
49:15 so the gate shall not be shut. "
49:18 It's actually to loose the loins of kings... interesting!
49:23 "The double doors would be left open"
49:25 This is EXACTLY what happened!
49:28 Jeremiah speaking of the fall of Babylon in chapter 51:30;
49:32 "The mighty men of Babylon had ceased fighting;
49:36 they've remained in their strongholds.
49:38 Their might has failed; they became like women,
49:41 they have burned her dwelling places.
49:43 Her bars of her gates are broken. "
49:45 They were unable to fight, they were all drunk
49:47 and intoxicated - they fled before the Persians,
49:49 no resistance was put up.
49:52 Now I think this is significant because if you read in
49:54 Revelation 16- nothing in the book of Daniel talks about
49:58 the drying up of the Euphrates.
50:00 This is in history though and all the Jews knew this.
50:04 So when you read Revelation 16:12,
50:06 "Then the 6th angel poured out his bowl on great river
50:09 Euphrates and its water was dried up,
50:12 so the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. "
50:15 When Darius the Median king and Cyrus the Persian,
50:19 who later became king...
50:20 When they came from the east, it meant deliverance
50:24 for the people of God who had been held captive in Babylon.
50:28 I think right now we can hear the shouting
50:30 from the judgment hall
50:31 or from the banquet hall, I should say...
50:34 And soon you're going to hear shouting from the judgment hall;
50:37 that I think we're on the borders of a very similar event,
50:40 that the end is near.
50:42 Now you read in the last few verses of Daniel 5, and it says;
50:51 verse 29, "Belshazzar, he gives the command and they clothe
50:57 Daniel with purple and they put a gold chain around his neck,
51:00 and they made a proclamation concerning him,
51:02 that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom. "
51:05 This is the last command of Belshazzar before he dies.
51:08 What is his last command? To glorify a Jew,
51:13 to make a Jew the third ruler in his kingdom.
51:17 And then you read the next verse...
51:19 "That night, Belshazzar the King of the Chaldeans, was slain,
51:25 and Darius the Mede received
51:27 the kingdom, being about 62 years old.
51:30 Of all the leaders in the Babylonian cabinet that were
51:34 executed, they didn't execute Daniel, did they?
51:39 You know why? All the Babylonians fell.
51:41 It doesn't matter if you're in Babylon,
51:44 you just got to make sure Babylon is not in you.
51:47 God tells His people that we should come out of Babylon.
51:51 Now, we might be surrounded with Babylonian behavior,
51:54 and you might even see elements of Babylon in the church,
51:57 but the church is not Babylon.
52:00 But some people in the church got Babylon in them!
52:05 And we need to pray that the Lord will help us
52:07 to treat our vessels as holy Amen friends?
52:11 I think these are signs that the Lord is coming soon,
52:13 and we need to do everything we can to prepare...
52:17 Do you see the handwriting on the wall?
52:20 I believe that the evidence is there that Jesus is on His way.
52:25 Turn in your Hymnals to 626.
52:27 I'm trying to think about how do I end this sermon?
52:30 I don't think I can and I think God is going to have to end it.
52:32 You just keep watching the headlines,
52:35 I'll let the Lord end it.
52:37 Turn in your Hymnals to 626.
52:38 Let's stand together and let's sing this.
52:40 First and last verse - "In a Little While We're Going Home"
52:50 Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,
52:56 In a little while we're going home;
53:02 For the night will end in the everlasting day,
53:08 In a little while we're going home.
53:13 In a little while, In a little while,
53:19 We shall cross the billow's foam;
53:24 We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past,
53:31 In a little while we're going home.
53:39 Before we sing the last verse,
53:40 I just feel like I need to offer a moment for you to respond,
53:46 and I always struggle and say, "Lord, I don't know if I was
53:50 able to communicate to them the power and intensity
53:53 of this story and how relevant it is today that I see. "
53:59 What happened there in that banquet hall many years ago,
54:02 that's being acted out in our country right now.
54:04 What happened in ancient Rome... and I think that unless
54:07 there's major repentance, we're going to see
54:10 some pretty dramatic changes taking place very soon.
54:14 And it's time for us to make sure that we're not in Babylon,
54:18 and it's not in us. Amen?
54:21 Some of you might have different needs in your hearts and lives,
54:23 and the Lord is speaking to you and He is calling you.
54:25 I'd like to have a relationship with the Lord like Daniel had -
54:28 where people will accuse us of
54:30 having the Spirit of the Living God in us, is that your desire?
54:35 Some here may be have some special needs
54:37 you'd like to bring to the Lord right now.
54:39 As we sing the last verse, and you want to know
54:41 you're ready for Jesus to come;
54:43 if you need special prayer; Come...
54:45 As we close with prayer, verse 4
54:52 There's a rest beyond, there's relief from every care,
54:58 In a little while we're going home;
55:04 And no tears shall fall in that city bright and fair,
55:10 In a little while we're going home.
55:15 In a little while, In a little while,
55:21 We shall cross the billow's foam;
55:27 We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past,
55:34 In a little while we going home.
55:42 Father in Heaven, We do look forward to
55:45 and long for that day when Jesus comes.
55:49 We can see the Euphrates River drying up even now, Lord.
55:53 That's the harbinger that Jesus is coming.
55:57 I pray that each one of us can find a way to excuse ourselves
56:05 from the feasting banquet hall and make our way
56:09 to the fasting, that we might humble ourselves before You,
56:13 and recognize that there is judgment looming.
56:17 I pray Lord, that there will be revival in our church
56:22 that will really come before you and surrender ourselves
56:25 and return to the faith that was once delivered to the saints
56:29 I pray Lord, there will be revival and repentance
56:32 in our country and that we will, as a nation,
56:35 humble ourselves and turn away from the decadent
56:39 behavior that seems to be modeling the fall of Babylon,
56:45 and the fall of Rome once again.
56:48 I pray also, Lord, that there can be a revival in our
56:52 personal devotional lives, in our relationship
56:54 and our witness for You.
56:56 We're very thankful for the young people
56:58 preparing to go on this mission trip.
56:59 We ask that You guard them, watch over them,
57:02 and bless them as well.
57:04 Pour out Your Spirit on our church,
57:06 and the blessings of this Sabbath day
57:08 as we close this worship service.
57:10 We pray we can take Your presence
57:11 and those blessings with us.
57:13 Help us to be Your witnesses.
57:14 We pray that Your Spirit will be in our hearts,
57:16 and will sense it there.
57:17 We ask in Jesus name... Amen


Revised 2014-12-17