Everlasting Gospel

Determining The Will Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002819

00:09 It's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today, the greatest need of mankind is a
00:20 revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the "Everlasting Gospel"
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor,
00:28 coming to you each week from Sacramento Central Church
00:31 in sunny California.
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's Word today.
00:38 Somebody said one time, "The safest place in the world to be,
00:42 is in the middle of God's will."
00:45 It doesn't matter if you're surrounded by typhoons
00:48 and tornadoes and volcanoes and earthquakes,
00:51 if you're in the middle of God's will,
00:54 you have nothing to worry about.
00:57 I've often thought about developing a list
01:02 because one of the most common questions that
01:06 I get in ministry is... "Pastor, how do I know
01:09 what God wants me to do?"
01:11 "How do I determine the will of God for me?"
01:15 And it's a very good question.
01:18 So, what is the will of God for my life specifically,
01:23 and am I doing that will?"
01:25 1 John 2:17, "And the world is passing away and the lust of it,
01:32 but he that does the will of God abides forever."
01:37 How do we determine the will of God?
01:39 How important is it?
01:40 Those that do the will of God, how long do they last?
01:44 Forever! How many want to live forever?
01:46 Those that do the will of God will last forever!
01:50 In the Lord's prayer, Luke 11:2
01:54 "When you pray, say, "Our Father in heaven,
01:57 hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come,
02:00 Your will be done."
02:03 How do we determine what the will of God is for our lives?
02:08 I think it was David Livingston that said, "I'd rather be
02:11 in the heart of Africa in the will of God,
02:14 than on the throne of England, out of His will."
02:17 I mean, if being in the will of God means that you're
02:21 struggling in some lonely, distant, uncomfortable,
02:24 mission field, you'll have more comfort there.
02:27 You've probably heard of Adoniram Judson,
02:30 a missionary to Burma.
02:32 He was offered a very comfortable pulpit
02:35 in Boston, near his family, and everyone said, "Oh,
02:38 this is such a wonderful opportunity,"
02:40 and he said, "Well, except I know God has called me
02:42 to go to the mission field."
02:44 "Oh but, wouldn't this be much better;
02:46 isn't this the wiser decision?"
02:48 He said, "No, I'm much better off being in God's will in the
02:51 mission field, than being in a comfortable, successful
02:55 popular pulpit with good pay in Boston."
02:59 Are you where you're supposed to be?
03:02 We need to know the answer to that question!
03:04 So, we face a lot of big decisions in our life...
03:10 What school am I going to go to, for some of our younger set.
03:14 What will I study, once I get there, beyond the basics?
03:18 And then once you study in your field and you have
03:20 different job offers...
03:22 How do I know where to take that job?
03:25 What state? What specialty?
03:28 What's God's will for me?
03:29 Who am I going to marry?
03:32 Do I say "yes" to the first person that comes
03:34 along and asks me?
03:36 Am I to marry at all?
03:40 There's something to pray about!
03:42 Maybe like me, you'll be a Batchelor your whole life!
03:48 Mrs. Batchelor got married and became a Batchelor!
03:53 So, how do you determine the answer to these big questions?
03:58 First of all, there are some basics we know...
04:00 God wants you to be saved, that's His will.
04:03 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not willing that any should perish,
04:08 but that all should come to repentance."
04:10 And it's a mistake for you to think that everything you see
04:13 happening in the world, must be God's will.
04:15 You know, some of our friends and neighbors of the
04:19 Islamic persuasion, when something happens,
04:22 they say, "It's the will of Allah, it's the will of Allah,
04:24 whatever happens, it's the will of Allah. That's not true!
04:26 Not everything that happens is the will of God.
04:29 God is not willing that any should perish!
04:31 Are some going to perish? That's not His will.
04:35 There's a lot of things that you and I decide to do
04:37 when we're out of God's will.
04:39 And there are things that happen;
04:41 you can't always say, "Well it's an act of God,
04:43 this typhoon there in what used to be known as Burma,
04:47 Miramar and all these thousands of people,
04:51 but, "Oh, it must have been God's will."
04:52 Not necessarily... did the devil bring a storm
04:55 in the story of Job?
04:58 I think we'll be surprised when we get to the other side
05:00 and God pulls back the veil... there's a battle
05:03 between good and evil.
05:05 And if God's will was always being done,
05:07 then why would He tell us to pray that His will be done?
05:10 Why would you pray for something that
05:12 you are already going to have?
05:13 It's because His will is not always done.
05:15 It's something that is to be prayed for.
05:17 It's something that is to be pursued!
05:20 So how do we determine the will of God?
05:23 Now let me begin by... before I get to my list
05:27 of ways that I think you can apply biblical principles
05:30 to determine the will of God...
05:31 I'd first like to talk about some of the dubious methods
05:34 that people use and let's get that out of the way.
05:37 When some people are making major decisions,
05:40 even Christians, they resort to things as basic as
05:45 flipping a coin.
05:47 And, I'm not saying that God cannot speak through
05:50 the flip of a coin, and that might work for those things,
05:53 but if you're making life decisions,
05:56 I'd want more evidence than flipping a coin.
06:00 And so, you know, some people do this, or maybe you've
06:03 wondered about casting lots in the Bible;
06:06 just so that you have an idea of what that means...
06:09 Sometimes if they were trying to determine between
06:12 1 or 2 choices or maybe multiple choices,
06:14 they would take a clay jar that had a narrow opening,
06:17 and they would put a number of black stones and
06:20 1 white stone or a number of white stones and 1 black stone,
06:23 and they'd go around the circle and they'd drop out the stone
06:25 ... the mouth was just big enough to drop out
06:27 1 stone at a time and if the lot fell on you,
06:32 it meant you were chosen.
06:33 So they had a variety of ways of doing that.
06:35 You remember, they cast lots for Jesus' clothing.
06:38 Now casting lots when you're making decisions for your life,
06:42 is probably not advisable.
06:46 One reason I say that is because God wants you to use your brain.
06:50 He says, "Come now, let us reason together."
06:52 You should not go through your day and through your life
06:54 ... Who shall I marry? Well I cast lots.
06:56 First of all, don't tell your prospective parents-in-law
06:59 that's how you're making your choice.
07:01 That won't impress them.
07:03 You want to be using a number of criteria in making
07:07 these important decisions.
07:08 God gave you a brain because He likes to see you use it.
07:12 And, as-a-matter-of-fact, when they were picking the goats
07:17 on the Day of Atonement, they'd select 2 perfect goats
07:21 and then one would be the Lord's goat,
07:23 and one would be the scapegoat,
07:25 and the Bible did say they were to cast lots,
07:27 and one of them would be chosen as the scapegoat.
07:30 Well, you're picking between 2 goats,
07:32 and something like that, well that's okay.
07:34 But, making big decisions for life - be careful.
07:37 By the way, do you know where the word "lottery" comes from?
07:41 Casting lots!
07:44 Now some of you can say, "I've got biblical proof
07:46 for playing the lottery now, it's in the Bible."
07:48 That's not what I'm talking about, I'm just saying...
07:50 It's talking about pure chance...
07:51 Not to play the lottery, you've heard me say before,
07:54 "You probably have a better chance of being bitten by
07:56 a shark in Phoenix, Arizona than winning the lottery,
08:00 so don't waste your money doing that.
08:03 The practice of casting lots is mentioned
08:06 about 77 times in the Bible...
08:09 But I think it's interesting in 2nd-Selected Messages, 328,
08:13 The author there writes, "I have no faith in casting lots,"
08:17 and she was speaking about some churches were casting lots
08:20 to pick their leaders...
08:22 Because they said, "Well after all, didn't the disciples pick
08:25 a new apostle by casting lots."
08:27 Well that was a whole different story.
08:29 First, they went through a selection process
08:31 of the best candidates and they said,
08:33 "We're going to pick between the 2 of the best!"
08:36 They were not casting lots arbitrarily to pick,
08:39 you know, church leadership.
08:41 God wants you to use criteria and wisdom,
08:44 and we'll get to those things in a minute.
08:46 And again, you'll find in Letter 37, from 1900,
08:50 it says, "To cast lots for the officers of the church
08:54 is not God's order; let men of responsibility
08:57 be called upon to select the officers of the church."
09:00 They were to use their brains and use a number of criteria.
09:03 You probably heard this story before of this old Scottish
09:08 woman who used to travel the countryside and she sold
09:10 thread and yarn and one day she came to a fork in the road,
09:13 and she picked up a stick, she threw the stick up in the air,
09:16 and it fell back down to the ground.
09:18 She picked it up and she threw it up in the air,
09:20 and it fell back down to the ground.
09:21 Someone came along while she was doing this,
09:23 and they said, "What are you doing?"
09:24 She said, "Well, as I go on my sales route,
09:27 I want the Lord to guide me in which way to go...
09:30 So I take this stick and I throw the stick and I go which way
09:33 the stick points."
09:35 He said, "Well why do you keep throwing the stick?"
09:37 She said, "Well, it keeps pointing to the right,
09:38 but that road is pretty rough; I want to go to the left;
09:40 so I just keep throwing the stick!"
09:45 Some people - I've seen them do that.
09:46 Let's flip coins; they flip, they don't get the answer
09:48 they want, they say 2 out of 3,
09:49 and they just keep on flipping the coin.
09:53 I actually know someone, one time, that was really praying
09:55 about a big decision, this is true...
09:56 And, they weren't sure whether or not they were
09:59 to flip a coin, if that's how they were supposed to pick,
10:01 and they flipped a coin and the coin rolled over
10:03 against the wall and stood upon its end,
10:05 and it's like God was saying, "Don't do that,
10:09 you're just giving Me two options,
10:10 I might have an option you knowing about."
10:13 So sometimes, you corner the Lord when you use
10:15 these methods and you're limiting
10:17 how God is going to answer you.
10:19 So, I'd guard against that.
10:21 What about throwing out a fleece?
10:23 You remember Gideon, when trying to get some
10:26 reassurance, that he was supposed to go in battle
10:28 against the Amalekites and the Midianites,
10:31 and the people of the East, he put out this fleece.
10:34 This is a big sheepskin; they put it out and
10:36 this is normally what they slept on at night,
10:38 it was their sleeping bag.
10:40 He said, "Now if I wake up in the morning and there is
10:42 dew on the fleece and none on the ground,
10:44 that will be a sign."
10:45 Well that happened and then he thought..
10:47 "Well, maybe that's a natural occurrence."
10:49 "I tell you what Lord, let's try this one more time."
10:51 "Tomorrow, let the fleece be dry and the dew on the ground,"
10:55 or whatever the opposite was,
10:56 I think I maybe said the same thing twice.
10:59 And the next day, it was the opposite,
11:01 and he said, "Okay, that's evidence."
11:04 And so, some people have these different fleeces
11:07 that they put out for the Lord.
11:08 And you know, sometimes that's not all bad
11:11 to say, " All right Lord, I'm going to look for
11:13 providential evidence and we sort of manufacture
11:17 these fleeces that we're looking for God to guide us.
11:21 I know about a lady that... have you ever met these people
11:25 that when they want to make a decision,
11:26 they flip through their Bible and wherever their eyes land,
11:30 and they say, "Okay, that's going to be Your message
11:32 to me, Lord" - Be careful about using
11:34 your Bible like a deck of taro cards.
11:37 And you probably heard of people that...
11:39 Now I'm not saying God can't lead that way,
11:42 I know stories that the Lord has lead some people.
11:46 A dear friend of ours has passed away,
11:48 her name was Lolita Simpson.
11:50 You'll read in Testimonies about a famous evangelist
11:53 called, "W.W. Simpson," and Lolita told me the story
11:57 one time when her mother was trying to pray about
11:59 whether or not to marry this young, handsome evangelist,
12:01 she said, "Lord, I've got to know this is Your will,"
12:05 and she prayed and agonized.
12:06 She said, "I just need reassurance that
12:08 this is the right man."
12:09 So she took her Bible and she flipped her Bible open;
12:12 she's praying there by her bed and she put her finger down
12:14 on a verse and this is where she put her finger...
12:17 Genesis 24:58, "When they called Rebecca, they said to her,
12:22 "Will you go with this man? and she said, I will go."
12:25 Now when you pray about who to marry and you flip the
12:28 Bible open and that is the place where you're finger lands,
12:33 well that's a pretty strong indicator.
12:36 Now some of you are going to go home and try that now, right?
12:38 I'm not recommending this, I'm just saying
12:40 God can use it, but I don't think it's advisable
12:42 because you never know; you might flip your Bible
12:44 opened and it will say,
12:46 "Judas went and hung himself," and you know, that's obviously
12:49 not His will for your life, so be careful about doing that.
12:53 What about dreams and visions?
12:55 I'm trying to deal with some of the dubious things
12:58 that people use to make big decisions...
12:59 Can God guide us through a dream?
13:02 And God can guide us through a vision.
13:06 But you know I'm hoping the majority of your dreams
13:10 are gibberish that come because your brain is defragmenting
13:14 the things you've experienced through the day.
13:18 And it sort of sorts itself out when you reach that
13:21 point of rapid-eye-movement and all kinds of bizarre things
13:24 may go through your mind and some people
13:26 have weird dreams and they go and they visit psychoanalysts
13:30 that help them to try and understand what's going on
13:32 deep within because of their dreams and it may just
13:36 mean too much pizza!
13:38 And some people just put a little too much
13:40 emphasis on visions.
13:43 You probably heard about the farmer that was out hoeing
13:45 in the field one day and it was hot and he was a young farmer,
13:47 and he wondered if he was supposed to spend his life
13:49 out farming and he was pondering these things
13:52 and he looked up in the sky and he saw that the wind
13:56 was moving the clouds around and all of a sudden he
13:58 distinctly saw the letters in the sky "PC"
14:04 And he thought about that... "PC"
14:06 "Lord, you don't want me farming anymore,
14:07 you want me to "preach Christ." Preach Christ!
14:10 He threw down his farm equipment,
14:12 and he went and got his Sunday suit on,
14:13 and he started going around the community preaching!
14:16 They said, "Zeb, what's going on?"
14:18 He said, "God has shown me in a vision,
14:19 I'm supposed to be a preacher - I saw clouds
14:21 that said, "PC" and I know that means "preach Christ."
14:24 So he spent several months out there trying to
14:26 preach and didn't have very big results,
14:29 and the family started getting hungry and about 8 months later,
14:33 he was back out there in the field hoeing the corn.
14:36 And someone said, "Zeb, what's up, I thought God gave you
14:39 a vision, you're supposed to preach Christ."
14:41 "So I made up my mind that "PC" meant "plant corn,"
14:44 it didn't mean "preach Christ."
14:49 So be careful about the dreams and the visions.
14:52 If you're going to have dreams and visions,
14:54 make sure there's other reinforcing evidence,
14:57 and I wouldn't make the decisions just upon that...
14:59 But God can speak through those things, right?
15:02 So, let's be careful.
15:05 Now, someone said that in the U.S. alone,
15:08 there are more than 23,000 ways to make a living.
15:12 The odds are clearly not in favor for you to decide
15:16 what you're supposed to do as a career or who you're
15:19 supposed to marry - think about all the options there,
15:21 based on pure luck.
15:25 You want divine leading in your life, Amen?
15:28 And you want God to give you wisdom how to discern
15:32 His providence and His will.
15:34 All right, I'm going to give you now, a list of...
15:36 I have taken the best lists I could find from the
15:39 people I respect the most, the Bible, George Muller,
15:42 Tozer, The Spirit of Prophecy; friends talked to our pastors
15:45 this week and we got a few more points on the list.
15:48 I got about 15 points that I'm going to share with you on
15:51 "How do you determine the will of God
15:53 biblically and using good reason?"
15:56 Here are, what I think some of the most important things...
15:59 You may add to my list later, but after years of
16:02 praying about it, this is the first time I've really
16:04 preached a message like this, here's the list...
16:06 I'm going to go through these quickly because I want to
16:08 get this in one message.
16:09 1. Be surrendered and willing.
16:14 The most important thing, if you want to know God's will
16:18 is be willing to do His will!
16:22 As-a-matter-of-fact, John 7:17, "If anyone wants to do His will,
16:27 he shall know concerning the doctrine whether it is from God
16:30 or whether I speak of my own authority."
16:32 If you're wanting God's will, Jesus said, "If he's willing,
16:36 He will know the doctrine.
16:38 You will understand, but the first thing is to be willing.
16:41 Pray that God will give you a pliable and a willing heart.
16:45 Step #1 is to be surrendered.
16:49 Surrender yourself before Jesus,
16:51 before you expect Him to lead you.
16:53 If your heart is in a state of rebellion and your not
16:56 surrendered to God, then why is He
16:57 going to show you His will?
16:58 All He does is add to your compounded guilt.
17:01 He shows you more that He wants you to do and you're not
17:04 doing what He has shown you.
17:06 So - Be willing!
17:08 I heard about a native in the Congo that prayed...
17:10 He said, "Dear Lord, You be the needle, I'll be the thread.
17:13 You go first, I'll follow wherever You lead."
17:16 That's the kind of attitude we need.
17:18 Isaiah 45:9, "Does the clay
17:21 say to the potter - "What are you doing?"
17:24 When God shows you His will, then do it,
17:26 you may not like what He shows you - Be open.
17:30 Psalm 25:9, "The humble He guides in justice;
17:35 the humble He teaches His way."
17:38 If you want to know the will of God and the way of God,
17:40 humble yourself before God,
17:41 and He'll teach you His way. So - Be willing.
17:45 2. Consult the Word of God.
17:48 Find out what the Bible says on the particular options
17:52 or the direction that you're praying about.
17:54 The Word of God has a lot to say about a lot of things,
17:58 and so, acquaint yourself with His Word.
18:00 You read, of course, Psalm 119:105,
18:03 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path."
18:07 And when you're walking through life,
18:08 if you want guidance, ask for the Word of God
18:11 to guide you - there is Scripture on so many
18:13 different things.
18:14 And more specifically, in the Word of God,
18:16 you have the Law of God.
18:18 So, a lot of things you might see as options,
18:22 are clearly commanded to be done or not done
18:27 based on what the law of God says.
18:29 There are some things, He gives us an emphatic NO,
18:35 and there are some areas where He will give us
18:37 an equally emphatic YES,
18:40 so find out what the law of God says.
18:42 If you're wondering...
18:44 You know, should I leave my spouse
18:47 and go off with this other person?
18:50 You don't need to pray about God's will regarding that.
18:54 But you'd be surprised... I've met people
18:56 ... happened this year, 2 married people,
18:59 members of the same church, left their spouses,
19:03 got together and when I counseled with them,
19:05 they said, "You know, it just feels so right;
19:08 we just can see God blessing, we've got so much peace."
19:10 "Those other relationships, they just weren't good,
19:13 we just see this is God's will for us."
19:16 And I'm going... you don't need to wonder
19:19 if this is God's will, He clearly commands
19:22 you not to do this! It's a sin!
19:25 So don't be praying about the will of God...
19:27 "You know Lord, should I steal this car?"
19:31 I mean, you don't need to pray about that!
19:33 If God's Word gives you some clear
19:36 direction on that, then it's clear!
19:37 Now someone might say, "Well you know, I've got this
19:39 job and in order to get this incredible job opportunity,
19:44 I just need to work for 3 or 4 Sabbaths for one month
19:47 until I get the tenure and then I've got the job."
19:50 You don't need to pray about that.
19:51 I mean, if God says... "Remember the Sabbath day,"
19:54 it doesn't mean when it's convenient - you can break it
19:57 in order to get a better job.
19:59 I mean, the Word of God gives us really clear guidance
20:02 in certain areas and it's a slam dunk - it's a no-brainer!
20:06 So find out what the Word says, and it may involve searching
20:10 through the Word a little bit.
20:12 Psalm 40:8, "I delight to do Your will, oh my God,
20:18 Your law is written within my heart."
20:21 So if you're wondering about what the will of God is,
20:23 the Law of God is the Will of God,
20:25 they're one in the same. Amen?
20:28 3. Be faithful to His revealed will.
20:34 So if you're praying about, you know, what school
20:36 do I go too, Lord, I really need You to show me;
20:38 what do You want me to take in college;
20:40 who is it that You want me to date - I've got 3 options;
20:44 what country am I supposed to go to?
20:46 You're praying about making big decisions;
20:49 first ask yourself - Am I doing what He has shown me?
20:54 Make sure that you're living out what He has revealed.
20:58 John 12:35, "Then Jesus said to them, "A little while longer
21:03 the light is with you; walk while you have the light
21:06 lest darkness overtakes you."
21:07 Walk in the light that you have, in other words.
21:10 And if you continue to walk in the light,
21:12 He gives you more light, but don't be praying about
21:15 perplexity regarding God's will
21:17 if you're not doing what He has shown you.
21:19 Matthew 13:12, "For whoever has, to him more will be given,
21:25 and he will have an abundance."
21:27 If you are embracing the will of God that He has shown you,
21:30 He'll give you more because He can trust you to follow it.
21:33 Some of you are saying, "I don't know why God won't guide me."
21:35 Well, are you doing what He said?
21:39 You ask what is the will of God, well here's the answer true
21:43 ... the nearest thing that should be done
21:45 that He can do through you.
21:48 Sometimes you need to say, "Am I doing what lies closest
21:51 at hand with all of my might?"
21:53 You and I have met people before, they stand stationary
21:55 with their arms folded waiting for God to show His will,
21:58 and they got stuff right there they need to be doing.
22:03 Sometimes we're frustrated looking for God's will because
22:05 we have not learned to be content where we are,
22:07 and He may want you right where you're at,
22:10 and He's just trying to teach you contentment.
22:12 So, are you doing what He has given you nearest at hand?
22:16 From Testimonies 3, page 428, "Those who are seeking
22:21 to know the truth and to understand the will of God,
22:25 who are faithful to the light and zealous in the
22:29 performance of their daily duties, will be sure
22:31 to know the doctrine for they will be guided into all truth."
22:34 If we're being faithful to perform known duties,
22:37 God will help us understand more.
22:40 Education p. 267- A simple list of 3 from the
22:43 Spirit of Prophecy - "We need to follow more closely
22:47 God's plan for our life."
22:49 #1- Do our best in the work that lies nearest.
22:54 #2- Commit our ways to God.
22:57 #3- Watch for the indications of His providence.
23:02 These are rules that will ensure safe guidance.
23:05 Make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do.
23:07 I mean, there's a simple short list, if you will...
23:10 of how do you know the will of God.
23:12 All right, but I've got more detail because sometimes
23:14 our questions are more complex.
23:16 4. Obtain Christian counsel.
23:20 Find others who are believers with good judgment,
23:24 that will be honest with you and present your options
23:28 to them and say, "Please guide me."
23:30 Proverbs 11, of course, verse 14... you know this.
23:33 "Where there's no counsel, the people fall,
23:35 but in the multitude of counselors, there's safety."
23:39 What kind of counselors? Any counselors?
23:42 You can go down to the bar and ask for counsel?
23:45 No... You want to get Christian counsel.
23:49 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Don't be deceived, evil company
23:53 corrupts good habits."
23:54 Avoid bad companions, get good people...
23:57 As-a-matter-of-fact, that's a good policy for life;
23:59 surround yourself with good counselors.
24:01 He who would be wise, makes friends with the wise, right?
24:04 Psalm 73:24, "You will guide me with Your counsel,
24:09 and afterward receive me to glory."
24:12 So, look for people that you can trust...
24:15 By the way, one way to pick good counselors,
24:18 look for folks who look like they got their lives together.
24:21 If you're taking counsel from people whose
24:23 lives are a disaster, well that might tell you something.
24:26 They might not be in the best position to give you
24:28 advice if they're lives are a train wreck!
24:31 And so, it's amazing to me, I've met some people that
24:35 ... I better be careful what I say.
24:39 Some people I know, who have gone into counseling,
24:45 their personal lives are a disaster and I think,
24:49 "How come they're going into counseling,
24:51 maybe that's sort of a subconscious way for them
24:53 to try and find answers, so they're
24:54 counseling everybody else!
24:56 Make sure, when you pick people to be your counselors,
24:59 say - "What is their personal life like?
25:01 What is their spiritual life like?"
25:03 And if they are blessed like Joseph, and you could see the
25:06 hand of God is with them, that's a good person
25:09 to pick as a counselor.
25:10 And say you know, I'd like to go to them,
25:11 I'd like to be more like them.
25:14 And those people often give you good advice.
25:17 It doesn't mean you always have to listen to it.
25:19 It doesn't say a counselor, counselors - get a few
25:23 different opinions.
25:24 You know, if someone has got a life-threatening disease,
25:27 and they go to the doctor and the doctor is recommending
25:29 something - What does someone often say?
25:31 Get another opinion. Maybe even a third opinion.
25:34 Because it's life and death, sometimes one doctor
25:37 might be seeing things wrong.
25:39 So get a multitude of counsel when you're looking for
25:44 making these decisions.
25:46 Godly friends will help you take inventory of yourself;
25:50 help you to discover your gifts and talents,
25:52 and they may encourage you to try new things
25:55 you're not even thinking of.
25:56 I mean, several people might look at you and say...
25:59 You know one reason I'm in ministry, nobody, growing up,
26:02 thought Doug was going to be a pastor,
26:05 but after I became a believer, and it never occurred to me
26:08 right away... After I became a believer and I started sharing
26:12 with my friends and had some success in giving Bible studies,
26:14 more and more people, that I respected said, "Doug,
26:17 have you considered the ministry,
26:18 and I didn't know how that would ever happen...
26:19 But they said, "You need to pray about it,
26:21 you know, we think you've got gifts in those areas."
26:24 And so, it was through collective counsel of
26:26 godly people that I moved in this direction,
26:29 and He will do the same for you if you ask Him to.
26:34 5. Observe providence - look for providential leading.
26:41 God often shows what He wants you to do by events that happen.
26:45 One example I always think of in Ruth 2:20,
26:49 You know, Ruth and Naomi came back to the land of Bethlehem;
26:52 they were destitute and they had to glean in the fields
26:55 just to get food for their daily bread.
26:58 And, there was only one person in all of Israel that had the
27:04 right of a redeemer that had the inclination to redeem them,
27:09 and it just so happened that when they went out into the
27:11 fields to glean, that it happened, that Ruth ended up
27:14 in the field of Boaz, which was the one man
27:17 who had the inclination and the ability to be her kinsman
27:21 redeemer... I mean she didn't know what field it was,
27:25 and when she came home and told Naomi,
27:28 she said, "This is the providence of God,
27:30 don't go to any other field - that's the one,
27:32 God led you there."
27:33 And you can see many, many stories in the book...
27:35 Of course, she ended up marrying Boaz,
27:37 and redeemed the family of Elimelech,
27:40 and it ended up being a great blessing.
27:43 So look for the providence of God.
27:45 Look for doors that open.
27:47 God often guides us in His will regarding door opening,
27:49 and doors closing.
27:50 And sometimes you say, "Well I guess this is
27:52 not God's will because that door slammed shut,"
27:55 and He often opens something else along the way, right?
27:59 Some people are always trying to kick down doors
28:01 that God has closed because it's what they want.
28:05 And they've got the door of opportunity right there,
28:07 they are neglecting it.
28:08 2 Corinthians 2:12, "Furthermore I came to Troas to preach Christ
28:14 and a door was opened to me by the Lord."
28:17 All these opportunities came to Paul.
28:19 And, you know, especially if you're willing to work for God,
28:22 He will show you - open doors of opportunity.
28:25 I prayed, many, many times... I said, "Lord, you know
28:28 I'm on the road, I'm traveling and I'll say,
28:30 "Help me to recognize opportunities to be a witness
28:33 for You in some way."
28:36 And just yesterday, my neighbor might be watching this,
28:41 but I'll be careful...
28:44 We got the best neighbors in the world,
28:47 and we've got one neighbor that lives right by us,
28:49 and we got a cat that goes back and forth between our houses.
28:54 You know, you don't really own a cat,
28:55 they decide who they belong to,
28:58 and it's sort of the neighborhood cat, and we don't
28:59 take care of him, so he and I were talking about the cat.
29:01 Whenever I see this brother, he's an ornithologist,
29:05 is that what it is, dear? A studier of birds.
29:07 Yeah - I didn't know whether to say that or orthodontist,
29:11 or something like that, but anyway...
29:13 He is one who studies birds and a really nice family,
29:17 and I've always thought, you know, I've looked for
29:19 opportunity to share with them;
29:20 a very educated couple; they travel around the world;
29:22 he's a specialist in birds...
29:24 And saw him out front, we were talking about the cat
29:27 and I'm thinking, "Lord, I wish I had some opportunity
29:29 to say something and just, you know, turn the conversation
29:32 towards spiritual things and he comes over to me while
29:35 I'm weeding my flowers and says, "Doug, I need to ask you
29:37 to do me a favor."
29:39 I said, "Sure, anything."
29:41 And he said, "I'm going on another birding trip,
29:44 I got some friends and they are Seventh-day Adventists
29:47 and they live in Montana and he said, I told them that
29:50 "Oh yeah, I've got a Seventh-day Adventist
29:52 friend who lives across the street, a guy named "Batchelor"
29:54 and he said, "Doug Batchelor, oh, we watch his programs."
29:57 And he said, "If you'd just sign a little card for them."
29:59 And so, it just gave me an opportunity to give him a
30:02 book and I just prayed... That's providence!
30:05 When you pray that and oh, somebody says,
30:08 you know, "By the way, I'm going to Montana and I'm
30:09 staying with Seventh-day Adventists that know you...
30:11 And so, He'll open doors for you if you ask;
30:14 doors for ministry, doors for opportunity,
30:17 doors for careers, doors for relationships,
30:19 and sometimes He closes doors.
30:22 And some of us, we don't want to admit the doors are closed...
30:26 Like Balaam, we're on our donkey riding with all we've got,
30:30 and we're beating the donkey, we don't know there's
30:32 an angel in the way - you know what I'm talking about?
30:35 We're just trying to plow ahead.
30:37 It's like the guy who told everybody at the office,
30:40 he said, "Look, I'm going on a diet, I know it's time,
30:42 and I'm giving up donuts, no more donuts!"
30:46 He shows up the next day, he's got a big box of
30:48 2 dozen donuts.
30:50 They said, "What happened, Fred,
30:51 we thought you swore off the donuts?"
30:53 He said, "Well, it was God's will that I get these donuts."
30:56 "Well how did you figure that out?"
30:58 He said, "It was providence."
30:59 "Well, what do you mean?"
31:00 He said, "Well before I left for work, you know, I often
31:04 drive by the donut shop and it's just packed,
31:06 you can't ever find a parking place and I said,
31:08 "Lord, if there's a parking place right in front of the door
31:11 then I'll know it's Your will for me to get this
31:15 box of donuts."
31:16 He said, "You know, I only had to drive around the block
31:19 10 times and then a parking place opened up,
31:22 and I knew it was God's will."
31:26 Now I'm telling you that story because some of you do
31:28 ... you use those incantations.
31:30 You say, "You know, is this Your will, Lord?"
31:32 And you just keep pushing the door down... You sure, Lord?
31:34 Sure, you'll kick it open eventually sometimes!
31:37 And you wonder why everything went wrong
31:39 and say - "Wasn't this Your will?"
31:41 Well, you were pushing awful hard.
31:43 And you know, Balaam finally got where he wanted
31:45 the donkey to go, didn't he,
31:47 and he lost his life in the process.
31:49 And God will often permit you to do something
31:52 that is not His will because you're pushing for it!
31:55 I remember one time, going down in the street after I just
31:58 learned about the Bible and the Lord and I sort of
32:01 accepted the Lord and I also drank beer!
32:03 And I kept panhandling until I got enough money to get beer.
32:06 And I said, "Well it must have been God's will
32:08 for me to get beer because I got the money!"
32:10 And I'm sure that same logic is used by people who
32:13 stand at the intersections around Sacramento all the time.
32:17 So, you know, sometimes when you say, "providence,"
32:20 be sensitive to let God lead and don't be
32:22 pushing the doors down.
32:23 There might be an angel in the way with a drawn sword. Amen?
32:28 Then, I'm not putting these necessarily in sequential order.
32:33 6. Pray. Pray that God will guide you.
32:37 1 John 5:14-15, "Now this is the confidence that we have
32:42 in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will,
32:46 He hears us and if we know that He hears us,
32:53 whatever we ask, we know that we have the
32:55 petitions that are asked of Him."
32:56 So when you pray, pray according to the revealed will of God.
33:01 Again, John 15:15, Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants
33:05 because a servant does not know what his master's business is.
33:08 Instead, I called you... what? friends...
33:12 for everything I've learned from My Father,
33:14 I've made known to you."
33:15 If you want to know the will of God, be a friend of God.
33:18 How do you become a friend of God?
33:20 You talk to Him all the time!
33:21 You remember when the angels were on their way to Sodom
33:24 to destroy it - God stops by to see Abraham on the way!
33:27 He said, "Abraham, shall I hide from you what I'm about
33:29 to do because you're my friend?"
33:31 Friends talk about their plans together, don't they?
33:34 If you want to know the will of God for your life,
33:37 then be a friend of God!
33:38 Spend time praying and talking to the Lord.
33:42 God reveals His will to His friends.
33:47 And that, by the way, was Genesis 18:17
33:51 The secret things of God are with those who fear Him.
33:55 Now praying may also include fasting and praying.
33:58 There is different intensity of knowing God's will.
34:01 I mean, you might say, "Where shall we go for lunch today?"
34:03 "Shall we do Mexican; shall we do Italian;
34:05 shall we do Chinese?"
34:07 Well, you might pray about God's guidance in that,
34:09 and I think God even cares about those things... I do.
34:13 I've prayed, "Lord, where shall I go today and I look for God
34:16 sometimes to guide me in little decisions.
34:18 But some things are big decisions, for instance...
34:20 You know - Who shall I marry; what move shall I make;
34:24 what job shall I take? These are big decisions.
34:27 7. You might want to invest some time in fasting and praying.
34:29 If you're praying about God's will for someone else's
34:33 life too, you might fast and pray.
34:35 When it's life and death decisions you are making,
34:39 I recommend you fast and pray.
34:41 2 Chronicles 20:3-4, When Israel was surrounded
34:45 by millions of enemies, Jehoshaphat, he commanded
34:49 that the people fasted and they prayed throughout Judah.
34:53 Acts 13:2-3, When the disciples were
34:56 wondering what was the next missionary endeavor...
35:00 The Bible says, "As they ministered to the Lord,
35:03 and they fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate
35:07 to me Barnabas and Saul for the work that I called them to.
35:10 Then having fasted and prayed,
35:12 they laid hands on them and they sent them away."
35:15 They knew the direction, they knew the will of God,
35:17 as they listened and they fasted and prayed,
35:19 and I'm sure they applied the other criteria.
35:21 8. In determining the will of God, have faith.
35:26 If you're going to pray for His will,
35:29 then believe that He'll show you His will.
35:32 Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord."
35:36 What is trust? It's to have faith.
35:38 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
35:39 lean not on your own understanding,
35:42 in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths"
35:47 The Bible says, "The just shall live by faith."
35:51 So believe!
35:52 God has a plan for you and that He's going to show it
35:55 to you in His time.
35:56 In the 3rd Bible Commentary, p. 1155,
35:59 "When you've sought to know His will,
36:02 your part in the operation with God is to believe
36:05 that you will be led and guided
36:07 and blessed in the doing of His will."
36:09 Think about it for a second...
36:10 If you're willing to do His will,
36:13 then God is responsible to reveal His will to you.
36:17 You must believe He is going to do that, right?
36:20 I mean, if you're willing, that's our biggest battle is
36:23 step #1- just be willing to do God's will
36:25 and He will reveal it to you.
36:31 Now, it takes faith sometimes to do the will of God
36:35 once it's revealed.
36:37 Some people are praying about the will of God...
36:39 You don't need to pray - "Well, shall I return a
36:41 full tithe."
36:44 You need faith to do the will of God.
36:47 You know what the will is.
36:48 Or, do I need to pray about the will of God to
36:52 follow His Word?
36:58 No, if it's revealed in His Word, then you know
37:01 that it's His will.
37:02 Now, I put #9 right where I did after #8 because
37:06 while you should have faith, you should not be foolhardy.
37:10 When you're seeking the will of God, be faithful,
37:14 be courageous, but don't be foolish.
37:16 9. Sometimes the answer is do the safe thing, that's #9
37:20 When you're looking at all the options,
37:22 and one of them may be risky, when it comes to
37:25 living the Christian life, don't say,
37:27 "I'm going to see how close to the edge I can get,"
37:30 and still - you know, like some people want to walk like this,
37:33 the Christian life and say, "Lord, is this Your will?"
37:35 No, get as far away from that edge as you can get!
37:37 And if, you know, sometimes if I'm getting ready to speak,
37:41 and I've got an illustration I want to share,
37:43 and I think, "Boy, that illustration is a little
37:45 on the edge, Lord - should I share that or not?"
37:47 A little voice says, "Doug, do the safe thing,
37:48 don't share it, I'll give you something else."
37:50 From audience - "Or else I tell you"
37:51 Or Karen - yeah... Well, yeah - that's under the
37:56 category of "Spirit-led" or the "Multitude of counselors"
38:00 that's that category.
38:03 You got the multitude of counselors and you got
38:05 a spouse that gives you a multitude of counsel!
38:10 ... I'm sorry dear, but yeah, that's what it's all about.
38:14 So, you want to be cautious and you know,
38:17 ... "Lord, is this dress too short,
38:19 should I wear that to church?"
38:21 Do the safe thing - lengthen your hem or
38:23 get a different one... You know what I mean?
38:25 And so when you're praying about the will of God,
38:27 just consider that, don't take unnecessary risks
38:30 is what I'm saying there.
38:32 10. Again, these aren't in order because this is very
38:35 important... Make sure that God is glorified
38:38 in your decision.
38:39 Make sure your decision will bring glory to God.
38:42 If it's going to dishonor God and His kingdom,
38:45 then it's the wrong decision.
38:48 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Therefore, whether you eat
38:52 or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
38:56 Keep the kingdom priorities.
38:58 Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first - in making
39:02 the decisions of God - seek ye first the kingdom of God,
39:05 and His righteousness and all these things
39:09 shall be added to you."
39:11 You might be saying, "Lord, in this decision I'm making
39:14 regarding a career in my life, or a choice in my life,
39:17 or someone I'm going to marry or, you know, whatever
39:19 the decision might be you're grappling with,
39:22 what is going to reach the most people?
39:24 What will make the biggest impact for Your kingdom?
39:27 How will I be the best advertizing
39:30 agent for Your glory?
39:32 And make sure that's a major factor in your decision process.
39:36 Now in keeping with that,
39:38 not just the glory of God, what's the great commandment?
39:41 Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
39:44 And what's the second part? Love your neighbor.
39:47 So, #11... In making a decision about the will of God...
39:51 11. How will my decision affect others?
39:54 I'm amazed sometimes when people are making decisions
39:57 that all they're thinking about is -
40:00 What's this going to mean for me?
40:01 How much will I get paid?
40:02 How much do I like that climate?
40:04 How do I like the environment?
40:05 Or, what do I think of the school?
40:07 And their decision, they've got a family...
40:10 And their decision is going to affect everybody in the family,
40:13 and I'm concerned sometimes, I'll hear - often a man,
40:17 he's got some career opportunity and it will mean uprooting
40:22 the family and taking them away from all of their
40:25 family and the kids out of school just before
40:27 they're ready to graduate and all these tremendous
40:30 volcanic upheaval.
40:32 And, the husband is thinking "Well, you know,
40:36 how much will I get paid, what are my promotion
40:37 opportunities, and yeah, they've got jet skiing
40:40 on the lake nearby and they're just not thinking about
40:44 what it's going to do to the family.
40:45 And so that's something very important.
40:47 Christians should be governed by love;
40:50 not just love for God, but love for others.
40:52 And God wants us to be considerate of how
40:55 your decision - and it may not even be your family members,
40:58 it might be other people.
40:59 Romans 14:7, "For none of us live unto
41:03 himself and no one dies to himself."
41:07 And again, Galatians 5:14, "For all the law is fulfilled
41:10 in one word, even this you should love your neighbor
41:13 as yourself."
41:15 12. Be guided by the Holy Spirit.
41:21 Pray that God's Spirit will
41:23 guide you in making your decisions.
41:26 Now that sometimes is one of the harder factors
41:28 to enunciate.
41:30 It's a very important one.
41:32 But for mature Christians, you've heard that voice,
41:35 you know the voice of the Spirit.
41:37 I mean, how else did Abraham know when he was
41:39 supposed to take his son?
41:40 I'd want to know that was God speaking to me,
41:43 and the Holy Spirit will guide you.
41:46 Isaiah 30:21, "Your ears will hear a voice
41:50 behind you saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it"
41:53 whether you turn to the right hand or to the left."
41:57 And so, when you're praying about, "Lord, what is Your will"
42:01 regarding something, then say, "How am I feeling led
42:06 by God's Spirit."
42:08 I understand that, years ago, when some of the Arabs were
42:12 crossing these vast deserts, that frequently,
42:15 someone in the caravan would keep a dove with them
42:18 and they had a long piece of string,
42:20 and if they got all turned around somewhere
42:22 because of a sandstorm and didn't know where they were,
42:25 they would release this dove...
42:26 and, you know, doves and pigeons have these homing instincts
42:29 and as soon as it would take off,
42:31 it would circle a little bit and then start pulling
42:33 in the direction of home.
42:36 And you know, the Holy Spirit sometimes is compared to a dove,
42:39 and you just want to have that tug of the Holy Spirit
42:43 that is guiding you...
42:45 And, you know, John tells us, "You don't need that any man
42:48 should teach you anything, the Holy Spirit, the same,
42:50 will teach you."
42:51 And so, as we have lived Christian lives of
42:54 walking in the Spirit, we'll have the confidence
42:57 when God's Spirit is telling us what to do.
42:58 Many times, you'll see what Paul was saying,
43:01 The Spirit said - "Go here." The Spirit said, "Come this way"
43:04 The Spirit said, "Don't go."
43:05 They were really in touch with the Spirit of God.
43:09 And... the Spirit of God, by the way,
43:11 will never guide you differently from the Word of God, Amen?
43:17 So listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
43:19 Now, what number was that, that was #12.
43:23 Going on #13... this is going to be a tough one!
43:26 Be patient.
43:28 In deciding the will of God, you want to be patient.
43:32 James 5:11, "Indeed, we count them
43:35 blessed who endure; you've heard of the patience
43:39 of Job and seen, in the end, the Lord that He is very
43:42 good and compassionate and merciful."
43:45 And sometimes, when you're praying about the will of God,
43:49 we become restless and we want to do something,
43:51 and God is going to show you His will, but you have to wait.
43:55 Sometimes He just wants you to wait.
43:57 I mean, Moses wanted to deliver his people,
43:59 and tried to do it his way and it backfired.
44:01 He waited 40 years before the next opportunity came along.
44:05 When you're praying about a big decision, be patient!
44:09 You know what, periodically people are thinking about
44:11 making some dramatic move in their life and they've got
44:14 ailing parents and they need to consider them,
44:18 and perhaps they need to wait for them.
44:21 Or they have children that are young and they can't
44:24 handle this kind of move or this career change right now.
44:26 Give them a couple of more years.
44:28 Wait on the Lord and He'll guide you.
44:30 Sometimes you haven't gotten an answer yet
44:32 because God wants you to stay right where you're at,
44:34 and just be patient.
44:36 Yes, He's got a big plan for your life!
44:38 He's got a big change!
44:39 He's got that person you're supposed to spend the rest
44:41 of your life with - you haven't met yet and you're wondering if
44:43 you're ever going to... Wait!
44:46 "Yeah, but Pastor Doug, I've been waiting so long!"
44:48 Be glad - because you are better off waiting
44:54 for God's will, having the right job, the right spouse,
44:58 the right school, than rushing ahead of the Lord
45:00 and having the wrong job, you'd be miserable;
45:05 the wrong spouse, the wrong school,
45:08 do you know what I'm talking about?
45:09 And so you want to pray, wait on the Lord, be patient.
45:13 Luke 21:19, "By your patience,
45:17 possess ye your souls."
45:20 And, part of following the Lord and looking for His will
45:23 is standing still.
45:25 Remember those stories in the Bible - Exodus 14,
45:27 Moses said to the people, verse 13,
45:30 "Do not be afraid, stand still."
45:32 They didn't know which way to go;
45:33 where they were supposed to go.
45:34 Nowhere - they were supposed to stand still.
45:38 Sometimes God's leading is your standing.
45:41 2 Chronicles 20:17, "You will not need to fight
45:45 in this battle, position yourselves,
45:48 stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."
45:51 In other words, sometimes the will of God
45:52 is not you going to it.
45:54 Sometimes the will of God is it coming to you!
45:57 You just stay where you are and watch what happens.
46:00 Sometimes you think that, "I've got to get out of this
46:03 circumstance and I don't know what I'm going to do,
46:05 and Lord, which way am I supposed to go,
46:07 and what phone call do I make,
46:08 and which direction, what door?
46:10 And God is saying... "Stay right there,
46:12 I'm going to change everything without you moving anywhere."
46:14 So part of God's leading is your being patient,
46:18 and trusting and just stand still,
46:20 and see the salvation of the Lord.
46:22 You know, the generals, years ago,
46:25 you've often heard it said, during the Revolutionary War,
46:29 their muskets were very inaccurate,
46:32 and it took forever to load them,
46:34 and what would the general say to his troops
46:37 as they were itching fingers to fire at the approaching enemy,
46:40 they'd say, "hold men, hold,"
46:43 and Washington said, "Do not fire till you see
46:46 the whites of their eyes!"
46:47 And the patience - you've got to wait for timing.
46:51 And so sometimes God says,
46:52 "You know you're wanting to jump, it's not time, wait."
46:55 He'll tell you when the time is.
46:56 I've seen many times, I've ran ahead of the Lord,
46:58 if I had just waited!
47:00 Now after you do all these things,
47:02 I'm adding one more here, well I'm adding a couple more.
47:07 14. Tally the evidence.
47:10 I've just given you a number of criteria from the Bible
47:12 and good judgment on how do you determine the will of God.
47:16 Sometimes it's not any one of those things,
47:18 but it's the addition, the accumulation of
47:21 many of those things that helps you make a decision.
47:24 You kind of add things up, it's like with those little
47:29 handheld GPS satellites you use and you can use them in
47:32 your airplane - you can use them when you're walking
47:34 on the trails now.
47:36 You first turn one on; it will tell you your
47:38 exact location - it will tell you which way to go,
47:41 but you've got to wait a minute while it
47:43 acquires satellites.
47:44 You turn it on and it will say it has one satellite,
47:47 you can't even triangulate until you get 3 satellites.
47:50 You get real good altitude and all kinds of information
47:54 if you get 5 or 7 satellites.
47:56 So you just wait until you get all the satellites
47:58 and when it's picking them all up and it says,
48:00 "we got 7 satellites now," you can know pretty sure
48:02 where you are within a couple of feet.
48:04 And so, when you're praying about this big decision,
48:06 and say what does the Word of God say...
48:08 It's not always precise on everything...
48:10 So, well I got some background there,
48:12 what do my Christian counselors say; how will this glorify God?
48:15 And you just start going through the
48:17 different evidence - Make a list!
48:18 Karen and I, when we were dating each other,
48:20 we made a list of what the pros and cons were!
48:24 I hope she still remembers the pros!
48:27 So, you know, you add these things up and you say,
48:29 "Well you know, here are the things to consider,
48:31 and you want, hopefully, there'll be a
48:34 preponderance of evidence on the right side
48:37 when you add up the list.
48:39 And by the way, something everybody can do...
48:42 You might say, "Doug, this is an interesting sermon,
48:44 it doesn't apply to me, I am where I'm supposed to be,
48:46 I'm in the will of God right now,"
48:48 but you always need to be adjusting yourself
48:52 into the will of God... Always!
48:55 You know, they've got these oil-drilling ships,
48:59 they used to just use these platforms that they
49:01 would route and anchor down in the seabed floor,
49:03 but now they got ships that have these computer-controlled
49:06 propellers all the way around the ship and the ship is not
49:10 anchored, the ship is not tethered to the ground.
49:12 The ship is able to control its location through constant
49:17 adjustments; micro milliseconds adjustments of a computer
49:20 that are keeping it so that it stays over the same spot
49:23 while it's drilling.
49:24 And you know, it's sort of how a Christian is.
49:27 We are constantly measuring that we're in the will of God
49:31 based on all these things, all the time!
49:33 Because it's real easy for us to do something called "sliding"
49:37 You stop calibrating that you're in the will of God,
49:40 and you can start sliding off center,
49:42 and as those ships I just described,
49:45 if they don't make continual adjustments,
49:47 the drill line and the pipe cracks!
49:50 And so you want to constantly be centered in God's will.
49:53 Some of you are sort of in the right vicinity,
49:56 but you're not centered in God's will.
49:58 And so, take a look at the list!
50:00 Now! I've got good news for you in the last one here.
50:05 Oh, by the way, another verse for #14...
50:07 "By the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses,
50:09 shall everything be established."
50:11 So you add up all the evidence, one more verse for you...
50:14 15. When you're deciding the will of God...
50:18 What is your heart's desire?
50:20 Yeah... don't be ashamed of that.
50:24 What do you want?
50:26 Sometimes God places things on your heart because
50:29 He's wanting you to do something,
50:31 and He's putting it in your heart where actually
50:33 you want the same thing God wants.
50:35 Everyone automatically assumes...
50:36 "All right Lord, where do You want me to go."
50:38 "Oh, I got to marry him, all right."
50:41 "What school?" "Oh, this is the job,
50:44 oh man, I hate teeth, but You want me to be a
50:46 dentist, I'll be a dentist."
50:48 And we're always thinking that God's will is for us to do
50:51 what we don't want to do.
50:52 That's a myth!
50:53 God... if you're converted, He will often then implant
50:57 within your heart, this burning desire to do the very thing
51:00 He wants you to do.
51:01 If you're converted, your desires are going to be
51:04 lining up with His desires.
51:06 Now let me give you some Scripture for that
51:07 because you already feel guilty about believing that,
51:10 but that's good news!
51:11 1 Chronicles 17:2, David wanted to build a
51:15 temple for the Lord - that was his desire,
51:17 to see a temple to God's glory, and Nathan said,
51:20 "David do all that's in your heart."
51:21 Well it turns out that it was done through David's son,
51:24 but his desire was still fulfilled.
51:26 Build a temple for the Lord, God put it in his heart!
51:29 Psalm 21:2, "You have given him his heart's desire,
51:34 and have not withheld the request of his lips."
51:38 Psalm 20:4, "May He grant you according
51:41 to your heart's desire and fulfill all your purpose."
51:45 Many times, you'll pray about something and you want it,
51:49 and God says, "You know, I love you,
51:50 I want to give you what you want."
51:52 Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord...
51:55 ... Now here's the key - "Delight yourself in the Lord,
51:58 and He will give you the desires of your heart."
52:01 If your delight is God and His will, and His glory,
52:06 you'll be finding out He's giving you
52:08 the desires of your heart.
52:10 That's exciting when you think
52:12 about that... He'll surprise you!
52:14 God doesn't what's worse for you.
52:16 He wants what's best for you!
52:18 And you have to trust Him that in the end,
52:20 you'll always be happier being in the middle of God's will
52:24 and doing what He asks.
52:26 I've got an appeal for you here...
52:27 Romans 12:2, This is a good verse I saved
52:31 and highlighted for the end of this message.
52:34 Romans 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world,
52:39 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
52:44 And that's a continual renewing of your mind.
52:46 Why? "That you might prove - that means "test-evaluate,"
52:50 what is that good and acceptable and perfect."
52:56 Now some people are doing
52:58 the imperfect will of God.
53:00 You should strive for that good and that acceptable,
53:03 and that perfect will of God.
53:05 And that's where you're going to be the happiest,
53:07 is when you're where God wants you to be.
53:09 When you're right directly smack-dab in the middle
53:11 of where God wants you to be, you'll be happy! Amen?
53:16 Now we're going to do something different here at the end.
53:18 I know I put in your hymnal that we were going to sing
53:23 a hymn but we're going to sing a song instead.
53:27 Stand up - we're going to put this on the screen.
53:36 Does it scare you when I come out here with my guitar?
53:41 Any of you remember the Net '99 Program that we did?
53:46 We sang this song, it's called...
53:48 "Help Me to Know Your Will, Lord"
53:50 and I'll do it through with you, Debbie knows it,
53:52 she was with us in New York.
53:53 I'll do this through with you once and then I think
53:56 they're going to put... Yeah they've got it on the screen.
53:58 Thank you Cheryl, that's fast work!
54:00 All right...
54:11 Help me to know Your will, Lord,
54:15 That I may follow Thee.
54:20 Make me to hear that still, small voice,
54:24 Tenderly calling me.
54:29 If when that waves are mounting,
54:33 Speak the words Peace be Still.
54:38 Give me the mind of Jesus,
54:43 Show me the truth that frees us,
54:47 I want to do what pleases You,
54:52 So help me to know Your will.
54:56 Lord, please help me to know Your will.
55:01 Now you want to try it again? You all sing it with me.
55:03 It's a good song, I hope it sticks in your head.
55:08 Help me to know Your will, Lord,
55:13 That I might follow Thee.
55:17 Make me to hear that still, small voice,
55:22 Tenderly calling me.
55:27 If when that waves are mounting,
55:31 Speak the words Peace be Still.
55:35 Give me the mind of Jesus,
55:40 Show me the truth that frees us.
55:45 I want to do what pleases You,
55:49 So help me to know Your will.
55:53 Lord, please help me to know Your will.
55:59 Amen! Is that your desire, friends? Yes!
56:03 Are you willing to do His will?
56:04 Step #1- Be willing to do His will.
56:07 And don't forget to follow the Word.
56:09 You're usually home free if you've got those two down.
56:12 Is that your prayer?
56:13 Let's ask Him now.
56:15 Father in Heaven, Lord, we know that real
56:20 happiness comes from praying with sincerity,
56:24 Not my will, Thy will be done.
56:27 Lord, I pray that you'll help all of us to recognize
56:31 how crucial it is that we constantly check to
56:35 calibrate our lives to make sure that we are
56:38 in the middle of your will.
56:40 Thank you for the promise in Your Word -
56:42 That if any man is willing to do His will,
56:44 He shall know.
56:46 Lord, we want to be Your friends;
56:48 we want to know that we are doing what You have
56:51 planned for us.
56:52 And if there are any who are here or listening,
56:55 if some area of our lives, we're getting off track, Lord,
56:58 I pray that we will humble ourselves before You;
57:00 be pliable clay in the Potter's hands and be willing
57:03 for You to direct and to mold us into that pattern.
57:07 Lord, make us willing to follow Your will.
57:11 Have Your own way in our lives every day,
57:14 for when we see Jesus on Calvary's Hill,
57:18 we want to be willing, with Your Spirit filling,
57:21 willing to follow Your will.
57:24 In Jesus name we pray... Amen
57:27 Thank you for joining us for this broadcast.
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Revised 2014-12-17