Everlasting Gospel

Secret Things

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002818

00:09 It's been 2000 years
00:10 since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated the world
00:13 veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today the greatest need of mankind
00:19 is a revelation of God's love
00:21 that's revealed in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the everlasting gospel
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor
00:28 coming to you each week
00:30 from Sacramento Central Church
00:31 in Sunny, California.
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's word today.
00:38 You know what,
00:41 secret is a powerful word.
00:47 It must be because everybody uses it.
00:51 If you look at book titles,
00:56 Ten Secrets to Investing, Secret Recipes,
01:00 Secrets to a Happy Marriage.
01:03 You have the magazine covers,
01:05 secrets to the future of the--
01:07 secrets, secrets, secrets.
01:09 People always want to know something that they don't know.
01:13 They're wanting to acquire this additional knowledge.
01:17 Well, the message today is gonna be
01:18 dealing with secret things
01:21 on array of secrets of things.
01:24 You know, the Bible has a lot to say about secrets.
01:26 Matter of fact you will find the word secret
01:29 over a hundred times in the Bible.
01:32 Now to begin with you might have secrets
01:37 and I might have secrets,
01:39 God has secrets but nothing is a secret to God.
01:45 You can't keep information from Him.
01:49 You cannot surprise or tempt God by saying
01:52 I've got a secret
01:54 or I know something You don't know
01:56 because God knows everything.
01:59 We're the ones that have limited knowledge.
02:01 And as always I thought it would be a good idea
02:04 if we're gonna talk about the word secret
02:06 and secrets in the Bible.
02:07 We'd begin with the definition.
02:09 So we're gonna put that Up on the screen for you.
02:12 A secret is something that is kept hidden from others
02:15 or known only to oneself or to a few.
02:18 It's hidden from view, concealed.
02:22 Not expressed, confidential,
02:24 discreet, inward, secluded, mysterious.
02:31 I have got some secrets
02:33 but if I tell you, they stop being secrets.
02:37 You probably have some of your own.
02:39 This special exclusive restricted knowledge.
02:44 Some secrets are best left secrets,
02:47 if you know what I mean.
02:49 And there are some secrets that God wants us to pursue.
02:55 You know I was thinking about this subject
02:57 and I was wondering, what is the best kept
03:00 secret of history
03:03 and the jury is out but I had some--
03:05 I had some possibilities.
03:08 You think about it for a minute,
03:10 the d-day invasion during the World War II
03:13 was one of the best kept secrets,
03:15 the most momentous secrets ever kept in history.
03:19 That this invasion was about to be launched
03:21 from England across the channel
03:23 against France and Europe and the occupied countries
03:27 but it was one of the most open things to the public.
03:31 By the end of May 1944,
03:33 there are over two million troops stationed in Britain.
03:38 Five thousand ships had been gathered in ports and harbors.
03:42 And the thousands of bombers
03:44 were ready on fields all over the country.
03:47 And yet the invasion came as a surprise when it came.
03:52 To keep that information secret,
03:54 oh, you just think about that that was a monumental task.
03:57 You know, what they say in Washington D.C.
04:01 if two people know something then it's not a secret anymore.
04:06 One of the great secrets of history
04:10 is the military secrets were guarding the nuclear war.
04:17 They managed to keep that pretty secure.
04:19 The single integrated operations plan
04:21 that outlines how a nuclear war would be conducted.
04:26 That's one of the great secret is
04:28 three have been connected with this.
04:29 The national strategic target list
04:32 which lists the nuclear war targets,
04:34 if a nuclear war broke out where are the missiles aimed.
04:38 And three of the national military command authorities
04:41 from the president to the chairman
04:43 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
04:44 who would have hold the cryptic graphic key
04:46 to the nuclear trigger.
04:48 The identities to the nuclear line of succession
04:52 have never been disclosed.
04:53 Somehow, they managed to keep that secret.
04:55 Even though every living president,
04:57 ex-president, they all know what that line is,
05:01 that's one reason the president still had secrets,
05:04 security people even after they're out of office
05:07 is because they have been given national secrets
05:10 that are very important to protect
05:13 if someone should kidnap and torture the presidents,
05:16 it would be all those things, even the ex-presidents.
05:20 Proverbs 11:13. Can you keep a secret?
05:24 Is it good to keep secrets? Well, it depends.
05:27 You ought to be able to keep something to yourself.
05:29 Proverbs 11:13, "A talebearer reveals secrets,
05:34 but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter."
05:39 There is a time when you need to know to keep silent
05:41 and just to keep something in private.
05:44 You know, if you're involved in ministry,
05:47 people need to be able to trust the pastors.
05:50 That when, it's not that we're priests you confessed to
05:53 but sometimes they are private things you talk about.
05:56 And you want to know that
05:57 when you're done and you pray about it
05:58 that it's not going to suddenly be in the church bulletin.
06:01 You know what I mean?
06:03 You've got to be able to keep people's confidence.
06:05 Something should be kept secret.
06:06 That's between you and that person and God.
06:09 There are no secrets with God. Amen.
06:12 Someone once said,
06:13 he who gives up the smallest part of the secret
06:17 has the rest no longer in his power.
06:20 When you say, well like this is the secret.
06:21 I can't tell the whole thing but--
06:23 as soon as you start to give up
06:24 some of it, it's like trying to pop a balloon slowly.
06:30 You let it out and it's gone.
06:32 So you got to know how to don't even go there.
06:36 Sometimes we have secrets We're just bursting
06:38 to tell somebody 'cause it's gossip.
06:42 And we feel like we've got
06:43 inside information and its power.
06:46 And people say I've got inside information with power.
06:49 Insider trading is illegal on Wall Street
06:51 'cause those people have tremendous power,
06:53 they know that a stock is gonna go up within a matter of hours
06:55 and they can use that power to make a lot of money,
06:58 Martha Steward of course-- she went to prison for that.
07:02 Lot of other people should go because lot of that goes on
07:06 using that secret information
07:07 and the power associated with it and people feel it sometimes.
07:12 I've thought of some of the great biblical secrets.
07:15 For instance, somewhere out there
07:20 you got some missing arks.
07:23 You got Noah's Ark and you got the Ark of the Covenant.
07:27 And there are people out there searching for it.
07:28 They call it arkheology but it's spelt ark.
07:34 Oh, where are they?
07:36 Can you imagine what would have happened
07:37 if the news were to announce,
07:40 I'm talking about a--
07:41 of a respected source of the news.
07:45 Noah's Ark discovered,
07:48 it's up there somewhere I believe it.
07:49 I think there are probably still enough
07:51 remains where the evidence would be a very compelling.
07:54 And by the way if Noah's Ark is true,
07:57 think about every other fantastic story in the Bible.
08:00 You'd have to believe all of them, wouldn't you?
08:01 What would that do to evolution?
08:05 If Noah's Ark was discovered intact, think about it.
08:08 I believe it's up there.
08:09 You know you can read in the Book Prophets,
08:11 I'm sorry Patriarchs and Prophets, page 105.
08:14 "As the waters began to subside,
08:17 the Lord caused the ark to drift to a spot
08:19 protected by a group of mountains
08:21 that had been preserved by His power.
08:24 These mountains were but a little distance apart,
08:27 and the ark moved about in this quiet haven,
08:29 and was no longer driven upon the boundless ocean
08:32 which made the sea sick."
08:35 Occupants probably feel much better too.
08:38 And it's still there, water subsided.
08:41 Remember after the flood there was a great wind
08:43 that went blasting around the planet to drive the earth.
08:47 And it was good that the ark had settled
08:49 into this haven surrounded by hills
08:51 to protect it during that time.
08:54 It's still there probably covered by glacial ice
08:58 up on the mountains of Ararat
09:00 or somewhere in the vicinity.
09:02 What about the Ark of the Covenant?
09:06 Wouldn't that be something to find that?
09:08 You've all heard stories, they made movies about it,
09:10 a lot of speculation about where the ark is.
09:13 I've seen on Discovery Channel,
09:14 History Channel and even in the Hollywood,
09:17 they produce movies where is the ark.
09:18 This would be the greatest national treasure
09:20 of the Jewish nation.
09:21 Any Christian, any believer,
09:24 Protestant, Catholic, Jew,
09:26 the Ark of the Covenant are writing written
09:28 by the hand of God himself in that golden box
09:31 that would be something we're finding.
09:34 When did it increase people's confidence
09:35 in the rest of the Bible?
09:37 I hope it is discovered, I'm talking about in the broad
09:41 and compelling way in the end of time.
09:44 See a lot of things are secrets
09:45 not because the knowledge is not available,
09:47 it's because they're secret to you.
09:51 And you just don't know 'cause you haven't read.
09:53 Prophets and Kings, page 453.
09:58 "Among the righteous still in Jerusalem."
10:00 Now remember this is during the time
10:01 when Nebuchadnezzar was about to destroy
10:04 the temple in the city of Jerusalem.
10:06 And Jeremiah had foretold to King Zedekiah,
10:10 you need to turn yourself in
10:11 'cause he's gonna burn the temple.
10:13 He's gonna destroy the city.
10:15 So among the righteous they realize
10:17 if they didn't do anything
10:18 to preserve their national treasure,
10:21 the Ark of the Covenant
10:22 was gonna fall into the hands of enemies.
10:24 Keep in mind had there been another time
10:26 in the history of Israel
10:27 when the ark had fallen into the hands of the enemies.
10:30 The philistines had captured it,
10:31 they said we're never gonna let this happen again.
10:34 "So among the righteous in Jerusalem
10:36 to whom had been made plain the divine purpose,
10:39 were some who determined
10:40 to place beyond the reach of the ruthless hands,"
10:43 the Babylonians,
10:44 "the sacred ark containing the tables of stone
10:47 on which had been traced the precepts of the Decalogue."
10:50 With the finger of God. "This they did.
10:53 With mourning and sadness they secreted the ark in a cave,
10:58 where it has been hidden from the people
11:00 of Israel and Judah because of their sins,
11:04 and was to be no more restored to them.
11:06 That sacred ark is yet hidden.
11:09 It has never been disturbed since it was secreted."
11:13 And I mean it was very heavy.
11:17 Normally required 12 men to carry it.
11:19 A smaller group of men could probably carry it
11:21 under desperate circumstances.
11:24 You didn't want too many people to be in that group
11:26 because the more people to know a secret,
11:27 what happens? It gets out.
11:31 And probably in the wee hours of some night
11:33 they had found--if you've ever been to Jerusalem
11:36 you notice it's riddled with caves and tombs and tunnels
11:40 and they found some tomb or some tunnels
11:43 somewhere not far from the city 'cause they had to do it all.
11:45 City was surrounded by the Babylonians,
11:47 right? They couldn't
11:49 take it out on a chariot, they were besieged
11:53 probably underneath Jerusalem
11:55 somewhere in one of the many caverns,
11:56 they was a cave or tomb.
11:58 They opened it, they sealed it
11:59 and hid the entrance
12:01 and it's never been found but it's there.
12:05 So I just told you a secret, you just need to find it.
12:09 All go on a tour like a bunch of moles,
12:12 so we can tunnel around, see if we can find it there.
12:15 That would be a great secret to have revealed.
12:19 Now the Bible says God has some secrets.
12:22 And some of them He reveals.
12:25 Deuteronomy 29:29, "The secret things
12:28 belong to the Lord our God,
12:31 but the things that are revealed
12:32 belong to us and to our children forever,
12:35 that we may do the works of this law."
12:38 God reveals certain secrets to empower us to do His will.
12:44 He doesn't give us secrets to entertain us.
12:47 Matter of fact certain elements of truth
12:49 are hidden from the laws
12:50 because they are not willing to do God's will.
12:52 So who does God reveal His secret to?
12:56 Those who are willing to do His will.
13:00 Psalm 25:14, "The secret of the Lord
13:03 is for those who fear Him,
13:05 and He will show them His covenant."
13:09 God is gonna reveal secrets of truth
13:13 to those who are willing to do His will.
13:16 Bible says if any man, John Chapter 10, Jesus said,
13:18 "If any man is willing to do His will,
13:20 he will know of the doctrine whether it would be of God."
13:25 And again you will search for Me,
13:28 Jeremiah 29:13, "And you will find Me
13:31 when you search for Me with all your heart."
13:34 Secrets like hidden gold are found to those who dig.
13:37 Proverbs 3:32,
13:41 "For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord,
13:44 but His secret counsel is with the upright."
13:49 J.I. Packer said "One of the many
13:51 divine qualities of the Bible is this,
13:54 that it does not yield its secrets
13:56 to the irreverent and the censorious."
13:59 If you open the word of God reverently
14:02 there's a lot of secrets in the Bible.
14:04 There are secrets in the Bible about investing.
14:09 There are secrets in the Bible about planting.
14:12 There are secrets in the Bible about relationships,
14:14 there are secrets about science that are in the Bible.
14:18 The Bible is filled with secrets people don't see.
14:21 If you go let the holy book of God,
14:23 irreverently well, you're gonna miss it.
14:27 But if you go with a prayerful heart and submission,
14:30 He will reveal secret things to you.
14:35 In the Bible there's even secret code.
14:40 How many of you have heard the story of the Enigma machine?
14:44 During World War II, even just prior to World War II,
14:49 the Nazis had developed this
14:51 extremely intrigued complex machine
14:55 that would receive messages.
14:56 They were typed out on these rolls
14:58 and through the gears and the sequences,
15:01 they were able to put in these key codes and numbers.
15:05 And unless you know what those key codes were
15:06 you could not decipher this message
15:09 that had been typed on this special machine.
15:12 And only others who had the enigma machine
15:15 with the key code,
15:16 you needed the combination to decipher it.
15:19 But there was a group of extremely
15:21 brilliant Jewish Polish mathematicians.
15:26 And they had been working on cracking the enigma code.
15:29 Matter of fact the machine's--
15:31 that's where you get the word enigma.
15:33 It's an enigma means something that cannot be resolved.
15:38 And also the British Navy, the American Navy,
15:41 they managed to capture few German submarines
15:44 that had key codes in them and they broke--
15:47 the cryptographers broke the code of the enigma machine.
15:51 They just needed to do some comparisons
15:54 and it all came together.
15:56 Well, in the Bible, in the prophecies of the Bible
16:00 there's a lot of truth
16:01 that is there waiting to be discovered.
16:03 All kinds of truth about history,
16:06 truth about future events,
16:08 a lot of things that were revealed in the past.
16:10 When Jesus came the first time did His people know?
16:15 Were the majority of them in darkness?
16:17 Oh, you got to a few shepherds in the fields
16:19 that were praying about when He might come
16:21 and we had some wise men reading
16:23 the oracles of Balaam in the east.
16:26 Simon who had revelation from the Holy Spirit--
16:28 but that's about three people there
16:31 out of a whole nation that were looking
16:33 when the Messiah came the first time.
16:36 Could they have known from the prophecies
16:38 when He was coming?
16:40 Could they have known when the time was fulfilled?
16:42 Sure.
16:43 From the prophecies of Daniel and Isaiah
16:45 and Ezekiel and the Psalms, the evidence was there.
16:49 But they were not reading, and if they were reading
16:52 they didn't know how to decipher it.
16:56 Well, let me turn your attention to something.
16:57 Turn with me to the Book of Revelation Chapter 1.
17:00 There are some prophecies in the Bible that are called
17:03 well, they are apocalyptic prophecies if you will.
17:07 If you look right in the Book of Revelation
17:08 I thought it was amazing
17:09 because I heard many pastors say,
17:13 well, the Book of Revelation is a sealed book.
17:15 It's full of mysteries, you shouldn't even read it.
17:18 But some would have said,
17:19 first of all the title of the Book,
17:20 the Revelation, what is it Reveal mean?
17:23 It's a Book of revelation.
17:28 "The revelation of Jesus Christ,"
17:30 verse 1 "which God gave Him to show His servants things."
17:35 He is showing us secret things. He wants us to know.
17:39 "To show His servants
17:40 things that must shortly take place."
17:42 The beginning of these fulfillments was
17:43 when it was given and they're still being fulfilled.
17:47 "And He sent and signified it."
17:50 Now you know that word signify.
17:52 In the original, you can actually
17:54 break it up in the English to find out what it means.
17:56 S-i-g-n, spells what?
17:59 Sign. I-f-i-e-d, sign-ified.
18:03 This message of events that were going to take place
18:08 of the history of the world is given in signs and symbols.
18:13 These visions and dreams of strange creatures
18:16 and beasts it's filled with symbolism.
18:19 The code to understand it is the stories of the Bible.
18:23 You probably heard me say before that.
18:25 There are about 404 verses in Revelation.
18:28 Of those 404 verses,
18:30 you can find 278 of them almost word for word
18:34 in the others books of the Bible.
18:35 Like Daniel and Zachariah and Ezekiel
18:40 and Hosea and Psalms.
18:43 And so as you look through the other clues that are given
18:47 you do a little bit of calculating.
18:49 All of a sudden you have these epiphanies
18:50 and illuminations comes in the meaning all opens up.
18:54 Now there's still a lot of mysteries
18:55 and I don't claim to understand
18:56 all the mysterious of the prophecy.
18:58 But I know that the more you search
19:01 and you compare scripture with scripture it unfolds.
19:03 God wants us to know.
19:05 Don't you appreciate a treasure more
19:07 when you got to dig for yourself?
19:10 When you discover these things
19:12 and you're reading the word
19:13 and the Lord reveals secrets to you.
19:16 Well, so often the things that you think you've discovered
19:19 they're the secrets for you 'cause you didn't know it.
19:22 There's someone else out there that knew it.
19:25 I mean, the men that hid
19:27 the Ark of the Covenant in a cave.
19:30 Can you imagine the vow
19:31 that they took with each other
19:32 when they said, "No, we can't tell anybody."
19:35 Many of them may have been killed
19:36 by the Babylonians during the sacking of the city.
19:41 But if, if you find something for yourself
19:43 that no one else has ever found
19:45 before then you really feel special, right?
19:47 When the Lord speaks to you
19:49 and gives you something just for you
19:52 that's when you really have the precious treasure.
19:55 And He does that.
19:57 So some of these messages in the Bible
19:59 are given like in a secret code.
20:00 If you read for instance in Matthew 13:10,
20:03 why did Jesus speak in parables?
20:05 To make the truth hard to understand?
20:08 Matthew 13:10, "And the disciples came to Him
20:12 and they said, 'Why do You speak to them in parables?'
20:16 He answered and He said,
20:18 'Because it has been given to you
20:20 to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.'"
20:22 There are mysteries in the gospel.
20:25 There are mysteries in the Bible.
20:27 There are things that not everyone can see.
20:31 But it's given to us to understand.
20:33 Jesus will help us, He'll reveal these things.
20:37 "But to them it has not been given.
20:39 For whoever has, to him more will be given,
20:42 and he will have abundance, but whoever does not have,
20:45 even what he has will be taken away.
20:47 Therefore I speak to them in parables,
20:49 because seeing they do not see,
20:50 and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."
20:54 What did we read earlier?
20:56 The secret things of the Lord are revealed to those
20:58 who are willing to do His will.
21:01 Why does God do that?
21:03 You realize that in judgment,
21:05 you're responsible for what you know.
21:08 If you know something you're more responsible
21:11 if you violate some offense then if you don't know.
21:14 If a policeman pulls you over and he says you're speeding.
21:17 And you say, officer, I haven't seen a speed sign
21:21 on the freeway for 10 miles.
21:23 And the officer looks up and down
21:24 he says, "You know, you're right.
21:25 This is a section of road where they are no posted speeds.
21:28 I guess I probably should go easy on you.
21:30 But if he pulls you over
21:32 and you just parked right underneath a sign
21:34 that says 55 and you're doing 70.
21:37 And you say, "I didn't know."
21:38 And he goes, you're little more culpable then, right?
21:42 God loves His children.
21:46 He does not want to judge you more severely
21:49 because you knew something.
21:50 And so if you are not willing to do His will,
21:52 He's not gonna show you
21:53 because it's just harder for you in the judgment.
21:56 Did that make sense?
21:58 He loves you too much to make it more difficult than He--
22:00 if there's a truth out there and for all the truth He reveals
22:04 to who much is given, much is required.
22:07 And He knows that you don't have a willing heart
22:10 He doesn't want to make you more responsible.
22:12 But when your heart is willing,
22:14 you will understand the prophecies,
22:16 you will understand the parables.
22:17 God will illuminate your mind with these secret things.
22:21 And it's exciting.
22:23 I mean isn't it fun when you say, "I've got a secret.
22:26 I've discovered the answer to a secret."
22:28 Can you imagine what it must have been like
22:31 for some of these great curious inventors
22:35 when they finally said, Eureka.
22:37 When Ben Franklin felt that zap coming from the kite key
22:42 to discover lightning is electricity.
22:45 That was--really, that was a great discovery.
22:48 And when he found that out between the time
22:50 he discovered that he got to notify everybody,
22:52 he was probably pretty excited,
22:53 he had this inside knowledge.
22:54 Well, if you are Robert Fleming in the laboratory
22:57 doing experiments with molds
22:59 and you discover there is actually a mold
23:02 that will kill these bacteria but it will not hurt a human.
23:06 That can heal from diseases and infection called penicillin.
23:10 And you've got that knowledge
23:11 and most of the world doesn't know
23:13 how exciting will that be to know
23:16 that you've got what was virtually--
23:17 it was considered to be one of the greatest inventions
23:20 of the last century, penicillin.
23:23 And you got that information, wouldn't that be exciting?
23:26 What would be more exciting,
23:27 to have that or to have the gospel?
23:30 You've got-- when you got the gospel
23:32 you realize it's a secret.
23:35 Remember what the definition for the secret was,
23:37 you got knowledge that others don't have.
23:39 The harvest is great, the labors are few.
23:41 Most people in the world don't have the gospel.
23:43 When you've got the gospel
23:45 you possess a secret cure for the disease of sin.
23:51 Spurgeon, Charles Spurgeon said this great preacher.
23:54 "There are many locks in my house
23:56 all with different keys
23:58 but I have one master key that opens them all.
24:01 The Lord has many treasures and secrets
24:03 all shut up from the carnal mind
24:06 with locks that they cannot open.
24:08 But he who walks in fellowship with Jesus
24:10 possesses the master-key which will open to him
24:14 all the blessings of the covenant
24:16 and even the very heart of God.
24:18 Through Jesus the well beloved
24:20 we have access to God to heaven
24:23 and to every secret of the Lord."
24:26 You get that?
24:27 Through Jesus, He is the master-key.
24:30 Remember Jesus says in the Revelation,
24:32 "I'm the one who has the keys."
24:34 Through Jesus we get the keys
24:35 to all the mysteries that we need
24:38 that give us access to the elements of salvation.
24:42 There are some mysteries about God that are not revealed.
24:47 Some things remain mysteries.
24:49 And you always run into people that they are preoccupied,
24:54 we're trying to figure out the mysteries
24:56 that are not to be figured out.
24:58 And they are ignoring the ones
24:59 that God wants them to figure out.
25:01 And I've met people before, they wait and wait and wait
25:03 to make a commitment to Jesus
25:05 because they are constantly trying
25:06 to figure out these mysteries
25:07 that you know, are high above the earth as the heavens are
25:13 and they are ignoring the things that had been revealed.
25:16 They are trying to, you know,
25:18 constantly use that as an excuse to postpone.
25:21 Daniel 12:4, "But you, O Daniel, shut up the words,
25:27 and seal the book until the time of the end."
25:31 You know, the lot of the interpretation of Daniel,
25:34 the truth about the Book of Daniel
25:36 was not really revealed
25:38 until the 18th century and the 19th century.
25:41 People began to study it.
25:42 All of a sudden the Book of Daniel
25:44 through comparing scripture with scripture
25:45 at the same time all around the world
25:48 people began to understand these prophecies of Daniel
25:51 that had been sealed for hundreds,
25:53 well, technically thousands of years.
25:57 Now there are some mysteries that are still not exposed.
26:00 For instance Revelation 10:4.
26:04 "Now when--" John is in vision.
26:06 "Now when the seven thunders uttered their voice,
26:08 I was about to write."
26:10 Because all through this he's saying write these things.
26:13 "And I heard a voice from heaven saying,
26:15 'Seal up the things that the seven thunders uttered,
26:18 do not write them.'"
26:20 Now why don't you like to tap John the apostle on the shoulder
26:23 and say, "Come on John, what did the thunder say?"
26:28 God said, "Don't write it."
26:29 You can read in 2 Corinthians 12:2, 3, 4.
26:35 Paul talks about knowing the man in Christ 14 years ago
26:39 who was caught up to the third heaven.
26:41 You've heard before the seventh heaven.
26:43 Bible doesn't talk about
26:44 the seventh heaven, that's a myth.
26:46 There is no seventh heaven.
26:47 The third heaven is the best one.
26:49 First heaven is the atmosphere around the earth,
26:51 second heaven is the starry space.
26:54 The Hebrews talked about the third heaven as paradise,
26:56 the dwelling place of God.
26:58 So here Paul, he's probably talking about himself
27:01 just to protect his identity.
27:04 "He was caught up into paradise
27:06 and he heard inexpressible words
27:09 that it is not lawful for a man to utter."
27:12 And you naturally want to say, what are those words?
27:15 So I can't tell you, it's not lawful.
27:18 I heard some things that I can't even repeat.
27:21 Not because they are bad but they are so good,
27:23 they are so mysterious, they are so profound,
27:24 I can't tell you, it's a mystery.
27:27 There are some mysteries that God has
27:29 that they stay mysteries.
27:30 Acts 1:7, another mystery.
27:34 Mystery of God. Acts 1:7.
27:38 After Christ was about to ascend to heaven,
27:41 the disciples came to Him and they said,
27:43 "Are You gonna now reveal to us the kingdom of God?
27:46 When is it gonna happen?"
27:48 "And Jesus said to them,
27:49 'It is not for you to know the times or the seasons
27:53 that the Father has put in His own authority."
27:58 Have--we all met people that are trying to calculate
28:00 the day and the hour of Jesus coming.
28:02 Let me see, show of hands.
28:03 How many of you met somebody trying to calculate that?
28:06 Come on, face up.
28:09 How many of you have met lots of people like that?
28:12 What does Jesus say?
28:14 Of the day and the hour knows no man.
28:16 Now it is possible after the close of probation
28:19 when it won't make any difference
28:20 that the day and the hour may be revealed.
28:22 But until that time God's not gonna reveal it
28:24 'cause He does not want us getting ready
28:26 based on a calendar.
28:29 It's like people who are saying,
28:30 oops, it's almost April 15, I've got to pay my taxes,
28:33 I better start getting my counting done now.
28:36 God wants us to live a life of preparation all the time.
28:39 Because in reality He could come for you tomorrow,
28:43 He could come for you today, right.
28:47 What I mean by that is your next conscience thought
28:49 will be the Lord coming.
28:52 And none of us knows that
28:53 and so it's silly for us to be putting it off
28:55 and picking a date at sometime in the future.
28:58 Now I think it's important to understand
29:00 and study last day events.
29:01 But even Jesus when He was on the earth
29:05 that knowledge was a mystery to Him.
29:08 Mark 13:32, "But of that day and hour no one knows,
29:12 not even the angels in heaven,
29:14 nor the Son, but only the Father."
29:18 Now there's a mystery.
29:20 The day and the hour of Jesus coming.
29:21 By the way does Jesus know now? Yes.
29:25 When He was on earth in the form of a man He didn't know.
29:29 Think about that, Jesus said, "I don't even know."
29:31 So it's a little bit outrageous
29:34 when you got church members walking around saying,
29:37 I got inside information,
29:39 I know Jesus didn't know but I know."
29:42 Be careful about people who tell you they have now
29:44 figured out the day and the hour of the Lord's coming
29:46 while we don't know the precise date.
29:50 And be careful about anyone who even picks a year.
29:54 Can we know when it's near?
29:57 Yeah, every headline tells us that we are getting closer.
30:00 Matter of fact common sense tells you that every breath,
30:04 every tick of the clock we're getting closer.
30:07 And so I think that especially Adventists ought to be excited
30:11 about the eminence of the advent,
30:13 don't lose that, but don't be picking dates.
30:16 That's not a safe thing to do.
30:20 Now we're talking about secret things
30:22 and so someone might be thinking secret sin.
30:26 Well, I wasn't gonna say anything
30:27 but since you brought it up,
30:29 we probably ought to talk about that.
30:31 Psalm 90:8, "Thou have set our iniquities before thee,
30:37 our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance."
30:42 Now are there any sins that are secret to God?
30:45 So when we talk about secret sins, who are they secrets to?
30:49 To others around us.
30:52 And I would venture to say probably,
30:54 good that you've asked me to talk about this
30:56 because everybody has something
31:00 that would fit into this category.
31:03 What really makes it dangerous is
31:04 have you confessed and forsaken?
31:08 I got some things in my life, I'm not telling you,
31:09 I have not told nobody no, not even Mrs. Batchelor.
31:14 And I'm not gonna tell you now
31:17 because I'm good at keeping secrets.
31:19 You want me to keep your secrets,
31:20 you've told me, right?
31:22 So you would naturally want me to keep my secrets.
31:25 But those things if they are not confessed and forsaken
31:29 people who are living and practicing secret sin
31:31 that's gonna come to the light.
31:33 One reason to turn away from those secret sins is that
31:36 you want to keep them a secret between you and God,
31:38 you need to confess them, forsake them
31:42 and have them covered by the blood of Jesus.
31:45 You know, they say that one of the best paints,
31:48 if you're painting over building or sign
31:51 and you want to paint a new sign,
31:52 you got the old lettering keeps jumping through
31:54 because maybe it was black or white
31:55 and little of it showing through.
31:57 You paint it in red and it seems that the intensity of red
32:02 it will block out whatever was behind it.
32:05 Red primer, then put on your new paint.
32:09 The blood of Jesus will cover those things.
32:12 But it's a dangerous thing to think that,
32:13 well, I'm just gonna hide it from everybody.
32:16 And that won't last.
32:19 Ecclesiastes 12:14, "For God will bring
32:22 every work into judgment, including every secret thing,
32:27 whether it would be good or evil."
32:29 Romans 2:16, "In the day when God will judge
32:33 the secrets of men by Jesus Christ,
32:35 according to my gospel."
32:37 All those things will be brought to life,
32:38 they will brought to judgment.
32:40 1 Corinthians 4:5, "Therefore judge nothing before the time,
32:45 until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light
32:47 the hidden things of darkness
32:49 and reveal the counsels of the heart."
32:52 Not only will the secret things be revealed.
32:54 The motive, the counsels of the heart
32:55 behind those things is revealed.
33:00 When David got into trouble with Bathsheba,
33:03 I'm not gonna go back through the whole story,
33:05 you all know it.
33:07 For a while there he thought
33:08 that he had affected the perfect crime.
33:13 He had, basically had Uriah
33:16 assassinated at the hands of the enemy.
33:20 And he then married Bathsheba
33:21 and they have the baby and everything looked good.
33:25 And he thought, well, I've got that behind, it's all covered.
33:29 But when it was finally exposed
33:31 Nathan the prophet came to him and he said--
33:33 this is 2 Samuel 12:12.
33:36 "You did it secretly, but I will do this thing
33:40 before all Israel, before the sun."
33:43 The thing that David thought
33:44 it was done secretly in a hidden chamber
33:47 really became advertise on the headlines of the nation.
33:51 That's happened with political leaders before, hasn't it?
33:54 That which they thought nobody will know
33:57 becomes international scandal.
34:04 I forget the verse in Numbers
34:05 where Moses said to the children of Israel,
34:08 "Be sure of this your sin will find you out."
34:11 Someone will find that for me and called it out.
34:13 Ephesians 5:12, "For it is shameful
34:17 even to speak of those things that are done in secret."
34:21 You know one of the keys of a truly converted Christian,
34:24 you don't have to hide what you do.
34:27 You can live a transparent life.
34:29 You don't feel guilty wondering
34:31 if someone's gonna walk around the corner at the wrong moment.
34:34 You have a peace, you don't have anxiety
34:36 'cause you're not trying to hide anything.
34:38 You ever walked up on somebody
34:39 and also they look very nervous
34:41 and you wondered, wonder what they are hiding.
34:46 What's going on?
34:50 Luke 12:2-3, Jesus speaking here.
34:55 "For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed,
34:58 nor hidden that will not be known.
35:00 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark
35:03 will be heard in the light.
35:04 Whatever you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms
35:07 will be proclaimed on the housetops."
35:10 You know, both times He says what you have spoken,
35:12 sometimes we talk and we think what we're saying is a secret.
35:16 And more than once, matter of fact it happened this week.
35:22 Somebody was talking to me about somebody else.
35:26 And while they are talking to me about someone else
35:28 that someone else walked up behind them.
35:34 And I don't think the Lord
35:36 wants us gossiping about each other.
35:38 You notice He says, twice here, Jesus says,
35:40 "That which is spoken in the dark,
35:42 that which is spoken in the inner rooms."
35:45 What does Jesus say, we're judged by?
35:47 Matthew Chapter 12, every ideal word that men will speak
35:51 for giving a counter of in the Day of Judgment.
35:54 That's all I'm gonna say about this.
35:55 We all know what to do with those secret things
35:58 we need to confess our sins.
36:00 God will cover them with the blood of Jesus. Amen.
36:03 And then forsake them, live a new life.
36:05 We're gonna have a life of peace.
36:06 Your life is not a life of hypocrisy and cover up
36:09 when you are delivered from those secret sins.
36:13 Some are bearing secret burdens.
36:15 I'm not talking about sin now I'm talking about struggles.
36:18 Others don't know about it, be sensitive to that.
36:22 Virtually everybody has some burden in their life,
36:24 some experience that they are carrying
36:26 that is a struggle for them and you may not know about it.
36:31 Sometimes we're very harsh in how we judge people.
36:34 We don't know about their secret burden
36:36 that they are bearing.
36:37 Bible tells a story about a woman.
36:40 Mark 5:25, "Now a certain woman
36:44 had a flow of blood for twelve years,
36:46 and had suffered many things from many physicians.
36:49 She had spent all that she had and was no better,
36:53 but rather grew worse.
36:55 When she heard about Jesus,
36:56 she came from behind Him in the crowd
36:58 and she touched His garment.
37:00 For she said, 'If I can only touch His clothes,
37:02 I shall be made well.'"
37:05 She had this embarrassing infirmity
37:07 and rendered her unclean according to Jewish law
37:11 and she had a financial problem,
37:13 she had spent everything, she had been humiliated.
37:16 She didn't want to talk to Jesus
37:17 and announce in front of everybody about this problem.
37:21 And she thought, you know, I've got this burden
37:23 but Jesus I think can help me
37:25 with a secret burden that I'm carrying.
37:28 If I just reach out in faith, He can heal me.
37:31 And did He? He healed her.
37:34 There are a lot of people like that out there.
37:36 And some of them are happy and sunny dispositions
37:40 and some of them look like everything in their life
37:43 from the outside is just wonderful.
37:45 And you may not know that
37:46 they got a tremendous health problem
37:48 which is secret and they are hiding it.
37:50 Others it looks like they got everything together
37:52 but they went through some experience in their life
37:54 that scarred them deeply and they can't go a day
37:57 without thinking about it, it pains them.
38:00 Others because of the way they are brought up,
38:03 they may seem a little bit difficult to get along with.
38:06 But if you only knew the burden they carried
38:08 it would be a lot easier for you
38:10 to be patient and forgiving with them.
38:12 People have secret burdens that we may not know about.
38:16 But I'm so glad you can cast your cares on the Lord.
38:19 You can take those things
38:21 and He will bear the burdens with you and for you.
38:25 Just wanted to mention that to help you think about that
38:28 and while we're talking about secrets,
38:30 you ever heard of secret Christians?
38:34 Are there some?
38:36 There are some who tried to be?
38:38 Let me give you an example of one.
38:40 John 19:38, "After this, Joseph of Arimathea,
38:45 being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly,
38:50 for fear of the Jews, he asked Pilate
38:53 that he might take away the body of Jesus."
38:55 Did the secret come out?
38:57 You know, here he had been sitting
38:59 as one of the leaders of the Jews
39:00 and he was believing in Jesus but he was hiding it.
39:03 And he wondered if maybe he had come forward a little sooner,
39:07 things might have been different of course,
39:09 and plan of salvation still needed to be fulfilled.
39:11 John 12:42, "Nevertheless even among the rulers
39:16 many believed in Him but because of the Pharisees
39:19 they did not confess Him,
39:21 lest they should be put out of the synagogue."
39:23 They were scared, so they tried to hide their faith.
39:26 Like Peter when Jesus was betrayed.
39:29 He followed Jesus from a distance.
39:32 Well, if I follow far enough back
39:34 they may not know I'm following,
39:35 I can be a secret follower.
39:37 How did that turn out?
39:40 Before the day was over he denied Jesus
39:42 with cursing and swearing
39:44 and he went out and wept bitterly.
39:46 Someone once said,
39:48 there is no such thing as a secret Christian.
39:52 For either your Christianity will destroy the secret
39:55 or your secrecy will destroy your Christianity.
39:58 But they cannot co-exist.
40:01 You cannot keep that secret for long
40:03 without losing the experience.
40:05 Christianity is made to be shared.
40:08 And it needs to be shared in the life by the example
40:11 and best yet by the words.
40:13 And so if you're trying to be a secret Christian,
40:18 it doesn't work.
40:21 One of them is gonna kill the other.
40:24 Better come out of the closet friends,
40:25 and stand up for the Lord, amen.
40:30 The Bible talks about a lot of verses
40:33 that deal with the subject of a secret refuge.
40:37 You know, in the Land of Israel
40:40 when a person was involved in some unintentional accident.
40:44 Somebody died they have these cities of refuge
40:48 where person might flee.
40:50 If they were cutting a tree in the woods
40:54 and accidentally they hit their partner and there's no witness
40:57 and someone might think they deliberately murder them,
40:59 they could flee to one of these seven cities.
41:01 They were six throughout the Land of Israel and Jerusalem
41:04 ultimately became the seventh city, the temple.
41:06 And you could flee there and if you could get into the city
41:08 before the pursuer blood, the family
41:11 that was gonna take vengeance could catch you,
41:13 your home free, it's like home base and you are safe.
41:17 But that's really not what is talking about
41:19 when it talks about the secret refuges.
41:22 Psalm 91:1, "He who dwells
41:26 in the secret place of the Most High
41:29 will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
41:32 I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge
41:34 and my fortress, my God, in Him I will trust.'"
41:39 It's a secret refuge.
41:43 Now you probably heard about in near Colorado Springs
41:46 they have this great big military operation base
41:49 that's hidden in a mountain.
41:52 And they've got a--there's miles and miles of tunnels
41:55 and apparatus and in theory they could conduct,
41:59 they could operate a nuclear war from the bunker
42:02 that they've got built underneath that mountain.
42:06 But for 30 years they kept a secret
42:09 that not far from Washington DC in West Virginia,
42:16 underneath a posh hotel called the Greenbrier
42:18 that's still there today, it's a resort in West Virginia
42:21 there was a bunker built for Congress.
42:25 They spent probably billions building it.
42:29 It was 700 feet underground
42:31 tunneled between 1959 and '62 they built it.
42:34 They had dormitories for Congress, meeting rooms,
42:37 hospital, power plant, food,
42:39 everything needed to keep Congress humming
42:43 while the world above them was incinerated.
42:47 But it was meant to be a hiding place,
42:49 a refuge, a place of protection.
42:51 All through the Bible you'll hear about this secret place,
42:54 read for instance in Psalms 31:20.
42:58 "You will hide them in the secret place
43:00 of your presence from the plots of men.
43:04 You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion
43:07 from the strife of tongues."
43:09 All through the Psalms, in many places in the Bible
43:12 it talks about the secret place of the Most High.
43:15 Now here's a question.
43:17 Do you know where that secret place is?
43:21 I believe every Christian should know
43:24 where the secret place of the Most High is.
43:28 It's a special relationship between you and Jesus.
43:33 He's got a personal relationship He wants to have with you.
43:39 Isaiah 32:2. "A man will be as a hiding place from the wind,
43:45 and a cover from the tempest,
43:48 as rivers of water in a dry place,
43:50 as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land."
43:52 What shall be? A man.
43:54 Who is the man that is our hiding place? Jesus.
43:58 The Lord is our refuge. He's our hiding place.
44:01 How many times in the New Testament
44:03 do you read about being in Christ?
44:06 We are in Christ, we are in the rock.
44:08 He is our refuge that protects us,
44:10 you know, does that mean that,
44:12 you know, we're to go find a tunnel somewhere in Jesus
44:16 and hide from the world
44:18 or is that a place that you could be right now?
44:21 Right now you can be in Christ
44:23 and it is a refuge, it is a fortress.
44:25 Who does God promise to protect during the last days?
44:28 Read Psalm 91.
44:30 Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
44:32 A thousand may fall at your right hand, 10,000 at your side.
44:36 Yet it will not come nigh unto thee
44:39 because the Lord is your refuge.
44:40 He is your hiding place. He protects His people.
44:45 You know, you're reading Revelation about another secret.
44:49 Jesus says in the kingdom,
44:50 Revelation 2:17 talks about secret stone.
44:55 We've just talked about Jesus being a rock and a hiding place.
44:57 Jesus talks about a secret stone.
45:00 Revelation 2:17, "He who has an ear,
45:04 let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
45:07 To him who overcomes I will give
45:09 of the hidden manna to eat," secret bread.
45:13 "And I will give him a white stone,
45:16 and on the white stone a new name written
45:18 that no one knows except him who receives it."
45:21 Now this is an interesting passage in the Bible.
45:25 Nathan, you can join me up here if you want.
45:28 Nathan and I did a little activity yesterday afternoon
45:31 trying to illustrate this.
45:33 We knew we had some white stones.
45:35 Have you ever read about this in the Bible, the white stone?
45:38 What they would sometimes--
45:39 good, open up your bag there for a second.
45:42 What they would sometimes do in Bible times is
45:44 they make a covenant with somebody.
45:47 And a white stone represented favor.
45:49 Matter of fact sometimes in judgment
45:51 when the jury came out with their verdict
45:53 or the judge came out with their verdict
45:55 they would either toss a black stone
45:57 or a white stone at the one who is being tried.
46:01 If they got the black stone,
46:02 it meant guilty, condemned, sentence.
46:05 If they got the white stone, innocent, freedom, release.
46:08 So there was a lot meant by, first of all a white stone
46:11 that Jesus gives us, what does that mean?
46:13 You're innocent.
46:15 But there is more to it than that.
46:16 They also use to make a covenant with a stone,
46:19 they would take a stone and they would crack it.
46:21 And they give half of it to one person
46:23 and half of it to the other.
46:25 And they might be separated for a while.
46:27 And suppose I'm getting old,
46:28 all right, good pull out, pull out the right half.
46:30 Okay, is that the right half?
46:31 Oh, we don't yet. Are you hiding it?
46:34 Yes. Oh, okay.
46:35 You're all ready for this. All right.
46:39 So we take this stone, we split it.
46:42 I give half to him, half to me.
46:43 Years go by and we've made this covenant
46:46 that we're gonna be family.
46:49 And I meet somebody and they say,
46:50 look, I'm never gonna get back to see my friend, Nathan again.
46:53 And but whatever he has he will share with you,
46:57 we've made this covenant together.
46:58 And the evidence is this.
47:00 So I give this to somebody, they take it back to Nathan
47:03 and they say, "You know, I knew your father,
47:04 we were good friends.
47:05 And he said he made a covenant with you
47:07 and you're gonna help take care of me
47:09 and that I could live in your house."
47:11 He says, "Well, what proof do you have?"
47:13 Well, so you got all this different stones here.
47:15 If I say, look, I got the white stone.
47:18 He says, "Great, let me see it."
47:19 So he takes the white stone
47:20 let me see you got-- you half here.
47:21 You take that, you put it together and say,
47:23 cameras you might have to get close upon this.
47:27 All right, you didn't make a covenant,
47:28 you tried to trick me but this is no evidence,
47:31 you're not the right one.
47:33 Or you take any of those others, they won't work.
47:35 But Nathan and I cracked a stone yesterday,
47:37 it took a lot of time,
47:38 we crushed most of them into a thousand pieces.
47:41 But finally you see that, it becomes one uniform stone.
47:46 That's like you put water between them, it will stick.
47:49 You can't fake that connection.
47:52 There is no other two stones anywhere in the world
47:55 they are gonna fit together like these two stones.
47:58 And so the Lord is saying I've made a covenant with you.
48:01 How many of you remember when the children of Israel were--
48:05 yeah, tell you what Nathan,
48:06 you can go share these stone with your friends later.
48:07 You can take those and sit down. Thank you.
48:09 How many of you remember when the children of Israel
48:11 were going to the wilderness they made the articles
48:14 for the vestments of the high priest.
48:16 That he had the Urim and Thummim
48:19 and they would engrave a name,
48:21 they engraved the names of the children of Israel,
48:23 six on one and six on the other.
48:26 So when you read here in the Bible,
48:27 the Lord says I'm gonna give you a white stone
48:29 and there's a new name in it.
48:31 I used to think that it meant like,
48:32 you know, the Lord gave a new name to Abraham
48:35 and a new name to Israel, to Jacob.
48:38 That He's gonna give us a new name not--
48:40 I don't mind Douglas that much
48:41 but He's giving me new name, that's fine.
48:43 Heaven, we all get a new name there.
48:45 Our Lord is gonna give us a new name.
48:46 But it's really not talking about our name,
48:49 it's talking about His name, did you know that?
48:53 Revelation 3:12, notice here.
48:55 I'm going to another verse now.
48:56 Revelation 3:12, "He who overcomes"
49:01 we just read that in verse 2 or Chapter 2.
49:04 "He who overcomes,
49:05 I will make a pillar in the temple of My God,
49:07 he will go out no more.
49:09 I will write on him the name of My God,
49:13 the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem,
49:16 which comes down from heaven from My God.
49:19 And I will write on him my new name."
49:23 You remember when the Lord revealed himself
49:24 to Moses and He--
49:26 they are all alone just Moses and Jesus,
49:28 the burning bush out in the wilderness
49:30 and He says, look, I got a name,
49:31 I'm gonna tell you that I've not told anyone else.
49:33 I've been known by other names
49:34 but My name is Jehovah, is a name.
49:38 That's the name that you're gonna take to them.
49:41 And so God is telling us that He is gonna reveal
49:44 something about Himself to us
49:46 that is very unique,
49:47 it's very intimate, it's very personal.
49:50 And He's making a covenant,
49:51 He's telling us that we're forgiven,
49:52 all of that is embodied in that white stone
49:56 with a new name in it.
49:58 Well, what shall I more say in the few minutes that remain.
50:03 You remember in Judges 13:18, when the parents of Manoah,
50:09 they asked for the name of the angel,
50:11 and the angel said, why do you ask after my name?
50:14 Seen it as a secret.
50:16 There are secrets about the name of God
50:17 that you and I even don't know.
50:20 Then there is the ultimate mystery,
50:24 which is the mystery of the gospel.
50:26 You know, I don't know
50:27 that we can count how many times in the Bible,
50:29 it says, that the gospel is identified as a mystery.
50:32 Turn in your Bibles, this is a very important verse.
50:35 Romans 16:25, Romans 16:25.
50:42 "Now to Him who is able to establish you,
50:46 according to my gospel
50:48 and the preaching of Jesus Christ,
50:51 according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret
50:55 since the world began."
50:58 The plan of salvation is mysterious.
51:02 The Bible talks about the mystery of inequity.
51:06 Why a creation would want to be the creator is a mystery.
51:09 Why the devil would want God's position?
51:13 On the forehead of Babel and it says mystery,
51:17 Babel and the great, the mother of harlots.
51:19 There's a lot of mysteries about sin,
51:21 I don't understand.
51:23 And while, some of these things may be answered in time,
51:26 but the real mystery that helps us
51:29 to understand everything is the mystery of the Gospel.
51:32 It helps us explain the purpose of life.
51:34 Think about all the people you see everyday
51:36 that are going around in the rat race,
51:38 they don't know why they are alive,
51:40 they don't have purpose, they're destroying themselves,
51:43 in the gospel you have got the secret
51:46 for the purpose of life.
51:47 Paul refers to it as a mystery because for the majority,
51:51 brought us the way that leads to destruction,
51:53 they don't have the secret truth.
51:55 God doesn't wanted to stay a mystery.
51:57 Ephesians 6:19, he says, "And pray for me,
52:01 that utterance may be given to me,
52:03 that I might open my mouth boldly,
52:06 and make known the mystery of the gospel."
52:10 You know, there is a mystery, let me tell you what it is.
52:15 I can't explain how the power of Christ
52:19 can come into an unregenerate heart
52:23 and create a new birth.
52:25 There is a mystery of the new birth.
52:27 Just like Solomon says, who can tell how the bones
52:30 do grow in the womb of her that is it with child.
52:33 How those two cells come together
52:37 and start growing into another human being
52:39 within a human being. Now that's a mystery.
52:43 It's marvelous, when you think about it.
52:45 And we might study that for 100 years
52:46 and learn some new things,
52:48 but we are not gonna know it all.
52:49 It's incredibly profound mysterious.
52:54 How a heart can be changed
52:56 and that old stony heart can be made?
52:58 How we become new creatures?
53:00 How the things we once loved we now hate,
53:02 and the things we once hated we now love?
53:04 The mystery of the gospel is the conversion.
53:07 But you got to believe in it
53:08 even though you may not understand it all.
53:12 You know, years ago there was a young man
53:16 who became something of a song writer
53:19 and a radio celebrity, his name was Stuart Hamblin,
53:23 and he actually developed a radio program
53:25 in Southern California, and he became very popular.
53:29 He hobnob with some of the people in Hollywood,
53:31 made some movies with people like Gene Autry
53:34 and Roy Rogers and he did a lot of drinking,
53:37 did a lot of cursing, did a lot of womanizing.
53:41 Matter of fact one of the popular songs
53:43 he wrote was, "I'm not gonna go hunting with you,
53:45 Jake, but I'll go chasin' woman."
53:48 And he had this radio program.
53:51 Well, a preacher was in Southern California
53:53 and he thought he'd go hear the preacher
53:55 and start making fun of him.
53:57 And actually that night
54:01 that he went to hear the preacher,
54:02 preacher said, "There is someone in this crowd
54:04 and they are total fake."
54:06 And Stuart had this overwhelming conviction
54:08 that he was the one.
54:10 And even though he'd been making
54:12 fun of the evangelistic meetings
54:14 going on there in Southern California,
54:16 he came under great conviction.
54:17 He found out where the preacher was staying,
54:19 he went to pastor's hotel room, 2 in the morning drunk.
54:22 Banging on the door saying,
54:23 you know, I'm just under great conviction,
54:25 conviction, pastor, would you please pray for me.
54:27 Pastor says, no I'm not going to pray for you.
54:29 Says you are battling with God
54:31 and I don't want to get between you both,
54:32 it's between you and Him.
54:35 Said but I'll talk to you and he brought him in
54:37 and they talked until 5 in the morning.
54:40 He surrendered, he fell to his knees
54:42 before the evening was over he gave his heart to the Lord,
54:45 and was a changed man.
54:47 Matter of fact he eventually lost his radio program
54:50 because he refused to advertise for the alcohol sponsors
54:54 that were wanting to buy time.
54:55 He became a dedicated Christian,
54:56 his friends, all said, what's come over.
54:59 yeah, he had this one very close friend named John
55:01 and he said, you seem so different.
55:03 He said, don't you miss your drinking
55:06 and your carousing.
55:08 He said, isn't it hard living like that?
55:10 He said no, I don't miss it one bit.
55:12 So how are you able to quit?
55:15 And he said, well, it's really no secret,
55:16 what He did for me, He can do for you.
55:19 And his friend John said,
55:20 that sounds like a good name for a song.
55:22 And so, Stuart Hamblin put it into a song
55:25 and it became very popular, it is no secret.
55:30 Oh, by the way, the preacher
55:31 that spoke to him was Billy Graham
55:33 and John was John Wayne.
55:36 That's the rest of the story.
55:39 It's a miracle and it's a mystery,
55:41 we may not understand it all,
55:43 the power of the gospel that change hearts,
55:46 but it-- it works.
55:49 In the same way that I can't understand
55:52 how a baby can be born,
55:54 I can't understand so many mysteries in the world of life.
55:58 Matter of fact, if you think about it
55:59 there's a whole lot more
56:00 that you don't know than you do know.
56:03 And the longer you study and the longer you live,
56:06 the more you will know, you don't know.
56:09 But there's some things that God has revealed
56:12 He does want us to know.
56:13 He loves us and He can change us
56:15 and give us new hearts and make us new creatures.
56:18 That's a good news we ought to be
56:20 sharing with people everywhere,
56:22 the secret, the mystery of the gospel,
56:24 in that you have the serum
56:27 for the disease of the world that changes lives.
56:31 I want to accept that good news
56:32 and believe in its power and I want to share that.
56:35 Don't you, friends? Is that your prayer today?
56:39 Father in heaven, dear Lord,
56:42 we are so thankful for what You have revealed.
56:45 What You have revealed about Yourself,
56:47 but Lord we want more.
56:49 We want to know more about Jesus.
56:52 For most of the world it's a secret,
56:53 it's a mystery, they don't know You, Lord.
56:55 We are so thankful that we have that intimate relationship
56:58 but we want to be closer.
57:00 We want to understand the deep things of truth
57:03 that reveal Your greatness.
57:06 Lord, we also want to better understand
57:08 and experience the mystery,
57:09 the power, the science of the gospel
57:12 that totally converts and transforms our lives.
57:16 May not always understand it,
57:17 but we want to experience it, Lord.
57:20 And we are so thankful for Your love for us.
57:24 I pray that the good news of the Gospel
57:27 that is hidden from most of the world,
57:29 that You reveal through Your truth,
57:30 through Your prophecy, through Your parables.
57:33 I pray that we will seek after more of that knowledge
57:36 and then we will share it.
57:37 If we're willing to live the life,
57:39 Lord, we know that You will reveal the truth.
57:42 Bless us all, we thank You
57:43 for the knowledge of Christ that we have.
57:45 We pray that it will be ever unfolding.
57:47 That light will grow brighter and brighter
57:49 as that day approaches.
57:51 We may not know the day and the hour,
57:53 but we pray that we can be ready now and each day.
57:56 Thank You and we ask these things
57:59 in the name of Your son Jesus. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17