Everlasting Gospel

The Paradox Of Change

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002805

00:09 It's been 2000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion about
00:15 the character of God and still today the greatest need of
00:19 mankind is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of
00:22 Christ. Amazing Facts presents the Everlasting Gospel with
00:26 Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from Sacramento
00:30 Central Church in Sunny California. Discover hidden
00:33 treasures in God's word today.
00:37 I've been thinking about how dynamic life is, how scary
00:43 change is and how important change is. Hence the title for
00:48 today's message, The Paradox of Change. Now a paradox is
00:55 something that is seemingly contradictory in either a
01:02 statement or some aspects. Change is good and change is
01:08 bad. It depends on what you're changing. When you read the
01:13 Bible there appears to be a paradox about the word change.
01:17 Seems to be a contradiction at times. For instance, you can
01:23 read that verse in Proverbs 24:21: My son do not associate
01:28 with those who are given to change. Stability, consistency,
01:32 tradition. Don't hang around folks that are subject to change
01:36 Then you read a lot of other verses that talk about how God
01:41 wants to change us. Jeremiah 18:11: Return everyone now from
01:45 his evil way and mend you ways and your doings. God is pleading
01:50 with us to change. So it seems like on one side God is saying
01:54 watch out for those who are given to change and on the other
01:58 side God is saying when are you ever going to change? So there's
02:03 an apparent paradox there. Now one thing I've noticed that in
02:09 many areas people are afraid of change. We resist change. Change
02:14 often means pressure. The way you get a diamond from a hunk of
02:19 coal is it requires head and pressure. People are scared of
02:26 change. You are exhibit A. Matter of fact I could close my
02:32 eyes right now and name 20 families in our church and I can
02:39 tell you where they're sitting. And I just heard Cathy Navarro
02:44 laugh. It's interesting because you guys used to sit on this
02:50 side but that's been 10 years ago. You've evolved. But most
02:56 of you... Isadora sits in that seat right there. Now I don't
03:00 want to put you on the spot but isn't that your seat. Would you
03:04 like us to reserve that one for you? (Laughter) And if we have
03:09 a visitor that gets here before here they better watch out. That
03:13 purse she carries is heavy. Naw, I'm sorry. My parents-in-law,
03:16 I always know. If I want to look where Karen's at, I don't ever
03:20 look on that side. Matter of fact, I could make you all very
03:25 nervous right now if I said I want you to all swap sides.
03:30 (Laughter) I've already embarrassed several people, but
03:34 I don't want to embarrass our son but last night we had Pastor
03:40 Ross and his family over for a little Sabbath dinner and their
03:44 three kids, Nathan there. We've got a little dinette, you know,
03:49 just in the kitchen there and all the place mats are about the
03:53 same. Table's the same, all the chairs are identical. Everyone
03:59 had the same paper plate. And one of Pastor Ross's kids sat
04:03 down in Nathan's chair where he sits when it's just mom and me.
04:08 And Nathan said that's my chair. (Laughter) And I labored with
04:13 him. I said, son their visitors, let them sit... But that's my
04:18 chair. Isn't that right. Sorry am I embarrassing you Nathan?
04:24 And he just was going to come unglued. I said, you can have my
04:28 chair. Sit there. They're all the same. But this taught us
04:34 something about human nature. How many of you go to a
04:39 restaurant and you like going to this restaurant but when you go
04:41 to that restaurant you almost always order the same thing off
04:45 the menu. They might have 40 things on the menu there but
04:48 you've found one thing you like and you're afraid to order
04:51 something else because you know that you like whatever that is.
04:55 We're creatures of habit. We're made insecure by too much
05:04 change. Mark Twain said the only person who likes change is a wet
05:13 baby. (Laughter) I think that part of the reason that we like
05:19 when we see some of the old cars restored or you hear one of
05:24 those old songs on the radio and even some of the old styles
05:29 start coming back. Because there's that familiarity and
05:33 that makes us secure. People are made restless by change. Problem
05:39 is if you don't ever change you end up getting in a rut and
05:43 someone once said a rut is a grave with both ends kicked out.
05:48 And if there's any one thing I want to try to communicate
05:54 during this message, and I'm praying as I go, because it's
06:00 hard to communicate this. It would be because we are afraid
06:05 of change, there's two things I want to say. One is because
06:09 we're afraid for change we get into a rut and you can stop
06:14 growing as a Christian and you continue to do the same things
06:18 and you say one of these days I need to change and you never get
06:23 around to it until you're life is gone and you end your life
06:27 with all these regrets and all these things you wished you'd
06:32 change but you were afraid to step out. Then there's the other
06:36 extreme, we're talking about the paradox, of people who have
06:41 no stability and they're just changing every day. Matter of
06:45 fact you don't even know how many personalities they've got.
06:50 They're just always wanting to do something different. It's
06:56 called constantly changing. Someone did a survey; 45% of
07:01 Americans would change a bad habit if they could. Forty-five
07:05 percent admitted if I could I'd change a bad habit. Sixty-four
07:09 percent would change the status of their wealth if they could.
07:14 Fifty-one percent would change their weight if they could. The
07:19 number who would change their intelligence, only 32%. Most
07:23 people were perfectly happy with their level of intelligence
07:26 I would change mine if I could. But so many things are
07:34 constantly changing, the Bible even teaches that. Do you know
07:38 that you have changed since I began this message? Matter of
07:42 fact, by the end of the sentence I'm speaking right now
07:46 you're different than you were when I started it, period.
07:50 That's the end of the sentence. Your body, yourselves constantly
07:58 changing. Nothing is the same. And yet Solomon said, here's the
08:04 paradox, Ecclesiastes 1 verse 9: The thing that has been it is
08:09 that which shall be and that which is done is that which has
08:13 been done and there's nothing new under the sun. Seems like
08:17 everything stays the same. Well that's true when it comes to
08:22 certain trends and human nature but everything is also dynamic
08:29 and changing. Think about for instance how much has changed
08:34 in the generation in which we live. Most of us sitting here
08:39 right now have lived and crossed the threshold of
08:43 millennia. If you were living in the 1990s and now you're living
08:48 in the 2000s, you've witnessed the transition of a millennium.
08:54 And never did it hit me so hard as when I was present for my
08:59 I conducted my grandfather's funeral. He lived to 93. There's
09:04 a generation that's still around us now who remember when there
09:10 was no radio, forget about television. I mean, some of us
09:14 don't even remember black and white television. Some of us
09:19 here don't remember cassette tapes. You grew up and it was
09:23 CDs. You think about that. And when I did my grandfather's
09:28 funeral and I thought, can you imagine how much change mankind
09:34 for 5900 years lived lighting their dwellings with a flame
09:40 and then bingo, electricity. For 5900 years people went from
09:47 point A to point B riding a horse or walking, right?
09:50 And then all of a sudden in that last generation, talking about
09:55 those who are in their 90s now, anybody could buy a car and now
10:02 some of us have three or four cars. Just before my grandfather
10:10 if you wanted to get from the east coast to the west coast
10:13 you either took a ship around South America because the Panama
10:17 canal wasn't built yet or you went overland. If you were very
10:22 modern the train might have been available or you went by wagon.
10:29 Now that's going back, like I said, a little more than one
10:33 generation. But think about all of the change that is happening
10:37 around us right now. Matter of fact, I read a fact this week.
10:42 Studies have shown that the halfway point of all human
10:46 knowledge, the continuum of 6000 years of written history, the
10:52 halfway point of all human knowledge is only 20 years ago.
10:56 Did you catch what I just said? Picture a time line of human
11:02 technology that has been gathered. It's 6000 years long
11:06 reaching from creation to the present day. If you want to
11:11 point to the halfway mark of all the knowledge that has been
11:16 gained you only go back 20 years because knowledge has grown
11:20 exponentially so much. They used to say it was 50 years back.
11:25 They thought with the space program, the invention of the
11:28 car and the airplane and all that, but knowledge has been
11:31 compounding and growing and changing so much. Now with that
11:36 in mind, how much should a church change? Should a church
11:42 change? Well it depends what you mean, Pastor Doug. That could be
11:46 a paradox. Are you talking about changing beliefs? Part of the
11:54 reason I chose this message is I wanted to talk about how we
11:58 change with the time without changing what shouldn't change.
12:03 Some go too far. Matter of fact, in a day we're living now in a
12:10 time when you can buy more than you've ever bought in the
12:13 history of man. Somebody told me that 150 years ago or may be a
12:19 little after that the Sears and Roebuck catalog tried to have
12:21 some of everything that could be bought and there were only 300
12:24 things in the catalog. They figured there were only about
12:28 300 things you could buy. Look at all you can buy now. Some
12:32 people shop for change. They're not happy with either what they
12:36 have or who they are and by trying to constantly acquire new
12:41 things and change their environment and change their
12:44 clothes, they're just shopping for change all the time. Styles
12:48 change. Very maddening to me. Because it takes me 20 years to
12:54 figure out what's in style and by the time I've figured it out
12:56 it's out of style. Can any of you men say amen to that.
13:01 I mean if you get to finally where you've got some clothes
13:03 that are practical stop changing I mean if it's good just wear it
13:10 Then everyone keeps changing the styles. I've got this tie that I
13:15 really like and so I've been wearing it for 20 years.
13:18 It still looks good to me. I have it dry cleaned once every
13:24 decade and it's good to go. I have friends around me saying
13:29 Doug you've got that tie in some of your tapes that are 10 years
13:33 old. I say yeah it's a good tie. What's wrong with it? You know,
13:38 I'm trying to be consistent. The styles can't make up their
13:42 minds. For a while there everybody was wearing these
13:45 little anorexic ties and then they get these big old ties that
13:47 look like an L.A. interstate and then they go back again. I think
13:50 look I haven't changed. You guys can't make up your mind.
13:53 You know what I'm talking about? And there is a conspiracy out
13:58 there, I've got my mind made up. Somewhere in France there is a
14:04 group of sinister people that are gathered around drawing
14:08 boards and sewing machines and they're playing cruel jokes on
14:13 us about what we're supposed to wear. These fashion programs and
14:18 how do they come up with this stuff? I mean if you get
14:21 something that makes sense. I don't even know why we wear
14:25 ties. But you know it's the style. It's just considered to
14:30 be respectful so I wear one. So people are sometimes just
14:34 always shopping trying to find change. John Wesley says, and by
14:39 the way there's a similar quote by Ellen White, John Wesley said
14:44 As to matters of dress I would recommend that one never be the
14:48 first in fashion nor the last out of it. Some people always
14:52 want to be the first one to sport some new fashion and some
14:55 fashions don't ever take and so you look pretty weird all by
14:58 yourself for a while. And you also don't want to be so
15:03 conservative that you're the last one to ever adopt something
15:06 and you stand out like a sore thumb and there's some people
15:09 who think that it's pious to be a spectacle. You know what
15:13 I mean. So they are so out of fashion that it's a bad witness
15:18 for Christ. So John Wesley was very conservative. I think it
15:23 was a very insightful comedian. Very... My mind went to my next
15:30 thought. What I was going to say is Milton Berle one time was
15:34 doing some standup comedy in the 1960s and a lady started to
15:39 heckle him. And he said I remember you. You heckled me in
15:44 1948. I never forget a dress. (Laughter) Making fun of what
15:50 she was wearing. So some people are shopping for change. Now
15:55 there's a verse I like for you to read where Jesus addresses
16:00 this dynamic of the paradox of change. Luke chapter 5 verse 36,
16:04 and by the way he says something similar also in Matthew and in
16:09 Mark, but I chose Luke 5 verse He spoke a parable unto them
16:15 speaking about new and old. No one puts a piece of from a new
16:20 garment on an old one otherwise the new makes a tear and the
16:24 piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old.
16:29 I remember when I'd patch my cotton denim jeans and of course
16:34 cotton shrinks and if you take a new patch and you put it on old
16:40 denim and then when you sew it in there and the new cotton
16:43 shrinks it actually tears it away and makes it worse. Some of
16:46 you ladies are surprised Pastor Doug knows so much about
16:50 material because I did it. That's how I know. It also works
16:53 the other way around. If you take an old patch and sew it on
16:55 new clothes and you wash it they don't shrink the same and it can
16:58 make it actually worse. You want the old patch on the old clothes
17:01 and the new patch on the new clothes. Got it? That's what
17:03 Jesus is talking about. It's a truth that goes all the way back
17:07 to the time of Christ and before And then he goes on to say
17:11 and no one puts new wine into old wine skins or else the new
17:16 wine will burst the wine skins and be spilled out and the wine
17:19 skins are ruined. Not only do you lose the wine, you wreck
17:23 the wine skin. But new wine must be put into new wine skins and
17:28 both are preserved. Now what he's talking about here is wine
17:33 has a tendency to develop yeast to ferment and to expand. That
17:37 yeast is on the inner lining of those old wine skins. If you
17:41 put new wine in old wine skins the old wine skins they will
17:45 stretch out once but they won't stretch out twice. You can put
17:48 the old wine that is done expanding back in the old skins.
17:53 That'll work but if you've got new wine you better put it in
17:56 the new wine skins so it can stretch with it. How many of you
17:58 know that you can have copper pipes in your house and you can
18:01 handle one freeze with most copper pipes because the copper
18:04 does actually expand. But that second freeze the pipes are
18:07 going to start leaking everywhere. You just can't do it
18:10 twice. Well these are the truths that Jesus is talking about.
18:13 Now why did he share that parable? When Christ came the
18:18 church had become an institution They were settled in their ways.
18:23 They had preconceived ideas that they taught in their university.
18:28 The teachers and professors were all tenured. Along comes
18:32 Jesus and he said I've got some things to say to you that are
18:35 different than what you believe. They're different from your
18:39 traditions. Now Jesus did not come to change the Law of Moses
18:43 and the prophets. He said do not think I have come to change the
18:47 Law and the prophets. That's not my purpose. But they had some
18:50 traditions that were not biblical and they had become
18:56 stuck in a rut as a church. One reason they executed Jesus is
19:00 because he came to implement change. He didn't change the
19:04 truth. You know bringing a revival to a religious
19:09 institution is one of the hardest things that can happen.
19:15 It's like trying to turn a battle ship at the same speed
19:21 you would turn a jet ski. It just doesn't work. It's so big
19:26 it's so mammoth, it's cumbersome behemoth. You just can't turn
19:30 it. You've got all these people and this history and tradition
19:35 and institution that is settled in its ways and rooted that it
19:40 just takes a miracle of God to bring revival and renovation
19:44 and change to some of these institutions. And I'm not just
19:47 even talking about religious institutions. It could be all
19:50 kinds of them. But Christianity needs to have that balance, the
19:56 Christian church needs to have that balance where you can make
20:01 quick maneuvers to do things that are fresh and new and
20:06 innovative while not sacrificing the truth. Now I'm sharing that
20:11 with you because you're thinking okay Pastor Doug, I'm starting
20:16 to cinch down in my pew. You're not getting ready to change
20:22 anything, are you? Well I think we should change. All the time.
20:28 I think that anything new and innovative we can do to preach
20:34 the old story is a good thing. As long as you're not
20:39 sacrificing the fundamentals of what truth is, we should be
20:44 willing to change. And not only is that good for an institution
20:49 good for church, it's good for you. Have you gotten stuck in a
20:54 rut? Has it been the same thing? Some of you are stuck in the
20:57 same jobs you've had for years and you're not happy but you're
21:02 afraid to take a risk. Now I've got to issue a disclaimer here.
21:06 But I think if you've been doing something for years, but
21:11 because of security or because you're afraid to maybe retrain
21:16 or learn something new but you are unsatisfied, you don't feel
21:19 like you're able to glorify God in your job, you're not growing
21:23 as a person, but you're staying there because you think oh I
21:27 don't know what else to do. I say step out in faith.
21:30 Do something. I'll share something with you and I'm going
21:36 get, I'm probably going to get letters on this. I hear about
21:41 people who are caught in certain parts of town where
21:45 there might be gangs and crime and people will say but they're
21:50 trapped. There's no way out. I don't accept that. I'll tell you
21:54 why. One day when I was unhappy where I was, I wasn't living in
21:58 a crime ravaged neighborhood I said I'm not going to do this
22:02 anymore. I got up, I walked to a freeway and I stuck out my thumb
22:05 and I got a new life. I mean really. It's scary because you
22:09 have no idea what's down the road but I have done that more
22:12 then once. I just said, this ain't working. Better get my
22:15 backpack. You get out in the road. Where you going? I don't
22:18 know. I mean that's how I ended up in Covelo. They picked me up.
22:20 They said where you going. I said I don't know but I don't
22:24 like where I've been. Sometimes you just got to say, I'm ready
22:28 to have something new, a new adventure. Be sensitive to the
22:31 leading of God. I think a lot of us miss opportunities for God to
22:36 work miracles for us because we get stuck. Why do you think
22:40 the Lord chose the children of Israel to illustrate salvation
22:44 for us going through the wilderness? You notice they had
22:49 a tent? The tabernacle was portable. Why? Because it was
22:53 moving. Sometimes it stayed somewhere, sometimes even years
22:56 and then all of a sudden they looked towards the sanctuary and
23:00 that pillar of fire would rise up and it would begin to start
23:02 moving and they'd say better pack. And they'd all pack and
23:04 they'd start going. Where are we going? We don't know but God's
23:08 leading us to the next place. And so while they had the truth
23:12 in their midst that did not change, they were constantly
23:17 moving. One of the things that I'm afraid of is that we get in
23:23 a rut as a church. You know one of the dynamics that sometimes
23:29 happens to a church that has been around for several
23:32 generations? It becomes an institution. The people lose
23:36 their fire. I don't know if any of you saw the broadcast
23:39 Thursday night at 3ABN. We were talking about this. But if you
23:43 look at some of the revival movements, the Lutheran church.
23:47 Martin Luther. He kind of began a revival movement. They were
23:50 on fire and they were learning new things and they were growing
23:54 and they were spreading it. But a couple of generations, three,
23:58 four, five generations go by and pretty soon it becomes an
24:02 institution and they get settled in their ways. John Wesley, man
24:06 of God and revival. He was preaching in the open fields.
24:09 Well not too many Methodists preach that way anymore.
24:12 It became an institution. They had some success. They got
24:14 settled in their ways. They got stuck in a rut. Do you think our
24:17 church is immune. How many people grow up in the church and
24:22 they never find the fire of the Holy Spirit, a love for the
24:26 message. They don't discover it for the first time and they get
24:30 in a rut. They said Oh we've been in the church for this many
24:34 generations and they're depending on the heritage and
24:37 the tradition for their salvation and they've never had
24:41 a personal experience. They need a change. They need something
24:45 fresh, something new. This is what Jesus faced. The Jewish
24:49 nation had gotten stuck in a rut. He came along and he
24:53 was preaching these fresh truths and one group of people said
24:58 living water. This is feeding my soul. This is what I need. And
25:02 others were saying, He's threatening our institution and
25:07 they killed him. He's changing our traditions. Jesus talked
25:12 that tradition versus the new. And a healthy church I believe
25:19 needs a mix of firmness for the truth and innovation. I was
25:25 reading in Reader's Digest this week on the airplane. That's
25:31 sort of when I indulge myself with a Reader's Digest. And they
25:35 said we're having a problem with our magazine.
25:39 Reader's Digest said
25:40 people are not reading as much any more. All subscription
25:42 magazines are struggling. People now are getting their
25:45 information on the internet. They don't buy the printed page
25:49 nearly as much. Amazing Facts in our publishing department
25:53 have noticed book sales, Bible studies, they're going down a
25:56 little bit and we're trying to figure out what is it and we're
26:00 working harder to get the message out. People just aren't
26:03 reading as much. They sit in front of their computer screen
26:05 and that's how they're doing their reading. That's how they
26:08 get their information. Reader's Digest is admitting, we're
26:12 having a problem. I mean when people stop reading Reader's
26:16 Digest is in trouble, right? So what are we going to do?
26:22 Ah we better be fast and lean so as a church we can then get
26:27 out. I discovered U-Tube, quite by accident. Everybody was
26:31 sending to me. They said Pastor Doug did you know that you're
26:35 on U-Tube. I said what's U-Tube? They said, yeah, they've taken
26:40 the Final Events, they've chopped it up in these little
26:42 sections and they're streaming it on the internet. So I went
26:46 and I found out about U-Tube. Now not all of it's good and I'm
26:51 not recommending that. It's a medium for communicating.
26:53 Everybody makes these little videos and they send them and
26:58 most of it is goofy nonsense. But I got an idea. I don't know
27:01 if I told Eric this one yet. It probably scares him because I
27:07 have new idea about every 30 seconds. On the computer the
27:11 average speed is what? It's about eight or nine minutes.
27:15 It's not very long. I thought all right. I can make a gospel
27:19 presentation in nine minutes. What if you took the most
27:22 important things... If you were going to talk to somebody on
27:25 death row and share the gospel with them, what would you say
27:28 in nine minutes. I thought what if you made just the most
27:31 powerful appeal for someone to accept Christ that you can make
27:34 Call it gospel presentation. Put it on U-Tube. Let everybody send
27:38 it to all their friends that don't know the Lord. Right?
27:41 I said so then you compensate. You've got to do something new.
27:45 But in order to do this you know... I think the devil is
27:47 trying to throw the church off their balance all the time
27:50 because he's changing. We've got to know what to change and what
27:53 not to change. The new wine needs to go in the new wine
27:57 skins and the old wine needs to stay in the old wine skins,
28:00 right? Old patches on the old clothes, new patches on the new
28:04 clothes. By the way, wine and cloth is what Jesus talked about
28:08 Cloth represents the righteousness of Christ.
28:12 The wine represents the gospel and it's a new righteousness and
28:16 a new, fresh, unfermented gospel that he gives us. Amen? Just
28:21 something that I want you to think about. Mark chapter 7
28:25 talking about tradition. Verse 8 Christ said to the religious
28:30 leaders, for laying aside the commandment of God, the thing
28:35 that shouldn't change, you hold to the tradition of men, the
28:39 things that don't matter. So many people are protective of
28:43 their pet traditions and are laying aside the commandment of
28:48 God that is something that's not supposed to change, such as the
28:51 washing of pitchers and cups and many other such things you do.
28:55 He said, all too well you reject the commandment of God that you
28:58 might keep your tradition. And that's typical. Churches become
29:03 very jealous. We guard our traditions and go home and break
29:08 God's law. And we think that religious tradition is a
29:14 substitute for holiness. We've got to know what to change and
29:21 what not to change. Some things we should be willing to do new.
29:27 I believe we should have new music every now and then, new
29:34 songs. Now as soon as I say that you go... New music? I don't
29:40 know if I like the sound of that new music. Because you're
29:44 automatically thinking that means the wrong kind of music.
29:48 I'm not saying that. Are we supposed to sing a new song to
29:52 God every now and then? Well let me read it to you in case
29:56 you're wondering. Psalm 33 verse Sing a new song, play
30:01 skillfully with a loud noise. Question: You're favorite hymn,
30:08 was it once new. I wonder what it was like to sit in the
30:15 cathedral when John Newton first sang Amazing Grace and be
30:20 by one of the saints who elbowed another saint and said, Ah I
30:26 don't like this new music. Don't you think that probably happened
30:31 at some point along the way? Or even in the German church
30:35 when Martin Luther was singing A Mighty Fortress. That was once
30:39 a new song. I'm sure some of the Catholic prelates said that
30:43 fancy protestant music. And now we look at it as high church old
30:47 fashioned. I think there are principles of music that don't
30:52 change, but we shouldn't be afraid to sing a new song as
30:56 long as it maintains those principles. Some things should
31:01 never change. What I order when I go to Subway that's not going
31:06 to change. I've got one option and I think probably Karen could
31:10 order for me without my telling her. It's... Well I won't tell
31:14 you what it is right now but you can probably figure it out.
31:20 One of those things that should not change, Jeremiah 6:16: Thus
31:25 says the Lord, stand in the ways and see and ask for the old
31:32 paths where the good way is and walk in it. Some people want a
31:36 new thing and they're walking in the new path and they're out
31:41 of the path of God. Then you will find rest for your souls.
31:46 You know I've got this theory. The last verses in the Old
31:51 Testament and the Spirit and power of Elijah, Elijah will
31:54 turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts
31:58 of the children to the fathers lest I come and smite the earth
32:01 with a curse. Last words in the Old Testament. I think it's
32:05 interesting last words in the Old Testament are really talking
32:09 about a unity between the young and the old, the fathers and the
32:13 children and the children and the fathers. Not only do I think
32:17 there's something there for family love. There's no question
32:21 we're living in a time in the world's history when there's
32:24 more breakdown in the family than at any other time. There
32:26 are more single family homes, more children growing up without
32:30 fathers than any other time in the history of the world. But I
32:33 don't think that's one of the main things God is saying there
32:36 in that verse. Turning the hearts of the fathers to the
32:40 children. You know one of the problems with fathers and
32:43 children is that the kids are more willing to accept something
32:48 new. Parents and fathers, they get settled in their ways and
32:53 they're afraid of those new things. And one of the problems
32:57 it says turning the hearts of the children to the fathers too.
33:01 Sometimes in the children's quest for that which is new and
33:06 novel they're abandoning the old paths. And I think that God is
33:11 calling us in the last days to return to the faith of the
33:16 fathers and use fresh innovative methods to share those things.
33:23 Knowing how to embrace change without sacrificing truth.
33:29 Matter of fact, I think we all feel this paradox, fear of
33:38 change and fear of monotony. Judges 5:8: They chose new gods
33:45 and then there was war in the gates. By the way, without
33:51 looking, who said that? Deborah the prophetess. They chose new
33:58 gods and then there was war in the gates. So often when the
34:02 children of Israel turned away from God it led to war, it led
34:08 to calamity. Isaiah 24 verse 5: The earth also is defiled under
34:13 its inhabitants because they have transgressed the law, catch
34:17 this, they've changed the ordinance. Some things shouldn't
34:20 change. They changed the foundational truths. They've
34:23 broken the everlasting covenant. When those things change you've
34:28 got problems. In America one thing that people do a lot of
34:33 changing is spouses. Some things shouldn't change. You know if,
34:39 heaven forbid, you've been widowed, Paul says if the
34:45 married person's spouse dies they're free. They're not under
34:49 bondage, that meaning they're free to remarry. But some people
34:52 already start shopping around and they're still married to the
34:55 other one. They just think that ah if I just had a new husband
35:00 or a new wife it would be better Some things shouldn't change.
35:05 And you know what typically happens? I'll just pick on guys
35:12 for a second. He marries this gal. There's that charisma, that
35:19 energy, that spark. It's new, it's exciting. You know she just
35:25 looks like a million dollars every time he sees her and he
35:29 has no idea that means it's going to cost a million dollars
35:33 to keep her looking that way. Then they get married and after
35:37 a few months or years he wakes up and looks at this creature in
35:40 the bed next to him. Got curlers and paste on the face. But he
35:44 goes to work and his secretary still looks like a million
35:48 dollars and he begins to think I'm ready for a change. Comes
35:54 home, wife says take out the trash. And so he runs off with
35:59 his secretary. A few months go by. He wakes up and he looks at
36:04 the creature there with the curlers or something else and
36:10 she said take out the trash. And you know what? Almost invariably
36:15 people who abandon the relationships for that God, God
36:19 is a loving God, he's a just God. I'm convinced he's got a
36:23 sense of humor. He will put you back in the same situation so
36:27 that you will learn. I've seen so many guys that they throw
36:31 away their family, they throw away their spouse. Women do it
36:35 too. They say oh you know this person is so strong in A, B, C
36:41 and my spouse just is so weak in character traits A, B and C,
36:45 and oh I'll be so happy with this. But they didn't know when
36:51 they married that guy how weak he was in D, E and F. And they
36:58 are in the same place. Say Amen. If I could just have a change.
37:06 God doesn't change. Malachi chapter 3 verse 6, I'm so
37:13 thankful for that truth. He says For I am the Lord, I change not.
37:20 Again Hebrews chapter 1 verse 12 As a vesture thou shall fold
37:25 them up, mountains and the hills can all be folded up, they shall
37:31 be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail.
37:35 And then you go to chapter 13 in the same book, Hebrews 13 verse
37:39 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever,
37:45 which is really very encouraging when you think about it. God is
37:48 love and his love for us does not change. Can you say amen?
37:52 God's word does not change. Somebody told me that if
37:57 Shakespeare were alive today he would not understand, what was
38:04 it, two out of five words that we say. I mean the English
38:09 language has really changed. Some people don't know that the
38:14 King James version is actually a revised version. If you were
38:18 reading the 1611 version you probably couldn't even read it.
38:21 The lettering wasn't even the same, the spelling was not the
38:26 same. The language is evolving but God's word does not change.
38:31 His truth is the same. Jesus said, Matthew chapter 24:35:
38:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will not pass away.
38:40 Again Isaiah 40 verse 8: The grass withers and the flower
38:45 fades but the word of our God shall stand forever. God does
38:49 not change and since Jesus is the Word that stands to reason
38:53 the word does not change and because Jesus is the truth that
38:58 would also mean that the truth does not change. If you're a
39:03 pilot then you know that there's two kinds of north. You would
39:07 say, Pastor Doug, what, two kinds of north. North is north.
39:12 No not exactly. You've got your true north and then you've got
39:18 your magnetic north. Now the invisible axle on which the
39:23 world revolves that's pretty constant even though it does
39:29 wobble. But magnetic north is determined by as best as they
39:34 can tell is magma underneath the tectonic plates of the earth
39:39 that is creating this magnetic field around our planet and
39:44 helps contribute to the aurora borealis in the north and the
39:48 austral borealis in the south. That is migrating all the time.
39:53 In fact, I read something here. It says that right now magnetic
39:58 North Pole has steadily drifted for decades is picking up speed.
40:03 It's soon going to exit Canada. If it follows its present
40:08 course it's going to pass north of Alaska and eventually in half
40:11 a century it will arrive in Siberia. It's floating. Truth
40:18 does not float. Back in the days of Constantine when the church
40:23 became an institution, they legalized Christianity. They
40:27 finally thought we've arrived. All this persecution is going to
40:29 stop. All the former Roman emperors, they had been
40:32 persecuting us. They got a Roman emperor who not only allowed
40:35 Christianity, he made a nominal profession of Christianity.
40:39 Constantine. And they said how can these pagans go from their
40:45 pagan religion, that old wine, and become Bible Christians.
40:49 It's too big a transition. We need to help them. If we make
40:53 some changes and they make some changes we can meet them part
40:56 way and make it easier for them to transition into Christianity
41:00 and after all for unity it should be worthwhile sacrificing
41:04 a few little things. So they said, Well tell you what. They
41:10 are so in love with their idols, it's too much for them to become
41:13 Christians and give up their idols too. If we just give their
41:18 idols Christian names. And Voila in the course of just about 100
41:22 years idolatry came into the church. They're used to
41:25 worshipping on the first day of the week. The Bible Christians
41:28 worshipped on the seventh day of the week. What difference is it
41:31 as long as it's a seventh day? It doesn't have to be the
41:35 seventh day and so they said it doesn't really matter. Let's
41:38 now make Sunday the seventh day of the week. Let's move it.
41:41 Let's make a series of compromises. I mean, after all
41:44 change isn't all bad. Not when it comes to changing truth.
41:49 Find out what they want. Try to market Christianity to the
41:53 pagans. Meet them part way. Look at how the church will grow.
41:58 So they sacrificed truth for numbers, sacrificed quality for
42:04 quantity. Churches are doing that today. All of churches
42:08 including ours. They're saying how do we get people into the
42:12 church as though getting them into the church means that they
42:16 are getting them into heaven. And they are sacrificing and
42:21 compromising principles of truth They're changing the everlasting
42:25 covenant, things that shouldn't be changed, to try to market
42:31 Christianity to the pagans in our culture. Is this true?
42:37 That's not how you do it friends That's dangerous. God's promises
42:42 do not change. We can trust that he's going to do for us what he
42:48 said. His love for us does not change. Romans 8 verse 38 and 39
42:53 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor
42:57 principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to
43:01 come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall
43:05 be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ
43:08 Jesus our Lord. That to me is some of the best news in the
43:11 message this morning is that in a world where it seems like
43:14 everything is dynamic and changing, God doesn't change.
43:17 God is love. That means his love for you is constant. There are
43:23 days that my love for Karen is stronger than others depending
43:29 on everything from how well I slept to how hungry I am to
43:34 whether things went well for me. You know what I mean. Our love
43:38 is a little bit vacillating due to the environment and
43:41 circumstances. But God's love for you is not that way. My love
43:46 for her may be affected by how nice she's being to me or how I
43:49 think she's behaving. And some of our kids, we give them the
43:52 same signal. We act like we love them more when they're good than
44:00 when they're bad. Don't we? But whether your good or bad, God's
44:07 love for you does not change. He doesn't love you any more
44:10 when you're good. He doesn't love you any less when you're
44:14 bad. He's unchanging in his love for you. I'm thankful for that
44:19 good news. Well there are some big changes ahead. I'm looking
44:25 forward to them. For one thing, our bodies are going to change.
44:30 Well some of our bodies are changing all the time right now
44:34 anyway. We're getting older and some of us are getting thinner,
44:38 some are getting wider but I'm not talking about that. I'm
44:43 talking about I Corinthians 15 verse 52: In a moment, in the
44:46 twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will
44:50 sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we
44:53 shall be changed. Is that a good change? Yes. You'll come to
44:57 church with your glorified body and sit in same place where
45:02 you've always sat, right? (Laughter) For this corruptible
45:07 must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on
45:10 immortality. It says the dead will be raised incorruptible.
45:14 We shall be changed. Job asks it this way. Job 14:14: If a man
45:18 dies will he live again. All the days of my heart's service I
45:23 will wait till my change comes. He was looking forward to that
45:27 day of the ultimate change. Of course, our whole world's going
45:30 change. God's going to make a new heavens and a new earth.
45:34 Revelation 21:4: God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
45:38 There will be no more death nor sorrow nor crying. Neither shall
45:43 there be any more pain for all the former things have changed,
45:47 they've passed away. Are you looking forward to that change?
45:51 Now if you want to experience that change then you've got to
45:54 experience another kind of change now. Are you in a rut?
45:58 Do you have a changed heart? Every Christian it's not enough
46:01 to say will I've got the tradition of Christianity.
46:03 Is your heart new? What's the new covenant. The new covenant
46:08 is I'll give you a new heart. There's a big change that takes
46:13 place. Ah, Pastor Doug, I can't I'm stuck in a rut
46:16 You know there's that verse,
46:18 can the Ethiopian change his skin? Can the leopard change his
46:22 spots? How can I change? God says, I'll do it, I'll change
46:26 you. I'll put a new heart within you through His Spirit. Albert
46:30 Hubbard said if your religion doesn't change you, you need to
46:35 change your religion. Just a little commentary. I know I said
46:39 I was going to shorten this up a little bit. Listening to all
46:43 these people. Religion has come up in politics a little bit and
46:46 it seems like the politicians are trying so hard to distance
46:50 themselves from their religion. Don't worry, I know I believe
46:54 this but you know my religion and who I am and my politics
46:57 I'm going to keep the two separate. I've always thought to
47:00 myself, hey, if your religion doesn't affect who you are and
47:03 your decisions and your world what good is it? I want my
47:06 religion to have an influence on my process. It doesn't mean I'll
47:10 use it to dictate political policy but people should
47:15 probably say yes my religion affects who I am. Catherine
47:20 Booth said if you want a better future you need to disturb the
47:23 present. If you want a better future get out of your rut.
47:29 Ezekiel 36:26: I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit
47:33 within you. I'll take the heart of stone out of your flesh and
47:37 give you a heart of flesh. I'll put my Spirit within you and
47:41 I'll cause you to walk in my ways and keep my judgments.
47:44 Then you will dwell in the land I gave your fathers, you will be
47:47 my people and I will be your God. God says I will, I will,
47:53 I will. If you ask him. He will change your heart. You know
47:59 I read about a parrot. This is a remarkable story. If you've
48:04 been up to Caribou, Alaska, they had a parrot there that was
48:09 called Polly the Carcrass parrot who lived in the Caribou Inn
48:15 and was brought to the Yukon territory during the gold rush
48:21 and was already old when Polly arrived at this inn. From 1918
48:27 to 1972 Polly the parrot lived there. When people first met
48:31 Polly there was a tavern especially during the gold rush
48:36 in the inn and all of the sailors and the miners taught
48:43 unsavory songs to the parrot and colorful kind of purple
48:49 language. The people thought it was very entertaining. Sometimes
48:54 they were shocked by the language not knowing what had
48:58 been taught to this parrot. Well that's because the proprietor
49:01 of the inn had a saloon but then it was sold. It was sold several
49:04 times over the years. This is a true story. A Christian got
49:09 a hold of the inn and the parrot came along with it. You know in
49:13 Alaska parrots don't thrive out in the wild and so that was it's
49:16 home. It was already so old. Trying to teach a parrot new
49:22 words after it's 50 years old is probably considered
49:26 impossible by naturalists. But this fellow wouldn't give up.
49:31 Not only did he have to try to teach the parrot new words, he
49:35 had to try to get the parrot to abandon the old ones. And so
49:39 whenever the parrot would utter one of these old words there was
49:42 some kind of reward/punishment mechanism. I don't know what
49:46 they did, but eventually it abandoned the bar room songs
49:50 and started to sing Onward Christian Soldiers and he
49:53 taught it a number of nice greetings. Now here's the
49:57 amazing part of this amazing fact. Polly died in 1972 at the
50:02 age of 126 years of age. And if you go right now up there to
50:07 the grave that they've got outside the Carcrass Inn in
50:13 Alaska they've got a large bronze monument to Polly the
50:20 Carcrass parrot who learned a new kind of language and a new
50:25 kind of song. So there's hope for you, right? If a parrot can
50:30 do this you can do it too. Didn't change its environment
50:35 But changed its ways. I'm glad that we have a God who does not
50:41 change but who believes in making all things new. Amen?
50:44 And this explains the paradox. I think it would be good for us
50:48 to sing #100. We're going to sing and old song, it was once
50:52 new. Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Let's stand together.
50:56 ¤ ¤
51:07 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father.
51:15 There is no shadow of turning with thee;
51:22 Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
51:33 As Thou has been Thou forever wilt be.
51:42 Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
51:52 Morning by morning new mercies I see;
52:00 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,
52:10 Great is Thy faithfulness! Lord unto me!
52:20 Before we sing the third verse we talked about getting a new
52:26 heart. Some of you may be changing where you shouldn't,
52:30 and be stuck in a rut where you ought to change. You can come
52:34 to the Lord just like you are and say Lord I don't want to
52:38 try to be saved based on a vain faith in tradition. I know I
52:42 need a new heart. I need a personal relationship with you.
52:45 Will you please change my heart. He can do that. He is faithful.
52:50 His love for you is constant. Our love you know sometimes is
52:54 dictated by feelings. We might make a decision of love but
52:58 our feelings affect our love. God's love for you is constant.
53:03 It's not influenced in any other way. And if you'd like to say
53:07 Lord I'd like to come. I have some special prayer. I need to
53:11 make a change in my life and I need your help. As we sing the
53:15 last verse, we'll have special prayer for you, use this
53:18 opportunity.
53:19 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
53:28 Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
53:36 Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
53:45 Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside.
53:54 Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
54:02 Morning by morning new mercies I see;
54:10 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,
54:21 Great is Thy faithfulness! Lord unto me!
54:31 Amen. And you sounded very good by the way singing. It's nice to
54:36 have the organ and the piano together, Amen? It's beautiful.
54:44 Let's pray. Our dear Father, Lord we sometimes sense this
54:49 paradox, a contradiction in what needs to stay eternally
54:54 the same and what needs to change. Help us to sort out the
54:58 difference sometimes Lord but between the new and the old
55:02 cloth and the new and the old wine, what is manmade tradition
55:06 and what are eternal principles. I pray also for our church, Lord
55:11 First as a group that we will cling to the eternal principles
55:16 of truth, the commandments of God and will know how to also
55:20 sing a new song to you, to make the changes when necessary.
55:24 And then in our lives as individuals Lord there are some
55:29 things that are constant that I pray we can be just absolutely
55:33 firm in resolve and unyielding in. And then there are other
55:38 things that need change. Lord I pray that if we are stuck in
55:42 this rut that you help us to come out of it that we can have
55:47 a fresh, new, vital experience with you every day, that we can
55:52 be following you wherever you lead and be willing to be
55:56 pliable in your hands and yet at the same time be firm in
56:00 hanging on to the truth and the word that does not change.
56:04 We're thankful for your love for us that is constant and not
56:09 influenced by politics or environment or feelings.
56:13 And I pray that each of can trust our lives into your hands
56:17 knowing that your love for us is constant. Please forgive us
56:22 for our sins, Lord. Give us new hearts. Be with each person here
56:26 those in a special way who have responded to the altar call
56:29 today and I pray that we can all leave this place being new every
56:34 morning because of your grace and your mercy. It's in Jesus'
56:37 name we ask, Amen.
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Revised 2014-12-17