Everlasting Gospel

Two Great Motives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002747

00:09 It's been 2000 years since the glorious
00:11 light of the cross illuminated a world
00:13 veiled in darkness and confusion
00:15 about the character of God.
00:17 And still today, the greatest need of mankind
00:19 has a revelation of Gods love
00:21 as reveled in the life of Christ.
00:23 Amazing Facts presents the everlasting gospel
00:27 with Pastor Doug Batchelor, coming to you each week
00:29 from Sacramento Central Church in Sunny California.
00:33 Discover hidden treasures in God's word today.
00:39 The theme of our message this morning
00:41 is dealing with the subject of the "Two Great Motives,"
00:47 that you find in scripture.
00:50 There is a great controversy between Christ and Satan.
00:55 Jesus is love, God is love.
00:59 The devil is the opposite or the antithesis of that.
01:03 He is selfishness.
01:06 Man originally was created by God
01:08 with a natural desire to love.
01:13 Adam when he came from the hands
01:14 of the Creator and Eve,
01:16 they felt this normal responses well spring of love within them.
01:20 It was natural for them.
01:22 It was how man was motivated
01:25 before the fall but after sin,
01:29 if you could summarize what was the disease
01:33 that came upon the fallen nature of man.
01:36 You could summarize it pretty well in one word
01:38 and it would be selfishness where before man
01:43 was motivated by love now in his fallen state men
01:47 was absorbed with himself.
01:49 You see, God created every persons heart
01:53 with the space in the heart to be filled
01:55 with the object of worship, that's where God belongs.
02:01 But man in his fallen state puts himself on the altar.
02:06 You know, in the First Commandment,
02:07 "You shall not have other Gods."
02:10 Really all pagan and all idolatrous religions
02:13 they put self on the altar.
02:16 And never was that more true then in our culture today.
02:21 I remember we're hearing in Greek mythology about Narcissus.
02:26 Narcissus was one of the Greek Gods
02:28 and there was another Nymph Goddess
02:32 by the name of Echo who loved him
02:35 but they came to a pool of water
02:36 and as he looked at his reflection in the pool,
02:39 he fell in love with the image
02:41 that he saw of reflecting back at him.
02:44 And she was wanting to get his attention
02:46 but you see Echo could not speak.
02:49 Echo could only repeat what she heard
02:51 someone else speaking and he would not speak to her.
02:53 So that broke her heart.
02:54 She left and went into a cave and died
02:55 but her voice lived on that's why you hear
02:57 an echo in a cave.
02:59 It's true story.
03:02 And Narcissus could not pull
03:07 himself away from his reflection.
03:09 He became so enamored with this reflection
03:12 that he eventually pined away there.
03:16 And you heard of course of narcissism.
03:18 A person who is in love with himself.
03:22 And most of us have a little tinge of that disease.
03:30 Matter of fact all fallen men, babies are not born loving
03:33 and considerate and kind.
03:35 Babies are initially the most selfish creatures in the world.
03:39 Well, you really think about it?
03:41 Middle of the night the babies crying
03:43 because it's hungry or bored
03:46 or a plumbing problem or something like that.
03:50 And mommy comes and leans over and says,
03:53 "Could this wait until the morning?
03:54 I'm really tired."
03:56 He could care less how tired she is.
03:59 All he can think about is what his needs are.
04:03 And you know some of us never really out growled that
04:06 we just learn to conceal it a little better.
04:10 It's easy for us to go through our lives
04:15 even doing outwardly Christian things
04:18 for selfish reasons.
04:20 Well, there's a story I'd like to use as a springboard,
04:23 please turn to John Chapter 12 and we're gonna start
04:27 with the first verse.
04:28 This is a dinner where Jesus was invited and the characters
04:32 I want us to notice here principally
04:34 a Mary and Judas at this feast.
04:40 John 12:1, "Then six days before the Passover
04:45 Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was,
04:47 who had been dead,
04:48 whom He had raised from the dead.
04:51 There they made Him a supper, and Martha served
04:53 but Lazarus was one of those
04:54 who sat at the table with Him.
04:58 Then Martha," I'm sorry then
04:59 "Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard,
05:05 and anointed the feet of Jesus,
05:07 and wiped His feet with her hair
05:10 and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
05:14 Then one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son,
05:17 who would betray Him, said, why was this fragrant oil
05:21 not sold for 300 denarii that's US wages,
05:25 and given to the poor?"
05:28 Now you've got two of the Disciples of Christ,
05:32 one is there at His feet, serving, giving,
05:37 lavishing Him with love and adoration, anointing Him.
05:42 The other is ostensibly saying all but the poor,
05:45 this what she's doing is not right.
05:47 What about the poor?
05:49 Well, you read on and John helps us understand
05:51 what's going on behind the scenes.
05:54 This Judas said, "Not that He cared for the poor
05:59 but because He was a thief, and He had the money box,
06:03 and He used to take what was put in it."
06:08 Now this story demonstrates that man looks on
06:11 the outward appearance but God looks in the heart.
06:14 It's not just the deed
06:17 it's what's happening at the heart.
06:20 Matter of fact in another gospel
06:22 regarding the same story, Gospel of Luke,
06:26 Jesus talks to the host who is Simon.
06:28 It was Simon the leopard who has been the host
06:30 for this party and he's thinking within himself
06:32 as Mary is anointing the feet of Jesus.
06:35 Well, the Jesus was really a prophet
06:36 surely He'd know who and what man or woman this is
06:39 that's touching him for she is a sinner.
06:41 She's got a bad reputation.
06:43 Everyone in town knows about Mary.
06:44 You know, why Mary do something
06:46 like that especially in public
06:49 and to touch you like that she is a sinner.
06:52 And Jesus knowing the thoughts of Simon
06:55 he retarded with a story.
06:57 He said, Simon, "I've got something to say to you."
06:59 He said, say on, Master.
07:00 He said, there was a certain debtor,
07:03 there was a certain man and he had two debtors.
07:05 One owed 500 pence, one owed 50
07:07 but they could not pay so He freely forgive them both.
07:11 Which of the two do you think will love Him more?
07:13 And Simon said, well probably the one
07:15 who was forgiven more.
07:17 And He said, you vitally judged.
07:19 I came into your house you did not kiss Me.
07:21 This woman is not ceased kissing My feet.
07:23 You did not washed My feet
07:24 she is washing My feet with her tears.
07:27 And I say unto you her sins
07:29 though they are many are forgiven for
07:31 she loved much.
07:33 "For he who was forgiven little loves a little."
07:36 Saying, he was forgiven much loves much.
07:40 Mary was doing what she did with motive?
07:45 Love, because she'd been forgiven so much.
07:50 Judas had this high position.
07:53 Matter of fact, he was campaigned
07:55 behind the scenes where he could be CEO,
07:57 no, no, CFO of the new kingdom
08:03 highly respected by the other disciples.
08:06 Tradition says, he was a scribe.
08:08 Everyone else looked at him.
08:09 Nobody expected that Judas would be the one
08:12 that will betray Jesus.
08:13 Outwardly doing generous religious things
08:17 with inwardly totally selfish.
08:20 He was thinking about his position in the kingdom.
08:23 Mary was willing to worship an annoying Christ
08:26 at His feet for love.
08:30 Judas wanted the high position. It's interesting this--
08:32 a record of two people kissing Jesus, two people.
08:37 Mary kissed His feet and served Him and gave.
08:41 Judas kissed His face and then betrayed Him.
08:45 Now I'm sure that his mom kissed Him
08:47 but it's not recorded.
08:48 I'm just saying there's two records.
08:52 And I think in Christianity there's a lot of people
08:54 that are going through the motions of being a Christian
08:57 but the motive isn't right.
09:01 If there's anything that we get right,
09:03 you've got to get this right for us.
09:06 This message is so important because it's so basic.
09:10 It needs, it saying that we need to have
09:13 a change of heart and to be doing
09:15 the right things for the right reason.
09:18 We need to be serving God because we love Him.
09:21 There are so many people that are going through
09:23 their Christian experience and their motives are not right.
09:29 Mary did not seek any attention,
09:32 she did not seek any praise.
09:33 Matter of fact, she was trying to find
09:34 a way to do it without attracting attention.
09:38 Willing to serve because she loved.
09:42 Christ regarded, this is J.B. Phillips wrote this
09:44 who wrote that great book on prayer.
09:46 "Christ regarded the self-loving,
09:48 self-regarding, self-seeking sprit
09:50 as the direct antithesis of real living."
09:54 His two fundamental rules for life were
09:57 that "love-energy."
09:58 Instead of being turned in upon itself
10:01 should first go out to God then to other people."
10:05 The equation of priorities,
10:08 love the Lord with all your heart,
10:09 love your neighbor as yourself is the foundation.
10:13 First loving God, then loving others,
10:17 then loving yourself.
10:18 And God does not say that you shouldn't think
10:20 about yourself, your needs.
10:22 I'm not here to try and make you feel guilty about that.
10:25 But what is your motive for life?
10:27 Is it what's in it for me?
10:30 A selfish heart loves for what it can get.
10:33 A Christ like heart loves for what it can give.
10:37 We all want the heart of Christ.
10:39 Isn't that right?
10:40 Now there are different kinds of Christians of people
10:43 who at least claim to be Christians
10:46 some are selfish Christians.
10:49 You know, really that is an oxymoron
10:51 because a genuine Christian is a follower of Christ
10:53 and Christ is love.
10:55 So real Christian should be driven by love.
10:58 A selfish Christian is an oxymoron.
11:01 Luke 22:24.
11:04 What were the disciples arguing about
11:07 just before Jesus went to the cross
11:09 to show His love for them?
11:11 They were arguing about
11:12 which of them was the greatest?
11:14 Now it's pretty scary when you think
11:17 that the cream of the crop that Jesus is picked
11:19 to be the leaders of this new religion
11:22 still don't have the basics right.
11:25 It's scary and it's encouraging.
11:27 It's scary because it tells us how easy it is to be deceived.
11:32 Jesus had sent the disciples out teaching and preaching
11:35 and healing and doing all of these religious things
11:38 and still they were doing for the wrong reasons.
11:41 I mean, I'm sure they love Jesus
11:43 but it seem like the priority and they're following Him
11:46 was what will my position be?
11:49 Which of us is the greatest?
11:51 And, you know, it's scary 'cause that still happens
11:55 in the church more than we hate to admit.
11:58 More than we like to admit.
12:01 It's encouraging because if the Lord could
12:04 change their hearts so quickly He can change ours.
12:08 He took them for men that were still very selfish
12:10 at the core and He changed them.
12:14 I think most of the men their hearts were broken
12:15 when He wash their feet of the last supper.
12:18 Judas was the one who still did not submit to that
12:21 and allowed his heart to be changed.
12:25 To illustrate this I heard about a mother
12:26 that was preparing pancakes for two young sons
12:29 one was three, one was five,
12:31 I don't know one was five and one was seven.
12:33 They were two young boys
12:35 and they both were clamoring for the first pancake.
12:38 And she thought well this was a good opportunity
12:39 to teach them moral lesson.
12:41 And she said, now boys, if Jesus were here,
12:45 He would want to give the first pancake to his brother.
12:48 And then the boys began to argue
12:50 about who had to be Jesus.
12:56 And that we all like the idea of Christians
12:59 loving and sharing but we all want to be
13:01 at the receiving side of that equation.
13:05 I heard someone say one time
13:07 we were discussing some arrangement
13:12 and he said, "WIIFM." I said what?
13:15 He said, "WIIFM."
13:16 So what's that supposed to mean?
13:18 Well, that's the principle of what is in it for me.
13:24 He says, that is the operating principle of most mergers
13:26 and discussions and contracts, it's the WIIFM principle.
13:30 Everybody is coming to the table with the WIIFM attitude.
13:34 What is in it for me?
13:37 And we naturally think that way
13:41 because we are naturally selfish creatures.
13:46 There are some rare individuals who had loving parents
13:48 had exuded loving some of it
13:50 penetrated the hearts of their children
13:52 and they learned how to think lovingly.
13:56 Those are very rare individuals.
13:59 Most of us learned how to pretend to love.
14:03 Most of us learned about courtesy
14:06 and politeness and acceptable behavior.
14:09 But even while we're doing it we still are thinking WIIFM.
14:15 We often are doing it because it's expected
14:19 that we do it and in the end that will be better for me
14:23 and so selfishness is still of the core of our motives.
14:26 This is something that needs to change.
14:29 I heard about the llinois Secretary of State
14:33 when they started doing personalize license plates
14:36 they had to have a plate that said number 1 on it.
14:41 And so the Secretary of State said,
14:42 "It was a real problem about who to assign this plate to
14:46 because I was about to make a thousand people feel hurt."
14:49 So he now he solved that. He assigned it to himself.
14:54 Under the pretends of not winning to hurt
14:56 everyone else in the state
14:57 he gave himself the license plate
14:59 he said, "numero uno."
15:06 Look out for number one.
15:08 John Powell said, "I doubt there has ever been
15:10 one recorded case of deep and lasting fulfillment
15:13 reported by a person whose basic mindset was only
15:16 'what am I getting out of all this?'"
15:18 Jesus said, "If you seek the savior life you lose it.
15:21 You never find satisfaction and saying,
15:24 what's in it for me?"
15:26 That's of course the abbreviation
15:27 of "what is in it for me or WIIFM."
15:31 Someone else said-- men are generally not against you
15:35 they're merely for themselves.
15:37 It appears they're against you
15:38 but they're really for themselves.
15:42 Someone else said, people who were self centered
15:44 live in a very unpleasant environment.
15:49 Admit it we're all infected.
15:54 If someone gives you a group photo
15:56 and you are in the group
15:57 who do you first look for when you get the picture?
16:01 I wonder how I look in this picture.
16:05 And I've noticed at Amazing Facts
16:09 we take group photos with after we take
16:11 office group photos periodically
16:12 and I'm just as vein as the rest of you
16:15 and I'll see the picture and sometimes,
16:18 you know, they take several pictures
16:19 and we're done with the--
16:20 it's so hard to get everybody together,
16:22 you know, get them all together
16:23 get them all looking the right way to take the picture.
16:26 And sometimes there will be one person in the picture
16:29 and they're just their eyes are closed or something is wrong
16:31 and I'll say, well, you know,
16:32 the other 60 people look okay, we could use that picture.
16:36 But if my eyes, if I blinked
16:38 we're taken that picture over again.
16:41 You know, I've done that I've ever done that
16:43 but that's kind of how we think.
16:45 I heard about this politician people
16:47 who always sending him books that they wanted him to read
16:51 and evaluate and he had a game
16:53 that he would play as he'd send the book
16:56 to someone else and he'd say,
16:58 "Let me know that you think about this book
17:00 and I hope you don't mind the reference to yourself
17:03 that you're going to find in it."
17:07 They would read the entire book
17:08 to find where that reference was
17:09 and that he'd ask them what they thought about the book.
17:11 And he said, well, how was the book?
17:12 Well, the book was okay,
17:13 or is good, or is bad he said.
17:15 But where was that reference myself.
17:16 Well, maybe that wasn't the book.
17:19 But he would get them to read an entire book
17:21 by just saying that there was a reference in there
17:23 and we hope you don't mind that you're portrayed.
17:27 Because people are so naturally selfish.
17:31 A man will generally listen for hours
17:34 if they are the topic of your discussion.
17:39 Selfish Christians.
17:41 Sometimes we can pray even selfish prayers.
17:45 Luke 18:11.
17:48 Jesus said, "The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,
17:52 God, I thank you that I am not as other people,
17:56 extortioners, unjust, adulterers,
17:58 or even as this publican.
17:59 I fast twice a week,
18:01 I pay to all tithes of all that I possess."
18:04 Who is the center of that prayer? "I."
18:10 You know, I was amazed a few years ago
18:11 there was a book that came on it
18:12 was a blockbuster success among Christians.
18:15 And I'm not critic in the book. I'm acquainted with it.
18:18 It was called the Prayer of Jabez.
18:20 And the whole book is based upon a scripture
18:22 and I loved the scripture.
18:23 But I think it was interesting, if you read the prayer of Jabez,
18:26 let me read it to you. 1 Chronicles 4:10.
18:29 "And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying,
18:31 Oh that You would bless me indeed,
18:35 and enlarge my territory,
18:37 that You would be with me, that You would keep me."
18:42 Now this is a scripture
18:43 and it's a good scripture and it's a prayer.
18:45 God never makes any comment on the prayer of Jabez,
18:47 He just records it.
18:50 And a book written on prayer that says, me, me, me
18:53 was a blockbuster among Christians.
18:57 Do you know the word "Me"
18:58 does not appear in the Lord's Prayer.
19:01 Neither does the word "I." It's our.
19:06 Forgive us our. It's about us together.
19:12 Jesus when He prayed He said,
19:13 not my will but thy will be done.
19:18 James 4:3, "You ask and you do not receive
19:23 because you ask amiss,
19:25 that you may consume it upon your pleasures."
19:30 Some see God as a big cow on the sky
19:33 that is gonna give them their milk and their cheese.
19:36 And if He should stop supplying, what they need
19:40 they'll be willing to slaughtering Him for beef.
19:43 The reason they're interested in God
19:44 is because of what they might get.
19:49 Most prayers sound like,
19:50 Our Father which art in heaven give me, give me, give me.
19:55 What's in it for me?
19:58 Jesus said in Matthew 15:8,
20:00 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
20:02 and honor Me with their lips
20:04 but their heart is far from Me."
20:08 How long would our prayers be
20:09 if we're only allowed to pray for others?
20:13 Some of our prayers are pretty short
20:14 even though we do pray for ourselves.
20:16 But really if your prayer could only be
20:18 what would I pray for that God would want?
20:23 They will pray for his kingdom,
20:24 pray for his people, pray for others.
20:26 How long would our prayers be
20:27 if we could only pray for our enemies?
20:30 But only a loving heart can do that.
20:33 It's only about the grace of God that can happen.
20:36 Teddy Roosevelt one of my heroes
20:37 but I remember his daughter,
20:39 his oldest daughter commented one time.
20:41 He wasn't a very humble or timid person.
20:46 She said, her father always wanted to be
20:48 the bride at every wedding and the corps at every funeral.
20:52 It was all about him.
20:55 And some of us never outgrow that idea that a baby has
20:58 of the universal revolves around them.
21:03 Selfish prayers.
21:06 Sometimes our giving can be selfish
21:09 or ostensibly giving out of love but that's basic.
21:13 Some people give because they want to know,
21:15 what will I get?
21:16 I know how it works
21:19 when I do the message on tithe for instance.
21:23 Sometimes the only way I can encourage people
21:25 to pay a faithful tithe
21:26 is by accentuating the promise there in Malachi 8,
21:29 this is "God will open for you the windows of heaven
21:32 and pour out a blessing
21:33 that will not be room enough to receive it."
21:34 And then I began to go through a litany of stories
21:37 of people who experience miraculous blessings
21:39 that came to them because they give their tithe.
21:41 And so in the end why are they paying their tithe?
21:45 They are afraid of the curse.
21:48 It says, your curse with the curse 'cause you don't pay
21:50 and they want the windows of heaven open.
21:55 And I think there's whole lot of people
21:56 that they do paid faithful tithe
21:58 but in their animal sold they're thinking
22:00 I want the windows of heaven open
22:02 and I don't want the curse and my resources.
22:03 Who they're thinking about?
22:06 I mean that's not all bad
22:07 and your God knows we're selfish.
22:10 And sometimes He teaches us
22:11 by coming at us from where we're at.
22:14 I mean even parents when they're teaching their children,
22:16 you know, how often we operate
22:18 on a reward of punishment basis.
22:20 And it appeals that they're normally selfish nature.
22:23 You get this if you do this.
22:25 This benefit if you do this,
22:27 you get this punishment if you disobey.
22:29 And we're appealing to what part of them?
22:31 What's in it for me?
22:33 Do I get praise and pleasure or do I get punishment?
22:39 We should grow out of that as Christians.
22:41 It's not about what's in it for me.
22:43 Its what will this mean for God.
22:45 What will this mean for others?
22:47 And it is so hard, I don't know about you
22:49 but I'm having hard time. I am naturally selfish.
22:54 And it's just it's a core that you grow up with
22:58 and sometimes our parents
22:59 help model that for their children
23:01 and we wonder why are they so selfish?
23:03 Well, they learned from us.
23:09 Takes a miracle of grace for our hearts
23:11 to be changed into model that love for them.
23:15 Selfish giving.
23:18 I don't know if you say it, I was amazed.
23:21 Its probably happened for years but it finally sunk in.
23:27 Was it Thursday night after Thanksgiving
23:29 they had on the news
23:31 that people were camping out at malls
23:36 and stores around the country
23:39 and it was cold out there.
23:41 And they were lined up. Tell me if you saw that.
23:46 Because I guess there were special sales on the day
23:48 what was that yesterday, on the day after Christmas.
23:52 And some people got their, you know, on Thanksgiving yeah,
23:55 in preparation for Christmas.
23:59 And some people brought tents and their coolers
24:03 and they showed up at 5 o'clock on Thanksgiving Day
24:08 'cause they're gonna get a sale
24:09 and as they went down the line
24:10 they're interviewing these people,
24:12 they're saying well, you know, they're having the special deal
24:14 and there was $200 off on this computer
24:16 and so they're staying up all night along
24:18 freezing for the stores to open.
24:20 Sometimes 4 or 5 in the morning.
24:22 And all these people crowded
24:23 and they pulled and tug on each other and--Wow.
24:30 So they can give gifts.
24:35 Can I make your confession?
24:40 No, I didn't go. No, I didn't go shopping.
24:43 I didn't even go to Walmart.
24:45 I didn't go anywhere. No, I take that back.
24:48 I went to Trader Joe's, I went to Trader Joe's
24:52 and bought cookies for me.
24:56 Then why don't you think of anybody?
25:00 But I was gonna make you confession.
25:06 You know, what? You often think about Christmas.
25:09 Who do I have to buy present for?
25:11 At least that's what I think.
25:12 Any man be willing to admit that what's on my list?
25:15 I got to buy computer, I got for it
25:16 who they got to buy for it.
25:17 What time I mean I have no idea what they want.
25:19 And all they bought a present for us last week
25:20 and so we got to buy a present for them.
25:23 And, you know, really for many people
25:26 it sort of becomes it's a burden and some folks,
25:29 you know, we survive okay but some folks go into debt
25:33 because of these obligations that the holiday dictates.
25:40 And here's really what I wanted to get at.
25:42 We have nothing left to give to God
25:45 because we're trying to keep up
25:46 with the expectations of the culture
25:48 and the family and, and if you boil it down
25:53 at the Bair Foundation of so much of this giving
25:56 you would find that we are at the center of it
26:00 where God should really be at the center of it and others.
26:02 It's good to give gifts.
26:04 How many like receiving gifts? Sure.
26:08 Salvation is a gift you need to receive it.
26:11 It's good to get gifts. We like getting gifts.
26:14 It's good to give gifts,
26:15 it's good to love and to think about others.
26:17 It should be done for-- what are we talking about?
26:19 The right reason.
26:25 Oswald Chambers said, "Much of philanthropy
26:28 is simply the impulse to save ourselves
26:30 an uncomfortable feeling."
26:33 A lot of people give not because they love
26:35 but they feel guilty, I've got so much
26:36 so better give something.
26:40 "Many people do not cast their
26:42 bread upon the water until its stale."
26:46 I like that one.
26:48 And who was it Mother Teresa that said,
26:51 "He merits no thanks who does a kindness for his own ends."
26:56 Someone else maybe this was Mother Teresa,
26:59 "If you give something that you cannot live without
27:01 it's not a sacrifice."
27:04 So much of our giving is tainted by WIIFM.
27:09 What's in it for me?
27:10 Is this an expectation we got to open the windows of heaven,
27:12 well, I receive a curse.
27:14 And the reason to do it is
27:15 'cause you love the Lord and to be faithful.
27:20 Heard about a Scotsman
27:21 who wrote the editor of a magazine,
27:24 he said, "You better stop saying terrible things
27:27 and printing your jokes about Scots.
27:29 I'm gonna stop borrowing your magazine."
27:36 Henry David Thoreau said, "I would rather sit on a pumpkin
27:39 and have it all to myself,
27:40 than be on a crowded velvet cushion."
27:44 We're naturally selfish in grasping.
27:48 Rather sit on a pumpkin by myself
27:49 and say it's my pumpkin
27:52 then to sit on a crowded velvet cushion.
27:55 That kind it resonates with me for some reason.
28:00 It's possible to serve for selfish reasons.
28:05 Most people live according to the cafeteria plan
28:08 which is self service with the A.M, P.M plan.
28:13 Matthew 19:27, Peter answered and said to Jesus,
28:18 "see Lord we've left everything to follow you.
28:21 What will we get?"
28:24 And you know did the Lord answer him?
28:26 Yeah, sure God tells us that there's heaven
28:28 and there's blessings and we want to know WIIFM.
28:32 What's in it for me?
28:33 Even Peter asked that, the Apostles ask that.
28:37 And Jesus said look, anyone who is left anything.
28:39 Father and mother, houses, lands
28:43 for my sake and the gospel
28:44 he'll receive the 100 full more in the life
28:46 and eternal life in the life to come.
28:48 God tells us there are rewards,
28:49 there are prison benefits.
28:51 But for the mature Christian,
28:54 you know that you're getting
28:55 where you're supposed to be as a Christian
28:56 when it's not just what you're doing it
28:58 it's why you're doing it.
29:00 Are you doing it for the right reason?
29:02 Are you motivated by love for God?
29:05 Love for your fellow man.
29:08 Someone said, "He is the greatest slave
29:11 who serves nothing but himself."
29:16 Jesus said, "The loving motive
29:18 and who compels you to go one mile
29:21 if you want to really develop your loved muscles
29:23 don't do what you're forced to do, go the extra mile."
29:27 Say I know I'm required to serve this much
29:30 but I'm gonna go beyond that.
29:32 One of the ways you can identify a Christian
29:34 is they're going the extra mile.
29:37 I think Christian employees
29:38 should be the best employees in the world.
29:41 Now they're not only putting in
29:42 faithful time while they're there.
29:44 They are the ones who wanted always
29:45 putting in for the overtime. They're going the second mile.
29:50 I heard one time about a man who called a doctor years ago
29:53 when they made house calls
29:54 and I guess some doctors they makes house calls.
29:58 And it was cold raining night and the man said,
30:02 my wife is not doing very well, doctor, can you come over?
30:05 And the doctor said, "I'll be happy to come,
30:07 he says, but my car was broken down can you pick me up?"
30:10 And the man at the other end of the line said,
30:11 are you crazy it's miserable out.
30:15 He had no problem when the doctor driving
30:16 through that weather but he didn't want to come
30:18 and get him in that weather.
30:20 We want Christian service but we want at the receiving
30:24 end of that Christian service.
30:28 Oh, confess.
30:30 See I'm really talking to myself.
30:31 I want to talk to you about this 'cause, you know,
30:33 it's easy to go through the motions of being a pastor
30:35 and being a Christian but I know too much now.
30:38 And I know God has not just interested in the actions,
30:42 He's interested in the attitude.
30:44 I mean this was the core teaching of Jesus.
30:47 He said to the religious leaders, religious leaders,
30:49 you pray to be seeing of man, you fast to be seeing of man,
30:52 you give to be seeing of man.
30:53 And he said, it's the only
30:55 reward you get is the publicity.
30:57 He said, you've got to be doing it
30:59 from the heart for the right reason.
31:01 So I become very sensitive to this
31:04 and I have a feeling I'm not alone
31:06 so I'm sharing this with you.
31:07 I used to pick up hitchhikers.
31:10 And the reason I pick up hitchhikers
31:12 do sometimes the reason I'd pick him up
31:13 is because it's a great context
31:15 to witness to them to preach the gospel.
31:17 You've got to captive audience
31:19 especially if you got the automatic door lock.
31:23 They get in and I would calculate
31:25 how far they were going and how I would
31:28 paste my gospel presentation by how much time I had.
31:33 And I've actually picked up some in Arizona
31:35 talked to him to California and they were not only
31:37 accepting Christ, they were joining the Church
31:38 by the time we got there.
31:40 I've gone through 27 fundamentals
31:42 with them in one trip.
31:45 But, you know, I'm ashamed to tell you
31:48 sometimes I would be making a short trip
31:51 and I'd see a hitchhiker and I'd think to myself,
31:54 no sins picking him up I'm only going 5 miles
31:57 I won't have time to convert them.
31:59 And the Lord spoke to me said,
32:01 that did it ever occurred to you
32:03 that you might pick them up and give them a ride
32:06 'cause they need a ride and you won't get
32:09 a notch in your Bible for another soul
32:12 but at least you can give him a ride.
32:13 And I thought why? Something is wrong with me.
32:15 I only think is we're picking them up
32:17 if I can convert them.
32:19 What about serving them? Help them out.
32:22 Nothing in it for you.
32:24 You won't be able to brag in your church next week
32:26 about another soul you brought to Christ,
32:28 just help him out of will.
32:31 There's a novel idea. Selfish service.
32:38 Sometimes our words betray to selfishness in the heart.
32:43 You've heard Jesus say in Matthew Chapter 12,
32:46 "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
32:50 And if you talk to someone long enough
32:51 you can find out what's in their heart.
32:55 So often we are in conversation with the person
32:59 and we're waiting that for them to stop talking
33:02 so about themselves so we can start talking about ourselves.
33:06 And I've discovered many times
33:07 especially with the group of men
33:09 and then they're telling some outrageous story
33:11 immediately before saying him into their story
33:14 I'm thinking about topping their story with my story.
33:18 And I've got, I got a bigger story
33:19 you want to hear this one?
33:20 You know what happened to you
33:21 and this all what happened to me.
33:25 A bore is a person who spends so much time
33:27 talking about himself that you can't talk about yourself.
33:32 Remember the story about the novelist
33:35 who cornered a friend he ran into on the street
33:36 and after two hours, the novelist said
33:39 look we've talked about me too much,
33:42 let's about talk you.
33:43 What do you think of my last book?
33:49 Talk to a man about himself
33:51 he'll listen for hours does really said.
33:55 Even folks with bad manners know how to be polite
33:58 to those who can do something for them.
34:03 A little boy and a sister were
34:05 riding together on this wooden horse.
34:10 And a little boy said, "One of us should get off
34:14 so I can ride alone."
34:18 Typical of the human nature.
34:21 You know, at the core what I'm sharing with you right now is,
34:26 this is the cancer in the church, selfishness.
34:32 Am I right?
34:33 You name a sin, name a commandment you can break
34:36 I can put this handle on it.
34:38 The handle of selfishness and conversely it is true
34:43 that when you love, Paul says,
34:45 love is the fulfilling of the law.
34:48 If you love your neighbor you don't lie to him,
34:51 you don't steal from him, you don't kill him,
34:53 you don't take his spouse.
34:56 If you love God, you're not gonna worship other Gods,
35:00 you're not gonna insult Him with idolatry
35:02 or abuse His name, you'll cherish your time with God.
35:07 You go through the commandments and love
35:09 is the fulfilling of the law and selfishness
35:12 if you don't have love you
35:13 will be breaking every other commandment.
35:16 Another words, no matter how hard you try
35:22 you might go through the motions of
35:24 obeying God's Commandments but if you don't have
35:26 loving your heart you never can really do it right.
35:30 You can come to church
35:31 and you can spend your time with God
35:32 but it your hurt you're saying I'm putting in my time
35:34 'cause I know this was required to me
35:35 I can't wait for the sun to go down
35:37 and Sabbath to be over.
35:39 Why are you doing it? From love or self interest?
35:43 Self preservation.
35:46 I would steal that item from the store
35:50 but I might get caught and what would that do to me,
35:54 who are you thinking about?
35:57 You're not thinking about not stealing
35:58 because stealing is wrong and it would dishonor God
36:00 and it will hurt your neighbor.
36:02 You're thinking about what would happen to me?
36:03 You can go through the commandments
36:04 and is not really not possible
36:06 to keep any of the commandments right unless you love.
36:10 But having said that you've got to insert
36:12 a disclaimer here please don't miss this,
36:14 it is always still better to do the right thing
36:18 even if you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
36:21 Did you hear that?
36:23 If you're saying, well, look I'm not doing it
36:25 for the right reasons I may as well through
36:26 my hands in the air and quit, wrong.
36:29 It is always better to do the right thing
36:31 and you're ought to be doing the right thing
36:33 even if it's for the wrong motive
36:35 until you can get the motive right.
36:39 You might be going in the right direction
36:40 for the wrong reason
36:41 but keep going in the right direction
36:43 and then try and get your reasons right.
36:45 See what I'm saying?
36:47 Some people say, well, my motive is not right,
36:48 you know, and these will go steal,
36:50 commit adultery, killing and because my heart
36:52 isn't right I need some break so I'm coming to church.
36:55 No, no, no, that's exactly what the devil wants you to think.
36:57 God isn't telling you there's a motive problem
37:00 to get you to give up.
37:01 He wants you to keep doing the right thing
37:03 and going in the right direction
37:04 and by the way there are always
37:05 benefits and blessings for you in obeying
37:08 even if your heart is selfish.
37:10 You'll always be better off obeying.
37:12 The promises that God makes for tithes paying,
37:15 He promises to remove the curse
37:17 to open the windows of heaven.
37:18 You still get that even if you're
37:19 doing it for the wrong reason.
37:21 But you want to learn to do it for the right reason
37:24 that's what this message is really all about.
37:28 There are two primary players they're at the core,
37:32 it's Christ and Satan.
37:34 His love and selfishness.
37:36 And in our hearts they're either
37:38 ruled by one or the other.
37:42 And I'm just encouraging you to get it right in the heart.
37:48 Do it from love.
37:50 You know, someone did a study
37:52 and they discovered selfishness destroys nations.
38:00 Over the history of nations the rise and their fall
38:03 there was a cycle that happens.
38:06 It usually takes about 200 years in this cycle.
38:10 Here's how it works.
38:12 They often start from slavery
38:14 and in slavery they develop spiritual faith.
38:17 This happened to Israel.
38:19 From spiritual faith they develop courage,
38:22 from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance,
38:27 from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to apathy,
38:35 from apathy to dependence,
38:38 from dependence back to slavery.
38:44 Americans used to say give me a liberty or death.
38:50 And they said, give me liberty.
38:53 And then it was just give me.
38:56 And then give me benefits.
39:03 This is what is I think at the core
39:05 what's destroying not only the country but the church.
39:11 You know most churches
39:12 begin with great sacrifice and struggle
39:15 and then as they become more prosperous
39:17 and apathy can set it.
39:19 And they study churches and they often go through
39:21 about 4, 5 generations until they
39:23 lose the reason why they exist.
39:26 Lot of the mainline churches are just struggling right now
39:28 and they're trying to pump some new life into the church
39:30 by developing new worship services and things
39:32 when they've lost the idea of love and selflessness
39:37 being the core tenant of their faith.
39:40 Everything else is trappings.
39:43 If we don't have the new hearts
39:45 then we're just we're going through the motions.
39:48 So how do we develop right motives?
39:52 I don't want just focus on the selfishness I think
39:55 we're all convicted enough, amen.
39:57 Amen. Look not Philippians 2:4.
40:01 "Look not every man on his own things,
40:04 but every man also on the things of others."
40:08 Developing right motives involves a choice.
40:11 1 Corinthians 10, "Let no one seek his own,
40:15 but each man the others well being."
40:18 See selfishness is an animal
40:21 that we all have inside that can be starved.
40:24 And you may not feel like it but you've got to starve him.
40:29 You starve it all the way you get light out of a room
40:33 is by introducing darkness.
40:35 The way you get selfishness out of the heart
40:37 is by choosing love.
40:43 Some people use a religion like a bus.
40:45 They're riding only when it's going their way.
40:49 There's prosperity preaching that's become very popular.
40:52 Some churches are trying to grow
40:53 and pump life into their churches by saying,
40:55 if you've got enough faith,
40:57 you're gonna be wealthy and healthy and wise
41:00 and you'll get everything you want
41:01 and God wants to bless you and make you rich.
41:03 And, you know, what that tells me?
41:05 Who was the religion about? It's all about me.
41:09 And some pastors have just absolutely
41:12 rocket into fame and popularity
41:14 because they print book after book
41:16 and sermon after sermon
41:17 dealing about what's God gonna do for you?
41:19 What's in it for you? Here's what you can get.
41:22 And we're in such a selfishly programmed
41:25 society so that's appealing.
41:29 But the real marketing of Jesus
41:31 let everyman deny himself take up His cross follow me,
41:34 live for others, live for God, it's hard to mark it that.
41:40 You're probably never gonna see
41:41 a best seller on how you can just live for God
41:44 and live for love as supposed for living for yourself.
41:48 Developing right motives.
41:51 Ezekiel 18:31, "Cast away from you
41:55 all the transgressions, which you have committed
41:57 and get yourself a new heart and a new spirit."
42:02 Now the heart is the being of who we are.
42:04 The spirit is why are you doing?
42:06 What spirit is motivating you?
42:08 Why does God tell us get yourself
42:10 a new heart in a new spirit?
42:12 What do we get it? I've got to keep reading.
42:16 Ezekiel 36:26, "I will give you a new heart
42:21 and put a new spirit."
42:23 Where do we get it? The Lord gives us a new heart.
42:27 He gives us new motives.
42:30 "I'll give you a new heart and a new spirit within you.
42:32 I will take the heart a stone out of your flesh
42:34 and give you a heart of flesh.
42:36 I will put My spirit within you, and cause you,"
42:40 here's is a motive, "to walk in My statutes,
42:43 and you keep My judgments, and do them.
42:47 Then you will dwell in the land that I gave your fathers
42:49 and you will be My people, and I will be your God."
42:53 You know one of the things the Lord
42:55 there's a downside to the blessings of the Lord.
43:00 When God saved the children of Israel from Egypt
43:03 and He brought them into the Promised Land
43:06 He warned them through Moses.
43:08 He said, now be aware says, I'm gonna bless you.
43:11 When you obey me, that's good and I'll bless you.
43:15 But you've got to stay on that plateau recognizing
43:19 that you're doing it for the reasons of love for me.
43:21 Because what happens when I bless you,
43:23 you could start thinking about it's all about you.
43:26 And he says, you're gonna move in the houses
43:28 that the Canaanites built and live in their houses
43:30 and you'll be eating from the trees that they planted
43:31 and you'll be drinking from the wells that they dug,
43:34 and he said be aware.
43:36 Moses warned them, he said,
43:37 be aware because when you are abundant
43:40 and when you are fat and when you are happy
43:43 that you don't forget about me
43:44 and he start thinking it's about you.
43:47 And, you know, prosperity destroys us
43:52 many people as want.
43:55 I think prosperity destroys more Christians than want.
44:00 Last week we talked about thankfulness,
44:03 this week please receive as a general warning
44:05 as we move into the holiday season.
44:08 The right reasons to do what we're doing
44:11 it must be motivated by love.
44:14 How we do develop the right motives?
44:16 Here's the key.
44:17 1 John 4:19, "We love Him," why?
44:23 "Because He first loved us."
44:27 How do you know He first loved you?
44:29 Well, you've got to behold that love.
44:31 Why did Mary love Jesus?
44:35 Well, you got to read the book but I think
44:37 that Mary was that woman caught in adultery that Jesus forgave
44:42 and that when she say the love of the Lord,
44:44 and she experience that forgiveness
44:46 it just broke her heart that's why you always sit--
44:49 see her sitting at Jesus feet.
44:51 Just an adoration and listening and love
44:53 because He loved her so much.
44:56 He said basically I'm gonna take your place
44:57 I'm gonna dye in your behalf.
44:59 Why do you think she anointed Him
45:00 for his burial while He was still alive?
45:02 She knew that the only way He could say
45:05 I do not condemn you, you're free to go
45:07 and since the lost of the penalty was dead
45:09 He was gonna take Her penalty.
45:10 He was the Lamb of God and she anointed Him.
45:16 By the way that's what the word Christ means.
45:21 So she saw His love and it broke her heart
45:24 and it produced love within her heart.
45:27 By beholding we become changed,
45:30 by beholding the love of the Lord.
45:32 So how do we get this new heart?
45:35 Jeremiah 31:3.
45:38 "The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying,
45:41 I have loved you with an everlasting love,
45:44 therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you."
45:47 What is it that changes our heart
45:48 as we behold the loving kindness of the Lord?
45:51 There's something in our primal natures
45:54 that God created us with.
45:56 The original plan that Adam have
45:58 that were drawn to that something inside
46:00 God spirit in it reciprocates in it.
46:02 It says, this is really what's missing.
46:05 I've got self on the throne,
46:07 I'm never gonna be satisfied until Gods on the throne.
46:10 And when we see the love of God
46:12 there's something that resonates
46:14 deep within him we say,
46:15 that's the only thing it's ever gonna satisfy.
46:17 As long as you've got yourself on the throne
46:19 you've never gonna be happy.
46:22 John 15:13, "Greater love has no man than this,
46:27 that he would lay down his life for his friends."
46:32 When we see the love of Jesus that He would lay down
46:34 His life for us that we might live.
46:38 Some of you remember the story of Louis Slotin
46:40 who was there in 1946 he was part of the people
46:43 who were leftover who'd worked on the Manhattan Project
46:45 to develop the atomic bomb.
46:47 And they continued experiments
46:48 even after World War II was over.
46:51 And one of these experiments in Los Alamos, New Mexico
46:54 they were in a room of bunch of people over there
46:56 and they were experimenting with very potent plutonium
47:00 and you must not let these two pieces touch
47:02 and all Louis had was a screwdriver
47:06 separating these two pieces and it slipped.
47:08 And the two pieces of plutonium came together
47:11 and the power was so enormous, the radioactive power
47:14 that the room began to buzz and glow blue.
47:17 And he knew it would be fatal but he instead of reaching down
47:22 and picking up the screwdriver and trying to pull it apart.
47:24 He knew every second was vital for the others in the room.
47:27 He grabbed the plutonium with his own hands
47:28 and pulled it apart.
47:30 And he almost--since then he began to feel nauseous.
47:32 He said to his friends
47:33 when they were taking him to the hospital he said,
47:35 "I'm gonna die but you have a chance."
47:38 And he basically knew that he had to do this to save others.
47:44 Probably shouldn't have been using a screwdriver
47:46 that's another story.
47:49 But the idea of self-sacrifice it touches our hearts.
47:53 And when you see the cross
47:55 by beholding we become changed.
47:58 We look at His love for us.
48:01 And it breaks our hearts and it changes us.
48:04 1 John 3:1, "We're changed by behold.
48:10 Behold, what manner of love
48:12 the Father has bestowed on us,
48:14 that we should be called children of God."
48:16 As we behold His love it touches our hearts
48:20 and it does something within us.
48:22 You've heard me tell the story before about Henry Stanley,
48:25 he is an interesting in study in history all by himself.
48:31 He'd survived the civil war and then becoming
48:33 a reporter went to Africa was sort of given
48:35 the mandate of seeing of David Livingstone
48:37 was still alive looking all over continent for this man
48:40 finally he finds Livingstone out there
48:42 by Lake Victoria and supposedly added those lines,
48:46 Dr. Livingstone I presume because here he sees
48:49 his one white face in the sea of black faces
48:52 and they became very good friends.
48:54 Along the way Stanley tells how he started
48:57 with hundreds of books being carried by porters
48:59 and but along the several months
49:03 that he journeyed pretty soon he through out all the books
49:06 I think he had like a 180 pounds of books
49:07 and all he left with this was this Bible
49:09 which he had read through.
49:12 He was a cynic when he began the trip
49:14 but he knew Livingstone was a missionary.
49:16 And he was wondering and what motivated
49:18 him to do what he was doing.
49:19 Listen to what Stanley writes.
49:22 "I went to Africa as prejudiced
49:24 as the biggest atheist in London.
49:28 But there came a time for me a long time for reflection.
49:33 I saw this solitary old man there and asked myself,
49:36 'How on earth does he stop here.
49:39 Is he cracked or what? What is it that inspires him?'
49:44 For months after we met I found myself
49:46 wondering at the old man carrying out
49:49 all that was said in the Bible.
49:50 'Leave all things and follow Me.'
49:52 Little by little." How do we get the new heart?
49:55 There's necessarily happened on the road to Damascus.
50:00 "Little by little his sympathy for others
50:02 became contagious, my sympathy was aroused,
50:07 seeing his piety, his gentleness,
50:09 his zeal, his earnestness,
50:11 and how he went about his business,
50:13 I was converted by him,
50:15 although he did not tried to do it."
50:18 Through association by beholding,
50:20 by spending time with Livingstone,
50:21 Stanley was converted.
50:23 That same principle works with us
50:25 as we spend time with Jesus.
50:28 We behold Him, we look at Him,
50:30 and ultimately we have the right motives.
50:33 We're transformed into His image,
50:35 we're changed by beholding until pretty soon we love Him,
50:38 because He first loved us.
50:40 And then we can have that experience
50:42 that Paul talks about.
50:44 Galatians 2:19, "For I through the law
50:49 died to the law, that I might live to God.
50:52 I have been crucified with Christ,
50:55 it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me,"
51:00 he can't have both,
51:01 he can't have eye on the throne.
51:04 "And the life which I now live in the flesh
51:07 I live by faith in the Son of God,
51:09 who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
51:13 I pray that I can have the experience
51:15 John the Baptist had when they came to him
51:18 and they said, "Aren't you jealous,
51:19 Jesus ministry is growing and your ministry is shrinking."
51:23 And John, the Baptist said
51:25 "He must increase, I must decrease."
51:28 You know that something every one of us
51:30 could probably say that's the key to conversion.
51:34 Within our hearts, within our motives
51:36 he increases I decrease.
51:39 Its not gonna happen without the choice on your part
51:43 to cling to Jesus that you might observe Him.
51:48 Said Him before you if Christ has lifted up will be drawn.
51:51 By beholding Him we're transformed.
51:53 If you're not reading your Bible and beholding Him,
51:55 if you're not trying to hang out
51:57 with others who love Christ,
51:58 if you're not spending time and worship
51:59 and seeking Him, you won't have that new heart
52:03 and those right motives.
52:04 You can go through the actions of
52:05 pretending to be a Christian and doing it selfish motives.
52:09 But if you really want the heart changed,
52:11 you've got to get a hold of Jesus
52:13 and squeeze Him until He becomes one with you.
52:16 And there's no longer you that you live
52:18 but Christ is living his life out of you.
52:22 Christianity is contagious I wish we should start
52:24 an epidemic, wouldn't that be nice.
52:27 If that's your desire why don't we
52:29 sing our closing hymn, "Not I, but Christ."
52:31 It's 570 that pretty well
52:33 covers the theme of our message.
52:35 "Not I, but Christ." Let's stand 570.
53:00 Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved, exalted
53:08 Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard
53:16 Not I, but Christ, in every look and action
53:23 Not I, but Christ, in every thought and word
53:33 Before we sing verse 2, to begin with
53:37 I'd like to just make a general appeal
53:39 to at least before heaven get some acknowledgment
53:43 that we need help, we're selfish.
53:46 During the course of the message today,
53:48 if you recognize that possibly
53:50 you're trying to do some of the right things
53:52 but still it's for the wrong reasons.
53:55 Would you like to say Lord, help me sometimes I'm selfish.
53:58 I might pray, I might give,
54:00 I might serve and I'm wondering what's in it for me.
54:04 That's not all bad you've got to think those things.
54:06 I mean, you got to take care of your life
54:08 and be with yourself and cloth yourself and home yourself.
54:11 But Jesus said, "What should be the priority be?"
54:14 Seek first the Kingdom of God.
54:17 The love needs to start and love for Him.
54:21 Now there may also be some of you
54:23 and you're thinking Doug,
54:25 my heart is so full of selfishness.
54:27 And I need that new heart.
54:29 I'd like to ask a special prayer
54:31 then God will help me to experience a change.
54:34 New heart and new spirit, I can't do it without his help.
54:39 And you like to ask a special prayer,
54:40 we'll pray for you.
54:42 Come, as we sing verse 2.
54:52 Not I, but Christ, to gently soothe in sorrow
55:00 Not I, but Christ, to wipe the falling tear
55:08 Not I, but Christ, to lift the weary burden
55:16 Not I, but Christ, to hush away all fear
55:26 Not I, but Christ, my every need supplying
55:34 Not I, but Christ, my strength and health to be
55:42 Christ, only Christ,
55:46 for body, soul, and spirit
55:51 Christ, only Christ, here and eternity
56:03 Dear Father in heaven,
56:06 Lord, we've talked this morning
56:08 about the core issue in the gospel.
56:11 It's the right motives.
56:14 And Lord we know that You can look upon our hearts
56:17 and in our fallen nature we are also naturally selfish.
56:23 There's a danger that we might even
56:25 have enough religion to deceive ourselves
56:27 because we're outwardly doing the right things
56:29 but inwardly doing them for the wrong reasons.
56:32 Lord, I pray that You will remove the scales
56:35 from our eyes and help us to see
56:37 our own hearts need for transformation.
56:41 Lord, we want to keep doing the right things,
56:44 but we want to do them for the right reasons.
56:48 Please destroy this monster of selfishness
56:50 that we all have inside.
56:52 We all have a-- our own personal devil
56:55 that just wants to exalt himself
56:58 and consider his own needs.
57:00 And I pray that Jesus will cast him out.
57:03 And that He will seat himself
57:05 on the throne of our hearts and our minds.
57:08 Help us, Lord, to take these principles
57:09 from this place annoying that it's only by beholding
57:13 there Your love by spending time with You
57:17 that we will absorb those characteristics
57:21 that they'll be superimposed on our souls.
57:25 Help us to lift up Jesus for others,
57:27 help them to see His love in our hearts
57:30 and ultimately we pray that we can do
57:33 the right things for the right reasons.
57:36 Love for You and love for our fellowman.
57:38 And it will be our prayer that You might increase
57:41 and that we will decrease.
57:43 Bless us to this saying Lord,
57:44 be with each persons coming forward
57:46 and bless them with their special needs.
57:48 And we pray that all have chosen Jesus
57:50 and to seek for His Kingdom
57:53 and we're praying His name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17