Everlasting Gospel

The Kingdom Of Heaven

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002715

00:09 It's been 2000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion about the
00:15 character of God. And still today the greatest need of
00:19 mankind is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of
00:23 Christ. Amazing Facts presents the Everlasting Gospel with
00:27 Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from Sacramento
00:30 Central Church in sunny California. Discover hidden
00:33 treasures in God's word today.
00:36 Morning. We're going to talk today about the kingdom of
00:45 heaven. This is, I think, one of the most important subjects that
00:51 we could discuss. Back in 1992, I hope I'm getting this right
00:57 dear, we went to Russia. Must be Steven wasn't born yet. And
01:05 communism in that country fell overnight. There was a change
01:11 of government and policy that just absolutely left the world
01:16 astounded because it happened really without firing a shot.
01:22 The only way that could be achieved so quickly is because
01:26 there were so many people in that country that really felt
01:31 like they wanted to be part of a different government so that
01:35 when the opportunity came they seized it. They said we don't
01:40 want to be part of this communistic regime any more that
01:45 was the very antithesis of what they promised. I don't know if
01:49 some of you have ever read a book by George Orwell called
01:52 Animal Farm. It was required reading in many secular schools.
01:54 Do any of you remember that? That book? There's this one
01:57 statement in that book. It's about these animals and it's
02:00 really talking about the Bolshevik revolution and it
02:03 says we're all equal. That was the idea of communism. Everybody
02:06 is equal. But later there was a sign painted on the barn that
02:10 said, Some are more equal than others. And that's the way
02:13 communism ended up. They advertised to the people we all
02:15 are going to be equal. It sounded really good but in
02:18 practice it didn't work out that way and there was a lot of
02:22 starvation, a lot of oppression. Nobody had ownership and they
02:25 were so dissatisfied that when the opportunity came it switched
02:28 to a different government just like that because in the hearts
02:33 of the people they identified with something else. You know
02:38 that's going to happen again in the world. There is a revolution
02:44 simmering in the world. There are a lot of people who are not
02:48 satisfied with the kingdoms of this world and we are longing
02:53 for a different regime. Notice how the priority is placed in
02:58 the Bible on this message I'm sharing this morning. By the way
03:02 some of the gospels use the phrase the kingdom of heaven,
03:05 some use the phrase the kingdom of God. It's mentioned hundreds
03:09 of times especially in the New Testament. Matthew chapter 3
03:13 verse 1, John the Baptist begins his ministry with these words:
03:16 In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the
03:20 wilderness of Judea and saying repent ye for the kingdom of
03:25 heaven is at hand. Talking about this new kingdom. Now that would
03:30 probably make the Romans a little nervous to have this
03:33 wild-eyed, hairy prophet down there by the Jordan River saying
03:37 there's another kingdom that's eminent. They probably thought
03:42 there was some fermenting insurrection about to happen.
03:45 Listen Jesus when he began echoes the words of John the
03:50 Baptist; Matthew 4:17: From that time Jesus began to preach and
03:54 say Repent for the kingdom is at hand. Almost word for word what
04:01 John the Baptist said. The message of Christ is about this
04:04 other kingdom. But he doesn't say it will come some day in
04:08 2000 years when I return. He said it's at hand. It was at
04:12 hand. It's available 2000 years ago. Then the reinforce this
04:16 then Jesus sends out the apostles preaching and what do
04:20 you think they said. Matthew chapter 10 verse 7: As you go
04:25 preach saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Now they
04:28 leave out the word repent here in Matthew 10, but when you go
04:31 to Mark it says Jesus sent them out preaching that the people
04:34 should repent. So obviously they were saying the same thing that
04:38 John the Baptist and Jesus said. I haven't heard too many
04:42 preachers stand up and say repent for the kingdom of heaven
04:45 is at hand. Well, I'm going to go on record today of being a
04:49 Bible preacher. Here you go. Repent because the kingdom of
04:54 heaven is at hand. Now in more ways than one. Back when they
04:59 said it the spiritual kingdom was available. The literal
05:03 kingdom was coming when Christ comes. When I say it to you
05:07 today it's twice as important because both are eminent. The
05:12 inner kingdom is available today You can reach out, it's at hand.
05:16 But the literal kingdom of Christ is also eminent today.
05:20 That's why we are here in this church Adventists. We believe
05:25 in the eminent, the soon Advent coming of Jesus. So you've got
05:29 every reason to repent and be part of that kingdom now both
05:34 for the inside and the outside. Amen? So this is a very
05:38 prominent message. This is a central message in the Bible
05:42 that we are told by the Lord to proclaim. This is the central
05:47 message. We are told by the Lord to go forth and to proclaim that
05:51 the kingdom of God is available to people and they should repent
05:55 and that's how we prepare out hearts to receive citizenship
05:59 in that kingdom. Before I go too far it's always good to define
06:03 words and so let's define kingdom. I've spent other
06:06 messages talking about repentance. What is a kingdom?
06:28 Now I want you to especially underline that last part of the
06:32 definition. A kingdom is, notice that, c. A realm or sphere in
06:36 which one think is dominant. If you have received the
06:41 kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven in your heart, that is
06:46 the dominant sphere, it is the realm of another king than the
06:50 one in this world. I'll hopefully build on that thought
06:54 as we go. Now I've got so many points I just was mystified
06:58 about how to arrange them in a sequential order that would make
07:02 some sense, so I'm going to take a stab at it. How do you
07:05 gain citizenship in this kingdom Now with some kingdoms, you can
07:13 apply for immigration and you can get in sometimes by
07:18 marriage. But in this kingdom the only way is you've got to
07:20 be born into it. You are naturalized into this kingdom
07:24 by virtue of a birth.
07:26 I will give you some scriptures for that.
07:29 John 3:3: Jesus said, most assuredly I say to you unless
07:33 one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. If Jesus'
07:39 words are clear, please say Amen. It's not enough that
07:43 you've been born in the church. I worry about that. I meet
07:46 people all the time that think they've got some kind of special
07:49 advantage because I'm a fourth generation, I'm a fifth
07:53 generation. It doesn't do you any good if you're not born
07:58 personally. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus
08:01 It's nice to have history. It's nice to have heritage. Those are
08:04 good things in the church, but will that save you? Does that
08:08 give you your citizenship. You must be born again.
08:12 That's what the Bible says, let me give you more
08:15 John chapter 1 verses 12 and 13 Jesus said:
08:18 But as many as received him to them he gave
08:21 power to become the sons of God, members of that new kingdom,
08:25 even to those that believe on his name through faith which
08:29 were not born of blood. It's not your heritage whether you're a
08:33 Jew or you've got a Christian family or the will of the flesh,
08:36 or the will of man but of God. They're born of God, they're
08:40 born of the Spirit. That's what gives them permission to be
08:44 citizens of this kingdom. Now as with many governments, I know
08:49 in the U.S. if you want to become naturalized... you know
08:53 some people get into a country and maybe their visiting, but
08:56 they'd like to find asylum, they want to become citizens,
09:00 ultimately they're supposed to take some kind of exam where
09:03 they're naturalized, sometimes it's done in mass ceremonies,
09:08 but during that time they are to swear allegiance to the laws
09:13 of the country or the king. Isn't that right? I mean, who
09:17 here wants citizens that don't want to follow the laws of the
09:22 land? I understand in Australia, this is a sensitive subject so
09:26 I'll try and be careful how I say it but there are some
09:30 imlas of the Islamic religion that are saying we are trying
09:36 to change the government of Australia so it is the
09:39 government of Islam. And they're saying that very openly. And
09:42 England's been tolerating that kind of language, which I
09:45 personally think is outrageous, but Australia said, now while
09:48 we're connected with England we're not going for that. If you
09:51 think that we ought to be a different form of government
09:54 then you're out of here. They said if you're not going to
09:57 obey the laws of the land, if you're thinking that everybody's
10:00 supposed to obey the laws of Islam in our country then you
10:03 better go somewhere else because we're not doing that
10:04 here. And they've got a right to say that don't they. That if
10:07 you're in this country you're going to obey the laws of this
10:10 land. If you don't want to obey the laws of this land then you
10:14 should go to another land. And the Lord says, if you want to be
10:18 citizens of my country, of my kingdom, you should be willing
10:23 to obey the king. Does that make sense? What does Jesus say about
10:27 that? Obeying the king is very important. Matthew 7 verse 21:
10:31 Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of
10:34 heaven, but he who does, or obeys, you might say, the will
10:39 of my father in heaven. Obedience is part and parcel
10:42 of having citizenship in this new kingdom. John Stott, that
10:47 famous theologian and preacher said, Greatness in the kingdom
10:52 of God is measured in terms of obedience. How does Jesus
10:57 identify the great? Those who are the most surrendered to do
11:02 his will. John Robert Ashcroft said: All of heaven is waiting
11:08 to help those who will discover the will of God and do it. It's
11:13 not just knowing it. It's those who are willing to do it.
11:18 You know, sometimes we use theology and spirituality and
11:23 fellowship and all these touchy feely spiritual religious
11:27 overtones as a diversionary tactic from very simple
11:33 obedience. Remember how Christ separates the wise man and the
11:37 fool? You say, yeah, one built on sand and one built on the
11:41 rock. Well what does he say about that? He said the wise man
11:44 is he who hears these words of mine and does them. He's
11:49 building on the rock. The fool hears these words of mine and
11:52 does not do them. Let me break that down. The foolish man
11:56 doesn't obey. The wise man obeys Isn't Christ the same? And if
12:01 you want to be part of that kingdom that's coming we need to
12:05 learn by his grace how to be doers of his word. Not just
12:10 saying Lord, Lord but being willing to do. Keep in mind it
12:14 is unreasonable for any government to make a law
12:18 that citizens are not capable of obeying. So in America
12:24 we're thinking why don't they raise the speed limit? We just
12:29 can't drive that slow. Right? Isn't there usually a stirring
12:33 or some kind of an outrage if a government mandates its citizens
12:37 to obey a law that's impossible to obey? I've got to be so
12:42 careful because I know that other people see these things,
12:47 but... They've got these laws now, what is it dear, they're
12:51 making some new law that you're not allowed to spank your child.
12:55 We're to be like Sweden. Then you're going to have to find
12:59 some way to threaten your child not to tell that you spanked
13:05 them. I mean, isn't that what it boils down to? Ah boy, I tell
13:11 you. Russia became democratic and we're becoming communist.
13:16 Willingness to obey. The foundational laws of God's
13:24 kingdom when you really think about it are so different from
13:27 the laws of the world, the philosophy. It's a radically
13:30 different way of thinking. And if you're part of God's kingdom
13:34 you've got to be so unusual. Let me give you some examples.
13:38 For instance, it says in Matthew 18 verse 4, Therefore whoever
13:42 humbles himself like a little child is the greatest in the
13:46 kingdom of heaven. How opposite can you be? In our world, it's
13:50 those who make a name for themselves, those who climb to
13:52 the top of the mountain. They're the ones who are great. If you
13:55 don't do it no one else will do it. If you're too slow, it's you
13:57 snooze, you lose. You've got to fight, you've got to be great,
14:00 you've got to be strong. Jesus, what he says about his kingdom,
14:04 it's so opposite. It's not the proud and the mighty. It's the
14:08 little and the humble that are the greatest. What a radically
14:11 different philosophy from the kingdoms of the world. Matthew
14:15 23 verse 12: Whoever will exalt himself will be abased, and
14:19 whoever humbles himself will be exalted. In God's kingdom it's
14:24 meekness instead of pride that's of great value. Just look at
14:27 some of the teachings of Jesus that are so different that are
14:32 the foundations of his kingdom and his philosophy. Loving and
14:36 forgiving enemies instead of revenge. Is that normal? Is it
14:41 natural to ask God to forgive those who are driving nails in
14:45 your hands or making fun of you? To pray for those who are
14:49 despitefully using you and persecuting. I haven't got it
14:53 down yet, do you? That's not easy. But that's the law of
14:57 God's kingdom. It's a whole different spirit. It's a whole
15:00 different mind, it's a whole different attitude. And so when
15:03 you are invited to be part of God's kingdom, you're being
15:07 invited to be an alien. The word takes on new meaning when I say
15:11 it like that, right? It's like you're from outer space kind of
15:14 alien. I'm not talking about someone who just doesn't have
15:18 legal papers. When you're a real Christian and you're a
15:21 citizen of this other kingdom, your behavior is out of this
15:25 world, isn't it? The idea that you'll tell the truth even if it
15:29 kills you. I mean is that really the philosophy of our generation
15:33 We've got all different kinds of excuses for white lies and lies
15:37 that you don't want to hurt people and just bending the
15:41 truth a little bit in the gray areas. Not for the Christian.
15:46 It's the truth is the truth. Praising the poor for their
15:51 sacrifice. In the world, every one gives the glory to the rich.
15:55 Jesus ignored all the rich and he said see that widow there.
15:58 I'm really impressed with what she gave because it wasn't the
16:01 amount of money, it was the amount of heart that was in the
16:04 gift. In the world everyone notices and they'll name a
16:08 building after you if you give a large amount. But do they ever
16:12 name a building after the poorest member of the church
16:14 that gave the biggest percentage It's different in the world
16:18 isn't it? The philosophy of Christ is out of this world.
16:23 You're praised for being a servant. Hey, I got good news.
16:27 What's that? I got a promotion. Yeah? Now I am the servant of
16:31 our whole corporation. Is that how we act in our world. No. In
16:35 our world the promotion is you've got all these people
16:38 serving you and you've really reached the top of the ladder.
16:41 You've reached the final rung when you're at the top and
16:44 everyone else is serving you. But in God's economy and God's
16:49 kingdom that's backwards. Jesus was his highest just before the
16:53 cross when he knelt the lowest. He washed the disciples feet,
16:57 he prayed on his face in the garden. That's when he was the
17:01 greatest. That's so different from the world. In the world you
17:05 show success by being at the top of everybody else. In God's
17:09 kingdom you show the success by being willing to serve the least
17:15 So different. In the world, you're supposed to do everything
17:19 to try make yourself comfortable In God's kingdom you're willing
17:24 to suffer privation and discomfort and be content if
17:27 you're serving God irrespective of your ease and comfort. That's
17:31 when you're supposed to have the greatest peace. You could be in
17:36 the midst of a storm in God's kingdom and be at peace. You
17:39 could be facing death and be at peace in God's kingdom and your
17:42 circumstances just don't dictate it. You see for those who are
17:46 citizens of God's kingdom there is a different mindset. It's
17:51 called the Holy Spirit. I was reading something this last week
17:55 that sort of embraces the thought. A lot of us are
18:00 controlled by our environment, our circumstances. Let's face it
18:04 You go to work and people aren't being nice around you. It's
18:08 depressing, you get discouraged. You might complain. You might be
18:12 frustrated or the weather's rainy as it is today so you feel
18:20 gloomy because of the environmental conditions of
18:23 the rain. Or you get an unexpected bill in the mail
18:26 and it sends you spiraling down because you don't know where
18:29 you're going to get the two cents to make it all pay.
18:32 Or you've got physical pain and your body, your friends, your
18:38 environment, your bills, all these things are determining how
18:43 you feel. You know a happy person takes their weather with
18:47 them wherever they go. They determine what their weather's
18:51 going to be and they just take it with them. And nobody else
18:54 around them by gossip or circumstances around them cannot
18:58 control how they feel because they're living in a different
19:01 dimension. They're sort of detached from the devil's
19:06 reality and they're living in God's reality and they're happy
19:10 based on that. Because you know that all things work together
19:13 for the good of those that love God. And I've met these people.
19:17 They're really strange. I want to be one of them. These people
19:20 who no matter what's happening to them they've got the joy of
19:23 the Lord because they take their weather with them wherever they
19:25 go. And they're living in another dimension. They're part
19:29 of God's kingdom. They're part of the kingdom of heaven.
19:32 They're always thinking with that mind set and so their happy
19:36 They've got this peace that passes understanding. It doesn't
19:39 matter what's going on around them. How many of you would like
19:43 to have that kind of peace? Well that's what it means to be part
19:46 of the kingdom of heaven. That's why it says the kingdom of
19:49 heaven is within you. It's something the devil can't take
19:52 away. He can torture your body but he can't touch your soul.
19:57 You know Christians, when you really think about it, are
20:02 ambassadors from another world. We are here in this world, once
20:07 you are initiated into God's kingdom by that new birth, you
20:11 become citizens of his kingdom but we're still here for the
20:16 meantime. So you're like an alien resident. Right? And so as
20:22 alien residents we are ambassadors of another kingdom.
20:25 Now there are people who are representatives, they are
20:28 emissaries, they are ambassadors they are diplomats from other
20:31 countries in other words, they're legally in America but
20:35 they are here representing their country in some official
20:39 capacity. That's what you are as a Christian. I'll tell you.
20:43 You've heard of diplomatic immunity? I read an article in
20:47 Reader's Digest that's called That's Outrageous. It's a
20:50 column. The only time I ever read that is when I'm on an
20:52 airplane because it's a small book. So I take them with me
20:56 sometimes. I had this article about diplomatic immunity.
21:01 And sometimes diplomats park wherever they want. They get a
21:05 ticket, they never have to pay. Some of them have been abusive
21:09 to people and done all kinds of things that would land any other
21:12 citizen in jail but because they're diplomats they're immune
21:16 And it's really outrageous what they get away with. How many of
21:19 you have heard some of these horror stories of just the bad
21:22 behavior because I'm immune, I'm not accountable and they do
21:25 things that none of us would dare to do as citizens. They
21:29 bring reproach on their country. Eventually with enough complaint
21:33 they're brought home. They're never allowed to go back again.
21:39 You know what the greatest dent, the greatest harm, the most
21:44 toxic advertising for the Christian religion is? Those who
21:50 say they are citizens of Jesus' kingdom who have bad behavior.
21:55 They don't represent that kingdom. We're not very good
21:58 ambassadors sometimes. We say we're Christians but we don't
22:01 talk like we're Christians and we don't act like we're
22:03 Christians. As Jesus represented us we want to do him right don't
22:09 we? Because we take his name. We take the name of our king
22:14 to this world. So when you say you're a Christian you are an
22:19 ambassador of another realm. And while I'm on the subject, if you
22:23 and I are ambassadors then what does that make the church. It's
22:27 an embassy, isn't it? When you and I come together right now
22:31 you've got a special protection did you know that? Not only
22:34 because we pray ahead. You know when our pastors get together on
22:37 Friday we often pray that God will set a hedge of angels about
22:40 this church and especially about each one of our families. We
22:44 pray that God will bless your families. But even beyond the
22:47 spiritual side, physically in this world churches are treated
22:52 differently. You know there's a gal, I think she's from Central
22:55 or Latin America, in Chicago and they were going to deport her
22:59 so she fled to a church. And she and her son had been holed up
23:03 in that church for months now and they have sanctuary there
23:06 based upon the laws of that government. Are you aware of
23:10 that? The churches are actually treated as places of sanctuary
23:14 in many governments and the people can get within the doors
23:17 of the church. Dates all the way back into the Old Testament.
23:21 That's why Joab fled to the temple. They had immunity for a
23:25 while they were there. In a very real sense we're in our
23:29 embassy right now. When Americans are overseas and they
23:34 are in their embassy... I remember when I was in Cameroon,
23:37 Africa. I ran into a marine in the elevator. We were talking
23:40 and he was in dress uniform and at that time our son Daniel was
23:44 in the Marines and so I struck up a conversation. He said we're
23:47 here with the American Embassy and we're having the Marine Ball
23:49 and when we're in the Embassy, he says, everybody speaks
23:53 American. Though they might speak French in Cameroon, in the
23:56 Embassy they speak American. He says we obey American law there.
23:59 We sing American songs there. We eat American food there.
24:03 It's kind of like our church isn't it? Potlucks, language.
24:07 I mean, it's like an Embassy here. We're part of a different
24:11 kingdom. It's great. He felt when they were together and all
24:14 those Marines that were scattered around that country,
24:16 when it came to the Embassy for the Marine Ball it was really
24:19 nice to get together with everybody who understood
24:21 America. You know what I'm talking about? I remember when
24:24 Karen and I first went to Russia to do our series of meetings, we
24:27 went before the doors had barely been opened and we were six
24:31 weeks in Stavropol and we didn't run into anybody speaking
24:34 American. You realize American is not English. We met a few
24:37 people who learned English out of books but we hadn't met
24:40 anyone who spoke American and we were in this great big crowd
24:43 and we heard someone else speaking American. Matter of
24:46 fact, it might have been Californian which is a dialect
24:49 of America. We just stopped what we were doing and went right
24:52 over unintroduced and started talking to them and it was so
24:56 nice to meet someone else from our kingdom. You start to yearn
24:59 for that after a while. We didn't even know what to say.
25:02 Just to meet someone else who could understand what the
25:05 differences were that we were dealing with in that country.
25:08 Not that I minded being in Russia but it's different. I
25:12 don't care for Borscht. Sorry. The food is different, the
25:14 language, the customs are different. You know you start
25:17 yearning for home after a while. Well that's what it's like for
25:21 the Christian. Are you getting comfortable here? Is this where
25:26 you're retiring? Or are you just doing the job of your King until
25:30 you get to go home? Don't be too comfortable here. This is not
25:35 it. We're supposed to be citizens of another kingdom.
25:40 It's a very different philosophy believing in something that you
25:45 cannot see. To everybody in this world you know seeing is
25:49 believing. Christ said believing, faith, we live by faith. It's a whole
25:54 different paradigm. I talked a minute ago about the language.
25:58 Words of the people in God's kingdom are different. We talk
26:03 different. Matthew chapter five verse 37 Jesus said for the
26:07 Christian, you don't need to swear by heaven and earth. Let
26:10 your yes be yes and your no be no, for whatever is more than
26:14 this comes from the evil one. Colossians 4:6, Paul said: Let
26:18 your speech always be seasoned with grace, seasoned with salt
26:23 that you might know how you ought to answer each other.
26:26 Christians should talk different When you're surrounded in the
26:31 office and maybe you work in a secular environment and
26:33 everybody starts to engage in the juicy gossip of the day you
26:38 ought not engage. I hate gossip unless it's a subject I'm
26:43 interested in otherwise I just hate gossip. But we ought to
26:48 talk different. Isn't that right Different kind of language,
26:51 different kind of communication, different words because we're
26:55 from a different kingdom and people ought to know that.
26:58 I remember I had met some people before and I just wanted
27:01 to stop them after listening a little while and say are you a
27:04 Christian. And just after listening maybe on a train or in
27:07 the market line or something I'd hear them talk and I just say
27:10 they've got that accent of Christians. Christianese.
27:14 You could just detect it. There was this flavor in their words
27:18 that seemed to have a sanctity about it and you just knew that
27:22 they had that accent from another kingdom. Have you met
27:25 those people before? Their speech is seasoned with grace.
27:29 Christians ought to be that way. If you are members of God's
27:34 kingdom you have different priorities. What should be the
27:37 priority? What were the first words that Jesus said? Repent
27:40 for the kingdom of heaven. John the Baptist - The Kingdom of
27:43 heaven. The apostles - the kingdom of heaven. What should
27:46 be our priority with that kind of heritage? The kingdom of
27:50 heaven should be our priority. What did Jesus say? Matthew
27:53 6:33. You know this, it's a song Seek you first what? What should
27:59 be the first thing? The kingdom of God and his righteousness.
28:04 That's why Christ said, Except your righteousness exceeds the
28:08 righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will by no
28:12 means enter the kingdom of God. Now that doesn't mean we're
28:17 supposed to be like the Pharisees. It means it's a
28:19 better quality of righteousness. It's genuine where theirs was
28:24 counterfeit. He said you need to have a different kind of
28:27 righteousness than what they were professing if you want to
28:30 be part of the kingdom of God. Seeking that righteousness
28:33 should be our priority. Seek ye first! Show of hands. Be honest
28:39 please. I want everyone to participate. I don't mean to
28:42 embarrass you, hopefully it won't embarrass you, but show of
28:46 hands. How many of you who are driving age have at some time
28:50 run out of gas? That should have been almost everybody unless you
28:55 just got your license. You know it's not as common today as it
29:00 used to be. How come? They've got what they call idiot lights.
29:04 I'm not trying to be derogatory that's what they call them or
29:08 bells. You know you get down to your last eighth of a tank and
29:11 something's flashing every time you turn the key and there are
29:14 lights and there are bells going off and it's saying you better
29:16 get some gas. Makes it a little easier to remember, right?
29:19 It's like one father was taking to his son. He was teaching him
29:23 to drive. He's telling him about the gages and that's back when
29:26 you used to watch. People knew what an oil pressure gage was.
29:30 Your oil pressure's gone, you better turn the key off. If you
29:32 watch the temperature gage. If it gets too hot you better turn
29:35 the key off and add some water. You better check it out.
29:37 And some of these instruments are very important and the
29:39 father said to the boy, the fuel gage, don't worry about it.
29:43 You run out you just get more. Right? Don't worry about that
29:46 gauge. You'll find out when it needs attention. But what if
29:51 you're a pilot? What kind of priority do you put on the fuel
29:56 gauge if you're a pilot? You don't just pull over, you don't
30:01 just coast to the side of the road, especially if you fly over
30:05 the country we fly over when we go to Covelo. It's very
30:07 mountainous terrain and you can be sure that part of the check
30:12 list is fuel. Matter of fact, a good pilot not only looks at the
30:16 gauge, he'll get up and stick his finger in the tank, he'll
30:19 look visually. You make sure there's fuel. Not only do you
30:23 look at the gauge and you do a visual check, but then you go
30:25 around and you put this little thing under the wing to make
30:28 sure there's no water in the fuel, that the fuel is pure
30:32 because for the pilot the fuel is a priority. Well for the
30:36 Christian the Holy Spirit is a priority and seeking God's
30:40 kingdom first is a priority. That ought to be just the core
30:45 of everything we do and yet our priorities are kind of mixed up
30:49 if you don't mind my saying so. Someone once said everybody
30:53 wants the kingdom of God but very few people want it first.
30:58 Seek ye first. Jesus said to someone who said I want to
31:03 follow you but first I've got to take care of some other things,
31:06 Christ said no one having put his hand to the plow and looking
31:09 back is fit for the kingdom of God. You look forward and you
31:12 don't even look back because it's a priority and there's no
31:15 turning back or you end up like Lot's wife. Just to give you an
31:19 idea of American priorities: 82 percent of people in an
31:23 Ad week poll said they'd rather be rich than thin, in spite of
31:26 the fact that you live a lot longer statistically if you're
31:30 thinner and riches do not make you live longer. But people said
31:35 they prefer to have the riches than the better health.
31:37 That's interesting. On the
31:39 same theme of mixed up priorities 34 percent of
31:43 American pre-school teachers, administrators, parents and
31:47 child development specialists said the most important thing
31:50 for a child to learn in pre- school is self-reliance and self
31:54 confidence. Now that's opposed to the percentage who said the
31:58 important thing is sympathy and empathy and concern for others.
32:02 That was only five percent. The priority was put on self-control
32:06 self-reliance instead of love for others. Just tells you about
32:10 the mixed up priorities that we've got in our world. Every
32:15 kingdom has a constitution. In America the final document of
32:19 arbitration for law is what? It's the U.S. Constitution,
32:24 right? Isn't that what the Supreme Court judges are
32:26 ultimately to use as a foundation for their
32:29 interpretation of what is right and what is wrong and what is
32:31 just and what is unjust. They say what does the constitution
32:36 say? That's the basis. What is our constitution? What did Jesus
32:40 say? Luke 4:4: It is written. Man shall not live by bread
32:45 alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
32:50 Again, Matthew 24:35, Jesus said Heaven and earth will pass away
32:55 but my words will not pass away. So for the Christian in our
32:58 government this kingdom... Do we have a document that tells us
33:02 about the laws of the kingdom? Huh? Help me. Act a little
33:07 Pentecostal, just a little, a little participation here.
33:12 Seventh-day Adventists are so cerebral. The Bible just be the
33:18 final place where we go to determine what is true, what is
33:23 the will of our king. How do we know we're following the laws of
33:28 our government. This is our constitution. Now the very fact
33:34 that Jesus went out preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand
33:39 or that the apostles said the kingdom of heaven is at hand
33:44 it's amazing that Rome did not react more. I mean, even Pilate
33:50 said, Are you a king, to Jesus. Are you coronating yourself, is
33:55 there going to be an insurrection against the empire
33:57 of Rome? I mean they understood that he wasn't talking about
34:00 this kingdom because they weren't even threatened by it.
34:02 The religious leaders tried to use that when they said Oh he's
34:06 making himself a king and if there's any king other than
34:08 Caesar Pilate you're in trouble. That's what finally was the ace
34:13 up their sleeves. But up until that point the Romans really
34:16 never felt threatened. Unfortunately in our world
34:19 if you tell people the kingdom of heaven is at hand they don't
34:22 act like there's about to be an invasion. It ought to trouble
34:25 people. In a government when you say your government will soon be
34:29 displaced by another government. But it doesn't trouble people.
34:33 Why doesn't it trouble them more? Because there aren't very
34:36 many citizens, aren't very many soldiers. It doesn't seem like
34:39 anyone's really taking it seriously. But really there are
34:42 two kingdoms that are at war in this world. And by the way, that
34:47 means they're at war in your heart. Have you felt the battle
34:51 before? There is a divided kingdom in this world. Jesus
34:57 said so. John 12 verse 31: Now the judgment of this world.
35:02 The ruler of this world will be cast out. Satan has claimed
35:06 territory that belongs to Jesus. Even Jesus identified him as the
35:09 prince or the ruler of this world. He claimed to be
35:13 sovereign Didn't the devil say to Christ, all these kingdoms
35:15 are mine but I'll give them to you if you bow down and you
35:19 worship me. There is a cosmic conflict between these two
35:24 kingdoms that are colliding. That sort of rhymed didn't it?
35:29 This tension between two kingdoms. The good news is the
35:34 Lord is saying you can change kings. You can be part of a
35:40 different kingdom. By the way, you don't get dual citizenship.
35:47 Jesus said he who is not with me is against me. I heard a story
35:53 one time. During the civil war when the war broke out this very
35:59 phlegmatic gentleman had a farm right on the line between the
36:02 north and the south. And he talked to his friends north of
36:05 the Mason/Dixon line and they'd say you ought to join the north
36:08 and be a yank. And he'd talk to his friends on the south and
36:11 they'd say you ought to be a reb and join the south. And he
36:14 didn't want to make any one mad so what he did is he got a
36:16 uniform of each side and he wore the shirt of the north and the
36:20 pants of the south. He had the blue and the gray. So what do
36:24 you think that got him? The north shot him in the pants
36:28 and the south shot him in the shirt. You can't do both. You
36:32 can't say I'm going to enjoy the world and the pleasures of sin
36:35 and this kingdom and I'm going to get all the gusto I can and
36:38 I'm also going to try and be a Christian at least once a week.
36:43 You can't have dual citizenship. Jesus said you're either with me
36:47 or against me. Where are you? Where is your heart? Is it in
36:50 the world or is in Christ's kingdom? Jesus said in
36:55 Luke 11:17: Every kingdom divided against itself is
37:01 brought to desolation. A house divided against itself falleth.
37:05 Some of you have felt this division inside. It doesn't
37:10 last long. There can't be this division indefinitely.
37:12 Wars don't go on forever. Even the 100 year war finally came to
37:16 an end didn't it? And though the war in this world may have been
37:19 6000 years it can't last forever There's a division in this world
37:23 It just is not going to last and I think we see it coming to a
37:27 head. In your hearts one of two things will happen. You'll feel
37:30 that struggle inside. Either Jesus will win or the devil will
37:33 win. You're going one way or the other. You can't stay neutral
37:38 in this divided kingdom. We're to pray for our king. Have you
37:42 ever been to England or some of these countries where they all
37:47 say God save the queen or God save the king or in a lot of the
37:51 official slogans of the ever diminishing number of monarchies
37:56 in the world, there are very few left, but part of their
37:59 language is to pray for the king. Matter of fact, you find
38:02 in the Old Testament, it says remember to pray for the king.
38:06 Samuel said pray for the king. What about us? Are we supposed
38:10 to pray for our kingdom? What does Jesus say? The Lord's
38:13 prayer. Look at the priority that Jesus puts on the kingdom
38:16 of heaven, the kingdom of God. Right in the Lord's prayer twice
38:18 You kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in
38:22 heaven and it's ended in Matthew by saying for thine is the
38:25 kingdom and the power and the glory. I mean, this was central
38:29 to Jesus' teaching. How many parables does Jesus say the
38:32 kingdom of heaven is like a net cast in the sea, the kingdom of
38:35 heaven is like a merchant seeking pearls, the kingdom of
38:37 heaven is like a treasure, the kingdom of heaven is like,
38:40 the kingdom of heaven is like. Jesus is trying to get us to
38:44 think kingdom thoughts, that we're part of a different empire
38:48 a different dimension. Do you forget sometimes that we're
38:53 ambassadors of another world. An English visitor to the U.S.
38:57 commented about U.S. churches. You Americans are so concerned
39:01 about being happy as if our kingdom were the focal point
39:04 of God's designs rather than God's kingdom being the focal
39:08 point of ours. They're right. That's a good observation.
39:12 In American and many of the new evangelical churches it's like
39:17 God exists to make us comfortable in this kingdom.
39:20 Come on. There's all this name it, claim it theology and if you
39:23 come to our church God is going to do this for you and make you
39:27 comfortable in this kingdom. That's not the purpose. Our
39:30 comfort is not the issue. His kingdom, our doing the will to
39:35 expand his kingdom is what should be our priority. We pray
39:38 for his kingdom or are you comfortable with this kingdom
39:42 here? The keys to the kingdom. You know Jesus said Matthew 16
39:47 I will give unto thee... Wow these are powerful words that
39:51 have often been abused and people think that God gave some
39:54 special key to Peter himself, but really it's telling us that
39:58 Jesus gives every believer the keys to unlock the kingdom. Can
40:04 you imagine if you were given the keys. It's like a whole city
40:09 a capital kingdom where the castle is surrounded by a wall
40:14 and the opposing army is at the gates and at night you're given
40:19 the key to unlock the gate and let the other army in or to let
40:22 the captives out. You've got that key between the corridors
40:26 of the two empires. That's a pretty powerful thing to have.
40:31 You have that. What is it for? It's not talking about keys that
40:35 were given to Peter or the Pope. Jesus is the key that you use to
40:40 unlock the hearts of others that they might find eternal life and
40:46 the kingdom. Isaiah 22:22. You can remember that one.
40:49 The key of the house of David I will
40:51 lay on his shoulders, speaking of the Messiah. He will open
40:53 and no man will shut. He will shut and no man will open. And
40:57 that's quoted by Jesus in Revelation. You and I are given
41:01 the keys. In sharing the gospel you unlock the gates of heaven
41:05 for others. That's what that means. What a privilege that you
41:10 can go round and help other people find citizenship.
41:14 Periodically when we travel, matter of fact it happens
41:17 frequently when we travel especially in some third world
41:21 countries, people befriend us there and then we'll have them
41:24 very delicately come to us and say you know I would sure like
41:28 to visit your country but I need a sponsor. I need someone who
41:31 can make it possible. I just need name and address to give
41:35 to our embassy so I can come visit America. Can I use your
41:39 name? Will you help me get my visa so I can come. You all know
41:44 what I'm talking about? As pastors and missionaries
41:47 traveling you've got to be careful about doing that because
41:50 you can get into trouble. But the fact is, you are given the
41:54 ability to help other people emigrate. You're given the
41:58 keys so they can change and become citizens. Somebody Karen
42:01 and I met in Russia, matter of fact, you've seen him on TV and
42:04 you don't even know him. We met him there for the first time. A
42:07 young man, he ended up doing some translation for us and
42:10 through our relationship with our team he gradually was able
42:13 to visit and go to school and now is married and resides here
42:17 and is contributing to the church and the country and in
42:22 one sense we felt like we were the key and it's fun to see
42:25 some... Because he'd come from a life where that was so much
42:30 poverty and so little to such affluence. To think you can be
42:34 used that way and it's wonderful to see this young person
42:39 prospering compared to when we first saw him. You have that
42:43 privilege of helping people transition from bondage to
42:47 royalty. Matter of fact, this is the story of the Exodus. Think
42:52 about it. Have you ever seen a kingdom born? The children of
42:56 Israel went as a tribe into Egypt. They became a nation of
43:01 slaves and when God brought them out God established them as a
43:04 new kingdom. Matter of fact, he said, I'm giving you a new
43:07 calendar, I'm giving you a new government. You are going to be
43:10 a new kingdom. He took them from a nation of slaves and they
43:14 became a new kingdom. Well God can do for you what he did for
43:18 the Israelites. You can become from slavery royalty. God said
43:23 you're a kingdom of kings, a kingdom of priests and don't
43:27 forget that in any kingdom the two highest positions that can
43:32 be held were the royalty and the priesthood. And God says you get
43:37 both when you become citizens in his kingdom. This is the only
43:42 kingdom that's going to last. Kingdoms come and kingdoms fall.
43:46 Jesus said there are going to be wars and rumors of wars, nation
43:50 will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom but
43:53 they rise and they fall. History seems to repeat itself but is
43:57 one of them going to last. Daniel chapter 2 verse 44:
44:01 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a
44:05 kingdom that will never be destroyed and the kingdom will
44:09 not be left to other people. It will break in pieces and consume
44:13 all of these kingdoms. It shall stand forever. Now kingdoms come
44:17 and kingdoms go but one kingdom is going to endure.
44:19 Which kingdom is that? Let me reword that. If we know that
44:24 kingdoms come and kingdoms go, they rise and they fall, they
44:28 flourish and they vaporize, some of these kingdoms used to rule
44:32 the world and they've totally disappeared off the scene, no
44:36 vestiges left, but if you knew there was one kingdom that was
44:39 going to be the final kingdom that would last through eternity
44:42 which one would you want to be part of. I mean, don't you want
44:46 to be on the winning team? The kingdom that's going to last is
44:50 Jesus. Revelation 11 verse 15: The kingdoms of this world have
44:55 become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ and he will reign
44:59 forever and ever. That's the one that's going to last. Now how
45:02 does that happen? We've been trying to emphasize that it
45:07 starts on the inside. It begins by your accepting the inner
45:10 kingdom. Let me just reiterate. When we talk about the kingdom
45:14 of God we're talking about two things. A kingdom that is
45:17 available right now and it's been available since Christ
45:20 began preaching and John the Baptist began preaching 2000
45:23 years ago. But it's the spiritual inner kingdom.
45:26 You can have that now, it's at hand right now. Then you've got
45:30 the literal physical kingdom. In the book of Acts, chapter 1 when
45:33 Jesus was about to ascend to heaven one of the disciples said
45:36 Lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?
45:39 What was he thinking of? What was that apostle thinking of?
45:42 The inner kingdom or the outer kingdom? The outer kingdom.
45:45 Jesus was trying to shake them and wake them and say look you
45:47 still don't get it. That's not why I come the first time.
45:50 The first time is the inner kingdom, the second time the
45:52 outer kingdom. Isn't that right? He said it's not going to come
45:57 through that kind of observation not at this time. But later that
46:02 kingdom will come as well. That's the one that's going to
46:04 last. Right now it's an inner kingdom. The kingdom of God does
46:08 not come with observation nor will they say see here or see
46:12 there. For indeed the kingdom of God is, present tense, within
46:16 you. Not it will be, it is within you. Now with that in
46:20 mind here are some of the most important things I can share
46:24 with you. If you have felt that conflict between two empires
46:29 raging in your heart, you can invite Jesus to sit on the
46:34 throne of your heart and sin will no longer have dominion
46:38 over you. Look at those words in Romans chapter 6 verse 12 and
46:42 then verse 14. Notice the language is kingdom language.
46:46 Therefore do not let sin reign. He could have used a lot of
46:50 other words but he used the word that has to do with a government
46:52 a king, sitting on the throne reigning. Don't let sin reign.
46:58 The opposite of that is Jesus reigns in your heart. Verse 14:
47:03 For sin shall not have dominion over you. I'm so thankful he
47:08 worded it that way because let's face it, even in a kingdom where
47:13 there's an element of peace and prosperity you think of the most
47:18 safe place in the world you could live. Are there still some
47:22 violators in those kingdoms. Are there still occasional rebels
47:26 and people who disobey and J walk or whatever it is? Right
47:30 sure. But they don't have dominion. Ah there are some
47:34 placed in the world right now namely some in Africa where
47:38 there are... If they're in the midst of a civil war and you're
47:41 not sure from day to day who is in charge. Terrible insecurity.
47:45 Violence. When you accept Jesus and he takes dominion in your
47:50 heart that doesn't mean there won't be the occasional you know
47:54 violation. It doesn't mean there won't be the occasional
47:56 disturbance, but it is not the pattern anymore because there's
48:00 a new power on the throne of the heart, right? Do you understand
48:05 what I'm talking about? Sin doesn't reign. Before you're a
48:08 Christian we're addicted to sin. It's a pattern in our life.
48:11 After we become Christians there is a new power inside and you're
48:15 growing in sanctification and it's no longer the pattern. Sin
48:20 doesn't have control over you any more. That's good news.
48:25 Colossians 1 verse 27: I've asked Karen if no one else says
48:28 Amen will you please help me? So she's pretty good about it.
48:32 Thank you dear, I appreciate it. To them that will to make known
48:35 what are the riches of his glory the mystery among the gentiles
48:39 which is Christ in you, the kingdom of God within, Christ
48:43 in you sitting on the throne of your heart and your mind, the
48:47 hope of glory. Your mind is filled with him. It pervades and
48:52 permeates all you do. What is the main law in God's kingdom?
48:58 It's love. The driving motive in God's kingdom is love. This is
49:02 where one of the big differences comes in. In the world what is
49:08 the principle motive of action. Selfishness, it is, self. I had
49:14 someone observe one time that years ago the magazines were
49:18 things like Look, Time, Life. Some of those went out of
49:22 business and now the magazines are Me, Self, Glamour. I mean
49:28 it's all so into yourself. People are very egocentric in
49:33 the world today. It's all about worshipping yourself, but in
49:37 God's kingdom it's a kingdom based on love and so he puts
49:42 that in your hearts. You've heard me quote this before. Near
49:46 the end of his life when Napoleon was a prisoner on Elba
49:51 he said, Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and myself founded
49:55 great empires, but Jesus alone founded his empire upon love
50:00 and to this very day millions would die for him. Jesus Christ
50:04 was more than a man. He realized their empires were all founded
50:08 on force and selfishness. Now here's the good news. Everybody
50:12 is invited to be part of this kingdom but it's sometimes made
50:17 up of a rag tag group. You remember in the Bible when King
50:21 Saul was rejected as king because of his pride and his
50:24 rebellion? So Samuel went and anointed David. Even after David
50:29 was anointed as king did he get to be king the same day. He was
50:33 anointed as king. That meant as far a God was concerned it says
50:37 the Spirit of God left Saul, the Holy Spirit filled David and an
50:42 evil spirit began to torment Saul and then there were years
50:46 when Saul was still on the throne acting like king but as
50:50 far as God was concerned David was king. But David didn't look
50:53 like king. He's living in caves. He's running from the enemy.
50:56 That's what's happening in the world today. The devil has lost
51:01 his kingdom. Jesus is the king in this world. You see what I'm
51:05 saying? But it may look like Saul's on the throne. It may
51:09 look like the devil's on the throne. But David, Jesus, is the
51:12 king who is coming. Let me tell you what it said about David.
51:18 I Samuel 22:2: Everyone who was in distress, would that be you,
51:23 everyone who was in debt, that might be you, everyone who was
51:28 discontent, unsatisfied with what was happening in the
51:31 government, they gathered to David. He became a captain over
51:35 them. That sounds like he was sort of a leader of a Robin Hood
51:39 group. Everybody can come to Jesus. Even before David was
51:43 king people gathered to him. Did you get that? We can gather
51:46 and become part of Christ's kingdom. Now don't forget this.
51:50 Those that joined David before he took the throne are the ones
51:54 who ruled with him when he took the throne. Those who were
51:58 faithful to him during the time when he seemed like he was the
52:01 underdog were the ones who were promoted when he finally did
52:05 have the kingdom. Right now Jesus looks like the underdog
52:07 in this world doesn't he. But if you and I, even though we might
52:12 be poor and in debt and discontent and have all our
52:15 problems, if we will join ourselves to the Son of David
52:17 and say I know that he is going to be the ultimate king then you
52:21 will get to reign with him. That's exciting when you think
52:24 about it. You know I started the message with the words of Christ
52:29 the kingdom of heaven is at hand Let me repeat that in your ears
52:32 today. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. What does that mean?
52:38 It means within reach. At hand means you can take it now. How
52:43 sad that the kingdom of Christ and you could become a citizen
52:46 of the kingdom, that that opportunity is present right now
52:50 and you wouldn't want it because this kingdom is not
52:53 going to last. I was reading in history about one of the great
52:57 tragedies of history was the South Pole expedition. There was
53:01 a Norwegian team led by Amundsen and there was an
53:06 English team led by Captain Robert Scott that were both
53:09 about the same time trying to make their way to the South Pole
53:13 Amundsen was a little sharper maybe from living in Norway and
53:17 he knew that the best way to try to tackle the South Pole was to
53:21 use dogs as your means of carrying supplies and
53:23 transportation. But this was still a whole new novel idea and
53:26 the English, you know, they were used to conquering with horses.
53:30 But in the arctic zones the dog is king. Well Scott, though he
53:34 must be commended for his bravery and his tenacity he said
53:38 no we're going to be Englishmen, we're going to use horses. So
53:41 they took horses to Antarctica and tried to use these horses
53:43 to pull the sleds across this frozen land. There's no grass
53:46 anywhere. Frozen waste. And they died half way to the South Pole.
53:51 And finally the men had to pull the sleds manually. They managed
53:55 to reach the South Pole and can you imagine how discouraged they
53:58 were when they're barely alive, they get to the South Pole and
54:01 they found out that the Norwegians, the flag of Norway
54:06 is there. They'd missed it by four weeks. On the way home
54:10 they crossed I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of
54:15 miles back to this depot or shelter where they had food and
54:19 provision that they had erected. The last three including Captain
54:24 Scott froze to death within 11 miles of the depot. They got
54:27 into a blizzard, they couldn't get out of their tent for days.
54:30 You can read his diary, I read it last night, very sad. They
54:33 knew it was 11 miles away and they got so close it was right
54:36 at hand. And they thought oh we'll just go through the
54:39 blizzard and try and find it and they froze to death in their
54:42 tents. Talk about how sad to be so close to the South Pole and
54:46 at least a position in history. They missed it. And to be so
54:49 close to at least surviving and they missed it. To miss
54:53 something that's life and death is really sad. It's like this
54:56 traveler across the desert who was found right over the sand
55:00 dune from an oasis, died of thirst. If he had gone over one
55:03 more hill he would have found it. Those stories are always so
55:07 sad. To be so close and not get a hold of it. Jesus said the
55:12 kingdom of heaven is at hand. Some of you realize maybe you've
55:16 been acting like citizens of this world instead of citizens
55:21 of Christ's kingdom and you'd like to be born and naturalized
55:25 in that new empire. You know before we sing, I want to ask
55:28 you right now. I'd like to invite everybody here to just
55:32 close their eyes please. Close your eyes. You might bow your
55:36 heads for a moment before God. Put aside any outside
55:40 distraction that might be present and in your heart I'd
55:44 like to invite you to ask yourself what is my priority in
55:49 life? Am I seeking first God's kingdom. Is that part and the
55:53 start of my prayers and the conclusion of my prayers that
55:57 his kingdom come for his is the kingdom. Do you see your role
56:01 in this life as an ambassador of another realm? Or are you
56:04 finding that you're getting a little too comfortable in a
56:08 foreign land? If this morning the Holy Spirit's speaking to
56:11 you and you say Lord, I would like to have that new birth.
56:15 I want to be a citizen of your kingdom. I want to repent and
56:19 and reach out and take that kingdom that's available right
56:23 now. The kingdom of heaven can begin reigning in your heart and
56:26 mine right now. If you'd like to ask for that would you lift
56:30 your hands with me right now. I want to pray for you right now
56:36 Loving Lord, our King. We want to come before you and accept
56:42 on your terms the offer you've made for us to be citizens of
56:47 your kingdom that's available. Lord right now we're inviting
56:51 Jesus to reign on the throne of our hearts. Sometimes we don't
56:55 act like we're willing. Sometimes we sense that struggle
56:58 inside because there is another enemy force, there's another
57:01 king who's clamoring for control. Lord we are giving you
57:04 the permission. We are choosing by our will to say Lord we want
57:08 you to be the king in our lives, in our minds, in our hearts.
57:12 And by making that choice Lord we pray that you will subdue
57:17 every other influence, every enemy, every alien force that is
57:21 resisting your supremacy. Take our hearts and take our minds
57:26 as only yours Lord. And as we invite this internal kingdom we
57:32 pray that we can live as ambassadors in your world,
57:34 that our church will be an embassy in this foreign land,
57:38 that we will find encouragement from one another. And most of
57:42 all, we pray that we will do everything we can through the
57:46 keys you've placed in our hands to prepare people for the next
57:49 kingdom, the physical kingdom, that will come when Jesus comes
57:53 again. Bless each person that they might experience Christ
57:57 ruling on the throne in their hearts and minds.
57:59 We ask in Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17