Everlasting Gospel

The Character Of Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: EG

Program Code: EG002702

00:09 It's been 2000 years since the glorious light of the cross
00:12 illuminated the world veiled in darkness and confusion about
00:16 the character of God. And still today the greatest need of
00:19 mankind is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life
00:22 of Christ. Amazing facts presents the everlasting gospel
00:26 with Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from
00:30 Sacramento Central Church in sunny California. Discover
00:33 hidden treasures in God's word today.
00:38 Well happy Sabbath. It's a pleasure to see you and our
00:45 family as well as our visitors We're very thankful that you're
00:48 here. I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles to the book
00:52 of Exodus. It was interesting that Carol in her offering
00:56 thoughts was talking about Exodus chapter 35. Well I'm
01:00 going to invite you to go to Exodus chapter 33. Now this is
01:06 after the 10 commandments have been delivered orally and if you
01:12 go to verse 12 Moses is conversing with the Almighty
01:19 And Moses said to the Lord, see you say to me bring this people
01:25 but you have not let me know whom you will send with me.
01:30 Yet you have said, I know you by name and you have also found
01:35 grace in my sight. Now therefore I pray if I have found grace in
01:41 your site, show me now your way that I might know you, that I
01:46 might find grace in your sight and consider that this nation is
01:51 your people. And God said, my presence will go with you and I
01:57 will give you rest. Then I want you to go down to verse 18.
02:03 And Moses said, Please show me your glory. He said I want to
02:09 know you. I want to know your way. Moses is yearning after God
02:14 and his prayer is show me your glory. Well our message this
02:18 morning is dealing with the subject of the character of
02:23 Christ, the character of Christ. I do not think that there is any
02:28 theme that is more worthy of our attention. After all what kind
02:33 of church is this? A Christian church. What is a Christian?
02:37 A follower of Christ? What would be the very best theme upon
02:42 which we could talk and dwell? Christ. More specifically, the
02:48 character of Christ. So we are in a very real sense entering
02:53 into sacred ground with our study this morning. Do you have
02:58 the yearning that Moses had? I mean here Moses is talking to
03:02 God. He's seen the burning bush, he's seen the miracles of God
03:06 and after all of the wind and the fire, the manna from heaven,
03:11 what is Moses' prayer? I want more of you. He's not saying
03:16 Lord I want riches or Lord I want the vindication on my
03:20 enemies. He's saying Lord I want you. I want to know you, I want
03:25 to know your way. Show me your glory. He's not asking for
03:29 fireworks. He's asking to know the Lord. I'll prove this as we
03:33 proceed here. Show me your glory and here's what God said, verse
03:38 19; I'm still in Exodus 33. I will make all of my goodness
03:43 pass before you. So what is the glory of God? The goodness of
03:49 God. And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you.
03:53 You remember one time Moses said to the Lord when he was
03:57 first commissioned to go to Egypt. He said, whom shall I say
04:01 sent me to the Pharaoh, to the children of Israel. You're the
04:05 God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You know there's lots of Gods in
04:10 Egypt. Whom shall I say? And the Lord told Moses that he's the
04:14 self-existent, eternal one. I Am that I Am. And he also gave him
04:18 more specifically the name Jehovah. So he's revealed his
04:23 eternal nature, he's revealed his name and Moses is saying,
04:27 no Lord, I want to see your glory. I want to really get a
04:32 picture of who you are. He said I'll proclaim the name of the
04:37 Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I'll be
04:39 gracious and I'll have compassion on whom I will have
04:41 compassion. But he said, God is speaking, You cannot see my face
04:48 for no man shall see me and live. Now that's a heavy thought
04:53 I want to take you on a little detour if that's okay and talk
04:59 about seeing God. I collected some verses this morning.
05:05 We are separated from God because of sin. I mean, you
05:10 would think why would God want to make creatures that couldn't
05:13 see him? That was not his original plan. Man used to
05:16 converse with God face to face in the garden but in the
05:20 beginning after sin man ran from God and God said where are you?
05:25 The purpose of the plan of salvation is to restore us to
05:29 fellowship with God. Sin has separated us. Your iniquities
05:33 have separated you from your God. But it's a little confusing
05:37 sometimes. You read the statements about can we see God
05:40 or can't we see God. Jacob wrestled with an Angel and he
05:43 says, For I have seen God face to face and yet I am preserved.
05:47 Well evidently God did not reveal himself in his full glory
05:51 because when Jacob first starts wrestling with the angel he
05:54 doesn't even know who it is. If it was God in his unveiled glory
05:58 he would have know right away. Isn't that right? But he found
06:03 out God had veiled himself. Christ had come in one of his
06:08 manifestations before his incarnation. In Deuteronomy 5
06:13 verse 4, God said to Moses, I talk to you face to face out of
06:17 the midst of the fire. So when the Bible says Moses previously
06:21 spoke to the Lord face to face, yes, but it was out of the fire.
06:25 God's glory was veiled somehow by this light and the smoke and
06:29 the fire on the mountain he spoke to him. And then we just
06:33 read where he said, No man will see my face and live. Judges
06:36 chapter 6, when Gideon perceived this was the Angel of the Lord
06:40 he said, Ah, ah, alas, I'm going to die for I have seen an angel
06:44 of the Lord face to face. Some believe this was Christ because
06:48 he believed that he had seen the divinity of God and the Lord
06:51 said, Peace, you will not die. They believed that if they saw
06:56 God in his glory it would just destroy them. John chapter 6
07:00 verse 46, the Lord helps us understand this because he said,
07:05 not that any man has seen the Father. So when he tells us no
07:10 man can see God in his glory and live well God the Father in his
07:14 unveiled glory, the presence of the Lord is a consuming fire.
07:19 Who can endure that? When Daniel saw the Lord he fell down as
07:23 though he was dead. When Haggai saw the Lord he said
07:26 he trembled with fear. When Ezekiel saw the Lord he thought
07:31 he was going to die. You can see many examples of this among the
07:35 prophets. Matthew 17 verse 6, when the disciples were on the
07:38 mountain and they saw Jesus glorified they were overcome
07:42 with fear. Sore, exceedingly afraid, when they saw Christ in
07:48 his glory. I Timothy 6 verses 15 and 16: Which in his times
07:53 he shall show who is the blessed and only potentate, the King of
07:57 kings and Lord of lords who only has immortality dwelling
08:01 in, listen to this, God dwelling in light that no man can
08:06 approach unto whom no man has seen nor can see. No man, in his
08:12 mortal condition, has seen or can see God in his glory. It's
08:17 too much. Even Moses, as good and godly as he was, the meekest
08:22 man in all the earth, he, God said, could not see his undimmed
08:27 glory, his heavenly glory that the angels veil their faces to.
08:32 Even the angels cover their faces, holy angels, in the
08:35 presence of God. Now some of the reason I'm sharing this with you
08:39 is I just wanted to raise your concept of the glory of God a
08:43 notch or two. When we come into church here, you know sometimes
08:46 the pastors and elders here, we're constantly harping about
08:51 reverence. We're doing this because God tells us that his
08:55 holiness is something that we cannot even endure. If he should
08:59 suddenly manifest himself to us the way that he did to Moses, I
09:04 dare say that many of us wouldn't survive the experience.
09:06 I'm not done yet. I John 4:12: No man has seen God at any time.
09:13 Revelation 1:17, John gets this vision of God in his glory. And
09:19 when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead. This is that holy
09:24 St. John. But he laid his right hand on me saying, Do not be
09:28 afraid. I am the first and the last. It says he laid his hand
09:32 on Daniel and he almost fell down. When an angel of the Lord
09:35 appeared to resurrect Christ or roll away the stone, the guards
09:39 fell down as dead from the glory of an angel. So right now if God
09:43 should enter this place and if he should peel back the veil
09:47 that separates the physical from the spiritual and let his glory
09:52 shine forth undimmed. The presence of the Lord is a
09:55 consuming fire. What is it that destroys the wicked. The wicked
09:59 are destroyed by the brightness of his coming, his very presence
10:02 God is awesome and glorious. I Corinthians, here's the good
10:08 news. Right now in our mortal condition, in our sinful
10:11 condition we can't behold him. Now we see through a glass
10:15 darkly but then in our glorified condition we may veil our faces,
10:20 but we will see him face to face. And if you have any
10:24 doubts, last chapter in the Bible, Revelation 22 verse 4:
10:28 And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their
10:31 foreheads. I want to see him face to face, don't you?
10:34 So just to give you the background for why God is saying
10:37 to Moses in his mortal condition no man, no human, your mortal
10:41 flesh cannot endure it. But I want to show you as much as you
10:44 can handle because I love you and we've got this relationship.
10:48 He said, You shall not see my face for no man shall see me and
10:52 live. That's verse 20. And God says in verse 21, I'm back in
10:58 Exodus 33. He said, here's a place by me and you shall stand
11:04 on the rock and so it shall be that while my glory passes by
11:10 that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with
11:15 my hand while I pass by. And I will take my hand and you will
11:20 see my back, but my face shall not be seen. Whoo. Just gives
11:24 you chills to think about the glory of God and here is Moses
11:28 saying I want to see your glory and God is saying, the only way
11:31 you can do it is if you're in the rock. You know you've sung
11:34 that song, He Hideth My Soul In the Cleft of the Rock. That's
11:37 based on this passage of scripture. So there's another
11:41 exchange between the Lord and Moses and finally in verse 5 the
11:45 moment comes. He's going to receive the 10 commandments but
11:49 what Moses wants is to see his glory. I'm in chapter 34 of
11:55 Exodus verse 5, Then the Lord descended in the cloud and stood
12:00 with him there. Moses is in this cleft of the rock and God places
12:05 his hand over Moses and he passes by as he descends and he
12:09 removes his hand. And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed
12:15 verse 6, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long
12:20 suffering and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping
12:24 mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and
12:28 sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity
12:32 of the fathers upon the children and the children's children to
12:36 the third and fourth generation. So Moses made haste and he
12:41 bowed his head toward the earth and he worshipped. Now after
12:44 Moses saw just even this glimpse of God's glory, he couldn't see
12:48 his face, he was overwhelmed with the desire to worship.
12:52 What was it that compelled him to just worship overflowing with
12:57 adoration? He saw a bright light A lot of religions talk about a
13:02 bright light and you can go to Vegas and stand on top of the
13:07 Luxor Hotel and see a bright light. There's a lot of things
13:13 you can do just to get a bright light. You can ask the police to
13:16 shine their search lights in your face. That won't inspire
13:19 you to worship. What was it that evoked this desire to worship?
13:25 He saw the character of God. Now I want you to think about that
13:29 because the character of Christ, that's our message today and
13:33 we're going to look at some of the specifics. First I want to
13:37 begin with a definition. What is character? It is the combination
13:41 of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group
13:46 or thing from another. A distinguishing feature or
13:50 attribute of an individual. Now you may not know it. You've been
13:54 wondering what a character is, you're probably sitting
13:56 surrounded by them right now. We're all characters. Sometimes
14:00 a person says that in a derogatory say, Boy he's a
14:03 character. But what that means is we all have our distinct
14:07 characteristics and you all have your unique character. Someone
14:13 said one time reputation is what others think about you and what
14:17 you might want others to think about you but character is who
14:21 you are regardless of what people think. Sometimes the
14:24 public opinion will turn against a person who has a great
14:30 character. It did against Jesus. His reputation changed among
14:35 the politicians but his character did not change.
14:38 What topic would be more important for us to talk about
14:42 than the character of Christ. Nothing. This is the best thing
14:46 we could do in church. II Corinthians 3:18. Why are we
14:50 talking about the character of Christ? Notice.
14:54 II Corinthians 3:18: But we all with unveiled face, God had to
14:59 hide or veil his face, beholding as in a mirror the
15:02 glory of the Lord. Is it the bright light or is it the
15:05 character? What is the glory of God? It's his personality, it's
15:09 who he is. He's not just a bright light. By beholding the
15:13 glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image
15:18 from glory to glory. As you and I behold the character of God,
15:22 these attributes of God our souls are something like a
15:26 photographic plate. When you pull aside the shutter for an
15:29 instant and close it again, even digital cameras use the same
15:32 principle, it's got a shutter that opens and closes.
15:35 It captures an image. You and I beholding Christ, his
15:40 characteristics, his character is impressed on our souls.
15:45 You know this happens with children. Children often assume
15:49 the characteristics of their parents. They say that with a
15:52 number of animals, especially with birds, they've got this
15:56 time, they call it imprinting. It's very common among ducks and
16:00 and swans and some of these birds, that when they first come
16:05 out of the shell whatever they see, they start peeping and
16:10 chirping, they will bond and it imprints on them and they say
16:15 mama. And it's really funny because sometimes... Karen and
16:20 I were watching this nature video and they're trying to
16:25 retrain these whooping cranes that are a threatened species to
16:31 multiply and get into their regular form of migration.
16:35 And it's quite a challenge because the scientists that are
16:38 trying to train them they know about this bonding and they
16:41 showed this one lady that happened to be there when this
16:44 whooping crane hatched and the thing just follows her around
16:47 all the time like a dog in the house. They said this one is
16:50 hopeless now. We can never train this one to be a wild whooping
16:52 crane because it bonded and it was imprinted with a human.
16:55 And it goes to the beach with her, everywhere she goes it's
16:58 following her around her house, sleeps in a bed next to her at
17:01 night. It would drive me crazy because this thing is like a
17:05 little ostrich. So what the biologists have to do for these
17:09 whooping cranes, they dress up like cranes. They dress in white
17:14 and they get this puppet on their arm and when the chick
17:16 first hatches all they see is this puppet that's got a crane's
17:19 head on it and they got a microphone that's playing crane
17:22 music through this thing. So they think it's a real crane
17:26 and they can associate and they're not malformed thinking
17:29 that they're humans. Every time these scientists do anything
17:33 with these cranes they've got to dress up in their whooping crane
17:36 suit. It's kind of funny. And they feed them with this little
17:40 whooping crane puppet because they don't want them to be
17:42 psychologically disturbed and need therapy and everything
17:45 because they imprint. Well when you're born again we need to fix
17:51 our eyes on Jesus. That's why it's so important for those of
17:55 us who have been in the church that are Christians that we
17:59 model Christ for others because when people first come into the
18:03 church they're going, So what is a Christian anyway? They're
18:05 just hatched, they're a baby Christian. They're looking at
18:08 you and you're going to imprint them. A lot of these folks come
18:12 into the church, they're wondering what's appropriate
18:14 behavior, what's appropriate conduct and that's why it's so
18:18 important we're Christ-like in our behavior because if the
18:22 existing Christians are not modeling Christ very well, then
18:26 the new Christians, they don't stand a chance do they? And that
18:29 is why often in some churches where we're not constantly
18:32 lifting the standard, the pattern of Christ-like living
18:36 continues to plummet. So as we behold Christ, we are
18:40 transformed from glory to glory. Now when Moses began to behold
18:45 the glory of God, what words came out of his mouth? First of
18:49 all he talked about the Lord and the word he used twice there is
18:53 Jehovah, Jehovah, God and then he said God and the word God
18:57 there is Elo, Elohim and it means powerful God. And then he
19:01 begins to give specifics; merciful, which is synonymous
19:06 with forgiving. Well this is a characteristic of God that
19:10 should be replicated in his children. God is merciful. What
19:15 does Jesus say in his constitution? In the sermon on
19:18 the mount, Matthew 5 verse 7, blessed are the merciful for
19:24 they will obtain mercy. There in Micah chapter 6 verse 8 what
19:29 does he require of you oh man but to love mercy and to walk
19:35 humbly with your God. God wants us to love mercy. Luke 23 verse
19:39 Father forgive them, Jesus said, they don't know what they
19:43 do. Even when Christ was dying he showed mercy on his
19:47 persecutors. I heard about a missionary, George Atley, who
19:52 was hired by the Central African Mission and he carried a
19:56 Winchester repeating carbine with 10 shells in it. It was
19:59 quite a lethal weapon in it's day and he was out in the
20:03 brush and in Africa he needed that for the wild animals, but
20:05 he was a missionary. They'd established a new mission.
20:09 He ran into a small group of hostile natives and he sized
20:13 things up and they had their spears and they were threatening
20:16 him. He knew he could have dispatched them quickly with his
20:19 rifle. But he set his rifle down and he calculated, you now I've
20:22 got to show mercy on them because our whole mission
20:25 project will be in jeopardy if I use violence against them.
20:29 He laid his rifle down and he allowed them to kill him rather
20:32 than defend himself. When they found him, his rifle was at his
20:36 side. He hadn't fired a single shot. He showed them mercy.
20:40 He was willing to sacrifice himself in order that he might
20:43 save them. This is what Jesus did. He laid down his life to
20:47 save others. Ephesians 4:32. Be kind to one another,
20:52 tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God in Christ
20:56 forgave you. We are to model the glory of God and the character
21:00 of Christ and one of those attributes is he's merciful.
21:03 He's forgiving. Psalm 52 verse 8 I trust in the mercy of God for
21:10 ever and ever. He is longsuffering in his mercy for
21:14 us which brings me to the next point. Patience. This is one of
21:18 the things that was identified in the character of God.
21:21 Patience and longsuffering are characteristics of Christ.
21:25 Galatians 5:22. And by the way if you'd like to better
21:29 understand the personality of Jesus. Would you like to know
21:34 Jesus better? How do you fall in love with anybody. Do they
21:40 send you a name? Some people begin to date on the internet.
21:46 Now I'm not criticizing that. I think it might be a nice vehicle
21:52 There's danger there because if all of your exposure is based on
21:57 the internet, it's possible that somebody could portray themself
22:03 as tall, dark and handsome. They could e-mail you a counterfeit
22:08 picture and you may not really know who they are. You know
22:11 you can get to know a person through letters. I know two
22:14 people, very happily married, they didn't do it through the
22:17 internet but one was doing mission work and the other was
22:19 in North America and they corresponded by letter and they
22:21 fell in love with each other based on the letters and they're
22:24 still happily married many years later. They got to know each
22:27 other based on the communication That's one aspect. You can sort
22:30 of get to know a person through their communication. But there's
22:34 more to it than that. You want to be able to behold them and
22:37 really know who they are. I think I can find this for you
22:40 real quick. I saw something just this morning as I was touching
22:43 up my sermon. Sabbath morning that's 90% of my sermon I touch
22:46 up. This is from Good Housekeeping 1985.
22:50 Ladies listen carefully. Six ways to learn everything you
22:54 need to know about a man before you decide to marry him. I don't
22:58 see anyone reaching for their pen. This is good. Watch him
23:03 drive in heavy traffic. Play tennis with him. I guess you
23:08 have to learn tennis, but I think the point is see how he
23:12 behaves competitively. Some men act like total gentlemen but as
23:18 soon as they're watching a football game or they start
23:20 behaving competitively, it's like they become possessed.
23:25 Listen to him talk to his mother when he doesn't know you're
23:30 listening. He's going to talk to you that way some day. By the
23:34 way, Spirit of Prophecy says the same thing. Look at how he
23:38 treats his mother because that tells you a lot about his
23:41 concept of and respect for women By the way this works both ways.
23:46 See how he treats those who serve him. Is he condescending
23:51 to waiters, maids and people in fields of service, the clerk at
23:55 the market. Is he degrading? Is he impatient? Is he kind and
23:58 respectful for those people. Because if he's not to them
24:02 someday he'll treat you like a servant and he won't be kind
24:07 either. Look at his friends. And then it says notice how he
24:12 spends his money, what he buys. That tells something about how a
24:16 man spends his money tells something about the priorities.
24:20 And I like this and if you still can't make up your mind then
24:24 look at his shoes. Now I'm not going to look up but I think
24:28 everybody's probably looking at my shoes right now because
24:32 I'm up front. Look at his shoes. A man who keeps his shoes in
24:36 good repair usually tends to the rest of his life also. This is
24:39 written by Lois Weiss. That's pretty good wisdom there, right?
24:43 I mean, you really don't know a person just by getting their
24:47 e- mail. Sometimes you've got to behold them in a variety of
24:51 circumstances. I heard one pastor say, actually I think it
24:54 was C.D. Brooks, and he said today everybody says you need to
24:57 live with a person to get to know them before you get
24:59 married. And he said, you don't need to get to know a person by
25:03 sharing a bed with them. That's usually not what causes divorce.
25:06 You share a checkbook with them and you'll find out whether
25:10 you're going to survive or not. People always wonder if the
25:13 plumbing's working. We got to live together for a while to
25:16 make sure we're compatible. That's rarely where the problem
25:21 is. I think they've shown statistically that marriages are
25:25 more inclined to fail when people live together before
25:29 marriage than if they do it virtuously. That's what the
25:33 data supports. Now how did I get there from patience. I'm talking
25:38 about patience and longsuffering Romans 15 verse 5: Now may the
25:42 God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded
25:45 toward one another according to Christ Jesus. He is the God of
25:49 patience. That's one of his characteristics.
25:51 II Thessalonians 3:5: Now may the Lord direct your hearts into
25:56 the love of God and into the patience of Christ. Our hearts
26:01 must assume the mind and heart of Christ and what is it, the
26:05 patience of Christ. Christ is patient. The very fact you and I
26:09 are alive is evidence of that. Amen? The penalty for sin is
26:13 death. We've all sinned yet we're alive. Why? God is patient
26:17 He's longsuffing to us not willing that any should perish.
26:21 Revelation 1:9: I, John, both your brother and companion in
26:25 the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.
26:29 Do we all agree patience is one of his characteristics? Then he
26:33 tells us Jesus said by your patience possess your souls.
26:37 Here is the patience of the saints. Another characteristic
26:41 that we find about the Lord that it would be appropriate for us
26:47 to model is truth and honesty. Jesus is the truth. The Bible
26:53 tells us the truth will set you free. God cannot lie the Bible
26:58 tells us. He is the very embodiment of truth.
27:02 It's an attribute of his character that I would like to
27:06 emulate. I think for a Christian you never hesitate deciding
27:11 whether or not to tell the truth. You might hesitate
27:13 deciding how to say the truth, but you never hesitate wondering
27:18 shall I tell the truth. A Christian should always have it
27:22 resolved in his mind never to tell anything but the truth.
27:26 When Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, Pilate said what is
27:30 truth? It's interesting they had this exchange because Christ had
27:34 the opportunity to just alter the truth a little bit and save
27:39 his life, but he was willing to die rather than lie. Have you
27:43 ever known somebody that had such a respect for the truth?
27:47 I think the conventional wisdom of our age ah well of course you
27:51 have got to lie because you get charged more if you don't.
27:54 I remember. It made an impression on me I'll never
27:58 forget and all due respect for my mother. My brother and I
28:03 stood in line. Mom frequently took us to the theater plays on
28:07 Broadway or the movies. You know 12 and under, different price.
28:10 And we'd stand in line and my brother because he had cystic
28:14 fibrosis was short for his age. He was my size even though he
28:18 was two older than me. Most of my adolescence finally caught up
28:22 and we were the same size in adulthood. But he was always the
28:25 same size as a younger brother. So we'd stand in line. Falcon is
28:29 14 years of age and Mom would say to him, now they'll never
28:33 know, Falcon. Just say you're 12. And that made an impression
28:37 on me. I thought, I guess it's okay to lie if you can save
28:40 money. What kind of signal does that send. Christians, you don't
28:45 even consider it. The truth is the truth is the truth. You know
28:51 God is looking for people who are honest. Jesus is truthful.
28:56 He is the truth and the truth will set you free. How many of
29:00 you know somebody that has that kind of integrity and honesty.
29:06 Do you know somebody like that? Do you like them? Sometimes does
29:11 that annoy you that they're so honest? I love those kind of
29:15 people. I'm attracted. There's so much deception in the world.
29:18 Jesus is that kind of person. It should attract you to him.
29:23 Do you know patient people? How many of you know somebody that
29:27 is a good listener. Everybody loves a good listener. Good
29:32 listeners don't spend all their time talking about themselves.
29:35 They're interested in you. And we like those kind of people.
29:39 That's how Jesus is. Sometimes it helps us love Christ when you
29:42 meet Christ like people. You say so that's what Jesus is like.
29:46 He's the embodiment of these characteristics. It goes on to
29:51 tell us - I Peter 2 verse 21: For to this you were called
29:55 because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example.
29:59 Jesus is an example. What kind of example? That you should
30:03 follow in his steps, who committed no sin nor was deceit
30:08 found in his mouth. Not even a little bit. Not the slightest
30:12 bacteria of dishonesty was in his mouth. Christ was perfectly
30:16 pure and honest in everything he said. And he is our example,
30:20 Peter said, that we should do as he did. We should be perfectly
30:24 honest. D. L. Moody said, Character is what you are in the
30:29 dark. It's who you are when you don't think anyone's watching.
30:33 It goes on to tell us, speaking of Christ, and this is the
30:38 vision of Moses. He is abounding in goodness. What is good?
30:43 I looked up a definition. Moral excellence or admirable,
30:48 desirable or positive qualities. God is good. You know one reason
30:54 I know that? Look at the creation. It's interesting.
30:59 In Genesis chapter 1, the word good appears seven times.
31:03 The last time it appears it says very good. And then James tells
31:08 every good and perfect gift comes from God. Everything God
31:12 does is good because God is good One time a rich young ruler
31:17 came to Jesus and he said, Good Master what must I do that I
31:20 might inherit eternal life? And Jesus stopped him before he went
31:24 any further. He said, No one is good except one and that's God.
31:28 Christ was not denying his goodness, he was embracing his
31:34 Godness. And I understand that even in old English if you trace
31:39 the word God back it is drawn from the word good. So when you
31:43 say good morning to people in old English it used to be God
31:48 morning. The words good and God were springing from the same
31:52 word in the early Anglo Saxon language because God is the
31:57 the embodiment of everything good. It's the goodness of God
32:02 that leads us to repentance and so by beholding the glory of
32:06 Christ and his goodness what does that do? It leads us to
32:10 repentance. By the way, that's Romans chapter 2 verse 4.
32:13 Exodus 33:19, He said: I will make all my goodness pass before
32:21 you. Isn't that what we read? Goodness is sort of a
32:25 coalescing of all his characteristics. But we go on
32:28 and we read about the characteristics of Christ.
32:31 Is it safe to say that among his attributes Jesus is meek and
32:36 humble. Meekness, humility. Matthew 11 verse 28 Christ says
32:41 Come unto me all you who labor, that are heavy laden and I will
32:45 give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
32:49 By beholding his glory we become like him for I am meek and
32:54 lowly and you will find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is
32:58 easy and my burden is light. One reason I know that the Holy
33:02 Spirit's working in my life is because of the way I drive.
33:06 It's changing. Some of it's that as you get older you're not in
33:11 such a big hurry. I was talking to Karen on my phone but I was
33:15 on the cordless. I had both hands on the wheel on my way
33:18 home from prayer meeting this week and while I'm talking to
33:22 her she's hearing me give her the blow by blow description of
33:26 how I'm almost being killed. I stopped at this intersection
33:30 on Fair Oaks that turns onto Walnut, the way I always go home
33:35 Actually it wasn't prayer meeting. It was Saturday night,
33:38 last Saturday night and these two cars were racing. Two
33:42 teenagers that were just full of vinegar racing. And I stopped
33:46 because the light turned yellow. When I was younger yellow was
33:50 very close to green and I would have tried to go through.
33:54 You mellow out a little bit you know. And so I stopped, I'm in
33:57 no big hurry and these guys screeches on his brakes, almost
34:01 plows into me, stops just inches from me, leaves a big black
34:04 strip and the one he was racing with, he didn't have time to
34:07 stop. He drives over the concrete median into oncoming
34:11 traffic and just barely makes this deadly, squirrely turn off
34:15 onto another road. I thought about that and I thought praise
34:19 the Lord, my angels are on duty. Then I thought, I remember when
34:23 I used to drive like that. I remember I used to get upset
34:26 when someone pulled in front of me. You know when traffic is
34:29 merging I'll slow down and let one person in front but
34:31 sometimes people try and take advantage of you and they try
34:34 and get their nose in there and I just crunch my nose up real
34:37 close and say, I'm not letting you in. But you know, you walk
34:41 with Christ a little longer and you say, all right, you too, go
34:45 ahead. What would Jesus do? It's hard to let them in. They have
34:49 no manners. They don't understand roadside etiquette.
34:51 Be meek, let them in. You don't have to honk the horn and make
34:56 gestures. Just be meek. That's how Jesus is. How would Jesus
35:00 do it? Can you picture Jesus laying on his horn and glaring
35:06 at them and... So this is the meekness of Christ. Blessed are
35:11 the poor in spirit. Two of the beatitudes have to do with
35:16 humility and meekness. Did you know that? Blessed are the poor
35:19 in spirit; that's the humility, the meekness. Recognizing our
35:22 poverty of spirit. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew
35:25 5:5, Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.
35:29 We must behold his glory and allow the meekness, the humility
35:34 of Christ to be impressed on our soul. I understand even though
35:38 he was often very gregarious and outspoken, Winston Churchill was
35:42 somewhat of a humble person. One time he'd just finished speaking
35:46 to 10,000 people and he walked off the platform and someone
35:50 said, Mr. Prime Minister, it must be quite a thrill to have
35:54 10,000 people gathered to hear you speak. And he said, it
35:57 doesn't mean anything to me in his gruff way. He says, 100,000
36:02 would come and watch me hang. And you know some of the same
36:06 people that gathered to hear Christ speak, some of the very
36:10 same people that said Hosanna to the Son of David gathered to
36:15 watch him hang didn't they. Christ did not have any
36:19 illusions and by the grace of the Lord I try to keep balance.
36:24 Whenever you stand up and you say anything if you do anything
36:28 right there's always a temptation that it's going to be
36:30 about you. But God has been good I know that he can also have you
36:35 stand up in front of a lot of people and make a total fool out
36:39 of yourself at any moment. And so you need to take it all in
36:43 stride and keep perspective. Whosoever therefore shall humble
36:47 himself as a little child, he shall be great in the kingdom of
36:53 heaven. Matthew 18 verse 4. Let me read you a quote from the
36:58 Spirit of Prophecy, Desire of Ages, p. 134. Jesus came in
37:03 poverty and humiliation that he might be our example as well as
37:08 our Redeemer. We should be humble as Christ was. If he had
37:11 appeared with kingly pomp how could he have taught humility?
37:14 How could he have presented such cutting truths as the sermon on
37:18 the mount? Where would have been the hope of the lowly life in
37:21 Jesus that he had come to dwell as a king among men? Christ came
37:25 humbly to teach meekness and humility. Moses said, Lord show
37:29 me your glory. What does the Bible say about him? He was the
37:33 meekest man in all the earth. You know, it's always made me
37:36 wonder where do you find that statement, Moses was the meekest
37:41 man in all the earth? Come on scholars. Where is it? It's in
37:47 the books of Moses. Who wrote that? Did Moses write that he
37:52 was the meekest man in all the earth. I think it might have
37:57 been a commentary that was inserted by somebody else.
38:00 Joshua may have added it. Moses might have said it because he
38:05 knew that he had a terror of crowds. You remember when God
38:10 said to talk to the Pharaoh and he said oh I can't speak, I'm no
38:14 good up front. He was a meek man. I'm anxious to find out in
38:17 heaven who actually wrote that. Did Moses write he was the
38:21 meekest man in all the world? Another characteristic of the
38:27 Lord - Compassion. Now when you say the word compassion is the
38:32 word pathos. The word pathos means feeling and that's where
38:37 we get the word in our language - empathy. When you
38:42 empathize you feel what another feels. Sympathy. It means you're
38:47 feeling what someone else feels. Jesus feels what we feel. He has
38:53 compassion. Matthew 9 verse 36: After preaching he realized the
38:57 multitudes had sat there all day they hadn't eaten, they were
39:01 wandering around like sheep without a shepherd and he fed
39:05 them. He had compassion on the multitude. Mark 1 verse 40: Now
39:08 a leper came to him, imploring him, kneeling down and saying
39:13 to him: If you are willing you can make me clean. Then Jesus
39:18 moved with compassion. He tells a parable in Matthew chapter 18
39:23 about the King and the unmerciful debtor and it says
39:27 the king was moved with compassion. Jesus' heart just
39:32 pulsated, it was swollen with compassion for people. He feels
39:36 what we feel. Sometimes we wonder if the Lord knows what
39:39 we're going through, but oh he does, better than you do and if
39:42 you're hurting, he's hurting. He feels it. How many parents ache
39:46 with their children when their children are hurting.
39:47 Did you ever have a child go into
39:48 surgery? Have you ever seen your child really hurt themselves.
39:53 Oh, I remember little Nathan. I told you some of the story.
39:56 He broke his arm this last year. And you look at your kid and see
40:00 their arm twisted, all obviously broken, and you see that they're
40:04 wincing and they're in agony. Just breaks your heart to watch
40:07 them hurt. The empathy that we feel for our children is
40:15 somewhat natural. Even animals have an element of that, don't
40:17 they? Love for their offspring. But the Lord feels that
40:23 infinitely more for us. He feels. That's why Jesus came.
40:28 He's sensitive to our estate. He has compassion for us.
40:33 And though he said to the leper, I am willing, be thou cleansed.
40:39 You know I remember reading... I talked a little bit about
40:44 pilots today. You know Will Rogers the famous humorist was
40:48 also a pilot. He actually died trying to cross the polar cap,
40:53 in an adventure. But he was a great humorist. Next to Mark
40:58 Twain there have been few people that had a better clean
41:02 sense of humor than Will Rogers and periodically he would go and
41:06 he would do these little benefit I don't know if you call it a
41:09 performance or talks, but he just tried to cheer people up.
41:12 And he went to this one hospital in southern California, it was a
41:15 polio hospital. A friend of his was the director, actually
41:20 his name was Marion Berry. I know it sounds similar but it's
41:24 someone else. He had this hospital for polio victims.
41:29 Many of them could not walk. They also were treating people
41:32 who had paralysis from back injury and other very serious
41:35 injuries. They gathered them all in the ward and wheeled them in.
41:38 He got up and he gave his little talk in his very engaging way
41:41 and had even these people that were paralyzed in stitches
41:45 laughing. After awhile he excused himself and went to the
41:48 restroom and the director thought, Oh there's no towels
41:50 in there and he went to bring him a towel and he opened up the
41:53 door and Will Rogers was leaning against the wall crying and
41:57 sobbing uncontrollably. Pretty soon he collected himself and he
42:00 went back out and he carried on and had everyone laughing again.
42:05 Somebody said one time, You can tell the value of a man by what
42:10 it is that makes them laugh, what is it that makes them cry,
42:15 what is it that makes them angry. That really reveals
42:18 something about a person's character. Do you laugh at other
42:24 people's misfortune or do you laugh at yourself? What made
42:29 Jesus angry? When someone slighted him, when someone
42:34 mistreated him? No, he never got angry about how he was treated.
42:38 Jesus got angry when he saw others mistreated or he saw the
42:41 glory of God defaced as in the temple when he chased out the
42:45 money changes. When he saw the disciples steering the children
42:49 away from him, it really bothered him and he wanted them
42:54 brought to him. Jesus stood up for those who were oppressed.
42:59 He got angry with false teachings that kept people in
43:02 bondage when he derided the scribes and the Pharisees and
43:05 the hypocrites because they were leading people astray like
43:08 wolves. You can learn a lot about a person. Christ had
43:11 compassion and you can tell from the way he responded.
43:15 In keeping with compassion I added another category. Jesus
43:20 is gentle and tender. That's one of his characteristics. Mark
43:26 chapter 10 verse 14, verse 16. When he saw the children chased
43:31 away Jesus was greatly displeased and he said to them
43:35 Let the little children come to me and do not forbid them for
43:38 of such is the kingdom of God. Notice he took them up in his
43:43 arms. He put his hands on them. He blessed them. This is what
43:48 reveals the character of Christ, his tenderness, his compassion,
43:53 his sympathy, his love, his goodness. What is your character
43:57 can you change your character? Now I've already told you that
44:02 we are transformed by beholding the character of Christ.
44:06 You become like your friends. You know why? Because people
44:09 are creatures like little ducks. We sort of absorb the behavior
44:13 of those that we idolize, those we spend time with. Why is it,
44:18 why should it be a concern of parents who our children's
44:22 heroes are? Because they want to emulate their heroes.
44:27 Why should it be a concern to parents who their friends are?
44:31 Because they start talking like and acting like their friends.
44:35 You will act like your heroes. You will act like your friends.
44:41 Is Jesus your friend? Is he your hero? That's how we become like
44:45 him. Somebody once said, I don't know who it was but this is an
44:50 old adage: Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act reap a habit.
44:56 Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny.
45:02 It begins with your thoughts that often then play themselves
45:07 as actions that then become habits that really communicates
45:11 what your character is that determines what your destiny is.
45:15 By the way, you know why it's so important to talk about the
45:17 character of Christ? It's by beholding his character, it is
45:21 superimposed on us and what is the only thing you get to take
45:26 out of this life? You don't get to take your clothes. We might
45:30 fix up our church, but we don't get to take our church. It's
45:35 going to just melt someday. You don't get to take your car, your
45:40 house. You might remodel or redecorate. You don't get to
45:45 take it. You might even have cosmetic surgery. You don't get
45:50 to take that to heaven. Only thing you get to take is your
45:55 character, who you are. And you get to take other characters
46:01 with you. That's true. That's why I'm involved in ministry
46:05 because I've said many times, this is the most important work
46:08 in the world. You name something that's more important than
46:12 trying to win souls to Christ, trying to encourage people to
46:16 stay with Christ. The work that you do as a Christian and that I
46:20 do as a Christian is a work in helping people to model the
46:24 character of Christ that they could live forever. That's the
46:29 most important work in the world Praise the Lord! Christ is
46:34 faithful. I Corinthians 1 verse If you have any doubts it
46:39 says it many times. God is faithful by whom you are called
46:44 into the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord.
46:47 I Corinthians 10:13: No temptation has overtaken you
46:50 such as is common to man, but God is faithful who will not
46:55 allow you to be tempted above what you are able to bear.
46:59 You can trust him. How many of you have a friend that you know
47:04 you can always count on? If they say they're going to do
47:07 something, they're going to do it. If they say they're going to
47:10 be somewhere, they're going to be there. If they say if you
47:13 every need help give me a call, they're not just reciting
47:17 clichés but they really mean it. Do you know some people like
47:21 that? They're faithful, you can count on them. Those are the
47:24 kind of people that we love, isn't that right? Christ is that
47:27 way. He will never let you down. He will never disappoint you.
47:30 It would be incomplete if I didn't take some time and talk
47:34 about another characteristic of the Lord. He's awesome!
47:38 By the way, I need to give some credit to our pastors.
47:42 You know what I did is we got together for our staff meeting
47:45 this week and for worship I said all right I'm going to get some
47:47 mileage out of this worship. I asked everyone on our pastoral
47:50 staff, Rosie and the pastors and Melissa. I said, tell me the
47:53 characteristics of God that you think of, name them. And they
47:56 began to recite all the different characteristics of God
47:58 and we got a pretty long list. I can't give you everything in
48:02 my list. We just began to think of the characteristics of God
48:05 and how wonderful he is and how good he is and all the different
48:08 beautiful attributes that he has and so I just wanted to give
48:12 them credit where credit's due. Just thinking about the facets
48:16 of his character. But one that we must not pass is the
48:19 awesomeness of God. I Kings 8:27 Solomon said when he built the
48:25 temple, Behold the heavens cannot contain you. How much
48:30 less this temple which I have built. He's so big, he's so
48:34 awesome. Revelation 1 verse 17: And when I saw him I fell at his
48:38 feet as dead. We've already read that, because of the power, the
48:42 awesomeness of God. You know I think that word awesome sort of
48:45 got overused a couple years ago. It was the in word among the
48:49 teenagers. They talk about some television personality or some
48:52 rock star and they go well man they're awesome. You know
48:56 problem with that is you use up a good word and you have nothing
49:01 left. I mean we're in the day and age where everything is
49:06 jumbo and mega and we apply it to soft drinks. Pretty soon
49:10 you don't have the adjectives that really belong to God to use
49:13 anymore for God because the same things we say for rock stars and
49:16 jumbo drinks you know we're using for soda pop and
49:21 television personalities. You just don't even want to use that
49:26 word anymore for God. But what words do we have to describe the
49:31 incredible immensity of God. Psalm 90 verse 2: Before the
49:36 mountains were brought forth or ever you had formed the earth
49:42 and the world even from everlasting to everlasting you
49:46 are God. God is omnipotent, he's all powerful. Some of us
49:51 appreciate our friends in high places don't we. He is
49:56 omnipresent. He can always be with us. He is omniscient. He
50:00 knows everything. Do you have any friends that they just
50:05 always know everything? I guess they've got this TV program
50:08 called Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and one of the
50:11 features that they have if you don't know the answer you're
50:14 allowed to pick your smartest friend at some point and call
50:17 him up and if I was ever in that predicament, I'm not saying I've
50:22 ever applied for that program, I'm just saying I know a couple
50:27 people I would call. They're just absolute brains. They've
50:30 got facts tumbling out of their minds all the time. They know
50:34 everything about everything and sometimes they're the most
50:37 unassuming people. They're so smart because they read all the
50:40 time and they remember what they read and it's fun to have those
50:42 friends because whenever I'm in a pickle sometimes I can call
50:45 them up and say hey I need an amazing fact. I've got a radio
50:48 program. And they just say oh blah, blah, blah. They're
50:50 e- mailing me these incredible things. Just knowledge. I like
50:54 knowledge, don't you? I like people with that characteristic.
50:57 Jesus is like that. He knows everything. I Timothy 1:17:
51:04 Now to the King eternal, he's a king, he's a monarch, immortal,
51:10 invisible, to God who alone is wise be honor and glory forever
51:15 and ever. Paul is looking for words to describe the immensity
51:20 of God. He really waxes eloquent Finally what I be leaving out
51:26 when I talk about the characteristics of Christ?
51:28 There's a lot I'm leaving out. But I'll tell you I didn't want
51:31 to quit before I said love. I mean if you're wondering about
51:37 his characteristics, God is love. For God so loved the world
51:43 Jeremiah 31:3. Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
51:47 Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you. God is love.
51:52 Jesus is love. Have you ever looked at somebody and you've
51:56 see their expression of love. You might see it in a mother
52:01 looking down at her new baby before they turn into real
52:05 children. (Laughter) And you just see this sparkling glow of
52:12 love and just adoring the child. Well Jesus loves you more than
52:18 that. He loves you more than any mother loves their child.
52:22 Romans 8:37, one of my favorite verses: Yet in all these things
52:27 we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For
52:31 I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angles nor
52:34 principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to
52:37 come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be
52:42 able to separate from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ
52:46 our Lord. To him who loved us and washed us from our sins
52:51 in his own blood. God is love. As you consider the
52:56 characteristics of Christ here's a few others you might add to
53:01 the list. God is pure, God is good, he is our hero, he is
53:07 strong, he's righteous, he is holy, he's our advocate, he
53:13 intercedes, he's our friend, he's joyful, he's rich. Anyone
53:18 here like a rich friend? Merciful, generous, simple,
53:25 selfless, eternal, fearless, consistent, gentle, wise and
53:29 he's human. He was tempted in all points as we are tempted.
53:33 He identified with us, yet without sin. John chapter 1
53:42 verse 14: And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we
53:49 beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of
53:55 grace and truth. What was it that they beheld? Did John see
53:59 him shining. Well at one point on the mount of transfiguration.
54:03 But when John says we beheld his glory, what's he talking about?
54:06 What was the glory of Christ that they beheld? His
54:10 characteristics. Like a diamond that is shining with all these
54:15 beautiful varied facets and it's unique from every angle. They
54:19 beheld in this human, the Word was manifest, the personality of
54:23 God was revealed in Jesus. That is probably one of the most
54:27 important things I could say. The personality of God was
54:31 revealed in Jesus. You and I need to get to know him because
54:36 we become like him as we get to know him. I Corinthians 11:1,
54:41 Paul said: Imitate me as I imitate Christ. How can you
54:46 imitate somebody that you don't know? Have you ever known
54:49 somebody who's an impersonator? There's a few good ones out
54:53 there and most of us here have tried at least once or twice
54:57 to impersonate somebody, sometimes a family member or
54:59 somebody who's got some... Sometimes it borders on mocking.
55:04 They've got idiosyncrasies. Probably one of the most famous
55:08 impersonators was a guy named Rich Little. He could
55:11 impersonate the singing of a man of a woman to a T, their voice
55:14 their mannerisms and it's hilarious because it was so much
55:17 like them. He'd pick up on all the little idiosyncrasies.
55:22 I would like to be able to personate Christ, to model
55:27 Christ. Paul says only imitate me as I imitate Christ. By the
55:30 way I'd like to say that to you. Friends, don't imitate Pastor
55:35 Doug except the areas where you see me imitate Christ and the
55:39 characteristics of Christ. I've been praying this week as I
55:43 prepared for this message, Lord I want to be more like you in
55:47 everything I do. I want to evaluate my behavior so that I
55:51 imitate the characteristics of Christ. Horace Greeley said fame
55:55 is vapor, popularity is an accident, riches take wings,
56:00 only one thing endures, that's character. Are you developing
56:06 a character like Christ? Could you love a person with these
56:09 characteristics that we've identified. Jesus is that way
56:14 and more. So I invite you to behold his glory, to behold his
56:18 goodness and that you might be modeling your life after his.
56:25 Father, we would pray show us thy glory. Hide us in the cleft
56:30 of the rock, the Rock Jesus and then we pray that you will have
56:35 the panorama of your beautiful characteristics pass before us.
56:40 Help each one of us here listening, watching, to be awed
56:46 as Moses was as we behold that there is a being that is so good
56:53 and loving and merciful and compassionate and powerful.
56:57 And Lord I pray that we will be overwhelmed with a sense to fall
57:01 down before you and worship you, to praise you and then to
57:05 imitate your characteristics in our lives. Bless each person
57:10 here that we might fix our eyes on Jesus and as we behold thee
57:14 that your characteristics, your attributes, might be imprinted
57:19 on our souls. Lord I pray that we might imitate you and that
57:23 we might model you in this lost world that people might know
57:28 through your body who Christ is. Bless each person here, forgive
57:32 us for the times when we have failed to imitate Christ and
57:37 help us to be Christians not only in name but in character.
57:41 It's in Jesus name we ask. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17