Digging Up the Past

Mount Nebo & Health Laws

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Down


Series Code: DUTP

Program Code: DUTP000021

00:01 In this program we visit the traditional Mt. Nebo
00:04 from which Moses viewed the promised land before he died.
00:08 He climbed this mountain shortly after he had written the book of
00:12 Deuteronomy, which, by the way, contains some remarkable
00:16 information on how to live longer,
00:19 and how to enjoy a good life.
00:55 The hill over there, on which there is a church built,
00:58 is Mt. Nebo, and it may not look very imposing from here,
01:03 but from the Jordan valley where Moses ascended from,
01:07 it's 1,000 meters up to the top.
01:09 From the top we get a very fine view, of course.
01:12 We can see right out over the Jordan valley.
01:15 You can see on the left the Dead Sea, and in the distance,
01:19 on a fine day, we can see the hills of Judea, and Jerusalem
01:23 even surrounding the hills.
01:30 Would you like to know how to live longer and enjoy it?
01:35 Well I've got good news for you.
01:37 Moses, in the book of Deuteronomy, tells us we can
01:40 live longer, and he tells us how to do it.
01:43 In Deuteronomy chapter 4 and in verse 40 he says,
01:49 you shall therefore keep his statues and his commandments
01:52 which I command you today, that you may prolong your days
01:57 in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
02:01 So there you are; you can live longer.
02:02 Well, what's the secret of it?
02:05 It says in chapter 7, It shall come to pass because you
02:09 listened to these judgments, and keep, and do them,
02:13 the Lord will take away from you all sickness,
02:16 and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases
02:19 of Egypt which you have none.
02:21 There's nothing arbitrary about this.
02:23 It wasn't that God was saying listen, I'm going to make all
02:26 the other nations sick, and I'm going to make you good, and
02:29 strong, and healthy.
02:31 This was a case of follow the rules and you'll reap
02:35 the benefits.
02:36 Don't follow the rules and you'll reap the consequences.
02:39 Let me just give you a few simple illustrations of this.
02:44 You've heard of the proverb saying, cleanliness
02:48 is next to Godliness.
02:50 Heard that one?
02:51 It's not actually a quotation from the Bible.
02:54 But, never the less, the Bible certainly does teach that we
02:58 need to have cleanly habits.
03:02 For instance, in Exodus chapter 19, verse 10,
03:14 Then the Lord said to Moses, Go to the people, and sanctify them
03:18 today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes...
03:22 Well, you see, cleanliness is next to Godliness.
03:25 And if you are hygienic and keep yourself clean,
03:29 well, naturally, you're going to avoid some of these skin
03:32 diseases which people get.
03:34 And there's some other rules here, too.
03:36 Now you listen to this very simple one in Numbers
03:41 chapter 19, and in verse 15, Every open vessel which has no
03:47 cover fastened on it is unclean.
03:50 Now that's quite important, you know, because if you leave
03:53 a vessel, whether it's a pot or a dish, and some food, and it's
03:57 uncovered, well, it's not long before the flies sit on it,
04:01 and it's going to be contaminated.
04:02 That's the way disease spreads.
04:04 So God told the Israelites, follow these simple rules
04:08 and you won't have some of these problems.
04:11 Now here's another very practical one, listen:
04:13 in Deuteronomy 23, verse 13, You shall have an implement
04:18 among your equipment, and when you sit down outside you shall
04:22 dig with it and turn and cover your refuse.
04:25 Now there's a lot of diseases in the East.
04:28 I've seen the people of India, for instance, out in the
04:31 morning, you know, out to the patty fields.
04:33 They just go to the toilet there.
04:36 They just leave it.
04:37 The flies come swarming over it, and the next thing they're back
04:40 in the windows and sitting on the food.
04:42 That's why there's so much cholera, typhoid,
04:44 amoeba, dysentery.
04:46 Well, here's some good instruction,
04:49 practical instruction.
04:50 And Moses told the people follow this instruction and
04:55 you will avoid the diseases that are so rampant among
04:59 the other nations.
05:05 Now what I have told you so far is probably nothing new to you.
05:09 I'm sure you've all got nice, clean, hygienic kitchens.
05:12 But you've got to remember, it wasn't always that way.
05:15 You know, people never dreamed that disease could be carried
05:18 on the legs of flies.
05:21 But, of course, we know that now.
05:22 So we can see that this instruction just has
05:26 to be inspired.
05:27 Moses certainly didn't get it from the Egyptian doctors.
05:30 It must have come from God!
05:31 And that should give us a lot of confidence in the rest of the
05:34 instruction that He's passed on to us.
05:37 Behind me is a bronze serpent on a pole.
05:41 This commemorates an incident in the wilderness wanderings.
05:44 The people were being bitten by snakes, and they were
05:48 dying likes flies.
05:49 So God told Moses to make this metal serpent; put it on a pole,
05:53 and whoever looked at it would live.
05:55 They'd recover.
05:56 Now this indicates that God is very interested in our health,
05:59 happiness, and recovery from disease.
06:02 And, of course, especially prevention of disease is even
06:05 more important.
06:06 So we can have a lot of confidence in the instruction
06:09 that is given here.
06:10 And let me give you a little bit more.
06:12 Now here is something that is, perhaps more relevant
06:15 to our modern world.
06:16 In Leviticus, chapter 13, verse 45, Now the leper on whom the
06:22 sore is, his clothes shall be torn, and his head bare,
06:24 and he shall cover his mustache, or his mouth,
06:27 and cry, Unclean, unclean.
06:30 And he shall dwell alone, and his habitation shall be
06:32 outside the camp.
06:33 Now anyone who has been inside a surgery, you know,
06:36 when an operation is in progress.
06:38 You see the doctors with all their coverings on their lips.
06:41 And this is to prevent the spread of disease.
06:44 We know that disease can be spread through what is breathed
06:48 out of the mouth.
06:49 So here is some instruction that was along these lines.
06:52 This lets us know that God knew what He was talking about
06:57 way back there.
06:58 Here's something else in our cholesterol conscious age:
07:02 Leviticus 3, verse 17, This shall be a perpetual statute
07:06 throughout your generations, and all your dwellings.
07:08 You shall eat neither fat nor blood.
07:11 Now we're just waking up to that today.
07:13 And here it was thousands of years ago: don't eat fat!
07:19 It just builds up cholesterol in your arteries, and veins,
07:22 and it can bring on a heart attack.
07:25 So, here's some very up-to-date counsel, isn't it?
07:28 Now there is something that a lot of people think is very
07:32 important for their happiness, and that's the use of
07:36 alcoholic beverages.
07:37 But, is it?
07:39 You know, I think I've had a little experience in this.
07:43 My father was a good man.
07:45 I was brought up in an affluent home, but he was a drinker.
07:49 And I'll tell you, whenever he came back, and had had some
07:51 drinks, there was a lot of very unhappy scenes in the home.
07:55 And, of course, alcohol also causes accidents;
07:59 even a little bit.
08:00 And it certainly is a drain on the pocket.
08:03 There's a lot of reasons why we shouldn't be using alcohol.
08:05 And it says over here in Proverbs 20, verse 1,
08:09 Wine is a mocker, intoxicating drink arouses brawling,
08:14 and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
08:18 I think that is very relevant counsel, don't you?
08:23 But there's always somebody who will raise the question:
08:25 didn't Jesus turn water into wine at the marriage feast
08:30 at Cana of Galilee?
08:31 Yes, indeed He did.
08:32 In fact this is one of two churches in Cana of Galilee
08:37 that commemorate the miracle.
08:39 And inside this particular church there is a stone jar
08:43 and it's standing in front of a little water cistern.
08:46 And so this church commemorates the incident.
08:49 It really happened; sure.
08:50 But the question is, which type of wine?
08:52 You see, there are two types of wine.
08:55 We recognize that.
08:56 You can either go into a liquor shop and buy a bottle of
09:00 alcoholic wine, or you can go into a supermarket and buy a
09:04 bottle of grape juice, which we sometimes refer to as
09:07 unfermented wine.
09:08 Now in our society these are two separate and distinct things.
09:13 One is alcoholic, and the other is non-alcoholic.
09:16 But in biblical times, of course, they didn't label
09:19 them on bottles just as clearly as that.
09:21 When the grape crushing season came along they crushed the
09:25 grapes, got the juice, and for a few days it was unfermented.
09:30 And then if you didn't do anything about it,
09:32 then, of course, it became fermented.
09:34 However, they had a system of boiling it, boiling it,
09:38 and boiling it until it became a thick, syrupy juice.
09:40 That would keep for up until nearly twelve months.
09:44 All you had to do was add water to taste.
09:47 So, there are two types of wines spoken of in the Bible.
09:50 You have, for instance, in Isaiah chapter 65, verse 8,
09:55 Thus says the Lord, As the new wine is found in the cluster,
09:59 and one says, Do not destroy it; for a blessing is in it.
10:03 I like grape juice.
10:04 It's a good drink, and there's a real blessing in it.
10:06 But, of course, there is another type of wine which is
10:09 condemned in the Bible.
10:10 Proverbs chapter 23, verse 29, Who has woe? who hath sorrow?
10:16 who has contentions? who has complaints? who has wounds
10:20 without cause? who has redness of eyes?
10:23 Those who linger long at the wine;...
10:25 Now you don't need to wonder very long as to just what type
10:29 of wine is referred to there.
10:30 Obviously, that is alcoholic wine causing the
10:34 red eyes, and the wounds without cause, and so forth.
10:37 And so it says here, Do not look on the wine when it is red,
10:41 when it sparkles in the cup.
10:43 At the last it bites like a serpent and stings like a viper.
10:47 Not only don't drink it, don't even look at it.
10:51 Don't be tempted because alcoholic wine is harmful
10:54 to the health.
10:55 Now let's take a look at the physical effects of alcohol
10:59 on the human body.
11:00 I want to talk to Dr. John Quinn of Sydney's large
11:04 West Meade Hospital.
11:05 Dr. Quinn has a degree in Science.
11:08 He has a degree in medicine.
11:10 And he has a Ph. D. in Immunology, which makes him
11:15 pretty well qualified to talk to us.
11:17 Dr. Quinn, what can you tell us about the effect of alcohol
11:20 on the human body?
11:21 Yes, David, thank you.
11:22 I'll just start off by telling some of the statistics
11:28 associated with alcohol in medicine.
11:30 For example, it's known that 85% of Australian men,
11:35 and 75% of the women, drink alcohol in some form or another.
11:39 Now alcohol, even in minor amounts, can interfere with
11:44 medications that many people take for minor illnesses.
11:48 Now the problem with that is that the effects
11:50 are unpredictable, and this can lead to sleepiness.
11:53 It can interfere with their ability to drive a car,
11:56 and perform various skilled tasks.
11:58 Now even in moderate amounts alcohol can acerbate many
12:03 medical conditions that people have.
12:06 While in excessive amounts alcohol leads to a whole host
12:10 of disease processes.
12:12 Well, when somebody puts the bottle to their lips,
12:15 what actually happens when it starts pouring
12:17 down their throat?
12:18 Yes, well, David, after they've taken a mouthful, obviously
12:23 it goes down the main esophagus into the stomach, and there it
12:29 goes on into the small bowel where it's largely
12:32 absorbed from.
12:33 Now, on the way down through the esophagus, it irritates the
12:37 lining of the esophagus.
12:38 And also in the stomach it irritates the lining.
12:40 And this leads to pain in the long term, and a condition
12:44 called esophagitis, or gastritis, and bleeding.
12:47 While in the small bowel, the irritation of the wall can
12:50 interfere with the absorption of many important nutrients,
12:53 in particular the B group vitamins.
12:55 Is this a liver you've got there?
12:59 What effect does alcohol have on your liver?
13:01 Well, because of the arrangement of the anatomy in the body,
13:06 the substances that are absorbed from the small bowel in the
13:10 stomach, first of all, are taken to the liver.
13:13 Now the liver is a process, a storehouse, and a processing
13:17 factory in the body.
13:18 And because of this, as the alcohol is absorbed from the
13:22 digestive system, it's the liver that bears the first brunt,
13:25 other than the lining of the small intestine.
13:29 Now even a single episode of binge drinking, such is very
13:34 common on a Friday evening in Australian populations,
13:37 can lead to a condition called fatty liver.
13:41 As you can see in this liver here, this is what's called
13:44 the cirrhotic liver, which is a long term consequence
13:48 of excessive alcohol.
13:50 But you can see these little fat globules, if I can point them
13:53 out with my pen.
13:54 The normal liver is sort of smooth and homogeneous.
13:58 These little fat globulars have replaced the normal
14:02 liver tissue.
14:03 As a result, the functions of the liver are interfered with,
14:06 and in time this can lead to serious disease.
14:10 The person ends up a rather pathetic sight with a swollen,
14:14 bloated stomach.
14:15 They are unable to process many of the nutrients that are
14:19 absorbed, and also, unfortunately, many of the
14:23 toxins that come in from the digestive system from the
14:27 breakdown of proteins in the bacterial products.
14:30 When they get to the liver they're dealt with,
14:32 and detoxified.
14:34 But if the liver doesn't work, then they're getting into the
14:37 circulation and can interfere with many of the
14:40 body's functions.
14:41 It's all pretty frightening.
14:42 Now what's this over here?
14:44 Don't tell me that's a heart, is it?
14:45 Alcohol effects the heart?
14:47 Yes, now, unfortunately, the heart, too, bears a large brunt
14:52 of excessive alcohol intake.
14:55 Now the normal heart is about the size of your clenched fist.
14:58 And if I compare my fist with this heart, even though this
15:02 heart is opened up to display the internal structures, you can
15:06 see that this is a very large heart.
15:08 Now what happens is that the alcohol acts as a toxin on
15:12 the muscle cells, and these muscle cells are unable to
15:16 contract properly.
15:17 And as a result, the heart tries to compensate by getting larger,
15:22 and, therefore, allowing more blood to be pumped in and out.
15:25 Also the force of the contraction is better the larger
15:29 the heart gets, to a certain extent.
15:31 In time this heart becomes so large and dilated that the wall
15:36 becomes very floppy, and it's unable to pump the blood
15:39 adequately through the body.
15:41 The person ends up with a condition called
15:43 alcoholic Cardiopathy.
15:45 Well, it sounds like the long term effects
15:47 are pretty disastrous.
15:49 What about the short term effects?
15:51 Yes, well, the short term effects are something that's
15:55 more relevant to the average sort of Australian, since we can
15:59 consider only about 10% of males, about 3 to 5% of females
16:04 eventually go on to become what we would refer to as
16:07 chronic alcoholics.
16:09 The under aged; the under 17, and the under 25 year age group
16:17 in Australia; they're a very large proportion of drinkers
16:20 in Australia.
16:22 And, unfortunately, just looking at the male population,
16:26 about 30 to 40% of these young men will eventually get into
16:31 some trouble in their youth, and their early adulthood,
16:35 because of excessive alcohol.
16:37 This may be in the form of a motor vehicle accident.
16:41 And despite random breath testing in Australia,
16:43 still about 50% of fatal road accidents are caused by
16:48 excessive alcohol intake.
16:51 Then we have domestic violence.
16:53 Alcohol is a significant contributor here.
16:57 The person may be drinking and is unable to control many of
17:02 their normal emotions.
17:05 This can lead to violence, which is a rather dreaded,
17:10 and unfortunate thing that we see in the Australian community.
17:13 So your advice, I presume, is keep off the bottle, aye?
17:17 Even in moderate drinking?
17:19 What do you think?
17:20 Yes, even in moderate drinking,
17:21 particularly in females, for example.
17:25 I mean it's been shown that in a woman that is pregnant, even one
17:30 or two standard drinks a day can lead to a condition called
17:33 the fetal alcohol syndrome in which the poor unfortunate
17:37 newborn child is mentally and physically handicapped for
17:40 the rest of their life just because of their mother's
17:44 excessive alcohol during the pregnancy.
17:46 There is something else that Moses wrote just before he
17:49 climbed Mt. Nebo.
17:51 You'll find it in Deuteronomy 29:18; listen:
17:55 And that there may not be among you a root bearing bitterness
18:00 or wormwood.
18:01 Some translations put it that there may not be a
18:04 poisonous herb.
18:05 Now there's quite a few poisonous herbs growing
18:08 in the world today, and, unfortunately, some people
18:10 are using them to their detriment.
18:13 For instance, there is the tobacco leaf.
18:15 And you've only got to look at a packet of cigarettes
18:18 and read it here: WARNING smoking is a health hazard.
18:22 And according to the latest government regulations,
18:24 the tobacco companies have to be even more specific than that.
18:28 It is a deadly poison, and it's not wise to use it.
18:32 I talked with Dr. Russell Butler who is a consultant physician
18:38 about the effect of smoking on the human body.
18:42 Tobacco has a lot of effects on the human body which we've been
18:46 aware of for, oh, maybe 30 years, since the first reports
18:51 were made of an association between smoking, particularly
18:55 smoking cigarettes, and lung cancer.
18:59 You know, a cigarette is really very much like a chimney.
19:04 And if you were to get on the end of a chimney and inhale
19:07 the smoke, you'd expect it to be fairly nasty on the body.
19:11 Now if you look here at this picture of a normal lung
19:15 you'll see that it's pink with a few specks of black on it,
19:20 just from the normal dust that we see in the air.
19:25 But this specimen I've got in the bottle here shows the
19:30 blackening which happens when someone smokes regularly over a
19:37 protracted period of time.
19:38 Now the person who did this had the consequences that they
19:46 eventually developed a lung cancer.
19:48 And this pale patch of tissue here is the cancer which
19:53 eventually led to them having to have this lung removed.
19:56 Beyond that they have a patch of pneumonia because the
20:00 air passages in the lung have been obstructed by the
20:05 development of this cancer.
20:06 It's been well known for a long time now that people who smoke,
20:13 particularly people who smoke cigarettes, are likely to have
20:17 something, about a twenty times increased risk of developing
20:22 lung cancer.
20:23 The other effects of smoking, however, are perhaps not so
20:30 evident, and not apparently statistically so great.
20:35 For instance, people also develop heart disease.
20:41 We've got some pictures here of the inside of blood vessels
20:44 which show the deposition of cholesterol and other material
20:51 which tends to block up the arteries.
20:53 Now, statistically, the increase in risk of developing heart
21:02 disease due to smoking is only about two or threefold.
21:06 But when you think that nearly a third of the population
21:09 eventually dies of heart disease, it's very much more
21:14 common than these with lung cancer.
21:15 So the influence of smoking in accelerating heart disease
21:19 is, in fact, much more important as a public health problem
21:22 than is lung cancer.
21:25 But there are other poisonous plants around besides tobacco
21:29 leaves, you know.
21:30 I want to talk to Don Bain, who is the Director of the
21:33 Health Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
21:36 in the South Pacific region.
21:38 Don, what can you tell us about marijuana?
21:42 David, I guess we could tell you a great deal about marijuana
21:44 because this is a very old drug that's been used in Eastern
21:47 countries for thousands of years has in recent decades
21:51 been discovered by people in Western society.
21:54 Many people think that this is a very innocuous substance,
21:57 but it's not.
21:58 It's actually a very subtle drug.
22:00 It appears to be virtually harmless, but its effect upon
22:04 the body is really only starting to be understood now as we're
22:07 doing more research.
22:08 Marijuana is a mood altering drug and it effects our concept
22:13 of time and space, and our judgment.
22:16 And for people who drive or engage in any activity where
22:19 they might be using machinery or flying aircraft, or doing
22:22 things like that, marijuana can be a very serious drug.
22:25 So the advice is, leave it alone, aye?
22:27 Don't even experiment with it.
22:29 I would say definitely so; that this is not
22:31 a drug to be played with.
22:32 I think we'd be much better in our society without it.
22:36 What about the plants that produce caffeine?
22:39 Well, caffeine is an interesting substance, too.
22:41 It's been around for a long time, and it's probably one of
22:44 the drugs that is most used in the world actually.
22:48 Now you find caffeine in a variety of substances.
22:51 Coffee, of course, is a major source of caffeine for millions
22:54 of people; tea also.
22:56 The cola drinks have quite a lot of caffeine in them.
22:59 And there are alkaloids which are similar to caffeine
23:02 Theobromine, etc, which you will find even in chocolate.
23:05 But caffeine is a drug that people used for a stimulate,
23:08 to give them a lift.
23:09 And again, people may think that this isn't dangerous,
23:13 but again, evidence shows that too much caffeine can have a
23:17 very deleterious effect upon the body.
23:19 Does it have any relationship to stress?
23:22 Well, people will take caffeine, as in fact they will take a lot
23:26 of drugs, to overcome the stresses of life.
23:30 You know, people are always looking to chemical crutches.
23:32 If you've got a problem let's open the medicine chest
23:35 and find a pill or potion.
23:36 And that's why people tend to be into alcohol, into marijuana,
23:40 into caffeine, into many of these things to try and either
23:43 block life out or make life a little more exciting,
23:45 or something like that.
23:46 And I really think that when people are looking to chemicals
23:50 to solve their problems, they're really fooling themselves.
23:53 And even with caffeine, that this could have
23:56 a serious effect actually upon oxygen levels to the brain,
23:59 and can effect our motor performance.
24:00 So I really think that if people are looking for drugs to help
24:04 them with stress, they're looking in the wrong direction.
24:06 People would do much better looking to a balanced lifestyle,
24:09 getting a balance in the social, mental, physical,
24:12 and spiritual areas.
24:13 These are the sort of things that people should be
24:15 concentrating on.
24:17 Now medicines and drugs in that area have some place in
24:20 society, but they've got to be governed.
24:22 They've got to be controlled by competent people.
24:25 That we've gotten into this habit of self medication,
24:28 and people are taking so many pills, potions, drugs, and all
24:32 sorts of substances to try and help them cope.
24:35 And I really think that this isn't a positive way to behave.
24:38 So it's best to keep away from the regular cup of tea.
24:41 Well, I think even that, you know, people may get some
24:44 comfort from it, but even the cup of tea that people think is
24:48 quite harmless, that drug authorities, from instance,
24:51 New South Whales, and health authorities have shown that
24:53 beyond five cups a day, for instance, that's been
24:56 considered, even by the health authorities in this state, to be
25:00 a health risk.
25:02 So I think that we need to be very careful taking these sorts
25:06 of substances into our body.
25:07 Now let us talk about what we eat.
25:11 You know the Bible tells us to look after our bodies.
25:14 In I Corinthians, chapter 6, and in verse 19, it says:
25:17 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the
25:21 Holy Spirit which is in you, whom you have from God,
25:24 and you are not your own?
25:26 For you were brought at a price: therefore glorify God in your
25:30 body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
25:33 So not only your spirit, but your body belongs to God,
25:36 and God expects you to look after it.
25:37 And, more specifically, it says in I Corinthians 10, and in
25:42 verse 31: Therefore whether you eat, or drink, or whatever
25:47 you do, do all to the glory of God.
25:50 Carolyn Laredo is an officer in the diet office of a leading
25:56 Sydney hospital, so she'll be a good one to talk to about
26:00 dietary matters.
26:02 Carolyn, just how important is diet to health?
26:05 Well, there's an adage that's very appropriate to answer
26:09 that question, David.
26:10 "We are what we eat. "
26:12 Diet is extremely important to our health.
26:15 Really, what we put into our bodies is what determines what
26:20 we can get out of them.
26:21 And what are the principles of a good diet?
26:23 Well, there's a lot of things that contribute to us having
26:27 a good diet.
26:28 It's important that we have regular meals; that they be
26:31 set at a time suitable for each particular individual.
26:36 We need a lot of variety.
26:38 And we need to be aware of things like obesity;
26:41 particularly because that is a very big problem in our
26:46 society today.
26:47 We need to decrease fat, sugar, alcohol, and salt.
26:52 We find that a lot of people that might have high intake
26:57 of these things
26:58 We need to increase our dietary fiber, and have a lot of fruit
27:03 and vegetables.
27:04 Fresh fruit and vegetables are really the best things
27:06 that you can eat.
27:07 I'm sure.
27:09 We need a variety which is the big thing in a vegetarian diet.
27:13 It cannot be emphasized enough because without variety you are
27:19 not including everything that your body needs.
27:23 But the vegetarian diet, with that variety,
27:27 does include everything.
27:30 But, of course, good health is not only a matter of abstaining
27:34 from what is harmful, it is doing what is good.
27:37 And that not only involves having a good, solid diet;
27:41 a good, healthy diet, everything is involved.
27:45 You should have good rest at night.
27:48 You should breathe plenty of fresh air, drink plenty of
27:53 fresh water, and I think that exercise is also an important
27:58 element for good health.
28:09 Beautiful game for an old fellow.
28:12 Well, my son beat me again, of course.
28:15 He usually does these days, but I got my exercise.
28:19 I really enjoy a game of tennis.
28:21 And I think the reason I can keep up with my boys is because
28:25 of my lifestyle.
28:26 I don't drink.
28:27 I don't smoke.
28:28 I don't use tea or coffee.
28:29 I've got a wonderful wife who turns on some great
28:32 vegetarian meals.
28:33 And I really get the most out of life.
28:36 Well, what about you?
28:38 Do you have something there that should go?
28:41 I think we've all got to get a good lifestyle, you know.
28:44 And if there's anything that you need to get rid of, well,
28:48 why not get rid of it now?
28:49 You'll not only live longer, but you'll get far more out of life.
28:59 Unbelievable!
29:02 Now I'm going to let you into a little secret.
29:04 David's into his 70th year!
29:07 So maybe that healthy lifestyle really does pay dividends!
29:11 Have you ever noticed that our Jewish friends are usually quite
29:17 prosperous folk?
29:18 Well I don't know the secret of their prosperity today,
29:21 but I do know the secret of the prosperity of Abraham,
29:26 the father of the Jewish nation.
29:28 In our next program we'll be visiting Ur of the Chaldees,
29:32 Abraham's hometown.
29:34 We'll be investigating his finances and revealing the
29:38 exciting story of Ur; how it was lost, forgotten, and found
29:43 again recently by archeologists.
29:45 It's a really interesting story.
29:47 Why don't you join us then?


Revised 2014-12-17