Participants: David Down
Series Code: DUTP
Program Code: DUTP000019
00:01 In Revelation Chapter 14 Verses 8 to 11
00:03 is a rather freighting morning against receiving 00:06 the mark of the beast. Listen while I read it to you. 00:11 And another angel followed saying, Babylon is fallen, 00:14 is fallen, that great city, because she has made 00:18 all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her 00:20 fornication. Then the third angel followed them 00:24 saying with a loud voice "if anyone worships the beast 00:27 and his image and receives his mark on his forehead 00:31 or on his hand, "He himself shall also drink of the 00:35 wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full 00:38 strength into the cup of his indignation and he shall 00:41 be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence 00:46 of the Holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 00:48 and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; 00:53 and they have no rest day or night, 00:56 who worship the beast and his image, 00:58 and whoever receives the mark of his name." 01:02 Well that's a very solemn morning, 01:05 and I think that we should take care to find out 01:07 what it's all about. I think this program might help you. 01:46 The Island of Patmos is about 300 kilometers South East 01:49 of Athens of the Turkish coast and you certainly 01:52 get a magnificent view looking down on the Island 01:56 of Patmos as your Helicopter wings its way through 01:59 the air and hoppers over the Island. 02:01 It's only a small island; it's only 12 kilometers in 02:05 length and at it's narrowest it's only about a 100 meters 02:11 from one side of the Island to the other. And down there, 02:15 near the narrow part is a little beach and that 02:20 is probably, where John saw himself in the vision. 02:24 The Island of Patmos itself is a very interesting place, 02:28 a rocky island yes, but very fertile. 02:31 And there are shepherds mounting their sheep, 02:35 there are crops growing and some beautiful wild 02:38 flowers and you'll even see some Australian 02:41 wattle there. There is a cave, 02:45 which is supposed to be place where John had his vision. 02:48 Well, I don't think there is any evidence for that, 02:50 but anyway there is a church built over the cave 02:52 and right up at the top of the mountain of the Island, 02:56 there is a very impressive looking monastery, 02:59 and this monastery has some very important an 03:04 ancient documents, some manuscripts that were written 03:08 more than a 1000 years ago, and so all this is on the 03:14 Island of Patmos. But now let's go down to the beach, 03:19 where John had his vision, because he says here 03:23 in Revelation chapter 13 and in verse 1, 03:27 then I stood on the sand of the sea, 03:29 and saw a beast rising up out of the sea. 03:32 So he was on the sand of the sea presumably 03:36 in vision he saw himself on the beach of Patmos. 03:41 Revelation chapter 13 and in verse 1 John says, 03:45 then I stood on the sand of the sea, 03:47 and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having 03:51 seven heads and ten horns and on his horns 03:54 Ten Crowns and on his heads a blissfulness name. 03:59 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, 04:01 his feet were like the feet of a bear, 04:03 and his mouth like the mouth of a lion, 04:06 and the dragon gave him his power, 04:08 his throne and great authority. 04:11 Now the beast that has described here as the same 04:14 identification marks as the little horn in 04:17 Daniel chapter 7, which we identified as the Roman 04:21 Catholic Church. For instance it says here, 04:24 in verse 7, it was granted him to make war with the 04:27 saints and to overcome them. It was to be persecuting 04:30 power. I don't want to say anything more about 04:32 that now, but in our next program I have some 04:35 other chilling facts to present before you about 04:37 what history says concerning the persecutions 04:39 mentioned here. So, the papacy undoubtedly 04:44 was a persecuting power. It says in verse 6, 04:47 and then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, 04:50 to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, 04:54 and those who dwell in Heaven. Now I'll try the 04:57 significant not only blasphemy against God, 05:00 which we notice in our previous program, 05:03 but also those that dwell in Heaven. 05:06 I have here a little pamphlet that I purchased from 05:10 a Roman Catholic book shop and it is called a Priest 05:13 in fact it's all about a priest. 05:14 And talking about the priest, the author 05:18 of this little track Robert Nash, S.J. that means 05:22 Society of Jews it says, a Roman Catholic gives 05:26 unhesitating approval of the sentimental of St. Francis 05:29 of a CC, who writes that if he met a priest and an angel, he 05:34 would salute first the priest and only after the priest 05:38 the angel. In other words, that's putting the priest 05:41 ahead of the angel isn't it and he is inclined to believe 05:45 or at least countenance the scenic dirt, 05:47 which relates that before a certain priests ordination 05:51 his angel guardian were seen walking before him, 05:55 but after ordination the angel followed behind. 05:59 And so you see this is exalting the priesthood 06:03 above the Holy Angels of God in Heaven and 06:06 that's what the records says the prophecy said he 06:10 would blaspheme those who dwell in Heaven. 06:14 In verse 5 it says, he was given a mouth speaking 06:18 great things and blasphemies and was given authority 06:20 to continue for 42 months. Now let's just notice that 06:25 on the black board 42 months, 06:27 30 days to the month multiply 42x30 and you'll 06:32 have a period of 1260 days. We've already noticed that 06:37 a day in prophecy represents a year and so here 06:40 is the period of 1260 years. Now this is the same period 06:45 as was mentioned in Daniel chapter 7 at time, times, 06:50 and half-a-time and that began in the year 538 A.D. 06:55 and reach forward to the year 1798 A.D. 07:00 and what was to happened in that year? Well remember 07:03 it says here, in verse 3, I saw one of his heads 07:08 as it had been mortally wounded and that of course 07:11 is when Napoleon's armies march down to Rome 07:14 and occupied not only Rome, but Vatican and sent 07:19 the Pope into captivity in France. General Berthier 07:24 carried out this operation and the Pope died in exile 07:28 one year later in the year 1799. And everyone thought 07:33 that the papacy as a political power had merits dome 07:37 come to an end never to rise again. 07:40 Sent to the immortal deadly wound, but the Bible 07:43 knew better. It says here in verse 3 that his deadly 07:49 wound was healed, he was to recover from this 07:52 mortal blow in other words, and of course the papacy 07:55 did, just look at the papacy today. 07:57 Everyone admires the pope and his present 08:01 activities in fact it says here, and all the world 08:05 marveled and followed the beast. 08:07 You know when the Pope went to America; 08:10 the crowd sang there, his got the whole wide 08:15 world in his hands. Now that's a song that usually applies 08:19 Jesus Christ, but they applied it to the Pope of Rome 08:22 and today the Pope of Rome is a very popular figure, 08:26 a very influential figure not only in religious affairs, 08:30 but even in politics. Today, all the world is marveling 08:34 at the power and authority of the pope of Rome. 08:38 We are in Washington the capital of the United States 08:40 of America and behind me on the left hand side there 08:44 is the Lincoln memorial in which is the statue 08:47 to a very great man Abraham Lincoln and we are 08:50 here because I believe that this is relevant to a 08:52 prophecy that we are studying right now. 08:54 And that is in Revelation chapter 13, 08:58 where it continues by saying, he who leads into captivity 09:01 shall go into captivity. Now that is speaking 09:04 about the occasion when the Pope was taken into 09:07 captivity in the year 1798. Verse 11 says at that time, 09:13 I saw another beast coming up out of the earth 09:15 and he had two horns like a Lamb. 09:18 Now we've spoken about beast rising up out of water, 09:20 symbolizing kingdoms rising up from the turbulent nations 09:24 of the world, but here is a nation that rose up where 09:27 there was no water, no nations, no peoples 09:30 and this I believe very fittingly applies to the 09:33 United States of America, which grew up in isolation 09:36 in the North American continent. 09:38 It's interesting to look at the history of this nation. 09:41 In the year 1620, the Pilgrim father set out on that 09:44 memorable journey in that brave little ship Mayflower 09:48 and they reached sea shores a new country, 09:51 where they expected to find freedom and liberty 09:54 and so here they settled down, but soon they became 09:58 discontented with the Colonial Position that they held 10:01 and so in 1775 by launch the war of independence. 10:06 The following year 1776, they issued the declaration 10:11 of independence and in 1783 England was obliged 10:15 to recognize the independence of the new nation. 10:19 In 1793, Washington was chosen as the new capital. 10:26 We are on Capitol Hill and it was on September 18, 1793, 10:33 the George Washington lay the cornerstone of the 10:35 building that you see which was to be the administrative 10:38 center of the United States of America. 10:41 The statistic show that the population of Washington 10:45 at that time consisted of 2464 free settlers and 623 10:52 slaves. But it is the time element that interests 10:56 me most. It was in the summer of 1800 that congress 11:00 moved into this building. Now remember it was in 11:04 1798 that this beast, this power was to arise. 11:09 You see the prophecy were spot on as far as time 11:13 was concerned. Now in Revelation 13 and in verse 11 11:18 it speaks about this lamb light beast, but it says 11:22 he spoke like a dragon. I'm standing in front of the 11:26 Pentagon, which is the military head quarters 11:29 of the United States of America, which today is the 11:32 strongest nation on the face of the earth, 11:35 but it was not always so. You see, 11:37 go back to the year say 1900 and you find that 11:41 United States that was desperately anxious to keep 11:44 out of the face of the world. They were isolationist 11:47 and they just didn't want to get involved in the 11:50 wars on the conflict of Europe and other parts of the 11:53 world, but it was not to be. And so in the 1914-18 11:57 war came along, America tried to keep out, 12:01 but without success she was drone into that conflict, 12:04 but when that war was over again America tried 12:07 to withdraw into a shell, then came the 1939 war 12:11 once more America tried to keep out of it, 12:14 but then came Pearl Harbor and it was of no use. 12:17 America realized it must be involved and today 12:21 it is a very powerful nation and when the 12:25 President of the United States speaks the countries 12:28 of the world have to listen they may not agree 12:31 with what he says, but they have got to listen 12:33 because today this nation speaks with the voice 12:36 of a dragon and it's voice is heard. 12:41 In verse 12 it says, and he exercises all the authority 12:44 of the first beast in his presence and he deceives 12:48 those who dwell on the earth by those signs which 12:51 he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, 12:54 telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image 12:56 to the beast, who was wounded by the sword 12:59 and lived. Now this doesn't mean that one day 13:02 there is gonna to be a Silver or Gold or Marble 13:05 image made. This is figurative language and the trust 13:09 of the prophecy is that the second beast that 13:12 is protestant America is going to follow in the footsteps 13:15 of the first beast that is the Roman Catholic Church 13:18 in tramping on the rights of conscious in forcing 13:22 people to do something against their will. 13:24 And so here is a violation of the very principles 13:28 of liberty and freedom upon which protestant 13:31 America was founded. It envisages reconciliation 13:35 between Protestant America and Catholic Rome. 13:41 Now it's rather interesting behind me is the White House, 13:44 which is the residence of the President of the 13:46 United States of America. We have not been invited 13:51 in there to lunch and that doesn't surprise me 13:54 at all, but what does concern me is the fact 13:57 that the Pope of Rome was invited in there, 14:00 they has been a Roman Catholic President 14:02 there John F. Kennedy and the Pope of Rome 14:06 on his visit to Washington was invited him to the 14:10 President of the Untied States of America. 14:12 Here is a reconciliation that few dreamed off. 14:16 50 years ago, people were throwing stones 14:18 at each other Protestants and 14:20 Roman Catholics that the situation was vastly 14:23 changed recently, and so we have a reconciliation 14:27 predicted and fulfilled. Now this isn't just 14:30 opportunism interpretation in other words not 14:34 just because it's happened we say this is what 14:36 it means, because in 1888 Seventh Day Adventist 14:40 published the Book Great Controversy in which 14:42 it was predicted that this would happen. 14:46 Now in verse 16 it says, and he causes all, 14:49 both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, 14:52 to receive a mark on their right hand or in their 14:56 foreheads: and that no one may buy or sell 14:59 except the one who has the mark, or the name 15:01 of the beast. And here again this is not a literal 15:04 mark that is going to be stamped in the forehead. 15:07 It is something is going to be received into the 15:09 mind and acted on, and what is this mark 15:12 that is referred to, obviously it is a mark of 15:15 Rome's authority. And what is that mark? 15:18 I have here two Roman Catholic Catechisms, 15:21 which I purchased in Roman Catholic book shops. 15:24 The first is called, the Catechism simply explained 15:28 by Canon Caferrata. There is an interesting 15:31 statement here; on page 88 it says, 15:35 a word about Sunday God said remember that thou 15:39 keep Holy the Sabbath day. The Sabbath was 15:43 Saturday not Sunday, why then do we keep Sunday 15:46 Holy instead of Saturday. The Church altered the 15:50 observance of the Sabbath to the observance 15:52 of Sunday. Protestants who say that they go by the 15:55 Bible and the Bible only, well that's me and I 15:58 you too, protestants who say that they go 16:01 by the Bible must be rather puzzled by the keeping 16:04 of Sunday when God distinctly said keep Holy the 16:08 Sabbath day. The word Sunday does not 16:11 come anywhere in the Bible. 16:13 So without knowing it they are obeying the authority 16:16 of the Catholic Church. Now you get the message 16:18 there, they are saying that Sunday keeping 16:21 is an evidence of the authority of the 16:24 Catholic Church. Another statement in this book, 16:28 The Controversial Catechism by the reverend 16:31 father Steven Keenan, it says Question: 16:34 Have you any other way of proving that the Church 16:37 has power to institute festivals of precept? 16:40 "Had she not such power, she could not have done 16:44 that in which all modern religionists agree with her, 16:46 she could not have substituted the observance 16:49 of Sunday, the first day of the week, 16:51 for the observance of Saturday, the Seventh Day, 16:54 a change for which there is no Scriptural 16:57 authority." Now do you get what it saying, 16:59 it is saying that Sunday is a mark of Rome's authority 17:04 and one day this mark Sunday keeping is going 17:08 to be enforced. Now there is one point I want 17:11 to make very plain, nobody has the mark of the 17:14 beast at the present time even though they keep 17:16 Sunday. It is only when all these conditions are 17:19 fulfilled and allure this past requiring observance 17:23 and everyone knows what they are doing, 17:24 then those who observe Sunday in contradiction 17:28 to the Bible will be receiving the mark of the beast 17:32 and you can understand how it could be observed. 17:34 What with plastic money and computers it won't be 17:37 hard to determine, who is going to receive the mark 17:42 of the beast and who will not. Now who are the 17:46 people, who will not receive the mark of the 17:48 beast? In Revelation 6:17 it is talking about the 17:52 second coming of Christ and it asks a question, 17:56 it says for the great day of his wrath come and 17:58 who is able to stand and then in chapter 7 18:02 it gives us the answer, I saw another angel ascending 18:05 from the East, having the seal of the living God: 18:07 saying, "Do not harm the earth, the sea or the trees, 18:10 to we have sealed the servants of our God 18:13 in their foreheads. There the people that are going 18:15 to be ready, the people who has sealed with the seal 18:18 of God in their foreheads. Now what does it mean 18:20 to be sealed with the seal of God? Well in Isaiah 18:26 chapter 8 and in verse 16 it says, 18:33 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. 18:37 You see it's got something to do with the 18:38 Ten Commandments. I want to tell you something 18:40 about seals. There are two types of seals, 18:44 there is the stamp seals such as this Egyptian Scarab 18:48 and it has an inscription there and it is press down 18:50 on the clay or the wax or whatever and leaves 18:54 an impression. And then there is the cylinder seal. 18:59 Now that has an inscription on it and it is rolled along 19:03 on the soft clay like that and leaves an impression. 19:06 Now a seal of the royal type has three elements 19:11 in it that is the name of the king and his title and the 19:17 kingdom over which he rule for instance in Egypt, 19:20 it would be say Menkeparai king of the two lands 19:23 of upper and lower Egypt or in the case of George 19:26 Washington whose monument you see behind me here, 19:28 it would be George Washington President of the 19:32 United States. Now when you look at the law of God 19:35 those three elements are only found in one of the 19:39 Commandments and that is the Fourth Commandment, 19:42 where it says in 6 days the Lord made that is, 19:48 he is the creator of Heaven and earth. 19:50 You see it's got those three elements and so I consider 19:52 these to constitute the seal of the living God. 19:56 In other words, the Seventh Day Sabbath is the seal 19:59 of the living God. And that's what the servants 20:02 of God will have in their foreheads, when Christ 20:05 returns those that are ready to meet him. 20:06 And so it's a good thing to have that seal in your 20:10 forehead and in Leviticus chapter 23 and 20:14 in verse 3 it tells us, that the Seventh Day Sabbath 20:21 is a Holy convocation. It's a Sabbath of solemn rest, 20:25 a convocation means a gathering together. So 20:28 it's a time to meet together with those of like faith. 20:33 I think you'll find that is probably a Seventh Day 20:35 Adventist Church nor far from where you live 20:37 and I also think that if you like to attend on the Sabbath 20:41 morning you will find that a friendly 20:43 welcome awaits you. 20:46 So provoking isn't it. For our next program, 20:49 we will be return to Rome and visiting the Vatican 20:52 that remarkable state within a state and David 20:55 will be discussing the prophecy about the man 20:58 with a mysterious number 666 and the 21:01 woman adorned in purple and scarlet. |
Revised 2014-12-17