Digging Up the Past


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Down


Series Code: DUTP

Program Code: DUTP000012

00:01 We're at the traditional Mount of Blessing.
00:03 It's probably not the correct site. But there is a beautiful
00:06 view of the lake of Galilee and also the ruins of the town of
00:10 Capernaum on the sea shore. Capernaum was called Jesus'
00:13 own city because he spent so much time there and performed
00:17 so many miracles there. He healed Peter's mother-in-law
00:21 and the nobleman's son. He cleansed the leper and restored
00:24 the paralytic. We mustn't forget to mention that he raised Jairus
00:28 daughter from the dead there, also.
01:02 We're in Capernaum, which is a very important city as far as
01:06 the New Testament records are concerned; because here,
01:09 Jesus Christ made his headquarters, spent a lot of
01:11 his time, and performed many miracles here.
01:14 In particular, the biblical record refers to him being in
01:18 the synagogue, and casting out a demon here, and preaching
01:22 in the synagogue at Capernaum. And this is the reconstruction
01:27 of the synagogue. This pillar has a Greek inscription on it,
01:32 which says, Herod and his son, Justos, and their children
01:38 erected this pillar. And so they wanted a little credit,
01:41 you see. The pillar over here, it has a Latin inscription.
01:46 Which is a much later date and it simply refers to the man
01:49 who reconstructed the synagogue here. On the western side
01:55 of the synagogue, there is a prayer hall, a long prayer hall.
01:59 You can see that from the seats that are along here. This is
02:01 where the men used to sit while the prayers were being recited.
02:05 And so this was a prayer hall along on this side.
02:09 And over here on the eastern side, there was a courtyard.
02:15 And this is where people met before or after the service,
02:19 and had a little chat to each other. And so this was over on
02:22 the eastern side. Now here is some of the original paving
02:26 stones. And these are very important; because
02:30 The archeologists lifted some of these stones and looked
02:34 underneath them. Underneath is a very solid layer of thick
02:38 plaster. Its 10 centimeters thick. Underneath the plaster
02:42 they found - Guess what? 30,000 coins.
02:46 Now, that's very important because from these coins,
02:49 they are able to determine that actually, the coins were of the
02:53 3rd and 4th century, A.D. That means that these paving
02:57 stones have to be later than that. So therefore, any question
03:00 of this being the exact synagogue which Jesus preached
03:03 in is just not on. It means that this particular part of the
03:06 synagogue, called the Kwat- synagogue was of a later period.
03:10 3rd or 4th century A.D. You'll notice on this western
03:14 side of the synagogue, there are a lot of black stones;
03:17 because the synagogue itself is made of white lime stones.
03:20 Some of these blocks are 3 or 4 tons each. And they come from
03:23 miles away. And that's why it's called the White Synagogue.
03:26 But down beneath the White Synagogue are these black
03:29 vassal stones. See all around here is volcanic, black stone.
03:34 And you will notice that these black stones go in under the
03:38 synagogue. Now the important point about this is that
03:41 these stones are obviously of earlier vintage.
03:44 And that has led some people to the conclusion that although
03:47 the White Synagogue was in a later period, it is built on the
03:50 site of an earlier synagogue, which could go back to the
03:53 first century A.D., which would identify this, the synagogue
03:56 that was used during the time of Jesus. Behind the synagogue
04:01 are some sticks. It is thought that these sticks mounted up
04:05 to an upper story. And if that is so, well, that is probably
04:11 where the women went. You, know men and women were always
04:13 separated. So the men went downstairs, in the main body of
04:16 the synagogue, and the women would go to the upper floor
04:19 to participate in the worship. Just to the south of the
04:26 synagogue. In other words between the synagogue
04:29 and the lake, there are some houses or rooms that were here.
04:33 You see the ruins of them. They were made of black vassal stone
04:37 and beyond these, there is a very interesting building.
04:41 Unfortunately it has just been covered up with some plywood
04:45 or something, so we can't see it. Although, we have a photo
04:48 of it. And this was once a church. Now this church is a
04:53 later Christian period, and it is called, Peter's house.
04:58 Because some graffiti were found on the wall with Peter's name
05:02 on it. That, of course, is a much later period.
05:05 Earlier there is some graffiti with the name of Jesus on it.
05:08 Certainly, this house goes back to an earlier time.
05:11 And there is evidence that there was some sort of meetings
05:14 going on here in the first century A.D.; but whether the
05:17 meetings were of a Christian nature, or whether they were
05:20 Jewish people meeting there, we don't know.
05:22 But anyway, this house is called Peter's house.
05:25 And it goes right back to an earlier time. In fact, actually,
05:27 the foundations of the house go go back to the prechristian era.
05:31 Well, Capernaum is an interesting place, isn't it?
05:34 And it was the scene of many of Jesus' miracles, one of which,
05:38 of course, was healing the centurion's servant.
05:42 And according to the record, the centurion had built a
05:45 synagogue for the Jews in Capernaum.
05:48 One of the interesting features of the miracles of Jesus,
05:53 is that so many of them, have you noticed, were performed
05:56 on the Sabbath Day? So what does this mean? Does it mean that
06:02 Jesus had abolished the Sabbath, didn't keep it any longer?
06:06 No, it doesn't mean that at all. Notice for instance, the miracle
06:10 where he healed a man with an hand. It says, Behold there was
06:17 a man with a withered hand. This is in Matthew 12.
06:20 And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on
06:24 the Sabbath? that they might accuse him. And he said to them,
06:28 What man is there among you, who has one sheep?
06:32 And if it is fallen into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not lay
06:35 hold on it and lift it out? Of how much more value,
06:39 then, is a man than a sheep? Therefore, it is lawful to do
06:45 good on the Sabbath. You see these fellows wouldn't mind
06:48 pulling a sheep out of pit to save their pockets; but they
06:51 weren't willing for Jesus to heal a man on the Sabbath Day.
06:54 So, what Jesus was saying, is that it is lawful to do well
06:59 on the Sabbath Day. Now that means that farmers have to
07:03 feed their cattle, and other people have to do their cooking.
07:09 Nurses have to do their nursing work on the Sabbath.
07:13 There are emergency operations have to be performed. There are
07:16 certain things that have to be performed on the Sabbath day.
07:21 Jesus is saying, It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath. But
07:24 by saying that, he's not abolishing the Sabbath.
07:26 On the contrary, it is quite a apparent that he intended
07:30 all of the 10 commandments to be kept, because, a rich young
07:35 ruler came to him on one occasion and asked him, What
07:37 he had to do to eternal life, and he said, in Matthew 19: 17,
07:43 Why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is God.
07:46 But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.
07:50 And the young man said to him, Well, which ones? Now Jesus
07:53 didn't quote the whole ten. But he quoted enough of them
07:56 to show that he was quoting from the 10 commandments.
07:59 He said, You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery.
08:02 You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness.
08:05 So these are from the ten commandments.
08:07 It is quite apparent that Jesus was teaching this young man
08:09 You ought to keep the ten commandments. And that of course
08:12 includes the Sabbath Day. But the interesting question is,
08:15 Which is the Sabbath Day?
08:18 This is an otherwise busy street in Jerusalem on a Saturday
08:24 morning. As you can see, it is barricaded as are many of the
08:28 other streets all over Israel, shop are shut. Busses don't run
08:32 and offices are closed. The 4th commandment says the 7th day
08:37 is the Sabbath of the Lord our God. And Saturday is the 7th day
08:41 Jews all over the world have celebrated the 7th day Sabbath
08:45 for thousands of years. And wherever there is a synagogue,
08:48 you'll find them worshiping on this day.
08:50 Well, it is not only the Jewish religion that recognizes
08:57 Saturday as the 7th day of the week.
08:59 Actually, the Christian religion also recognizes Saturday
09:03 as the 7th day. Have you noticed that?
09:05 Well, you all know what day of the week Jesus was crucified on,
09:09 don't you? Good Friday. Right? Of course. There are very few
09:13 Christians will deny that
09:14 So Friday was the day on which Jesus was crucified.
09:19 Now, let us turn to the book of Luke. And in chapter 23,
09:23 and referring to the crucifixion, it says this,
09:26 That day was the preparation and the Sabbath drew near.
09:30 So the day before the Saturday was the preparation day.
09:34 And then the Sabbath came and verse 56 says, They returned and
09:40 prepared spices and fragrant oils and they rested on the
09:44 Sabbath according to the commandment.
09:46 Now apparently they had it right, because it says here
09:49 that they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
09:52 They had the right day alright. So the following day was the
09:56 Sunday, the first day of the week on which Jesus rose from
09:59 the dead. So there you have it. Saturday is the seventh day
10:02 of the week. Now its quite apparent that Jesus intended
10:06 his disciples to keep the 7th day Sabbath; because when
10:09 he was warning them that Jerusalem was going to be
10:11 destroyed and they'd have to flee from the city.
10:14 He said in Matthew 24 and verse 20, Pray that your flight may
10:19 not be in the winter or on the Sabbath. Now some people say,
10:22 Well, that was simply because the Jews were observing the
10:25 Sabbath. But actually, if that is the case, it would have been
10:28 a lot easier for them to flee from Jerusalem while all the
10:32 Jews were worshiping in the Synagogue than any other day
10:35 of the week. So its quite apparent that Jesus was
10:37 expecting his disciples to be observing the Sabbath.
10:40 Well, what about the apostles? Did they change it perhaps?
10:44 It wouldn't seem so. For instance we have the record in
10:48 Acts, chapter 13, of Paul and it says in verse 42,
10:53 When the Jews went out of the Synagogue, the Gentiles begged
10:58 that these words might be preached to them
11:00 the next Sabbath. Now these were Gentiles came to him.
11:03 Now, Paul could have said to them, Well, listen fellows,
11:06 There's no need to wait until a whole week.
11:07 You come and listen tomorrow, that's the Christian day of
11:10 worship. But no, it simply says in verse 44, Next Sabbath
11:14 almost the whole city came together to hear to word
11:18 of God. So Paul and the Gentiles apparently were involved
11:22 in this and its quite apparent that the apostles
11:26 were still observing the 7th day Sabbath. And so all the
11:31 mounting evidence points in that direction. Now there are some
11:35 people who say, Isn't the Sunday the Lord's Day?
11:40 Well, it has that connotation now, but is certainly didn't in
11:45 the early days. This expression is only found in Revelation
11:50 chapter one and verse ten, where John said, I was in the Spirit
11:54 on the Lord's Day. It doesn't say which day of the week
11:57 it was - just in the Spirit on the Lord's day.
11:59 But in other parts of the Bible, You don't have any problem.
12:02 For instance, it says, The 7th day is the Sabbath of the Lord
12:06 thy God. That's the Lord's Day. And when Jesus was on earth,
12:10 He spoke about the Sabbath. Notice what he says in the book
12:15 the book of Matthew. The book of Mark, is it?
12:17 Yes, Here we are, in chapter two,
12:19 And he said to them, verse 27, The Sabbath was made for man,
12:23 and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is
12:25 also Lord of the Sabbath. So Jesus was Lord of the Sabbath.
12:30 It was his day, his special day. Its the Lord's day.
12:33 So according to the Bible, the Lord's day is not Sunday,
12:36 the first day of the week. The Lord's day, the 7th day,
12:39 that is the Sabbath. Now the question is, What time of the
12:43 day does the Sabbath begin? Leviticus 23, and verse 32,
12:48 tells us, It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest,
12:52 from evening to evening you shall celebrate your Sabbath.
12:56 You see, God measures time in days from sunset to sunset.
13:01 You might remember the book of Genesis, creation week it says,
13:06 The evening and the morning were the first day.
13:08 Evening and the morning was the second day.
13:09 So days in the bible are measured from sunset
13:13 to sunset. Well that would mean that the 7th day Sabbath
13:17 is to be measured from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
13:21 Okay, now what are some of the things that we have to keep in
13:24 mind during those Sabbath hours? What does the bible say? Well,
13:28 of course the first thing you find in the 10 commandments,
13:30 Remember? Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. In it
13:34 you shall not do any work. Now that means any unnecessary
13:38 work. Any work that can be done some other day, the bible
13:42 says, In it, you shall not do any work.
13:46 Stop right there. Then there's something else that we
13:50 need to keep in mind. In the book of Isaiah, chapter 58,
13:57 it says, verse 13, If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath
14:01 from doing your pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath
14:06 a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable, and shalt honor him,
14:10 not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure:
14:13 then you shall delight yourself in the Lord,
14:17 because the Sabbath is a really happy day if you keep it
14:19 the right way. But God says, Its not a day for your own pleasure.
14:23 So you going to sport on the Sabbath day?, Saturday, is that
14:26 your sport day? Well, remember it says here, Don't find your
14:31 own pleasure on the Sabbath day. Well, what about
14:36 our shopping activities. You know there's something over here
14:40 that is relevant to that. In the book of Nehemiah, chapter 13,
14:43 and in verse 16, it says, Men of Tyre dwelt there also,
14:47 who brought in fish and all kinds of goods, sold them on the
14:49 Sabbath to the children of Judah. Then I contended with
14:53 the nobles of Judah, and said to them, What evil thing is this
14:57 that you do by which you profane the Sabbath day.
14:59 It was an evil thing to buy or sell on the Sabbath day.
15:04 So, if Saturday is your shopping day, stop.
15:08 Remember that God wants you to have this day for your own
15:14 benefit, and don't go shopping. Don't go buying or selling
15:18 on the Sabbath day. God wants you to really enjoy the Sabbath
15:23 day. And so there is a verse for you over here in the book of
15:27 Exodus, and in chapter 16, and in verse 23. Then he said
15:33 to them, This is what the Lord has said, Tomorrow is a Sabbath
15:36 rest, a holy Sabbath of the Lord Bake what you will bake today,
15:40 and boil what you will boil and lay up for yourselves
15:45 until the morning. Keep it until the morning. So the day
15:48 before the Sabbath, Friday is the day to do all the cooking.
15:52 Merilee Adams is doing her preparation.
15:57 Merilee, what is this Sabbath preparation involved with here?
16:01 With me, Well, on Friday I try and tidy the house up.
16:06 And I vacuum the floor,
16:09 making sure the dusting's done. Little things like that.
16:13 make it look tidy ready for Sabbath. All I do on the Sabbath
16:18 as far as housework I have been cooking,
16:21 I try and do some cooking, mainly
16:26 make a soup or a stew or something like that
16:28 on Friday, and on Sabbath I'll heat it
16:32 and we'll have that for our lunch on Sabbath.
16:34 So, not much to do on Sabbath. No, Sabbath is an easy day.
16:38 All this Sabbath preparation, you know, on Fridays,
16:41 sounds like a lot of hard work. Do you think it's worth it?
16:44 I think so, yes. To get one day when I can spend with my family
16:49 relaxing and taking them to church. Well worth while.
16:53 So, if you're into cooking on the Saturday, remember,
16:57 God wants you to make the Sabbath a day of complete rest
17:02 and do your preparation work on the day before, on a Friday.
17:06 So much for what we should not do on the Sabbath
17:11 to get the most out of this wonderful day.
17:13 But what can we do? Well, the obvious answer is, first of all,
17:18 go to church. In Hebrews, chapter 10, and in verse 24
17:23 it says, Let us consider one another in order to stir up
17:27 love and good works, not forsaking the assembling
17:31 of ourselves together, and so much more as you see the day
17:35 approaching. The nearer we come to the second coming of Christ,
17:40 the more important it is that we don't forsake the assembling
17:43 of ourselves together. And church is a wonderful place to
17:46 be when you can meet those of like faith. Some people say,
17:49 I don't get enough out of it. They are overlooking the fact
17:53 that really what we ought to be doing, going to churches,
17:55 trying to help others. See what you can put into it.
17:58 Church is a wonderful place when you look at it that way.
18:01 But there's other things you can do. What better way of
18:05 remembering your creator? And that after all is what the
18:08 Sabbath is all about. Then going for a nice walk in the
18:11 bush. Or if you're lucky enough to live down near the beach,
18:15 walk along the seashore and pick up some of those beautiful pink
18:18 shells that you find lying around. It's also a very good
18:22 day for visiting the friends that you have in the hospital.
18:26 What better thing you can do than cheer somebody up
18:29 on the Sabbath day. You know, you didn't have time during the
18:32 week. So go on a Sabbath afternoon and bring a little
18:36 cheer into their lives. Its also a good day for catching up
18:39 on your reading. So many good books, you know.
18:42 Books about nature. Books about exciting missionary adventures.
18:48 Or books about the bible. Or there's lots of interesting
18:52 books you can read on the Sabbath day that you don't have
18:55 time to do somewhere time else.
18:56 So get the most out of this day, and make it the best day
19:02 of the week. Now just one more question. Some people say,
19:07 But one day is as good as another. What does it matter
19:11 whether we keep the 7th day or the 1st day for that matter
19:14 any other day of the week. Well I think it does matter.
19:17 And I'll tell you why. In Genesis, chapter two,
19:20 and in verse three, when it speaks about the 7 days of
19:25 creation, comes to the 7th day and it says, Then God blessed
19:29 the 7th day and sanctified it. Now, let me put it to you
19:34 this way. If God blesses something, doesn't that make
19:38 that better than anything else? And if it doesn't, we're really
19:42 saying that God's blessing isn't worth anything. And so I think
19:45 that when God blessed the 7th day, that really makes it better
19:49 than any other day of the week. Wouldn't you agree with that?
19:52 I'll tell you something else, too. In Luke, chapter 4,
19:57 and in verse 16, it says, So he, Jesus, came to Nazareth
20:02 where he had been brought up, and as his custom was,
20:06 he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day.
20:09 It was Jesus' custom to go to the place of worship
20:13 on the 7th day, Sabbath. And as we are Christians,
20:17 I think the right thing to do, is to follow his example,
20:21 and go to the place of worship on the same day as Jesus Christ
20:25 did, the 7th day of the week. It's the best day of the week
20:29 and that's the way to get the most out of it.
20:33 I was brought up to keep Sunday. But I find that I have derived a
20:36 great delight and satisfaction in keeping the 7th day
20:40 Sabbath that Jesus kept. In our next program, we move on to
20:45 Rome, where we visit the great cathedral of St. Peter's.
20:48 and discuss the early Christian church.


Revised 2014-12-17