Digging Up the Past

Israel's Natural Wonders

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Down


Series Code: DUTP

Program Code: DUTP000010A

00:01 A few years ago, in a nearby quarry, they set off a blast of
00:04 gelignite, which dislodged an entrance to a cave.
00:07 We're at the entrance to that cave, called the Sorret Cave,
00:10 near Jerusalem.
00:12 Inside are some amazing sights.
01:28 It's unfortunate that the lighting inside the cave doesn't
01:31 permit us to show it as it truly is.
01:33 It really is quite breathtaking.
01:36 Maybe Revelation 5:13 does have some significance.
01:41 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth,
01:45 and under the earth, and such as are in the sea,
01:48 and all that are in them, I heard saying, Blessing,
01:52 and honor, and glory, and power, be to him who sits
01:56 on the throne,...
01:57 Let's go now and see the things that are of the sea.
02:06 There's some really fantastic things in the under water
02:10 observatory here at Elot.
02:11 Let's go and take a closer look at them, shall we?
03:04 Unbelievable, just really unbelievable!
03:07 My reason tells me that this just can't be the result of
03:11 blind evolutionary chance.
03:13 There just has to be an omnipotent creator
03:16 behind it all, don't you think?
03:32 Besides the wonders of the land and the sea, there are,
03:35 of course, the wonders of the heavens.
03:38 These are not confined to Palestine, of course,
03:41 but Abraham knew something about these wonders
03:44 of the heavens.
03:46 One night, it says here, that God spoke to him in
03:49 Genesis 15:5, He brought him outside and said, Look now
03:56 toward heaven, and count the stars, if you are able to
03:59 number them:...
04:00 and I suppose Abraham looked up into those beautiful star
04:03 spangled heavens, and admired them just as you and I can,
04:07 but you know that it's very significant that He said to
04:10 Abraham, Just count the stars if you can.
04:14 Now people thought they could count the stars.
04:17 I knew one astronomer a long time ago who carefully counted
04:21 them: 2,200 stars.
04:23 He had it all worked out.
04:24 But then, of course, came the telescope.
04:27 Now we know that the heavens are just ablaze with
04:31 burning stars; millions, and millions, and millions of
04:35 stars across the heavens.
04:36 And not only the stars, of course,
04:38 that can be seen by the naked eye.
04:40 I don't know what Abraham saw.
04:42 Perhaps God gave him telescopic vision in his dream too,
04:45 in this particular vision that he appeared to him.
04:48 If so, he could have seen most beautiful planets with their
04:54 rings around them, you know, and their moons circling
04:58 around them.
05:00 He could have seen the Nebula, you know that beautiful Nebular
05:04 in Orion stretching across the sky, millions and millions of
05:08 light years in size, and the colors absolutely fantastic,
05:14 and other Nebula too.
05:16 There are so many beautiful sights in the heavens.
05:19 As the telescope sweeps across the skies, perhaps as Abraham
05:24 could see it, what a beautiful sight it is!
05:27 You'd have to say, Well, it just couldn't have all happened.
05:30 There must have been a creator behind it.
05:32 I'll tell you something else, too, over here in the book of
05:36 Job 26:7 it says, He stretches out the north over
05:45 the empty space.
05:47 He hangs the earth on nothing.
05:50 Now that's terribly significant!
05:52 People back then thought that the earth must be sitting on
05:55 something; four pillars, or the back of Hercules,
05:58 or on the back of an elephant or something like that.
06:00 But here the Bible says He hangs the earth on nothing.
06:04 Today we know that our planet, like all the rest of the
06:07 universe is suspended in space.
06:09 Now it had to be a revelation for men to know that;
06:14 for Moses to be able to write that in the book of Job.
06:16 As so there's plenty of evidence that it was the Creator who made
06:20 these things.
06:21 It was the Creator who was there when it was all made.
06:24 And believe me, that's the best witness, isn't it?
06:27 If you want to know where the universe came from,
06:30 ask the Creator.
06:31 He was there.
06:32 The scientists know a lot my friends,
06:34 but they don't know everything.
06:35 They weren't there when it all happened, but God was.
06:38 I believe the best way to find out where the universe came from
06:42 is to look in the sacred books of God.
06:46 The Bible begins where all good books used to begin,
06:50 and that's at the beginning.
06:52 In Genesis 1:1 it says, In the beginning God created the
07:00 heaven and the earth.
07:01 What a simple and sublime statement that is.
07:04 Nothing here about a long, drawn out evolutionary process.
07:08 Now some people might say, Yes, but the scientists have the
07:11 evidence on their side, you know?
07:14 I know that the scientists come up some evidence, but the most
07:19 important evidence after all is that of an eye witness.
07:22 And, let's face it, the evolutionists, no matter how
07:27 cleaver they were, were not there.
07:29 God was.
07:30 And God tells us, In the beginning God created
07:34 the heaven and the earth.
07:35 So we have not descended from beasts, or animals.
07:41 Actually, we're on the way down.
07:42 We have descended from a noble pair of people: Adam and Eve.
07:47 It was a perfect creation.
07:50 It tells us here in Genesis 1:31, Then God saw
07:56 everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good.
08:00 It was a beautiful world; no arid deserts, no turbulent seas,
08:05 just a beautiful world with flowers and trees.
08:08 Even nature was at peace; even the animals, and the birds.
08:11 Everything was at peace.
08:13 It tells us here in Genesis 1: 30, To every beast of the earth,
08:20 to every bird of the air, to everything that creeps on the
08:22 earth, in which there is life, I have given every green
08:25 herb for food.
08:27 And so the tigers were not to prey on the gentle deer,
08:32 and the cat was not going to torment the mouse before
08:36 it ate it, not even the birds were going to eat the worms.
08:40 Just everything was at peace.
08:42 There was to be no death, and man was to live forever.
08:45 It says here in chapter 2, verse 9, And out of the ground
08:54 the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the
08:57 sight, and good for food; the tree of life was also in the
09:00 midst of the garden.
09:01 You see, by eating of this tree of life man would have that
09:05 element which would enable him never to die; to live forever.
09:08 And that was God's plan; wonderful plan!
09:11 And so it was to be a wonderful world.
09:13 And man himself was to be at peace with all nature.
09:18 God said, See, I have given you every herb that yields seed,
09:22 which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose
09:24 fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
09:28 No slaughter houses, no need of slaying the animals to live.
09:31 God gave man a wonderful vegetarian diet.
09:35 And the face of nature was all different.
09:37 It says here in Chapter 2:5, ... the Lord God had not caused
09:45 it to rain on the earth...
09:46 ...But a mist went up from the earth, and watered the whole
09:49 face of the ground.
09:50 Just a gentle dew every morning!
09:52 And so it was a wonderful world that God had made.
09:56 And as He looked upon it He was able to say that everything
09:59 was good.
10:03 Now it rather surprises me that there are many Christians who
10:08 profess to believe the theory of evolution rather than the
10:12 story of creation.
10:13 I really don't think they should, you know, because Jesus
10:16 Christ, the author of the Christian religion, came out
10:19 very strongly on the side of creation.
10:22 He certainly was no evolutionist.
10:23 He said here in Mark 10:6, these are the words of Jesus,
10:28 From the beginning of the creation God made them male
10:33 and female.
10:34 There's no question about it.
10:35 Jesus Christ upheld the wonderful origin of man
10:40 as told in the creation story.
10:42 And, of course, Jesus Christ ought to know because He really
10:45 was the creator.
10:47 I'm reading in Colossians 1:16 where it says, For by him all
10:53 things were created that are in heaven, and that are on earth,
10:57 and he is before all things, and in him all things consist.
11:02 So he is both the creator and the upholder
11:05 of the entire universe.
11:07 But it is true something went wrong with this wonderful world.
11:12 You see these thistles here?
11:15 Sometimes the flowers on thistles look very beautiful,
11:17 but I'll tell you, you grab a thistle and it hurts.
11:21 Something went wrong, you see.
11:23 It was because man sinned that this curse came upon the world.
11:28 We've got the thorns, and the thistles, and all the other
11:30 unpleasant things in world.
11:32 In fact a second great curse came on the world as recorded in
11:37 Genesis 6:5 where it says that, Then the Lord saw that the
11:42 wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent
11:46 of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
11:49 Man just went continually down hill, you see.
11:51 So the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the
11:56 face of the earth; both man, and beast...
11:58 This world just became so terribly wicked God couldn't do
12:01 anything further with it, and so He said, I just have to
12:04 wipe it all out.
12:05 And so God said to Noah verse 14, Make yourself an ark
12:09 of gopher wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside
12:13 and outside with pitch.
12:15 Would you like to know what that ark looked like?
12:19 Charles Ward is an engineering draftsman who has given a lot of
12:23 intensive study to the instructions that were given to
12:27 Noah on the building of his ark.
12:29 He has here a very beautiful model of what he thinks that ark
12:33 must have looked like.
12:34 Charles, can you tell us, first of all, what were the
12:36 dimensions of Noah's ark?
12:37 It was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide,
12:42 and 30 cubits deep.
12:44 A cubit being about elbow to fingertip.
12:47 Well, that means that this vessel must have been about
12:51 150 meters in length.
12:53 That's an enormous length, isn't it?
12:54 I suppose there are vessels that size in existence today,
12:59 in fact even bigger.
13:01 But it was remarkable that there should have been a vessel that
13:03 size so long ago.
13:05 Charles, what about this window, or gap on top here?
13:08 I mean, forty days and forty nights of rain; a lot of water
13:11 must have poured in there.
13:13 Have you got any ideas as just to how this
13:14 could have been coped with?
13:15 Well, most people when they draw a model of the ark,
13:19 or make a model, put a window in the end; a square window.
13:22 But it never would have been sufficient.
13:24 It would never have given enough light, or enough ventilation.
13:27 So I've made my model in that way.
13:29 I have got laid out in this fashion that I have
13:34 the gap in the top.
13:35 It does say that the windows should be above, and finished
13:40 in a cube, but not a cube that's square.
13:42 So I've made a cubit wide running all the way down
13:45 the canopy.
13:46 Of course I've got gaps in these decks too so the light can get
13:50 right down to the bottom, and the stale air can get out.
13:53 I've got water troughs running all the way down the ark
13:56 so as it rocks, and it rains, water can fall down into
14:00 those troughs.
14:02 Does this device illustrate that?
14:03 Well, this here is a type of a pump.
14:07 I'd never seen one of these before in my life, but the idea
14:11 came to me while I was working on this project.
14:13 It has a system of channels, and as you just rock it gently
14:18 back and forth it will lift up all of the fluid and
14:21 spill it out the side.
14:22 Perhaps they had a couple of those in Noah's ark;
14:24 one at each end.
14:26 Of course we can't be positive of that, but still it's a
14:28 possible suggestion, isn't it?
14:30 Now what do you think about the animals?
14:32 There must have been a lot of animals there.
14:34 Have you got any idea about the cubit capacity?
14:36 I notice on your diagram, and in this,
14:38 it had three decks, right?
14:40 Yes.
14:41 So have you got any idea about the cubic capacity, or the floor
14:44 capacity of this vessel?
14:47 Yes, the average animal would have been about the size of a
14:51 small dog, and it would have had about the size of about this
14:55 table for each small dog, or two tables for two dogs.
15:03 Two mice would have had about the size of a shoe box.
15:08 Two elephants about the size of the average front yard.
15:11 So you reckon they could all fit in here?
15:14 Yes, there's no doubt about it.
15:16 It was plenty of space to spare.
15:17 I believe that this section would be the habitable part
15:21 of the ark, and the ends could have been used for the storage
15:24 of food.
15:25 Now, they all had to eat.
15:27 Yes.
15:28 Do you think that Noah could have gathered enough food
15:30 and stored it here for the time that they were in the ark?
15:33 Have you done any figures on this?
15:34 Yes, I have, and there would have been more than three times
15:36 as much capacity in the ends for the amount of time that they
15:39 were in the ark.
15:41 Well, the Biblical record said that there was a flood,
15:44 and it was a big one.
15:45 In Genesis 7:19 it says, And the waters prevailed exceedingly
15:51 on the earth; and all the high hills under the whole heaven
15:55 were covered.
15:56 Now I don't imagine that the hills and mountains were as high
16:01 as they are today because mountains like Everest,
16:04 Kench, and Younger, and so forth, indicate that they were
16:07 faulted; they were pushed upwards.
16:09 So before the flood they could have just been rolling hills,
16:13 but according to the Biblical record the whole earth was
16:16 submerged beneath the waters of the flood.
16:18 That changed the whole surface of the earth.
16:21 It also meant that fossils were locked in, and that means
16:25 creatures, shellfish, and animals were buried
16:30 under the slushy waters and mud, and they were locked in there
16:34 and so preserved.
16:35 We find the fossils today.
16:37 Now what evidence is there that we can find to support this from
16:41 an archeological point of view?
16:43 A very interesting bit of evidence, let me tell you.
16:46 In 1872 George Smith was translating tablets in the
16:53 British Museum, a keen young fellow who'd learned to read the
16:56 cuneiform script, and one day he was translating tablets there
17:02 from Nineveh.
17:03 He found a tablet that just sounded like the flood story.
17:08 He read the translation to a group of scientists.
17:15 That got into the newspapers and it created such a sensation
17:19 that the Daily Telegraph came and offered him a thousand
17:23 pounds if he'd go out and find the rest of the tablets because
17:27 he had only one broken piece.
17:29 Well, George Smith wasn't about to turn down an offer like that,
17:32 even though it seemed like looking for
17:34 a needle in a haystack.
17:36 Out he went to Nineveh.
17:37 Would you believe it? one week later he found another
17:41 ten segments of this tablet; eleven altogether.
17:44 They're in the British Museum today.
17:45 They are known as the Gilgamesh Epic.
17:49 Now, you know the story in the Bible, how there was the flood,
17:53 and only eight people went in there.
17:55 All the rest were drowned and destroyed.
17:58 The whole of mankind was destroyed.
18:00 After the flood had been on the surface of the earth,
18:04 the waters dried up after 150 days.
18:07 Noah sent out a dove and a raven, and finally he and all
18:13 the animals left the ark.
18:14 Well, in the translation of the Gilgamesh epic we find virtually
18:19 the same story.
18:21 I'll read just a few snatches of it, shall I?
18:24 Gilgamesh I will reveal unto thee a hidden, and a secret
18:28 of the gods will I tell thee.
18:30 Surepak, a city that thou knowest and which now lies in
18:34 ruins on the bank of the Euphrates.
18:35 When that city was old and there were yet gods within it,
18:39 the great gods decided to bring on a deluge.
18:42 Lord of Shurapak, Son of Eubo Tattoo, destroy thy house
18:47 and build a vessel.
18:49 Abandoning riches, do thou seek out living kind.
18:52 Despising possessions, preserve what has life.
18:57 Thus load in the vessel the seed of all creatures.
19:01 When something of morning adorned I commanded that the
19:03 land be assembled, the boys fetching pitch.
19:06 That, of course, is just what the Bible says.
19:08 They sealed it with pitch while the stronger brought
19:11 timber materials.
19:13 I made into the vessel all my family and kindred, beasts wild
19:17 and domestic, and all of the craftsmen I made
19:19 into the vessel.
19:21 Came the set appointed time.
19:23 Who was sending the bain?
19:25 Did pour down the rain?
19:26 For six days and seven nights the wind blew, and the front of
19:30 the storm swept the land.
19:32 The whole of mankind had returned unto clay.
19:35 When I looked out again in the directions across the expanse
19:38 of the sea mountain ranges had emerged in twelve places.
19:42 On Mount Mozia the vessel had grounded.
19:45 Of course the Biblical records says Mount Ararat.
19:47 On the seventh days arriving I freed a dove.
19:51 Forth went the dove, but came back to me.
19:53 Then I set forth a swallow and did release him.
19:57 Forth went the swallow, but came back to me.
19:59 So I set free a raven and did release him.
20:02 Forth went the raven and he saw again the natural flowing
20:05 of the waters.
20:07 He ate, flew about, and he croaked and came not returning.
20:09 I poured a libation and scattered a food offering.
20:14 The gods smelled the savor.
20:15 The gods smelled the sweet savor.
20:18 Has aught of living kind escaped?
20:19 Not a man should have survived the destruction.
20:24 There's a lot of similarities between that and the
20:27 Biblical story.
20:28 Now, of course, when the scholastic world heard about
20:32 this they said, Ah ha now we know.
20:34 The Bible copied the story from the Gilgamesh Epic.
20:38 And, of course, there were those who said, Oh, No, the Gilgamesh
20:40 Epic was copied from the Bible.
20:42 I would point out that nobody copied anyone.
20:45 This seems to be a common story among all civilizations.
20:51 There was a journalist by the name of Rene Neuroburgenn who
20:56 got fascinated by this subject, and he did a lot of research.
20:59 He went to Mount Ararat a number of times, and he wrote this book
21:03 called The Ark File.
21:05 He made a point of tracing all these legends in all the
21:10 different civilizations: South America, North America, Africa,
21:15 Islands of the Sea.
21:16 He found eighty different legends in various countries
21:21 of the world, which indicates that really all mankind must
21:25 have descended from Noah and his family.
21:27 That's the only way you can account for all of
21:29 these legends.
21:30 So the evidence is that there was a dramatic destruction by
21:35 water and mud at the time of Noah's flood.
21:39 But now let's talk to some of the scientists to see what they
21:42 say about the evidences.
21:45 There are two schools of thought David.
21:47 One school of thought uses the fossils to index the dates
21:51 of the rocks.
21:52 But there's a problem with the evolutionary thought that uses
21:55 fossils as indexes to dating, and that is they tend to use
21:59 the fossils to date the rocks, and the rocks to date the
22:02 fossils, which, if I'm not mistaken, is a fairly circular
22:04 piece of reasoning.
22:06 The other school of thought, which seemed to point towards
22:10 a major cataclysm, or a series of cataclysms,
22:14 that have destroyed all living matter on the planet at some
22:17 point of time, or several occasions.
22:20 I, personally, am fully persuaded from the evidence
22:23 that I see on this earth, and from the little bit of
22:25 evidence I've picked up in fossils, and from reading
22:28 the story of nature, that there've been some massive
22:30 cataclysms on this earth, and they fit in extremely well with
22:35 the idea that there was a massive flood that destroyed all
22:38 living matter on the planet, and it fits in with the story
22:42 of Genesis.
22:43 The cell is not put together haphazardly.
22:45 Each cell is composed of it's various parts, which are a very
22:49 important function of that cell.
22:52 First of all, in the nucleus you have the DNA molecules
22:55 which bares the inheritable characteristics for
22:58 that organism.
23:00 Each cell of the body has that code, that genetic code,
23:04 as we call it, designed to produce a whole organism.
23:10 You can't have one part without the other.
23:14 Remember it's what lies next to the other part that's important.
23:19 It's put together in a designed way.
23:23 This, I believe, is the greatest aspect of biology that nobody
23:30 can deny, to prove that there is a designer behind it all.
23:34 How could it come about by chance?
23:56 Fred, could you tell us in simple language just how this
23:58 radio dating works?
24:00 Well, David, I think most people know that green plants take
24:06 carbon dioxide from the air, from which they
24:09 manufacture food.
24:10 Now the food manufactured by plants is the basis of all
24:15 animal nutrition.
24:17 Now in the carbon dioxide in the air there is a certain amount
24:22 of carbon 14, which is a radioactive form of carbon.
24:26 99% of all carbon is carbon 12, but this carbon 14,
24:32 which is radio active, disintegrates at
24:34 a measured rate.
24:36 Now if we take a piece of a leaf from a tree and it dies,
24:42 then immediately the carbon 14 intake ceases.
24:46 The amount is fixed, and from then on becomes less and less.
24:51 If we now examine a piece of this tissue, that is after a
24:56 lapse of time, and measure the amount of carbon 14 left in it,
25:00 we can get some sort an idea of the time lapse since
25:05 that leaf died.
25:07 Now that's really the basis of carbon dating.
25:10 Does it really work?
25:12 Have dates been deduced from this accurately?
25:16 Well, no method of dating is more accurate than
25:20 its basic assumptions.
25:22 Now there are two basic assumptions in carbon dating.
25:25 One being that the amount of radio carbon in the atmosphere
25:28 has been constant over long, long periods of time.
25:32 And the second is that the rate of disintegration of carbon 14
25:36 has always been constant.
25:38 Now this is something like trying to gage the time a candle
25:43 has been burning by measuring the remaining portion of it.
25:46 You can measure the present rate of burning, and you can
25:51 make some sort of an educated guess at the original length of
25:54 the candle, and from that you could come to a fairly accurate
26:00 measure of the time the candle has been burning.
26:04 But you can never be precisely sure that that rate has always
26:08 been the same.
26:09 And has this always worked accurately as far as the results
26:14 are concerned?
26:15 Well, W. F. Libby, who was the father, and the foremost
26:21 authority on radio carbon dating maintains that the radio carbon
26:28 dates, and historical dates, over a 4,000 year period
26:32 coordinate fairly well.
26:34 So I think within that range we can be fairly confident of
26:41 carbon dates, but there are some anomalies that
26:46 take some explaining.
26:48 For instance, there were water snails, living water snails,
26:53 whose shells dated at 27,000 years old.
26:57 There was a mammoth found in the frozen tundra;
27:04 his hair happened to be 26,000 years old, but the peat was only
27:13 5,600 years old.
27:15 So there are contradictions, eye?
27:17 There are these problems, which make it difficult to accept
27:21 without some reservations the carbon dates.
27:27 Have there been examples that you know of where the scientists
27:31 have made mistakes?
27:32 Well sure, I mean you go back into history and you find that
27:37 at one time we had what was known as the floodistic theory
27:41 of burning.
27:44 Now that, of course, has been proved to be entirely false.
27:48 There are other mistakes that have been made.
27:55 And then, of course, there's human pride and ambition
27:59 which comes in with a desire to achieve fame.
28:04 You must know of the Piltdown man, which proved to be
28:11 an entire hoax.
28:12 Somebody who wanted to be famous in finding a missing link.
28:16 And then there was the Nebraska Man who was fashioned
28:21 from a tooth.
28:24 Just a tooth?
28:25 Just a tooth.
28:27 But it later was proved that that tooth was
28:29 the tooth of a pig.
28:31 Oh, ha ha.
28:32 Then there was the Java Man.
28:34 There was a Eugene Du Boise who found the top of a skull,
28:39 and a thigh bone from which were fashioned the Java Man.
28:46 And now the Java Man appeared in all the school textbooks as
28:49 a kind of an apelike ancestor of man.
28:53 But it was shown later on, revealed, that Du Boise had also
28:59 found obviously human skulls in the same sedimentary
29:03 deposits, and he could have just as well associated the human
29:07 skull with the thigh bone, and had a modern man in place of an
29:11 ape like ancestor.
29:13 Now I'll tell you something very interesting about
29:16 that word created.
29:17 Where it is used in Genesis 1:1 the Hebrew word from which it is
29:23 translated is the Hebrew word bar rah.
29:25 Now there's another place where that word is used, and that is
29:31 in Isaiah 65:17 where God says, Behold, I create new heavens
29:39 and a new earth:...
29:40 And so that same word.
29:43 It's an act of creation.
29:44 Now this is not just manufacturing something out of
29:47 something else.
29:48 It's not a case of making; it's a case of creating.
29:51 It's a divine act.
29:52 So at the end of time God is going to re-create this world.
29:58 Marvelous!
30:00 More beautiful, more wonderful, than ever
30:02 it was in the beginning.
30:03 And what a beautiful place to live!
30:05 But I'll tell you this too, that same word, bar rah,
30:10 is also used in Psalms 51:10 where it says, Create in me a
30:18 clean heart, O God; and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
30:23 Now this act of creating in us a new heart is just as much
30:28 a divine act as bringing the world into existence.
30:31 And we need it!
30:32 You see, we're so sinful.
30:34 We make so many mistakes.
30:35 So we need to be re-created so we don't do anything
30:39 wrong anymore.
30:40 So God has promised that He will re-create us as we were
30:45 in the beginning.
30:47 This is a promise that has been fulfilled through Jesus Christ,
30:51 who came to this world and died for us so that
30:53 our sins could be forgiven.
30:55 But to do more than that; re-create us so that we will be
30:59 fit to live in this beautiful world, and live forever.
31:03 We could do with a new earth, couldn't we?
31:06 There are some wonderful things in this world, but the Bible
31:11 says, Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard what God has
31:15 prepared for those who love him.
31:17 How would you like to climb Mount Sinai where God spoke
31:21 the Ten Commandments to Moses?
31:23 Sounds pretty strenuous.
31:25 Well, it's too strenuous, and too hot for me,
31:28 but that's where David and the crew will be
31:29 in our next program.
31:31 Do join us then.


Revised 2015-12-31