Participants: Tyrone Phillips
Series Code: DSP
Program Code: DSP000008
00:04 Welcome to the Dynamics in the Science of Prayer.
00:07 A seminar that will help open the windows of your soul 00:09 and allow you to pray as never before. 00:12 And now here's your host Pastor Tyrone Phillips. 00:17 Hello welcome to the Dynamics in the Science of Prayer 00:21 series and I'm Pastor Tyrone Phillips. 00:24 I will be your teacher and it is a blessing to have you 00:27 with us and I want to encourage you now to get a pencil 00:31 a piece of paper and your Bible so you could write down 00:34 the many scripture references that we shall share. 00:38 We have an exciting presentation that we want to share 00:41 because we want you to learn more about the Dynamics in 00:44 the Science of Prayer. 00:46 We have some resource material that we would like to 00:49 make available to you. 00:50 You can call or write us at our mailing address: 01:08 You can call or write us and we will be happy to help you 01:12 to get those materials. Now before we go any further as 01:16 well, I also want to share that can get the prayer manual, 01:20 the Dynamics of the Science of Prayer Manual. 01:22 Also you can get The Power of Prayer book that will help 01:28 you to better grasp a lot of the things we will be 01:31 discussing during this prayer series. 01:35 Now before we go any further, we need to pray. 01:38 We need the Holy Spirit to take hold of our minds so we 01:41 can grasp this deep subject. 01:43 I think it is one of the most central themes of this 01:47 prayer series because I want you to see the importance 01:51 of the victory that Jesus obtained while He was here. 01:55 Because you see, my viewing participant, Jesus's victory 01:59 is your victory as well. 02:01 Let us pray. Loving Father we thank You for the 02:04 opportunity to talk about Jesus because He did say I am 02:08 the way, the truth, and the life. 02:10 None of us will make it to heaven except we come by Him. 02:14 You said that the blood of Jesus Christ's cleanses us 02:18 from all sin and so we thank You Father for the privilege 02:21 of talking to You. 02:22 Bless us now as we look into Your word to learn more about 02:26 to victory that Jesus obtained for us that we might have 02:30 eternal life for we ask it all in Jesus name, Amen! 02:35 Below that I want to ask you a question, one that is so 02:39 very, very important. 02:41 Why do you think that Jesus spent so much time in prayer? 02:47 Well the Bible says in 1 Peter 2:21-25 that Jesus Christ 02:51 left us an example and that we should follow His steps. 02:57 We also discovered in Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12 that Jesus 03:02 spent many nights in prayer alone. 03:05 But the Bible also reveals that after Jesus prayed and 03:09 He went into His ministry, He was preaching, He was 03:12 teaching, and He was healing and many things happened. 03:16 One of the things we know is Jesus was taught how to pray 03:20 by His earthly parents Joseph and Mary. 03:23 But it is also important beloved, that Jesus gave us an 03:27 example and that we should follow His steps. 03:31 So what I want to do now is go back and see why Jesus 03:35 had to come to our earth in the first place. 03:38 What purpose did Jesus have in mind? 03:41 What was His mission and what was at stake? 03:45 Why did He have to spend so much time in prayer? 03:48 The only way we can discover that beloved is that we will 03:52 have to go back to the actual beginning of it all. 03:55 So I want you to write down these texts of Scripture 03:58 so that you can restudy it in the privacy of your own home 04:03 at the conclusion of this telecast. 04:05 Now the Bible says sin origi- nated actually in heaven when 04:10 a fallen angel named Lucifer, you can read about that in 04:15 Isaiah 14:12-14. 04:19 The Bible says in Ezekiel 28:12-19 that God had created 04:27 a perfect angel and his name was Lucifer. 04:30 But the Bible also records that this perfect angel 04:35 rebelled against God and against Jesus. 04:40 The Bible says now, based on Revelation 12:7-12 that 04:46 Satan and his fallen angels were kicked out of heaven. 04:51 One of the things we saw the Scriptures is that Lucifer 04:56 was jealous of Jesus. 04:58 The Bible says that he said I will be like the most high. 05:02 He wanted to be like God in power, 05:05 but not like God in character. 05:07 The Bible says in 1 John 4:8 that God is love. 05:11 Jesus demonstrated that love, Lucifer wanted to be like 05:16 God in power but not like Him in character. 05:20 He wanted a kingdom and subjects to worship him. 05:24 Remember in Matthew 4:1-11 when he had Jesus high up on 05:29 a pinnacle and he said if you will just bow down and 05:33 worship me all these things will I give unto you. 05:38 Remember now, when Adam and Eve failed Satan 05:41 considered the world as his property and everybody in it. 05:45 Jesus had to come and win us back because you see 05:50 one of the main accusations that Lucifer made in heaven 05:54 against God and Jesus and that is that God's law was 05:58 unnecessary, that God's law was unjust, that God's law 06:03 was not necessary and today we have some people 06:06 who believe the very same thing. 06:09 That we have no need of the Ten Commandment law of God. 06:13 When you look at it beloved, a lot of these people 06:16 really believe in a double standard. 06:19 They say no law but nevertheless you realize that we must 06:23 have a law in, one that says you shall not steal, 06:26 thou shall not kill. 06:28 That is why we have lawyers and courts because you see 06:31 those very same people believe in police protecting 06:35 their homes so we do need the law. 06:37 Anyway Lucifer boasted that God's law of love, His law 06:41 of love in the Ten Commandments was not necessary. 06:44 And so the Bible revealed that he wanted to be worshiped. 06:48 He wanted to have what God has. 06:50 So beloved after being kicked out of heaven he continued 06:54 his warfare and his thing of rebellion here on Earth. 06:58 He got the first man or woman to sin against God. 07:02 They chose to sin against God and Lucifer was happy. 07:06 But the Bible reveals in Genesis 3:15 that God told 07:10 Adam and Eve that He was going to send His Son to 07:14 demonstrate before the Universe and our world that Gods 07:19 Ten Commandments can be kept out of love. So Jesus had 07:23 to come and demonstrate perfect obedience. 07:27 Now remember now the Bible says in the book of Zechariah 07:30 that the Council of peace shall be between them both, 07:33 the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit 07:36 they all agree that Jesus will come. 07:38 So beloved it was Satan's objective to prevent the Son 07:43 of God from giving an example of perfect obedience to 07:48 the law God, Jesus would have to keep the commandments of 07:52 God in the same manner that you and I can keep them. 07:56 He must learn to rely on God for strength, power and 08:01 guidance every day of His earthly existence. 08:05 So you know the story that surrounds the birth of Jesus 08:10 Christ, you can read about it in Matthew chapters 1 and 2. 08:16 You can also read in Luke 1-3 on how Satan used King 08:22 Herod to even try to take the life of baby Jesus. 08:27 Oh yes beloved, you see Jesus said something in John 8:44 08:34 where He said Satan is a murderer and a liar. 08:40 He is the father of lies and so beloved we discover that all 08:45 all during the Ministry of Jesus for 33 and 1/2 years it showed 08:50 that He went about doing good. 08:51 But for those 3 and 1/2 years specifically now Jesus focused 08:57 primarily on getting the Gospel out and preparing 09:02 His disciples to carry that message 09:05 throughout the known world. 09:07 The Bible tells us that Jesus knew the Scriptures. 09:11 Oh yes beloved, that is why you hear us stressing so much 09:14 the importance of searching the Scriptures for yourself. 09:18 Reading the Bible for yourself and following 09:21 right along with us. 09:22 Luke 24:27, 44, 45, notice what Jesus says and the Bible 09:26 brings this out "beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, 09:29 "He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things 09:34 "concerning Himself. " Then in verse 44 "Then He said to 09:38 "them, these are their words which I spoke to you while 09:41 "I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled 09:44 "which were written in Law of Moses and the Prophets 09:47 "and the Psalms concerning Me. 09:49 " And He opened their understanding, that they might 09:52 "comprehend the Scriptures. " 09:55 So Jesus understood the word of God and the Bible says 09:58 that He went about doing good. 10:00 He had established a habit of spending quality time in 10:04 prayer because He knew the only way He could set a 10:07 perfect example for you and I was to get power and 10:10 strength from God through prayer. 10:12 That is why you and I need to pray and the Bible reveals 10:15 that as we study it. 10:18 John 3:16, 17 sums up the whole thing for you and I. 10:23 That the enemy of man wanted to rob you and I of a 10:28 perfect example in obedience and righteousness. 10:32 Jesus passed through all the experiences of man from 10:36 the manger to Calvary, every step now giving man and 10:41 example of what he should be and what he should do. 10:46 Beloved I submit to you that any problem, any situation 10:51 you will encounter or find yourself in life that 10:54 hinders you from getting ready for the soon second 10:57 coming of Jesus Christ and being in heaven, 10:59 Jesus has got the victory over it. 11:02 Oh yes beloved, that you and I need to obtain, 11:06 Jesus has already gotten it. 11:08 And the Bible share something right now, any victory 11:12 that Jesus has obtain, the Bible says that I can claim 11:15 that victory as mine. 11:17 Write down these text of Scripture. 11:20 The Bible says in Romans 7:24, 25 thanks be to God 11:27 through Jesus Christ. 11:30 Remember we talked about those seven main areas of prayer 11:36 on praise, Thanksgiving and confession and intercession 11:42 a petition, and silence and commitment. 11:46 Now the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:57 "but thanks be 11:54 "to God, who gives us the victory through our 11:58 "Lord Jesus Christ. " 11:59 Now look at this particular scene, Jesus had made it a 12:03 habit of going to the God of Gethsemane for communion 12:08 with God. You see Jesus had always been in close 12:12 fellowship with His heavenly Father. 12:14 Read about it in Hebrews 1:1-3 and in Colossians 1: 14-19. 12:24 As we see Jesus bowed down in prayer in the Garden of 12:29 Gethsemane, He has labored for 31/2 years and done 12:33 everything He could to set the perfect example. 12:37 Now beloved He has to go to the cross and all during 12:42 His ministry He has reminded and forewarned the disciples 12:48 that He must go to Jerusalem. 12:51 He must be delivered into their hands of the scribes and 12:54 the soldiers and that they would persecute the Son of God 12:57 and that they would crucify Him. 12:59 He also told them that He would rise from the tomb. 13:03 Oh yes my viewing participants, Jesus had to go to the 13:07 cross but the Bible reveals in order to make it to the 13:11 cross, He had to spend quality time with God in prayer. 13:14 He said on many occasions that the Father had not left Him 13:18 alone, He said that the Father and He are one. 13:21 Beloved He was in close fellowship with the Father. 13:24 I want to encourage you now to spend quality time with 13:28 God in prayer because Jesus's victory can be your victory. 13:32 So beloved we know that Jesus is now headed for the cross. 13:35 He has just finished instituting the Lord's supper with 13:39 His disciples and you can read about that in 13:41 John chapters 13 through 15. 13:45 They leave the upper room and cross the Kidron Valley and 13:48 over into the brook and on His way Jesus talks about the 13:52 true vine in John chapter 15. 13:54 He talks about the office work of the Holy Spirit and 13:58 then He offers that high priestly prayer in John 17. 14:02 Then Jesus enters into the garden of Gethsemane. 14:06 As you can see that picture on the screen beloved, 14:10 that picture reveals the mental anguish that Jesus 14:14 felt, He felt the weight of the sins of the entire world 14:17 upon Him, and even while He was in the garden of Gethsemane 14:21 He told Peter, James and John to come and pray with Him. 14:25 You see the disciples fell asleep. 14:27 He tells Peter, James and John to come into the inter 14:32 recesses of the garden to pray with Him. 14:34 They fall asleep, it was in the garden that Jesus 14:37 wrestled with the decision to go all the way and 14:41 save guilty man, yes He wrestled with it 3 times. 14:45 He said Father, if it be possible let this cup pass 14:48 from Me, but nevertheless not My will but Thy will 14:52 be done. Beloved Jesus went through mental anguish, 14:56 loneliness, desertion, and rejection because the Bible 15:00 reveals that the Son of God suffered. 15:04 I am here to let you know now that if you are experiencing 15:08 mental anguish and loneliness and desertion and rejection 15:11 Jesus has already gotten the victory and that victory is 15:15 yours beloved, you can come to God in prayer and 15:18 claim it in the name of Jesus. 15:21 You can claim His victory as yours. 15:23 One thing that the Father did not do, He did not remove 15:26 the trial from His Son. 15:28 The Bible says that the Father sent an angel from heaven 15:32 to strengthen Jesus and the angel encouraged Jesus to go 15:35 all the way, so as we read on further beloved after 15:38 looking at the Scripture eventually the mob came. 15:41 The mob came, and as we see that picture beloved the mob 15:45 came, the angel stood up between Jesus and the mob and 15:50 they fell as dead men. 15:51 Jesus stood, His own disciples left Him and then they 15:56 took Jesus through seven mock trials. 15:59 They took Jesus to several places, they took Him to 16:02 Ananias, Caiaphas the political and religious Sanhedrin. 16:05 They took Him to Pilate, King Herod and then back to 16:09 Pilate, they were trying to find some 16:11 charge against Jesus. 16:13 The only charge that they could come up with was 16:16 blasphemy, that He claimed to be God. 16:20 But the Bible tells us, and we know that even after 16:23 His baptism the Bible says this is My 16:26 beloved Son, hear ye Him. 16:29 He was indeed the Son of God but the Bible shows us now 16:34 that they begin to inflict physical pain on Jesus. 16:37 They railed on Him, they snatched out His beard. 16:41 You see Satan was operating through and using the mob 16:45 and the mock trial so as to get Jesus to do just one 16:50 wrong act to mar the plan of salvation to save guilty man. 16:55 Remember this now, Jesus did not do one thing wrong. 16:59 He is a perfect example in righteousness and obedience. 17:03 You can believe that beloved and His righteousness is 17:07 yours when you confess all known sin and put away 17:11 your wrongdoings and follow Jesus Christ. 17:13 Except Him as your personal Savior today and begin doing 17:18 the things that Jesus did dearly beloved. 17:20 Oh yes you also can go about doing good. 17:23 So beloved we find Jesus now in this last scene with 17:28 Pilate, Pilate doesn't know what to do. 17:31 He wants to get rid of Jesus, he doesn't know how to get 17:35 rid of Jesus but if you could he would do away with it. 17:38 His wife comes and warns him and tells him to have 17:41 nothing to do this just man. 17:42 She said she just had a dream, but nevertheless Pilate 17:45 couldn't get away, the Jewish mob did everything they 17:49 possibly could and begin to cry crucify Him. 17:52 Crucify Him so what Pilate did was he figured if he could 17:55 just scourged Jesus perhaps that would satisfy the mob. 17:59 So he scourged Jesus, two Roman soldiers each had a whip 18:02 with the catenae tails on them. 18:04 And they scourged our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 18:08 Then as it do think that would be sufficient he turned 18:12 Jesus over to them as if well I punished Him. 18:17 What you see beloved, He never should have been scourged 18:19 that time because He had done anything wrong. 18:21 He was the Son of God and the Bible reveals now that 18:25 Pilate then again he knew of a custom how that each year at 18:30 their festivals that they released one prisoner. 18:34 So the people asked for Barabbas instead of Jesus. 18:38 So Pilate turns Jesus over to the mob to be crucified. 18:42 But before they did that he turned Jesus over to his 18:46 soldiers and they mocked and physically abused Jesus and 18:50 scourged Him a second time. 18:52 My viewing participant, Jesus could have died in the 18:55 garden... He could have died after the scourging, 18:59 but He didn't, I want you to understand that Jesus got 19:02 strength from His Heavenly Father in prayer. 19:05 Jesus knew that He had to give you and I a perfect example 19:10 in righteousness, God's character was 19:13 on trial through His Son. 19:15 The place of the cross had been established was already 19:22 waiting on Jesus. 19:24 So what did they do, they placed that crossbeam on Jesus's 19:29 shoulders as we see the flies He failed twice trying to 19:34 carry that 150 pound load. 19:36 But on the way Jesus fell down, He couldn't get up anymore 19:41 so Simon of Cyrene came to help the Son of God bear that 19:46 cross to Mount Calvary. 19:48 The Bible says: 19:55 My listening friend, my viewing participant, as Jesus 19:58 got to the cross you see that Roman soldier, the Centurion 20:03 and Jesus hanging on the cross. 20:05 Remember now Jesus new day He had to go to cross. 20:10 Read John 3:16, 17. Jesus knew that if He went to the 20:15 cross and gave His life as a sacrifice that somebody 20:19 would accept Him as their personal Savior. 20:22 A thief who also was being crucified, he said Lord 20:27 remember when You come into Your kingdom. 20:30 I want you to know that there are some of you viewing 20:34 this telecast right now, this is your opportunity 20:37 because you are like that thief on the cross and it is 20:40 your opportunity where you can say Lord remember me. 20:44 Fall on your knees and say Lord forgive me for my sins. 20:47 Forgive me for what I have done wrong, give me the 20:50 ability to do what is right, to choose what is right. 20:52 To love prayer and to love the studying of the 20:55 Scriptures, to begin worshiping You in spirit 20:57 and truth and go to the church you have me to be in. 21:00 Beloved I want you to know that God will bless you 21:03 in a marvelous way. 21:04 Your prayer should be Lord save me from my sins. 21:08 The Bible says in Matthew 1:21 "for you shall call 21:12 "His name Jesus for He shall save His people 21:15 "from their sins. " 21:16 Remember not in your sins but from your sins. 21:20 So Jesus's perfect obedience to God's law of love 21:24 is mine by faith. 21:26 The Bible says that just shall walk and live by faith. 21:30 So beloved, I believe in Jesus and on His word. 21:34 That your thoughts would be even as mine are right now. 21:38 I accept Him right now. 21:40 So as we see this particular picture beloved, they took 21:44 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 21:48 They put nails in His hands, they put nails in His feet. 21:53 They thrust a crown of thorns on His head and the 21:56 blood came trickling down. 21:58 Yes beloved the Bible tells us in Isaiah 53:4, 5 that it 22:03 was your sins and mine that nailed Jesus to the cross. 22:09 Isaiah 53:4, 5 Bible says, "surely He had borne our 22:15 "grief's and carried our sorrows we esteemed Him stricken 22:19 "and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions 22:24 "He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement 22:28 " for our peace was upon Him in with His stripes 22:32 "we are healed. " 22:34 Oh yes my viewing participant's, you can be healed of 22:39 whatever the problem may be. 22:40 Jesus got the victory on the cross. 22:43 Yes beloved, He conquered alcoholism, He conquered 22:46 substance abuse, He got the victory, our sins 22:52 which put Him on that cross. 22:54 Even in His suffering for guilty man, He was able to 22:58 reach one more soul, the thief on the cross. 23:00 Today beloved we can get down on our knees and pray, 23:04 Say, Father in the name of Jesus forgive me for my sins 23:09 and save me, I accept His sacrifice on Calgary's cross 23:14 for my redemption. 23:16 The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, "for He has made 23:22 "Him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be 23:28 "Made in the righteousness of God in Him. " 23:31 Our dear viewing participant, you see Jesus had developed 23:37 a habit of prayer in order to receives guidance, direction, 23:42 strength, power and life's necessities 23:45 from God the Father. 23:46 He had a special mission to rightly represent the Father. 23:49 He had to prove that God's law of the Ten Commandments is 23:52 a law of love, that is why the Bible said great peace 23:56 have they that loved thy law and nothing shall offend them. 23:59 That is why Jesus could say if you love Me keep 24:01 My Commandments because we know it was love that came 24:05 and gave His all that we might have all. 24:09 I can thank God for Jesus. 24:12 So beloved, Jesus loved Communion with the Father, 24:16 that is why He spent so much time in prayer. 24:19 That is why He studied the word of God because He 24:21 wants you to pray with your Bibles. 24:23 I want you to claim the victory of Jesus as your victory. 24:27 You can't claim it unless you claim the promises in the 24:31 Word of God, Amen and Amen. 24:33 So beloved if you and I expect to make it into heaven 24:37 we have to follow the example of Jesus in prayer. 24:40 Well you know this has been a most challenging 24:44 presentation and I would like for you to write or 24:47 call us at our mailing address so that you might receive 24:51 a special resource material. 24:54 We have a special publication on the life of Jesus Christ, 24:57 entitled the Desire Of Ages, you will love this 25:00 publication, it is one we used during 25:03 this special prayer series. 25:05 We also have one entitled a Great Controversy on the 25:09 history of the Christian Church, especially unto the 25:13 close of Earth's history. 25:15 You won't want to miss this one. 25:16 I want you to call us or write us at: 25:35 Now you like for myself to come to your area and present 25:40 this telecast on the prayer life of Jesus Christ, or a 25:45 special function weekend or a week of prayer just call 25:49 us at that number that I just mentioned. 25:52 As you can see this is one of the most challenging and 25:57 prolific and mind stimulating subjects. 26:01 Now you understand why Jesus came to our world. 26:05 He came because He knew that the only way you and I would 26:08 obtain the victory was through Him establishing 26:12 a victory for us and I want to read that text of 26:16 Scripture one last time. 26:18 "But thanks be to God who has given us the victory 26:22 "through our Lord Jesus Christ. " 1 Corinthians 15:57. 26:26 Let us pray, our Heavenly Father we thank You for Your 26:31 Son, by Him oh Lord was the victory won. By thy power and 26:35 enduring grace You have given us strength to run the race. 26:40 So bless us loving Father as we learn how to pray 26:44 following Jesus the truth, the life, and the way, 26:47 in Jesus name Amen! 26:50 We thank you for tuning in to this special prayer series. 26:55 This was telecast number 8, Jesus's Victory Is My Victory. 27:00 You can claim these special Bible promises by faith. 27:04 Follow Jesus because He said I am the way, the truth, 27:08 and the life. No man, cometh unto the Father but by Me. 27:12 So I will look forward to seeing you next time where 27:16 we will continue to study more in the 27:19 Dynamics and the Science of Prayer, call us and we will do 27:23 what we can to be a blessing to you. 27:26 Until next time, God bless you and 27:28 may He bless you in prayer. |
Revised 2014-12-17