Dynamics in the Science of Prayer

Seven Main Areas Of Prayer Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tyrone Phillips


Series Code: DSP

Program Code: DSP000007

00:04 Welcome to Dynamics in the Science Of Prayer.
00:06 A seminar that will help open the windows of your soul.
00:10 And to allow you to pray as never before.
00:12 And now here is your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:17 Hello welcome to the Dynamics in the Science of Prayer
00:21 series, I'm your host Pastor Tyrone Phillips and
00:25 I will be your teacher and would like to thank you for
00:28 tuning in and participating in this exciting
00:30 seminar series on prayer.
00:33 And it's our delight to have you come and we ask now that
00:37 you get a pen or pencil, your Bible, and a piece of
00:41 notebook paper so you can write down the many Scripture
00:45 references and the quotations and different things
00:47 we are going to mention that will help you to learn more
00:50 about the science of prayer.
00:53 We have some special seminar material that we use and
00:56 we would like for you to call us at the conclusion of
01:00 the telecast that will help you to learn how you can
01:04 obtain your Dynamic in the Science of Prayer manual, also
01:09 special Power of Prayer book that we will utilize
01:13 during this particular series.
01:15 So we want to call us now or write us at our mailing
01:18 address which is:
01:34 so now before we go any further in this particular
01:37 telecast, this is telecast number 7 which is entitled
01:41 The Seven Main Areas of Prayer part 2, so let us pray.
01:44 Loving Father we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
01:47 We asked now that you would teach us how to pray and
01:51 give us more insight on the seven main areas of prayer
01:54 that we might have a prayer lifestyle that is centered
01:58 around You for we ask it in Jesus name, Amen!
02:01 Beloved you know we have been talking about some exciting
02:06 things, and now we have been talking about the seven
02:09 main areas of prayer.
02:11 I want to bring you up to date because we need to conclude
02:14 and talk about all seven main areas of prayer.
02:19 As we said, praise is number 1, and praise simply
02:24 acknowledges who God is and what He is and that we should
02:28 honor and give adoration to God.
02:31 The Bible says, in Psalms 100:3,4, it says that
02:40 "we should enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into
02:44 "His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him and bless
02:49 "His holy name. " Now in Psalms 35:28, "my tongue shall
02:54 "speak of Thy praise all day long. "
02:56 In Psalms 50:23," Whoever offers praise glorifies Me. "
03:01 So we should learn it developed the attitude of praise
03:05 first thing in the morning because we should set aside
03:09 a special time and a special place for spending quality
03:14 time with God in prayer.
03:16 Now the second main area is thanksgiving.
03:21 We said that Thanksgiving is none other than acknowledging
03:24 the blessings that God gives and bestows upon us on a
03:28 daily basis and there are four main areas that we want to
03:32 thank God, we want to thank Him for a physical blessing,
03:36 we want to thank Him for material blessing, we want to
03:40 thank Him for a mental blessing,
03:41 and for a social and spiritual blessing.
03:44 So God has been good to us in these four areas.
03:48 And we base that on Luke 2:52 because Jesus was holistic
03:54 in His growth and development.
03:57 So we want to make sure we learn to thank God for
04:00 at least one item in those particular areas.
04:04 A physical blessing, a mental blessing, a social
04:07 and a spiritual blessing.
04:10 Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "in everything
04:16 "give thanks for this is the will of God in
04:19 "Christ Jesus concerning you. "
04:21 So we see now the importance of offering thanksgiving.
04:25 Then thirdly we need to talk about the importance of
04:29 confession, and we said that confession has three main
04:34 areas, 1. We confess all known sin to God.
04:39 The Bible says, 1 John 1:7 the Bible says in 1 John 1:7
04:47 "but if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we
04:52 "have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus
04:57 "Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. "
05:00 The Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ's will cleanse
05:04 us from all sin, but we have to confess our sins in order
05:08 to be cleansed and the Bible says in 1 John 1:9
05:13 "if we confess" the word confess simply means to
05:18 acknowledge and to agree, "if we confess our sins He is
05:23 "faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse
05:28 "us from all unrighteousness. "
05:31 So we confess our sins to God and then we said, based on
05:38 James 5:16 that we confess our faults to our fellow man.
05:44 James 5:16, "confession your faults one to another and
05:51 "pray for one another that ye may be healed. The
05:54 "effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. "
05:58 So we learn that we do not confess our sins to a man,
06:04 we confess our sins to God and then we confess all of
06:08 our thoughts one to another and we followed the Council
06:15 that Jesus gave in Matthew 18:15-22 to settle offenses.
06:19 And then we said thirdly that the third area of confession
06:24 is learning how to confess Christ to the world.
06:27 That God will give us the power and the ability to
06:31 confess, we follow the example of Jesus in
06:34 Matthew 10:32,33 and now we move on to the fourth area
06:41 in the seven main areas of prayer.
06:44 The fourth main area that we want to focus on is
06:49 intercession, intercession is simply learning how to pray
06:54 for other people, being concerned about the cares and
06:59 burdens of other people and presenting them to God as
07:03 if they were your very own.
07:05 I like to define intercession as this, intercession is
07:10 simply presented the cares and burdens to God of other
07:15 people as an expression of agape love and compassion.
07:19 And beloved we should show compassion for other people.
07:23 We ought to present them to God in prayer,
07:27 and their concerns.
07:29 Let's see what the Bible says about intercession.
07:32 As we said now praise acknowledges who God is, you can
07:36 praise God in a song, you can praise God through reading
07:40 of the Scriptures, you can praise God for your
07:44 conversation, Thanksgiving is thanking God for the
07:47 blessings that He gives you in your physical, mental,
07:49 social, and spiritual life.
07:52 Also confession is confessing all sins to God, confessing
07:56 your faults one to another, but confessing Christ before the
08:01 world in terms of witnessing and missionary endeavors.
08:05 But now intercession is praying for other people.
08:09 Prayer that is offered up on the behalf of another person.
08:13 So what we want to do now is look at some scripture
08:17 references as they pertain to intercession.
08:20 The Bible says and 1 Timothy 2:1, notice what the
08:25 Bible says now concerning intercession.
08:29 1 Timothy 2:1 the apostle Paul says, "I exhort therefore
08:33 "that first of all supplications prayers, intercession's,
08:37 "and giving of thanks be made for all men. "
08:41 Isn't that wonderful beloved?
08:42 Even the apostle Paul believed in intercession.
08:46 The Bible says also in Romans 1:9 and you will want to
08:52 write this down, notice the apostle Paul says,
08:54 "for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the
08:59 "Gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of
09:04 "you always my prayers. " Then also he relates to the same
09:09 thing in Ephesians 6:18,19.
09:14 Now remember Jesus is our model for intercession.
09:20 Because the Bible teaches us that after Jesus was
09:25 crucified, the Bible said He ascended up into heaven to
09:29 begin interceding in our behalf.
09:32 The Bible says in Romans 8:34 it says, "who is he that
09:37 "condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is
09:41 "also risen, who is even at the right hand of God,
09:45 "who also makes intercession for us.
09:48 Beloved it is so good to know that we have an intercessor,
09:53 in heaven, Jesus Christ the righteous one.
09:56 The Bible says in 1 John 2:1 it says, "my little children
10:02 "these things I write to you that you sin not, and if
10:07 "any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus
10:11 "Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our
10:15 "sins and not for us only but also the sins
10:19 "of the whole world. "
10:21 So we have an intercessor in heaven, somebody who believes
10:25 in intercession, somebody who will present our prayers
10:29 in our concerns to God as if they were His very own.
10:34 We can praise God for that, remember now that the Lords
10:38 prayer, and we have looked at this on other occasions,
10:43 but the Lords prayer is an excellent example of
10:47 intercession, let's look at it briefly.
10:49 Matthew 6:9-13, notice how Jesus was teaching the
10:56 disciples that this prayer we call the Lord's prayer is
11:03 really the disciples prayer, it was teaching them
11:07 intercession and notice what Jesus says.
11:09 "In this manner, therefore pray," notice he said,
11:15 " Our Father which is in heaven. Hollowed be Your name.
11:19 "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is
11:22 "in heaven. " Then he says in verse 11, "give us this
11:26 "day our daily bread. ", in verse 12 he says, "and forgive
11:30 "us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. "
11:33 In verse 13 he says, "and do not lead us into temptation,
11:37 "but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the
11:41 "Kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. Amen!"
11:45 So Jesus truly was the best example for intercession.
11:49 Now of course we could go throughout the Bible and we can
11:54 find Bible characters who were mighty intercessors.
11:57 For instance there was the leader of the children of
12:01 Israel out of Egypt, there was Moses.
12:04 He was a mighty man of intercession, because you see
12:07 many times the people rebelled they complained and murmured
12:11 against God, but Moses interceded and pleaded in their
12:15 behalf and God many times changed His mind of what
12:18 He was going to do.
12:19 Beloved we need to have intercessors in these last days.
12:23 People who would develop a habit of praying specific
12:27 blessings upon other people.
12:30 Beloved remember intercession you could pray for a member
12:34 of your immediate family or church member or someone on
12:37 your job, anybody who needs prayer.
12:40 Often times you will meet people who will say would you
12:44 please remember me in prayer?
12:46 Or please pray for me and one of the things you want to
12:50 remember, that you must always do, and that is if
12:53 you have them and that is to pray for your enemies.
12:57 That's right beloved, that is how you deal with your
13:00 enemies, people who don't like you, people who make
13:03 life difficult for you.
13:05 The Bible says in Matthew 5:44, 45.
13:11 Notice what Jesus said about praying for your enemies.
13:16 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those that
13:21 "curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for
13:26 "those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you
13:30 "maybe the sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes
13:35 "His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain
13:39 "on the just and on the unjust. "
13:42 Isn't that wonderful beloved, then also in Romans 12:17-21
13:46 we have counsel from the apostle Paul on how to deal with
13:51 our enemies and the Bible says in Romans 12:17-21
13:57 he said, "we pay no one evil for evil. Have regard for
14:00 "good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible,
14:04 "as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
14:07 "Beloved, do not avenge your- selves, but rather give place
14:11 "to wrath; for it is written, vengeance is Mine, I will
14:14 "repay, says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is
14:19 "hungry, feed him;" the apostle Paul says, "if he is thirsty,
14:22 "give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of
14:26 "fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but
14:29 "overcome evil with good. "
14:32 So therefore beloved we want to learn to intercede
14:35 in behalf of our enemies and God will bless you real good.
14:39 Now later on in a future program we are going to go on to
14:43 greater detail on intercession.
14:46 Now the fifth area of the main areas of prayer is petition
14:50 now petition is where you and I learn to talk to God
14:55 about everything that concerns us, everything that
15:00 concerns you and remember now Jesus says in Matthew 7:7.
15:04 He said, "ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you
15:08 "will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "
15:11 He said also over in John 15:7 a very important point that
15:16 we do not want to forget it. He said, "if you abide in
15:21 "Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you
15:25 desire, and it shall be done for you. "
15:29 So you see we are to abide by the words of God, the Bible.
15:33 Jesus did say, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
15:38 every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. "
15:41 So you want to bring to God any and everything that
15:44 pertains to you, you want to talk to God about your job,
15:48 about your family, about your recreation, about your
15:52 goals in life, about your victories, about your sorrows,
15:55 anything and everything that is on your mind.
15:58 Remember my listening friend, it takes time to do that and
16:01 that is why you need to have a set time as we discussed
16:05 based on Psalms 55:16, 17.
16:09 You need to have a set place for prayer as we discussed
16:13 based on Matthew 6:6.
16:16 You ought to have a routine, a schedule as we talked about
16:20 based on the Ecclesiastes 3:1-7.
16:25 My viewing audience I want you to understand that prayer
16:28 is key and important so learn how to petition God.
16:32 How to talk to God about the things that concern you.
16:35 And as we said Jesus taught the importance of petitions
16:39 and that is why we read Luke 6:12.
16:43 Many times He went out into the mountains and spent all night
16:46 in prayer, He was alone with God.
16:48 The Bible says in Mark 1:35, 36, He got up early in the
16:53 morning a great while before daybreak and departed unto
16:58 a solitary place and there He prayed.
17:01 He spent time in secret prayer alone with God.
17:05 So much so that the disciples came looking for Jesus and
17:09 he said Master all men seek thee, why?
17:13 Because they saw the results of His prayers.
17:16 When Jesus prayed things happen.
17:18 I want you to understand beloved, that when you pray
17:21 things are going to happen and you need to learn to
17:24 guard well your prayer time.
17:27 So many things are going to come in to distract you
17:30 from spending time with God in prayer.
17:33 So beloved, learn now to divide your life into sections
17:38 to pray over during your petition time.
17:40 Pray over your family, your job, your goals, personal
17:45 ideals, and your health.
17:47 I believe that God is going to bless you tremendously.
17:52 Now let us look at area number 6, silence and meditation.
17:57 This is very, very important beloved.
18:00 I want you to get this now, what we have been talking
18:03 about, praise, Thanksgiving, confession, intercession,
18:07 petition, and now silence and meditation.
18:10 You see what needs to happen is that we need to develop
18:14 a habit of listening to the voice of God and watching for
18:18 His leading in our lives.
18:20 So many times we want to tell God everything but we don't
18:23 want to listen, but I want you to get into the habit
18:26 of listening to God.
18:28 The Bible says, and write down the scripture references.
18:31 Psalms 62:5 says, "wait thou only upon God. "
18:37 Other words beloved you speak and ask God a question,
18:40 wait for an answer.
18:42 God will talk back to you.
18:44 The Bible says in Psalms 85:8, "I will hear what God,
18:49 "the Lord will speak. "
18:51 That means that when you speak God listens, but when
18:54 God speaks you ought to listen, you ought to hear what
18:58 God has to say.
19:00 Beloved I want to share this with you, God will talk
19:03 back to you if you wait and watch and look for an answer.
19:08 The Bible says in Psalms 46:10,
19:12 "be still and know that I am God. "
19:15 When you get into your secret prayer closet and you shut
19:19 the door, Jesus said in Matthew 6:6, He says,
19:24 "when thou has shut the door pray to your Father which
19:28 "is in secret and the Father which seeth in secret shall
19:32 "reward thee openly. "
19:35 Viewing participant, God will speak to you.
19:41 Now an example is found in the book of Joshua 5:14.
19:45 What did Joshua say? He said, "what sayeth my Lord unto
19:49 "his servant. " Josh went out into the fields to pray.
19:54 He was getting ready to plan his attack on Jericho.
19:59 He didn't know what to do, so he went aside and went out
20:02 into the fields, while he was out there praying Jesus came.
20:06 He said what sayeth my Lord unto His servant.
20:11 Then we have another example in 1 Samuel 3:7-11
20:17 where Samuel says, "speak Lord for Your servant hears. "
20:21 And that should be your reply as well.
20:24 When you spend time praising God and thanking Him and
20:28 confessing all known sin, and interceding and praying
20:32 in behalf of other people, and petitioning Him beloved
20:36 that you learn to listen to God, talk back to you.
20:40 I want you to know that He will talk to you.
20:43 You want to learn to meditate upon God.
20:46 Meditate on the word of God, you will be surprised how
20:50 God will fill your mind with such pure and wholesome
20:55 thoughts, Psalms 63:6 says, "meditate on Me in the night
20:59 "watches. " Incidentally now God speaks to us in many
21:02 ways if we look for an listen to Him, He will speak.
21:07 Now in the Power of Prayer book there is a beautiful
21:12 chapter in here which is entitled God's Voice To Man.
21:17 It shares a number of ways of how God will speak to us.
21:21 How we can listen to Him.
21:24 We can hear God's voice in Scripture and from our
21:27 conscience you can hear God the voice of duty.
21:30 We can hear God speaking to us from the power of the
21:34 Holy Spirit, God speaks to us from nature and so beloved
21:37 as we talked to God, we can learn to listen to Him and
21:41 find out what He wants to share with us.
21:45 Now remember meditation is simply personifying the Word
21:49 of God and applying it to ourselves.
21:52 So I want you to get into the habit of putting yourself
21:55 into text of Scripture and in focusing your mind on that.
21:59 Let me give you a quick and brief example of this.
22:03 In Proverbs 3:5, 6, it's a beautiful text of Scripture.
22:09 Here is what it says, "trust in the Lord with all thy
22:13 "heart. " So when you pray you should say Father I will
22:17 trust in You with all of my heart.
22:20 "I'm not going to lean unto my own understanding. "
22:22 In all that I have to do today, I'm going to acknowledge
22:26 You and I want You Father "to direct my paths", I want You
22:30 to direct me where I should go.
22:32 So beloved you will benefit tremendously from this.
22:36 The last area of the seven main areas of prayer that we
22:40 want to focus on its commitment.
22:42 Commitment is simply learning to trust God with all that
22:47 you have said, that is right beloved, learning to trust
22:51 God and not worry about it because you see God is rich
22:55 in houses and land.
22:56 He owns the cattle of a thousand hills, He knows all there
23:00 is about you and the Bible says in Psalms 139 that
23:03 He knew all about you before you were even created.
23:06 Isn't that an awesome thought beloved?
23:09 God is concerned about us, so now look at Psalms 37:3-5
23:18 the Bible says, "trust in the Lord and do good so shall
23:25 "you dwell in the land where you shall be fed. Delight
23:30 "in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your
23:34 "heart, commit your way unto the Lord and trust also in
23:39 "Him and He shall bring it to pass. "
23:41 Oh yes beloved, learning to trust, delight, and commit by
23:46 trusting God, you see God has given us precious promises
23:52 in His word, and the Bible says in Romans 12:4, it says,
23:59 excuse me in Romans 12:3 it says, "but to think soberly
24:05 "according as God has dealt to every man the measure of
24:10 "faith. " And faith comes by hearing the word of God.
24:15 Hebrews 11:6 says, "for he that comes to God must first
24:20 "believe that He is and that He is a reward or of them
24:25 "that diligently seek Him. "
24:26 We are going to commit our- selves to God, we are going to
24:29 believe that whatever God has promised to do, He will do
24:32 God will show us what to do.
24:35 The apostle Peter says in 2 Peter 1:4, "God has given
24:40 "to us precious promises. "
24:42 The apostle John says in 1 John 2:25, "this is the promise
24:48 "that He has promised us even eternal life. "
24:51 My viewing participant, never doubt the word of God.
24:55 Realize that Adam and Eve doubted what God said,
24:59 but we want to practice positive thinking about God.
25:03 Remember Jesus is our example in all things, He got the
25:08 victory in the Garden of Gethsemane, He made a commitment
25:12 He said Father nevertheless not my will but thy will be
25:16 done, He did it three times beloved.
25:18 Now I want to make sure you understand this now.
25:22 We have been focusing on seven main areas of prayer.
25:25 We've talked about praise, which acknowledge is who God is,
25:29 and what He is.
25:31 We've been talking about thanksgiving, thanksgiving is
25:34 the blessing that God gives and bestows upon us daily.
25:36 We have been talking about confession, confessing all
25:39 known sin to God, confessing or faults one to another,
25:42 but also confessing Christ before the world.
25:46 We have been talking intercession, praying in behalf
25:49 of other people, people who have problems and issues.
25:53 We have been talking about petitions, presenting our
25:56 request to God, everything that concerns are physical,
25:58 mental, social, and spiritual well-being.
26:01 We've been talking about silence and meditation, learning
26:05 how to listen to God talk to us.
26:07 And last but not least we have been talking about
26:09 commitment, learning how to trust God and believe that
26:13 God will work it out if we just trust Him beloved.
26:16 He will work it out.
26:18 So beloved I want to thank you for tuning in and studying
26:21 this particular series on the Seven Main Areas of Prayer
26:25 part two, the next telecast is entitled,
26:28 Jesus's Victory Is in My Victory.
26:32 So what I want you to do now is I want you to write down
26:35 our mailing address which is:
26:52 It's our prayer that you call us and we will do what
26:55 we can to be a blessing to you.
26:57 Let us pray thanking God for the blessings we received in
27:01 learning the Seven Main Areas of Prayer.
27:03 Let's pray the Lord's prayer.
27:05 Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed be Thy name.
27:08 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
27:10 On earth as it is in heaven.
27:13 Give us this day our daily bread,
27:15 forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
27:17 Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
27:20 For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory
27:23 for ever, Amen!
27:25 God bless you beloved and thank you so much for tuning
27:28 in, please tell a friend about
27:30 the Dynamics of the Science of Prayer series
27:32 here on 3 Angels Broadcasting Network.
27:37 Please call us if you would like us to come into your
27:40 area and present this exciting seminar and we know
27:43 God will bless you. See you next time!


Revised 2014-12-17