Dynamics in the Science of Prayer

Joy Of Answered Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tyrone Phillips


Series Code: DSP

Program Code: DSP000005

00:04 Welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer,
00:06 a seminar that will help open the windows of your soul
00:10 and allow you to pray as never before.
00:12 And now here's your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:16 Hello.
00:18 Welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer seminar.
00:21 I'm your host and teacher, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:25 It's a pleasure that you, the viewing participant,
00:27 can be a part of this exciting prayer lecturing series.
00:32 Now this is a special twelve part series.
00:35 This is program number five which is entitled,
00:39 The Joy of Answered Prayer.
00:41 I want you to get your pen or pencil, your Bible,
00:45 and a special notebook or piece of paper
00:48 so you can write down the various texts, the scripture
00:52 references and the various Bible verses, and the quotations
00:57 and the things that will help you in learning more about the
01:00 joy of answered prayer.
01:02 But before we go any further, let's bow our heads in prayer
01:05 that the Holy Spirit might lead us and guide us
01:08 into a knowledge of having the joy of answered prayer.
01:13 Let us pray.
01:14 Loving Father, we thank You for the privilege
01:16 and the opportunity to open Your word.
01:18 May You lead us and guide us into all truth.
01:21 And may we see Jesus as our example in prayer.
01:24 But help each of us to receive the joy of answered prayer.
01:29 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:31 Now during our last program entitled,
01:35 Establishing A Prayer Life, we shared some very important
01:39 and significant information.
01:42 We talked about how we are to go about
01:45 establishing our prayer lives.
01:48 We talked about how we can have a regularly scheduled program.
01:53 You see, we need to have a set time, an established place,
01:58 and a regular schedule for secret prayer.
02:01 Those were three key points that we mentioned
02:04 in that particular telecast.
02:06 But we also mentioned that one's diet can upset his comprehension
02:12 of Biblical truth.
02:13 So we want you to do what the Bible says in Isaiah 55 verse 2,
02:17 "Eat ye that which is good. "
02:19 But we also talked about that Jesus had a habit
02:23 of spending quality time in secret prayer.
02:26 And we read from the special book that we like to use
02:30 in the prayer series.
02:32 We talked about The Power Of Prayer
02:34 and we read a few quotations from this publication.
02:38 So you don't want to miss this publication.
02:40 And you'll be hearing more about how you can obtain it
02:43 at the conclusion of our telecast.
02:45 Now as we are moving forward in this particular telecast
02:50 entitled, The Joy of Answered Prayer, we need to look at
02:53 something that Jesus, Himself, said.
02:55 He said in John chapter 8 verse 29,
02:59 He said something that is so profound that I want to
03:03 share it with you.
03:04 Jesus said in John chapter 8 verse 29,
03:07 He said, "And He that sent Me is with Me.
03:10 The Father hath not left Me alone,
03:13 for I do always those things that please Him. "
03:18 My listening friend, isn't that astounding
03:20 how Jesus always did something that pleased the Father?
03:26 And because He always did that which pleased the Father,
03:31 the Father always heard His prayers.
03:34 God answered His prayers.
03:37 The Bible tells us now, in John chapter 11 verse 42,
03:42 Jesus said, praying at the tomb of Lazarus before he was raised,
03:49 Jesus said in verse 42 of John chapter 11,
03:53 He said, "And I knew that Thou hearest Me always.
03:58 But because of the people which stand by I said it,
04:00 that they may believe that Thou hast sent Me. "
04:04 So Jesus, when He prayed, the Father heard and
04:07 answered His prayers.
04:09 And I think it's important for us to look at ways that
04:11 God chooses to answer our prayers.
04:15 As we said on a previous telecast, that God says "yes,"
04:19 God says "no," and God also says "wait. "
04:24 And I think "wait" is one of the most difficult ones
04:27 that most of us have.
04:28 Once again, God says "yes," God says "no,"
04:32 and God says "wait. "
04:35 But He says all three of these through
04:37 an understanding of the Bible.
04:40 Oh yes, beloved, God can answer your prayer
04:43 through an understanding of the Bible.
04:45 Read Acts chapter 17 verses 11 and 12.
04:49 God also answers our prayers through the
04:53 strengthening of your inner life.
04:55 You remember the story of how, in 1 Samuel chapter 30,
04:59 David's camp had been raided by a warring faction.
05:04 And they took his wife and his children.
05:08 And all the men who were with him, they took
05:10 their wives and kids.
05:12 And when they came back to camp and saw everything
05:14 was gone, everybody was crying, they were sad.
05:16 And David came aside, and the Bible says in
05:20 1 Samuel chapter 30 verses 6 through 8,
05:24 it says, "And David encouraged himself in the Lord. "
05:28 So you and I can have our prayers answered
05:32 through our own inner life being strengthened.
05:35 Also God answers our prayers through a
05:38 change in our attitude.
05:40 You remember the story about the prodigal son
05:42 in Luke chapter 15 verses 17 through 19.
05:46 The Bible says that the prodigal son, it says he came to himself.
05:51 Oh yes beloved, God can speak to you through your own conscience.
05:57 And then also, the Bible shows that God answers
06:00 prayer through the cooperation of other people.
06:02 God can send other people to your aid.
06:05 In Matthew chapter 9 verse 2, here's a man who
06:09 is sick with the palsy.
06:11 And the Bible says his friends came and got him
06:14 and carried him to where Jesus was and they tore open the roof
06:18 and they let this sick man down through the roof.
06:21 Oh yes, beloved. And he was healed.
06:24 Jesus told him, "Thy faith hath made thee whole. "
06:28 Oh yes, this is so important beloved, that we need to
06:31 see and understand the different ways that
06:33 God answers our prayers.
06:35 And oh, did he not have joy that day.
06:39 The Bible also shows us that God answers our prayers
06:43 in another significant way.
06:45 He uses us to answer our own prayers.
06:48 You see, it's most important for you to understand
06:51 that after you have prayed then you ought to do
06:54 with all in your power to answer your own prayer request.
06:59 You remember the story in Acts chapter 10 about Cornelius.
07:04 The Bible says in Acts 10 verse 1, "There was a
07:07 certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the
07:11 band called the Italian band, a devout man and one that
07:15 feared God with all his house, which gave much alms
07:18 to the people, and prayed to God always. "
07:21 And God honored him because he lived up to all the
07:25 light that he knew.
07:26 And God sent an angel to tell him what to do.
07:29 He sent for Peter.
07:31 Peter came to his house, shared the gospel,
07:34 and he and his entire household were saved.
07:37 They were baptized.
07:38 My listening friends, God can use you
07:41 to answer your own prayers.
07:43 And then of course, the Bible reveals that God
07:46 answers His prayers through His own miraculous intervention.
07:50 That's right, beloved, God will intervene in your
07:52 life miraculously.
07:54 For instance, in Acts chapter 12 verses 1 through 17.
07:59 Here we find the apostle Peter.
08:01 He is in prison and he is surrounded by guards.
08:05 There's no way possible that Peter can get out of prison.
08:09 He has chains on both of his feet, his hands, his waist.
08:14 There's a guard inside the cell with him.
08:17 There are guards outside the cell.
08:19 There's no way possible that Peter can escape.
08:22 And the Bible reveals that God sent an angel in
08:26 and put the guards to sleep and loosed all the shackles
08:33 and the chains that were on Peter.
08:35 And Peter came out miraculously.
08:37 So much so that when Peter got to his house,
08:41 the people couldn't believe it.
08:43 But remember, the Bible says that prayer was made
08:46 by the church for him.
08:48 So God will intervene miraculously.
08:52 That indeed was a miracle.
08:54 And I can assure you there was joy in that house
08:57 for answered prayer.
09:00 And then last but not least, God will also answer prayers
09:04 through and understanding of the spirit of prophecy.
09:08 Look at Daniel chapter 2.
09:10 In Daniel chapter 2, we find the king Nebuchadnezzar.
09:15 He had a dream about this statue and he forgot the dream.
09:23 And he wanted to know the interpretation of the dream.
09:26 And he brought all of his wise men together
09:28 and nobody could bring forth the dream nor the interpretation.
09:32 But the Bible says when Daniel found out about it,
09:35 he and the three Hebrew boys, they went into prayer.
09:40 They went into their secret closet and they spent
09:42 quality time in prayer.
09:44 And God revealed to Daniel...
09:48 Not only did He give him the dream, but He gave him the
09:50 interpretation of all that Nebuchadnezzar had on his bed.
09:54 Beloved, there was joy in that household for answered prayer.
09:59 And I want to share with you, beloved, that God will
10:02 answer your prayers just as He did these different individuals.
10:06 And in order for us to understand the importance
10:09 of answered prayer, we need to look at some Bible conditions
10:14 for answered prayer.
10:15 You see, God will answer our prayers.
10:19 Look at 1 John chapter 5 beginning at verse 14.
10:26 1 John chapter 5 verse 14, the Bible says,
10:31 "And this is the confidence that we have in Him,
10:33 that if we ask anything according to His will,
10:37 He heareth us.
10:38 And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know
10:43 that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. "
10:50 That is so important for us to understand.
10:52 Now in this beautiful book that we have entitled,
10:56 Steps To Christ, there's a chapter that shares the
11:00 conditions for answered prayer.
11:02 I want you to look at it if you get a chance.
11:05 If you don't have it, I want you to write us or call us.
11:08 We'll be more than happy to see to it that you get a copy of it.
11:12 But in it there's a special chapter entitled,
11:15 The Privilege of Prayer.
11:17 It is chapter 11, on the privilege of prayer,
11:20 and it talks about these Bible conditions.
11:24 And I want to share just a few of these
11:27 Bible conditions with you.
11:29 And I know that as you get your copy of the Steps To Christ
11:33 and read that chapter entitled, The Privilege of Prayer,
11:36 you will be able to locate these conditions very easily.
11:40 And I know that you're going to love this publication.
11:44 Now let's look at need number one
11:46 or Bible condition number one.
11:49 The Bible tells us now according to Isaiah chapter 44 verse 3
11:54 that one of the prerequisite conditions for answered prayer
12:00 that is you must feel your need of prayer.
12:04 You must have a sense of needing to talk to God
12:08 about your problem.
12:10 Also Bible condition number two, and it's a very important one,
12:16 and that is, do not cherish sin.
12:20 The Bible says in Psalm 66 verse 18,
12:26 and I want to share that point, beloved, because
12:29 this is a very important condition for answered prayer.
12:33 Psalm 66 verse 18, the Bible says, "If I regard iniquity
12:39 in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. "
12:42 Notice now, when you and I have iniquity or we are
12:47 committing some known sin, God will not hear our prayers.
12:51 Remember what happened to Adam and Eve.
12:53 When they sinned against God, they hid, they ran from God.
12:57 Sin separates us from God.
13:00 And so what we want to do, beloved, we want to
13:02 acknowledge all of our sins.
13:04 We don't want any sinful habit or act or deed or whatever that
13:09 may be wrong to hinder our prayers from being answered.
13:13 The Bible says in Psalm 32 verses 1 and 2,
13:18 it says, "Blessed is he who transgression is forgiven,
13:21 whose sin is covered.
13:23 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity,
13:27 and in whose spirit there is no guile. "
13:30 I tell you beloved, this is so important.
13:33 As you see this illustration of the ten commandments,
13:36 the ten commandments are God's standard of righteousness.
13:42 If you want to learn about right doing, then look at God's
13:46 law of ten commandments.
13:48 The Bible says in James chapter 2,
13:52 I want you to look at that very quickly now.
13:54 In James chapter 2 verses 10 through 12
13:58 the Bible says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law
14:01 and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
14:04 For He that said, 'Do not commit adultery,'
14:06 said also, 'Do not kill. '
14:07 Now if thou commit no adultery yet if thou kill,
14:10 thou art become a transgressor of the law.
14:12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged
14:15 by the law of liberty. "
14:18 And we've also seen how God spoke and gave the
14:24 ten commandments on tables of stone to Moses.
14:26 And we can read about that in Exodus chapter 20
14:29 verses 1 through 17.
14:32 But also, the Bible shares some interesting insights
14:36 on who's going to be in the new heaven and the new earth.
14:40 The Bible says in Revelation chapter 22 verse 14,
14:44 it shares who's going to enter into the heavenly city.
14:49 It says in Revelation 22 verse 14, "Blessed are they
14:52 that do His commandments, that they may have right to the
14:56 tree of life and may enter in through the
14:58 gates into the city. "
15:00 I tell you beloved, this thing is so important,
15:02 that if I regard iniquity in my heart, it could prevent me
15:06 from being in God's kingdom of glory.
15:08 And I want to be there, beloved.
15:10 What about you?
15:11 Remember something that Jesus said.
15:13 He said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "
15:16 And the Bible also says in 1 John chapter 5 verse 17
15:20 that all unrighteousness is sin.
15:24 So we want to make sure that we understand this
15:27 condition for answered prayer.
15:30 Confess all known sin to God.
15:33 And then the third condition is that we must learn to
15:36 pray in faith.
15:38 The Bible says in James chapter 1 verses 5 and 6,
15:44 a very important text of scripture.
15:46 I trust and pray now that you are looking at these
15:49 text of scripture, that you're writing them
15:51 down as I mention them.
15:52 Because I want you to read and study for yourself
15:56 and see these conditions that will help you
15:59 to have answered prayer.
16:00 And truly there will be joy in your relationship with Jesus.
16:05 In James chapter 1 verse 5 and 6, the Bible says,
16:09 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,
16:11 that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;
16:13 and it shall be given him.
16:15 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. "
16:18 To have faith simply means to trust and believe
16:22 that God is able to do what He has promised to do in His word.
16:26 Yes beloved, you want to have faith.
16:29 Pray in faith.
16:31 Number four, we want to cultivate a forgiving spirit.
16:35 Didn't Jesus tell us that in Matthew chapter 6 verse 12?
16:41 He said forgive others even as God also forgives us.
16:45 So you see, we can determine whether we will be forgiven
16:48 by the way that we forgive other people.
16:50 And so I know that you're going to enjoy fulfilling this
16:55 Bible condition of cultivating a forgiving spirit.
16:58 The Bible says in Psalm 51, one of the most famous verses
17:04 about acquiring forgiveness.
17:07 It says in Psalm 51 verses 10 and 11,
17:16 the Bible says, "Create in me a clean heart, oh God;
17:20 and renew a right spirit within me.
17:22 Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not
17:26 Thy holy Spirit from me.
17:28 Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation;
17:32 and uphold me with Thy free Spirit.
17:35 Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways;
17:38 and sinners shall be converted unto thee. "
17:41 Oh yes, we can pray that God will give us a clean heart,
17:44 a forgiving heart.
17:45 And I know beloved, that when you sense your need
17:51 and you don't cherish sin and you pray in faith
17:55 and you cultivate a forgiving spirit,
17:58 then you will be blessed of God and God answer your prayers.
18:03 Also we want to learn to be persevering.
18:05 Don't give up beloved, if your prayers are not
18:09 answered immediately.
18:10 Remember we said sometimes God says "yes,"
18:12 sometimes He says "no," and sometimes He says, "wait. "
18:16 So we want to persevere, we want to never give up.
18:19 We don't want to faint beloved, because Jesus said
18:23 in Luke chapter 18 verse 1 something that's so important.
18:28 And I don't want you to miss this.
18:31 In Luke chapter 18 verse 1, Jesus said, "And He spoke a
18:35 parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray
18:39 and not to faint. "
18:41 Don't give up, persevere, hold on.
18:44 Do like Jacob did.
18:45 He wrestled, if necessary, all night.
18:48 And he told the angel, "I will not let thee go
18:52 except thou bless me. "
18:53 And I know beloved, that if have a concern
18:56 that is very dear and serious to you, you're going to hold on
19:00 and you're not going to give up.
19:02 You're going to press on through,
19:03 you're going to pray on in faith, and not faint.
19:06 And I believe that God will do something for you.
19:09 But also you want to pray, another condition is pray
19:13 that God's will is to be done.
19:16 One of the most important things that we can learn about prayer
19:19 and that is that when you seek God in prayer,
19:21 you're seeking not so much to tell God about what you need.
19:26 Because, you see, the Bible tells us when you look over in
19:29 Matthew chapter 6 that your heavenly Father,
19:33 He already knows what your needs are.
19:35 Look at this now.
19:36 In Matthew chapter 6 looking at verse 31,
19:41 beginning at verse 31 in Matthew chapter 6.
19:44 It says, "Therefore take no thought saying,
19:46 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?'
19:48 or 'Where withal shall we be clothed?'
19:51 For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. "
19:54 Then it says, "For your heavenly Father knoweth
19:58 that ye have need of all these things. "
20:01 Then it says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God
20:04 and His righteousness, and all these things
20:07 shall be added unto you. "
20:08 So one of the most important things about prayer
20:10 is to discover God's will for you in that particular item
20:15 or thing that you're praying.
20:16 You see, so many times we want to tell God what we need.
20:20 We want to tell God what to do.
20:23 But prayer is not for you to inform God really of what to do.
20:27 He already knows what to do.
20:29 The Bible says He created the world and they that
20:33 dwell there in.
20:34 He knows everything about it, beloved.
20:36 He's already informed about you.
20:38 You need to say, "Lord, nevertheless, not my will
20:42 but Thy will be done. "
20:44 God's will is to be done in your life.
20:47 So the purpose of prayer now is to make known God's will to you
20:51 and not for you to tell Him what to do about you.
20:55 Remember, He already knows what you should be doing.
21:00 Read Psalm 139 and I'm sure you'll be blessed as you read
21:05 all of that particular psalm.
21:07 And then condition number seven is to pray in the name of Jesus.
21:13 In John chapter 14 verse 13 Jesus said, and we've read this
21:20 text of scripture on numerous occasions but I want to
21:24 make sure that you do benefit from it.
21:26 John 14 verse 13, Jesus said, "And whatsoever ye shall ask
21:30 in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be
21:34 glorified in the Son. "
21:36 But also, the Bible says in Acts chapter 4 verse 12,
21:41 notice what the apostle Peter says.
21:44 In Acts chapter 4 verse 12 he said, "Neither is there
21:48 salvation in any other.
21:50 For there is none other name under heaven given among men
21:54 whereby we must be saved. "
21:56 So we want to pray in the name of Jesus.
22:00 And to pray in the name of Jesus is to pray as if we had
22:05 the character of God.
22:07 Yes beloved, and when we look at character, you see,
22:11 when we pray in the name of Jesus, we're praying in the same
22:14 manner, we're praying in the same spirit,
22:16 and we're praying in the same character that Jesus would pray
22:20 if He were there right along beside us.
22:23 Beloved, that's so important.
22:24 This is one of the most helpful conditions for answered prayer.
22:28 And I'm sure you're going to be blessed by it.
22:30 And then beloved, number eight.
22:32 We're going to help answer our own prayers.
22:35 Remember we talked about that.
22:36 Do all within our power to answer our own prayers.
22:40 If you needed a job and you went out and bought
22:43 a newspaper, and you looked in the classified ads
22:46 and you saw the thing about employment and you saw the job.
22:51 And you prayed and said, "Oh my Father,
22:53 bless me with a job. "
22:55 Well after you've prayed, beloved, you know that no one's
22:58 going to call you.
23:00 You've got to locate the particular job that you're
23:04 looking for, pray over it beloved, and then get up
23:08 and then go to that particular company or business
23:10 and apply for that job.
23:12 You've got to do your part.
23:13 And you see, human effort mixed with divine power
23:17 will bring about success.
23:19 And I know God is going to bless you as you do this.
23:22 Now beloved, one of the things that we don't want to forget
23:26 is that when we pray, we want to pray with love in our hearts.
23:30 That's right, beloved.
23:31 We want to pray with love in our hearts that God's will
23:35 will be done.
23:36 In Psalm 37 verse 4, the Bible says we should delight ourselves
23:43 also in the Lord and He will give us the desire of our heart.
23:48 We should commit our way into the Lord, trust also in Him,
23:51 and He will bring it to pass.
23:53 So we should pray with love in our hearts.
23:55 And then number ten, we should pray with thanksgiving.
24:00 That's right, beloved.
24:01 We should develop an attitude of thanksgiving.
24:04 As we seek God in prayer and as we pray and talk with Him,
24:08 He will hear and answer our prayers
24:10 according to His own will.
24:12 In 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 18 the Bible says,
24:16 "In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God
24:20 in Christ Jesus concerning you. "
24:22 And then beloved, we want to be a faithful steward
24:25 of all that God has committed unto us.
24:29 And last but not least, number twelve.
24:32 We want to acknowledge God.
24:35 The Bible says in Matthew 6 verse 33, "Seek ye first
24:40 the kingdom of God and His righteousness. "
24:42 God must be first in our lives.
24:45 And now beloved, the most, I think the most hindering
24:50 obstacle for all prayers is this particular issue.
24:56 The biggest prayer hindering wall is sin.
25:00 And remember, sin is an attitude of rebellion
25:04 against the government of God.
25:06 Remember now, there are physical laws which govern gravity.
25:11 Then there are civil laws.
25:14 And we know all about the traffic laws and so forth.
25:18 But then again, there is moral law which governs
25:22 theft, marriage, murder, and worship.
25:25 And this is found in Exodus chapter 20 verses 1 through 17.
25:28 And incidentally beloved, remember, long before God
25:31 gave the ten commandments on Mount Sinai,
25:33 the ten commandments were already in effect.
25:36 That's how Adam and Eve were brought to the attention
25:41 that they had sinned.
25:42 You see, Adam and Eve knew about the law of God.
25:44 And so sin is the biggest prayer hindering wall that there is.
25:50 And so what we want to do, beloved, is follow the counsel
25:53 given in 1 John chapter 1 verse 9.
26:01 The Bible says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
26:07 and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
26:10 from all unrighteousness. "
26:13 And truly I believe that as you practice these conditions for
26:17 answered prayer, you will have joy in your prayer experience;
26:24 the joy of answered prayer.
26:26 Well beloved, it's a blessing that we can understand the
26:29 conditions for answered prayer.
26:32 We want to start looking now at prayer content;
26:34 how to pray and how to approach God in prayer.
26:36 I want you to pray for us that God will bless us as we
26:40 make preparation for our next upcoming broadcast,
26:43 which is entitled, The Seven Main Areas of Prayer.
26:46 We're going to deal with it in two parts, part one.
26:49 So let us pray that God will bless you, that you might
26:52 continue to have the joy of answered prayer.
26:55 Loving Father, we truly thank You for Your tender mercies
26:59 and Your grace.
27:00 We thank You, dear Lord, for watching over us.
27:03 Continue, dear Lord, to bless us as we learn more about
27:06 the dynamics in the science of prayer.
27:09 For we do ask it all and we give You the praise
27:11 in Jesus' name, amen.
27:14 Beloved, we want you to call us or write us
27:17 at our mailing address.
27:38 Beloved, thank you so much for tuning in.
27:40 Please tell a friend about this special prayer series.
27:44 And we'll see you next time. God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17