Dynamics in the Science of Prayer

The Prayer Life Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tyrone Phillips


Series Code: DSP

Program Code: DSP000003

00:04 Welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer,
00:06 a seminar that will help open the windows of your soul
00:10 and allow you to pray as never before.
00:12 And now here's your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:17 Hello, welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer.
00:21 I'm your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips
00:24 and this is the third program in a twelve part series
00:28 entitled, Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer.
00:31 The title of this particular program is called,
00:34 The Prayer Life Of Jesus Christ.
00:37 We've talked about a number of important points already.
00:40 We talked about the creation of the heavens and the earth
00:43 and how God created the first man and woman without a flaw.
00:47 But we also talked about how sin entered our world
00:52 and broke off, or shall I say cut off fellowship and
00:58 communion between God and man.
00:59 But how Jesus Christ has came and He has provided a means
01:05 whereby healing and restoration can take place
01:08 and man can approach God in prayer.
01:11 And, beloved, I am so happy that you and I learned
01:14 on our last telecast that the reason for prayer
01:17 is because God Himself said so.
01:19 Now before we go any further, we need to pray
01:23 and ask God's blessing on the prayer life of Jesus Christ.
01:27 Let us pray.
01:28 Loving Father, we thank You for the privilege and the
01:31 opportunity to learn about the prayer life of Jesus Christ.
01:34 Bless each viewing participant.
01:37 And we ask it all in Jesus' name, amen.
01:40 Now as always on each program, we share with you some
01:44 special prayer materials that we use.
01:47 We want you to call us at our mailing address
01:52 and our special phone number.
01:54 You can call us now or write us at 3ABN.
02:11 We will be sure to help you to obtain your special
02:16 prayer materials.
02:17 We have a special book called The Power Of Prayer.
02:20 And we'll be referring to these materials as we continue on
02:24 in the program.
02:25 Now let's get back to this important subject
02:28 that we've been talking about.
02:30 On our last program, we talked about the reason for prayer.
02:34 And we concluded that program talking about the example of
02:39 Jesus in prayer.
02:41 And remember now, Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer.
02:46 As you view this particular illustration, notice Jesus
02:51 spending quality time in prayer.
02:54 The Bible tells us in Mark chapter 1 verse 35
02:57 that Jesus got up early in the morning, as the Bible says,
03:01 "a great while before day. "
03:03 And He departed into a solitary place, a secret place,
03:08 where He could be alone with God in prayer.
03:12 And beloved, the Bible also says in Luke chapter 6
03:16 verse 12, "And it came to pass in those days
03:21 that He went out into a mountain to pray,
03:24 and continued all night in prayer to God. "
03:28 Notice now, Jesus, He had a burden, beloved.
03:32 He had a burden to set a perfect example for you and I.
03:36 Jesus was our substitute.
03:40 He came to demonstrate perfect obedience to the will of God;
03:45 and He needed prayer.
03:47 And there were people who were trying to hinder Jesus
03:50 in accomplishing His mission.
03:52 He spend all night in prayer.
03:54 Have you ever been so heavily burdened with a problem
03:57 or an issue that you spend all night in prayer
04:00 talking to God about it?
04:02 Well my listening friends, I think it's important for
04:05 us to understand something.
04:07 And that is that someone had to teach Jesus
04:10 these dynamic principles of prayer early in His life.
04:14 Who was it?
04:16 Well, I think it's important for you and I to look at Jesus
04:20 and remember how Jesus had to be obedient
04:24 to the express will of God.
04:26 And He was our example in all things.
04:28 That it was Satan's constant objective to prevent Jesus
04:32 from being a perfect example of righteousness.
04:36 Now remember, Jesus had to be taught these important
04:42 principles of prayer.
04:43 Let's look in our Bibles now.
04:45 If we turn to Luke chapter 2 looking at verses 40-41 and 52.
04:52 The Bible tells us now in verse 40, Luke chapter 2,
04:56 it says, "And the child grew. "
04:58 Remember now, Jesus was a baby. He had two earthly parents.
05:03 That was Joseph and Mary.
05:05 And the Bible says, "And the child grew and waxed strong in
05:09 spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him. "
05:13 Verse 41 says, "Now His parents went to Jerusalem
05:17 every year at the feast of the Passover. "
05:20 So Jesus had some earthly parents.
05:23 And just like those of us, if you were born,
05:27 and I believe that you were, that you have some parents.
05:30 Some of us may have a single parent dwelling,
05:32 but never the less, you have some parents.
05:34 And Jesus had earthly parents.
05:38 And His earthly parents taught Him how to pray.
05:42 That's why you've heard me say on previous telecasts
05:45 that we want parents to learn these important concepts
05:49 so they can teach their children how to talk to God in pray,
05:52 how they can bring their concerns to God in prayer.
05:56 And notice now in verse 52.
05:58 Notice now how Jesus' life was holistic.
06:03 In other words, we need to be concerned about
06:07 the whole person.
06:08 That we're going to talk to God about our whole life.
06:11 The Bible says in Luke chapter 2 verse 52,
06:14 "And Jesus increased in wisdom. "
06:17 Now wisdom means the mental.
06:20 "... and stature," That means the physical.
06:23 "... and in favor with God," That's the spiritual.
06:27 "... and man," the social.
06:30 So that's important, beloved.
06:31 Jesus' growth was holistic.
06:35 And He prayed about every aspect of His life.
06:38 And that's so important for you and I to remember.
06:42 Bible studying, prayer, worshipping, guiding,
06:45 stewardship, and dress, and witnessing.
06:48 All these things, Jesus learned to claim the precious promises
06:52 in the word of God based on Matthew 4 verse 4.
06:57 Remember now in a previous telecast, we talked about this.
07:00 The Bible says in Matthew 4 verse 4, "Man shall not
07:04 live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth
07:07 out of the mouth of God. "
07:09 And so Jesus demonstrated how we are to cover all aspects
07:15 of our lives based on the word of God.
07:18 Remember how we said in a previous telecast,
07:20 we want to incorporate the word of God into our prayer time.
07:25 As we talk to God, we're going to claim the promises of God.
07:29 This is so very important.
07:30 Now remember, Jesus taught His disciples
07:34 three important points.
07:36 And I don't want you to miss this now.
07:39 He taught them how to pray intelligently.
07:43 He also told them what to pray for.
07:46 And number three, He demonstrated by His example.
07:50 That's very important, beloved.
07:51 Now let's look at this very quickly so we can see
07:54 what Jesus did.
07:55 He taught His disciples how to pray intelligently,
07:58 He told them what to pray for,
08:00 and then He demonstrated by His example.
08:03 In Matthew chapter 6 the Bible tells us, as we said earlier,
08:10 beloved, Matthew chapter 6 verse 6, He said,
08:12 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,
08:15 and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
08:19 which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret
08:23 shall reward thee openly. "
08:24 So Jesus had a set time to pray and He had a special place
08:28 that He would go where He could spend time in prayer alone.
08:32 That's the same thing that God wants you and I to do.
08:35 He wants us to have a set time.
08:37 He also wants us to have a particular established place
08:41 where we can go and be alone with God.
08:44 Now I'm talking about secret prayer.
08:47 Now family prayer, it does have its place.
08:51 And public prayer, it has its place.
08:54 But nothing, my viewing participant, is to take
08:57 the place of secret prayer.
08:58 God wants you to be alone with Him where He can
09:02 talk to you in private.
09:04 And beloved, that takes time. That takes a special place.
09:07 And Jesus demonstrated that.
09:10 And then Jesus talked about prayer content
09:12 in Matthew chapter 6 verses 9-13.
09:18 Notice what Jesus tells the disciples to pray.
09:20 He talks about content.
09:22 He says, "After this manner... "
09:23 That word is dealing with content; what our prayers
09:26 should consist of, what we should pray for,
09:29 how our prayers should be structured.
09:30 "After this manner therefore pray ye:
09:33 Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
09:36 Thy kingdom come.
09:38 Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
09:41 Give us this day our daily bread.
09:44 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
09:47 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
09:54 For Thine is the kingdom, and the power,
09:57 and the glory forever. Amen. "
10:00 Beloved, it's so important to understand the
10:03 importance of content.
10:05 Notice now, Jesus demonstrated this,
10:08 this same prayer, He demonstrated it, beloved,
10:10 by example.
10:12 For we find now, over in Luke chapter 11
10:16 verse 1-4, it says, "And it came to pass that as He was praying
10:23 in a certain place, when He ceased one of His disciples
10:27 said unto Him, 'Lord, teach us to pray as John also
10:31 taught his disciples to pray. '"
10:33 Notice now beloved, Jesus had spent such quality time
10:40 in prayer that after He finished praying, beloved,
10:45 He went to work.
10:46 His work ethic was based on His prayer life.
10:52 And they saw the evidences of His prayer life by what was
10:56 accomplished in His ministry.
10:58 So beloved, you and I need to bring what we do on the job,
11:03 what we do at school, what we do at home,
11:07 what we do as we're travelling down the highways,
11:10 whatever you do in life, beloved, you need to
11:13 talk to God about it.
11:15 Everything that you do in life, God wants to talk to you about.
11:19 You need to share it with Him.
11:21 Remember how we shared with you those text of scripture
11:25 how God says, "Seek ye My face," in Psalm 27.
11:29 The Bible says in Matthew chapter 9 verse 35,
11:35 "And Jesus went about all the cities and villages
11:38 teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel
11:42 of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every
11:45 disease among the people.
11:47 But when He saw the multitude, He was moved with compassion
11:50 on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad
11:54 as sheep having no shepherd. "
11:56 Now beloved notice, Jesus was preaching, He was healing,
12:02 and He was teaching.
12:04 And He knew that He needed to pray.
12:07 He had a huge obligation placed upon Him, beloved.
12:12 And that's when we read in Luke chapter 6 verse 12
12:16 why Jesus needed to pray all night.
12:19 The Bible says, "And it came to pass in those days that He
12:22 went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night
12:26 in prayer to God. "
12:28 Now let's look at His example more closely.
12:31 Let's look at some of the things that He demonstrated
12:35 and you will discover that there are seven main areas of prayer
12:39 that Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry.
12:44 And we want to implement those seven main areas
12:48 into our lifestyles.
12:50 Now this is very, very important.
12:52 So I don't want you to miss this point that these seven main
12:56 areas, that I'm going to share with you, Jesus demonstrated
13:00 them throughout His ministry.
13:02 And if He demonstrated it in His ministry, surely you and I
13:06 can demonstrate it in our life's work.
13:09 This is so important.
13:10 Now let's look at some incidents in His ministry
13:13 that reveals this particular point.
13:16 There are seven particular areas that Jesus focused on.
13:21 Those seven areas are praise, which is number one;
13:25 thanksgiving, number two; confession, number three;
13:29 intercession, number four; petition, number five;
13:33 silence, number six; and commitment, number seven.
13:38 Those are seven main areas that Jesus illustrated
13:42 throughout His ministry.
13:43 Why? Because He wanted the disciples and the people who
13:48 listened to His teachings to understand the importance
13:51 of structuring their lifestyles around communion with God.
13:55 It's so important to bathe all that we do in prayer.
13:59 And then after we have been in our prayer closet secretly,
14:03 the Bible says that God will reward us openly.
14:08 I don't want you to miss that point.
14:09 Notice now this area of praise.
14:13 The Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 21 verses 2-16
14:19 and Luke chapter 19 verses 37-40
14:23 that Jesus believed in praise.
14:26 As a matter of fact, He said that if He was not allowed to
14:32 praise like He should, He said the very rocks would cry out.
14:36 So Jesus believed in praise.
14:39 He believed in singing songs.
14:42 He believed in lifting His voice in praise to God.
14:45 And my listening friends, I want you to understand the
14:48 importance of praise.
14:50 Jesus believed in praise.
14:52 But also now, in Matthew chapter 15 verse 36
14:56 and Luke chapter 17 verses 11-19,
15:03 Jesus believed in thanksgiving.
15:07 You remember the story about the ten lepers.
15:10 And remember now, as they went they were healed.
15:14 But only one came back to offer thanksgiving to Jesus.
15:18 But what did Jesus say?
15:20 He said, "Where are the nine?
15:22 Where are the other nine lepers?"
15:24 Jesus believed in offering thanksgiving.
15:28 When you read about it in John chapter 11 verse 41, about
15:33 the raising of Lazarus from the tomb,
15:37 Jesus said, "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard Me. "
15:42 Jesus offered thanksgiving in His prayers.
15:45 So He believed in offering thanksgiving.
15:49 We should do the same thing, beloved.
15:51 We should learn to praise God for who He is
15:54 and what He does for us.
15:55 We should thank God for all the blessings that He provides
15:59 for us on a daily basis.
16:00 So Jesus believed in praise, He believed in thanksgiving.
16:04 But thirdly, beloved, He believed in confession.
16:08 In Matthew chapter 6 verse 12 and verses 14-15,
16:14 He talked about the importance of confessing all known sin,
16:21 getting things right with God.
16:23 And many people came to Jesus confessing their sins.
16:27 Jesus had no need to confess sin.
16:30 Because you see, the Bible tells us that He was sinless.
16:33 You see, He was a perfect example in righteousness.
16:38 But so many people came to Jesus confessing their sins.
16:43 Beloved, He believed in confession.
16:45 Read Mark chapter 3 verses 28 and 29.
16:50 Jesus also believed in intercession.
16:54 All throughout His ministry, notice now, people were
16:58 coming to Him to be healed.
17:02 He allowed people that distinct privilege of coming to Him
17:06 with their burdens and their problems.
17:09 And the Bible tells us now, in Luke chapter 11,
17:12 that intercession simply teaches us to be concerned about
17:17 the burdens, about the cares, about the sorrows and joys
17:21 of other people.
17:22 In Luke chapter 11 verses 5-13, He gives the illustration
17:28 about a man who was visited by someone late at night
17:32 and he had need of bread.
17:34 And the man asked him to help him.
17:36 Well beloved, we need someone to help us.
17:39 And you need an intercessor.
17:41 And Jesus is that intercessor.
17:44 In John chapter 12 verse 2, these are two very important
17:49 text of scripture that talk about intercession.
17:52 People were constantly bringing their loved ones to Jesus
17:55 for healing and restoration.
17:58 And we need an intercessor.
17:59 We need somebody who is concerned about us.
18:02 Just like a mother and father intercedes in behalf of
18:06 their children, so it is that we have a loving Savior
18:09 who intercedes before the Father in our behalf.
18:12 Jesus believes in intercession.
18:16 Also, He believes in petition.
18:18 And you know, petition is simply talking to God about
18:21 any and everything that's on your heart.
18:23 And Jesus told us, as we read about it in our last telecast,
18:28 in Matthew 7 verse 7 and 8.
18:31 The Bible says, "Ask, and it shall be given you;
18:34 seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
18:38 For everyone that asketh receiveth;
18:40 and he that seeketh findeth;
18:42 and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. "
18:44 He encouraged His disciples to petition God.
18:48 He told them, "If ye shall ask the Father anything
18:51 in My name, I will do it. "
18:53 But also Matthew 21 verse 22.
18:55 And then Jesus also believed in silence.
18:59 We need to learn to come aside and spend quality time
19:03 with God in prayer.
19:04 Mark chapter 1 verse 35.
19:07 But also Mark chapter 6 verse 46, where the
19:11 word of God says, "And when He had sent them away,
19:15 He departed into a mountain to pray. "
19:18 Jesus loved being alone with the Father.
19:21 He demonstrated being alone with God.
19:23 And of course, we read Luke chapter 6 verse 12
19:27 where Jesus spent all night in prayer alone with God.
19:31 So beloved, Jesus knows the importance of spending time
19:34 talking to God, and God listens to Him.
19:37 But also, God talks back to Jesus.
19:40 And just as God talked to Jesus, and Jesus listened to Him
19:45 and followed His counsel, so it is you and I
19:48 should take time to be alone and to listen to God talk to us.
19:52 He will talk to us through the word of God.
19:55 He will talk to us in nature.
19:57 God has many ways of talking to us.
20:00 And if we listen to Him, beloved, we will hear that
20:03 still small voice.
20:05 And Jesus believed in commitment.
20:08 That is learning how to trust and believe that whatever
20:12 God has called us to do, He is going to work it out,
20:15 He is going to provide for our needs,
20:17 He is going to provide for our necessities.
20:20 In Matthew chapter 26 when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane,
20:25 the Bible says He prayed that prayer, "Oh My Father,
20:30 if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me.
20:33 Nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt. "
20:36 So Jesus learned the importance of commitment.
20:39 And so these seven main areas, Jesus demonstrated
20:43 throughout His ministry.
20:46 Why? Because He wanted to educate His disciples
20:49 in praise, thanksgiving, confession,
20:54 intercession, petition, silence, and commitment.
20:59 Jesus knew the importance of prayer, fellowship,
21:03 and communion with His heavenly Father.
21:05 And so I trust and pray that you have gotten that point.
21:08 But now listen to this very important quotation
21:11 of how Jesus got the victory over temptations and trials.
21:16 And remember now, you can read these special quotations that
21:20 I'm going to share with you in the special
21:22 Power of Prayer book.
21:24 Now this special quotation says, "The Savior gained victories
21:30 over temptation through power imparted from above
21:35 in answer to prayer. "
21:36 My listening friend, you and I can gain power
21:39 from God in prayer to face the daily struggles that
21:44 we will encounter in life.
21:46 We need to come aside and follow that example.
21:49 My listening friend and viewing audience,
21:51 I want you to understand also that there's a special book
21:55 that we have entitled, The Desire Of Ages.
21:59 It's on the life of Christ.
22:02 And this is one of the most prolific profound books
22:05 that I have ever read and studied on the life of Christ.
22:08 And I want to encourage you that if you'd like to receive
22:11 a special copy of that book, please write or call us
22:15 at our mailing address.
22:16 And you'll see that at the conclusion of this telecast.
22:20 But also now, there's another quotation that I want
22:23 to share with you.
22:24 It says concerning Jesus, "Not for Himself but for others
22:29 He lived and thought and prayed. "
22:31 Now that is intercession.
22:33 He lived and thought and prayed for other people.
22:37 Daily He received a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit.
22:42 And as we read, beloved, in Matthew chapter 9,
22:45 He was busy preaching and teaching and healing.
22:49 And He saw the need of coming aside to be alone with God
22:53 in secret prayer.
22:54 And just as He was busy preaching and healing and
22:57 teaching, you have a job, you have a responsibility
23:00 to take care of your household.
23:02 You need to spend quality time in prayer before you
23:05 take off in the morning.
23:07 Come aside, beloved, and open up the word of God, the Bible.
23:11 And spend time talking to God about your job,
23:15 about your wife, about your husband,
23:19 about your children, about your son, your daughter,
23:22 your nephew, your aunt, your relatives, your friends,
23:25 your close associates, your goals.
23:27 Anything that you're going to do in life,
23:29 God wants to talk to you about it.
23:32 He needs to hear from you. He needs to hear how you feel.
23:35 He needs to hear what you're thinking.
23:37 My listening friend, my viewing participant,
23:39 this is so very, very important.
23:42 You see, Jesus was our example in all things.
23:46 Now, I want you to look at a few statements in the
23:51 Power of Prayer book.
23:52 I'm just going to read a few to you, but there are two
23:57 special chapters in this book entitled, How Jesus Prayed.
24:02 And it's so very important that I felt the need to read
24:07 just a few statements because I want you to obtain this
24:13 publication and benefit from it just as I also have.
24:16 On page 226, it talks about being strengthened for
24:20 duties and trial.
24:21 It says, "As the human was upon Him," that is Jesus,
24:25 "He felt His need of strength from His Father.
24:28 He had select places of prayer.
24:31 He loved to hold communion with His Father in the solitude
24:36 of the mountain.
24:37 In this exercise, His holy human soul was strengthened
24:42 for the duties and trials of the day.
24:45 Our Savior identifies Himself with our needs and weaknesses
24:50 in that He became a supplier, a nightly petitioner
24:54 seeking from His Father fresh supplies of strength
24:58 to come forth invigorated and refreshed,
25:00 braced for duty and trial.
25:02 He is our example in all things. "
25:05 And then also here's another chapter entitled,
25:10 His Hours Of Happiness.
25:11 It says, "He studied the word of God, and His hours of
25:15 greatest happiness were found when He could turn aside from
25:19 the scene of His labors to go into the fields,
25:22 to meditate in the quiet valleys, to hold communion
25:26 with God on the mountainside or amid the
25:29 trees of the forest. "
25:31 And then on page 228, another chapter entitled,
25:35 Alone With God, it says, "In a life wholly devoted to the
25:39 good of others, the Savior found it necessary
25:42 to turn aside from ceaseless activity and contact with
25:46 human needs, to seek retirement and unbroken communion
25:50 with His heavenly Father. "
25:52 My viewing participant, I trust and pray that you have
25:56 benefitted tremendously from this special telecast entitled,
25:59 The Prayer Life Of Jesus Christ.
26:01 I want you to remember now that we are continuing on
26:06 this special twelve part series.
26:08 This is telecast number three.
26:10 Our next telecast will be entitled,
26:14 Establishing Your Prayer Life, where we're going to
26:17 get into actually implementing those seven main areas of prayer
26:21 and show you how to do it.
26:23 We'd like for you now, if you want us to come into your area
26:26 and present this special seminar series,
26:29 you can contact us at our mailing address.
26:49 Beloved, let's pray and thank God for the blessings
26:53 that we have received in learning about the prayer life
26:57 of Jesus Christ.
26:58 Let us pray.
27:00 Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy holy name.
27:04 Thy kingdom of grace and glory come.
27:07 Thy will be done in our lives as it is in heaven.
27:10 Give us today our spiritual, physical, mental,
27:13 and social needs.
27:15 Enable us to forgive others even as You so willingly forgive us.
27:19 Lead us away from the evil one, but deliver us from
27:22 Satan's plans to destroy us for we desire eternal life.
27:26 In the worthy and precious name of Jesus we pray, amen.
27:30 May God bless you until we meet again.
27:33 And remember, continue to pray every day.
27:37 Put Jesus first.
27:39 Claim the precious promises in the word of God.
27:42 And we will see you next time.
27:44 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17