Dynamics in the Science of Prayer

The Reason For Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tyrone Phillips


Series Code: DSP

Program Code: DSP000002

00:04 Welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer,
00:06 a seminar that will help open the windows of your soul
00:10 and allow you to pray as never before.
00:12 And now, here's your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:16 Hello, welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer.
00:21 This is a special twelve part series on the dynamics and
00:25 the science of prayer.
00:26 I'm your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:29 I'll be your teacher.
00:30 This is program number two entitled, The Reason For Prayer.
00:35 Now upon our last broadcast, we talked about
00:39 getting ready for prayer.
00:41 We took a simple ten question prayer survey and we learned
00:46 some very important aspects on the science of prayer.
00:50 We talked about developing a habit of praying with our Bible.
00:55 But also claiming the over 3500 promises contained
01:00 in the word of God.
01:01 We looked at the prayer life of Jesus Christ.
01:05 He is our example in all things.
01:07 And we're going to follow the Biblical principles
01:10 in the word of God to learn how to pray.
01:14 We also introduced some special seminar materials that we use
01:19 in this special program series.
01:21 We'd like for you to call us at our mailing address.
01:42 We'd like to make sure that you utilize these seminar materials
01:46 as you learn more about the dynamics in the
01:49 science of prayer.
01:50 There's a special publication that we use during the dynamics
01:55 in the science of prayer.
01:56 It's entitled, The Power of Prayer.
01:57 And so I want you to write or call us at that mailing address.
02:02 You'll see it again at the conclusion of this telecast,
02:05 that you might be richly blessed.
02:07 But also utilizing the other seminar materials.
02:10 Now before we go any further, to understand about the
02:14 reason for prayer, we need to bow our heads in prayer
02:18 and ask God's blessing upon this special prayer telecast
02:22 which is entitled, The reason For Prayer.
02:25 Let us pray.
02:26 Our loving Father, we thank You for the privilege
02:29 to learn how to pray.
02:31 But help, now, our viewing audience and the participants
02:34 to learn the reason for prayer and why it is so
02:38 vital and necessary.
02:40 We ask it in the worthy and the precious name of Jesus, amen.
02:44 Beloved, I'd like for you to pick up your
02:47 Bible and write down this text of scripture.
02:50 Genesis chapter 1 and 2.
02:53 We need to look at the creation story.
02:55 We need to see how this whole thing began,
02:58 how prayer became a necessity.
03:01 If you look in your Bible, in Genesis chapter 1,
03:05 we're going to see the creation story.
03:07 And most of us, we know that on the first day of creation,
03:11 there was night and then there was day.
03:13 On the second day of creation, God created the heavens
03:16 and the sky, the firmament.
03:18 Then on the third day, God created the land which is
03:22 what we call the earth, the seas with the vegetation
03:25 and the fruit.
03:26 And then on the fourth day, God created the stars,
03:29 the sun, and the moon.
03:30 On the fifth day, God created the fish of the sea,
03:34 all the water creatures.
03:36 And then He created the fowls of the air, all the birds.
03:39 And then on the sixth day of creation, God created
03:44 all the animals.
03:45 But He also created His masterpiece of creation;
03:49 He created man.
03:50 But then on the seventh day of the creation week,
03:54 the Bible says God rested.
03:57 He instituted a special day of worship.
04:00 And it's called the Sabbath.
04:02 Notice now, God created man on the sixth day of creation.
04:08 And the Bible tells us now, according to Genesis 1 verse 31,
04:14 it says, "And God saw every thing that He had made,
04:17 and behold, it was very good. "
04:20 The Bible also reveals that God created, as I said previously,
04:26 that God created Adam and Eve.
04:29 The Bible says in Genesis chapter 1 verse 27,
04:33 "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God
04:37 created He him; male and female created He them. "
04:43 Remember now, Adam and Eve were perfect when God
04:47 finished creating them.
04:49 They had a nature that was in harmony with God
04:52 and with the will of God.
04:54 Their minds could comprehend divine things.
04:56 Their appetite and their passion were
04:58 under the control of reason.
05:00 They had perfect health. They were full of beauty.
05:05 They were happy in obeying God.
05:07 They had the perfect diet of fruits, nuts, and grains.
05:12 They held open communion with God and holy angels.
05:17 They had learned how to worship God in spirit and in truth.
05:22 But only one thing God did, He put one prohibition
05:27 on the perfect man and the perfect woman.
05:29 He gave them a test of loyalty.
05:32 They were forbidden to touch one tree in the Garden of Eden.
05:36 And that's the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
05:39 And the Bible tells us now, that something happened
05:42 in the Garden of Eden that changed everything, beloved,
05:46 that will help you and I understand the
05:48 reason for prayer.
05:50 The Bible says in Genesis chapter 3, the word of God
05:54 revealed the reason for prayer.
05:56 It says now, that Adam and Eve had everything that they needed
06:01 for a happy existence.
06:03 God had provided for everything that they needed.
06:05 They didn't need anything, beloved.
06:07 But now, as I said, they only had one prohibition;
06:10 don't touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
06:14 But as you know, the Bible shows that one day Eve strayed
06:18 from the side of Adam.
06:19 And she found herself standing next to this tree.
06:23 And the enemy, Lucifer, Satan, he used a serpent
06:28 as a medium of communication.
06:30 And he began to speak to Eve through this serpent.
06:37 And the Bible tells us now, that he insinuated doubt in her mind
06:42 about the express will of God.
06:45 Notice now what the Bible says.
06:47 In Genesis chapter 3, the Bible says in verse 1,
06:54 "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field
06:58 which the Lord God had made.
06:59 And he said unto the woman, 'Yea, hath God said,
07:02 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'"
07:04 Well now, it was already made clear to Adam and Eve
07:08 not to touch it.
07:09 And God had already told them that the day that they
07:12 touch it, that they would begin to die.
07:15 And I believe, beloved, that it's so important for you and I
07:19 to understand this.
07:20 Now once again, beloved, once he got her attention,
07:23 the enemy Lucifer, he then raised doubt in her mind
07:28 about the express will of God.
07:29 And the Bible tells us now, in Psalm chapter 40 verse 8,
07:35 the will of God.
07:36 It says, "I delight to do Thy will, oh my God:
07:40 yea, Thy law is within my heart. "
07:42 God's will is expressed in His law of ten commandments.
07:46 Adam and Eve knew about God's law.
07:49 And so as we read on now, the Bible reveals that Eve partook
07:55 of the forbidden fruit that she was told not to touch, beloved.
07:58 And the Bible shows us as we read in Genesis 3 verses 6-8
08:04 that Eve gave of the forbidden fruit to Adam
08:07 and sin entered our world.
08:09 And what this particular illustration shows right now is
08:12 that sin has marred the image of God in man.
08:18 And the Bible tells us that man now has brought sin
08:24 in our world.
08:25 Sin causes a person to run from God.
08:28 Sin causes a person to think that he can hide from God.
08:33 But one thing is for sure, beloved, and that is that
08:36 sin separates us from God.
08:39 Let's read about that in Isaiah chapter 59 verses 1 and 2.
08:45 Notice what the Bible says that sin does in Isaiah 59:1-2.
08:50 It says, "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it
08:52 cannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear.
08:56 But your iniquities have separated between
08:59 you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you
09:04 that He will not hear. "
09:07 And notice now, sin produced an ego-centric person.
09:12 And now Adam and Eve became self-centered.
09:16 You see, what happened, beloved, is that when your mind is not
09:20 focused on doing what God says, your mind focuses on what
09:23 you want to do.
09:24 It's what you feel to be important.
09:27 And this self-centered attitude originated with Lucifer,
09:32 a fallen angel from heaven.
09:35 And we can read about him in Ezekiel chapter 28
09:39 verses 12 through 19.
09:41 But also Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 14.
09:47 Let me just read Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12-14
09:53 so we can understand how Lucifer, who made a devil
09:58 out of himself, became Satan and how he continued his
10:02 rebellion on planet earth.
10:04 Because the Bible tells us in Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12-14
10:09 that he wanted to be like God in power but not
10:13 like God in character.
10:15 He said in verse 14, "I will ascend above the heights
10:19 of the clouds; I will be like the most High. "
10:22 So Lucifer wanted to be like God in power
10:26 but not like God in character.
10:27 And so he had an attitude of rebellion.
10:30 He did not want to comply with what God wanted him to do.
10:34 And so, beloved, he started a rebellion in heaven.
10:37 And the Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 12
10:40 verses 7-9 and verse 12 that Lucifer and one-third of the
10:46 angelic host were kicked out of heaven.
10:48 And he continued his attitude of rebellion on earth.
10:52 And so he sought to cause his rebellion to be carried on
10:58 through Adam and Eve.
10:59 And so he caused the first woman, she sinned against God.
11:04 And then she took of the forbidden fruit and
11:06 she gave it to Adam.
11:07 And now Adam and Eve are hiding from God.
11:11 But you know what, beloved?
11:13 This act of disloyalty, this act of distrust,
11:15 this belief of the express words of God brought fear,
11:20 pain, misery, grief, disappointment,
11:23 and eventually death to the first human family.
11:27 Understand something, my listening friends.
11:29 And that is that sin affects you and I mentally, physically,
11:33 socially, and spiritually.
11:35 They could not commune with God openly.
11:38 They were cut off.
11:40 But you know what, beloved?
11:41 I'm so happy that as soon as there was sin,
11:44 there was a Savior.
11:45 Because you see, the Bible reveals something special
11:49 that God does.
11:50 And I want you to get this point because it's the most important
11:53 point in this particular segment of this program about the
11:56 reason for prayer.
11:57 And the Bible says in Genesis chapter 3 verse 8,
12:01 "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden
12:07 in the cool of the day.
12:08 And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence
12:12 of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
12:15 And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him,
12:20 'Where art thou?'
12:22 And he said, 'I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid
12:26 because I was naked; and I hid myself. '"
12:29 My listening friends, do you see this most important point?
12:34 Here we have God who created the first man and woman.
12:38 And even though they failed, God came looking
12:42 for the man and the woman.
12:43 Why? Because you see, God had a habit of communing
12:48 with His creatures.
12:49 And God wants to talk to you and I.
12:52 God comes looking for us that we might pray,
12:55 that we might talk to Him, that we might bring our concerns,
12:59 our problems to Him.
13:01 You see, God came looking for Adam and Eve.
13:04 And I want you to understand something,
13:06 my viewing participants.
13:07 God comes looking for you too.
13:09 Not so much to find out where you are,
13:12 but where you are in your thinking.
13:13 Is God on your thoughts?
13:16 Beloved, I want you to understand something.
13:18 God wants to talk to you in prayer.
13:21 And that is something that you and I want to make sure
13:24 that we understand.
13:25 The Bible tells us now, that Adam and Eve listened to God
13:30 because God came talking.
13:32 And the Bible reveals that God unfolded to Adam and Eve
13:35 His plan of salvation to restore in them His image,
13:41 His likeness, and His character.
13:43 That's so important.
13:44 Because He began to share with them about His plan of salvation
13:49 to save them, to bring restoration and healing,
13:53 to give them, instead of having an ego-centric personality,
13:58 but a Christ-centered lifestyle.
14:01 I want you to get that point, beloved,
14:02 because this is so important.
14:04 Because you see, as soon as there was sin,
14:08 there was a Savior.
14:10 God had provided a way of escape that man might not be
14:15 lost in sin, but be redeemed.
14:18 And that redemption can be found in none other
14:20 than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
14:23 The Bible shares with us, beloved, that Adam and Eve
14:26 were instructed in how Jesus would come and give His life
14:30 that man might be saved and not suffer an eternal death.
14:34 Read about it, beloved, in Romans chapter 6 verse 23.
14:38 The Bible says, "For the wages of sin is death;
14:42 but the gift of God is eternal life through
14:45 Jesus Christ our Lord. "
14:47 The Bible also says in John chapter 3 verse 16,
14:51 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son;
14:56 that whosoever believeth in His should not perish,
14:59 but have everlasting life.
15:01 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world,
15:05 but that the world through Him might be saved. "
15:07 You know, beloved, I'm so happy that God came
15:10 looking for Adam and Eve.
15:11 But it's so important for you and I to realize that
15:14 God still comes looking for you and I.
15:17 Even though sin had hindered and affected the open communion
15:21 between God and His creatures, the scriptures reveal that
15:26 God restores communion and fellowship.
15:28 And that's the reason for prayer.
15:30 Prayer helps us to reopen the channel of communication
15:34 between you and your God.
15:36 The Bible says in 1 Timothy chapter 2, I want you
15:41 to look at this, beloved.
15:42 1 Timothy chapter 2, looking at verse 5.
15:48 The Bible says, "For there is one God, and one mediator
15:52 between God and men; the man Christ Jesus. "
15:57 Amen.
15:58 And so God has provided a way whereby we can come to Him.
16:02 And we come to God through Jesus Christ.
16:05 Remember in our last telecast, we read a text of scripture
16:09 in John chapter 14 verse 6.
16:12 In that text of scripture, Jesus Himself said,
16:15 "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
16:18 No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. "
16:22 And so, beloved, as we said earlier, as soon as there
16:26 was sin, there was a Savior.
16:28 Jesus said, "I will be man's substitute.
16:32 I will demonstrate what man must do to be restored
16:36 into fellowship with God. "
16:38 As I said, one of the most important things that we're
16:40 going to study in this special prayer series
16:43 is the prayer life of Jesus Christ.
16:46 We're going to follow His example.
16:49 Because you see, we want a Christ-centered lifestyle.
16:53 Remember now, prayer establishes communication between the
16:58 creature and his Creator.
16:59 And the reason why prayer is necessary is because
17:03 God said it is necessary.
17:05 And God wants you and I to spend time talking to Him.
17:10 Remember now, Jesus emphasizes the importance
17:14 that if we love Him...
17:15 John chapter 14 verse 15, Jesus said,
17:20 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "
17:23 Adam and Eve broke the commandments of God.
17:27 I want to make that point very clear.
17:29 Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "
17:33 You see, sin separates us from God.
17:37 Adam and Eve had broken the commandments of God.
17:41 Jesus paid the price.
17:43 And He says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "
17:48 The Bible says in Matthew 1 verse 21, "Thou shalt call
17:52 His name Jesus; for He shall save His people
17:55 from their sins. "
17:57 So as we come to Jesus and we confess our sins,
18:01 the Bible says that God will abundantly pardon us.
18:06 That reestablishes fellowship, communion.
18:10 Prayer, as I've said in the previous telecast,
18:13 prayer is a dialogue between two people who love each other.
18:17 You see, God loves you and God wants you to understand
18:21 that even while you and I were yet in sin,
18:24 God sent His only begotten Son to die for us
18:28 that we might be redeemed, that we might be restored,
18:31 that fellowship might be renewed.
18:34 So prayer is necessary.
18:35 Notice now how prayer establishes communication
18:39 between the creature and his Creator.
18:42 The reason why prayer is necessary
18:44 is because God says so.
18:46 Notice now in Psalm 27 verse 8.
18:50 Notice what the Bible says.
18:51 Incidentally, I'll start at verse 7.
18:53 Psalm 27 verses 7 and 8.
18:56 The Bible says, "Hear, Oh Lord, when I cry with my voice:
19:00 have mercy also upon me and answer me.
19:03 When thou saidst, 'Seek ye My face;' my heart said unto thee,
19:07 'Thy face, Lord, will I seek. '"
19:11 So God says, "Seek ye My face. "
19:12 God encourages us, God commands us,
19:16 God implores us to come and pray and talk to Him.
19:20 In Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18, a very familiar text of
19:26 scripture that most of us have hear from time to time.
19:30 Notice what God says in Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18,
19:33 "'Come now and let us reason together,' saith the Lord.
19:40 'Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
19:43 though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. '"
19:48 So God says, "Let's reason. "
19:49 And you know, the only way you can reason with somebody
19:52 is that you've got to talk to them and they listen.
19:55 And then they talk back to you and you listen.
19:58 And you establish an understanding.
20:00 You establish communication.
20:02 So prayer is communication with a prayer hearing God.
20:06 And our means of coming to Him is through Jesus.
20:10 Oh, my listening friends, I trust and pray that you
20:13 don't miss that point.
20:14 But also, listen.
20:16 Here's some other important text of scripture in Psalm 5 verse 3.
20:21 Notice how important it is for you and I to talk to God
20:24 in prayer in the morning.
20:26 In Psalm 5 verse 3, the Bible says, "My voice shalt Thou hear
20:30 in the morning, oh Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer
20:34 unto Thee and will look up. "
20:36 So God says, "Talk to Me in the morning. "
20:39 I know you may be busy and you want to go to work
20:41 and do so many different things, but understand the importance
20:44 of spending some time talking to God in the morning
20:48 before you go off to work, before you go to school,
20:51 before you go out to play, before you drive off
20:54 in your vehicle.
20:55 You know, so many people have gotten into their cars
20:59 and they didn't take time to pray, and they did not return.
21:03 Oh yes, my listening and viewing friend, I want you to understand
21:07 the importance of learning how to pray early in the morning.
21:11 But also look at Psalm 55.
21:14 It tells us how many times a day you and I should pray,
21:18 how many times we should seek God in prayer.
21:21 In Psalm 55 verses 16 and 17, notice what the Bible says.
21:27 "As for me, I will call upon God and the Lord shall save me.
21:32 Evening and morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud;
21:37 and He shall hear my voice. "
21:40 Notice now, God says He will hear your voice in the evening,
21:43 in the morning, and at noon.
21:45 That's your whole 24 hour day.
21:48 So you see, it's so important for you and I to grasp
21:53 this important point.
21:54 That the reason for prayer is because God says it's important.
21:58 God wants to talk to you, and you need to talk to Him.
22:02 This is so very important.
22:05 Now as always, I said one of the most important things
22:08 that we're going to do is that we're going to look at
22:10 the prayer life of Jesus.
22:12 Because you see, Jesus has some important points
22:16 for us to remember about prayer.
22:18 We need to see that.
22:19 Now notice what Jesus says in Matthew chapter 7 verse 7.
22:24 In Matthew chapter 7 and verse 7, Jesus Himself said,
22:29 Matthew 7 verses 7 and 8, "Ask, and it shall be given you;
22:37 seek, and ye shall find. "
22:39 See that word again? "Seek. "
22:42 Jesus said, " Ask, and it shall be given you;
22:45 seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.
22:50 For every one that asketh receiveth;
22:52 and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh
22:56 it shall be opened. "
22:58 So you see, beloved, Jesus Himself says seek.
23:01 We read in a previous text of scripture in Psalm 27
23:05 verses 6 and 7 that God said seek His face.
23:09 And now we hear Jesus saying seek.
23:12 He says "ask. "
23:14 And to ask, that means you've got to talk to God.
23:16 You've got to talk to God verbally.
23:17 He want to hear from you, beloved.
23:19 Just as we've discovered earlier in this telecast,
23:22 that God came looking for Adam and Eve.
23:25 God had a habit of talking to Adam and Eve.
23:28 But where were they, beloved?
23:29 They were hiding somewhere.
23:31 They were hiding in the bushes.
23:33 Hiding, trying to hide from God.
23:35 Beloved, understand something very clearly.
23:38 According to Psalm 139 verses 1-11,
23:42 you cannot hide from God.
23:44 God is with you when you're sitting down in your chair,
23:48 when you're at your job, when you're rising up in the morning,
23:51 when you're riding down the street in your car,
23:53 when you're playing, when you're shopping in the super market.
23:56 God is everywhere.
23:58 God is omnipresence, beloved.
24:00 So there's nowhere you and I can go that God will not see you.
24:04 And that's why it's important for you and I to understand
24:07 God wants to talk to you.
24:09 But notice now something else that Jesus Himself said.
24:12 He said in Matthew chapter 11 verses 28 through 30,
24:17 "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden
24:22 and I will give you rest.
24:24 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me; for I am meek
24:27 and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
24:31 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. "
24:34 So Jesus says, "Talk to Me, bring it to Me. "
24:38 He says to us as we read earlier in John chapter 14
24:42 verses 13 and 14, "If ye shall ask anything in My name,
24:48 I will do it. "
24:49 And I'm sure that you have some concerns on your heart.
24:52 In Matthew chapter 6 verse 33, Jesus said, "But seek ye first
24:58 the kingdom of God and His righteousness;
25:00 and all these things shall be added unto you. "
25:03 He knows what you have need of.
25:05 He knows you need food and clothing and shelter
25:09 and protection and transportation
25:11 and finance and good health.
25:13 He knows about all those things.
25:14 But He says, you come to Him early in the morning and He's
25:18 going to reveal unto you how those things can be provided.
25:22 But notice what Jesus Himself did in Mark chapter 1 verse 35.
25:27 We see an example of what Jesus did in communing
25:31 with His heavenly Father.
25:32 Because you see, Jesus had an awesome
25:34 responsibility to cover.
25:36 In Mark chapter 1 verse 35, the Bible says,
25:41 "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day,
25:44 He went out and departed into a solitary place
25:47 and there prayed. "
25:48 So Jesus got up early in the morning before sunrise.
25:52 That's right, beloved.
25:53 He got out of that bed and He went to a special place
25:58 where He could be alone with God in prayer.
26:01 And that's the example for you and I.
26:03 You see, we have a reason for prayer.
26:05 Now let's look at Jesus again to see what else did Jesus do.
26:09 Because we want to make sure that we follow His example.
26:13 We want to follow His counsel and His instruction.
26:16 In Matthew chapter 6 verse 6, notice what the Bible says.
26:20 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,
26:24 and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
26:28 which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret
26:32 shall reward thee openly. "
26:34 Notice now, beloved, He had a set time and got up early
26:38 in the morning and He departed to a solitary place
26:41 and Jesus prayed and talked to His heavenly Father in secret.
26:45 Well, beloved, we've learned quite a bit.
26:48 We've learned the reason for prayer
26:51 and how sin separates us in communion with God.
26:56 And so we want you to make sure now that you
27:01 write us at our mailing address.
27:16 Thank you for spending time with us and learning these
27:19 exciting truths about prayer.
27:20 Please tell a friend about this special series.
27:23 Our next program is entitled, The Prayer Life of Jesus Christ.
27:27 Let us pray.
27:29 Our loving Father, we truly thank You for teaching
27:31 us how to pray.
27:32 We praise You for loving us in every way.
27:34 Bless our viewing audience to learn how to pray
27:37 and be faithful in following Jesus every day.
27:40 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
27:43 May God bless you until we see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17