Dynamics in the Science of Prayer

Getting Ready For Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tyrone Phillips


Series Code: DSP

Program Code: DSP000001

00:04 Welcome to the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer.
00:06 A seminar that will help open the windows of your soul
00:10 and allow you to pray as never before.
00:13 And now here's your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
00:17 Welcome, I'm Pastor Tyrone Phillips
00:20 of the Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer.
00:23 It's a pleasure to be with you.
00:24 We're going to begin a special twelve part series
00:28 on the science of prayer.
00:30 And we're so happy that you could spend time with us.
00:33 We have an exciting series that we want to start.
00:36 But before we do, we need to bow our heads in prayer
00:39 that God's blessings might attend our efforts.
00:42 Our loving Father, we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
00:46 We ask now as we begin this special twelve part series
00:49 that You would lead us and guide us into all truth.
00:53 May our viewing audience grasp this important subject
00:59 on the science of prayer.
01:00 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:03 Beloved, I want to ask you to do something very, very important.
01:07 I want you to get a pencil, a piece of paper, get your Bible,
01:12 and keep it close by.
01:13 Because I want you to take some very good notes as we go through
01:18 this special seminar series.
01:20 Now this first program that we're doing today is entitled,
01:24 Getting Ready For Prayer.
01:26 And there are some important materials that we use as we
01:30 conduct this special subject on the science of prayer.
01:34 The item that we use is a special manual which is entitled
01:39 The Dynamics In The Science Of Prayer Manual.
01:42 There's also a special textbook that we use entitled,
01:46 The Power of Prayer.
01:47 Also some study guides that go along with that.
01:50 We'll be talking about the sufferings of Christ.
01:52 But we also have a special 90 minute cassette tape
01:55 that will go over the entire series.
01:59 Now we'd like for you to call us or write us
02:03 at the Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
02:22 Now one of the items that we'd love to use during this
02:25 special seminar series is that we'd like to share with you the
02:29 importance of reading The Power of Prayer book.
02:31 This is an excellent book and I know that you will enjoy it.
02:35 Because, you see, it covers a lot of the items that we're
02:37 going to be talking about in this special twelve part series.
02:40 For instance now, let me just read to you some of
02:43 the chapter titles.
02:45 It's called, The Privilege of Prayer.
02:46 Genuine Heartfelt Prayer. Daily Prayer A Necessity.
02:51 Praying For A Spiritual Revival. The Power In Prayer.
02:55 The Early And Later Rain. Prayer And Work.
02:59 Goals For Prayer. Praying Through Silent Prayer.
03:03 Why Pray If God Already Knows.
03:05 And so much more.
03:07 So I want to encourage you now to please obtain your materials
03:10 as soon as you possibly can.
03:12 Now one of the things that we'd like to do
03:15 before we begin our seminar series and that I'd like to
03:19 just take a little brief survey.
03:20 I'd like to share with you some of the important aspects
03:23 of the prayer seminar that we're going to be going through.
03:26 Now I want you to look at the questions as you see them
03:30 appear on the screen and I just want you to answer yes or no
03:34 to help you to see why prayer is so important.
03:38 Now this prayer survey has only ten questions.
03:42 And the Bible has a very important text of scripture
03:45 that we need to remember.
03:47 It says in 2 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5,
03:50 "Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith.
03:54 Prove your own selves.
03:56 Know ye not your own selves how that
03:57 Jesus Christ is in you. "
03:59 So beloved, we want to look at our knowledge and
04:02 understanding of prayer to see where do we fit in.
04:05 Notice now the first question.
04:14 Question number two.
04:19 I just want you to answer yes or no on each question.
04:27 Would you believe how so many people do not know how to
04:31 approach God in prayer.
04:33 And this is a very important thought that needs
04:36 to be understood.
04:42 So many people do not have a set time for prayer.
04:46 They're busy doing other things.
04:55 Notice now, that other question was do you have a
04:57 set time for prayer.
05:12 Oh yes, that's a very important question.
05:26 That's very important, I want you to grasp that question.
05:31 So many people pray without their Bibles.
05:34 And I'm going to share with you why it's so important
05:37 that you learn how to pray with your Bible.
05:41 That's very important.
05:47 Now quite naturally, this is for those families with children.
05:52 But I want to encourage mothers and fathers
05:55 that your children need to learn how to pray.
05:59 They need to learn the importance of prayer.
06:15 That's a very important point.
06:20 Do you come aside on a daily basis;
06:22 father, mother, and children, or just the husband and wife, and
06:26 you spend some time in prayer together each day, twice a day.
06:30 Beloved, that's a very important point.
06:33 We want to stress the important of that during
06:35 this special series.
06:51 I want you to grasp these important questions.
06:54 Because, you see, this survey helps you to see the important
06:57 aspects of learning how to pray.
06:59 And we're going to cover all ten of these questions
07:02 as we go throughout this particular series.
07:06 Now as I said to you, the Bible is one of the essential
07:12 items that we're going to use in this seminar presentation.
07:17 And the Bible is the word of God.
07:20 I want you to look in your Bible at Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12.
07:26 Hebrews 4:12, the Bible says, "The word of God is quick
07:32 and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword,
07:36 piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
07:40 and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
07:43 thoughts and intents of the heart. "
07:45 The Bible is like a sword, but the Bible
07:49 has transforming power.
07:51 It has what we need.
07:53 It's like a guide book, it's like a map that helps us
07:59 to see as we travel down life's highway.
08:03 And so we want to follow the Biblical teaching
08:06 on the science of prayer.
08:08 Notice also what the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 17.
08:15 A very important text of scripture.
08:17 I trust and pray now that you have your Bibles
08:20 and that you are reading these scriptures right along with me.
08:26 It says, "And take the helmet of salvation,
08:29 and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. "
08:34 So we need to take the word of God, we're going to study it,
08:37 we're going to read it, and we're going to apply these
08:41 Biblical principles on prayer to our lifestyles.
08:44 We're going to learn how to pray on a regular basis.
08:47 We're going to learn how to approach God in prayer.
08:52 We're going to have a set time in prayer.
08:55 We're going to have a special place in our home for prayer.
08:59 We're going to learn how to pray effectual
09:02 fervent prayers to God.
09:04 We're also going to learn how to conduct family worship.
09:07 We're going to teach our children how to talk
09:10 to God in prayer.
09:11 We're going to fully understand God's plan of salvation
09:15 and how prayer fits in.
09:17 It's one of the most important aspects of your
09:21 relationship with Jesus Christ.
09:23 You see, prayer is fellowship with God.
09:26 Prayer is communion with God.
09:30 Prayer is talking to God as you would to a very close friend.
09:35 Prayer is dialog between two people who love each other.
09:39 And so we want to cultivate this, beloved, because
09:42 I believe that so many people have forgotten the skill and
09:46 the art and the importance of learning how to pray.
09:50 This is very important and I just can't stress just how
09:58 serious it is that we learn how to pray.
10:01 Now as I said earlier, there's power in the word of God and
10:05 we're going to learn how to talk to God using the scriptures.
10:10 And this is so important.
10:12 Because, you see, the Bible says in Romans 12:1-2,
10:17 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God
10:20 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
10:24 acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
10:27 And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed
10:30 by the renewing of your mind. "
10:33 Notice what that text says.
10:34 It says that the Bible, the word of God, can renew our minds.
10:40 It can help us to establish a mind set for prayer.
10:45 We can learn how to appreciate prayer.
10:48 And I believe that as we begin this special series that
10:52 you're going to be blessed, your home is going to be blessed,
10:55 the people that you associate from day to day are going to
10:59 see a change in your life.
11:01 Because as we just read in this text of scripture,
11:03 especially in Romans 12:2, that you're going to be
11:07 transformed by the renewing of your mind.
11:09 And other people are going to know that you
11:12 have been with Jesus.
11:13 Now this is very important because, you see,
11:16 Jesus said something very important about our using and
11:20 studying the word of God.
11:21 Jesus Himself said in Matthew 4:4 a very important point.
11:27 And I don't want us to miss it because, you see,
11:29 we are getting ready for prayer.
11:32 And I want to make sure that you have all of the
11:34 basic essentials intact.
11:36 The Bible says in Matthew 4:4,
11:50 Now notice, the Bible is like a loaf of bread.
11:54 And every slice is a promise from God to nourish us
11:58 physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially.
12:03 So we need to study the word of God and we want to
12:06 apply it to all four aspects of our lives.
12:10 Notice what the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15.
12:20 The Bible says, "Study to show thyself approved unto God,
12:23 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
12:26 rightly dividing the word of truth. "
12:28 So we're going to be following the Bible teaching on prayer.
12:32 And the Bible says we should study to show ourselves
12:34 approved unto God.
12:36 Because prayer is always given to God.
12:40 Beloved, I know that you're going to be blessed
12:43 as you participate with us in this special prayer series.
12:47 Also now, the Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:15-17
12:53 some other Biblical counsel that is pertinent to our
12:57 getting into this prayer series.
13:00 It says in 2 Timothy 3 beginning in verse 15,
13:04 "And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures,
13:07 which are able to make thee wise unto salvation
13:10 through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
13:12 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God
13:15 and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for corrections,
13:19 for instruction in righteousness,
13:21 that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished
13:24 unto all good works. "
13:26 So beloved, we want to make sure that we follow the Biblical
13:30 counsel and teaching on prayer.
13:33 And we're going to find out that as we search the scriptures
13:36 and as we apply the promises of God to our physical,
13:40 mental, social, and spiritual being that God is going to
13:44 bless us in a marvelous way.
13:46 Now one of the things that I don't want you to forget,
13:50 there's a special habit that I want you to do.
13:54 I want you to learn how to pray with your Bible.
13:58 That's right.
13:59 I want you to learn how to pray with your Bible.
14:04 So many times now, you know it's good to memorize scripture
14:08 and pray from memory.
14:10 But now, when you are in secret prayer with God alone
14:15 you can have your Bible right with you.
14:17 Because, you see, as you talk to God and as you use the
14:21 promises in the word of God, He wants to talk back to you.
14:25 And many times, He's going to inspire you to turn to a certain
14:28 verse in the Bible because God wants to talk
14:32 to you and I as well.
14:33 Because as I said, prayer is a dialog between two people
14:37 who love each other.
14:39 You will talk to God and He will listen.
14:42 And then God's going to talk to you and you're going to listen.
14:46 So we need to have the Bible close by our side.
14:50 Now did you know that there are over 3500 Bible promises
14:55 in the Bible?
14:57 And I believe, beloved, that each promise can relate to
15:01 whatever situation that you and I may find ourselves in.
15:05 And we want to get into the habit of following God's counsel
15:08 and bring all of our concerns to Him.
15:10 Because we need to remember now, Jesus said in Matthew 11
15:16 looking at verses 28- 30, "Come unto Me all ye that labor
15:22 and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
15:25 It was Jesus who counseled and instructed us in John 14:13.
15:32 He said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name,
15:35 that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
15:39 If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it. "
15:43 That was John chapter 14 verses 13 and 14.
15:48 So we want to develop the habit of praying with our Bibles.
15:53 We want to follow the counsel that Jesus said.
15:56 Because, you see, I believe that it's so important for you and I
16:00 to develop an attitude of trust.
16:03 And the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6,
16:09 that's Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6,
16:13 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not
16:18 unto thine own understanding.
16:19 In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. "
16:24 It's so important, beloved, that we learn to trust God.
16:28 Notice now that as we begin to apply the Bible promises
16:33 to our lives...
16:35 Remember now, there's four aspects to our lives.
16:37 There's the physical, there's the mental,
16:40 there's the social, and then there's the spiritual.
16:43 So there are four aspects to our lives.
16:45 And there are Bible promises that can relate
16:49 to each particular area.
16:51 For instance now, maybe you need a promise
16:54 concerning salvation for your children.
16:58 Well, you can claim the promise in Isaiah chapter 49 verse 25.
17:04 Notice what this special Bible promise says in Isaiah 49:25.
17:10 The Bible says, "Even thus saith the Lord, 'Even the captives
17:14 of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the
17:17 terrible shall be delivered.
17:19 For I will contend with him that contendeth with you
17:22 and I will save thy children. '"
17:25 Notice now, God has a promise in the Bible
17:28 that relates to your children.
17:30 And God promises to save our children.
17:33 But you see, we need to develop a habit of bringing our children
17:37 to God in prayer.
17:38 We need to pray about our children.
17:41 And I'm sure that you are concerned about your son,
17:45 your daughter, or perhaps your husband, your wife,
17:49 nephews and nieces, and your grandparents, your loved ones,
17:52 close associates.
17:53 There are Bible promises relative to them.
17:56 Perhaps you are fearful, maybe you are afraid of something.
18:01 And, you know, we all have certain fears.
18:03 But did you not know that there is a Bible promise
18:06 relative to being fearful.
18:08 The Bible says in Psalm 34 verse 4...
18:12 I simply want you to see how we must develop a habit
18:16 of finding scripture references that will apply to our problems.
18:20 Bringing them to God in prayer.
18:22 Psalm 34 verse 4, the Bible says,
18:25 "I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me
18:29 from all my fears. "
18:31 Notice now, God says bring that fear to Him in prayer
18:34 and He will, not only hear your prayers,
18:37 but He will deliver you.
18:39 And I think that is so important for you and I to remember.
18:43 Then also another promise relative to fear is
18:45 Isaiah chapter 41 verse 13.
18:48 Now perhaps you may need a promise
18:51 dealing with forgiveness.
18:52 Well beloved, I want you to know there is a special promise
18:56 in the Bible relative to forgiveness,
18:59 receiving forgiveness.
19:00 The Bible says in Luke chapter 6 verse 37,
19:04 it was Jesus, He said, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged;
19:09 condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned;
19:14 forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. "
19:17 Notice now, the Bible gives a promise that as you forgive
19:20 others, you will also be forgiven yourself.
19:23 That's a beautiful promise.
19:24 That God will forgive me even as I forgive other people
19:29 for things that have been done to me.
19:32 The Bible also says in Psalm 130 verse 4,
19:41 notice what this text says, "But there is forgiveness
19:44 with thee, that thou mayest be feared. "
19:46 So we can receive forgiveness for whatever we've done.
19:51 And there is another promise that I don't want to leave out.
19:54 Because, you see, God promises to do something for you and I.
19:58 It's in Isaiah chapter 55 and it's found in verse 7.
20:03 Isaiah 55 verses 6 and 7.
20:07 It says, "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found,
20:10 call ye upon Him while He is near.
20:12 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man
20:15 his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord and he will have
20:19 mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. "
20:23 And we can praise God for those special promises.
20:27 Now there's something that we want to cultivate, as we
20:30 mentioned in the survey.
20:32 We want to develop a habit of the family coming together
20:37 for family worship twice a day; in the morning and
20:42 in the evening.
20:43 It's so important for the family to come together
20:46 and to develop a habit of praying together.
20:50 You see, the family will grow holistically when this type of
20:54 praying is developed.
20:55 The husband, wife, and children learn
20:58 spiritual values early in life.
21:01 They're going to find out what is important about honesty and
21:05 obedience, trust, love, faith, worth, humility, and so forth.
21:10 You see, these are important qualities that we want to
21:13 instill in the family.
21:15 And prayer is a key element in establishing that.
21:20 So we're going to be talking about family worship.
21:22 Because, you see, it's so important for the family to
21:25 come together, and the father to pick up his Bible and to read
21:30 a portion of scripture and just give a brief explanation
21:34 on that scripture.
21:35 Perhaps to sing a song and just to thank God for what has
21:41 transpired during that day.
21:42 And then to take prayer requests from the participants
21:46 and then to close out in prayer.
21:48 We need to develop a habit of having family worship.
21:53 And I believe that as we have family worship
21:57 that it will turn the tide of so much of the evil
22:02 and the problems concerning violence and substance abuse
22:06 and so many other problems that we see in our world.
22:09 I believe that prayer is a crime deterrent.
22:12 You see, it is impossible to sin and pray at the same time.
22:17 And I believe that as we teach our children how to pray
22:21 that they will grow up to be responsible citizens
22:24 of our country, of our government, but also be
22:30 servants of the most high God.
22:32 Now there are certain things that a family is going to learn
22:37 concerning prayer.
22:38 You see, prayer is answered in several ways.
22:42 And I want to make sure that you understand that
22:44 because, you see, this is very important.
22:46 Remember now, God says "yes," God says "no,"
22:50 and also God says "wait," through several methods.
22:54 Notice now, I said God can say "yes," God can say "no,"
22:59 and God can also say "wait. "
23:02 But now, He does it through an understanding of the Bible
23:05 the strengthening of your inner life,
23:08 a change in an attitude, the cooperation of other people,
23:12 by answering their own prayers, the miraculous intervention
23:16 of God, and an understanding of the spirit of prophecy.
23:19 So you see, God has a number of ways of answering your prayers.
23:24 But one thing is for sure.
23:26 You will always get an answer.
23:28 It's going to be "yes," it's going to be "no,"
23:31 or it's going to be "wait. "
23:34 So remember that, beloved, that as we conduct this special
23:38 prayer series, we're going to be discussing all these
23:41 important aspects.
23:43 Remember now, as we said already now, we're going to
23:45 develop a habit of bringing the family together
23:48 for family worship, for the reading of the Bible
23:51 and singing a song.
23:52 A brief comment on the reading, taking prayer requests,
23:56 and then spending time in prayer together as a family.
24:00 I trust and pray now that you have been blessed as we
24:04 have began the first program on this special seminar series.
24:09 We want you to remember the importance, now, as we stated
24:13 earlier, of getting a pen or a pencil, a notebook paper,
24:19 keep it close by the television set, and your Bible.
24:22 Because we don't want you to miss not one program.
24:25 This is the first program of a twelve part series
24:29 on the dynamics and the science of prayer.
24:31 I'm your host, Pastor Tyrone Phillips.
24:34 And I believe that God is going to bless us
24:36 as we learn how to pray, how to approach God in prayer,
24:40 hot to claim the promises in the word of God,
24:46 how to exercise faith in God and to know that what God promises
24:51 to do, He will do.
24:52 Remember this, beloved, there is one thing God cannot do.
24:56 And that is, God cannot fail.
24:59 We need to learn to put our faith and our trust in Him.
25:03 And so we're going to study the word of God.
25:04 We're going to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
25:08 The Bible says in John chapter 14 verse 6,
25:11 "I am the way, the truth, and the life;
25:14 no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. "
25:17 Remember now, this special twelve part series
25:22 entitled, Dynamics In The Science of Prayer,
25:24 is based on the word of God and following the example
25:28 of Jesus Christ in prayer.
25:30 We want you, beloved, to develop this habit
25:32 of studying your Bible, reading your Bible,
25:36 and praying with your Bible.
25:38 Remember now, Jesus said in John chapter 5 verse 39,
25:42 "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have
25:46 eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. "
25:50 Jesus said, once again as I said, in John 14 verse 6,
25:53 "I am the way, the truth, and the life;
25:56 no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. "
25:59 We're going to follow the example of Jesus.
26:02 We're going to look at His prayer life.
26:04 We're going to also look at the ministry of Jesus.
26:07 We're going to look at what happened in the
26:09 Garden of Gethsemane and during the trial.
26:12 But also, beloved, what happened when Jesus ascended up into
26:15 heaven, and what Jesus is doing now.
26:17 And what should you and I be doing as Jesus, Himself,
26:21 is standing before the Father praying on our behalf.
26:25 Beloved, I know you don't want to miss these special programs.
26:29 So we want to thank you so much for spending time with us
26:33 and learning how to pray, getting this thing initiated.
26:36 We want you to tell a friend about this
26:39 special prayer series.
26:40 And if you would like for us to come into your area
26:42 and conduct this timely seminar, please write or call us:
27:05 Let's bow our heads in a closing prayer.
27:10 Our loving Father, please show us what to say,
27:14 do teach us how to pray, that Jesus may be our
27:18 truth, life, and way.
27:20 Keep our viewing audience safe by night and day.
27:23 Daily, loving Father, we come to You in haste
27:27 to receive Your mercy, pardon, and grace.
27:30 In Jesus' name, amen.
27:32 We do thank you, beloved, for viewing in
27:36 and watching this special seminar series.
27:39 Stay tuned for our next program which is entitled,
27:43 The Reason For Prayer.
27:45 May God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17