A survey was taken just a few years ago 00:00:08.10\00:00:12.14 where they asked people of various ages to describe 00:00:12.14\00:00:16.14 what they think Heaven is like 00:00:16.14\00:00:20.15 I want you to notice this varying responses. When a 00:00:20.15\00:00:24.15 college student was asked the question, he said Heaven 00:00:24.15\00:00:28.16 That was his perception of Heaven, when a middle aged woman 00:00:36.16\00:00:40.17 was asked the same question. she said well "Heaven is a state 00:00:40.17\00:00:44.17 mind It's like an iiner peace; It's a state of 00:00:44.17\00:00:48.21 calm." she wasn't able to picture it as a real place 00:00:48.21\00:00:52.21 When a question like this was asked to successful business 00:00:52.21\00:00:56.22 man he responed by says 00:00:56.22\00:01:00.32 To Him his heaven was right here on this earth, when another 00:01:08.46\00:01:12.47 person was asked this question such as a skeptic he answer was 00:01:12.47\00:01:16.47 and finialy an elderly couple resonded by saying 00:01:24.38\00:01:28.15 Well friends I want to tell you 00:01:36.69\00:01:40.70 we don't have to hope that Heaven is true, we don't have to 00:01:40.70\00:01:44.67 hope Heaven that is a real place because word of God is give us 00:01:44.67\00:01:48.70 the absolute assurance the Jesus is preparing a 00:01:48.70\00:01:52.71 place for for us. Can you says amen? So the question would be 00:01:52.71\00:01:56.71 what is Heaven really like? Not according to the 00:01:56.71\00:02:00.82 tradition of the middle ages, now according to what man thinks 00:02:00.82\00:02:04.82 but according the Bible says and so tonight 00:02:04.82\00:02:08.82 we're just going to open up Isaiah and Revelation 00:02:08.82\00:02:12.86 and different prophetic portions and we are going explore 00:02:12.86\00:02:16.87 How does God describe this place, that we call 00:02:16.87\00:02:20.87 Heaven. Now tonight I have given you a break, because every 00:02:20.87\00:02:24.91 single test that we are going to look up I've actually written 00:02:24.91\00:02:28.91 out on the screen for you all the last 22 nights, I have only 00:02:28.91\00:02:32.95 given you most of the time the references, this time they're 00:02:32.95\00:02:36.95 all written out but if you have your Bible, I would still encourage you to follow along 00:02:36.95\00:02:40.99 with me. So we are going to start in Acts chapter 3 in just 00:02:40.99\00:02:44.99 a munite. But I want to show picture of the US treasurer 00:02:44.99\00:02:49.00 building Now if you have been there, it is in Washington D.C. 00:02:49.00\00:02:53.00 and I'm told there are 1,800 doors in 00:02:53.00\00:02:57.01 this building along. Can you imagine how long it take the 00:02:57.01\00:03:01.11 janitor to clean this place. But the supernatant no dought 00:03:01.11\00:03:05.11 has one master key that can up all 1,800 doors 00:03:05.11\00:03:09.15 But you know God has a master as well 00:03:09.15\00:03:13.15 and that master key is the Bible. Can you say amen? 00:03:13.15\00:03:17.19 And this Book going to describe for us want 00:03:17.19\00:03:21.20 Heaven is like and why God has prepared for 00:03:21.20\00:03:25.20 a people for which He has unconditional love 00:03:25.20\00:03:29.24 Acts chapter 3 gives us a promise that there 00:03:29.24\00:03:33.24 day of restoration coming, i would like you to follow with 00:03:33.24\00:03:37.28 me. Act chapter 3 and verse 20 the Bible says: 00:03:37.28\00:03:41.28 See from the very beginning when sin entered this world 00:04:01.40\00:04:05.41 God had given many prophecies promising 00:04:05.41\00:04:09.41 that He would one day restore all things 00:04:09.41\00:04:13.42 to the perfection of the Garden of Eden an no matter what 00:04:13.42\00:04:17.42 may happen to me in this world, no matter how awful 00:04:17.42\00:04:21.42 and chaotic things maybe I have the promise from the word 00:04:21.42\00:04:25.46 God that there coming when God restore 00:04:25.46\00:04:29.46 all things to be new again. See when you go back 00:04:29.46\00:04:33.47 to the book of Genesis, you read that sad story 00:04:33.47\00:04:37.47 of how sin first entered. I was Adam and Ave 00:04:37.47\00:04:41.48 chose not to trust God and they eat of this 00:04:41.48\00:04:45.48 forbidden fruit, it turn this world over in 00:04:45.48\00:04:49.48 a sense to Satan control, in a sense it open the 00:04:49.48\00:04:53.49 door not only for sin, but everything that comes with it 00:04:53.49\00:04:57.49 suffering, and pain, and sorrow, 00:04:57.49\00:05:01.56 injustices and all kinds of unfair things. Mankind was 00:05:01.56\00:05:05.53 traped in a world of sin, in fact 00:05:05.53\00:05:09.54 it wasn't to long after that if you read Genesis chapter 3 00:05:09.54\00:05:13.58 from the beginning God gave them a promise, God said the seed of 00:05:13.58\00:05:17.58 of the woman would come to restore all thing. Do you who 00:05:17.58\00:05:21.58 that seed of the woman was? That is referring to Jesus Christ 00:05:21.58\00:05:25.59 and even all the back in the book of Genesis God instituted 00:05:25.59\00:05:29.59 a system of sacrifices not as elaborate as 00:05:29.59\00:05:33.60 in the time of the Israelites but Adam and Eve saw 00:05:33.60\00:05:37.60 animal or lamb that would have been slain to them it was 00:05:37.60\00:05:41.60 a reminder of how horrible sin is of what sin 00:05:41.60\00:05:45.61 has sin done to this planet by bring death and woe 00:05:45.61\00:05:49.61 but it was also an encouragement that one day the 00:05:49.61\00:05:53.62 true Lamd of God would come, that seed of the woman 00:05:53.62\00:05:57.62 would pay the price for sin would give us 00:05:57.62\00:06:01.69 His righteousness so that we can live in a perfect 00:06:01.69\00:06:05.73 world ounce again and all that is possible because of what 00:06:05.73\00:06:09.66 Jesus has done for us. Amen? happiness would be restored 00:06:09.66\00:06:13.70 perfection would be restored joy 00:06:13.70\00:06:17.71 would be restored on the face od the earth and no matter what 00:06:17.71\00:06:21.71 happens in my life that is always somethings 00:06:21.71\00:06:25.71 that I have to look forward to. Lets go to the book of 00:06:25.71\00:06:29.72 Hebrews chapter 11 and notice and you notice some 00:06:29.72\00:06:33.72 things that God has written. Now I notice that it is raining rather hard outside 00:06:33.72\00:06:37.73 can you still hear me with mic on here? No problem with sound 00:06:37.73\00:06:41.73 ok Hebrews 11 chapter 10 the Bible says 00:06:41.73\00:06:45.70 Speaking of Abraham 00:06:45.70\00:06:49.70 See Abraham knew this world was not his home 00:06:57.75\00:07:01.82 even though God had promise to make out of him a great 00:07:01.82\00:07:05.82 nation from his descendants, Abraham new even that nation 00:07:05.82\00:07:09.82 would not last for ever on the on this earth because Abraham 00:07:09.82\00:07:13.83 knew there was a time when God would create a city 00:07:13.83\00:07:17.80 when He would be the builder and maker and 00:07:17.80\00:07:21.80 Abraham lived in faith and trusted God for when that 00:07:21.80\00:07:25.81 time would come. But you that promise is not just 00:07:25.81\00:07:29.84 for Abraham that promise is for every person 00:07:29.84\00:07:33.85 who chooses to put their faith in God. in fact 00:07:33.85\00:07:37.85 you can go all through out the Bible and you see these different characters 00:07:37.85\00:07:41.86 men, women, and children who were looking 00:07:41.86\00:07:45.86 forward to a better place, let's take look at Moses 00:07:45.86\00:07:49.83 Hebrews says of Moses, the Bible says: 00:07:49.83\00:07:53.84 Do you understand what that is saying? 00:08:17.96\00:08:21.93 Even Moses understood 00:08:21.93\00:08:25.93 that he not want to live with this pagan empire of egypt 00:08:25.93\00:08:29.94 a nation that would pull him away from the God of heaven 00:08:29.94\00:08:33.94 he was willing to let go of power 00:08:33.94\00:08:37.95 fame, fortune all kinds of fortune 00:08:37.95\00:08:41.98 to be able to go back to God's people the Hebrews 00:08:41.98\00:08:45.99 to suffer an affliction to live almost in 00:08:45.99\00:08:49.99 slavery, he gave all that up, and of course eventually the 00:08:49.99\00:08:54.00 time came when he kill two egyptian and really he was banished for almost 00:08:54.00\00:08:57.97 40 years but then God used him to set the 00:08:57.97\00:09:02.04 israelites free he gave up everything egypt because 00:09:02.04\00:09:06.07 he want to be with people of God. Hebrews says 00:09:06.07\00:09:10.08 he was looking to the reward that reward 00:09:10.08\00:09:14.08 would have been heaven. in fact Hebrews discribes 00:09:14.08\00:09:18.09 so many people who were looking the 00:09:18.09\00:09:22.09 Heavenly country, in Hebrews 11: 13 the Bible goes on the say 00:09:22.09\00:09:26.59 Do you catch what Hebrews is saying here? 00:09:59.23\00:10:03.00 You go back in this vesre, they all realized they 00:10:03.00\00:10:07.07 were strangers and pilgrims here we realize that we 00:10:07.07\00:10:11.11 are not to live is a sinful 00:10:11.11\00:10:15.14 sorrowful woeful earth forever We ota say amen 00:10:15.14\00:10:19.15 ot that. That was not Gods plan we are strangers to that 00:10:19.15\00:10:23.15 we pilgrims we are not going to be any sinful place 00:10:23.15\00:10:27.16 for eternity and so just like these characters of the Bible 00:10:27.16\00:10:31.16 you and I look forward to a heavenly 00:10:31.16\00:10:35.16 country. See that means when I turn the television 00:10:35.16\00:10:39.17 and I see a terrorist bomb that has gone off in some part 00:10:39.17\00:10:43.17 world I"m reminded this world is not my home 00:10:43.17\00:10:47.18 when I see pictures of children lying in 00:10:47.18\00:10:51.18 a cancer ward dieing of leukemia a seven year 00:10:51.18\00:10:55.18 old it is a reminder this world is not my 00:10:55.18\00:10:59.19 home this is not the way God designed 00:10:59.19\00:11:03.26 to be when stories of teenagers injecting 00:11:03.26\00:11:07.23 heroine into their vines and snorting cocaine up their 00:11:07.23\00:11:11.23 nostrils destroying both mind and body 00:11:11.23\00:11:15.24 ruining the vigour of their youth it's reminder to me 00:11:15.24\00:11:19.24 this world is not my home 00:11:19.24\00:11:23.28 When I picture of young couple lying in the 00:11:23.28\00:11:27.28 maternity ward, sorrowful dejected 00:11:27.28\00:11:31.29 and crying because they lost their baby in child birth 00:11:31.29\00:11:35.29 it is another sad reminder this world 00:11:35.29\00:11:39.29 is not may home. When you here about faithful 00:11:39.29\00:11:43.26 wife and mother of twenty five years, took care of her 00:11:43.26\00:11:47.27 husband, raised her children but after 25 years 00:11:47.27\00:11:51.27 of marriage her husband runs of with the secretary 00:11:51.27\00:11:55.28 it is a reminder this world is not fair, this world 00:11:55.28\00:11:59.31 just and this world is not home When 00:11:59.31\00:12:03.39 I stories of tsunami and natural disasters 00:12:03.39\00:12:07.39 in all corner of the globe it's another reminder to me 00:12:07.39\00:12:11.39 that this world is not my permanent I am 00:12:11.39\00:12:15.36 stranger I am pilgrim here I look forward to a 00:12:15.36\00:12:19.37 heaven place. Can you say amen to that? And that not a promise 00:12:19.37\00:12:23.37 just for me that is promise you and all those who put their in 00:12:23.37\00:12:27.38 faith in Jesus Christ is world is not 00:12:27.38\00:12:31.38 our home. When I see pictures 00:12:31.38\00:12:35.42 of with distended bellies living in poverty 00:12:35.42\00:12:39.42 starving India or Africa some of the third world 00:12:39.42\00:12:43.43 countries it is a stark reminder this is not 00:12:43.43\00:12:47.40 the way God wanted it to be and this world is not 00:12:47.40\00:12:51.40 my home. Hebrews goes on to say 00:12:51.40\00:12:55.40 this Hebrews 11:16 the Bible says: 00:12:55.40\00:12:59.41 Therefore God is not ashamed (what is God 00:12:59.41\00:13:03.48 not?) o be called their God, 00:13:03.48\00:13:07.52 for He has prepared a city for them. I want you think 00:13:07.52\00:13:11.52 about what that says. The world maybe ashamed of God's 00:13:11.52\00:13:15.52 people the world may say well there are too religious 00:13:15.52\00:13:19.53 there are fanatical they bring positive to the plate 00:13:19.53\00:13:23.50 The world may look at single mother and say 00:13:23.50\00:13:27.50 she'll never amount to anything she has never invented anything 00:13:27.50\00:13:31.51 for the good society she doen't have a big bank account she 00:13:31.51\00:13:35.51 hasn't crearted fortune 500 business 00:13:35.51\00:13:39.51 and the world maybe ashamed of her but God says 00:13:39.51\00:13:43.55 when it comes to his people who have suffered affliction who 00:13:43.55\00:13:47.52 suffered sorrow and gone through all sort of thing though the 00:13:47.52\00:13:51.53 world may persecute them in the end God will stand and say 00:13:51.53\00:13:55.53 I am not ashamed of my people I am not ashamed of that 00:13:55.53\00:13:59.53 single mother strugling but has been faithful God I am not 00:13:59.53\00:14:03.61 ashamed of that teenager who grew up in difficult situation 00:14:03.61\00:14:07.61 but they faithful possible can the world may 00:14:07.61\00:14:11.61 reproach them but my God says that He ashamed 00:14:11.61\00:14:15.62 of his people. Amen? And they has prepared a 00:14:15.62\00:14:19.65 city for them. The story is told of 00:14:19.65\00:14:23.66 Marco Polo now in your history classes I going to assume how 00:14:23.66\00:14:27.66 many you ever heard of Marco Polo, can I see your hands he 00:14:27.66\00:14:31.63 was the Italian explorer that spend nearly twenty years 00:14:31.63\00:14:35.64 over in the Orient near China and when He came back home 00:14:35.64\00:14:39.64 He had incredible stories to tell of 00:14:39.64\00:14:43.65 which most people did believe him, when he came back 00:14:43.65\00:14:47.68 he tried to describe for them black rock that burned 00:14:47.68\00:14:51.65 with fire but were not consumed they thought 00:14:51.65\00:14:55.69 He was lying because they never seen coal before 00:14:55.69\00:14:59.69 he describe for them cloth that you could throw in the 00:14:59.69\00:15:03.73 fire but it would burned up and they thought he was 00:15:03.73\00:15:07.74 telling an incredible tale because they had never seen 00:15:07.74\00:15:11.74 asbestos before he tried to describe for them 00:15:11.74\00:15:15.74 serpents 10 paces long with jaws 00:15:15.74\00:15:19.75 big enough to swallow a small man and they 00:15:19.75\00:15:23.75 thought he was making it up because they never seen 00:15:23.75\00:15:27.79 crocodile's He told them about nuts that were a big as 00:15:27.79\00:15:31.79 as man hands hand they thought that Marco Polo was 00:15:31.79\00:15:35.76 a big white lie because they had never seen 00:15:35.76\00:15:39.77 coconut and we told that when Marco Polo was 00:15:39.77\00:15:43.77 on his death bed a devout religious tried to get 00:15:43.77\00:15:47.78 him confess all the tales the told so that could 00:15:47.78\00:15:51.78 right with God when died and Marco Polo and answered him 00:15:51.78\00:15:55.78 and said it is all true every bit of it is 00:15:55.78\00:15:59.82 true in fact the half has not been told 00:15:59.82\00:16:03.89 See people couldn't imagine it because they never saw ti 00:16:03.89\00:16:07.86 and in one reality that is true when it come to the kingdom of 00:16:07.86\00:16:11.90 heaven The Bible does it best to describe it for us in 00:16:11.90\00:16:15.87 human language but true is the half of it has 00:16:15.87\00:16:19.87 not been told. In 1st Corinthians chapter 2 00:16:19.87\00:16:23.88 notice what Paul says when kinda introduces this subject 00:16:23.88\00:16:27.88 The Bible says: But as 00:16:27.88\00:16:31.89 it is written: "EYE HAS NOT SEEN, NOR 00:16:31.89\00:16:35.89 NOR HAVE ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN 00:16:35.89\00:16:39.93 THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS PREPARED FOR (who?) 00:16:39.93\00:16:43.90 FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." see even the Bible warns 00:16:43.90\00:16:47.90 us our eyes have never laid eyes on the things 00:16:47.90\00:16:51.91 of heaven we have never truely what God has 00:16:51.91\00:16:55.91 prepared for us we can't even begin imagine it 00:16:55.91\00:16:59.91 even as we read John's description in Revelation 00:16:59.91\00:17:03.99 in just a few minutes you find very clearly that sometimes 00:17:03.99\00:17:08.02 John was lost words I mean he tried his 00:17:08.02\00:17:12.03 best in his human limations to try 00:17:12.03\00:17:16.00 to put on paper things he saw things he 00:17:16.00\00:17:20.00 that never saw and he tying to describe it can you imagine that 00:17:20.00\00:17:24.01 I mean the limitations of human language and capability 00:17:24.01\00:17:28.01 John and Isaiah and others in the Bible 00:17:28.01\00:17:32.05 did the absolute best they could but we to understand 00:17:32.05\00:17:36.05 the half as truly not been told just yet 00:17:36.05\00:17:40.06 we won't fully understand until we see with our 00:17:40.06\00:17:44.06 own eyes in the kingdom of heaven so let's 00:17:44.06\00:17:48.03 begin with something John said in Revelation 21 00:17:48.03\00:17:52.03 let's start in verse 1 The Bible says; 00:17:52.03\00:17:56.04 Now let me ask you 00:18:16.16\00:18:20.16 a question the best that John could seemingly 00:18:20.16\00:18:24.13 describe the gloires of heaven is by comparing 00:18:24.13\00:18:28.14 it to a woman a bride on her wedding day 00:18:28.14\00:18:32.17 now you when think back to the days we were 00:18:32.17\00:18:36.14 married for some that might recent you know for some that 00:18:36.14\00:18:40.18 might a little future back but I we were married about 19 00:18:40.18\00:18:44.19 ago and you know if there is any day 00:18:44.19\00:18:48.19 in a woman existence when she wants to look her 00:18:48.19\00:18:52.19 absolute best when she wants look as 00:18:52.19\00:18:56.16 perfect as is humanly possible, what day to suppose that going 00:18:56.16\00:19:00.24 to be That going to be her wedding day 00:19:00.24\00:19:04.24 because that is a special day for the woman now I know is a 00:19:04.24\00:19:08.24 special for groom too, but know the old adage they say this the 00:19:08.24\00:19:12.25 this the day for the bride, you know you think about it 00:19:12.25\00:19:16.25 how much time do you bride spends preparing for her 00:19:16.25\00:19:20.29 wedding day picking out the dress and everything that is 00:19:20.29\00:19:24.29 going to wear do you they do that in just an hour? probably 00:19:24.29\00:19:28.26 not she gathers together maybe mother maybe all of her friends 00:19:28.26\00:19:32.27 and bridesmaid and they go shopping together and then on 00:19:32.27\00:19:36.27 the day of the wedding who do think gets up first? the bride 00:19:36.27\00:19:40.28 or groom what you think? Oh it is going to be the bride. The bride probable gets 00:19:40.28\00:19:44.28 up early in the morning has all her girl friends come along with 00:19:44.28\00:19:48.28 her and for hours they will spend time making the dress 00:19:48.28\00:19:52.29 just right ah primping the hair, maybe putting on a little 00:19:52.29\00:19:56.32 makeup everything they can do to get her as perfect 00:19:56.32\00:20:00.33 beautiful as posable and what do you think the groom 00:20:00.33\00:20:04.30 does? Well I can assure you he doen't get his guy friends 00:20:04.30\00:20:08.30 coming into the room and help him get his hair ready and helping him get dressed 00:20:08.30\00:20:12.31 I certainly wouldn't that now us guys sure we what look our best 00:20:12.31\00:20:16.31 we don't quite bring everyone into the room help us 00:20:16.31\00:20:20.32 can you guys say amen you know God made man a little bit 00:20:20.32\00:20:24.32 different we let women have their fun so really the woman 00:20:24.32\00:20:28.32 the bride the whole day is the experience but if we are honest 00:20:28.32\00:20:32.36 what part of the day is the groom looking forward to 00:20:32.36\00:20:36.33 you don't says it, he is looking forward the honeymoon 00:20:36.33\00:20:40.34 but know thats OK because they're married and there're husband and wife, can you say 00:20:40.34\00:20:44.34 amen? A bribe beautiful adorned for 00:20:44.34\00:20:48.34 husband that's how heaven is described 00:20:48.34\00:20:52.38 to you and me and so if a bribe goes through such 00:20:52.38\00:20:56.38 effort to prepare herself for her husband 00:20:56.38\00:21:00.46 how much effort is our prefect creator 00:21:00.46\00:21:04.46 God putting forth to prepare a place 00:21:04.46\00:21:08.43 that is for you and me, that tells me how much 00:21:08.43\00:21:12.43 He must love us. See as the Holy City 00:21:12.43\00:21:16.44 descends to the remade earth it's really ment to be most 00:21:16.44\00:21:20.44 festive event in the universe God is coming 00:21:20.44\00:21:24.45 to remake this earth to live with us 00:21:24.45\00:21:28.45 God has been separated from us long enough He wants to be 00:21:28.45\00:21:32.45 us forever Revelation 21:14 00:21:32.45\00:21:36.49 John continues to describe this Holy City 00:21:36.49\00:21:40.50 and he says: Now the wall of the city 00:21:40.50\00:21:44.47 had twelve foundations, and on them were 00:21:44.47\00:21:48.47 the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 00:21:48.47\00:21:52.47 Now I don't if have ever thought about this just think about for 00:21:52.47\00:21:56.51 minute why of are names of twelve disciples 00:21:56.51\00:22:00.55 one the foundations of this city? 00:22:00.55\00:22:04.55 What is that trying to communicate to you and I 00:22:04.55\00:22:08.59 I mean think it through here, were the disciples 00:22:08.59\00:22:12.59 prefect people? Far from it 00:22:12.59\00:22:16.56 but why are their names on that city? Are they the super 00:22:16.56\00:22:20.57 spiritually elite? I mean these are men that 00:22:20.57\00:22:24.57 made serious mistakes I mean Peter had a 00:22:24.57\00:22:28.58 terrible tempter he denied Jesus three times 00:22:28.58\00:22:32.61 one time with curse words, James and John were 00:22:32.61\00:22:36.62 known as sons of thunder Thomas was doubting 00:22:36.62\00:22:40.62 didn't much faith sometimes Matthew used to be 00:22:40.62\00:22:44.63 a dishonest tax collector none of them except Judas 00:22:44.63\00:22:48.60 was highly educated most of them were fisherman or 00:22:48.60\00:22:52.60 common labors but yet the grace of Christ 00:22:52.60\00:22:56.60 transformer them. You the fact these faulty 00:22:56.60\00:23:00.68 men are on the foundations of this city God is saying 00:23:00.68\00:23:04.68 if they can make it, so can we. See heaven is not for 00:23:04.68\00:23:08.68 in a sense perfect people on our own, we are only perfect through 00:23:08.68\00:23:12.72 Jesus heaven is for sinners who have given their lives to Jesus 00:23:12.72\00:23:16.73 Christ who have been changed. The common ordinary person 00:23:16.73\00:23:20.73 people who are struggling people who have 00:23:20.73\00:23:24.70 not been perfect throughout their live but wise enough to 00:23:24.70\00:23:28.70 hand their lives to Jesus Christ to cleansed and be 00:23:28.70\00:23:32.71 changed and so if those disciples can be changed by the 00:23:32.71\00:23:36.75 love of Jesus that gives you and I hope that we cannot 00:23:36.75\00:23:40.75 so low that Jesus can't change you and I 00:23:40.75\00:23:44.75 heaven is a place for you and me not just super 00:23:44.75\00:23:48.76 spiritually elite can you say amen?That is why their names on 00:23:48.76\00:23:52.76 that foundation. In verse 16 nor it describes the 00:23:52.76\00:23:56.73 size of this city, it says 00:23:56.73\00:24:00.80 The city is laid out (in what kind of 00:24:00.80\00:24:04.81 a shape?) as a square; its length is as 00:24:04.81\00:24:08.81 great as its breadth. Now I want you to thinks about this 00:24:08.81\00:24:12.81 if it is laid out in a square is has how many side 00:24:12.81\00:24:16.85 four side Revelation goes on to describe 00:24:16.85\00:24:20.86 that three gate on each side of the city 00:24:20.86\00:24:24.86 now if there four side you do the computation, how many 00:24:24.86\00:24:28.83 gates is that? 12 gates now I want youconsider 00:24:28.83\00:24:32.83 this. In the ancient world 00:24:32.83\00:24:36.84 how many gates do you think most cities had? not many 00:24:36.84\00:24:40.84 it was not 12 see most cities did not want to 00:24:40.84\00:24:44.88 have many gates, do you know why? Because that is how they 00:24:44.88\00:24:48.88 wanted to keek the enemy out and more gates you have the more 00:24:48.88\00:24:52.89 have to guard especially times of war and control 00:24:52.89\00:24:56.89 who is going in and who is coming out and if you 00:24:56.89\00:25:00.96 have 12 gates you're going to have be doing alot watching 00:25:00.96\00:25:04.93 most cities have 2 gates, but here in the first century 00:25:04.93\00:25:08.94 when John describes this 00:25:08.94\00:25:12.94 cities has having 12 gates so what's point of 00:25:12.94\00:25:16.95 that? See what God telling us is heaven goal is 00:25:16.95\00:25:20.95 not keep people out heavens goal is to get as many 00:25:20.95\00:25:24.99 people in as possible that is why there are 12 gates 00:25:24.99\00:25:28.99 Can you say amen to that? See churches sometime 00:25:28.99\00:25:32.99 may try to shut people out, us as individuals sometimes 00:25:32.99\00:25:36.97 shut people because maybe they are not the right color 00:25:36.97\00:25:40.97 according to some people maybe they speak a different language 00:25:40.97\00:25:44.97 maybe they are a difficult person maybe they are 00:25:44.97\00:25:48.98 not of the right class of people and history has shown 00:25:48.98\00:25:52.98 where many churches have people out but God wants 00:25:52.98\00:25:56.99 his to be opening the doors for people so they can 00:25:56.99\00:26:01.09 have a relationship with Jesus Christ and it is heaven goal is 00:26:01.09\00:26:05.09 to get in as many people possible that means that's the goal for the church of 00:26:05.09\00:26:09.06 Jesus Christ as well. amen? That doesn't mean we lower out 00:26:09.06\00:26:13.07 standards of we don't the truth but we have to understand our 00:26:13.07\00:26:17.07 goal our mission is to bring people to Jesus Christ 00:26:17.07\00:26:21.08 not to keep them away like the pharisees 00:26:21.08\00:26:25.08 of Jesus Day. This city has 12 00:26:25.08\00:26:29.12 gates. It goes on to say in verse 16 00:26:29.12\00:26:33.12 And he measured the city with the reed: 00:26:33.12\00:26:37.13 twelve thousand furlongs. 00:26:37.13\00:26:41.10 (you say great 12,000 furlongs how long is that 00:26:41.10\00:26:45.10 not a measurement that we use today but you know you the 00:26:45.10\00:26:49.10 computation do know what that equals up to? About 00:26:49.10\00:26:53.11 1500 miles in circumference all four together so if it is 00:26:53.11\00:26:57.11 square equal on all four side that's about 00:26:57.11\00:27:01.22 375 miles per side 00:27:01.22\00:27:05.22 this is not a small city God is 00:27:05.22\00:27:09.22 obviously is not trying to keep out if anyone miss out 00:27:09.22\00:27:13.23 on the kingdom of heaven it will not be because God doesn't want 00:27:13.23\00:27:17.20 them there. It will be simply because they rejected 00:27:17.20\00:27:21.20 the free gift of salvation.) Its length, 00:27:21.20\00:27:25.21 breadth, and height are equal. Now you 00:27:25.21\00:27:29.21 know a mathematician took this description and he 00:27:29.21\00:27:33.21 was able to somehow estimate that the New Jerusalem 00:27:33.21\00:27:37.22 could house 2 billon people just on the ground floor 00:27:37.22\00:27:41.22 and if was multi-story city the possibilities 00:27:41.22\00:27:45.23 and endless. Now I'm not a mathematician I'm not sure how 00:27:45.23\00:27:49.23 can up that, but obviously point is God 00:27:49.23\00:27:53.23 desperately desires for people to there 00:27:53.23\00:27:57.24 some won't because of their chose but God 00:27:57.24\00:28:01.31 open has open that anyone has that opportunity 00:28:01.31\00:28:05.31 through Jesus Christ, Amen. in fact they 00:28:05.31\00:28:09.32 estimated it, it about as big as the size of the state 00:28:09.32\00:28:13.32 colorado. I don't know if you have ever been to colorado I've 00:28:13.32\00:28:17.36 driven through there it is a beautiful state, that about how 00:28:17.36\00:28:21.36 large the New Jerusalem is according the measurements of 00:28:21.36\00:28:25.33 the the book of Revelation, what a glorious city 00:28:25.33\00:28:29.34 that is going to be. John continues in Revelation 00:28:29.34\00:28:33.38 chapter 21 and now in verse 21 he descibres 00:28:33.38\00:28:37.38 the gate I don't want you to miss this. The Bible says 00:28:37.38\00:28:41.38 The twelve gates were (what) 00:28:41.38\00:28:45.39 twelve pearls: each individual gate was 00:28:45.39\00:28:49.39 of one pearl.(now is there any 00:28:49.39\00:28:53.40 significance to the fact that each gate made one 00:28:53.40\00:28:57.37 big pearl. I want you to think about this 00:28:57.37\00:29:01.44 In the gospels 00:29:01.44\00:29:05.47 who is symbolized as the pearl of great price? 00:29:05.47\00:29:09.48 Jesus is so these pearls 00:29:09.48\00:29:13.48 symbolize Jesus Christ these gates and see what it's 00:29:13.48\00:29:17.49 reminding me if want to get into that city is only going to be 00:29:17.49\00:29:21.49 through the blood of Jesus, amen. Is not going to be by my 00:29:21.49\00:29:25.49 righteousness which I don't have it's not going to be by superior 00:29:25.49\00:29:29.46 wisdom or your superior looks it's not going be because 00:29:29.46\00:29:33.47 I lived in perfect obedience it's going to be 00:29:33.47\00:29:37.47 because I have given my life to Jesus, His perfect 00:29:37.47\00:29:41.48 righteousness now covers my sins His perfect 00:29:41.48\00:29:45.48 live is written in my record book up 00:29:45.48\00:29:49.48 in heaven, Jesus is the pearl, Jesus is 00:29:49.48\00:29:53.49 the way, Jesus is the truth, the light, He 00:29:53.49\00:29:57.53 is the gate He is the door. Can you say amen? 00:29:57.53\00:30:01.50 It is reminding us it's only going to happen through Jesus not through your good 00:30:01.50\00:30:05.50 works not through what you wear or don't wear, through what you 00:30:05.50\00:30:09.50 eat or don't eat. Those things may be all well and good and 00:30:09.50\00:30:13.51 good teaching from the bible that we should follow, but that 00:30:13.51\00:30:17.51 is not gain us access into heaven it is only the cross of 00:30:17.51\00:30:21.55 Jesus Christ in fact I don't have the verse 00:30:21.55\00:30:25.55 here but you know Jesus once told a story or a parable 00:30:25.55\00:30:29.56 about a man who went into a field and 00:30:29.56\00:30:33.56 in that he notice that there was a great pearl hidden 00:30:33.56\00:30:37.53 in the ground and what did that man go and do 00:30:37.53\00:30:41.54 he sold everything he had in order to 00:30:41.54\00:30:45.54 to purchase that field because he wanted the pearl of great 00:30:45.54\00:30:49.54 price you know what that tells me? 00:30:49.54\00:30:53.55 Jesus is telling you through that parable there is 00:30:53.55\00:30:57.59 nothing in this world that is worth missing out on 00:30:57.59\00:31:01.66 the glories of heaven there is nothing in this world 00:31:01.66\00:31:05.66 no person no thing no 00:31:05.66\00:31:09.63 cherished sin that worth missing out on the paradise 00:31:09.63\00:31:13.67 that God has prepared for you and me if there 00:31:13.67\00:31:17.67 something that stand between you and Jesus 00:31:17.67\00:31:21.68 the Bible implores us let it go 00:31:21.68\00:31:25.65 it is not worth it it would be foolish thing 00:31:25.65\00:31:29.68 to trade for internal life in God's 00:31:29.68\00:31:33.69 kingdom we should be willing to give everything up 00:31:33.69\00:31:37.69 in order to spend eternity with Jesus 00:31:37.69\00:31:41.66 in this Heavenly country. John goes on to say 00:31:41.66\00:31:45.67 And the street of the city was 00:31:45.67\00:31:49.67 pure gold, like transparent glass. 00:31:49.67\00:31:53.68 See our Create God our Heavenly Father He is so rich 00:31:53.68\00:31:57.71 he has so many resources He makes the street of gold 00:31:57.71\00:32:01.78 How much money do you think that is worth, I have no 00:32:01.78\00:32:05.79 idea all I know is if they made all street of Nixa 00:32:05.79\00:32:09.79 or Springfield of gold how much money do you think that would 00:32:09.79\00:32:13.80 take? millions maybe billons of dollars I'm 00:32:13.80\00:32:17.77 sure you probably wouldn't like the tax bill when it came out because you know who would be 00:32:17.77\00:32:21.77 paying for that, but God the street of heaven are like gold 00:32:21.77\00:32:25.77 it is a valuable place, why does God make it so 00:32:25.77\00:32:29.78 beautiful and glorious? Have you ever considered that? 00:32:29.78\00:32:33.82 Why does God leave no expense and effort undone 00:32:33.82\00:32:37.82 You know why? The city is so 00:32:37.82\00:32:41.82 valuable because you are valuable to God 00:32:41.82\00:32:45.83 See we live in a world where sometimes there will be 00:32:45.83\00:32:49.80 people who will tell that you are not worth anything 00:32:49.80\00:32:53.80 sometimes it is our families sometimes it is our friends 00:32:53.80\00:32:57.81 they will us that you will never amount to anything 00:32:57.81\00:33:01.88 they'll you that you're inferior that you're not special 00:33:01.88\00:33:05.88 but you what, my Bible tells me that God is not ashamed 00:33:05.88\00:33:09.92 that He has prepared a place for me that heaven is so valuable 00:33:09.92\00:33:13.92 because Jesus thinks that you and I are valuable, if He can 00:33:13.92\00:33:17.89 give His life He if can lay His down on the cross, it doesn't matter what the people 00:33:17.89\00:33:21.90 of the world say, my saviour says I am 00:33:21.90\00:33:25.90 valuable you are valuable 00:33:25.90\00:33:29.90 See my dad kinda grew up in a family 00:33:29.90\00:33:33.91 where he wasn't always valued 00:33:33.91\00:33:37.91 by his father always told him he 00:33:37.91\00:33:41.92 wouldn't amount to anything that his sibling were 00:33:41.92\00:33:45.92 better he was cause my dad didn't have ceratin skills 00:33:45.92\00:33:49.96 that his father and because of that even today 00:33:49.96\00:33:53.96 my dad has a bit of inferiority complex at times 00:33:53.96\00:33:57.93 but you what gives me courage my 00:33:57.93\00:34:02.00 dad who quit school in 10th grade to go into the army 00:34:02.00\00:34:06.01 just barely got his GED when he gave his 00:34:06.01\00:34:10.01 live over to Jesus, Jesus said he is valuable 00:34:10.01\00:34:14.02 when he decided to follow Jesus with all his heart all his mind 00:34:14.02\00:34:18.05 all his soul he worked place called christian record 00:34:18.05\00:34:22.06 service you heard that ministries to the blind I used 00:34:22.06\00:34:26.06 to work there myself this man with barely high school 00:34:26.06\00:34:30.03 eduction never been to college a day in his life he raised 00:34:30.03\00:34:34.04 more money to help the blind than anybody in the history 00:34:34.04\00:34:38.04 of 115 years of that organization, he two million 00:34:38.04\00:34:42.04 dollars never had fund raising class in his life 00:34:42.04\00:34:46.05 why because when we give our capabilities to Jesus he 00:34:46.05\00:34:50.09 multiplies them when someone says worth it when someone says 00:34:50.09\00:34:54.09 your not valuable don't you listen to them because your God 00:34:54.09\00:34:58.09 and your Creator says you are valuable and your are worth 00:34:58.09\00:35:02.10 something that why He prepared the kingdom of heaven for you if that is not a reason 00:35:02.10\00:35:06.13 to say amen I don't know what is. People want to know 00:35:06.13\00:35:10.14 what will our physical condition be in the new earth I mean 00:35:10.14\00:35:14.14 are we just float around like spirits on a 00:35:14.14\00:35:18.15 cloud and just strum a harp I certainly hope not cause 00:35:18.15\00:35:22.15 that sound awful boring to me I want to do more than be 00:35:22.15\00:35:26.15 setting on a cloud for eternity you know the Bible answer 00:35:26.15\00:35:30.16 that question notice what is say in Philippians 3:20 00:35:30.16\00:35:34.13 when it describe resurrected body 00:35:34.13\00:35:38.17 The Bible says: For our citizenship is in heaven, 00:35:38.17\00:35:42.17 from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, 00:35:42.17\00:35:46.17 the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform 00:35:46.17\00:35:50.21 our lowly body that it may be conformed to His 00:35:50.21\00:35:54.22 glorious body, (now what was Jesus like when He 00:35:54.22\00:35:58.22 was resurrect was he a spirit that floated around? 00:35:58.22\00:36:02.29 No according to the Bible, it says that His disciples 00:36:02.29\00:36:06.29 eventually recognized him, when He appeared to them in the in 00:36:06.29\00:36:10.27 upper room what was it he told Thamas to do? He said here touch 00:36:10.27\00:36:14.27 the nail print in my hand see the scars on my side 00:36:14.27\00:36:18.27 and in my feet he real body flesh and bones. 00:36:18.27\00:36:22.31 The difference is was no longer 00:36:22.31\00:36:26.31 a human nature body but now it was a glorified and a 00:36:26.31\00:36:30.32 resurrected body after the cross, but they saw him they 00:36:30.32\00:36:34.32 could touch him in fact it even describes it He actually ate some fish with them along the 00:36:34.32\00:36:38.33 sea shore one day after they were done fishing so 00:36:38.33\00:36:42.30 very clearly we're not going be a spirit floating around but we 00:36:42.30\00:36:46.30 have a body of flesh and bones but this time it is not tainted 00:36:46.30\00:36:50.31 by sin and by the blemish this earth. See that 00:36:50.31\00:36:54.31 tells me in heaven we're going to recognize each other 00:36:54.31\00:36:58.31 I am sure glad, I recognize Marquita 00:36:58.31\00:37:02.38 tells me still me we are going still have our unique mannerism 00:37:02.38\00:37:06.42 you know our different voice inflects even our individual 00:37:06.42\00:37:10.43 personalities but see the difference is this time 00:37:10.43\00:37:14.40 there are not going to be tainted with sinfulness 00:37:14.40\00:37:18.40 it is not going to have the blemish of all our mistakes on 00:37:18.40\00:37:22.40 this earth we have glorified body and character as well 00:37:22.40\00:37:26.41 we will recognize each other and I should hope because I want 00:37:26.41\00:37:30.41 remember my family I want to remember friends I friends I 00:37:30.41\00:37:34.42 have know who have chosen to follow Jesus if the disciples 00:37:34.42\00:37:38.45 recognized Him then we're going to recognize each other 00:37:38.45\00:37:42.46 In Isaiah 33:34 you know John the revelator 00:37:42.46\00:37:46.46 is not the only on who was given glimpses of Heaven 00:37:46.46\00:37:50.43 even Isaiah in the Old Testament was given some picture 00:37:50.43\00:37:54.44 and description notice how he discribres 00:37:54.44\00:37:58.44 the kingdom of God Isaiah 33:24 00:37:58.44\00:38:02.51 The Bible says: And the inhabitant will 00:38:02.51\00:38:06.51 not say, (what?) "I am sick"; The people 00:38:06.51\00:38:10.52 who dwell in it will be forgiven their iniquity. 00:38:10.52\00:38:14.56 I got to pause there, there is a couple in that verse 00:38:14.56\00:38:21.40 I absolutely love #1 you or I never again say 00:38:21.40\00:38:25.43 I'm sick no more doctor offices no more 00:38:25.43\00:38:29.44 copay no more crazy insurance premiums 00:38:29.44\00:38:33.48 no more emergency rooms no more have to dial 00:38:33.48\00:38:37.48 911 we will have a perfect body in perfect 00:38:37.48\00:38:41.52 health never again an ache or pain never 00:38:41.52\00:38:45.55 again a sickness I tell you what ought to make you jump out of 00:38:45.55\00:38:49.56 your seats because I hat being sick and you ask my 00:38:49.56\00:38:53.60 wife I can deal with it for two days after 00:38:53.60\00:38:57.57 two days I get mad after two days of being 00:38:57.57\00:39:01.64 sick I get mad I refuse to believe I'm sick I just go about 00:39:01.64\00:39:05.64 my about my business I don't know if that is good idea or not 00:39:05.64\00:39:09.64 maybe it just me work that is just my stubborn German attuite I don't like to sick 00:39:09.64\00:39:13.68 in fact I remember a couple of years actually year and half ago 00:39:13.68\00:39:17.69 I was at a pastor conference in Des Moines 00:39:17.69\00:39:21.69 Iowa actually you were there two I remember at that conference 00:39:21.69\00:39:25.69 is was about a half week long and one the presenters 00:39:25.69\00:39:29.66 who can had just gotten over or I think actually still had 00:39:29.66\00:39:33.67 sickness and part of the flue and of course 00:39:33.67\00:39:37.67 when are in small rooms for hours upon hours meeting 00:39:37.67\00:39:41.68 your shaking hands your sharing your're eating food 00:39:41.68\00:39:45.71 together, if somebody is sick what's probably go to 00:39:45.71\00:39:49.68 happen some other people are going to get sick and happen 00:39:49.68\00:39:53.72 one after this minister go sick and then another 00:39:53.72\00:39:57.73 and some of them had to leave and by Wednesday when it was 00:39:57.73\00:40:01.70 supposed over I sitting in the morning meetings 00:40:01.70\00:40:05.70 and I'm realizing yon know what, I don't feel very good 00:40:05.70\00:40:09.70 I start leaning the back wall realizing man if I'm ever 00:40:09.70\00:40:13.74 drive home I better get some rest so I went back to may 00:40:13.74\00:40:17.71 hotel room and I remember as I laid down 00:40:17.71\00:40:21.72 I started realizing man, I have 00:40:21.72\00:40:25.75 got the flue and you know what 00:40:25.75\00:40:29.76 about an half an hour later my colleague Pastor 00:40:29.76\00:40:33.76 Plohocky who I was rooming with Joshua he comes in the room 00:40:33.76\00:40:37.73 You what he says? I don't feel so good either 00:40:37.73\00:40:41.74 and we thought lets lay down for an hour and then we are getting 00:40:41.74\00:40:45.74 out of here so layed down for and hour and once we got we 00:40:45.74\00:40:49.74 worse and we realized there is no way that we can drive six hours back to St Louis 00:40:49.74\00:40:53.78 oh my what do I do, and so I went to the supervisor 00:40:53.78\00:40:57.79 and it was hard to get out bed let me tell,I went to the supervisor and said 00:40:57.79\00:41:01.86 sir please is there anyway we could just 00:41:01.86\00:41:05.86 in this room and extra night just let sleep and he said 00:41:05.86\00:41:09.83 Yes and so I remember for next 16 hours from 1 o'clock 00:41:09.83\00:41:13.84 to early the next morning I just felt like death warmed over 00:41:13.84\00:41:17.84 you know how that feels you got a fever your skin is burning 00:41:17.84\00:41:21.88 hot but your still shivering with shakes like your cold 00:41:21.88\00:41:25.85 you can't get comfortable no matter which way you lay and 00:41:25.85\00:41:29.85 turnover and the problem was, Marquita was worried and 00:41:29.85\00:41:33.89 wondering we are and so I had left my cell phone on the dresser just on the side 00:41:33.89\00:41:37.89 room because I felt so absolutely horrible 00:41:37.89\00:41:41.86 I could not even get out of bed to go over and answer that cell 00:41:41.86\00:41:45.87 phone and so she called everybody on the planet to come 00:41:45.87\00:41:49.87 check on us so see where we were and what happen to us, and I tell you what I never 00:41:49.87\00:41:53.88 forget that night Josha was in his bed I'm in my bed 00:41:53.88\00:41:57.88 it was was like a sick ward, finally the next morning we felt 00:41:57.88\00:42:01.95 good enough to drive home and we just barely made that 6 hour 00:42:01.95\00:42:05.95 and when we each went into our homes our wifes did the somthing 00:42:05.95\00:42:09.96 they saw us quarantine us to the bed rooms said don't teach 00:42:09.96\00:42:14.00 the kids don't kiss them don't hold them in fact Marquita even sleep on the couch for a couple 00:42:14.00\00:42:17.97 of days I was so sick she didn't want to catch it her self, I 00:42:17.97\00:42:21.97 will never forget that and I tell you when I get heaven never again am I going to have flue 00:42:21.97\00:42:25.97 again. Can you say amen? But you know what the best part of that 00:42:25.97\00:42:29.98 verse is? it is the last part. Not only well we be physically 00:42:29.98\00:42:33.98 whole. we will be spiritually whole. 00:42:33.98\00:42:37.99 Because those who dwell in it, have 00:42:37.99\00:42:42.02 all their totally iniquities forgiven and wiped away 00:42:42.02\00:42:46.03 because that is what Jesus has 00:42:46.03\00:42:50.00 done for us. To me that is one of the best parts of heaven 00:42:50.00\00:42:54.00 Isaiah 35 verse 5 says 00:42:54.00\00:42:58.01 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, 00:42:58.01\00:43:02.08 and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 00:43:02.08\00:43:06.08 (it goes on to describe) Then the lame shalt leap like a deer 00:43:06.08\00:43:10.09 and the tongue of the dumb shall sing. No more disabilities 00:43:10.09\00:43:14.09 or infirmities. You think, there will be children who perhaps 00:43:14.09\00:43:18.13 who perhaps of been crippled for live. They are going to be out 00:43:18.13\00:43:22.10 in the field playing together Amen. They going to be claiming up trees maybe they be playing 00:43:22.10\00:43:26.10 hide and seek because there will no longer anything deformed 00:43:26.10\00:43:30.11 about their limbs. why? Because Jesus has healed them 00:43:30.11\00:43:34.11 Not just physically, but also spiritually 00:43:34.11\00:43:38.11 I will never see another child in a wheelchair 00:43:38.11\00:43:42.12 you will never see a sick child laying bed, you never see 00:43:42.12\00:43:46.12 an adult needing a mobile scooter any more all that 00:43:46.12\00:43:50.16 is going to be done away with. I never is a child with 00:43:50.16\00:43:54.13 down's syndrome or some kind of mental illness, because even 00:43:54.13\00:43:58.13 mental and emotionally all of us will be made whole. 00:43:58.13\00:44:02.20 Amen? Revelation 21:4 God 00:44:02.20\00:44:06.24 contenues He says: And God will wipe away every 00:44:06.24\00:44:10.25 tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, 00:44:10.25\00:44:14.25 nor sorrow nor crying,and there shall no 00:44:14.25\00:44:18.25 more pain Why? Because the former things the 00:44:18.25\00:44:22.26 former way life that we had known, it will be all 00:44:22.26\00:44:26.26 passed away. Pastor Mark you'll never have to do a eulogy 00:44:26.26\00:44:30.23 at a funeral again, and I can tell you all ministers will says 00:44:30.23\00:44:34.24 amen to that no more death. Do you know what that means? 00:44:34.24\00:44:38.24 No more will you every get one of those 00:44:38.24\00:44:42.28 phone calls in the middle of the night, How many of you ever 00:44:42.28\00:44:46.28 experience that? A phone call in the middle of night delivering 00:44:46.28\00:44:50.29 tragic news. How many have ever had to deal with that? Many of 00:44:50.29\00:44:54.29 use, you know I remember my 00:44:54.29\00:44:58.29 grandmother my moms mom we call her gram 00:44:58.29\00:45:02.33 she basic grew up with 00:45:02.33\00:45:06.33 us or I grew up with her she lived with us 00:45:06.33\00:45:10.34 from the time I was a baby and if can just picture this 00:45:10.34\00:45:14.38 96 year old women of course she wasn't always 96 00:45:14.38\00:45:18.35 this short, spunky, fiery women 00:45:18.35\00:45:22.38 that was my grandma gran 00:45:22.38\00:45:26.39 I just remember she helped to raise me a little child and I 00:45:26.39\00:45:30.39 tell what when she get excited about something she would let 00:45:30.39\00:45:34.36 you know it. Now when I meet Marquata, she loved Marquata let 00:45:34.36\00:45:38.37 me tell you and when dating she would regularly come up me that 00:45:38.37\00:45:42.37 is my grandma with a twenty dollar bill and she would say you go take Marqauta 00:45:42.37\00:45:46.41 out to eat on a date, and gram is not someone you could 00:45:46.41\00:45:50.41 easily say no to let me tell you and alot times I did not want to 00:45:50.41\00:45:54.42 take it because you know she lived on a fixed income 00:45:54.42\00:45:58.42 social security, she didn't have a lot money and I would say no 00:45:58.42\00:46:02.49 gram I got a job I'll use my money, but boy you said that to gram you know what she would do 00:46:02.49\00:46:06.49 me, you may think I'm exaggerating, but you can ask Marquata, man she make 00:46:06.49\00:46:10.50 a fist and put it in my face and she say you take that money 00:46:10.50\00:46:14.50 I and I had to take it and now she hit me or anything but she say you take that money 00:46:14.50\00:46:18.51 and I if I didn't take it no what she did next, she grab my shirt and stuff it down my shirt 00:46:18.51\00:46:22.51 Marquata do I exaggerate? She has seen that happen that was 00:46:22.51\00:46:26.51 her way of showing she would never hurt me in the world 00:46:26.51\00:46:30.52 but you know I remember when she got to be about 00:46:30.52\00:46:34.52 95 or 96 her diabetes cought up with her 00:46:34.52\00:46:38.53 she had to go to the hospital 00:46:38.53\00:46:42.53 and I remember that she was given the news by doctors that 00:46:42.53\00:46:46.53 if she is going to survive if she has to have one of her legs 00:46:46.53\00:46:50.54 amputated and that just took the life out of her 00:46:50.54\00:46:54.54 I can remember watching her just bury head in her hand and 00:46:54.54\00:46:58.55 watching this 96 year old women cry 00:46:58.55\00:47:02.65 because she knew she was nearing the end 00:47:02.65\00:47:06.65 I remember we back to western pennsylvania and one morning the 00:47:06.65\00:47:10.66 phone rang about 4 o'clock in the morning and I don't know how 00:47:10.66\00:47:14.63 to describe it but when the phone rang I just knew, I just 00:47:14.63\00:47:18.63 knew somebody was going to tell me that gram had died 00:47:18.63\00:47:22.64 and that is what happen. I can remember just 00:47:22.64\00:47:26.64 hanging up the phone; it was my ant who told me I can remember 00:47:26.64\00:47:30.68 hanging up the phone and just burying my head on the couch 00:47:30.68\00:47:34.68 down stairs just started cry and weeping. this was someone 00:47:34.68\00:47:38.69 who had been part of my life for all of my life 00:47:38.69\00:47:42.69 and now she was gone. But the thing I'm thankful for 00:47:42.69\00:47:46.73 before she died, before she went to the hospital 00:47:46.73\00:47:50.70 I had a couple opportunities to tell her about Jesus 00:47:50.70\00:47:54.70 and even though she lived a ruff live she 00:47:54.70\00:47:58.71 made some mistakes she wish she had never chosen, when I 00:47:58.71\00:48:02.78 said gram would you like to have Jesus be your savior 00:48:02.78\00:48:06.82 would like to ask Him to forgive you to just come into your life 00:48:06.82\00:48:10.82 and wipe away your sins, i remember she said yes I want 00:48:10.82\00:48:14.82 you to pray that for me and as I graped her hand and prayed 00:48:14.82\00:48:18.83 during that prayer i just could feel her hand squeezing 00:48:18.83\00:48:22.80 mine and without words she was says that meant something 00:48:22.80\00:48:26.80 to her. I look forward my gram one day 00:48:26.80\00:48:30.84 I bet there is people your looking forward seeing to. 00:48:30.84\00:48:34.84 I'll never have phone call like that again in heaven. In 00:48:34.84\00:48:38.85 last chapter of the Bible John goes on and he says: 00:48:38.85\00:48:42.88 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, 00:48:42.88\00:48:46.89 clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of 00:48:46.89\00:48:50.89 and of the Lamb.and In the middle of its street. 00:48:50.89\00:48:54.86 and on either side of the river,was (what?) the tree of 00:48:54.86\00:48:58.87 life, which bore twelve fruits each tree yielding its fruit 00:48:58.87\00:49:02.94 every month. (and get this) the leaves of the tree were for 00:49:02.94\00:49:06.94 healing of the nations. That tell me there is something about 00:49:06.94\00:49:10.98 the fruit from the tree of life that heals us from 00:49:10.98\00:49:14.98 sin, heals us physically, metally, 00:49:14.98\00:49:18.99 emotionally and spiritually see the prevision that 00:49:18.99\00:49:23.02 God has made for you and me to be total healed 00:49:23.02\00:49:27.00 of sin. See in heaven I'm going to be loved by God 00:49:27.00\00:49:31.00 you are going to cherished by God, embraced by God 00:49:31.00\00:49:35.00 and satisfied by him. Can you think of a better place 00:49:35.00\00:49:39.01 here on this earth we are not always loved and we're not 00:49:39.01\00:49:43.04 always cherished and we're definitely always satisfied. 00:49:43.04\00:49:47.05 Then comes Isaiah 11:9 00:49:47.05\00:49:51.05 This was other grandma's favorite verse it says: 00:49:51.05\00:49:55.06 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy 00:49:55.06\00:49:59.09 mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the 00:49:59.09\00:50:03.06 LORD, as the waters cover the sea. now my other 00:50:03.06\00:50:07.07 grandma, grandma Esther, she is the most godly women I ever meet 00:50:07.07\00:50:11.07 never saw her lose her temper, that dad's mom 00:50:11.07\00:50:15.08 every thursday night was grocery night and so mom and dad 00:50:15.08\00:50:19.11 would drop me off at grandma Esther while they went shopping 00:50:19.11\00:50:23.12 so such fun, she had two cats I played with calico the 00:50:23.12\00:50:27.12 cat and pumpkin the cat and even spottie the dog 00:50:27.12\00:50:31.16 I loved them and what grandma Esther would do is 00:50:31.16\00:50:35.13 across there was Jim and Nina pizzeria 00:50:35.13\00:50:39.13 and so we would go over and home made pizza we would eat it 00:50:39.13\00:50:43.14 together at the table and she would give me ice cream and 00:50:43.14\00:50:47.18 I know for those us that really health conscious you got to 00:50:47.18\00:50:51.18 remember you don't go grandma house to be health conscious when you are a kid,you know 00:50:51.18\00:50:55.18 pizza and ice cream sounds good 10 or 11 years. Amem and I 00:50:55.18\00:50:59.22 remember we sit at the table and then we would read the bible 00:50:59.22\00:51:03.26 together and whenever she would read this verse she would aways look at me and she oh 00:51:03.26\00:51:07.30 david how wonderful that will be 00:51:07.30\00:51:11.27 a day when there is no violence anymore 00:51:11.27\00:51:15.27 in the world or even in our homes 00:51:15.27\00:51:19.31 Isaiah 65 describes what are some things we're 00:51:19.31\00:51:23.31 do there 65:21 the Bible says: 00:51:23.31\00:51:27.32 do you think you are going be bored build 00:51:47.37\00:51:51.37 house, plant vanguards and gardens 00:51:51.37\00:51:55.38 I mean I love this because you know what? there is one gift 00:51:55.38\00:51:59.41 that God has not given me. Well there is more than on gift He hasn't given me, but the one 00:51:59.41\00:52:03.49 stands out the most, I'm not a mechanical person not naturally 00:52:03.49\00:52:07.52 I am not good at building things my wife knows that 00:52:07.52\00:52:11.53 now give me instructions I'll make my way through it but I probably won't do it very fast 00:52:11.53\00:52:15.50 well apparently in heaven, God is going to give me that gift 00:52:15.50\00:52:19.53 I can build house, so honey I'm going to build you 00:52:19.53\00:52:23.54 the best house you ever had, because that is what the Bible says I'm going to do. Can you 00:52:23.54\00:52:27.54 say Amen? now people wonder what about fellowship and friends 00:52:27.54\00:52:31.58 what are we going to do with people there? Is it going stiff 00:52:31.58\00:52:35.58 stilled conversations? I don't think so 00:52:35.58\00:52:39.62 Jesus answer this question. Matthew 8:11 00:52:39.62\00:52:43.63 Jesus says: And I say to you that many will 00:52:43.63\00:52:47.66 come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, 00:52:47.66\00:52:51.63 Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven 00:52:51.63\00:52:55.67 now think about what that means, people who 00:52:55.67\00:52:59.67 have saved from all the ages, all different centuries all 00:52:59.67\00:53:03.78 culture we are going to have eternity to hear 00:53:03.78\00:53:07.78 their testimonies even people I grew 00:53:07.78\00:53:11.82 up with even people whose names aren't in the Bible, that just 00:53:11.82\00:53:15.82 not limited to the character of Bible and were are going to have 00:53:15.82\00:53:19.83 great fun together and fellowship. Now one of the things I love to do 00:53:19.83\00:53:23.83 I hope you wouldn't take this the wrong way, I love to play basketball and so I have 00:53:23.83\00:53:27.84 determined in heaven I already know heavenly basketball team is 00:53:27.84\00:53:31.87 going to be and the great heaven and basketball there nobody is 00:53:31.87\00:53:35.88 going to fight nobody going curse, nobody is going get upset, we are truly going to 00:53:35.88\00:53:39.91 have fun. Amen? so I'm going to reveal to you in Nixa who my heavenly basketball team 00:53:39.91\00:53:43.95 is going be, I wrote it down this afternoon, Ok? These are the five people on my 00:53:43.95\00:53:47.96 team so got these folks your're just going have to pick somebody else, here is who I want 00:53:47.96\00:53:51.96 I want sampson because he's a strong guy 00:53:51.96\00:53:56.50 I want jehu, cause he is quick, I want 00:53:56.50\00:54:00.57 david because he is full of courage and tenacity 00:54:00.57\00:54:04.61 I want adam because he tall and I want paul because he 00:54:04.61\00:54:08.61 never quits and he never gives up so that is going to be my heavenly basketball 00:54:08.61\00:54:12.61 team you got some others to chose from as well but 00:54:12.61\00:54:16.62 think what else this means. I can got to Moses 00:54:16.62\00:54:20.66 Moses what was it like to cross the Red Sea? 00:54:20.66\00:54:24.66 What was it like to up there and see hundreds of feet of a wall 00:54:24.66\00:54:28.63 of water? Where you scared? What was it like 00:54:28.63\00:54:32.67 Moses to get the Ten Commandments from God? 00:54:32.67\00:54:36.67 I can ask Daniel, what was it like to be thrown in that den 00:54:36.67\00:54:40.68 not knowing that your life would be spared? What is like 00:54:40.68\00:54:44.68 to look into the the eyes of lion? I can ask Peter 00:54:44.68\00:54:48.72 and Paul what was like to take the gospel to world, even to 00:54:48.72\00:54:52.72 heal people I what was it like when you guys where the center 00:54:52.72\00:54:56.76 of a riot What where you experiencing? But you know best 00:54:56.76\00:55:00.83 of all? I can see Jesus, and for the first 00:55:00.83\00:55:04.80 time in our live, we can go to Jesus 00:55:04.80\00:55:08.80 not superated by a wall 00:55:08.80\00:55:12.84 not having to get out knees in a bedroom and pray to something we 00:55:12.84\00:55:16.85 can see. I'll be able to Jesus face to face 00:55:16.85\00:55:20.88 and say thank you 00:55:20.88\00:55:24.89 thank you for what you have done for me 00:55:24.89\00:55:28.89 thank You for saving me, than for allowing Your perfect 00:55:28.89\00:55:32.93 hand to be nailed to the the cross and I'll 00:55:32.93\00:55:36.90 be able to Jesus a hug and I'll be satisfied 00:55:36.90\00:55:40.94 and he will be able to recieve my appreciation 00:55:40.94\00:55:44.94 for the time face to face. that is the 00:55:44.94\00:55:48.94 absolute best part of heaven and then lastly 00:55:48.94\00:55:52.98 Did you know that we still go to church in heaven? 00:55:52.98\00:55:56.99 thinks about it, we're still going to worship Him, thats why 00:55:56.99\00:56:01.56 Isaiah 66 says: and that make sense is God still our creator 00:56:09.30\00:56:13.34 in heaven? Yes! Is he still our redeemer? Indeed! So whatever 00:56:13.34\00:56:17.34 worship is going be like there, I'm telling you I want a front 00:56:17.34\00:56:21.38 row set. Amen So if you want a front row seat you better get there before I do. On the the 00:56:21.38\00:56:25.38 first Sabbath service or whatever it is that we're going 00:56:25.38\00:56:29.42 to do in the kingdom of heaven. Lastly John start to 00:56:29.42\00:56:33.46 wind down and he says in Revelation 21 00:56:33.46\00:56:37.46 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, 00:56:37.46\00:56:41.46 the tabernacle of God is with men, and He 00:56:41.46\00:56:45.47 will dwell with them, and they shall be His people 00:56:45.47\00:56:49.50 God Himself will be with them and be 00:56:49.50\00:56:53.54 their God. 00:56:53.54\00:56:57.55 You see friends when you realize what Jesus has done for you 00:56:57.55\00:57:01.65 there is nothing in this world worth missing out on the glories 00:57:01.65\00:57:05.69 of heaven You're so valuable He created that place 00:57:05.69\00:57:09.72 for you I'm so valuable He caried 00:57:09.72\00:57:13.76 the cross to calvary. We mean so much 00:57:13.76\00:57:17.77 to Him that he opens up the door of eternity 00:57:17.77\00:57:21.77 to you and me and so that 00:57:21.77\00:57:25.81 cause us to say in our minds, Lord Jesus 00:57:25.81\00:57:29.81 may be nothing that stands between you and me 00:57:29.81\00:57:33.85 may it be our prayer night to says Lord 00:57:33.85\00:57:37.85 I asking you to save me in your kindgom 00:57:37.85\00:57:41.86 Lord help me to follow you with all of may heart 00:57:41.86\00:57:45.86 Lord help me to make the decessions that I know 00:57:45.86\00:57:49.83 that I need to make, heaven is not a place 00:57:49.83\00:57:53.87 that any of us want to miss. 00:57:53.87\00:58:08.95