I'd like to begin tonight by inviting you 00:00:07.97\00:00:11.97 to use your imagination, I want you to 00:00:11.97\00:00:16.44 pretend you have been given three wishes 00:00:16.44\00:00:20.48 to ask for anything in life that you want. 00:00:20.48\00:00:24.49 With those three wishes as you're thinking now 00:00:24.49\00:00:28.49 what would you choose to wish for 00:00:28.49\00:00:32.49 how many of you would 00:00:32.49\00:00:36.46 seriously consider using one of your 00:00:36.46\00:00:40.47 wishes to wish for perfect health 00:00:40.47\00:00:44.47 for the rest of your life could I see your hands 00:00:44.47\00:00:48.18 oh look at all those hands that are up, so I think 00:00:48.18\00:00:52.18 we all agree that good health is important 00:00:52.18\00:00:56.52 and when you think about it, it is a key ingredient to 00:00:56.52\00:01:00.59 happiness. one of the most wonderful truths about God is 00:01:00.59\00:01:04.59 that He loves and cares for us in a very personal 00:01:04.59\00:01:08.60 and a very intimate way and you will find that He has given 00:01:08.60\00:01:12.60 us principles in scripture of how to live a happy healthy, 00:01:12.60\00:01:16.60 and abundant life I want you totake your Bibles and turn with 00:01:16.60\00:01:20.61 me to John chapter 10 and verse 10 this will be one our 00:01:20.61\00:01:24.65 foundational text tonight. Now I'm going to read this off the 00:01:24.65\00:01:28.65 screen John 10 verse 10 these 00:01:28.65\00:01:32.65 are the words of Jesus. The bible says 00:01:32.65\00:01:36.66 Now who is the thief 00:01:48.67\00:01:52.67 that Jesus is talking about here? well tha is the devil 00:01:52.67\00:01:59.58 Satan would like nothing more than to steal our Joy, to get us 00:01:59.58\00:02:03.65 to engage in practices that would destroy our minds and 00:02:03.65\00:02:07.66 bodies so that we cannot connect with God see the devil wants to 00:02:07.66\00:02:11.66 tear down Jesus wants to build up and he says he has come 00:02:11.66\00:02:15.63 so that we can life more abundantly 00:02:15.63\00:02:19.67 in fact more than that, just a few years later 00:02:19.67\00:02:23.67 John wrote these words in his letter to the christian church 00:02:23.67\00:02:27.68 3rd John chapter 1 verse 2 he bible says 00:02:27.68\00:02:31.68 See, one of the things you find about God is He isn't only 00:02:43.73\00:02:47.73 interested in our spiritual health but also interested in 00:02:47.73\00:02:51.77 our physical health. You say now why would that be? 00:02:51.77\00:02:54.97 Why would God be interested in my physical health. Because God 00:02:54.97\00:02:59.04 is a loving parent see actually there is actually three is 00:02:59.04\00:03:02.78 reasons I want to put them on the screen for us to take a look 00:03:02.78\00:03:07.12 at. Reason #1 Is that God loves us. 00:03:07.12\00:03:11.15 I want uou to think about your mother. How many of you 00:03:11.15\00:03:15.12 had Mother's who stood by you at the kitchen table 00:03:15.12\00:03:19.19 and insisted that you eat all the vegetables 00:03:19.19\00:03:23.16 on your plate. Can I see your hands oh my many of us, listen 00:03:23.16\00:03:27.17 my mother would stand there and she was so fearful 00:03:27.17\00:03:31.17 that I wouldn't eat enough to keep a bird alive you know what she would call me in 00:03:31.17\00:03:35.18 I just wanted eat a couple bites and go back and play with my 00:03:35.18\00:03:39.18 friends like any kid would want to do and she got so scared she 00:03:39.18\00:03:43.22 keep calling up the doctor saying doctor he wouldn't eat 00:03:43.22\00:03:47.22 anything he would eat and she did this over and over again 00:03:47.22\00:03:51.23 until finally the doctor got tired of it and said mam listen, 00:03:51.23\00:03:55.16 when the boy is hungry the boy will eat 00:03:55.16\00:03:59.17 and she finally my mother learned to accepted that, so why 00:03:59.17\00:04:03.27 do you think our mother did that? Because they're restrictive because they 00:04:03.27\00:04:07.28 what to force us to do thing we don't like to do. Because 00:04:07.28\00:04:11.28 they love us and want us to be bif and strong and healthy 00:04:11.28\00:04:15.32 and in some ways God is the very same way he is like a 00:04:15.32\00:04:19.29 loving parent. Reason # 1 00:04:19.29\00:04:23.32 God understands that it is hard to be happy 00:04:23.32\00:04:27.36 when you are in poor health isn't it? It is not impossible 00:04:27.36\00:04:31.33 but when you have aches and pains and your suffering, you can't do the things that 00:04:31.33\00:04:35.34 that you want to do it's hard to be happy and God wants 00:04:35.34\00:04:39.34 better better for us than that. and of course reason 00:04:39.34\00:04:43.35 #3 is We can't serve the Lord to are fullest 00:04:43.35\00:04:47.35 potential when we're in poor health. I can't tell how many 00:04:47.35\00:04:51.35 people have said to me, I wish I could do more for the Lord but I 00:04:51.35\00:04:55.09 can't do things I used to do because of my health 00:04:55.09\00:04:59.36 God says he wants us to prosper and He wants us to be in 00:04:59.36\00:05:03.40 health. But,here is the question 00:05:03.40\00:05:07.44 if God wants me to live an abundant life 00:05:07.44\00:05:11.44 then why is the opposite happening in our world today 00:05:11.44\00:05:15.44 why is our health in such sad state of 00:05:15.44\00:05:19.15 affairs healthcare has problems 00:05:19.15\00:05:23.12 our bodies are dying and deteriorating 00:05:23.12\00:05:26.52 every nursing home is usually overflowing every hospital 00:05:26.52\00:05:31.16 so if God wants me to prosper and be in health 00:05:31.16\00:05:35.13 what is the problem and the conclusion we come to is this 00:05:35.13\00:05:39.13 is it possible that God 00:05:39.13\00:05:43.14 has given this world some principles of health that 00:05:43.14\00:05:47.18 we have been over looking? 00:05:47.18\00:05:50.85 is it possible that God has given a health plan to human 00:05:50.85\00:05:54.85 family that the world has been ignoring 00:05:54.85\00:05:58.85 and the answer is yes that why tonight we are going to study 00:05:58.85\00:06:02.92 God's health plan for human family so I want you to take 00:06:02.92\00:06:06.93 your Bibles and we're going to look at the three pronged 00:06:06.93\00:06:10.93 approached of God's plan for the human family all three 00:06:10.93\00:06:14.94 of these healthprinciple are found in the book of 1st 00:06:14.94\00:06:18.94 Corinthians so take your bibles and we are going to go to 1st 00:06:18.94\00:06:22.94 Corinthians chapter 10 and we are going to begin in verse 00:06:22.94\00:06:26.95 31 The Bible says, Therefore 00:06:26.95\00:06:30.99 whether you eat or whether you drink 00:06:30.99\00:06:34.99 or whatever you do, do all to the (what?) 00:06:34.99\00:06:38.99 glory of God and that is just one sentence long 00:06:38.99\00:06:42.96 the bible basically telling whatever we do whether it's 00:06:42.96\00:06:46.97 eating drinking whatever practice we engage in it ought 00:06:46.97\00:06:51.01 to be positive and brings glory and brings 00:06:51.01\00:06:55.01 honor to God that is health principle #1 00:06:55.01\00:06:59.01 Health principle #2 is still found in 00:06:59.01\00:07:03.08 1st Corinthians but it is in chapter 6, lets go there 00:07:03.08\00:07:07.12 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and in verse 00:07:07.12\00:07:11.13 19 Paul writes this and the bible 00:07:11.13\00:07:15.10 says Or do you not know that 00:07:15.10\00:07:19.13 your body is the (what?) temple temple of the Holy 00:07:19.13\00:07:23.14 Spirit within you, whom you have from God, 00:07:23.14\00:07:27.14 and you are not your own? for you were bought at a price 00:07:27.14\00:07:31.15 therefore glorify God in your body 00:07:31.15\00:07:35.18 and in your spirit which are God's Now we got 00:07:35.18\00:07:39.19 to stop there for second there is a principle in that 00:07:39.19\00:07:43.19 verse that many people in the world don't like 00:07:43.19\00:07:47.20 it is telling us that my body doesn't belong to me 00:07:47.20\00:07:51.20 and I do not have the right to do it whatever 00:07:51.20\00:07:55.20 I wish. See that is a a hard conncept because 00:07:55.20\00:07:59.21 when you think about it who created the body 00:07:59.21\00:08:03.31 of course God did. I didn't create my own body I didn't form 00:08:03.31\00:08:07.32 My heart and my lungs and my veins and my capillaries 00:08:07.32\00:08:11.32 God did that so not only did he create my body 00:08:11.32\00:08:15.36 but the Bible says he died for me on the cross of calvary 00:08:15.36\00:08:19.36 so there is two ways he owns me. Creation and by 00:08:19.36\00:08:23.37 redemption, Can you say Amen. so see many times people 00:08:23.37\00:08:27.37 say it is my body I'll do what I want as long as it doesn't 00:08:27.37\00:08:31.37 hurt anybody else. Actually that's not true 00:08:31.37\00:08:35.38 my body, your body, is the temple of the Holy Spirit 00:08:35.38\00:08:39.41 it is where God wants to dwell so this passage 00:08:39.41\00:08:43.42 is telling us that we need to honor God with our bodies 00:08:43.42\00:08:47.46 and take care of them because really when you think about 00:08:47.46\00:08:51.46 it it makes a lot of sense how many bodies do we get on earth 00:08:51.46\00:08:55.43 you get one so if I mess it up I don't get another 00:08:55.43\00:08:59.47 one until the day of the resurrection. So thst is pricple 00:08:59.47\00:09:03.54 #2. principle #3 is a couple pages back 00:09:03.54\00:09:07.54 in chapter 3 1st Corinthians chapter 3 00:09:07.54\00:09:11.58 and verse 16 00:09:11.58\00:09:15.62 The Bible says, Do you not know 00:09:15.62\00:09:19.62 that you are the temple of God and that the spirit 00:09:19.62\00:09:23.66 of God dwells in you if anyone defiles the 00:09:23.66\00:09:27.66 temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple 00:09:27.66\00:09:31.63 of God is holy, which temple you are 00:09:31.63\00:09:35.67 this kind of reiterates a little bit more what the last verse 00:09:35.67\00:09:39.67 said what the Bible is telling us is simply saying, don't do 00:09:39.67\00:09:43.71 anything that would destroy the body or the 00:09:43.71\00:09:47.72 mind not only because it belongs to Gods but He also 00:09:47.72\00:09:51.72 given it to us to you to use on this earth. Can you say amen? 00:09:51.72\00:09:55.72 and when we destroy that body or mind it is 00:09:55.72\00:09:59.73 going to affect our happiness even right here and right now, 00:09:59.73\00:10:03.73 so God loves us enough to give us these principles 00:10:03.73\00:10:07.74 in fact lets put all three on the screen 00:10:07.74\00:10:11.74 #1 Our helth habits should glorify God. 00:10:11.74\00:10:15.74 # 2 Our is holy it belongs to Him 00:10:15.74\00:10:19.75 therefor we should take care of it. And principle #3 00:10:19.75\00:10:23.75 we are not to engage in any that destroys 00:10:23.75\00:10:27.76 the body, that is it. That's God's health plan 00:10:27.76\00:10:31.79 for the human family See if you were read all 00:10:31.79\00:10:35.76 the healthcare laws and bills today you would likely read 00:10:35.76\00:10:39.77 about hundreds and hundreds of pages filled things and complex 00:10:39.77\00:10:43.77 language. God is pretty simple Amen three principles He doesn't 00:10:43.77\00:10:47.78 tell us 100,000 things we can and can't do he says listen, 00:10:47.78\00:10:51.78 here are the principles,you apply it to your life in 00:10:51.78\00:10:55.78 your situation, and God's Holy Spirit will guide you. 00:10:55.78\00:10:59.79 three simple things 00:10:59.79\00:11:03.86 now let me ask you a question how many 00:11:03.86\00:11:07.86 of you would like to own a Mercedes Benz? Come on you can 00:11:07.86\00:11:11.87 be honest. how many would like to have someone give them a 00:11:11.87\00:11:15.87 Mercedes Benz only half of you cause half don't have your hand up, if someone offered it to me 00:11:15.87\00:11:19.87 free I would take it. Now Mercedes Benz it is known to be 00:11:19.87\00:11:23.91 one of the best automobile in the world it is put through hundreds of quality 00:11:23.91\00:11:27.92 tests so when you finally get one you know 00:11:27.92\00:11:31.92 yor're getting soemthing good but lets suppose 00:11:31.92\00:11:35.92 when I got Mercedes Benz , in the glove box should be a 00:11:35.92\00:11:39.93 (what?) an owners manual, that owners manual 00:11:39.93\00:11:43.93 details for me how to take care of this car how often 00:11:43.93\00:11:47.94 to change the oil, the air filter what kind of gas, 00:11:47.94\00:11:51.94 to put in it all these things I need to know to keep 00:11:51.94\00:11:55.94 it good,running and healthy, but would what happen 00:11:55.94\00:11:59.95 if when I went to the gas station I though you know what 00:11:59.95\00:12:04.02 instead of put diesel in here because that cost money I'm just 00:12:04.02\00:12:08.02 going to put regular gas in. What would happen to my Mercedes 00:12:08.02\00:12:12.03 Benz? pretty soon it would be in the repair shop 00:12:12.03\00:12:16.03 with a big bill. Now can can I blame Mercedes Benz for that? 00:12:16.03\00:12:20.04 I can't beacuse I ignored the owner 00:12:20.04\00:12:24.24 manual. sometimes thats the way we are with God 00:12:24.24\00:12:28.24 we ignore his health principles and then blame God 00:12:28.24\00:12:32.25 when something negative or bad happens to us 00:12:32.25\00:12:35.12 that not fair but see what God has said 00:12:35.12\00:12:39.15 even if we engage in unhealthful practices, He said I still love 00:12:39.15\00:12:43.32 you I'm going to deliver you and I want to set you free 00:12:43.32\00:12:47.30 if you will let me. Can you say amen? So here is what we're going to do tonight 00:12:47.30\00:12:51.30 We are going to take these three simple principles 00:12:51.30\00:12:55.30 and we're going to apply them to specific things 00:12:55.30\00:12:59.34 that people struggle with in our world today, Now I want 00:12:59.34\00:13:02.98 to let you know ahead of time that we're probably we're going 00:13:02.98\00:13:07.42 to tread on sensitive subjects it is not meant to hurt 00:13:07.42\00:13:11.42 or offend anyone or make them feel bad because the truth is 00:13:11.42\00:13:15.42 every person setting here right now including myself 00:13:15.42\00:13:19.46 we all have some some king of addiction in our live is that 00:13:19.46\00:13:27.44 not true for some its physical that is just more visible or 00:13:27.44\00:13:31.44 others it maybe a spititual some kind of emotional that no body 00:13:31.44\00:13:35.48 else can really see we all have faults and our 00:13:35.48\00:13:39.48 weaknesses. God wants to give us victory over them all 00:13:39.48\00:13:43.49 and no person is better than anyone else in God eyes 00:13:43.49\00:13:47.49 can we all agree on that so here is what we're going do 00:13:47.49\00:13:51.53 i wanna tell you a story about to lead into this about 00:13:51.53\00:13:52.93 Doctor Richard Walden. He was a physician 00:13:52.93\00:13:55.50 in california and he got tired of all his patients coming 00:13:55.50\00:13:59.50 to him and asking for some kind of pills or medicine 00:13:59.50\00:14:03.57 to take away their aches and pains while still 00:14:03.57\00:14:07.61 continuing their unhealthy practices that causing it 00:14:07.61\00:14:11.61 beginning and he couldn't seem to get through his patients 00:14:11.61\00:14:15.62 you need to make different lifestyle choices so here is 00:14:15.62\00:14:19.62 what he did he wrote a little booklet He put it in his 00:14:19.62\00:14:23.66 waiting room and titled it, I'll tell you 00:14:23.66\00:14:27.66 how to die younger can you imagine that 00:14:27.66\00:14:31.63 this a bold physician, cause you know waiting room 00:14:31.63\00:14:35.64 what are you usually doing, your're waiting and 00:14:35.64\00:14:39.67 reading so he knew his so knew his patients would pick it up 00:14:39.67\00:14:43.68 he listed about 10 things. This is the first thing that he put 00:14:43.68\00:14:47.68 in his booklet about to die younger, he wrote, 00:14:47.68\00:14:51.69 Now we are going to pause here for a second 00:14:55.72\00:14:59.73 because manytimes a person may say now wait a minute the bible 00:14:59.73\00:15:03.77 does not say thou shall not smoke,it's true the bible 00:15:03.77\00:15:07.77 doesn't say the bible also doesn't say thou shall stuff 00:15:07.77\00:15:11.81 cocaine or thou shall inject heroine but there 00:15:11.81\00:15:15.81 are principles in the Bible that will help us 00:15:15.81\00:15:19.81 make our decisions. The thing is we want to understand 00:15:19.81\00:15:23.82 I know many beautiful christians who love God with all 00:15:23.82\00:15:27.86 their heart and have struggled with this particular 00:15:27.86\00:15:31.86 practice. In fact I have had People tell me this is one of 00:15:31.86\00:15:35.83 hardest addictions to able stop 00:15:35.83\00:15:39.87 but you know God has something better 00:15:39.87\00:15:43.87 lets just take a look at some scientific and medical 00:15:43.87\00:15:47.91 facts about smoking that probably won't surprise any body 00:15:47.91\00:15:51.91 We are are told 18 active poisons 00:15:51.91\00:15:55.92 in tobacco alone, the main ones nicotine and tar 00:15:55.92\00:15:59.92 Did you know that half drop of raw nicotine 00:15:59.92\00:16:04.03 would kill a rabbit, just half a drop 00:16:04.03\00:16:08.00 and there is 21/2 drops of nicotine in every cigarette 00:16:08.00\00:16:12.00 you say way doesn't it kill us instantly you know 00:16:12.00\00:16:16.04 why? Because the Bible says our bodies 00:16:16.04\00:16:19.71 are fearfully nad wonderfully made amen? its amazing 00:16:19.71\00:16:24.08 that whenever something negative happens to the body God created 00:16:24.08\00:16:28.08 it to start healing itself already properties 00:16:28.08\00:16:32.12 and agencies go into place and we cut ourself or a foreign 00:16:32.12\00:16:36.12 substance goes in and the body starts making itself well by 00:16:36.12\00:16:40.16 God's grace however, one we start doing things 00:16:40.16\00:16:44.13 over and over, over a long period of time eventually 00:16:44.13\00:16:48.17 it catches up with us. Since 1937 00:16:48.17\00:16:52.17 death from lung cancer has increased 4 times 00:16:52.17\00:16:56.18 there is 700,000 people who die from 00:16:56.18\00:17:00.28 cigarette related diseases it's a mind and body 00:17:00.28\00:17:04.29 destroying habit, and you notice the Surgeon Gemeral 00:17:04.29\00:17:08.32 you know and government standards aren't exactly the 00:17:08.32\00:17:12.33 highest, but even the Surgeon General puts a warning on every 00:17:12.33\00:17:16.30 single pack of cigarettes now just 00:17:16.30\00:17:20.34 looking at those statistics alone knowing what it does 00:17:20.34\00:17:24.34 to one's mind and body, if we were to applied 00:17:24.34\00:17:28.38 the three health principles from the bible. 00:17:28.38\00:17:32.38 what do you think? Smoking is it a health habit that glorifies 00:17:32.38\00:17:36.42 God, Yes or No? Not really, our body is Holly 00:17:36.42\00:17:40.42 and belongs to God is smoking taking care of the body? Yes or 00:17:40.42\00:17:44.46 No not really is it something that destroys the mind and body? 00:17:44.46\00:17:48.43 Yes! So according health principle of the bible 00:17:48.43\00:17:52.47 Not my opinion or Marks, 00:17:52.47\00:17:56.50 is smoking something God wants to be in are life? It is not! 00:17:56.50\00:18:00.58 you say but Pastor Dave I've known 00:18:00.58\00:18:04.61 that I want to be able to stop I can't seam 00:18:04.61\00:18:08.62 to be able do it, bother and sister I want you to know 00:18:08.62\00:18:12.65 I can understand that, and there is something I want you to hear 00:18:12.65\00:18:16.69 load and clear Regardless what anybody else may tell you 00:18:16.69\00:18:20.73 God does not love you any less 00:18:20.73\00:18:24.70 because you smoke. Can you say Amen. and He not going love you 00:18:24.70\00:18:28.74 any more when quit, He already love now as 00:18:28.74\00:18:32.77 much as He possibly can, because sometimes we get the 00:18:32.77\00:18:36.81 impression oh, someone who smokes or who struggles this 00:18:36.81\00:18:40.82 health habit they are inferior there are love they are less by 00:18:40.82\00:18:44.89 God that is that is absolutely untrue, God won't love you anymore when stop whatever 00:18:44.89\00:18:48.89 that health practice is, you say well then why should stop 00:18:48.89\00:18:52.93 if a person stops, it isn't becasue it gains them 00:18:52.93\00:18:56.90 righteousness it is because it go to make God love more 00:18:56.90\00:19:00.97 or their going to get into heaven easier ti they to stop 00:19:00.97\00:19:05.04 it's because inside they have been conviction and there're I 00:19:05.04\00:19:09.08 want to care of mind and body I'm surrendering to You and I'm 00:19:09.08\00:19:13.08 asking You to take this out of my life, it is a response to the 00:19:13.08\00:19:17.09 love of God you to make God love you,I choose 00:19:17.09\00:19:21.09 to stop becasue we are responding to what He did on the 00:19:21.09\00:19:25.09 cross calvary, if that makes sense can you say amen 00:19:25.09\00:19:29.06 but you know smoking is not the only thing we can struggle with 00:19:29.06\00:19:33.07 notice the seocnd thing that is listed in 00:19:33.07\00:19:37.07 Dr. Walter's pamphlet, I love to hold get ahold of this pamphlet, but i have been able find it 00:19:37.07\00:19:41.08 #2 He said if you want to die younger 00:19:41.08\00:19:45.08 drink alcohol even in moderation 00:19:45.08\00:19:49.12 now we perhaps should tread softly 00:19:49.12\00:19:53.12 here right now alcohol 00:19:53.12\00:19:57.13 is probably a billion dollar business 00:19:57.13\00:20:01.10 in this country and in this world probably more 00:20:01.10\00:20:05.10 it is also the number one drug problem 00:20:05.10\00:20:09.10 that exists. So the the question is 00:20:09.10\00:20:13.14 how does God look at the idea of alcohol because there are mixed 00:20:13.14\00:20:17.11 opinions about this. Now the the bible speaks specifically on it 00:20:17.11\00:20:21.15 but first lets just start with some scientific and medical 00:20:21.15\00:20:25.15 facts most of us are probably aware of anyway 00:20:25.15\00:20:29.16 fact # 1 this that alcohol cost billions dollars 00:20:29.16\00:20:33.16 in lost work medical expense and auto accidents 00:20:33.16\00:20:37.13 there is a 100,000 deaths do to alcohol 00:20:37.13\00:20:41.14 800,000 on the road in auto accidents 00:20:41.14\00:20:45.17 it is a significant factor in violent 00:20:45.17\00:20:49.18 crimes like rape and murder etc. and you kow the one 00:20:49.18\00:20:53.18 that realy struck me 61 million 00:20:53.18\00:20:57.19 families have been by alcohol 00:20:57.19\00:21:01.26 in a negative way, how many families 00:21:01.26\00:21:05.26 have been torn apart because of something 00:21:05.26\00:21:09.23 done or said by a person that was nfluence 00:21:09.23\00:21:13.23 something else words that could never 00:21:13.23\00:21:17.27 taken back actions that that you could never undo 00:21:17.27\00:21:21.28 61 million families and I would guaranty you the number 00:21:21.28\00:21:25.28 is higher than that because that is only the cases that been 00:21:25.28\00:21:29.28 reported that doesn'teven count the secret things that happen 00:21:29.28\00:21:33.29 silence every single day 00:21:33.29\00:21:37.29 that is world statistics but does God say anything 00:21:37.29\00:21:41.26 about this? And He does I want to invite you 00:21:41.26\00:21:45.30 Turn in your bibles to the book of Proverbs. What book are we 00:21:45.30\00:21:49.27 going? to Proverbs chapter 20 and 00:21:49.27\00:21:53.31 and we are going look a verse one. The Bible says, 00:21:53.31\00:21:57.31 wine is a (what?) mocker, 00:21:57.31\00:22:01.38 and strong drink is a brawler, and 00:22:01.38\00:22:05.39 whoever is led astray by it is not wise 00:22:05.39\00:22:09.39 Now let me ask you, before we dig into doe's that sound like 00:22:09.39\00:22:13.40 positive or negative comment on alcohol what do you think? 00:22:13.40\00:22:17.37 now that is pretty negative. I mean God come right out He says 00:22:17.37\00:22:21.37 listen alcohol will mock you, it will make a fool 00:22:21.37\00:22:25.41 of you and if you ever see someone 00:22:25.41\00:22:29.41 who is under the influence whether your self 00:22:29.41\00:22:33.42 at inopportune munite or someone else we realize 00:22:33.42\00:22:37.42 what alcohol can do. See when someone is under the influence 00:22:37.42\00:22:41.42 they no longer have control of their mind they usally go one of 00:22:41.42\00:22:45.43 two ways either A, alcohol mocks them, 00:22:45.43\00:22:49.40 because they lose control and they either do something silly 00:22:49.40\00:22:53.40 or something stupid or something humiliate 00:22:53.40\00:22:57.41 for the rest of their life because they are not thinking 00:22:57.41\00:23:01.51 any more but those who are not something 00:23:01.51\00:23:05.51 silly or humiliating something the would never do under normal 00:23:05.51\00:23:09.52 circumstances if you go to other side of continuum there are 00:23:09.52\00:23:13.52 those those that don't silly they get mean and angry 00:23:13.52\00:23:17.53 and nasty. Because what else did Solomon write? 00:23:17.53\00:23:21.50 strong drink is a (what?) brawler, 00:23:21.50\00:23:25.50 how many bar room fights have there been because 00:23:25.50\00:23:29.54 how many bar room fights have there been because of alcohol 00:23:29.54\00:23:33.54 and you know what is sad how much 00:23:33.54\00:23:37.55 spousal and child abuse has been a result 00:23:37.55\00:23:41.55 of somebody being under influence doing something 00:23:41.55\00:23:45.55 they would never do under normal circumstance 00:23:45.55\00:23:49.56 when lose control one time it came effect you 00:23:49.56\00:23:53.56 for the rest of your life, because your giving your mind 00:23:53.56\00:23:57.53 over to something else and that's why 00:23:57.53\00:24:01.60 God loves us too much to stay silent about it. 00:24:01.60\00:24:05.64 He says it is not wise to be led astray by wine or alcohol 00:24:05.64\00:24:09.64 stay away from it, it's not going to help us live a 00:24:09.64\00:24:13.65 healthy happy abundant life that God wants 00:24:13.65\00:24:17.65 buy you know something that really disturbs me 00:24:17.65\00:24:21.66 when I hear people and even churches says 00:24:21.66\00:24:25.66 oh now wait a minute Jesus drank alcohol 00:24:25.66\00:24:29.63 and He provided for the people at the wedding of Cana 00:24:29.63\00:24:33.64 friends I can tell you that from the bible and the bible alone 00:24:33.64\00:24:37.64 that is absolutely untrue that is just the Devil's way 00:24:37.64\00:24:41.68 that is teh devil's way of twisting things 00:24:41.68\00:24:45.68 that he can use to take control 00:24:45.68\00:24:49.68 Jesus never drank alcoholic wine 00:24:49.68\00:24:53.69 how do you know that? Two reasons just read 00:24:53.69\00:24:57.69 something in the book of Poverbs didn't we? Let me ask you 00:24:57.69\00:25:01.73 something you do we agree that Jesus lived a sinless life? Yes 00:25:01.73\00:25:05.73 or No do we agree that Jesus lived in harmony with 00:25:05.73\00:25:09.74 all the principles of scripture? Yes or No? indeed! 00:25:09.74\00:25:13.74 they had the old testament at that time, they the 00:25:13.74\00:25:17.75 book of Proverbs, I am not willing to say that Jesus 00:25:17.75\00:25:21.78 purposely ignored what was written right here Proverbs 00:25:21.78\00:25:25.79 and went ahead and drank alcohol left it as 00:25:25.79\00:25:29.79 an example for future generations after He would have 00:25:29.79\00:25:33.80 read exactly what Solomon wrote, because if Solomon wrote it 00:25:33.80\00:25:37.77 Solomon was inspired of who? The Holy Spirit 00:25:37.77\00:25:41.77 Jesus left the Holy Spirit for us. Jesus wouldn't contradict 00:25:41.77\00:25:45.77 His own word by word of by example 00:25:45.77\00:25:49.78 that is reason #1. reason #2 00:25:49.78\00:25:53.78 something sometimes that confuses people is this 00:25:53.78\00:25:57.82 something sometimes that confuses people is this 00:25:57.82\00:26:01.89 the Bible uses the word wine to describe both the 00:26:01.89\00:26:05.89 alcohol and grape juice, did you know it uses 00:26:05.89\00:26:09.86 the same word wine can describe fermented wine which is 00:26:09.86\00:26:13.87 alcohol but it can also the describe unfermented which is 00:26:13.87\00:26:17.87 pure juice of the grape, it uses the the same word the english 00:26:17.87\00:26:21.91 version does not make a differentiation you say how 00:26:21.91\00:26:25.91 are you suppose to know which kind of wine it's talking about 00:26:25.91\00:26:29.92 the Bible uses that word how do you know if it is speaking of 00:26:29.92\00:26:33.92 alcohol or the fruit of the vine you have to look at context 00:26:33.92\00:26:37.93 and it will usually be very clear, for example sense we are right here in Proverbs 00:26:37.93\00:26:41.90 Proverbs 21 it said wine 00:26:41.90\00:26:45.90 is mocker and so far it hadn't which kind of wine 00:26:45.90\00:26:49.90 but if you read the very next sentence it clarifies 00:26:49.90\00:26:53.91 strong drink is a brawler or some version say intoxicating 00:26:53.91\00:26:57.91 drinks. Well what strong drink be, would that be grape juice? 00:26:57.91\00:27:01.98 Now obviously that's talking the about alcoholic 00:27:01.98\00:27:06.02 wine and the bible say stay away 00:27:06.02\00:27:10.03 from it. So see when the bible speaks of Jesus 00:27:10.03\00:27:14.00 providing wine at the wedding Canae, that's not alcoholic 00:27:14.00\00:27:18.00 wine you think He would ignore Proverbs and provide 00:27:18.00\00:27:22.00 something like for the people in the weeding Cana when He 00:27:22.00\00:27:26.04 is the Son of God it is talking about pure 00:27:26.04\00:27:30.05 fruit of the vine see that is why important to 00:27:30.05\00:27:34.05 study the Bible in its context not just pick out one 00:27:34.05\00:27:38.05 verse, but go to all verses that talk about this subject 00:27:38.05\00:27:42.06 then we will discover Bible truth amen? 00:27:42.06\00:27:46.06 actually while we're here there is one more verse in Proverbs 00:27:46.06\00:27:50.03 that talks about alcohol it is rather poetic actually 00:27:50.03\00:27:54.04 lets go Proverbs chapter 23 and verse 29 00:27:54.04\00:27:58.04 The Bible says Who has woe? 00:27:58.04\00:28:02.14 Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? 00:28:02.14\00:28:06.15 and who has complaints? Who has wounds without cause? 00:28:06.15\00:28:10.15 who has redness of the eyes those who linger 00:28:10.15\00:28:14.16 long at the wine those who go in search of mixed 00:28:14.16\00:28:18.16 wine do not look on wine when it is red 00:28:18.16\00:28:22.13 when it sparkles in the cup, when it swirls smoothly 00:28:22.13\00:28:26.13 at the last it bits like a serpent and stings like a viper 00:28:26.13\00:28:30.17 your eyes will see strange things and your heart 00:28:30.17\00:28:34.18 will utter perverse things. WOW 00:28:34.18\00:28:38.18 that sounds like someone experience who has experienced 00:28:38.18\00:28:42.18 that doesn't it? I mean just notice the summary what he 00:28:42.18\00:28:46.19 writes in 4 or 5 simpleverse.The Bible says, Alcohol causes woe 00:28:46.19\00:28:50.19 sorrow and contention in peoples lives, I think King James 00:28:50.19\00:28:54.20 babbling. Have you ever heard try to talk when they are under 00:28:54.20\00:28:58.20 the influence It causes us to see strange things, we will say 00:28:58.20\00:29:02.27 cruel or perverse things and it is compared to 00:29:02.27\00:29:06.27 the poison of a snake I mean what it say? 00:29:06.27\00:29:10.28 it stings like viper or some version say like an adder 00:29:10.28\00:29:14.28 see I have heard people say oh well it's ok just in 00:29:14.28\00:29:18.29 moderation does the Bible say that? 00:29:18.29\00:29:22.32 or is that just man's theory I mean if I stood up 00:29:22.32\00:29:26.33 here and said you know I have cup here of venom 00:29:26.33\00:29:30.27 Cobra, who would like to drink it, how many people would raise 00:29:30.27\00:29:34.30 there hand? Nobody, but suppose I said you know 00:29:34.30\00:29:38.31 just have a little bit, just drink it in moderation would you 00:29:38.31\00:29:42.31 still raise your hand certainly not, why would we want 00:29:42.31\00:29:46.31 even a little bit of poison, why would even 00:29:46.31\00:29:50.32 a little bit of a drink that does these things 00:29:50.32\00:29:54.32 It causes sorrow and woes takes control of our mind 00:29:54.32\00:29:58.33 thank about who would invent a drink that does all 00:29:58.33\00:30:02.30 these things and cause us to lose control of the mind 00:30:02.30\00:30:06.33 Would God invent that for us? No. That would be the Devil 00:30:06.33\00:30:10.34 it is his way of trying to get us to 00:30:10.34\00:30:14.34 hand our decision making ability over to someone 00:30:14.34\00:30:18.35 or something else cause once we surrender that 00:30:18.35\00:30:22.35 control believe me that is how the Devil well be 00:30:22.35\00:30:26.35 happy to step in. I 00:30:26.35\00:30:30.39 remember when I was a teenager my first year of college 00:30:30.39\00:30:34.36 the first couple years I didn't go to christian college I went 00:30:34.36\00:30:38.37 to public college a lot of times I can remember on Monday 00:30:38.37\00:30:42.37 mornings seating in a class room waiting for class to start and some of other students 00:30:42.37\00:30:46.37 would be talking about you know what they did on the weekend 00:30:46.37\00:30:50.41 I would kinda set there and listen, I guess I eavesdropping 00:30:50.41\00:30:54.42 since i was eavesdropping, I want to here they say, they say 00:30:54.42\00:30:58.42 like aw yeah man I went out to party, man I drink it up and 00:30:58.42\00:31:02.49 that night I was just puke in the toilet Man I had agreat time 00:31:02.49\00:31:06.49 now I'm setting thinking to my self, now wait a minute 00:31:06.49\00:31:10.47 you went to a party and you drank so much alcohol 00:31:10.47\00:31:14.50 you spend the night sicking your head your head nasty old toilet 00:31:14.50\00:31:18.47 with who knows what inside puking your guts out 00:31:18.47\00:31:22.51 That fun? I mean even if I wasn't a 00:31:22.51\00:31:26.51 a believer I would a a hard time think that's fun 00:31:26.51\00:31:30.52 In fact I would hear people say, well you know I got to drink to 00:31:30.52\00:31:34.52 have a goodtime Ya but the day after you don't 00:31:34.52\00:31:38.53 even remember the good time that you think you had, see I don't 00:31:38.53\00:31:42.50 understand that in fact you may find that you did or said some 00:31:42.50\00:31:46.53 things that you are going to regret for rest of your life and 00:31:46.53\00:31:50.54 it happens frequently, listen my friend 00:31:50.54\00:31:54.54 Kevin, when I was probably about 20 years old,my best friend 00:31:54.54\00:31:58.55 was a guy name Kevin, now Kevin wasn't christian 00:31:58.55\00:32:02.62 I am how a Christian and non christian became such great 00:32:02.62\00:32:06.62 we were great friends, I guess that is just God bring opposite 00:32:06.62\00:32:10.63 together so we could some how help each other, well he was good friend of mine 00:32:10.63\00:32:14.63 and I remember one day my mom handed me the newspaper 00:32:14.63\00:32:18.63 and said is this Kevin? I said what are talking about? Now I 00:32:18.63\00:32:22.64 don't know if they still do this today, in some newspapers they 00:32:22.64\00:32:26.64 actually list the people who were arrested in town and what they were arrested for 00:32:26.64\00:32:30.65 I don't know if just do that to shame them or what so I remember 00:32:30.65\00:32:34.65 seeing my friends in there, I said nah that can't 00:32:34.65\00:32:38.69 that can't be the Kavin I know, I said well come to think of it 00:32:38.69\00:32:42.69 I haven't seen him in the last couple days, so I 00:32:42.69\00:32:46.70 walked across the street to where his grandparents because he stayed there alot 00:32:46.70\00:32:50.67 and I said where is Kavin and his grandpa 00:32:50.67\00:32:54.67 said come here I got to tell you something, oh boy 00:32:54.67\00:32:58.71 Kevin, was in jail 00:32:58.71\00:33:02.78 In jail for what? 00:33:02.78\00:33:06.78 He said doesn't want you to come out and see him, but if 00:33:06.78\00:33:10.79 but if you insist I'll take you out, I'm like he is best friend 00:33:10.79\00:33:14.79 I don't care what he said I'm going out to see him and I 00:33:14.79\00:33:18.79 remember we took a trip out to the county jail and I went into the little visitation 00:33:18.79\00:33:22.80 room where you got to speak, you know between the thick glass, 00:33:22.80\00:33:26.80 you can only talk on the phone you can't see or touch each other and I remember he 00:33:26.80\00:33:30.81 came out with his hands cuffs and his orange jumpsuit and 00:33:30.81\00:33:34.81 and as soon saw me he was mad, he turned around and tried to go 00:33:34.81\00:33:38.78 back Dave I told you not come, I said Kavin what are you talking 00:33:38.78\00:33:42.85 about I'm your best friend you should have told me 00:33:42.85\00:33:46.86 I remember when he calmed down, he finally sat there and he told 00:33:46.86\00:33:50.86 me his story I'll forget it as long as I live 00:33:50.86\00:33:54.86 His girl friend had broken up with him 00:33:54.86\00:33:58.87 brake ups as a teenager that not fun, well it's not fun at any 00:33:58.87\00:34:02.94 age but you know it devastated him so much 00:34:02.94\00:34:06.94 that for the next three days he went out with another buddy of 00:34:06.94\00:34:10.95 his and they went on a drinking binge until 2 o'clock in the 00:34:10.95\00:34:14.98 morning and when they got kicked out of the bar 00:34:14.98\00:34:18.99 they then went out and vandalized numerous 00:34:18.99\00:34:22.99 cars and houses for three nights in a row 00:34:22.99\00:34:27.00 eventually the police caught up to them now he 00:34:27.00\00:34:31.00 he is in jail, and you what he told me, he look me straight 00:34:31.00\00:34:35.00 in the eyes and he said Dave, I don,t even 00:34:35.00\00:34:39.01 remember doing it 00:34:39.01\00:34:43.01 you see friends God has something better for us 00:34:43.01\00:34:47.02 it's the happy healthy an abundant life. Now listen 00:34:47.02\00:34:51.05 before we move on. I know for many people whither it be an 00:34:51.05\00:34:55.09 any kind addiction or struggle did you know that God has 00:34:55.09\00:34:59.13 a plan for victory for all of us. Can you say amen? He has got 00:34:59.13\00:35:03.20 a five step plan and I want to share that with you and this 00:35:03.20\00:35:07.20 good for whatever weakness that we're trying to overcome, cause God doesn't present us 00:35:07.20\00:35:11.21 things like this and say you know what you got yourself into 00:35:11.21\00:35:15.28 the mess tough luck you get yourself out of it, God doesn't work that way. He says listen 00:35:15.28\00:35:19.28 it was your choose, it maybe your fault, but you know what 00:35:19.28\00:35:23.32 I am right here beside you, I will hold your hand 00:35:23.32\00:35:26.86 and I will walk you through it, He never leaves us 00:35:26.86\00:35:30.89 nor forsakes us, people might sometimes the 00:35:30.89\00:35:34.86 church might, but Jesus wouldn't. Can you say amen? 00:35:34.86\00:35:38.90 Let's go through those 5 principles I mean I could spend all night on the 5 principles 00:35:38.90\00:35:42.90 but we're do them rather quickly here principle #1 00:35:42.90\00:35:46.94 tell God you've made a desision to quit,whatever it is, smoking, 00:35:46.94\00:35:50.95 alcohol pornography, bad temper you name it, it begins 00:35:50.95\00:35:54.98 with you, with me making a choice 00:35:54.98\00:35:59.02 because before God can help us, not because He can't 00:35:59.02\00:36:03.09 because He won't unless we chose to let Him 00:36:03.09\00:36:07.76 God will not force us to make any choices or 00:36:07.76\00:36:11.77 give anyhting up it against our will, it has to start with our 00:36:11.77\00:36:15.80 so I have to say God I am choosing today 00:36:15.80\00:36:19.81 to quit, I don't how I'm going to do that, but I'm choosing 00:36:19.81\00:36:23.81 today I no longer what them in my life, I would to quit and I need You to take it away 00:36:23.81\00:36:27.85 That is #1, Step #2 00:36:27.85\00:36:31.85 Now I go to God I ask Him to remove the desire 00:36:31.85\00:36:35.89 and I just start thanking Him for the victory, what do you 00:36:35.89\00:36:39.89 mean I thank him before it happens? Yes, that's 00:36:39.89\00:36:43.87 faith, see lets be honest whatever the addiction 00:36:43.87\00:36:47.90 my be, why do we do it? What? 00:36:47.90\00:36:51.91 That is not a hard question why do we do? We like it. 00:36:51.91\00:36:55.94 It's pleasurable to human nature 00:36:55.94\00:36:59.95 so we have to ask God to change that, 00:36:59.95\00:37:04.05 remove that desire, and give us a desire for something 00:37:04.05\00:37:08.06 else, does that make sense? Give Him permission to take it away 00:37:08.06\00:37:12.09 and then start thanking that He is going to doing it. Step #3 00:37:12.09\00:37:16.06 Remember that you are dead to sin. When 00:37:16.06\00:37:20.07 tempted stop and do what? Pray. You know why 00:37:20.07\00:37:24.11 it my seem cleshay but I tell, it's offly hard to 00:37:24.11\00:37:28.11 pray and sin at the same time, It's possible 00:37:28.11\00:37:32.11 but it's very difficult , in fact you need prayer partner 00:37:32.11\00:37:36.15 whatever it is your seeking to overcome you trust 00:37:36.15\00:37:40.16 implicitly that when you sense the desire coming, you can sense 00:37:40.16\00:37:44.13 when temptation coming you go to them you call them and say 00:37:44.13\00:37:48.13 listen will pray for me, I feel the temptation coming see prayer 00:37:48.13\00:37:52.13 God's divine intervention,is what will take that desire 00:37:52.13\00:37:56.17 away. step #4 00:37:56.17\00:38:00.28 Now this is just common sense, don't provide for the desire. 00:38:00.28\00:38:04.31 in other words avoid temping situation, so I say 00:38:04.31\00:38:08.32 Lord, I'm choosing to quit alcohol I want You to give me 00:38:08.32\00:38:12.32 the victory. What step do I need to take? That right 00:38:12.32\00:38:16.32 get rid of all alcohol in my home, stay out of bars 00:38:16.32\00:38:20.40 you probably don't need to hang other people who are drinking heavily because it is crazy 00:38:20.40\00:38:24.40 to ask God to deliver us and then to purposely 00:38:24.40\00:38:28.40 put ourselves in a tempting situations. That like 00:38:28.40\00:38:32.44 saying well God going keep a stash here right at my house just in case you deliver me 00:38:32.44\00:38:36.44 well we have already lost faith right there don't provide 00:38:36.44\00:38:40.48 for the desire. Step #5 00:38:40.48\00:38:44.49 also actually by the way when it come to pornography 00:38:44.49\00:38:48.52 another way we don't provide for the desire 00:38:48.52\00:38:52.53 watch certain kinds of movies or sitcoms on television 00:38:52.53\00:38:56.50 that going make that well up inside us 00:38:56.50\00:39:00.64 and finally step #5 most important 00:39:00.64\00:39:04.64 Spend time with God everyday, send time in a 00:39:04.64\00:39:08.71 daily devotional life, because the only thing that is going to 00:39:08.71\00:39:12.68 change my heart, the only thing that is going me strength 00:39:12.68\00:39:16.75 to make is not going to be my will power 00:39:16.75\00:39:20.79 the only thing that going to it is Jesus Christ 00:39:20.79\00:39:24.79 and His Holy Spirit living in me the way I open my life 00:39:24.79\00:39:28.86 to the Holy Spirit is buy opening the bible and opening 00:39:28.86\00:39:32.83 my life to God in prayer that's how we give Him access 00:39:32.83\00:39:36.84 into our life that is why the daily devotional life 00:39:36.84\00:39:40.88 is one single most important thing that every christian can 00:39:40.88\00:39:44.88 be doing it opens the heart to God 00:39:44.88\00:39:48.88 So that is 5 step plan for victory 00:39:48.88\00:39:52.89 I'm not saying it will happen in a day, though it has happened that way for some people, 00:39:52.89\00:39:56.89 but you go one step at a time and God is willing 00:39:56.89\00:40:00.90 God is able He wants to set you free 00:40:00.90\00:40:04.90 he loves you now while your're struggling but He knows your are 00:40:04.90\00:40:08.90 going to be even happier when He has set you free from 00:40:08.90\00:40:12.91 whatever has been hold you back and enslaving you, see that is 00:40:12.91\00:40:16.91 the God we serve He loves as we are, He accept 00:40:16.91\00:40:20.92 as we are but He doesn't want us to stay 00:40:20.92\00:40:24.92 the way we are, cause He has got something 00:40:24.92\00:40:28.92 better. Now we could go all night with addictions, we all 00:40:28.92\00:40:32.93 have them, but what about our daily life? 00:40:32.93\00:40:36.90 Has the bible given us some principles of what we do 00:40:36.90\00:40:40.94 or even eat on a daily basics?, Actually 00:40:40.94\00:40:44.94 yes! I want you to turn to very interesting verse back in 00:40:44.94\00:40:48.94 book of Genesis, this the week of creation 00:40:48.94\00:40:52.95 Notice what God says to Adam and Eve, Genesis 1 verse 29 00:40:52.95\00:40:56.95 The Bible says: "And 00:40:56.95\00:41:01.02 God said, See, I have given you every 00:41:01.02\00:41:05.03 herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all 00:41:05.03\00:41:09.00 the earth, and every tree, whose fruit yields 00:41:09.00\00:41:13.03 seed to you it shall be for food. 00:41:13.03\00:41:17.01 Do you notice the original diet God give mankind 00:41:17.01\00:41:21.01 it says I have given you every herb or the plants the field 00:41:21.01\00:41:25.05 and every fruit, you know the fruit in tree that yield seed 00:41:25.05\00:41:29.05 interestingly enough it is basically 00:41:29.05\00:41:33.05 a vegetarian diet that was God's original 00:41:33.05\00:41:37.06 plan because when you think about it really, 00:41:37.06\00:41:41.06 what would eating meat have require? killing animals 00:41:41.06\00:41:45.07 was there any killing of any kind in the Garden of Eden 00:41:45.07\00:41:49.04 absolute none, so that make sense, now understand however 00:41:49.04\00:41:53.07 it is not a sin to eat meat 00:41:53.07\00:41:57.08 you will not find that verse in the bible. I myself I choose to 00:41:57.08\00:42:01.15 be vegetarian, not because I think that God is going to love me more, but because I figure 00:42:01.15\00:42:05.15 you know what if that was God's original plan before sin entered 00:42:05.15\00:42:09.16 and since God created the body and knows what is best for us 00:42:09.16\00:42:13.13 I want to follow that plan because thats is the one God had 00:42:13.13\00:42:17.13 in the beginning. Now when you go on in the Bible 00:42:17.13\00:42:21.17 clearly God gave permission to eat some meats but because 00:42:21.17\00:42:25.17 he loves us you will find he also gave us some 00:42:25.17\00:42:29.18 principles to follow to help us to choose which 00:42:29.18\00:42:33.18 would be acceptable for human consumption and which would not 00:42:33.18\00:42:37.19 be acceptable or human consumption this is where we get 00:42:37.19\00:42:41.19 into principles of clean and unclean foods. Now sometimes 00:42:41.19\00:42:45.19 there is a bit of a misunderstanding here because 00:42:45.19\00:42:49.16 the prevailing theology says well you know clean and unclean 00:42:49.16\00:42:53.17 foods that was just for Moses and the Israelites and 00:42:53.17\00:42:57.21 ceremonial law but I want take you a very interesting verse in 00:42:57.21\00:43:01.28 the bible It's right here in the book Genesis just go to chapter 00:43:01.28\00:43:05.28 7 chapter 7 00:43:05.28\00:43:09.28 and verse 1 The Bible says 00:43:09.28\00:43:13.29 Then the Lord said to Noah,come 00:43:13.29\00:43:17.33 into the ark, you and all your household, 00:43:17.33\00:43:21.30 because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this 00:43:21.30\00:43:25.27 generation. (now notice verse 2) You shall take with you 00:43:25.27\00:43:29.30 seven each of every (what?) clean animal, 00:43:29.30\00:43:33.31 a male and his female; two each of animals that are 00:43:33.31\00:43:37.31 unclean, a male and his female; 00:43:37.31\00:43:41.32 lets pause there for a second. As God 00:43:41.32\00:43:45.29 was calling the animals into the ark He also 00:43:45.29\00:43:49.36 told Noah I want you to take 7 of what 00:43:49.36\00:43:53.36 kind? Clean and two of 00:43:53.36\00:43:57.33 unclean animals so apparently there was a distinction of 00:43:57.33\00:44:01.40 clean and unclean long before Moses 00:44:01.40\00:44:05.41 and the Jewish nation ever existed 00:44:05.41\00:44:09.41 see cause even after sin entered into the world, 00:44:09.41\00:44:13.45 God gave man principles to follow on how to a happy, 00:44:13.45\00:44:17.45 health and abundant life see 00:44:17.45\00:44:21.46 the reason God said 7 clean, now think about that, when flood 00:44:21.46\00:44:25.46 done and the water subside, and they finally get out of the Ark 00:44:25.46\00:44:29.43 What going to be there for them to eat? Nothing! 00:44:29.43\00:44:33.44 vegetation well be gone or will just be starting sprout 00:44:33.44\00:44:37.47 in order to survive they're going have to eat some of those 00:44:37.47\00:44:41.48 animals and so they 7 clean animals because they can eat 00:44:41.48\00:44:45.48 some of them but there is only two unclean, because 00:44:45.48\00:44:49.48 God does plan for them to eat the unclean. You know why? If 00:44:49.48\00:44:53.49 you have male and female and you eat one of them what's is going 00:44:53.49\00:44:57.49 to happen? there're go extinct, so here you have clean 00:44:57.49\00:45:01.53 and unclean even back at the time of Noah 00:45:01.53\00:45:05.57 and when you think about God is such a good God, He 00:45:05.57\00:45:09.57 could say to us, you know what I don't care, eat whatever you 00:45:09.57\00:45:13.58 want, put whatever in body I don't care what consequence comes from it, that's not our 00:45:13.58\00:45:17.58 God he's too personal, he's too loving, he's 00:45:17.58\00:45:21.58 caring to do that, so he listen, I'm going to give you some 00:45:21.58\00:45:25.59 principle to follow, now is He is not going send Gabriel 00:45:25.59\00:45:29.59 to open my refrigerator or follow out to Walmart to see 00:45:29.59\00:45:33.63 what Im' going buy God gives us a free well it is our choice 00:45:33.63\00:45:37.60 but He gives us some ever interesting principles here I 00:45:37.60\00:45:41.60 want you to go Leviticus chapter 11 I just love the way 00:45:41.60\00:45:45.61 God is simple He doen't make things complicated go to 00:45:45.61\00:45:49.61 Leviticus chapter 11 and God gives us 00:45:49.61\00:45:53.65 a principle to follow on clean and unclean 00:45:53.65\00:45:57.62 foods Leviticus 11 00:45:57.62\00:46:01.69 and verse 2 00:46:01.69\00:46:05.73 The Bible says, speak to 00:46:05.73\00:46:09.66 to the children of Israel, saying, 'These are the animals 00:46:09.66\00:46:13.70 that are on the earth:Among the animals, whatever divides 00:46:13.70\00:46:17.74 he hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud 00:46:17.74\00:46:21.74 that you may eat. Well that is a pretty easy 00:46:21.74\00:46:25.75 prinicple, whatever has a divdied hoof and chews 00:46:25.75\00:46:29.75 cud is clean and acceptable for human 00:46:29.75\00:46:33.79 consumption wow. You say, why does God 00:46:33.79\00:46:37.79 use that? You know what is interesting? 00:46:37.79\00:46:41.76 Most animals that have divided hoof and chew cud are basically 00:46:41.76\00:46:45.77 herbivores they eat the plants and veggies etc 00:46:45.77\00:46:49.77 so when eat them we're just get plants second hand 00:46:49.77\00:46:53.78 God said that will be acceptable for human consumption. 00:46:53.78\00:46:57.81 God gave us the the ideal in the garden of Eden, but if we 00:46:57.81\00:47:01.85 have to, He says here are principels to follow about other 00:47:01.85\00:47:05.89 foods the animals that do not have divided 00:47:05.89\00:47:09.89 hoof and do not chew cud. Do youknow what most of them are? 00:47:09.89\00:47:13.90 carnivores, carnivores they eat other animals 00:47:13.90\00:47:17.90 they eat meat of dead carcases, see their bodies 00:47:17.90\00:47:21.90 are designed to handle those things nut if I eat that animal 00:47:21.90\00:47:25.91 I'm eating everything that animal ate and put it into my 00:47:25.91\00:47:29.91 body which God do not design to handle it 00:47:29.91\00:47:33.95 and therefore it will bring disease, it will filth into my 00:47:33.95\00:47:37.95 mind and my body and God says and God says I love too much not 00:47:37.95\00:47:41.96 to worn you about, that's our loving 00:47:41.96\00:47:45.96 God. Then He goes on, now just for fun of it 00:47:45.96\00:47:49.93 He mentions specific animals here,now some of the animals 00:47:49.93\00:47:53.97 well be no problem because some the ones that are listed I 00:47:53.97\00:47:58.01 wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole anyway, but lets go to verse 4 let have some fun 00:47:58.01\00:48:02.08 with this, I'm sorry verse 5, Levitcus 11 verse 5 00:48:02.08\00:48:06.08 he names some unclean animals, He says the rock hyrax 00:48:06.08\00:48:10.09 (which is basically a badger) because it chews the cud 00:48:10.09\00:48:14.09 but does not have cloven hooves, is unclean to you 00:48:14.09\00:48:18.13 well I'm not going to pitch over that because I don't planing eat 00:48:18.13\00:48:22.10 a badger any way. What does the on say? The hare 00:48:22.10\00:48:26.10 (or the rabbit) because it chews the cud but does not have cloven 00:48:26.10\00:48:30.14 hooves, is unclean to you; not that one don't bother me 00:48:30.14\00:48:34.14 but you know there verse 7 00:48:34.14\00:48:38.18 is a bit of a problem, verse 7 00:48:38.18\00:48:42.18 and the swine, though it divides the hoof 00:48:42.18\00:48:46.22 having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, 00:48:46.22\00:48:50.23 it is (what?) unclean to you. OH 00:48:50.23\00:48:54.20 Why God, He takes away one of our 00:48:54.20\00:48:58.23 favorite foods. He takes away Miss piggy 00:48:58.23\00:49:02.30 Why Lord are you doing that? Is because God is cruel? 00:49:02.30\00:49:06.31 Is because God is restrictive? 00:49:06.31\00:49:10.35 Because God new something before the doctor ever new it. He loves 00:49:10.35\00:49:14.35 us to much God new the pig would be unfit for human consumption 00:49:14.35\00:49:18.35 when think about medical science has finially cought up with what 00:49:18.35\00:49:22.39 God said thousand of years ago if you have serious disease, 00:49:22.39\00:49:26.39 heart problem whatever. What is the first thing your doctor tells you to stay away from 00:49:26.39\00:49:30.37 He tell you to stay away from pork. What about the animals in 00:49:30.37\00:49:34.40 the sea? Did God say anything about that? Actually He does, He 00:49:34.40\00:49:38.41 gives us a neat principle here, lt's got to Leviticus 11 00:49:38.41\00:49:42.44 let just read verse 9 Leviticus 11 00:49:42.44\00:49:46.45 and verse 9 The Bible says, 00:49:46.45\00:49:50.49 'These you may eat of all that are 00:49:50.49\00:49:54.49 in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, 00:49:54.49\00:49:58.49 whether in the seas or in the rivers-that you may 00:49:58.49\00:50:02.50 eat. well that is not complected, He said 00:50:02.50\00:50:06.53 if it got fins if it got scale it is acceptable 00:50:06.53\00:50:10.54 for human consumption You say what's the 00:50:10.54\00:50:14.58 logic behind that? Because God know something we didn't 00:50:14.58\00:50:18.58 know in the being, we know now because science and marine 00:50:18.58\00:50:22.62 biologist but you know most of seafood animals that don't have 00:50:22.62\00:50:26.65 fins and scales, ones we tend to love so well 00:50:26.65\00:50:30.66 crab, oyster, shrimp, 00:50:30.66\00:50:34.66 lobster clam and things like that 00:50:34.66\00:50:38.70 and some of us were about ready jump off seat and say oh God why 00:50:38.70\00:50:42.74 those are some of the most delectable things, but God knows 00:50:42.74\00:50:46.74 something, all of those animals just mentioned that don't have 00:50:46.74\00:50:50.78 fins and scale, any marine biologist well tell you 00:50:50.78\00:50:54.78 they are scavenger of the ocean floor 00:50:54.78\00:50:58.79 they created eat and clean up all that 00:50:58.79\00:51:02.92 filth that is there, that is what God created them to do 00:51:02.92\00:51:06.96 and so when eat them, I'm eating all 00:51:06.96\00:51:10.97 garbage and filth the have ingested and God say listen 00:51:10.97\00:51:15.00 I care for that something you probably aught 00:51:15.00\00:51:19.01 to stay away from because not to bring health and abundance 00:51:19.01\00:51:23.08 to your body or to your mind 00:51:23.08\00:51:27.12 I'm glad God loves us much aren't you. Real quick 00:51:27.12\00:51:31.15 prevention magazine wrote this, it said 00:51:31.15\00:51:35.16 God says hey, I don't want you to suffer 00:52:14.13\00:52:18.27 I don't want you to get that filth in your body, I something 00:52:18.27\00:52:22.70 better for you. Here's the principles God says use it 00:52:22.70\00:52:26.71 and prosper and be in health. Can you say amen? 00:52:26.71\00:52:30.75 See we are tempted to look at these things and say 00:52:30.75\00:52:34.78 oh, thats so legalitic. Lesten it has got nothing 00:52:34.78\00:52:38.82 to do with you being righteous. It has got nothing to do with 00:52:38.82\00:52:42.82 God loving you more or thinking you're superior and get to 00:52:42.82\00:52:46.86 heaven first what we eat has nothing to do with that these 00:52:46.86\00:52:50.87 principles have to do with that God is my creator, that God 00:52:50.87\00:52:54.90 love me and He wants me to have an abundant life on this 00:52:54.90\00:52:58.94 earth and when I choose to follow it, it's not because I'm 00:52:58.94\00:53:03.04 trying to get heaven, Jesus already paid that price. If I 00:53:03.04\00:53:07.08 choose follow it, it's may response to everything that 00:53:07.08\00:53:11.12 Jesus done for me, because I am surrender my mind and my 00:53:11.12\00:53:15.16 body to him. Can you say amen. It is always to remember 00:53:15.16\00:53:19.19 the motivation and the reason for which we do these 00:53:19.19\00:53:23.20 things God can't love you more than he already 00:53:23.20\00:53:27.24 loves you now. 00:53:27.24\00:53:31.31 There is one more thing I to cover though, because if don't it will come in the question box 00:53:31.31\00:53:35.34 There is a couple of perplexing passages 00:53:35.34\00:53:39.35 in the bible, that on the surface seem to contradict 00:53:39.35\00:53:43.35 everything we just said. And I would like to cover one them 00:53:43.35\00:53:47.36 as an example of a proper way to study the Bible. 00:53:47.36\00:53:51.36 Remember Peters vision in Acts chapter 10 00:53:51.36\00:53:55.36 we need to review that now I'm not going to read 21 verses 00:53:55.36\00:53:59.37 here but I would like you to turn Acts chapter 10 00:53:59.37\00:54:03.44 instead of just picking one sentence out and trying to 00:54:03.44\00:54:07.44 develope a a doctrine around it lets at the context 00:54:07.44\00:54:11.45 Act chapter 10 and beginning in verse 9 00:54:11.45\00:54:15.45 really the whole chapter here is what is going on, here is the 00:54:15.45\00:54:19.49 quick summery Cornelius is a Italian soldier 00:54:19.49\00:54:23.49 he loves God of heaven, he believes in Jewish faith 00:54:23.49\00:54:27.50 and Jewish religion. He is devout man the bible says 00:54:27.50\00:54:31.47 because of that God sends an angel to Cornelius and tells him 00:54:31.47\00:54:35.47 he is to send for Peter who needs to tell his 00:54:35.47\00:54:39.51 family something important. God intended for Peter to share 00:54:39.51\00:54:43.51 the gospel with this gentile family, so while Cornelius 00:54:43.51\00:54:47.52 dispatches an envoy to go find Peter, 00:54:47.52\00:54:51.52 God knows that Peter not going to go because Peter 00:54:51.52\00:54:55.52 was brought up and steeped in Judaism 00:54:55.52\00:54:59.53 he was taught from the time a little kid that Gentiles 00:54:59.53\00:55:03.60 are unclean and that you do not to go to their house and and 00:55:03.60\00:55:07.60 that you do not eat with them or you will be unclean, see Peter wasn't over that yet 00:55:07.60\00:55:11.61 So God knew He had do something to help Peter see the light 00:55:11.61\00:55:15.61 so Peter gets a vision of a blanket 00:55:15.61\00:55:19.61 that lets down a bunch of four footed beasts that are unclean 00:55:19.61\00:55:23.62 and God says rise Peter kill and eat and what does Peter say? 00:55:23.62\00:55:27.66 I have never eaten unclean, notice by the way 00:55:27.66\00:55:31.66 that was Peter first response, This is 00:55:31.66\00:55:35.63 guy that walked with Jesus for 3.5 years, so 00:55:35.63\00:55:39.63 apparently Peter did not believe that 00:55:39.63\00:55:43.64 unclean and clean was done away with at the cross because that was his first response 00:55:43.64\00:55:47.68 and he was with Jesus everyday. You keep going on there 00:55:47.68\00:55:51.68 notice what happens God says listen don't call unclean that 00:55:51.68\00:55:55.68 God has called it clean, and we stop there 00:55:55.68\00:55:59.69 and we want to pull that and say see God made all foods clean now 00:55:59.69\00:56:03.79 it doesn't matter. Listen if it wasnt good for the body in 00:56:03.79\00:56:07.76 leviticus it's not good for the body now. Did Jesus died on the 00:56:07.76\00:56:11.77 cross to to cleanse from sins or to cleanse food? To cleanse us 00:56:11.77\00:56:15.77 from sin. You know what was going on here? 00:56:15.77\00:56:19.81 God was trying to show Peter, 00:56:19.81\00:56:23.81 the wall between gentile and Jew 00:56:23.81\00:56:27.82 is coming down that he should not call 00:56:27.82\00:56:31.82 gentile unclean and so he went to Cornelius 00:56:31.82\00:56:35.86 house and he shared the gospel of Christ with them and you can 00:56:35.86\00:56:39.86 read it there it says the Holy Spiirt fell upon them they accepted the Lord Jesus 00:56:39.86\00:56:43.83 Christ, they were baptized and at the end of this story 00:56:43.83\00:56:47.87 Peter tells us himself in verse 28 what the point was 00:56:47.87\00:56:51.87 Acts chapter 10 verse 28 the Bible says 00:56:51.87\00:56:55.88 then he said to them, you know how unlawful 00:56:55.88\00:56:59.88 it is for a Jew man to keep company with 00:56:59.88\00:57:03.99 or go to one of another nation but God 00:57:03.99\00:57:07.99 has shown me that I should not call any 00:57:07.99\00:57:11.99 (waht?) man, common or 00:57:11.99\00:57:15.96 unclean. he vision had nothing to do 00:57:15.96\00:57:20.00 with cleansing food, what it did something with 00:57:20.00\00:57:24.01 is cleansing sin.The Gentiles 00:57:24.01\00:57:28.04 are not to be considered unclean we are all one in Jesus 00:57:28.04\00:57:32.05 Christ. The wall of seperation comes down we are not to call 00:57:32.05\00:57:36.05 any man common or unclean 00:57:36.05\00:57:40.09 see when you take the Bible and read in its context 00:57:40.09\00:57:44.09 it makes prefect sense. 00:57:44.09\00:57:48.10 Folks tonight we havelearned that God loves us so much 00:57:48.10\00:57:52.10 that He gave health plan to the human Family, a plan He wants us 00:57:52.10\00:57:56.14 to use so prosper and be in health 00:57:56.14\00:58:00.21 I would like to close with this vesre from Romans chapter 12 00:58:00.21\00:58:04.21 verse 1 The Bible says 00:58:04.21\00:58:08.22 see God invites us to give ourselves 00:58:19.46\00:58:23.40 as a living sacrifice to Him. To 00:58:23.40\00:58:27.40