A young Russian Czara 00:00:07.94\00:00:11.94 was taking a walk in the royal garden one day 00:00:11.94\00:00:15.94 And as he was walking around in the royal gardens he was 00:00:15.94\00:00:19.95 admiring all the flowers and all the shrubbery that was there. 00:00:19.95\00:00:23.95 But eventually he looked beyond the wall into a vacant field 00:00:23.95\00:00:27.96 that was far in the distance. And he noticed there was a lone 00:00:27.96\00:00:31.99 soldier standing there, all by himself. He 00:00:31.99\00:00:35.96 appeared to be guarding something. Well the Russian 00:00:35.96\00:00:39.97 Czara was curious so he walked out to the empty field and he 00:00:39.97\00:00:43.97 asked the soldier what he was doing. The soldier looked at the Russian Czara and he said, 00:00:43.97\00:00:47.98 "I'm just guarding this spot, sir." 00:00:47.98\00:00:51.98 And the Russian Czara said, "What do you mean? There's 00:00:51.98\00:00:55.98 nothing here to guard, you're in an empty field. What are you 00:00:55.98\00:01:00.09 doing here?" "I'm just guarding this spot, sir." "But there's 00:01:00.09\00:01:04.03 nothing here to guard! Why are you doing this?" "I'm 00:01:04.03\00:01:08.00 just following orders, sir." So the Russian Czara went 00:01:08.00\00:01:12.00 and foudn the commanding officer and he said, "Did you send that 00:01:12.00\00:01:16.00 soldier out there?" "Yes, sir. I did." "Well what's he suppose to 00:01:16.00\00:01:20.01 be doing?" "He's guarding that spot, sir!" 00:01:20.01\00:01:24.05 And the Czara said, "I know that! That's what he told me, but there is nothing there!" 00:01:24.05\00:01:28.05 -It's an empty field what's he suppose to be guarding?" 00:01:28.05\00:01:32.05 "I don't know, sir. I'm just following orders." 00:01:32.05\00:01:36.06 Well the Russian Czara is going crazy, trying to figure out why 00:01:36.06\00:01:40.06 in an intellegent empire such as his is sending a soldier out to 00:01:40.06\00:01:44.03 an empty field to guard absolutely nothing. 00:01:44.03\00:01:48.07 Adn so the Czara decided to research this in the royal 00:01:48.07\00:01:52.07 archive. And what he discovered..shocked him. 00:01:52.07\00:01:56.08 Indeed there was a decreet or an order to send a soldier 00:01:56.08\00:02:00.15 out to this empty field. And it went all the way back 00:02:00.15\00:02:04.09 hundreds of years to the time of Cathrine the great. 00:02:04.09\00:02:08.09 See at the time of Cathrine the great, she had a beautiful 00:02:08.09\00:02:12.09 rose garden that she opened up tot he subjects of her kingdom. 00:02:12.09\00:02:16.10 And in that rose garden, which was in that vacant field 00:02:16.10\00:02:20.10 she had a very rare and special rose. 00:02:20.10\00:02:24.11 bush. And she had positioned a soldier to stand guard 00:02:24.11\00:02:28.11 over that rose bush to make sure that nobody destroyed it. 00:02:28.11\00:02:32.11 But long after Cathrine the great died and centuries 00:02:32.11\00:02:36.12 had passed, no one ever bothered to change the order and so 00:02:36.12\00:02:40.16 for years after, a soldier was sent out to guard that 00:02:40.16\00:02:44.16 spot, even though nothing was there. 00:02:44.16\00:02:48.13 That is a true story. Now we tend to 00:02:48.13\00:02:52.13 chuckle at something like that, saying, "How could someone do 00:02:52.13\00:02:56.14 such a thing?" But the truth is, you and I are endanger of doing 00:02:56.14\00:03:00.21 the same thing even in our spiritual lives. Because 00:03:00.21\00:03:04.15 so often we are so content to follow something that someone 00:03:04.15\00:03:08.18 said simply because its a tradition, its been handed down 00:03:08.18\00:03:12.19 for generations, but we never bothered to check where 00:03:12.19\00:03:16.19 it comes from or if it is even founded in the 00:03:16.19\00:03:20.20 word of God. In this seminar 00:03:20.20\00:03:24.17 I have made a promise that this would be a Bible Base Seminar 00:03:24.17\00:03:28.20 That we would only follow the Bible and the Bible alone. I 00:03:28.20\00:03:32.21 hope that you feel that promise has been kept. As last night 00:03:32.21\00:03:36.21 as we started to take a look at what the Bible teaches of the 00:03:36.21\00:03:40.22 Seventh day Sabbath. This special time that helps 00:03:40.22\00:03:44.22 us to remember God is the creator. Time set aside 00:03:44.22\00:03:48.22 to specifically grow in our relationship with Jesus 00:03:48.22\00:03:52.26 Christ. So tonight lets just take a few minutes and 00:03:52.26\00:03:56.23 review some of the verses we looked at last night before 00:03:56.23\00:04:00.30 we move into part 2 00:04:00.30\00:04:04.24 So I'm going to put it in high gear now, so we really need to focus and pay attention. 00:04:04.24\00:04:08.24 It began in Revelation 14:6 00:04:08.24\00:04:12.28 The Bible said, "Then I saw another angel 00:04:12.28\00:04:16.28 flying in the midst of heaven. Having the everlasting 00:04:16.28\00:04:20.29 gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth. To every 00:04:20.29\00:04:24.29 nation and tribe and tongue and people 00:04:24.29\00:04:28.26 Saying with a loud vice, Fear God and give glory to him." 00:04:28.26\00:04:32.27 For the hour of his judgement has come. 00:04:32.27\00:04:36.30 And worship him who made the heavens and the earth 00:04:36.30\00:04:40.31 and the sea and the springs of water. 00:04:40.31\00:04:44.31 And we noticed that here in Revelation in this first 00:04:44.31\00:04:48.35 angel's message that is suppose to go to every living person on 00:04:48.35\00:04:52.35 the face of the earth. It specifically quotes the 00:04:52.35\00:04:56.36 fourth commandment about the Sabbath. 00:04:56.36\00:05:00.46 Its directing us to go back to creation and remember 00:05:00.46\00:05:04.37 he who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs 00:05:04.37\00:05:08.37 of water. And so we spring boarded back to Genesis 00:05:08.37\00:05:12.37 where we read this. Gensis 2:1. 00:05:12.37\00:05:16.41 The Bible says, "Thus the heavens and the earth 00:05:16.41\00:05:20.38 and all the host of them were finished and on the seventh day 00:05:20.38\00:05:24.42 God ended his work which he had done. 00:05:24.42\00:05:28.42 And he rested on the seventh day from all 00:05:28.42\00:05:32.43 his work which he had done. Then God blessed the seventh day 00:05:32.43\00:05:36.40 and sanctified it. Because in it he 00:05:36.40\00:05:40.44 rested from all his work which God had created 00:05:40.44\00:05:44.44 and made. And we noticed that all the way back in the 00:05:44.44\00:05:48.48 beginning of time the week of creation, God sets aside this 00:05:48.48\00:05:52.48 seventh day and he specifically says its blessed 00:05:52.48\00:05:56.48 and its sanctified that he would set it apart 00:05:56.48\00:06:00.59 for special use to where Adam and Eve and all of 00:06:00.59\00:06:04.53 creation could set their work aside and grow 00:06:04.53\00:06:08.50 in their relationship with their creator. It's about knowing 00:06:08.50\00:06:12.50 God in a personal way 00:06:12.50\00:06:16.50 And one of the things we noticed is this was long before there was ever a Jewish nation on the 00:06:16.50\00:06:20.54 face of earth. Long before there were different nartionalites, 00:06:20.54\00:06:24.55 long before there different denominations and we realized 00:06:24.55\00:06:28.55 God meant the Sabbath to be a blessing to all man kind for 00:06:28.55\00:06:32.59 all of time! And he considered it so important 00:06:32.59\00:06:36.59 that he included it in his ten commandment holy law 00:06:36.59\00:06:40.60 so then we jumped to Exodus 20:8 00:06:40.60\00:06:44.60 The Bible says, "Remember the Sabbath Day 00:06:44.60\00:06:48.57 to keep it holy. Six days you labor and do all thy work. 00:06:48.57\00:06:52.61 but the seventh day is the 00:06:52.61\00:06:56.61 sabbath of the lord your God. In it you shall do no 00:06:56.61\00:07:00.68 work. For in six days the Lord made the 00:07:00.68\00:07:04.65 heavens and the earth and the sea and all 00:07:04.65\00:07:08.66 that is in them and rested the seventh day, therefor 00:07:08.66\00:07:12.66 the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and he hallowed it. 00:07:12.66\00:07:16.67 Now notice God repeated himself. It says he blessed 00:07:16.67\00:07:20.67 and made holy this special day. 00:07:20.67\00:07:24.71 And one of the things we noticed, is what word this 00:07:24.71\00:07:28.71 commandment begin with. Remember, what did most of the other commandments begin with? 00:07:28.71\00:07:32.75 Thou shall not. Is it interesting 00:07:32.75\00:07:36.75 that the very commandment that begins with the word 00:07:36.75\00:07:40.79 forever is the one that most of 00:07:40.79\00:07:44.79 the world has forgotten. 00:07:44.79\00:07:48.83 It's the one that even most of the religious world says, "isn't important anymore." 00:07:48.83\00:07:52.83 The other nine are o.k., but not the one about 00:07:52.83\00:07:56.87 the Sabbath. Is it by coincidence that God 00:07:56.87\00:08:00.88 said remember?And something 00:08:00.88\00:08:04.91 that really caught our attention last night is when we 00:08:04.91\00:08:08.92 read Revelation 14:7, you can see that it is a direct quote 00:08:08.92\00:08:12.95 of that fourth commandment, that God is pointing His people 00:08:12.95\00:08:16.96 in the end of time back to rediscovering the 00:08:16.96\00:08:20.96 blessings of the Sabbath that has been lost sight of. 00:08:20.96\00:08:24.97 Well we didn't want to stop in the Old Testament last night, so 00:08:24.97\00:08:29.00 we journeyed in to the New Testament and we looked at the 00:08:29.00\00:08:33.04 example of Jesus. In Luke 4:16 the bible said, "so He came 00:08:33.04\00:08:37.08 to Nazzareth where He had been brought up, and as His 00:08:37.08\00:08:41.08 custom was He went in to the synagogue 00:08:41.08\00:08:45.09 on the Sabbath day and He stood up to read." 00:08:45.09\00:08:49.12 Now remember we mentioned if it's your custom how often to 00:08:49.12\00:08:53.16 you do it? On a regular basis. It was Jesus' 00:08:53.16\00:08:57.17 regular habit to be honoring the Sabbath day because He knew 00:08:57.17\00:09:01.20 it honored His Father as the Creator. 00:09:01.20\00:09:05.21 And we thought well if Jesus didn't do away with the Sabbath, 00:09:05.21\00:09:09.24 then we should be able to find it in the early New Testament 00:09:09.24\00:09:13.28 church. And we took a journey into Acts and one of the verses 00:09:13.28\00:09:17.32 we looked at was Acts 13:42 where the bible said, 00:09:17.32\00:09:21.36 "The Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them 00:09:21.36\00:09:25.43 them next Sabbath. And on the next 00:09:25.43\00:09:29.40 Sabbath almost the whole city came 00:09:29.40\00:09:33.44 together to hear the word of God." So here you have 00:09:33.44\00:09:37.47 New Testament Christians honoring the Sabbath, using 00:09:37.47\00:09:41.48 it as an opportunity to preach the gospel of Jesus 00:09:41.48\00:09:45.48 to other people, can you say amen? And so after 00:09:45.48\00:09:49.48 looking up all these verses we started to ask the question last 00:09:49.48\00:09:53.52 night, and we wondered, if the bible is so clear about 00:09:53.52\00:09:57.53 the Sabbath, where in the world and 00:09:57.53\00:10:01.50 how did we lose site of it through the centuries? 00:10:01.50\00:10:05.50 And this is where we came to a dynamic prophecy in 00:10:05.50\00:10:09.50 Daniel chapter 7 that we've read quite a few times now. 00:10:09.50\00:10:13.51 Daniel 7 describes the work of Antichrist in thi 00:10:13.51\00:10:17.51 world and Daniel speaks these words. The bible 00:10:17.51\00:10:21.52 says, "and he shall speak great words 00:10:21.52\00:10:25.55 against the Most High, shall persecute 00:10:25.55\00:10:29.56 the saints of the Most High and shall think to change 00:10:29.56\00:10:33.56 times and laws." In other 00:10:33.56\00:10:37.53 words the spiriti of Antichrist will be working even in 00:10:37.53\00:10:41.54 the last days to do away with God's times and God's 00:10:41.54\00:10:45.54 laws. Cause he works against the Most High. And we've already 00:10:45.54\00:10:49.58 seen how Antichrist has been working to the point where this 00:10:49.58\00:10:53.58 world has rejected God's ten commandments and said it's 00:10:53.58\00:10:57.59 archaich, it's irrelevant, we don't need it anymore. 00:10:57.59\00:11:01.59 But what about God's times? Isn't it 00:11:01.59\00:11:05.59 interesting that the Sabbath is found in the heart 00:11:05.59\00:11:09.56 of God's law. It's God's special time, 00:11:09.56\00:11:13.60 that is meant to honor Him as the creator 00:11:13.60\00:11:17.57 and it's about worship. 00:11:17.57\00:11:21.61 And the devil would like nothing more than to cover up 00:11:21.61\00:11:25.61 the symbol that points to God as our 00:11:25.61\00:11:29.62 creator. That's what we studied last 00:11:29.62\00:11:33.62 night and we just did it in about ten minutes. We're not going to go that fast again. 00:11:33.62\00:11:37.63 Now we are going to shift into slow gear. And if 00:11:37.63\00:11:41.60 you're a member I gave you a loving challenge last night 00:11:41.60\00:11:45.60 that you were to go home and do what? Do you remember? 00:11:45.60\00:11:49.60 Search the scriptures for yourself and find one 00:11:49.60\00:11:53.61 verse anywhere from Genesis to Revelation 00:11:53.61\00:11:57.65 that says the Sabbath is done away with and changed to the 00:11:57.65\00:12:01.65 first day of the week. And if you decided to do that you probably discovered 00:12:01.65\00:12:05.65 that verse does not exist. But for 00:12:05.65\00:12:09.66 those who didn't get a chance to do it what we are going to do tonight, we're going to 00:12:09.66\00:12:13.66 look up every single verse in the New Testament that 00:12:13.66\00:12:17.63 mentions the first day of the week. Now there is only eight of 00:12:17.63\00:12:21.67 them. How many did I say? Eight. You say now why are we doing 00:12:21.67\00:12:25.67 this? Because we gotta be fair. When you study a subject in the 00:12:25.67\00:12:29.68 bible, it's not right to just study one side of the subject 00:12:29.68\00:12:33.68 and ignore the other. You got to look at both sides put all 00:12:33.68\00:12:37.69 of the versed of the bible together and then the Holy 00:12:37.69\00:12:41.69 Spirit will lead us into truth. So if the Sabbath was 00:12:41.69\00:12:45.69 ever changed to the first day of the week we should be able to 00:12:45.69\00:12:49.70 find it in one of those eight texts. If it's not in one of 00:12:49.70\00:12:53.67 those eight texts, that means it's not in the bible. 00:12:53.67\00:12:57.67 So let's go ahead and begin this journey, so you might as well 00:12:57.67\00:13:01.71 get out your bibles because I'm gonna have you look up each one 00:13:01.71\00:13:05.71 with me. Because it's not important what I say. 00:13:05.71\00:13:09.72 It's not important what Pastor Mark says. It's not even important what a church says. 00:13:09.72\00:13:13.72 What's most important is what does the word of God say. 00:13:13.72\00:13:17.73 That's where we're gonna go tonight. So let's go to the 00:13:17.73\00:13:21.70 first text, which is in Matthew Chapter 00:13:21.70\00:13:25.70 28 and verse 1. 00:13:25.70\00:13:29.70 Now many of these have to do with both the crucifixion and 00:13:29.70\00:13:33.74 and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28: 1 00:13:33.74\00:13:37.75 and many of these verses will also be in your handout when you 00:13:37.75\00:13:45.75 leave. love to see people take notes. In a seminar, many times 00:13:45.75\00:13:49.76 the people who take notes tend sit in the front and I can see 00:13:49.76\00:13:53.76 them better and they got their blank pieces of paper and they're just writing down 00:13:53.76\00:13:57.77 everything. I love to see that! Because it tells me' 00:13:57.77\00:14:01.77 this is a mind that is open to God's word and is 00:14:01.77\00:14:05.77 searching for truth and for life. Matthew 00:14:05.77\00:14:09.78 28:1. The Bible 00:14:09.78\00:14:13.78 says, "Now after the Sabbath 00:14:13.78\00:14:17.79 as the first day of the week began to dawn 00:14:17.79\00:14:21.79 Mary Magdaline and the other Mary came to see 00:14:21.79\00:14:25.79 the tomb." Now in the first text it mentions the first day of 00:14:25.79\00:14:29.80 the week in the New Testimate. 00:14:29.80\00:14:33.80 Is there anything in that verse that say God's special 00:14:33.80\00:14:37.81 Sabbath was changed to the first day of the week. Is there anything inthat verse? 00:14:37.81\00:14:41.81 Nothing. In fact, it actually gives us a clue as to which day 00:14:41.81\00:14:45.81 is the Sabbath! We don't even need the calender for that. 00:14:45.81\00:14:49.82 Notice, it says "After the Sabbath," What day came next? 00:14:49.82\00:14:53.86 The first day of the week! When Jesus rose! So the 00:14:53.86\00:14:57.86 Sabbath is the day before the first day of the week! 00:14:57.86\00:15:01.83 The day before the resurrection. We would call it 00:15:01.83\00:15:05.83 what? Saturday! Because everyone knows 00:15:05.83\00:15:09.84 Easter, Jesus rose on a Sunday! Well that's the first 00:15:09.84\00:15:13.84 one. There's nothing there so let's go to the second text. 00:15:13.84\00:15:17.88 This one is in Mark 16: and 00:15:17.88\00:15:21.85 verse 1. In fact, we're gonna have to go to all four so 00:15:21.85\00:15:25.89 gospels. Mark 16 00:15:25.89\00:15:29.89 :and we're going to go to verse 1. Mark 16 00:15:29.89\00:15:33.90 :and verse 1, the Bible says 00:15:33.90\00:15:37.87 "Now when the Sabbath was," What? 00:15:37.87\00:15:41.87 "Passed, Mary Magdaline and Mary the mother of 00:15:41.87\00:15:45.87 James and Solomee, bought spices. 00:15:45.87\00:15:49.91 That they might come and anoint him. Very early in the morning 00:15:49.91\00:15:53.92 on the first day of the week, they came to the 00:15:57.92\00:16:01.92 tomb when the sun had risen." Now, 00:16:01.92\00:16:05.93 in that reference did it say anything in there about 00:16:05.93\00:16:09.90 the Sabbath being changed to the first day of the week, yes or 00:16:09.90\00:16:13.90 no? -No. Nothing! Did it say anything about honoring Sunday because the resurrection 00:16:13.90\00:16:17.94 in that verse. Nothing! Again it says that 00:16:17.94\00:16:21.94 after the Sabbath was passed, then came the 00:16:21.94\00:16:25.95 first day of the week. So the Sabbath was the day before 00:16:25.95\00:16:29.95 Sunday, that's what we would call Saturday. 00:16:29.95\00:16:33.96 So far, we've looked up two texts, honestly. We haven't 00:16:33.96\00:16:37.99 found anything yet. But don't lose heart, there's six more 00:16:37.99\00:16:41.96 texts to go to. So let's go to the third one. Which is actually in the same chapter 00:16:41.96\00:16:45.97 just go to verse 9. Mark chapter 00:16:45.97\00:16:49.97 16 and verse 9. The Bible says, 00:16:49.97\00:16:53.98 "Now when he rose early on the 00:16:53.98\00:16:57.98 first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdaline 00:16:57.98\00:17:01.98 out of whom he he had cast seven demons. 00:17:01.98\00:17:05.99 Now does it say anything in there about a change in the 00:17:05.99\00:17:10.03 sabbath? Nothing! However I cant help but notice, 00:17:10.03\00:17:14.00 Mary Magdaline seems to be quite involved in the resurrection in 00:17:14.00\00:17:18.00 these verses, doesn't she? Because, you see, Mary Magdaline 00:17:18.00\00:17:22.00 understood what it meant to be changed. I mean, Mary Magdaline 00:17:22.00\00:17:26.04 life was basically in the gutter. I mean, she 00:17:26.04\00:17:30.05 was seperated from God, she was on a path where she 00:17:30.05\00:17:34.05 was making wrong choices, the pharisees wanted nothing to do 00:17:34.05\00:17:38.05 with her. They considered her to be a lost and a condemned 00:17:38.05\00:17:42.06 soul. But Jesus Christ spent time with 00:17:42.06\00:17:46.06 Mary Magdaline. Because Jesus Christ ministered to those 00:17:46.06\00:17:50.07 that other people considered to be worthless. 00:17:50.07\00:17:54.07 And you know the love and the mercy and the acceptance that 00:17:54.07\00:17:58.07 she experienced from Jesus, changed her life. Can you say 00:17:58.07\00:18:02.08 amen? You see, people don't change until 00:18:02.08\00:18:06.11 they know that we love them. That's a good lessons for 00:18:06.11\00:18:10.12 famalies that's a good lesson for churches. And you notice 00:18:10.12\00:18:14.12 Mary Magdaline is one of the first ones who was at that tomb. 00:18:14.12\00:18:18.13 And she's one of the first ones, actually the first one, besides 00:18:18.13\00:18:22.10 the angels who proclaimed a living savior, can you say amen? 00:18:22.10\00:18:26.10 Alright, let's go the the fourth text, on the first day 00:18:26.10\00:18:30.14 of the week, that would be in Luke chapter 00:18:30.14\00:18:34.14 23: and we're actually going to start in vers 52. 00:18:34.14\00:18:38.15 Luke, chapter 23: 52 00:18:38.15\00:18:42.18 Now, I'm purposely looking up these texts 00:18:42.18\00:18:46.19 even though many of them say the same thing! Because I want 00:18:46.19\00:18:50.19 us to feel like we have done a thurl study of the Bible 00:18:50.19\00:18:54.20 on this subject, because let's be honest. Popular theology 00:18:54.20\00:18:58.17 says Sabbath is an important. But I don't wanna go 00:18:58.17\00:19:02.17 with popular theology, I want to go with God's theology. 00:19:02.17\00:19:06.21 Can you say amen? So I'm purposely going through these 00:19:06.21\00:19:10.21 texts. Luke 23:52... 00:19:10.21\00:19:14.22 Now this is describing when Joseph, of Aremethia 00:19:14.22\00:19:18.25 asked if he could take down the body of Jesus from the cross 00:19:18.25\00:19:22.26 on Friday afternoon when Jesus was crucified. So let's take a 00:19:22.26\00:19:26.26 look In verse 52, the Bible says, 00:19:26.26\00:19:30.27 "And this man went to Pilot 00:19:30.27\00:19:34.27 and asked for the body of Jesus. 00:19:34.27\00:19:38.27 Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen, and 00:19:38.27\00:19:42.31 laid it in a tomb that was hued out of the rock 00:19:42.31\00:19:46.31 where no one had ever laid before. 00:19:46.31\00:19:50.32 That day, speaking of the day he was crucified and put in the 00:19:50.32\00:19:54.32 tomb, "That day was the preparation." Now the words, 'The preparation day 00:19:54.32\00:19:55.72 was the preparation." Now the words,"The preparation day 00:19:55.72\00:19:58.36 and the Sabbath drew near. And the woman who 00:19:58.36\00:20:02.33 had come with him to Galalee followed after and they observed 00:20:02.33\00:20:06.37 the tomb and how his body was laid. 00:20:06.37\00:20:10.37 Then they returned and prepared spices and frequent oils 00:20:10.37\00:20:14.38 and they rested on the Sabbath according to the 00:20:14.38\00:20:18.41 commandment." And then verse 1, "Now on the 00:20:18.41\00:20:22.42 first day of the week, early in the morning, 00:20:22.42\00:20:26.42 they and certain other woman with them came to the tomb 00:20:26.42\00:20:30.46 bringing the spices which they had prepared." 00:20:30.46\00:20:34.46 That was quite a few verses, but it's actually quite important. 00:20:34.46\00:20:38.47 It actually gives us the order of events and the order of days 00:20:38.47\00:20:42.47 here! It says, the preparation day, which was always Friday, that's when you prepared for the 00:20:42.47\00:20:46.47 Sabbath. That's when Jesus wascrucified on the cross, 00:20:46.47\00:20:50.51 that's when Joseph asked to take the body of Jesus down and to 00:20:50.51\00:20:54.55 put it in the tomb. It says the next day was 00:20:54.55\00:20:58.55 the Sabbath when they rested according to the commandment 00:20:58.55\00:21:02.59 And then after Sabbath was over, came the first day of 00:21:02.59\00:21:06.59 the week, Sunday. When he resurrected. See, really 00:21:06.59\00:21:10.57 the ladies were going down to that tomb, not because they 00:21:10.57\00:21:14.60 expected to see him resurrected, they were going down to the tomb 00:21:14.60\00:21:18.61 because they didn't have enough time before the Sabbath to buy 00:21:18.61\00:21:22.68 these spices and ointments. They were going to finish anointing 00:21:22.68\00:21:26.68 him for burial. But whent hey got there, they foudn it wasn't 00:21:26.68\00:21:30.72 necessary can you say amen? Because Jesus was risen. 00:21:30.72\00:21:34.72 And its hard to notice, and I don't know if it says much for 00:21:34.72\00:21:38.79 my gender, but it seems like all the people that are down there, 00:21:38.79\00:21:42.76 and the good news is the women! And they had to go back to the men and alter on we're going to 00:21:42.76\00:21:46.80 find out the men didn't believe them to begin with! So I don't 00:21:46.80\00:21:50.84 know I guess there's a lesson even in the resurrection that husbands should listen to their 00:21:50.84\00:21:54.84 wives more. You ladies can say amen! Let's go t the 00:21:54.84\00:21:58.88 fifth text! It's John chapter 20 00:21:58.88\00:22:02.88 :and verse 1. John 00:22:02.88\00:22:06.92 chapter 20:1, this also describes the resurrection. 00:22:06.92\00:22:10.96 John 20:1 00:22:10.96\00:22:14.93 the Bible describes it in this way, 00:22:14.93\00:22:18.97 "On the first day of the week, Mary Magdaline went 00:22:18.97\00:22:23.00 to the tomb early while it was still dark and saw that the 00:22:23.00\00:22:27.04 stone had been taken away from the tomb. 00:22:27.04\00:22:31.08 Is there anything in there that says that the Sabbath was 00:22:31.08\00:22:35.08 changed to Sunday and God's holy law was done away with? Anything 00:22:35.08\00:22:39.12 in that verse? Nothing! Now so far we've went through five! But 00:22:39.12\00:22:43.16 now we're going to go to text number six. And this is one we 00:22:43.16\00:22:47.20 need to slow down on. Because if we 00:22:47.20\00:22:51.20 read it on the surface level, it's quite possible to 00:22:51.20\00:22:55.24 understand something. So the sixth text that we want to go 00:22:55.24\00:22:59.27 to, about the first day of the week, is John 20: same chapter 00:22:59.27\00:23:03.28 but verse 19. John chapter 20 00:23:03.28\00:23:07.32 :and verse 19. He 00:23:07.32\00:23:11.32 here the Bible says, "Then 00:23:11.32\00:23:15.32 the same day at evening, being the first 00:23:15.32\00:23:19.33 day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the deciples 00:23:19.33\00:23:23.30 were assembled for fear of the the jews 00:23:23.30\00:23:27.30 Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, 00:23:27.30\00:23:31.31 'Peace be with you.'" Now let's stop here for a second. 00:23:31.31\00:23:35.34 We got to be honest with scripture, what day is this 00:23:35.34\00:23:39.35 happening on? First day of the week. It does say 00:23:39.35\00:23:43.35 that they were assembled together in a place. 00:23:43.35\00:23:47.36 Now I cant act like thats not there. Thats not fair 00:23:47.36\00:23:51.36 but before I jump to conclusions, as some may do, and 00:23:51.36\00:23:55.33 say "Oh! Well see they were assembled together, they were having a formal worship 00:23:55.33\00:23:59.33 service, so that shows the Sabbath was changed and God's 00:23:59.33\00:24:03.34 Holy law was done away with. Thats really reading a lot 00:24:03.34\00:24:07.38 into that verse that it doesn't actually say. 00:24:07.38\00:24:11.38 See, we have to be careful that we don't come to the Bible 00:24:11.38\00:24:15.38 with our preconceived ideas, now thats a hard 00:24:15.38\00:24:19.39 thing to do. Thats why we need to ask the holy spirit to guide 00:24:19.39\00:24:23.39 our study. Because depending on things we've heard in our life 00:24:23.39\00:24:27.40 or have been taught, sometimes even I go to the Bible and 00:24:27.40\00:24:31.37 expecting it to say certain things and without realizing 00:24:31.37\00:24:35.37 it may be even unconsciously I make the Bible say what it 00:24:35.37\00:24:39.37 actually doesn't say. Now it doesnt say anything in here 00:24:39.37\00:24:43.38 about it being a formal worship service or that npw 00:24:43.38\00:24:47.42 one of God's commandments is changed and done away with. 00:24:47.42\00:24:51.42 In fact, when you read a little closer, the verse actually 00:24:51.42\00:24:55.42 tells you, why they were assembled together! And it had 00:24:55.42\00:24:59.43 nothing to do with worship. There's one phrase 00:24:59.43\00:25:03.40 in verse 19 that is absolutely key. It says, 00:25:03.40\00:25:07.40 "When the doors were shut where deciples 00:25:07.40\00:25:11.41 were assembled," What does the next phrase say? 00:25:11.41\00:25:15.44 "For fear of the jews!" They weren't assembling to 00:25:15.44\00:25:19.45 worship a risen savior, they didn't even believe he was 00:25:19.45\00:25:23.45 risen! At that point! Mary Magdaline and the women had come 00:25:23.45\00:25:27.46 back to try and tell them and they said, "You're crazy! You're 00:25:27.46\00:25:31.46 emotional!" You're imagining things!" Thats why Jesus had to 00:25:31.46\00:25:35.46 appear and say, "Peace be with you." because they didn't 00:25:35.46\00:25:39.47 believe it . The reason they were meeting together is because 00:25:39.47\00:25:43.47 they were shut behind closed doors, for fear of the jews. 00:25:43.47\00:25:47.48 They were scared to death! They had just seen their savior 00:25:47.48\00:25:51.48 Cruely cricified on Friday and they figured the athoriites 00:25:51.48\00:25:55.48 were going to come after them next! So they are assembling 00:25:55.48\00:25:59.49 behind closed doors, for fear of the jews! 00:25:59.49\00:26:03.49 It had nothing to do with the Sabbath being changed. 00:26:03.49\00:26:07.50 See, this is an example of why its important 00:26:07.50\00:26:11.47 to not just read the things on a surface level, I cant take one 00:26:11.47\00:26:15.50 text in the Bible and build a doctrine around it, while 00:26:15.50\00:26:19.51 ignoring many other clear texts that are in the word of God. 00:26:19.51\00:26:23.51 You have to put everything together! Does that make sense? 00:26:23.51\00:26:27.52 Can you say amen? Lets go to the seventh text. 00:26:27.52\00:26:31.52 And this is another one to slow down on just a little bit. 00:26:31.52\00:26:35.52 This says Acts chapter 20 verse 00:26:35.52\00:26:39.53 7 Acts chapter 20 verse 7 00:26:39.53\00:26:43.53 Now if you were here last night and we did a 00:26:43.53\00:26:47.54 study of the early Christian church there in the book of 00:26:47.54\00:26:51.54 Acts, do you remember how many verses we looked up that 00:26:51.54\00:26:55.54 mentioned the Sabbath over and over and over again? 00:26:55.54\00:26:59.55 now I don't exactly haw many verse it was ,but you remember 00:26:59.55\00:27:03.55 there was so many that clean the Sabbath was still an important 00:27:03.55\00:27:07.56 part of Christian walk , I mean why not in the New Testament is 00:27:07.56\00:27:11.59 God still creator, is Jesus Christ still our savior 00:27:11.59\00:27:15.90 absolutely so Sabbath time would still be 00:27:15.90\00:27:19.93 important even then, but now lets go 00:27:19.93\00:27:23.94 to Acts chapter 20 and take honest look at 00:27:23.94\00:27:27.94 what sometimes seen as a difficult passage 00:27:27.94\00:27:31.98 actual I love this passage, because there is something in it 00:27:31.98\00:27:35.98 that I find quite humors you'll see in a second Act 20 verse 00:27:35.98\00:27:39.99 7 lets read through first , I want you to 00:27:39.99\00:27:44.03 picture this in your mind, use your imagination 00:27:44.03\00:27:48.00 as this describe by Luke the author of Acts 00:27:48.00\00:27:52.00 The Bible says. 00:27:52.00\00:27:56.00 Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples 00:27:56.00\00:28:00.11 came together to break bread, Paul, 00:28:00.11\00:28:04.05 ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and 00:28:04.05\00:28:08.05 continued his message until (when?) midnight. 00:28:08.05\00:28:12.05 There were many lamps in the upper room where 00:28:12.05\00:28:16.09 they were gathered together. now there are two things I want you 00:28:16.09\00:28:20.10 to remember so far I want to remember the word midnight 00:28:20.10\00:28:24.07 and what was burning in the upper room? Lamps 00:28:24.07\00:28:28.07 midnight and lamps remember those two words 00:28:28.07\00:28:32.11 It's going to become important in just a few minutes 00:28:32.11\00:28:36.11 verse 9 And in a window sat a certain 00:28:36.11\00:28:40.12 young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep. 00:28:40.12\00:28:44.15 He was overcome by sleep; and as Paul 00:28:44.15\00:28:48.16 continued speaking, he fell down from the third story 00:28:48.16\00:28:52.19 and was taken up dead. The that to ruin a time together 00:28:52.19\00:28:56.16 Verse 10 But Paul went down, 00:28:56.16\00:29:00.24 fell on him, and embracing him said, "Do not 00:29:00.24\00:29:04.17 trouble yourselves, for his life is in him." 00:29:04.17\00:29:08.21 Now when he had come up, had broken bread and eaten, and talked a long while, 00:29:08.21\00:29:12.21 even till daybreak, he departed. Lets pause 00:29:12.21\00:29:16.25 here. If I read this on the surface 00:29:16.25\00:29:20.26 I might misunderstand, because. Lets be honest 00:29:20.26\00:29:24.29 What day is this happen on? first of the week 00:29:24.29\00:29:28.26 The disciples or together and what's Paul doing? 00:29:28.26\00:29:32.27 he preaching a message so on the surface 00:29:32.27\00:29:36.30 I kinda see were a person might look at this and assume 00:29:36.30\00:29:40.31 with out further study, I guess they just 00:29:40.31\00:29:44.35 they start Sunday holly now, but is that 00:29:44.35\00:29:48.35 what the verse says or am I reading reading something into 00:29:48.35\00:29:52.35 with preconceived ideas, does the verse specifically say 00:29:52.35\00:29:56.39 that God's Sabbath is change to the first of week 00:29:56.39\00:30:00.43 and HIs Holly Law is done away with, 00:30:00.43\00:30:04.40 it doesn't in fact if God was going to change eternal 00:30:04.40\00:30:08.40 ten commandments, don't you think He would make it 00:30:08.40\00:30:12.41 appsolutely clear that it would scream out to us from Bible 00:30:12.41\00:30:16.44 He wouldn't make it something hidden that we have to 00:30:16.44\00:30:20.45 indirectly find but see as you read this verse you 00:30:20.45\00:30:24.49 out very quickly, this is not a Sunday morming 00:30:24.49\00:30:28.49 worship service, it is a Saturday night 00:30:28.49\00:30:32.49 You say how do you know that? Two reason, number one 00:30:32.49\00:30:36.46 many modern translation translate actual 00:30:36.46\00:30:40.50 it as Saturday night we know it was evening for 00:30:40.50\00:30:44.51 two reason. What were the words I told you to remember? 00:30:44.51\00:30:48.54 Midnight and Lamp 00:30:48.54\00:30:52.58 If this was Sunday morning gathering and Paul preached 00:30:52.58\00:30:56.58 till midnight; Paul preached a long 00:30:56.58\00:31:00.62 long , long time 00:31:00.62\00:31:04.63 He would have been the most long winded preacher ever, you think 00:31:04.63\00:31:08.63 I'm long going for an hour, imagine him, It said what was 00:31:08.63\00:31:12.63 burning? Lamps, why to do burn lamps in the upper room 00:31:12.63\00:31:16.67 because it is dark outside it's Saturday 00:31:16.67\00:31:20.68 evening that's why the poor guy Eutychus fell asleep 00:31:20.68\00:31:24.71 I don't know why he was sitting in the window, I don't 00:31:24.71\00:31:28.72 understand that but sitting in the window, Paul is going on and 00:31:28.72\00:31:32.75 on, lamps are burning it's closed to midnight poor falls 00:31:32.75\00:31:38.96 asleep fall out the window and dies, you know I think there another lesson in there 00:31:38.96\00:31:40.76 you should never fall asleep when the preacher is preaching, 00:31:40.76\00:31:44.73 you never know what could happen. I'm sorry 00:31:44.73\00:31:48.74 I couldn't resist that, but know it says, that could have put a 00:31:48.74\00:31:52.77 damper things but Paul and God in mercy when down 00:31:52.77\00:31:56.81 and he prayed and this man life was brought back to him. Can you 00:31:56.81\00:32:00.82 say amen? And you know that is really a lesson for us preacher I guess, I kinda learn 00:32:00.82\00:32:04.75 sometimes the hard way, somebody might look like there sleeping 00:32:04.75\00:32:08.79 in church somebody may look like not listening whith there head down and they could care 00:32:08.79\00:32:12.79 listening what being said, you know sometime what I have 00:32:12.79\00:32:16.80 discovered I was wrong on in what I judged on the outside 00:32:16.80\00:32:20.84 they heard every word, they just didn't want other people 00:32:20.84\00:32:24.84 to know that they were listening 00:32:24.84\00:32:28.88 so there is a lesson there to, but see that why the man fell 00:32:28.88\00:32:32.88 asleep this was Saturday evening, Paul was getting ready 00:32:32.88\00:32:36.89 to leave the next day, because it said he left at day breake, Sunday morning, he paid 00:32:36.89\00:32:40.89 fair got on a ship and continued his missionary journey he 00:32:40.89\00:32:44.89 treated Sunday like an ordinary day of the week the reason he preached till midnight 00:32:44.89\00:32:48.86 he knows that he is probably not going to see this people agian 00:32:48.86\00:32:52.87 and he had a hard saying good bye, that's why the poor guy 00:32:52.87\00:32:56.87 fell asleep so see when put the verse of the bible 00:32:56.87\00:33:00.94 together and don't just read it on the surface the bible becomes 00:33:00.94\00:33:04.88 very, very clear so far 00:33:04.88\00:33:08.88 we have lookup seven of the eight text, we got one more 00:33:08.88\00:33:12.92 if it is not in next text, that means 00:33:12.92\00:33:16.93 it not in the bible, so let's to the the eighth test 00:33:16.93\00:33:21.96 1 Corinthians chapter 16 00:33:21.96\00:33:26.00 1 Corinthians just a few books forward chapter 16 00:33:26.00\00:33:30.01 and verse one and this another one we must careful 00:33:30.01\00:33:34.01 not to a quick cursory reading of 00:33:34.01\00:33:38.01 1 Corinthians 16 verse 1 The bible says 00:33:38.01\00:33:42.02 and Paul writing, I still hear some pages turn 00:33:42.02\00:33:46.02 I want to give time to get there. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 1 00:33:46.02\00:33:50.06 Now concerning the collection for the saints, 00:33:50.06\00:33:54.03 as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, 00:33:54.03\00:33:58.03 so you must do also: On the first day of the week 00:33:58.03\00:34:02.04 let each one of you lay something aside, storing up 00:34:02.04\00:34:06.04 let each one of you lay something aside, storing up 00:34:06.04\00:34:10.05 I come. Sometime I have read in books or commentaries 00:34:10.05\00:34:14.08 where they jump on this aw see like a Sunday school 00:34:14.08\00:34:18.09 offering so it shows that Sabbath was to the first day, 00:34:18.09\00:34:22.09 God's holy law was changed and done away with, that's really 00:34:22.09\00:34:26.09 reading in to the text a lot does it actually says that? 00:34:26.09\00:34:30.07 Paul is saying listen, on the first day of the week 00:34:30.07\00:34:34.07 the begin of your work week I want you to lay something 00:34:34.07\00:34:38.11 aside at home lay something 00:34:38.11\00:34:42.08 aside so when I or the other Apostle's come, we can 00:34:42.08\00:34:46.11 collect it. What were they collecting for? The poorer 00:34:46.11\00:34:50.12 christians in Jerusalem, this is not first time the collected 00:34:50.12\00:34:54.12 funds like this what the Apostle's did because christain 00:34:54.12\00:34:58.13 Jerusalem were being persecuted,the Jews nation 00:34:58.13\00:35:02.10 totally rejected Christ and his message, the were losing house 00:35:02.10\00:35:06.10 and home and basic necessity of live, some of these Christian 00:35:06.10\00:35:10.11 who came paganism would actually give of their funds 00:35:10.11\00:35:14.11 that the Apostle's could take back to Jerusalem and support 00:35:14.11\00:35:18.11 their bother and sister they never met or laid eyes 00:35:18.11\00:35:22.15 on before that tells you something about the ultimate 00:35:22.15\00:35:26.15 love and compassion that early christian church had 00:35:26.15\00:35:30.16 and why that church changed the world 00:35:30.16\00:35:34.13 it doesn't God's holly law or Sabbath 00:35:34.13\00:35:38.13 being done away with. So now we have taken the time 00:35:38.13\00:35:42.14 to lookup all eight test we found nothing 00:35:42.14\00:35:46.14 so we can come to the conclusion that are over 00:35:46.14\00:35:50.18 hundred verse in the bible about the seventh-day Sabbath 00:35:50.18\00:35:54.18 But there is not one verse saying the Sabbath changed 00:35:54.18\00:35:58.19 to Sunday, that would make Sabbath one of 00:35:58.19\00:36:02.19 the clearest most indisputable teaching that are based 00:36:02.19\00:36:06.19 on the Bible and Bible alone 00:36:06.19\00:36:10.17 now that we done a thorough study of the bible 00:36:10.17\00:36:14.20 let's address some practical question 00:36:14.20\00:36:18.17 that will no doubt will cross our mind, and one question 00:36:18.17\00:36:22.21 you maybe be ask right now is this, 00:36:22.21\00:36:26.21 what is the difference? Does it really 00:36:26.21\00:36:30.22 matter which day Sabbath or Sunday 00:36:30.22\00:36:34.22 on the surface, it may not seem 00:36:34.22\00:36:38.23 like it matter very much, but you have to go to 00:36:38.23\00:36:42.20 deeper issue behind it, see Sabbath 00:36:42.20\00:36:46.20 is about the truth of bible 00:36:46.20\00:36:50.24 Sabbath is about the commandments of God 00:36:50.24\00:36:54.24 Sabbath is about authority of God being above 00:36:54.24\00:36:58.25 everything else Sunday 00:36:58.25\00:37:02.25 Sunday is a traduction of a church 00:37:02.25\00:37:06.25 Sunday is the commandments of men 00:37:06.25\00:37:10.26 Sunday is the authority of men 00:37:10.26\00:37:14.23 So the real issue is this. Do I go with 00:37:14.23\00:37:18.27 the truth of the Bible or do I go with tradition? 00:37:18.27\00:37:22.24 Do I believe that commandments of men are above the commandments of God? 00:37:22.24\00:37:26.27 Whose authority will I choose to follow? 00:37:26.27\00:37:30.25 That's the real and deeper issue. 00:37:30.25\00:37:34.25 because, now I'm just going to be plain, I hops you still love 00:37:34.25\00:37:38.25 me, if I look at the word of God and I say Lord 00:37:38.25\00:37:42.29 I know what the Bible says, but I 00:37:42.29\00:37:46.29 don't think it matters, Lord I know what the Bible says 00:37:46.29\00:37:50.27 but this church over here doesn't think is important 00:37:50.27\00:37:54.27 Lord I know what your word teaches, but 00:37:54.27\00:37:58.27 this pastor says I don't worry about it, what really doing 00:37:58.27\00:38:02.58 is I'm putting the authority of someone above 00:38:02.58\00:38:06.61 what the word of God says or if I say it doesn't matter 00:38:06.61\00:38:10.62 really I'm braking the first commandment in a sence 00:38:10.62\00:38:14.62 I'm making myself a god above God that what 00:38:14.62\00:38:18.66 I say and think, my opinion is more important than what 00:38:18.66\00:38:22.63 God says, that more than just 00:38:22.63\00:38:26.63 Sabbath we can do that any issue in the word God, can't we? 00:38:26.63\00:38:30.64 That the part were have to learn how surrender the 00:38:30.64\00:38:34.64 heart and that not ease for this human heart and it's not ease 00:38:34.64\00:38:38.68 for me I could come the word of God were it says, I'm 00:38:38.68\00:38:42.68 to be faithful to my wife and I oh Lord 00:38:42.68\00:38:46.72 can't I have little fun on the side, what really matter? 00:38:46.72\00:38:50.73 I may come with all sorts of what I think are good reason 00:38:50.73\00:38:54.73 but it doesn't change that fact that I'm 00:38:54.73\00:38:58.73 trying put what I think above God says. 00:38:58.73\00:39:02.74 See the most foundational princple 00:39:02.74\00:39:06.74 for christianity, this the most basic question we would have to 00:39:06.74\00:39:10.78 answer well the most I follow Jesus as my savior 00:39:10.78\00:39:14.78 the next most basic question this, do I believe that this 00:39:14.78\00:39:18.45 is word of God or not, do I 00:39:18.45\00:39:22.46 believe that is highest is authority 00:39:22.46\00:39:26.46 on the the earth or am I will to say that church 00:39:26.46\00:39:30.43 tradition can be placed above the Bible, do you understand 00:39:30.43\00:39:34.44 where deeper issue comes in? It's far more than just about 00:39:34.44\00:39:38.44 today. The same thing is really in the garden of eden when you 00:39:38.44\00:39:42.44 What was Eve sin? On the surface what was her 00:39:42.44\00:39:46.45 and Adaw sin on the surface, they took what? 00:39:46.45\00:39:50.49 A peace of fruit, now on the surface 00:39:50.49\00:39:54.49 without going deep, is there any sinful about eating fruit 00:39:54.49\00:39:58.49 in of it self? No, or I have sined today, 00:39:58.49\00:40:02.46 because I ate some peaches, it's deeper issue 00:40:02.46\00:40:06.47 they choose to ignore what God said 00:40:06.47\00:40:10.51 and they believe someone else, I.E the serpent or 00:40:10.51\00:40:14.51 themselves, the deeper issue was, they ignore 00:40:14.51\00:40:18.51 commands that God had given them, and so when I do that 00:40:18.51\00:40:22.52 I begin to compromise God's word so if I 00:40:22.52\00:40:26.55 compromise in the area of Sabbath or any other the 00:40:26.55\00:40:30.56 principle in the Bible, see I'm in danger get on a 00:40:30.56\00:40:34.20 slippery slope of comprise, because then when I come to 00:40:34.20\00:40:38.23 something else in the word God where I say well Lord I know 00:40:38.23\00:40:42.24 what it says But that's inconvenient for me 00:40:42.24\00:40:46.27 Lord I know says but that's not what I believed all my live 00:40:46.27\00:40:50.28 Lord I know what your saying but I really think it 00:40:50.28\00:40:54.32 matters. We start to pick and choose and compromise 00:40:54.32\00:40:58.35 things in the word God and God says He wants all 00:40:58.35\00:41:02.36 of our hearts, all of our souls, and 00:41:02.36\00:41:06.39 all of our mind, because Jesus did not do any 00:41:06.39\00:41:10.37 less for us on the Cross of Calvary. When He 00:41:10.37\00:41:14.37 went the Cross He gave everything 00:41:14.37\00:41:18.37 He gave all He had 00:41:18.37\00:41:22.38 and He tell me take up cross follow me 00:41:22.38\00:41:26.38 and though there may be challenges, there will 00:41:26.38\00:41:30.42 blessing in store. Can you say amen? You say well pastor Dave, 00:41:30.42\00:41:34.42 you know the majority don't believe or understand 00:41:34.42\00:41:38.43 it. I know if I did not talk about 00:41:38.43\00:41:42.40 Sabbath, I my seminar would be bigger 00:41:42.40\00:41:46.40 if I did not talk about Sabbath, I know might be on television 00:41:46.40\00:41:50.44 and radio but see it's not about what the majority thinks 00:41:50.44\00:41:54.44 I'm not willing to compromise for what the Bible say for 00:41:54.44\00:41:58.45 popularity That certainly is a temptation for all of us, see if 00:41:58.45\00:42:02.45 I go with the majority, I would have been in trouble Noah days, 00:42:02.45\00:42:06.45 would I? because the majority were mistaken 00:42:06.45\00:42:10.46 I would be with Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah, because 00:42:10.46\00:42:14.46 the majority were wrong, I would have been trouble 00:42:14.46\00:42:18.43 in Jesus day, because the majority 00:42:18.43\00:42:22.47 which included religious leader with many 00:42:22.47\00:42:26.47 degree and education, did not except 00:42:26.47\00:42:30.48 the Savior when He came. That why Jesus 00:42:30.48\00:42:34.48 always tells me to got the word of God, because 00:42:34.48\00:42:38.49 this is where we find truth. Amen? 00:42:38.49\00:42:42.49 But now we have to get to a couple of other question 00:42:42.49\00:42:46.49 people ask, then we have talk about how the change happen 00:42:46.49\00:42:50.47 history because if it didn't from the bible, then happen 00:42:50.47\00:42:54.47 somewhere else but sometimes people have a sincere question 00:42:54.47\00:42:58.47 and they say how do we know that Saturday is still the 00:42:58.47\00:43:02.48 seventh-day wasn't the calendar changed through the ages, and 00:43:02.48\00:43:06.48 that's actual very good question,know I got to be honest, the only time 00:43:06.48\00:43:10.52 I ever hear that question, is when I talk about the sabbath 00:43:10.52\00:43:14.52 if I were to stand up, you know what it doesn't matter 00:43:14.52\00:43:18.53 Sunday is good enough that's first day of week, no body would ever ask me would do know 00:43:18.53\00:43:22.50 Sunday is the first day of the week, no body would ever ask me that. It is always when it come 00:43:22.50\00:43:26.50 to the Sabbath. The only major Calendar change 00:43:26.50\00:43:30.51 in the gregorian calendar came in October of 1582 00:43:30.51\00:43:34.51 on October 4 (you see that there) they 00:43:34.51\00:43:38.51 discovered they 10 days out of harmony with the solar system 00:43:38.51\00:43:42.52 so they had to add ten days, so next which 00:43:42.52\00:43:46.52 should have been October 5 became whar? 00:43:46.52\00:43:50.53 October 15, notice the number date change 00:43:50.53\00:43:54.56 but weekly cycle never chaged, thurday 00:43:54.56\00:43:58.53 become what? Friday and even astronomers 00:43:58.53\00:44:02.54 will tell you and even NASA, somebody wrote a letter one day 00:44:02.54\00:44:06.54 asking this question the seventh-day we had in Jesus day 00:44:06.54\00:44:10.55 is the same seventh-day that we have today the weekly 00:44:10.55\00:44:14.55 cycle has never changed 00:44:14.55\00:44:18.55 well how about I keep any sabbath 00:44:18.55\00:44:22.56 Well I agree with that except for one thing, God said the 00:44:22.56\00:44:26.59 Seventh-day is the Sabbath it is way He test our loyalty 00:44:26.59\00:44:30.57 Well I keep every day holly that's rather 00:44:30.57\00:44:34.57 impossible, you can live a holy life every day 00:44:34.57\00:44:38.61 but keeping day holy means setting aside secular labors 00:44:38.61\00:44:42.61 to be close to God, at some point you're going to have go to 00:44:42.61\00:44:46.58 work and you are going have to make income food, you can't 00:44:46.58\00:44:50.62 every day holy, Jesus said six days we have to labor 00:44:50.62\00:44:54.62 He wants us to on those six days the seventh-day is the 00:44:54.62\00:44:58.63 Sabbath of the Lord thy God. So now the question 00:44:58.63\00:45:02.60 comes. How did the change 00:45:02.60\00:45:06.60 from Sabbath to Sunday actually happen? if it didn't 00:45:06.60\00:45:10.61 come from God, what in this world 00:45:10.61\00:45:14.61 to constitute the shift? And this what we 00:45:14.61\00:45:18.61 touched on last night, lets see if can go into a more detail 00:45:18.61\00:45:22.62 with time that remains, what happen was this 00:45:22.62\00:45:26.62 Paul wrote something 2nd Timothy 4, he made this statement 00:45:26.62\00:45:30.63 see Paul understanded 00:45:42.64\00:45:46.64 He knew that when the original apostles died false teaching 00:45:46.64\00:45:50.65 would come into the church, he knew they would turn away sound 00:45:50.65\00:45:54.52 doctrine and you see that middle ages, it is what christian history called the great 00:45:54.52\00:45:58.05 apostasy, we'll talk about that a little bit later 00:45:58.05\00:46:02.06 and slowly but surely the church fall away from the pure 00:46:02.06\00:46:06.09 truth of God's word and Christ teaching and began to follow 00:46:06.09\00:46:10.10 some of tradition of men and eventually 00:46:10.10\00:46:14.10 this affected the Sabbath, the was shift 00:46:14.10\00:46:18.14 towards Sunday, which basically happen like this 00:46:18.14\00:46:22.14 remember who ruled the word in those couple centuries of early 00:46:22.14\00:46:27.62 church history Who was it? Come on a little louder who was it? 00:46:27.62\00:46:32.05 Rome, did Rome like the Jews? Did Rome like christians? Not in 00:46:33.49\00:46:36.12 the beginning they hated them because many christians they 00:46:36.12\00:46:40.13 were viewed as a sect of judaism because they shared the 00:46:40.13\00:46:44.13 Seventh-day Sabbath christian were persecuted and so 00:46:44.13\00:46:48.17 some christian and leader came up with the idea you know what 00:46:48.17\00:46:52.24 maybe if shift towards Sunday we can accomplish a couple of thing 00:46:52.24\00:46:57.21 number one we will differentiate our self from Jewish nation and 00:46:57.21\00:47:01.22 mabe Rome will realize we're different were are not Jews 00:47:01.22\00:47:05.25 the other thing hoped to accomplish is the christian church is trying to win all 00:47:05.25\00:47:09.29 these pagan to Christ, the pagan worshiped the 00:47:09.29\00:47:13.29 sun god, and of course you can imagine what day they did that 00:47:13.29\00:47:17.30 the Sunday, they said you know if switched 00:47:17.30\00:47:21.30 Sunday as holy, pagan don't have to change much then. 00:47:21.30\00:47:25.37 instead of worshiping the sun god well get them to worship 00:47:25.37\00:47:29.41 the Son of God and on the 00:47:29.41\00:47:33.45 surface that may seem innocent, but it started 00:47:33.45\00:47:37.89 a slope of falling away pure truth of 00:47:37.89\00:47:41.92 God's word and when Constantine came on he seen 00:47:41.92\00:47:45.93 in 321, he became a christian few years 00:47:45.93\00:47:49.90 before that, I mean imagine if you think that is a good thing 00:47:49.90\00:47:55.00 christianity goes from being illegal to being the state 00:47:55.00\00:47:59.01 religion, persecution stops 00:47:59.01\00:48:03.01 now at first we think Hallelujah that's a great thing 00:48:03.01\00:48:07.82 not necessarily because what Constantine did 00:48:07.82\00:48:11.82 he was a force in bring many pagan 00:48:11.82\00:48:15.82 teaching into the church and Sunday 00:48:15.82\00:48:19.83 Sunday became one of them in 321 he made one of the first 00:48:19.83\00:48:23.80 and earliest Sunday laws and it's actually record word for 00:48:23.80\00:48:27.80 word here it says 00:48:27.80\00:48:31.84 now when the emperor of the world says that, how many people 00:48:39.85\00:48:43.85 do you think listen? The majority kind like today, 00:48:43.85\00:48:47.86 remember that commercial, when E.F. Hatton speaks what 00:48:47.86\00:48:51.86 happened? people listen, same with the Roman emperor, and this 00:48:51.86\00:48:55.83 just added momentum to the Sabbath being lost site of, and 00:48:55.83\00:48:59.83 then what accrued through history, well talk about it later on in the seminar 00:48:59.83\00:49:03.87 church came together, and out of Rome came 00:49:03.87\00:49:07.88 a religious system known as the Papacy 00:49:07.88\00:49:11.88 and when the Papacy was form Sunday was included in the 00:49:11.88\00:49:15.88 catechism please understand this not to be derogatory 00:49:15.88\00:49:19.89 towards any particular faith group, God is not honored when we speak negatively 00:49:19.89\00:49:23.89 of others. Can you say amen? but we have to show 00:49:23.89\00:49:27.86 how this happen in history, because the very important way 00:49:27.86\00:49:31.87 understanding how did we lose sight of the Sabbath 00:49:31.87\00:49:35.87 in Papal Rome there is something called the catechism 00:49:35.87\00:49:39.91 and if ever grown up catholic you go through catechism 00:49:39.91\00:49:43.91 and in the catechism it teaches basically the doctrine the 00:49:43.91\00:49:47.92 church one of them has this question in it, this word for 00:49:47.92\00:49:51.92 word from the catechism. Question which is the Sabbath 00:49:51.92\00:49:55.96 day? Saturday is the sabbath day. Why do observe 00:49:55.96\00:49:59.93 Sunday instead of Sabbath? Because the Catholic Church 00:49:59.93\00:50:03.93 transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday 00:50:03.93\00:50:07.94 Now that puts a spin on it 00:50:07.94\00:50:11.94 because now it tells me 00:50:11.94\00:50:15.94 Sunday is not about the Bible 00:50:15.94\00:50:19.98 it not about God says, it's about 00:50:19.98\00:50:23.99 tradition being put above God's word 00:50:23.99\00:50:27.99 and the underlying issue is who 00:50:27.99\00:50:31.99 has the most authority God's word 00:50:31.99\00:50:36.00 or the tradition of men 00:50:36.00\00:50:40.04 there is other historical quotes from this time, I'm going to put a few on the screen 00:50:40.04\00:50:44.04 these quotes are straight forward, but only showing 00:50:44.04\00:50:48.08 this to show how this happen history. In his book 00:50:48.08\00:50:52.08 called Faith of are Fathers by Cardinal James Gibbons, he make 00:50:52.08\00:50:56.12 this statement. and he writs. "You may read the Bible from 00:50:56.12\00:51:00.22 Genesis to Revelation and you will not find a single line 00:51:00.22\00:51:04.19 authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures 00:51:04.19\00:51:08.16 enforce the religious observance of Saturady....(Now he right 00:51:08.16\00:51:12.17 ther so far he goes to on to say) If want to go by the Bible worship on Saturday 00:51:12.17\00:51:16.20 But the church says tradition is ahead of the Bible 00:51:16.20\00:51:20.24 and we've established Sunday. We've change it by 00:51:20.24\00:51:24.25 (By what is the word?) tradition" 00:51:24.25\00:51:28.32 Now why are they saying that? because there're being honest 00:51:28.32\00:51:32.32 on of doctrines that come from Papal Rome, is that church 00:51:32.32\00:51:36.36 is equal to or above the Bible, that they have the power 00:51:36.36\00:51:40.40 to change what the Bible says, and put their authority above it 00:51:40.40\00:51:44.37 You and I have to ask ourselves am I willing to alone with that 00:51:44.37\00:51:48.44 even with the issue of the Sabbath 00:51:48.44\00:51:52.47 who has the highest authority, and really 00:51:52.47\00:51:56.51 I'm going to blatantly honest with you this what Papal Rome 00:51:56.51\00:52:00.62 throws into protestants faces because protestants say you what 00:52:00.62\00:52:04.62 we go Bible and the Bible alone, the Bible it's God's 00:52:04.62\00:52:08.66 highest authority not the church,church can not change what the Bible says 00:52:08.66\00:52:12.69 and so Rome comes really that's what believe 00:52:12.69\00:52:16.70 but you follow our Sunday, Sunday now where 00:52:16.70\00:52:20.74 taught in the Bible, but you honor it and ignore the direct 00:52:20.74\00:52:24.77 command of scripture and they use that as way to say see you 00:52:24.77\00:52:28.81 are you the lost little who should come back to the mother 00:52:28.81\00:52:32.81 church and I have admit they make a good point 00:52:32.81\00:52:36.89 If I follow the Bible and the Bible alone 00:52:36.89\00:52:40.92 that doesn't mean eight out of ten commandments 00:52:40.92\00:52:45.06 that doesn't mean 9 out of 10 that means that God 00:52:45.06\00:52:49.13 wants me to follow Him with all my heart and all 00:52:49.13\00:52:53.13 my soul. Lastly one more 00:52:53.13\00:52:59.27 quote come a book called Canon and Tradition, where says 00:52:59.27\00:53:03.28 so you see when you understand how this changed occurred 00:53:18.89\00:53:22.96 now I begin to realize 00:53:22.96\00:53:26.97 it is not me saying difference between days don't matter 00:53:26.97\00:53:31.11 It's about much deeper issue 00:53:31.11\00:53:35.18 I'm choosing what he Bible says and what tradition says 00:53:35.18\00:53:39.18 I'm choosing between and Jesus and 00:53:39.18\00:53:43.22 religious leaders I'm choosing between God's law 00:53:43.22\00:53:47.22 and man's law and whenever we have to make choice 00:53:47.22\00:53:51.26 no matter what the teaching may be, no matter issue 00:53:51.26\00:53:55.23 may be it matters 00:53:55.23\00:53:59.27 and it is important. That's why Revelation 00:53:59.27\00:54:03.27 describes God's church at the end of in this way 00:54:03.27\00:54:07.31 see in these last days God is looking for people for all 00:54:19.35\00:54:23.39 religious backgrounds people who would say Heavenly Father 00:54:23.39\00:54:27.40 I want you to write Your law upon my heart, Lord 00:54:27.40\00:54:31.40 I want to follow you all the way I want hold nothing back Lord I 00:54:31.40\00:54:35.44 keep your commandments 00:54:35.44\00:54:39.47 As we close tonight I recognize 00:54:39.47\00:54:43.48 that when you hear this first time it can rather be a jolt 00:54:43.48\00:54:47.48 to your christian walk, because you start wonder in your mind 00:54:47.48\00:54:51.52 this is so clear from the Bible, why didn't see it before 00:54:51.52\00:54:55.56 and then you start to wonder what else haven't I notice 00:54:55.56\00:54:59.56 from the Bible, see my wife when this 00:54:59.56\00:55:03.57 when she first learned about the Sabbath it was new to her 00:55:03.57\00:55:07.60 She determined she would go home and study the word of God and 00:55:07.60\00:55:11.67 she found it to be true and you study this, you may be thinking 00:55:11.67\00:55:15.74 boy this might require a change in my life 00:55:15.74\00:55:19.81 this might effect my job, it could effect my family, it could 00:55:19.81\00:55:23.92 effect choices that I make each day, it could effect my daily 00:55:23.92\00:55:27.96 life but you know that God give us a promise, because when we 00:55:27.96\00:55:31.99 choose the follow the will God with it comes 00:55:31.99\00:55:36.06 peace, comes confidence and comes the 00:55:36.06\00:55:40.17 assurance that we right with Jesus, that we have put 00:55:40.17\00:55:44.27 His word his above everything else and that we are trusting 00:55:44.27\00:55:48.28 in Him, Jesus and He says 00:55:48.28\00:55:51.55 Am I willing to put Jsus first? Am I 00:56:02.92\00:56:06.96 willing to surrender my to Him in any subject 00:56:06.96\00:56:11.00 Am I willing to put Jesus and his word above 00:56:11.00\00:56:15.07 everything else may our payer 00:56:15.07\00:56:19.07 be that of Joshua when he said 00:56:19.07\00:56:22.64 I pray that we would always make that 00:56:30.69\00:56:34.79 choice that we not serve man but me and my house 00:56:34.79\00:56:38.86 will serve the Lord 00:56:38.86\00:56:42.86 Would you pray with me 00:56:42.86\00:56:46.94 Heavenly Father it's powerful to see what Your 00:56:46.94\00:56:50.94 word says to understand what a blessing You 00:56:50.94\00:56:55.01 give us in the Sabbath. Lord 00:56:55.01\00:56:59.01 it is scary how throughout history 00:56:59.01\00:57:03.05 it could be lost sight of that man could cover it up 00:57:03.05\00:57:07.12 Lord we're searching for Your light and truth so just now 00:57:07.12\00:57:11.23 Father we give ourselves to You, we ask you Lord 00:57:11.23\00:57:15.26 to be with us as we open Your word, and we continue a journey 00:57:15.26\00:57:19.37 that is searching for truth, if there is someone 00:57:19.37\00:57:23.37 here wanting to know what Your light is, bless them as they 00:57:23.37\00:57:27.38 open your word bless them as they go home tonight. In fact 00:57:27.38\00:57:31.38 every head bowed and ervery eye closed maybe 00:57:31.38\00:57:35.42 there is someone here says Lord I just want you to know 00:57:35.42\00:57:39.42 I am willing to honestly search this out from bible 00:57:39.42\00:57:43.43 I'm just simply asking You to lead, if that is your desire 00:57:43.43\00:57:47.46 I would like invite you to raise your hand just now every head 00:57:47.46\00:57:51.43 bowed every eye is closed your simply saying Lord I want to 00:57:51.43\00:57:55.44 search this out from the bible I want to know your will, Lord 00:57:55.44\00:57:59.44 please to guide me to Your truth 00:57:59.44\00:58:03.45 Father you see any hands that are raised, we know that You 00:58:03.45\00:58:07.48 would answer that pray, and that you will fill their heart with 00:58:07.48\00:58:11.49 In Jesus Name. Amen 00:58:11.49\00:58:26.47