It was April of 1994 00:00:07.60\00:00:11.64 And a great controversy was 00:00:11.64\00:00:15.61 Early in a small African nation 00:00:15.61\00:00:19.65 But its name was Rwanda 00:00:19.65\00:00:23.65 For many years to people rooms have dominated the landscape of the country and ask 00:00:23.65\00:00:27.66 Hootoos and the Tootsies. For years 00:00:27.66\00:00:31.66 They had learned to coexist together peacefully 00:00:31.66\00:00:35.63 they worked together, they played together, they even 00:00:35.63\00:00:39.70 went to church together. but all that changed one 00:00:39.70\00:00:43.67 terrible day in 1994. When the Hootoos 00:00:43.67\00:00:47.68 president boarded is plane in order tp go on an international 00:00:47.68\00:00:51.68 trip but minutes after takeoff his plane was shot down 00:00:51.68\00:00:55.68 he was murdered and assassinated in cold blood 00:00:55.68\00:00:59.69 nobody knew who did it or why 00:00:59.69\00:01:03.69 immediately the Hootoos in the government blamed the 00:01:03.69\00:01:07.73 Tootsies and through a series of brainwashing and propaganda 00:01:07.73\00:01:11.70 they put the word out that the Tootsies were to blame 00:01:11.70\00:01:15.70 that they were the enemies of the country and in order for the 00:01:15.70\00:01:19.71 country to survive all Tootsies must be exterminated 00:01:19.71\00:01:23.71 and so for the next few weeks when the sun 00:01:23.71\00:01:27.72 went down at night Hootoos would arm themselves 00:01:27.72\00:01:31.72 with machetes and clubs and weapons 00:01:31.72\00:01:35.72 they would scour their village and neighborhoods 00:01:35.72\00:01:39.76 and burst into homes of Hootoos neighbor, rape the 00:01:39.76\00:01:43.70 women, and butcher the men and children. 00:01:43.70\00:01:47.74 and in about 100 days 800,000 00:01:47.74\00:01:51.74 people lost their lifes in that 00:01:51.74\00:01:55.74 blood stain nation and all the while the United States 00:01:55.74\00:01:59.75 said nothing. The United Nations 00:01:59.75\00:02:03.75 did nothing. The world turned a blind eye 00:02:03.75\00:02:07.76 to the massacre. It was the worst 00:02:07.76\00:02:11.76 conflict ever to hit the African soil 00:02:11.76\00:02:15.76 perhaps some of you may remeber that But you know revelation 00:02:15.76\00:02:19.77 talks about another great controversy one that is 00:02:19.77\00:02:23.81 far worse than the Rwandan Genocide. One that surpasses 00:02:23.81\00:02:27.78 any world war put together on the face of the earth 00:02:27.78\00:02:31.81 Revelation calls it the controversy between good and 00:02:31.81\00:02:35.78 evil or this conflict between Jesus Christ and 00:02:35.78\00:02:39.79 Satan because the Bible tells us that it was Satan 00:02:39.79\00:02:43.79 who first brought woe and sin and sorrow to this planet 00:02:43.79\00:02:47.76 that he has been working to try to pull mankind away 00:02:47.76\00:02:51.77 from God and since that time Jesus has 00:02:51.77\00:02:55.77 been working against him. The Devil has been trying to destroy 00:02:55.77\00:02:59.81 us Jesus wants to save us and to bring us back 00:02:59.81\00:03:03.81 to God and so as we study this controversy 00:03:03.81\00:03:07.82 in the book of revelation we are gonna find out that this earth 00:03:07.82\00:03:11.82 is the playing field and more specifically every decision 00:03:11.82\00:03:15.82 that we make in our heart and our mind is another playing 00:03:15.82\00:03:19.86 field for that great controversy in fact tongiht 00:03:19.86\00:03:23.83 we are gonna answer these three questions. Number one how 00:03:23.83\00:03:27.84 did this controversy begin? 2nd, how 00:03:27.84\00:03:31.84 did sin come into our world where did the devil come from? 00:03:31.84\00:03:35.84 and third what is the solution. And 00:03:35.84\00:03:39.85 im happy to say that revelation gives some clear answers to 00:03:39.85\00:03:43.89 all three of those questions so I want you to take your bibles 00:03:43.89\00:03:47.89 and turn with me to revelation 12 00:03:47.89\00:03:51.93 and begin in verse 7. "and war broke 00:03:51.93\00:03:55.86 out, Where? in heaven Micahel 00:03:55.86\00:03:59.87 and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his 00:03:59.87\00:04:03.87 angels fought but they did no prevail 00:04:03.87\00:04:07.91 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer 00:04:07.91\00:04:11.91 so that great dragon was cast out 00:04:11.91\00:04:15.92 that serpent of old who is called the devil and satan 00:04:15.92\00:04:19.92 who deceives the whole world he was cast to the 00:04:19.92\00:04:23.93 earth and his angels were cast 00:04:23.93\00:04:27.96 out with him now we are gonna stop there for a second 00:04:27.96\00:04:31.90 right here revelation gives us the picture of 00:04:31.90\00:04:35.94 a great controversy it gives us a picture of this 00:04:35.94\00:04:39.94 conflict where it says that Michael and his angels fought 00:04:39.94\00:04:43.95 against the dragon and his angels and what revelation is 00:04:43.95\00:04:48.02 telling is really the shocking truth that at one point 00:04:48.02\00:04:51.99 Satan was a faithful angel in the courts of heaven 00:04:51.99\00:04:56.02 do you realize that. Revelation tells us taht he was 00:04:56.02\00:05:00.13 once a mighty cherubim who loved God who honored 00:05:00.13\00:05:04.10 God who was willing to follow the principles of God 00:05:04.10\00:05:08.10 but the Bible also tells us that at some point 00:05:08.10\00:05:12.14 in his existence Satan lost his love for his 00:05:12.14\00:05:16.21 Creator It came to the point where 00:05:16.21\00:05:20.22 he began to plant insidious seeds in the minds of the 00:05:20.22\00:05:24.25 other angels that God is not love that God 00:05:24.25\00:05:28.29 cannot be trusted that Holy angels should not have 00:05:28.29\00:05:32.43 to follow God's principles they should not be subjecty to God's 00:05:32.43\00:05:36.40 lawes holy angels should be able to rule themselves and over a 00:05:36.40\00:05:40.44 period of time which the bible does not say how much time he 00:05:40.44\00:05:44.51 continued to plant these seeds of deception until it eventually 00:05:44.51\00:05:48.54 broke out in a full scale rebellion that a 00:05:48.54\00:05:52.58 portion of the angels actually sided with Satan and 00:05:52.58\00:05:56.69 tried to take over the throne of God and when 00:05:56.69\00:06:00.82 that happened revelation tells us that God was 00:06:00.82\00:06:04.86 basically forced to cast out Satan and his angels 00:06:04.86\00:06:08.93 and he became a fallen angel and he was cast where? 00:06:08.93\00:06:13.03 to this earth. 00:06:13.03\00:06:17.04 you see it is actually a sad story to realize that sin 00:06:17.04\00:06:21.08 came into existence because one loving 00:06:21.08\00:06:25.11 angels or rather one unfaithful angel rebelled 00:06:25.11\00:06:29.15 against his loving creator 00:06:29.15\00:06:33.19 but when you think about it the same rebellion that he instigated in the courts 00:06:33.19\00:06:37.19 of heaven he has now brought to this earth becasue 00:06:37.19\00:06:41.20 he plants the same insidious seeds in our minds 00:06:41.20\00:06:45.27 in mankind that God is not love that God cannot 00:06:45.27\00:06:49.30 be trusted that mankind is too sophisticated 00:06:49.30\00:06:53.34 we need not be subject to the principles and the commandments 00:06:53.34\00:06:57.41 of God and as a result we have all kinds of woe 00:06:57.41\00:07:01.48 and heartache and sorrow right here on this earth beacsue think 00:07:01.48\00:07:05.45 about it when some of the angels in heaven pulled away from the 00:07:05.45\00:07:09.49 principals of God's word did it bring pain yes or no 00:07:09.49\00:07:13.56 indeed and so here on this earth the more 00:07:13.56\00:07:17.60 the devil pulls us away from the principles of happiness 00:07:17.60\00:07:21.67 contained in the bible the more suffereing we begin to see 00:07:21.67\00:07:25.71 on the face of the earth that is the great controversy which 00:07:25.71\00:07:29.71 revelation begins to talk about. But you know 00:07:29.71\00:07:33.75 revelation is not the only book in the bible that gives us a 00:07:33.75\00:07:37.79 glimpse into this rebellion I wanna go all the way back 00:07:37.79\00:07:41.79 to the old testament because God gave some of his old 00:07:41.79\00:07:45.86 testament prophets a bigger window into this 00:07:45.86\00:07:49.86 controversy. Turn in your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 14:12-14 00:07:49.86\00:07:53.90 Isaiah Chapter 14 and I want to start reading in verse 12 00:07:53.90\00:07:57.94 You want to go Isaiah chapter 14 00:07:57.94\00:08:02.01 and what you are going to read here rather interesting 00:08:02.01\00:08:06.01 God actually gave Isaiah 00:08:06.01\00:08:10.05 a picture into what was going on 00:08:10.05\00:08:14.12 in the heart of Satan when he rebelled the Bible 00:08:14.12\00:08:18.09 is actully going to reveal his inter most thoughts 00:08:18.09\00:08:22.10 Isaiah Chapter 14 and verse 12 00:08:22.10\00:08:26.13 The Bible says, how 00:08:26.13\00:08:30.14 you are fallen, from where? 00:08:30.14\00:08:34.14 heaven oh Lucifer son of the morning how you are 00:08:34.14\00:08:38.15 cut down to the ground you who weaken the nations 00:08:38.15\00:08:42.15 for you have said in your heart I will ascend into 00:08:42.15\00:08:46.19 heaven I will exalt my throne above the 00:08:46.19\00:08:50.19 stars of God I will also sit on the mount 00:08:50.19\00:08:54.20 of the congregation on the farthest signs of the north I 00:08:54.20\00:08:58.20 will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like 00:08:58.20\00:09:02.20 the most high. I'm gonna pause there 00:09:02.20\00:09:06.21 for a second here in Isaiah we are 00:09:06.21\00:09:10.18 told that the devil's name in heaven was actually what? 00:09:10.18\00:09:14.22 Lucifer now see, Lucifer simply 00:09:14.22\00:09:18.22 means daystar which indicates to us that 00:09:18.22\00:09:22.22 he was a glorious a beautiful and a mighty angel 00:09:22.22\00:09:26.23 that God had actually given him power and authority 00:09:26.23\00:09:30.20 over a portion of the angels but you see 00:09:30.20\00:09:34.24 Lucifer has now become synonomous with evil 00:09:34.24\00:09:38.24 because Lucifer is a fallen angel 00:09:38.24\00:09:42.24 and really that influences our world even today because when 00:09:42.24\00:09:46.25 you think about it if you have ever watched a science fiction 00:09:46.25\00:09:50.25 movie many times, they tend to give the most villanous 00:09:50.25\00:09:54.26 character in the film. What do you think? they call him 00:09:54.26\00:09:58.29 Lucifer. When is the last time you saw a mother who has just 00:09:58.29\00:10:02.26 given birth to a baby lay that baby on her bosom and look to 00:10:02.26\00:10:06.30 the nurse and say you know I'm gonna call him Lucifer 00:10:06.30\00:10:10.27 that never happens, I'mm sure its happened somewhere but it is 00:10:10.27\00:10:14.28 very rare becasue even today Ludifer in synonymous with evil 00:10:14.28\00:10:18.31 in fact I'll give you anotehr example of how the Bible 00:10:18.31\00:10:22.28 influences the modern world let us take a girls name what girls 00:10:22.28\00:10:26.32 that comes from the Bible that mothers nver name daughters? 00:10:26.32\00:10:30.36 you got it Jezebel because that has become synonymous with evil 00:10:30.36\00:10:34.30 as well so here you have Lucifer now 00:10:34.30\00:10:38.30 a fallen being leading a rebellion against his creator 00:10:38.30\00:10:42.30 and Isaiah shows us what he was thinking 00:10:42.30\00:10:46.31 in his heart taht he will ascend into heaven 00:10:46.31\00:10:50.35 that he will exalt his throne above God's 00:10:50.35\00:10:54.35 in that he says I will be like the Most High 00:10:54.35\00:10:58.35 and he was willing to do anything 00:10:58.35\00:11:02.36 to get the trhone of Heaven and that included 00:11:02.36\00:11:06.36 instigatinga full scale rebellion 00:11:06.36\00:11:10.33 against God. That is a very sad story 00:11:10.33\00:11:14.40 when you think about it. An angel. Lucifer 00:11:14.40\00:11:18.37 who was given probably everything 00:11:18.37\00:11:22.41 an angel could want. Honor and glory 00:11:22.41\00:11:26.38 living in perfect paradise in teh courts of heaven and for 00:11:26.38\00:11:30.42 whatever reason it just wasnt enough and when he 00:11:30.42\00:11:34.39 rebelled, he was cast out of heaven 00:11:34.39\00:11:38.43 along with those angels that chose to follow him 00:11:38.43\00:11:42.36 and he continues to bring that rebellion upon us taht we 00:11:42.36\00:11:46.77 can be our own God that 00:11:50.77\00:11:54.78 we dont have to be subject to a higher auithority or 00:11:54.78\00:11:58.81 to a creator and as he continues to lead us away from God 00:11:58.81\00:12:02.82 we become separated from him becasue sin 00:12:02.82\00:12:06.86 separates us from God just like sin separated the fallen 00:12:06.86\00:12:10.93 angels who decided to follow lucifer. 00:12:10.93\00:12:14.93 but you know Isaiah is not the only old testament 00:12:14.93\00:12:18.87 prophet that was given a glimpse into this conflict. 00:12:18.87\00:12:22.90 i wanna take you somewhere else you'll find that revelation 00:12:22.90\00:12:26.91 actually takes us all throughout the different books of the Bible I want us to go to the book of 00:12:26.91\00:12:30.91 Ezekiel now this one I already have written on the screen for 00:12:30.91\00:12:34.95 you because it brings up some very important points here it is 00:12:34.95\00:12:38.99 Ezekial 28 verses 13-16 00:12:38.99\00:12:42.99 Because this is going to answer the question did God 00:12:42.99\00:12:47.03 create the devil. Ezekial 00:12:47.03\00:12:51.00 28:13 00:12:51.00\00:12:55.04 This is God speaking to Lucifer. 00:12:55.04\00:12:59.14 Now Im gonna go back to something written int he middle of that passage. notice the 00:13:39.31\00:13:43.39 bible says of Lucifer that he was a 00:13:43.39\00:13:47.39 created being. And that when he was created he was 00:13:47.39\00:13:51.39 what in all his ways. Perfect. 00:13:51.39\00:13:55.40 in all his ways until iniquity was found 00:13:55.40\00:13:59.43 in him. You see it is important to understand 00:13:59.43\00:14:03.44 God did not create the devil. God 00:14:03.44\00:14:07.48 did not create evil to be on the face of the earth 00:14:07.48\00:14:11.48 that was not part of his original plan. What God did 00:14:11.48\00:14:15.48 is he created a perfect loyal angel who 00:14:15.48\00:14:19.52 used his freedom of choice to rebel against God 00:14:19.52\00:14:23.49 and iniquity was found inside him because truthfully 00:14:23.49\00:14:27.50 where does sin begin. In the ehart 00:14:27.50\00:14:31.47 andthen from the heart we act out on it 00:14:31.47\00:14:35.50 Ezekial says that violence was found in lucifer from within 00:14:35.50\00:14:39.51 and eventually he acted out on it ina full scale 00:14:39.51\00:14:43.51 rebellion and when that happened God cast him 00:14:43.51\00:14:47.52 out of heaven and into this earth 00:14:47.52\00:14:51.52 but that leads us to a question that 00:14:51.52\00:14:55.52 many people ask. Does God 00:14:55.52\00:14:59.53 know the future yes or no. Does he know 00:14:59.53\00:15:03.50 the end from the beginning indeed he does so many wonder 00:15:03.50\00:15:07.50 if God knew that Lucifer was gonna turn 00:15:07.50\00:15:11.54 evil, if he knew Lucifer would rebel 00:15:11.54\00:15:15.54 and cause this heartache why did God 00:15:15.54\00:15:19.55 create him to begin with. How many people think that is a good 00:15:19.55\00:15:23.55 question can i see your hands. Sure it is anybody who maybe is 00:15:23.55\00:15:27.56 reading the Bible for the first time would be very apt to answer 00:15:27.56\00:15:31.56 that question or ask that question so this is where we 00:15:31.56\00:15:35.53 have to understand the concept of free will. You see God 00:15:35.53\00:15:39.60 did not create his angels nor does he create us 00:15:39.60\00:15:43.57 as robots who are forced and programmed to follow him 00:15:43.57\00:15:47.58 we have a choice because you 00:15:47.58\00:15:51.58 cannot developa love relationship with a robot 00:15:51.58\00:15:55.58 in order to develop a love relationship with a 00:15:55.58\00:15:59.59 being you create they must have the freedom to choose 00:15:59.59\00:16:03.63 to love you back let me give you an example lets take a husband 00:16:03.63\00:16:07.60 and a wife relationship. Now it may be there are some wives here 00:16:07.60\00:16:11.60 who may be thinking you know if I could just open my husbands 00:16:11.60\00:16:15.60 head and program his brain to think exactly 00:16:15.60\00:16:19.61 like I do and do waht I want him to do 00:16:19.61\00:16:23.61 we would have the perfect relationship and 00:16:23.61\00:16:27.62 conversely i suppose some men would also 00:16:27.62\00:16:31.62 say you know if I could program my wife to think like me and do 00:16:31.62\00:16:35.62 what i want then yes life would be perfect 00:16:35.62\00:16:39.66 on the outside that might seem 00:16:39.66\00:16:43.63 logical, but let me ask youa question 00:16:43.63\00:16:47.64 could you truly fall in love with each other 00:16:47.64\00:16:51.64 you could not because in order for a love relationship 00:16:51.64\00:16:55.64 to develop two people must have teh freedom 00:16:55.64\00:16:59.65 to love each toher back. If you are forced 00:16:59.65\00:17:03.69 to do it, it is not love 00:17:03.69\00:17:07.69 someone has the freedom to choose there is always the risk 00:17:07.69\00:17:11.73 that they mauy not choose to love oyu back 00:17:11.73\00:17:15.66 probably all of us have faced that pain inaour life weather it is a dating relationship 00:17:15.66\00:17:19.70 that broke up or a marriage that broke up 00:17:19.70\00:17:23.71 and that is a very very painful experience 00:17:23.71\00:17:27.68 see God knew that if he creates us with the freedom to choose 00:17:27.68\00:17:31.71 there is the risk that we might cause Him pain 00:17:31.71\00:17:35.72 by choosing not to love him 00:17:35.72\00:17:39.72 back. But God takes that risk becasue he loves 00:17:39.72\00:17:43.73 us enought o give us liberty and the ability to choose 00:17:43.73\00:17:47.73 all of us are created with the desire for freedom 00:17:47.73\00:17:51.70 and liberty in fact there are many citizens of countries 00:17:51.70\00:17:55.70 around the world crying out for that same liberty 00:17:55.70\00:17:59.74 even our forefathers wrote that liberty is an 00:17:59.74\00:18:03.75 inalienable right something that God put inside of us 00:18:03.75\00:18:07.75 and they were right about htat. God gives us a free 00:18:07.75\00:18:11.75 will. But we can go farther than that. 00:18:11.75\00:18:15.76 Yous ay well ic an understand why 00:18:15.76\00:18:19.76 God gave them the freedom toc hoose but what about 00:18:19.76\00:18:23.73 this question. A quwestion that somebody is bound to ask one 00:18:23.73\00:18:27.80 once satan was given the freedom to choose whether or not he 00:18:27.80\00:18:31.77 rebelled, once he made that choice why didn't God just destroy him when he rebelled 00:18:31.77\00:18:35.78 couldn't you see someone reading the Bible and in revelation 00:18:35.78\00:18:39.78 it says that Lucifer rebelled against God and he was cast out 00:18:39.78\00:18:43.79 of heaven and where was he cast? To this earth. Could you see 00:18:43.79\00:18:47.79 someone asking the question, God! WHy did you send him down 00:18:47.79\00:18:51.83 here why did you give hima chance to bring woa 00:18:51.83\00:18:55.80 woe to this earth why ddin't you just destroy him why 00:18:55.80\00:18:59.80 didnt you give a lightning bolt and blot him out of existence? 00:18:59.80\00:19:03.81 You know according to human thinking that would sound like a 00:19:03.81\00:19:07.81 logical idea but there is two reasons at least that God 00:19:07.81\00:19:11.81 did not do that. One has to do with 00:19:11.81\00:19:15.82 fear. Now think about it 00:19:15.82\00:19:19.85 i want you to picture the angels here. Lucifer has told them 00:19:19.85\00:19:23.86 that his way is better thanGod's so as soon as Lucifer 00:19:23.86\00:19:27.86 questions God and steps out of line boom God kills him 00:19:27.86\00:19:31.83 and blots him out of existence imagine in your mind the 00:19:31.83\00:19:35.84 conversation the otehr angels would have had. boy did you see what happened to Lucifer> 00:19:35.84\00:19:39.87 as soon as he stepped out of line God killed him. Boy we 00:19:39.87\00:19:43.91 better tow the line or God may kill us too. 00:19:43.91\00:19:47.88 And the angels would have began to serve God 00:19:47.88\00:19:51.89 out of fear becasue they were afraid not to 00:19:51.89\00:19:55.92 and you see when you have a relationship of fear 00:19:55.92\00:19:59.89 that is not something God wants with his creation 00:19:59.89\00:20:03.90 the Bible says perfect love casts out 00:20:03.90\00:20:07.47 all fear so to have a love relationship, 00:20:07.47\00:20:11.47 fear cannot be involved 00:20:11.47\00:20:15.51 in this earth we would call a relationship of fear a dysfunctional relationship 00:20:15.51\00:20:19.55 you know a psychological term. I'll give you an illustratuion 00:20:19.55\00:20:23.55 unfortunately all of us have probably seen 00:20:23.55\00:20:27.62 or heard about a woman who was being abused 00:20:27.62\00:20:31.59 by her husband and 00:20:31.59\00:20:35.60 for whatever reason continues to go back over and over and over 00:20:35.60\00:20:39.63 again because she is afraid she is afraid that if she leaves 00:20:39.63\00:20:43.71 that he will do worse to her or that he may 00:20:43.71\00:20:47.71 find her children and so she stays with him 00:20:47.71\00:20:51.71 not because shes in love with him but because 00:20:51.71\00:20:55.75 it is an enslaving relationship of fear 00:20:55.75\00:20:59.79 we would call that dysfunctional. That is not the kind of relationship God 00:20:59.79\00:21:03.83 wants with his angelic beings or with the human beings 00:21:03.83\00:21:07.86 that he created. He wants free choice 00:21:07.86\00:21:11.83 he wants a relationship of love and so taht 00:21:11.83\00:21:15.87 the angels would not fear him he did not destroy Satan on the 00:21:15.87\00:21:19.91 spot second reason think this through 00:21:19.91\00:21:23.91 Satan claimed that his program was better than God's 00:21:23.91\00:21:27.92 did the angels know what Satan's program was had 00:21:27.92\00:21:31.92 they ever seent he rpogram of sin carried out anywhere 00:21:31.92\00:21:35.92 not really all they had known was the perfect 00:21:35.92\00:21:39.96 paradise that God had given them surrounded with 00:21:39.96\00:21:43.90 unutterable love that should have been enough 00:21:43.90\00:21:47.94 for them. But in order to be fair this is basically what 00:21:47.94\00:21:51.94 God does. He says alright i will give lucifer a chance 00:21:51.94\00:21:55.94 i will send you downt ot he earth 00:21:55.94\00:21:59.95 and if and only if the people allow you i will allow you 00:21:59.95\00:22:03.95 to carry out your program. I wil lallow human beings 00:22:03.95\00:22:07.96 and the universe to see what sin is and when time is all said 00:22:07.96\00:22:11.96 and done and i will let them choose who they want to follow 00:22:11.96\00:22:15.93 but see there is catch to that. The only 00:22:15.93\00:22:19.97 way Lucifer, Satan would be allowed to carry out his 00:22:19.97\00:22:23.97 program on this earth is if human beings opened the door 00:22:23.97\00:22:28.01 human beigns had to choose to follow Satan 00:22:28.01\00:22:32.01 way and to see his program and so now 00:22:32.01\00:22:36.02 when you go back to the book of Genesis you begin to see the 00:22:36.02\00:22:39.99 fall of Adam and Eve which opened the window 00:22:39.99\00:22:44.03 for Satan to bring his rebellion to this planet. 00:22:44.03\00:22:48.00 let's go back now we started in revelation so where are we going 00:22:48.00\00:22:52.00 right now Genesis. In Genesis we started int eh last book of the bible now we are in the 00:22:52.00\00:22:56.00 first book of the Bible becasue the great controversy' 00:22:56.00\00:23:00.08 is cahnging playing fields now it started 00:23:00.08\00:23:04.01 in the courts of heaven now it is coming down to planet earth 00:23:04.01\00:23:08.02 and into our hearts and minds so lets go back to Genesis 00:23:08.02\00:23:12.02 3 and lets notice how sin came into 00:23:12.02\00:23:16.02 this plabnet. Genesis 3 00:23:16.02\00:23:20.06 verse 1-6 00:23:20.06\00:23:24.00 Genesis 3:1-6 00:23:24.00\00:23:28.00 The Bible says, 00:23:32.04\00:23:36.04 now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field 00:23:36.04\00:23:40.05 which the Lord God had made and he said tot he woman 00:23:40.05\00:23:44.05 has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the 00:23:44.05\00:23:48.06 garden? And the woman said we may eat 00:23:48.06\00:23:52.06 the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the 00:23:52.06\00:23:56.03 tree which is in themidst of the garden, God has said you shall 00:23:56.03\00:24:00.10 not eat it nor shall you touch it lest 00:24:00.10\00:24:04.07 you die. Now was God clear there 00:24:04.07\00:24:08.08 was there any mistaking what he said. don't eat it, don't touch 00:24:08.08\00:24:12.11 it or you will die. verse 4. Then the serpent 00:24:12.11\00:24:16.08 said to the woman you will not surely die 00:24:16.08\00:24:20.12 the first lie ever told on the face of the earth 00:24:20.12\00:24:24.09 for God knows that in the day that you eat of it your eyes 00:24:24.09\00:24:28.10 will be opened and you will 00:24:28.10\00:24:32.10 be like God. Knowing good and evil 00:24:32.10\00:24:36.10 so whent he woman saw taht the tree 00:24:36.10\00:24:40.11 was good for food, taht it was pleasant to the eys 00:24:40.11\00:24:44.11 and a tree desirable to make one wise she took of its fruit and 00:24:44.11\00:24:48.12 ate and she also gave to her husband with her 00:24:48.12\00:24:52.12 and he ate. Now we have to stop right here 00:24:52.12\00:24:56.12 there are so many lessons pictured 00:24:56.12\00:25:00.23 in that passage that we often skip over them too fast 00:25:00.23\00:25:04.10 Here now the devil apparently 00:25:04.10\00:25:08.10 changes himsel finto a serpent and 00:25:08.10\00:25:12.14 he plants himself right beside the tree of knowledge of good 00:25:12.14\00:25:16.14 and evil the one tree that God said they should not 00:25:16.14\00:25:20.15 go near now there is a principle there God didn't 00:25:20.15\00:25:24.15 allow him to roam all the other parts of 00:25:24.15\00:25:28.16 the garden trying to find adam and eve he 00:25:28.16\00:25:32.16 was apparently limited to that one area where God had told adam 00:25:32.16\00:25:36.13 and eve they are not to go. Se ehow 00:25:36.13\00:25:40.17 fair and just God is. He didnt just throw satan to adam and eve 00:25:40.17\00:25:44.17 he was restricted to that part 00:25:44.17\00:25:48.21 of the garden adn genesis leads us to believe that somehow 00:25:48.21\00:25:52.18 eve finds herself near that forbidden 00:25:52.18\00:25:56.18 tree and as she nears it 00:25:56.18\00:26:00.29 she notices the serpent in its branches adn teh serpent 00:26:00.29\00:26:04.19 begins to talk to her now ive gotta stop right there 00:26:04.19\00:26:08.20 i can tell you that would not have worked 00:26:08.20\00:26:12.17 with my wife becasue as soon as she wouldve seen that snake she wouldve been out the door you 00:26:12.17\00:26:16.20 know running away she would not even have waited for the thing 00:26:16.20\00:26:20.18 to speak so they she wouldve had to been tempted another way am i right honey yes or no 00:26:20.18\00:26:24.21 absolutely. Now if it was me i guess none of us know 00:26:24.21\00:26:28.22 what we would do but ic an tell you if i saw a snake and that 00:26:28.22\00:26:32.22 thing started speaking to me i wouldnt be waiting around to see 00:26:32.22\00:26:36.22 what it said but Eve listened and he says to her 00:26:36.22\00:26:40.23 has God said you cant eat of any of the trees? 00:26:40.23\00:26:44.20 now did God sayt hat? He did not. God did not 00:26:44.20\00:26:48.24 say you cant eat any of them he said you can have all of them 00:26:48.24\00:26:52.21 except the one in the middle. You see 00:26:52.21\00:26:56.24 how the devil is already trying to twist God's word 00:26:56.24\00:27:00.32 and confuse Eve, and then finally Eve said 00:27:00.32\00:27:04.25 to him, this was her mistake. She stood there and had a 00:27:04.25\00:27:08.26 conversation with the devil when temptation comes our way God 00:27:08.26\00:27:12.26 says run pray get away from it dont even 00:27:12.26\00:27:16.23 put ourselves in a position where we can be tempted 00:27:16.23\00:27:20.24 now there are sometimes when we may not have control over that 00:27:20.24\00:27:24.24 when things happen at work we cant stop what people do 00:27:24.24\00:27:28.28 but within our power God tells us not to 00:27:28.28\00:27:32.28 purposely put ourselves ina position where we know 00:27:32.28\00:27:36.28 that weak human nature is going to be tempted 00:27:36.28\00:27:40.29 now she begins to reason witht he devil which is always a very 00:27:40.29\00:27:44.29 bad idea. And she says oh no god says we 00:27:44.29\00:27:48.26 can eat of all the tress just not the one int he middle. God says when we eat of it we die 00:27:48.26\00:27:52.27 it will bring death into this world. And teh devil 00:27:52.27\00:27:56.27 comes right back and says you will not 00:27:56.27\00:28:00.38 surely die. And i want you to notice 00:28:00.38\00:28:04.28 what he says next becomes very important there is someting here 00:28:04.28\00:28:08.32 that is directly ties to revelationa nd isaiah 00:28:08.32\00:28:12.32 he says 00:28:12.32\00:28:16.36 God knows 00:28:16.36\00:28:20.33 in the day you eat of this fruit, your eyes will be open 00:28:20.33\00:28:24.30 you will have special knowledge 00:28:24.30\00:28:31.84 you will be like God. in other words he is insinuating 00:28:31.84\00:28:35.91 God is withholding something good from you 00:28:35.91\00:28:39.88 why this tree the fruit in this tree is something that is good 00:28:39.88\00:28:43.92 it is something desirable if you eat of it you'll know good and 00:28:43.92\00:28:47.96 evil youll have a higher knowledge that you have now! 00:28:47.96\00:28:51.96 you will be like God who was it that isaiah 00:28:51.96\00:28:56.00 said wanted to be like God? Lucifer. 00:28:56.00\00:29:00.04 and he is now putting the same thought in the mind 00:29:00.04\00:29:04.01 of human beings and when eve 00:29:04.01\00:29:08.04 took of tht fruit and ate it and ave it to her husband 00:29:08.04\00:29:12.11 that opened the door. That gave 00:29:12.11\00:29:16.12 permission to Satan to begin to carry out 00:29:16.12\00:29:20.16 his program of sin on this earth 00:29:20.16\00:29:24.16 and from that moment on, every 00:29:24.16\00:29:28.16 person that was born into this world after Adam and Ever 00:29:28.16\00:29:32.20 is born with sin all 00:29:32.20\00:29:36.20 ready in them. Do you understand that? 00:29:36.20\00:29:40.24 You see traditionally we think sin is only bad things we do 00:29:40.24\00:29:44.31 well that is part but it is like a disease we are all 00:29:44.31\00:29:48.32 born with like a cancer inside of us 00:29:48.32\00:29:52.35 you see that sin means we are born with a tendency 00:29:52.35\00:29:56.42 to do whats wrong it is easier for me to do wrong 00:29:56.42\00:30:01.33 than it is for me to do right when I am left on my own 00:30:01.33\00:30:05.37 sinful human nature now to give an example of that Im 00:30:05.37\00:30:09.40 always safe to use myself. Lets suppose that I am putting siding 00:30:09.40\00:30:13.44 on my house. And I am outside nailing it together 00:30:13.44\00:30:17.45 etc and low and behold im not paying attention, the hammer 00:30:17.45\00:30:21.45 slips boom i hit my finger and automaticallt in less 00:30:21.45\00:30:25.45 than half a second maybe something comes out of my mouth 00:30:25.45\00:30:29.49 that shouldnt come out of the mouth of a christian the curse 00:30:29.49\00:30:33.53 word flys and I am mortified i cant believe that i said that 00:30:33.53\00:30:37.47 because I actually have to think about doing right 00:30:37.47\00:30:41.50 the word came out quickly nad naturally becasue 00:30:41.50\00:30:45.47 it is part of my nature it is easier for us to do wrong 00:30:45.47\00:30:49.51 than it is to do right I'll give you 00:30:49.51\00:30:53.52 another example we could even use children for this actually 00:30:53.52\00:30:57.52 im gonna use my two little girls. I have two little girls. 9 and 6. Sweetest cutest 00:30:57.52\00:31:01.52 things youd ever imagine but let me ask you a question do you 00:31:01.52\00:31:05.53 think I have to teach my two girls how to fight with each 00:31:05.53\00:31:09.53 other i dont have to teach them that they do it automatically 00:31:09.53\00:31:13.50 it is in thei rnature and not just my children 00:31:13.50\00:31:17.54 all children because they have the same human nature iactually 00:31:17.54\00:31:21.54 have to teach them how not to fight do you think 00:31:21.54\00:31:25.55 you have to teach your children how to be selfish and hoard 00:31:25.55\00:31:29.55 their toys do you have to teach them that come on now youre not 00:31:29.55\00:31:33.56 being honest no they do that automatically 00:31:33.56\00:31:37.59 it is part of this tendency towards evil 00:31:37.59\00:31:41.56 that we were born with ever since sin came into this world 00:31:41.56\00:31:45.60 you can read about this it is actually in the book of romans 00:31:45.60\00:31:49.57 Romans 3:23 says, 00:31:49.57\00:31:53.58 for all have sinned and fall short of the 00:31:53.58\00:31:57.61 glory of God no whow many people here believe 00:31:57.61\00:32:01.62 the bible can i see your hands howmany people does it say sin 00:32:01.62\00:32:05.62 All. Does that leave any one out. No human 00:32:05.62\00:32:09.62 being. All of us are already born with sin 00:32:09.62\00:32:13.63 inside of us. But then it gets worse 00:32:13.63\00:32:17.60 the wages of sin according to Romans 6:23 is death 00:32:17.60\00:32:21.64 now lets just think this 00:32:21.64\00:32:25.64 through for a second so far do those two verses give us 00:32:25.64\00:32:29.64 good new yes or no that isnot good news. If all 00:32:29.64\00:32:33.65 of us are born with sin, some of us ahve sin inside of us 00:32:33.65\00:32:37.65 that we willeventually act out on and the Bible says teh result 00:32:37.65\00:32:41.69 of sin is death because that is what sin does it separates us 00:32:41.69\00:32:45.69 from God it means eventually we will die eternal death and be eternally separated 00:32:45.69\00:32:49.70 from Him. That is not good 00:32:49.70\00:32:53.67 that means from the time of Adam and Eve every human being would 00:32:53.67\00:32:57.71 be hopeless and unable to be saved 00:32:57.71\00:33:01.71 that is not what God wants 00:33:01.71\00:33:05.71 now pictur eGod's dilemma. man has 00:33:05.71\00:33:09.75 just sinned. Opened the door 00:33:09.75\00:33:13.76 to Satan's programming 00:33:13.76\00:33:17.76 God's law says the wages of sin is death. The sinner 00:33:17.76\00:33:21.73 must eventually die or sin would exist forever. 00:33:21.73\00:33:25.73 But God created man 00:33:25.73\00:33:29.77 God loved man. God 00:33:29.77\00:33:33.78 doesnt want man to have to die 00:33:33.78\00:33:37.78 so how does God get rid of sin 00:33:37.78\00:33:41.82 but save man who is a sinner at the 00:33:41.82\00:33:45.82 same time 00:33:45.82\00:33:49.82 and that is where prophecy introduces to us 00:33:49.82\00:33:53.83 what the Bible calls the gloriuous plan 00:33:53.83\00:33:57.80 of salvation. I want you to read with me John 3:16 00:33:57.80\00:34:01.80 if oyu would. the Bible says, for God 00:34:01.80\00:34:05.84 so loved the world that he gave his only begotten 00:34:05.84\00:34:09.84 son. That whosoever believeth in Him 00:34:09.84\00:34:13.85 should not perish but have everlasting life 00:34:13.85\00:34:17.89 see what God did 00:34:17.89\00:34:21.92 is Jesus took the form of a human being 00:34:21.92\00:34:25.96 that he would lead the perfection of heaven 00:34:25.96\00:34:29.90 a place where all anbgels bow to him 00:34:29.90\00:34:33.90 in adoration that he would come down here 00:34:33.90\00:34:37.91 and take our nature that he would walk this earth 00:34:37.91\00:34:41.91 for 33 and a half years, this chaotic 00:34:41.91\00:34:45.95 sin ridden earth and allow himself to be nailed to a cross 00:34:45.95\00:34:49.95 that he would pay that death penalty for us 00:34:49.95\00:34:54.02 and when we accept him as savior he would allow his righteous 00:34:54.02\00:34:57.99 life to count for you and for me 00:34:57.99\00:35:02.00 see that is what the Bible calls the plan of slavation which had 00:35:02.00\00:35:05.97 been formulated from the foundation of the world. 00:35:05.97\00:35:10.01 Do you realize the Bible tells us that God the father 00:35:10.01\00:35:14.04 and God that son and the Holy Spirit 00:35:14.04\00:35:18.05 had already formed the plan of slavation before Lucifer 00:35:18.05\00:35:22.05 ever rebelled.They had a plan 00:35:22.05\00:35:26.12 already made in their minds that if men or if angels 00:35:26.12\00:35:30.09 would use their free will to rebel against him 00:35:30.09\00:35:34.10 that Jesus would be the one who would come 00:35:34.10\00:35:38.10 and pay the death penalty for us 00:35:38.10\00:35:42.14 God will not change the wages of sin 00:35:42.14\00:35:46.14 so God himself ocme sint he form of jesus 00:35:46.14\00:35:50.15 to pay that death penalty so you realize what that means 00:35:50.15\00:35:54.18 Jesus is the answer can you say amen he took 00:35:54.18\00:35:58.22 the blame for our sins he is the one that offers 00:35:58.22\00:36:02.22 forgiveness he allows his perfect life to count for us 00:36:02.22\00:36:06.23 so that when someone accepts christ as their savior 00:36:06.23\00:36:10.23 their unrighteous life, their filthy rags as teh Bible 00:36:10.23\00:36:14.24 says was laid on Jesus on the cross that 00:36:14.24\00:36:18.27 he was stricken because our sins 00:36:18.27\00:36:22.28 he took the blame. 00:36:22.28\00:36:26.35 Think somethign trhough. How many fo you ahve ever 00:36:26.35\00:36:30.32 experiences guilt when you know you did something wrong 00:36:30.32\00:36:34.36 how does guilt feel. Lousy doesnt it 00:36:34.36\00:36:39.76 let me ask you something some people can barely 00:36:39.76\00:36:43.80 their own guilt for wrong choices they have made 00:36:43.80\00:36:47.80 do you realize when Jesus died on 00:36:47.80\00:36:51.84 the cross fo calvary, he was 00:36:51.84\00:36:55.84 bearing the guilt and responsibility 00:36:55.84\00:36:59.85 of every single sin 00:36:59.85\00:37:03.85 that would ever be comitted on the face of this earth 00:37:03.85\00:37:07.39 for thousands of years by billions 00:37:07.39\00:37:11.43 and billions of people. he 00:37:11.43\00:37:15.40 felt as though he was the one that committed all the sins 00:37:15.40\00:37:19.40 the murders the robberies. See, Jesus didnt just 00:37:19.40\00:37:23.44 simply die because he hung on a cross thats part of it tats 00:37:23.44\00:37:27.51 why the Bible alludes to the fact that he died form a broken 00:37:27.51\00:37:31.48 heart he felt that separation from God because he was bearing 00:37:31.48\00:37:35.52 the guilt of the world an awful feeling of guilt we can't even 00:37:35.52\00:37:39.22 begin to understand that is why in the garden of gethsemony 00:37:39.22\00:37:43.26 Jesus said Father if possible let this cup pass from me 00:37:43.26\00:37:47.23 he was already feeling that guilt 00:37:47.23\00:37:51.27 Jesus did that fro you he took your guilt 00:37:51.27\00:37:55.27 so that you could take his righteousness and that you could 00:37:55.27\00:37:59.31 be saved can yousay amen so here is what I wanna do 00:37:59.31\00:38:03.31 in our time remaining tonight. We understand 00:38:03.31\00:38:07.35 the great controversy we understand the war between 00:38:07.35\00:38:11.35 good and evil and how sin came to the world which by the way 00:38:11.35\00:38:15.42 this is also why God does not stop every bad thing from 00:38:15.42\00:38:19.43 happening see we sometimes wonder, God it isnt fair 00:38:19.43\00:38:23.40 good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to 00:38:23.40\00:38:27.44 good people why God 00:38:27.44\00:38:31.44 it is part of the great controversy 00:38:31.44\00:38:35.48 if God stopped every evil thing from happening in this world 00:38:35.48\00:38:39.51 we would never get a true picture of what sin really is 00:38:39.51\00:38:43.52 we would never get a true picture of how much 00:38:43.52\00:38:47.56 we need slavation and how much we need christ 00:38:47.56\00:38:51.59 crucified so even though it breaks God's heart 00:38:51.59\00:38:55.60 to see the tragedies and atrocities 00:38:55.60\00:38:59.60 that happen on this earth the majority of the time God does 00:38:59.60\00:39:03.64 not stop it form happening but he does promise that in the end 00:39:03.64\00:39:07.68 when he comes all wrongs will be made right 00:39:07.68\00:39:11.71 he is allowing us to see what sin is 00:39:11.71\00:39:15.72 so that we will choose to follow him and to gain eternal 00:39:15.72\00:39:19.75 life. And so now here is the question 00:39:19.75\00:39:23.83 how do i accept Jesus as my savior 00:39:23.83\00:39:27.83 you say why should you cover this ina prophecy seminar 00:39:27.83\00:39:31.80 sometimes we think this is not a prophetic subject 00:39:31.80\00:39:35.84 but i wanna ask you a question what is the purpose of the book 00:39:35.84\00:39:39.87 of revelation is the purpose to educate 00:39:39.87\00:39:43.91 us about antichrist and the mark of the beast? oh we 00:39:43.91\00:39:49.52 might say that is a secondary purpose but what is the main 00:39:49.52\00:39:53.56 purpose to lead us toa saving relationship with Jesus Christ 00:39:53.56\00:39:57.63 that is what all prophecy is meant to do to point 00:39:57.63\00:40:01.56 us to Jesus not to antichrist 00:40:01.56\00:40:05.60 not to mark of the beast yes we'll study those things but 00:40:05.60\00:40:09.64 prophecy points us to the cross so for me i feele that it would 00:40:09.64\00:40:13.71 be un contionable for me to spend a few weeks going through 00:40:13.71\00:40:17.71 20 some topics in the bible 00:40:17.71\00:40:21.72 and never once explain how do I accept Jesus Christ 00:40:21.72\00:40:25.75 as my savior that is what i wanna do 00:40:25.75\00:40:29.82 in our time remaining see many poeple ask the question 00:40:29.82\00:40:33.83 what do i do to accept Jesus 00:40:33.83\00:40:37.83 am i supposed to say a few magic words? 00:40:37.83\00:40:41.87 if I just go tochurch and sit ina pew does that mean he is my 00:40:41.87\00:40:45.91 savior? do i have to come forward ina na altar calla nd do 00:40:45.91\00:40:49.94 something how do I accept him as my savior you will be amazed 00:40:49.94\00:40:53.98 how many people do not know the answer to that question and just 00:40:53.98\00:40:58.05 assume because they sit in a pew and listen to sermons that they 00:40:58.05\00:41:02.12 have accepted him so what i would like to do is 00:41:02.12\00:41:06.13 take you through the three steps of accepting christ 00:41:06.13\00:41:10.10 as your savior because in every meeting that ive done 00:41:10.10\00:41:14.07 almost always there is at least one person who realizes i have 00:41:14.07\00:41:18.11 never accepted Him as my savior and chooses to do so 00:41:18.11\00:41:22.11 on that night. for some this may be a review to help us recommit 00:41:22.11\00:41:26.11 our life to Jesus but i dont feel i can go any farther in 00:41:26.11\00:41:30.12 revelation until we talk about how i invite Jesus into 00:41:30.12\00:41:34.12 my life. SO i would like to share with you the three steps 00:41:34.12\00:41:38.13 Step 1. Repentance 00:41:38.13\00:41:42.13 now the order is not what is important there may be a 00:41:42.13\00:41:46.13 different order in these three steps God works with people in different ways but yous ee 00:41:46.13\00:41:50.14 repentance is when I experience a sorrow for sin 00:41:50.14\00:41:54.14 that i am desiring something better thanwhat i have 00:41:54.14\00:41:58.15 now we talked about this in our question and answer 00:41:58.15\00:42:02.15 period. That i am going down a path where I am not following 00:42:02.15\00:42:06.19 God his principles arent in my life and so those choices 00:42:06.19\00:42:10.23 are bringing me pain and heartache and I want something 00:42:10.23\00:42:14.20 better than what I have now. That is God's 00:42:14.20\00:42:18.17 holy spirit trying to reach us and give us the 00:42:18.17\00:42:22.17 gift of repentance notice what is says in John 6:44 00:42:22.17\00:42:26.17 on the screen. Jesus spoke these words 00:42:26.17\00:42:30.18 now this reminds me of a story 00:42:38.22\00:42:42.22 there was a man going to a set of revivals 00:42:42.22\00:42:46.23 much like this and he went ot the preacher 00:42:46.23\00:42:50.20 because one night the preacher used this very verse that 00:42:50.20\00:42:54.20 talked about the father drawing people and the man was intrigued 00:42:54.20\00:42:58.21 by it so he went to the preacher after that meeting and he said preacher you read that verse 00:42:58.21\00:43:02.24 from John 6:44 let me ask youa question when i come home 00:43:02.24\00:43:06.25 from work each night i am so dog tired 00:43:06.25\00:43:10.25 i just wanna sit in my chair, order a pizza, and 00:43:10.25\00:43:14.26 rest and relax and watch TV the rest of the night i dont wanna 00:43:14.26\00:43:18.26 go out anywhere but there is something deep inside of me 00:43:18.26\00:43:22.26 that says you ought to go to that meeting tonight. 00:43:22.26\00:43:26.30 there is something good waiting for you there you need to go and 00:43:26.30\00:43:30.31 open up the word of God and even though I am so utterly exhausted 00:43:30.31\00:43:34.28 something pulls me out of that chair to cme to that meeting 00:43:34.28\00:43:38.31 preacher is that like what Jesus said, is that God drawing me 00:43:38.31\00:43:42.32 and the preacher said yes sir it is that is God trying 00:43:42.32\00:43:46.32 to draw you to something better 00:43:46.32\00:43:50.33 see i believe that is what is happening to everybody who is 00:43:50.33\00:43:54.30 here tongiht God is drawing you i mean im no fool lets be honest 00:43:54.30\00:43:58.30 it is friday night it is not like there is nothing else you could be doing int his world 00:43:58.30\00:44:02.30 right i mean you could be going to a restaurant you could be home watching TV you could be 00:44:02.30\00:44:06.34 cleaning the house although i dontknow anybody taht particularly likes cleaning the 00:44:06.34\00:44:10.35 house but there is a 100 other things you could be doing its not like you arent busy 00:44:10.35\00:44:14.35 but for some reason the holy spirit has drawn you 00:44:14.35\00:44:18.35 and you have responded to dedicate an hour or an hour and a half of your time 00:44:18.35\00:44:22.42 to come and open up th word of God becasue you want something 00:44:22.42\00:44:26.39 better believe me it is not your human nature drawing you 00:44:26.39\00:44:30.40 here tonight that is God's holy spiit drawing you 00:44:30.40\00:44:34.37 to Jesus wanting to give you that something better 00:44:34.37\00:44:38.41 can you say amen so when you begin to experience that 00:44:38.41\00:44:42.41 is God trying to reach a person 00:44:42.41\00:44:46.41 but then comes step 2 becasue not everybody 00:44:46.41\00:44:50.42 responds to the desire for smething better 00:44:50.42\00:44:54.42 step 2 is then confession this is where 00:44:54.42\00:44:58.46 I admit that i ama sinner i recognize 00:44:58.46\00:45:02.43 that i have sinned in my life and I need a savior and I 00:45:02.43\00:45:06.43 actually take the step of in prayer asking 00:45:06.43\00:45:10.44 Jesus christ into my life ro forgive me cleanse me of sin 00:45:10.44\00:45:14.51 and become my savior i cant just sit there 00:45:14.51\00:45:18.48 adn assume it i must ask him and give him 00:45:18.48\00:45:22.52 permission to do so Jesus will not force his way 00:45:22.52\00:45:26.52 into our lives that is where the Bible compares 00:45:26.52\00:45:30.53 our relationship with God as marrying him 00:45:30.53\00:45:34.50 think about it when I met Marquita and asked her to 00:45:34.50\00:45:38.53 marryme in collegedale tennessee or technically we were in 00:45:38.53\00:45:42.54 Chatanooga it was thanksgiving time 00:45:42.54\00:45:46.54 it was a year after we graduate we were going down to visit her family for thanksgiving 00:45:46.54\00:45:50.58 and we had gone to one of the special parks we had gone to 00:45:50.58\00:45:54.62 and had a pier over one of the lakes we had gone there many 00:45:54.62\00:45:58.62 many times in fact i can remmeber that 00:45:58.62\00:46:02.59 i had decided long before we ever left home that i was gonna 00:46:02.59\00:46:06.63 ask her to marry me over thanksgiving so 00:46:06.63\00:46:10.63 we were sitting there 00:46:10.63\00:46:14.64 on the pier and she has a different version of the story 00:46:14.64\00:46:18.64 but she is not speaking so youll hear my version you can ask 00:46:18.64\00:46:22.64 her about hers later she says taht I 00:46:22.64\00:46:26.68 just pussyfooted around before i ever asked the question and took 00:46:26.68\00:46:30.69 about an hour before i would get the wordsout of my mouth i dont quite remember it that way 00:46:30.69\00:46:34.69 but that is what happened but eventually i got down on my 00:46:34.69\00:46:38.73 knees and i said marquita i love you would you marry me 00:46:38.73\00:46:42.73 would it have been a good idea for me to go ahead 00:46:42.73\00:46:46.74 and rent a hall and send invitations before i even 00:46:46.74\00:46:50.74 asked her to marry me would that be good idea? 00:46:50.74\00:46:54.78 probably not now i could have gone on faith im pretty sure she would have said yes 00:46:54.78\00:46:58.78 but oyu ought to ask the person first it is the same 00:46:58.78\00:47:02.82 with Jesus i must ask Him to be my savior 00:47:02.82\00:47:06.82 he already wants to but ive got to invite Him in 00:47:06.82\00:47:10.86 in fact in 1 John 1:9 00:47:10.86\00:47:14.83 he gives us this promise. 1 John 1:9 says 00:47:14.83\00:47:18.83 he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to 00:47:22.87\00:47:26.88 think about the promise that says 00:47:30.91\00:47:34.92 he is guaranteeing us that if we ask 00:47:34.92\00:47:38.95 him to be our savior if we confess that we are a sinner who 00:47:38.95\00:47:43.02 needs forgiveness it says if he is faithful he will wipe our 00:47:43.02\00:47:47.03 slate clean he will cleanse us from all unrighteousness 00:47:47.03\00:47:51.00 because he takes the unrighteousness away from our 00:47:51.00\00:47:55.00 record book and he gives us his righteousness 00:47:55.00\00:47:59.04 now i have to tell you a story connected to this 00:47:59.04\00:48:03.08 i have a preacher friend who was 00:48:03.08\00:48:07.12 once invited to go to a christian school 00:48:07.12\00:48:11.12 and speak for their week of prayer 00:48:11.12\00:48:15.12 when they have chapel services during a spiritual week of 00:48:15.12\00:48:19.16 emphasis and so while he was there the officials came to him 00:48:19.16\00:48:23.16 and said listen we had one of the trouble makers 00:48:23.16\00:48:27.20 and would you have a counseling session with him so the preacher 00:48:27.20\00:48:31.21 friend said id love to. i love bad boys i used to be one 00:48:31.21\00:48:35.24 and os they put him in this roomand this kid just 00:48:35.24\00:48:39.28 walks into the room and you could see attitue written all 00:48:39.28\00:48:43.32 over his face. big chip on his shoulder so he goes and he 00:48:43.32\00:48:47.36 asked the preacher let me ask you a question 00:48:47.36\00:48:51.39 does God see and hear everything we do and the preacher knew 00:48:51.39\00:48:55.40 this was a trick he was being led into something but he had to 00:48:55.40\00:48:59.40 answer it honestly and what is the answer? yes 00:48:59.40\00:49:03.44 so the kid says 00:49:03.44\00:49:07.51 in chapel today you said we have to go confess our sins to God 00:49:07.51\00:49:11.51 well if he sees and hears everything i do why do i gotta 00:49:11.51\00:49:15.52 go tell him about it if he knows you think that is a 00:49:15.52\00:49:19.55 goodquestion? i do. You ever think about the answer 00:49:19.55\00:49:23.56 if God sees and hears everything we do 00:49:23.56\00:49:27.60 he knows we're a sinner why do i have to confess 00:49:27.60\00:49:31.60 which he knows about 00:49:31.60\00:49:35.64 lets illustrate it this way 00:49:35.64\00:49:39.61 lets suppose ill use Mark since hes on the front row 00:49:39.61\00:49:43.61 lets suppose after the meeting tonight im out there int he lobby shaking hands and greeting 00:49:43.61\00:49:47.62 people and as mark walks by the devil puts a dirty thought in my 00:49:47.62\00:49:51.62 mind and I decide to stick out my foot and trip him 00:49:51.62\00:49:55.62 and he falls on his face and i laugh and say oh mark is 00:49:55.62\00:49:59.63 such a dunce he cant even balance and stay on his feet 00:49:59.63\00:50:03.60 hahaha and Mark being the good chrisitian is gonna get up and 00:50:03.60\00:50:07.64 dust himself off turn the other cheek and walk away 00:50:07.64\00:50:11.64 later that night before i go to bed Marquita gets ahold of me 00:50:11.64\00:50:15.64 she says David 00:50:15.64\00:50:19.65 why did you do tht 00:50:19.65\00:50:23.65 to Mark? You tripped him, made fun of him, 00:50:23.65\00:50:27.66 you embarassed him that was an awful thing to do 00:50:27.66\00:50:31.66 and now i am feeling guilty. and i think 00:50:31.66\00:50:35.66 oh honey youre so right ic ant believe i did that in front of 00:50:35.66\00:50:39.67 all those people what kind of an example am i oh what a horrible 00:50:39.67\00:50:43.71 thing and that night i cant sleep the next morning i cant 00:50:43.71\00:50:47.71 eat my breakfast i cant wait for a meeting that night to 00:50:47.71\00:50:51.68 apologize to mark I say mark im so sorry the other night 00:50:51.68\00:50:55.68 i tripped you, you fell, i laughed, amde fun 00:50:55.68\00:50:59.69 mark would you forgive me 00:50:59.69\00:51:03.69 now let me ask you a question 00:51:07.73\00:51:11.70 when i go to mark and tell him 00:51:11.70\00:51:15.70 am i telling him something he doesnt lready know? 00:51:15.70\00:51:19.71 if anybody knows what i did its mark 00:51:19.71\00:51:23.75 but i confess becasue it is restoring my relationship 00:51:23.75\00:51:27.72 with mark and it is relieving me of my load of guilt 00:51:27.72\00:51:31.75 that is why we confess our sins to God 00:51:31.75\00:51:35.76 it is restoring our relationship with him it is allowing 00:51:35.76\00:51:39.76 Jesus tot ake that load of guilt off of our backs 00:51:39.76\00:51:43.73 that is why confession is important 00:51:43.73\00:51:47.74 it is not telling God what he doesnt know he already knows 00:51:47.74\00:51:51.81 that it allows us to reconnect with him and God tells 00:51:51.81\00:51:55.78 me i can go directly to Jesus to confess 00:51:55.78\00:51:59.78 my sins according to 1 John 1:9 00:51:59.78\00:52:03.79 but then theres step 3 00:52:03.79\00:52:07.82 may times we stop after the first 2 and have the impression 00:52:07.82\00:52:11.79 oh well i just speak words and now i confess 00:52:11.79\00:52:15.80 and live like the devil but god wants more 00:52:15.80\00:52:19.80 he doesnt want to leave us alone at the moment 00:52:19.80\00:52:23.81 we accept him he wants to move on to the third step 00:52:23.81\00:52:27.81 conversion where the holy spirit 00:52:27.81\00:52:31.81 no wbeigns to cahnge us and takes 00:52:31.81\00:52:35.85 the bad and turn it into good 00:52:35.85\00:52:39.85 change the way i think change my speech 00:52:39.85\00:52:43.86 and that doestn happen ina day does it 00:52:43.86\00:52:47.86 now we can be saved ina moment we can accept Jesus as our savior in one moment 00:52:47.86\00:52:51.83 genuinelty and truly but being changed and confronted 00:52:51.83\00:52:55.90 happens over time doesnt it 00:52:55.90\00:52:59.91 when i give my life to Jesus does that mean my nature changes 00:52:59.91\00:53:03.88 or that i will never be tempted or never fall again in fact 00:53:03.88\00:53:07.88 it is quite likely the devil will work harder than ever 00:53:07.88\00:53:11.92 before and so now the spirit does a work of conversion 00:53:11.92\00:53:15.92 and transformation taht is why Jesus said in Matthew 27 00:53:15.92\00:53:19.93 26:41 00:53:19.93\00:53:23.90 You know what watch and pray simply trtranslate 00:53:35.94\00:53:39.95 it means spending time with jesus 00:53:39.95\00:53:43.99 in Bible study and prayer 00:53:43.99\00:53:47.99 paying attention to one spsiritual 00:53:47.99\00:53:52.03 life. You see the best way I can open 00:53:52.03\00:53:56.00 my heart to the holy psirit to do this work of transformation 00:53:56.00\00:54:00.10 is by spending time in the bible every single day 00:54:00.10\00:54:04.01 setting aside those thirty minutes where i read God's 00:54:04.01\00:54:08.01 love letter to me i let my 00:54:08.01\00:54:12.01 heart be immersed in Hima nd change 00:54:12.01\00:54:16.05 who i am and through prayer 00:54:16.05\00:54:20.06 i share my life with God one christian 00:54:20.06\00:54:24.06 writer said prayer is like opening your heart to God 00:54:24.06\00:54:28.10 as you would ot a friend. Not about facny 00:54:28.10\00:54:32.07 and special words it is about being who you are and speaking 00:54:32.07\00:54:36.10 toGod does he care about the little insignificant things yes 00:54:36.10\00:54:40.11 or no indeeed he cares aout the sparrow that falls 00:54:40.11\00:54:44.11 he cares about you and me 00:54:44.11\00:54:48.12 i can talk to him about the thigns i talk to afriend about 00:54:48.12\00:54:52.15 becasu ehe is my best friend you see in the bible 00:54:52.15\00:54:56.16 God speaks 00:54:56.16\00:55:00.26 to me and in prayer i speak to him and as i spend time wit him 00:55:00.26\00:55:04.17 the hoyl spirit changes me 00:55:08.20\00:55:12.21 and he converts me 00:55:12.21\00:55:16.21 to be more like Jesus as time passes 00:55:16.21\00:55:20.22 You say how fast? 00:55:20.22\00:55:24.25 well i gues sit depends on how completely we're willing to 00:55:24.25\00:55:28.26 submit and surrender to God see we all have low point sin out 00:55:28.26\00:55:32.33 experience we all go through valleys 00:55:32.33\00:55:36.30 sometimes fast or sometimes slow but 00:55:36.30\00:55:40.27 the wodnerful thign is Jesus says i will never leave you 00:55:40.27\00:55:44.31 i wil never forsake you infact jhe 00:55:44.31\00:55:48.34 gives us this promise. 00:55:48.34\00:55:52.75 maybe youre thinking 00:55:56.82\00:56:00.82 i need to accpet Jesus 00:56:00.82\00:56:04.83 i have never actualyl prayed that prayer 00:56:04.83\00:56:08.83 maybe there are people her ewho wanna say 00:56:08.83\00:56:12.87 you know i jusrt need to rededicate my life to christ 00:56:12.87\00:56:16.91 i wanna invite you to take out 00:56:16.91\00:56:21.01 than the usual cards 00:56:21.01\00:56:25.01 this is special and says revelations 00:56:25.01\00:56:29.05 king. There are soem in english, some in russian 00:56:29.05\00:56:33.02 becasue we have some russian speaking folks with us in this 00:56:33.02\00:56:37.03 semianr now if oyu do not have this card that says revelations 00:56:37.03\00:56:41.00 king i invite you to raise your hand andushers will get you one 00:56:41.00\00:56:45.00