Discover Prophecy Ministries

Living An Evangelistic Life Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000034A

00:05 Now another principle
00:07 that is extremely important is this.
00:10 Make sure they understand the topic
00:14 before going to the next lesson.
00:18 Now I want to say something I really want this to sink in.
00:22 People don't make decisions
00:25 on things they don't understand.
00:28 Did you catch that?
00:30 I'm gonna say it again.
00:32 People don't make decisions
00:35 about things that they don't understand.
00:39 If there is something about that lesson or topic
00:42 that doesn't make sense to them,
00:44 they're not gonna move forward and make a decision.
00:47 For example,
00:49 if there is something about the Sabbath
00:50 if they just aren't quite grasping
00:53 or understanding
00:54 they're not gonna make a decision
00:56 to keep the Sabbath Holy
00:57 and make it a part of their life.
01:00 The questions have to be cleared up
01:02 in their minds.
01:03 And this is true in the secular world.
01:07 I mean, when you're buying a new car
01:09 and you're sitting there
01:10 and you're looking at the contract
01:11 and you're about to sign this notes payable.
01:14 If you don't understand what that contract is saying
01:18 and you don't understand what you're committing to,
01:21 are you gonna sign that contract?
01:23 Of course not.
01:24 Because even in the real world we don't make decisions
01:28 about things that we don't understand.
01:32 Any more than a freshman in college
01:34 might be able to decide what their major is gonna be,
01:37 it may take them sometime.
01:40 So we have to let people ask questions,
01:45 let them clear things up.
01:47 And I'm gonna talk about answering questions
01:49 in just a minute.
01:51 The other principle was,
01:52 ask for little decisions along the way.
01:54 You say, "What do you mean by that?"
01:57 Don't wait until the end of 25 or 26 lessons
02:01 and ask them to accept the whole package all at once.
02:06 That's too much to handle at one time.
02:09 I mean, let's think about it for a second.
02:11 If we wait to the end of say lesson 26
02:14 and we're gonna ask Joe, and we're gonna say Joe,
02:17 "Are you willing to accept the Bible
02:18 as the Holy inspired Word of God
02:20 and we need to obey it?
02:21 Are you willing to accept when Jesus comes, it's literal,
02:24 it's audible, it's visible
02:26 and there is no such thing as a secret rapture?
02:28 Are you willing to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord
02:30 and your personal Savior?
02:32 Do you believe that He's your high priest
02:33 in a heavenly sanctuary?
02:35 Joe, are you able to let God write His law in your heart?
02:38 Joe, are you willing to accept the Sabbath
02:40 and make those changes in your life
02:41 and change your job if necessary?
02:43 Joe, do you realize that when someone dies,
02:45 they don't go to heaven, they just rest in the grave?
02:47 Joe, do you realize that hell doesn't burn forever,
02:50 but it comes to an end?
02:51 Joe, are you ready to be baptized?
02:53 Are you ready to take unclean foods, and smoking,
02:56 and tobacco, and drugs out of your life?
02:58 And Joe, are you ready to accept
03:00 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:01 is the remnant church of Bible prophecy
03:03 become part of it
03:04 and realize that we need to honor
03:05 the Spirit of Prophecy?
03:07 Joe, you're ready to become part of the church?"
03:09 I mean, really,
03:10 if we give them all that at once,
03:13 they are not likely to make a decision.
03:16 Little decisions,
03:18 little baby steps along the way.
03:21 The neat thing with most Bible lessons
03:23 is they have application questions
03:25 at the end.
03:27 For example,
03:29 someone just does the lesson on the Second Coming.
03:32 We might ask them,
03:34 "Well, Joe, would you like to pray a prayer
03:37 and ask God to help you to be ready
03:39 for Christ soon return?"
03:42 You're asking Joe to make a decision,
03:44 it's a little decision.
03:46 Now I don't mean little
03:47 in that it's unimportant or insignificant,
03:50 but it's not the whole package.
03:51 You're asking him to take a little step one at a time.
03:55 When you do the lesson on accepting Jesus
03:57 as your Savior,
03:58 you may invite Joe,
04:00 "Joe, would you like to pray
04:02 and ask Christ to come into your life?"
04:04 It's a little decision.
04:06 When you do the lesson on the law,
04:08 you may say, "Well, Joe,
04:10 would you like to have a word of prayer
04:11 and let's ask God to write His law on our hearts?"
04:15 When you do the lesson on the Sabbath,
04:17 you may ask Joe and invite him to just come to church
04:20 with you one Sabbath,
04:21 just to experience the Sabbath blessing.
04:23 You're not asking him to quit his job,
04:25 you're not asking him to do a bunch of changes,
04:27 just a little decision
04:29 inviting him to take one small step forward.
04:33 And then when you get to the end of the lessons,
04:36 you're simply asking for one more small step.
04:39 They need to be making smaller decisions
04:42 all along the way.
04:45 And a good set of lessons
04:46 will have decision questions in the end,
04:49 at the end of each page or at the end of each lesson
04:52 and so you want to be sure to look
04:54 for those kinds of lessons.
04:57 Now one question you may ask
04:59 is there's something called the clear and set principle.
05:02 For example,
05:04 when you've studied the Sabbath,
05:05 you might say,
05:07 "Joe, have you ever studied the Sabbath before?"
05:09 Or is this new to you?"
05:11 "Oh, yes, this is new.
05:13 I never knew about this."
05:15 "Well, is it clear or do you have any questions?"
05:17 "Oh, yeah, it's clear.
05:19 I'm surprised I never saw this before."
05:22 "Well, Joe, would you like to start keeping the Sabbath
05:24 and experiencing its blessings?"
05:27 See, first you ask is this new?
05:30 Is it clear?
05:31 Then invite them to make a decision.
05:33 Once it's clear,
05:35 the door is open for them to act on it.
05:37 But if something's not clear they won't move forward.
05:42 Now let's talk about asking questions.
05:47 This is what people seem to be afraid of.
05:49 What if they ask me a question I don't know the answer to?
05:54 And that is entirely possible.
05:57 People have asked me questions I don't know the answer to.
06:00 Any pastor has been asked questions
06:03 he doesn't know the answer to.
06:04 But guess what?
06:06 It's okay to say, I don't know.
06:10 Don't fake the answer,
06:12 people know when you're faking it.
06:14 And most people don't want to study,
06:16 but they know it all anyway.
06:18 You can simply say, "Well, Joe,
06:20 I never actually thought of that.
06:22 That's a really good question, I don't know.
06:24 But, you know what?
06:25 I'll study it this week and get back to you.
06:28 And then what you can do is go home that week
06:31 and search the scriptures.
06:33 Now I'll tell you what you don't do.
06:35 And you probably not gonna like me for this,
06:37 but it's the truth.
06:38 What you don't do,
06:40 you don't go back home and then call your pastor
06:44 and ask him to give you the answer,
06:46 because that's not what the pastor's for
06:49 and that's not his job.
06:51 Now you're probably shocked at that statement
06:53 and you're thinking, but that's why I pay tithe.
06:57 Well, returning, first of all, you don't pay tithe,
07:01 you return tithe,
07:02 you're returning
07:03 what doesn't belong to you anyway.
07:06 Tithe has never been to pay for a pastoral service.
07:11 Tithe is used to take the gospel
07:13 to the unentered areas around the world.
07:17 Now I'm digressing a little bit.
07:19 But what we're gonna do here
07:21 is don't ask your pastor just to hand you the answer
07:24 so that you don't have to study.
07:26 You go search the scriptures,
07:28 open the Bible, get out your commentaries,
07:32 get out the Spirit of Prophecy if necessary
07:35 and search for yourself.
07:37 Because the same Holy Spirit that speaks to the pastor,
07:41 is the same Holy Spirit that will speak to you
07:44 and that lives in your heart.
07:46 Can you say amen?
07:47 Don't short-circuit the process
07:50 of studying the Bible for yourselves,
07:52 it will be a blessing to you.
07:54 That's the great thing
07:55 about studying with someone else.
07:57 Forces you to study the Bible too.
07:59 Now after you have diligently searched
08:02 on your own,
08:04 then if you still don't know the answer,
08:06 then you can go ahead
08:08 and talk to your pastor or maybe one of the elders.
08:11 But don't get upset
08:12 if they don't spoon feed it to you.
08:14 They might just give you the verse to look for.
08:17 Then you can go back to the person and say,
08:20 "Hey, I found the answer,"
08:22 or if you think you don't know how to explain it,
08:25 find a little booklet somewhere,
08:27 a little piece of literature
08:28 that talks about that subject
08:30 and then you can give it to them
08:31 at the Bible study the very next week.
08:34 Learn to use literature, they answer questions too.
08:40 Now let's talk about a few other things.
08:42 Now this next principle may seem a little elementary,
08:47 but it's true.
08:49 Have prayer with them before and after each lesson.
08:55 You say, "Well, I kind of know that, "
08:58 but there is a purpose for it.
09:01 You see them making a decision
09:03 and having a good Bible study with you
09:06 has nothing to do with how intelligent you are.
09:09 It has nothing to do with how eloquently
09:11 I might be able to explain things.
09:14 No matter how good you may think you are,
09:18 the only thing that's going to change
09:21 the human heart
09:22 and bring conviction to their soul
09:24 is the Holy Spirit.
09:26 You and I cannot do that,
09:29 so we need to make sure that we are relying
09:32 on the power of prayer.
09:35 And what you will eventually want to do
09:37 is invite them to pray
09:39 before or after one of the lessons.
09:42 Now you may not ask that right away
09:44 because some people
09:46 are a little nervous and uncomfortable
09:48 about praying out loud.
09:50 But once they get used to studying with you
09:52 and you build a trusting friendship,
09:54 invite them to pray sometime,
09:57 because it is then teaching them
09:59 how to have a personal prayer life
10:01 and how to have a daily devotional life.
10:05 Now I do want to add a piece of advice here.
10:08 When you do pray before the lesson starts,
10:11 don't pray a fancy prayer,
10:15 because it will intimidate them and they'll think,
10:18 "Oh, I can't pray like that,
10:20 so I'm not gonna pray at all."
10:22 This hit me very hard one day in my own home.
10:27 Now sometimes my parents come to visit us where we live
10:30 and we'll have a family worship.
10:33 And I remember, at one family worship
10:35 we were kind of sitting in a circle
10:37 and we were each gonna pray a short prayer
10:39 before our children went to bed.
10:42 We have two girls at home.
10:44 But I noticed that when it came time for my mom
10:47 to pray in the family circle,
10:50 she paused and all of a sudden she walked away
10:53 and she went downstairs.
10:57 And so after you know our prayer was over,
10:59 I went down and I said, "Mom, what's wrong?"
11:03 And she was sitting on the bed and she had tears in her eyes.
11:07 I said, "Mom, what's happening?"
11:10 And I'll never forget what she told me.
11:13 She said, "David,
11:15 all of you pray such beautiful prayers
11:18 and mine just sound dumb."
11:22 See, the reason my mom said that
11:24 is she's uncomfortable praying out loud,
11:27 because of the background that she came from.
11:30 Since she came from a broken home,
11:31 where she never really had a father.
11:34 And so, it's always been more difficult for her
11:37 to relate to God in a personal way.
11:40 So praying out loud has never come easy for her.
11:43 And so I realized that by us praying these fancy prayers,
11:47 we were intimidating her.
11:50 So when you're praying with someone in a Bible study,
11:53 don't pray long fancy prayers, keep it simple.
11:56 So it will encourage them to one day step out in faith
12:00 and to pray too.
12:02 Now this point I want to pause for a second,
12:04 and I want you to break up into your small groups
12:07 for about a minute or two.
12:09 And I want you to think about this statement.
12:12 If you teach them the truth,
12:15 but they fail to know Jesus personally,
12:18 then you haven't taught them the truth.
12:22 In your groups I want you to answer the question,
12:25 what do you think that statement means?
12:28 So let's break up into our groups
12:30 for about two minutes.
12:32 Okay, now you had some time to think about that.
12:34 I'd be interested in what you had to say.
12:37 And some of the things
12:39 that probably came to your mind is this.
12:42 Sometimes we think
12:44 that if we teach them the doctrines,
12:47 if we teach them all 28 fundamentals,
12:51 I've given them the truth.
12:53 As long as they memorize the doctrines in their head,
12:56 that's good enough.
12:58 But, folks, people need more than just information.
13:03 Information doesn't change anybody.
13:07 Information by itself doesn't change the human heart.
13:11 Now it's important to have right information,
13:13 but the person needs to know Jesus personally.
13:17 We need to teach them
13:19 how these doctrines are centered around Jesus.
13:22 We need to teach them
13:23 how to have a personal prayer life,
13:26 how to have a daily devotional life
13:28 and spend time with Jesus every day.
13:31 It always amazes me
13:33 how some of our Bible study lessons sets
13:36 go through all the doctrines,
13:38 but don't even have a topic in about how to pray
13:42 or how to have a daily devotional life.
13:45 Folks, we need to make sure
13:46 that we're not just giving them information,
13:49 but that we're also showing them
13:51 how to have a living born-again relationship
13:54 with Jesus
13:56 and how to connect with Him in a personal way.
14:00 Now there's a few other things to keep in mind.
14:03 Build a friendship together.
14:06 Every time you come together,
14:08 it doesn't have to be to do a Bible study.
14:11 Now I know that sounds a little bit heretical,
14:13 but think about it.
14:15 Friendship is always the first step
14:17 of soul winning.
14:19 That's what Jesus did.
14:21 I mean, Jesus went to a wedding in Cana,
14:24 not because He planned to preach there,
14:26 but to build relationships with people.
14:28 So you can feel free go bowling together.
14:31 You know, do other recreational activities
14:33 together.
14:34 Your friendship will grow closer,
14:36 they will learn to trust you more
14:39 and they will be even more comfortable
14:40 asking you spiritual questions.
14:43 Sometimes you'll talk about the Bible
14:44 even when you're not doing a Bible study.
14:47 So continue to build that friendship.
14:51 The other thing is,
14:53 if they don't make a decision at the end of the lessons said,
14:57 continue to be their friend.
14:59 I mean,
15:00 if someone gets to the end of the lesson
15:01 and they say,
15:03 "Well, I'm not ready to be baptized
15:04 or come to church,"
15:06 and then I cut off my friendship with them
15:08 or what am I really communicating?
15:11 I am saying to them,
15:12 I'll be your friend as long as you do
15:14 what I want you to do
15:16 and make the decision that I want you to make.
15:19 Now if they don't make a decision at the end,
15:22 will it be disappointing?
15:23 Sure, it will. It will be discouraging.
15:27 But continue to be their friend
15:29 and spend time with them,
15:31 because again the door may open later in the future,
15:34 and as long as I'm their friend that door will remain open.
15:40 Now if they want to do a second set of lessons,
15:42 go ahead.
15:43 There's been many a people
15:45 who have had to do two sets of lessons
15:46 or go through more than one evangelistic series
15:49 before it all made sense to them.
15:52 And then, of course, in your daily devotional life,
15:55 don't just pray with them, pray for them.
16:01 Now when it comes to Bible studies on video.
16:06 If you're a little nervous
16:07 about given a verbal Bible study.
16:10 The church has so many Bible studies
16:11 on DVD now.
16:13 You can buy them
16:15 and you can share it with someone,
16:17 you can give them one disc at a time and say,
16:19 "Hey, Joe, watch this in your own house
16:22 and tell me what you think."
16:23 Then when they bring back disc number one,
16:25 you simply ask the question,
16:27 "Well, Joe, what did you think? Did you have any questions?"
16:31 And that will start a spiritual conversation.
16:34 Then you give them disc number two.
16:36 And you just keep repeating the process.
16:39 Now I know if some Bible studies and video
16:41 that you could obtain.
16:43 Now really I can't list them all,
16:44 you got to go
16:46 to the Adventist Book Center website.
16:48 But there is Revelation Speaks Peace
16:50 from It Is Written.
16:51 You see the web address on the screen.
16:54 There's the Voice of Prophecy
16:55 Speaks from the Voice of Prophecy.
16:57 You have a New Revelation
16:59 and the Prophecy Code from Amazing Facts,
17:01 and there's a set that we just produced
17:03 called Discover Prophecy Seminar
17:06 that you are more than welcome to use,
17:08 the website is also on the screen.
17:11 They, any of them are well worth the investment.
17:16 Now last but not least,
17:19 I want to talk
17:20 for a few moments on conviction.
17:24 Because very rarely
17:25 do we talk about what is conviction?
17:28 If I were to ask,
17:29 have you ever had a class on recognizing conviction?
17:33 Most people would not raise their hand
17:35 because we don't talk about it.
17:37 But I want you to notice what is written in the book
17:40 Gaining Decisions for Christ, page 30.
17:43 This is written by Louis Torres,
17:46 a proven soul winner.
17:47 He says,
17:49 "The most significant element necessary for a person
17:53 to make a true spiritual decision
17:56 is the element of" what?
17:59 "Conviction."
18:02 If that person is not being convicted
18:04 in their heart,
18:06 it doesn't matter how many studies you give them,
18:09 it doesn't matter how well you explain things,
18:12 they're not going to make a decision.
18:15 We have to learn to recognize conviction when we see it.
18:21 So here's what we're gonna do.
18:23 I want you to break up in your groups
18:24 one more time for just a minute.
18:26 And I want you to talk among yourselves,
18:28 give me the definition
18:30 of what you think conviction is?
18:34 So break up in your groups for just a minute
18:36 and talk about
18:37 what is the definition of conviction.
18:40 We said some very interesting things,
18:42 but we could say that conviction is the evidence
18:46 that the Holy Spirit is moving on someone's heart
18:49 and they are considering making a decision.
18:54 Now what is the difference
18:56 between being convinced and being convicted?
19:01 They are not the same thing.
19:04 I remember one of my mentors, John Moyer was his name,
19:08 he once said,
19:09 "A person convinced against his will
19:13 is of the same opinion still."
19:17 See, when a person is convinced
19:19 of something that's in their mind,
19:21 when we're convicted
19:23 that has to do with the human heart
19:25 and acting on him.
19:27 Just because you're convinced doesn't mean you're convicted.
19:30 How many people do we know, who would say,
19:33 "Yes, I know about the Sabbath,
19:35 I know the seventh day is the Sabbath,"
19:37 but they're not living it in their life.
19:39 They're convinced intellectually,
19:42 but they're not convicted to live it.
19:46 So how can we recognize
19:48 if someone is experiencing conviction in their heart?
19:53 Well, here are some signs to look for.
19:56 Do they have joy in their face
19:59 during the Bible study or during your conversations?
20:02 Are they sharing
20:03 what they've learned with others?
20:05 Are they asking questions?
20:07 Do they have a positive attitude?
20:09 Are they giving you absolute attention?
20:13 If they are,
20:14 they're probably under some sort of conviction.
20:17 Now there can also be
20:18 negative indicators of conviction.
20:20 How about tears?
20:22 I can guarantee you,
20:24 if there are tears in someone's eyes,
20:27 whether it's during a sermon or during a Bible study,
20:30 something is going on significantly
20:33 in the human heart
20:34 and you'll need to find out why?
20:37 Are they avoiding you? Or are they getting angry?
20:40 Now there's something
20:41 very important to understand here.
20:43 You're not just looking
20:45 for one of these signs and saying,
20:46 "Oh, they're under conviction."
20:48 You know, you might say,
20:49 "Oh look, they're avoiding me, they're under conviction."
20:53 No, it may be they just don't like you.
20:56 You need to look for multiple signs,
20:58 not just one.
21:00 When they have joy in their face
21:01 and they're asking questions
21:03 and there's tears in their eyes.
21:05 The more of those signs you see,
21:07 the more potential and likelihood there is
21:10 they're experiencing some type of conviction.
21:15 Now the truth is you and I can't see the human heart.
21:19 And sometimes we will be wrong.
21:21 There have been times
21:22 I thought someone was under conviction
21:24 and they weren't.
21:25 Only God can read the human heart.
21:28 But if we look for these signs,
21:30 we can have a pretty good idea.
21:33 I'll give you two quick examples.
21:35 There was a young man named Mike
21:37 that I studied with in Pennsylvania.
21:40 Mike was in his early to mid-20s.
21:43 Every time we had a Bible study,
21:45 Mike always came prepared.
21:48 He loves studying the lessons, there was joy in his face,
21:52 he was sharing what he learned with others
21:54 and he was starting to come to church.
21:56 So let me ask you.
21:58 Was Mike under conviction, what do you think?
22:01 Yes, chances are he was.
22:04 In fact, Mike eventually was baptized
22:06 and he is still a part of that church
22:09 in Pennsylvania today.
22:11 And there was another person I studied with.
22:13 I think they were probably in their 30s.
22:16 Actually I was studying with his girlfriend
22:19 and he would sit in on some of the studies.
22:23 Now he seemed somewhat interested at first.
22:26 But then I noticed
22:27 he never really came along to church
22:31 and later on I started hearing stories
22:33 about verbal and physical abuse.
22:37 So what do you think, was he under conviction?
22:41 Most likely not.
22:44 If we can look for these signs, we can recognize it.
22:49 Now, of course, you realize when someone's not interested.
22:51 The indicators of disinterest is,
22:53 they're not making eye contact, not responsive,
22:57 you can see the body language
22:59 and they're always changing the subject.
23:02 But what we want to say is, Lord,
23:04 help me to recognize conviction when I see it in other person,
23:08 because that is the time to ask them to make a decision.
23:13 And if they're struggling
23:14 ask them what their obstacles are
23:17 and help them to overcome.
23:19 But once you see that conviction,
23:21 really start praying for them
23:23 and invite them to make a decision.
23:28 Well, friends, my prayer is that all of you,
23:31 all of us will be able to find that one person
23:34 that we can start having a Bible study with.
23:37 And that you will see them make a decision for Jesus
23:40 and be in the Kingdom of Heaven.
23:43 I want to encourage you right now to be thinking,
23:45 who is that one person whom God has laid on your heart
23:50 in this session, in this seminar?
23:52 Who is the one person
23:54 that you want to step out in faith and ask them,
23:57 if they would be interested
23:58 in having a Bible study with you?
24:02 Let's pray together.
24:05 Heavenly Father,
24:06 thank You for giving us principles such as these.
24:11 But, Lord, we want to go beyond just words on the screen.
24:14 And we're asking You, Lord,
24:16 to give us a love for human souls.
24:19 We ask You, Lord,
24:21 to lay upon our hearts and minds
24:23 the name of one person at work,
24:27 or in the neighborhood, or wherever
24:30 that You want us to have a study with.
24:33 Place their names in our hearts and our minds
24:36 and open the door, Lord,
24:38 that we can share Jesus with them.
24:40 Bless everyone who's attended or listened
24:42 to this session today,
24:44 we ask in Jesus' name, amen.
24:52 Welcome back to session five of Living an Evangelistic Life.
24:57 In this session,
24:58 we're gonna talk about
25:00 how to have a daily devotional life?
25:02 But first, let's have a word of prayer together.
25:06 Heavenly Father,
25:08 Lord, we realized
25:09 that one of the most important things
25:10 in our spiritual life is to spend time with You.
25:14 But, Lord, for many of us life is so hectic
25:17 that it's so hard to do this
25:19 and so we ask just now
25:20 as we just go over some principles
25:22 in our life,
25:23 we ask that You would create in our heart
25:25 a desire to spend time with You,
25:28 we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
25:32 You may be wondering,
25:34 why are we talking about
25:35 how to have a daily devotional life,
25:38 and a seminar that is about witnessing
25:40 and living an evangelistic life?
25:43 And one of the reasons is,
25:44 having a daily devotional life
25:46 is key to being a witness for Jesus,
25:49 because in reality how can we share Jesus
25:52 with other people
25:53 if we aren't spending time with Him ourselves.
25:57 How can we share
25:58 some of the beautiful truths of Scripture
26:01 if we are not studying
26:02 the Word of God on a daily basis?
26:05 And in reality,
26:06 unless we are connected with Jesus
26:08 in a very intimate way,
26:10 we will miss all the opportunities
26:13 that He seeks to bring our way
26:15 when it comes to witnessing to others
26:17 and planting seeds of the gospel in their heart.
26:21 Now the truth is,
26:23 having a daily devotional life is something
26:25 that almost all of us struggle with
26:28 at some point in our life.
26:30 In fact,
26:32 I remember reading about a survey
26:33 that was taken among pastors,
26:35 I think it was in the northwest a number of years ago.
26:39 And this survey asked pastors to list
26:42 some of their top five difficulties
26:45 in life and ministry.
26:48 And in almost every single case spending time with Jesus
26:54 was in the top five list for just about every pastor.
26:59 Now that may surprise you, because you may think,
27:01 "Well, all they do is get ready for sermons
27:04 and do Bible studies et cetera.
27:06 How can they struggle with spending time with Jesus?"
27:09 But you see, preparing a Bible study
27:11 for someone else
27:12 or preparing a sermon for a church,
27:15 that is not the same thing
27:16 as spending time with Jesus personally,
27:20 so that he can speak to you.
27:22 So really when it comes to this subject,
27:24 pastors and church members are in the very same boat.
27:29 We all struggle with it together.
27:31 So I am not up here,
27:33 talking about this
27:35 as someone who is perfect or who has mastered this.
27:38 This is at times a struggle for me,
27:40 just like it is for you.
27:43 So here's what we want to do in this particular session.
27:46 We're not gonna spend a lot of time
27:49 talking about why we should spend time
27:51 with Jesus.
27:53 Because we already know that we should.
27:55 There are many books written
27:56 about the importance of the daily devotional life.
27:59 Now we'll spend a few minutes on it,
28:01 but the majority of this session
28:03 we're gonna talk about practical steps
28:06 we can take
28:07 to have a very meaningful and effective devotional life.
28:11 So let's start by building the foundation.
28:15 First of all, let's look at the words of Jesus
28:17 in Matthew 26.
28:19 Notice what He said to the disciples
28:21 in the Garden of Gethsemane.
28:24 The Bible says,
28:26 "Then He came to the disciples and He found them"
28:29 doing what?
28:31 They're sleeping.
28:32 "And he said to Peter, 'What!
28:35 Could you not watch with Me one hour?
28:38 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.
28:42 For the spirit indeed is willing,
28:45 but the flesh is weak."
28:48 See, there in the Garden of Gethsemane,
28:51 Jesus recognized what was about to happen.
28:54 He knew that very soon, He would be arrested,
28:57 that He would be put on trial,
28:58 that He would be led to the cross,
29:00 He knew that His disciples were not prepared for this.
29:03 And He told them,
29:05 they needed to watch and to pray.
29:07 Our spirit may be willing,
29:09 but the human nature is very weak.
29:12 They needed the strength
29:14 of being connected with the Father.
29:17 And in the same way when you think about it,
29:20 Jesus, who was perfect
29:22 and sinless when He walked this earth.
29:25 The Bible still says,
29:26 that He would get up early in the morning
29:28 and go to a private place
29:30 and spend time with the Father.
29:32 So even Jesus Christ Himself,
29:35 if He needed a daily devotional life,
29:38 how much more do you
29:39 and I living in this sinful world
29:42 that throws so many difficulties our way?
29:47 Back about a hundred years ago,
29:49 Ellen White made this statement
29:50 in the book Education, page 126.
29:54 She said,
29:56 "The creative energy
29:57 that called the worlds into existence
30:01 is in the Word of God.
30:03 The Word imparts power, it begets life...
30:07 And it brings with it the life of the Infinite One.
30:10 It transforms the nature
30:13 and recreates the soul in the image of God."
30:17 Now notice, it says,
30:19 that the same energy that created the world
30:22 is found in the scriptures.
30:25 Now I want you to think about this.
30:27 The Bible tells us
30:28 that when God created the heavens and the earth,
30:31 He spoke them into existence.
30:33 I mean, God spoke and it was done,
30:37 things were created out of nothing.
30:39 Now would you agree
30:41 to be able to speak things into existence,
30:43 that is a lot of power, is it not?
30:47 Well, she says,
30:48 "That's the same power
30:50 that is found in the Word of God."
30:53 And so, when I spend time with Jesus
30:56 in my daily devotional life,
30:58 that same kind of power is available to change me,
31:03 to renew my mind and to transform my heart.
31:06 In fact, she says,
31:08 "It creates in us the image of God
31:11 and really the character of Jesus."
31:14 See, being change doesn't come by saying,
31:16 "I'm gonna try real hard."
31:18 Being changed and converted comes
31:21 by spending time with Jesus every single day.
31:26 We need that power in our life.
31:29 And lastly,
31:30 this last quote that builds a foundation
31:33 is something that was written in 1898.
31:36 Manuscript 139 says this,
31:41 "A revival in Bible study is needed throughout the world.
31:45 Attention is to be called, not to the assertions of men,
31:49 but to the Word of God.
31:50 And as this is done, a mighty work will be wrought.
31:55 When God declared that His Word
31:57 should not return unto Him void,
31:59 He meant all that He said."
32:03 Now a hundred years ago, she said that we need revival.
32:06 Over a hundred years ago.
32:08 How much more would that be true
32:10 in the 21st century?
32:12 I mean, and then she basically paraphrases
32:14 or quotes a Bible verse where she writes,
32:18 that when we spend time in the Word of God
32:20 it never comes back to us void,
32:22 it will do the work in our life that it is designed to do.
32:28 Now with that foundation built,
32:30 before we go through some practical steps,
32:33 I'm gonna invite you to break up
32:35 into your small groups for just a minute
32:37 and I want you to talk about this.
32:40 What are some of the obstacles that you think people face
32:44 when it comes to having a daily devotional life?
32:47 Just share some things
32:48 that you've faced in your own life
32:50 and things that others have faced.
32:52 What are some of the things that prevent us
32:54 from having a consistent daily devotional life?
32:58 I want you to take about two or three minutes
32:59 to talk about that in your groups.
33:03 So what are some of the things
33:04 that you talked about in your group?
33:07 Probably you talked about
33:08 we have a hectic schedule and time.
33:11 You probably mentioned,
33:13 maybe you work overtime at work
33:15 or maybe it's hard to find that quiet time at home.
33:18 I mean there is a hundred things
33:20 that seem to be in our path
33:22 from having that daily devotional life.
33:25 So what we need to do now,
33:27 I want to share with you six simple steps,
33:30 practical suggestions
33:32 on how we can develop a meaningful
33:35 and a consistent daily devotional life.
33:38 And understand when I share these things,
33:40 I am not suggesting this is the best way
33:43 or that's the only way to do it.
33:45 I'm just gonna give you six simple steps
33:48 and you can change it around in a way that works for you.
33:52 I just like to give people a structure to work with
33:55 and understand.
33:56 I'm not just talking to you,
33:58 but I'm talking to myself as well.
34:01 So let's start with the most basic step,
34:04 step number one.
34:05 We have to begin
34:07 by choosing the best time of the day
34:10 and stick with it.
34:12 It's probably not gonna work for you
34:14 to get up in the morning and say,
34:15 "You know what,
34:17 when my day slows down and I'll have time,
34:20 then I'll have my daily devotional life."
34:22 Because if you've ever tried that
34:24 and I have, it does not work very well.
34:27 Because once you get moving in the heat
34:30 and busyness of the day, it rarely slows down.
34:34 And then you get to the end of the day
34:35 nighttime has come
34:37 and you haven't spent any time with Jesus.
34:40 You actually have to schedule this time.
34:43 You have to decide it's gonna be
34:45 at such-and-such a time every day,
34:47 that's gonna be my time with Jesus,
34:49 I'm not gonna let anything else interfere with it.
34:52 I mean, put it in your schedule or your date book.
34:56 But you have to choose when that will be.
34:58 Now you have a few choices
35:00 depending on what your schedule is
35:02 or what your life is like.
35:04 Now some people love to do the morning,
35:07 because there's a verse in the Bible
35:09 that talks about spending time with God
35:11 and seeking His face early in the morning.
35:14 But it doesn't mean that we have to do it
35:16 in the early morning hours.
35:18 Now we don't want to start our day without God.
35:21 But some people prefer the morning
35:23 because they can get up before everybody else
35:27 and the house is quiet
35:29 and they can have their special time with Jesus.
35:33 Now other people may prefer the afternoon.
35:37 For example if maybe you're a housewife
35:39 and the morning times are pretty busy,
35:41 you know, you got to get the husband off to work
35:43 and the kids off to school,
35:46 but the afternoon is when things may slow down.
35:49 Everybody's gone, the house is quieter,
35:52 that may be your special time with Jesus.
35:57 And then there are others that may prefer the evening.
35:59 You know, maybe they're night owls,
36:01 they're not morning people.
36:03 And so after everyone else has gone to bed
36:05 and you're thinking about the day
36:08 that might be the best time for you
36:10 to have your daily devotional life.
36:13 The point is, you need to choose.
36:15 Now right now,
36:17 I am experimenting with doing it
36:19 in the morning, in mid-morning.
36:22 Now there are some obstacles with that,
36:23 so I may have to end up changing it.
36:25 What I do is I like to go and workout at the gym
36:29 before I have my daily devotional time.
36:32 And the reason for that is,
36:33 if I do it right at the minute I get up,
36:36 I find it a little harder to concentrate,
36:38 because I'm still, you know, feeling a little bit groggy
36:40 and still waking up.
36:42 Maybe you've experienced that.
36:44 So I wait till after I've worked out
36:46 when I'm fresh and alive afterwards,
36:48 because I feel much better after exercise,
36:51 then I can really focus on God's Word.
36:54 Now at some point
36:55 that may not work for me anymore
36:57 and I might have to change it,
36:59 but you need to start by choosing.
37:01 Is it gonna be from 6:00 to 7:00
37:03 in the morning your time with Jesus?
37:06 Is it gonna be 9:00 to 10:00?
37:08 Or is it gonna be 10:00 to 11:00 at night?
37:11 Whatever it is,
37:13 make sure you choose that block of time
37:15 and then you stick with it.
37:17 Nothing else should interfere with it
37:20 except for an emergency.
37:22 And that will always be your time with the Savior
37:27 to have your devotional life.
37:29 So you've got to start with making a decision
37:31 and choosing the time of the day
37:34 that you want to use.
37:36 But then come step number 2.
37:39 Try to give yourself
37:41 at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time.
37:45 Now my wife hesitates for me
37:47 to actually put a number up there
37:50 and there is a reason why.
37:52 Because sometimes people will look at that number
37:54 and they'll think that number is the standard 30 minutes.
37:58 You know, and they'll sit down
37:59 and have their daily devotional live,
38:00 you know, put a clock right in front of them
38:03 and they'll be reading God's Word and praying
38:05 then they'll look back up at the clock,
38:07 "Oh, it's only been ten minutes,
38:09 this is taking so long."
38:11 And we get legalistic about it.
38:14 Or someone might be having a wonderful time with Jesus
38:17 in prayer and just reading beautiful things from His Word
38:22 and all of a sudden, boom, the alarm rings,
38:24 "Oh, my 30 minutes is up, great I'm done for the day."
38:28 When really they could go even farther.
38:32 See, we don't want to treat the daily devotional life
38:35 as though it's some kind of work
38:38 where we're earning God's grace.
38:40 Like our good deed for the day.
38:43 Just like the Israelites
38:44 who performed all those sacrifices
38:47 just because they felt they had to,
38:50 but never letting it change their heart
38:52 or really realizing what it meant.
38:55 We don't want our daily devotional life
38:57 to just simply be a habit that we mindlessly go through
39:02 without letting it touch our hearts.
39:04 The reason I put 30 minutes up there
39:08 is we want to make sure
39:09 it's a significant amount of time,
39:11 where we're unhurried and not interrupted.
39:15 See, a true daily devotional life
39:18 is not just reading one Bible verse,
39:21 while our hand is on the doorknob
39:23 ready to go out the door.
39:25 That's not really gonna connect us with Jesus
39:27 in an intimate way.
39:29 There may be times when that's necessary,
39:32 but we need significant time,
39:35 try to set aside at least 30 minutes.
39:38 Now for you,
39:39 if you've never had a devotional life before,
39:41 you might start with 15
39:43 and then just progress from there.
39:46 The point is, set it aside,
39:48 don't let anything interrupt you.
39:52 But now let's go to step number three.
39:55 Here is where we need to choose the structure
39:58 that we're gonna follow.
39:59 And depend on your personality,
40:01 you might choose different types of structures.
40:05 For example,
40:06 one person which is what I like to do
40:09 might choose to simply take a book of the Bible
40:12 and read one or two chapters a day
40:14 and look for the lessons that are in it.
40:17 Now if you choose to do it that way,
40:19 nothing says you have to start with Genesis
40:22 and go in order.
40:23 You know, now if you're a real type A personality,
40:26 then you might want to do that.
40:29 But you can start anywhere,
40:31 if you feel like you want to study
40:33 about the Holy Spirit in the early church,
40:36 start with the Book of Acts.
40:38 If you feel like you want to see
40:39 how to be a leader and how God led Israel,
40:42 start with 1 Kings.
40:45 Or if you feel the need to just focus on the life
40:48 and the teachings of Jesus,
40:50 you can start with Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
40:53 The point is choose a book of the Bible
40:55 that is of interest to you
40:57 and relevant for your life right now.
40:59 And then read a couple chapters a day,
41:02 look for the lessons that are in it.
41:04 Now I'm gonna talk more about how to do that
41:07 in a few seconds.
41:09 But another type of personality
41:11 you may want something more structured.
41:15 And you may say, "Well, Pastor Dave,
41:16 I would rather have a study guide,
41:18 you know, that has question and answer format.
41:21 You know, it asks a question,
41:23 then you look up the Bible verse
41:24 and write down the answer.
41:26 You know, kind of set up like
41:28 some of the Sabbath school lessons."
41:29 You may go to the Christian bookstore
41:32 or maybe the Adventist book center
41:34 and you might find a study guide
41:36 on any number of topics.
41:38 It could be something about the Holy Spirit
41:41 or the fruit of the Spirit.
41:43 Maybe the kings of Israel,
41:45 maybe different women in the Bible,
41:48 whatever your interest may be,
41:50 and you can use the study guide
41:52 and start going through that
41:54 as your daily devotional life.
41:57 Neither one is right nor wrong,
41:59 it just depends how you're being led
42:01 and maybe a little bit
42:02 on what your personality is like.
42:05 Now for me,
42:06 I like to just take a book of the Bible and read it,
42:08 that's what I've been doing.
42:10 Now I'm trying something different right now,
42:13 I'm actually going through a series of lessons
42:15 called Fast Discipleship,
42:17 which is really a discipleship course.
42:19 And I'm using that for my daily devotional life
42:22 right now.
42:23 But normally I like to take one passage in the Bible
42:27 and focus on it.
42:29 If you prefer to use study guides,
42:32 here are some possible ideas that you see in the screen.
42:35 There are some lessons called Lifting up Jesus.
42:39 And they go through
42:40 the major teachings of the Bible.
42:42 The first 10 lessons
42:43 are all about having a born-again relationship
42:46 with Jesus.
42:47 And then after that, it goes
42:49 into the doctrinal lessons of Scripture.
42:52 You can buy that at any ABC or you can go online
42:55 and you can print them for free.
42:57 You go to
43:00 You can also use the Search for Certainty lessons
43:03 from It Is Written.
43:05 There are the Sabbath School lessons
43:06 that some people use
43:08 as part of their daily devotional life.
43:12 So whichever way you choose to go, choose.
43:16 But then go to step number four.
43:18 Step number four now,
43:20 if you have chosen to take a passage
43:22 of the Bible and read it,
43:24 here's something to consider.
43:27 When you read that passage,
43:29 it's not about how fast you can go
43:32 or how quickly you can read it.
43:34 When it comes to the devotional life,
43:36 speed reading is not necessary.
43:40 You may have done that in college,
43:41 when you had 500 pages to read.
43:44 But you don't want to do that
43:45 when you're spending time with Jesus.
43:47 Because when you read too fast,
43:49 all you're getting is things on the surface
43:52 and we miss so many important lessons
43:55 in between the lines.
43:58 While you're reading the passage,
43:59 think about the lessons that are in it.
44:02 Use your imagination in a godly way.
44:05 Put yourself
44:07 in the shoes of the characters of those stories
44:10 and try to imagine what it is like.
44:13 I mean when you do that, it will come alive.
44:16 I mean, if you're reading about Daniel in the lions' den,
44:20 try to imagine what is Daniel thinking?
44:23 What's going on in his heart?
44:26 What if I was Daniel,
44:27 what would be going on in my mind?
44:30 Would I be doubting God?
44:32 Would I be wondering
44:33 if His presence is still with me?
44:35 Would I think that this is the end?
44:37 All those Bible stories
44:39 we can put ourselves in its place.
44:43 In fact, I want to show you
44:45 what I think is probably the most important slide
44:47 in this session.
44:49 These are four questions
44:51 that you can stop and meditate on.
44:54 Questions you can ask yourself in your daily devotional life
44:57 while you're reading through,
44:59 whatever passage you might be in.
45:01 That these are questions
45:03 you are probably gonna want to write down and use.
45:06 The first question,
45:08 ask yourself
45:09 what are the spiritual lessons in this passage?
45:14 What lessons is God seeking to teach?
45:18 You may even want to write them down.
45:20 Well, just memorize facts, and figures, and details.
45:24 What are the practical personal lessons
45:28 that is in that story or that passage?
45:31 You will also want to ask yourself,
45:34 what is God trying to say to me personally?
45:39 Now the key word there is personally.
45:42 You're not concerned
45:44 what is God saying to my husband or my wife,
45:47 what's God saying to my brother, my sister,
45:49 my mom or my dad or my children?
45:52 What do I wish they would know?
45:55 Your daily devotional life
45:57 is about what God is saying to you.
46:00 What God wants to do in your life.
46:03 You let God deal with other people,
46:06 your spouse or whomever,
46:07 let God deal with them in their own devotional life.
46:10 This is about what God wants to do
46:13 in your life.
46:15 The next question you could ask is
46:18 what needs to change in my life.
46:21 Is there anything
46:22 that is revealed in this passage
46:25 that shows something that needs to change in me?
46:29 I mean, you could take time thinking about that one.
46:33 And then you may also want to ask,
46:35 what principle is in here
46:37 that I need to understand in a better way?
46:40 If you ask yourselves those questions
46:42 and meditate on them,
46:44 20 or 30 minutes will go by before you even know it.
46:48 Because those questions make it personal,
46:50 they make it relational and they make it meaningful.
46:55 It's what helps us to actually meditate
46:57 on God's Word.
47:00 Then come step number five.
47:03 This is where we then can pray
47:05 and talk to God about the passage.
47:07 Even while we're reading the passage,
47:10 we can talk to God about it in prayer.
47:13 You may even want to pray through those four questions.
47:16 Meditate on them in prayer and listen and be quiet,
47:21 listen for God's answers to you.
47:24 See, part of prayer,
47:25 prayer is not just talking to God.
47:28 Prayer is also listening to Him as well.
47:31 That's a discipline some of us need to learn
47:33 even myself,
47:35 you know, I'm an evangelist so I'm a talker.
47:38 But I need to learn to listen to what God says as well.
47:42 This is where I can share my praises
47:44 and requests with Him.
47:46 You know, don't just share what you want, I mean,
47:48 God wants us to give His, Him His supplications.
47:51 But this is where we can also praise Him
47:53 for good things that are happening in our life.
47:56 Tell Him about our day,
47:58 even the things that we think are insignificant.
48:01 Just like a child tells their parents
48:03 all about their day,
48:05 we can do the same with God.
48:07 I mean, if Ellen White says that talking to God
48:10 or prayer is like opening our heart to God
48:13 as we would to a friend.
48:16 Then prayer should be sharing things with Him,
48:19 because God is our friend.
48:22 Even the details that we think He doesn't care about,
48:25 because really He does.
48:27 And then lastly, step number six.
48:31 You might use a spiritual journal
48:33 to record your thoughts.
48:35 As you're reading through your passage
48:37 or your study guide,
48:39 if you will write down
48:40 the things God brings to your minds.
48:43 It will make it planted in your heart even more.
48:45 You might even take those four personal questions
48:48 and write down the answers that God brings to your mind.
48:52 Now this is a little harder for me,
48:54 because this takes discipline
48:56 and for me I would much rather speak something
48:59 and take the time to write,
49:00 because I think much faster than I can write things down.
49:04 But the times
49:05 that I forced myself to do this,
49:08 it's been very meaningful.
49:09 Because when you write it,
49:11 it forces you to process it more in your mind
49:15 and it becomes very real.
49:18 So if you can discipline yourself
49:20 to have a spiritual journal,
49:22 you can even look back
49:23 and see what God has taught you
49:25 and how He has led you
49:27 over the past few weeks or months or even years.
49:33 So those are the six steps.
49:35 If you will take those six steps
49:37 and use them in a way that works for you,
49:40 God will help you to develop
49:42 a meaningful and effective daily devotional life.
49:47 But there's something else
49:49 I want to talk about in this session.
49:52 You can expect the devil to fight you on this.
49:56 Having a daily devotional life is not easy.
50:00 In fact, it's probably one of the hardest things
50:02 you will do in your Christian life.
50:04 See, the devil doesn't care if you say,
50:07 well, I'm gonna try hard to be good,
50:09 I'm gonna pull up my bootstraps
50:11 and I'm gonna overcome sin and use my willpower.
50:16 That doesn't bother the devil at all.
50:18 He just laughs when we say that.
50:20 Because he knows eventually,
50:22 human nature is gonna take over
50:24 and we're gonna fall flat on our face.
50:26 Now if we have strong willpower,
50:28 we might do good for a little while,
50:31 but eventually we're gonna fail.
50:34 Because the Bible has already told us,
50:36 who can bring a clean thing out of the unclean heart?
50:40 Can the leopard change his spots?
50:43 And the answer is no.
50:46 In fact, really,
50:47 the Bible never tells us to try hard to be good.
50:51 What the Bible tells us
50:53 is to put forth the effort to spend time with Jesus.
50:56 We resist the devil
50:58 and overcome sin by spending time
51:01 in the presence of Christ
51:03 through the daily devotional life.
51:06 Satan knows,
51:07 that's the key to being born again.
51:11 And so you can expect
51:12 this devil will bring all sorts of obstacles.
51:14 I mean,
51:16 your company is gonna want you to work overtime,
51:18 the kids will start bugging you,
51:20 you'll have more homework from school,
51:22 the car will break down,
51:23 refrigerator will go in the blink,
51:25 I mean, the phone will ring more often.
51:28 And I probably shouldn't say this,
51:30 but sometimes the devil might even use the church
51:33 to keep you from having a daily devotional life.
51:35 Now I say that tongue-in-cheek,
51:38 but you know when it comes to nominating committee time
51:40 and we take 8 or 10 different offices
51:42 and we become so busy in ministry
51:45 that we don't spend time with Jesus.
51:48 That's exactly what the devil wants.
51:52 This is where the effort comes in the Christian life.
51:56 I make the effort not in trying hard to be good,
52:01 but I put forth my efforts
52:03 to spend time with Jesus every day.
52:06 That devotional life
52:08 is what gives the Holy Spirit access to my heart.
52:12 That's what causes me through time to be converted
52:16 and to be born again.
52:19 Let me illustrate it this way.
52:21 I want you to pretend that I have a hose up here,
52:24 you know, a hose that water comes out of.
52:26 And it's a nice looking hose,
52:28 I probably should have brought one up here.
52:30 Now, let's suppose that I'm trying to get water
52:33 to come out of this hose.
52:35 And so I decide, you know what,
52:37 no water's coming out of here,
52:38 I'm gonna paint it a new color.
52:40 So I go to Walmart, buy a can of paint
52:43 and I go through the all the effort
52:44 of painting the hose a different color.
52:47 Is that gonna make water come out of this hose?
52:49 No.
52:51 But maybe I decide, well, it needs a new nozzle,
52:54 a brand spanking new nozzle.
52:56 So I go out to Lowe's and I get a fancy one.
52:59 And so I put forth the effort to take off the old one
53:02 and put on the new one.
53:03 Is that gonna make water come out of that hose?
53:06 Nope.
53:07 I can put all the effort I want into it.
53:10 The only thing that's gonna make water
53:13 come out of that hose is if I do what?
53:16 I have to connect it to the faucet or the spigot.
53:19 I've got to connect it to the source of power,
53:22 so when I put my effort
53:25 into connecting it to the source of power,
53:28 water comes out of the hose naturally.
53:33 When I direct my efforts into spending time with Jesus,
53:38 then the power of the Holy Spirit
53:40 flows into my life naturally
53:43 and the changes
53:44 that I could never make by myself,
53:47 the spirit begins to make over a period of time.
53:52 That's what it means to be converted
53:54 and to be born again.
53:56 It happens by spending time with Jesus.
54:00 Not by just sitting in a pew,
54:03 but by spending personal time with Jesus.
54:06 Lastly, I don't want to skip this important topic.
54:10 What about family worship?
54:13 What about the importance of families coming together
54:16 for a short time of worship each day?
54:19 Let me show you something that Ellen White wrote
54:21 on this subject a hundred and some years ago.
54:24 She said,
54:26 "A reformation in this respect is needed,
54:30 a reformation which shall be deep and broad.
54:33 In too many households prayer is neglected.
54:36 Parents feel they have no time
54:38 for morning and evening worship.
54:41 They have no time to offer prayer
54:43 for divine help and guidance
54:45 and for the abiding presence of Jesus
54:48 in the household."
54:50 See, she encourages us,
54:52 we should never be too busy
54:54 to bring our family together
54:56 even for a short prayer and worship.
55:00 Yet that is a neglected art in the Christian world today
55:06 even of all different denominations.
55:09 In fact, she wrote in the Ministry of Healing,
55:11 "Fathers and mothers, however pressing your business,
55:15 do not fail to gather your family
55:18 around God's altar."
55:20 See, sometimes we're tempted to think,
55:22 well, the Christian school will do this part for me.
55:26 And the church and the pastor will do this for my family.
55:30 But, folks, that's not how it works,
55:32 the school and even the church cannot do for me
55:36 what I'm not doing for my own family at home.
55:40 The school and the church is meant to supplement
55:43 the teaching that ought to be going home,
55:46 going on in the home circle.
55:49 See, if the only souls I win are my family,
55:53 then my life has not been in vain.
55:55 And that doesn't mean God wants us to ignore
55:57 the other people in our life,
55:59 but our first responsibility is our family.
56:03 And we are encouraged to bring them together
56:06 for family worship every single day.
56:09 And she writes in Child Guidance,
56:11 "That time of worship
56:13 should be intensely interesting."
56:18 So your family worship might look like this.
56:20 Now, it will be different
56:22 depending on the makeup of your family.
56:24 If you have young kids,
56:26 your family worship is not gonna be long.
56:28 I have a 10 and a 7-year-old,
56:30 so our family worship's
56:32 about 10-15 minutes long, that's it.
56:35 You just try to go 45 minutes with a 7-year-old,
56:38 it's not going to work.
56:40 Now if you have teenagers
56:42 or maybe you don't have children at all,
56:44 then you might come together to simply do
56:46 a couples devotional together.
56:49 But if you have children,
56:51 you might simply read a short Bible passage
56:54 or a Bible story
56:55 from a children's Bible story book.
56:58 You read it,
56:59 briefly talk about the lessons that are in it,
57:02 each person may share something about their day
57:05 and then you pray together.
57:08 It can be as simple as 10 minutes
57:10 and it plants the seed of the gospels,
57:13 the seeds of Jesus in the hearts of our children.
57:17 Now sometimes this is a struggle.
57:20 When I travel
57:21 or when our schedules get all mixed up,
57:24 sometimes we miss our time of family worship,
57:27 but God wants us to try to keep it consistent.
57:30 Right now what we're doing is, we come together,
57:33 we sing one psalm
57:35 and each person gives a prayer request
57:37 that they want to pray about for the week
57:39 and each of us takes a turn praying
57:41 and then the kids go to bed.
57:43 Simple short family worship, 10 to 15 minutes.
57:48 It will do a world of good for our families.
57:52 And like God said,
57:53 His word never comes back to us void.
57:58 So let's make the commitment today,
58:00 that if we're gonna live an evangelistic life,
58:03 let's be sure that it starts first of all with our families
58:06 and with ourselves,
58:07 that we have a daily devotional life
58:10 and we have a short family worship
58:11 with our families every morning or evening
58:15 whichever you may choose.
58:17 And when that happens,
58:18 God will do a marvelous work in our lives.


Revised 2020-05-29