Discover Prophecy Ministries

Living An Evangelistic Life Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000033A

00:06 Now let's move into another subject.
00:10 How do we visit former members
00:14 or former Seventh-day Adventists?
00:18 Now, chances are very strong,
00:20 you know someone who used to attend the church.
00:25 And, you know, statistics tell us
00:27 that in the North American division,
00:29 we've got a membership of about 1 million.
00:32 But we are also told
00:34 there are about a million former members now
00:38 who no longer attend,
00:40 either they went to our schools
00:41 and are no longer a part of us
00:44 or they just stopped attending
00:46 or something has happened in their life.
00:48 Do you realize if we just reclaim
00:51 the ones we lost,
00:53 we could double the membership in attendance
00:55 of the North American division.
00:59 Here's what I'd like you to do.
01:00 I'd like you to hit pause on the video
01:02 and I want you to break up into your small groups.
01:04 And I want you just to take a minute or two
01:06 and answer this question.
01:09 How do you think
01:10 you should visit a former member?
01:12 What are some things you think you should say
01:15 and the things you shouldn't say?
01:17 I just want you to brainstorm this
01:19 before we actually go into the principles.
01:21 So take two or three minutes,
01:23 talk about this in groups of two or three or four
01:27 and then we'll come back together.
01:28 So go ahead and pause your video now.
01:32 Okay, now that you've talked into your groups,
01:34 you've had a chance to brainstorm this.
01:37 Now, let's go over some principles.
01:41 Chances are,
01:42 this is going to have to be a visit
01:44 where you just show up at the door.
01:47 Someone's going to have to organize
01:49 the visitation list.
01:50 You're going to have to get the church membership list
01:52 and find out who are former members
01:55 that are no longer attending.
01:57 And so, when you get that list,
01:59 probably it won't work to call on the phone.
02:03 Because what do you think will happen then?
02:05 Yeah, if they haven't been around
02:06 for a while, and you say,
02:08 "Hey, can I visit you today or Tuesday?"
02:09 There's always going to be an excuse.
02:12 So this is one,
02:13 you're just going to have to show up at the door
02:16 and let the Holy Spirit lead.
02:18 But there are some things that you can say,
02:21 you don't necessarily have to fly
02:23 by the seat of your pants.
02:25 So, let's pretend that we're visiting someone
02:27 by the name of Jim,
02:29 and he hasn't attended church,
02:30 let's say for four or five years.
02:34 So you go to the door, you knock on it,
02:36 you may say something like this.
02:38 Well, "Hi. Is this, Jim?"
02:40 Now, by the way,
02:42 why do you suppose you ask the question,
02:43 is this Jim?
02:45 Well, sure, you want to know
02:46 if you're talking to the right person,
02:48 because if they hadn't been to church for a while,
02:50 you know, people can change over time.
02:52 And even if you have a pictorial directory,
02:55 they may not look the way they did
02:57 when that picture was taken, who knows how many years ago?
03:01 So first, make sure
03:02 you're talking to the right person.
03:04 So back to the screen.
03:06 "Hi. Is this Jim?
03:08 Well, I'm David from the Adventist Church.
03:10 I just stopped by for a minute to visit with you.
03:14 Would that be okay?"
03:16 Now, do you notice what I said there?
03:19 I just stopped by for how long?
03:22 A minute.
03:24 That lets the person know
03:26 that I'm not planning to camp out there
03:29 for two or three hours.
03:30 I mean, this is an unannounced visit,
03:32 you need to respect people's time.
03:35 So we just let him know it'll be a short time.
03:37 And then I like to ask, would that be okay with you?
03:41 Because when they say okay,
03:43 I feel much more comfortable
03:46 and less nervous when I'm talking to them.
03:49 Because believe it or not,
03:50 pastors and evangelists get nervous too.
03:53 Now, what if they say it's not okay?
03:57 What if they're not friendly?
03:59 Then you just have to talk at the door.
04:02 And you might as well get to the point quickly,
04:04 don't beat around the bush here.
04:07 You might simply say, "Well, Jim,
04:08 I know you used to attend our church at one time,
04:11 I just wanted to stop by and invite you back."
04:15 Period.
04:17 Sweet, simple to the point.
04:19 Now, of course, that they've invited you
04:21 into the house,
04:22 you'll be able to talk about other things.
04:24 And that's where you can actually use FORT.
04:26 That comes in handy a lot, you know, family, occupation,
04:30 recreation, spiritual testimony.
04:33 But if you end up at the doorstep,
04:35 this may be all you get in and he may not be interested.
04:39 But I want to tell you something.
04:42 Even if all you get is 60 seconds at the doorstep,
04:46 I want you to know you have made a difference,
04:49 because I will guarantee you
04:51 that Jim will be thinking about that 60 second visit
04:55 and there is at least a seed
04:56 that is planted in his heart
04:58 that the Holy Spirit can work with.
05:00 You may not be able to see that seed but God can.
05:05 So it's not a failure if Jim says no,
05:08 and closes the door
05:10 and your visit is less than a minute,
05:12 God can still work
05:14 and God needs people
05:15 who are willing to make those visits.
05:19 Now, let's suppose you do get inside.
05:23 I want to share some principles with you
05:26 that's important for us to follow.
05:28 Because the truth is
05:30 visiting a former Adventist or a non-attending member,
05:35 it is a different kind of visit,
05:38 it's a unique visit.
05:40 And the principle,
05:41 some of the principles are a little different
05:42 than what you do in other settings.
05:45 So I want you to take note of some of these things.
05:48 First of all, you see
05:50 the picture of the guy on the screen there.
05:52 What do you notice about his facial language
05:54 and his facial expression and his body language?
05:58 Yeah, he doesn't seem too thrilled, does he?
06:01 You know, arms crossed,
06:03 not smiling, little smirk on his face.
06:06 It's possible that may happen.
06:08 Now understand, not every visit
06:10 to a non-attending member is like that.
06:12 Some are not bitter.
06:14 They've just let the things of life
06:15 overtake them
06:16 and they haven't been there for a while.
06:19 But if you do face a little negativity,
06:22 please remember these things.
06:24 Number one,
06:26 just let the bitterness come out.
06:28 When people have stopped attending church,
06:31 there is always a reason.
06:32 And probably 90% of the time
06:35 is because something happened in the church
06:38 that hurt their feelings
06:40 or that bothered them or disgusted them.
06:43 And so, they may have a little bit of negativity
06:45 inside of them.
06:47 They may have been holding this negativity in,
06:50 who knows for 10, 20 years
06:52 depending on how long it's been.
06:54 So you just need to listen kindly to their story.
06:57 Let them share why they stopped coming.
07:00 And even if they seem a little bit upset,
07:03 it is actually good medicine for them to get it out.
07:07 You know why?
07:08 Because it disarms them.
07:10 And once they get it out,
07:12 that is one less obstacle that keeps them
07:15 from coming back to church.
07:18 And understand,
07:19 it's got nothing to do with you personally.
07:23 So don't let your own feelings be hurt.
07:25 You just happened to be
07:27 the representative of the church
07:28 that's there at that time,
07:30 and Jack or Jim or whoever it is,
07:32 they just need to get it out, so let them talk.
07:37 The fact that you listen will impress them
07:41 and help to make a connection with their heart.
07:44 So just let the bitterness come out.
07:47 Now, depending on what they share,
07:49 don't argue with them,
07:51 don't defend anyone.
07:53 Be willing to be the scapegoat.
07:55 You say, "Well, what do you mean, Pastor Dave?"
07:58 Well, sometimes when a non-attending member
08:01 shares the story of what happened
08:03 that caused them not to come.
08:06 It's quite possible
08:07 you're only hearing their version of the story.
08:10 And that version might be slanted,
08:12 just a wee little bit.
08:14 In fact, you may have been there
08:15 when it happened.
08:17 And you know, it's not happening in the way
08:19 that Bob is saying that it happened.
08:22 That is not the time to argue with them.
08:25 It's not the time to try to set them straight.
08:29 They may have talked about how,
08:31 you know, a Suzy Jones said this to her
08:34 and she never coming back,
08:35 you know, or Deacon Bob
08:38 just snubbed him one day at the door,
08:40 or the pastor said this from the pulpit
08:43 and they've got a problem with the pastor.
08:45 Don't worry about defending those people.
08:48 They may be your friends,
08:49 and they may be perfectly innocent,
08:52 but simply defending them is going to cause
08:56 the former member to be argumentative
08:58 and it's going to start building up a wall.
09:01 Let God take care of that.
09:04 In fact, I'm going to go ahead
09:06 and let you in on the heart of a pastor.
09:09 Chances are strong
09:11 that some of the people you visit
09:12 who are no longer attending
09:14 are going to have a problem with the pastor.
09:17 It's just part of being in leadership.
09:21 When you're visible, people have a problem with you,
09:24 whether it is right or not.
09:26 And when they say things about pastor said or did this,
09:30 just listen to them, okay?
09:33 The pastor is, he's a big boy, he'll be able to handle it,
09:36 let God work with the pastor, okay?
09:40 You don't have to feel that you have to defend us.
09:42 The point is, get this person back to church.
09:45 Let me tell you a story to illustrate this.
09:49 I remember when I was pastoring in Pennsylvania,
09:52 I'm not going to say where,
09:55 but I remember that in one of the churches
09:57 that was within my particular district,
10:01 I had gone there one Sabbath.
10:03 And, of course, having multiple churches,
10:04 I wasn't there every single Sabbath.
10:07 And I noticed there was one particular couple
10:10 who wasn't attending anymore,
10:12 they hadn't been there for a while.
10:14 And so, I asked one of the members,
10:15 I said, "Well, where is so and so?"
10:18 "Oh, they stopped coming to church."
10:20 "Really? Well, why?"
10:22 "Well, they're upset with someone."
10:25 "Who were they upset with?"
10:27 And you know what the answer was?
10:29 "You, they're upset with you, Pastor."
10:32 "Me? Well, what did I do?"
10:35 Because I had no idea.
10:37 And the story that came out of the person's mouth
10:40 just flabbergasted me.
10:43 The story was that one day me and my wife
10:46 were apparently at Sabbath School
10:48 at one of the events
10:50 and this person was up front sharing something
10:54 and they mispronounced the word
10:56 and I leaned over to my wife
10:58 and I made fun of the person up front.
11:02 Now, I can tell you that never happened.
11:04 And I'm trying to think in my mind
11:08 when in the world did this alleged crime occur
11:12 because I had no idea what they were talking about.
11:15 In fact to be honest,
11:16 I was little bit upset about it,
11:18 because I thought it was kind of childish.
11:19 And what really burned me, now I'm just being honest here.
11:23 What really burned me
11:25 is you know how many people in the church knew that story?
11:29 Everybody.
11:30 And I'm thinking to myself,
11:32 did we just throw Matthew 18 out the door
11:34 where you're supposed to go to your brother
11:35 if you have something against them?
11:37 So we're just skipping over that,
11:38 we're getting on the telephone,
11:40 telephones or the emails or whatever,
11:42 and we're just spreading this story
11:43 without ever talking to the person.
11:45 So I got it, me in my human nature,
11:47 I was upset.
11:48 And I didn't want to visit
11:50 because I felt this is just childish.
11:52 But the Holy Spirit got ahold of me.
11:55 And eventually I thought, well,
11:57 the Bible says if someone has odd against you,
11:59 I don't have to wait for them to take the initiative,
12:02 I need to take the initiative.
12:04 So I went and I visited.
12:06 I knocked on the door,
12:08 and I got a bit of a cool receptions,
12:11 they invited me in and so I shared, I said,
12:13 "Listen,
12:15 I understand that story going around
12:18 that I made fun of a word that she mispronounced."
12:21 I said, "You know, I'm sorry, I just, I don't remember that.
12:24 Could you refresh my memory? Are you sure that happened?"
12:27 And this person
12:28 absolutely insisted that it did.
12:31 Now, I knew that it didn't.
12:32 Now, it's possible
12:33 that I was sitting beside my wife,
12:35 and maybe her and I were discussing
12:38 something humorous.
12:39 And I may have smiled at the same time
12:41 this person mispronounced some word,
12:44 but the person insisted that I did it.
12:46 And so, I remember just simply saying,
12:48 "Well, you know, I don't remember that.
12:49 But if that happened, I just, I want you to know,
12:52 I'm truly sorry for the misunderstanding.
12:54 I would love to have you come back to church."
12:56 And you know what, that's all that it took.
13:00 And they came back to church.
13:02 Now, was it childish?
13:04 Yes, I still think it was.
13:07 But many times the reasons people share
13:09 as to why they're no longer attending,
13:11 they will seem childish,
13:13 because people's feelings have been hurt.
13:16 And we have to remember,
13:18 there have been times when you and I
13:20 have also done some childish things as well.
13:23 So we need to be willing to extend grace and mercy
13:26 to the person.
13:27 Okay?
13:28 The point is to reconnect them with Jesus and His Church.
13:33 The third principle says,
13:34 "Be willing to be the scapegoat."
13:36 In other words, apologize.
13:39 Whatever it was that happened that they're telling you about,
13:42 you may have had nothing to do with it.
13:44 You may say what, well, Joe,
13:45 I am so sorry that happened to you.
13:48 I know we're not perfect.
13:50 Would you please forgive us? We'd like to make it right.
13:54 Oh, that'll shock Joe,
13:55 because he's not expecting that apology.
13:59 But that's what he needs to hear.
14:02 And the Holy Spirit will begin to soften Joe's heart.
14:05 He just needed to know that someone understood him,
14:08 someone cared.
14:09 You see what,
14:11 why should I apologize for the church
14:12 that the church wasn't wrong?
14:14 Well, folks, let's be honest.
14:17 I don't know the Adventist church
14:18 to be in an infallible as we say,
14:21 I don't know any leader to be infallible.
14:24 Sometimes we do make mistakes.
14:26 Sometimes on board meetings, we make a decision.
14:29 And six months later, when we look back at things,
14:31 we may think to ourselves, you know,
14:33 we probably could have handled that a little bit better.
14:36 None of us are perfect,
14:37 because we all have a human nature.
14:40 And chances are pretty strong,
14:42 the church probably wasn't right
14:43 in every single thing that it did in that situation.
14:47 So just apologize for the church and say,
14:50 "Joe, we'd really like to have you back."
14:53 It will strike a chord in his heart.
14:56 Ask forgiveness if necessary, it will do a world of good.
15:02 The point is not to prove
15:04 whether someone's right or wrong.
15:06 The point is connect them to Jesus,
15:09 reestablish them to His church.
15:13 Finally, don't betray confidence.
15:15 You say, "Well, what do you mean?"
15:17 Well, you know if,
15:19 if Margo talks about how so and so did this to her,
15:23 you know, and what Janelle did to her,
15:26 guess what you're not going to do?
15:28 You're not going to go back to church
15:30 and tell Janelle everything in that conversation.
15:32 What you talk about in that visit is confidential.
15:36 Don't betray confidence.
15:39 So really,
15:40 if you have a hard time with gossiping,
15:42 this is probably not a visit that you should make.
15:47 Don't argue over standards either.
15:49 You say, "Well, what do you mean by that?"
15:51 Now, I'm not downplaying standards,
15:53 they're important too.
15:55 But, friends, we all know there's a time and a place.
15:58 Suppose that you are visiting someone named Mary.
16:03 And Mary is a 30-year-old woman
16:06 who hasn't been to church in 10 years.
16:08 The reason she stopped coming is because when she was 20,
16:11 she came to church one Sabbath with her skirt too short
16:14 and one of the dear sisters
16:16 reamed her up one side and down the other.
16:18 And she hasn't been back to church since.
16:21 So now you're visiting Mary, she's telling you this story.
16:25 Would that be a good time for you
16:27 to do a study with her on the standards of the church?
16:31 Probably not.
16:32 I'm not saying those standards aren't important.
16:35 But again, there's a time and a place.
16:37 And if we do that,
16:38 all those memories
16:40 are going to be relived in her mind.
16:42 The point is, we want to reconnect with her,
16:45 we want to invite her back to Jesus.
16:49 Now, someone will say,
16:50 "Well, what if she comes back to church
16:51 in that same short skirt?"
16:54 Folks, let's be real.
16:55 If she went through that 10 years ago
16:57 and hasn't forgotten it,
16:58 what do you think the chances are
17:00 she's going to do that same thing again.
17:03 See friends,
17:04 we got to learn to accept people
17:06 and meet them where they are.
17:09 Maybe they're not where they're supposed to be.
17:11 Maybe they've got, still got some room to grow.
17:14 But criticizing and condemning
17:16 is not going to bring them closer to Jesus
17:19 and closer to coming back to the church.
17:22 Make a connection with them.
17:24 And as they get connected to Jesus,
17:27 the Holy Spirit will take care of some of the things
17:30 that may be on the outside.
17:32 You see, you and I try to take care of that first
17:35 before we've touched their heart,
17:37 and that doesn't work.
17:38 We need to connect with their heart,
17:40 bring them back
17:42 and let the Holy Spirit do the work
17:44 that you and I cannot do.
17:47 Lastly, don't overstay,
17:50 end your visit by inviting them to church
17:52 and having a special word of prayer.
17:55 And in your prayer,
17:56 just pray a blessing for their family.
17:59 Please don't preach in your prayer,
18:01 you know what preaching in prayer means, don't you?
18:03 You're trying to add a sermon.
18:04 In other words, don't pray a prayer like this.
18:07 Heavenly Father, thank You that I could visit Bob today.
18:10 Oh, Lord, please send Your Holy Spirit to help him
18:13 recognize the error of his ways
18:15 before it's too late
18:17 and he leads his whole family astray.
18:19 Be with him in Jesus' name.
18:22 That's not a prayer that you want to pray.
18:26 A simple prayer.
18:27 God, thank You, I could visit Bob today.
18:29 Just bless him. Lord, I know he loves you.
18:32 Be with him in the decisions he makes.
18:33 Send Your Spirit to his family.
18:35 Thank You for his friendship.
18:37 I pray in Jesus' name.
18:39 Amen.
18:40 You get the point?
18:42 If you feel like
18:43 you've got to criticize or condemn,
18:45 I'm just going to be honest,
18:47 find another ministry in the church,
18:49 this one isn't for you.
18:52 And really, to be honest,
18:53 I don't know any ministry in the church
18:55 where criticism and condemnation
18:57 is going to cause positive results.
19:01 The last thing I want to cover on visiting
19:03 this type of person is this.
19:05 Suppose you're in the home,
19:07 and now the conversation really does go deep,
19:10 and it turns spiritual and they become very open.
19:13 This may happen on the first visit,
19:15 you may have to go back three or four times
19:17 over a period of two or three years
19:18 before you get to this point.
19:20 But here are some questions you can ask.
19:23 So, Joe, how long has it been since you've been to church?
19:25 That'll tell you
19:27 whether it's six months or six years?
19:29 Do you still believe the Adventist way?
19:33 That helps you to know
19:34 is this a doctrinal issue or relational one?
19:37 Is it because they don't believe
19:38 the teachings anymore?
19:40 Or is it because something else happened
19:42 in the church that's relational?
19:44 And 90% of the time, it's going to be relational.
19:49 You can ask, this is an important one.
19:52 Well, John,
19:53 have you ever thought about coming back?
19:56 If that's the only question you get to ask
19:58 because if they haven't
20:00 they will know that you asked that.
20:03 And if they say, "Well, yes, I have."
20:06 And the next question you can ask is,
20:08 "Well, Bob, what is it that hinders you?
20:11 Is there anything I can help you with?"
20:14 And if they share with you what the obstacle is,
20:17 help them overcome that obstacle
20:19 as far as it's possible for you.
20:23 You may even want to pick them up
20:25 because the truth is,
20:26 if you've been away for a while,
20:28 it's really hard to take that first step back,
20:30 isn't it?
20:31 Especially if it's a small church,
20:33 you know, they don't want people
20:34 to recognize that.
20:36 So, you know, they walk in the church
20:37 and 20 people run up,
20:39 "Oh, look, Bob's back, Praise the Lord."
20:41 I know we want to be happy,
20:42 but the person may not quite want all that attention.
20:45 It's good if they can walk through the door with a friend.
20:49 You may even ask,
20:51 if they're not interested in coming back.
20:53 Well, Bob, what about your children?
20:56 How will your children grow up to know the Lord?
20:59 Now you can only ask that question
21:01 if you've made a good connection with them,
21:03 and you've got to ask it in the right tone of voice.
21:06 Now, all these questions come from Fordyce Detamore,
21:09 a very famous Adventist evangelist.
21:11 I would encourage you to read his book
21:12 Seeking His Lost Sheep,
21:15 because these are the questions
21:16 that can really get to the heart
21:18 and cause a person to think.
21:21 And so, if God has called you to this needed ministry,
21:23 you will be blessed
21:25 by seeing people come back to church
21:27 in whose homes you have been,
21:29 even if it was just standing on their doorstep.
21:35 Let's transition now to two more groups of people.
21:39 Now, these won't take quite as long.
21:42 Let's talk about just visiting regular church members.
21:45 Because again, the pastor
21:46 is not going to be able to do that
21:48 all that nor should he.
21:50 So let's suppose
21:51 that your church has developed a church visitation team,
21:55 and if it hasn't, they should.
21:57 It may involve elders,
21:58 it may involve deacons but you know what?
22:01 You don't have to be an elder or a deacon to visit,
22:03 that can be open to anyone
22:04 who has that calling upon their heart.
22:07 So you'll take the membership list
22:10 and divide it among the visitation team.
22:12 Now, this means the church needs to do what?
22:15 Keep good records.
22:18 That is so important.
22:19 You can't visit anyone
22:21 if you don't know where they live
22:22 or how to contact them.
22:24 That's a needed ministry.
22:26 Praise God for the clerks. Amen.
22:28 Now, on this one,
22:29 since they're regular church members,
22:31 probably you can call
22:33 and make an appointment if necessary.
22:36 And so, when you are visiting them
22:37 in their home,
22:39 these are some simple things to ask.
22:41 Now keep in mind,
22:42 these are not non attending members.
22:45 These are people who are coming fairly regularly
22:48 so you probably know them, okay?
22:50 But they need to be visited too.
22:52 So here are some questions.
22:54 You can go through FORT with them, F-O-R-T.
22:58 We've already been through that.
22:59 That starts conversation.
23:00 But when you get to the spiritual side
23:03 of the conversation,
23:04 here are some very good questions.
23:07 Number one, you're talking to an individual you might ask.
23:11 So how are things going
23:12 in your spiritual life right now?
23:15 And then just listen to what they say.
23:18 If you want to word it differently,
23:20 you might say,
23:21 how is your relationship with God right now?
23:25 Now, this person has a family, bring the family into it,
23:29 you might ask them,
23:31 Joe, what would you say is the greatest spiritual need
23:34 of your family right now?
23:37 And let Joe share.
23:39 And as Joe shares
23:41 whatever's on his heart and mind about himself
23:43 or his family, just listen.
23:48 Encourage them, be positive,
23:51 let them know that they have a friend.
23:55 At the very end, you can ask well, Joe,
23:58 how can I pray for you and your family right now.
24:02 Then gather the family together,
24:05 read a special Bible promise
24:07 and have a prayer of blessing for them.
24:10 Even if a family is not part of the church,
24:14 say you're visiting with,
24:15 you know, the wife
24:17 and she's a Seventh-day Adventist member,
24:18 but the rest of the family is not.
24:20 If it's possible,
24:22 if they're not in for the rest of the visit,
24:23 they should be but that's not always possible.
24:26 At the very least for the prayer of blessing
24:28 at the end,
24:29 it'd be nice to bring the family in
24:31 and let them hear
24:32 you pray a positive prayer for them.
24:34 It plants a seed in the heart.
24:37 And last but not least,
24:39 don't forget about the children.
24:41 If the children is there,
24:42 and the whole family's part of the church,
24:44 include the children in the visit.
24:46 Ask them how things are going for them,
24:48 ask them about their prayer requests.
24:50 And when you gather for the prayer,
24:52 you might even want to invite the children to pray
24:55 if they choose to.
24:56 But you should mention the names of the children
24:59 in the prayer.
25:00 Visitations programs for church members
25:03 and it is very, very needed.
25:06 Because in reality,
25:08 you want the pastor to be able to focus
25:10 on reaching the lost.
25:13 Now, church members have needs too,
25:15 that's why you need a church visitation team
25:19 to be able to meet them and pray with them.
25:21 And I'll guarantee you, if your church has that,
25:23 your church will grow
25:25 because people will want to be part of a church that cares.
25:29 If God has called you to be part of a visitation team
25:33 in your church,
25:34 I pray that you will answer that call.
25:36 And if your church doesn't has, well have one,
25:38 start one yourself, talk to your pastor,
25:41 bring it to your church board,
25:43 find people in your church
25:45 who just have the gift of visitation,
25:48 because I guarantee you
25:49 there is someone in every church
25:52 that has the natural gift
25:54 of being able to connect with people.
25:57 But one thing you need to make sure of,
25:59 you don't want people on the visitation team
26:01 who have a hobby horse to ride
26:03 and are just going there to push
26:05 their own certain set of doctrines.
26:07 This has to be someone
26:09 who is not centered on themselves,
26:11 but centered on the needs of meeting other people.
26:16 Lastly, let's talk about how to visit the sick.
26:21 Now, our time's just about up,
26:23 but I want you to take two minutes right now.
26:26 And I want you to divide back into your groups.
26:29 And I want you to talk
26:31 about how should we visit the sick.
26:33 What are some things we should say
26:35 and shouldn't say?
26:37 You might even share a story that you went through.
26:41 So just take about two or three minutes,
26:42 divide in your groups, then we'll come back together.
26:45 So you can go ahead and pause the video now.
26:48 I wish I could have heard everything that you said.
26:51 But let's go through a few principles.
26:54 For some of you, you may be thinking,
26:56 I don't need to have a class on this,
26:57 I know how to visit the sick.
27:00 It's true that for some people doing this sort of ministry
27:03 is a natural thing.
27:05 For others, you may have grown up
27:07 in a home where, you know,
27:08 people weren't touchy feely,
27:10 you know, they weren't hugging types of people and you,
27:13 you didn't readily share feelings from your heart.
27:16 And so, you actually have to learn
27:17 how to do this.
27:19 So let's go through some principles.
27:21 And for those of you who've already got this down,
27:24 just consider it a good review.
27:27 Number one,
27:29 the sick can be the most neglected people,
27:31 they need encouragement.
27:35 You know how many people there are in hospitals
27:38 or in nursing homes who never get a visit?
27:42 They are there all alone, because either family is gone,
27:46 or family lives far away.
27:49 Remember the story Jesus told?
27:51 If you've done it
27:53 to one of the least of these my brethren,
27:55 you've done it unto me.
27:58 You see real ministry doesn't simply consist
28:01 of only preaching from a pulpit.
28:04 Real ministry consists of going to where people are
28:07 and connecting with their heart,
28:09 because that's what Jesus did.
28:11 He did a lot more of personal ministry
28:14 than He did public preaching.
28:16 And even through the Spirit of Prophecy,
28:18 Ellen White has told us in the last days,
28:21 we need to do the same.
28:24 Now, what is your ministry for the sick?
28:26 Oh, well, it's our pastor, he visits everyone.
28:30 Well, folks, it's fine to the pastor
28:31 to visit the sick.
28:33 But God's called you to do that.
28:35 I remember as a pastor sometimes,
28:37 someone would call me and say so and so is in the hospital,
28:40 and I usually was the last one to find out.
28:42 You know, I go visit them
28:43 and I find out
28:45 I was the only one in the church
28:46 that visited them.
28:47 I mean, people
28:49 who've known the person for 30 years,
28:51 and they didn't visit
28:52 because we have this idea
28:54 that it's got to be the pastor that visits
28:56 and if the pastor visit,
28:58 that visit is more special and more important
29:00 than the others.
29:02 We just got to wipe that false doctrine
29:04 out of our minds,
29:05 you know, that there is no special sense
29:07 that just comes from the pastor,
29:09 as though he is closer to heaven than anybody else.
29:13 God has called us to care for one another.
29:17 We all need to be involved in visiting.
29:21 So when you do, here's some of the points.
29:25 Your purpose is to give them encouragement,
29:28 they needed if they're in the hospital.
29:31 You want to bring a smile to their face.
29:34 Give them something to smile about.
29:37 Your visit will give them some strength
29:39 they need to recover.
29:41 Because if the person is depressed,
29:44 if the person is struggling, we already know
29:46 what affects the mind affects the body,
29:49 they need to be uplifted.
29:51 And then finally point them to Jesus.
29:55 That last point number four,
29:57 that's what makes your visit different
29:58 from any of the others because the truth is,
30:00 an atheist can do the first three.
30:03 An atheist can bring encouragement,
30:05 bring a smile to someone's face and give them strength.
30:08 But it's only you
30:10 who are going to point them to Jesus.
30:13 Amen.
30:14 So when you're there, these might be some questions.
30:17 So, Joe, what brought you here today?
30:19 Even if you already know,
30:21 just let Joe tell the story to make conversation.
30:24 What did the doctors told you?
30:26 Now, I like to ask that question simply
30:28 for this reason.
30:30 I want to know what Joe knows about his condition.
30:34 You know, because if his wife tells me,
30:35 "Oh, go please visit, we think he might have cancer."
30:38 And I go in and visit Joe and say,
30:40 "Hey, Joe, I hear that you may have cancer."
30:42 And nobody's told Joe that and he's like,
30:44 what, what, I have cancer.
30:47 So, ask the person what did the doctors said,
30:52 so that you don't end up sticking your foot
30:54 in your mouth.
30:56 But here's where it gets to the heart.
30:59 So how are you feeling about it, Joe?
31:02 This is where Joe can share his feelings.
31:04 Maybe he's got heart disease, maybe he's got a broken leg.
31:08 Let Joe share what's going on in his mind
31:10 and in his heart right now.
31:13 That's what Joe needs to share.
31:15 Ask him the hard questions, give him a chance to talk.
31:19 And then ask him,
31:20 is there anything I can do to help you?
31:23 Now don't stay long unless they request it.
31:26 And the truth is,
31:27 you don't have to be limited to those questions.
31:29 Sometimes people just want to talk about life.
31:31 They don't want to focus on their sickness
31:33 the entire time.
31:36 At the end of your visit,
31:37 whether it's 5 minutes or 20 minutes,
31:39 whatever it is,
31:40 you can end by reading a Bible promise,
31:43 find a good promise from Scripture,
31:46 which you'll probably want to look up ahead of time
31:47 because trust me, you get in there,
31:51 and they're surrounded by other family members
31:53 you don't know
31:54 and you start to get nervous and you forget things.
31:57 So look up your Bible promise ahead of time and ask Joe,
32:00 "Joe, would you mind if I read you a promise
32:03 and just had a word of prayer
32:04 that God will heal you and bless you?"
32:07 And I can assure you,
32:09 I've never had anybody in the hospital say,
32:11 "No, don't pray for my healing.
32:14 And don't pray for me to be blessed."
32:17 Never had that happen.
32:19 In fact, sometimes the people in the bed next to them
32:23 might want you to pray for them as well.
32:26 It actually would be a good idea for you
32:28 to offer that on your own
32:30 include their roommate in the prayer as well.
32:34 They will remember that.
32:37 Well, folks, that's the end of this particular session.
32:40 We have learned how to greet visitors to our church,
32:44 we have learned how to visit people
32:46 from evangelistic meetings,
32:49 we have learned how to visit former Seventh-day Adventists,
32:52 we've learned how to have a visitation program
32:54 in our church,
32:55 and we've learned how to visit the sick.
32:59 Friends, this is a ministry that Jesus Himself did.
33:02 And my prayer is that as you step out,
33:05 and begin to visit and connect with people,
33:08 that you would experience the joy of Jesus in your heart,
33:12 and know what it's like to make a positive difference
33:15 in someone's life.
33:17 Let's pray.
33:19 Heavenly Father,
33:21 it is our prayer to be missionaries for you.
33:25 Lord, so often we become so busy
33:27 with the mundane things of life
33:30 that we forget about the importance
33:31 of connecting with people.
33:34 We ask You, Heavenly Father,
33:35 just bring to each of our minds every person watching this,
33:39 bring us the name of one person,
33:42 whom You're calling us to be friends with.
33:45 And, Lord, if You're asking us to reach out
33:48 and be part of a visitation ministry,
33:50 help us to comprehend that conviction
33:54 and to go to work for you.
33:56 We pray in Jesus' name.
33:59 Amen.
34:05 Welcome to session four of Living an Evangelistic Life.
34:09 In this session,
34:10 we're going to be talking about how to find
34:13 and give a Bible study.
34:16 But before we do, let's have a word of prayer.
34:20 Heavenly Father,
34:21 we want to ask just now
34:23 that as we realize
34:25 there are so many people in this world
34:27 who are searching for truth
34:29 or desiring something better in their lives.
34:32 Lord, many of them live in our homes,
34:35 our neighborhoods, even our workplaces.
34:37 And we pray as we go through this session
34:39 that you might bring to our minds
34:41 the name of one person that You're wanting us
34:44 to have a Bible study with.
34:46 And we ask that You would help us
34:47 to understand these principles
34:49 and apply them to the opportunities
34:52 You bring our way.
34:53 We ask these things in Jesus' name.
34:56 Amen.
34:58 Before we start this session,
35:00 I need to share something with you
35:02 about what these principles are predicated upon.
35:06 These principles are not going to be talking
35:08 about how to have a Bible study
35:10 with someone that you've never met
35:12 in your life.
35:13 This is not going to be about walking down the street
35:16 and knocking cold turkey on the door
35:18 of someone that you don't know
35:20 or that you haven't developed a relationship with.
35:23 Now that's a fine ministry to have,
35:25 but that's not what this session is about.
35:28 This session has assumed
35:30 that you have been building a friendship with someone,
35:33 that this is someone that you know,
35:35 that you've cultivated a relationship with,
35:38 and that you have talked with about spiritual things
35:41 in the past.
35:43 And so now you're at the point
35:45 where you sense that maybe there's an open door
35:48 that they might be receptive
35:50 to starting a Bible study with you,
35:52 and you want to ask them the question.
35:55 So let's pick it up now.
35:57 Let's say if there's someone
35:58 that you've developed a friendship with
36:00 and you want to ask them if they're interested
36:02 in having a Bible study.
36:04 So the question is, what do I say?
36:06 Do I have to memorize some long spiel
36:10 or give them some sort of speech?
36:12 And the answer is no.
36:14 Just be yourself.
36:16 Keep it short, simple and to the point,
36:19 you might say something like this.
36:22 Joe, have you ever had someone study the Bible with you
36:25 and explain things?
36:27 I know of some really good Bible lessons,
36:30 would you like to study them together?
36:33 Now that's very simple.
36:35 There's nothing manipulative about that whatsoever.
36:39 You're just simply inviting Joe,
36:41 that if he's never had a Bible study with someone,
36:44 that could explain things,
36:45 and you know, some really good lessons,
36:48 you're asking him if he's interested
36:50 in studying with you.
36:52 Now, there is only one of two answers
36:54 that Joe can give and what's that?
36:57 It's either yes or it's no.
37:00 Now, Joe happens to say no,
37:02 that doesn't mean
37:04 you're a bad missionary for Jesus.
37:06 When someone says no to us,
37:08 we're tempted to put our tail between our legs
37:11 and to say, well, I will never do this again.
37:14 But folks, you have to realize it's going to happen.
37:18 There's times when people will say no to us.
37:22 It's happened to me,
37:24 it's happened to many other church members.
37:26 And quite frankly, it's happened to Jesus.
37:30 Not everyone said yes to Jesus.
37:32 Remember the story of the rich young ruler
37:35 and Jesus told him to go sell all his possessions,
37:39 give to the poor,
37:41 and then come and be My disciple.
37:43 And the rich young ruler
37:45 was not ready to make that decision.
37:47 And he said no to Jesus.
37:50 So if someone says no,
37:51 it doesn't mean that you did anything wrong.
37:53 It's just not the right time.
37:56 But understand, no doesn't mean no forever,
38:00 at least in the case of a Bible study.
38:03 When someone says no today, just keep praying for them,
38:06 keep developing a relationship with them.
38:09 Because in the future,
38:11 something may happen in their lives
38:14 to make them more open to spiritual things.
38:17 There could be a tragedy in their life,
38:19 could be a death in the family,
38:21 it could be just different circumstances
38:24 that cause them to think of eternal things.
38:27 So continue to cultivate the relationship.
38:30 And you can ask them this question
38:32 again down the road,
38:33 whether it's a few weeks or a few months
38:35 or maybe even a few years.
38:37 You might simply say, well, Joe,
38:39 I understand
38:40 but if you ever change your mind,
38:42 the door is always open
38:43 and I'd be happy to study the Bible with you.
38:47 Now, if Joe says yes, then what do you do?
38:51 Well, inside your heart, you're going to be rejoicing.
38:55 But then right away,
38:56 you want to set a time to start that Bible study.
39:00 Don't say, oh, well, Joe,
39:01 I'll get back to you in a few days.
39:03 Right then and there set a time for the first study,
39:06 whether it's Tuesday at 7 o'clock
39:08 or a Monday morning at 9 o'clock,
39:11 if it's possible,
39:12 set a time for the first study right then,
39:15 don't give the person a few days,
39:17 they may change their mind, set it right away.
39:22 Now,
39:23 if you sense that they want to have
39:25 a Bible study,
39:27 but they're hesitating because they don't want you
39:29 to come to their home, you have some options.
39:33 Now, why do you think
39:34 someone may not want you to come to their home
39:38 for a Bible study?
39:40 There's a lot of reasons.
39:42 Perhaps their house is dirty or not very clean,
39:45 and they might be a little bit embarrassed.
39:47 They may have some unruly kids or some family issues
39:51 that maybe they don't want you to see.
39:53 Or it's possible they may have a spouse
39:56 who is against religious things.
39:59 Maybe there's a problem with alcohol
40:01 or any number of things.
40:03 If that's the case,
40:04 there are other things you can do.
40:07 Number one, you can invite them
40:08 to come to your house for the Bible study.
40:11 You could do it at your church, if they're open to that.
40:15 You could even do it at a restaurant
40:17 while you're eating a meal.
40:19 I remember once seen two people
40:21 doing a Bible study on a picnic bench in a park.
40:24 I was just walking along on a beautiful day,
40:26 I saw two people reading together.
40:29 And I have to admit, I got a little bit nosy.
40:31 And so, I kind of walked over to see what they're doing.
40:34 They were studying the Bible together.
40:37 Nothing says it has to be in that person's house.
40:42 Now it's ideal if you can do it in their house,
40:45 because they are comfortable there
40:47 for the most part,
40:48 but also,
40:49 if there are unbelieving family members,
40:52 many times
40:53 they may not sit in on the Bible study,
40:55 but they're listening to everything that is said,
40:58 plus, it gives you an opportunity
41:00 to develop a friendship with other family members.
41:05 Now, let's go through some other principles here.
41:08 Once someone has said yes,
41:10 I would love to study the Bible with you,
41:12 and you set a time.
41:14 Now, you've got to find some really good Bible lessons.
41:18 And there are a lot of choices.
41:21 I can't even begin to list them on the screen for you.
41:25 You could go to the Adventist book center,
41:27 or actually you could go online to the
41:32 and you can see a whole array
41:33 of different kinds of lessons.
41:35 Now I have listed on the screen some that I know about.
41:39 There is the Search for Certainty,
41:41 those are the ones that I like,
41:43 they are from It Is Written.
41:44 There are the Storacle Prophecy lessons,
41:47 they are from Amazing Facts.
41:49 There's the Discover lessons from Voice of Prophecy.
41:52 There's the Stay Alive with Jesus.
41:54 And then there is Lift Him Up.
41:57 That is a series of lessons by Karen Lewis
42:01 that you can actually either buy in the book center,
42:04 or you can go to
42:09 and you can download them for free and print them.
42:12 Now, of course,
42:13 they won't be fancy and colorful
42:15 like the published lessons,
42:16 they'll just be printed off in black and white,
42:19 but they are free.
42:21 The point is to find a set of lessons
42:23 that you're comfortable with,
42:25 or more important that the other person
42:27 is comfortable with.
42:29 Now, for me personally,
42:31 I like the question and answer format,
42:34 where there's a question,
42:36 then it gives the Bible verse where you find the answer,
42:39 and then they have to write out the answer in their own words.
42:43 I don't prefer for them to just copy the verse
42:46 because you can do that mindlessly
42:49 without really thinking
42:50 about the lessons that are in it.
42:52 So I prefer the question and answer format,
42:55 but you can use whatever lessons
42:58 is most comfortable for you.
43:02 Now, once you find yourself sitting down at the table,
43:05 having a one on one Bible study with someone,
43:09 let's go over some important principles
43:12 that we need to remember.
43:14 Principle number one, follow the sequence.
43:19 Now, what do we mean by that?
43:21 You need to go in the order of the lessons
43:24 as far as possible.
43:27 There's a reason the topics are in a certain order,
43:30 they are like a link in a chain.
43:33 There are some subjects that you can't understand
43:37 until you cover other topics first.
43:40 I mean, for example,
43:42 why would you do lesson 10
43:44 before you've studied the first nine lessons,
43:47 because what's in the first nine lessons
43:50 is what prepares you for what's in lesson 10.
43:54 I remember when I was in high school,
43:56 I did home school for ninth grade for one year.
43:59 And that's when I was introduced to algebra,
44:02 I have to tell you, I hated algebra.
44:07 It did not make any sense to me,
44:09 you know, X over B and C squared
44:11 and all these things,
44:13 I thought, what in the world am I going to use this
44:15 in the real world.
44:16 Like I'm going to go down the interstate,
44:17 it's going to say that I can only go
44:19 A over B miles per hour.
44:21 The point is, it causes your mind to process
44:24 and think things through, you develop cognitive skills.
44:28 But see, you can't understand algebra
44:32 unless you know
44:33 your multiplication and division tables first,
44:35 it wouldn't make sense.
44:37 It's the same way when studying Bible lessons.
44:40 Why would you talk about the Sabbath
44:42 before you've studied the importance of God's law?
44:46 And why would you talk
44:47 about the importance of God's law
44:49 before you've done the lesson
44:51 on how to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?
44:55 And why would you do a lesson about hell
44:57 before you understand what happens when you die?
45:00 See, all these things are in the order for a reason,
45:03 follow the sequence.
45:06 Now I remember one time in ministry,
45:08 well, more than one time,
45:09 I made a mistake
45:11 and I didn't follow this principle
45:13 and I paid for it.
45:15 Whenever I was pastoring, a church in Pennsylvania,
45:18 and there was a lady who was very interested
45:21 in our evangelistic meetings,
45:22 but she didn't make all of them.
45:24 And so, I was giving her some video Bible studies.
45:27 And so, I would give her one to look at,
45:29 she'd bring it back and I'd give her the next.
45:32 Well, for some reason,
45:34 she was interested
45:36 in knowing all about the seven last plagues,
45:39 and she wanted me to give her that lesson ahead of time.
45:42 Well, that was lesson number 19.
45:45 So I gave her lesson number 19
45:49 before she had finished the first 18.
45:52 And what I didn't realize
45:54 is lesson number 19 brought up some topics
45:58 she wasn't ready to handle.
46:00 They were topics
46:02 that she needed to understand by doing the first 18 lessons,
46:06 she wasn't prepared for it.
46:07 And as a result, we lost her.
46:10 And she didn't come back to church anymore.
46:14 So when it's all possible, follow the sequence.
46:18 Now, if there is someone who just really has a question
46:21 about something, you know, for example,
46:23 many times there will be a person
46:25 who says,
46:26 you know, I really want to know what happens when you die
46:30 because I have a grandfather or a grandma that I lost,
46:33 I got to know.
46:35 And they're tempted they want to skip ahead.
46:37 If at all possible, help them to be patient,
46:40 you might say something like this,
46:43 "Well, Joe, I understand
46:45 that's a very important question.
46:47 And we have a whole lesson coming up in the future
46:49 that's going to deal with that.
46:51 But you see,
46:52 in order to understand that lesson,
46:54 we have to study some other lessons first,
46:57 but I can assure you,
46:59 we're not going to skip your question."
47:01 Usually that will satisfy them.
47:04 If it doesn't,
47:06 then you may need to find
47:08 just a little booklet to give to them
47:10 or just give them a little summary
47:12 without all the information
47:14 because it's better to go out of sequence
47:17 than to lose
47:18 the whole Bible study all together.
47:20 But whenever possible, follow the sequence
47:24 because there is a purpose to it.
47:26 By the way,
47:28 one of the other things I forgot to mention
47:30 is you can also do video Bible studies,
47:33 and I'm going to talk about that
47:34 in just a few minutes.
47:36 Principle number two, do one lesson at a time.
47:42 You know why that is?
47:44 There is something
47:45 that's called information overload.
47:48 If you give people too much information at once,
47:52 they can't handle what you might say
47:54 that it blows a gasket, it's too much.
47:57 For example,
47:58 let's say there's a little outlet up here
48:00 on the platform.
48:01 If I were to try to get all these multi extensions
48:05 and plug about 20 different plugs
48:08 in that socket,
48:09 what would eventually happen?
48:11 It would blow because it couldn't handle it.
48:14 That's how the human mind tends to work.
48:18 If you give it too much information,
48:21 it's going to immobilize it, it can't deal with it.
48:25 So it's best to do one lesson at a time,
48:28 so the person has the opportunity
48:30 to process it,
48:31 and to be able to think about it.
48:33 Now at most, you might be able to get away
48:35 with two lessons at a time or perhaps two lessons a week.
48:39 But I would never go more than that
48:41 unless that person has already been studied with.
48:44 So normally one lesson at a time
48:47 so they can process it and think it through.
48:51 Now, principle number three says,
48:54 have the person do the lesson ahead of time.
48:58 In other words,
49:00 the only time they're doing the lesson
49:02 should not be when you are right there
49:04 physically with them.
49:06 What should happen
49:07 is you will give them the lesson
49:09 for the next week.
49:11 And you will invite them through the week
49:13 to do the lesson and look up the texts.
49:16 Then when you get together next week,
49:18 they would have already done the lesson,
49:21 processed the information
49:23 and they know what their questions are.
49:25 And then you may not have to cover
49:27 every single question that's on that lesson booklet.
49:31 The reason that's important is this,
49:36 by them doing the lesson ahead of time,
49:39 they are interacting with God's Word for themselves.
49:44 I mean, there is power in this Word,
49:47 and the Word is being implanted in their hearts
49:49 and in their minds,
49:51 and it gives a Holy Spirit
49:52 the chance to work with them during the week.
49:56 If the only time they open up their Bible
49:59 is when they are physically with you
50:01 doing a Bible study,
50:03 then they're not learning
50:04 how to have a daily devotional life.
50:07 They're not learning how to interact with God's Word
50:09 for themselves.
50:11 And then when the whole series of Bible lessons are over,
50:14 they'll probably stop with studying the Bible.
50:17 You want them to continue on.
50:20 So in other words,
50:21 when you show up
50:22 and you're doing lesson number three,
50:24 when you're done studying lesson number three,
50:26 before you leave,
50:28 what are you going to give them?
50:30 You're going to give them lesson number four.
50:32 During the week, they do lesson number four,
50:35 and the next week, you come back
50:37 and you study lesson four with them,
50:39 but they've already done it.
50:42 That's one of the best ways to do a Bible study,
50:45 they're interacting with God's Word
50:46 on their own and also with you.
50:50 Does that make sense?
50:52 Well, let's go to the next principle.
50:54 Usually what I like to do
50:56 and you don't have to do it my way
50:57 because we all have different personalities.
51:01 I like to read the question on the lesson sheet.
51:05 Have the person read the Bible text
51:08 and then share their answer.
51:10 And with each question, then you can alternate it,
51:13 you know, then they can read the question
51:16 and then you can look up the text
51:17 and they can share their answer.
51:20 And then after you've done that for the questions
51:22 after say like question one,
51:24 you can make some comments if you like.
51:27 Now, this is the part that scares people,
51:29 because they think, well,
51:30 I don't know what to say or what comments would I make?
51:34 Well, the wonderful thing about Bible lessons today
51:37 is usually after every question,
51:39 there is usually a paragraph that makes comments for you.
51:43 So at the very least,
51:45 you can simply summarize what the paragraph says.
51:49 But you know what's even better,
51:52 is when you can share personal testimony.
51:55 You see,
51:57 when you are ordering some lessons
51:59 to do with someone,
52:01 how many sets are you going to order?
52:04 You're going to order two,
52:06 one for them and one for who else?
52:10 One for you.
52:12 And so, while Joe is studying his lesson
52:15 and looking up the verses during the week,
52:17 what are you doing?
52:19 You're doing the same lesson, you're writing out the answers.
52:23 And so that gives you an opportunity
52:25 to write down any comments
52:27 that you might want to share with Joe.
52:29 And you can write them
52:31 on the side of your lesson paper,
52:33 and you're basically making notes.
52:35 So when you sit down with Joe the next week to do the lesson,
52:39 you're not having to memorize all this stuff,
52:41 your notes are right in front of you.
52:44 I mean, maybe you're going to do
52:46 a Bible lesson on stewardship and tithing.
52:49 And one of the questions reminds you of a time
52:51 in your life
52:53 when God blessed you concerning time,
52:56 and you may want to make a little note to say
52:58 I want to share such and such story with Joe,
53:01 and then you can share a personal testimony.
53:04 See when you do it that way,
53:06 and you're doing the lesson as well,
53:08 it's not nearly as intimidating as we sometimes think.
53:13 Now, another principle
53:15 that is extremely important is this.
53:19 Make sure they understand the topic
53:22 before going to the next lesson.
53:26 Now, I want to say something I really want this to sink in.
53:30 People don't make decisions
53:33 on things they don't understand.
53:37 Did you catch that?
53:38 I'm going to say it again.
53:40 People don't make decisions
53:43 about things that they don't understand.
53:47 If there is something about that lesson or topic
53:50 that doesn't make sense to them,
53:52 they're not going to move forward and make a decision.
53:55 For example,
53:57 if there is something about the Sabbath
53:59 that they just aren't quite grasping
54:01 or understanding,
54:02 they're not going to make a decision
54:04 to keep the Sabbath holy
54:06 and make it a part of their life.
54:08 The questions have to be cleared up
54:10 in their minds.
54:12 And this is true in the secular world.
54:15 I mean, when you're buying a new car,
54:17 and you're sitting there
54:18 and you're looking at the contract,
54:20 and you're about to sign this notes payable,
54:23 if you don't understand what that contract is saying,
54:27 and you don't understand what you're committing to,
54:29 are you going to sign that contract?
54:31 Of course not.
54:33 Because even in the real world,
54:34 we don't make decisions
54:36 about things that we don't understand.
54:40 Any more than a freshman in college
54:43 might be able to decide
54:44 what their major is going to be,
54:45 it may take them some time.
54:48 So we have to let people ask questions,
54:53 let them clear things up.
54:55 And I'm going to talk about answering questions
54:57 in just a minute.
54:59 The other principle is ask for little decisions
55:01 along the way.
55:03 They say, "What do you mean by that?"
55:05 Don't wait until the end of 25 or 26 lessons
55:10 and ask them to accept the whole package all at once.
55:14 That's too much to handle at one time.
55:17 I mean, let's think about it for a second.
55:19 If we wait to the end of say, lesson 26.
55:23 And we're going to ask Joe, and we're going to say, Joe,
55:25 are you willing to accept
55:26 the Bible as the holy inspired word of God
55:28 and we need to obey it?
55:30 Are you willing to accept that when Jesus comes,
55:32 it's literal, it's audible, it's visible
55:34 and there is no such thing as a secret rapture?
55:36 Are you willing to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord
55:39 and your personal Savior?
55:40 Do you believe that He's your high priest
55:41 in a heavenly sanctuary?
55:43 Joe, are you able to let God write His law in your heart?
55:46 Joe, are you willing to accept the Sabbath
55:48 and make those changes in your life
55:49 and change your job if necessary?
55:51 Joe, do you realize that when someone dies,
55:53 they don't go to heaven they just rest in the grave?
55:55 Joe, do you realize
55:57 that hell doesn't burn forever but it comes to an end?
55:59 Joe, are you ready to be baptized?
56:01 Are you ready to take unclean foods
56:03 and smoking and tobacco and drugs out of your life?
56:06 And Joe, are you ready to accept
56:08 that the Seventh-day Adventist churches,
56:09 the remnant church of Bible prophecy
56:11 become part of it
56:12 and realize that we need to honor
56:13 the Spirit of Prophecy?
56:15 Joe, are you ready to become part of the church?
56:17 I mean, really,
56:19 if we give them all that at once,
56:22 they are not likely to make a decision.
56:24 Little decisions,
56:26 little baby steps along the way.
56:29 The neat thing with most Bible lessons
56:31 is they have application questions
56:34 at the end.
56:35 For example,
56:37 someone just does the lesson on the Second Coming,
56:41 we might ask them,
56:42 "Well, Joe,
56:44 would you like to pray a prayer and ask God to help you
56:47 to be ready for Christ soon return?"
56:50 You're asking Joe to make a decision.
56:52 It's a little decision.
56:54 Now, I don't mean little
56:55 in that it's unimportant or insignificant,
56:58 but it's not the whole package.
56:59 You're asking him to take a little step one at a time.
57:03 When you do the lesson
57:04 on accepting Jesus as your Savior,
57:07 you may invite Joe,
57:08 "Joe, would you like to pray
57:10 and ask Christ to come into your life?"
57:12 It's a little decision.
57:14 When you do the lesson on the law,
57:16 you may say, "Well, Joe,
57:18 would you like to have a word of prayer
57:19 and let's ask God
57:20 to write His law on our hearts."
57:23 When you do the lesson on the Sabbath,
57:25 you may ask Joe and invite him to just come to church with you
57:28 one Sabbath just to experience the Sabbath blessing.
57:32 You're not asking him to quit his job,
57:33 you're not asking him to do a bunch of changes.
57:35 Just a little decision,
57:37 inviting him to take one small step forward.
57:41 And then when you get to the end of the lessons,
57:44 you're simply asking for one more small step.
57:47 They need to be making smaller decisions
57:50 all along the way.
57:53 And a good set of lessons
57:55 will have decision questions in the end,
57:57 at the end of each page or at the end of each lesson.
58:00 And so, you want to be sure to look
58:02 for those kinds of lessons.
58:05 If you would like more information
58:06 about our ministry,
58:08 visit our websites at
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58:17 If you'd like to make a donation
58:18 to keep these sermons on the air,
58:20 you can contact us
58:22 at Discover Prophecy Ministries,
58:24 PO Box 850, Columbia, Maryland 21044.


Revised 2020-05-29