Discover Prophecy Ministries

Discover Revelation's Remnant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000017A

00:11 Heavenly Father,
00:14 Lord, here we are gathered again
00:16 together on night number 17.
00:19 Father, we have heard so many precious truths from Your Word.
00:23 Lord, many of us are contemplating decisions
00:26 in our minds.
00:27 And we want to claim Your promise
00:29 in the Book of James, Lord, You said,
00:31 that whoever lacks wisdom, should ask You,
00:35 and that You would give liberally.
00:38 So tonight we are asking, Lord, that You would give us
00:40 spiritual wisdom and spiritual knowledge
00:43 that You would pour out Your Holy Spirit
00:46 and just shed light on our Christian walk,
00:49 so that each of us may know the way
00:52 in which You are leading.
00:53 Thank You for that promise, we pray in Jesus' name.
00:57 Amen. Amen.
00:59 I wanna invite you to take your Bible
01:01 and I want you to go right away to Revelation 12:13.
01:08 Now you've noticed that usually
01:09 I start with a story each night.
01:11 But we've got so much to cover,
01:12 I'm just gonna dispense with the story
01:14 and we're gonna go right into the prophecy.
01:16 So we'll let the prophecy
01:18 be our introductory story for tonight.
01:20 Revelation Chapter 12
01:23 and I want to read verses 13 through 17,
01:27 which is really going to be a new prophecy for us to study.
01:31 But before I read it,
01:32 I want to give you the background
01:34 of what's happening in this chapter.
01:36 In verses 7 through 12,
01:40 Revelation has just told us about the dragon
01:43 being cast out of heaven,
01:45 how Satan was once a loyal angel
01:47 in the Kingdom of Heaven named Lucifer.
01:49 And Revelation says that Michael and his angels
01:52 fought against the dragon and his angels.
01:55 And so the dragon and the angels
01:57 that followed him were cast out
02:00 and they were cast down to this earth.
02:02 That's what verses 7 through 12 talk about,
02:05 we've already studied that.
02:07 But then verse 13 picks up,
02:10 and it talks about how the dragon
02:13 now goes after the woman.
02:16 Let's pick it up in Revelation 12:13.
02:21 The Bible says,
02:23 "Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth,
02:28 he persecuted the woman
02:30 who gave birth to the male child.
02:32 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle
02:36 that she might fly," where?
02:40 "Into the wilderness to her place,
02:42 where she is nourished for a time, times,
02:46 and half a time
02:48 from the presence of the serpent.
02:50 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth
02:53 like a flood after the woman
02:55 that he might cause her to be carried away
02:58 by the flood, but the earth helped the woman
03:01 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood
03:04 which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth."
03:08 Now notice verse 17,
03:10 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
03:13 and went to make war
03:15 with the rest of her offspring."
03:18 Or if you have the King James,
03:20 it says, "The dragon was wroth with the woman
03:23 and went to make war against," who?
03:26 "The remnant of her seed,
03:28 who keep the commandments of God
03:31 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
03:34 Now we're gonna stop here for a second.
03:37 Revelation is giving us a picture of persecution.
03:41 You have a dragon and a serpent,
03:44 which is seeking to persecute the woman
03:47 by spewing floods of water out of its mouth.
03:50 It says the earth helps the woman
03:53 and eventually the woman has to hide in the wilderness
03:56 for a period of time.
03:58 And then in verse 17,
04:00 it says the dragon now
04:02 goes after the remnants of the woman.
04:06 You say, "Well, what does all that mean?"
04:08 Well, we're introduced to three symbols in that passage,
04:11 I'm gonna put all three of them on the screen.
04:14 First of all, you have the dragon,
04:16 and you have the serpent.
04:18 Now, we've already learned from previous prophecies,
04:20 who does the dragon
04:22 and the serpent represent, you tell me?
04:23 Satan. Represents Satan.
04:25 And we've already learned
04:27 how the woman represents God's people or God's church.
04:32 And so what we're seeing here
04:34 is really two periods of persecution
04:37 that Revelation is representing.
04:40 In verses 13 through 16,
04:42 it is representing the persecution
04:45 of the Middle Ages.
04:47 You say, "Now, how do you know that?"
04:49 Notice it said that the devil or the dragon
04:52 and the serpent was attacking the woman
04:54 where she fled into the wilderness
04:56 for what period of time?
04:58 A time, times and half a times.
05:02 And if you were here a few nights ago,
05:04 we've already learned
05:05 that is referring to the 1,260 years
05:09 of papal persecution
05:11 that happened during the Middle Ages.
05:13 In fact, Revelation 12:6 clearly tells us that time,
05:17 times, and half a time
05:18 and 1,260 days are the exact same thing.
05:22 Remember, we learned that papal Rome dominated
05:25 from 538 to 1798,
05:29 when church and state were united,
05:32 and anyone who refused
05:33 to follow the traditions of Rome,
05:35 anyone who wanted to follow only what the Bible said
05:39 was considered to be a heretic and they were persecuted.
05:44 And so it is this period of earth's history
05:47 that Revelation refers to the woman
05:49 or God's people having to hide in the wilderness
05:53 because this is the time of papal persecution.
05:57 It says that the serpent spews water out of its mouth,
06:00 that flood is the flood of persecution.
06:05 The second period of persecution
06:08 that has been mentioned is now in verse 17,
06:11 because apparently the dragon,
06:13 the serpent which is used interchangeably,
06:16 they're not successful in destroying God's people
06:19 during the Middle Ages.
06:20 So now in verse 17,
06:23 we're reaching to the end of time.
06:26 And now the dragon is persecuting the remnant,
06:30 God's end time people in the last days.
06:35 And what's significant about verse 17,
06:38 as I want you to notice
06:40 how it describes God's remnant at the end of time.
06:45 I want to read verse 17 again.
06:47 Revelation 12:17,
06:49 "The dragon was wroth with the woman,
06:52 and went to make war with the remnants of her seed,"
06:56 that means those that remain
06:58 and they are described in two ways.
07:02 "They keep the commandments of God,
07:05 and they have the," what?
07:07 "Testimony of Jesus Christ."
07:10 Now we have to stop here.
07:12 What Revelation is telling us is that in the last days,
07:17 there's going to be a special remnant movement.
07:21 There's going to be a movement of believers
07:25 who are going to come back to following the Bible
07:28 and the Bible alone.
07:30 And that remnant last day movement
07:33 is characterized in two ways.
07:36 Number one, they keep the commandments of God
07:41 and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
07:46 This is what we need to study tonight.
07:48 Because if God is saying at the end of time,
07:50 there's gonna be a remnant
07:52 and that remnant is gonna keep God's commandments,
07:55 they're gonna have the testimony of Jesus,
07:57 and they're gonna lead people back to the Bible
07:59 and the Bible alone away from the traditions
08:02 and the commandments of men, then here's our question.
08:06 How do I find God's remnant movement today?
08:11 How do I find this remnant movement
08:13 that is drawing people back to God's commandments,
08:16 bringing them back
08:18 to the testimony of Jesus Christ?
08:21 Because the truth is finding
08:22 that last day remnant movement that Revelation talks about,
08:27 that is no easy task in this confusing
08:31 religious world that we live in.
08:34 In fact, let me show you a statistic
08:35 from the Year Book of Churches.
08:37 Right now we are told that in the world today
08:41 there are approximately 244 different church denominations.
08:47 Now that's including those that are registered
08:50 with the government and have an official name.
08:52 If we were to add to that number,
08:55 all the smaller groups or smaller sects,
08:58 we would have a number of over 500.
09:00 And I want you to think about that.
09:02 One God, one Bible, one truth,
09:06 500 different faiths
09:08 with thousands and thousands of different doctrines,
09:12 that is confusing.
09:15 That's what causes people to throw up their hands
09:17 and say, "Well, I might as well forget it,
09:19 I will never be able to find truth,
09:21 I'll never be able to find God's remnant movement
09:25 in the last days that he talks about."
09:29 Now, I'm gonna ask a question
09:30 that really doesn't have a politically
09:32 correct answer to it.
09:34 When it comes to all of these different churches
09:37 and different groups that are in our world today,
09:41 can every church be right?
09:43 Yes or no?
09:44 They can't,
09:46 because some churches teach things
09:47 that are totally opposite of each other.
09:50 So someone's right and someone's wrong.
09:52 Now, it's not politically correct to say that,
09:55 but honestly, it's the truth.
09:58 One church says this, another church says that.
10:01 One preacher preaches this,
10:03 another preacher preaches the opposite.
10:05 How are we supposed to know where to find truth?
10:09 In fact, in churches today,
10:11 many times it can be a combination
10:14 of both truth and error,
10:17 a combination of what God says, and also what man says.
10:22 And that kind of a concoction
10:25 can be very, very deceptive.
10:29 So how do we make our way
10:32 through and through this confusing religious world
10:35 to be able to find truth?
10:37 How do we make our way through 500 groups
10:40 to find Revelation's special end time movement
10:45 that keeps the commandments of God
10:47 and has the testimony of Jesus Christ?
10:51 So here's what we're gonna do.
10:53 We're going to cover six principles
10:55 from the Bible this evening.
10:58 Principles that will help to guide us
11:01 in finding truth today,
11:03 principles that come not from my opinion,
11:06 not from yours,
11:08 not from some churches' interpretation,
11:10 but from the Bible and the Bible alone.
11:13 And when we apply these six principles
11:15 that we're going to study, it is going to enable us
11:19 to find God's remnant movement today,
11:22 and to shed light on some of the decisions
11:25 that we are having to make.
11:27 So we're gonna go through all six of these principles.
11:30 So are you ready to go? Can you say amen?
11:33 All right, the first one is found in 1 Corinthians 3:11.
11:39 And I'd like you to go ahead
11:40 and look all of these verses up with me.
11:43 1 Corinthians Chapter 3
11:45 and we want to begin in verse 11.
11:49 Now I need to look this up myself.
11:51 1 Corinthians 3:11.
11:54 Now it's just one sentence long,
11:57 but it is power packed with a foundational principle
12:01 that we need to understand today.
12:04 1 Corinthians 3:11.
12:09 The Bible says,
12:11 "For no other foundation can anyone lay
12:16 than that which is laid, which is," what?
12:20 "Jesus Christ." So let's stop.
12:22 Now that's pretty elementary,
12:23 but it's still nonetheless important.
12:26 Principle number one says,
12:28 if I want to find God's truth today,
12:30 if I want to find Revelation's remnant movement
12:34 at the end of time that is going to be a group
12:38 that is founded on Jesus Christ and His teachings.
12:43 Now, you may say, "Well, that's kind of understood."
12:46 But you see, you got to remember,
12:49 a true church of Jesus
12:51 is never going to put the teachings of a man
12:55 above the teachings of Jesus Christ.
12:58 It will never put the teachings of a prophet
13:01 above the teachings of Jesus.
13:03 It will never put the teachings of any earthly religious leader
13:09 above what Christ teaches in His Word.
13:12 Can you say amen?
13:14 See, when you're asking questions about the Bible,
13:17 when you're convicted about something Scripture says,
13:20 a commandment that says, we need to do this
13:22 or we need to refrain from that.
13:24 When I ask someone a question about the Bible,
13:27 and the answer I get is,
13:29 "Oh, well, that doesn't really matter."
13:32 That should be a red flag in our minds.
13:35 When I ask a question about the Bible,
13:38 and somebody says to me,
13:39 "Oh, well, that's done away with,
13:40 we don't need to worry about it anymore."
13:43 That's a red flag in my mind.
13:45 When I ask a question about the Bible,
13:48 and someone says to me,
13:50 "Oh, well, we just follow tradition
13:52 that's not the way we do things."
13:54 That's a red flag in my mind.
13:58 Because the Bible says when it comes to God's church,
14:01 when it comes to a remnant movement in the last days,
14:05 it's going to be founded on Jesus Christ
14:08 and His teachings in His Word.
14:11 Can you say amen?
14:12 That's the foundation, not what's popular,
14:16 not what man says or thinks, but on what Jesus says.
14:21 Because Paul right here says,
14:22 "Christ is the only foundation upon which we can build,"
14:26 and that includes His teachings and His Word.
14:31 So that's principle number one.
14:32 God's remnant movement of the last days
14:35 will be founded on Jesus Christ and His Word.
14:38 Now that one was pretty elementary.
14:41 Well, let's go to principle number two.
14:43 This one is found in 2 or 1 Timothy 3:15.
14:49 I'd like to invite you to turn there with me.
14:52 1 Timothy 3:15.
14:58 Now you actually want...
14:59 may want to write down all six of these principles,
15:03 and the scripture references
15:05 because it will guide you in your Christian walk.
15:09 1 Timothy 3:15.
15:14 And by the way, I'm gonna speak rather plainly tonight
15:17 since we have known each other for a month,
15:20 we've studied the Word of God together.
15:22 You know, there are times when God just wants
15:24 to come right out and tell it like it is
15:27 because He loves us.
15:28 Can you say amen?
15:30 There's times when God doesn't want to beat around the bush
15:32 because He doesn't want His people to be deceived,
15:35 He wants them to be on the right path.
15:38 And so there are principles in the Word of God
15:40 that sometimes we are tempted to skip,
15:44 because it has the tendency to step on our toes.
15:47 And let's be honest,
15:49 we humans, we don't like to have our toes stepped on,
15:52 but God's allowed to do that,
15:54 because He created us
15:56 and because He loves and cares for us.
15:58 So 1 Timothy 3:15,
16:02 the principle is in the last part of this verse.
16:06 The Bible says,
16:08 "But if I am delayed,
16:10 I write so that you may know
16:12 how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God,
16:17 which is the church of the living God."
16:19 And notice how he describes it,
16:21 "The pillar and ground of the," what?
16:24 "Truth."
16:26 Now we're gonna stop there for a second.
16:28 Notice that God describes His church
16:30 and that would include His remnant movement
16:33 as the pillar and ground of truth,
16:36 not the pillar and ground of tradition,
16:39 not the pillar and ground of popular teaching
16:41 or the way it's always been done,
16:44 but the pillar and ground of truth.
16:48 You see what's tempting to do in the Christian world today,
16:52 is to kind of throw away truth
16:55 and we're just gonna focus on the traditions
16:57 that we have always followed.
17:00 The temptation is to throw away what the Bible says
17:03 and let's just focus on what's popular
17:06 so that everybody will accept us.
17:08 That's the temptation in the religious world.
17:10 In fact, I'll tell you
17:12 what churches sometimes have to go through.
17:15 Every preacher has the desire, I would think, to have,
17:19 you know, a larger church with people coming
17:21 because they want to preach the Word of God,
17:23 they want to reach people.
17:25 Every preacher wants to be successful.
17:28 I mean, that's a good thing.
17:29 I mean, who would want to go to a church
17:31 with a preacher that says,
17:32 "Yep, I would like to be an absolute and utter failure."
17:34 Well, nobody wants to go to a church like that.
17:36 One should want to be successful,
17:39 but never at the cost of truth.
17:42 Can you say amen?
17:44 See, many times a church may choose to say,
17:47 "Well, you know,
17:48 if we preach too much of the hard truths
17:51 in the Word of God,
17:53 my attendance may go down."
17:56 You know, if I challenge people to grow spiritually,
17:59 I challenge them with God's commandments.
18:02 I don't know, the money in the offering plate
18:05 might get less and less.
18:07 And when the money in the offering plates
18:09 gets less, you can't pay your bills
18:13 and guess whose salary gets affected?
18:16 The pastor's salary.
18:19 See, the temptation is always there.
18:23 Now I don't know who's genuine and who's not.
18:25 God didn't leave that up to me to decide,
18:26 only God can read the heart.
18:28 But he says that His church and His remnant movement
18:33 is gonna be focused on what is called the pillar
18:35 and the ground of the truth.
18:37 I don't need to be concerned with what's popular,
18:40 I need to be concerned about being truthful
18:43 and about being faithful,
18:45 that's what God calls His church to do.
18:49 Yes, I may want a bigger church.
18:52 Yes, I may want to do big things for God.
18:55 But if it's causing me to compromise
18:58 what the Word of God teaches,
19:00 that's a problem and that's a red flag.
19:03 It's not worth it to compromise God's Word
19:05 to have a big church or to have a lot of money
19:08 flowing through the coffers.
19:11 Jesus says His church is the pillar
19:14 and the ground of the truth.
19:18 In fact, there's a phrase
19:19 that sometimes worries me a little bit
19:21 in this Christian world and I'll tell you why.
19:25 Many times I'll hear people say, "Well, you know what?
19:27 Doctrine doesn't matter, Jesus only, Jesus only."
19:34 Now, I'm gonna encourage you to be careful about that
19:36 because it sounds very good and religious on the surface,
19:41 but it can be very deceptive.
19:43 Now, I think we all agree, yes,
19:45 Jesus is all we need for salvation.
19:47 Can you say amen?
19:49 Doctrines not gonna save me, that's for sure.
19:52 Only Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
19:55 The fact that He shed His blood for me
19:58 that He gave me a gift I could never give for myself,
20:02 that He gives me His perfect righteous life
20:06 so that I can enter the kingdom of heaven.
20:08 All I need is Jesus for salvation.
20:11 But that doesn't mean that doctrine is not important.
20:16 Notice that God saw fit to put how many books
20:19 in the canon of the Bible, do you know?
20:22 Sixty six,
20:23 because it is filled with doctrinal teaching.
20:26 In fact, the word doctrine just means teaching.
20:29 It's important because for every doctrine of the Bible
20:33 that I don't understand,
20:35 I leave myself open to be deceived.
20:38 For every doctrine of Scripture,
20:41 that I misinterpret, there's something
20:43 that I'm not understanding about the character of God.
20:47 An example of that is when we studied
20:49 what happens when you die?
20:52 Now I'm sure there will be people in heaven
20:53 from the past who didn't know the truth of that.
20:57 But today, God knows how important it is
20:59 because if I don't know
21:02 what happens when a person dies,
21:04 I leave myself open to the devil's deceptions.
21:08 I leave myself open to spiritualism,
21:11 to things in the new age, to sA(C)ances
21:13 and communicating with the dead,
21:15 if I do not understand
21:17 what the Bible teaches about sleeping
21:19 and resting in the grave until Jesus comes.
21:22 That doctrine doesn't save me,
21:25 but it sure has the ability to keep me
21:27 from being deceived by the devil.
21:29 Can you say amen?
21:31 So that's why it's important for God's church,
21:33 even for His remnant movement of people at the end of time
21:37 to be focused on what is called the pillar
21:39 and the ground of truth.
21:42 In fact did you know, the Bible describes truth,
21:46 actually defines truth in three ways.
21:49 I want to show you the three.
21:51 In John 14:6, it says, "Jesus is the truth."
21:55 John 17:17 says, "God's word is the truth."
21:59 And Psalm 119:142 says, "God's law is the truth."
22:06 So God's remnant movement in the last days
22:10 that Revelation refers to is gonna uplift Jesus,
22:14 it's gonna uphold God's Word,
22:16 and it's going to uphold God's law,
22:19 because all of those three things are the truth,
22:23 according to the Bible.
22:25 That's principle number two.
22:28 Let's go to principle number three.
22:31 Now, this one is tempting to skip
22:34 because it's one of those hard hitting passages
22:37 that Jesus gives,
22:39 but we need to go to it
22:41 because the principles in it are valuable.
22:45 Go to Matthew Chapter 7 and let's go to verse 21.
22:50 Matthew Chapter 7
22:53 and we're gonna read verses 21 to 23.
22:57 And the reason this one catches my attention
23:01 is because it says something there about preachers.
23:05 Matthew 7:21,
23:07 now this is the words of Jesus.
23:11 The Bible says,
23:13 "Not everyone who says to me,
23:15 Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
23:20 but he who does the will of my Father in heaven."
23:26 Okay, now let's put the brakes on here
23:28 before we read the next few verses.
23:31 Do you catch what Jesus is saying here?
23:35 He's saying in the end,
23:37 there will be people who claim to be Christians,
23:41 people who claim to have known Him,
23:44 Lord, Lord, I've known You, I followed You.
23:48 And Jesus says to them, "I never knew you."
23:54 Now, folks, that's shocking.
23:56 Why?
23:58 Apparently they were Christians
24:01 who professed so on the outside,
24:04 but something was missing.
24:07 And the end of the verse tells us.
24:08 It says, "But he who does the will of the Father."
24:11 In other words,
24:13 these are people who profess to be Christians
24:16 verbally on the outside,
24:17 maybe they even sat in church pews.
24:21 But Jesus wants our experience to go beyond profession,
24:25 because apparently
24:26 they weren't doing the will of the Father.
24:28 You can profess anything,
24:31 but Jesus says, "We shall know them
24:32 by their," what?
24:34 By their fruits.
24:36 Were they doing the will of the Father?
24:38 And, of course, the question is,
24:40 where do you find the will of the Father?
24:44 In the Word of God.
24:46 See, its' one thing for me to say,
24:47 "Yes, I'm a Christian
24:49 and I know the Bible says this,
24:51 but I know God's Word asks this of me,
24:56 but I don't think it's important,
24:58 but I'd rather follow tradition,
25:01 and all of a sudden we call ourselves Christians
25:04 while we're making excuses and compromises
25:07 for some of the plain things
25:08 that are found in the Word of God.
25:11 This is what Jesus is talking about when He says,
25:13 "I never knew you."
25:16 See, what it's telling us here is obedience
25:19 is an important part of the Christian walk.
25:23 Now that doesn't mean my obedience saves me.
25:26 My obedience will never save me,
25:29 because I can't perfectly obey.
25:31 I was born with sin, I can't do that on my own.
25:34 It is Jesus' life that saves me,
25:36 so I can't be saved by my works.
25:39 But obedience is the evidence
25:43 that a higher power is working inside of me, amen?
25:47 It's the evidence that the Holy Spirit
25:49 is changing my mind and changing my heart
25:52 that I have chosen to follow Jesus.
25:54 So yes, according to this, obedience is important,
25:57 following the will of the Father.
26:00 But man, then when you go to verse 22,
26:03 that really gets my attention.
26:06 Verse 22 says,
26:09 "Many will say to me in that day,
26:12 Lord, Lord,
26:14 have we not prophesied in Your name?
26:17 Cast out demons in Your name,
26:20 and done many wonders in Your name?
26:24 And then I will declare to them,
26:26 I never knew you.
26:29 Depart from me,
26:31 you who practice lawlessness or iniquity."
26:38 Okay.
26:40 You see that part where it says,
26:42 "Lord, we've prophesied in Your name."
26:45 In a sense that can also be interpreted,
26:47 "Lord, we have preached in Your name."
26:51 Okay, that's hitting ministers which I am a little bit.
26:54 What is the deal here?
26:57 Is Jesus really saying that there will be ministers
27:00 who are lost?
27:03 Or people who have preached things in His name
27:06 and Jesus says, "I never knew you."
27:12 See, folks, this is why I take very seriously
27:14 preaching the Word of God.
27:16 And I realized,
27:17 I know that everything I say is not popular.
27:21 I realized that sometimes I teach things
27:23 that don't go along with the mainstream.
27:27 But it's because I'm responsible for teaching
27:30 what the Word of God says,
27:32 If I call myself a minister, or I could be a lay minister,
27:36 anyone who preaches the Word of God,
27:39 and I'm willing to skip something in the Word of God,
27:42 or I'm willing to compromise it,
27:45 just because I want to be liked.
27:48 I'm in danger of having Jesus say to me,
27:51 "I never knew you."
27:54 And I don't want that to happen.
27:57 I think we all realize
27:59 there's genuine religious leaders
28:03 and there's not so genuine religious leaders.
28:06 Now God hasn't set me up to judge who's who,
28:08 because I can't read a person's heart.
28:10 Only God can do that
28:12 and He hasn't set you up to do that either.
28:15 But we all know from past Christian history,
28:18 there are charlatans within the religious world,
28:20 can we agree on that?
28:22 False christs and false prophets.
28:27 See, if I'm willing to sacrifice
28:29 what the will of God is,
28:31 simply because I need a big church
28:34 or because I want to be like something is wrong.
28:37 Jesus says, "I need to preach truth."
28:42 But it goes farther.
28:45 In verse 22, it says,
28:48 "There are some who cast out demons
28:50 and did many wonders or miracles in His name.
28:54 And Jesus says, "I never knew you."
28:58 That's almost hard to fathom.
29:00 Because you would think, now wait a minute.
29:02 If they're doing miracles, they've got to be from God.
29:07 Not necessarily.
29:09 Remember, we learned the devil can do miracles
29:12 that he's not more powerful than God,
29:14 but he can do signs and wonders.
29:17 And the devil is happy to use a miracle worker,
29:20 if he can use that person to lead us away from the pillar
29:24 and ground of the truth.
29:26 He is happy to use an eloquent preacher,
29:29 if he can use that person
29:31 to lead us back to the traditions
29:33 and the commandments of men instead of what the Bible says.
29:39 So clearly, Jesus here is telling us
29:41 it's important to do to obey the will of the Father.
29:44 That's what His church should be doing,
29:46 that's what the remnant movement
29:48 of the last days will do, not just professing it,
29:51 but following the will of the Father,
29:53 as is found in Scripture.
29:55 Does that make sense?
29:57 In fact, did you know that
30:00 if you look at Christian history
30:02 all throughout Christian history,
30:04 God has always had a faithful group of people
30:07 that chose to go against the culture
30:11 and follow Him?
30:12 Let me show you this pattern not only from the Bible,
30:14 but throughout history.
30:16 Let's start with Noah.
30:18 Not long after God created the world,
30:20 we're already in the Book of Genesis
30:21 and the world is so wicked,
30:23 God's got to destroy it and start over again.
30:25 He calls Noah and his family out to follow Him.
30:30 Now, let me ask you a question.
30:32 Was Noah in the minority, yes or no?
30:34 Yep.
30:35 Was Noah persecuted? Yep.
30:37 And that you will find that many times
30:40 God's faithful people throughout history,
30:42 who wanted to uphold the Bible
30:44 and the Bible alone, almost,
30:46 always they were in the minority,
30:48 they were persecuted, and they were not liked.
30:52 That happened to Noah.
30:53 We could go to Abraham.
30:55 God calls Abraham out of Ur
30:57 to make a great nation out of him.
31:00 Was Abraham in the minority, yes or no?
31:02 Yeah.
31:04 Was Abraham persecuted?
31:05 At times.
31:08 What about the Israelites?
31:09 God called Israel out of Egypt?
31:12 Was Israel in the minority?
31:14 Yeah, compared to the pagan nations of the world.
31:17 Were they persecuted?
31:19 Yeah, the other nations hated them.
31:22 God called the Christian church out of the Jewish nation.
31:26 In the early Christian church
31:28 were Christians in the minority,
31:29 yes or no?
31:31 Yes.
31:32 Were they persecuted?
31:34 History tells us so.
31:35 We could go all the way to the Middle Ages.
31:38 God called the reformers out of Rome
31:41 to bring people back to the Bible,
31:43 were the reformers in the minority?
31:46 Yes.
31:47 Were the reformers persecuted?
31:50 Absolutely.
31:52 And then Revelation says,
31:54 "God is calling out a remnant of people
31:58 in the last days
32:00 who will keep the commandments of God."
32:03 So based on the pattern of biblical history,
32:06 would we expect that remnant to be in the minority,
32:09 yes or no?
32:10 Yep.
32:11 Would we expect that remnant to be persecuted?
32:13 Yep.
32:14 Would we expect that remnant to probably not be liked
32:17 by the world?
32:19 Indeed.
32:20 In fact, you know the early Christian church,
32:21 you know, what they used to say about them?
32:23 They used to say, "Oh, that sect," You know, S-E-C-T.
32:26 You know what, that's another word for?
32:27 That's like saying, "Oh, that cog that follows Jesus."
32:31 They were spoken negatively of.
32:34 God says you can expect that in His remnant movement
32:37 in the last days.
32:40 You may wonder why does God use that word remnant?
32:42 We don't use that a whole lot today.
32:45 Let me see if I can illustrate it for you
32:47 with a fun story really.
32:50 How many of you have ever been to a cloth shop
32:54 where you have to buy material to make things?
32:56 Can I see your hands?
32:57 Great, there're a couple men too, I'm actually surprised.
33:01 I want you to pretend
33:02 because there's no place more boring to a man
33:05 at least in my opinion than a cloth shop, okay.
33:08 But I want you to pretend that Marquita is gonna make a dress.
33:13 And so she takes David to the boring old cloth shop
33:16 and she looks around for the perfect material
33:19 that she wants to make a beautiful dress.
33:22 And let's say if she looks around,
33:24 she finds material that is red.
33:27 Now listen carefully.
33:28 What color is the material? Red.
33:30 The pattern is white polka dots.
33:33 And inside the white polka dots are diamonds.
33:39 Maybe I'm not that color coordinative.
33:41 So she takes that, she goes up to the clerk and she says,
33:43 "I'm gonna make a dress, give me 20 yards or whatever."
33:46 Well, that's probably too much, isn't it?
33:48 I've never made a dress in my life,
33:49 I wouldn't know.
33:51 So she just asked for enough to make a dress.
33:54 She takes her home and starts working on it.
33:56 And as she works on it, she finds out lo and behold,
33:58 she doesn't have enough.
34:00 So she's gotta drag me back to the boring old cloth shop,
34:04 I sit around while she looks for this material
34:07 and she can't find it.
34:09 So she goes to the clerk and says,
34:11 "Where can I find this material to finish my dress?"
34:14 And where is the clerk going to point her?
34:18 To the remnant then, the material that's left over,
34:22 so she goes searching in the remnant then.
34:26 If she wants to find the remnant material,
34:30 what color is that material going to be?
34:32 Red.
34:34 And what's the pattern gonna be in it?
34:36 White polka dots
34:37 and what's gonna be in the polka dots?
34:39 Diamonds.
34:40 So what we're saying is, the remnant material
34:43 is going to be just like the original.
34:48 Perhaps that's why God uses the word remnant.
34:51 That in the last days God is calling His church
34:54 to be like the original early Christian church
34:57 founded on Jesus,
34:58 founded on His Word, founded on the pillar
35:01 and ground of the truth, just like the original.
35:06 Perhaps that's why God uses that word.
35:09 But it goes farther, we've got to finish the principles here.
35:12 Principle number four.
35:13 Principle number four
35:15 is probably the most powerful of them all.
35:18 And this one I've printed on the screen.
35:20 I'm gonna go back to Revelation 12:17.
35:23 It says,
35:25 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman,"
35:28 you know, God's people, "and went to make war
35:31 with the remnant of her seed,"
35:33 you know, those that remain in the last days,
35:36 "Who keep the commandments of God,
35:40 and have the testimony of Jesus."
35:44 I gotta stop there.
35:47 It describes the remnant in two powerful ways
35:51 and I want to focus on the first one, notice.
35:54 What do they keep?
35:56 The commandments of God.
35:59 That's what God's church will be doing
36:01 at the end of time.
36:03 So right there if I want to find a church
36:06 that is part of this remnant movement,
36:10 the biggest clue it's telling me right there.
36:13 And what I'm about to say is not politically correct,
36:16 but I'm okay with it
36:17 because this is what the Bible says.
36:19 That means any group that says,
36:22 "God's law is done away with,
36:26 God's law is nailed to the cross,
36:29 God's law isn't important anymore,"
36:33 cannot be part of this remnant movement.
36:36 Because Revelation says,
36:38 "The people of the last days
36:40 keep the commandments of God."
36:44 Now, I didn't say that,
36:46 God said it,
36:48 and included with that is the Bible Sabbath.
36:54 They're not gonna say, "Oh, well, I'll keep 8 out of 10."
36:57 "Lord, I'll keep 9 out of 10."
36:59 But Lord, don't ask me to love You
37:01 and follow You with all of my heart.
37:06 See, James says when we break one,
37:08 we break them all.
37:10 And truthfully when sometimes when you ask people
37:13 most places are okay with nine of the commandments.
37:16 If I would have asked them, "Well, you know,
37:18 if the law is done away with can I worship other gods?
37:21 No, no, no, no, you shouldn't do that.
37:23 Can I bow down to some graven images
37:25 just for the fun of it?
37:26 No, no, you shouldn't do that.
37:28 Well, how about can I cuss when I get mad
37:29 and use God's name in vain?
37:31 Oh, no.
37:32 Well, how about when my parents tick me off?
37:33 Do I still have to honor them?
37:35 Absolutely.
37:36 Well, can I kill people when they irk me?
37:38 Oh, no.
37:40 Well, what about stealing?
37:41 You know I can fudge some things on my taxes.
37:43 Oh, no, a Christian should be honest.
37:44 Well, you know, I'm married,
37:46 can I have some fun on the side.
37:48 Absolutely not.
37:49 Well, what about coveting?
37:51 Can I covet? Can I bear false witness?
37:53 Oh, no, we should honor those things.
37:55 Oh, what about remember the Sabbath day?
37:58 Oh, well, that one's done away with.
38:01 That's the only one we seem to not like.
38:04 But Revelation says,
38:06 "God's remnant movement will keep His commandments.
38:08 That includes the seventh day Sabbath."
38:13 Maybe that's why Revelation 14:7
38:15 actually quotes that commandment
38:17 because God's bringing His people back to it.
38:21 Why would we want to do away with a very command
38:25 that represents a memorial to God's creation?
38:29 That symbolizes that He is the authority
38:32 in the entire universe.
38:35 So point number four,
38:37 they keep the commandments of God.
38:39 To be honest, when you add that with the Sabbath,
38:42 that's gonna narrow down the list very, very quickly.
38:47 Principle number five.
38:49 Let's go to Matthew 24:14.
38:52 Matthew Chapter 24
38:54 and we want to go to verse 14 here.
38:59 The Bible says,
39:01 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached," where?
39:06 "In all the world as a witness to all the nations
39:10 and then the end will come."
39:14 And notice what Jesus said,
39:16 what has to happen before He comes?
39:21 The gospels got to go to all the world.
39:23 Now the early church was very close to doing that,
39:26 they took it to all the then known world,
39:28 not the whole world, but all the then known world.
39:32 So that means if God's remnant movement
39:34 is just like the original,
39:36 then it's going to be a movement
39:38 that is serious about taking the gospel to the world,
39:41 to every people group, every language, every tongue,
39:45 because the remnant movement is gonna have the same passion
39:48 that the original Christian church did
39:50 that was founded on Jesus Christ.
39:52 Does that make sense?
39:54 It's going to be working in all 220 whatever countries
39:58 there are in the world today, I don't know that exact number
40:00 because they keep changing.
40:02 But it's important.
40:03 It means that God's church in the last days,
40:06 He doesn't want a remnant movement
40:08 that is just focused on building huge monstrosities
40:12 of a structure and focusing only on their neighborhood.
40:15 Now, yes, of course,
40:17 our neighborhood is certainly a mission field.
40:19 But it's gonna be an organized movement
40:21 that is taking the gospel to the world.
40:24 It's gonna be a movement
40:25 where God's not looking for pew warmers
40:28 to sit in a seat once a week
40:30 and listen to one person do all the work.
40:33 He wants a remnant movement of people
40:36 who are willing to use their time, their talents
40:39 and their money for the Lord Jesus Christ.
40:42 Can you say amen?
40:43 Because that's what the early Christian church did,
40:45 that's why they changed the world.
40:49 God says, "His last day movement
40:51 will be just like the original and they will be serious
40:55 and passionate about mission.
40:59 Principle number six.
41:02 For this one, we have to go back to Revelation Chapter 14.
41:06 Because did you know the Bible actually tells us
41:09 what message He wants His end time church
41:13 to be preaching.
41:15 Revelation 14,
41:17 and we're gonna start in verse 6.
41:20 Now I'm gonna go through some of these a little more rapidly
41:23 because we have studied this previously,
41:25 Revelation 14:6,
41:27 this is the three angels' message.
41:29 Three angels that have got three important messages
41:32 that have got to go to all the world.
41:35 Verse 6, the Bible says,
41:39 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
41:43 having the everlasting gospel to preach
41:46 to those who dwell on the earth,
41:48 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
41:52 Do you notice how all inclusive it's got to be?
41:55 I mean, Revelation makes a point to say every nation,
41:58 tribe, tongue, and people."
42:01 But notice the first message
42:02 which we've already read before,
42:05 saying with a loud voice, "Fear God,
42:07 give glory to Him,
42:09 for the hour of His judgment has come,
42:11 worship Him who made the heaven and the earth,
42:15 and the sea, and the springs of water.
42:19 Now I want to put this on the screen.
42:21 What's the message of the first angel?
42:22 Which by the way, does this literally mean
42:25 that God is gonna send three angels
42:27 to take this message to the world?
42:30 I mean, angels are messengers,
42:31 God didn't send angels
42:33 to produce or promote the gospel.
42:35 Who has been given the responsibility
42:37 of taking the gospel to the world?
42:39 We have. That is God's church.
42:41 So this is really referring to what God's end time church
42:44 is supposed to be doing.
42:46 Number one,
42:48 if they're gonna be preaching that Jesus is coming soon,
42:50 that's what it means when it says
42:51 the hour of His judgment has come,
42:53 Jesus is coming soon.
42:56 And at the end of verse 7,
42:58 where it talks about worship Him
43:00 who made the heaven and the earth?
43:01 That is a direct quote from the fourth commandment
43:05 of God's law, the Sabbath.
43:07 In other words,
43:08 they're gonna be directing people
43:10 to remember the Sabbath,
43:11 and to come back to God's holy law.
43:14 And that makes sense,
43:16 because Revelation 12:17 told us,
43:18 "The remnant will keep the commandments of God,"
43:22 not 8 out of 10, not 9 out of 10,
43:24 all the commandments.
43:26 But then we go to the second angel.
43:28 Now we haven't studied this one yet.
43:30 This is the second angel's message.
43:31 Now it's pretty short. Let's just read it in verse 8.
43:35 The Bible says,
43:38 "And another angel followed, saying,
43:41 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen,
43:45 that great city,
43:47 because she has made all nations drink
43:49 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
43:53 You say, now what in the world is that?
43:56 Now we're gonna study this shortly.
43:58 But I want you to take the term Babylon,
44:00 obviously this is a symbolic term.
44:02 Do you know what book in the Bible
44:04 Babylon is first mentioned in?
44:06 Do you know?
44:08 It's actually back in the Book of Genesis.
44:10 Remember the story about the Tower of Babel.
44:14 You know, they eventually formed Babylon.
44:16 Think of what happened in the Tower of Babel?
44:19 Men were trying to defy God.
44:22 They said, "We don't want to follow God's Word
44:23 and God's law.
44:25 We want to live our own way.
44:26 We want to follow our own doctrines.
44:28 So here's what we're gonna to do.
44:29 We're gonna build a tower as high as the heavens
44:32 to defy God.
44:33 And that way we can live as we please.
44:36 And if God tries to destroy this world with a flood,
44:38 again, will just go up in this great tower
44:41 and He can't touch us.
44:43 It was an attitude of defiance and rebellion.
44:47 And you remember how God stopped that?
44:49 What did He do?
44:51 He confused their language.
44:53 One simple act,
44:55 and then they eventually went off
44:56 and formed different people groups.
44:57 So see, Babylon is pointing us back to this confusion.
45:02 And when Revelation is referring to it,
45:05 saying Babylon is fallen,
45:06 it's referring to the religious confusion
45:10 that has come into the Christian world today.
45:12 Thousands of different doctrines,
45:14 traditions, commandments of men,
45:17 500 different faiths.
45:19 I mean, Revelation is warning us,
45:21 in a sense, parts of Christianity
45:24 have fallen away from the Bible.
45:28 Babylon is fallen,
45:30 there is religious confusion.
45:32 And so God is telling His people,
45:34 He wants His church to be drawing people
45:37 back to what the Bible says,
45:39 away from the commandments of men,
45:41 away from all this religious confusion.
45:44 That's what His end time church will be preaching.
45:48 But then there's the third angel's message.
45:51 Now we've studied that one, so I'm just gonna summarize it.
45:54 It warns about the antichrist, and the image
45:57 and the mark of the beast.
46:00 God's church will not shy away
46:01 from talking about that subject.
46:05 So let's put the six principles on the screen here.
46:08 Now that we've covered them all,
46:09 let's summarize them.
46:11 Principle one,
46:13 God's remnant movement in the last days
46:15 is founded on Jesus Christ and His teachings.
46:19 Number two,
46:21 it's founded on the pillar and ground of the truth.
46:24 Number three, it will do the will of God,
46:27 not just profess it.
46:29 Number four, they keep the commandments of God,
46:33 which would include the Bible Sabbath.
46:35 Number five, they're taking the gospel to all the world.
46:39 And number six,
46:40 preaching the message of Revelation 14.
46:44 Now, how many will agree,
46:46 all six of those principles came from the Bible
46:49 and the Bible alone?
46:50 Can I see your hands?
46:52 Did I make any of those things up?
46:54 Did you make any of them up?
46:56 Did Pastor Mark make any of them up?
46:57 None.
46:58 They all came straight from the Word of God.
47:01 So if you and I will take these six biblical principles,
47:06 it will guide us on our Christian journey
47:09 as to where God is leading.
47:13 When you discover truth from the Bible,
47:16 when you find out that maybe
47:18 what you thought before isn't true,
47:20 if I will apply these principles,
47:22 God will make my path clear.
47:26 You have to judge churches by these principles.
47:29 You have to judge preachers and speakers
47:31 by these principles.
47:33 You judge your church with them,
47:35 I have to judge whatever church I fellowship with.
47:39 And I'm confident that if we apply them,
47:42 God's light will shine
47:44 and we will know where He is leading.
47:47 Can you say amen?
47:49 Now the time that we have left,
47:50 I've got about 10 minutes or so left.
47:53 I'd like to take a moment
47:55 and share just a little bit
47:56 of my own personal testimony with you,
47:58 is that okay?
48:00 I haven't had a lot of time in this series
48:02 because there's so many topics we've covered,
48:04 to throw a little bit of my own testimony in here.
48:08 It's because of those six points
48:10 that are on the screen.
48:12 Those are one of the big reasons
48:14 that I myself have chosen
48:16 to be a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
48:20 Because I believe
48:21 the Seventh-day Adventist fellowship
48:23 is helping to fulfill that prophecy
48:26 of Revelation 12:17.
48:28 You know, that prophecy of a remnant movement
48:31 that draws people back to the commandments of God,
48:34 and back to the Word of God.
48:37 Now I recognize being part of a church
48:39 isn't going to save anybody,
48:40 just because you're on a membership role somewhere.
48:44 And God doesn't expect us
48:45 to just simply follow churches blindly.
48:48 He wants us to follow Jesus, Can you say amen?
48:51 But if I find a fellowship that is following Jesus,
48:55 that's following the commandments of God,
48:57 that is truly seeking to uphold
48:59 the Bible above everything else,
49:02 then I am willing to be part of that church fellowship.
49:06 Now that church fellowship stops following truth,
49:10 I can tell you, I'll be gone tomorrow.
49:12 The reason I choose to fellowship
49:13 with the Seventh-day Adventist Church
49:15 is not because I think Seventh-day Adventists
49:18 are holier or more righteous than anybody else
49:21 are going to get to heaven before anybody else.
49:23 But I want to be part of a place
49:26 that is in this remnant movement
49:28 that is lifting up Jesus,
49:30 drawing people back to the Bible
49:32 and away from the traditions and the commandments of men.
49:36 I'm willing to lend my time, my talents,
49:39 and even money to that kind of a movement.
49:42 Can you say amen?
49:43 See, we may not follow churches,
49:45 but we're following Jesus.
49:48 Now, you may say, well, now, Pastor Dave,
49:51 are you putting down other churches?
49:54 Certainly not.
49:56 God has His people in every religious fellowship.
50:02 People who are seeking to live up to all the light
50:06 that they do know.
50:07 They may not have had the privilege
50:09 to hear some things that you've heard of this seminar.
50:12 But the Bible tells me that in the end,
50:14 as this remnant movement grows,
50:16 that when people who truly love Jesus
50:19 hear the Word of God and hear the truth,
50:21 they will choose to follow it.
50:23 I'll tell you what made a difference for me.
50:27 I sat where you sat 20 years ago,
50:29 believe it or not.
50:31 I went to a seminar similar to this.
50:33 Now, I grew up in an Adventist church home,
50:36 my parents were Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
50:39 But that's not why I chose to be one.
50:41 Regardless of what faith affiliation you grow up in,
50:45 there comes a time for every person
50:48 when they have got to choose for themselves.
50:52 You don't just do something because mom and dad did it
50:55 or your family do it,
50:56 though that may be a big influence.
50:58 You got to study Scripture for yourself.
51:01 And I remember as I studied the Bible,
51:03 and what the Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches,
51:05 I thought, wow,
51:07 this is following the commandments of God.
51:10 And then I sat in a seminar like this for the first time.
51:13 And I was at every night, except one,
51:15 I only missed one night with a friend of mine.
51:18 His name was Leo, he was a preacher.
51:20 And I remember as I sat,
51:22 every night looking up these verses,
51:25 it all began to connect for me.
51:27 I mean, I was probably, I think I was probably 20
51:29 or 21 years old.
51:31 Like, whoa, this makes perfect sense.
51:33 And it was during that seminar that God laid on my heart,
51:37 that's what I want to do.
51:39 I want to preach the Bible, like He is.
51:45 Doesn't mean that
51:46 people from other churches aren't sincere.
51:50 But God said, "He's leading His people into truth."
51:53 That's why Jesus said in John 10:16, He said,
51:58 "And other sheep I have which are not of this fold,
52:02 them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice,
52:06 and there will be one flock
52:08 and there will be one shepherd."
52:11 See, right now, the Adventist Church is actually a movement,
52:14 I don't really consider it a denomination.
52:17 It's actually the fastest growing
52:19 Protestant movement in the entire world right now,
52:23 a movement that is based on bringing people
52:25 back to the commandments of God,
52:28 and the Word of God.
52:30 Now just so, you know, this is how it began.
52:33 It began back in the 1800s.
52:34 If you remember,
52:36 when papal persecution was over,
52:39 which it ended around 1798,
52:41 when the pope lost its power back then.
52:44 It was at that time many people flocked to America,
52:47 there was religious freedom, Bible Societies were formed.
52:51 And for one of the first times people had freedom
52:53 to study God's Word without persecution.
52:56 And so what happened is people from all faiths came together,
53:00 Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians,
53:03 they said, "Let's study the Bible."
53:05 And as they did,
53:07 they discovered there were many truths
53:10 from God's Word
53:11 that had been buried beneath centuries of tradition
53:15 that came from papal Rome of the Middle Ages.
53:18 And that group of people
53:20 from all different faiths decided,
53:21 you know what?
53:23 Let's unite together,
53:24 and let's form a movement that goes back to the Bible
53:27 and the Bible alone,
53:29 and back to the commandments of God.
53:32 And you know, those people from all those different faiths
53:35 eventually formed what would be known
53:37 as the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
53:41 That's why I choose to be a part of it.
53:43 I won't be saved, nobody will be saved
53:45 because of the name they wear.
53:47 But God said, there's a remnant,
53:50 and God's drawing His people back to His Word,
53:53 not traditions, not men's teachings,
53:57 but His commandments and the testimony of Jesus.
54:02 In Revelation 18,
54:04 God calls His people to come out of error
54:08 and into truth.
54:09 And I want to stand by focusing
54:11 on this very important passage from Scripture.
54:14 We have not looked this up yet, Revelation 18.
54:17 I want to read verses 1 through 4.
54:20 Revelation 18:1-4.
54:26 The Bible describes this.
54:29 "After these things,
54:32 I saw another angel coming down from heaven,
54:36 having great authority,
54:38 and the earth was illuminated with his glory.
54:41 And he cried mightily with a loud voice saying,"
54:44 now notice, "Babylon the Great is what?
54:48 Fallen is fallen, then it gets real poetic,
54:51 and has become a dwelling place of demons,
54:54 a prison for every foul spirit,
54:56 a cage for every unclean
54:58 and hated bird for all the nations,
55:02 how many of the nations,
55:03 all the nations have drunk
55:05 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
55:08 The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
55:12 and the merchants of the earth
55:13 have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.
55:17 And I heard another voice from heaven saying,
55:20 now listen,
55:22 "Come out of her,
55:24 My people."
55:27 What is this referring to here?
55:29 What is God telling His people to come out of here?
55:32 Remember what we learned Babylon is.
55:35 Babylon symbolizes that system of religious confusion
55:39 and false doctrines,
55:41 and see the wine that's went throughout the world.
55:44 That was the wine of Babylon,
55:46 the false doctrine from all the Middle Ages,
55:49 that came from Rome and made its way
55:52 and even into parts of Christianity today.
55:55 God is warning us
55:56 that wine has made all the nations drunk
56:00 or intoxicated,
56:02 because for 1,260 years people were pulled away
56:06 from the Word of God.
56:07 And some of those traditions still exist today.
56:11 And so what does God call His people to do?
56:15 He says, "Come out of Babylon,
56:20 come away from the tradition.
56:23 Come away from the commandments of men,
56:26 come out."
56:28 And let's come back to following the Bible
56:31 and the Bible alone.
56:33 Let's base our faith on the commandments of God,
56:37 and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
56:42 You see, my friends,
56:44 it's really simply a call
56:46 to put Jesus above everyone else,
56:49 and to put the Bible above everything else.
56:54 The question is how you
56:55 and I will choose to respond to that call?
56:58 Am I willing to come out of Babylon?
57:01 Am I willing to come out of things
57:03 that may be popular but based on tradition?
57:07 Am I willing to come out of the commandments of men?
57:11 And am I willing to say, Lord Jesus,
57:13 I will stand on the truth of Your Word,
57:17 and I will follow You with all my heart,
57:21 all my soul, all my mind,
57:24 no more excuses.
57:26 Because if You laid your life down on Calvary for me,
57:30 I will pick up my cross and I will follow you,
57:33 because You have prepared a place for me
57:36 in the kingdom of heaven.
57:39 When you come out of Babylon, yeah, there may be challenges.
57:43 But Jesus says, He never leaves you
57:45 and He never forsakes you.
57:47 And the peace that one has
57:50 when they know they have left other things aside
57:53 and Jesus is number one in their life,
57:55 that peace outweighs any challenge
57:59 the devil can throw your way.


Revised 2019-10-14