Discover Prophecy Ministries

Discover Revelation's Antichrist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000013A

00:09 Today, there are a lot of people
00:12 who are very confused
00:13 when it comes to Bible prophecy.
00:16 And one of the reasons is because the Books of Daniel
00:19 and Revelation are different from other books of the Bible.
00:23 They're filled with all sorts of strange beasts
00:26 and symbolisms.
00:27 And people don't always know what to do with them.
00:30 And as a result, over the centuries,
00:32 people have come up with some very strange
00:35 and some very interesting interpretations.
00:38 And because of that, there are many people today
00:41 who will tell you, "Oh, you shouldn't study
00:44 the Book of Revelation.
00:45 You can't understand it."
00:47 And there will even be churches
00:49 who will tell you don't read that book,
00:51 because it'll just make a religious fanatic out of you.
00:55 But, friends, God has put Revelation
00:58 in the Bible for a reason.
00:59 Can you say amen?
01:01 And He himself pronounces a blessing
01:04 on those who study it.
01:06 Notice what it says in Revelation 1:3.
01:10 The Bible says, "Blessed is he who reads
01:15 and those who hear the words of the prophecy of this book,
01:20 and keeps those things which are written in it
01:23 for the time is," what?
01:25 "It is near."
01:27 See, God pronounces a threefold blessings
01:29 on those who study Revelation.
01:32 He blesses those who read it, He blesses those who hear it,
01:36 and He blesses those who keep or obey the things
01:40 that are written in it.
01:42 So that tells us
01:44 that even with the subject of antichrist,
01:46 God has a special blessing in store.
01:50 Now, as we journey into this subject,
01:52 there's something that we need to understand
01:54 about the word antichrist itself.
01:58 Notice the prefix anti.
02:01 Traditionally we think that that prefix anti
02:05 refers to being against something.
02:08 But the word anti can also mean in place of
02:13 or in the stead of something.
02:15 So when we're talking about antichrist,
02:18 we're not necessarily looking for an atheistic power
02:22 that denies the existence of God all together.
02:25 What we're looking for, is something that seeks
02:29 to take God's place on this earth
02:32 or something that seeks to usurp His divine authority.
02:36 In other words, something that claims to have power
02:40 that is only available to God and to God alone,
02:43 antichrist in the stead of or in the place of Christ.
02:48 So that itself gives us a big clue
02:51 as to what we're looking for.
02:53 And so people ask the question, "Is the Beast a person?"
02:58 Some people thought that when Adolf Hitler
03:00 was around in World War II that maybe he was the beast.
03:04 Because he murdered 6 million Jews
03:06 and he brought many of the world powers
03:08 into conflict.
03:10 But that didn't work out.
03:11 Some people thought
03:13 Saddam Hussein might be the beast,
03:15 because he was a powerful leader
03:17 in the Middle East.
03:18 And that didn't happen.
03:20 Others have even conjecture
03:21 that certain presidents of the United States
03:24 from the past might be the beast,
03:26 because apparently their names equaled 666.
03:30 But that didn't happen either.
03:32 Some wonder well, "Is the Beast an organization?
03:37 Is it some sort of political kingdom?
03:39 Is it a religious kingdom?"
03:41 Maybe it's the United Nations or maybe it's the Illuminati,
03:45 is it an organization?
03:47 And then some people wonder "What does 666 mean?"
03:51 And they become very wary of anything
03:54 that even closely resembles that number.
03:58 Well, I got good news for you tonight.
04:00 Did you know that based on the clues
04:02 that both Daniel and Revelation give us,
04:05 the Bible answers every one of those questions
04:08 in a very clear and a very understandable way.
04:11 So let's begin with the most significant chapter
04:15 about the beast in the Book of Revelation.
04:17 Let's go to Revelation Chapter 13.
04:21 You want to take your Bibles and we're going to Revelation,
04:24 and we're going to start in Chapter 13.
04:27 This is the chapter in the apocalyptic book
04:31 that tells us the most about the beast.
04:35 The Bible says,
04:37 "Then I stood on the sand of the sea,
04:41 and I saw a," what?
04:43 "A beast rising up out of the sea,
04:46 having seven heads and ten horns,
04:50 and on his horns ten crowns,
04:52 and on his heads a blasphemous name.
04:56 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard,
04:59 his feet was like the feet of a bear,
05:01 and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion.
05:04 The dragon gave him his power,
05:06 his throne, and great authority.
05:10 And I saw one of his heads
05:12 as if it had had been mortally wounded,
05:15 and the deadly wound was healed.
05:19 And all the world marveled and followed the beast."
05:24 Verse 4, "So they worshiped the dragon
05:28 who gave authority to the beast,
05:30 and they worship the beast, saying, 'Who is like the beast?
05:34 Who is able to make war against him?'
05:38 And he was given a mouth speaking great things
05:41 and blasphemies,
05:43 and he was given authority to continue," for how long?
05:47 "Forty-two months.
05:49 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
05:53 to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle,
05:57 and those who dwell in heaven.
05:59 And it was granted him to make war with the saints
06:02 and to overcome them.
06:04 And authority was given him over every tribe,
06:08 tongue, and nation."
06:11 Now I'm going to stop there.
06:13 That's quite a description, don't you think?
06:15 And right there within that passage,
06:18 John gives us many different clues about the beast
06:23 that we need to be able to look at.
06:25 So let's start with the first.
06:26 The first question is this beast
06:29 that John is describing,
06:31 would you say it's a frightening looking beast,
06:33 yes or no?
06:35 Yeah, I mean, it's made up of all these parts.
06:37 It's got the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear,
06:40 the mouth of a lion.
06:42 Now, is that meant to be literal or symbolic,
06:44 what do you think?
06:46 Sure, it symbolizes something that doesn't mean
06:48 that antichrist is literally going to be
06:50 this weird conglomeration of different animals.
06:54 So the question is, what does a beast symbolize
06:57 in Bible prophecy?
06:59 And you will find that Daniel gives us the answer.
07:02 In Daniel 7:23, which we're going to study
07:05 in a few minutes.
07:06 Daniel tells us what a beast represents
07:09 in Bible prophecy.
07:10 Notice what it says.
07:12 "The fourth beast shall be a fourth," what?
07:16 "Kingdom on earth."
07:18 So, right here from the Bible and the Bible alone,
07:22 it's already telling us that a beast represents
07:26 a kingdom or a power.
07:29 So from the beginning, it's telling us
07:32 antichrist cannot be simply one man
07:36 who only rises at the end of time,
07:39 because the Bible just told us a beast represents a kingdom.
07:45 So we know that much so far.
07:48 Well, let's keep going on.
07:49 It says that this beast rises from where,
07:53 in verses 1 and 2?
07:55 From the sea.
07:56 So the beast rises up out of the waters.
08:00 Is that significant?
08:02 And you find that it is.
08:03 Because in the Book of Revelation,
08:06 the seas or the waters
08:08 are meant to symbolize something.
08:11 You say, "Well, what does it represent?"
08:13 Well, instead of guessing or taking our own opinion,
08:16 let's allow the Bible to give us the interpretation.
08:20 So we're going to have to just go to Revelation 17:15,
08:24 which I'm putting on the screen.
08:25 Now, this is a different vision.
08:26 We're not going to study this vision tonight.
08:29 But the angel does say something to John
08:32 and tells him what waters represent in Bible prophecy.
08:36 Revelation 17:15.
08:38 The Bible says, "The waters which you saw,
08:43 where the harlot sits, are," what?
08:46 "Peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues."
08:50 In other words, water or seas in Bible prophecy
08:55 is meant to represent multitudes of people
08:59 of different languages.
09:01 So just those two clues tell us that antichrist is a kingdom
09:06 that is going to rise
09:08 in a populated area of the world
09:11 where there are multitudes of people.
09:14 Now that's not based on what I think,
09:16 that's based on what the Bible and the Bible alone says.
09:20 So those are our first two clues.
09:23 But let's keep going
09:24 because Revelation 13 says more.
09:28 Revelation 13 says
09:29 that the dragon gives it its power.
09:33 Now in Revelation, who's the dragon?
09:35 We've already studied that.
09:36 Yeah, that's Satan.
09:38 So the devil has something to do
09:41 with working behind the scenes,
09:43 to make sure this kingdom rises to power or to dominance.
09:49 We're told that this beast has a deadly wound
09:53 that will eventually be, what?
09:55 Healed.
09:57 So somehow this kingdom loses power
09:59 for a short time,
10:01 but then quickly regains it.
10:04 John also told us that people worship the beast.
10:10 Now that gives us a clue
10:12 that it's not only a political kingdom,
10:15 but it must be religious in some way
10:18 because people worship it.
10:22 It says that this kingdom, this beast blasphemes God
10:26 or seeks to cover up His Word or speak against God,
10:31 and has power for, how long?
10:34 Now we got to do a little calculation there.
10:36 Remember the prophetic principle of interpretation
10:39 we learned a few nights ago, that in Bible prophecy,
10:44 one day symbolizes, what?
10:46 One year. One year.
10:47 So we got to do some calculations here.
10:50 If I want to know how many days are in a 42 month period,
10:55 then I go 42 times 30, because the Bible calendar
10:59 upon which this is based always had 30 days in a month.
11:03 So 42 times 30 comes to what number, you tell me?
11:07 One thousand two hundred and sixty days.
11:09 Twelve hundred and sixty days.
11:11 Apply the day for a year principle,
11:14 and what its saying is the beast,
11:17 this antichrist kingdom
11:20 rules for 1260 years.
11:25 Again, that tells us that cannot be one man
11:27 because one man does not live that long.
11:30 And then lastly, Revelation 13 tells us
11:34 that it persecutes God's saints,
11:37 so it's going to be a persecuting power.
11:42 Now, right there in Revelation 13,
11:45 we might even be able to figure out
11:47 who or what it is
11:49 just based on that chapter alone,
11:51 because it gave us some very significant clues.
11:57 However, does Revelation 13 come right out and tell us
12:01 who or what it is, yes or no?
12:03 It doesn't. So guess what we have to do?
12:07 We have to go to another part of the Bible
12:11 that's going to fill in the blanks for us.
12:14 So we can keep our finger on Revelation 13,
12:17 but now we're going to take a look at Daniel Chapter 7.
12:21 So I want you to turn there in your Bibles.
12:25 Daniel 7:1.
12:28 The Bible says,
12:30 "In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon,
12:35 Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed.
12:41 Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts.
12:45 Daniel spoke, saying, 'I saw in my vision by night,
12:50 and behold the four winds of heaven
12:53 were stirring up the Great Sea.
12:56 And four great beasts came up from the sea,
13:00 each different from the other.'"
13:03 So here's what Daniel sees, four beasts rise,
13:07 four nations that would have worldwide dominance
13:10 from the time of Daniel onward.
13:13 So let's briefly take a look at each of these beasts.
13:16 Let's start with the first beast,
13:18 which is described in verse 4.
13:22 If you are in Daniel 7:4 with me,
13:24 let me hear you say, amen.
13:26 Amen. All right, Daniel 7:4.
13:29 The Bible says, "The first was like a lion,
13:34 and had eagle's wings.
13:37 I watched till its wings were plucked off,
13:40 and it was lifted up from the earth
13:43 and made to stand on two feet like a man,
13:46 and a man's heart was given to it."
13:50 So here we see a picture of a winged lion.
13:53 And the question is,
13:55 who is that supposed to represent?
13:57 Well, you'll find the Bible and archaeology
14:00 make this very clear and understandable.
14:03 What was the nation
14:04 that dominated the world in Daniel's day?
14:06 Do you remember?
14:08 It was Babylon,
14:09 also represented by the head of gold
14:12 in Daniel Chapter 2.
14:13 You see what, how do you know that's Babylon?
14:16 First of all, in the Old Testament,
14:19 God represented Babylon as a lion.
14:22 Did you know that?
14:24 Read Jeremiah 4:7, because God told Israel
14:28 that if they don't stop being unfaithful to Him
14:30 and worshiping other gods, He said,
14:32 "The lion will come out of the thicket
14:35 and destroy you."
14:38 What nation was it that conquered Jerusalem
14:41 and took the Jews into captivity?
14:44 Nebuchadnezzar and the nation of Babylon.
14:48 Secondly, archaeology had just have discovered
14:52 that when they have unearthed the ruins of Babylon,
14:54 guess what symbol they found
14:56 all over the palace and the walls of that city?
14:59 Winged lions.
15:01 There's no doubt the winged lion
15:03 represents Babylon.
15:06 But let's go to the second beast.
15:08 Now in verse 5, the Bible says,
15:13 "And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear.
15:19 It was raised up on one side, and had three," what?
15:23 "Ribs in its mouth between its teeth.
15:27 And they said thus to it 'Arise,
15:30 and devour much flesh!'"
15:34 You say, "Well, who is this bear
15:35 with three ribs in its mouth?"
15:37 Well, the simple question is, what nation conquered Babylon
15:41 and chronologically
15:43 became the next worldwide power.
15:45 And the answer is Medo-Persia.
15:49 It's doing the same thing
15:50 as the vision of Daniel Chapter 2.
15:53 Now, the Medo-Persian Empire was made of two people groups,
15:57 the Medes and the Persians.
15:59 The Persians were stronger.
16:01 That's why some history books
16:02 just call it the Persian Empire.
16:04 This is probably why the bear is raised up on one side.
16:08 You say, "But what about the three ribs
16:10 in its mouth?"
16:11 The Empire of Babylon was divided
16:14 into three provinces, Babylonia, Egypt, and Lydia.
16:18 So when Persia conquered them,
16:20 they had to conquer all three of those provinces.
16:25 So the bear is Medo-Persia.
16:28 But let's go to the third beast.
16:30 The third beast is mentioned in verse 6.
16:35 Daniel continues to say, "After this I looked,
16:40 and there was another, like a leopard,
16:44 which had on its back four wings of a bird.
16:48 The beast also had four heads."
16:51 How many heads? Four.
16:53 "And dominion was given to it."
16:57 So what is this leopard with wings on its back
17:01 and it's got four heads?
17:03 Well, the logical question is,
17:05 what nation conquered Medo-Persia
17:07 and became the next dominant power in the world?
17:11 And the answer is Greece.
17:13 See, the problem is when we try to take
17:16 these symbols and compare them to nations today,
17:19 it does not work in its context.
17:21 It is very clear that Daniel 7 is following the same pattern
17:26 as the statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2.
17:29 But when we get to the fourth beast,
17:32 Daniel 7 is going to give a lot more detail about things.
17:37 So clearly this leopard with four heads
17:40 and wings on its back is Greece.
17:42 And it's interesting that they are represented
17:45 by one of the fastest animals on land,
17:48 because Alexander the Great
17:50 conquered the world quicker than anybody.
17:52 You know how old he was
17:53 when he dominated the then known world?
17:56 He was in his early 30s.
17:58 And no doubt the wings on the back represents speed.
18:02 You say, "Well, what about those four heads?"
18:05 When Alexander the Great died, history tells us
18:09 his Grecian Empire was divided into
18:12 guess how many parts?
18:14 Four parts were divided among his four main generals,
18:17 Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy, Seleucus.
18:24 All documented in history.
18:27 But now, we go to the fourth beast,
18:31 because the fourth beast is where our focus is tonight.
18:36 Let's pick it up in verse 7.
18:39 Listen very carefully to what Daniel describes.
18:44 Daniel 7:7.
18:46 The Bible says,
18:49 "After this I saw in the night visions,
18:53 and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible,
18:58 exceedingly strong.
19:00 It had huge iron teeth, and it was devouring,
19:04 breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue
19:08 with its feet.
19:09 It was different from all the beasts
19:12 that were before it, and it had ten horns."
19:17 Let's pause there.
19:20 Daniel sees a fourth beast.
19:22 He describes it as terrible, dreadful, exceedingly strong.
19:28 It has iron teeth, and it devours everything
19:33 in its path.
19:35 So the question is,
19:37 what nation is that representing?
19:40 Well, what would be the power that defeated Greece
19:44 and became the next worldwide dominant superpower?
19:49 And the answer is Rome.
19:52 It's interesting that this beast has
19:54 what kind of teeth that Daniel said?
19:56 Iron. Iron.
19:58 And history calls Rome, the iron kingdom,
20:00 they ruled for nearly 600 years and truly,
20:04 they conquered and crushed everyone
20:07 that was in their path.
20:09 So you can see clearly, it's the same four empires,
20:14 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.
20:18 But now in verse 8
20:21 is where we kick it into slow gear,
20:25 because a little horn starts
20:27 to come out of the fourth beast.
20:30 A power starts to rise out of the pagan Roman Empire.
20:35 And notice that as Daniel describes it,
20:39 this little horn gets his attention immediately.
20:43 Verse 8, "I was considering the horns,
20:49 and there was another horn,
20:51 a little one, coming up among them,
20:55 before whom three of the first horns
20:57 were plucked out by the roots.
21:00 And there, in this horn,
21:02 were eyes like the eyes of a man,
21:05 and a mouth speaking pompous,"
21:08 or some version say, "blasphemous words."
21:11 Now we got to stop there.
21:13 Whatever this little horn was, it got Daniel's attention
21:17 because he specifically says, I was considering the horns.
21:22 I was thinking about this.
21:23 I was focused on this,
21:25 a horn rises out of the fourth beast.
21:28 When it does, it plucks out
21:30 three of the ten horns on this beast's head.
21:35 And this little horn develops eyes and a mouth like a man
21:39 and it starts to speak arrogant and pompous words against God.
21:45 Can you imagine how easily that got Daniel's attention,
21:48 yes or no?
21:50 The question is, what is that little horn?
21:56 So here's what we need to do.
21:58 A little bit later in this chapter,
22:01 the angel of the vision comes to Daniel
22:04 and gives him the interpretation
22:06 of many of these things.
22:07 We don't even have to guess.
22:09 I don't have to speculate.
22:11 We don't have to take a majority vote,
22:13 because the angel is going to tell us
22:16 the interpretation of many of these things.
22:20 So let's skip over now to verse 23.
22:23 We're still in Daniel 7:23,
22:27 now the angel begins to speak to Daniel.
22:31 Daniel 7:23.
22:33 The Bible says, "Thus he said,
22:37 'The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth,"
22:42 well, we already knew that,
22:44 "which shall be different from all other kingdoms,
22:47 and shall devour the whole earth,
22:49 trample it and break it in pieces.
22:52 " Now we already know that to be Rome.
22:54 Verse 24, "The ten horns are ten kings."
23:00 Or it can also be translated kingdoms
23:03 because every king has a what?
23:05 A kingdom.
23:06 So these ten horns coming out of the fourth beast
23:09 are ten kingdoms that will rise when Rome falls.
23:13 Verse 24, "The ten horns are ten kings
23:16 who shall arise from this kingdom.
23:19 And another shall rise after them,
23:22 he shall be different from the first ones,
23:25 and shall subdue three kings.
23:28 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
23:32 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
23:35 and shall intend to change times and law.
23:40 Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time
23:45 and times and half a time.'"
23:49 Now we got to pause.
23:52 I want to put a summary in the screen
23:53 of what the angel has just said.
23:56 The angel in verse 23 said the fourth beast
23:58 is a kingdom.
24:00 We already know that's Rome.
24:02 The ten horns coming out of Rome,
24:05 the fourth beast represent ten kingdoms
24:09 that will come out of the Roman Empire
24:11 when it falls.
24:14 And we keep going on.
24:15 This is a list of some of the people groups
24:18 that came out of the Roman Empire
24:19 when they fell.
24:20 Notice there are ten of them.
24:22 But you notice what's interesting.
24:25 Three of them, the Heruli,
24:28 the Vandals and the Ostrogoths are extinct.
24:33 They were exterminated.
24:37 What did Daniel say happen when a little horn rose?
24:41 Three of the ten horns were plucked out.
24:47 That's going to become interesting in a few minutes.
24:50 It went on to say
24:51 that the little horn would speak
24:53 great words against God.
24:55 The little horn would persecute God's people,
24:57 the saints.
24:58 The little horn would think
25:00 to change God's times and God's law,
25:03 and it would rule for a times, time and half a time.
25:07 Now we got to talk about that time period
25:09 before we go any farther.
25:10 That's a new and that phrase is new for us.
25:13 What is a time, times and half a time?
25:16 You know, when you do the calculations
25:18 from the Bible, it's 1260 days.
25:23 All you have to do is just take a note
25:25 in your Bible here.
25:26 We're not going to look it up now.
25:27 But when you have a chance later,
25:29 look up Revelation 12:6 and 14.
25:33 And it will clearly tell you that time,
25:35 times and half of time is 1260 days.
25:39 In fact, let's do the calculation.
25:41 Time in the Bible, that term symbolically
25:44 represents one year.
25:46 Times is, guess what?
25:49 Two years. So half a time is what?
25:52 Half a year.
25:53 You add all them up
25:54 because again in the Bible calendar
25:56 30 days to a month, 360 days to a year,
26:00 it equals out to 1260 days.
26:04 You apply the day for a year principle,
26:07 1260 years, the little horn rules.
26:10 The same time period
26:12 that Revelation 13 said the beast would rule,
26:16 the beast and the little horn are the same power.
26:22 Now, here's what we have to do.
26:25 Between Revelation and Daniel,
26:26 we have just been given 13 points from the Bible.
26:31 Now I'm going to very quickly review
26:32 those 13 points,
26:34 because I want us to be absolutely sure
26:36 that we got every one of those points
26:38 from the Bible and from the Bible alone.
26:41 So point number one.
26:43 Daniel said, this kingdom rises out of the fourth beast,
26:47 which is Rome.
26:49 So antichrist is going to arise out of Rome
26:53 somewhere in Western Europe.
26:55 That's where Rome is.
26:57 Point number two.
26:59 Daniel said, this kingdom will come out of the ruins
27:03 of the pagan Roman Empire.
27:04 Rome did not fall until 476 AD, according to the history books.
27:10 So the antichrist kingdom would not rise
27:14 to worldwide dominance until sometime after 476 AD.
27:21 Point number three.
27:23 Daniel said,
27:24 "This kingdom it's represented by a little horn."
27:27 In other words, this kingdom will be a little kingdom,
27:29 not large in size, geographically.
27:34 Point number four.
27:36 Daniel said, "The little horn would uproot
27:38 three of the ten horns."
27:40 This little kingdom
27:42 would conquer three of the kingdoms
27:44 which came out of Rome.
27:46 That was the Heruli, the Vandals and the Ostrogoths.
27:50 Point number five.
27:52 Daniel said, "The little horn had eyes
27:55 and the mouth like a man which would speak for it."
27:58 So this kingdom would have man at its head
28:01 who represents it to the world.
28:04 Point number six.
28:06 Daniel said, "The little horn would be different
28:08 from the other horns."
28:10 So there's something about this kingdom
28:12 that is different from other kingdoms.
28:15 Something unique about it. Point number seven.
28:20 The little horn would speak great words
28:22 against the Most High.
28:24 In other words, this kingdom would speak
28:25 blasphemy against God.
28:27 You say, "Well, what does that mean?"
28:30 Well, we got to let the Bible define it.
28:32 The Bible defines blasphemy
28:35 as assuming any rights or powers
28:38 that belong to God, and God alone.
28:41 There are two examples, at least in Scripture.
28:44 One, when a man on earth claims to be God.
28:47 In John Chapter 10,
28:49 Jesus told the Jews that He is God.
28:52 He claimed equality with the Father.
28:54 They wanted to stone Him for that.
28:56 They said, "You're saying blasphemy."
28:58 Now Jesus could say that because He is God.
29:01 Can you say amen?
29:02 But they didn't believe that.
29:04 The other example was Luke Chapter 5,
29:06 when a man claims to forgive sin.
29:09 Remember, Jesus told the paralytic,
29:10 "Your sins are forgiven."
29:12 And the Pharisees had a fit.
29:14 They said, "That's blasphemy. Only God can forgive sins."
29:18 But Jesus is God.
29:20 So He could forgive sins, amen?
29:22 But they didn't believe that.
29:24 So those are two examples of blasphemy in the Bible,
29:27 when someone or something assumes power or authority
29:31 that belongs only to God.
29:33 So whatever this kingdom is, it would do that.
29:37 Point number eight.
29:39 This kingdom would make war against the saints,
29:42 so it would be a persecuting power.
29:45 Point nine.
29:47 Daniel said, "This kingdom would try to change
29:50 God's times and God's law."
29:54 Point number 10.
29:56 The little horn would rule for time,
29:58 times and half a time, 1260 years.
30:03 Point number 11.
30:05 Revelation said, "This kingdom receives
30:07 a deadly wound and would be healed."
30:10 Point number 12.
30:12 Revelation said,
30:13 "People follow and worship the beast."
30:15 So it's not only a political kingdom,
30:18 it's a religious power.
30:21 And point number 13.
30:23 Finally, this kingdom will be represented
30:26 by the number 666.
30:28 It will be the number of a man
30:31 and it will be the number of his name.
30:34 Now, before we say who or what it is,
30:37 I'm going to ask an honest question.
30:40 How many of you are willing to say that yes,
30:42 we got all 13 of those points from the Bible
30:45 and the Bible alone?
30:47 If we agree on that, can I see your hands?
30:49 Did I make any of those points up
30:51 from other places other than the Bible?
30:53 None. They all came from Scripture.
30:57 And the truth is there is only one power
31:02 in all of human history that has fulfilled
31:06 all 13 of those points in absolute detail.
31:11 Some of you probably
31:12 have already put the clues together
31:13 and know what it is.
31:15 But before I say it, it's very important
31:18 that you hear what I say after I say it,
31:21 did you catch that?
31:23 That's going to become important.
31:25 The only power that has fulfilled
31:27 all 13 of those points,
31:30 is the power known as the papacy,
31:34 Vatican City, or papal Rome.
31:39 You say, "Whoa!"
31:41 Understand this now.
31:43 God does not bring this out to hurt or offend anybody,
31:48 and neither do I.
31:49 God is warning His people of a persecuting power
31:54 that would rise in the Middle Ages
31:56 and unfortunately do some nasty things
31:59 as history tells us.
32:01 He's warning His people about a power
32:04 that would take the Word of God away from the people,
32:08 a power that would cover up Jesus Christ and the cross.
32:12 And He wanted His people to be aware of what happened.
32:16 It's important to know, God is not talking
32:19 about individual Catholic people today.
32:23 Can you say amen?
32:24 He's talking about a system.
32:26 He's talking about a kingdom
32:28 that, neither, you or I have any control over
32:31 that will do some unfortunate things
32:33 in the Middle Ages.
32:34 Catholic people who are alive today,
32:36 there are many who love God with all their heart.
32:39 They seek to serve God and their fellowman,
32:43 they weren't alive back then.
32:44 They had nothing to do with the things
32:46 that occurred in the Middle Ages.
32:48 Can somebody say amen to that?
32:50 So this is not meant to be turned
32:52 into a Protestant versus Catholic thing.
32:55 God is warning about how church and state would unite
32:58 in the Middle Ages would become a persecuting power
33:02 and take the Bible away from the people.
33:07 Now, having said that, since I understand
33:09 this is very of a sensitive nature
33:11 and very emotional,
33:14 it's important that we be sure
33:17 that the papacy fits all 13 of these points.
33:22 Because the truth is what I'm saying up here
33:24 is not my opinion,
33:25 nor the interpretation of a church.
33:29 This is what has been taught from the beginning.
33:32 The reformers knew who antichrist was.
33:35 Paul knew that antichrist was starting to form.
33:39 In the early centuries,
33:40 pagan Rome persecuted God's people.
33:43 In the Middle Ages,
33:44 papal Rome persecuted God's people.
33:48 The problem is, it's only been
33:49 in the last couple of hundred years
33:51 that we veered to some other theory
33:53 that says antichrist is one man
33:56 that only arrives at the end of time.
33:59 And the truth is that actually comes
34:02 from Rome in the Middle Ages.
34:04 They had commissioned someone to come up
34:06 with a different interpretation of the antichrist
34:09 to take the heat off of what was happening
34:12 in the Middle Ages.
34:13 And they invented what was called futurism.
34:16 I talked about that a few nights ago,
34:18 the idea that antichrist is one man.
34:22 Now, before I go back to these points,
34:24 there is one question I want to clarify
34:26 that I forgot.
34:27 In parts of Daniel, the Bible uses the word he
34:31 to describe the little horn.
34:33 And sometimes that makes us think we'll see it's one man.
34:37 But you have to understand,
34:38 the Bible uses the personal pronoun he and she
34:42 to describe nations many times in Scripture.
34:45 I'll give you an example.
34:47 In the Old Testament, numerous times God referred
34:51 to the nation of Israel as a woman,
34:53 and He would use the term she or her.
34:57 When Israel was faithful,
34:59 He represented her as a pure woman.
35:03 When Israel was unfaithful to Him,
35:05 He represented her as a prostitute.
35:07 So don't let the word he fool you in Bible prophecy.
35:11 He does not mean one man when it comes to Daniel,
35:14 because it rules for 1260 years.
35:16 God uses he and she to also represent nations.
35:22 So now let's go back over all 13 of these points,
35:25 make sure that it represents papal Rome.
35:29 Now, as I do this, I'm just going to tell you,
35:31 we're going to uncover some very sensitive things.
35:35 But we have to go over it simply to show
35:38 how Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.
35:41 And then at the end, we need to ask ourselves
35:45 the most important question,
35:47 what does this mean for me today?
35:50 How do I apply it to my life, in the 21st century?
35:54 That by far is the most important question.
35:57 So let's go through these points again,
35:59 and see if papal Rome fulfilled them.
36:02 Point number one.
36:04 Daniel said, "The little horn rises
36:08 from the 10 divisions of the pagan Roman Empire."
36:12 History tells us the papacy came out of pagan Rome,
36:16 and still resides in Western Europe today.
36:20 Point number two.
36:22 The little horn rises
36:23 after the fourth beast Rome falls.
36:27 Rome didn't fall till 476 AD.
36:30 History tells us the papacy rose
36:33 to worldwide dominance in 538 AD,
36:36 and that's when the Emperor Justinian
36:40 gave political power to the pope.
36:42 So from that moment on, church and state
36:46 were united in a persecuting power.
36:51 Point number three.
36:53 Daniel said the little horn is like a little kingdom.
36:57 The papacy is the smallest kingdom
36:59 in Western Europe.
37:00 It encompasses only 109 acres.
37:04 But today it is probably the most powerful
37:06 and the most richest kingdom in the world.
37:10 Point number four.
37:12 Daniel said the little horn conquers three of the kingdoms
37:16 that came out of Rome.
37:18 History tells us that the papal armies
37:21 eradicated the Ostrogoths,
37:24 the Vandals, and the Heruli kingdom
37:27 because of doctrinal differences.
37:30 The last to be eliminated was the Ostrogoths in 538 AD.
37:35 Point number five.
37:37 Daniel said, a little horn would have a man at its head
37:39 who speaks for it.
37:41 The papacy has the office of pope at its head
37:45 who speaks for it, represents it to the world.
37:48 Now that doesn't mean pope is antichrist.
37:50 There have been many different pope.
37:51 It's the system that arose in the Middle Ages,
37:55 the Bible is speaking of.
37:57 Point number six.
37:59 Daniel said, "The little horn is different
38:01 from the other kingdoms."
38:04 The papacy is different.
38:06 Because it is not simply a political kingdom ruled by,
38:09 you know, presidents and prime ministers,
38:11 it's a religious system
38:13 that rules with bishops and cardinals, etcetera.
38:17 That's unique, church and state together.
38:22 Point number seven.
38:23 And this is where it gets sensitive.
38:26 Daniel said, the little horn would speak words of blasphemy.
38:31 Now please understand what I share next,
38:32 I do in love only to show how Bible prophecy
38:36 was fulfilled.
38:38 Did papal Rome do that in the Middle Ages?
38:42 Remember the definition of what blasphemy is?
38:45 Assuming any rights or power that belongs to God
38:49 and to God alone.
38:51 And what were the two illustrations from Scripture,
38:53 a man claiming to be God
38:55 and a man claiming to forgive sin.
38:57 That's why the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy.
39:01 Did that happen in the Middle Ages?
39:04 Unfortunately, it has.
39:06 From the papal document claiming to be God
39:10 under Ferrari's Ecclesiastical Dictionary,
39:13 it has this quote,
39:15 "The pope is of so great dignity
39:18 and so exalted that he is not a man,
39:21 but as it were, God, and the Vicar of God.
39:24 The pope is called 'Most Holy'
39:27 because he is rightfully presumed to be such.
39:30 The pope alone is deservedly called by the name 'Most Holy'
39:33 because he alone is the Vicar of Christ.
39:37 Moreover the superiority,
39:39 and the power of the Roman Pontiff,
39:42 are even over angels, of which he is greater.
39:46 So that if it were possible
39:48 that angels might err in the faith,
39:51 or might think contrary to the faith,
39:53 they could be judged
39:54 and excommunicated by the pope."
39:57 And the last sentence,
39:58 "The pope is as it were God on earth,
40:01 so sovereign of the faithful of Christ,"
40:04 now notice the next phrase, "Chief," what?
40:07 "King of kings, having plenitude of power."
40:11 Who is King of kings in the Bible?
40:14 Jesus. Remember what antichrist means?
40:17 In the place of, instead of Christ.
40:22 See, this is the things that were happening
40:24 during the Middle Ages.
40:26 You and I can't really relate to it
40:28 because we've never lived in a situation
40:30 or circumstance like that.
40:33 In the book "Popular Catholic theology,"
40:36 it says this about the forgiveness of sins,
40:39 quoting from volume 6, "Seek where you will,
40:43 through heaven and earth, and you will find
40:46 but one created being who can forgive the sinner,
40:49 who can free him from the chains of hell,
40:52 that extraordinarily being the priest.
40:56 The priest not only declares the sinner is forgiven,
40:59 but he really forgives him.
41:01 The priest raises his hand,
41:03 pronounces the word of absolution,
41:05 and in an instant, quick as a flash of light
41:08 the chains of hell are burst asunder,
41:11 and the sinner becomes a child of God.
41:14 So great is the power of the priest
41:17 that the judgments of heaven itself
41:19 are subject to his decisions."
41:23 These are coming from papal documents.
41:26 This is what was going on in the Middle Ages.
41:29 Unfortunately, Rome fulfills that point of assuming rights
41:33 that belong only to God.
41:38 Point number eight.
41:39 Daniel said,
41:40 "The little horn would make war against the saints."
41:44 If you've ever read history, it tells us
41:46 how the papal armies martyred millions of people
41:50 during the Dark Ages and during the Reformation.
41:55 Now I want to pause here for a second.
41:57 You know sometimes,
41:59 as Protestants we're tempted to get
42:01 a little bit of a superiority, holier than thou attitude.
42:06 Some mistakes were made in the Middle Ages.
42:08 That's obvious.
42:10 Can we say that our churches have never made mistakes?
42:15 Can we say as individuals, we've never made mistakes?
42:19 Folks, it was only 50-60 years ago,
42:22 the Protestant churches would turn a black man
42:25 away at the door simply because he was black
42:30 or would make him sit on the floor
42:32 as if he was a lesser child of God.
42:35 Today we would say that was a mistake.
42:39 Have to remember, all of us have made mistakes.
42:42 And it's only by the grace of God that we can turn around.
42:45 Can you say amen?
42:46 So I just want us to understand that
42:48 all religious establishments have at times made mistakes.
42:53 Point number nine.
42:54 Daniel said, "The little horn would think
42:56 to change God's times and law."
43:00 Now here is where it gets really, really serious.
43:06 Did papal Rome do that in the Middle Ages?
43:11 From the book or document "Prompted Bibliotheca" it says,
43:18 "The pope is of so great authority and power,
43:22 that he is able to modify, declare,
43:25 and even interpret divine laws."
43:30 And in the Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, it says,
43:35 "We hold upon this earth, the place of God Almighty."
43:40 Let me give you an illustration of this.
43:43 You remember how we learned the other night,
43:45 Rome's version of the Ten Commandments
43:47 is different than what's recorded in the Bible?
43:52 You see, well, how can that be?
43:54 If you look at Rome's version in the Catechism,
43:57 the second commandment is completely blotted out that,
44:00 you know, the one about
44:01 forbidding graven images, etcetera,
44:03 because, you know, images and statues were used in Rome.
44:07 And so for convenience sake
44:08 that one was completely blotted out of the Bible.
44:11 And the tenth commandment about,
44:13 "Thou shalt not covet,"
44:14 it was just broken into two separate commandments,
44:16 so you could still keep Ten Commandments.
44:20 You see God's law has been changed
44:24 and tampered with.
44:27 But what about God's times?
44:31 And here's where the Sabbath comes back to us
44:35 in a completely new light.
44:40 From the book "Faith of our fathers,"
44:42 one of the most popular papal books in recent times,
44:45 Cardinal James Gibbons says,
44:49 "You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation,
44:52 and you will not find a single line
44:54 authorizing the sanctification of Sunday.
44:58 The Scriptures enforce
44:59 the religious observance of Saturday,
45:02 a day which we never sanctify.
45:05 Now he's speaking truth there.
45:07 You see, well, why is he saying?
45:09 Why is he saying that
45:10 the seventh day Sabbath in the Bible,
45:12 that's the true Sabbath, why is he saying that?
45:15 He's challenging Protestants.
45:17 Protestants are saying, "We broke away from you,
45:20 because you don't go by the Bible
45:22 and the Bible alone.
45:23 You're putting your traditions above the Word of God."
45:26 And so Rome is coming back and saying,
45:28 "Now, wait a minute, you say you go by the Bible,
45:31 but yet you keep the Sunday that comes straight from us.
45:36 You ignore the Bible Sabbath and you keep the day
45:39 that we sanctified by putting the churches laws
45:42 above God's laws."
45:44 And he's using that to challenge them.
45:46 And he's saying,
45:47 "See, you're still following Rome as the Mother Church,
45:50 you might as well come back to us."
45:53 He's challenging them with that.
45:55 And in a sense, if you want to summarize
45:57 this in plain language, here's what it's saying.
46:00 "If you want to go by the Bible,
46:01 worship on Saturday.
46:03 But Rome says tradition is ahead of the Bible,
46:06 and we've established Sunday.
46:08 Rome changed it by tradition."
46:13 And see this is where you begin to realize
46:15 the deeper issue about Sabbath and Sunday.
46:19 It's not about two different days.
46:24 Now we understand it's about do I follow tradition?
46:29 Or do I follow what the Word of God says?
46:33 Do I follow the commandments of men?
46:37 Or do I follow the commandments of God?
46:40 Do I follow human authority
46:44 or God's divine authority?
46:48 Because I can tell you for me when I understand
46:50 that the seventh day Sabbath is taught throughout scripture
46:54 that it points me to God as my Creator
46:56 and Christ as my Savior.
46:59 And I understand that Sunday comes
47:02 from the very power that the Bible calls antichrist
47:08 causes me to stop in my tracks
47:10 and think about that very, very seriously.
47:17 Do I follow something that comes from antichrist?
47:21 Or do I follow that which comes from the Bible
47:25 and the Bible alone?
47:27 You see, why this is a tough subject
47:29 to preach and study sometimes.
47:32 Point number 10.
47:34 The little horn would have power, 1260 years.
47:39 The papacy ruled, church and state were united
47:42 from 538 all the way till 1798.
47:47 Because in 1798, Napoleon in the French Revolution,
47:52 abolished the papal government for a time.
47:55 And if you do the addition from 538 to 1798
47:59 is exactly how long?
48:02 1260 years.
48:05 The Bible was exact in its prophecies.
48:10 Point number 11.
48:11 Revelation said, the beast would receive a deadly wound.
48:14 That deadly wound was 1798
48:17 when Napoleon abolished the papal government,
48:19 the pope at that time died in exile.
48:24 But they didn't lose their power for long.
48:26 Because in 1929, the Italian Dictator
48:30 Mussolini restored power
48:32 to the papacy in the Lateran Treaty,
48:36 and the deadly wound was healed.
48:38 In fact, I got to show you this,
48:39 I found this.
48:41 I want to show you the newspaper article
48:43 that came out in 1929,
48:45 describing when the Papal power got its authority back.
48:49 I want you to notice the wording
48:51 that was used all the way back in the 1929,
48:54 San Francisco Chronicle.
48:56 Notice, "The Roman question tonight was a thing of the past
49:03 and the Vatican was at peace with Italy.
49:06 In affixing the autographs to the memorable document
49:11 healing the," what?
49:13 "Wound, extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides."
49:18 Isn't it interesting when Italy gave Vatican City
49:21 their power back again, the secular newspaper
49:25 uses the very phrase that Revelation talks about
49:30 healing the world.
49:33 That's not by chance or coincidence.
49:36 That's Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
49:38 And the last two points.
49:40 Revelation said, the beast would be
49:41 a religious power that would be worshipped.
49:44 Rome is a religious power with great political influence.
49:50 And lastly, point number 13.
49:54 Revelation said the beast would have the number 666.
49:58 It would be the number of a man and the number of his name.
50:05 Did you know the official title of the Pope
50:08 has been Vicarius Filii Dei.
50:13 In Latin it means instead of Christ.
50:16 And when you add the Roman numerals up of that title,
50:21 it equals 666.
50:25 The number of a man,
50:28 the number of his name.
50:32 Say, wow.
50:36 There's no doubt
50:39 that this is what Bible prophecy
50:41 is pointing towards.
50:42 Again, understand, God's not seeking to condemn
50:45 dear Catholic people today.
50:47 There are people of all faiths living up
50:49 to all the light that they know and they love Jesus.
50:52 Can you say amen? Amen.
50:53 But God is telling us about a power
50:56 that would rise when church and state will unite,
50:59 it would be a persecuting power.
51:02 It would be a power that would take the Bible
51:04 away from the people.
51:08 But what's that mean for me today?
51:11 This is a question I need to ask.
51:15 These are the principles of the beast.
51:17 These are the principles
51:19 that came from Rome in the Middle Ages.
51:21 Look at them carefully.
51:22 The principles that were taught and espouse
51:25 throughout the world was this,
51:28 the commandments of men
51:30 are above the commandments of God,
51:33 tradition is placed above Bible truth,
51:38 and human authority or religious authority
51:42 is more important than God's authority.
51:45 Those were the principles that came out of the beast
51:48 in the Middle Ages.
51:49 And so the question that you and I
51:51 must ask ourselves tonight is this,
51:56 am I following those principles in my life today?
52:01 See, when you apply it, it'll make no difference
52:03 whether you're Catholic, Protestant, Muslim,
52:06 Adventist, Buddhist,
52:07 whatever, the point is, in my life,
52:12 when I look at the Bible and I say,
52:14 "Well, I see what the Bible says,"
52:16 but this person says it's not important.
52:21 Lord, I see what your truth declares,
52:24 but this Church says something else.
52:27 God, I know what I'm reading in the scriptures,
52:31 but Lord, this pastor says it's not important.
52:34 When I look at the Word of God,
52:37 but purposely choose to put something else
52:40 or someone else's authority above it,
52:43 I am following the principles of the beast.
52:48 No matter what denomination I may be from.
52:53 That's how I need to apply this to my life today.
52:58 See, what God is telling us in Revelation 13,
53:03 what happened in the Middle Ages,
53:06 where church and state unite,
53:09 where people were forced to choose
53:11 between man's law and God's law,
53:14 they were forced to choose upon penalty of death.
53:19 God is using that as an illustration to show me
53:24 what's going to happen again at the end of time.
53:28 Because Revelation tells me, there's going to be
53:31 another great crisis at the end and history will repeat itself.
53:36 The beast will rise,
53:38 churches state will again unite,
53:41 and people will be forced and coerce to choose,
53:45 whether they will follow man
53:47 or whether they will follow God,
53:50 whether they will follow human commandments,
53:53 or whether they will follow God's commandments.
53:57 We're going to talk about that Sunday night.
54:00 And so knowing that is coming,
54:03 the question we need to ask ourselves,
54:05 we go home tonight is this, if you forget anything tonight,
54:09 if you go home and say
54:10 "I can't remember all those 13 points,"
54:11 that's okay.
54:13 Because the whole point of the message
54:14 is in the next three questions.
54:17 Question 1, am I following Jesus,
54:22 above everyone else?
54:25 Am I following His Word above everything else?
54:31 Am I giving my allegiance to the Commandments of God?
54:38 Am I truly following Christ in His Word?
54:41 No excuses. No straddling the fence.
54:45 With all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind.
54:50 Cause if I plan to follow Him in the end times,
54:54 by His grace I need to choose to follow Him today.
55:01 Now we could stop here. But I'm not going to stop here.
55:05 Because the vision of Daniel 7 does not end with Antichrist.
55:10 There is one more part is vision
55:13 that we got to take the last few minutes for,
55:16 because I want you to see this.
55:18 It's awesome.
55:19 In Daniel Chapter 7,
55:23 after God talks about the little horn,
55:25 about Antichrist, notice what Daniel sees next.
55:30 Do not miss this. Daniel 7:9.
55:35 Daniel says,
55:36 "'I watched until thrones were put in place,
55:40 and the Ancient of Days was seated.
55:44 His garment was white as snow,
55:46 and the hair of his head was like pure wool.
55:50 His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire.
55:55 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.
56:00 A thousand thousands,'" did what?
56:03 "'Ministered to him.
56:05 Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.'"
56:09 And notice the last sentence.
56:10 "'The court was seated and the books were opened.'
56:15 " What's happening here? It gives us a picture.
56:19 God the Father called the Ancient of Days
56:22 is seated on his throne, a fiery throne.
56:25 Thousands upon thousands of angelic beings
56:28 are surrounding him.
56:30 And then it says something interesting.
56:32 The court was seated and books were opened.
56:37 This is a judgment scene.
56:41 God is about to judge the world.
56:43 In fact, God is about to judge the little horn
56:46 for what happened in the Middle Ages.
56:49 But before I worry about the little horn,
56:52 I better worry about myself,
56:54 because when it says books are open,
56:56 those are the books that record the record
56:58 of our lives every deed, every act.
57:02 And so the question is, am I going to be
57:05 able to make it through the judgment
57:07 when God looks at my book of record?
57:13 And notice what Daniel sees next, Daniel 7:13.
57:20 "'I saw in the night visions, and behold,
57:23 one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven,
57:28 and came to the Ancient of Days,
57:31 and they brought him near before Him.'
57:33 " Who is the Son of Man from the Bible,
57:35 can you tell me?
57:36 This is Jesus.
57:38 Jesus is entering the courtroom.
57:41 Jesus is entering the judgment seat.
57:44 He's appearing before the Father,
57:47 as our Mediator, as our Advocate,
57:49 as our Defender.
57:51 And so when God looks
57:53 over the record of your life or mine,
57:55 Jesus steps in.
57:56 and Jesus says, "I know that child,
57:59 I know David, I know Susie I know Elaine,
58:02 I know Bob, I know Perry.
58:04 Yes, they've made mistakes, but they've accepted Me
58:06 as their Savior.
58:08 And therefore I have forgiven them.
58:10 I've wiped their slate clean.
58:12 I have allowed My righteousness to cover them."
58:16 And so in the eyes of the Father,
58:18 when He looks at your life,
58:20 He sees you as absolutely perfect.
58:24 Not because of the life you live,
58:25 but because the life of Jesus counts for you.


Revised 2019-09-30