Discover Prophecy Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000012A

00:08 A few years ago, the Howard Scripps News Service
00:11 and Ohio University conducted a survey
00:15 on the occult and supernatural phenomenon.
00:19 And in this survey,
00:21 they asked people three questions.
00:23 All three are on the screen.
00:25 Question number one, do you believe there could be
00:28 such a thing as ghosts
00:30 and the appearance of dead people?
00:33 Forty eight percent said, "Yes,"
00:35 47% said, "No" and 5% said what?
00:40 "I don't know."
00:42 Question number two, do you think books
00:45 and television shows and movies about monsters
00:48 and the supernatural are harmless,
00:50 or do you worry about their effect on people?
00:53 Fifty four percent of the respondents said, "Yes,
00:56 I'm worried about their effect."
00:59 Thirty nine percent said, "No,
01:01 they're harmless," and 7% said what?
01:04 "I don't know."
01:06 Third question, do you believe that people
01:10 who claim to be witches or have mystical powers
01:12 are self diluted, or do you think
01:15 they could have mystical powers?
01:17 Sixty three percent said, "They're diluted," 28% said,
01:22 "No, they have special powers."
01:24 And 9% said what?
01:26 "I don't know."
01:29 This survey was conducted probably around the same time
01:32 that a movie called The Blair Witch Project
01:35 hit the box office.
01:37 And if you perhaps remember that movie,
01:39 it grossed about 100 million dollars in sales.
01:44 And see in the last few generations,
01:45 there has been
01:47 a growing interest in this world
01:48 in the supernatural, and the occult,
01:52 demons, and sorcery, and wizards,
01:55 and mediums who can channel the dead
01:58 and people have questions about it.
02:01 You see these things portrayed in movies, in books,
02:05 even in cartoons, and on television talk shows,
02:09 and you can tell from this survey,
02:12 people don't know what to believe.
02:14 They're scared, and they're confused
02:17 about what happens and whether there is life
02:20 beyond the grave.
02:22 But the good news is, you will find that the Bible
02:25 addresses every single one of those questions
02:29 in a very clear and a very understandable way.
02:32 Can you say amen?
02:33 And so we're going to let the Bible speak tonight.
02:36 The foundational text I want us to begin with
02:39 is actually Revelation 1:18.
02:43 Now this is printed on the screen.
02:45 This is the one we're gonna keep coming back to
02:48 because it provides the good news
02:50 as the theme for our topic tonight.
02:53 Revelation 1:18, the Bible says,
02:58 and this is Jesus speaking.
03:00 "I am He who lives and was dead, and behold,
03:05 I am alive forevermore, amen."
03:08 And then it goes on to say,
03:10 "And I have the keys of Hades and of death,"
03:14 or the King James says of hell and of death.
03:18 Now that's good news for us
03:19 because Jesus is saying to you and I,
03:22 and really to the rest of the world,
03:23 "Don't let this subject scare you.
03:27 Don't let this subject throw you off guard,
03:30 because I have the answers to these questions."
03:33 Jesus says, "I'm the one who died on the cross.
03:36 I'm the one who went into the grave.
03:38 I am the one who had victory over death.
03:41 I hold the keys of death
03:44 and I have the answers for you."
03:47 That's how the Book of Revelation begins.
03:49 It's right there in the first chapter,
03:51 Jesus wants us to know He has the keys of death.
03:57 But, if we want to understand
04:00 what happens at the end of life,
04:03 guess what we have to do first?
04:07 You got to study what happens at the beginning of life.
04:11 See, in order to get to the end,
04:13 you got to start with the beginning.
04:15 So we're actually gonna start our journey
04:17 in the Book of Genesis and let God talk to us
04:21 about the beginning of life.
04:23 So I want you to take your Bibles
04:25 and let's go to Genesis Chapter 3,
04:28 and I want to read the first 5 verses.
04:32 Genesis Chapter 3 and in verse 1,
04:36 we have already read this passage
04:38 previous in the seminar,
04:40 but I want to read it again.
04:42 And I want you to notice
04:43 as this conversation takes place
04:46 between the serpent and Eve.
04:49 I want you to notice
04:50 what subject the conversation revolves around.
04:55 Genesis 3:1, the Bible says, "Now the serpent was more
05:01 cunning than any beast of the field
05:03 which the Lord God had made.
05:06 And he said to the woman, 'Has God indeed said you
05:10 should not eat of every tree in the garden?'
05:13 And the woman said to the serpent,
05:15 'We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden,
05:18 but of the fruit of the tree
05:19 which is in the midst of the garden,
05:22 God has said, 'You shall not eat it,
05:24 nor shall you touch it, lest you," what?
05:28 "Die.'
05:29 Then the serpent said to the woman,
05:34 'You will not surely die.
05:38 For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
05:41 your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
05:47 knowing good and evil.'"
05:50 Now, folks, that is a significant verse
05:52 for understanding this subject.
05:55 Adam and Eve are in the perfect Garden of Eden.
05:59 She gets apparently separated from Adam,
06:01 gets near the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
06:04 and eventually has a conversation
06:06 with the serpent.
06:07 And you notice how Satan twists things.
06:09 He starts the conversation off by saying,
06:12 "Has God said you can't eat of any of these trees?"
06:15 Now did God say they couldn't eat
06:16 of any of these trees?
06:18 He didn't say that.
06:19 He said, "You can have the fruit
06:21 of any tree except," what?
06:23 "The one in the middle." That was their test of loyalty.
06:26 And so Eve corrects him, which is a bad idea
06:29 to get into an argument
06:31 and a conversation with the devil,
06:32 but Eve corrects him and says,
06:34 "No, it's the one in the middle,
06:36 God has said that
06:37 we shall not eat it nor touch it
06:39 or we shall die."
06:42 See, God knew
06:43 that when mankind chooses to disobey Him,
06:47 when mankind steps on Satan's ground
06:50 and opens himself up to temptation,
06:52 it will begin the process of death.
06:56 They may not have died that very minute,
06:58 but God was telling them
06:59 it will bring death into this world,
07:01 it will bring the process of death.
07:04 And when Eve took of that fruit,
07:06 the process of death started.
07:09 But what you notice,
07:10 God says, "You will surely die."
07:14 And what does the serpent come back and say,
07:17 "You will not surely die."
07:22 The very first lie that was ever told
07:25 on the face of this earth
07:27 was a lie about death.
07:32 See, that's why it's important to understand this subject.
07:35 In fact, what the devil said is,
07:36 "You will not surely die because when you eat of it,
07:40 you will enter another kind of existence,
07:43 you will be like God, you will know good and evil,
07:48 the mysteries of the universe will be open to you.
07:52 And do you realize, that is exactly the definition
07:57 of spiritualism today.
08:00 Spiritualism says that when you die,
08:02 you don't surely die.
08:04 You enter another world of existence
08:07 where you will in a sense be like God.
08:10 Spiritualism comes all the way back
08:12 from the devil's first lie in the Garden of Eden
08:16 and ever since then,
08:17 he's been trying to twist the truth about death,
08:20 because he wants us to believe
08:23 that we can live a life without Jesus
08:25 and still have eternal life.
08:27 He doesn't want us to believe
08:29 that the wages of sin really is death.
08:33 And so now we need to do is go into the scriptures
08:37 and untwist the devil's lie and see what God's truth
08:41 is concerning this subject because Jesus said,
08:44 "I'm the one that has the keys of," what?
08:48 "The keys of hell and death."
08:51 So to understand this, there's one term
08:53 we have to talk about before we go
08:55 to some more Bible verses.
08:57 How many of you have ever heard
08:59 this term used on the screen, the immortal soul,
09:03 can I see your hands?
09:04 Ever heard anybody talk about the immortal
09:06 or the never dying soul?
09:08 Yeah, you hear that talked a lot in Christianity.
09:11 But I'm gonna make a statement that might possibly shock you.
09:16 Do you know that in the entire Bible,
09:19 from Genesis to Revelation,
09:22 never once does the Bible used the term,
09:27 the immortal soul?
09:30 You can search
09:31 from the first book of the Bible,
09:32 till the last book of the Bible,
09:34 you won't find it there.
09:37 The idea that the soul is immortal
09:39 and keeps on living actually comes from
09:42 pagan philosophy that crept into the church in the early
09:46 and the Middle Ages.
09:48 You can get out of concordance,
09:49 you will never find that term in the Bible.
09:52 The only one who's described as immortal is God Himself.
09:57 Now we could get out of concordance
09:59 and you will discover that there are 1600 references
10:03 to the word soul in the Bible.
10:06 But in all 1600 references,
10:08 it is never described as being immortal.
10:13 You may say, "Well, wow,
10:14 I thought that was all over the Bible."
10:17 But see, that's what happens when we sometimes assume things
10:20 without actually studying the scriptures
10:22 for ourselves.
10:23 See, what we need to do is understand what is a soul?
10:27 Is a soul some separate part of our body
10:31 that flies away when we die, like tradition says,
10:34 or does the Bible teach something else?
10:36 So now let's go back to Genesis
10:40 and we're going to allow the Bible to give us
10:42 its own definition of what is a soul
10:46 because we really can't understand this subject
10:48 until we know what is a soul.
10:50 So let's go back to Genesis 2:7 here,
10:54 it's on the screen for you.
10:56 This describes the process of life.
11:00 Genesis 2:7, the Bible says,
11:04 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
11:09 and breathed into his nostrils," what?
11:13 "The breath of life,
11:14 and man became a living soul."
11:20 Now, we may not catch this on the surface,
11:22 but I want you to think about the process of life
11:24 the Bible just described.
11:26 It says that God basically took His hands
11:29 and formed man's body from the dust of the ground.
11:32 And then He breathed into man's nostrils,
11:34 the breath, the spark of life that can only come from God
11:38 and God alone.
11:40 And notice it says, "Man became a living soul."
11:45 It doesn't say that God put a soul into man
11:48 as a separate component, he became a living soul.
11:52 See, the Bible teaches us that anything with the body
11:56 and the breath of life in it is a soul.
11:59 So in other words, a soul is a person.
12:03 A soul is a living being.
12:06 I do not have a soul. I am a soul.
12:12 You know, that figure of speech we use in our world today
12:14 is actually true when we see someone
12:16 who's down on their luck.
12:17 What do we usually say?
12:18 Oh, that poor what? Soul.
12:21 Are we saying there's some poor spirit
12:23 that's floating around?
12:24 We're saying, well,
12:25 that's a poor person down on their luck.
12:27 A soul is a person.
12:30 The Bible does not teach
12:31 it as a separate part of our body
12:33 that goes flying away upon death.
12:37 You say, well, wow. Bible explains that very clear.
12:42 But let me show you some verses in the Bible
12:45 of how the word soul is used just to illustrate it.
12:48 Let me go to Genesis 46:27.
12:51 Here it's describing the life of Joseph, the Bible says,
12:56 "And the sons of Joseph which were born him in Egypt,
13:00 were two," what?
13:01 Souls.
13:03 "All the souls of the house of Jacob,
13:05 which came into Egypt, were threescore and ten."
13:09 So it talks about Joseph's wife,
13:11 she gave birth to two souls.
13:15 So let's ask the question, what did she give birth to?
13:18 Two spooks that were floating around?
13:20 She gave birth to two babies.
13:23 Babies, that had a body and a breath of life,
13:26 two living people 'cause a soul is a person.
13:31 Let's go to another verse in the New Testament.
13:33 Now, I'm not gonna go through 1600 verses tonight
13:36 or we'll be here all night.
13:37 Now if you want to take your concordance
13:38 and go through 1600, be my guest.
13:41 We're gonna cover a few tonight.
13:43 Acts 2:41, describes the day of Pentecost.
13:48 When Peter preached the Bible describes it this way.
13:52 "Then those who gladly received his word were baptized,
13:56 and that day about 3000," what?
13:59 "Souls were added to them."
14:02 So Peter preaches on the day of Pentecost,
14:05 3000 people accept the gospel and they're baptized.
14:09 Now, let me ask you, who was baptized?
14:11 A bunch of spirits that were floating around?
14:14 No, 3000 people,
14:16 because a soul is a person.
14:21 That's why Ezekiel himself wrote,
14:23 "The soul who sins shall," what?
14:26 "Die."
14:27 Souls die because a soul is a person.
14:32 You say, "Well, wow,
14:33 the Bible makes that one pretty clear.
14:35 But, pastor, isn't there something
14:38 that goes back to God when a person dies?"
14:42 And the answer is yes.
14:44 But it's not the soul, because a soul is a person.
14:49 So now let's go on
14:50 and turn to the Book of Ecclesiastes.
14:54 What actually happens when a person dies,
14:56 Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 and let's go to verse 7.
15:00 Now I don't know, yeah,
15:02 we have been to Ecclesiastes before.
15:04 Just go to the Book of Psalms
15:05 and keep going forward a little bit
15:07 and you will end up in Ecclesiastes.
15:11 Now who wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes,
15:13 can you tell me?
15:14 Solomon did.
15:15 Solomon was known as the wisest man
15:17 that ever lived filled with the Spirit of God
15:20 when he wrote this, and he actually talks about
15:23 the process of both life and death.
15:27 Notice what he writes in Ecclesiastes 12:7.
15:33 The Bible says,
15:36 "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,
15:40 and the spirit will return to God who gave it."
15:46 Now real quick, when we read that verse,
15:48 we tend to jump on it too fast and we say,
15:50 "Oh, see, yeah, there's the spirit
15:52 that goes back to God."
15:54 You know, that's the part of man
15:55 that just keeps on living forever.
15:58 But let's just hold on a second,
15:59 and let the Bible interpret itself.
16:02 First of all, in this verse, it clearly tells us that
16:05 when a person dies, what happens to the body?
16:08 It turns back to dust.
16:10 I mean, basically,
16:11 when you're buried in the ground,
16:13 you give it enough time,
16:14 it disintegrates back to ashes and dust.
16:17 You know, what's that old poem say,
16:18 you know, ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
16:21 that comes from the Bible.
16:22 The body basically goes back to the elements
16:25 from which it was made, 'cause Genesis says
16:28 that God formed man's body from what?
16:32 The dust of the ground, so that makes sense.
16:35 You see but what is this spirit that goes back to God?
16:39 That is the question.
16:42 Is this some conscious part of us that keeps on living?
16:47 Or is this something else?
16:49 What's interesting that you discover
16:51 is that the Old Testament Hebrew word for spirit
16:55 is actually ruach which simply means breath.
16:59 That spirit is nothing more than the breath of life
17:03 that God gave man at the beginning,
17:06 the breath goes back to God.
17:09 Notice what it says in the Book of Job.
17:11 Job 27:3, I want you to see
17:14 how the Bible uses the word breath
17:17 and spirit synonymously.
17:20 Job 27:3, the Bible says and Job is describing himself
17:25 when he's going through trials and tribulations here, he says,
17:28 "All the while my breath is in me,
17:32 and the Spirit of God," is where?
17:35 "In my nostrils."
17:37 Now what does that mean,
17:38 the Spirit of God's in his nostrils?
17:40 That sounds weird.
17:41 Well, he's not talking about the Holy Spirit.
17:44 What's the answer to that? Genesis explains it.
17:48 Back in the beginning, what did God breathed
17:50 into man's nostrils?
17:52 The breath of life.
17:54 You see that spirit that goes back to God
17:58 is simply the spark of life that God gives us
18:02 from the beginning.
18:03 You know, and when you think about it,
18:04 that makes perfect sense, because when a person dies,
18:09 what do they stop doing?
18:11 They stop breathing.
18:13 The breath goes back to God,
18:15 the spark that only God can give.
18:20 You say, "Wow, just a few verses,
18:21 the Bible makes that awfully clear."
18:25 But that leads us to another question.
18:27 Because then we wonder, "Well, what does happen
18:30 when one goes to the grave?
18:32 Is there life beyond the grave?
18:35 Are they conscious or aware of anything
18:38 that's going on in this world?"
18:40 Well, let's keep allowing the Bible
18:42 to give us the answer here.
18:43 Let's go back to the Book of Ecclesiastes.
18:46 We're already there. So let's just go to Chapter 9.
18:50 And Solomon will answer that question
18:53 in verses 5 and 6.
18:56 Ecclesiastes Chapter 9, I wanna start reading
18:59 in verses 5 and 6.
19:02 The Bible says,
19:04 "For the living know that they will die.
19:08 But the dead know," how much?
19:11 "Not anything," or my version says nothing,
19:14 "And they have no more reward,
19:16 for the memory of them is forgotten.
19:19 Also their love, their hatred,
19:21 and their envy have now perished.
19:23 Nevermore will they have a share in anything done
19:27 under the sun,
19:29 at least not till the resurrection."
19:31 And then verse 10,
19:32 "Whatever your hand finds to do,
19:35 do it with all your," what?
19:37 "Might, for there is no work or device or knowledge
19:41 or wisdom in the grave where you are going."
19:47 Okay, now that is filled with a lot of lessons.
19:50 We need to go through that a little slower here.
19:53 Clearly the Bible is telling us that when a person dies,
19:58 they are not aware of anything that is going on in this world.
20:03 It says the living know that they're gonna die.
20:05 We all know that if Jesus doesn't come first,
20:07 we're eventually gonna die.
20:08 We know that, but the dead know not anything.
20:13 Sin can't touch them.
20:15 The evil things that happen in this world
20:17 can't hurt them anymore.
20:19 They peacefully sleep in the grave.
20:21 They know nothing
20:22 about what goes on in this world,
20:24 according to the Bible.
20:26 But there's a phrase in here that is sometimes misunderstood
20:30 and it disturbs people.
20:31 It's the phrase that says the memory of them is what?
20:36 Forgotten and we look at that and you know, our,
20:39 our hair bristles on the back of our neck
20:41 and we think, "No, I will never forget.
20:45 I will never forget about the loved one
20:47 who passed away.
20:49 The Bible is not saying that we forget
20:52 that our memory of them is forgotten.
20:54 The Bible is saying that their memory is gone
20:58 because they're sleeping in the grave,
20:59 they're not aware of what's going on in this world.
21:02 That's why Ecclesiastes describes it
21:05 as saying their love,
21:06 their hatred, their envy are now perished.
21:09 Their memory of what goes on here is gone,
21:12 not ours.
21:14 You know, I think of my grandmother.
21:17 We used to call her Grandma Esther.
21:20 When I grew up in Pennsylvania,
21:22 Thursday night was always grocery night,
21:26 and my mom and dad would go to the grocery store
21:29 and they'd buy the food they needed for the week.
21:31 But what they would do
21:33 is they would always take me over
21:35 and drop me off at Grandma Esther's house
21:37 and I'd spend Thursday night with her.
21:40 My grandma was probably one of the most godly woman
21:44 you would ever meet.
21:46 Gentle, kind, long-suffering, I mean, she grew up
21:52 under difficult circumstances.
21:55 She was married to one who was not a believer
21:58 and at times was somewhat abusive,
22:01 but you could always see the love of Jesus in her face.
22:04 And I can remember spending Thursday nights there
22:08 with grandma, with Sparthy the dog
22:11 and Calico and Pumpkin the cat,
22:14 and just playing with the animals
22:16 and she lived right across the street
22:18 from Jim and Nena's Pizzeria.
22:20 And so sometimes she takes me across the street
22:22 and we will get homemade pizza, you know, and then
22:25 she gives me ice-cream from her freezer.
22:28 You know, when you go see Grandma Esther,
22:30 you know, this isn't about a health day, etc.
22:32 You're just having fun, grandma and grandchildren.
22:35 And sometimes she'd sit me at the table
22:37 and we would just read and study the Bible together.
22:41 Well, she died when she was about 96 or 97.
22:44 She had Alzheimer's disease for about 12 years.
22:48 I'm looking forward to seeing her again.
22:51 See, my memory of her is not forgotten.
22:54 She was an influence in my life.
22:56 We will always remember those that have passed on.
22:59 It's just simply saying that when they're in the grave,
23:02 their memory is gone.
23:06 Now, I want to address something that's in here.
23:09 As a minister, I've been to many funerals
23:12 more than my fair share.
23:14 And I'm sure Pastor Mark can say the same thing.
23:17 Funerals are not my favorite thing to go to.
23:22 I understand it certainly is a job of a minister,
23:24 and it's an opportunity to bring comfort to people
23:27 who are hurting and point them to Jesus.
23:30 But still at a funeral, there's pain, there's sorrow,
23:33 there's crying, you know,
23:34 sometimes it's just hard to watch that.
23:37 So it's not my favorite thing to do.
23:40 But being at funerals, I can tell you this.
23:44 Do you know how many funerals there are?
23:48 Where people stand before a casket
23:52 and they're weeping,
23:54 they're sobbing, they're devastated
23:59 because for years, they held on to a grudge.
24:05 For years, they withheld forgiveness
24:08 over something that was so silly and so insignificant.
24:12 They didn't talk with each other.
24:14 They spoke ill of each other.
24:16 They avoided each other at family gatherings.
24:19 And now death knocked on their door
24:22 long before it was expected and they are gone.
24:26 And all that person wants is one chance to say,
24:28 "I'm sorry."
24:31 One chance to give them a hug and say,
24:32 "You know, I really did love you."
24:36 And now it's too late because they're gone.
24:40 See, life is too precious for us to be harboring
24:44 unforgiveness against people.
24:47 Are you against, let's be honest,
24:49 some of the dumbest and the silliest things.
24:52 That's why the Bible says take life seriously now.
24:55 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it.
24:57 Spend time with your family.
25:00 Don't go to bed angry over crazy things.
25:02 If there's someone in your family,
25:04 you're estranged from or some friend,
25:06 go make it right before one day death comes
25:10 and it's too late to do it.
25:14 It also tells me that if there are decisions
25:17 I need to make in my life,
25:19 decisions about my relationship with Jesus,
25:22 something about my spiritual life,
25:24 the Bible's saying, "Don't delay."
25:26 Because the truth is, we don't know when our time is.
25:29 I'm not gonna be an evangelist that tells you
25:31 that if you don't give your life to Jesus
25:33 that tonight you never know
25:34 you could be run over by a Mack truck,
25:37 though that's actually happened.
25:39 But the truth is that we all realize,
25:42 none of us are promised tomorrow.
25:46 We don't know what the future is holding.
25:48 And so that's why the Bible tells us
25:50 here in Ecclesiastes,
25:52 whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,
25:55 take life seriously, take your relationship
25:58 with Jesus seriously.
26:03 Every so often, ministers are asked to do
26:07 the funeral of people who are not believers.
26:11 I'll tell you, that's a hard funeral to do
26:13 because you never want to stand up there
26:15 and make a judgment as to where someone's eternity is,
26:20 because God hasn't set you up to be the judge.
26:23 And so it's kind of a little hard.
26:24 You just kind of point to the promises of the Bible,
26:26 try to point the family to Jesus.
26:29 But I can tell you this.
26:31 There is a difference between a Christian funeral
26:33 and a non-Christian funeral.
26:35 Can you say amen? Oh, there is still weeping.
26:38 There is still crying and there is still pain,
26:41 even in a Christian funeral
26:42 because it hurts to lose someone.
26:44 Even Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus.
26:48 But the difference is, the Christian knows
26:51 that's not the total end.
26:53 The Christian knows there is a resurrection.
26:57 The Christian knows that Jesus holds the keys to death,
27:01 He gives us victory over the grave,
27:04 that gives us hope.
27:07 But see, it's the one who is not a believer.
27:10 Deep down inside, though they may not show it,
27:14 they're really not sure.
27:17 Will they ever see that person again?
27:21 Or is this the dreadful absolute end.
27:27 You see there's a benefit to knowing Jesus.
27:30 Because Jesus says, "When you know Me,
27:32 you have victory over the grave,
27:35 because I will give you the keys of death."
27:40 In fact, in the Bible, did you know that
27:42 Jesus actually gave us a little picture
27:45 of what it means to have victory over the grave?
27:48 Would you like to see it?
27:50 Okay, a little more enthusiasm, would you like to see it?
27:52 All right, I want you to take your Bibles
27:54 and we're going to go to John Chapter 11.
27:58 You want to go to John Chapter 11.
28:00 Oh, I'm going too fast there. Chapter 11 verse 11.
28:04 And if you know your Bibles,
28:05 you know what story I'm going to,
28:07 this is the story of who?
28:09 Lazarus.
28:10 Now here in John 11,
28:12 Jesus was close friends with Mary,
28:15 Martha, and Lazarus.
28:16 He spent a lot of time at their home in Bethany.
28:20 In fact, for Jesus,
28:22 this was His respite from an evil world.
28:26 You know, the rabbis and the religious leaders,
28:28 they were always dogging His every step,
28:31 trying to twist His words to find something
28:34 they could accuse Him of.
28:35 They never left that man alone.
28:39 I mean, how would you feel to have the press
28:40 or as they say, the paparazzi
28:42 following you around everywhere you go,
28:44 taking pictures
28:46 just waiting for you to do something
28:47 that could be misconstrued
28:49 that they could put into the papers
28:50 or on the news to try to make you look bad.
28:53 Let's be honest, how many of us
28:55 would get annoyed after a few minutes?
28:57 Most of us probably would.
28:59 But Jesus was patient, and many times going to Mary,
29:03 Martha, and Lazarus house.
29:04 That was his way to get away from it all.
29:06 They were very close.
29:08 But the Bible tells us the time came
29:10 when Lazarus was very ill, so ill he was near death.
29:15 And the family specifically made a request for Jesus
29:19 to come and heal him.
29:20 Man, if he could heal the blind,
29:22 and the deaf, and the lepers,
29:23 He could heal His best friend,
29:25 one of His best friends, Lazarus.
29:28 And amazingly enough, to the dismay of His disciples,
29:34 Jesus purposely waited two, or three, or four days
29:40 before He went to Bethany,
29:43 and He intentionally let Lazarus die.
29:49 Pick up the story in verse 11.
29:51 The Bible says, "These things he said,
29:56 and after that, he said to them,
29:58 'Our friend Lazarus," does what?
30:00 "Sleeps, but I go that I may wake him.'
30:05 Then his disciples said, 'Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.'
30:09 However, Jesus spoke of his death,
30:13 but they thought he was speaking about
30:15 taking a rest in sleep.
30:17 Then Jesus said to them plainly,
30:19 'Lazarus is dead.'"
30:20 See, you notice the word Jesus used to describe death.
30:23 What word did He say? Sleep.
30:25 You see it over and over again in the Bible.
30:28 Now the disciples didn't get it.
30:30 They thought he met Lazarus has taken a nap.
30:32 And they thought, "Oh, well, good,
30:34 you know, he'll get better."
30:35 And Jesus had to come right out and say,
30:37 "No, Lazarus is dead.
30:39 He's sleeping in the grave."
30:41 And so Jesus then goes to Bethany.
30:44 And as He stands before the tomb,
30:47 now you pick it up in verse 43.
30:50 Because right before verse 43,
30:52 it says that Jesus wept at that tomb.
30:55 Now that says a lot to me about the emotions of Jesus,
30:59 because sometimes we think Jesus doesn't see
31:01 what I face on this earth.
31:04 Jesus doesn't understand my tears.
31:08 He doesn't understand my trials and my tribulations.
31:12 Does Jesus really see and hear those things?
31:15 And yet in the Bible, it gives us a picture
31:19 of a sympathizing Savior.
31:21 Even though He knew He was going to raise Lazarus,
31:24 He stood at that tomb, and He saw the pain
31:27 that the human family was going through.
31:29 And the Bible says, He was overcome
31:31 with emotion and Jesus wept.
31:35 That show of emotion tells me how much Jesus loves you
31:39 and how much He loves me.
31:42 I wonder how much He weeps over the things
31:44 that happen in our lives.
31:48 Verse 43, the Bible says.
31:51 "Now when he had said these things,
31:53 he cried with a loud voice, 'Lazarus, come forth,'
31:58 and he who had died came out
32:01 bound hand and foot with grave clothes,
32:04 and his face was wrapped with a cloth.
32:06 And Jesus said to them, 'Loose him and let him go.'"
32:10 Now, if that wasn't a little microscopic picture
32:14 of what the resurrection would be,
32:16 I don't know what is.
32:17 Can you say amen? Amen.
32:18 But in this story, understand
32:22 that what Lazarus didn't do
32:25 is just as important as what he did do.
32:30 You say, "What do you mean?"
32:31 Well notice, Lazarus comes out of the tomb
32:33 and Jesus says, okay,
32:35 unwrap the grave clothes from the man.
32:38 Now, I want you to pretend.
32:39 Let's just say, did this happen?
32:41 Okay, I'm gonna use something fictional.
32:44 Mary and Martha and the others unwrapped the grave clothes.
32:47 Lazarus adjust to the light, squints his eyes,
32:50 looks around, sees Mary, sees Martha,
32:53 sees Jesus and says, "What happened?
32:57 Where am I?"
32:58 And Mary and Martha said, "Oh, Jesus raised you
33:01 from the dead, Lazarus.
33:02 He brought you back to life."
33:04 And Lazarus looks at Jesus and he says,
33:07 "What did you do that for?
33:10 Man, I was up in heaven walking on streets of gold.
33:12 I was fellowshipping
33:14 with the angels in perfect paradise,
33:15 and you had the audacity
33:17 to bring me back to this rotten, sinful earth.
33:19 Why did you do that, Jesus?
33:22 Does the Bible say that happened?
33:24 Does Lazarus had any story to tell of heaven, or hell,
33:28 or anywhere else?
33:30 None.
33:32 Because he was sleeping in the grave,
33:35 just like Jesus said.
33:38 I mean, when you really think this through,
33:41 if we really go to heaven as soon as we die,
33:44 because the Bible says the reward
33:45 comes at the second coming.
33:47 If we really go to heaven or wherever right after we die,
33:50 and Jesus really did pull Lazarus out of heaven,
33:54 that really would have been a dirty trick, wouldn't it?
33:57 Who would have wanted to leave heaven
33:58 and come back here?
34:00 He was sleeping.
34:01 That's why he had no story to tell.
34:05 See, sleep is the Bible's way of describing death
34:08 because it's peaceful.
34:11 Think about when you fall asleep at night,
34:13 you lay your head down on the pillow
34:15 hopefully before midnight.
34:16 That didn't happen for me last night.
34:18 But hopefully before midnight, you lay your head down,
34:21 you fall asleep, and you're at peace.
34:24 Time passes unnoticed.
34:27 And after seven or eight hours passed by,
34:29 you wake up in the morning, it doesn't even seem that long.
34:32 It seemed like a snap of a finger.
34:34 That's what the Bible says death is like.
34:37 Sin can't hurt the person anymore.
34:39 Heartache can't touch them.
34:41 And whether they've been in that grave
34:42 three years or 3000 years, they won't know the difference.
34:46 Because when they wake up, the first face they see
34:49 is Jesus Christ giving them victory over the grave
34:52 because He has the keys of death.
34:57 Now having said that, I understand that
35:00 when a person hears this for the first time,
35:03 it might be a little disturbing 'cause I know people
35:07 at various seminars have come up to me
35:09 and they've said, "Oh Pastor Dave,
35:12 this steals my joy away.
35:15 I always loved thinking of my loved one
35:18 just up in heaven at peace
35:20 and looking down on me and my family.
35:23 Oh, I wish I hadn't heard this message.
35:25 This takes my joy away."
35:28 I can understand it's hard to wrestle with
35:31 because on the surface to us,
35:35 I can see how it would be comforting to think that
35:37 that loved one is heaven.
35:39 That is a comforting thought.
35:41 But you know, God's way is always best.
35:43 Let's think it through.
35:44 It might comfort us to think that,
35:48 but would that loved one really be happy?
35:52 Being there and looking down on their family,
35:56 all the problems the family goes through,
35:59 all the trials, all the fighting,
36:02 watching children or grandchildren
36:04 stray from the Lord,
36:06 making decisions that pains them
36:08 and they can't do anything about it.
36:12 See resting in the grave,
36:14 so that sin can't touch you anymore.
36:16 That's God's way. Let me illustrate it this way.
36:19 I'm going to use myself as an example.
36:21 Now I want you to really think this through.
36:24 Let's pretend that tonight I die.
36:26 I'm not planning on that.
36:28 But let's just pretend that
36:29 as I drive back to my apartment tonight,
36:32 I get hit and I die on a terrible accident
36:35 on the interstate.
36:36 So I die, I go to heaven.
36:39 I look down from heaven and I watch
36:43 as the officer in St. Louis knocks on the door of our home,
36:47 wakes my wife up in the middle of the night
36:49 and tells her that her husband has tragically died
36:52 that she is now a widow.
36:56 I watch as my wife slumps under her knees onto the ground
37:00 and begins to weep and to cry hysterically.
37:05 I watch as the news is passed to my 80 year old mom and dad.
37:09 They fly out to St. Louis to help her.
37:13 I watched the next morning as Marquita goes
37:17 into the bedroom of my little girls.
37:20 Now has to wake them up and tell them,
37:22 "Honey, You're not going to school today.
37:25 Daddy's died.
37:27 He won't be coming home to us anymore."
37:31 I watch my two little girls break down crying
37:34 because they miss their daddy.
37:38 I'm seeing all this from heaven.
37:41 A few days pass, I watch the funeral take place.
37:46 I see my mom and dad just crying uncontrollably
37:49 because children aren't supposed to die
37:50 before their parents.
37:53 And when the funeral's over, and they bring the family up
37:56 to the casket to see it one last time
37:58 before they close that lid.
38:02 I watch Marquita put her hand on my cold clammy arm.
38:07 She says, "David, I loved you. I'm gonna miss you.
38:11 I don't know how I'm going to make it."
38:13 And the tears stream down her face.
38:17 I watch my two little girls walk by.
38:20 I watch my six year old look up at Marquita and say,
38:23 "Mommy, when is daddy gonna wake up?
38:25 Why doesn't he answer me anymore?"
38:29 And I'm looking down from heaven.
38:32 Time passes.
38:36 Marquita is trying to adjust to being a single mother.
38:39 I watch her work two jobs, work her hands to the bone.
38:44 I watch when she puts the girls to bed each night
38:47 and she goes into our bedroom
38:48 and just slowly cries herself to sleep
38:50 for the next three months.
38:53 I listen to my girls wake up in the middle of the night
38:55 because they have nightmares
38:56 'cause they don't have their daddy anymore.
39:01 But more time passes.
39:05 Marquita gets through the grieving process.
39:08 And after a while another man
39:14 starts paying attention to her.
39:18 I watch another man take her by the hand.
39:22 Take her out to eat.
39:25 Kiss her on the lips.
39:29 I hear her say to another man, "I love you,"
39:33 words that were once reserved for me.
39:37 Oh, but I'm happy in heaven.
39:40 Time passes.
39:43 I watched them get married.
39:46 I watched my wife being intimate in bed
39:48 with another man.
39:49 Come on. Let's get real.
39:52 I hear my kids call another man daddy.
39:55 And I watch it slowly.
39:56 My pictures are taking down from the mantle
39:59 and replaced with his.
40:01 I ask you, "Would I be happy?"
40:06 I would not be happy at all.
40:08 That's why God says His way is best.
40:11 We sleep.
40:12 We rest in the grave until the resurrection.
40:15 And then we all walk into the kingdom together.
40:19 Can you say amen? Amen.
40:20 1 Thessalonians 4:16, the Bible says,
40:24 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
40:28 with a shout, and with the voice
40:30 of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.
40:33 And the dead in Christ will rise first.
40:37 Then we who are alive and remain
40:39 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
40:42 to meet the Lord in the air."
40:44 And then my favorite sentence, "And thus or in other words,
40:48 then we shall always be with the Lord."
40:51 Can the church say hallelujah? I love that part.
40:54 Then we will always be with the Lord.
40:59 See, this is where sometimes people have the idea.
41:01 "Well, you know,
41:03 that's where Jesus is gonna take the souls
41:04 out of heaven and put them back into the body."
41:07 Now remember, a soul is a living person.
41:09 It's not some separate part of our body.
41:11 But let's just think how illogical that is.
41:14 Jesus is gonna say to the people in heaven,
41:17 "Pardon me, folks, but what I need to do
41:19 is I need to take you,
41:20 I need to put you back down in your body
41:22 so that I can come back to the earth
41:24 and raise you up and take you back to heaven
41:25 where you already were to begin with."
41:28 How much sense does that make?
41:30 That's God is not an illogical God.
41:32 The fact that there is a resurrection
41:34 tells us that people are sleeping.
41:38 That's why 1 Corinthians 15 says,
41:41 "Then the mortal puts on immortality
41:44 at the resurrection."
41:47 See, in my mind's eye, here's what I picture.
41:50 At that second coming, I can just see an angel
41:54 taking a two-year old child that was cruelly taken
41:58 from her mother by some childhood disease,
42:01 and at the resurrection,
42:03 places that child back in the mother
42:05 and the father's hand, a family is reunited.
42:08 They make the journey to heaven together.
42:10 Why? Because Jesus is their Savior.
42:14 Jesus gives them victory over death.
42:16 Jesus has the keys of death, somebody say amen?
42:19 Amen.
42:21 That's the beauty of the Word of God.
42:25 But I realized it leaves a question.
42:28 As a pastor did I understand? Does it make perfect sense?
42:30 I don't know why I didn't understand it before.
42:36 But now let's understand why it's important.
42:39 Why does it matter? What happens when you die?
42:42 Why does it matter
42:44 what a person believes about that?
42:46 Now I'm sure there's people in the past
42:48 who didn't understand what happens when you die.
42:50 I suspect they're gonna be saved
42:52 because Jesus loves them.
42:54 But when we know the truth,
42:55 Jesus wants us to follow that truth.
42:59 Here's why it's important.
43:00 You know, sometimes in the Christian world today
43:02 I hear a phrase that just makes me
43:04 a little bit nervous.
43:05 I know what they mean by it.
43:06 But sometimes people say doctrine isn't important.
43:09 Jesus only, Jesus only. That bothers me a little bit.
43:13 I agree with the part,
43:14 Jesus is all we need for salvation.
43:17 We are not saved by works.
43:18 We are saved by grace through faith.
43:20 Amen?
43:21 But doctrine is teaching. It's in the Bible for a reason.
43:25 You see every doctrine of the Bible
43:28 that I misunderstand,
43:30 I'm gonna misunderstand something
43:31 about the character of God.
43:33 Because doctrine tells me something about
43:36 who He is and what His character is like.
43:39 So doctrine doesn't save me.
43:41 But it does help me to be on the right path
43:44 in this journey through life.
43:46 Now, I want to illustrate this.
43:47 Why it is important to know what happens when we die?
43:51 What about when we hear these stories?
43:54 We hear these stories of people who communicate with the dead.
43:59 Mediums and channelers,
44:02 you know, you can stay up late night TV.
44:04 I'm not suggesting you do this tonight.
44:05 But on late night TV, you can stay up
44:07 and you can listen to the psychic network,
44:10 you can call 1900 number and they will be glad to talk
44:14 to departed spirits and charge you $10 a minute
44:18 and give you advice as to what choices
44:20 you should make in life.
44:22 You see, the occult and the supernatural
44:25 has really become
44:26 a billion dollar business in this world.
44:29 So what are we supposed to make of it?
44:31 If they claim to see something
44:33 and they claim to talk to something,
44:35 but yet the Bible says the dead know nothing.
44:39 What am I supposed to make of this?
44:42 I want you to take your Bibles and turn to Isaiah Chapter 47.
44:46 In Isaiah Chapter 47, God actually gives us
44:51 some very strong advice as to what our perspective
44:56 should be on speaking to the dead
44:59 and life beyond the grave.
45:01 Isaiah 47:12-14.
45:06 Now as I read this, I'm just going to tell you,
45:08 this is a verse where God uses
45:10 some really strong language here.
45:13 Isaiah 47:12, here's what's happening.
45:18 He is uttering a rebuke against Babylon,
45:21 because spiritualism also came from Babylon,
45:24 and Israel was getting involved in it.
45:28 Going to mediums and sorcerers and things like that.
45:31 Notice what God said. Isaiah 47:12.
45:36 The Bible says,
45:37 "Stand now with your enchantments
45:40 and the multitude of your sorceries
45:43 in which you have labored from your youth.
45:46 Perhaps you will be able to profit,
45:48 perhaps you will prevail.
45:50 You are wearied in the multitude
45:53 of your counsels.
45:55 Let now the astrologers, and the stargazers,
45:58 and the monthly prognosticators stand up
46:01 and save you from what shall come upon you.
46:04 Behold, they shall be as," what?
46:07 "Stubble the fire shall burn them."
46:12 And I'm gonna stop here.
46:13 Would you agree that's some pretty blatant
46:16 straightforward language God uses?
46:18 He's saying to Babylon, He's saying to Israel,
46:20 "Listen, you're going to all these sorcerers,
46:22 you're going to mediums and wizards
46:24 instead of going to your God, fine.
46:26 Go to them.
46:27 See if you profit anything,
46:29 see what kind of advice they give you."
46:32 And he goes on to tell them in verse 14,
46:34 he's basically saying get away from it.
46:37 It's a road that leads straight to what?
46:40 To hell.
46:41 It says the fire shall burn them,
46:45 they shall be as stubble.
46:46 That's talking about the fires of destruction,
46:49 the fires of hell.
46:50 That's how serious God is.
46:51 He says, "I have nothing to do with those things.
46:54 Get as far away from it as possible."
46:58 I say, "Wow, why is God so serious about that?"
47:03 Let's think about it.
47:06 If the Bible says the dead know nothing,
47:08 they rest in the grave till Jesus comes.
47:12 Then who are these people talking to?
47:15 Oh, they're seeing something.
47:18 They're talking to something.
47:21 But according to the Bible, it's not the dead loved one
47:25 because they sleep in the grave.
47:28 They know nothing, their emotions,
47:29 their memory is perished until the resurrection.
47:33 The reason God is so serious, my friends,
47:37 is because we are playing
47:38 with the forces of hell and demons,
47:42 when we get involved in contacting with the dead.
47:47 You see, the devil is well able to impersonate someone
47:50 who has died in the past, whether it be a famous figure
47:54 or whether it be a loved one.
47:56 Notice what it says in 2 Thessalonians 2:9,
47:59 the Bible says, "The coming of the lawless one
48:03 is according to the working of," who?
48:05 "Satan with all power, signs, and lying wonders."
48:10 See, the devil can do signs and lying wonders as well.
48:14 I mean in Genesis with Eve, what did he turn himself into?
48:18 A serpent.
48:20 He can impersonate a dead loved one,
48:23 because he knows how deceptive that would be.
48:27 You know, we might be thinking, "Oh, that's low.
48:29 That is just a low blow for the devil."
48:32 Like, yes, I know.
48:34 The devil is willing to stoop that low.
48:38 Because he knows if I really thought
48:42 that was my mother,
48:44 I would be likely to believe everything she says.
48:48 Because I would figure, "Well, she's passed from the grave,
48:51 she must know, she's experienced that."
48:54 And so, if she says something that's not according
48:57 to the Word of God,
48:59 I will believe it, because I figured that
49:01 she's already passed through the grave
49:03 and the devil will deceive millions of people that way.
49:09 That's why the Bible wants us to know the truth about death.
49:14 I'll give you another example, it's kind of a sensitive issue.
49:17 And I'm not trying to be negative towards any group.
49:21 But this is a very good illustration
49:23 we need to be aware of.
49:25 Do you know what is one of the most
49:28 widely documented supernatural phenomenas
49:31 in the world right now?
49:34 It's the appearance of the apparition, Mary.
49:39 It has been seen and documented in many places
49:43 throughout the world.
49:45 And so that leaves us with a very serious question.
49:50 Is that Mary?
49:53 Because if it is,
49:55 you might as well take this Bible
49:56 and throw it out the door
49:59 because it would mean the Bible is a lie.
50:02 And all the verses we read are meaningless.
50:05 According to the Bible that's not Mary.
50:08 Now, no disrespect to Mary, I'm thankful that
50:10 you know God used her in a special way
50:13 for the role she played in the plan of salvation.
50:15 Can you say amen?
50:17 That God used her to be the earthly mother
50:19 of Jesus Christ.
50:20 So there was something special about Mary's character.
50:23 But the truth is, Mary's a sinner
50:26 just like you and me, saved by grace.
50:29 Mary needs a savior to get to heaven.
50:33 Mary is in the grave,
50:34 just like all who have passed away.
50:38 And what's eventually going to happen is
50:41 that apparition is going to start speaking
50:43 if it hasn't already.
50:45 And when that apparition starts saying things
50:48 that contradict the Word of God,
50:50 there will be millions of religious believers
50:53 who will be deceived, because we don't know
50:56 what the Bible teaches about death.
51:00 That's why it's so important.
51:05 I'll give you one more example.
51:06 This might be a hard one.
51:09 They did a survey a few years ago,
51:11 because they discovered
51:13 that many Christian young people
51:14 were getting involved in the occult,
51:15 and seances, and Ouija boards and they wanted to figure out
51:18 why are Christian young people doing this?
51:22 I don't remember which Christian magazine
51:23 did the survey.
51:25 But when they did the research,
51:27 do you know what they discovered?
51:28 It's shocking what they discovered.
51:30 You know, who they found to be at fault.
51:34 The Christian churches today.
51:37 You say how is that?
51:40 What's one of the most popular doctrines
51:42 in the majority of churches today?
51:45 That when you die, you continue to live somewhere
51:48 where it's heaven, or hell, or somewhere else.
51:53 And when we indoctrinate a young person with that
51:55 from the beginning,
51:56 then when they get involved
51:58 and there's someone who drags them over here
52:00 or to some seance or something appears to them.
52:03 They've already been taught by their church
52:06 that when you die, you don't surely die.
52:10 And we repeat the same lie that the devil did
52:13 in the Garden of Eden.
52:15 And so the young people get sucked into these things.
52:18 Because we're not teaching that when you die,
52:21 you rest in the grave until Jesus Christ comes.
52:26 That's why Job is so clear.
52:28 He says, "As the cloud disappears
52:30 and vanishes away,
52:32 so he who goes down to the grave does not," what?
52:37 "Come up.
52:38 He shall never return to his house,
52:40 nor shall his place know him anymore."
52:44 Not until the resurrection. See, the Bible was clear.
52:48 It's always important to follow the teachings of the Bible.
52:51 It's there for a reason.
52:54 Hi, I'm Pastor Dave, and this is my family.
52:58 My wonderful wife, Marquita
53:00 and my two beautiful daughters Melanie and Emily.
53:03 Thank you for joining us today.
53:05 We pray that you have been blessed
53:07 by today's presentation.
53:09 If you would like to give a donation
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53:32 or call toll free 855-774-HOPE.


Revised 2019-09-30