Discover Prophecy Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000008A

00:08 Crown Heights New York
00:12 a jewish man loses control of his car
00:16 and accidentally strikes and kills a 7 year old
00:20 african american boy. Ambulances rush
00:24 to the sceen a crowd gathers and
00:28 rumors start to fly that it was racially motivated eventy
00:32 even though it wasnt. 3 hours later
00:36 revenge is taken when a young rabinical student is murdered just
00:40 5 blocks away these incidents threw the neighborhood into
00:44 two days of intense violence and before
00:48 the police could regain control 188 people
00:52 were injured and a whole neighbor was turned upside down with hate
00:56 and animosity.
01:00 Blacksburg Virginia. A student walks
01:03 into a dorm at Virginia Tech University and shoots
01:07 two people in cold blood. He then makes his way across
01:12 the campus to the science and engineering building where he goes from one
01:16 classroom to another indiscriminantly shooting
01:20 proffessors and students alike. When the whole massacre is
01:24 over 32 were killed
01:28 many were injured and it turned a campus upside down
01:32 the newspapers said this was the deadliest peace time shooting
01:36 by a single gunman in US histroy
01:40 some propbably remember that. Aurora, Colorado
01:44 another young man walks into a moive theater, makes his way to one of the
01:48 rooms and begins shooting. At first the people thought the gun fire
01:52 was from the movie screen but once they heard the screams
01:56 and saw blood, they all scattered in the dark and in a
02:00 matter of minutes 12 lost there lives, 58 were injured,
02:04 and families were torn apart
02:08 i would like to be able to say that these are isolated incidences
02:12 and they don't happen very mush but you know
02:16 that isnt true becasue all we have to do is read
02:20 newspapers and turn on CNN and we see that things like this
02:24 are happening on a regular basis it is part
02:28 of our society in the 21st century
02:32 and it causes people to ask the question why
02:36 what is going on here why does it seem like
02:40 our world is falling apart at the seams
02:44 in fact if you look at our world we're gonna take a look at some of the
02:48 problems many societies around this planet are facing
02:52 take a look at these statistics. We are told that
02:56 10 million violent crimes are committed just in this country alone
03:00 every single year. The bloodshed in our streets
03:04 is common thing
03:48 When you look at statistics like this
03:52 it tends to get your attention and you go back to the origianl
03:56 question why is this happening. Why
04:00 does it seem like our problems are increasing in scope and magnitude
04:04 and we cant do anything about it why are the morals
04:08 of our society continually plummeting to an
04:12 ever lower level. many people have asked that
04:16 in fact if we were to go around the room tonight and solicit everybody's opinion
04:20 most of the things you say would probably be right but did you know
04:24 in prophetic portions of the Bible God suggests
04:28 an answer. In fact God comes right out and
04:32 tells us why we are facing these things in the wrold today
04:36 so I'd like to invite you to tkae your Bibles and the first book we're
04:40 gonna go to is the book Hosea chapter 4
04:44 Hosea chapter 4 verse 1 The Bible says
04:48 hear the word of the Lord
04:52 you children of Israel for the Lord brings a charge
04:56 against the inhabitants of the land there is no truth
05:00 or mercy or knowledge of God in the land
05:04 by swearing and lying, killing and stealing
05:08 and committing adultery they break all restraint with bloodshed
05:12 upon bloodshed I want to stop there for second
05:16 it is interesting to know that as God looks
05:20 at the societies of Israel he is seeing things
05:24 that are also taking place in the pagan nations around them
05:28 as Hosea describes the society of his day Hosea
05:32 day it almost sounds like he is reading straight
05:36 from a newspaper 21st century
05:40 God says he sees lying and stealing and killing
05:44 people without self control, bloodshed upon bloodshed
05:48 sounds like our world today does in it?
05:52 but what is shocking about this God is
05:56 not speaking to the pagan nations that do not know him
06:00 he is talking about his own people the children of Israel
06:04 and then in verse 6
06:08 God comes right out in telling them why
06:12 they face these problems in fact in verse 6 he doesnt get symbolic
06:16 her doesnt beat around the bush he comes right out and says it in a way
06:20 there is no mistaking it.Lets pick it up now in verse 6
06:24 the Bible says,
06:28 my people are destroyed for (WHAT?) lack of
06:32 knowledge (that is spiritual knowledge) because
06:36 you have rejected knowledge I also will reject you from being
06:40 priest for me becasue you
06:44 have forgotten the law of your God
06:52 I also will forget your children. Now notice God gives them two main reasons
06:56 why there society is plummetting. one they have rejected
07:00 spiritual knowledge. They have turned away from the principles
07:04 of God's word and more specifically he says
07:08 you have forgotten the law
07:12 of your God. Remember how he had given the nation of Israel
07:16 principles to follow. That they were given the 10 commandment law
07:20 of God as a principle of happiness
07:24 God had told them, if you honor these principles if you keep these
07:28 laws you will have a happy healthy and stable
07:32 society that will be an example to the rest of the world
07:36 your family's will be strong, and your neighborhoods will be strong
07:40 but if you turn away from the principle of happiness
07:44 you will begin to face pain, woe,and sorrow
07:48 and things will begin to fall apart and that is exactly
07:52 what happened. God gave them his law
07:56 and they turned away from it and God said that is why
08:00 you're facing these problems in your society
08:04 do you realize we are running
08:08 almost an exact parallel of the land of Israel back in
08:12 Hosea's day because in our secular world today
08:16 the majority has thrown away the principles of God's word
08:20 and when it comes ot his holy ten commandment law
08:24 the secular world says we dont need that any more
08:28 the 10 commandments that's archaic that's
08:32 irrelevant modern man doesnt need to be guided
08:36 by such ancient principles and as a result
08:40 our society plummets, our morals
08:44 are decreasing and we find ourselves falling into greater
08:48 woe and we can't solve the problem why? because
08:52 God says we have turned away from His principles
08:56 of happiness now that ought to tell us something
09:00 about the Love of God becasue he could have created us
09:04 and said youre on your own but God says becasue I love so much
09:08 I'm going to give you principles to follow that will bless
09:13 you for life and if you follow them you will have
09:17 happiness if you follow them you will experience
09:21 the greatest blessing of live
09:25 But our secular world has rejected them they took surveys
09:29 just a few years ago. you know how they sometimes do roving surveys out in
09:33 neighborhoods they ask people you know questions somtime when you ask kids
09:37 like you know what president was Abraham Lincoln and they want to see how many Americans
09:41 new Us history Well one they decided to
09:45 ask was "Can you name two or three of the ten
09:49 commandments?" and it was absolutely shocking that
09:53 here in the 21st century in our modern world the vast majority
09:57 people could not even name 2 or 3 of the ten commandments
10:01 there was one that they could name would like guess which on that is
10:05 Thou shall not kill. do know why do we know that one?
10:09 A couple of reason a little bit of selfishness is involved
10:13 we like that commandment why? one because we dont wanna be killed
10:17 you know almost every government on earth has that law but
10:21 beyond that commandment most people could not
10:25 even name it. You might say pastor Dave why are we studying
10:29 this subject in a prophecy seminar here is what we are going to discover
10:33 God's law becomes a big issue in the book
10:37 of Revelation did you know that? Revelation describes
10:41 God's people at the end of time as those who keep his commandments
10:45 and the great crisis that happens at the end
10:49 is gonna force people to make a choice between man's law and God's law
10:53 we are gonna see that in a few minutes so if we understand
10:57 prophecy we have to got know what God teached about his
11:01 own law. So we will spend time doing that tonight
11:05 and since we are lets go ahead and put the ten commandments on the screen
11:09 and lets just briefly go through them and see it we
11:13 can find something archaic and irrelevant for are world
11:17 today now I'm going to go through these pretty fast you could do a whole sermon on each one
11:21 Commandment number on e Thou shalt have no other gods
11:25 before me Well that make sense God want use to be faithful to Him
11:29 just as we don't wand are husband or wife going off with some one else
11:33 Commandment number two, Thou shalt have no graven image
11:37 well that one makes sense because why worship something made of
11:41 wood or stone when you can have a living God who hears you. Can you
11:45 Aman? Commandment number three Thou shalt not take
11:49 the name of the LORD thy God in vain; in others words we
11:53 should respect Gods name and you use proper language Commandment number
11:57 four Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy In other words
12:01 God give us a time to rest and to worship him and
12:05 grow in our relationship with Jesus Commandment number five
12:09 Honour thy father and thy mother God wants us
12:13 to have happy and strong family ties
12:17 numebr six Thou shalt not kill if we only
12:21 keep that one this world would be be better place. Can you say Amen?
12:25 Number seven Thou shalt not commit adultery.
12:29 Well that certainly not irrelevant God knows when marriages
12:33 fall apart there is a ton of pain in person live God wants
12:37 somthing beter for than that. Commandment number eight
12:41 Thou shalt not steal. well that one makes sense
12:45 Commandment number nine Thou shalt not bear false witness in other words
12:49 be true full about the things you say and lastly number ten
12:53 Thou shalt not covet in other words be thankful for what you have
12:57 because if you are always wanting something else that somebody has
13:01 you'll never be happy and so God has given us
13:05 these principle of happiness because he loves us
13:09 but here is something you notice.
13:13 just a few generation ago back in the early 1900s
13:17 most of society thought that those commandments were very
13:21 important most of society back then in the early
13:25 twenty century thought that we needed honor those
13:29 principles of happiness so in those early 1900s
13:33 we taught to children at home, they were taught in schoools
13:37 systems and displayed in government buildings and they
13:41 were preached from christian pulpits. but you fast forward
13:45 a hundred years, now to the early 21st century
13:49 and all that is changed there has been a
13:53 definite shift in thinking and attitude
13:57 because now we are not teaching them at home
14:01 they definitely are not being taught in school sytems, you can't display them
14:05 in government buildings, and rarely will you hear them preached
14:09 from christian pulpits today in fact
14:13 even sometimes in christianity we hear things like this.
14:17 Well God's law thats not important any more that was only
14:21 for the Jews as if God only wanted Jewish nation to be happy
14:25 oh the commandments they are a bit outdated it was
14:29 done away with at the cross we're under grace now
14:33 so the question we have to ask is does the
14:36 Bible teach those things but number two
14:41 anyone can see our societies plummeting wither you are religious
14:45 secular and if that is happen why in the world
14:49 would this planet want to do away with God's principles of
14:53 happiness and why would the religous world go right alone
14:57 with it and here's what you discover
15:01 it is no accident did you know that in
15:04 Bible prophecy God warned us that this
15:08 shift in thinking would happen. Did you know that? in book Daniel
15:12 God warned us that the spirit of
15:16 Antichrist would be woking in this world and to try to pull
15:20 people from God and to pull away from His Holy Law
15:24 i want to take you to a very revealing
15:28 passage in the book of Daniel this on of our a key passage
15:32 for tonight id like you to take your bibles and go to Daniel
15:36 chapter 7 and verse 25
15:40 becasue I think we all realize there has been a defined shift in attitude
15:44 towards God's law. now if some of your grandparents
15:48 or great grandparents happen to be alive you ask them sometime
15:52 what society thought of those principles back when they were young
15:56 and they will tell you that society sought to honor
16:01 them a lot more than we do today Daniel is going to tell us
16:05 why that shift is taking place Daniel
16:09 chapter 7 and we are going to read verse 25
16:13 now here in Daniel chapter 7 this entire
16:17 chapter describes the work of antichrist
16:21 God reveals to us what the things antichrist
16:25 will do in this world how whe will try to pull people away
16:29 from God later in this seminar we are gonna spend
16:33 2 whole nights on this chapter but just for tonight
16:37 i want to scratch the surface by drawing your attention
16:41 to something in verse 25 about what antichrist's
16:45 will do now don't miss this Daniel 7 verse 25
16:49 The bible says,
16:53 He shall speak pompous words against (againt who?)
16:57 the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
17:01 And shall intend to change times
17:05 and law or if you have the King James it say He shall
17:09 to change times and laws: Then the
17:13 saints shall be given to his hand for a time, times,
17:17 and half a time. Now we are goign to dig deaply into that a little later, but
17:21 here is what I want you to notice it says that antichrist works against who?
17:25 the Most High and his saints or his people
17:29 and it specifically said he would think to change
17:33 times and laws
17:37 in its context it is talking about God's law
17:41 because the phrases right above that
17:45 say that he or it is woring against the Most High
17:49 so what the bible is telling us is that the spirit of antichrist
17:53 will be working in this world to do away with
17:57 to try to obliterate or turn us away from
18:03 God's law and that is exactly what you see happening today
18:07 it is being fulfilled even in the last hundred years
18:11 as you see a definite change in thinking towards God's
18:15 principles of happiness in fact
18:19 I want you notice waht Revelation says about God's law
18:23 because I'm not just pulling this out of a hat saying that this is important
18:27 in bible prohecy we just read in Daniel that antichrist
18:31 would think to change God's times and God's laws
18:35 but now want you to notice what the book of Revelation says
18:39 about God's people at the end of time
18:43 this one I have written out on the screen for you. Revelation 14
18:48 The Bible says
19:00 Now let's stop for second
19:04 Revelation here is describing God's people at the end times
19:08 it is describing God's church if you will in the last days
19:12 that is the saints and it specifically describes
19:16 them as those keeping commandments of God because
19:20 of their faith in Jesus Christ in fact
19:24 what you'll discover if you read just a few before that,
19:28 the third angel of Revelation 14 is warning
19:32 people about worshipping the beast and his image now we'll get into that a little bit
19:36 later, but what Revelation is telling us is that in the last days
19:40 there will clearly be two groups of people one group
19:44 follows the beast and worship his image God's people
19:48 keeping His commandments so what ever the final crises
19:52 involves Revelation has already told us that it revolves
19:56 around the commandments of God in some way
20:00 one group follows man's law the other group follows
20:04 God's law at all cost
20:08 and so if we want to clearly understand the issue in the
20:12 book of Revelation we have got to know what does
20:16 the Bible teach about God's law becasue
20:20 on one hand there is a group of thinking that says
20:23 well that was nailed to the cross it is not important anymore
20:27 and being under grace says we dont need to worry about those principles
20:31 but yet the book of Revelation describes God's chruch at the end
20:34 as keeping His commandments so since there are
20:38 these two conflicting schools of thought we need to pause right
20:42 now and before we go any futher in the book of Revelation we have to make sure
20:46 we understand what the scriptures teach concerning this
20:50 subject because if revelation brings it up that means
20:54 it is important can you say amen so what we are gonig to do now
20:58 we're just start in the Old Testamnet and make our way all the way
21:02 to the New Testamnet and see what does God's word teaches
21:06 on this subject see that is the way you study revelation when it
21:10 brings up a subject we need more information about before you go
21:14 on in Revelation aand try to fil in the blanks with our own opinions,
21:19 go to the Bible and get a clear understanding
21:23 that is how you let the Bible interpret itself that is what
21:27 we seek to do everynight in this seminar
21:31 so what we wanna do just now I want you turn to the Old Testament
21:35 and begin this journey in the book of Exodus
21:39 that hould com as no surprise I want yoe to turn to Exodus chapter
21:43 Exodus 31 and verse 18
21:47 Exodus chapter 31 verse
21:51 18 and here is what we are going to read God
21:55 had given Moses the ten commandments
21:59 and as God gives this to Moses
22:03 surprise I want you to notice how it is describe in the Bible because there is two important
22:07 things in this verse Exodus 31 and verse
22:11 18.The Bible says,
22:15 And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount
22:19 Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the
22:23 Testimony, tablets of (what?) stone
22:27 written with? the finger of God
22:31 lets stop there for a second important things
22:35 are mentioned here do you notice when Moses went up
22:39 to get the commandments on what type of material
22:43 did God put his principles of happiness you tell me
22:47 stone. now notice he didnt put it on paper
22:51 or papyrus He didn't put it and any other material where
22:55 something could happen to it rot away etc. He
22:59 wrote it on stone that ought
23:03 to tell us something about the permancy of that God attches
23:07 to His Holly Law. Infact when you think about it we have a
23:11 figure of speech that we even use in our world today that is very much
23:15 connected to what we just read here in the bible think about it
23:19 when we want to communicate to something or when we want communicate
23:23 to someone that something is never gonna change and last forever what
23:27 what do we say it is written stone
23:31 that means it has no ending that figure of speech actually
23:35 comes all the way from the Bible here in Exodus
23:39 in addition to that do you notice what instrument God uses to write
23:43 What is it? His finger notice He didn't use
23:47 a pen or whatever they had in those days, He did not dictated
23:51 to Moses for him to write down God wrote it
23:55 with His very own finger
23:59 Now think about that for a second do you know
24:03 that means the ten commandments it is
24:07 the only part of God Word that God
24:13 wrote himself. Now think about that
24:18 we are told that when it comes to the rest of the canon of scripture
24:22 that holy men of old were under inspiration of the holy spirit
24:26 and God inspired them with divine thought and they wrote
24:30 them down in their words in human language to comunicate
24:34 it. He did not dictate the Bible word for word
24:38 but when it comes to His law God wrote it with his
24:42 very own finger that is how important it must be
24:46 now soemtimes we have the impression
24:50 well right here on Mount Sinai that is the beginning of God's law right?
24:54 actually it is not! God's law existed long
24:58 before this notcie in Genesis 26:5
25:02 Abraham is described as keeping God's commandments
25:06 the Bible saya,
25:18 Abraham the father of the faithful honored the commandments of God
25:22 but actually God's
25:26 law existed even before Abraham becasue we can go
25:30 all the way back to the beginning of this earth's history even all
25:34 the way back to Adam and Eve you say well how do you know that
25:38 Let me show you something I'm going to put a picture on the screen I wanna see if you
25:42 know what that it is thats right thats
25:46 Cain and Abel. So let me ask you a question
25:50 when Cain killed Abel was that a sin. Yes or No
25:54 How many people agree that is a sin let see your hand its not a trick
25:58 question or anything let me ask you something then
26:02 if the ten commandments didnt exist back then
26:06 how could God punish Cain
26:10 for something he didnt know was wrong
26:14 if thou shall not kill didnt exist in the beginning
26:18 how could God punish cain for something
26:22 he was unaware of becasue did God punish cain?
26:26 He did He put a mark on him he was wander of the earth
26:30 so right here it tells us that Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve
26:34 familiar with God's Law, God shared it with them, orally
26:38 you say how do you know that back in Genesis
26:42 1 it says that God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening
26:46 they had regular communion together God had
26:50 shared his principles of happiness with them it wasnt
26:54 unitl the time of Moses that God decided to put it on stone
26:58 do you know why He put it on stone? becasue
27:02 he already witnessed numerous times how apt man is to forget
27:06 think about it not long after they were created
27:10 apparently Cain and Abel came along and Cain killed Abel
27:14 his law was forgotten about by the time
27:18 that you get only five chapters into the bible it says the world
27:22 was filled with such wickedness God had to destroy it with a flood
27:26 the world forgot and even not long ater that
27:30 you read about the tower of babel where the world rebelled
27:34 against God and he confused their language
27:38 and even all the way at the time of moses
27:42 becasue knows how man forgets He said now instead of sharing
27:46 orally I'm going to write it on stone
27:50 and amazingly enough even after that
27:54 it only took 40 days to forget
27:58 because here in Exodus 31 this is the second time
28:02 Moses goes up to get the commandments
28:06 remember the first time he was gone 40 days and when he came down the mountain
28:10 What were the Israelites already doing dancing and worshipping
28:14 around the golden calf and Moses was so frustrated
28:18 with them because they has heard God speak those commandments
28:22 from the cloud above the mountain He went up to get it in stone in 40 days
28:26 they are already break them, he throws the commandments down
28:30 this in away symbolizing what Israel had done God
28:34 knows that man would forget so now He puts it
28:38 stone, but believe it or not
28:42 you can go actually everfarther back than the beging of this world
28:46 God's Law has existed from all
28:50 of eternity becasue God's Law
28:54 is really a description of his character it is the prinicples
28:58 of his government how he operates and when you think about it
29:02 who was the first being
29:06 to break Gods Law, the very first on
29:10 Lucifer remember how we studied how
29:14 Satan was once a mighty angel in the court of Heaven
29:19 but he lost his love for God and he began to
29:23 deceive the other angels into believing that God was not love
29:27 that God could not be trusted that
29:31 His law was not imprtant for angelic being to follow
29:35 and as a result Lucifer and the angels that followed him
29:39 were cast out of heaven becasue they brought woe and suffering even
29:43 to the courts of heaven when you think about it Lucifer
29:47 broke at least three of those commandments Number one Thou shall
29:51 have no other gods before me, because Satan wanted to be
29:55 his own god. You know when you think about it
29:59 that is the one you and I struggle the most
30:03 you say oh no I don't struggle with that one when you
30:07 think about the principle behind that commandment it
30:11 probably is because we want to be are own god
30:15 We may not say I want to be divene Lord I want to seat on your throne
30:19 but when we say Lord I know what your word says
30:23 but I'm going to do something else Lord I
30:27 know what your will is but it is inconvenient for me
30:31 so when I chose ignore what God says and
30:35 do what I say I'm am placing myself above
30:39 God I'm being my own god it all comes back
30:43 to self and not having a surrendered heart I assure you
30:47 that is the one I struggle with the mostand probably that's the one
30:51 you'll find that the majority people in the world with. just say
30:55 Lord I surrender myself to you I wanna put your word and
30:59 your truth first. Lucifer broke commandment nmmber
31:03 9 you shall not bear false witness he lied the the other angels
31:07 about the character of God and lastley number 10
31:11 he coveted the throne so much that was willing
31:15 to instigate full scale rebellion to get it
31:19 and so if turning away from the
31:23 if that brought suffering even in heaven
31:27 what makes us think turning away from Gods law wont do the same thing
31:31 on this earth see Lucifer he is doing the same rebellion
31:35 here the more we turn away from the principles of happiness
31:39 that God gave us in the beginning the more our societies
31:43 and homes and neighborhoods plunge deepera and deeper
31:47 into the pit and many times the world turns
31:51 around and blames God for it even though
31:55 He already gave us the principles of happiness from the beginning
31:59 see folks the fact that God gives us his law
32:03 tells us that he loves us so much we tend to think God is just being
32:07 a party pooper cant do this cant do that how many of you
32:11 have children raise your hand do ever tell your childern
32:15 thou shall not, oh come now do you do you ever
32:19 tell your childern thou shall not you may not use those word but I know in the homes here
32:23 say don't do this don't do that is happen a lot in our family why do we
32:27 tell our children not to do something because there is danger involved
32:31 you know I tell our girls don't you dare cross the street
32:35 without use being there it that because were are a bunch of party pooper's
32:39 we don't know how to have fun, well they might think but
32:43 as they get older they understand that when you cross the boundary
32:47 potential danger in that street and mommy and daddy
32:51 want something better for you that is how God is He
32:55 gives us boundaries not because He is trying to keep happiness from us
32:59 but becasue he wants to give us ultimate happiness and to keep us
33:03 away from the deceptions fo the Devil bringing heart ache into our lives
33:07 what would we say about aparent that says to there child you what
33:11 I don't care what you do just go off and do whatever we would say they
33:15 don't love their child very much why would we want God
33:20 to be like a bad parent why would we want God to says you know
33:23 what ever you want I don't care that is not the way God is
33:28 He loves us and He is intently
33:31 involved in our lives so He gives us the principle
33:36 of His law but lets go a little farther
33:40 thus far we have looked up things in the old testament
33:44 lets go to the new becasue sometimes it is said well
33:48 the ten commandments are nailed to the cross so lets go into the New Testament
33:52 so lets go see what Jesus teached about the subject because I reckon
33:56 if anyone know about Gods law it ought to be Jesus himself Can You Say Amen
34:00 so lets go to Matthew 5 and verse 17
34:04 the sermon on the Mount now I wnat you
34:08 think about what this is this by far the greatest sermon ever preached.
34:12 Jesus gave us the principles of Christianity
34:16 in three chapters can you believe that
34:20 he gave us the basic summary of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus
34:24 and to follow the religion of christ in three simple
34:28 chapters that is it and of all the
34:32 things he could have covered one of the things that He covered
34:36 He thought was essential is what our attitude should be
34:40 towards Gods Law Matthes 5 verse 17
34:44 The bible says do not think that I came
34:48 to destroy the law or the prophets, I did not come
34:52 to destroy but to do What? fulfill. for For assuredly,
34:56 I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away,
35:00 one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law
35:04 until all is fulfilled then notice verse 19
35:08 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments,
35:12 and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom
35:16 but whoever does and teaches them,
35:20 he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
35:24 there is a few things there as a minister
35:28 verse 19 really gets my attention
35:32 do you know why? Jesus
35:36 actually pronounces a woe on anyone
35:40 that teacehs others to ignore his law
35:44 i dont want Jesus to pronounce a woe on me
35:48 that is a serious thing He says they there will be least in the kingdom of heaven and that is
35:52 really a play on words becasue they are not gonna be in the kingdom of heaven
35:56 see that is a temptation for a minister you say what do you mean
36:00 I'm gonna let you into the heart of a minister for the next minute or two is that ok
36:04 I'm going to share with some of temptations we face
36:08 is in many ways ministers have a human nature just like you
36:12 and like many people in the world we want to be liked
36:16 we dont like to have enemies we don't like to have anybody
36:20 criticize us it hurts and so as
36:24 a result there are times when we are tempted to say you know what
36:28 i dont wanna preach that part of God's Word becasue it is too straight forward somebody
36:32 might get upset with me tempted to maybe pick and chose
36:36 certain things in the Word of God you know not upset anybody and
36:40 dont talk about sin, dont step on toes dont lovingly
36:44 challenge a church to grow becasue when you
36:48 upset people for teaching that which truth
36:52 sometimes your church may not be the biggest in twon
36:56 sometimes the attendance goes down
37:01 when the attendance goes down that means
37:05 less offering in the plate and when there less offerings are in the palte
37:09 you cant pay the bills and when you cant pay
37:13 the bills guess who doen't get paid
37:17 the minister you see the
37:21 temptaion sometimes us minister to skip and chose
37:25 only preach bubbling brooks and things make people happy
37:29 and never address serious subject I think we all
37:33 realize that there are true ministers and there are minsters who are not genuine
37:37 now it's not up to me to that judge only God can read the heart Cna you say Amen?
37:41 but i think we know like any proffession there are people in it for
37:45 the wrong reasons but see the word of God tells me
37:49 I cannot skip things because they are difficult it might
37:53 me easier for me to say, hay don't worry about the principles of God's Law
37:57 but God says i need to preach the whole council of his word
38:01 and so yes I realize I do say somethings in this seminar maybe
38:05 not what the popular belief is but it is becasue I take seriously
38:09 we need to uplift the Word of God becasue it is His Word
38:13 that set us free and it is His word that brings us ultimate happiness
38:17 can you say amen so I take it seriously when God talks about
38:21 pronouncing a woe the other thing you notice is God
38:25 law. He says specifically concerning his Law and even the prophets
38:29 also talking about the Old testament Scriptures He says as long
38:33 as heaven and earth are here, nothing will pass from his law
38:37 not even a jot or a tittle
38:41 now that is not a words we use in the 21st century very much you say what is a jot or
38:45 tittle you know what that means it is basically the crossing of
38:49 a t or the dotting of an i. that is a jot or a title
38:53 just like a legal contract you got to across your t's and dot your i's
38:57 Jesus said as long as heaven and earth are still here
39:01 we are going to need the pricnicples of His Law to
39:05 have healthy happy stable society
39:09 families and lives. can you say amen
39:13 but you know Jesus said soemthing else infact the next verse
39:17 is one sentence long we probably could have go on
39:21 home but i figured you wanted to get a full sermon tonight so we did more than on verse
39:25 it is John 14:15 notice that Jesus said
39:33 now notice it is almost
39:37 just as important what he didnt say he didnt say,
39:41 if you wanna earn your way to heaven keep my commandments if you wanna be
39:45 a legalist keep my commandments if you don't believe in grace keep
39:49 keek My commadment if you wanna gain righteousness keep My
39:53 commadments That not want He said, He said if
39:57 you love me if you appreciate what I have
40:01 done for you on the cross calvary if you recognize
40:05 I have given you a gift that you could never give
40:09 to yourself that I have given you righteousness so that you can enter
40:13 kingdom of heaven. if you recognize that and if you love me
40:17 then keep my commandments see i dont keep the
40:21 commandments becasue I'm trying to get saved we keep the commandments
40:26 because we already are saved through the blood of Jesus
40:30 it is our way to show appreciating and when people see the
40:34 holy spirit living those commandments out in our life
40:38 hopefully, in our work places in our homes and in our neighborhoods people can look at us
40:42 and see a little picture characterof Jesus in
40:46 our lives. lets illustrate it actually with
40:50 marriage. Now my wife is not here so i can use this
40:54 illustration she not here to tell if I got it wrong but she wouldn't say that any way because
40:58 she knows the story now i think we all realize that that you believe I
41:02 love Marquita, let me see your hands great most of you put your hands up
41:06 well when I married Marquita back in
41:10 1995 there will be a lot of laws of marriage
41:14 that went into effect weren't there. When we said I do that meant that mend pretty much
41:18 everything I have belong to her as well the laws of marriage
41:22 say that I got to treat her well be kind to her I shouldn't abuse her
41:26 I should try to support he the laws of marriage I really shouldn't be flirting
41:30 with other women or sleeping around with other women or going dates
41:34 other people I hope all agree those are pretty much the laws of marriage
41:38 do you think I get up every morning I got to pickup those Laws
41:42 of marriage and I say OH I guess I have to be nice to Marquita
41:46 today OH I guess I better kind and gentle or she
41:50 might divorce me and take everything I have OH I better
41:54 home a pay check OH I better be OH I can't
41:58 flirt with any women in the work place I sleep with any body else
42:02 Oh what a burden it is to love Marquita
42:06 Do think I would say that? well now you better be more emphatic
42:10 than that. Do think I would say that? certainly not
42:14 I love to honor the laws of marriage becasue Im'in love
42:18 Marquita so those law are already written on my
42:22 Marquita it's a natural thing.
42:26 that's the way it is God's Law becasue of what Jesus has done for
42:30 me He lets His prefect count me
42:34 his rigtheousness is put in my record book
42:38 and so when God looks at my mistake filed life
42:42 he doesn't see my sins he sees the prefect life of Jesus
42:46 that counts for me because Jesus prefectly kept
42:50 the law when he was on this earth so that perfection
42:54 counts in may place as a result you
42:58 and I came be saved that why is say if you love me
43:02 keep my commandments
43:06 but there is another verse in the new testament I almost hesitate to go
43:10 to this one this one of the ones you are tempted to skip
43:14 becasue it is one of the most straight forward verses in the Bible
43:18 but since i just talked about sharing whole counsel God's word I dare not
43:22 skip it. So I want you turn to 1st John 2
43:26 verse 4 but as we read it I want you to understand
43:30 I didn't say it God said it 1st John
43:34 chapter 2 verse 4 now I have been talking I got to look it up myself
43:38 1st John chapter 2 verse 4
43:42 just go to revelation go about three books backwards and you will be in 1st John
43:46 actual four books backward 1st John chapter 2
43:50 and verse 4 before I read this I got to tell you
43:54 Who wrote this? John What do you know about John character
43:58 gentle John was fairly gentle
44:02 loving he was the disciple of love. Peter was the one RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR you know
44:06 but I want you to notice in 1st John I don't what
44:10 was going on with John but here he goes from be gentle
44:14 to basically tell it like it is notice what he say
44:18 1st John 2 verse 4 The Bible says
44:22 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep
44:26 His commandments, is a What? liar, and the truth
44:30 is not in him. woohoo
44:34 talk about cutting knife I don't knowwhat bee was
44:38 in John's bonnet you what he utters a profound truth
44:42 now John was John there when Jesus said
44:46 if you love me keep my commandments sure
44:50 was he there for the sermon of the mount? when Jesus that nothing would pass from His Law until all was fulfilled
44:55 he feard that so all he is doing is reiterating
44:59 what Jesus said except in differnt words and so John
45:03 says that if I say that I love Jesus and I am a disciple
45:07 of Christ but in my live I purposely and
45:11 willfully refuse to follow His commandments John is saying
45:15 I am a liar. there something not genuine and insincere
45:19 about my witness that is not pleasant to
45:23 to be told when you think about now this isnt talking
45:27 about people who make genuine mistakes we all fall we sin and don't realize it
45:31 and have to go back say Lord forgive that's not what John is talk about
45:35 John is talking about the person who says I love the Lord but I see
45:39 what he has written in his Law and it cost too much it is inconvenient
45:43 I absolutely refuse to follow it, but I'm still a disciple of Jesus Christ this what
45:47 John says that's not sincere that's not genuine
45:51 because my actions do not match my profession
45:55 that doesnt mean I'm save by my works
45:59 when the Holy Spirit lives in us there is good works in our lives isn't that correct
46:03 becasue people should see Jesus in us but those good works
46:07 are simply evidence that show a higher power is living
46:11 and working in me because the truth is when you I do good works that's not us
46:15 doing them any way human nature can't do good works that God
46:19 working thorugh us so those good works dont save us
46:23 but they do show who is in control
46:27 of my life now lest go back marriage illustration let's illustrate it this way
46:31 let's go back to me and Marquita again you have heard me say
46:35 I love Marquita I'm in love with her but if on the off
46:39 night of this seminar you saw me in down town Springfield
46:43 hanging around with other women my arm aound their waist
46:47 giving them a pick on the cheek maybe
46:51 see me walking into a motel with another woman but then see me
46:55 coming here on the weekends professing how much I'm in love with my wife
46:59 would you belive me? no becasue my actions
47:03 would contradict my profession
47:07 no matter what i say what is coming out in my life is showing different
47:11 You say I am not genuine and I am insincer and
47:15 need help we all need help that is why
47:19 we go to Jesus. That is why Revelation at the end
47:23 of time describes God's people like thiswe have already read this verse
47:35 notice commandment keeping and a
47:39 faith relationship with Jesus always goes hand in hand
47:43 particularly in the book of Revelation
47:47 see in the last days we must choose
47:51 do we follow man law or God Law
47:55 do we go along with the spirti of antichrist that wants do away with
47:59 Gods time Gods Law and say it is irrelevant
48:03 it is archaic and not important any more
48:07 you know the only law ever nailed to the cross
48:11 and usually i do a whole sermon on this. there was a law nailed to the cross
48:15 but when you read the verses in context it is not the ten commandments
48:19 becasue we read how that law is eternal how his people
48:23 end of time are honoring it. the only law ever nailed to the cross
48:27 was moses law of ceremonies sacrificing those
48:31 lambs and those goat they were required to do in the sanctuary
48:35 because all those pointed to Jesus, when Jesus finally
48:39 came the true lamb was here so there was no need to do
48:43 those things any more because you could go directly to Jesus. Can you say
48:47 Amen? and see that is why sometimes people
48:51 or even churches may avoid the book of Revelation Now I'm just gonna
48:55 be blunt if I am saying that Gods law
48:59 is done away with and is not important but then Revelation
49:03 14:12 says people at the end time will keep His commandments I
49:07 have a proplem there that means im either going to have to change my belief
49:11 or going to have to changge the Bible so as not
49:15 to deal with that sometimes we purposely skip over the book of Revelation
49:19 because it brings to forefront deep and important truths
49:23 that we need for the end of time
49:27 lastly one more verse then I want to the illustration
49:31 you may say so ok what is the purpose of God's law?
49:35 romans 3:20 says is so beautifully Romas 3:30
49:39 The Bible says Therefore by the deeds of the law
49:43 no flesh will be justified in His sight,
49:47 how many people are justified by law NONE
49:51 for by the law is (waht?)the knowledge of sin.
49:55 in other words the law can't make me clean
49:59 it can't make me perfect and righteous
50:03 the job is to show me that I fall short of God's standards
50:07 to show me that I have sin in my life
50:11 so that it will point to me to the one who can take care of that sin
50:15 Jesus Christ the righteous see that means the
50:19 law propose is to point me to Jesus
50:23 the law pionts me to the cross now put 2 and 2 together
50:27 that is why the devil hates God's law
50:31 that's why he works through the spirit of antichrist to do away
50:35 with God's times and God's laws becasue the devil hates
50:39 any tool that points to Jesus antichrist
50:43 hats any tool that will piont people the the cross
50:47 so the easiest way is is just to do away with it
50:51 and let it be lost sight of and that is why Daniel
50:55 and Revelation tells us in the end God's
50:59 law is going to be the issue that the great
51:03 controversy and great crisis centers around
51:07 so you and I we must choose if wand to follow God tomorrow
51:11 then by His grace we need to choose to follow him
51:15 today I would like do that illustration
51:19 so what id need to do I'm going do an illustration from James
51:23 chapter 1 so I'm going to go in the back room for about
51:27 60 seconds you wont see me the seminar is not over
51:31 so so don't get up and leave the cameras are still going to be rolling but I need
51:35 go back there and im gonna sin for about 60 seconds ok
51:39 so dont go anywhere I'm just going keep talking into the mic while im back there
51:43 and im gonna enjoy a little sin before this seminar is over
51:47 hang tight and smile and meditate up on Gods word here
51:51 so the door is closed can you still hear me? if you can say Amen
51:55 alright so I'm back here and I am doing my
52:00 dirty deeds and no body can see
52:03 me this is alot fun but you know i fear
52:07 the newspaper might a hold of thisand then tomorrow you will see it in the paper
52:12 a prophecy speaker sins in front of congregation
52:16 and theyll be a big scandalabout it so I'm enjoying my sin
52:20 time is all most up no body can see me oh
52:24 did I enjoy that low and behold I must come back
52:28 the congregation at this time so I've finished
52:32 my dirty deed now we got come back finish the sermon we need to finish
52:36 we need to finish the last few text on here so now
52:40 we are ready to go
52:44 there is dead silence
52:48 would someone be so kind as to tell me why are you laughing
52:52 someone tell me I've got
52:56 dirt on my face how many people say I have dirt on my face let me see your hands
53:00 there is something on my face well I got news for you
53:04 I can't is it how do i know youre not just pulling my
53:08 leg and my face is perfectly clean what do i need
53:12 in order to tell if I have dirt on my face?
53:16 I need a mirror and low and befold there is a
53:20 mirror right here so I pick up the mirror
53:24 and i look into it oh in deed I have
53:28 got dirt on may face now I got two choice
53:32 here i can take the mirror
53:36 and start rub it with my face to try to cleean htis dirt off of me
53:40 will that slove the problem? no in fact it will make it worse
53:44 you know I can say what I hate the dumb old
53:48 mirror this foolish mirror tells me I have dirt on my face let's just do away
53:52 with the mirror does it solve my problem?
53:56 I still have dirt on my face
54:00 the purpose of the mirror is simply
54:04 to point me to the one who can cleanse me
54:08 of my sin, so it points me to go to the foot
54:12 of the cross filled from Emmanuel's veins He
54:16 washed me and made me clean
54:20 that is what we do we come to Jesus just as we are
54:24 with all our sin with all of our short comings
54:28 with all of our mistakes and the Bible says He washes us
54:32 and He make us clean
54:36 aw yes it feels good to be
54:40 clean now how many people say I'm clean am I clean yet
54:44 there still remnants there I didn't stay on my knees long enough
54:48 I hope I commit the unpardonable sin there we go
54:52 am I clean now I not clean now
54:56 mercy me I must have realy done something in that back room
55:00 the other side I didn't put it on the other side
55:04 there we go am I clean I'm not then what do I need
55:08 do I need to look in the mirror and low and behold
55:12 yes I am mostly and now Jesus makes me fully
55:16 clean because of His death on the cross
55:20 now I have to ask you a question is my face clean
55:24 you say it is, now before I looked in the mirror
55:28 did I now my face was clean you could have been lying to me when I go Walmart
55:32 afterwards the clerk is going to like at I'm craze
55:36 I look in the mirror I see indeed the charter of Jesus
55:40 is starting to be formed in me I am clean
55:44 because of what Jesus has done for me the law is a
55:48 mirror that points me to Jesus
55:52 bother and sisters I understand
55:56 as we look our live you may say pastor
56:00 today my live is not in with God's law
56:04 I fall so short and sometimes the Devil
56:08 throws in our face our faults our weakness
56:12 choses we made in the past maybe
56:16 the habits patterns we struggle with today
56:20 we struggle with that sense of shame and guilt and
56:24 unworthiness if you are struggling with that today
56:28 Jesus has a beautiful promise in Matthew 11:28
56:32 Jesus said
56:44 if you are tired of the burden of sin
56:49 and are wanting guilt and stain to be removed
56:53 and if you're just simply wanting peace wanting Jesus perfect
56:57 life to count for you Jesus says come to me
57:01 I will give you rest I'll give you confidence I will
57:05 give you the assurance of salvation tonight are you
57:09 willing to say in your heart Loard Jesus I want you transform me
57:14 I want you to change Lord I you permission
57:18 to write the principles of your law on my heart
57:22 If that is your desire tonight, if just want say Lord I don't claim
57:26 to be perfect of myself but Lord I want you to begin
57:30 the principles of your law my heart if that your desire
57:36 would stand with me as we have a closing pray
57:38 Heavenly Father
57:42 so often we are well aware where
57:46 we fall short and you know Lord how the Devil
57:51 seeks to throw that in our face and take away the assurance of salvation
57:55 but Lord to night we present ourselves to you
57:59 we understand there is a controversy that's surrounding your law
58:03 and tonight we give permission Lord as a church as your people
58:08 we want you to change and transform us we want you Lord to write that Law
58:12 in our hearts so people can see Jesus in us
58:16 we want to experience that peace we want experience the happiness that
58:20 your law brings so this we ask you do
58:24 in Jesus we pray


Revised 2019-08-13