Heavenly Father 00:00:07.90\00:00:11.81 We are gathered here on what seems like a cold wintery night 00:00:11.81\00:00:15.78 but Father we believe there is ablessing here for us 00:00:15.78\00:00:19.78 not just because it is a church building but you have promised 00:00:19.78\00:00:23.79 that where 2 or 3 people gathered in your name 00:00:23.79\00:00:27.82 that there your presence would be. Lord you have said that if 00:00:27.82\00:00:31.83 any one lacks wisdom that we should ask and you would give 00:00:31.83\00:00:35.80 liberally so tonight we come to you with a surrendered heart 00:00:35.80\00:00:39.80 We're to give us wisdom to know what these prophecies saying 00:00:39.80\00:00:43.87 saying to use today we would ask you to give a heart 00:00:43.87\00:00:47.88 and a mind that is open to the voice of the Holy Spirit 00:00:47.88\00:00:51.88 these thing we ask in Jesus name 00:00:51.88\00:00:55.88 Amen. For years 00:00:55.88\00:00:59.89 Mr. Smith had neglected to pay his taxes 00:00:59.89\00:01:03.89 year after year when the forms would come in the mail 00:01:03.89\00:01:07.93 he would just connveniently set them aside and forget about 00:01:07.93\00:01:11.90 them. He figured he had better things to do than 00:01:11.90\00:01:15.87 fill out forms besides the government already 00:01:15.87\00:01:19.91 had enough of hs money so he thought they didnt need any more 00:01:19.91\00:01:23.88 so as each year went by he would buy new cars 00:01:23.88\00:01:27.92 take expensive vacations and add to his material possessions 00:01:27.92\00:01:31.92 but he never paid his taxes. 00:01:31.92\00:01:35.89 well one day the bomb was dropped 00:01:35.89\00:01:39.93 they received a notice in the mail from the IRS that their 00:01:39.93\00:01:43.90 back taxes of ten years were long overdue 00:01:43.90\00:01:47.90 and payment was expected to be made in 60 days 00:01:47.90\00:01:51.94 well Mr. Smith's wife was frantic and she 00:01:51.94\00:01:55.91 went to her husband and begged him to please go to the IRS and 00:01:55.91\00:02:00.05 confess his neglegance and work things out 00:02:00.05\00:02:03.99 but he wuldn't do it. He said honey its just a form letter 00:02:03.99\00:02:07.99 they have no intentions of following through besides 00:02:07.99\00:02:11.99 they don't even know where we live 00:02:11.99\00:02:15.93 Mr. Smith was a bit naive. at the end of the 60 days Mrs. 00:02:15.93\00:02:19.97 Smith took it upon herself to call the IRS and to ask 00:02:19.97\00:02:23.97 for an extension and they graciously agreed to do so 00:02:23.97\00:02:27.98 they gave them another 60 days 00:02:27.98\00:02:31.98 during that time she begged, pleaded with her husband 00:02:31.98\00:02:35.98 to go take care of this business to make things right before 00:02:35.98\00:02:39.99 they lost everything they had but he just wouldn't do it. 00:02:39.99\00:02:43.99 At the end of the second set of 60 days 00:02:43.99\00:02:48.00 she again called the IRS 00:02:48.00\00:02:52.00 and asked for another one and believe it or not they glacially 00:02:52.00\00:02:56.00 agreed to do so.They were given another 00:02:56.00\00:03:00.08 change of 60 days during this time she 00:03:00.08\00:03:04.01 tried everything she cold she with he husband pleaded, 00:03:04.01\00:03:08.02 screamed at him, she even threatened him with divorce if 00:03:08.02\00:03:12.02 so he doesn't take care of it but he absolutely refused. 00:03:12.02\00:03:16.02 and at the end of that third set of 60 days She again 00:03:16.02\00:03:20.06 called the IRS and ask for another extension 00:03:20.06\00:03:24.07 but this time they refused 00:03:24.07\00:03:28.07 they explained to Mrs Smith that her husband had 00:03:28.07\00:03:32.07 evaded taxes for over 10 years and they had been given 00:03:32.07\00:03:36.08 two extensions on the deadline but now it was time 00:03:36.08\00:03:40.08 for the taxes to be paid the next day 00:03:40.08\00:03:44.05 when he came home from work he walked in the door to see 00:03:44.05\00:03:48.09 three men in black suits waiting as they approached 00:03:48.09\00:03:52.09 him one man read him his rights while the other two 00:03:52.09\00:03:56.10 took him by the hands placed them behind his back 00:03:56.10\00:04:00.14 and put on the handcuffs and Mr Smith wasled out the door 00:04:00.14\00:04:04.07 to face charge of tax evasion 00:04:04.07\00:04:08.11 as her husband was led out the door she sobbed uncontrolably 00:04:08.11\00:04:12.11 and officers felt bad about the situation 00:04:12.11\00:04:16.12 they hadn't meant to hurt the wife but what could 00:04:16.12\00:04:20.12 Mr Smith had plenty of Opportunities 00:04:20.12\00:04:24.13 to do what was right he just ran 00:04:24.13\00:04:28.13 out of time 00:04:28.13\00:04:32.17 tonight's prophecy is a lot like that story it is a prophecy 00:04:32.17\00:04:36.17 in the Bible that actually talks about this world running out of 00:04:36.17\00:04:40.14 time it is known as the 2300 00:04:40.14\00:04:44.15 day prophecy and is found in Daniel Chapter 8 00:04:44.15\00:04:48.18 now this is meant to be a wake up call for chrsitians 00:04:48.18\00:04:52.22 who are living at the end of time it is really meant to be 00:04:52.22\00:04:56.22 a prophecy warning us that we are living in God's hour of 00:04:56.22\00:05:00.30 judgement and above all things it is a prphecy that is telling 00:05:00.30\00:05:03.77 us that it is time to turn our eyes 00:05:03.77\00:05:07.80 upon Jesus so I want to invite you to take your Bibles 00:05:07.80\00:05:11.87 and we're gonna go to the main part of this prophecy which 00:05:11.87\00:05:15.84 in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14 00:05:15.84\00:05:19.88 What chapter? 8 We are going to start in verse 00:05:19.88\00:05:23.18 14 now it is interesting this was a prophecy studied 00:05:23.18\00:05:27.92 by a group of people about 200 years ago 00:05:27.92\00:05:31.93 but they misinterpreted part of it because they thought they 00:05:31.93\00:05:35.96 found the date when Jesus would come and of course thye were disappointed becasue 00:05:35.96\00:05:39.97 no man knows the day or the hour but just because some people 00:05:39.97\00:05:43.97 made an innocent mistake 200 years ago does that mean that we 00:05:43.97\00:05:48.01 should ignore this prophecy put in God's word for a reason what 00:05:48.01\00:05:52.08 do you think? we need to continue to study it and you will fimd that the word 00:05:52.08\00:05:56.12 of God makes this very clear and very understandable 00:05:56.12\00:06:00.22 Daniel chapter 8 and in a minute we want to read verse 00:06:00.22\00:06:04.19 14 but this what Daniel is seeing vision 00:06:04.19\00:06:08.16 He is seeing a picture of the major nations of the world 00:06:08.16\00:06:12.13 fighting against each He see 00:06:12.13\00:06:16.17 a vision of a goat and a ram in conflict 00:06:16.17\00:06:20.18 they represent the superpowers of the day. Persia and Greece 00:06:20.18\00:06:24.21 empire but what I want us to focus on is something the angels 00:06:24.21\00:06:28.18 says at the end of this vision that got 00:06:28.18\00:06:32.19 Daniel's attention. Daniel 8 00:06:32.19\00:06:36.22 and verse 14 the The Bible says and the angel is speaking 00:06:36.22\00:06:40.23 And he said to me for 00:06:40.23\00:06:44.20 For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary 00:06:44.20\00:06:48.20 shall be What. cleansed Is't that awesome 00:06:48.20\00:06:52.21 isnt that a wonderfull prphecy and you're looking at me 00:06:52.21\00:06:56.21 thinking yeah except for one thing what in the world does it 00:06:56.21\00:07:00.28 mean because so far we see two things in that 00:07:00.28\00:07:04.22 sentence that make no sense to us at this point 00:07:04.22\00:07:08.22 What is this 2300 day business and 00:07:08.22\00:07:12.23 and Question number 2 What does it mean that the sanctuary 00:07:12.23\00:07:16.20 shall be cleansed? What is it takling about 00:07:16.20\00:07:20.20 Here is what we need to so since we see something in the book of 00:07:20.20\00:07:24.24 Daniel that we don't understand, a phrase we dont have a 00:07:24.24\00:07:28.28 definition for instead of guessing or Speculating or 00:07:28.28\00:07:32.28 making somthing up you know what we have to do? You go to a 00:07:32.28\00:07:36.28 another part of the Bible to find the answer see that 00:07:36.28\00:07:40.29 is the proper way to study God's word when you see something 00:07:40.29\00:07:44.29 not quite making sense don't just make something up go to 00:07:44.29\00:07:48.26 other portions of the Bible that talk about the same subject 00:07:48.26\00:07:52.27 and God will begin to make it clearer to you and 00:07:52.27\00:07:56.27 one phrase we need to focus on is this term that is 00:07:56.27\00:08:00.34 called the cleansing of the sanctuary 00:08:00.34\00:08:04.28 because what we need to go to another part of the Old 00:08:04.28\00:08:08.32 Testament because all the way back in Exodus and Leviticus 00:08:08.32\00:08:12.29 there was something that was called the cleansing of the 00:08:12.29\00:08:16.29 sanctuary something that God had instructed 00:08:16.29\00:08:20.33 Moses and the Israelites to do so we want to understand what 00:08:20.33\00:08:24.30 Daniel is talking about here the first thing we are going to have 00:08:24.30\00:08:28.30 to do just keep our finder here in Daniel but for fifteen or 00:08:28.30\00:08:32.31 twenties minuties we're going to have to go another part of the 00:08:32.31\00:08:36.31 Bible and let it explain it to us what is this cleansing of the 00:08:36.31\00:08:40.32 sanctuary to do that we are going to have to study Old 00:08:40.32\00:08:44.32 Testament sanctuary, so I would like you to take your Bibles and 00:08:44.32\00:08:48.32 we're going to go now to Exodus chapter 25, now you can keep 00:08:48.32\00:08:52.39 your finder in Danile 8 because we are go to go back there but 00:08:52.39\00:08:56.33 first we have to understand some other things 00:08:56.33\00:09:00.44 Exodus chapter 25 amd I'm going to be reading verses 00:09:00.44\00:09:04.37 8 and 9 Now this is 00:09:04.37\00:09:08.38 God speaking to Moses and the Israelites and you remember 00:09:08.38\00:09:12.35 that as soon as God delivered them from slavery in Egypt 00:09:12.35\00:09:16.35 one of the first things God told them to do 00:09:16.35\00:09:20.42 is to build him a What? sanctuary so 00:09:20.42\00:09:24.39 let'spick this up, Exodus 25 and verse 8 00:09:24.39\00:09:28.40 The Bible says 00:09:28.40\00:09:32.40 and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell 00:09:32.40\00:09:36.37 among them according to all I show you 00:09:36.37\00:09:40.38 that is the pattern of the tabernacle and 00:09:40.38\00:09:44.38 the patter of all furnishings just so you shall make it 00:09:44.38\00:09:48.42 Now we got to stop there. Clearly God has just given 00:09:48.42\00:09:52.42 Moses and the Israelites a command he said 00:09:52.42\00:09:56.42 I want you to build a sanctuary where my presence 00:09:56.42\00:10:00.43 shall dwell and he says they need to make it 00:10:00.43\00:10:04.33 after the specific pattern that He gave them 00:10:04.33\00:10:12.37 through Exodus and Leviticus you will find that God 00:10:12.37\00:10:16.41 went into excruciating detail as to how 00:10:16.41\00:10:20.45 that sanctuary should be built. he told them what kind of wood 00:10:20.45\00:10:24.42 to use what color the cloth and tapestry should be 00:10:24.42\00:10:28.42 He told them what kind of symbols and pictures ought to be 00:10:28.42\00:10:32.43 on that cloth I mean he went into so much detail about it 00:10:32.43\00:10:36.40 and you might say why? because everything in that 00:10:36.40\00:10:40.40 sanctuary was to represent something about 00:10:40.40\00:10:44.47 the plan of salvation everything that went on in that 00:10:44.47\00:10:48.48 sanctuary all these sacrifices of all these animals were to 00:10:48.48\00:10:52.48 point foward to the time when Jesus would coming the Messiah 00:10:52.48\00:10:56.48 and he would shed his blood for the sin of the world 00:10:56.48\00:11:00.56 that is why it was so important so what I would like to do right 00:11:00.56\00:11:04.46 now for a moment I'm going to put a little diagram of the 00:11:04.46\00:11:08.46 sanctuary on the screen and we are study this for just a moment 00:11:08.46\00:11:12.50 you will find that many churches and christians dont pay a lot 00:11:12.50\00:11:16.47 of attention to the old testament becasue they feel it 00:11:16.47\00:11:20.48 is not relevant to our world today but the truth is so many 00:11:20.48\00:11:24.48 lessons about Jesus and there are so many lessons salvation 00:11:24.48\00:11:28.52 even in the Old Testament because there because there is 00:11:28.52\00:11:32.49 no way to have a new testament if you don't have a What? an old 00:11:32.49\00:11:36.52 testament so everything in that sanctuary will tell us someting 00:11:36.52\00:11:40.53 about our Savior now you see the diagram just above me 00:11:40.53\00:11:44.50 The Old Testament sanctuary was basically divided into two 00:11:44.50\00:11:48.50 compartments. How many did I says? Two 00:11:48.50\00:11:52.51 In the holy place you see three pieces of furniture 00:11:52.51\00:11:56.51 now it is a little small for me to see there you notice have the 00:11:56.51\00:12:00.58 lampstand that what brought and shed light enter part of 00:12:00.58\00:12:04.59 sanctuary there that lampstand was meant to represent 00:12:04.59\00:12:08.59 Jesus Christ who would be the light of the world 00:12:08.59\00:12:12.56 on the other side you see the table of shew bread 00:12:12.56\00:12:16.56 where bread was placed that also represent Jesus Crist 00:12:16.56\00:12:20.54 as Jesus himself said I'm the bread that came down from where? 00:12:20.54\00:12:24.57 Heaven then right next to the vail 00:12:24.57\00:12:28.58 that separated the holy place from the most holy place you see 00:12:28.58\00:12:32.58 the altar of burnt incense and what would happen incense 00:12:32.58\00:12:36.62 would be continually burned and when the smoke of that incense 00:12:36.62\00:12:40.59 walk up into the air it would go into the Most Holy Place 00:12:40.59\00:12:44.59 and that represented God actively 00:12:44.59\00:12:48.60 hears the prayers of His people. Then 00:12:48.60\00:12:52.60 you go in the most holy place an in there 00:12:52.60\00:12:56.60 is a very special peace of furniture 00:12:56.60\00:13:00.68 it was known as Ark of the Covenant 00:13:00.68\00:13:04.61 the Ark Covenant was like a chest overlaid 00:13:04.61\00:13:08.68 in pure gold on top on either side 00:13:08.68\00:13:12.69 were two golden cherubim or golden statues 00:13:12.69\00:13:16.66 of angels and In-between angels in the midst 00:13:16.66\00:13:20.70 that's that where dwelt, what was called the Shekinah Glory 00:13:20.70\00:13:24.67 of God inside the Ark of the Covenant were three 00:13:24.67\00:13:28.67 things Now I'm going to quiz you, do you know what they were? 00:13:28.67\00:13:32.71 one was the origianl 10 commandments, the second was a 00:13:32.71\00:13:36.71 pot of manna, to remind them how God 00:13:36.71\00:13:40.68 had constantly delivered them in the wilderness and the third was 00:13:40.68\00:13:44.69 was Aarons rod that budded that showed he and his family would 00:13:44.69\00:13:48.72 be the lioneage of the high priests so now that we 00:13:48.72\00:13:52.69 understand and see what his sanctuary's was made of here is 00:13:52.69\00:13:56.70 what would happen every single day and you will notice 00:13:56.70\00:14:00.77 there is a reason why I have stuffed lamb it is right here 00:14:00.77\00:14:04.71 buy the podium everyday 00:14:04.71\00:14:08.78 people of Israel would bring a lamb 00:14:08.78\00:14:12.75 to the courtyard of the sanctuary the person 00:14:12.75\00:14:16.79 on the head of the lamb as you see in the picture 00:14:16.79\00:14:20.79 and he would confessed his sins 00:14:20.79\00:14:24.79 the sins of that perosn would then be transferred to 00:14:24.79\00:14:28.73 innocent little lamb the would then be 00:14:28.73\00:14:32.80 slain and the blood of the Lamb 00:14:32.80\00:14:36.77 was taken into the holy place and sprinkled 00:14:36.77\00:14:40.81 on the horns of the altar of burnt incense 00:14:40.81\00:14:44.78 and so the sin of that person would be transferred to the lamb 00:14:44.78\00:14:48.82 and then would be transferred to the sanctuary 00:14:48.82\00:14:52.82 sanctuary which also represented Jesus so want you to picture 00:14:52.82\00:14:56.83 this in your mind everyday people were bring lambs to the 00:14:56.83\00:15:00.90 sanctuary everyday they are confess their sins on the lamb 00:15:00.90\00:15:04.80 the lamb slain which represetns Jesus on the cross of Calvary 00:15:04.80\00:15:08.84 the blood of that lamb is taken into the sanctuary 00:15:08.84\00:15:12.87 where God accepts the blood of the lamb in place of the blood 00:15:12.87\00:15:16.85 of the sinner and so as the quote sin is being transferred 00:15:16.85\00:15:20.88 into the sanctuary that means single everyday 00:15:20.88\00:15:24.92 the sanctuary is filling up with sin so to speak 00:15:24.92\00:15:28.89 becasue the people are confessing on the lamb and the 00:15:28.89\00:15:32.93 blood of lamb it is going inside the sanctuary but then 00:15:32.93\00:15:36.90 so then one day out of the year on a day 00:15:36.90\00:15:40.90 known as the Day of Atonement there would be something called 00:15:40.90\00:15:44.91 the cleansing of the sanctuary 00:15:44.91\00:15:48.94 and it happen like this in the cleansing of 00:15:48.94\00:15:52.98 the sanctuary once a year the high priest, and only 00:15:52.98\00:15:56.99 the high priest would bring a goat to the sanctuary 00:15:56.99\00:16:01.06 he would lay his hands on it, and confess the sins of the 00:16:01.06\00:16:04.99 of all Israel for that year. The sins 00:16:04.99\00:16:08.96 would be transferred to the goat, The goat would be slain 00:16:08.96\00:16:12.97 and the blood was taken into not to the holy place 00:16:12.97\00:16:16.97 this time but into the Most Holy place 00:16:16.97\00:16:21.01 and sprinkled before the presence of God at the ark of 00:16:21.01\00:16:25.05 the covenant and when that happened God would accept the 00:16:25.05\00:16:29.02 blood of the goat in place of the blood of the sins of Israel 00:16:29.02\00:16:33.09 and what would happen is that Israel was cleansed of their 00:16:33.09\00:16:37.09 sins for the entire year and the sanctuary was cleansed 00:16:37.09\00:16:41.06 of all sin building up inside of it everyday 00:16:41.06\00:16:45.10 of the year. You can ready about in Leviticus 16 00:16:45.10\00:16:49.10 So I want to summarize this again because it is important 00:16:49.10\00:16:53.11 everyday the people of Israel would bring a lamb 00:16:53.11\00:16:57.18 to the sanctuary confess their sins on it the blood would be taken into the sancturay 00:16:57.18\00:17:01.15 sin would be transferred into the sanctuary 00:17:01.15\00:17:05.19 every single day the sanctuary would build up and build with 00:17:05.19\00:17:09.19 sin but on the day of Atonement 00:17:09.19\00:17:13.23 the sanctuary was cleansed when the High Priest would take 00:17:13.23\00:17:17.20 the blood of the goat into the present of God at Ark of the 00:17:17.20\00:17:21.20 Covenant and the entire sanctuary would be 00:17:21.20\00:17:25.24 cleansed, when that happen on the day of Atonement 00:17:25.24\00:17:29.28 it signified a very serious 00:17:29.28\00:17:33.28 time of judgement see the cleaning of the sanctuary 00:17:33.28\00:17:37.29 was a time when people really examine their lives 00:17:37.29\00:17:41.32 and get right with God. Becasue the people knew God was going to 00:17:41.32\00:17:45.33 blot out their sins for that entire year see 10 00:17:45.33\00:17:49.30 days before the priest would blow trumpets 00:17:49.30\00:17:53.37 and that signified to Israel the day of Atonement is coming 00:17:53.37\00:17:57.37 the cleansing of the sanctuary is almost here and it 00:17:57.37\00:18:01.41 was signal to they had to be sure to be right with God 00:18:01.41\00:18:05.41 because He was going to blot out those sins is was a time when 00:18:05.41\00:18:09.42 they prepare for the coming of the Messiah the first time 00:18:09.42\00:18:13.49 So if that is the term cleansing of the sanctuary 00:18:13.49\00:18:17.49 means then then we can go to back to Daniel 00:18:17.49\00:18:21.46 because apparently Daniel is telling us 00:18:21.46\00:18:25.47 about sometime in the future there is going to be a timne of 00:18:25.47\00:18:29.50 judgement when God look to blot out the sins of the world 00:18:29.50\00:18:33.58 and Jesus is coming that is what the cleansing 00:18:33.58\00:18:37.58 of the sanctuary representing. So back in Daniel 00:18:37.58\00:18:41.58 8:14 Daniel said, 00:18:41.58\00:18:45.65 we'll stop there for second, if you were here last night we 00:18:49.69\00:18:53.70 learned a prophetic principle of interruption that was 00:18:53.70\00:18:57.70 known as the day for a year principle 00:18:57.70\00:19:01.70 can I see your hand scholars of all denominations agree upon 00:19:01.70\00:19:05.74 that so when the angel is saying Daniel, in 2300 years 00:19:05.74\00:19:09.78 the sanctuary will be cleansed and it is going represent a time 00:19:09.78\00:19:13.82 of judgement what the angel really saying that in 2300 years 00:19:13.82\00:19:17.72 far into the future now that leads to 00:19:17.72\00:19:21.89 a question a couple of questions number one 00:19:21.89\00:19:25.89 when is this serious time in earth history? and 00:19:25.89\00:19:29.86 numebr two what sanctuary is supposed to be cleansed 00:19:29.86\00:19:33.97 does this mean some sanctuary that will be rebuild in 00:19:33.97\00:19:37.97 Jerusalem or does it mean something else so here is where 00:19:37.97\00:19:42.11 we have to go to another part of the bible to get the answer 00:19:42.11\00:19:46.38 because do you realizet The Bible talks about a heavenly 00:19:46.38\00:19:49.98 sanctuary heavenly sanctuary did you know that? 00:19:49.98\00:19:53.99 See that is why God told Moses I want you to build it after the 00:19:53.99\00:19:57.99 pattern I give you becasue the earthly sanctuary in Israel's 00:19:57.99\00:20:02.00 time was pattern after God's heavenly sanctuary 00:20:02.00\00:20:06.00 I want you to notice what John wrote in revelation 00:20:06.00\00:20:10.01 Revelation 11:19 in vision 00:20:10.01\00:20:14.14 John actually sees a picture of God's 00:20:14.14\00:20:18.01 heavenly scanctuary and he writes this 00:20:18.01\00:20:22.02 The bible Says 00:20:22.02\00:20:26.02 So very clearly John in vision is telling us 00:20:34.00\00:20:38.07 that there is a heavenly sanctuary 00:20:38.07\00:20:42.07 now before we go farther I got to share a beautiful 00:20:42.07\00:20:46.07 truth with you that is not always well known did you 00:20:46.07\00:20:50.05 know after Jesus died on the cross, and rose 00:20:50.05\00:20:54.05 from the grave and 40 days latter ascended back to heaven 00:20:54.05\00:20:57.89 did you know he ascended into the heavenly sanctuary 00:20:57.89\00:21:01.92 to be in the presence of the Father before 00:21:01.92\00:21:05.89 we go back to Daniel I want to show you a couple verses in the 00:21:05.89\00:21:09.90 book of Hebrews that is just fantastic take your bibles 00:21:09.90\00:21:14.34 go to Hebrews chatper 9 and verse 24 00:21:14.34\00:21:18.34 24 Hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 00:21:18.34\00:21:22.34 and we would to go to verse 24 00:21:22.34\00:21:26.35 and I want you to notice something that Paul writes and 00:21:26.35\00:21:30.39 if you listen this verse very clearly you hear him talking 00:21:30.39\00:21:34.39 about a heavenly sanctury Hebrews chapter 9 00:21:34.39\00:21:38.39 verse 24 00:21:38.39\00:21:42.36 The bible says, for Christ 00:21:42.36\00:21:46.37 has not entered the holy places made with hands 00:21:46.37\00:21:50.41 which are copies of the true but into 00:21:50.41\00:21:54.41 heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God 00:21:54.41\00:21:58.41 for us. that is what Paul wrote there 00:21:58.41\00:22:02.42 he said that Jesus Christ has ascended into 00:22:02.42\00:22:05.55 heaven it self to appear in the presence of God 00:22:05.55\00:22:10.43 That means right now Jesus is not sitting 00:22:10.43\00:22:14.46 on a cloud twittling his thumbs waiting for the Father 00:22:14.46\00:22:18.43 to tell him when he can go back and rescue his people 00:22:18.43\00:22:22.44 Jesus is not sitting up in heaven saying great I died on 00:22:22.44\00:22:26.44 the cross I'm just set here bored until I can come back 00:22:26.44\00:22:30.25 rescue my people The bible says Jesus Christ is actively 00:22:30.25\00:22:34.45 interceding for you and I in the presence of the Father 00:22:34.45\00:22:37.95 in what is called the heavenly sanctuary we ought 00:22:37.95\00:22:42.46 to says amen to that. Do you realize that means that I 00:22:42.46\00:22:46.49 have a living savior who brings all my needs all my requests 00:22:46.49\00:22:50.47 into the very presence of God. 00:22:50.47\00:22:54.47 Hebrews chaspter 8 talks about this you know 00:22:54.47\00:22:58.47 we may ask what does it mean to intercede for me 00:22:58.47\00:23:02.51 since we are already in Hebrews let's go back one chapter 00:23:02.51\00:23:06.51 and let's read chapter 8 verses 1 through 2 00:23:06.51\00:23:10.52 Notice what the Bibke says here 00:23:10.52\00:23:14.52 Now this is the main point of the things 00:23:14.52\00:23:18.53 we are saying. We have such a high priest 00:23:18.53\00:23:22.53 who is seated at the right hand of the throne of 00:23:22.53\00:23:26.53 the majesty (where) in heaven a minister 00:23:26.53\00:23:30.54 of the (what) sanctuary and of the true 00:23:30.54\00:23:34.54 tabernacle that the Lord erected and not man 00:23:34.54\00:23:38.55 now let me ask you, when it says we have such a high priest 00:23:38.55\00:23:42.55 in the heavenly scanctuary not the one man erected in Jerusalem 00:23:42.55\00:23:46.59 the one God built,who is it is it talking about that is are 00:23:46.59\00:23:50.59 high Priest? it is Jesus Christ! 00:23:50.59\00:23:54.56 I really want you to think about this that means 00:23:54.56\00:23:58.57 that when I pray that means 00:23:58.57\00:24:01.94 When you are on your knees beside your bed 00:24:01.94\00:24:06.61 or maybe you're silently pray when you are ride in the car 00:24:06.61\00:24:10.61 that means Jesus Christ takes my pray that means 00:24:10.61\00:24:14.62 Jesus Christ knows what I need intercedes 00:24:14.62\00:24:18.62 for me in the presence of the Father that he 00:24:18.62\00:24:22.66 opens up all the resources of heaven for His people 00:24:22.66\00:24:26.66 and for His church when they need it. It is 00:24:26.66\00:24:30.63 and confess my sins telling me I don't need to go to an earthly 00:24:30.63\00:24:34.64 religious leader and confess my sins I can go directly to Jesus 00:24:34.64\00:24:38.67 to the one who laid his live on Calvary 00:24:38.67\00:24:42.68 to the one who shed His blood for me becasue when I pray 00:24:42.68\00:24:46.68 Jesus Christ hears. Can you say Amen? 00:24:46.68\00:24:50.72 Now I may not feel like my paryers go higher that the 00:24:50.72\00:24:54.72 ceiling but praise God it is not based on feelings. Can you say 00:24:54.72\00:24:58.43 Amen it is based on the promise that Hebrews says Jesus is my 00:24:58.43\00:25:02.43 High Priest he is in a heavenly scanctuary the presence of the 00:25:02.43\00:25:06.47 Father and He talks to the Father about me and 00:25:06.47\00:25:10.47 about you because it tell me I don't have to be unsure 00:25:10.47\00:25:14.51 about my salvation I dont have to doubt whether I am 00:25:14.51\00:25:18.55 truly forgiven I have a living Savior who 00:25:18.55\00:25:22.58 shed his blood and he says I am forgiven 00:25:22.58\00:25:26.59 and you see just as in the earthly 00:25:26.59\00:25:31.59 sanctuary God accepted the blood of the lamb 00:25:31.59\00:25:35.56 in place of the blood of the sinner 00:25:35.56\00:25:39.57 when Jesus stands before the presence of the Father and the 00:25:39.57\00:25:43.57 Father see the nail prints in His hand and in His feet 00:25:43.57\00:25:47.58 the wound in His side the Father 00:25:47.58\00:25:51.58 accepts the blood of Jesus in place 00:25:51.58\00:25:55.62 of the blood of the siner in place of you and I 00:25:55.62\00:25:59.79 he says that Jesus sacrifice is perfect 00:25:59.79\00:26:05.13 that Jessus sacrifice paid the price and because 00:26:05.13\00:26:09.66 he is our high priest you and I have the opportunity to be saved everybody ought to say amen on 00:26:09.66\00:26:13.47 that if you leave here tonight not understanding everything anything except the fact 00:26:13.47\00:26:17.47 that Jesus is your high priest it is worth being here tonight 00:26:17.47\00:26:21.48 now that we understand that 00:26:21.48\00:26:25.48 we can go back to Daniel becasue here is what we've learned so 00:26:25.48\00:26:29.48 far now follow me here the bible told us there was an earthly 00:26:29.48\00:26:33.49 sanctuary in Moses time and when that scanctuary 00:26:33.49\00:26:37.56 when that scanctuary was cleansed it represented a time of judgement for the people 00:26:37.56\00:26:41.66 of Israel it signified they show examine their lives 00:26:41.66\00:26:45.80 to get right with God because God was preparing to blot out 00:26:45.80\00:26:49.87 their sins and the Messiah was going to come 00:26:49.87\00:26:53.88 so if Daniel is talking about a cleaning of the Heavenly 00:26:53.88\00:26:58.28 Sanctuary that will be far in the future at the 00:26:58.28\00:27:02.25 end of time that must mean that there is going be a time 00:27:02.25\00:27:06.62 judgement for this world a time when people should 00:27:06.62\00:27:10.53 examine their lives a time when God is preparing 00:27:10.53\00:27:14.50 to blot out the sin of the world forever 00:27:14.50\00:27:18.40 a time when people need to prepare for Jesus 00:27:18.40\00:27:22.40 to come and so the question is 00:27:22.40\00:27:26.41 when is the Heavenly Sanctuary cleaned, now you realize that is 00:27:26.41\00:27:30.78 symbolic that doesnt actually mean there is sin Heavenly Sanctuary but when is 00:27:30.78\00:27:34.82 this time of judgement for the world when is this time 00:27:34.82\00:27:38.82 when we should examine our lives and God is getting read to blot 00:27:38.82\00:27:42.82 out sin becasue Jesus is going to come this is where we now 00:27:42.82\00:27:46.86 need go back to the prophecy in Daniel 8:14 and we will begin 00:27:46.86\00:27:51.47 to understand so if you kept your finger in Daniel 8 00:27:51.47\00:27:55.50 you might as well flip back there now. We now have all 00:27:55.50\00:27:59.51 the neccesary information we need to start put 00:27:59.51\00:28:03.55 the pieces of the puzzle together do you see how we went 00:28:03.55\00:28:08.18 from one part of the Bible to the other how we saw a term in 00:28:08.18\00:28:12.22 Daniel we did not understand the cleaning of the Sanctuary so we 00:28:12.22\00:28:16.22 went back to Exodus and other parts of the old testament it 00:28:16.22\00:28:20.23 begin to fill in the blanks and tell us what us what that represent in time of judgement 00:28:20.23\00:28:24.23 so now we go back to Daniel 8:14 let's 00:28:24.23\00:28:28.27 read again. Daniel 8:14 the bible says, 00:28:28.27\00:28:32.24 And he said to me, for 00:28:32.24\00:28:37.01 2300 days then the sanctuary shall be cleansed 00:28:37.01\00:28:41.22 well if you apply the day for a year principle 00:28:41.22\00:28:45.29 that means 2300 years 00:28:45.29\00:28:49.29 the sanctuary would be cleansed there would be a time of 00:28:49.29\00:28:56.03 judgement Daniel is realizing woah 00:28:56.03\00:29:00.14 this is way near the end of time in his mind he is thinking 00:29:00.14\00:29:04.11 well Sanctuary Jerusalem is destroyed the 00:29:04.11\00:29:08.08 wall of Jerusalem are broken down Daniel doesn't understand 00:29:08.08\00:29:12.11 what the Angel is trying to say so now we pick it up in verse 15 00:29:12.11\00:29:16.69 because the angle explains even more and there is something very 00:29:16.69\00:29:20.66 very key in verses 15 through 17 00:29:20.66\00:29:24.69 verse 15 the Bible says Then it happened, 00:29:24.69\00:29:28.70 when I Daniel, had seen the vision 00:29:28.70\00:29:33.27 and was seeking (that means that He didn't understand it at 00:29:33.27\00:29:37.31 first) that suddenly there stood before me one 00:29:37.31\00:29:41.34 having the appearance of a man And I heard a man's voice 00:29:41.34\00:29:45.38 between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, 00:29:45.38\00:29:49.38 "Gabriel, make this man understand the vision." 00:29:49.38\00:29:53.39 verse 17 so he came near 00:29:53.39\00:29:57.43 where I stood and when he came I was afraid 00:29:57.43\00:30:02.46 and fell on my face but he said to me understand 00:30:02.46\00:30:06.97 son of man that the vision refers to 00:30:06.97\00:30:11.01 (What?) the time of the end 00:30:11.01\00:30:15.01 now we got to stop there 00:30:15.01\00:30:19.08 Daniel is wondering what is this 2300 day and year 00:30:19.08\00:30:23.08 business all about and the angel Gabriel is sent 00:30:23.08\00:30:27.12 to him and of course Daneil a little bit afraid now I have 00:30:27.12\00:30:31.16 never seen an angel but I imagine if you saw the glory of an angel you would probably 00:30:31.16\00:30:35.13 be bit afraid too and the angel says to Daniel 00:30:35.13\00:30:39.13 Daneil this vison refers not 00:30:39.13\00:30:43.14 to your time (but to what? 00:30:43.14\00:30:47.18 the time of the end notice not my opinion not 00:30:47.18\00:30:51.18 a commentary interpretation. The Bible itself tells us 00:30:51.18\00:30:55.18 that the end of the 2300 years the end of the 2300 00:30:55.18\00:30:59.19 years is going to be in the future, in the time of 00:30:59.19\00:31:03.19 the end. Wow. 00:31:03.19\00:31:07.20 Daniel was so astonished 00:31:07.20\00:31:11.17 you know that he actualy faints in this vison go to verse 00:31:11.17\00:31:15.17 27 it actual describes Danial fainting 00:31:15.17\00:31:19.21 and I Daniel fainted and was sick for 00:31:19.21\00:31:23.21 (how Long?) days afterward I arose and I 00:31:23.21\00:31:27.22 went about the kings business I was astonished by the vision 00:31:27.22\00:31:31.22 but no one understood it 00:31:31.22\00:31:35.22 chapter 8 then ends becasue obviously 00:31:35.22\00:31:39.23 when daniel faints the vision is over the angel goes away 00:31:39.23\00:31:43.23 but the angel hadn't explained everything yet so 00:31:43.23\00:31:47.20 chapter 9 opens up with Daniel praying a very sincere 00:31:47.20\00:31:51.24 prayer He startes paraying for his people 00:31:51.24\00:31:55.24 Israel but in verse 21 of chapter 9 00:31:55.24\00:31:59.25 the same angel Gabriel comes back 00:31:59.25\00:32:03.25 and begins to explain what this vision means 00:32:03.25\00:32:07.26 so now I want you to follow me skip over chapter 9 00:32:07.26\00:32:11.26 and I'm going to read verse 21 to 23 00:32:11.26\00:32:15.26 Daniel 9: verse 21 00:32:15.26\00:32:19.27 The Bible says, and this is Daniel speaking 00:32:19.27\00:32:23.27 yes, while I was speaking in prayer the man 00:32:23.27\00:32:27.28 (who?) Gabriel whom I had seen 00:32:27.28\00:32:31.28 in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly 00:32:31.28\00:32:35.28 swiftly reached me about the time of the evening offering 00:32:35.28\00:32:39.29 and he informed me and talked with me and said 00:32:39.29\00:32:43.29 oh Daniel, I have now come forth to give you 00:32:43.29\00:32:47.30 skill to understand. at the beginning of your supplications 00:32:47.30\00:32:51.30 the command went out and I have come to tell you 00:32:51.30\00:32:55.30 you are greatly beloved therefore consider the matter 00:32:55.30\00:32:59.31 and understand the vision now let's 00:32:59.31\00:33:03.31 pause there for a second Notice what angel 00:33:03.31\00:33:07.32 come to Daniel in chapter 9 who was Gabriel 00:33:07.32\00:33:11.32 he was the same angel that led 00:33:11.32\00:33:15.32 Daniel at beginning all the way back in 00:33:15.32\00:33:19.33 chapter 8 when it talks about the 2300 days 00:33:19.33\00:33:23.33 so clearly chapter 9 and chapter 8 are integrally link 00:33:23.33\00:33:27.34 together then the angel goes on 00:33:27.34\00:33:31.34 to explain things here is what he does here is where we 00:33:31.34\00:33:35.34 actually studied last night. I will not review the 70 weeks 00:33:35.34\00:33:39.35 from last night here is what hapens the whole prophey 00:33:39.35\00:33:43.35 is 2300 days but the angel knows that 00:33:43.35\00:33:47.36 the 2300 days is irrelevant to Daniel so he actually 00:33:47.36\00:33:51.39 breaks this prophecy into 2 and takes the first 00:33:51.39\00:33:55.36 70 weeks and in verses 24 to 27 00:33:55.36\00:33:59.37 he explains it to daniel because the first 70 weeks 00:33:59.37\00:34:03.37 are relevant to Daniel and the Jewish people 00:34:03.37\00:34:07.38 and the city of Jerusalem but the whole 2300 day 00:34:07.38\00:34:11.38 prophecy that's for the people living near the time 00:34:11.38\00:34:15.38 of the end and so here is what we are going to 00:34:15.38\00:34:19.39 verses 24-27 start go through the 70 week prophecy 00:34:19.39\00:34:23.43 now I'm not going to go though that again becuase that took an 00:34:23.43\00:34:27.40 hour last night so I can't do that for an hour right now. if you weren't here last night 00:34:27.40\00:34:31.37 I'm going to go really fast so make sure that you get the 00:34:31.37\00:34:35.40 handout to fill in the blanks. but when the 70 weeks prophecy 00:34:35.40\00:34:39.41 began it the same begining date as the 2300 00:34:39.41\00:34:43.41 day prophecy and in verse 25 the 00:34:43.41\00:34:47.42 angel told daniel when this prophecy would begin 00:34:47.42\00:34:51.42 whenever there was a command put forth to 00:34:51.42\00:34:55.46 restore and build Jerusalem that is when the 2300 day 00:34:55.46\00:34:59.46 and the 70 week prophecy would begin keep in 00:34:59.46\00:35:03.43 mind israel is in captivity at the time to the persian empire 00:35:03.43\00:35:07.44 but Artaxerxes made a decree that in 00:35:07.44\00:35:11.44 457 BC any Jew who wanted to go to Jerusalem 00:35:11.44\00:35:15.44 and rebuild the city could and 457 is the beginning 00:35:15.44\00:35:19.48 date of this prophecy so if I add 00:35:19.48\00:35:23.49 2300 years because remember 00:35:23.49\00:35:27.49 A day repersents what in Bible prophecy one 00:35:27.49\00:35:31.49 year if I add 2300 year to 00:35:31.49\00:35:35.46 457 BC what year 00:35:35.46\00:35:39.47 do we come to? 00:35:39.47\00:35:43.47 1844 now I really 00:35:43.47\00:35:47.51 want to let this sink in so that we understand what this prophecy 00:35:47.51\00:35:51.51 is saying 200 years ago there was 00:35:51.51\00:35:55.52 a group that thought well 1844 Oh that must the year Jesus 00:35:55.52\00:35:59.52 will come that is not what the prophecy is saying 00:35:59.52\00:36:03.53 what the prophecy is saying that 1844 marks 00:36:03.53\00:36:07.50 the period when the Heavenly Sanctuary would be cleansed 00:36:07.50\00:36:11.53 and that marks a time of beginning of judgment 00:36:11.53\00:36:15.54 it marks a begining of a period which the bible 00:36:15.54\00:36:19.54 call the time of the end it tells us 00:36:19.54\00:36:23.55 it is time when Jesus is getting ready to blot out sin 00:36:23.55\00:36:27.58 forever that Jesus is preparing to come so the world 00:36:27.58\00:36:31.59 needs to turn thier eyes upon Jesus 00:36:31.59\00:36:35.59 1844 is the beginning of the time of the end 00:36:35.59\00:36:39.59 we are now living in a period of earth's history that prophecy 00:36:39.59\00:36:43.57 identifiesas the time of the end when Jesus is 00:36:43.57\00:36:47.57 soon to come what this is telling us 00:36:47.57\00:36:52.01 is that for 170 years now 00:36:52.01\00:36:56.01 we have been living a period of history 00:36:56.01\00:37:00.08 that Daniel calls the time of the end and 00:37:00.08\00:37:04.02 ever since 1844 many 00:37:04.02\00:37:07.39 of the prophecies and end time signs of the Bible 00:37:07.39\00:37:11.36 have been steadily being fulfilled 00:37:11.36\00:37:15.36 what it is telling me? this prophecy is simply 00:37:15.36\00:37:19.37 saying it is time for us to wake up it is time 00:37:19.37\00:37:23.37 for us to realize that Jesus is closer than we think 00:37:23.37\00:37:27.38 it's time to turn our eyes 00:37:27.38\00:37:31.41 upon the Cross of Calvary 00:37:31.41\00:37:35.42 I wanna end with this story 00:37:35.42\00:37:40.42 there was a woman who got off of work rather late on night 00:37:40.42\00:37:44.43 and she hopped in her car and she started driving 00:37:44.43\00:37:49.06 down the highway she looked in her rearview mirror 00:37:49.06\00:37:52.90 and she noticed that there was a large truck far in the distance 00:37:52.90\00:37:57.71 she didn't think much of it becasue truckers drive a lot 00:37:57.71\00:38:01.71 during the night on the interstate but this trucker seemed to be going rather fast 00:38:01.71\00:38:05.71 and after a few minutes he came up right behind her 00:38:05.71\00:38:09.75 he was within inches of her bumper and all of a sudden he 00:38:09.75\00:38:13.76 started honking his horn flashing his lights and waving 00:38:13.76\00:38:17.79 his hands the women wondered what in the world he is doing 00:38:17.79\00:38:21.66 she at first though maybe I'm going fast enough for him so she 00:38:21.66\00:38:25.77 sped up when she sped up he sped up and he remained inches 00:38:25.77\00:38:29.80 behind her bumper honking his horn flashing his lights 00:38:29.80\00:38:33.81 waving his hands well the women thought maybe I'll slow down 00:38:33.81\00:38:37.85 so he can pass me, when she slowed down he slowed down 00:38:37.85\00:38:41.85 and he continued to honk his horn and flash his lights and 00:38:41.85\00:38:45.89 wave his hands she thought I'm going get in the left lane 00:38:45.89\00:38:49.89 so he can pass me in the right he followed her 00:38:49.89\00:38:53.93 he followed her to the right when she switch to the left lane 00:38:53.93\00:38:57.90 he switch to the left lane and he continued remaining inches 00:38:57.90\00:39:01.94 behind her bumper honking his horn flashing his lights and 00:39:01.94\00:39:05.94 waving his hands finally the women became terrified 00:39:05.94\00:39:09.98 and she was convinced that this trucker must be evil that is up 00:39:09.98\00:39:13.98 to no good he is gonna runher off the road so she put the pedal to the metal and 00:39:13.98\00:39:18.02 sped down the highway and got off at the erery first exit 00:39:18.02\00:39:22.02 she turn on to a local road, and 00:39:22.02\00:39:26.06 turned left and came to a screeching halt inside of a gas 00:39:26.06\00:39:30.03 statiom she opened the door and ran screaming into the station 00:39:30.03\00:39:34.07 yelling for help this same truck got off 00:39:34.07\00:39:38.07 at the same exit careened around the same corner 00:39:38.07\00:39:42.11 came to a screeching hult in the parking lot of the gas station 00:39:42.11\00:39:46.11 and trucker jumped out of his cab, ran up to the 00:39:46.11\00:39:50.15 back door of the car opened it up, 00:39:50.15\00:39:54.19 and he pulled out of the back seat a man 00:39:54.19\00:39:58.19 with a knife in his hand 00:39:58.19\00:40:02.20 see the trucker from his high vantage point 00:40:02.20\00:40:06.23 was able to look down into the window and he could see there 00:40:06.23\00:40:10.27 was the enemy in the back seat the women was 00:40:10.27\00:40:14.31 in danger and she didn't even know it 00:40:14.31\00:40:18.31 and all this time it turned out 00:40:18.31\00:40:22.35 she was running from the wrong person 00:40:22.35\00:40:26.39 she was running from the only one who could 00:40:26.39\00:40:30.43 save her Jesus 00:40:30.43\00:40:34.46 is a lot like that trucker from His high 00:40:34.46\00:40:38.47 vantage point he can look down into our lives 00:40:38.47\00:40:42.50 He see the temptations that Satan bombards us with 00:40:42.50\00:40:46.84 the deceptions He see the trials and suffering 00:40:46.84\00:40:50.88 that we go through but because of his unconditional love 00:40:50.88\00:40:54.88 Jesus unrelentlessly pursues us just like that trucker 00:40:54.88\00:40:58.89 when we speed up Jesus speeds up 00:40:58.89\00:41:02.92 when we slow down Jesus slows down when we switch lanes 00:41:02.92\00:41:06.93 and try to lose Him Jesus switch lanes with us because 00:41:06.93\00:41:10.90 He does not want let us go but at 00:41:10.90\00:41:14.90 some point in our life we have got to 00:41:14.90\00:41:18.94 realize it is time 00:41:18.94\00:41:22.94 to stop running from the wrong person 00:41:22.94\00:41:26.98 it is to stop running from the only 00:41:26.98\00:41:30.99 one who can save us 00:41:30.99\00:41:35.02 that is why revelation says in revelation 3:20 00:41:35.02\00:41:39.43 Revelation says Jesus is waiting to enter our lives 00:41:51.47\00:41:55.51 it pretty much pictures him standing at the 00:41:55.51\00:41:59.55 door of our heart and we basically have two 00:41:59.55\00:42:03.59 choices. I can choose to 00:42:03.59\00:42:07.62 open the door and let him in 00:42:07.62\00:42:11.66 or I can keep the door closed and 00:42:11.66\00:42:15.66 I can keep running 00:42:15.66\00:42:19.73 from the the wrong person the bible question 00:42:19.73\00:42:23.74 to you tonight is this, When 00:42:23.74\00:42:28.08 will you open the door? When will you stop running? 00:42:28.08\00:42:32.98 When will you stop making excuses? 00:42:32.98\00:42:37.39 When will we chose to turn 00:42:37.39\00:42:41.39 our eves upon Jesus and follow him 00:42:41.39\00:42:46.39 with our hearts all of our minds and all of our souls 00:42:46.39\00:42:50.63 are you willing to open the door and make 00:42:50.63\00:42:55.04 that choice tonight I want to 00:42:55.04\00:42:59.04 invite you to get out your responce card you should be use 00:42:59.04\00:43:03.04 to these night by night if the Holy Spirit has laid something 00:43:03.04\00:43:07.32 on your heart some comment you want to make some question that 00:43:07.32\00:43:11.32 you have I invite you to write on that card however the Holy 00:43:11.32\00:43:15.32 Spirit leads you that is between you and God you can hand them in at the registration 00:43:15.32\00:43:19.33 table you will use them as response cards tomorrow night 00:43:19.33\00:43:23.30 for our drawing for Tuesday night, but at this time I want 00:43:23.30\00:43:28.30 to ask you stand as we pray because I want to make an appeal 00:43:28.30\00:43:32.67 through the prayer that we open that door, would you stand with 00:43:32.67\00:43:37.11 me. Heavenly Father 00:43:37.11\00:43:41.52 It's a strait forward prophecy 00:43:41.52\00:43:45.92 but Lord you have given it to us because you love us 00:43:45.92\00:43:50.36 in such powerfully way 00:43:50.36\00:43:54.36 God we surrender our hearts to you tonight 00:43:54.36\00:43:59.17 I have issue in my live 00:43:59.17\00:44:03.57 stand here has issue that they are dealing with 00:44:03.57\00:44:08.01 but tonight we want to give ourselves to you 00:44:08.01\00:44:12.41 and tonight Lord we want to give permission to help us 00:44:12.41\00:44:16.42 to help us to love you with all of our hearts 00:44:16.42\00:44:21.26 tonight with ever head bowed and ever eye closed 00:44:21.26\00:44:25.69 if you would like to say deep in heart Lord Jesus 00:44:25.69\00:44:29.70 I'm going to stop running 00:44:29.70\00:44:33.70 and I chose with you with all my heart 00:44:33.70\00:44:37.71 all my soul would you just raise your hand tonight ever head is 00:44:37.71\00:44:42.18 bowed every eye is closed you know what the struggles are in your life no ones else needs to 00:44:42.18\00:44:46.38 know you simply want to say Lord I not going run away from you 00:44:46.38\00:44:50.82 any more I give you my heart I give you my mind I give you 00:44:50.82\00:44:55.22 everthing I have so Lord I ask you to please 00:44:55.22\00:44:59.63 save me I'm opening my heart to you 00:44:59.63\00:45:03.60 if that is your desire tonight just keep your raised high 00:45:03.60\00:45:07.67 Lord you see any hands that are raised tonight 00:45:07.67\00:45:11.87 whatever circumstances are represented we ask 00:45:11.87\00:45:15.88 you to bless that person to bless their families 00:45:15.88\00:45:19.91 and enable them to make the chooses they need to make 00:45:19.91\00:45:23.92 and may they be filled tonight with the joy of the Lord 00:45:23.92\00:45:27.96 and rejoice in there Your salvation this 00:45:27.96\00:45:31.03 ask and pray in Jesus name. 00:45:31.03\00:45:46.01