Discover Prophecy Ministries

Discover The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DPM

Program Code: DPM000006A

00:10 Heavenly Father,
00:13 tonight we find ourselves
00:14 coming together to study the Book of Daniel.
00:19 Father, we come here just as we are.
00:22 We don't hide our mistakes.
00:24 We don't hide our weaknesses.
00:26 But we need to see a picture of Jesus.
00:30 As we open up Your prophetic Word,
00:32 we are asking for hope,
00:34 we are asking for encouragement,
00:36 we are asking for the answers
00:38 that we know Your Word gives us.
00:40 So we pray for the Holy Spirit.
00:43 We ask the Holy Spirit to be our teacher,
00:46 and to give us ears to hear.
00:48 This is our prayer in Jesus name.
00:51 Amen. Amen.
00:53 Throughout the Bible, there are literally
00:56 hundreds of different prophecies
00:58 that have foretold future events.
01:00 And when you compare the prophecies of the Bible
01:04 with history, you discover very quickly
01:06 that the prophecies of the Bible
01:08 have never, ever failed.
01:10 In fact, prophecy is there
01:13 in order to strengthen our faith in the Word of God
01:16 and to show us that we can trust the Bible.
01:19 That's why Peter has said that prophecy is like a light
01:24 that shines in a dark place.
01:26 It helps us to understand the past,
01:29 it makes clear the present, and it helps us
01:32 to understand the future.
01:34 So tonight, we're going to take a look
01:36 at a very specific prophecy
01:38 in the Book of Daniel.
01:40 It is known as the 70 Weeks Prophecy.
01:44 And it's really one of the most dramatic ones
01:46 you will find in the Old Testament.
01:48 And here's why.
01:50 This prophecy pinpoints the exact time period
01:54 when Jesus would come as the Messiah,
01:57 the first time and it pins points
01:59 the every time
02:01 when He would die
02:02 on the cross of Calvary for our sins.
02:04 There is no other prophecy
02:06 that I know of in the Old Testament
02:08 that uplifts Jesus Christ more,
02:10 and unmistakably identifies Him as the Son of God.
02:15 So I want to invite you to take your Bibles
02:17 and go ahead and turn with me to Daniel 9,
02:21 because we're going to be there for quite a while.
02:24 You want to go to Daniel 9,
02:26 so Daniel 9.
02:30 Now, before I start reading,
02:32 I actually want to give you the background
02:34 of what is happening
02:35 during this period of earth's history.
02:37 Because if we wanna understand a prophecy in the Bible,
02:41 it's always good to get its context.
02:43 Can you say amen?
02:45 Here in Chapter 9, it's somewhere around 500 BC.
02:50 The Jewish nation and the Prophet Daniel
02:53 are living in captivity to the Persian Empire.
02:57 What empire did I say?
02:59 Persian. Persian Empire.
03:01 You see, years before that God had spoken through Jeremiah
03:05 and many of the other prophets,
03:07 warning the nation of Israel
03:09 that if they continue to be unfaithful,
03:11 if they continue to worship other gods
03:14 and get involved in sexual immorality
03:16 with other nations,
03:18 that in order to wake them up,
03:20 God would allow a foreign power
03:22 to conquer them and to take them captive.
03:25 And unfortunately, in 586 BC, that's exactly what happened.
03:31 King Nebuchadnezzar and the Kingdom of Babylon
03:34 came down from the North and conquered
03:38 and besieged the city of Jerusalem,
03:40 partially destroyed it and tore down the walls.
03:43 And they took many of the people captive,
03:46 as you can see in the picture on the screen above me.
03:50 And one of the men who was taken captive
03:52 was the Prophet Daniel,
03:54 who was probably just a teenager at that time.
03:57 So, now you fast forward a few years,
04:00 probably 70 years,
04:01 and Persia has now conquered Babylon.
04:04 They are the dominant power in the world.
04:07 So the Jewish people are now
04:09 living in captivity to the Persian nation.
04:13 And Chapter 9 opens up
04:16 with one of the most sincere prayers
04:17 you will ever see or hear in the Bible.
04:21 Daniel is praying for his people.
04:24 Daniel is praying and asking,
04:26 "O Lord, when will You deliver us?
04:30 When will You save us
04:31 and allow us to go back to Jerusalem?
04:34 When can we rebuild our city
04:36 and rebuild our walls and be free again?"
04:39 And Daniel confesses the unfaithfulness
04:42 of his people.
04:43 I want you to pick it up now.
04:44 I'd like to read verses 4-6,
04:47 so that you can get a picture of the humility
04:50 that you see in Daniel's character.
04:52 Daniel 9:4,
04:55 the Bible says,
04:58 "And I prayed to the Lord my God,
05:01 and made confession, and said, 'O Lord,
05:05 great and awesome God,
05:08 who keeps His covenant
05:09 and mercy with those who love Him,
05:12 and with those who keep His commandments.'
05:14 " Now notice verse 5, "We have," what?
05:18 "Sinned and committed iniquity,
05:21 we have done wickedly and rebelled,
05:23 even by departing from Your precepts
05:26 and Your judgments.
05:27 Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets,
05:30 who spoke in Your name to our kings and our princes,
05:34 to our fathers
05:35 and all the people of the land."
05:38 Do you sense Daniel's sincerity?
05:41 Yes or no.
05:42 Now, I want you to notice something
05:44 in this prayer.
05:45 Daniel does not have a judgmental critical attitude
05:49 toward his people.
05:51 He does not come across it in a holier than thou manner
05:54 because the truth is,
05:56 Daniel's not the one that was unfaithful.
05:58 He's living in captivity because of the faithfulness
06:01 of other people in the Jewish nation,
06:04 but Daniel doesn't cop an attitude.
06:06 He doesn't say, "Oh, Lord, these wicked people,
06:09 and these unfaithful rulers of ours,
06:11 they've caused all this to happen.
06:13 But Oh, Lord, I have been faithful."
06:16 He doesn't do that.
06:17 You notice the pronoun that Daniel uses.
06:21 He says, "We have sinned.
06:23 We have rebelled."
06:25 He puts himself right there with his people,
06:29 the nation of Israel.
06:30 And you see the humility of Daniel,
06:33 that's why God could use him.
06:34 Can you say amen?
06:36 And it's really a lesson for us.
06:38 I mean, sometimes we see people
06:40 who are not acting properly in church or in our families,
06:44 or maybe our neighborhoods,
06:46 and we're sometimes
06:47 tempted to have that judgmental attitude,
06:49 that holier than thou attitude.
06:52 You know, like the Pharisees who said,
06:53 "Oh, Lord, I thank You
06:54 that I'm not like this tax collector publican."
06:57 But what God would want us to do
06:59 is to have the attitude of gentleness
07:02 and humility to remember.
07:04 Yes, that person may be struggling.
07:07 But you know what?
07:09 We have our own issues, don't we?
07:11 Why look for the log in someone else's eye,
07:14 when there is a speck in my own.
07:16 God can always use a humble and a gentle attitude.
07:21 Can you say amen? That's what you see in Daniel.
07:23 Daniel then ends the prayer in verse 19,
07:26 where he says, with much emotion,
07:29 "O Lord, hear!
07:31 O Lord, forgive!
07:33 O Lord, listen and act!
07:36 Do not delay for Your own sake,
07:38 my God, for Your city
07:41 and Your people are called by Your name."
07:45 That's the sincerity of Daniel's prayer.
07:48 And then what you notice is right away in verses 20-21,
07:52 God hears that prayer,
07:55 and He sends the Angel Gabriel
07:58 to give Daniel a prophecy of hope.
08:02 So let's pick it up now beginning in verses 21-23.
08:07 Notice what Daniel writes.
08:09 Verse 21, the Bible says,
08:12 "Yes, while I was speaking in prayer,
08:15 the man Gabriel,
08:18 whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning,
08:21 being caused to fly swiftly,
08:23 reached me about the time of the evening offering.
08:27 And he informed me, and he talked with me,
08:31 and he said, 'O Daniel,
08:33 I have now come forth
08:35 to give you skill to understand.
08:38 At the beginning of your supplications
08:40 the command went out, and I have come to tell you,
08:44 for you are..."
08:45 What's that next phrase?
08:47 "Greatly beloved, therefore consider the matter,
08:52 and understand the vision.'
08:55 " I have got to stop there.
08:56 Before we jump into the prophecy,
08:59 there is some really neat messages,
09:01 lessons in that passage.
09:03 Notice, at first it almost appears like,
09:07 wow, Daniel praise one prayer and boom,
09:09 the angel Gabriel was there to answer his prayer.
09:13 And we might be tempted to think, boy,
09:15 I wish it happened like that for me.
09:17 Because I can tell you when I pray about something,
09:21 very rarely, in fact, never has an angel
09:23 just appeared in the spot to answer my prayers.
09:25 Has that ever happened to anyone here?
09:27 It rarely happens that way.
09:29 But you have to understand something.
09:32 Do you think this is the first time
09:33 Daniel prayed that prayer for his people?
09:36 I highly doubt it.
09:38 Daniel had been in captivity almost 70 years by then.
09:41 Daniel prayed that prayer probably every day,
09:45 every week, every month, year after year,
09:48 he was persistent.
09:50 And see that's the lesson God wants to teach us so often,
09:54 you know, we may pray about something one time
09:56 and then forget about it.
09:58 Of course, God hears those prayers,
10:01 but think about your children,
10:02 you take a walk through Toys 'R' Us.
10:05 And for those who may watch this video,
10:06 perhaps from another country
10:08 Toys 'R' Us is a very big toy store here
10:10 in the United States.
10:11 And your child sees that special toy
10:14 that Hasbro has made
10:16 and seen the commercial on television,
10:18 they want that toy.
10:19 Now, if they only bug you
10:21 about it for three or four days,
10:23 and then you never hear about it again.
10:25 You know, it's just a passing fad.
10:27 But if they bring it up over and over and over again
10:31 over a period of weeks and months,
10:33 you know, they're serious about it.
10:36 In a sense, that's how God wants
10:37 our prayers to be consistent and persistent.
10:41 Not that we have to convince God
10:43 to hear and answer our prayers.
10:46 But God knows, the more persistent we are,
10:50 the more we daily bow before Him,
10:53 it is going to strengthen our personal relationship
10:56 with Christ.
10:57 So God wants us to be persistent,
10:59 just like Daniel was in praying for his people.
11:03 The other thing you see here, notice the angel says,
11:06 "Daniel, your prayers have been heard,
11:08 you are greatly beloved."
11:11 What would that be like?
11:13 To hear one of God's angels say,
11:15 "You, Perry or Mark or Bob or Christine,
11:20 you are greatly beloved,
11:22 your name is known in heaven."
11:25 How many people think that would be awesome?
11:27 Can I see your hands?
11:28 Well, I got good news for you.
11:30 God's already said that about you.
11:31 You say, really,
11:33 what book of the Bible is it in?
11:34 It's on the cross of Calvary.
11:36 Because when God sent His Son,
11:39 Jesus Christ to die on Calvary, to give you His righteousness,
11:44 that was God saying to you and me,
11:46 you are greatly beloved, in my sight, amen?
11:49 Amen.
11:50 Now, the angel begins to give Daniel a prophecy
11:54 that will answer his questions.
11:56 What's gonna happen to his Jewish people?
11:59 What does the future hold?
12:01 So let's pick it up, beginning in verse 24.
12:05 And right now I'm kind of gonna turn this
12:07 into slow gear,
12:09 because we're gonna go
12:10 through this one verse at a time.
12:13 Daniel 9:24, the angel is speaking.
12:18 The Bible says, "Seventy weeks are determined
12:23 for your people
12:25 and for your holy city, to finish the transgression,
12:30 to make an end of sins,
12:33 to make reconciliation for iniquity,
12:36 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
12:38 to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy."
12:44 Now, we have to stop there.
12:45 Obviously, you see
12:47 where they get the 70 weeks from?
12:48 It's the angel says, "Seventy weeks
12:50 are determined for your people, Daniel, and the holy city."
12:54 So let's answer a simple question.
12:56 If Daniel is a Jew,
12:59 what people is the angel talking about?
13:03 The Jewish nation, Israel, and what is the holy city?
13:07 Jerusalem.
13:09 So, whatever these 70 weeks are about,
13:12 we know that it has something to do
13:14 with the Jewish nation and the holy city of Jerusalem.
13:19 If that makes sense, could you say amen?
13:21 Angel clearly outlines that.
13:23 But now the question is, well,
13:25 what's supposed to happen during those 70 weeks?
13:29 We notice what verse 24, it says.
13:31 We have outlined this on the screen.
13:33 During the 70 weeks
13:34 they are to finish their transgression,
13:37 make an end of sins, so that God can bring
13:40 in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy.
13:45 You say, "Well, great, well, what does that mean?"
13:48 You have to keep in mind.
13:50 Did God have a purpose for the nation of Israel?
13:53 Yes or no?
13:54 He did.
13:56 His purpose for them was to be a light to the world.
13:58 God wanted to have a nation
14:00 or a people that would live according to His laws.
14:04 Live according to His principles
14:06 and His commands,
14:07 so that they could be an example
14:09 to the rest of the pagan world.
14:11 What a blessing it is
14:12 to serve the true God of heaven.
14:15 And His purpose was that when the Messiah came
14:19 that Israel would accept Christ as their Messiah.
14:22 And they would be the ones
14:24 that take the gospel to the world
14:26 and introduce people to Jesus.
14:28 That was God's original plan for Israel.
14:32 But there's a problem because right now
14:35 Israel is living in apostasy.
14:37 They've been worshipping foreign gods,
14:40 they've been ignoring the commandments of the Lord.
14:43 They've become like the other pagan nations.
14:45 That's why they're in captivity.
14:48 And you see God wants to bring the Messiah Jesus.
14:52 But He can't do that
14:54 while Israel is living in unfaithfulness.
14:57 So in a real sense, the rest of the pagan world
15:00 is having to wait for the Messiah to come.
15:03 And so God is basically
15:05 saying to the Jewish nation and to Daniel,
15:08 "I'm giving your people 70 weeks of probation,
15:12 70 weeks to start keeping
15:14 your end of the covenant to the faithful
15:17 so that you will be a light to the world
15:19 and I can bring the Messiah."
15:22 Does that make sense?
15:23 That's what the 70 weeks are for.
15:26 You say, "Okay, I can understand that."
15:29 But now let's go a little farther.
15:31 This is where I need to introduce you
15:33 to that prophetic principle of interpretation
15:36 known as a day for a year.
15:39 In the symbolic portions of Bible prophecy,
15:43 there is a principle that almost all scholars
15:45 of various denominations agree upon.
15:47 And that is, one day symbolizes one year.
15:52 I want you to say that with me, one day symbolizes what?
15:56 One year. One year.
15:57 Now that's only in the symbolic portions
16:00 of prophecy,
16:01 that's not referring to the narrative portions
16:03 of Scripture.
16:04 You say, "Well, what's a narrative?"
16:06 That means, the stories.
16:07 In other words, when it says the King David
16:08 ruled for 33 years, that literally means 33 years,
16:12 you know, 24 hour days.
16:13 The seven days of creation,
16:15 that literally means 7x24 hour days.
16:19 It's only in prophecy, when there's a beginning date
16:23 and an ending date
16:24 that you apply the principle a day for a year.
16:27 Now, real quick, I just want to show you
16:29 where scholars get this from the Bible.
16:31 I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time on it.
16:33 But you remember that story
16:34 when Moses and the Israelites
16:36 were on the border of the Promised Land,
16:38 they had been wandering in the wilderness.
16:40 And so Moses sent how many spies
16:43 to go into the Promised Land and check it out?
16:45 Do you remember?
16:46 They sent 12 spies, and their job was to go
16:50 throughout the land,
16:51 see what it looked like and what were the people like
16:53 they were going to have to conquer.
16:55 And after they spent 40 days spying out the land,
16:59 they came back and presented a report
17:01 to the rest of the encampment of Israel.
17:04 And 10 of them presented what kind of report?
17:07 A bad one.
17:08 "Oh, we'll never conquer this land.
17:11 It's a beautiful, glorious land.
17:14 But the people are tall.
17:15 They're like giants.
17:17 They're mighty warriors."
17:19 And they started to say,
17:20 "Oh, we should have never listened to Moses.
17:23 We should have stayed in Israel
17:24 where we had been better off."
17:26 And they forgot everything God had done for them
17:29 as they wander through the wilderness,
17:31 all those miracles.
17:33 And there were only two who gave a faith report
17:36 and encouraged the people, listen,
17:37 God brought us this far,
17:39 by His power we can take this land.
17:41 Remember who those two were?
17:44 Caleb and Joshua, but you know who the people listened to?
17:48 The majority.
17:50 See, the majority is not always right.
17:52 And they listened to those ten and said,
17:54 oh, they were ready to stone Moses.
17:56 And God finally said, "You know what,
17:58 after all that I have done for you,
18:01 and you still don't trust Me."
18:03 God says to them, right here in Numbers 14:34,
18:06 "According to the number of the days
18:08 in which you spied out the land, forty days,
18:12 for each day you shall bear your guilt,"
18:15 how long?
18:16 "One year, namely forty years,
18:18 and you shall know My rejection."
18:20 In other words, for every day they spent
18:23 complaining against God as they spied out the land
18:26 that was 40 days, they would spend another year
18:29 wandering in the wilderness, which ended up being 40 years.
18:32 That's one of the verses
18:34 that present the day for a year principle.
18:37 And you see the same thing
18:38 even in Ezekiel 4:6.
18:42 So now, if we apply the day
18:46 for a year principle to the 70 weeks, guess what,
18:49 we have to do a little calculation.
18:51 I bet you never knew
18:53 when you did your math class in high school,
18:55 that this will become helpful
18:56 when you study the prophecies of the Bible.
18:59 So here's what we have do.
19:01 How many days are in one week?
19:04 Seven.
19:05 So if I want to know how many days
19:07 are in a 70 week period,
19:08 what must I do?
19:10 70x7, when you do that, it equals 490.
19:15 So those 490 days in a 70 week period.
19:19 But when I apply the day for a year principle,
19:23 it's not really 490 days, it's 490 what?
19:28 Years.
19:29 So God is saying to Israel,
19:31 I'm giving you 490 years to start being faithful to Me.
19:36 Keep my laws and commands, be a light to the world.
19:40 But after the 490 years,
19:42 if you have not kept your end of the covenant,
19:45 if you have rejected the Messiah
19:48 when He comes, God is saying,
19:50 "I'm going to have to go on a different path
19:53 to take the gospel to the world."
19:56 So God is giving Israel 490 years.
20:01 Now, we understand that thus far,
20:02 70 weeks or 490 years.
20:06 But here's the question.
20:07 We're still missing something important,
20:09 and what is that?
20:11 A starting date.
20:12 Well, when does the 70 weeks begin?
20:15 When are we supposed to start this 490 years?
20:18 Now we got to go to verse 25,
20:20 and the prophecy gives us a clue.
20:23 Verse 25 of Chapter 9 in Daniel.
20:28 The Bible says, and this is the angel speaking,
20:31 "Know therefore and understand,
20:34 that from the going forth of the command to restore
20:38 and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince..."
20:43 Now, I'm gonna stop there
20:44 and I know it's only halfway through the verse.
20:46 We're gonna break that verse up into two here,
20:48 because there's a lot in it.
20:50 Notice the angel has said
20:53 that the beginning date of this prophecy
20:56 is when a command goes forth
20:59 to restore and build Jerusalem.
21:01 Did you catch that?
21:02 In other words, when the Persian Empire
21:05 puts forth a decree that allows the Jews
21:07 to go back to their homeland in Jerusalem,
21:10 rebuild their city, their wall, etc.,
21:13 whenever Persia orders that decree,
21:15 that's the beginning date for this prophecy.
21:18 So the question is, did Persia do that,
21:21 and if so, what was the date?
21:24 And when you go back in history,
21:26 you know what you find?
21:28 There are actually multiple dates.
21:31 You say, "Oh, great, which one?"
21:34 Cyrus made one in 537, Darius made one in 520,
21:38 Artaxerxes made one in 457.
21:41 Now, I suppose we could vote and do the majority rules,
21:44 but that won't necessarily mean that we have the truth.
21:48 We could, I suppose, flip a coin,
21:52 but the best way to do it is by the Bible.
21:55 So let me ask you a question.
21:58 The one we actually want is Artaxerxes
22:00 because if Cyrus' decree was powerful enough.
22:03 Would you need a second one by Darius?
22:06 No.
22:07 If Darius' decree was powerful enough,
22:09 would you have needed Artaxerxes?
22:11 Artaxerxes decree is the one
22:13 that allowed any Jew who wanted in the Persian realm
22:17 to go back to Jerusalem, gave them permission
22:20 to rebuild the city, rebuild the torn down wall
22:24 as well as the temple and even begin
22:26 their own civil government again,
22:28 it gave them a large measure of freedom.
22:32 Now they were still under Persian rule,
22:34 but they were given much of their freedoms back,
22:37 and Artaxerxes' decree is the one
22:40 that is recorded almost word for word in the Bible.
22:44 If you were to read Ezra Chapter 7,
22:46 I'm not gonna do that right now.
22:48 But in Ezra Chapter 7,
22:49 you can read Artaxerxes' decree in the Word of God.
22:52 And what's amazing is, do you think
22:55 it would cost money for all those people to go back
22:57 and rebuild their city, what do you think?
22:59 Yeah.
23:01 You know, who paid for it?
23:03 Artaxerxes.
23:04 Now you tell me
23:05 if that's not a miracle from God,
23:08 that the Persian king gives them permission,
23:10 and he finances the trip.
23:13 That is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
23:17 So Artaxerxes is the decree we want,
23:20 that's 457 B.C.
23:22 So now what we have to do,
23:23 and you can either look at the chart
23:25 on the screen here,
23:26 or you can look at the one
23:28 that you have in your hands.
23:29 If 457 is the beginning date,
23:33 if I add 490 years to 457 B.C.,
23:38 it's going to tell me when the 70 weeks
23:41 or the 490 years has ended when probation is done
23:46 for the Jewish nation.
23:47 And if you do the addition,
23:49 do you know what year you come to?
23:52 Of course, I have it on the screen there.
23:54 34 A.D.
23:58 God is saying by 34 A.D.,
24:03 if my Jewish people
24:05 have not kept their end of the covenant,
24:07 if they have not accepted their Messiah,
24:11 God is saying, I'm going to have to go
24:13 on a different path
24:15 to take the gospel to the world.
24:17 So the Jewish nation has
24:19 until 34 A.D.
24:23 And do you know what happened in 34 A.D.
24:26 that sealed the Jewish nation's rejection
24:30 of the gospel,
24:32 of the covenant and of the Messiah Jesus?
24:37 In 34 A.D.,
24:39 the first Christian martyr was stoned
24:43 at Jerusalem or just outside the gates
24:45 of Jerusalem.
24:46 It was Stephen.
24:49 I want to read this to you from the scriptures.
24:51 It comes from Acts 7:54.
24:55 Now this is somewhat lengthy,
24:56 but I just want to read the Bible's description
24:59 of what happened at the end of this 70 weeks.
25:02 The Bible says, "When they heard these things
25:06 they were cut to the heart,
25:09 and they gnashed at him with their teeth."
25:11 You see, Stephen was preaching a burning sermon,
25:15 showing from the scriptures,
25:17 and from the Old Testament prophecies
25:19 that this Jesus who was crucified
25:21 was the Son of God.
25:22 And it says, when they heard these things,
25:23 they were cut to the heart.
25:25 Now, if you're cut to the heart with something,
25:26 what does that mean?
25:29 You're convicted.
25:30 And this is their response.
25:32 "They gnashed at him with their teeth.
25:35 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit,
25:39 gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God,
25:42 and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,
25:45 and said, 'Look!
25:47 I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man
25:50 standing at the right hand of God!'
25:53 " He was equating Jesus with God.
25:56 Of course, we know that to be true,
25:59 but the Jewish leaders and nations
26:00 did not want to hear that.
26:02 The Bible goes on to say, "Then they cried at him
26:05 with a loud voice," and did what?
26:08 "Stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord,
26:12 and they cast him out of the city
26:14 and stoned him."
26:16 Now notice,
26:18 "At that time a great persecution arose
26:22 against the church," which was in what city?
26:25 What's this prophecy about?
26:27 "Jerusalem.
26:29 And they were scattered
26:30 throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria,
26:33 except the apostles.
26:34 As for Saul, he made havoc of the church,
26:37 entering every house, and dragging off men and women,
26:41 committing them to prison.
26:43 Therefore those who were scattered
26:44 went everywhere preaching the word."
26:48 You see, the Bible was describing for us
26:50 what happened at this time period.
26:54 For years, they had listened about the preaching of Jesus.
26:58 They had seen Jesus, they had watched His miracles
27:01 even after He died on the cross.
27:03 The Bible tells us
27:05 the apostles still mainly stayed in Jerusalem
27:08 trying to reach their own people.
27:10 But by 34 A.D., unfortunately,
27:13 Israel was so tired of hearing the gospel message
27:16 about Jesus,
27:18 that now they started killing and stoning the Christians.
27:23 And when Stephen was stoned, it says at that time,
27:27 a great persecution broke out in Jerusalem, led by what man?
27:33 Saul, who would later become Paul,
27:35 and Saul literally went outside of Jerusalem
27:38 to all the different cities to drag believers back
27:41 to their death.
27:43 And so at that point, it broke God's heart.
27:48 But His own people had rejected His covenant.
27:52 They had rejected their Messiah and their savior.
27:55 And even though
27:57 it was not part of God's original plan,
28:00 God knew that if the rest of the pagan world
28:02 was to be saved,
28:04 He was going to have to go to a different plan
28:07 to introduce Jesus to the world.
28:09 And that's where
28:11 He started using the Christian church
28:13 to take the gospel all over
28:15 the then known world.
28:19 In fact, Jesus even alludes to this
28:21 as sad as it is,
28:22 if you read Matthew 21:43.
28:26 During the last week of Jesus' life on earth,
28:30 He spent a lot of time in
28:32 and around the temple at Jerusalem
28:34 because the Passover feast was going on.
28:36 And in a controversy and conflict
28:39 with the Jewish leaders and rulers,
28:41 Jesus made this statement,
28:44 He said, "Therefore I say to you,
28:47 the kingdom of God will be taken from you
28:52 and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it."
28:56 Now, Jesus didn't say that with anger.
28:58 I'm sure He said that with tears in His eyes.
29:02 He knew that Israel had rejected Him.
29:06 Oh, yes, there were a few who believed in Him.
29:09 But overall, the leaders, the Pharisees,
29:12 the government rulers had rejected their Messiah,
29:15 He knew they were gonna nail Him to the cross,
29:17 He knew they were gonna
29:19 persecute His disciples afterwards.
29:22 And Jesus said to them, "The kingdom of God,
29:24 the gospel is gonna be given to another people."
29:28 That other people will be the Christian church
29:32 made up of all different nations
29:34 from around the world.
29:36 Because later on Jesus said to them,
29:37 when He walked out of the temple courts that day,
29:40 remember the words He uttered?
29:42 He said, "Your house is left unto you,"
29:44 what?
29:46 Desolate.
29:47 And the Spirit of God departed from the temple in Jerusalem.
29:51 That's why Paul wrote
29:53 what he did after his conversion,
29:55 and he began to understand things better.
29:57 In Galatians 3:28, Paul wrote,
30:00 "There is neither Jew nor Greek,
30:02 there is neither slave nor free,
30:04 there is neither male nor female,
30:07 for you are all one in, who?
30:10 Christ Jesus."
30:11 And in verse 29,
30:12 He says something important we normally pass by,
30:15 He said, "If you are Christ's, then you are," what?
30:21 "Abraham's seed,
30:22 and heirs according to the promise."
30:25 Do you understand what that saying?
30:28 That saying to be part of God's chosen people.
30:30 You don't have to be a literal,
30:32 ethnic Jew that's born in Jerusalem.
30:35 If you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,
30:38 you are Abraham's seed.
30:40 That's what Paul is saying.
30:41 You are what's called a spiritual Jew,
30:44 not a literal one born ethnically in Israel.
30:48 But anyone who accepts Christ as Savior
30:51 can receive all the promises
30:53 made to Israel in the Old Testament.
30:56 You see, the covenant is not gone,
30:58 God is still gonna fulfill those promises,
31:01 but it's not gonna be too literal Israel,
31:04 it's gonna be to spiritual Israel,
31:06 all those who have chosen to accept
31:08 Jesus Christ as their Savior.
31:10 That means, it could be Americans,
31:12 it can be Russians, it can be people from Finland,
31:16 it doesn't matter what language you speak.
31:18 It doesn't matter the color of your skin.
31:21 It doesn't matter what country you're from.
31:23 If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed.
31:27 And all those promises made to Abraham
31:30 will be fulfilled to God's Christian people today.
31:33 Can somebody say amen? Amen.
31:36 Now just to make sure we don't misunderstand.
31:39 Sometimes we get an attitude with the Jewish nation
31:41 and say, "Well, if I had lived back then,
31:43 I certainly wouldn't have crucified Jesus."
31:46 We need to make sure we don't have
31:47 a holier than thou attitude,
31:49 because that kind of attitude
31:51 is also what started anti-Semitism,
31:54 particularly during World War II.
31:57 Yes, the Jewish nation made a mistake.
32:00 But can you and I sit here and say
32:02 we've never made a mistake?
32:04 There are Protestant churches today
32:07 that have made mistakes
32:08 and wish they could do things different.
32:10 I'll give you one example.
32:12 I don't wanna get too far off track.
32:13 You know, 50, 60 years ago was the civil rights era.
32:17 And they were Protestant churches
32:18 who claim to follow the Bible, who would turn a person away
32:22 from their church
32:23 because they were a different color of skin.
32:26 Or they would say, sorry, you've got to sit on the floor,
32:29 because we're the superior race,
32:31 or you've got to go to the church down the street.
32:35 Was that according to the Bible?
32:37 No.
32:38 Does that believe in what the Bible says,
32:39 all men are created equal?
32:42 That was a mistake that Protestant churches made.
32:45 Many of us wish we could take that history
32:48 and do away with it, and they've repented of that.
32:50 So we have to understand no nation is perfect.
32:53 No church is perfect.
32:56 In fact, in Romans 11,
32:57 it says that God's Jewish people
32:59 can be grafted back in again.
33:01 That is they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
33:04 The promises are available to them once again.
33:08 And you see that happening today?
33:09 It's in the Messianic Jewish movement,
33:12 that many Jews today are seeing that
33:14 their forefathers made a mistake.
33:16 And they are now choosing to accept
33:18 and follow Jesus Christ as their Savior,
33:21 because we're all one in His name.
33:23 Amen.
33:24 So that's what you see going on in this prophecy.
33:27 But now, we need to go a little farther
33:31 because in verse 25, it's going to talk about
33:34 a 69 week period.
33:36 Now this whole prophecy covers what time period?
33:39 Seventy weeks.
33:41 But in verse 25, the angel says
33:44 something important will happen after 69 weeks.
33:48 Let's pick it up again in verse 25.
33:51 The Bible says, "Know therefore and understand,
33:55 that from the going forth of the command
33:58 to restore and build Jerusalem
34:02 until Messiah the Prince,
34:05 there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks,
34:08 the street shall be built again,
34:11 and the wall, even in troublesome times."
34:14 Now I'm gonna stop there,
34:15 because depending
34:17 what version of the Bible you have,
34:18 it's worded differently,
34:19 but it all actually calculates to the same.
34:21 Notice it says that in 69 weeks
34:25 from the beginning of this prophecy,
34:26 who's going to come?
34:29 Messiah, the Prince will begin
34:31 His ministry on this earth, His coming the first time,
34:34 not the second time.
34:36 Now, I wanna put something on the screen.
34:39 If you're using the King James Version,
34:41 it says seven weeks threescore and two weeks.
34:44 If you add all that up, it's 69 weeks.
34:48 The New King James version that I'm using says,
34:50 7 weeks and 62 weeks.
34:52 Well, what 62 plus 7? Sixty nine.
34:55 So it doesn't matter
34:57 what version of the Bible you use,
34:58 it all equals 69 weeks.
35:01 So now we've got to apply the day for a year principle.
35:05 How many days are in one week?
35:07 Seven.
35:08 So if I want to know how many days are in 69 weeks,
35:11 what must I do?
35:13 69 time 7.
35:15 When you do that calculation,
35:18 there's 483 days in a 69 week period,
35:22 apply the year for a day principle,
35:25 and what it's saying is,
35:27 in 483 years
35:31 from the beginning of this prophecy,
35:33 Messiah, the Prince will come and begin His ministry.
35:39 You say, wow!
35:41 Was it fulfilled?
35:43 It was because if you add
35:46 483 years to 457 B.C.,
35:50 do you know what year you come to?
35:53 27 A.D.
35:57 You say, "Well, what happened in 27 A.D.?"
36:00 According to the scriptures,
36:02 that's when Jesus came to the River Jordan
36:05 to be baptized by John the Baptist.
36:08 That's when He began
36:10 his public ministry on this earth.
36:13 Because think about it.
36:14 Before He was baptized by John,
36:17 He never once preached a sermon,
36:19 never proclaimed Himself the Son of God,
36:22 never healed anybody, never did a miracle.
36:25 He waited until
36:26 He was baptized in 27 A.D., why?
36:30 Because Jesus knew this prophecy.
36:33 Jesus was a student of Bible prophecy.
36:36 Can you say amen?
36:37 And he knew the Messiah was not supposed to come
36:40 until 27 A.D.
36:42 And that doesn't mean when He was born.
36:44 That means when He would publicly begin
36:46 His ministry of proclaiming Himself as a Messiah.
36:50 Now some may ask the question,
36:52 how do you know it was 27 A.D.?
36:54 Let me show you something awesome.
36:57 In Luke 3:1, it says that Jesus was baptized
37:02 in the 15th year of Tiberias Caesar.
37:05 He was the Roman Emperor at the time.
37:08 And if you go back to the secular history books,
37:11 just take a guess
37:13 as to when the 15th year of Tiberias Caesar was?
37:17 27 A.D.
37:22 Jesus came right on time.
37:27 That's why Jesus always said things like,
37:30 "My time has not yet come.
37:31 My time has not yet come."
37:33 What time?
37:34 He was referring to this prophecy.
37:36 He knew
37:37 when He was supposed to come forth
37:39 and begin His ministry, just like Daniel said.
37:43 This was prophesied hundreds of years
37:46 before Jesus was ever born.
37:49 This gives us the confidence that Jesus Christ,
37:53 this man of Nazareth
37:55 that history says died on a cross.
37:57 He is certainly the prophesied Messiah
38:01 of the Old Testament,
38:02 there is no doubt about it.
38:05 He came right on time.
38:09 But now, if this is a 70 week prophecy,
38:14 and the first part talks about 69 weeks,
38:17 how many weeks do we have left?
38:19 One week.
38:20 So, let's talk about that for a second.
38:22 Actually, let me read you something in verse 26.
38:26 In verse 26, it says,
38:29 "After the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off,
38:32 but not for Himself, and the people of the prince
38:36 who is to come shall destroy the city
38:38 and the sanctuary."
38:39 You say, "What is that referring to?"
38:41 It saying sometime after the 62 weeks,
38:43 Messiah will be cut off.
38:45 That's referring to His crucifixion
38:47 on the cross that Israel would reject Him.
38:50 And where it talks about the people of the Prince
38:52 destroying the city and the sanctuary,
38:55 this is referring to the Roman armies
38:58 who would come into Jerusalem, years down the road in 70 A.D.,
39:02 destroy the city of Jerusalem
39:04 and tear apart that Holy Temple.
39:07 Because remember,
39:08 that was part of the retribution
39:11 of rejecting their Savior.
39:14 Jesus said, "Your house is left
39:15 unto you desolate."
39:16 In fact, He said,
39:18 "There will not be one stone left upon another."
39:20 And do you know
39:21 when Rome destroyed that temple,
39:23 they started a fire inside of it,
39:26 and it burned that gold and melted it
39:28 so that it got in between the cracks
39:30 of those huge stones.
39:32 And those Roman soldiers wanted that gold.
39:34 So you know what they did?
39:36 They tore that temple apart,
39:38 rock by rock to get that gold until literally,
39:43 there was not one stone left upon another.
39:48 But now let's focus on verse 27.
39:50 Because now we're gonna come
39:52 to the last week of this prophecy.
39:55 Now let me ask you a question.
39:57 How many days are in a week?
40:00 Seven. Seven.
40:02 And if we apply the day for a year principle,
40:04 this is talking about
40:05 a seven year period this last week.
40:08 This last week has been
40:09 a source of controversy in the Christian world
40:12 because there are different doctrines
40:13 that surround it.
40:15 But let's go back to the Word of God
40:17 and let the scriptures give us the answer.
40:20 Let's read verse 27.
40:23 The Bible says,
40:26 "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many,"
40:29 for how long?
40:31 "One week, but in the middle of the week,
40:34 He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
40:38 Now I'm gonna stop there.
40:41 The big question is this.
40:44 Who is the "He?"
40:47 Who's the "He" that confirms this covenant?
40:50 Who's the "He"
40:51 that brings an end to sacrifice and offering?
40:55 Now let me ask you something.
40:57 Who is this whole prophecy centered around?
41:01 You tell me. Jesus Christ.
41:04 It prophesized when He would come
41:06 and begin His ministry,
41:07 it talks about Messiah, The Prince.
41:09 So the "He" in verse 27, is clearly Jesus.
41:14 Now, sometimes popular theology says,
41:17 "Oh, that's antichrist."
41:19 But when you look at the context,
41:21 clearly this is talking about Jesus.
41:24 And you know what's amazing?
41:26 When Jesus was on this earth,
41:28 He mainly worked for His Jewish people,
41:30 because He knew it wasn't until 34 A.D.,
41:35 that the nation would reject that covenant.
41:38 And in verse 27, when it says that,
41:41 "The He whoever He is,
41:43 it says in the middle of the week,
41:45 He brings an end to sacrifice and offering."
41:48 Do you know what happened in the middle
41:50 of that 7 year period, from 27 A.D., to 34 A.D.?
41:55 Jesus was crucified
41:57 on the cross of Calvary around 31 A.D.,
42:01 right in the middle
42:03 of that 7 year period that last week.
42:06 And when Jesus died,
42:09 He put an end to the entire sacrificial
42:12 and offering system.
42:14 Because remember,
42:15 God had instituted sacrificing lambs,
42:18 and goats, and doves.
42:19 All that was to point forward to what?
42:22 Jesus Christ, the real Lamb of God.
42:25 So now that Jesus has died,
42:27 that system is no longer necessary.
42:31 That's why Hebrew said,
42:32 "We don't put our faith
42:34 in the blood of lambs and goats,
42:35 but in Jesus Christ Himself."
42:38 And that's why Matthew 27:51,
42:40 says that, when Jesus died on the cross,
42:42 the veil in the temple that separated the holy
42:45 from the most holy place, it was torn into
42:48 from the top to the bottom signifying
42:51 that this system of sacrifices is now done away with
42:55 because the true Lamb of God has died
42:58 for the sins of the world.
43:01 The He is Jesus.
43:04 The prophecy tells us when Messiah would come.
43:07 The prophecy tells us
43:08 when Messiah would be crucified on the cross.
43:11 Jesus came and died right on time.
43:17 I mean, think about it.
43:18 Why did Jesus allow Himself
43:20 to be taken to the cross in 31 A.D.?
43:23 Did they tried to kill Him before that?
43:25 Yeah, they wanted to stone Him,
43:27 they tried to push Him off a cliff.
43:28 What did Jesus always say?
43:30 My time has not yet come.
43:31 My time has not yet come.
43:32 What time?
43:34 The time of His prophecy, He knew,
43:36 He was not to die on the cross
43:37 till around 31 A.D.
43:42 Now, I do have to address this.
43:44 I don't wanna spend a lot of time on it.
43:46 But it may raise a question in your mind
43:48 because you may ask.
43:50 Well, I've always heard that that last week
43:52 that seven year period represents something else.
43:56 Because see one of the popular doctrines
43:58 that is in the Christian world today says,
44:01 that that 7 year period is broken off
44:04 from the prophecy in Daniel, and thrown 2000 years
44:09 into an ambiguous future at the end of time.
44:12 And at the beginning of the seven years,
44:13 that's a secret rapture of God's saints,
44:16 that they He who comes in the middle is antichrist.
44:19 And then at the end of the seven years,
44:21 that's the coming Kingdom of God
44:23 where people will have a second chance.
44:26 And here's what's always important to do
44:28 if you forget anything, remember this principle.
44:31 We never base a doctrine on that which is popular.
44:36 We never base it on how many books
44:38 has been written about it,
44:39 you always base a teaching on what?
44:42 What the Word of God says.
44:45 And clearly the Word of God tells us
44:48 that last seven years is not to be broken away
44:51 from the prophecy.
44:52 It's part of uplifting Jesus.
44:55 And it's amazing to me
44:57 that we can take a prophecy that completely glorifies Jesus
45:01 as the savior of world twisted and change it around.
45:04 And now instead of uplifting Jesus,
45:06 we're uplifting antichrist.
45:09 Any prophecy, any doctrine that throws
45:11 Jesus out the door and starts to uplift antichrist
45:15 ought to raise a red flag in our minds?
45:19 You see, well, let's just look into this
45:21 a little bit farther
45:22 because you know, that's only fair.
45:23 It's not fair to only look at one side
45:25 and then ignore the other.
45:26 So let's look at some things.
45:28 The idea of a secret rapture theory basically says this,
45:32 "Jesus will come secretly
45:34 and snatch away only the saints.
45:36 After that is seven years of tribulation.
45:39 In the middle of those seven years
45:41 antichrist appears.
45:43 And during the seven years,
45:44 those who missed that rapture
45:46 have a second chance to get right with God."
45:50 The question we have to ask is,
45:52 is that according to what the Bible teaches?
45:55 I'm gonna give you a polite challenge.
45:58 Do you know that
46:00 there is absolutely no place in the Bible
46:02 that uses the phrase seven year tribulation?
46:07 Get a Concordance and try to look up
46:09 seven year tribulation, you won't find it anywhere
46:11 from Genesis to Revelation.
46:14 You say, "Well, really, where does it come from?"
46:16 It comes from taking
46:17 the last seven years of this prophecy
46:19 and breaking it off into the future.
46:22 But you will never find that term used in the Bible.
46:27 Is it really? Where did it come from then?
46:29 I just wanna briefly give you the history,
46:31 I don't wanna go into too much detail.
46:33 But if something is not based in the Bible,
46:35 it might be important to understand,
46:37 where is the source of it?
46:39 It actually comes all the way
46:41 back from around the 1500s
46:43 when the Reformation is going on,
46:45 and we're gonna talk about that later in the seminar
46:47 because I believe the Reformation is symbolized
46:50 in parts of the Book of Revelation.
46:52 Martin Luther and the reformers
46:54 were preaching that people can come to Jesus
46:56 directly for salvation,
46:58 that it's not necessary to do indulgences, and penances,
47:01 and things like that.
47:03 And since Rome was the persecuting
47:05 power of those days, unfortunately,
47:08 the reformers were preaching that Rome is the antichrist
47:11 and beast of Revelation 13.
47:13 And see that made the Reformation
47:15 gained steam at that time, because you know,
47:18 Rome was persecuting those who wanted to follow
47:21 or even translate the Bible.
47:23 So what Rome did at that time,
47:25 and I'm not saying this to be down
47:27 on any particular group of people,
47:28 I don't believe that God is pleased
47:30 when we speak of others in a denigrating way.
47:33 This is only to show what has happened in history
47:37 and how Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.
47:39 What Rome did
47:41 is they commissioned a Jesuit scholar
47:43 named Francisco Ribera.
47:45 Then they said to him, listen, we need you to come up
47:48 with a different interpretation about antichrist.
47:51 Luther and the reformers are saying that,
47:53 you know, we're the beast of Revelation 13,
47:55 and people are following them and believe them
47:58 come up with a different interpretation.
48:00 And so Francisco Ribera wrote a commentary
48:03 that said antichrist would be one person
48:06 who only rises at the end of time.
48:10 And that was the beginning of what was known as futurism.
48:14 As time passed,
48:16 another Jesuit named Manuel Lacunza,
48:19 he wrote a manuscript called,
48:20 "The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty."
48:23 He started writing about antichrist being one person
48:26 at the end of time.
48:28 His manuscripts were published in different countries
48:30 in various parts of the world.
48:32 And what eventually happened is a protestant preacher
48:35 named Edward Irving,
48:37 a very popular preacher in the 1800s.
48:40 He translated Lacunza's work into English
48:44 and a book that has a rather long title.
48:47 They gave him long titles back then,
48:49 it was called "The Coming of Messiah in Glory
48:52 and Majesty with a Preliminary Discourse."
48:55 And so now, Edward Irving
48:57 start to preach this in the 1800s.
48:59 Then John Nelson Darby, another popular preacher
49:03 puts together the secret rapture theory
49:06 and starts to teach it.
49:07 And eventually it made its way
49:09 into the Scofield Reference Bible
49:11 into the footnotes of that Bible.
49:13 And it has become popular ever since.
49:17 But the truth is, before the 1800s,
49:21 the idea of a rapture or snatching away,
49:25 was never taught by any Protestant Church.
49:29 It's actually a new theory that's only developed
49:32 in the last 200 years,
49:34 it goes all the way back to Rome in the reformation,
49:38 to take the heat off of them at that time.
49:41 And when you realize it's simply comes
49:43 from man's theories,
49:45 and it doesn't come from the Word of God,
49:48 it should raise a little red flag in our minds.
49:51 Because if you were here,
49:52 when we studied the second coming of Jesus,
49:54 we did that I think it was last Sunday night.
49:56 You remember what we learned?
49:58 All the verses said that we'll see Jesus in the clouds
50:02 that He comes with power and great glory.
50:05 Trumpets are blowing,
50:06 tribes of the earth are mourning,
50:08 the Lord descends with a shout,
50:10 the voice of the archangel was heard,
50:12 the dead in Christ rise, the sky recedes as a scroll.
50:16 Mountains and islands are moved out of their places.
50:20 Does that sound like something that would be sacred?
50:23 Not according to the Word of God?
50:25 You see, where does that idea
50:27 come from then?
50:28 I'm just gonna show you two things in the Bible
50:31 that are sometimes taken out of context.
50:33 And I do wanna spend just a few minutes on this,
50:36 because it illustrates an important principle.
50:39 You never take a verse out of its context
50:43 and build a doctrine around it.
50:45 Let me give you an example.
50:47 2 Peter 3:10, the Bible says,
50:52 "But the day of the Lord will come as a,"
50:54 what?
50:55 "Thief in the night."
50:57 Now if I just took that part of the verse,
50:58 honestly that almost does make it sound like
51:00 it's kind of secret.
51:02 But if I read the rest of the verse,
51:05 instead of just taking half a verse
51:07 out of its context, it clarifies it.
51:09 Because the rest of the verse says,
51:12 "In which the heavens will pass away with," what?
51:15 "A great noise, and the elements will melt
51:18 with fervent heat, both the earth and the works
51:21 that are in it will be burned up."
51:25 I say, okay, but what about in Matthew 24:40?
51:28 What about that phrase that says,
51:30 "Then two men will be in the field: one is taken,
51:33 the other's left.
51:34 Two women will be grinding at the mill:
51:36 one is taken and the other's left."
51:40 If I just take that two verses,
51:42 I can see how a sincere person would think,
51:45 wow, that must be sacred.
51:47 But remember, you always have to read
51:49 the verses before and the verses after
51:52 to get the context.
51:54 So let's do that and see what it's really saying.
51:56 Let's start in verse 36.
51:59 Jesus says, "But of that day
52:02 and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,
52:05 but My Father only."
52:07 Now notice what he says.
52:08 "But as the days of Noah were,
52:11 so also will be the coming of the Son of Man.
52:15 For as in the days before the flood,
52:17 they were eating and drinking,
52:20 marrying and giving in marriage,
52:23 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
52:26 and did not know until the flood came
52:29 and took them all away,
52:31 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
52:35 Then two men will be in the field:
52:37 one will be taken and the other left.
52:39 Two women will be grinding at the mill:
52:42 one will be taken and the other left."
52:44 And then Jesus summarizes, "Watch therefore,
52:48 for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming."
52:52 You see Jesus is comparing His coming to the time of Noah,
52:55 now think about that.
52:57 When Noah preached, that a flood was coming
53:00 and build the ark, how long did he preach?
53:03 Was there any secret about that?
53:04 He preached it for 120 years.
53:07 And so when the flood finally came,
53:10 did everybody know when the rain started coming?
53:13 Sure, that wasn't hidden.
53:14 And so what does it say?
53:16 Some were on the ark and they were saved,
53:20 those who were left behind, what happened?
53:23 They perished.
53:25 There was no second chance, they perished.
53:29 And so when you realize that the Bible is using that term,
53:32 two men will be in the field, one is taken,
53:34 they're meeting the Lord in the air,
53:35 the other's left behind to perish.
53:38 It's comparing it to the time of Noah.
53:42 And that's why Jesus says,
53:43 "Watch therefore because you don't know
53:46 what hour He's coming."
53:48 It's not that it's secret.
53:50 He knows that the world will not be
53:52 paying attention and for some,
53:55 it will come unexpectedly.
53:59 You see, the reason, the rapture theory
54:02 as wonderful as it may sound,
54:03 the reason it could be dangerous is this.
54:06 Because I've heard people say, "Well, you know what?
54:08 I'm just going to wait
54:10 until people are suddenly snatched away
54:12 and planes crash and cars drive into a ditch.
54:15 Then when I see that happen,
54:17 then I'll get serious with God."
54:20 So you can cause people to be lackadaisical
54:23 about their relationship with Christ.
54:25 Because if I live my life, delaying my decision,
54:29 because I think a second chance is coming,
54:32 but when Jesus comes,
54:34 I find out there is no second chance
54:35 what's gonna happen to me.
54:37 I will be lost. My second chance is now.
54:42 Our second chance was the cross.
54:45 That's why Jesus said or Hebrews said today,
54:48 if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.
54:53 You see, folks,
54:55 this is the most glorious prophecy
54:56 in the Old Testament.
54:58 It prophesized when Jesus would begin
55:00 His ministry and Messiah would come.
55:03 It prophesied when He would die on the cross.
55:05 It tells us that Jesus came
55:08 right on time.
55:12 That's why John wrote, "But these are written
55:16 that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
55:19 the Son of God, and that by believing
55:23 you may have life in His name.
55:26 Amen.
55:28 Friends, I don't know what your life has been like.
55:31 I don't know what tragedies have come your way.
55:34 I don't know what path life has taken you on.
55:38 In your life right now and in mind,
55:40 you may be struggling with guilt
55:41 because of the past.
55:44 You may be struggling with a sense of unworthiness
55:46 because you can't change the choices that you've made.
55:50 You may be struggling and you may feel
55:52 enslaved by addictions.
55:53 You may feel trapped by habits and you begin to wonder
55:56 can Jesus really love me?
55:59 Can I truly be saved?
56:02 But this prophecy tells me there is a savior.
56:06 This prophecy tells me there is a substitute.
56:09 That there is someone who trod this earth for 33
56:13 and a half years,
56:15 that there is someone who loves me,
56:18 who died for me that there is a redeemer
56:21 who will take His righteousness and put it my record book.
56:27 It says, He was wounded for our transgressions,
56:30 by His stripes we are healed.
56:35 And so whatever your struggles may be,
56:37 Jesus just invites you to come.
56:41 That's why the Book of Revelation
56:43 ends with this invitation.
56:44 Jesus says, "Let him who thirsts come,
56:49 and whoever desires,
56:51 let him take the water of life freely."
56:56 Whatever's going on in your world, in your life,
56:59 Jesus says, "Come to Me as you are,
57:01 I will forgive you.
57:03 I will cleanse you.
57:05 I will change and transform you.
57:08 I will make you free."
57:11 All we have to do
57:13 is simply come tonight.
57:18 If you're willing to say in your heart, Lord Jesus,
57:20 I believe that You are the Son of God.
57:24 And I want to spend eternity with You.
57:27 I'd like to invite you to stand with me as I pray.
57:31 In your heart, if you can say,
57:32 I believe Jesus is the prophesied Son of God,
57:35 and I desire to be in heaven with Him.
57:39 I invite you to stand as we close in prayer.
57:44 Heavenly Father, we are excited
57:47 about the prophecies of Your Word.
57:51 We are awed that You would love us so much
57:54 that You would predict when Jesus would come
57:56 so that we could identify Him.
57:59 But the most of all, You would invite us
58:02 to come as sinful as our life may be.
58:06 Thank You, Lord, for sending Jesus.
58:09 And whatever decisions we need to make,
58:12 we pray that You would give us the power
58:14 and the courage to follow the Messiah
58:17 with all of our heart,
58:18 and all of our soul, and all of our minds.
58:22 These things we ask and pray in Jesus' name.
58:27 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2019-11-07