Participants: Shakeela Yasuf
Series Code: DOA
Program Code: DOA000012
00:41 As-Salaam-Alaikum to our Muslim brother and sisters,
00:45 shalom to our Hebrew cousins, 00:48 peace be upon you our Christian friends. 00:51 Welcome once again to "The Descendants of Abraham." 00:54 We are blessed that you here with us today 00:59 and we pray that you will be filled 01:01 with the knowledge of the Creator God 01:05 and of His Son who gave His life, 01:08 sacrificed His life for you and for me that we can be free 01:14 from the bondage of sin, from Satan himself. 01:19 Many people have rejected the thought that Satan is real, 01:24 many people, today, sometimes we think that 01:29 we are too civilized to believe in such a thing 01:32 but in today's program I would like to show you 01:36 that he really does exist and that he does hold us 01:40 in bondage if we don't know where to go. 01:43 If we don't go to the Creator 01:45 and accept Him and accept His truth. 01:49 If we don't believe in the existence of Satan, 01:54 then all the evil that happens around us, 01:58 that happens in your life and my life 02:00 we tend to blame it on God, we say it's an act of God 02:04 or we will blame it on other natural forces, 02:08 but there is so much sin 02:10 and so much evil in the world today 02:13 and we are going to look at how it all began. 02:15 And right now let's start with the Prophet Ezekiel 02:18 to see what he tell us in the Torah. 02:21 Let us look at the scripture in Ezekiel 28:13-15. 02:28 "You were the seal of perfection, 02:31 full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 02:34 You were in Eden, the garden of God. 02:38 Every precious stone was your covering, 02:41 The Sardius, Topaz and Dimond, 02:44 Beryl, Onyx and Jasper, 02:47 Sapphire, Turquoise and Emerald with Gold. 02:52 The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes 02:54 was prepared for you on the day you were created. 02:59 You were the anointed cherub who covers, I established you. 03:04 You were on the holy mountain of God, 03:06 You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. 03:11 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, 03:15 till iniquity was found in you. 03:20 Who is the prophet describing, 03:23 the Prophet Ezekiel who is he describing? 03:25 He is describing Lucifer. 03:27 It is Lucifer, the angel that was created by God. 03:32 Perfect, he was created perfect. 03:36 He was the-- he was created 03:37 to be the head of all the angels in the kingdom of God. 03:42 He was created to serve God, to serve the Creator 03:49 and he did wonderful things when he was loyal. 03:55 We are going to look at another scripture 03:58 and that will be in the Book of Isaiah 14:12-14. 04:05 Let's read that, "How you are fallen from heaven, 04:09 O Lucifer, son of the morning! 04:12 How you are cut down to the ground, 04:14 you who weakened the nations! 04:17 For you have said in your heart, 04:19 I will ascend into heaven, 04:21 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. 04:25 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, 04:29 on the farthest sides of the north. 04:32 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, 04:35 I will be like the Most High. 04:39 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, 04:41 to the lowest depths of the Pit." 04:46 It was Lucifer, Lucifer's pride and his lust for power 04:52 that caused him to sin against the Most High God. 04:56 Remember how he lied to Eve 04:58 in the Garden of Eden in the very beginning. 05:03 What was one of the things he told her? 05:06 When he tempted her 05:09 and he tempted her we believe through the serpent 05:12 but nevertheless he tempted her, 05:14 it was Satan that tempted her. 05:16 He said to her, "Did God tell you 05:18 not to eat of the fruit of that tree in the garden?" 05:24 And she said, "Yes, 05:25 God did forbid us to eat from that fruit. 05:28 And He said that If we do eat of that fruit we will die." 05:33 And what did Satan say to her? 05:37 You will not die, you will not surely die. 05:41 He assured her that God was lying to her 05:45 that she will not die. 05:49 Well, where is Eve today? 05:51 Eve is not alive, she did die. 05:55 God's word is true always. 05:59 Satan did the same thing to the angels in heaven. 06:05 His lust for power and his pride in himself 06:10 because he was a beautiful angel 06:13 caused him to want to be higher than God 06:19 like we read in the scripture before. 06:21 I'll ascend in to heaven, I'll be like the Most High, 06:24 I'll sit in the mountains of congregation. 06:29 Satan wanted to be above the Son of God, Christ. 06:36 There was jealously, there was envy 06:40 but you know all of that cause Satan to sin 06:44 and so he turned around and he started 06:47 to whisper in the ears of the other angels 06:52 and saying, you know, God is not fair, God is lies, 06:58 And he started assaulting God's character, 07:02 that was where sin started. 07:04 God did not create sin, 07:05 He created a beautiful perfect angel. 07:08 He did not create sin but that is where sin started. 07:13 A third of the angels and there are thousands 07:17 and ten thousands and thousands 07:19 upon thousands of angels 07:20 but a third of heaven's angels were deceived by Satan, 07:25 a third of the angels followed Satan. 07:30 They believed him, they believed him 07:32 when he was attacking the character of God. 07:35 These angels lived through the holy and loving God 07:39 and yet they allowed themselves to be deceived by Lucifer 07:43 or Satan as we know him now. 07:47 Satan did not care about these angels. 07:52 He just wanted to overthrow 07:53 the laws of God and the government of God. 07:56 He wanted to rule the nations. 07:59 He wanted to be first in heaven. 08:03 Let us take a look at the last book of the Injil 08:08 to see what happened and this book is Revelation, 08:11 the last book in the Injil, it's Revelation 12:7-9. 08:19 "And war broke out in heaven, 08:22 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon 08:26 and the dragon with his angels fought, 08:29 but they did not prevail, 08:31 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 08:36 So the great dragon was cast out, 08:38 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, 08:43 who deceives the whole world, he was cast to the earth, 08:47 and his angels were cast out with him." 08:52 So we see that the beginning of sin 08:56 or disobedience to the Creator God 08:59 started in heaven, it didn't start in here on earth 09:02 it started in haven where a war broke out 09:06 between the dragon Satan and Michael, 09:09 we're told between Michael and Satan. 09:13 We also see that the one who triumphed in this conflict 09:18 was Michael but who is Michael? 09:21 Well, we have to take a look 09:24 at what the holy book teaches us on this subject. 09:29 I'm not going to tell you, I can't tell you, 09:31 we have to see what God tells us, who is Michael. 09:35 Let's go to the Torah in Daniel 12:1, we read, 09:43 "At that time Michael shall stand up, 09:46 the great Prince who stands 09:48 watch over the sons of your people." 09:54 And if you continue to read the whole of this chapter, 09:57 chapter 12, you will see that there is no doubt 10:01 that Michael is the son of God who will deliver his followers, 10:06 his true children at the end of this world. 10:12 This is soon by the way, this is soon, 10:15 the end of the world, we see all the signs 10:17 and the holy book gives us all the signs that we need 10:23 and the Son of God, the Christ tells us a lot about that. 10:28 But, that's for the next time, 10:30 it will happen in a global level, 10:32 not in any one country, in a global level. 10:36 And in another program we'll take more closer look at that. 10:41 But right now let us look at Daniel 10:13 in the Torah. 10:48 And it says, "But the princes of the kingdom of Persia 10:53 withstood me twenty-one days 10:56 and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, 11:00 came to help me, for I had been left alone there 11:04 with the kings of Persia." 11:09 The Prophet Daniel helps us to see this mighty struggle 11:14 between the forces of good and the forces of evil. 11:19 Here he is saying not Daniel but the angel Gabriel saying, 11:25 for three weeks, for 21 days, 11:29 he struggled with Satan and his angels 11:34 who are trying to influence the kings of Persia 11:37 namely Cyrus to rise up against the people of God at that time, 11:42 Gabriel, Angel Gabriel was working to counter act 11:46 the influences of the powers of darkness, 11:51 work on the mind of Cyrus. 11:54 Finally as we read as Daniel says, 11:59 "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia 12:01 withstood me twenty-one days 12:02 and behold, Michael, 12:03 one of the chief prince, came to help me." 12:05 Finally Christ himself as we learned 12:08 was Michael who will stand up, 12:10 Christ Himself came to Gabriel's aid 12:13 and the battle was won again for God's people. 12:17 Cyrus and his son Cambyses were favorable to the people of God. 12:23 But, let's look at Daniel 10:21 right now in the Torah again 12:28 same Daniel 10:21, it says, 12:31 "But I tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth. 12:36 No one upholds me against these, 12:38 except Michael your prince." 12:42 The angel Gabriel confirms to the Prophet Daniel 12:47 that the battles are not easy 12:50 but that Michael your prince strengthens him 12:55 even the highest, most honored angel, Gabriel 13:00 knows that he needs the strength 13:02 of the Most High God to uphold him. 13:08 We cannot battle with the powers of darkness 13:13 with Satan on our own. 13:15 We need to call in God, 13:17 we need to call in the Son of God 13:19 to help us in these struggles, these battles 13:23 and these are stories here in the Torah, 13:27 in the Torah that shows us this. 13:31 Let us go now to the next scripture, Daniel 9:25-27, 13:39 we read, "Know therefore and understand 13:44 that from the going forth of the command 13:47 to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, 13:52 there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks, 13:56 The street shall be built again, 13:58 and the wall, even in troublesome times. 14:02 And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, 14:07 but not for Himself 14:09 and the people of the Prince who is to come." 14:15 Brothers and sisters, this book of the Torah, 14:20 the Book of Daniel has so much prophecy, 14:24 past, present, future, 14:27 that we do not have time to go into today. 14:30 But it is a powerful book, 14:33 but you can see from the verses that we have read 14:36 that the Messiah is also called Prince, the Prince. 14:42 So once again we have to allow the holy book to interpret us-- 14:47 interpret itself and when we read 14:50 and we ask for God's spirit to be with us, 14:54 He will guide us into all truth. 14:58 Let's look at another passage 15:00 and this again now is in the Injil, 15:03 in the Book of Jude and in that book of Jude 15:06 there is only one chapter, 15:08 so we are going to read verse 9 in the Book of Jude 15:12 and it says "Yet Michael the archangel, 15:16 in contending with the devil, 15:18 when he disputed about the body of Moses, 15:22 dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, 15:26 but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" 15:32 Moses passed through death 15:36 but Michael came down from heaven 15:39 and gave him life before his body had decomposed. 15:44 Satan tried to hold that body claiming it as his, 15:48 but Michael resurrected Moses and took him to heaven 15:52 and that we can--we will see also later on in the program 15:56 that Moses did come back to minister to Jesus. 16:04 In the same Injil, in the Book of Thessalonians, 16:10 the 1 Thessalonians 4:16 here again we read, 16:16 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout 16:21 with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God." 16:27 This scripture verse tells us that the voice of the archangel 16:31 and the voice of the Lord Himself is one of the same, 16:37 again looking at all the other Bible verses we read 16:42 and putting them all together building upon each other. 16:47 This scripture verse tell us that the voice of the archangel 16:52 and the voice of the Lord is one of the same. 16:57 The Torah is all about Jesus, the Torah is all about Jesus, 17:03 the Torah tells us so much about the Son of God. 17:09 But He is not called Jesus in the Torah, 17:12 He was not given that name until after His birth here on earth. 17:20 He had to become like us. 17:24 He was representing us to His Father, 17:28 He had to become like us when he came here as a baby. 17:34 The world is full of sin 17:36 and He needed to come and rescue us from sin. 17:42 The Torah points us forward to the crucifixion, 17:48 the resurrection and the second coming 17:52 of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. 17:57 In the upcoming programs we will take a look 18:01 at the tabernacle service given to Moses by God 18:05 and how that whole sacrificial system 18:09 or the whole service there points to Christ 18:14 hanging on the cross, for your sins and mine. 18:22 My brothers and sisters, I know that we are taught that 18:28 God does not believe in human sacrifice 18:31 and that's right, He doesn't, He never did. 18:34 And when that practice was going on, 18:39 He was not pleased with it. 18:44 But this is different and again in later programs 18:49 you will see that, we will see that 18:52 this is not where you and I think of as human sacrifice 18:58 but there is a price to be paid for our sins. 19:07 The Prophet Isaiah prophesied in detail 19:10 the crucifixion of Christ in detail. 19:14 This prophecy was given 600 to 700 years 19:19 before Christ came to this earth. 19:21 600 to 700 years before Christ 19:25 even came to this earth as a baby. 19:28 I pray that you will read if you have a Bible, 19:34 the chapter in Isaiah 53 and you will-- 19:40 your eyes will be opened that, 19:44 that prophet wrote and prophesied 19:49 exactly what was going to be happening 19:52 600, 700 years later at Calvary. 19:58 Many of our Jewish brothers and sisters 20:02 accepted Jesus as the Messiah 20:05 because they studied the Torah searching for truth 20:09 and it was shown to them at that time. 20:12 Look at what Philip, who was a Jew 20:15 and he was from Bethsaida 20:19 and he said of Jesus in 1 John, again in the Injil 1 John 1:45, 20:25 we can read, "Now Philip was from Bethsaida, 20:31 the city of Andrew and Peter. 20:34 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, 20:38 "We have found him of whom Moses in the law, 20:42 and also the prophets wrote-- 20:45 Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." 20:52 Although Philip recognize that Jesus was the one 20:56 that Moses and the prophets wrote about. 21:00 He still did not fully understand that this time 21:03 that Jesus was God in human form. 21:07 He called Jesus the son of Joseph. 21:12 When Jesus was about 12 years old, 21:15 he went up to Jerusalem with his parents Joseph and Mary 21:21 to the feast of the Passover which was normal. 21:25 You know, at that time 21:26 all the families went up to Jerusalem 21:28 to celebrate the feast of the Passover 21:31 and after the feast was celebrated over many days, 21:35 Joseph and Mary and Jesus and all the family left 21:40 and everybody would leave 21:41 and go back to their respective homes in their towns. 21:44 Well, into the journey Joseph and Mary realized 21:49 that Jesus wasn't with them, their little boy, 21:51 their 12 year old wasn't with them, 21:53 so they turned around, they looked around 21:56 and asked the rest of their family. 21:58 No, nobody had seen him, so they went back to Jerusalem 22:01 and when they went back to Jerusalem 22:03 and they looked for Him there and inquired where He was, 22:05 they found out that He was in the temple. 22:07 He was in the temple among the teachers, 22:10 the rabbis and the priests and He was listening to them, 22:13 He was learning from them and He, believe it or not 22:16 at 12 year old, He was teaching them, 22:18 He was asking questions and they were astonished 22:22 at the knowledge that He had, 12 years old. 22:28 Let's read what transpired there 22:30 when Mary went and she found Him in the temple. 22:34 We will go to the Book of the Luke 22:36 again in the Injil, the Book of Luke 2:47-49, 22:45 "And all who heard Him were astonished 22:47 at His understanding and answers. 22:50 So when they saw Him, they were amazed, 22:53 and His mother said to Him, 22:55 "Son, why have you done this to us? 22:58 Look, your father and I have sought you anxiously." 23:03 And He said to them, "Why did you seek me? 23:07 Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" 23:14 The child Jesus knew that His true Father was God. 23:21 He said, He was about His Father's business, 23:24 why are you seeking me, Mary and Joseph? 23:27 He wasn't rude, He wasn't being rude, 23:30 He was just stating the fact, why are you seeking me, 23:33 I'm about My Father's business, My Father in heaven. 23:40 I would like to remind you my brothers and my sisters, 23:44 you are my brothers and my sisters. 23:47 We do not believe that Mary should be worshiped 23:50 in anyway shape or form, we do not worship Mary, 23:56 she was human like you, like me and she was blessed, 24:02 she was blessed by the Most High God 24:05 and that she was chosen to carry His Son as a babe. 24:10 She was blessed but Mary is asleep, 24:15 Mary is still gone and we don't read anything 24:23 in the Torah or the Injil about Mary being alive. 24:30 So we do not worship her. 24:33 My prayer for you is that your eyes, 24:36 your mind and your heart will be opened 24:39 by the spirit of the living God to see truth and all its glory. 24:46 There is only one God, you will say yes there is, 24:52 I'll say yes there is, so there has to be only one truth. 24:59 Let us look at the warning given to us 25:01 by the great disciple Peter in 1 Peter 5:8, 9. 25:07 Here is what he says, "Be sober, be vigilant, 25:12 because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, 25:17 seeking whom he may devour. 25:19 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, 25:22 knowing that the same sufferings 25:25 are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." 25:30 We have seen how Satan became a fallen angel 25:35 and how sin developed. 25:36 We have studied a little about the war that started in heaven. 25:41 The first war started in heaven 25:43 between Satan, the fallen angel 25:47 who chose to disobey the Creator God. 25:51 We have seen through the Holy Book 25:53 that Michael, the Prince of heaven 25:55 who is also our Messiah and the archangel 25:59 also called the angel of the Lord 26:02 and best known as Jesus Christ has won the war 26:06 with Satan for our salvation, yours and mine. 26:11 When you get to The Descendants of Abraham, 26:14 you can be sure that you're lighting the way for all 26:17 in search of the Creator God 26:19 and His message of love and forgiveness to all nations. 26:23 Thank you for your support and for your prayers. 26:26 All contributions are tax deductible. 26:29 Please visit us online today at 26:35 or write to us at the address you see listed on your screen. 26:38 All correspondence will be kept confidential. 26:41 Thank you so much brothers and sisters 26:43 for being with us here today. 26:46 There is so much to cover on this subject 26:49 that we couldn't do it all today 26:51 and so this is going to be a two part series 26:54 and I would encourage you to please join us again next week 26:57 and let's continue studying the subject of sin, 27:02 of the eradication of sin, of the reality of Satan. 27:07 My prayer for you is that your heart and your mind 27:12 will be opened to truth, 27:15 to the truth of the God of Abraham 27:17 who He really is, who Abraham worshiped, 27:21 what God Abraham worshiped. 27:24 I will keep you in prayer, I don't know your name 27:27 but God does and I'll be praying for you. 27:32 Please go to the website 27:39 and send me your pray request 27:41 or if you have questions, email me. God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17