Dare 2 Dream Special Feature

Special Feature: The Black Panther Deception

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DDSF

Program Code: DDSF190109A

00:14 Hello, and welcome to a special Dare to Dream presentation.
00:18 I'm excited, Jason.
00:19 I'm excited too,
00:21 I can't wait to just really get into the meat of things.
00:24 Yes, yes.
00:25 And you're going to love this
00:26 because we have some special guests with us
00:29 and what's so amazing is that
00:30 they are involved, they made this documentary.
00:35 And so our guests are...
00:37 We have pastor doctor, is it doctor?
00:41 Yes.
00:42 Dr. Isaac Olatunji,
00:44 and he's a professor of religion
00:46 at Oakwood University and then we have Scotty Meyer,
00:49 who is the director and founder?
00:52 Yeah.
00:53 And founder of Little Light Studios.
00:55 Um-hm. Am I right?
00:57 Yep. Okay, great.
00:58 Making sure I don't mess it up.
01:00 Yeah, so what made you do this documentary
01:06 on the Black Panther?
01:08 Now, Dr. O is the brainchild behind this whole episode.
01:12 Okay.
01:13 I'll let him speak on that. Okay, good.
01:15 Um, shortly after the Black Panther movie came out
01:18 at Oakwood University church,
01:20 they were having a 40 days of prayer for the campus.
01:22 And one of the things they wanted to talk
01:24 about was this movie the Black Panther,
01:25 since a lot of our students
01:27 and even some of our faculty and staff saw it
01:29 and just others in the black community,
01:31 and the black Adventist community saw it,
01:33 she wanted a presentation on it
01:36 and so she called me out of the blue
01:37 and said, "I think you'd be the best person for it.
01:40 Can you come up with something?"
01:41 And I almost said no,
01:43 but I decided to do it and then,
01:45 one thing led to another, and I put it together,
01:48 presented, started presenting it in different venues
01:50 until I came to...
01:52 Can you hear me now in the month of May
01:54 where I did a presentation of it
01:56 and Scott will tell you the rest of the story.
01:58 I got to see this presentation
02:00 because I was at the same conference
02:01 and, man, it just really,
02:04 you know, was an excellent presentation
02:07 and we both kind of sat down afterwards and we said,
02:10 we got to turn this into a soul project
02:11 so what you're going to see is a, as a, you know,
02:16 collaboration together on that project.
02:18 He came up with all the content,
02:20 we put it together in the edit room
02:22 so it was a lot of fun.
02:24 Nice. That's great.
02:25 Look at how God orchestrates everything, right?
02:29 I mean, you didn't know you were going to meet
02:32 and yet you did
02:33 and the Lord just brought this together
02:35 in the Black Panther deception.
02:37 So let's take a look at it.
02:56 What does the Black Panther and the enemy of our souls,
02:59 namely Lucifer have in common?
03:02 Get ready for the Black Panther Deception.
03:37 We wanna give a disclaimer
03:38 before we get into this documentary
03:40 that this is not an invalidation of any culture,
03:44 namely the black culture.
03:45 This is mainly an invalidation to Satanic principles
03:49 that are seeking to deceive people,
03:51 not only of the black race, but of the human race
03:53 as Satan is preparing his last day deceptions
03:56 to deceive the whole entire world.
03:59 Greetings, my name is Dr. Isaac Olatunji,
04:01 professor of religion at Oakwood University
04:03 and this is the Black Panther Deception.
04:06 The Bible says that
04:07 "Man should not live by bread alone,
04:09 but by every word
04:10 that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
04:12 In this documentary,
04:13 we're gonna talk about this movie
04:15 that has blown all kinds of records at the blue,
04:19 at the movies and all over, and in the minds of men.
04:22 This movie, the Black Panther, talks about a superhero
04:25 that many people of the African-American,
04:27 the black community have identified with.
04:30 What we wanna do in this documentary?
04:32 We wanna give a Christian perspective on this movie
04:35 so that we can make a biblically informed choice.
04:38 For the Bible says that man shall not live by bread alone,
04:40 but by every word that proceedeth out of this book.
04:44 Our decisions in everything must be measured by this book
04:49 called The Holy Bible,
04:50 for it came from the mouth of God,
04:52 for in the beginning was the Word
04:53 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
04:56 And because we trust God,
04:58 whatever comes out of His mouth,
05:00 we trust and we put it in our life.
05:02 So we talk about this movie here,
05:04 the Black Panther.
05:06 We want to look at it from the standpoint
05:07 of what Jesus says in the Book of Matthew 24:4,
05:10 Jesus says, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
05:14 Brothers and sisters, deception is a very serious thing,
05:17 and as people are talking about Wakanda forever.
05:20 Wakanda forever!
05:22 And glorifying this fictional place
05:24 called Wakanda
05:25 and the superhero called the Black Panther.
05:27 Brothers and sisters, we wanna talk about something here that
05:31 I believe that is inherent within every superhero,
05:34 this issue of power.
05:36 When we deal with power, we think of three things,
05:38 we think of authority, we think of strength,
05:42 and we think of control.
05:44 Remember that, authority, strength, and control.
05:48 These are three things that are inherent
05:50 in every superhero.
05:51 As a matter of fact, is inherent
05:53 when we talk about the word power,
05:55 whether it's power as a boss,
05:57 or power as a parent, or anything in between.
05:59 Authority, strength, and control is inherent
06:02 in this word power.
06:04 But there is a question that deserves a good answer,
06:07 when it comes to this issue about superheroes
06:10 and we have to talk about this
06:12 when we talk about the Black Panther.
06:14 The number one question that needs to be answered is this.
06:16 What do superheroes depend upon
06:19 when battling against the forces of evil
06:22 in their worlds?
06:24 "Allow the heart-shaped herb to restore the powers
06:28 of the Black Panther."
06:30 And what I found out is and if anybody is honest,
06:33 you will find out that usually
06:35 it is upon a supernatural power other than the God of heaven.
06:44 "Oh my queen, said the royal sorcerer to Hatshepsut,
06:48 with this amulet, you and your descendants
06:51 are endowed by the goddess Isis,
06:53 with the powers of the animals and the elements.
06:56 You will soar as the falcon soars,
06:59 run with the speed of gazelles,
07:01 and command the elements of sky and earth.
07:05 Three thousand years later, a young science teacher
07:08 dug up this lost treasure and found she was heir to,
07:12 the secrets of Isis
07:15 and so unknown to even her closest friends,
07:18 Rick Mason and Cindy Lee, she became a dual person,
07:23 Andrea Thomas teacher
07:26 and Isis, dedicated foe of evil,
07:30 defender of the weak,
07:32 champion of truth and justice."
07:37 And these superheroes depend upon a supernatural power
07:41 which is not the God of the Bible.
07:45 "Hello?"
07:48 "Say my name so my powers may flow through you."
07:51 "But I don't know your name, sir."
07:53 "Shazam." "Shazam!"
08:00 As you saw here, we see here blatant spiritualism,
08:04 blatant witchcraft, and you see Billy Batson,
08:07 the young Billy Batson receiving power from a wizard,
08:10 but what does the Bible say about wizards?
08:12 The Bible makes this very plain in the Book of Leviticus 19:31,
08:16 that we're not to be defiled by wizards to seek after them.
08:21 The Bible's blatant about this.
08:23 The Bible also says in Isaiah Chapter 8,
08:26 the Bible makes it very plain,
08:28 "For when they shall say unto you,
08:30 seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
08:33 and unto wizards that peep and that mutter,
08:35 should not a people seek unto their God,
08:37 for the living to the dead?"
08:38 Instead of going to wizards for power,
08:41 as you see human models
08:43 in the superhero movies depend upon,
08:45 we should seek for the power of God.
08:47 What does the Bible say?
08:49 We have to measure everything by the Word.
08:50 For the Bible says in verse 20,
08:52 "And to the law and to the testimony,
08:54 if they speak not according to this word,
08:57 it is because there is no light in them."
08:59 So as a Christian,
09:01 as a biblical student of the Word,
09:03 I cannot subscribe
09:05 and you should not subscribe to anything
09:08 that subscribe to getting power
09:09 from another power outside of the living God.
09:13 And as you saw in the clip on Isis,
09:15 what you will find out is that
09:17 Isis was part of the Egyptian trinity.
09:19 Isis, Horus and Set
09:22 and that's very, very important.
09:24 And so as you look at it,
09:26 we gotta look at it from a biblical standpoint
09:28 and this leads to the next thing
09:29 as we talk about the Black Panther
09:32 because it's dealing with black superheroes,
09:35 and black a cast, and black representation.
09:39 A lot of people are looking at it
09:41 from an empowerment standpoint,
09:43 but what I want to share with you
09:44 is where the real power source comes from?
09:46 In John 14:12, Jesus makes it very plain,
09:50 "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
09:52 he that believeth on me,
09:53 the works that I do shall he do also,
09:56 And greater works than these shall he do,
09:58 because I go unto the Father."
10:00 Brothers and sisters, we receive true,
10:02 supernatural power,
10:03 not calling upon Shazam or Isis,
10:05 or in any other name, but one name,
10:08 and his name is Jesus Christ.
10:09 When we call upon Jesus,
10:11 we receive supernatural strength
10:12 to battle against the forces of evil in this universe.
10:16 The Bible makes it very plain, "That the weapons
10:18 of our warfare are not carnal,
10:20 but they are mighty through God
10:22 to the pulling down of strongholds,
10:24 casting down imaginations, and every high thing
10:26 that exalts itself against the knowledge of God
10:28 and bring it into captivity,
10:31 every thought to the obedience of Christ."
10:33 The real battle is fought in the mind,
10:35 and we use the weapon found in the Word of God
10:38 and faith in prayer to bring down
10:40 all the strongholds not only in our lives,
10:42 but in the lives of every human being
10:44 upon this earth.
10:46 Where does the true power come from?
10:47 We said, it came from Christ.
10:49 And in Luke 10:19, the Bible plainly says,
10:53 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents
10:57 and upon scorpions,
10:58 and over all the power of the enemy
11:00 and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
11:04 We have the assurance that
11:05 when we call on the name of Jesus,
11:07 Christ gives a supernatural power.
11:10 As His disciples as we fulfill this gospel commission
11:13 over all the power of the enemy.
11:16 And the Book of Acts 1:8, the Bible says,
11:20 "For ye shall receive power,
11:22 after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."
11:25 And in Luke 11:13,
11:28 the Bible makes it very plain
11:29 that we receive the Holy Spirit simply by asking.
11:32 So by asking for the power of the Holy Spirit
11:35 and as Jesus said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost."
11:38 We receive supernatural power
11:40 to battle against the forces of evil.
11:43 But these superheroes are the counterfeit superheroes.
11:47 The real superheroes are those who are connected with Christ
11:50 as we go forth in the gospel commission
11:52 to help save people from eternal damnation.
11:56 That's the reason why the burden of this documentary
11:58 is not to fall for the great deception,
12:01 for the Bible makes it very plain
12:02 in the Book of 2 Thessalonians 2:9,
12:06 "Even him, whose coming
12:08 is after the working of Satan with all power
12:12 and signs and lying wonders."
12:13 These superheroes that you're looking at,
12:16 their displaying works, signs, miracles, lying wonders,
12:20 battling evil per Se, by using power
12:24 which originates from the father of lies,
12:27 and this is only but a precursor,
12:29 what's gonna happen worldwide.
12:31 And the Bible makes it very plain that Satan
12:33 is gonna let all the batteries of his deceptive power loose
12:38 and perform miracles, signs and wonders
12:40 and sad to say, many will be deceived.
12:43 This is very important.
12:45 So what we must do?
12:46 We must follow biblical principles
12:48 when it comes to what we watch and not just take anything,
12:51 rather it's white representation
12:52 or black representation through superheroes.
12:55 The Bible says in the Book of Philippians 4:8,
12:58 the Bible says, "Finally my brethren,
13:00 whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
13:05 whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
13:09 whatsoever things are lovely,
13:11 if whatsoever things are of good report,
13:14 if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,
13:18 think on these things."
13:19 When you watch a movie,
13:20 we ponder and think about what we watched,
13:23 and one of the things we must understand is that
13:25 we must measure everything by the Word of God.
13:28 Do we wanna ponder and think about
13:30 how superheroes received their power from the wizards
13:33 and powers outside of God,
13:36 or rather ponder on how we can receive power
13:40 from the power source,
13:41 the true power source and that is God.
13:44 When they present a false reality,
13:45 it is not true,
13:47 and the Bible tells us in Philippians 4:8,
13:49 whatsoever things are true.
13:52 And what you saw in these Shazam and Isis of clipping,
13:56 what we will show it to you in this documentary
13:58 with the Black Panther is that we see pagan idolatry,
14:02 we see witchcraft at work, which the Bible calls a sin.
14:06 The Bible says in the Book of Psalms 101:3,
14:09 you have to measure everything you watch by the word,
14:12 the Bible says, "I will set no wicked thing
14:15 before my eyes."
14:17 And according to the Bible, 1 Samuel 15:23,
14:20 tells us that witchcraft is a sin in its wickedness.
14:25 Why?
14:26 Because its power sourcing is a power source
14:30 and the workers of his power
14:31 come from another source other than God.
14:33 And when you have superheroes and human beings,
14:36 the movie scripts, and playwright
14:39 teach the lesson that you can receive power
14:41 outside of Christ to save evil
14:43 or to battle against the forces of evil,
14:45 then we have a problem.
14:48 "I hated drawing power from the Dark Dimension.
14:51 But as you well know,
14:53 sometimes one must break the rules
14:55 in order to serve the greater good."
14:57 The Bible says, "I hate the work of them
14:59 that turn aside,
15:00 it shall not cleave unto me," why?
15:02 Because by beholding, we become change.
15:05 We got to be very careful
15:06 because our minds can adapt ourselves
15:08 to the things that we watch.
15:10 The Bible makes it very plain,
15:12 "That he that worketh deceit
15:13 shall not dwell within our house,
15:15 and he that telleth lie shall not tarry in my sight."
15:18 Could it be
15:19 that the superhero movies and this movie Black Panther
15:23 be promoting a false reality thereby telling lies before us.
15:29 Let's go to the story of the Black Panther.
15:34 As for those who watched the movie,
15:35 the movie Black Panther is centered in a nation
15:38 called Wakanda, as you will see
15:41 that there's paraphernalia out there
15:43 such as straight out of Wakanda and glorifying Wakanda.
15:47 And there is an article that came out
15:50 recently in the New York Times of February 12, 2018,
15:54 before the movie Black Panther came out.
15:57 The name of the article is simply "Why 'Black Panther'
15:59 is a defining moment for Black America."
16:02 And this goes into something that we really need to cover.
16:05 It says, "Ryan Coogler's film is a vivid re-imagination
16:09 of something black Americans have cherished for centuries.
16:12 Africa as a dream of our wholeness,
16:14 greatness and self-realization."
16:16 And from the standpoint, I do understand psychologically
16:19 and emotionally why people
16:21 of African-American race identify
16:24 with the Black Panther and champion it.
16:27 Why?
16:28 Because it describes Africa
16:30 as something that we as blacks desire
16:34 to have in this world and in this country.
16:37 Because of colonialism, slavery,
16:39 Jim Crow, and oppression,
16:41 blacks have had it very, very hard in this world.
16:45 And so when you have a movie
16:46 that deals with black representation,
16:48 black empowerment, we immediately flock to it.
16:51 The article says, "Superheroes are powerful and beloved,
16:56 held in high esteem by society at large.
16:59 The idea that a normal black person
17:01 could experience such a thing in America was so farfetched
17:05 as to effectively constitute gallows humor."
17:09 Blade, released in 1998,
17:11 featured Wesley Snipes as a Marvel, vampire hunter
17:15 and Hancock 2008,
17:17 depicted Will Smith a slacker anti-hero
17:21 but in each case,
17:23 the actor's blackness somewhat seem somewhat incidental,
17:27 but Black Panther by contrast is steeped very specifically
17:32 and purposely in its blackness.
17:36 "It's the first time in a very long time
17:39 that we're seeing in a film with centered black people,
17:42 where we have a lot of agency" says Jamie Broadnax,
17:45 the founder of Black Girl Nerds,
17:47 a pop culture site focused on sci-fi,
17:49 and comic-book fandoms.
17:51 These characters she notes, "are rules of a kingdom,
17:54 inventors and creators of advanced technology.
17:57 We're not dealing with black pains,
17:59 suffering and poverty,
18:01 the usual topics of acclaimed movies
18:03 about the black experience on whole."
18:06 And so, from that standpoint, it's very understandable
18:09 why many people are promoting it
18:13 and patronizing it, but as a black person
18:17 that happens to be a Bible believing Christian,
18:19 I have to measure it by the Word of God,
18:21 and we have to deal with it
18:23 because we don't want to fall for the great deception.
18:26 What we must understand is going back
18:28 into biblical times.
18:29 We want to talk about some world paradigms,
18:32 very important
18:34 so that we can be able to decipher this.
18:36 Which you must understand is that
18:38 God called the children of Israel out of Egypt,
18:41 and God through His servant Moses told the Pharaoh,
18:44 "Let My people go that they may serve Me."
18:47 And Pharaoh was the god of Egypt, in human form.
18:52 And notice that if you read the Bible carefully,
18:56 these were Egyptians
18:57 and the Egyptians were sons of Ham
18:59 and Egyptian hieroglyphs,
19:01 and it's very much common knowledge
19:03 that the Egyptians were people of black skin.
19:05 This was a black nation.
19:07 A black nation of pagans
19:09 who did not served the true and only God,
19:11 centered in a man called Pharaoh.
19:15 For when God dealt with the Egyptians,
19:18 He wasn't looking at the fact that these were black folk,
19:21 and well, I'm gonna have mercy on them.
19:23 Oh, no, they were enslavers of His people
19:26 and so God dealt with the Pharaoh.
19:29 So when God brought the children of Israel
19:30 out of Egypt,
19:32 He was bringing them out of humanistic living,
19:34 which was centered in the Pharaoh.
19:35 And when He brought them out of Egypt and to Himself,
19:39 and when He gave them His laws on Mount Sinai,
19:42 He was bringing them into a theory or philosophy,
19:45 or theology called "Yahweh" centrism
19:48 which is centered always in God's Word,
19:50 which leads to prophetic living.
19:53 And, brothers and sisters, that is very important
19:55 as we talk about this movie, why?
19:58 Because we're dealing with the thing today in society,
20:02 dealing with Eurocentrism.
20:04 Descendants of African descent
20:06 know very well about Eurocentrism.
20:09 Eurocentrism is centered in the white man
20:12 which leads to humanistic living.
20:14 But one thing about the Black Panther movie
20:17 as it relates to apparently all superheroes,
20:21 depending upon a power outside of God
20:24 is always humanistic to where we must understand
20:28 what we're dealing with.
20:30 We're dealing with a thing called Afrocentrism,
20:32 which is centered in the black man
20:36 which leads to humanistic living.
20:39 And I'm here to tell you
20:40 that the Black Panther is a humanistic, spiritualistic
20:45 version of a denial of the Lordship of our Lord
20:49 and Savior Jesus Christ.
20:51 And with that, there's three questions
20:53 that must be answered
20:56 in order to validate this point.
20:57 Number one, who is the god of Wakanda?
21:01 Number two, how does the Black Panther
21:03 receive his power?
21:05 And number three, are the spiritualistic
21:07 and witchcraft undertones in the Black Panther movie?
21:11 These three questions need to be answered.
21:13 And when these questions are answered,
21:15 it will give us a biblical basis
21:17 to make an informed choice
21:19 on the suitableness of watching this
21:22 or any other Black Panther movie
21:23 that can come out in the future.
21:26 And so in doing my research on this,
21:29 I found out that the god of Wakanda,
21:33 the nation of Wakanda is the cat god Bast.
21:37 It says here, "I am Bast, cat god of Egypt,
21:42 panther god of Wakanda.
21:44 And in Marvel wiki, it makes it very plain
21:47 that the Panther cult is the state religion
21:49 of the African nation of Wakanda.
21:51 And that's very interesting
21:53 because the Bible makes it very plain that,
21:54 "We shall have no other gods before Him."
21:56 So we are to reject the gods of any nation
21:59 whether it's Egypt or Wakanda.
22:02 And what does the Bible say?
22:03 The Bible says in the Book of Leviticus 20:26,
22:08 "And ye should be holy unto me,
22:10 for I the Lord am holy,
22:12 and have severed you from other people,
22:15 that ye should be mine."
22:16 God has severed His children from other nations
22:20 that were worshiping other gods to serve Him
22:23 and then in the next verse He says in verse 27,
22:26 "A man also or a woman that hath a familiar spirit,
22:30 or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death."
22:33 So God was very serious about contacting
22:36 and being in contact with those
22:38 who are dealing with demonic spirits to receive power.
22:41 So based on the Bible, just on that point
22:44 understanding that the cat God Bast
22:47 was the state religion or the god of the Wakandans,
22:52 on that point alone I reject the Black Panther
22:55 and based on the Bible
22:57 no one who believes in the Bible for this time,
22:59 no one who believes the truth for this time
23:01 should patronize such a movie and philosophy.
23:07 The religion,
23:10 the Wakandans have ties to the African gods
23:13 known as the Ennead or Osiris.
23:16 Ancient beings who visited earth centuries ago,
23:19 they were wildly worshiped in Egypt,
23:21 but had ties to other regions of Africa,
23:25 and that's also from Marvel wiki.
23:27 So we see here that the religion,
23:29 the state religion,
23:31 the gods of the Wakandans is not the gods of the Bible,
23:34 the very gods which Jesus through His Holy Spirit
23:38 through His servant Moses told us to reject.
23:41 And one of the cities of Wakanda
23:43 'cause Wakanda is a nation,
23:44 in order to have a nation you must have cities.
23:47 One of the cities of the Wakandans
23:51 is the city called Necropolis,
23:54 and we look at the word Necropolis.
23:56 Polis means city, necro means dead.
23:58 So necropolis is simply the city of the dead.
24:01 Necropolis, the Wakandan city of the dead
24:04 where black panthers go to die.
24:07 Where you will rule as king of the dead,
24:10 every Black Panther that's ever lived,
24:12 their strength, their knowledge is now yours.
24:15 Every battle fought, every battle won unbeaten,
24:18 unbroken a crown of the unconquered,
24:20 a king of kings my champion, my Black Panther.
24:24 The Bible tells us that Jesus is the King of kings,
24:28 and the Bible makes it very plain
24:30 that Jesus is the King
24:32 and will be the King of this earth.
24:36 So this city of the dead, Necropolis
24:38 and as you see the Black Panther
24:40 talking to the spirits of the dead.
24:42 It says so I seek your counsel honored fathers, warriors,
24:46 and priest, Black Panthers all,
24:49 but what does the Bible tell us?
24:50 The Bible tells us in the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 9,
24:53 that "The dead do not know anything."
24:56 The Bible makes it very plain in the Book of Job 7:9-10,
25:01 that "Those that go down to the grave
25:04 do not come back anymore
25:06 and they return no more to talk to anybody
25:09 in their homes or in their houses."
25:11 So based on the Bible, the Bible makes it very plain
25:14 that those that are dead are dead,
25:16 they did not come back to contact the living.
25:19 In the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 18,
25:21 the Bible makes it very plain that
25:24 "We are not to be defiled by those who are necromancers."
25:27 And a necromancer is someone who speaks to the dead.
25:31 And we see here this superhero,
25:33 the Black Panther widely revered
25:35 and esteemed by the world is,
25:38 he speaking to the spirits of the dead.
25:40 In this next comic book strip,
25:42 it says here he's sitting around the Black Panthers,
25:45 these other Black Panthers in the past
25:48 that have died and have gone to the ancestors,
25:50 as they say in folklore
25:52 and it says here the Black Panther's saying,
25:55 "Honored fathers, mighty warriors,
25:57 fearsome priests, Black Panthers all...
25:59 In the name of Bast," not in the name of Jesus
26:02 but in the name of a false god, in the name of Bast,
26:05 "I call upon you to counsel."
26:08 Hold on, based on the scriptures
26:10 the Bible says "In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
26:14 and He shall direct thy paths."
26:16 Proverbs 3:6.
26:19 So we see here contradiction, a biblical contradiction.
26:22 Where is he getting his power from?
26:23 Who is he getting his wisdom from?
26:25 He's not getting it
26:26 from the so called spirits of the dead
26:28 which were ancestors that have once lived
26:30 and are now living.
26:32 He got them from the spirits of devils.
26:36 Satan has the power to personally
26:39 or come in the form of dead loved ones.
26:41 In the Book of 1 Samuel Chapter 28,
26:44 we see King Saul asking the witch of Endor,
26:46 to bring up Samuel who had died
26:49 and we see that the devil personates Samuel,
26:53 speaks some back and forth.
26:55 And, brothers and sisters, the Bible calls that a sin,
26:58 the Bible called that forbidden.
27:00 But we know based on the Bible,
27:02 it was not Samuel who he was speaking to
27:04 but it was simply a demonic spirit
27:05 personating Samuel.
27:07 And in 1 Chronicles 10:13-14,
27:12 the Bible makes it very plain
27:14 that God's slew him for connecting himself
27:17 with the familiar spirits.
27:19 And so we've to be very careful
27:20 about dealing with the spirits of the dead.
27:23 So, brothers and sisters,
27:24 this Black Panther superhero is connecting himself
27:27 with spiritualistic demonic spirits
27:30 to receive counsel and with that,
27:33 so let's deal with this issue about
27:36 where does the Black Panther receive his power?
27:38 And when you look at the first scene of this movie
27:42 as we're gonna show you in just a few...
27:45 This gives you everything that you need to know
27:48 from a biblical standpoint
27:49 of where the Black Panther receives his power.
27:55 "Baba..."
27:56 "Yes my son."
27:57 "Tell me a story."
28:00 "Which one?"
28:01 "The story of home."
28:04 "Millions of years ago a meteorite made of Vibranium,
28:10 the strongest substance in the universe
28:13 struck the continent of Africa,
28:16 affecting the plant life around it.
28:19 And when the time of men came,
28:22 five tribes settled on it and called it Wakanda.
28:28 The tribes lived in constant war
28:30 with each other until a warrior Shaman
28:33 received a vision from the Panther goddess Bast
28:36 who led him to the heart-shaped herb,
28:40 a plant that granted him superhuman strength,
28:43 speed and instincts.
28:46 The warrior became king and their first Black Panther,
28:50 the protector of Wakanda.
28:53 Four tribes agreed to live under the king's rule,
28:56 but the Jabari tribe isolated themselves
28:59 in the mountains.
29:01 The Wakandans used vibranium to develop technology
29:05 more advanced than any other nation.
29:08 But as Wakanda thrived, the world around it
29:11 descended further into chaos.
29:17 To keep vibranium safe,
29:18 the Wakandans vowed to hide in plain sight,
29:22 keeping the truth of their power
29:24 from the outside world."
29:28 "And we still hide, Baba?"
29:31 "Yes."
29:32 In this scene, you see
29:34 where the Black Panther receives his power.
29:36 First of all, the first Black Panther was a Shaman.
29:39 And we'll define what a Shaman is later on.
29:42 And as you see, he had a vision,
29:44 the prophetic vision where he had,
29:46 where he saw the cat god Bast, which we know is a false god,
29:50 which we know is really the devil,
29:52 and he leads him to go to a heart-shaped herb
29:56 and to eat it to receive power.
29:59 Now based on the Bible, where's the last time
30:01 or the first time you see
30:03 an animal speaking to a human being
30:05 to eat something to receive power?
30:07 We know very well what it is. When the devil...
30:11 And he possessed a serpent,
30:13 spoke through the serpent and told Eve
30:16 that if you eat of the fruit, you will become like God,
30:20 and we know the rest of the story.
30:23 And so we see that the Black Panther
30:26 receives his power, really from the devil.
30:29 His inspiration from a false god,
30:32 and brothers and sisters,
30:33 this represents the enemy of our souls.
30:36 But more than that, let's go to another scene.
30:40 Now, in this scene we see the Shaman Zuri in this movie,
30:45 dealing with the Black Panther receiving power,
30:48 the heart-shaped herb
30:49 going into the Black Panther but notice,
30:52 he calls upon the Black Panther's father
30:56 to come to his son.
30:58 Now...
31:02 "Allow the heart-shaped herb to restore the powers
31:05 of the Black Panther
31:08 and take you to the ancestral plane.
31:14 T'Chaka, we call on you.
31:19 Come here to your son."
31:23 Who is this T'Chaka that has to come to his son?
31:29 He was the former Black Panther,
31:31 the father of this Black Panther
31:32 who had passed away.
31:34 And in the next scene we're gonna show you a scene
31:37 where the Black Panther's mother,
31:39 which was starred by Angela Bassett,
31:42 calls upon the cat god Bast to heal her son,
31:47 and then you see a transition
31:48 to where he is speaking to his father in this movie
31:53 but the problem is, his father is dead.
31:56 And the Bible makes it very plain
31:57 that the dead cannot talk with the living,
32:00 which is a blatant misrepresentation of truth
32:03 and blatant disregard of biblical principle.
32:06 "One of our fisherman found him
32:08 at the edge of the river border.
32:10 He brought him to me."
32:11 "Why do you have him in the snow?"
32:12 "It is the only thing keeping him
32:14 from joining the ancestors."
32:15 "We need to get him to my lab. I can heal him there."
32:18 "Take him. He'll be dead in seconds."
32:21 "Nakia, the herb.
32:40 I call upon the ancestors. I call upon Bast.
32:45 I'm here with my son, T'Challa.
32:49 Heal him.
33:02 We must bury him. Cover him. Cover him."
33:27 "Wake up, T'Challa. Wake up."
33:41 "The time has come for you to come home
33:44 and be reunited with me."
34:01 "Why didn't you bring the boy home?
34:06 Why Baba?"
34:10 "He...
34:12 He was the truth I chose to omit."
34:16 "You are wrong to abandon him."
34:19 "I chose my people.
34:22 I chose Wakanda.
34:24 Our future depended..."
34:26 "You were wrong!
34:28 All of you were wrong
34:31 to turn your backs on the rest of the world.
34:36 We let the fear of our discovery stop us
34:39 from doing what is right!
34:42 No more!
34:47 I cannot stay here with you.
34:53 I cannot rest while he sits on the throne.
34:58 He's a monster of our own making.
35:03 I must take the mantle back, I must.
35:08 I must right these wrongs.
35:21 Do you have a blanket?"
35:23 You see the son T'Challa, the Black Panther,
35:29 speaking to his dead father
35:32 and as you see in the background,
35:34 you see other ancestors
35:35 and what do you see in the background?
35:37 You see a Black Panther.
35:40 Brothers and sisters, this is purely spiritualistic,
35:44 this is demonic, this is purely satanic,
35:47 this is witchcraft.
35:48 And, brothers and sisters, based on the Bible,
35:51 this answers the third question
35:53 that there are spiritualistic
35:55 and witchcraft overtones in this movie,
35:58 the Black Panther.
35:59 The Bible says in the Book of Exodus 23:13,
36:03 the Bible says,
36:05 "And in all things
36:06 that I have said unto you be circumspect:
36:09 and make no mention of the name of other gods,
36:14 neither let it be heard out of thy mouth."
36:17 Now, if we're gonna obey the Bible,
36:20 based upon this scripture right here,
36:23 we shouldn't call on Bast or the Black Panther.
36:27 Where the Black Panther and Bast are connected together
36:31 with the heart-shaped herb.
36:33 The Christian Standard Bible says,
36:35 pay strict attention to everything
36:36 I have said to you,
36:39 you must not invoke the name of other gods,
36:42 they must not be heard upon your lips.
36:44 God was very serious about it,
36:46 because when God brought the children
36:48 of Israel out of Egypt,
36:49 He was leading into the land of Canaan.
36:51 In the land of Canaan,
36:52 the Canaanites serve other gods,
36:54 just like the Egyptians did.
36:56 As a matter of fact, the whole world was paganised,
36:58 and God said, "I am the true God,
37:00 don't make any mention of names of any other gods,
37:03 whether they be in Egypt, or whether they be in Canaan."
37:05 And, brothers and sisters,
37:07 this movie the Black Panther is glorifying the very thing
37:10 that the Bible says that we should not champion.
37:14 And this is the reason why we must follow the Bible.
37:16 And Ellicotts commentary on this verse in Exodus 23:13,
37:21 "Contempt for the 'Gods of the nations'
37:24 was to be shown by ignoring their very names."
37:27 That's very powerful.
37:29 So we must apply this to the movie Black Panther,
37:32 we need to ignore the very names of the very god
37:35 or gods of the Wakandans, they were not to be spoken of,
37:40 unless by preachers in the way of warning or by historians
37:43 when the facts of history cannot otherwise be set forth.
37:48 And that's very, very, very, very, serious.
37:54 So we understand this. Let's go back a minute again.
37:58 Let's go back again, let's kind of
37:59 do a rehearsal of it
38:01 because we asked three questions.
38:02 Who was the God of the Wakandans?
38:03 Number one.
38:05 Number two, how and where does
38:06 the Black Panther receive his power?
38:07 And number three, witchcraft overtones?
38:10 Who was the first Black Panther?
38:12 Just do a little recap.
38:13 According to Wakandan lore, the great Bashenga
38:17 was a warrior shaman of Wakanda.
38:19 Remember what it said
38:21 in the first scene of the movie,
38:22 the shaman...
38:24 "The warrior shaman received a vision
38:26 from the Panther goddess Bast.
38:28 Bashenga was guided by the goddess Bast.
38:31 You know, that's the devil.
38:32 "Who led him to the heart-shaped herb,
38:36 a plant that granted him superhuman strength,
38:40 speed, and instinct."
38:41 Wait hold on that. Who was Bast really?
38:44 It's Satan.
38:45 Satan or Bast instructed Bashenga
38:48 to consume the herb
38:49 and the process gave him the power
38:51 to unite the warring tribes into a powerful knights.
38:55 "The warrior became king and their first Black Panther,
38:59 the protector of Wakanda."
39:01 So how did this nation Wakanda become powerful?
39:03 Upon the instruction of the prince of darkness.
39:08 This is the first Black Panther,
39:10 and the Black Panther is a ceremonial
39:12 and religious title,
39:13 given to the chief of the African nation
39:15 of Wakanda.
39:17 That reminds me in the Old Testament,
39:20 to where all the kings of the Canaanites
39:23 was worshiped as gods,
39:25 whether it be Sodom, Gomorrah, Ai,
39:27 all the cities of the plain.
39:29 All the Canaanite cities were led by kings,
39:31 and any reliable history would tell you
39:35 that all the pagan kings, including the god of Egypt,
39:39 which was the Pharaoh in human form,
39:41 were worshiped as gods.
39:43 So therefore, the Black Panther is a ceremony religious title,
39:46 false god worship.
39:49 Remember Zuri?
39:51 Essence magazine of January 2018,
39:54 gives us insight to who Zuri is?
39:56 Zuri is a shaman
39:58 who protects the heart-shaped herb
39:59 that gives the Black Panther his powers.
40:01 He was extremely close to T'Challa's father
40:04 and becomes a father figure to him.
40:06 Now the shaman is defined
40:09 as one who can interact and mediate
40:12 with the spirit world on behalf of their community
40:14 usually by ecstatic trance techniques.
40:17 That is their spirit or their soul
40:18 leaves their physical body
40:20 in order to travel to a world of pure spirit
40:22 rather than physical matter, for the purposes of divination,
40:26 information gathering, healing and to receive wisdom.
40:30 Some anthropologists maintain
40:32 that shaman are the basis of most magicians,
40:34 sorcerer archetypes in folklore.
40:37 The Bible makes it very plain that sorcerers
40:39 in the Book of Revelation 21:8,
40:41 will be cast into the lake of fire.
40:43 The Bible plainly forbids of intercourse with sorcerers.
40:47 So therefore, Zuri, as you see here again connected with Bast,
40:51 the heart-shaped herb, the Black Panther is a sorcerer
40:54 that is a father figure to the Black Panther.
40:57 Bottom line is this right here, if you take the witchcraft,
41:01 and the spiritualism, and the false god worship
41:04 out of the Black Panther movie, guess what?
41:07 You won't have a Black Panther.
41:09 This is the integral part of the character.
41:12 Witchcraft, which is forbidden by the Bible
41:15 and according to Galatians 5:20,
41:17 is called one of the works of the flesh.
41:20 So therefore, brothers and sisters,
41:22 we have a decision to make and before we go any further,
41:24 I wanna say this to you
41:26 as I said before in the beginning
41:27 that this documentary
41:29 is not an invalidation of black culture
41:31 because as a black man,
41:32 my culture is not found in Wakanda,
41:34 it is found in the Word of God,
41:36 to where New Jerusalem will be my future home.
41:39 As a spiritual Israelite, circumcised by the Holy Spirit
41:43 and as a new covenant Christian
41:44 where God will write His law in my heart.
41:47 God's word condemns and forbids for me
41:51 to go after any false god,
41:53 whether in reality
41:54 or by patronizing it in a movie.
41:58 Brothers and sisters, we have a decision to make.
42:00 Now there may be some who understand that
42:02 "Yes, I understand that this is um, you know,
42:05 that's not of god and this is spiritualism"
42:07 and all these kinds of things, but it's just a movie.
42:10 Brothers and sisters, it was just a snake,
42:12 it was just a serpent in the Garden of Eden
42:14 that spoke to Eve to give her a false reality
42:17 and she bought into it.
42:19 There's gonna be a grand deception
42:20 in these last days.
42:22 And the Bible says
42:23 in the Book of Revelation Chapter 16,
42:25 that the spirits of devils will go forth
42:26 to the kings of the earth and of the whole world
42:28 to prepare people for the grand deception.
42:31 I'm reading from a Book called Patriarchs and Prophets,
42:33 page 685,
42:35 where it says, "The familiar spirits
42:37 were not the spirits of the dead,
42:40 but evil angels, the messengers of Satan.
42:43 Ancient idolatry, which as we have seen,
42:46 comprises both the worship of the dead
42:48 and pretended communion with them,
42:51 is declared by the Bible to have been demonic worship.
42:55 The Apostle Paul, in warning his brethren
42:57 against participating in any manner,
42:59 in the idolatry of their heathen neighbor says,
43:02 "The things which the Gentiles sacrifice,
43:04 they sacrifice to devils and not to God,
43:07 and I would not
43:08 that ye should have fellowship with devils."
43:11 1 Corinthians 10:20.
43:13 And the psalmist, speaking of Israel says,
43:15 that "They sacrificed their sons and daughters
43:17 unto devils."
43:19 And In the next verse,
43:21 he explains that they sacrificed them
43:23 unto the idols of Canaan.
43:25 Psalms 106:37-38,
43:28 "In their supposed worship of dead men,
43:31 they were in reality worshiping demons."
43:34 And that's really the bottom line
43:36 of what we're talking about.
43:38 The Black Panther, this superhero
43:40 that many people are going after,
43:41 many people are reverencing,
43:43 many people right now can't wait for part two,
43:45 or part three, or part four, or just a whole series.
43:49 Black Panther, this Black Panther,
43:51 this Wakanda forever.
43:53 Brothers and sisters,
43:54 what we're talking about is a pagan nation
43:56 where superhero is communing with the dead
43:58 to receive his power and communing with the devil
44:01 and by deceiving you and I to believe
44:04 that a heart-shaped herb gives this superhero his power.
44:08 Brothers and sisters,
44:09 we need to make a better choice.
44:11 The better choice is Jesus to where He had all power,
44:15 Jesus says, "All power is given unto Me
44:17 in heaven and in earth."
44:18 Jesus would spent all night in prayer,
44:20 receiving power from the Father
44:21 to cast out devils to perform miracles,
44:23 signs and wonders
44:25 and most especially to adopt you and I,
44:27 as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
44:30 He is the true superhero that needs to be reverenced,
44:33 not some false superhero god or false messiah,
44:37 or false christ, whether it be Isis,
44:39 Shazam, Superman, Iron Man,
44:41 or even the Black Panther.
44:43 Based on the Bible, we reject the Black Panther.
44:45 We accept Christ as the hero of all.
44:49 And Jesus, when He comes back to take His church home,
44:52 when He comes back the second time,
44:53 has a better place for us.
44:55 It's not Wakanda, it is the New Jerusalem,
44:59 the City of God.
45:00 Twelve days into the city,
45:02 prepared for people that will stand for Him.
45:05 The Bible says in the Book of Revelation 22:14,
45:10 the Bible makes it very plain,
45:13 "Blessed are they that do His commandments,
45:16 that they may have right to the tree of life,
45:18 and may enter in through the gates
45:20 into the city."
45:21 But verse 15 says, "For without the city,
45:23 those who will be lost in hell are dogs and sorcerers.
45:28 And all you see is sorcery through this movie,
45:30 and whoremongers, and murderers and idolaters."
45:34 Those who worship the God Bast,
45:35 those who are going after these superheroes,
45:38 which are nothing more than false god
45:40 in spandex and capes,
45:42 and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
45:45 I'm here to tell you
45:46 that the Black Panther is a lie,
45:48 inspired by the father of lies.
45:50 We want to acquaint ourselves and our children
45:52 with the truth as it is in Jesus.
45:54 Jesus says, "Sanctify them through thy truth
45:57 for thy word is truth."
46:00 And when we stand on the banner of truth,
46:02 we will not be swept away.
46:05 Brothers and sisters,
46:07 if we can fall for this deception
46:09 on a superhero that's not real,
46:11 how in the world can we stand against the grand deception
46:14 when Satan will personate and come and counterfeit
46:17 the second coming of Jesus Christ
46:19 to where if it were possible,
46:20 the very elect would be deceived.
46:23 Are we now so firmly established
46:25 upon the Word of God,
46:26 that we will not yield to the evidence of our senses.
46:29 God has a better place for us, and that is the New Jerusalem,
46:32 not a fictitious place,
46:34 where it's controlled by the prince of darkness.
46:37 Brothers and sisters,
46:38 Jesus is offering something better to us,
46:42 and that is eternal life and a real reality.
46:45 This is the real City of God.
46:47 And this is where we must put our faith,
46:52 confidence and our support,
46:54 not Wakanda forever but New Jerusalem forever.
46:58 My appeal to you is this right here,
47:00 maybe somebody watching this program,
47:02 you're deciding "I'm gonna watch
47:04 on the next Black Panther series
47:05 that comes out."
47:07 We need to take and to consider
47:08 what we're talking about here on this documentary,
47:11 and make a biblically informed choice.
47:13 Do not allow your emotions or even racial preferences
47:17 cause you to say, well, I want to supersede
47:20 what scripture says,
47:21 and go along with what I want to watch.
47:23 Brothers and sisters, that's always dangerous.
47:26 What happens is, feast on the truth of God.
47:29 Watch this documentary over and over again,
47:31 and spread it to those who need to hear the warning,
47:34 to come out from among them
47:36 and be separate, saith the Lord,
47:38 and touch not the unclean thing,
47:39 and I will receive you.
47:42 We want to thank God,
47:43 for you just taking a few moments of your time
47:45 to watch this documentary.
47:47 But always remember,
47:48 when it comes to the truth of God,
47:50 it is the truth of the hour,
47:51 and it's filled with the Holy Ghost power
47:54 and it is too sweet to be sour.
47:56 This is Dr. Olatunji.
47:58 May God bless you
47:59 and I'll see you in New Jerusalem
48:01 where we'll live with Jesus happily, forever.
48:06 Was that powerful or what?
48:08 It was, it was.
48:09 I can only imagine the backlash that's gonna come
48:13 as a result of that documentary.
48:15 Yeah, yeah, well, you know, yes, and no, I mean,
48:19 if you're, if you seek truth,
48:21 if you really want to know what's true,
48:23 then yeah, I mean, it might have a reaction
48:28 but, you know, that the main thing is,
48:31 I think, this forces you to ask yourself,
48:34 do I want truth
48:36 or do I just want to exalt my culture.
48:38 Yeah, my prayer is that people will embrace the truth that's,
48:41 that's my prayer like this,
48:43 this documentary is very eye opening.
48:45 Uh-hm.
48:47 You know, because these aren't the things
48:50 that they talked about in the media,
48:52 they just promote the movie,
48:53 everybody goes to see the movie
48:55 and then you have a bunch of hashtags
48:57 on social media and all these other things
49:00 but this is not talked about.
49:03 Right.
49:04 So it's my prayer that people will embrace truth
49:08 and live a principle oriented life.
49:11 Absolutely.
49:12 And to begin to look at everything
49:14 through the lens of the Bible,
49:16 I mean, isn't just movies in media
49:18 but everything, how do we begin
49:20 to filter our daily lives in order them after
49:23 "Thus saith the Word of God, right?
49:25 I mean, that's where we know what's right and wrong
49:29 and so when we start, kind of like,
49:31 erasing parts of the Bible that we say
49:33 "Man, I don't really believe in that
49:34 or I don't believe in this."
49:36 It'll get real confusing so.
49:38 Well, that's not that important.
49:39 That's right. You know what I mean?
49:41 Like okay, whoa, well, this is okay,
49:43 but you know that's not that important,
49:45 you know, if God said it, it's important.
49:48 Yeah.
49:49 What are some of the takeaways
49:50 that you have from watching this movie
49:53 and its effects on Christians?
49:57 That Satan is after your mind.
49:59 He will come in any form.
50:00 He'll come in a form that is familiar to you,
50:03 which will cause you to be disarmed,
50:05 so therefore you're more readily
50:07 to accept it,
50:08 so what happens is though we may see,
50:11 though we do see spiritualistic and witchcraft
50:13 overtones in the white superheroes
50:16 with this one for some because it's black,
50:19 because it's a culture,
50:20 we may not see it as clearly or we may not care to see it
50:24 or not even think as it, of the devil at all.
50:27 But what we want to do is put the truth in your face
50:30 to you to see that we have to measure everything,
50:33 no matter what form it comes in,
50:35 whether it's familiar or unfamiliar by this book,
50:37 the Holy Bible, because by this book,
50:39 we shall all be judged.
50:40 That's right.
50:41 I love how he made the comment in the end of that film,
50:44 that there's a deception that's coming.
50:47 We know this, we've preached about it
50:49 for so many years in our church
50:52 and, you know, it's like you kind of hear it
50:54 so often that "Hey, I know that there's a deception coming."
50:58 But I love the comment that you said,
51:00 if you can't understand this deception,
51:03 how are you going to understand some greater deception?
51:06 That's good. That's deep.
51:07 And that was deep, that really stuck with me.
51:09 Exactly.
51:10 Because as I meditated upon it,
51:12 you know, the enemy is this...
51:14 the Bible, and the Bible says that
51:15 "Ain't so much, if it were possible,
51:17 the very elect will be deceived."
51:18 That just shows how deceptive, this deception is gonna be.
51:21 And so what Satan does,
51:23 he puts little deceptions out here
51:25 through these entertainment, through movies, through songs,
51:27 through just all kinds of venues to condition the mind,
51:30 so when he comes to this grand deception,
51:32 our minds have been so trained to be deceived
51:36 that he'll win.
51:39 If we don't fall in love with the truth, right?
51:41 That's right.
51:43 God's gonna send a strong delusion.
51:44 Those that don't love the truth,
51:46 they're gonna be swept up into that
51:48 so this is where we need to strengthen our discernment
51:51 and how we do that
51:53 is literally by understanding and reading the Bible,
51:55 that's where it begins.
51:57 That's right. You can't spot a counterfeit.
51:58 All these things are counterfeit.
52:00 So that's really what God's doing.
52:01 You know, it's really easy to pop in a movie
52:04 and watch a two hour movie, right?
52:06 It's a little more challenging
52:08 to sit and study your Bible for two hours,
52:10 it takes a lot of energy and effort to,
52:12 to dive into the Word of God.
52:13 This is where we need to get our information from.
52:16 Absolutely, you know, when, when people are learning
52:20 how to differentiate between counterfeit money
52:23 and the real, they learn the real,
52:28 they don't learn the counterfeit,
52:29 they learn the real and so they study
52:31 what goes into an authentic dollar bill.
52:34 That's right. And then you can't be tricked.
52:37 What, that's what we have to do with the Word,
52:40 we have to stay in that Word
52:42 because that's where the real is,
52:44 that's what's authentic.
52:46 And I think we also need to make the decision,
52:49 when we are confronted with something
52:50 that is conflicting of our Bible.
52:52 What do we do then?
52:53 To be get up and walk away,
52:55 turn it off, do we, do we, you know, discuss it.
52:58 I think sometimes we...
53:00 Sweeping things under the carpet
53:02 is more damaging to us down the road
53:03 because it just breaks down our defenses
53:06 that much more until all of a sudden, where,
53:09 we're lost and we don't know
53:10 what's up and down and left and right.
53:12 And the interesting thing, I mean, the Bible says,
53:14 "By beholding, we become change."
53:16 That's right.
53:17 So if you're beholding all these things,
53:18 like you said, it desensitizes you.
53:20 It's the pleasure element of watching these things
53:22 that really keeps us there.
53:25 We know it's wrong, we know something's wrong with it,
53:27 but there's something about it that's keeping me there.
53:29 And that's the pleasure element.
53:31 And that's why the Bible says,
53:32 we gotta die to self and take up our cross daily.
53:35 Wow, that's so true.
53:37 So what takeaways
53:38 would you like to share with the audience
53:40 from the Black Panther deception?
53:43 What takeaways do you have?
53:46 I'll let Scotty to talk about it.
53:48 You know, I hope that we want to be sensitive
53:52 to the culture that's around us,
53:55 I mean, honestly,
53:56 there is some truthful things about the black community
53:59 is underrepresented in Hollywood,
54:01 that is a sheer fact.
54:04 And it is a terrible thing to think of the cultures
54:07 in different levels or something like this.
54:09 So I think that this is a beautiful thing
54:13 for us to have something that we say no, we're all,
54:15 you know, worthy of something, right?
54:17 That's what the Bible talks about.
54:19 We're all worthy in Christ, right?
54:21 But we have to literally say, this is first and foremost,
54:25 how we begin to look at everything around us
54:28 and not get wooed into,
54:30 you know, the emotional experience of,
54:33 "Everybody's going and seeing this, okay,
54:35 if I don't go, I'm gonna be left out
54:37 if I don't go and see it, you know.
54:38 What a stance, it says.
54:40 If it's like, no,
54:41 it takes a little bit of research, honestly, right?
54:44 Right.
54:45 You look at a two minute trailer,
54:46 you know what that thing is about, right?
54:48 Yeah. Exactly.
54:49 And so, you know, we need to be discerning
54:53 and really make those decisions
54:55 and don't allow the devil any footholds.
54:57 Umm. Good
54:59 With that, what I like to add is,
55:00 is that just as a black man, as we said in the disclaimer,
55:05 this is not an invalidation of black culture
55:08 and a documentary like this,
55:11 just a title of it may cause people to lock up,
55:16 but they don't want to see it for whatever reason.
55:19 And number two, when they see it,
55:22 they're gonna have to accept the fact that look,
55:24 I shouldn't have watched it and another sequel comes out,
55:27 we need not to watch it.
55:29 And so what we're trying to do is we're trying to prevent,
55:30 so we're trying to prevent people being deceived,
55:32 whether it's the Black Panther,
55:33 the White Panther or the Pink Panther,
55:36 so we got to make sure that our decisions are biblically,
55:42 founded in the Word of God,
55:43 not even allowed culture to deceive us,
55:45 because I hate to say it,
55:47 but there are people of my own culture
55:50 that have done some things to...
55:54 It has been the thing that aren't liked,
55:55 you know, we all talk about the white man,
55:57 there's white man that, but people of our own culture
55:59 have done things on a micro scale
56:02 and on a macro scale
56:03 but we'll just leave that for other time.
56:06 That's another conversation.
56:08 You know what, after people have watched this documentary
56:11 that we just saw, I know they're gonna wonder
56:13 where can they get it?
56:15 How can they get it on DVD?
56:17 So you can go to littlelightstudios.tv
56:20 and you can order from our shop or, Dr. O.
56:22 You can go to my website at projectlatterrain.org
56:28 and go to the product section
56:29 and you can order it from there.
56:30 Wonderful because I know they're gonna call here
56:32 and call us and say,
56:33 "Hey, we want that DVD. We need that DVD."
56:35 So I just wanted them to know
56:37 where they can get what they just saw.
56:39 Yeah, we appreciate your taking the time to come
56:43 and to share with us because this whole thing
56:48 is so much deeper than just entertainment.
56:51 It's not just entertainment. This is a spiritual battle.
56:55 And we're not wrestling against flesh and blood,
56:57 you know, so all of these things,
57:00 these impressions that are coming in on the brain,
57:02 the brain has to do something with it.
57:06 And so what it's doing is,
57:07 it is just basically filing all this information.
57:11 So if we don't have the basis of the Bible,
57:15 to go back to and to say, you know what?
57:18 This is false, I shouldn't even watch this
57:21 because this is implanting this information in my brain.
57:24 So thank you so much... Thank you for having us.
57:26 For doing it. We really appreciate it.
57:28 And thank you, Jay!
57:30 My pleasure.
57:32 It was so good to have you and thank you for watching.
57:34 Make sure that you use the Bible as your foundation.
57:38 Don't let culture, don't let media,
57:41 don't let anything take you away
57:44 from the Word of God.
57:45 That is what you are to base your life on.
57:48 If you say you're a Christian, if you're not a Christian,
57:51 then okay, but if you are a Christian,
57:53 then you know that you are to base your life on the Bible.
57:57 Thank you for joining us.
57:58 We pray that this program was a blessing for you
58:01 like it was for us.


Revised 2019-02-25