Books of the Book: Daniel

Daniel Chapter 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson & James Rafferty


Series Code: DBOTB

Program Code: DBOTB00004A

00:21 Hello friends and welcome
00:23 to Books of the Book.
00:24 We are studying the book
00:25 of Daniel, and we are in Daniel
00:27 of Chapter 3.
00:28 My name is James Rafferty!
00:29 And I'm Ty Gibson thank you for joining us for this
00:32 program on the book of Daniel.
00:34 It is one of our favorite
00:35 books in the Bible, James.
00:36 We are just always excited
00:37 to open its pages.
00:39 We have learned so far that the book of Daniel
00:42 runs on two tracks.
00:44 We have a story line that is unfolding of Daniel's
00:48 experience as a captive in Babylon.
00:50 Nebuchadnezzar's experience as an unbelieving heathen
00:55 king that God is relentlessly pursuing with His grace
00:59 and love to bring Nebuchadnezzar to the worship of the
01:03 one and only true God.
01:04 Then we have the prophecies that unfold as well as the
01:09 story of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar unfolds.
01:13 It's incredible because what we are seeing so far
01:15 is that the prophecies and relational aspects of Daniel
01:19 interlock, they mesh together and come together as one.
01:22 Many times when you study the Bible, or when you study
01:26 prophecy, you are inclined to separate it from Christian
01:30 experience, relationship, practical Christianity.
01:33 We don't see that in the book of Daniel,
01:35 and we won't see it.
01:36 As you move down all the way through these chapters
01:38 we are going to see time and time again that they link
01:40 together, or connect together.
01:42 One of the main themes we are going to find in the book
01:44 of Daniel is this relationship theme.
01:47 I think we can say with certainty James not only because
01:52 of what we read in the Bible, but just observing ourselves
01:57 and people in their religious experiences, that knowledge
02:02 without an experience with God is actually dangerous.
02:07 I mean if we know all the prophecies backwards and forward
02:10 and we can prove what each point means, and interpret the
02:14 dreams and visions that we have in the prophetic books of
02:18 the Bible, but we don't know God in a personal,
02:22 living, relationship.
02:25 If we don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior
02:29 and Lord, but we know all about the truth, then we are
02:33 lethal in dealing with people.
02:35 That's certainly proves true in Daniel Chapter 3.
02:38 What you have here is king
02:40 who has been convicted.
02:42 He is moving from one religion
02:44 to another, in a sense.
02:46 This king, Nebuchadnezzar, has had this incredible
02:51 interpretation delivered to him of this image he dreamed
02:55 about and couldn't remember.
02:57 Understanding this dream represents these different
03:00 kingdoms in this earth, going all the way down to the
03:04 very end of time.
03:06 Down to the time in which we live and beyond to the
03:08 second coming of Jesus Christ.
03:10 In that knowledge, Nebuchadnezzar is about to
03:14 deviate just a little bit, because it is all up here and
03:16 none of it has come down here.
03:18 He has an intellectual conversion in Chapter 2,
03:22 God through Daniel's interpretation, God explicitly
03:26 told Nebuchadnezzar, your dream of this vision represents
03:32 a session of kingdoms, Babylon is the head of gold.
03:35 Only the head of gold,
03:36 only the head of gold Nebuchadnezzar.
03:38 Babylon does not continue on down through history.
03:43 Well immediately, as Chapter 3 opens, we see Nebuchadnezzar
03:47 defying the vision that God gave.
03:51 In verse 1 Nebuchadnezzar the king, made an image of gold.
03:55 Not an image as God revealed it to him, of gold, silver,
03:59 brass, iron, iron mixed with clay and finally God's kingdom
04:02 rising to consume all of the kingdoms and be the
04:07 everlasting kingdom.
04:08 No, Nebuchadnezzar wants his kingdom to be perpetual.
04:12 He wants it to continue on.
04:14 He is acting out his arrogance, and he is acting out
04:18 his insecurities, his fears.
04:20 That is a really good point Ty because I believe that God
04:22 has put eternity in all of our hearts.
04:24 That's what Ecclesiastics tells us.
04:26 God wants us to live forever, but it's insecure in the
04:29 sense that we are seeking to accomplish that goal without
04:33 God, which is impossible.
04:35 Nebuchadnezzar is seeking to accomplish that goal without
04:38 God so when he does this, he is defining what God has
04:41 revealed to him.
04:42 Now what we need to recognize is that one of the reasons
04:44 why Nebuchadnezzar does this is because he is afraid.
04:47 He is afraid for the future and he is afraid of his
04:49 kingdom coming to an end because that means he is going
04:52 to come to an end.
04:53 None of us want come to an end, we all want a future
04:56 and a hope.
04:57 God is trying to bring Nebuchadnezzar to the place,
05:00 first of all, where he realizes without Him,
05:02 that is Nebuchadnezzar without Me, without God,
05:04 you do not have a future and a hope.
05:07 Nebuchadnezzar in defying that revelation, that vision,
05:11 is defying his need for God.
05:14 In Hebrews 2:14,15, we are told that every human being
05:21 lives their whole life
05:23 time in fear of death.
05:26 It is a great unknown.
05:28 We grow old and our lives finally expire.
05:33 The Bible is telling us very clearly that human beings are
05:38 just haunted with this sense of apprehension about death.
05:42 Fear of this vast unknown, beyond the grave, people don't
05:47 want to die, Nebuchadnezzar doesn't want to die.
05:49 He doesn't want his kingdom to come to an end.
05:51 He wants it to be perpetuated.
05:53 Yes, and it is interesting because in verse 15 of
05:56 Hebrews Chapter 2, it says,
05:58 "and God has sent His Son
06:00 "to deliver them who through"
06:03 "fear of death for all of their lifetime are
06:05 subject to bondage. "
06:06 We think it is freeing, it is liberating to do what we want,
06:10 to live the way we want to live and have God out of the
06:13 picture, and God is saying no you are actually in bondage.
06:16 You are in bondage when you are leaving Me out of the
06:19 picture because to be totally taken in and controlled by
06:23 Sin and sinful mess is to be in bondage.
06:27 Nebuchadnezzar is in bondage, he is in bondage to his own
06:30 fears in Chapter 3 and God has come to deliver him
06:33 from those fears.
06:35 Nebuchadnezzar makes this image because he is afraid.
06:38 The people who are commanded to worship this image,
06:41 worship the image because they are afraid.
06:45 They are told by Nebuchadnezzar that when you hear,
06:48 when you hear the sounds of the music, you need to bow
06:52 down to worship or you will be thrown
06:54 into a fiery furnace.
06:56 So the people are afraid, Nebuchadnezzar is afraid,
06:59 we are afraid.
07:00 It doesn't matter how many hats we wear,
07:02 how many bumper stickers we put on our cars and vehicles
07:05 that say "no fear", the fact of the matter is
07:08 we are scared to death.
07:09 Especially of death, we are scared to death of death.
07:13 In Romans Chapter 8 the apostle Paul gives us this
07:17 incredible insight where he tells us that when we are
07:21 born again, when we yield our lives over to Christ,
07:25 one of the things that God achieves in the human heart,
07:29 he's He breaks that bondage of fear.
07:32 He says there in Chapter 8 of Romans, "you did not receive"
07:37 "the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the"
07:42 "Spirit of adoption whereby you cry, Abba Father. "
07:45 "The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that"
07:48 "we are the children of God. "
07:49 There is a deliverance from fear that comes to the human
07:54 Spirit, to the human heart when we give and yield our lives
07:58 over to Christ, over to God.
08:00 We are free, we are liberated from that fear.
08:03 And notice that, that freedom from fear connects us to
08:07 God as our Father.
08:08 There is a direct connection taking place there.
08:10 Nebuchadnezzar is denying the One and embracing the other.
08:13 God wants to break his hold on the one, that is fear,
08:17 so that he can be ushered into this relationship with God
08:20 as his Father.
08:22 He is going to do this in a very unique way.
08:23 God is looking for people, who are so committed to Him,
08:27 that they can reveal the freedom of fear.
08:31 The freedom from death that God has promised to give us.
08:34 He has given us as a gift through Jesus Christ.
08:37 That is what He is looking for in Daniel Chapter 3.
08:39 When Nebuchadnezzar defies the dream that God gave to him,
08:45 I think it is important to note that God doesn't turn
08:49 against Nebuchadnezzar.
08:51 He continues to pursue him because God is trying to get
08:55 into Nebuchadnezzar's heart to liberate him from fear.
08:59 He is trying to lead this king to conversion,
09:03 so God pursues him relentlessly.
09:07 The hound of Heaven, He's on Nebuchadnezzar's trail and He
09:11 is not letting up.
09:13 Amen and what I really like about this Chapter.
09:15 This picture that we have here
09:17 it warns all of us, friends,
09:19 how dangerous it can be to be
09:22 half converted.
09:23 To be intellectually converted, in what ever religious
09:25 belief we have, to be intellectually converted but
09:27 don't have a heart experience with God.
09:30 because what Nebuchadnezzar does here is
09:33 he seeks to enforce his understanding of religion,
09:36 his understanding of worship on the multitudes.
09:40 That is what happens with us.
09:41 It doesn't matter that we are not necessarily a king,
09:43 not necessarily a president, we are not necessarily in
09:46 power, even if we are a parent, or a sibling, no matter
09:50 what our station in life, if we are only half converted
09:53 we will try to take our religious views and impose them
09:57 upon others.
09:59 This is one of the principal warnings that we find,
10:01 here in Daniel Chapter 3.
10:03 The exercise of force is
10:05 contrary to the character
10:07 of God, the exercise of
10:09 coercion, to put pressure
10:11 on people to manipulate them, or pressure them into a
10:16 acceptance of whatever our views happened to be.
10:19 Even if our views are right and provable from Scripture.
10:22 We know the certainty of these things.
10:24 No matter how deeply convicted we are, we can be absolutely
10:29 certain that when we are tending toward coercing others
10:34 into subjection to our views, the Spirit of God is not
10:39 governing those impulses to control other people.
10:41 Another thing that is really significant in this Chapter
10:43 is the place of music Ty, in worship, in force.
10:47 Music is a powerful in its influence.
10:50 Have you noticed that no matter where you go in society,
10:53 at lease let's say in the Western society, I am sure in
10:56 other societies also, that music is huge.
10:59 Music is a huge influence and a huge factor.
11:02 You can find people doing, under the influence of music,
11:06 what they wouldn't do if the music stopped.
11:09 Try it out yourself some time.
11:11 You find in grocery stores, you find in department stores,
11:15 you find in the community, the workplace, where every you
11:19 find music, music, music.
11:20 We were recently building a home and we had contractors
11:23 they were coming to do sheet rock, and do the plumbing,
11:27 and I'm telling you what, you had to make sure and lay
11:31 down the law about music because if not you would have
11:34 one guy upstairs blasting maybe some rock 'n roll.
11:37 Another guy downstairs blasting some other types of music.
11:40 Another guy over here in a corner blasting, you had 3 or 4
11:43 different types of music.
11:45 What they are doing is working, in a sense they are trying
11:48 to get their minds off the fact that they are laboring.
11:52 Their minds are totally submerged in this music and
11:56 it is taking them into another world.
11:57 In Daniel Chapter 3 James,
11:59 this is the storyline that unfolds.
12:02 Nebuchadnezzar imposing force, using coercion to enforce
12:08 his religious convictions.
12:10 Nebuchadnezzar tells the multitudes of his kingdom,
12:14 when you hear the music bow down and worship.
12:16 If you do not bow down and worship you will be killed.
12:19 You will be executed, so that is the backdrop that is
12:21 happening in here.
12:22 As you have pointed out, Nebuchadnezzar is being governed
12:25 by fear, the multitudes are being governed by fear,
12:28 but there it emerges a group of people here.
12:32 A small little nucleus, just three guys.
12:35 These three guys, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego emerge
12:39 in this story and it becomes evident very quickly here
12:44 that they are not governed by fear.
12:46 In fact they face it squarely and they move forward with
12:50 their convictions, obviously convictions that are
12:54 diametrically opposed to what the king is imposing.
12:58 Convictions that are not to be manipulated or coerced.
13:01 We could call these guys a remnant.
13:03 The principal of remnant is found in the
13:06 book of Revelation another prophetic book.
13:08 We can call these guys a remnant because the word means
13:11 the remainder, those that remain.
13:13 These were the ones who remained standing when everyone
13:17 else bow down, they remained.
13:18 They remained standing, but more than that, they remained
13:22 faithful to God, that was the main point of their standing.
13:26 They weren't standing to be obstinate, or stubborn,
13:28 to directly oppose the king or his laws.
13:31 They were not seeking to draw attention to themselves.
13:34 To be different or for people to look to them and go woo!
13:37 They were remaining because they were wanting to remain
13:40 faithful to God and so they stood when everyone else bowed.
13:43 They didn't come under the influence of music,
13:45 the influence of amusement, the influence that the world
13:49 sought to bring upon them, but they stood and remained
13:52 faithful to God by refusing to worship another God
13:56 but the true God.
13:57 When we come back, don't go away, we are going to find out
14:00 exactly what happened with these 3 young men.


Revised 2014-12-17