Books of the Book: Daniel

Daniel Overview

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson & James Rafferty


Series Code: DBOTB

Program Code: DBOTB00001A

00:21 Hello, friends and welcome to Books of the Book.
00:24 We're studying the book of Daniel,
00:26 my name is James Rafferty.
00:28 And I'm Ty Gibson, this is going to be
00:29 our first study in the book of Daniel in a series of 13.
00:34 And James what we decided to do in this first program,
00:37 is to do an overview of the entire book of Daniel.
00:40 We won't give any details,
00:42 but we're going to do an aerial view.
00:44 We're gonna fly over the terrain of the book of Daniel,
00:48 but we're not going to
00:49 specifically land and give the details.
00:52 We're going to look at Daniel from the air,
00:55 what do we have here in Daniel's 12 Chapters
00:58 and then in the future programs we're going to backup
01:01 and we're going to look in
01:02 greater detail at each Chapter.
01:04 You know, this is a significant thing to do,
01:07 is to look at the aerial view,
01:08 because Daniel is a powerful book
01:11 of prophecy and relationship.
01:14 And we're going to see those two aspects
01:16 of the book of Daniel come together and direct us
01:19 to what we understand to be the New Covenant
01:21 or a New Covenant experience.
01:24 Daniel Chapter 1 through 6
01:26 is primarily dealing with relationship,
01:29 Christian experience, the walk of a believer,
01:33 a follower of God.
01:34 Daniel Chapter 7 through 12
01:37 is primarily dealing with prophecy, visions,
01:41 predictions of the future, history of the world,
01:43 past, present, and future.
01:45 And these two come together and bring to us
01:47 a powerful picture of the Christian experience,
01:50 the Christian walk and how we can have faith in God.
01:53 I appreciate the fact, James, that you've pointed out
01:56 that Chapters 1 through 6 of Daniel
01:58 primarily deal with our relationship
02:00 with God emphasis on primarily,
02:02 because in fact there are some prophecies that unfold there.
02:05 And then when we come
02:07 to the second half of the book of Daniel,
02:09 you've pointed out that,
02:10 it primarily deals with prophecies.
02:13 But it's also a very, very beautiful thing
02:16 that Daniel's experience with God continues to deepen,
02:19 to unfold into enlarge
02:21 in the second half of the book as well.
02:24 Absolutely, so you've got a primary aspect
02:26 or focus on relationship in 1 through 6
02:29 but there is prophecy.
02:30 And then you got a primary application
02:32 or unfolding a prophecy in 7 through 12
02:35 but there is still relationship.
02:36 And each one of those comes together
02:38 and forms a beautiful picture,
02:40 a beautiful prophetic picture of who God is
02:43 and what He is calling us to as believers
02:45 Okay, James, let's take the journey then.
02:47 Let's begin with Daniel Chapter 1
02:49 reminding those who are studying with us
02:51 that we're not going to get into details,
02:53 we're just gonna move through the entire book.
02:55 In the first segment of our program,
02:56 we'll try to get through Chapters 1 through 6.
02:59 In Daniel Chapter 1 the book opens by showing us
03:05 that Daniel and his people have been taken captive
03:08 to a foreign country, that country is Babylon.
03:11 Yes, here is a man, has been devastated,
03:12 he's lost his family, he's lost his sovereignty,
03:16 he has been separated from his country, from his kinsmen.
03:19 This Chapter tells us that we can survive the worst calamity
03:24 that can come to us if we have faith in God.
03:27 Daniel Chapter 1 is directing us
03:30 as we look at Daniel
03:31 to a young man actually a teenager,
03:33 he was probably 15 or 16 years of age to a teenager
03:37 who though his life seems devastated,
03:39 he has made a unique in this court of this heathen king.
03:43 He has this trust in God, his purpose is to follow God
03:45 no matter what and through that he is able to deal with
03:50 this terrible trail and calamity
03:51 that comes into his life.
03:52 You notice in Chapter 1 that there are
03:54 two primary characters in the onset of the story
03:59 and they are, King Nebuchadnezzar,
04:00 the king of Babylon and Daniel,
04:03 this captive lad in a foreign land.
04:06 You would think that King Nebuchadnezzar would
04:07 just be peripheral to the story
04:09 and that there wouldn't be
04:10 specific attention given to him,
04:13 but it's incredible as the story unfolds
04:16 that you begin to realize as you read Daniel,
04:18 that wait a minute, not only as God concerned
04:21 with His captive people in Daniel as this,
04:24 this young man that he is going to work medially
04:27 through to unfold this prophecies.
04:29 But you begin to get the sense in this prophecy
04:33 that God is very interested in Nebuchadnezzar himself.
04:37 And so Chapter 1 as it begins to unfold,
04:40 we realize that God is laboring
04:43 for the conversion of King Nebuchadnezzar,
04:46 this despotic ruler that is,
04:49 not in a positively light at all
04:52 for most of the book of Daniel,
04:54 but eventually we see that he is brought
04:55 to the worship of the true God.
04:57 And that must be what God impresses Daniel to understand.
05:01 One of the ways that we can make it through
05:02 trails friends in this life,
05:04 is to get our focus off ourselves
05:06 and to get our focus not attention on ministry
05:09 and reaching out to somebody else.
05:11 And this is a principle we find in Daniel Chapter 1.
05:14 Well, Daniel, can be overwhelmed
05:15 and maybe even just want to forget the rest of his life
05:18 at this point in this experience.
05:21 He allows God to, to imbue him with His spirit,
05:24 with the spirit of God, the spirit of Christ.
05:26 He allows God's will to be done in his life
05:29 and he becomes a vessel, a channel through which
05:31 God's love can be communicated to this heathen king.
05:34 So, so as Daniel continues his experience in Chapter 1.
05:39 He emerges as this young man who purpose is in his heart,
05:44 he is determined to maintain faithfulness to his God
05:48 in this captivity situation
05:50 and then Chapter 2 opens up, James.
05:53 In Chapter 2, we find Nebuchadnezzar man
05:56 who is all powerful, a man who is,
05:58 is the wealthiest man in the world
05:59 having a dream that troubles him
06:01 and basically this dream troubles him so much and that,
06:04 and no one can help him understand this dream
06:07 that he is fraught with anger.
06:10 He wants to annihilate all the wise men of his Kingdom
06:12 including Daniel at this point because he is recognizing
06:16 or realizing that no matter how powerful you are.
06:19 And no matter how much you have of this world's good.
06:22 That no matter how many counselors
06:24 and wise men you have around you
06:26 that nothing of this earth can satisfy your deepest needs.
06:29 James, in Chapter 2 of Daniel,
06:32 it's evident that God is achieving two goals.
06:35 On the one hand he wants to reveal
06:37 world history in advance.
06:39 He wants to give a prophecy that can be studied
06:43 down through the ages and especially
06:45 at the end time of human history.
06:47 But at the same time God is achieving the goal of reaching
06:51 into Nebuchadnezzar's heart in laboring for his conversion.
06:55 Nebuchadnezzar is a heathen King.
06:58 Why doesn't God just give the prophecy to Daniel,
07:01 Daniel is a prophet after all.
07:03 Daniel is faithful to God, but God gives a vision,
07:07 a prophecy to someone who isn't even a believer.
07:11 Nebuchadnezzar at this point
07:12 needs to feel his need and he doesn't.
07:14 He just conquered all the world,
07:16 he has taken Daniel's God into captivity
07:19 basically the vessels of his sanctuary,
07:21 so he doesn't feel his need at all
07:22 and so this is the way that God helps Nebuchadnezzar
07:25 to feel his need through this dream
07:26 that cannot be understood
07:27 or interpreted by any of his wise men.
07:30 Nebuchadnezzar comes to the place
07:31 where he is so frustrated that he gives up
07:33 all hope at anything that is of earthly wisdom around him
07:37 and in that point God steps into the picture
07:40 and Nebuchadnezzar realizes at least intellectually
07:43 that there is something bigger, something better,
07:45 something more than anything that he is accustom to,
07:48 anything that is known to him. Yes.
07:50 In the realm and the world that he has been living
07:52 and that's exactly what God wants to be for us friends.
07:54 He wants to at times breakup our ease or prosperity
08:01 or satisfaction with the things of this world.
08:04 He allows us to experience trouble
08:06 as Nebuchadnezzar did with his dream,
08:08 so that he can awaken in us
08:10 the real need that we have for him.
08:12 So relationship begins in Chapter 2
08:15 between Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel,
08:16 because Daniel is the one who is called in
08:20 to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
08:23 We're gonna look at the dream specifically and breakdown
08:26 what it reveals of world history in advance
08:29 as we deal with the prophecy
08:31 specifically in a future program,
08:33 but then we come to Daniel Chapter 3.
08:35 This Daniel Chapter 3 is incredible,
08:37 because here is the king who has intellectually
08:40 acknowledged the interpretation
08:42 of the dream of an image of three different,
08:45 four different types of metals and then he goes
08:48 in Chapter 3 he goes on to in a sense
08:51 turn away from the light
08:53 that has been given to him from God. Yes.
08:55 And created image that is all of gold.
08:57 Now, what this does really is
08:59 it reveals to us our deepest need and fear.
09:02 Nebuchadnezzar recognized in the first dream himself,
09:05 his kingdom, it was the kingdom of gold,
09:08 symbolized by the head of gold,
09:10 but in Chapter 3 he is in denial,
09:12 because he wants his kingdom to continue on forever.
09:16 Now the danger in these friends is that
09:18 we need to recognize and God wants to show us,
09:20 that there is no forever without God.
09:22 God is the only one that has eternal life, yes,
09:24 and God wants you and I to have that eternal life.
09:27 He doesn't want us to be without that eternal life,
09:29 but in order to have it we need to recognize him
09:32 as the creator and the redeemer.
09:33 So Nebuchadnezzar is moving through
09:36 a progressively deepening experience with God.
09:40 Nebuchadnezzar doesn't even know
09:41 that God is pursuing him at this point.
09:43 He doesn't even know that he is entering
09:46 into a relationship with the Most High God of heaven.
09:49 All he knows is that he has received this troubling dream
09:53 and he wants to know what it means.
09:55 Daniel tells him the dream, interprets the dream
09:58 and at the end of Chapter 2
10:00 Nebuchadnezzar has acknowledged Daniel's God.
10:03 He is actually voiced praise and thanks to this God
10:08 and then he proceeds in Chapter 3
10:09 with this intellectual knowledge
10:11 that God has given him to defy that knowledge,
10:14 to create an image that goes contrary
10:17 to what God actually revealed to him through his dream
10:20 and Daniel's interpretation.
10:22 But God's not done with Nebuchadnezzar yet,
10:25 He is not giving up on this guy,
10:27 He sets up this image of gold and he exercises force
10:32 in his kingdom to demand, to command that
10:36 everyone worship the image of gold that represents
10:38 the perpetuation of the Kingdom of Babylon
10:42 for all time in eternity,
10:44 no doubt in Nebuchadnezzar's mind,
10:45 he just wants Babylon to go on and on and on
10:48 and even though he's defying the vision,
10:52 God doesn't abandon him.
10:54 God continues to draw close to Nebuchadnezzar
10:57 and gives him a second dream.
10:59 Daniel Chapter 4 reveals the second dream
11:02 and it's really interesting here when you study
11:04 or understand human nature,
11:06 lots of us want to have religion,
11:08 we want to intellectually acknowledge God,
11:10 we move past maybe the stage of atheism or unbeliever,
11:14 but we want God on our terms, not on Gods terms.
11:18 Nebuchadnezzar wants God on his terms.
11:20 Okay, I believe your God is the God of God's,
11:22 but this is the way I'm gonna worship God.
11:24 This is the way God can be part of my life and God says,
11:27 no, it can't be that way.
11:28 Daniel Chapter 4 is a revelation
11:32 of the truth of the matter and that is,
11:34 that nothing in this world is more important than God.
11:39 Nebuchadnezzar is still putting things ahead of God,
11:40 he's still, he's still placing worldly things
11:44 as more important than God.
11:46 By the time this vision is finished and by the time this,
11:50 we'll talk about it more,
11:52 the seven years passes over Nebuchadnezzar,
11:55 God is first and foremost and everything else
11:58 is secondary and that is
11:59 when Nebuchadnezzar's heart is filled with joy and peace.
12:02 So Chapter 4 of Daniel is a testimony
12:05 from Nebuchadnezzar that indicates his
12:08 for incomplete conversion to the Lord,
12:12 but then Chapter 5 unfolds and we see a contrast.
12:15 Yes, in Chapter 5, Ty, we have Belshazzar,
12:18 Nebuchadnezzar's grandson and he is exactly
12:21 the opposite in response to God that Nebuchadnezzar was.
12:25 Belshazzar is overwhelmed with the things of this earth,
12:28 the gods of silver, and stone, and wood, and iron,
12:31 and he does not acknowledge God,
12:33 he does not acknowledge that in Him,
12:35 we live, and move, and have our being.
12:37 He does not respond to the gospel,
12:38 the good news, and the love of God
12:40 and finally comes to the place
12:42 where he receives the judgment of God.
12:44 Chapter 5 of Daniel is a- the story of Belshazzar's
12:49 drunken feast and it is in Chapter 5 that we have the,
12:55 the body less hand that writes the words on the wall
12:59 at Belshazzar's feast "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"
13:04 you are weighed in the balances and found wanting.
13:07 And Chapter 5 brings us to the conclusion
13:09 of the Babylonian empire
13:11 and the Medes and Persians take over at that point.
13:14 Yeah, then we get into Chapter 6 the final Chapter
13:16 in this first half focusing again on relationship.
13:19 This one is an astounding
13:23 summary of Daniel's faith in God.
13:27 Here's the man who praise morning,
13:30 evening and at noon and prayer and communicating with God
13:32 is the most important thing friends.
13:34 Daniels testifies of that truth and even
13:37 when laws are passed that forbid him to pray,
13:39 he continues to pray and of course
13:41 we know the story so well, he ends up in the lions den
13:44 and there God delivers him from the mouth of the lions.
13:47 Daniel Chapter 6 is a powerful testimony
13:51 of how we can have faith in God in the toughest of times
13:54 and through the greatest of trials.
13:56 Don't go away, we'll be right back
13:57 to cover the second half of the book of Daniel.


Revised 2014-12-17