Participants: James Rafferty & Ty Gibson
Series Code: DBOTB
Program Code: DBOTB000012B
00:01 Welcome back to our study of
00:03 Daniel Chapter 11. 00:04 James this is a very intense 00:06 Chapter with lots of details. 00:07 We have been moving through Daniel Chapter 11 and there 00:10 are a lot of power transitions and we don't want to get 00:14 bogged down with all the details of the Chapter. 00:17 We want to focus in on the real bottom-line issue that 00:21 is involved in Daniel Chapter 11. 00:23 That is the new covenant. 00:25 We have Jesus, as we pointed out in verse 22, who is 00:30 introduced as the Prince of the covenant. 00:32 He is the one who has established the new covenant 00:36 and seeks to bring it to completion, among His people 00:40 in the church, to the entire segment of human history. 00:44 But then we have a power that is using its influence to 00:49 wage war against the people of God and to wage war 00:51 against the fulfillment of the new covenant. 00:55 This is this self-exalting power, exalting itself. 00:57 You have a power that is exalting itself verses a 01:00 people who are putting all 01:01 their faith and trust in God. 01:02 Now I really like the language that describes these people 01:06 in verse 32. 01:08 It says, they know their God, they are strong, 01:10 and they carry out great exploits. 01:12 I looked up the word here for great exploits, 01:15 and to make it a little more practical in modern language, 01:18 you could translate this that God's people at the end of 01:21 time do extraordinary things. 01:24 They achieve great and mighty works at the end of time. 01:29 The great and mighty works, the exploits that they perform, 01:33 are primarily, according to verse 33, instructing 01:38 many and it says that they are experiencing during this 01:44 period of time, captivity and persecution. 01:47 They are enduring persecution! 01:49 They are enduring persecution while they are advancing the 01:52 gospel in the world through instruction. 01:54 You see them again Ty, mentioned in the context of this 01:57 prophecy, you see them not mentioned again until 02:00 verse 44, Chapter 11. 02:02 In verse 44 it says, "but tidings out of the East and" 02:06 "out of those north shall trouble him: therefore he shall" 02:09 "go forth with great fury to destroy," 02:11 "and utterly to make away many. " 02:12 So these are the same people here that are being described 02:16 in those previous verses. 02:17 They are the people that are taking action, 02:19 doing exploits, instructing many. 02:21 What are they doing? 02:23 They are bringing tidings out all the East and the North 02:26 and that troubles this power as it develops 02:29 and strengthens itself. 02:31 Now we need to recognize before we get into the details 02:33 of what those tidings are, what this power has 02:36 accomplished so far is incredible. 02:39 This is a power who has combined military might, 02:43 chariots and horsemen, with economic like ships and 02:46 entered into the glorious land and many countries, 02:50 Egypt is mentioned, Ethiopia is mentioned, Ammon and Moab, 02:54 the chief and children of Mammon. 02:56 We have all of these different countries that are taken in 03:00 by this power, in other words we have an economic military 03:04 coalition of all nations coming together in one economic 03:08 system so that he has control of the treasuries, verse 43, 03:12 "of gold and a silver, and precious stones. " 03:15 The Ethiopians are mentioned, the Libyans are mentioned 03:18 following in his steps. 03:19 There is a conglomeration of all the nations of the world 03:23 into one economic package right here. 03:26 In the midst of all of this are people that are saying no, 03:29 it is not world nations, it is not world leaders, 03:32 it is not the world we are to be looking at right now, 03:36 it's God, it's God's kingdom, the new covenant experience 03:40 that we need to be looking at. 03:42 They are taken action and being strong and they are being 03:43 persecuted for this. 03:45 They are directing people away from the Earth to God. 03:46 I think what we have here is in 03:50 verses 32 through 36. 03:53 What we see here is the 03:57 activities of God's people down 03:59 through the dark ages. 04:00 During the time of papal 04:02 supremacy, it is a period of 04:04 persecution and it a period were 04:06 the gospel is being proclaimed. 04:07 Then as you move down James to verse 44, this is a 04:12 continuation of that church through the dark ages. 04:16 But it is in its very final end time segment of human history 04:21 where the people of God are proclaiming the Gospel to 04:24 every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. 04:27 If we fast-forward to the New Testament, we see this 04:31 brought out again in the book of Revelation. 04:34 Because those who proclaim the tidings of the gospel to 04:39 the world in opposition to the power that is opposing 04:43 the new covenant, are described as three Angels 04:46 in Revelation 14. 04:48 In verse 6, the first angel proclaims the gospel, 04:51 the everlasting gospel to every nation, kindred, 04:54 tongue, and people. 04:56 By the way the word gospel means, good news, or glad 04:59 tidings and this verse 44 says they bring tidings. 05:03 Then as the three Angels messages continue on, 05:06 the gospel is proclaimed but then it says they 05:10 give also the announcement of the fall of Babylon. 05:13 Then the third Angels message is given in which the 05:17 people of God are identified as those who keep the 05:20 Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. 05:24 So these are parallel, Revelation 14 is an expansion 05:28 of Daniel Chapter 11, and verse 44 indicating the great 05:32 exploits of God's people at the end of time. 05:34 And then you look at Revelation Chapter 7. 05:36 Revelation Chapter 7 identifies, 05:38 with Daniel 11 verse 44, 05:41 because it talks there in 05:43 Revelation Chapter 7 about an 05:45 angel that is coming from the 05:48 east, verse two it says this 05:50 angel has the seal of the living 05:52 God and again cries with a loud voice calling those four 05:57 Angels to hurt not the earth nor the sea until we seal 06:00 the servants of God in their foreheads. 06:03 So here we have the sealing up of God's people. 06:05 The seal of God is in direct connection with the Holy 06:11 Spirit and the unction of the Holy Spirit. 06:12 That is part of the new covenant experience. 06:14 We are sealed with the unction of the Holy Spirit. 06:16 We are sealed into the truth of God. 06:19 We are sealed so we cannot be moved. 06:21 So we have the tidings of the East, the glad tidings, 06:25 the good news of the gospel directing us to receive 06:28 the seal of God on our foreheads, to be instructed by 06:30 the Holy Spirit so we are settled into the truth of God, 06:33 all the truth of God. 06:34 The relationship, the law of God, the forgiveness of sins 06:38 through Christ as our Mediator and Priest, and the law 06:41 of God written in our hearts and minds. 06:43 His power being the foundation of our experience. 06:45 All of that is being proclaimed in the context of this 06:50 world superpower that is establishing itself in this 06:55 world economically, and looking for worship and the world 06:58 to conform to its plan for survival. 07:01 Now we have mentioned that Daniel 11 indicates that there 07:06 is military power involved. 07:07 We have mentioned that it also includes economic strength, 07:12 economic power, but we also need to point out that this is 07:17 not just a secular power using military might and economic 07:21 strength in order to achieve its ends. 07:24 This is a political religious alliance that is taking 07:29 place at the end of time. 07:31 Revelation Chapter 13 runs parallel to Daniel Chapter 11 07:37 as well, when we come to Chapter 13 of Revelation, 07:41 we see indeed that there is a military and 07:45 economic power involved. 07:47 That is the second beast of Revelation 07:49 Chapter 13, but we see also that there is a religious 07:53 power involved that seeks to draw worship to itself. 07:57 This runs parallel to what it says here in Chapter 11, 08:02 that he will exalt himself even above and against the God 08:06 of Gods to deflect worship from the one and only 08:10 true God to itself. 08:12 So this is a religious as well as a political movement 08:17 that is bringing together the nations of the world in 08:21 alliance against the fulfillment of the new covenant. 08:25 Indeed Ty, in fact Revelation is a supplement of the book 08:29 of Daniel, it is picking up those same prophecies in 08:31 Revelation Chapter 13. 08:33 You have a beast coming up out of the sea that has 10 08:38 horns and 7 heads, and on his horns 10 crowns and upon 08:42 his head's the name of blasphemy. 08:44 Then you have the beast identified in verse 2 as a 08:47 leopard, a bear, a lion, and a dragon. 08:50 These are all the same beast that are mentioned in 08:52 Daniel Chapter 7. 08:54 In this context you have a lot of the same principles 08:57 revealed, for example, as a second power comes up out of 09:01 the Earth, in verse 11, it says that it has two horns like 09:05 a lamb but it speaks like a dragon. 09:07 It exercises, verse 12, all the power the first beast 09:10 before him and causes the earth and every one that dwells 09:14 in the earth to worship the first beast whose deadly 09:16 wound was healed. 09:17 It does great wonders, it makes fire came down from heaven, 09:20 on the earth in the sight of men 09:22 It deceives them on the earth by the means of those 09:25 miracles it had power to do in the sight of the beast 09:27 saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should 09:30 make an image to the beast that have the wound 09:32 by the sword and did live. 09:34 It has power to enforce this image, enforce this worship 09:39 so that no man can buy or sell, whether he small or great, 09:43 rich or poor, verse 16, free or bond, except that he receive 09:47 the mark in his right hand or his forehead. 09:50 The whole Chapter 13 is about worship, it's about economic 09:54 control, and it parallels very well with what is taking 09:58 place in Daniel 11. 09:59 We know that there is economic influence and pressure 10:04 involved because of the language, no man can buy or sell 10:08 unless you yield to this system that is demanding worship 10:13 and allegiance. 10:14 We know that military power is involved because it says 10:18 that if you don't yield to this new world order that is 10:22 setup, it says that those that don't yield will be killed. 10:25 That is the implementation of civil power, 10:29 the implementation of laws and penalties for the 10:32 breaking of laws. 10:34 James we can expect that at the end of Time segment of 10:38 human history, there will be a union of church and state. 10:41 Yes and we know that worship is involved because, it says 10:45 here in verse 36 that the king shall do according to his 10:48 will and shall exalt himself and 10:50 magnify himself above every God. 10:52 He shall speak marvelous 10:53 things against the God of gods 10:55 he will prosper until the indignation be accomplished, 10:58 till the very end, and then says in verse 37, "he shall" 11:01 "not regard the God of his father's, nor the desire of" 11:03 "women nor any God, but he shall magnify himself above all. " 11:07 So here's a power, a religious power exalting himself in 11:11 a position of worship and he will continue on until 11:15 the end of time. 11:16 So you have the religious element, you have the economic 11:18 element, you have the military element, and then you have 11:21 God's people preaching the good tidings of the gospel 11:23 to all the world. 11:24 Now James, let me just ask, 11:26 from what we see taking place 11:28 in the world today, especially 11:30 the United States and its 11:31 influence around the world. 11:33 To a lot of people it is absolutely unthinkable, just 11:37 impossible that there would ever be a union of church 11:41 and state, of religious and secular political power. 11:45 It used to be! 11:46 It used to be but it's becoming a lot more plausible. 11:49 There are Americans Evangelicals, American religious 11:52 leaders saying that the separation of church and state 11:54 is the worst thing that ever happened to the United States. 11:56 There are people right now who are working to bring us 11:59 all together, we are in an economic downturn and we 12:02 need to do whatever it takes to get our economy back in shape. 12:05 The whole world is looking to us for answers. 12:07 We are ripe for the fulfillment of this prophecy right now. 12:11 According to Bible prophecy the most dangerous thing we 12:16 are faced with at the end of time is a reestablishment of 12:20 alliance between religious and political powers that we 12:25 witnessed in history down through the dark ages. 12:27 According to Daniel 11 and Revelation 13, all of that is 12:31 to be revived and reestablished in our world. 12:35 Ty our viewers need to recognize that is exactly where we 12:38 are heading friends, the situation in this country, 12:41 the situation all over the world is ripe and the stage is 12:45 set for the fulfillment of these prophecies. 12:47 We are going to see economics, we're going to see military 12:51 play into this in the big way. 12:52 We are going to see the uniting of church and state and 12:55 the enforcement of worship. 12:57 We are going to see religious laws come back in to play to 13:00 help the economy and we are going to see all of this play 13:03 out in the next few months and years. 13:06 I feel a little bit hesitant in even saying that because 13:09 Jesus is coming soon and it is time for us to take a hold 13:12 that new covenant, to take a hold of the good tidings of the 13:16 gospel and get our eyes and hearts headed towards heaven. 13:19 Friends, that's our prayer for you. 13:21 Be with us next time! |
Revised 2022-11-14